NEW OR LITTLE KNOWN BUTTERFLIES FROM CHINA (II) OKANOMasao The present paper deals with five Chinese species belonging to the families Hespe;iidae, ’Riodinidae and Nymphalidae. Among ’them one specie.s and two subspecies are described as new to science and one subspecies is newly.added to the fauna of China. The specimens mentioned in this paper are preserved irt’ my collection.. In preparing this paper, 1 wish’to express my gratitude to Prof. Dr. TAKAsHi SHIR6zu, Mr. KIKuMARo OKANo, Mr. JozABuRo’ OHKuRA, Mr. SATosHI KolwAyA, Mr. YuKiNoBu ABE and Mr. SHuNzo KAMMuRi for their’kindness rendered in varlous ways. HESPERIIDAE Satarupa omeia・ sp. nov. (Pl. 1, figs. 1, 2, 8; Text-fig. 1, S genitalia) At first glance,.this new species most closely resembles S. fodimosibia STRAND in almost similar appearance, but is separable in the folloWing characters: ’ .Male. On the forewing the cell spot and the spot in space 2 are smaller; the spot in space 3 is larger; the spot in space 2’ is placed .nearer to the spot in space 3 than to the cell spot as in∫. gopala.〃za]’asra FRuHsToRFER;the.spo七s in space lb ・are rather smaller. On・the hindwing the’ 垂盾唐狽р奄唐モ≠戟@black spots in spdces 3 to 5 are. 1㎜. Fig.1.. Male genitalia gf Sataruf)a omeia sp. nov. ・92 Artes Liberales No.31, 1982 1onger. The male genitalia are also similar to those of S..・formosibia,・but the process of the ampulla is e16ngated backward beyond the end of the harpe. Length of iorewing: 3,2,mm.,1 ’Si ’ ”1/i /’i. Holotype 6, Emeishan (Omeishan),..,S. ichuan (Szechwan), W. China, 1980. RIODINIDAE Dodona durga sinica MooRE. (Pl. 2, figs. 1-4, 6) Dodona durga var. LEEH, 1893: 291, pl.’ 28, fig. 13, 6. W. China. Dodona durga loc..f.’sinica:・SEiT.z, 1909:, .254, pl. 89 d (as maozalosa)., [6]. C. and W‘ China. Doaona dinga siniea: STictiEL, 1928: 42. C. and・W. ・China, Tlbet. D・d・na du・ges・K・・wAYA・. PgSO・29・pl・4・且9・29・3・Y・nnaR(Shilin;Xi・h・n・..K・nmi血9)・. Specimens examined: 2 6, 2ufushan, Shandong (Shantung), N. China, June, 1981; 16, Dongk6u, Kunming, Yunnan, May, 1982; 16, Shilin, Yunnan, August, 1981 (S. Koiw4yA);46, Dali (Tali), Yunnan, 1981.. This species is new to the fauna bf N. China, but it has already been recorded from Yunnan by KoiwAyA (1980). Among the specimens recorded qbove, ’the males from Shandong are identical with those from Yunnan. The female is sepa- rable from’ the male in having the forewing termen more strongly convex. As compared with the W. Chinese male figured bY LEEcH (1893), the Shandong apd Yunnan specimens are smaller (length of forewing, 16.0-18.5mm. against 19.5 mm.) ; the streaks and bands pn the inrier and central areas of the hindwing below are white or faintly yellowish White, while in the LEECH’s male they are yellow. The Chinese male figuted by SEiTz. (1909)’is similar to the-LEE・CH’s male in size, colouration and markings. On the length of forewing i耳.subsp.. sinica, STIcH肌 (1928) says, it is “bis 22 mm.”i POdpna dipoea tibetana subsp. nov. (Pl. 2, figs. 5-8, S) M・le・S・p・・ab1・.f・・ゆ・吻・・ゆ・ea.耳・w・T・・N by・h・f・rewi・g di・cal and postdiscal spots much larger. Length of forewing: 20 mm., S. Holotype 6, Tongmai’, Xizang (Tibet), August, 1981. Paratype 1 6, same data a$ the ho!otype. Dodona eugenes venox FRuHsToRFER (Pl: 2, figs. 9-12, 8) Specimens examined: 2 6, Tongmai, Xizang (Tibet), August, 1981: This is the first record of the sybspecies from China. .The specimens before me@f「6皿X’zang a興rt.・?剛p f・⑳?rr..f叫・・a璽1、.. OKANo:New.or...1ittle..known butter且ies 93 NYMPHALIDAE I Acraea issoria yunnana subsp. nov. 〈Pl. 1, figs. 3-8, 6) This is a weil mqrked subsp.ecies ot Acraea issori.a. (HUBNER) bceurring in Yunnan. Closely related to subsp. sordibi e (FRuHsToRFER), but i. s easily destinguished by the, following characters, Male. On the upper surface the ground 6010ur is paler; the black bordering of both the wings is generally broader; the forewing blagk spots q.re generally morc strongly developed;adiscal series of bla¢k『pots.apPear on..the hiヰd彬ing in the extreme form (Pl. 1, fig. 7). On the under surface the hindwing ground cglour is whiti.sh, while in subsp. soraice...it is pale, yellgw.; the s.ubmarginal orgnge band is narrower, and’its inher side is’more strohgly margined With black than in subsp. soraice. Length of forewing: 30-33 mm., 8. Holotype S, Pali (Tali), Yqnnan, 19.81. Paratypes 4 6, sanie・ data as ・the holotype. Literature BiNGHAM, C.T. 1905. The fauna df British lndia, including Ceylon and Burma. Butterfiies, 1. Pareba: 468-470. Dodona: 479-489. EvANs, W.H, ’ P949. A catalogue of the HespeTiidae from Europe, Asia and Australia in the British Museum, SataruPa: 121-123, FRuHsToRFER, H. 1912, 1914, in SEITz, A. Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde, 9. Pareba: 740-742 (1914). Dodona: 775-779 (1914), pl. 139 (1912). GAEDE, M. 1930, 1931. in .SEITz, A. Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde, Suppl. 1. Dodona: 238 (1930). SataruPa: 307-308 (1931), KOiwAyA, S. 1980. The butterflies collected by the first expedition to China, 1979. Report of the first entomological expeditidn to China, 1979: 18-33. LEEcH, J.H. 1892, 1893. Butterfiies of China, Japan and Corea, 1. Pareba: 114-116 (1892). エ)odona:290-293, pl.2串 (1893).. SEiTz, A. 1908, 1909. Die Gross-Scherpetterlinge der Erde, 1. Pareba: 244 (1,908), pL 71 (19Q9). Dodovea: 254-255, pL 89 (1909). SEiTz, A. 1922, 1927. Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde, 9. SataruPa: 1033-1034 (1927), pl, 163 (1922), SHiR6zu, T. 1953, New or little lm6wn butterfiies from the North-Eastern Asia, with some synonymic notes’, 2. Sieboldia, 1: 149-159, pl. 19. SHIR6zu, T,1960. The but七erfiies of For血Qsa in colour. S4taruψa;385-387, P1・.74・ STicHEL, M. 1928. ’ cas Tierteich, 51. Lepidoptera Nerneobiinae. Dodona: 35-57. TALBoT, G, 1947. The fauna of British lndia, including Ceylon and Burma. Butterfiies, 2’(ed. 2), Acraea: 462-467. 94 Artes Liberales ’.No.31, 1982’ Explanation of Plates Plate. 1. (× 1) Fig. 1. Su’“D’ 狽№秩DUrgei“deOva.fei“figS.P’1.”O”’, 6’ (hOIOtYPe)・ Emeishan,.Sichuan, w, china, lgso. ’Fig. 2. Fig. 3. gkrdaeeras’i3SeSOorfiafigX“gYana S”bSP・ POv・, 6 (paratype)J.Dali, Yunnanr lgsl. Fig. ・4. ヒ Fig. 5. .A・ra・a i∬・・吻un・an・S・b・p…v・・ε(P・・qtyp・)・.D・li・Yunnan,.1981・ Fig, 6, Underside of fig. 5, Fig, 7. Acraea issQria yunnana. subsp. nov., ’U (holotype). Dali, Yunnan,’ 1981. Fig. 8. Underside of fig. 7. Pla七e 2. , (× 2) Fig. .1. Dodona durga sinioa MooRE, 6. Dali, Yunnan, 1981T . Fig. 2. Ditto, 6. Dali, Uunnan, 1981. Fig. 3, Underside of fig. 1. Fig. 4. Underside oi fig. 2. Fig.’ 5. Dodona.dipoea ゆ6彦ana subsp, nov.,♂ (holotype). Tongmai, Xizang, August, 1981. Fig. 6. Ditto, 6 (paratype). Tongmai, Xizang, August, 1981. Fig. 7. Underside of fig, 5, Fig. .8. Underside of fig. 6.・ Fig, 9. Dodona eugenes ueng.x FRuHsToRFER, 6. Tongmai, Xizang, August, 1981. Fig, 10. Ditto, 6. Tongmai, Xizang, August, 1981. Fig. 11. Underside of fig. 9. Fig. 12. Underside of fig, 10, OKANo New or 1ittle known butterfiies Plate 1 藩 嶺・ 纂 三 黛 蓼 4 宇 藩 窃 与 与 eFs E e e 類s : 亨 ss@5望轟 s 与 日 Et OKANO Ne“ or 1ittle known butterflieg. Plate 2 距 9 し ” 3 /掴 \ / 、 、 ,♂! \、 、 \、 ∠ r〜ゼ〆 ㌧ 十 、、 \ ン曳 三 脳 薮 轡 批難 /〆 ノ 、 、 2ゴ r 散 ノ〆 ど 〆 ㌔ 、 、〆 , \ t{ 田 5 裟㍉.1 露 藝 鱒 \履 メ 5、、 ㌔、 曇 、㍉/ ゼ // 〜 冠 玉 〆 \ ノ ㍉㌧ k 5 yt 駄\潔 即 5 『 η 5 呂 問堀 E 『 』 ・ 叢 讐よ 慧 ? 輝 P ゴ 瑳 3 し 卜 四 f 『\㌶ 、 噸 ダ 瓦、 、、 与 〆ノ/ / 』 、 『 / ・ ゴ } F 6b 5 窄日 } ‘ ゴ 四 田 『 eL’ ’ 宇 引 s s 日 ・序鱗毛,霜露 寄 ㌦庚’5幽} ヨの 5 Sm ㌦ E 守 e s 日 鞍3 5 E 日 『 tE L Ess P 序 s 宇 s 弍巨昌隔ぐ㌦。 SLI の 艸自 譲 LL 日 s 3 e ’ 自 5 臼 宇 窃m日1 s’tu ∴ンボ鴻漉隔塾 5 e ’ e s P 3 5田 宇m 欝.
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