
THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING ONLINE COMIC STRIPS ON STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION OF NARRATIVE TEXT (A Quasi-experimental Study at the Tenth Grades of SMAN 10 Tangerang Selatan in Academic Year 2018/2019) A Skripsi Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (Strata One) in English Education

By: Sri Ulfa Gusmeri 11150140000079




2020 i


The Examination Committee of the Faculty of Educational Sciences certifies that the Skripsi scientific paper entitled, The Effectiveness of Using Online Comic Strips on Students Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text (A Quasi- experimental Study at the Tenth-Grade students of SMAN 10 Tangerang Selatan Academic Year 2018/2019) written by Sri Ulfa Gusmeri, student’s registration number: 11150140000079, was examined by the Committee on, 12 February 2020. The skripsi has been accepted and declared to have fulfilled one of the requirements for the degree of S.Pd. (S-1) in English Education.

Jakarta, 13 February 2020 EXAMINATION COMMITTEE

CHAIRMAN Dr. Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, Ph.D. NIP. 19800730 200912 1 001

SECRETARY Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum. NIP. 19761007 200710 1 002

EXAMINER I Dr. Syauki, M.Pd. NIP. 19641212 199103 1 002

EXAMINER II Yenny Rahmawati, M.Ed. NIP.19901011 201503 2 003

Acknowledge by The Dean Faculty of Educational Sciences

Dr. Sururin, M.Ag. NIP. 19710319 199803 2 001

ii iii


Sri Ulfa Gusmeri (11150140000079). The Effectiveness of Using Online Comic Strips on Students’ Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text (A Quasi- experimental Study at Tenth-Grade of SMAN 10 Tangerang Selatan in Academic Year 2018/2019). A Skripsi of Department of English Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, 2020.

Advisor I : Dr. Alek, M.Pd. Advisor II : Drs. Nasifuddin Jalil, M.Ag. Keywords: Reading Comprehension, Comic Strips, , Narrative Text The objective of this research is to know the empirical evidence of the influence of using online comic strips on Students’ Reading Comprehension of narrative text at the Tenth-Grade of SMAN 10 Tangerang Selatan in Academic Year 2018/2019. The sample of this study was 62 students which are 31 for experimental class and 31 for controlled class and selected by purposive sampling technique. Before the researcher giving the treatment, the student from both classes was given Pre-test to know their ability in reading narrative text. Then, the researcher gives Post-test at the end of treatment. The instrument of this research was multiple choice and consist of 40 questions. The method used in the study was a quantitative method using a quasi-experimental design. In analyzing the data, the researcher used t-test. The result of the calculation showed the value of t-table in the significance 5% (0.05) is 1.67 and the value of to is 3.71. It means that to is higher than t-table, the rates of the mean score experimental class are higher than the controlled class. Besides, the effect size result was 1.08. It proved that Online Comic Strips was effective to improve students' reading comprehension of narrative text at tenth- grade of SMAN 10 Tangerang Selatan in academic year 2018/2019.



Sri Ulfa Gusmeri (11150140000079). Keefektifan Penggunaan Online Komik Strips Terhadap Pemahaman Membaca Teks Naratif Siswa (Penelitian Kuasi eksperimental pada Kelas Sepuluh SMAN 10 Tangerang Selatan Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019). Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2020.

Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Alek, M.Pd.

Dosen Pembimbing II : Drs. Nasifuddin Jalil, M.Ag. Kata Kunci :Pemahaman Membaca, Online Komik Strip, Webtoon, Teks Naratif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memdapatkan bukti empiris tentang keekfektifan penggunaan online komik strip pada pemahaman membaca teks naratif, pada siswa kelas 10 SMAN 10 Tangerang Selatan Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 62 siswa yang terdiri dari 31 siswa untuk kelas eksperimen dan 31 siswa untuk kelas kontrol yang dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Sebelum peneliti memberikan perlakuan, siswa dari dua kelas diberikan test awal untuk mengetahui kemampuan mereka dalam membaca teks naratif. Kemudian, peneliti memberikan test terakhir setelah memberikan perlakuan untuk melihat perkembangan siswanya. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah pilihan ganda dan terdiri dari 40 pertanyaan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kunatitatif dan menggunakan desain quasi-eksperimental. Dalam menganalisis data, penguji menggunakan t-test. Hasil perhitungan menunjukan nilai t-table pada signifikansi 5% (0.05) adalah 1.67 dan nilai to adalah 3.71. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa to lebih tinggi dari t-table, tingkat nilai rata-rata dari kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi daripada nilai kelas kontrol. Sebagai tambahan, besar hasil tes efeknya itu adalah 1.08. Hal tersebut membuktikan bahwa penerapan online komik strip sangat efektif digunakan pada kemampuan pemahaman membaca teks narasi siswa kelas sepuluh SMAN 10 Tangerang Selatan tahun ajaran 2018/2019.



In the name of Allah, the Beneficient, the Merciful. All praises be to Allah, the Lord of the World, the Master of the day after, who has given the researcher his mercy, blessing, and strength to finish this research paper. Peace and salutation be upon to the prophet Muhammad, to his family, his companions, and adherence The skripsi entitled "The Influence of Using Online Comic Strips on Students Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text" (A Quasi-experimental Study at Tenth-Grade of SMAN 10 Tangerang Selatan in Academic Year 2018/2019) is proposed to Department of English Education, Faculty of Educational and Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta, in fulfilled one of the requirements for the degree of S.Pd. (S-1). In this opportunity, the researcher would like to express her greatest honor, gratitude, and appreciation to her beloved parents Mr. Besrinal and Mrs. Lilis who always give prayer all the time, support, and motivation during the process of completing this research. Then the researcher would also convey thank to her sister; Ayu Purnama Mareta who always give support and motivation. And also for her beloved Afifah Nur Amalia, Rida Azzahra, Alivia Fairuza and Melia Najihatul Ummah, Ayu Fitri Anjani who have been her friends to share stories while the researcher finishes this research. Second, the researcher would like to address her thank and great gratitude to the advisors, Dr. Alek, M.Pd., and Drs. Nasifuddin Jalil, M.Ag. For helping her finish this research by giving suggestions, advice, comment, and support. Third, the researcher would also give her sincere thankfulness to all people who care and encourage the researcher to conduct this research, and it goes to:

1. Dr. Sururin, M.Ag., the Dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta. 2. Dr. Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, Ph.D. as Head of English Education Department. 3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., as the Secretary of English Education Department.



4. Drs. Nasifuddin Jalil, M.Ag., as the researcher’s Academic Advisor of B Class in the academic year 2015/2016. 5. All lecturers and staff in English Education Department for knowledge, inspiration, motivation, and encouragement for researchers during her study process at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta. 6. Drs. Ahmad Nana Mahmur M, M.Pd., the Principal of SMAN 10 Tangerang Selatan for giving the researcher permit to conduct this research. 7. Zuhairiah, S.Pd., as one of English teachers who has allowed the researcher to conduct this research in her class and for supporting and helping the researcher while conducting this study. 8. The students of 10 IPA 3 and 10 IPS 1 class of SMAN 10 Tangerang Selatan for participation during the research. 9. All students of B AJA YAKAN and her friends in English Education Department 2015, for the unforgettable experiences, sharing their knowledge, and memorable time for four years with the researcher. 10. Her best friends, Siti Khumairoh, Mentari Putri Ramadhanti, Nila Alfi Rahma, Nur Octaviani, Areska Amalia, Nur Elisa always gave her support, motivation, and strength whenever the researcher need. 11. Last but not least, everyone who cannot be mentioned here one by one for supporting the researcher in finishing her study. The researcher realizes that this research far from being perfect and hoped that this research could be useful for herself and the readers. Therefore, the researcher will appreciate suggestions or constructive criticism from readers who read her Skripsi in making a valuable improvement for future research.

Jakarta, 20 December 2019

Sri Ulfa Gusmeri



APPROVAL SHEET ...... i ENDORSEMENT SHEET ...... ii STATEMENT OF THE AUTHENTICITY ...... iii ABSTRACT ...... iv ABSTRAK ...... v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...... vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ...... viii LIST OF TABLES ...... x LIST OF FIGURES ...... x LIST OF PICTURES ...... x LIST OF APPENDICES...... x CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ...... 1 B. Identification of the Problem ...... 3 C. Limitation of the Problem ...... 3 D. Formulation of the Problem ...... 3 E. Objective of the Research ...... 3 F. Significance of the Research...... 4 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Reading Comprehension 1. The Definition of Reading Comprehension ...... 5 2. Kinds of Reading ...... 6 3. The Purpose of Reading...... 7 4. Models of Reading ...... 9 5. The Problem of Reading ...... 10 6. The Stage of Reading...... 11 B. Comic Strips 1. Definition of Comic Strips...... 13 2. Webtoon ...... 14


4. The Advantage of Using Online Comic Strips ...... 16 C. Narrative Text 1. The Definition of Narrative Text ...... 17 2. The Purpose of Narrative Text ...... 18 3. The Generic Structure of Narrative Text ...... 18 4. The Grammatical Features of Narrative Text ...... 20 D. Previous Related Studies ...... 21 E. Thinking Framework...... 22 F. Theoritical Hypothesis ...... 23 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Place and Time of the Research ...... 24 B. Research Method and Design ...... 24 C. The Instrument of the Research ...... 25 D. Population and Sample of the Research ...... 26 E. Technique of Data Collecting ...... 26 F. Technique of Data Analysis ...... 27 G. Statistical Hypothesis ...... 31


1. Data Description ...... 32 2. The Testing of Hypothesis ...... 40 3. The Effect Size Test ...... 41 B. Discussion of the Results ...... 42 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion ...... 45 B. Suggestion ...... 46 REFERENCES ...... 48 APPENDICES ...... 52



Table 4.1: The Score of Experimental Class ...... 32 Table 4.2: The Score of Controlled Class ...... 34 Table 4.3: Test of Normality ...... 36 Table 4.4: Standart Deviation Table...... 37


Pictrure 1.1 : Example of Webtoon...... 16

LIST OF DIAGRAM Diagram 4.1 : Difference Score Experimental and Controlled Class ...... 35 LIST OF APPENDICES

Appendix 1: Lesson Plan of the Experimental Class ...... 54 Appendix 2: Lesson Plan in the Controller Class ...... 71 Appendix 3: Validation Pre-test ...... 94 Appendix 4: Result of Pre-test and Post-test ...... 95 Appendix 5: Example Score from Controlled Class ...... 98 Appendix 6: Example Score from Experimental Class ...... 99 Appendix 7: SPSS Homogen and T-test ...... 100 Appendix 8: Blue Print Instrument ...... 101 Appendix 9: Instrument of Pre-test and Post-test ...... 103 Appendix 10: Surat Bimbingan Skripsi ...... 127 Appendix 11: Surat Keterangan Penelitian dari Sekolah ...... 129 Appendix 12: Documentation ...... 130 Appendix 13: References Examination Paper ...... 132




A. Background of the Study In learning English, reading is one of the important skills that should be mastery by the students. Many people want to be able to read English text either for study or for pleasure. Reading was taught at Elementary until High School. But unfortunately, during the 12-year education, reading was not the focus of learning. In teaching English, the teacher is more focused on teaching about speaking, vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar and many more. The teacher only explains in general about the concept of reading, whereas reading is an important aspect of learning English. Students can get information and knowledge from reading. Reading is important because it may help students to improve their fluency in other skills such as speaking, listening and writing. But they faced difficulty in reading because they could not understand what they read, and understanding is an important stage for comprehending everything. According to Sharon (2007), Undertanding or comprehend the communication between author and reader is the main purpose of reading. If students cannot understand what they are reading, the purpose of reading it is not fulfilled. Another problem faced by students or people who learn English has a lack of vocabulary. According to Irena (2015), in learning english, students faced several problem such as absence of extensive reading, vocabulary, type of text, and working memory. Beside it, background knowledge is important too in reading. This statement was supported by Grabe and Stoller (2011), when the readers do not have a background or linguistic knowledge, they will face difficulty in reading. In senior high school, there are many kind of texts that are taught such as descriptive, recount, narrative, explanation, procedure, and report. Then, the researcher chooses narrative text to be the topic of this research. Narrative text had been taught to students in the tenth grade, so the researcher chooses the tenth grade of SMAN 10 Tangerang Selatan as the subject of this research. From the explanation above, the researcher wanted to construct research with the title “The Effectiveness of Using Online Comic Strips on



Students' Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text.” The researcher chooses this topic because she wants to know online comic strips are effective for students reading comprehension of narrative text or not. The reason why the researcher choose narrative text as the topic of this research because some students at the tenth grade in SMAN 10 Tangerang Selatan found the difficulties in learning narrative text. Before deciding to use narrative text for the main topic, the researcher asked the students about the type of text that they felt difficult to understand and mastery. Most of the students answered narrative text because they didn't know how to use aspects that contain in narrative text like past tense, adverb of time, and generic structure. According to Pardyono in (Purba, 2018), narrative text is a text that tells a story that happened in the past. Besides, the researcher also interviewed the teachers about the difficulties faced by students when learning English, especially narrative text. The answers given by the teachers such as lack of vocabulary, the time is given for reading is too short, students' background knowledge and activity in reading was not interesting for the students. Reading comprehension is a difficult skill for students who have lack vocabulary. Sometimes the students feel bored because they only read full of text, and almost all of the students had a problem in understanding the main idea of the text. Some students have a problem comprehending text to understand and get information. To help them solve their problems, some media are developed. One of them is online comic strips. Most of the students in Indonesia lost interest in reading, especially reading an English book. One kind of online comic strips is webtoon. Webtoon is an online application for reading , it was developed by from Korea (Webtoon, 2014). The researcher focuses on Webtoon as online comic strips because webtoon is easy to access, to understand, and interesting. The students can download it on their phones. By using Webtoon the students can choose the language that they want to use for reading comics. But for developing their reading ability in English language, they must use English language. Teaching students reading comprehension with webtoon is more effective for them to learn English, and it can make the students more interested in reading. This statement was supported by Yang in (Asbjornsson, 2018), comic can


make students increase their interest in reading. It can help students to understand the material and create fun learning. They not only see the text but they can see an illustration with color and interesting story. The students not only get the information or developing their reading skills, but also having fun and get enjoyable in reading.

B. Identification of the Problem Based on the background above, the problem can be identified as follows: 1. The students take a long time to understand the meaning of the text that they have read. 2. The students felt their activity in reading was not interested in the text that they read and boring for them. 3. Students find difficulty in reading because they have a lack of vocabulary.

C. Limitation of the Problem According to the identified problem, the researcher limited this study into finding the effectiveness of using online comic strips on students’ reading comprehension of narrative text. the descriptive about online comic strips and narrative text would be explained in the literature review

D. Formulation of the Problem Based on the limitation of the problem above, in this study the writer focused on students' ability in reading comprehension of narrative text using online comic strips. To make the study easy to understand, the writer formulates the problem as “is there any effect of using online comic strips on students’ reading comprehension of narrative text?”

E. The objective of the Study The objective of this study was to obtain empirical evidence about the effectiveness of using online comic strips on student’s reading comprehension of narrative text.


F. Significance of the Study The researcher hopes this study can be useful and give information to the teacher, students, and writers. 1. For The Teachers For teachers, hopefully, this research can help teachers to develop methods, techniques and strategies by using online comic strips in teaching reading comprehension. 2. For The Students For students, hopefully, this study could improve their knowledge and ability to reading comprehension and they get interested and feel enjoy reading English language. 3. For The Writer The last for the writer, hopefully, this study would be useful for information about reading.



This chapter discusses about definition of reading comprehension, the purpose of reading, the kind of reading, the problem of reading, definition of comic strips, kind of online comic strips, the advantages and disadvantages of using online comic strips, the definition of narrative text, the purpose of narrative text, generic structure of narrative text, grammatical features of narrative text and types of narrative text.

A. Reading Comprehension 1. The Definition of Reading Comprehension Students need to mastery basic skill to learning English language, one of them is reading. The most important in reading is students need to understand what they have been read.. Because understanding in reading is needed by everyone, especially people who want to learn English as a second language. Without understanding in reading the knowledge or information that contain in the text will be in vain. Reading comprehension is an understanding of what has been read and what is contained in the text. According to Janette K (2007), reading comprehension is a process that students build their understanding and consist of word reading, word knowledge, word, and fluency to know the meaning from the text. Sofyan (2016) stated the aims of reading comprehension is to build an understanding of the writer’s message or meaning from the text by using background knowledge of the readers. This statement was supported by Wolley (2011), reading comprehension is a process of making meaning from the text. The goal of reading comprehension is to gain an overall understanding. In other words, reading comprehension is the process that the readers build their cognition of the writer idea's and a message from the text using their background knowledge, so the reader will get information from the text after reading it. Reading is an activity to get information from written text. According to Djuharie in (Wastawan, Sutarsyah, & Sudirman, 2014), reading comprehension is a process to build understanding between the writer's idea and the



reader in a written text to get the information that needed by the reader as efficiently as possible. According to Susan and Duffy, "Reading comprehension is only a subset of an ill-defined larger set of knowledge that reflects the communicative interaction among the intentions of the author/speaker, the content/message, the abilities and purpose of the reader/listener, and the context/situation of the interaction" (Israrel & Duffy, 2009). Moreover, Jean Osborn state that, "Reading comprehension is the process of understanding the message that the author is trying to convey. Very simply, it is making meaning from the text at hand" (Osborn, Wilson, & C, 1985). It means that reading comprehension is the process to understand what has been read and what the writer wants to convey can be understood by the reader. The purpose of reading and the text is usually related to each other. When reading text, the first thing that the reader has to know is what topic that being read by the reader, then the most important thing in reading is identifying the idea or main point of the text. After the reader reads the text, the reader expected to understand or know what they have been read. Gutherie state, "Reading Comprehension is a process of connecting the topic of the text to student's prior knowledge" (Guthrie, 2008). Reading is a really important part if students want to be successful in learning English.

In conclusion, reading comprehension is a process to understand what the writer wants to deliver to the reader. In other words, reading comprehension is the ability to understand the text which consists of: main idea, vocabulary, moral value, supporting detail, excluding fact not written, expression in context, detail, and specific information.

2. Kinds of Reading In reading, people have their own purpose when they read like they only read to get information or general understanding and they read for specific detail and focus on their text. To get benefit from what they have been read, the students need to be understand about extensive and intensive reading. Harmer (2007) stated that there are two kinds of reading:


a. Extensive reading Extensive reading is an activity that students need to read outside the classroom – but not always doing outside of the classroom. The students should reading material which they can understand based on their level and their interest. The purpose of this activity was reading for pleasure. Students can choose their texts such as novels, magazines, the internet, comic, or newspaper. b. Intensive reading Intensive reading is an activity that students need to read for detail focus on the construction of reading a text like grammar, detail of words meaning, vocabulary and usually implemented in classrooms. The text material that they read will choose according to their motivation or their like. Because intensive reading can help students improve their motivation in reading. In other sources, Gilakjani (2016) devides kinds of reading into two, intensive reading and extensive reading. Hedge state extensive reading is reading based on learners' motivation and school resources. According to Carell, extensive reading is an activity that can be useful to learners to become a self-directed individuals that interest in what they are reading. The text or material that they read will choose according to their ability in reading such as: content, level difficulty, and length. In other words, extensive reading is an activity that the readers need to read a longer text and it is usually for pleasure and general understanding. The readers do not have to read a whole text or understand each part of sentences or paragraphs. The readers need to choose the text that they want to read based on their interest or level difficulty.

3. The Purpose of Reading Reading is an activity that was liked by many people ranging from children, young and old. Everyone has a different purpose when they read. It can be for pleasure, seeking information or knowledge, or just for their hobby. From this situation experienced by many people, the purpose of reading become diverse. According to Caroline (2005), there are two main reasons that people read. The first is for pleasure, students reading a book not only to get knowledge but also can get


enjoyment. When students read a book, the words in the book understandable for learners. For example, the book contains a good story and picture that makes them enjoy it when they read a book. And the second is reading for information. Some people may be reading for pleasure or entertain themself, but many people read to find information. After they get the information that they needed, they will stop reading. Mc Donough and shaw (2003) stated that, there are 3 purposes of reading; to get specific information that needed by the reader, to get general information, and simply for pleasure. When people hear the news from others or when they want to know the information, they will certainly read. According to Husna (2010) purpose of reading is people read for general comprehension, either for information or for pleasure. The goal of reading is to understand the main ideas. After knowing the main ideas of the text the reader can compare to their background knowledge.

Based on Grabe and Stoller (2011), there are seven classified purposes of reading but will explain with four big points such as : a. Reading to search for simple information and reading to skim In reading to search for information, this is common reading ability. When people reading to search for information, they usually scan the text for a specific piece of information or a specific word. Beside scan, people also used skimming to search for information. The readers need to search important information and after that combine with their basic skill to understand the main idea of the text. b. Reading to learn from text In reading to learn the reader need to read a whole text to get the knowledge and information that they need. It requires ability such as: remember the main idea with various detail that elaborate the main and supporting details in the text, build rhetorical frames that set the information in the text, and connected the text with the reader's background knowledge. It usually uses in academic or professional contexts. c. Reading to integrate information write and critique text


In reading to integrate information, the reader needs to be able to evaluate the information critically so the reader can decide what the information to integrate and how to integrate it to get the purpose of the reader want. Meanwhile, reading to write and critique text needs the ability to critique, select and compose information from the text. d. Reading for general comprehension Reading for general comprehension does not mean that reading is easy or simple. Moreover, general comprehension has been proceed discussion into two reasons. First is the basic of reading. The second one, reading comprehension is more complicated than the basic one. When reading comprehension, the reader tries to understand the main ideas in the text. The researcher concludes that the purpose of reading depends on the reader's or the readers' needs. It can be for finding information, knowledge, or simply for pleasure.

4. Models of Reading Besides those two kinds of reading, according to Asbjornsson (2018) there are three models for the second language reading process: a. The Bottom-up Model The main focus of these models is the readers read the smaller units of a text like words, sentence, letters, and phrases. When reading, the reader would reads all of the words before understanding it. After that, the reader uses their background knowledge to the information that they find. b. The Top-down Model The top-down model or Goodman called "psycholinguistic guessing game" is a model that the readers apply their previous knowledge to connect the new information found in the text. But the readers do not read all of the words. They only focus to identifying the next words. Then, the students try to guess the meaning of the word. c. The Interactive Model


According to Rumelhart, Nunan, and Grabe, bottom-up and top-down models are needed to become effective in reading. If the readers do not understand the text, they apply their knowledge to help them understand. In other sources, according to William Grabe in (Husna, 2010), there are three models. The first is bottom-up models, this model translates the information from the text by using the reader's background knowledge. The readers read letter by letter, word by word, and sentence by sentence to get information. The second is the top-down models. In this model, the readers read based on their purpose. The readers only read to find useful information, so they did not read every word from a text. And the last is an interactive model. In this model, the reader can combine ideas from bottom-up models and perspectives from top-down models. These models need word recognition that the readers to be fast and efficient. Because background knowledge is a major to understand the text.

5. The Problem of Reading In doing something people will face difficulties as well as when they read. There are many problems faced by the reader when they read. Because English is a foreign language in Indonesia, it may be not easy to reading. The main problem faced by students or people who learn English has a lack of vocabulary. According to Shehu (2015), there are several problems faced by the students such as: type of text, vocabulary, absence of extensive reading and working memory.The readers may felt difficulties in reading when they did not have a background of knowledge from the text that they want to read. This statement was supported by Grabe (2011), when the reader does not have a background or linguistic knowledge, they will face difficulty in reading. According to Gebhard (1996), problems faced by EFL and Esl include: students want to read faster but they do not know how to improve their reading speed, students have lack vocabulary, students did not have background knowledge, and students did not read outside class.

6. The Stage of Reading Based on Murcia (2014), there are three stages to improve reading skill. It would be explained in the table below.


Table 1.1 Stage of Pre-reading, During, and Post-reading

Reading Lesson Stages Objectives 1. Pre-Reading  Establish a purpose for reading  Tap prior knowledge  Provide information needed for comprehension (e.g., key vocabulary, important concept, background)  Set up expectations  Stimulate interest  Build confidence and motivation  Explore text organization  Model and practice common pre-reading strategies

 Guide reading to facilitate During- Reading comprehension (e.g., by asking students to fill in a graphic that reflects relationships among ideas in the text)  Helps students construct meaning and monitor comprehension. Reading Lesson Stages Objectives


 Give students opportunities to connect what is read with what is known, to evaluate what is being read Support on going summarization  Model and practice common strategies used at this stage  Promote discussion that support comprehension and strategy development

3. Post-Reading  Check comprehension  Explore how text organization supports comprehension  Provide opportunities for fluency development  Give students opportunities to summarized, synthesize, evaluate, elaborate, integrate, extend, and apply text information  Ask students to critique the author and aspect of the text (e.g., writing, content)  Establish and recognize comprehension successes  Model and practice common postreading strategies


From the table above, Murcia definded three stage of reading into Pre- reading, During-reading, and Post-reading. Pre-reading is a stage that the students develop or build their purpose for reading, connect with their background knowledge, explore and preview the text. During-reading is a stage that students establish the meaning of the text to understand or get comprehension from their reading. And the last is Post-reading, Post-reading is a stages where is the students check their comprehension by discussion about the text, and answer questions. According to Richek in Yimwilai (2009), there are some activities that can help student improve their reading abilities: the first is before reading, the teacher help students building their background knowledge and prediction about what they will read, the second is during reading, the teacher ask students to predict what will happen next and comprehension while reading, and the last is after reading, the teacher check students comprehension about what they have been read.

B. Comic Strips 1. Definition of Comic Strips Students faced some problem in reading, one of them is difficult language and vocabulary. Besides, students are lazy to read especially English text. To help them interest in reading, some media are developed. One of them is comic. Comic usually found in magazine especially for children like Bobo’s magazine. People know as some series of drawing that tells a story and are often printed in newspaper. Comic strips not only printed in newspaper, now people can read comic strip from their phone with using some application. Comic strips are good materials to teach reading because comic strips can motivate students’ interest. This statement was supported by Csabay (2017), comic is not only amusing the student's interest but also can be used as a media in education. According to McCloud in (Susilawati, 2017), Comic is juxtaposed pictorial and other images in deliberate sequence. In another word, comic is literature of drawing. It contains images, pictures, and text that aim to convey information and visual response in the view. According to Liu in (Merch, 2013), comic strips are a series of a picture inside boxes that tells a story. Jagannath (2016) state that Comic


is an art that is generally visible in a daily and weekly newspaper, and provides ideas for movie and television program. But now people can read comic everywhere by using . Digital comic can easily access by smartphone. To sum it up, comic strips is a story with usual forms of the verbal explanation in sequence and has cartoon to help the reader understand with text in balloons. Usually it is printed in news paper or magazine. 2. Webtoon One kind of online comic strips is webtoon. Webtoon was publish or launched for the first time by NAVER in 2004. In this study, the researcher choose webtoon application as a media. According to Kim Tae-mi (2018), are comics distributed via internet. It is a synthesis of the English words ‘web’ and ‘cartoon’. In webtoon, the sentence structure that used is simple and not too complicated, and still easy to understand by the students. Webtoon is an online application for comic. It was developed by Naver LINE from Korea. Webtoon can access by using smartphone or computer. There are the picture of several Features LINE Webtoon service (Webtoon, 2014):

 Free access for every content in webtoon and comics were update everyday.  To easily read comic in webtoon, the reader only need to scrolling their smarthphone.  There are so many genre in webtoon such as; romance, drama, slice of life, comedy, horror, thriller, fantacy, fiction and many more.  The readers can downloaded chapter to read offline for 30 days.  The readers can push notification or make some comics become their favorite, so they can receive notification if the comics update.  The readers also can write a comments in every chapters if they want.

There are some examples of webtoon that the researcher used in this research. The first one is Annarasumanara, it has 27 episode. The story tell about a girl named Yun Ai . She really want to become a magician when she was little. When she grow up, she felt that become magician is not a good choice for her future. She is a high school student who cannot even afford new stockings. One day, Yun


ai met a magician. After met a real magician, Yun ai decided to follow her dreams again. Annarasumanara is a Korean word which means “Abracadabra” The main charachter in this story was Yoon Ah-ee or Yun Ai. She was broke and tries her best to live with her younger sister. This story really has a good moral value for people especially students. This is an interesting webtoon, because the selective use of colour in the artwork was so striking. Even the author use black and white colour, sometimes when the story has a good sceen, it would be colorfull. The second one is Family Man, it has 41 episode. Family man tells about Gang-ho as a father who worked at the local factory. Gang ho only sleep 3 hours a day and work really hard. Gang wo was a hardworking because Gang wo want to change his family condition. One day, when Gang wo was working, there was a fire at the place where Gang wo work . Gangwo became one of the victims because his face was burned. The incident gace a big change to Gangwo’s appearance. He does not want his daughter to be scared of him because the scare of his face. So, he decides to wear the costume of superhero, “Gugu Man” and stay with her. This webtoon has sad story because Gang-ho should fighting the cancer that he had and live far away from his daughter and wife. At the end of the story, the author really did an amazing sceen, because it has two different ending if the reader cannot understand the picture.


Picture 1.2 Example of Webtoon

3. The Advantages of Using Online Comic Strips In using some application or media there must be an advantage. According to Yang (2019), the advantage of using comics is motivating students because comic can give motivation to learn English in enjoyable and interesting ways. Since comic contains picture, the students will understand easily. The pictures can tell any story more effectively than words. Jon (2018) that there are the advantage of using comic such as: 1. Students can learn new vocabulary. Because the picture and written text are connected, it can help students in comprehending.


2. Students can improve their analytical thinking. 3. The visual can help students understand complex vocabulary that the reader might not understand. 4. With the visualization of the text that goes along with picture, the students are easily understood. The power of words becomes stronger since the words are not just words on a page but the children see the words in action from the illustrations. 5. Because the text and the picture interact with each other, the students can fully understand the story and create meaning. 6. Comic can make students increase their interest in reading and create fun learning. 7. It motivates students. 8. Comic strips can stimulating and encouraging to help students develop their cognitive and improve their reading ability.

C. Narrative Text 1. The Definition of Narrative Text Narrative text is one type of text that has been taught at Senior High School based on curicullum 2013. People know that the purpose of narrative text is to entertain the reader, so many pepople like to read narrative text. Based on Rodearta (2018), Narrative text is a kind of text that tells events in the past. It content problematic, experience and resolution that give moral lesson to the readers. Narrative have character and plot with a sequence of event. Mukarto (2018) stated, Narrative text is a written text contained a message that to make the reader understand meaning of the story. According to Supaporn (2009), narrative is a story with a sequence of event. In other word, narrative is a kind of text that tells story about event and happend in the past contain moral lessons. The main purpose of narrative is to entertain and pleasure. According to Pardiyono in (Mazna), narrative text is a kind of text that has function to entertain the reader, to amuse the reader, and to deal with vicarious experience in different ways. Sorenson (2010) state that in narrative text, there are several characteristics of narration such as: tell a story, have a theme rather than a topic sentence, written in the first person, tend to be


factual, include description, include dialogue, rely on sensory details for impact, and follow a chronological organization. The writer conclude that narrative text is one types of text that contain story fiction and tells about event in the past. Narrative text also teach about leasson, and it can called moral value. Simply, people usually read narrative text for entertain themself and for pleasure.

2. The Purpose of Narrative Text Narrative text is one of the texts that often read by many people because the stories presented are easily understood and usually entertained. People enjoy reading narrative texts because they interested with the story. According to Otong (2007), Narrative is a type of text that tells story legend and contain resolution to amuse and entertain readers. For example, if the genre of narrative text is folk tales, the readers can get knowledge about the history of the place. In another sourche, according to Pardiyono (2014), a text that tells about event in the past with problematic that entertains and instructs the readers is a definition of narrative text. It means that the purpose of narrative text is reading for pleasure, give information or entertains, give knowledge and give moral value to the readers. Barbara (2008) state that there are several purpose of narrative text such as to express feeling, to entertain the reader, to persuade, to inform, to give knowledge, to relate experience, and to teach. And from another resources, according to Mislaini (2015), narrative text has simply purpose like to entertain people or the reader. This statement was supported by Supaporn (2009) that narrative text can teach moral lessons. To sum it up, the purpose of narrative text is to entertain, give moral value, express feeling, and get knowledge or information.

3. The Generic Structure of Narrative Text Every type of text has its own structure, either narrative text. It can help students to understand the text by learning about the structure that contain in the text. According to Irwan (2013), narrative text consist:


a. The first is orientation, it contains an introduction to the character of the story, place and time of the story, when and where the story took place. b. The second is complication, tells the beginning of the problem that faced by the character and leads to the core of the story or climax. c. The third is resolution, in this part the problem that faced by the character has solved. d. The last is re-orientation or coda, the final section contains moral messages or moral value to the readers based on what has been learned from the story. Re- orientation or coda not always written in the text. There was example of Narrative text (Lubis, 2014)

The Myth of MalinKundang A long time ago, in a small village near the beach in West Sumatra, a woman and her son lived. They were Malin Kundang and

her mother. Her mother was a single parent because Malin Kundang’s Orientation father had passed away when he was a baby. Malin Kundang had to live hard with his mother. Malin Kundang was healthy, dilligent, and strong boy. He usually went to sea to catch fish. After getting fish he

would bring it to his mother, or sold the caught fish in the town.

One day, when MalinKundang was sailing, he saw a merchant’s ship which was being raided by a small of pirates. He helped tge merchant. With his brave and power, MalinKundang Complication defeated the pirates. The merchant was so happy and thanked to him. In return the merchant asked MalinKundang to sail with him. To get a better life, MalinKundang agreed. He left his mother alone.

Many years later, MalinKundang became wealthy. He had a huge ship and was helped by many ship crews loading trading goods. Perfectly he had a beautiful wife too. When he was sailing his trading Resolution journey,Resolution his ship landed on a beach near a small village. The villagers recognized him. The news ran fast in the town, “MalinKundang has become rich and now he is here”. An old woman ran to the beach


to meet the new rich merchant. She was MalinKundang’s mother. She wanted to hug him, released her sadness of being lonely after so long time. Unfortunately, when the mother came, MalinKundang who was in front of his well dressed wife and ship crews denied meeting that old lonely woman. For three times her mother begged MalinKundang Resolution and for three times he yelled at her. At last MalinKundang said to her

“Enough, old woman! I have never had a mother like you, a dirty and ugly woman!”. After that he ordered his crews to set sail. He would

leave the old mother again but in that time she was full of both sadness and angriness.

Finnaly, enraged, she cursed MalinKundang that he would turn into a stone if he did not apologize. MalinKundang just laughed and really set sail. In the quiet sea, suddenly a thunderstrorm came. Re orientation/ His huge ship was wreecked and it was too late for MalinKundang to coda apologize. He was thrown by the out of his ship. He feel on a small island.Picture It was 1.3 really Example to late offor Narrative him to avoid Text, his Malin curse. KundangSuddenly he turned into a stone. 4. The Grammatical Features of Narrative Text According to Anderson on Yudistira (2018), every text has their own grammatical features. In narrative text, there are grammatical features that usually found such as noun to identify specific of characters in the story, time words that connect events to tell when the event happend, use of past tense, use verb to show action that happend in the story, adjective to describe charactes and setting in the story, connectives and conjuctions to sequence the story. In another source, narrative text usually include the followinng language features or grammatical features such as: a. Using nouns. Nouns in narrative text is usually used to identify something like specific characters and place. Example: Castle, beautiful princess. b. Using Time words. Time words usually used to connect the event and when the event happen. 1. Time conjunction: then, before, after, suddenly, since, etc.


2. Adverb of time: one day, once upon a time, long time ago, one day, etc. c. Using Past tense: she lived in a big castle, etc. d. Using action verb: slept, ran, etc. e. Using adjective phrases: beautiful eyes, long white hair, etc.

D. Previous Related Study There are so many research that have been conducted by other researcher. The researcher doing research to find out about some media, tehnique or method that can help students improve their skill like reading comprehension. There are some explanation about previous related study. The first related study was conducted by Maulani Rifat Yenisa (2017). The tittle of the research was “The Effectiveness of using SQ3R Technique in Students’ Reading Comprehension of Hortatory Exposition Text”. This study was conducted in SMA Annajah, Bogor. The participan of this study were 60 students of eleventh grade SMA Annajah. The researcher use XI IPA 1 as the experimental class while class XI IPA 2 as the control class. The objective of this study is to find out the effect of SQ3R technique in students reading comprehension. The researcher choose test to become the instrument of this research. It define into two test, pre- test and post-test. The result of this research shown that the experimental class got higher score in reading comprehension than the controlled class. It means that this research was successful to help students improve their reading comprehension by using SQ3R. The second previous study was conducted by Ayu Apriliyani Putri (2018) . The tittle of the research is “The Use Of Webtoon And KWL (Know-Want-Learn) Strategy To Improve Students’ Reading Fluency”. The research was conducted at SMK Muhammadiyah Rembang in academic year 2018/2019. The method of this research Class Action Research. The research was conducted in two cycles with two meetings in each cycle. The result of the research showed that the use of Webtoon and KWL gave significant improvement to the students’ reading ability. It means that this research was successful to help students improve their reading ability by using Webtoon and KWL.


The last previous study was conducted by Agung Wahyu Nugroho (2017). The tittle of the research is ”The Effectiveness of Teaching Reading Using Comic Strips to Facilitate Students’ Reading Comprehension on Narrative Text”. The study was conducted at SMPN 4 Jatiyoso in the academic year 2016/2017. In this study, the reseacrher used an experimental research and the design was true experimental. The method is applied in this research with pre test and post test. The researcher use three class as the subject, the population of this study was 92 students. The instrument of this research use multiple choice to collect data. The result of this research show a significant difference between students’ achievement in reading comprehension while using comic strips. When the researcher used comic strips as a media, the students more active and feel enjoy in learning process. It means that comic strips was effective and applicable towards students’ reading comprehension on narrative text.

E. Thinking Framework Students need to mastery basic skill in learning English language, one of them is reading. In reading, students need to understand what they have been read. Because understanding in reading is needed by everyone, especially people who want to mastery English as a second language. And for the tenth grade of SMAN 10 Tangerang Selatan, reading comprehension becomes one of a problem for them. There are several factors that students face in reading comprehension; lack of vocabulary, students' background knowledge, and students' motivation. From the problem above, the teacher should find a method or strategy to help students improve their reading comprehension. The writer chooses online comic strips or webtoon as a media that can apply in the class. The researcher assumed that Webtoon can help the student to improve their reading comprehension in a fun way. By using webtoon, the teacher can create interest activities, give motivation, and friendly atmosphere. Beside it, using webtoon can help interested in reading English text in a fun way. Because webtoon has many genres, the type of text that suitable is narrative text. Narrative text is a kind of text that tells a story or event in the past. The main purpose of narrative text


is to entertain the reader. Narrative text has generic structure. The first is orientation, in this part contain who is the character, where and when the story took place, second is complication, tells the beginning of problem, third resolution, the problem has been solved, the last is re-orientation or coda, the final section contain moral value. But not all of narrative text has written coda. Using webtoon as a media to help the student improve their reading comprehension will give students a friendly atmosphere during the learning process. Because webtoon has a colorful and interesting picture. To apply webtoon as a media, the teacher asks students to download it on their smartphone. After that, the teacher applied the stage of reading to help the students build their background knowledge about what they will read. Then, the teacher gives time for students to read 5 chapters. After that, the teacher gives them a question and ask them to predict what will happen in the next chapter. This activity can make students focus while reading and at the same time provide fun activities in learning English language.

F. Theoretical Hypothesis According to the explanation above, the researcher formed a theoretical hypothesis as follows: There is a significant effect of using online comic strips on students’ reading comprehension of narrative text. The research hypothesis above would be explained and tested in chapter IV.



In this chapter, the researcher explains the detail about the place and time of the study, research method and design, the instrument of this research, population and sample, the technique of data collecting, the technique of data analysis, and statistical hypothesis of the research and would be explained below.

A. Place and Time of The Study This research was conducted at SMAN 10 South Tangerang which is located on Jl. Tegal Rotan Kp. Sawah South Tangerang in April to Mei 2019 in the even semester 2018/2019.

B. Research Method and Design The researcher used a quantitative method by using a quasi-experimental design. As stated by Leedy in Thinagaran's book untitled Research Methodology, "quantitative research methods are research methods dealing with numbers and anything measurable in a systematic way of investigation of phenomena and their relationships. It is used to answer questions on relationships within measurable variables to explain, predict and control a phenomenon" (Perumal, 2014). Cresswell (2012) stated in his book, the researcher used to know the effect between the dependent and independent variables. McMillan (2014) stated that quasi- experimental is used to know the effect or determine curricular materials and teaching method. There are two types of variables in this research. The independent variable of this research is reading comprehension using online comic strips, and the dependent variable of this research is students’ learning outcomes. Furthermore, two classes of the first-grade students in SMAN 10 Tangerang Selatan was being selected to become the participant of this study. Besides, the researcher conducted three stages in this research such as pre- test, treatment, and post-test for investigating the effectiveness of online comic strips on students' reading comprehension. The researcher used online comic strips or webtoons as a media in the experimental class to teach reading comprehension



of narrative text. Moreover, the researcher teaches controlled class and was not given any treatment after doing pre-test. The researcher teaches controlled class with using communicative language teaching. After several meetings, the researcher conducted a post-test. The post-test was conducted by the researcher to know whether using online comic strips was effective or not to help students improve their reading comprehension in narrative text. For easily to understand, the researcher made the table of Pre-test and post-test that given to the controlled class and experimental class below:

Experimental Class Pre-test Treatment (Webtoon) Post-test

Controlled Class Pre-test No Treatment Post-test

C. The Instrument of The Research 1. Conceptual Definition Reading comprehension is the ability to understand the text which consists of the main idea, vocabulary, moral value, supporting detail, excluding fact not written, expression in context, detail, and specific information.

2. Operational Definition of The Instrument Reading comprehension is the score obtained by the students based on they answer the questions related to the main idea, vocabulary, moral value, supporting detail, excluding fact not written, expression in context, detail, and specific information. In this research, the researcher used test as the instrument. Before pre- test was given to the students, the researcher conducted validity test to make sure the instrument that the researcher want to use was valid. The researcher conducted validity test on 1st April 2019. The validity test consist of 50 questions that have 10 text. Beside, for the post-test, the researcher used 3 text from National Examination, 3 text from English First, and 6 text from the teacher. The students were asked to answer 40 questions in both pre- and post-tests. The question was made in the multiple-choice tests which consist of main idea, vocabulary, moral value, supporting detail, excluding fact not written, expression in context, detail, and specific information. The pre-test was conducted on 9th April


2019 for the experimental class, and 10th April 2019 for the controlled class. The test for pre-test has eight text. After giving the threatment for experimental class, the post test was conducted on 3rd Mei 2019 for both classes, experimental class and controlled class. The post-test given in the form of 40 question that have twelve text.

D. Population and Sample of the Research The researcher choose tenth grade of SMAN 10 Tangerang Selatan as the population of this research. For the specific, the tenth-grade students of SMAN 10 Tangerang Selatan were chosen because they were learning about narrative text. In SMAN 10 Tangerang Selatan, the classes were divided into 7 different classes, 4 classes for social major and 3 classes for the science major. Sample of this research defined into two classes of tenth-grade students of SMAN 10 Tangerang Selatan, it was X IPA 3 and X IPS 1. The first class was X IPA 3 as an experimental class and the second was X IPS 1 as a controlled class. The researcher used purposive sampling or also known as judgmental sampling. According to Kenneth N (Ross, 2005), purposive sampling is used to select samples according to the purpose or the needs of researchers in conducting research. And as stated by Neuman (Neuman, 2014), purposive sampling or judgment sampling is focused on the assessment of researchers to select samples with a specific purpose in conducting research. To deciding the sample, the researcher has criteria such as interest in learning English, the score obtained in learning English are same, their ability in English language, and knowing the webtoon application. Based on the criteria, the researcher chooses IPA 3 as the experimental class and IPS 1 as a controlled class. The researcher was chosen according to their score and ability, especially in English language and interview with the teacher of English language.

E. The technique of Data Collecting In this research, test was choosen by the researcher to collect the data and the objective of the test was divided into two, pre-test and post-test. To measure students ability in reading comprehension, the researcher used pre-test to each class. In pre-test, students of each class were asked to answer 40 multiple choice questions


in 60 minutes. After the researcher give pre test for each class, the researcher teach the experimental class with using webtoon as a media to help them improve their reading comprehension. After gave the treatment, the researcher also collected data from the students by using post-test. The researcher prepare 40 questions that student Students need to answer 40 questions to examine the effectiveness of using online comic strips on students reading comprehension of narrative text. Then, the researcher used t-test formula to find the result of the test.

F. The technique of Data Analysis After collecting the data, the researcher continues to analyze the data. The researcher uses the T-test formula to measure the pre-test and post-test scores from experimental and controlled class. The data is analyzing by using T-test formula for a large sample.

M1  M 2 to = SE  M1 M 2

Before the researcher calculates the data using t-test, there are several steps to calculation, such as:

1. Finding Mean of Experimental class ( Variable X)

M1 = ∑X n

M1 : The average of gained score of experimental class (X)

∑X : Sum of the gained score experimental class

n : total students in experimental class

2. Finding Mean of Controlled class (Variable Y)

M1 = ∑Y n

M1 : The average of gained score controlled class (Y)

∑Y : Sum of the gained score controlled class


n : total students in controlled class

3. Finding Standard Deviation of Experimental class (Variable X)

 X 2 SD1 = n

SD1 : Standard devitiation of experimental class (Variable X)

∑X2 : Sum of squared gained score experimental class (Variable X) n : total students in experimental class

4. Finding Standard Deviation of Controlled class (Variable Y)

Y 2 SD2 = n

SD2 : Standard devitiation of controlled class (Variable Y)

∑Y2 : Sum of squared gained score controlled class (Variable Y) n : total students in experimental class

5. Finding Standard Error Mean Experimental class (Variable X)

SD1 SEM1 = N1 1

SEM1 : Standard error mean experimental class (Variable X)

SD1 : Standard devitiation of experimental class (Variable X) n : total students in experimental class


6. Finding Standard Error Mean Controlled class (Variable Y)

SD2 SEM2 = N 1 2

SEM2 : Standard error mean controlled class (Variable Y)

SD2 : Standard devitiation of controlled class (Variable Y) n : total students in experimental class

7. Finding Standard Error of Difference of Mean Variable X and Y

SE 2  SE 2 M1 M 2 SEM1-M2 =

SEM1-M2 : Standard error of difference of mean experimental class and controlled class (variable X and Y)

SEM1 : Standard error mean experimental class (Variable X)

SEM2 : Standard error mean controlled class (Variable Y)

8. Finding to

M1  M 2 to = SE  M1 M 2 to : t observation

M1 : Mean experimental class (variable X)

M2 : Mean controlled class (variable Y)

SEM1-M2 : Standard error of the difference of mean variable X and Y


9. Finding t-table in significant level 5%, with degree of freedom df = (N1 + N2) – 2 df : Degree of freedom

N1 : Total students in Controlled class

N2 : Total students in Experimental class

10. Effect Size Formulation After calculating the data, the last step that the researcher does is measure the effect size. This test is to know the significant effect on this research is strong or weak. To know the significant effect size of this research, the researcher used Cohen’s d effect formula. The formula to calculate the effect size as (Muijs, 2004): Mean of Experimental class - Mean of Controlled class d: Pooled standard deviation

The explanation : d : the effect size mean of Group A : mean of experimental class mean of Group B : mean of the control class

Pooled Standard deviation : standard deviation experimental class + controlled class / 2

After the effect size has been calculated, the researcher determine the level of significant effect with Cohen’s (2007) criteria as follow:

0 – 0.20 = it means that the effect size of the research has weak effect

0.21 – 0.50 = it means that the effect size of the research has modest effect

0.51 – 1.00 = it means that the effect size of the research has moderate effect

>1.00 = it means that the effect size of the research has strong effect.


G. Statistical Hypotesis After calculating the result with spss and statistical calculation, the research compares to and ttable. Then, the researcher testing the statistical hypothesis by using a significance degree 0,05. The researcher formed the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis as follow:

Ho :There is no significant effect of using online comic strips on students’ reading comprehension of narrative text.

Ha :There is a significant effect of using online comic strips on students' reading comprehension of narrative text.

If to >tt Ha is accepted

If to

CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDING AND DISCUSSION In this chapter, the researcher explained the research finding of the controlled class and experimental class. The researcher also would explain to provide a discussion of the result.

A. Research Finding 1. Data Description As the researcher describe before, the researcher was chosen X IPA3 and X IPS1 as the sample of this research. The experimental class (X IPA3) consisted of 31 students and the controlled class (X IPS1) consisted of 31 students. They were tested to saw an online comic strip was effective or not in helping the students improve their reading comprehension especially on narrative text.

Table 4.1 Score of Experimental Class No. Pre-Test (X) Post-Test (Y) Gained 1. 90 92.5 2.5 2. 87.5 92.5 5 3. 87.5 90 2.5 4. 85 87.5 2.5 5. 82.5 85 2.5 6. 82.5 90 7.5 7. 80 87.5 7.5 8. 85 87.5 2.5 9. 85 87.5 2.5 10. 77.5 82.5 5 11. 75 80 5 12. 72.5 77.5 5 13. 77.5 80 2.5 14. 75 80 5 15. 70 77.5 7.5



No Pre-Test (X) Post-Test (Y) Gained 16. 75 82.5 7.5 17. 72.5 77.5 5 18. 65 75 10 19. 62.5 80 17.5 20. 60 77.5 17.5 21. 60 77.5 17.5 22. 62.5 67.5 5 23. 57.5 75 17.5 24. 52.5 67.5 15 25. 55 75 20 26. 47.5 75 27.5 27. 45 67.5 22.5 28. 45 85 41 29. 42.5 87.5 45 30. 45 70 25 31. 67.5 87.5 20 ∑ 2127 2505 378.5

M: 68.62 M: 80.80

Based on the data in Table 4.1, it could be seen that the highest score on the Pre-test was 90 and the lowest score on the Pre-test was 42. The lowest score on Post-test was 67.5 and the highest score on Post-test from was 92.5. While the main Pre-test was 68.62 and Post-test was 80.80. The gained score from the experimental class was 378.5. It can be conclude that there was a significant difference result between pre-test and post-test in experimental class.


Table 4.2 Score of Controlled Class No. Pre-Test (X) Post-Test (Y) Gained 1. 87.5 90 2.5 2. 85 87.5 2.5 3. 75 77.5 2.5 4. 70 72.5 2.5 5. 72.5 77.5 5 6. 72.5 77.5 5 7. 77.5 82.5 5 8. 77.5 80 2.5 9. 70 80 10 10. 72.5 80 7.5 11. 70 77.5 7 12. 65 67.5 2.5 13. 70 72.5 2.5 14. 62.5 67.5 5 15. 60 70 10 16. 65 67.5 2.5 17. 65 67.5 2.5 18. 72.5 75 2.5 19. 82.5 85 2.5 20. 60 65 5 21. 55 60 8 22. 50 57.5 7.5 23. 55 62.5 7.5 24. 55 60 5 25. 60 65 10 26. 65 67.5 2.5 27. 80 82.5 2.5


No. Pre-Test (X) Post-Test (Y) Gained 28. 2.5 80 82.5 29. 67.5 70 2.5 30. 67.5 70 2.5 31. 75 80 5 ∑ 2142.5 2277.5 142.5

M:69.11 M:73.46

Based on the data in Table 4.2, it could be seen that the highest score on the Pre-test was 87.5 and the lowest score on the Pre-test was 50. The lowest score on Post-Test was 57.5 and the highest score on Post-test was 90. While the main Pre- test was 69.11. and Post-Test was 73.46. The gained score from the controlled class was 142.5. It can be concluded that there was no significant result between pre-test and post-test in a controlled class. Beside the table score, the researcher used a diagram to shows the progress of experimental class and controlled class in the diagram below:

100 90 80 70 60 50 Experimental Class 40 Controlled Class 30 20 10 0 Pre-test Post-test

Diagram 4.1 The Difference Score between Experimental Class and Controller Class


According to Table 4.1 and Table 4.2, it could be seen that the students in experimental class got a higher score after the researcher taught using online comic strips. In conclusion, online comic strips are effective to help students in reading comprehension of narrative text. After getting the result, the first step that the researcher did was normality test using IBM SPSS Statistic 21 program to analyze the data. The researcher did normality test to know the data had been normally distributed or not. The standard significance level for this research is 0.05. The result of normality test would be shown:

Table 4.3 Test of Normality Class Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Pre-Test Experiment ,126 31 ,200* ,936 31 ,065

Post-Test Experiment ,136 31 ,148 ,944 31 ,108

Pre-Test Controlled ,114 31 ,200* ,976 31 ,699

Post-Test Controlled ,113 31 ,200* ,977 31 ,714

According to table 4.3, significant in Kolmogorov Smirnov both class is higher than 0.050. For the pre-test experimental class, it was 0.200 and for the controlled class it was 0.200. Based on the data, it can be concluded that the data pre-test from the experimental and controlled class was in a normal distribution. For the post-test of the experimental class, it was 0.148 and for the controlled class it was 0.200. Based on the data, it can be concluded that the data post-test from experimental and controlled classes was normally distributed.

After the normality test, the next step is the statistic calculation. The researcher used the data from pre-test and post-test to continue calculate the data.


Statistic calculation of t-test formula with a degree of significance 5% was using by the researcher to calculate the data.

Table 4.4 Standart Deviation Table No X Y X – MX Y – MY X – MX 2 Y - MY2 1. 2.5 2.5 -9.7 -2.1 94.28 4.40 2. 5 2.5 -7.2 -2.1 51.98 4.40 3. 2.5 2.5 -9.7 -2.1 94.28 4.40 4. 2.5 2.5 -9.7 -2.1 94.28 4.40 5. 2.5 5 -9.7 0.4 94.28 0.16 6. 7.5 5 -4.7 0.4 22.18 0.16 7. 7.5 5 -5.7 0.4 22.18 0.16 8. 2.5 2.5 -9.7 -2.1 94.28 4.40 9. 2.5 10 -9.7 5.4 94.28 29.19 10. 5 7.5 -7.2 2.9 51.98 8.43 11. 5 7 -7.2 2.4 51.98 5.78 12. 5 2.5 -7.2 -2.1 51.98 4.40 13. 2.5 2.5 -9.7 -2.1 94.28 4.40 14. 5 5 -7.2 0.4 51.98 0.16 15. 7.5 10 -4.7 5.4 22.18 29.19 16. 7.5 2.5 -4.7 -2.1 22.18 4.40 17. 5 2.5 -7.2 -2.1 51.98 4.40 18. 10 2.5 -2.2 -2.1 4.88 4.40 19. 17.5 2.5 5.3 -2.1 27.99 4.40 20. 17.5 5 5.3 0.4 27.99 0.16 21. 17.5 8 5.3 3.4 27.99 11.58 22. 5 7.5 -7.2 2.9 51.98 8.43 23. 17.5 7.5 5.3 2.9 27.99 8.43 24. 15 5 2.8 0.4 7.79 0.16 25. 20 10 7.8 5.4 60.69 29.19


No X Y X – MX Y – MY X – MX 2 Y - MY2 26. 27.5 2.5 15.3 -2.1 233.79 4.40 27. 22.5 2.5 10.3 -2.1 105.89 4.40 28. 41 2.5 28.8 -2.1 828.88 4.40 29. 45 2.5 32.8 -2.1 1075.21 4.40 30. 25 2.5 12.8 -2.1 163.59 4.40 31. 20 5 7.8 0.4 60.69 0.16 ∑ 378.5 142.5 3765.887 201.7097

M 12.20 4.59 121.9068 6.51 According to the data in Table 4.4, it shows that the lowest gained from X or the experimental class was 2.5 and the lowest from Y or the controlled class was 2.5, and the highest gained from X or experimental class was 45 and from Y or controlled class was 10. Then, the sum of gained score from the experimental class (X) was 379.5 and from the controlled class (Y) was 142.5. After making the table, the result of the pre-test and post-test of the experimental class and controlled class would be calculated by the formulation of t-test. The formulation as follow: a. Determining Mean of Variable X

M1 = ∑X n M1 = 378.5 31 M1 = 12.20 b. Determining Mean of Variable Y M1 = ∑Y n M1 = 142.5 31 M1 = 4.59


c. Determining Standard Deviation of Variable X

 X 2 SD1 = n 3765.887 SD1 = 31 SD1 = 11.02 d. Determining Standard Deviation of Variable Y

Y 2 SD2 = n 201.7097 SD2 = 31 SD2 = 2.55 e. Determining Standard Error Mean Variable X

SD1 SEM1 = N1 1 11.02 SEM1 = 311

SEM1 = 2.00 f. Determining Standard Error Mean Variable Y

SD2 SEM2 = N 1 2 6.56 SEM2 = 31 1

SEM2 = 0.46 g. Determining Standard Error of Difference of Mean Variable X and Y

SE 2  SE 2 M1 M 2 SEM1-M2 =

2 2 SEM1-M2 = 2.00  0.46


SEM1-M2 = 2.05 h. Determining to

M1  M 2 to = SE  M1 M 2 12.20  4.59 to = 2.05 to = 3.71 i. Determining t-table in significant level 5%, with degree of freedom df = (N1 + N2) – 2 df = (31+31)-2 df = 60 Degree of Significance 5%= 1.67 Ttable = 1.67

2. The Testing of Hypotheses To prove the hypothesis, the researcher was calculated the data from experimental class and controlled class by using t-test formula with the assumtion as follow:

to > tt : The alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypotesis is rejected. It means that there is an effectiveness of using online comic strips on students’ reading comprehension of narrative text.

to < tt : The alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypotesis is rejected.

The researcher compairing value to = 3.71 and tt = 1.67 according to the result of statistical calculation above. The result of statistic show that to is bigger than tt. It means that Ha or alternative hypothesis is accepted and Ho or the null hypothesis is rejected. It can be conclude that there was a significance effect of using online comic strips on students’ reading comprehension of narrative text.


3. The Effect Size Test After finish calculate the data, the researcher doing effect size test. The purpose researcher doing effect size test is to know level significance about the effect using webtoon on students’ reading comprehension of narrative text. The researcher used Cohen’s d effect size calculation for doing test. If the result of the test is 0 – 0.20 it means the strategy that researcher used have a weak effect , if the result of the test is 0.21– 0.50 it means the strategy that researcher used have modest effect, if the result of the test is 0.51 – 1.0 it means that the strategy have a moderate effect, and if the result of the test is >1.0 it means that the strategy have a strong effect. The researcher needs standard deviation and mean score from both class to calculate the effect size. Mean of Experimental class - Mean of Controlled class d: Pooled standard deviation

Pooled Standard Deviation = (11.02+2.55) 2

= 6.78 d = (80.80 −73.46) 6.78

= 1.08

The result of effect size from this research is 1.08. According to Cohen's (2007) criteria, 1.08 is categorized as a strong effect. From this result, the researcher concludes that Webtoon strategy has a sufficient effect on students' reading comprehension of narrative text.


B. Discussion According to the result of statictical calculation above that has been done by the researcher, the researcher found that using online comic strips is effective on students' reading comprehension of narrative text at tenth grade of SMAN 10 Tangerang Selatan. The result of this research has answered the research question stated in chapter I to find whether online comic strip has an effect on students’ reading comprehension of narrative text or not. After the researcher collected and analysis the data, the result shown that there is a significant difference between the experimental class and the controlled class on their achievement in reading comprehension of narrative text. The data of this research was taken from 31 students in the controlled class and 31 students in the experimental class. But before the researcher calculates the data, the researcher had to test the normality of the data using SPSS. After analyzing the data using SPSS, the researcher found that the data were normally distributed. It means that the researcher can use t-test formulation. Then the researcher continues to calculate the data with statistical calculating. Based on the data description, it could be seen the result about pre-test and post-test students' achievement in reading comprehension. The researcher gave pre- test to know students' ability in reading comprehension before the researcher gives treatments. The result of the pretest showed that the mean score of the experimental class was 68.62 and the controlled class was 69.11. It means that the experimental class score lower than the controlled class. After the researcher gives the pre-test for each class, the treatment of online comic strips was given to the experimental class. The researcher conducted three meetings to gives treatment for experimental class while the controlled class was not given any treatment. Then, the researcher gave a post-test to find out students' achievement of experimental and controlled class. The result of the post-test shows that the mean score of controlled class was lower than the experimental class.The mean score of the controlled class was 73.46 while experimental class was 80.80. Then, the researcher compares the mean from each group and found that the


experimental class has more improvement than a controlled class. The experimental class improve 12.20 points and controlled class only 4.59. After calculated the data, the next step was to input the data to the individual significance parameter test or t-test formula. The researcher found that the values of to = 3.71 and tt = 1.67. The result of the statistic shows that to (t-count) is bigger than tt (t-table). The researcher concluded that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. It confirms that online comic strips or webtoons were effective to help students improve their reading comprehension of narrative text. Additionally, the researcher also calculated the effect size of the data based on Cohen d's to know the level of significant this research. After giving treatment to experimental class, the researcher found that using online comic strips or webtoon on students' reading comprehension of narrative text has a strong level with the size effect value 1.08. It means that online comic strips or webtoons can give effect on students' reading comprehension of narrative text. Moreover, based on the explanations, the result proves that online comic strips can give a significant effect on students' reading comprehension of narrative text at the tenth grade of SMAN 10 Tangerang Selatan. Furthermore, this result was supported by some previous related studies conducted by Ayu Apriliyani Putri and Agung wahyu. There are similarities and differences between this research and the old research. The first research was conducted by Ayu Apriliyani Putri (2018) about Webtoon but using class action research (CAR) for the method while this research was using a quantitative method. In Ayu’s research, the researcher implemented three cycles and four steps such as planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The last research was conducted by Agung. In this research, there was similarity about the topic but differences in the sample of the research. The research was performed by Agung (2017) and this research was about finding the effect of comic strips for reading comprehension of narrative text on Junior High School while this research was about Senior High School students. According to the result of the previous study, it can be concluded that comic strips can help students to improve their reading comprehension.


In conclusion, based on those explanations above, it can be concluded that Comic strips were effective to help students improve their reading comprehension of narrative text. According to the result of calculating the data that explain before, the result was proved that Online Comic Strips was effective on students reading comprehension of narrative text with moderate effect for the tenth grade of SMAN 10 Tangerang Selatan in academic year 2018/2019.



A. Conclusion According to the data calculation above, the researcher found that the post- test of the experimental class and controlled class is higher than the pre-test score. It can be seen that the mean of pre-test in experimental class before the researcher gave treatment using online comic strips or webtoon was 68.35, and the mean of post-test after the researcher gave treatment using online comic strips was 80.51. Besides, the mean of pre-test in controlled class that the researcher didn’t give any treatment was 68.45 and the mean of post-test was 72.80. From the result above, the experimental class has improved than the controlled class. The data analysis also showed that the value of to was 3.33 and the ttable was 1.67. The result of the statistic showed that t-count is bigger than t-table. Beside it, the result of the effect size based on Cohen’s criteria was 0.87 and it means that the range effect of this research is moderate effect. Furthermore, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) "There is a significant effect of using online comic strips on students' reading comprehension of narrative text" is accepted, and the null hypothesis (Ho) "There is no significant effect of using online comic strips on students' reading comprehension of narrative text" is rejected. Finally, the result of this research was supported by the previous study that the use of comic strips was effective to help students improve their reading comprehension skills of narrative text. To sum it up, this research proved and answer the formulation of the research that online comic strips were effective on students reading' comprehension of narrative text at tenth grade of SMAN 10 Tangerang Selatan in academic year 2018/2019.



B. Suggestion According to the conclusion above, the researcher writes some suggestion which might be useful for students, teachers, and other researchers as follows : For Students For students, webtoon can be an alternative media in helping students increase their skills in reading. To improve their fluency in reading comprehension, the students need to read a text in English language more confidently. By using a comic, the student will get a fun way of learning English. For Teachers In teaching reading comprehension, teachers should use interesting methods or techniques. Online comic strips or webtoon is one of the media that can help students improve their reading comprehension. The teacher can use online comic strips to teach reading comprehension. By using webtoon as a media, the students will feel enjoy reading English text. For Other Researchers The writer hopes this research can be a reference to other researchers that interested in making a similar study with another ability in learning English language.

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Appendix 1 Lesson Plan of Experimental Class


Satuan Pendidikan : SMA Negeri 10 Kota Tangerang Selatan Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas/Semester : X/Genap (X-IPA3) Materi Pokok : Narrative Text Alokasi waktu : 2 x 45 menit A. Kompetensi Inti (KI) Kompetensi Inti 1 Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya. Kompetensi Inti 2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerja sama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif, dan pro-aktif sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia. Kompetensi Inti 3 Kompetensi Inti 4 Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, ranah konkrit dan ranah abstrak terkait prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya dengan pengembangan dari. yang tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan dan mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan kaidah keilmuan. peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.


B. Kompetensi Dasar (KD) No Kompetensi Dasar Pengetahuan No Kompetensi Dasar Keterampilan 3.7 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur 4.7 Menangkap makna secara teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, teks naratiflisan dan tulis dengan struktur teks, dan struktur kebahasaan memberi dan meminta informasi teks naratif, lisan dan tulis sederhana terkait legenda rakyat, sederhanam terkait legenda rakyat. sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK) No IPK No IPK Keterampilan Pengetahuan 3.7.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial 4.7.1 Siswa dapat menjelaskan kembali dari teks narrative. unsur-unsur yang terkandung dalam teks narrative (generic structure, adverb of time, time conjunction, and moral value). 3.7.2 Mengidentifikasi unsur 4.7.2 Siswa dapat menceritakan kembali kebahasaan dari teks narrative suatu cerita rakyat yang dibaca baik (past tense). secara lisan maupun tulisan. 3.7.3 Mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks narrative. 3.7.4 Mengidentifikasi penggunaan adverb of time dari teks narrative. 3.7.5 Mengidentifikasi penggunaan time conjunction dari teks narrative. 3.7.6 Siswa dapat membedakan jenis- jenis narrative text.


D. Tujuan Pembelajaran 1. Peserta didik dapat mengerti fungsi sosial dari narrative text. 2. Peserta didik dapat menggunakan struktur kalimat past tense dalam narrative text. 3. Peserta didik dapat menemukan gagasan utama, informasi rinci, dan informasi tertentu dalam teks narasi. 4. Peserta didik dapat menggunakan adverb of time yang sering digunakan dalam teks narasi. 5. Peserta didik dapat menggunakan time conjunction yang sering digunakan dalam teks narasi. 6. Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis narrative text. 7. Peserta didik dapat menjelaskan kembali unsur-unsur yang terkandung dalam teks narrative. 8. Peserta didik dapat menceritakan kembali suatu cerita rakyat yang dibaca baik secara lisan maupun E. Metode Pembelajaran Pendekatan scientific learning 5 M (Mengamati, Menanya, Mencoba, Mengasosiasi, dan Mengomunikasikan). Contextual teaching and learning. Cooperative learning.

F. Alat, Media dan Sumber Belajar Alat : Proyektor, papan tulis, spidol, penghapus papan tulis Media : Presentasi power point, video dan contoh text Sumber belajar : Buku Bahasa Inggris kelas X (Unggul Sudarmo penerbit Erlangga), , webtoon dan Internet (quiper blog)

G. Materi Narrative Text


1. Fungsi narrative text : untuk menceritakan kisah fiksi atau nyata, memberikan pesan moral kepada pembaca, memberikan informasi, dan menghibur pembaca. 2. Generic Structure of Narrative Text Orientation : Berisi pengenalan tokoh, tempat, dan waktu terjadinya cerita (siapa atau apa, kapan dan dimana kejadian berlangsung). Complication : Menceritakan permasalahan yang dialami oleh tokoh utama yang mengarah pada inti cerita (Climax) Resolution : Masalah yang di hadapi didalam cerita telah selesai/tokoh menemukan solusi untuk masalah yang dihadapi. Re-orientation/Coda : Bagian akhir berisi pesan moral atau komentar dari sudut pandang penulis. Re-orientation/coda tidak selalu ada di setiap teks narasi (optional).

3. Unsur kebahasaan dalam Narrative Text. Pola kalimat past tense  S + V2 + O Example: He lived in Tokyo in 1976.  be : was, were Example: Mitha wa tired so she went to bed early Penggunaan adverb of time: once upon a time, one day, last year, two days ago, etc Penggunaan time conjunction: when, then, suddenly, after, until, before, since, while, once, etc. 4. Macam-macam jenis narrative text: Folktale (Cerita Rakyat) Cerita rakyat atau folktale adalah cerita kepercayaan yang telah lama ada dalam masyarakat. Cerita ini berasal dari para nenek moyang dan disampaikan dari mulut ke mulut. Cerita rakyat masih terus diceritakan hingga kini.


Legend (Legenda) Legend (legenda) adalah cerita yang sudah lama tersebar luas di masyarakat dan diyakini sebagai sebuah sejarah atau dipercaya sebagai hal yang benar terjadi di masa lalu, umumnya dipercaya karena adanya bukti peninggalan yang masih tersisa. Myth (Mitos) Mitos adalah cerita yang berhubungan dengan hal gaib, menceritakan asal usul suatu kebudayaan, yang biasanya dihubungkan dengan makhluk gaib seperti dewa dan sebagainya. Fable (Fabel) Fabel adalah cerita yang menggunakan tokoh hewan di dalamnya. Tujuan fabel adalah untuk menghibur para pembaca saja, disamping itu fabel juga mengandung nilai moral yang ingin disampaikan, misalnya sikap tolong menolong dan lain sebagainya. Short Story (Cerita Pendek) Short story atau cerita pendek adalah cerita yang bersifat fiktif atau hanya berupa khayalan. Siapapun bisa membuat cerita dalam bentuk short story ini karena berasal dari hasil imajinasi seseorang.

H. Langkah Pembelajaran ( Pertemuan pertama) Pendahuluan Alokasi Waktu (menit) Tahapan Pembelajaran Kegiatan Guru Pendahuluan 1. Salam 5 2. Membaca doa 3. Absen 1. Mengamati pengetahuan siswa tentang narrative text 5 dengan bertanya menggunakan pertanyaan umum seperti: a. Apa yang kalian ketahui tentang narrative text? b. Apa saja jenis narrative text? 1. Memberikan motivasi belajar 5 2. Menjelaskan indikator dan tujuan pembelajaran. Alokasi Kegiatan Inti Waktu (menit) Kegiatan Inti 1. Guru menjelaskan sedikit tentang webtoon. 60


2. Guru menjelaskan definisi, tujuan, struktur, unsur kebahasaan, dan kosa kata dalam teks narasi menggunakan ppt. 3. Siswa diberi kesempatan untuk bertanya mengenai materi yang sudah dijelaskan dan guru memberi pertanyan untuk mengetahui jika siswa sudah mengerti. 4. Siswa diminta membaca webtoon berjudul Family Man sebanyak 5 chapter. 5. Siswa diminta menebak kelanjutan cerita dari Family Man, menyebutkan sifat dari tokoh-tokoh yang muncul dalam 5 chapter tersebut. 6. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diberikan oleh guru. 7. Siswa dan guru membahas tentang webtoon yang telah mereka baca bersama-sama. 8. Siswa diminta untuk membaca kelanjutan cerita Family Man di rumah. Penutup Refleksi dan 1. Memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik 15 Evaluasi bertanya mengenai materi pelajaran yang belum dimengerti. 2. Mengevaluasi ketercapaian indikator. 3. Berdoa.

I. Langkah Pembelajaran (pertemuan kedua) Pendahuluan Alokasi Waktu (menit) Tahapan Pembelajaran Kegiatan Guru Pendahuluan 1. Salam 20 2. Membaca doa 3. Absen


1. Membahas kembali materi sebelumnya 2. Memberikan motivasi belajar 3. Menjelaskan indikator dan tujuan pembelajaran

Alokasi Kegiatan Inti Waktu (menit) Kegiatan Inti 1. Guru menjelaskan jenis-jenis narrative text . 60 2. Siswa diberi kesempatan untuk bertanya mengenai materi yang sudah dijelaskan dan guru memberi pertanyan untuk mengetahui jika siswa sudah mengerti. 3. Guru dan siswa membahas tentang webtoon yang mereka baca selama di rumah. 4. Siswa diminta untuk menebak akhir dari cerita Family Man. 5. Siswa membaca chapter terakhir tentang webtoon Family Man. 6. Siswa diminta untuk membentuk kelompok yang terdiri dari 5 orang, kemudian masing-masing kelompok diminta untuk berdiskusi tentang webtoon yang telah mereka baca. 7. Perwakilan kelompok ditunjuk secara random untuk menjelaskan webtoon yang telah mereka baca, seperti tokohnya, latar kejadian, dan pesan moral yang terkandung dalam webtoon tersebut. 8. Guru memberikan komentar atas penampilan dan pemahaman siswa. 9. Siswa diminta untuk membaca webtoon dengan judul Annasumarana di rumah. Penutup Refleksi dan 1. Mereview kembali keseluruhan materi yang telah 10 Evaluasi dipelajari bersama-sama. 2. Memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik bertanya mengenai materi pelajaran yang belum dimengerti. 3. Mengevluasi ketercapaian indikator. 4. Berdoa.


J. Langkah Pembelajaran (Pertemuan ketiga) Pendahuluan Alokasi Waktu (menit) Tahapan Pembelajaran Kegiatan Guru Pendahuluan 1. Salam 10 2. Membaca doa 3. Absen 1. Membahas kembali materi sebelumnya 2. Memberikan motivasi belajar

Alokasi Kegiatan Inti Waktu (menit) Kegiatan Inti 1. Guru menunjukan beberapa contoh narrative text. 60 2. Siswa diberi kesempatan untuk mengidentifikasi kembali unsur-unsur yang ada di dalam teks tersebut 3. Siswa diminta untuk menjelaskan unsur-unsur yang terkandung dalam teks tersebut. 4. Guru mengecek pemahaman siswa tentang webtoon yang mereka baca dengan cara meminta mereka membuat ringkasan tentang webtoon tersebut. 5. Guru memberikan pertanyaan random terkait webtoon annasumarana. 6. Guru dan siswa membahas bersama-sama tentang webtoon yang mereka baca. 7. Siswa diminta mengerjakan soal yang telah disediakan oleh guru.

Penutup Refleksi dan 1. Mereview kembali keseluruhan materi yang telah 10 Evaluasi dipelajari bersama-sama. 2. Memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik bertanya mengenai materi pelajaran yang belum dimengerti. 3. Mengevluasi ketercapaian indikator. 5. Berdoa.


K. Penilaian Hasil Belajar 1. Teknik Penilaian a. Penilaian kompetensi sikap 1) Penilaian kompetensi sikap peserta didik menggunakan teknik observasi yang dilakukan secara berkesinambungan melalui pengamatan perilaku. Hasil observasi dicatat dalam jurnal yang dibuat selama satu semester oleh guru mata pelajaran. b. Penilaian kompetensi pengetahuan Penilaian kompetensi pengetahuan peserta didik meliputi; 1) Tes tertulis berupa pilihan ganda c. Penilaian kompetensi keterampilan Penilaian kompetensi keterampilan peserta didik meliputi; 1) Penilaian kerja kelompok dan diskusi 2. Instrumen Penilaian a. Instrumen penilaian kompetensi sikap (terlampir) b. Instrumen penilaian kompetensi pengetahuan (terlampir) c. Instrumen penilaian kompetensi keterampilan (terlampir) Tangerang Selatan, 1 April 2019


Guru Mata Pelajaran Mahasiswa Peneliti

Dra. Zuhairiah Sri Ulfa Gusmeri

NIP. 196205292007012005 NIM. 11150140000079


I. LAMPIRAN I (Soal) The following text is for questions 1-5

The Good Stepmother

The old witch locked Hansel in a cage and set Gretel to clean the house. She planned to eat them both. Each night the children cried and begged the witch to let them go. Meanwhile, at home, their stepmother was beginning to wish she had never tried to get rid of the children. “I must find them,” she said and set off into the forest. Many hours later, when her feet were tired from walking and her lips were dry from thirst, she came to the cottage belonging to the witch. The stepmother peeped through the window. Her heart cried out when she saw the two children. She picked up the broom leaning against the door and crept inside. The witch was putting some stew in the oven when the stepmother gave her an almighty push. The witch fell into the oven and the stepmother shut the door. ‘Children, I have come to save you,’ she said hugging them tightly. I have done a dreadful thing. I hope in time you will forgive me. Let me take you home and become a family again. They returned to their home and the stepmother became the best mother anyone could wish to have, and of course they lived happily ever after!

1. The story is about….

A. Two children went to school for the first time B. A witch who is really kind C. A father who begged a witch for money D. A stepmother who saved her children from a witch E. Two children saved their stepmother from a witch

Jawaban: D

2. Which statement is FALSE about the witch? A. She locked Hansel in a cage B. She planned to eat Hansel & Gretel C. She fell into the ocean D. She hated the children E. She set Gretel to clean the house

Jawaban: C


“The witch fell into the oven and the stepmother shut the door.” (Paragraph 4)

3. The underlined word can be replaced by the word…

A. Marked B. Painted C. Opened D. Polished E. Closed

Jawaban: E

4. How did the stepmother find her children? A. She walked into the forest B. She got tired and met her children C. She peeped through the window of the witch’s cottage D. She fell into the cliff E. She was pushed against the wall

Jawaban: C

5. What the genre of this text?

A. Fiction D. Mystery

B. Folk tales E. Horror

C. Fairy tales

Jawaban: A

The following text is for question 6-10

The Story of the Smart Parrot

A man in Puerto Rico had a wonderful parrot. There was no other parrot like it. It was very, very smart. This parrot would say any word-except one. He would not say the name of the town where he was born. The name of the town was Catano. The man tried to teach the parrot to say Catano. But the bird would not say the word. At first the man was very nice, but then he got angry. “You are a stupid bird! Why can’t you say the word? Say Catano, or I will kill you!” but the parrot would not say it. Then the man got to so angry that the shouted over and over, “Say Catano, or I’ll kill you!” but the bird wouldn’t talk.


One day after trying for many hours to make the bird say Catano, the man got very angry. He picked up the bird and threw him into the chicken house. “You are more stupid than the chickens. Soon I will eat them, and I will eat you, too.” In the chicken house there are four old chickens. They were for Sunday’s dinner. The man put the parrot in the chicken house and left. The next day the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door and stopped. He was very surprised at what he saw! He saw three dead chickens on the floor. The parrot was screaming at the fourth chicken, “Say Catano, or I’ll kill you!

6. Where does the story take place?

A. Indonesia B. Brazil C. Puerto Rico D. New York E. Jepang

Jawaban: C

7. From the text we learn that…

A. We have to follow others B. We have to respect pet owner C. We have to imitate others D. We are not allowed to force others E. We are not allowed to help others

Jawaban: D

8. Which statement is false according to the text?

A. Catano was the name of the city where the parrot came from B. The man got angry at the parrot C. The parrot couldn’t say Catano D. The man killed the parrot E. The parrot could say Catano

Jawaban: C

9. “It was very, very smart” The underlined word refers to…


A. The chicken B. The man C. The Catano D. The city E. The bird

Jawaban: E

10. What the genre of this text?

A. Fiction

B. Fable

C. Fairy tales

D. Mystery

E. Horror

Jawaban: B


J. LAMPIRAN 3 (Webtoon yang digunakan)

K. LAMPIRAN 2 (Rubrik penilaian sikap)


N Rasa Ingin Tanggung Jml Nama Jujur Teliti o Tahu Jawab Skor 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3





Kriteria penilaian:

Rentang jumlah skor: 10 – 12 (baik)

7 – 9 (cukup)

4 – 6 (kurang) Nilai = 횺퐒퐤퐨퐫 퐩퐞퐫퐨퐥퐞퐡퐚퐧 x 100 퐒퐤퐨퐫 퐭퐨퐭퐚퐥 Rubrik Penilaian Sikap

Karakter Skor Indikator

Rasa 1 Tidak menunjukan antusias dalam pembelajaran, sulit terlibat Ingin dalam kegiatan kelompok walaupun sudah di dorong untuk Tahu terlibat. 2 Menunjukan rasa ingin tahu, namun tidak terlalu antusian dan baru terlibat aktif dalam kegiatan kelompok setelah di suruh untuk terlibat. 3 Menunjukan rasa ingin tahu yang besar, antusias dan aktif dalam kegiatan kelompok Jujur 1 Tidak menunjukan kejujuran dan berusaha mencari jawaban dari kelompok lain dengan cara menyontek.

2 Menunjukan kejujurannya, namun kurang menunjukan kerjasama kelompok dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang ada di LKS 3 Menunjukan kejujurannya dan menunjukan kerjasama kelompok dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang ada di LKS Tanggung 1 Tidak ikut mengerjakan tugas yang tertera dalam LKS Jawab 2 Ikut mengerjakan tugas , namun tidak dengan sungguh-sungguh. 3 Ikut mengerjakan tugas dengan sungguh-sungguh Teliti 1 Tidak teliti dalam mengerjakan tugas kelompok yang tertera dalam LKS


2 Kurang teliti dalam mengerjakan tugas kelompok yang tertera dalam LKS. 3 Teliti dalam mengerjakan tugas kelompok yang tertera dalam LKS


Nilai = 횺퐒퐤퐨퐫 퐩퐞퐫퐨퐥퐞퐡퐚퐧 x 100 퐒퐤퐨퐫 퐭퐨퐭퐚퐥 Rentang jumlah skor: 10 – 12 (baik)

7 – 9 (cukup)

4 – 6 (kurang)

K. LAMPIRAN 3 (Penilaian)

1. Penilaian Speaking (oral) Berikut ini adalah beberapa komponen yang termasuk ke dalam penilaian speaking, antara lain:

A. Pronunciation Guru menilai aspek ini dengan meminta siswa untuk membaca teks narrative. 5 : Mudah dipahami dan memiliki aksen penutur asli. 4 : Mudah dipahami meskipun dengan aksen tertentu. 3 : Ada beberapa kesalahan pengucapan yang membuat pendengar harus konsentrasi penuh dan kadang-kadang ada kesalahpahaman. 2 : Sulit dipahami karena ada beberapa masalah pengucapan, sering diminta mengulang. 1 : Masalah pengucapan serius sehingga tidak bisa dipahami.

B. Accuracy Guru menilai aspek ini dengan mendengarkan secara cermat saat siswa membaca teks narrative.

5 : Tidak ada kesalahan atau melakukan kesalahan kecil. 4 : Beberapa kali melakukan kesalahan tetapi tidak memengaruhi makna. 3 : Beberapa kali melakukan kesalahan dan memengaruhi makna.


2 : Melakukan banyak kesalahan dan memengaruhi makna. 1 : Melakukan banyak kesalahan dan sulit untuk dimengerti. C. Fluency Guru menilai aspek ini dengan mendengarkan dan memerhatikan cara siswa ketika membaca teks narrative.

5 : Berbicara dengan lancar dan mirip dengan penutur asli. 4 : Sedikit terdistraksi karna kesalahan penggunaan bahasa. 3 : Banyak terdistraksi karna kesalahan penggunaan bahasa. 2 : Sering ragu dan berhenti karna keterbatasan bahasa. 1 : Tidak lancar sehingga terkadang mengakibatkan percakapan tidak terjadi.


Nilai = 횺퐒퐤퐨퐫 퐩퐞퐫퐨퐥퐞퐡퐚퐧 x 100 퐒퐤퐨퐫 퐭퐨퐭퐚퐥 Rentang jumlah skor: 10 – 15 (baik)

7 – 9 (cukup)

4 – 6 (kurang)

Appendix 2 Lesson Plan of Controlled Class



RPP Controlled Class Satuan Pendidikan : SMA Negeri 10 Kota Tangerang Selatan Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas/Semester : X/Genap (X-IPS1) Materi Pokok : Narrative Text Alokasi waktu : 2 x 45 menit L. Kompetensi Inti (KI) Kompetensi Inti 1 Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya. Kompetensi Inti 2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerja sama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif, dan pro-aktif sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia. Kompetensi Inti 3 Kompetensi Inti 4 Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, ranah konkrit dan ranah abstrak terkait prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya dengan pengembangan dari. yang tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan dan mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan kaidah keilmuan. peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

M. Kompetensi Dasar (KD) No Kompetensi Dasar Pengetahuan No Kompetensi Dasar


Keterampilan 3.7 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur 4.7 Menangkap makna secara teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, teks naratiflisan dan tulis dengan struktur teks, dan struktur memberi dan meminta informasi kebahasaan teks naratif, lisan dan terkait legenda rakyat, sederhanam tulis sederhana terkait legenda sesuai dengan konteks rakyat. penggunaannya. N. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK) No IPK No IPK Keterampilan Pengetahuan 3.7.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dari 4.7.1 Siswa dapat menjelaskan kembali teks narrative. unsur-unsur yang terkandung dalam teks narrative (generic structure, adverb of time, time conjunction, and moral value). 3.7.2 Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan 4.7.2 Siswa dapat menceritakan kembali dari teks narrative (past tense). suatu cerita rakyat yang dibaca baik secara lisan maupun tulisan. 3.7.3 Mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks narrative. 3.7.4 Mengidentifikasi penggunaan adverb of time dari teks narrative. 3.7.5 Mengidentifikasi penggunaan time conjunction dari teks narrative. 3.7.6 Siswa dapat membedakan jenis-jenis narrative text. O. Tujuan Pembelajaran 1. Peserta didik dapat mengerti fungsi sosial dari narrative text. 2. Peserta didik dapat menggunakan struktur kalimat past tense dalam narrative text.


3. Peserta didik dapat menemukan gagasan utama, informasi rinci, dan informasi tertentu dalam teks narasi.

4. Peserta didik dapat menggunakan adverb of time yang sering digunakan dalam teks narasi.

5. Peserta didik dapat menggunakan time conjunction yang sering digunakan dalam teks narasi.

6. Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis narrative text.

7. Peserta didik dapat menjelaskan kembali unsur-unsur yang terkandung dalam teks narrative.

8. Peserta didik dapat menceritakan kembali suatu cerita rakyat yang dibaca baik secara lisan maupun

P. Metode Pembelajaran Pendekatan scientific learning 5 M (Mengamati, Menanya, Mencoba, Mengasosiasi, dan Mengomunikasikan). Contextual teaching and learning. Cooperative learning. Q. Alat, Media dan Sumber Belajar Alat : Proyektor, papan tulis, spidol, penghapus papan tulis Media : Presentasi power point, video dan contoh text Sumber belajar : Buku Bahasa Inggris kelas X (Unggul Sudarmo penerbit Erlangga), youtube dan Internet (quiper blog)

R. Materi Narrative Text 5. Fungsi narrative text : untuk menceritakan kisah fiksi atau nyata, memberikan pesan moral kepada pembaca, memberikan informasi, dan menghibur pembaca.


6. Generic Structure of Narrative Text Orientation : Berisi pengenalan tokoh, tempat, dan waktu terjadinya cerita (siapa atau apa, kapan dan dimana kejadian berlangsung). Complication : Menceritakan permasalahan yang dialami oleh tokoh utama yang mengarah pada inti cerita (Climax) Resolution : Masalah yang di hadapi didalam cerita telah selesai/tokoh menemukan solusi untuk masalah yang dihadapi. Re-orientation/Coda : Bagian akhir berisi pesan moral atau komentar dari sudut pandang penulis. Re-orientation/coda tidak selalu ada di setiap teks narasi (optional).

7. Unsur kebahasaan dalam Narrative Text. Pola kalimat past tense  S + V2 + O Example: He lived in Tokyo in 1976.  be : was, were Example: Mitha wa tired so she went to bed early Penggunaan adverb of time: once upon a time, one day, last year, two days ago, etc Penggunaan time conjunction: when, then, suddenly, after, until, before, since, while, once, etc. 8. Macam-macam jenis narrative text:

Folktale (Cerita Rakyat) Cerita rakyat atau folktale adalah cerita kepercayaan yang telah lama ada dalam masyarakat. Cerita ini berasal dari para nenek moyang dan disampaikan dari mulut ke mulut. Cerita rakyat masih terus diceritakan hingga kini. Legend (Legenda) Legend (legenda) adalah cerita yang sudah lama tersebar luas di masyarakat dan diyakini sebagai sebuah sejarah atau dipercaya sebagai hal yang benar terjadi di


masa lalu, umumnya dipercaya karena adanya bukti peninggalan yang masih tersisa. Myth (Mitos) Mitos adalah cerita yang berhubungan dengan hal gaib, menceritakan asal usul suatu kebudayaan, yang biasanya dihubungkan dengan makhluk gaib seperti dewa dan sebagainya. Fable (Fabel) Fabel adalah cerita yang menggunakan tokoh hewan di dalamnya. Tujuan fabel adalah untuk menghibur para pembaca saja, disamping itu fabel juga mengandung nilai moral yang ingin disampaikan, misalnya sikap tolong menolong dan lain sebagainya. Short Story (Cerita Pendek) Short story atau cerita pendek adalah cerita yang bersifat fiktif atau hanya berupa khayalan. Siapapun bisa membuat cerita dalam bentuk short story ini karena berasal dari hasil imajinasi seseorang.

S. Langkah Pembelajaran ( Pertemuan pertama) Pendahuluan Alokasi Waktu (menit) Tahapan Pembelajaran Kegiatan Guru Pendahuluan 4. Salam 5 5. Membaca doa 6. Absen 2. Mengamati pengetahuan siswa tentang narrative 5 text dengan bertanya menggunakan pertanyaan umum seperti: c. Apa yang kalian ketahui tentang narrative text? d. Apa saja jenis narrative text? 3. Memberikan motivasi belajar 5 4. Menjelaskan indikator dan tujuan pembelajaran. Alokasi Kegiatan Inti Waktu (menit) Kegiatan Inti 10. Guru menjelaskan definisi, tujuan, struktur, 60 unsur kebahasaan, dan kosa kata dalam teks narasi menggunakan ppt.


11. Siswa diberi kesempatan untuk bertanya mengenai materi yang sudah dijelaskan dan guru memberi pertanyan untuk mengetahui jika siswa sudah mengerti. 12. Siswa diminta mengerjakan tugas yang telah di sediakan oleh guru. 13. Siswa dan guru mengoreksi dan membahas satu persatu tugas yang telah dikerjakan bersama- sama. 14. Siswa diminta untuk mencari teks narrative sebagai tugas rumah. Penutup Refleksi dan 4. Menampilkan video tentang Narrative text. 15 Evaluasi 5. Memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik bertanya mengenai materi pelajaran yang belum dimengerti. 6. Mengevluasi ketercapaian indikator. 7. Berdoa.

T. Langkah Pembelajaran (pertemuan kedua) Pendahuluan Alokasi Waktu Tahapan Pembelajaran Kegiatan Guru Pendahuluan 1. Salam 20 2. Membaca doa 3. Absen 4. Membahas kembali materi sebelumnya 5. Memberikan motivasi belajar 6. Meminta siswa maju ke depan kelas untuk menuliskan judul dongeng yang mereka ketahui. 7. Menjelaskan indikator dan tujuan pembelajaran Alokasi Kegiatan Inti Waktu (menit)


Kegiatan Inti 15. Guru menjelaskan jenis-jenis narrative text 60 16. Siswa diberi kesempatan untuk bertanya mengenai materi yang sudah dijelaskan dan guru memberi pertanyan untuk mengetahui jika siswa sudah mengerti. 17. Siswa diminta untuk membentuk kelompok yang terdiri dari 5 orang, kemudian masing-masing kelompok diminta untuk menyusun teks acak menjadi text yang utuh dan mengidentifikasi teks tersebut. 18. Perwakilan kelompok ditunjuk secara random untuk menjelaskan isi dari teks tersebut. 19. Guru meminta siswa untuk membaca text yang telah mereka cari sebelumnya dan mengidentifikasi unsur-unsur dan pesan moral yang ada pada teks secara individu 20. Siswa diminta maju ke depan kelas untuk menjelaskan text mereka. 21. Guru memberikan komentar atas penampilan dan pemahaman siswa. 22. Siswa diminta menonton video singkat terkait narrative text yang telah disediakan oleh guru. 23. Siswa diminta untuk menuliskan kembali isi video tersebut. Penutup Refleksi dan 1. Mereview kembali keseluruhan materi yang telah 10 Evaluasi dipelajari bersama-sama. 2. Memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik bertanya mengenai materi pelajaran yang belum dimengerti. 3. Mengevluasi ketercapaian indikator. 4. Berdoa. U. Langkah Pembelajaran (Pertemuan ketiga) Pendahuluan Alokasi Waktu (menit) Tahapan Pembelajaran Kegiatan Guru Pendahuluan 1. Salam 10 2. Membaca doa


3. Absen 3. Membahas kembali materi sebelumnya 4. Memberikan motivasi belajar

Alokasi Kegiatan Inti Waktu (menit) Kegiatan Inti 1. Guru menunjukan beberapa contoh narrative text. 60 2. Siswa diberi kesempatan untuk mengidentifikasi kembali unsur-unsur yang ada di dalam teks tersebut 3. Siswa diminta untuk menjelaskan unsur-unsur yang terkandung dalam teks tersebut. 4. Guru menyiapkan beberapa teks dialog untuk dibaca siswa secara berpasangan. 5. Guru mengambil nilai speaking siswa. 6. Guru memberikan komentar atas penampilan siswa 7. Siswa diminta untuk membuat beberapa kalimat past tense. Penutup Refleksi dan 1. Mereview kembali keseluruhan materi yang telah 10 Evaluasi dipelajari bersama-sama. 2. Memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik bertanya mengenai materi pelajaran yang belum dimengerti. 3. Mengevluasi ketercapaian indikator. 4. Memberi tahu materi apa yang akan dipelajari minggu depan. 5. Berdoa.

V. Penilaian Hasil Belajar 3. Teknik Penilaian d. Penilaian kompetensi sikap 2) Penilaian kompetensi sikap peserta didik menggunakan teknik observasi yang dilakukan secara berkesinambungan melalui pengamatan perilaku. Hasil observasi dicatat dalam jurnal yang dibuat selama satu semester oleh guru mata pelajaran.


e. Penilaian kompetensi pengetahuan Penilaian kompetensi pengetahuan peserta didik meliputi; 2) Tes tertulis berupa pilihan ganda f. Penilaian kompetensi keterampilan Penilaian kompetensi keterampilan peserta didik meliputi; 2) Penilaian kerja kelompok dan diskusi 4. Instrumen Penilaian d. Instrumen penilaian kompetensi sikap (terlampir) e. Instrumen penilaian kompetensi pengetahuan (terlampir) f. Instrumen penilaian kompetensi keterampilan (terlampir) Tangerang Selatan, 1 April 2019


Guru mata pelajaran Mahasiswa Peneliti

Dra. Zuhairiah Sri Ulfa Gusmeri

NIP. 196205292007012005 NIM. 11150140000079

II. LAMPIRAN I (Soal) The following text is for questions 1-5

The Good Stepmother

The old witch locked Hansel in a cage and set Gretel to clean the house. She planned to eat them both. Each night the children cried and begged the witch to let them go. Meanwhile, at home, their stepmother was beginning to wish she had


never tried to get rid of the children. “I must find them,” she said and set off into the forest. Many hours later, when her feet were tired from walking and her lips were dry from thirst, she came to the cottage belonging to the witch. The stepmother peeped through the window. Her heart cried out when she saw the two children. She picked up the broom leaning against the door and crept inside. The witch was putting some stew in the oven when the stepmother gave her an almighty push. The witch fell into the oven and the stepmother shut the door. ‘Children, I have come to save you,’ she said hugging them tightly. I have done a dreadful thing. I hope in time you will forgive me. Let me take you home and become a family again. They returned to their home and the stepmother became the best mother anyone could wish to have, and of course they lived happily ever after!

The story is about….

A. Two children went to school for the first time B. A witch who is really kind C. A father who begged a witch for money D. A stepmother who saved her children from a witch E. Two children saved their stepmother from a witch

Jawaban: D

3. Which statement is FALSE about the witch? A. She locked Hansel in a cage B. She planned to eat Hansel & Gretel C. She fell into the ocean D. She hated the children E. She set Gretel to clean the house

Jawaban: C

“The witch fell into the oven and the stepmother shut the door.” (Paragraph 4)

3. The underlined word can be replaced by the word…

A. Marked B. Painted C. Opened D. Polished E. Closed


Jawaban: E

5. How did the stepmother find her children? A. She walked into the forest B. She got tired and met her children C. She peeped through the window of the witch’s cottage D. She fell into the cliff E. She was pushed against the wall

Jawaban: C

5. What the genre of this text?

A. Fiction D. Mystery

B. Folk tales E. Horror

C. Fairy tales

Jawaban: A

The following text is for question 6-10

The Story of the Smart Parrot

A man in Puerto Rico had a wonderful parrot. There was no other parrot like it. It was very, very smart. This parrot would say any word-except one. He would not say the name of the town where he was born. The name of the town was Catano. The man tried to teach the parrot to say Catano. But the bird would not say the word. At first the man was very nice, but then he got angry. “You are a stupid bird! Why can’t you say the word? Say Catano, or I will kill you!” but the parrot would not say it. Then the man got to so angry that the shouted over and over, “Say Catano, or I’ll kill you!” but the bird wouldn’t talk.

One day after trying for many hours to make the bird say Catano, the man got very angry. He picked up the bird and threw him into the chicken house. “You are more stupid than the chickens. Soon I will eat them, and I will eat you, too.” In the chicken house there are four old chickens. They were for Sunday’s dinner. The man put the parrot in the chicken house and left. The next day the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door and stopped. He was very surprised at


what he saw! He saw three dead chickens on the floor. The parrot was screaming at the fourth chicken, “Say Catano, or I’ll kill you!

6. Where does the story take place?

A. Indonesia B. Brazil C. Puerto Rico D. New York E. Jepang

Jawaban: C

7. From the text we learn that…

A. We have to follow others B. We have to respect pet owner C. We have to imitate others D. We are not allowed to force others E. We are not allowed to help others

Jawaban: D

8. Which statement is false according to the text?

A. Catano was the name of the city where the parrot came from B. The man got angry at the parrot C. The parrot couldn’t say Catano D. The man killed the parrot E. The parrot could say Catano

Jawaban: C

10. “It was very, very smart” The underlined word refers to…

A. The chicken B. The man C. The Catano D. The city E. The bird

Jawaban: E

10. What the genre of this text?


A. Fiction

B. Fable

C. Fairy tales

D. Mystery

E. Horror

Jawaban: B

( Contoh text yang digunakan) The Fairy Tulips Once upon a time there was a good old woman who lived in a little house. She had in her garden a bed of beautiful striped tulips.One night she was wakened by the sounds of sweet singing and of babies laughing. She looked out at the window. The sounds seemed to come from the tulip bed, but she could see nothing.The next morning she walked among her flowers, but there were no signs of any one having been there the night before. On the following night she was again wakened by sweet singing and babies laughing. She rose and stole softly through her garden. The moon was shining brightly on the tulip bed, and the flowers were swaying to and fro. The old woman looked closely and she saw, standing by each tulip, a little Fairy mother who was crooning and rocking the flower like a cradle, while in each tulip-cup lay a little Fairy baby laughing and playing. The good old woman stole quietly back to her house, and from that time on she never picked a tulip, nor did she allow her neighbors to touch the flowers.The tulips grew daily brighter in color and larger in size, and they gave out a delicious perfume like that of roses. They began, too, to bloom all the year round. And every night the little Fairy mothers caressed their babies and rocked them to sleep in the flower-cups. The day came when the good old woman died, and the tulip-bed was torn up by folks who did not know about the Fairies, and parsley was planted there instead of the flowers. But the parsley withered, and so did all the other plants in the garden, and from that time nothing would grow there. But the good old woman’s grave grew beautiful, for the Fairies sang above it, and kept it green; while on the grave and all around it there sprang up tulips, daffodils, and violets, and other lovely flowers of spring. Nyi Roro Kidul Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Kadita. Because of her beauty she was called Dewi Srengenge which mean The beautiful sun. Her father was King Munding Wangi. Although he had a beautiful daughter he always unhappy because he always expected to have a son. The King decided to merry Dewi Mutiara, and he had a son from her. He was very happy. Dewi Mutiara wanted her son to become a king in the future so she must make sure for it. Dewi mutiara came to the king and asked him to send away his daughter. Of course, the king did


not agree. “It is ridiculous, I will not allow any body doing such cruel thing to my daughter”, said King Munding Wangi. When she heard the answer, Dewi mutiara smiled and said a sweet thing until the king has not anger anymore. However, she kept her bad intention deep in her heart. In the morning before the sun raised, Dewi Mutiara sent her maid to call a black magician. She wanted the black magician to curse Kadita, her step daughter. ” I want her beautiful body full with scabies and itch. If you succeeded I will reward you with the present you never thought before”. The black magician did the queen order, in the night Kadita body has been full with scabies and itch. When She waked up , she found her body was smell stinky and have a ulcer all over her body. The beautiful princess cried and did not know what to do. When The King heard he was very sad, he invited many physician to cure her daughter illness. Day by the day nobody could cure her daughter. He realized that her daughter illness it was not a ordinary illness someone must send a curse or magic spell. His problem became more difficult when the Queen Dewi Mutiara forced him to send away her daughter. “Your daughter will bring a bad luck to whole country, said Dewi Mutiara. The king did not want her daughter become a bad rumour in whole country. Finally he must agree to send her only daughter to leave the country. The poor princess went alone, she didn’t know to where she should go. She almost could not cry anymore. She had a nobble heart. She did not have any bad feeling with her step mother, instead she always asked the God to accompany her passed her suffer. Almost seven day and seven night she has walked until she came to south ocean. She looked at the ocean. It was so clean and clear, unlike other ocean which have a blue or green colour. She jumped onto the water and swim. Suddenly when the south ocean water touched her skin there was a miracle happened. Her ulcer has gone and there was no sign that she has ever had a scabies or itch. Even more she became more beautiful than before. Not only that she has a power to command whole of the south ocean. Now she became a fairy called Nyi Roro Kidul or The Queen of South Ocean who lived forever.

Dewi Sri

Once upon a time, Batara Guru commanded all the gods and goddesses to contribute their power in order to build a new palace. Anybody who disobeyed this commandment were considered lazy and would lose their arms and legs.

Hearing the Batara Guru’s commandment, Naga god was very anxious because he didn’t have arms or legs. He might not be able do the job. So he asked advice from Batara Narada who was the younger brother of Batara Guru. Unfortunately Narada was also confused. The Naga god became very upset. While the Naga god was crying for his bad luck, three teardrops fell on the ground. Not long after that, those teardrops became three beautiful shining eggs which looked like jewels. Then


Batara Narada advised him to offer those shining eggs to Batara Guru. With the three eggs in his mouth, the Naga god went to the Batara Guru’s palace. On the way, an eagle asked him a question. Surely Naga god could not answer the question because he was holding the eggs in his mouth. Seeing that, the bird thought that Naga god was arrogant and the bird attacked him. Being attacked, one egg fell to earth. Then Naga god was hiding in the bushes but the bird was waiting for him. The bird attacked for the second time and one egg fell again. So Naga god only had one egg in his mouth. He kept moving to Batara Guru’s palace.

Finally Naga god arrived at the palace. He offered the egg to the Batara Guru. And miraculously the egg hatched became a very beautiful baby girl. Naga god gave the baby girl to the Batara Guru. The baby grew up into a beautiful girl and later known for Dewi Sri.



Danni : Hei, Shon. Happy New Year.

Shoni : Happy New Year too, Dan.

Danni : How was your New Year celebration?

Shoni : It was fun. My family and I camped on a hill.

Danni : Wow, what were the activities?

Shoni : There were many outdoor activities. They were like scout activities.

Danni : Who managed the camp activities?

The company where my father works. What about you? How was your New Shoni : Year celebration?

Danni : It was same as last year. No special celebration.

That’s okay. Oh yeah, next weekend I will go hiking with my family. Do Shoni : you want to join us?

Danni : Really? May I join?

Shoni : Absolutely yes! You’re my best friend.


Danni : Thank you

Shoni : Don’t mention it.


Sonya : Hey, Alle. Do you want some green tea ice cream?

Alle : Oh, No. I don’t.

Sonya : Why? Don’t you like ice cream?

Alle : Nope. I have bad experience with ice cream.

Sonya : How was it? Tell me.

It was a long time ago when I was 10 years old. I visited Uncle John by Alle : my self. He wasn’t at home but the door was unlocked. He probably forgot to lock the door so I came in.

Sonya : And then?

Alle : Then I was hungry. I looked into his fridge. Did you know what I saw?

Sonya : What did you see? Let me guess… You found ice cream…

Alle : Exactly! I found a cup of ice cream. The color was green.

Sonya : Was it green tea flavour? I love green tea. (

Alle : You’ll know later. Because I was so hungry, then I ate it all.

Sonya : Was it yummy?

Alle : At first, yes, it was yummy because I was hungry.

Sonya : And then?

Uncle John came. He told me that he did a spectacular experiment. He Alle : made ice cream with catterpilar.

Sonya : What??? Eeeuuwww!!!


I did hope the result of his crazy experiment wasn’t the ice cream that I Alle : had eaten.

Sonya : So, did you ask him?

Nope. He saw the empty cup and realized that I had eaten the ice cream. Alle : He asked me many questions. How did it taste? Did I like it? And many more questions.

Sonya : Oh, My God!. Then what did you feel?

I was dizzy and wanted to throw up. I went to the toilet and threw up there. Alle : Oh, it was so bad.

Sonya : Oh, I can’t imagine it.

Alle : No, you should not image it. It was so disgusting.


Megha : Oh, finally we are back to school.

Wintang : What happen? Don’t you like school holiday?

Megha : I do, but not last holiday.

Wintang : Why?

Megha : Because I always felt tired at the end of the day.

Wintang : What did you do?

I took care of all my siblings during the holiday. You know, I have two Megha : young sisters and one baby brother.

Wintang : What about your parents? Where did they go?

Megha : My dad died five years ago and my mom worked as usual.

Wintang : I am sorry about your dad.


Megha : That’s OK.

Did you do it yourself? Didn’t your mother ask somebody to take care Wintang : of them?

Yes, she did. Ratna usually helps us to take care of my brother and Megha : sisters. But she was sick last month.

Wintang : Why didn’t your mother find somebody else?

She tried to contact her friends and asked them. But nobody was Megha : available at that time.

Wintang : How did you manage your time?

My mother and I had made a schedule for taking care of my baby Megha : brother. I followed it.

Oh, I can image how tiring it was. What did your mother do before she Wintang : went to work?

My mother woke up early and prepared everything before she left. She bathed baby brother and two young sisters. In the afternoon she went Megha : home for one and a half hours. Then she was back to work and finally came home at 4 p.m.

Oh, I see. You know, if I knew that you took care of your siblings, I Wintang : would come to help you.

Megha : Really? But it was tiring.

Wintang : Yeah, but I want to know how it feels.

Megha : What do you wanna feel?

Being an elder sister. I am the youngest child in my family. I don’t have Wintang : any younger sister or brother. You are so lucky!

Megha : Okay, next time you can come to my house to play with them.

Wintang : Oh, I’m so happy. When? What about this weekend? Okay?


Megha : Okay, if you aren’t busy.

Wintang : Not at all.


Cahaya : Hi, Bulan. What did you do last weekend?

Bulan : Oh, I did a lot of things. I went to a village last Saturday.

Cahaya : Who did you visit?

Bulan : I visited my grandparents. They live in the village.

Cahaya : Oh, I see. Who did you go with?

I went there with all of my family. They were mother, father and my Bulan : younger sisters.

Cahaya : Wow, that would be so fun!

Bulan : Yeah, it was so fun. And we also felt tired.

Cahaya : What did you do there?

We helped our grandparents in the farm. My sisters and I fed the cows, Bulan : chicken, pigs and horses. Then we took some chicken eggs and gave them to mother and grandmother. They cooked our lunch.

Cahaya : Did you ride a horse?

Yes, we did. My sisters were really excited to ride a horse. They weren’t Bulan : afraid at all.

Cahaya : What about you?

Bulan : Of course I rode a horse too.

Cahaya : No, that’s not my question. My question is: Were you afraid at that time?

Bulan : Me? Ha ha! Of course… I was … a little bit afraid.

Cahaya : Ha ha! I knew it.


Bulan : So, tell me about yours. What did you do last weekend?

Nothing special. I didn’t do any fun activities like you. I was just at home Cahaya : on Saturday. And yeah, on Sunday I went fishing with my dad.

Bulan : How many fish did you get?

Cahaya : We got only some fish because we had to finish it earlier.

Bulan : Oh, why?

Because my dad’s friend called him. He had to go and meet his friends. Cahaya : He forgot that he had had a promise to his friends.

Oh… don’t be sad. There will be other weekends, right? I hope you will Bulan : have fun things to do next weekend.

Cahaya : Yeah, I hope so. Thank you.

Bulan : You are welcome.

K. LAMPIRAN 2 (Rubrik penilaian sikap)


N Rasa Ingin Tanggung Jml Nama Jujur Teliti o Tahu Jawab Skor 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3





Kriteria penilaian:

Rentang jumlah skor: 10 – 12 (baik)

7 – 9 (cukup)

4 – 6 (kurang) Nilai = 횺퐒퐤퐨퐫 퐩퐞퐫퐨퐥퐞퐡퐚퐧 x 100 퐒퐤퐨퐫 퐭퐨퐭퐚퐥

Rubrik Penilaian Sikap

Karakter Skor Indikator

Rasa 1 Tidak menunjukan antusias dalam pembelajaran, sulit terlibat Ingin dalam kegiatan kelompok walaupun sudah di dorong untuk Tahu terlibat. 2 Menunjukan rasa ingin tahu, namun tidak terlalu antusian dan baru terlibat aktif dalam kegiatan kelompok setelah di suruh untuk terlibat. 3 Menunjukan rasa ingin tahu yang besar, antusias dan aktif dalam kegiatan kelompok Jujur 1 Tidak menunjukan kejujuran dan berusaha mencari jawaban dari kelompok lain dengan cara menyontek.

2 Menunjukan kejujurannya, namun kurang menunjukan kerjasama kelompok dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang ada di LKS 3 Menunjukan kejujurannya dan menunjukan kerjasama kelompok dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang ada di LKS 1 Tidak ikut mengerjakan tugas yang tertera dalam LKS


Tanggung 2 Ikut mengerjakan tugas , namun tidak dengan sungguh-sungguh. Jawab 3 Ikut mengerjakan tugas dengan sungguh-sungguh Teliti 1 Tidak teliti dalam mengerjakan tugas kelompok yang tertera dalam LKS 2 Kurang teliti dalam mengerjakan tugas kelompok yang tertera dalam LKS. 3 Teliti dalam mengerjakan tugas kelompok yang tertera dalam LKS


Nilai = 횺퐒퐤퐨퐫 퐩퐞퐫퐨퐥퐞퐡퐚퐧 x 100 퐒퐤퐨퐫 퐭퐨퐭퐚퐥 Rentang jumlah skor: 10 – 12 (baik)

7 – 9 (cukup)

5 – 6 (kurang)

K. LAMPIRAN 3 (Penilaian)

2. Penilaian Speaking (oral) Berikut ini adalah beberapa komponen yang termasuk ke dalam penilaian speaking, antara lain:

D. Pronunciation Guru menilai aspek ini dengan meminta siswa untuk membaca teks narrative. 5 : Mudah dipahami dan memiliki aksen penutur asli. 4 : Mudah dipahami meskipun dengan aksen tertentu. 3 : Ada beberapa kesalahan pengucapan yang membuat pendengar harus konsentrasi penuh dan kadang-kadang ada kesalahpahaman. 2 : Sulit dipahami karena ada beberapa masalah pengucapan, sering diminta mengulang. 3 : Masalah pengucapan serius sehingga tidak bisa dipahami.

E. Accuracy Guru menilai aspek ini dengan mendengarkan secara cermat saat siswa membaca teks narrative.


5 : Tidak ada kesalahan atau melakukan kesalahan kecil. 4 : Beberapa kali melakukan kesalahan tetapi tidak memengaruhi makna. 3 : Beberapa kali melakukan kesalahan dan memengaruhi makna. 4 : Melakukan banyak kesalahan dan memengaruhi makna. 2 : Melakukan banyak kesalahan dan sulit untuk dimengerti. F. Fluency Guru menilai aspek ini dengan mendengarkan dan memerhatikan cara siswa ketika membaca teks narrative.

5 : Berbicara dengan lancar dan mirip dengan penutur asli. 4 : Sedikit terdistraksi karna kesalahan penggunaan bahasa. 3 : Banyak terdistraksi karna kesalahan penggunaan bahasa. 2 : Sering ragu dan berhenti karna keterbatasan bahasa. 1 : Tidak lancar sehingga terkadang mengakibatkan percakapan tidak terjadi. Nilai

Nilai = 횺퐒퐤퐨퐫 퐩퐞퐫퐨퐥퐞퐡퐚퐧 x 100 퐒퐤퐨퐫 퐭퐨퐭퐚퐥 Rentang jumlah skor: 10 – 15 (baik)

7 – 9 (cukup)

4 – 6 (kurang)

Appendix 3 Validation Pre-test

No Key Statistik Butir Soal Interpretation Soal Tingkat Daya Tingkat Status Butir Kesukaran Pembeda Kesukaran soal 1 D 0,75 0,50 Mudah Soal Baik 2 E 0,65 0,40 Sedang Soal Baik 3 C 0,80 0,40 Mudah Soal Baik 4 C 0,65 0,70 Sedang Soal Baik 5 E 0,80 0,40 Mudah Soal Baik 6 E 0,50 0,40 Sedang Soal Baik 7 C 0,80 0,40 Mudah Soal Baik 8 B 0,30 0,40 Sedang Soal Baik 9 A 0,35 0,50 Sedang Soal Baik 10 A 0,85 0,50 Mudah Soal Baik


11 C 0,65 0,40 Sedang Soal Baik 12 A 0,50 0,40 Sedang Soal Baik 13 A 0,70 0,40 Mudah Soal Baik 14 E 0,70 0,40 Mudah Soal Baik 15 A 0,85 0,50 Mudah Soal Baik 16 C 0,80 0,40 Mudah Soal Baik 17 D 0,65 0,50 Sedang Soal Baik 18 E 0,85 0,40 Mudah Soal Baik 19 E 0,70 0,40 Mudah Soal Baik 20 B 0,75 0,50 Mudah Soal Baik 21 A 0,45 0,50 Sedang Soal Baik 22 C 0,50 0,60 Sedang Soal Baik 23 E 0,70 0,60 Mudah Soal Baik 24 C 0,85 0,50 Mudah Soal Baik 25 A 0,65 0,50 Sedang Soal Baik 26 A 0,50 0,40 Sedang Soal Baik 27 A 0,55 0,50 Sedang Soal Baik 28 C 0,80 0,40 Mudah Soal Baik 29 B 0,60 0,40 Sedang Soal Baik 30 C 0,70 0,40 Mudah Soal Baik 31 E 0,85 0,50 Mudah Soal Baik 32 E 0,75 0,50 Mudah Soal Baik 33 B 0,80 0,40 Mudah Soal Baik 34 E 0,60 0,60 Sedang Soal Baik 35 B 0,50 0,60 Sedang Soal Baik 36 E 0,60 0,80 Sedang Soal Baik 37 C 0,50 0,40 Sedang Soal Baik 38 B 0,80 0,40 Mudah Soal Baik 39 E 0,85 0,50 Mudah Soal Baik 40 B 0,70 0,40 Mudah Soal Baik Appendix 4 The Result of Pre-test and Post-test

TableThe Result of Experimentall Class No. Students Name Pre-Test (X) Post Test (Y) 1. Fadhia 90 92.5 2. Lina 87.5 92.5 3. Dinda Tti 87.5 90 4. Annisa 85 87.5 5. Aditya 82.5 85 6. Adies 82.5 90


7. M. Sugeri 80 87.5 8. Dinda F 85 87.5 9. Nesta 85 87.5 10. Syaharani 77.5 82.5 11. Elena 75 80 12. Hana 72.5 77.5 13. Eky 77.5 80 14. Salwa 75 80 15. Yasar 70 77.5 16. Nabila 75 82.5 17. M. Farhan 72.5 77.5 18. Mutiara 65 75 19. Nadia 62.5 80 20. Ahmad Fajar 60 77.5 21. dio 60 77.5 22. Hilmi 62.5 67.5 23. Fauzan 57.5 75 24. Danang 52.5 67.5 25. Reyhan 55 75 26. Syarifah 47.5 75 No. Students Name Pre-Test (X) Post Test (Y) 27. Kamila 45 67.5 28. Putra 45 85 29. Sabila 42.5 87.5 30. Jihan 45 70 31. Devara 67.5 87.5

TableThe Result of Controlled Class No. Students Name Pre-Test (X) Post Test (Y) 1. Iffat 87.5 90


2. Bagus 85 87.5 3. M. Rafi Syawaldi 75 77.5 4. Salfa 70 72.5 5. Mardalina 72.5 77.5 6. Yuga 72.5 77.5 7. Nabila 77.5 82.5 8. M. Fikram 77.5 80 9. Delia 70 80 10. M. Firmansyah 72.5 80 11. Ananda Naila 70 77.5 12. Akmal 65 67.5 13. Nafiza 70 72.5 14. Rehan 62.5 67.5 15. Neng Nadila 60 70 16. Andika 65 67.5 17. Harist 65 67.5 18. Rana Muti 72.5 75 19. Alvionita 82.5 85 20. Abdurahman 60 65 21. Alfath 55 60 No. Students Name Pre-Test (X) Post Test (Y) 22. M. Rafhi 50 57.5 23. M. Farhan 55 62.5 24. Sri Hanung 55 60 25. Dinarty 60 65 26. Dzikri 65 67.5 27. Yoan 80 82.5 28. Berliyan 80 82.5 29. Tiaharani 67.5 70 30. Adiva 67.5 70


31. Michael Matheo 75 80

Appendix 5 Example Score from Controlled Class


Appendix 6 Example Score of Experimental Class


Appendix 7 SPSS homogen and t-test


Test of Homogeneity of Variance

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

Based on Mean ,016 1 60 ,900

Based on Median ,009 1 60 ,926

Hasil Belajar Siswa Based on Median and with ,009 1 59,999 ,926 adjusted df

Based on trimmed mean ,013 1 60 ,911

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test t-test for Equality of Means for Equality of Variances

F Sig. t df Sig. Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence (2- Difference Difference Interval of the tailed) Difference

Lower Upper

Equal variances ,016 ,900 2,335 60 ,023 4,323 1,851 ,620 8,025 assumed

Equal variances not 2,335 59,998 ,023 4,323 1,851 ,620 8,025 assumed

Appendix 8 Blue Print Instrument

Kisi-Kisi Penulisan Soal Pre-Test dan Post-Test Semester Genap


Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019 Nama Sekolah : SMAN 10 Tangerang Selatan Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Aspek/Skill : Reading Narrative Text Jumlah Soal : 40 Kelas/Semester : X/2 Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit

Pre-test Aspect Sub-aspect Indicator Test Item Total

Main Idea Students are able to 6, 10, 13 3 understand main idea of the text.

Supporting idea Students are able to find 1, 17, 23, 5 supporting detail of the text. 25, 30

Detail Students are able to find detail 7, 14, 19, 7 in the text. 20, 21, 24, 27 Reading Comprehension Moral Value Students are able to 8, 13, 33 3 understand the moral value from the text.

Vocabulary Students are able to 5, 29, 32 3 understand vocabulary from the text.

Excluding fact Students are able to 12, 22, 5 not written understand fact not written 26, 37, 40 from the text.

Specific Students are able to 4, 15, 16, 5 information understand specific 31, 38 information from the text.

Supporting detail Students be able to 2, 3, 9, 6 understand the supporting 18, 28, 35 detail like character of the text. Expressions in Students are able to 11, 34, 3 context understand the expression 36 from dialog in text.



Aspect Sub-aspect Indicator Test Item Total

Main Idea Students are able to 4, 11, 17, 5 understand main idea of the 26, 29 text.

Supporting idea Students are able to find 2, 8, 24, 4 supporting detail of the text. 27

Detail Students are able to find detail 9, 19, 22, 6 in the text. 32, 33, 38

Reading Moral Value Students are able to 7, 10, 13, 8 Comprehension understand the moral value 16, 20, from the text. 25, 28, 31

Vocabulary Students are able to 5, 14, 21 3 understand vocabulary from the text.

Excluding fact Students are able to 1, 3, 6, 15 4 not written understand fact not written from the text.

Specific Students are able to 12, 23, 5 information understand specific 34, 35, 39 information from the text.

Supporting detail Students are able to 3, 18, 36, 5 understand supporting detail 37, 40 like character of the text.

Expressions in Students are able to - - context understand expression from dialog in text.

Appendix 9 Instrument of Pre-test and Post-test


Read the text to answer number 1 – 5

Once upon a time, there was an old woman who lived in a very old hut near a forest with her only daughter. The daughter’s name is Misna. She is beautiful but she had envious heart. One day she saw girl of her age passing by her hut. The girl was joining her father hunting. She dressed in beautiful cloth. His father’s assistants respected her. Misna could not sleep when she was remembering this. She was very angry with her condition. She hated her hopeless mother. In the morning she shouted at her mother. She wanted her mother to buy the most beautiful gown in the markets for her. Of course her mother could not afford it. Then she cried and cried. She did not want to eat anything. Her mother was very sad. She decided to sell a piece of land, the only valuable thing that she had. She bought her beloved daughter a very beautiful dress. Misna admired herself. She wanted to show everybody that she was a very beautiful girl. She asked her mother to bring her to another village. Along the way, she smiled to everyone. People in the village thought that she was a princess. They gave her a high respect and invited her to have meal in their house. Misna enjoyed this and told everybody that she was princess and mother was maid. Her mother was very sad but she kept her felling deep in the heart. On the way home Misna met a handsome prince. He was interested in her and wanted to marry her. Misna told the prince that her mother had died and father went married to another woman. She was having a long trip with her loyal maid. Listening to this, her mother was very upset. She cried loudly Misna was very angry to her and told her to be away from her. Suddenly there was a heavy rain accompanied with big thunders. Everyone run away to save themselves. Misna was very afraid. She cried. Her mother wanted to help her but she did not want to at that time a big thunder hit her to dead. 1. When did she ask her mother a beautiful dress?

a. since the villagers invited her to have d. After she saw another girl with beautiful meal in their house dress b. when a heavy rain and big thunders e. on the way home she met a handsome came pince c. after her mother sold a piece of her land

2. How could her mother buy her a beautiful dress? a. by robbed a bank d from her saving b. from her salary e. by selling the only land she had c. by asking her relative some money

3. What made her mother cried aloud? a. she was joining her father hunting for a.a d. she wanted her mother to buy the most long time. beautiful gown. a. b. she told the prince that she was her maid.b. e. she told everyone that she was her maid. b. c. she told the prince that her mother had died.


4. What happened at last?

a. Misna was wet in rain d. Misna got married to a prince b. Her mother bought her the most e. She had meal in villagers house beautiful gown c. A thunder hit Misna to dead

5. She is beautiful but she had envious heart

What is the meaning of the underlined word? a. a. Humble a. d. Ambigious b. b. Fierce b. e. Jealous c. c. Festive

Text 2

This text is for no. 6 – 8

The Rabbit Revenge

Long, long ago a rabbit and lion were neighbors. The lion was very proud, and was fond of boasting about his strength. And thought they were such close neighbors, the lion look down upon the rabbit, and use to bully and frighten her. Finally, the rabbit could stand it no longer and wanted to get her own back. One day she went to the lion and said,” Good day, respected elder brother. Image it, I met an animal over there who looked exactly like you, and he said to me, ‘Is there anyone in the world who dares stand up to me? If there is, let me come and have a duel with me. If there is no one, all of you have to submit to my rule and be my servants!” “Oh, he was an intolerable braggart! He is so puffed up with pride that his eyes can’t even light on anymore!” added the rabbit. “Oho,” the lion said. “Didn’t you mention me to him?” “Yes, indeed, “the rabbit replied. “But it would have been better if I hadn’t. When I described how strong you were, he just sneered and said dreadfully rude things. He even went so far as to say that he wouldn’t take you for his attendant!” The lion flew into a rage and roared, “Where is he? Where is he?” Soon the rabbit took the lion a hill and, not going to near herself, pointed to a well from a distance, and said,”He is down there, in the well.” The lion hastened to the well and glared angrily into it. Yes there was his rival who even glared back at him angrily. The lion roared, and his enemy roared back. The lion become so furious that his hair stood on end. So did his enemy on the well. The lion show his teeth and lashed out with his paws to scare his rival and his enemy in the well retaliated! In a fit of anger the lion sprang into the air with all his might and then flung himself at the enemy in the well. The result was that the proud lion was instantly drowned. 6. What is the passage about?


a. Another lion d. An intolerable braggart b. His Neighbor e. The image of the lion himself c. A stronger animal

7. What’s make lion proud?

a. The lion’s paws d. The lion’s paws teeth b. The lion’s hair e. The lion’s eyes c. The lion’s strength

8. What can we learn from the story?

a. A friend in need is a friend indeed. d. An enemy can be a good friend b. Don’t be so arrogant. e. Be a good neighbor. c. We must help each other. Read the text to answer number 9 – 13

Once upon a time there was a poor widow who had an only son named Jack. They were so poor that they didn't have anything except a cow. When the cow had grown too old, his mother sent Jack to the market to sell it. On the way to the market, Jack met a butcher who had some beautiful beans in his hand. The butcher told the boy that the beans were of great value and persuaded the silly lad to sell the cow for the beans. Jack brought them, happily. When he told his mother about this, his mother became so angry that she threw the beans out of the window. When Jack woke up in the morning, he felt the sun shining into a pan of his room, but all the rest was quite dark and shady. So he jumped to the window. What did he see? The beanstalk grew up quite close past Jack’s window. He opened the window and jumped to the beanstalk which ran up just like a big ladder He climbed and climbed till at last he reached the sky. While looking around, he saw a very huge castle. He was very amazed. Then Jack walked along the path leading to the castle. There was a big tail woman on the doorstep. Jack greeted her and asked for the giantess mercy to give him breakfast, because he fell very hungry. Although the giantess grumbled at first, finally she gave Jack a hunk of bread and cheese and a jug of milk. Jack hadn't finished when the whole house began to tremble with the noise of someone's coming. "Oh! It's my husband!" cried the giantess. "What on earth shall I do?" Hastily the giantess opened a very big cupboard and hid Jack there.

9. Where did Jack sell his cow ? a. a. on the way to the market d. d. at a castle b. b. at the market e. e. at the butchers house c. c. at the giants castle

10. what is the story about

a. Jack and the bean stalk d. The giantess and her husband


b. a poor widow and his son e. jack and a butcher c. jack and the giantess

11. Oh ! It’s my husband !" cried the giantess (paragraph 7)

Why the giantess said that?

a. a. Because she displeased with her husbandd. d. Because she angry with her husband b. b. Because she fed up with her husband e. e. Because she annoyed with her husband c. c. Because she afraid of her husband

12. What makes Jack’s mother felt very furious?

a. Because he traded his cow for the beans d. Because the beans were precious b. Because he met a butcher an the way to e. Because he had sold his cow to a the market butcher c. Because the butcher bought his cow

13. What do you think you will learn from the text?

a. Poverty makes people hopeless d. The giantess pity on jack b. Jack was innocent boy e. Jack's mother was a furious mother c. Sincerity makes jack get something precious Read the text to answer number 14 – 18

Once upon a time there were four little rabbits. Their names were Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail and Peter. One morning they were allowed to play outside. Their mother reminded them not to go to Mr. McGregor’s garden because their father had an accident there. Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail were good little rabbits. They went down the lane to pick blackberries. But Peter was naughty. He ran straight away to Mr. McGregor’s garden. He ate some lettuces, French beans, and radishes. Suddenly, he met Mr. McGregor. Peter was very frightened and rushed away as fast as he could. He lost a pair of shoes and a jacket while he was running. Peter never stopped running or looked behind him till he got home. During the evening, he was sick because he was so tired. He had to drink some medicine while three of his brother had bread, mild and blackberries for supper. 14. Who was the naughtiest rabbit ?

a. Mr. McGregor d. Flopsy b. Cotton-tail e. Peter c. Mopsy

15. What did Peter brother’s eat?

a. blackberries d. lettuce b. strawberry e. french beans c. carrot


16. What did Peter lose while he was running?

a. a bluberries d. medicine b. vegetable e. one of his shoes c. a pair of shoes

17. Why did Peter get sick and cannot eating together with his brothers?

a. He was eating to much d. He was so tired b. He was naughty e. He did not eat c. He caught a cold

18. Who is the person that Peter meet in the garden?

a. Mrs. McGregor d. his mother b. His father e. Mr McGregor c. Flopsy Read the text to answer number 19 – 23

In the Kingdom of Medang Kamulan, in Java, came a young when man, by the name of Aji Saka to fight Dewatacengkar, the cruel King of The Country who had a habit to eat human flesh of his own people. Aji Saka himself he came from Bumi Majeti. One day he told his two servants, by the name of Dara and Sembodo, that he was going to java. He told them that while he was away, both of them have to guards his Heirloom / Pusoko. No one except Aji Saka himself not a allowed to take the Pusoko. In the big battle, Aji Saka could successfully push Dewata Cengkar to fall to the South Sea. Dewata Cengkar did not die, he became a Bajul Putih (White Crocodile). Aji Saka became a ruler of Medangkamulan. Meanwhile a woman of the village of Dadapan, found an egg. She put the egg in her Lumbung (Rice Barn). After a certain period the egg vanished, instead a snake found in the rice barn. The villagers would like to kill the snake, but the snake said : “I’m the son Aji Saka, bring me to him”. Aji Saka told the snake, that he would be recognized as his son, if he could kill the Bajul Putih in the South Sea. After a long stormy battle which both sides demonstrating physical strength and showing skillfull ability of fighting, the snake could kill Bajul Putih. As had been promised the snake was recognized as Aji Saka’s son and he was given a name Jaka Linglung (a stupid boy). In the palace Jaka Linglung greedily ate domestic pets of the palace. He was punished by the King, expelling him to live in the Jungle of Pesanga. he was tightly roped until he could not move his head. He was instructed only to eat things which fall to his mouth. One day, a group of 9 (nine) village boys were playing around in that Jungle. Suddenly it was raining heavily. They had to find a shelter, luckily there was a cave. Only 8 (eight) boys went inside the cave, the other one who was suffering from very bad skin disease, sting and dirty, he had to stay out of the cave. All of a sudden, the cave was falling apart. The 8 (eight) boys vanished, only the one who stayed outside was safe. The cave in fact was the mouth of Jaka Linglung. 19. Who was Dewatacengkar ?


a. Jaka linglung d. Bajul Putih b. a young wise man e. The cruel king c. White crocodile

20. Where did the woman put the egg ?

a. Inside the cave d. In the palace b. In a rice barn e. In the jungle of pasanga c. In the south sea

21. Where did Aji Saka come from ?

a. Bumi Majeti d. Dadapan Village b. Jungle of Pesanga e. South Sea c. Medang Kamulan

22. Who was Jaka Linglung ?

a. The cruel king d. A stupid boy b. The snake was recognized as e. A greedy pet belong to Aji Saka Dewaracengkar’s son c. The snake was recognized as Aji Saka’s son

23. Why did the king punish Jaka linglung to live in the jungle of Pesanga? because ......

a. Jaka linglung put the egg in the rice born d. Jaka linglung could kill Bajul Putih b. Jaka linglung pushed Dewata Cengkor e. Jaka linglung greedily ate domestic pets to fall to the Sout sea of the palace c. Jaka linglung greedily ate human flesh of the village

Read the text for number 24 - 26

A fox fell into a well and couldn’t get out. By and by a thirsty goat came along. Seeing the fox in the well it asked if the water was good. “Good”, said the fox. “It’s the best water I’ve tasted in all my life. Come down and try it yourself. “The goat thought of nothing but how thirsty he was. So he jumped into the well. When he had drunk enough he looked around but there was no way to get out. Then the fox said, “I have a good idea. You stand on your hind legs and put your forelegs against the side of the well. Then I’ll climb on your back, from there I’ll step on your horns, and I can get out. And when I’m out I’ll help you out of the well.” The goat did as he was asked and the fox got on his back and so out of the well. Then he coolly walked away. The goat called out loudly after him out. The fox merely turned to him and said, “If you only has as much sense in your head as you have hairs in your beard you wouldn’t have jumped into the well without making sure that you could get out again.

24. Where is the fox and goat had a long talk?


a. The fox’s house d. The jungle b. The goat’s house e. The city c. The well

25.What is the reason goat jump into the well?

a. Because the goat was thirsty d. Because the goat was good b. Because the goat was sad e. Because the goat was hungry c. Because the goat was lazy

26. Why did the fox get the goat into the well?

a. The fox needed the goat to get out of the d. The goat was very hungry and thirsty well b. The fox promised that it would help to e. The fox was very hungry and thirsty get out of the well c. The goat had long hair and beard Read the text to answer number 27 – 33


A long time ago, the ancient land of Sunda was ruled by a king and queen who had but a single daughter. Her name was Dayang Sumbi. She was beautiful and clever but also pampered and spolited. One day as she was weaving in her pavilion, she became moody and distracted, which caused her to keep dropping her shuttle on the floor. Once when it fell she exclaimed she would marry the one who gave it back to her. At that very moment her dog Tumang, a demigod possessing magic powers, came up to her with the shuttle in his mouth. Dayang Sumbi had to marry him. They lived happily together, and Dayang Sumbi gave birth to a baby boy, human in appearance but endowed with his father’s magic powers. She named him Sangkuriang. As the boy grew up, he was always guarded by the faithful dog Tumang, whom he knew only as a companion and not as his father, Sangkuriang became handsome and brave. One day his mother asked him to go hunting with the dog and bring her venison for a feast. After hunting all day without success, Sangkuriang worried about facing his mother empty-handed. Desperate, he took an arrow and shot the dog. He returned home and handed over the meat to his pleased mother. Soon after the feast, however, Dayang Sumbi questioned her son about the absence of Tumang. At first he evaded her queries but finally told her what had happened. She was horrified and struck her son so hard on the temple that he collapsed. For that, the old king banished his daughter from the court and she was made to roam around the kingdom. Sangkuriang recovered with a large scar on his temple, and he too left the court to wander about the world. Years later, Sangkuriang met a beautiful woman and instantly fell in love with her. It was his own mother-they did not recognize each other. He pro posed to her and she agreed to marry him. On the day before the wedding, as she was caressing her fiancee’s hair, Dayang Sumbi detected the scar on the temple. Horror struck her, for she was about to


marry her own son, Sangkuriang. Without revealing the whole truth to him, she tried unsuccessfully to dissuade him. Desperate to avoid the marriage, she set conditions she thought impossible to meet. Sangkuriang had to make a lake that filled the whole valpley and build a boat for the couple to sail in, all before dawn. Sangkuriang started to work. His love gave him extraordinary strength, and he used his magic powers to summon the spirits to help him. With boulders and mud they dammed the river in the valley and the water rose and began to form a lake. In the early morning hours he chopped down a huge tree in the forest and began hollowing it out to make a boat. When Dayang Sumbi saw that he was about to accomplish what she has thought impossible, she called on the gods to bring the sun up early and thwart Sangkuriang. The cock crowed, the sun rose much earlier than usual, and Sangkuriang realized he had been deceived. In a fit of fury he caused Dayang Sumbi and kicked the half-finished boat back into the forest. There it lies upside down today, forming the mountain Tangkuban Perahu (Upturned Boat). Not far away is the stump of the tree Sangkuriang had felled, now called Bukit Tinggi. The dam Sangkuriang had built caused the valley to become a lake, where both Sangkuriang and Dayang Sumbi drowned themselves. They were never heard of again. (taken from All Around Bandung – Gottfrid Roelcke, Gary Crabb).

27. Who was Dayang Sumbi’s husband ?

a. Tumang d. Her father b. Her fiancee e. Sangkuriang c. The King

28. Why did Dayang Sumbi marry her dog?

a. She fell in love with it d. It was a companion Sangkuriang b. She detected the scar on the temple e. It was a demigod possessing magic powers c. She exclaimed to marry one who gave it back her shuttle

29. “...human in appearance but endowed with his father’s magic powers”

What is the antonym of underline word?

a. Blessed d. Given b. Enthroned e. Grace c. Disaster

30. Why Sangkuriang kill his dog?

a. He wanted to take Tumang’s powers d. It had married his mother b. He worried about facing his mother e. Sangkuriang loved Dayang Sumbi empty-handed c. He took an arraw and shot the dog


31. What did Dayang Sumbi do after she knew about the dog ?

a. She exclaimed she would marry him d. She asked Sangkuriang to make a lake b. She kicked the half-finished boat back e. She married Sangkuriang into the forest c. She struck her son so hard

32. “At first he evaded her queries but finally told her what had happened.”

What is the meaning of underline word?

a. Question d. Lied b. Faced e. Tired c. Confused

33. What did Sangkuriang do after he realized that he had been deceived ?

a. He Chopped down a huge tree in the d. He struck Dayang Sumbi forest b. He Cursed Dayang Sumbi and kicked e. He took an arrow and shot Dayang the half-finished boat back into the forest. Sumbi c. He returned home and handed over the meat to his pleased mother

Read the text for answer question number 34 – 40


Blue-Tongue Lizard and his wife camped near a swamp long ago. One day Blue- Tongue Lizard went to get some food, and while he was down at the swamp, he left his wife sitting under a shady tree. He had not been gone very long when Taipan the Snake passed by Blue-Tongue Lizard’s camp. Taipan saw Blue-Tongue Lizard’s wife sitting under the tree, and he decided he would steal her away from Blue-Tongue Lizard. He made her come with him and together they ran a long way away. Taipan the Snake did not know that Black Bird had been watching him, and as soon as he ran away with Blue-Tongue Lizard’s wife, Black Bird began singing out to Blue-Tongue Lizard. ‘Your wife is gone, Taipan has taken her away’, he cried. Blue-Tongue Lizard was still at the swamp getting food when he heard Black Bird’s call. He went back to the shady tree where he had left his wife and saw she was gone. He put down his bag which was full of food and made a fire. He cooked his food and after he had finished eating it, he went to get his spears. He found they had all been broken by Taipan. Then he found the tracks of his wife and Taipan, and he followed them. Blue-Tongue Lizard followed their tracks until he came to a tree in which a freshly killed emu had been hung. It had been killed by Taipan and left there to be eaten that night. Blue-Tongue Lizard knew that Taipan and his wife must be


nearby and he soon found them near a river. When Taipan saw Blue-Tongue Lizard he ran to get his spears but Blue-Tongue Lizard had already broken them. ‘We can fight with our teeth’, said Blue-Tongue Lizard. Taipan agreed and the two of them fought wildly, each of them trying to get a hold of the other. Until finally Blue-Tongue Lizard caught hold of Taipan’s body in his powerful jaws, and bit him in half. With Taipan the Snake dead, Blue-Tongue took back his wife and together they returned to the swamp. 34. Who are the main characters in this story?

a. Blue Tongue Lizard’s wife and Black d. Snake and Blue Tongue Lizard Bird b. Taipan and Snake and Black Bird e. Blue Togue Lizard and Taipan the Snack c. Blue Tongue Lizard and Black Bird

35. Who passed by Blue-Tongue Lizard’s camp? a. a.Blue-Tongue Lizard’s wife did a. d.Emu did b. b.Taipan the Snake did b. e.Blue-Tongue Lizard did c. c.Black Bird did 36. Who was watching when Taipan took Blue-Tongue’s wife?

a. The Swamp d. Taipan b. Blue Bird e. Black Bird c. Lizard

37. Who are the supporting characters?

a.Snake and Blue-Tongue Lizard d. d.Taipan the Snake and Black Bird a. b.Blue-Tongue Lizard and Taipan thee. e.Blue-Tongue Lizard and Black Bird Snake b. c.Blue-Tongue Lizard’s wife and Black Bird

38. What was Blue-Tongue Lizard doing when Taipan took his wife? a. a.He was watching c. d.He was swimming b. b.He was going to get some food d. e.He was sleeping c. c.He was going to get some money 39. Why do you think Blue-Tongue Lizard ate a meal before going to look for his wife? a. a. so he would be full enough to walk d. d. so he would be large enough to fight b. b. so he would be full enough to fight e. e. so he would be strong enough to fight c. c. so he would be strong enough to walk 40. One sentences below show things that animals in real don’t do. Choose one. a. a.Blue-Tongue and his wife camped near d.a d. The two of them fought wildly swamp b. b.He put down his bag which was full ofe. e. One day Blue-Tongue Lizard went to food and made a fire get some food


c. c.It had been killed by Taipan and left there to be eaten at night

Instrument of Post-test

The following text is for question 1 to 4

The Three Sheiks and Queen of Arabia

Maura, who liked to be thought of as the most beautiful and powerful queen of Arabia, had many suitor. One by one she discarded them, untuk her list was reduced to just


three sheiks, all equally young and hansome, rich and strong. It was very hard to decide who would be the best of them. One evening, Maura disguised herself and went to the camp of the three sheiks, as they were about to have dinner, and asked them for something to eat. The first gave her some leftover food, the second gave her some unappetizing camel’s tail; the third sheik, who was called Hakim, offered her some of the most tender and tasty meat. After dinner, the disguised queen left the sheiks’ camp. The following day the queen invited the three sheiks to dinner at her palace. She ordered her servants to give each one exactly what they had given her the evening before. Hakim, who received a plate of delicious meat, refused to eat it if the other two could not share it with him, and this act finally convinced Queen Maura that he was the man for her. “Without question, Hakim is the most generous of you,” she announced her choice to the sheiks, “ So it is Hakim I will marry.” 1. The three sheiks were not...

A. Rich B. Young C. Strong D. Gloomy E. Handsome 2. Which statment is TRUE about the queen?

A. The queen was the most powerful queen in Africa. B. The queen was very proud of her beauty and riches. C. The queen herself served the sehiks with delicious food. D. The queen was very careful in deciding whom she would marry. E. The queen was very satisfied with the food given by the sheiks. 3. The Queen ordered her servants to give the sheiks the same kind of food she got from them the evening before because...

A. She wanted to entertain her guests. B. She wanted to test the sheiks’s taste. C. She wanted to see the sheiks’s reaction. D. She wanted to make a joke of the sheiks. E. She wanted to repay the sheiks’s kindness.

4. The main idea of paragraph six is...

A. Hakim was an unselfish person. B. Hakim was served with succulent meat. C. Hakim was satisfied with the food served. D. Hakim wanted to share the food with the sheiks. E. Hakim had made the queen find the resolution of her problem.


The following text is for questions 5 to 7

Once upon a time there lived as neighbors, a bear and a rabbit. The rabbit was a good shot, and the bear, being very clumsy, could not use the arrow to good advantage. The bear would call over the rabbit and asked the rabbit to take his bow and arrows and came with the bear to the other side of the hill. The rabbit fearing to arouse the bear’s anger by refusing, consented and went with the bear and shot enough buffalo to satisfy the hungry family. Indeed, he shot and killed so many that there was lots of meat left after the bear and his family had loaded themselves, and packed all they could carry home. The bear was very gluttonous and did not want the rabbit to get any of the meat, so the poor rabbit could not even taste the blood from butchering, as the bear would throw earth on the blood and dry it up. Poor rabbit would have to go home hungry after his hard day’s work. The bear was the father of five children. The youngest child was very kind to the rabbit. The mother bear knowing that her youngest child was very hearty eater and always gave him an extra large piece of meat, but the youngest child did not eat. He would take it ouside with him and pretend to play ball with it, kicking it toward the rabbit’s house, and when he got close to the door he would give the meat with such a great kick, that it would fly into the rabbit’s house and in this way the poor rabbit would get his meal unknowm to the papa bear. 5. “The rabbit was a good shot, and the bear, being very clumsy”

What is the meaning of underline word?

A. Careful B. Smart C. Careless D. Clever E. Graceful

6. Which statment is NOT TRUE according to the text?

A. The papa bear was not very kind to the rabbit. B. The rabbit got nothing from his shooting. C. The mother bear always gives her youngest extra meat. D. The papa bear didn’t like giving the rabbit some meat. E. The papa bear knew that his youngest child gave the rabbit some meat.

7. The story teaches us that...

A. Poverty makes people suffe. B. We must keep our promise. C. Being greedy makes other people happy D. People should love each other E. We mush keep our relationship with others.


The following text is for questions 8 to 11

A farmer came across a bird with a broken wing. He picked up, took it home and looked after it lovingly, even though his wife complained bitterly about his wasting too much time on the creature. After some time, the wing mended and, because the bird did not want the farmer to have kept on arguing with his wife all the time, it decided to go back to its nest. When the farmer discovered that the bird was gone, he was so upset then he went out to look for it. Eventually, he found it again, and was greeted happily by the whole family of the bird. As a sign of their thanks for his vare and attention, the birds gave him a little box and told him not to opne it until he got home. The farmer was surprised because he found the box full of precious stones. When his wife saw them, she decided that seh too deserved a reward, and she went to see the birs. The birds gave her a little casket; but this one was full of devils. The devils jumped on her as soon as she opened the casket and chased her away. Left alone, the farmer went to live near his friend. There he build a hut of perfumed wood, and the birds decorated it with flowers of every kind. 8. Which of the following statments do you agree with?

A. The farmer chased his wife away. B. The farmer lived happily with his wife. C. The farmer’s wife took care of the bird. D. The bird was very thankful to the farmer. E. The farmer’s wufe was a very kind woman.

9. The farmer’s new hut was...

A. Well furnished B. Built by the birds. C. A gift from the bird. D. Decorated luxuriously. E. Built of perfumed wood.

10. What do we learn from the text?

A. A gift shows kindness. B. Sufferings bring happiness. C. Arguing makes you distressed. D. A good deed deserves a reward. E. Having no heart makes you isolated.

11. What is the main information disscussed in the third paragraph?

A. The bird left the farmer. B. The birds welcomed the farmer.


C. The farmer got a little casket from the birds. D. The farmer was so sangry and went out to find the bird. E. The farmer was happy having got a box of precious stones.

The following text is for questions 12 and 13.

Once, a cap seller was passing through a jungle. E was dead tired and needed to rest. Then, he stopped and spread a cloth under a tree. He placed his bag full of caps near him and lay down with his cap on his head. The cap seller had a sound sleep for one hour. When he got up, the first thing he did was to look into his bag. He was startled when he found all his caps were not there. He was wondering where they could have gone. Indeed, he was greatly puzzled. When he looked up the sky, he was very surprised to see monkeys sitting on the branches of a three, each wearing a cap on his head. They had evidently done it to immitate him. He decided to get his caps back by making a humble request to the monkeys. In return, the monkeys only made faces of him. When he began to make gestures, even when he raised his fist towards them to threaten them, they also imitated him. At last he hit upon a cleaver idea. “Monkeys are a great imitator”, he thought. So he tok off his own cap and threw it down on the ground. As he had expected, all the monkeys took off the caps and threw them down on the ground. Quickly he stood up and collected the caps, put them back into his bag and went away. 12. Why was each monkey wearing a cap on their head?

A. They liked them. B. They liked wearing caps. C. They were imitating the cap seller. D. They were teasing the cap seller. E. They had stolen the caps.

13. What is the moral value of the text?

A. Monkeys are clever animals. B. Put your belongings in a safe place. C. Kindness must be possessed by everyone. D. Foolishness is a source of faulty. E. You have to know who you are talking to.

The following text is for question 14 to 16

Once upon a time, there were two close friends who were walking through the forest together. They knew that anything dangerous can happen anytime in the forest. So they promised each other that they would always be together in any case of danger. Suddenly, they saw a large bear getting closer toward them. One of them climbed a nearby tree at once. But unfortunately the other one did not know how to climb up the


tree. So being led by his common sense, he lay down on the ground breathless and pretended to be a dead man. The bear came near the one who was lying on the ground. It smelt in his ears, and slowly left the place because the bears do not want to touch the dead creatures. After that, the friend on the tree came down and asked his friend that was on the ground, “Friend, what did the bear whisper into yout ears?” the other friend replied, “Just now the bear advised me not to believe a false friend.” 14. “Just now the bear advised me not to believe a false friend”

What is the meaning of underline word?

A. Real friends. B. Good friends C. Fake friends D. Funny friends. E. Honest friends

15. What did happen to the two close friends?

A. A friend didn’t give a hand to his friend when a bear came. B. They helped each other when a bear came. C. The one saved while the other one died. D. The one could climb the tree and helped the other one. E. A friend didnt help his friend to chase away a bear.

16. What can be learned from the story?

A. One good turn deserve another. B. A single plan that works is better than a hundred doubtful plans. C. Be careful to your bestfriend. D. A true bestfriend in need is a friend indeed. E. A fake friend is everywhere.

The following text is for 17 - 20

Once upon a time there was a monkey called Ram. He lived on a big mango tree near the lake. The tree had the sweetest mangoes growing on it. Near the three lived a crocodile with his wife. The crocodile, called Karo and Ram become friends. Sometime Ram used to throw Karo some delicious mangoes for himself and his wife. One day, Karo’s wife told him, “The monkey eat such sweet fruit every day, he must be having the sweetest heart, get his heart for me dear husband1”. “I cannot, he is my friend,” replied Karo, “That means you do not love me” cried the wife.


So sadly, Karo went to Ram the next day. “Ram, please come to my house, I want you to meet my wife.” “My friend, how can I come? I live on the land and you in the water” answered Ram “Don’t worry, my friend just sit on my back and I shall carry you,” Karo cunningly offered him. The poor monkey sat jumped on his friend’s back and off they went. Ram, was having a lot of fun when he saw that Karo was very sad an quiet. The monkey asked, “why are you so quiet, my friend? Karo replied, “because your life is short, my wife wants to eat your heart and that is why we’re going to her.” Ram was shocked but could not run. He came up with a plan in his mind and sad, “why did you not tell me before? I always leave my heart in the tree when I go out” “Oh no!” Cried Karo, “Now what can we do?” “Let’s go back and take it” said the clever monkey. So the follish Karo turned around and swam for the mango tree. As soon as Ram could rich a tree branch, he swung up into the tree safety. He laughed down at the crocodile, “How can I be alive without my heart! Go! Tell your greedy wife how foolish you are!” From that day, Karo didn’t only lose a friend but the delicious mangoes as well.

17. What is the text about?

A. A big mango tree near the lake. B. A crocodile with his wife C. Karo, the foolish monkey. D. Crocodile heart. E. The clever monkey and the foolish crocodile.

18. How many characters are there in the story?

A. one B. two C. Three D. four E. Five

19. Where did the story take place?

A. In Karo’s house. B. On the land. C. In the water D. Near a big mango tree E. On a big mango tree near the lake

20. What is the moral values implied in the story?

A. Being honest is not always wise. B. Do not trust people easily


C. Do not be greedy or you will lose everything you have. D. Step back your own frined. E. Mango does not make your heart sweet.

Read the following question to answer number 21 to 23

The Rats and The Elephants

Once upon a time their lived a group of mice under a tree in peace. However, a group of elephants crossing the jungle unknowingly destroyed the homes of all the rats. Many of them were even crushed to death. Then taking of rats decided to approach the elephants chief and request him to guide his herd through another route. On hearing the sad story, the elephant’s king apologized and agreed to take another route. And so the lives of the rats were saved. One day, elephant hunters came to the jungle and trapped a group of elephants in huge nets. Then the elephant king suddenly remembered the king of the rats. He summoned on of the elephants of his herd, which had not been trapped, to go seek help from the king and told him about the trapped elephants. The rat’s king immediately took his entire group of rats and they cut open the nets which had trapped the elephant’s herd. The elephent herd was tottaly set free. They danced with joy and thank the rats.

21. “...rats decided to approach the elephants”

What is the anthonym of underline word?

A. Leaving B. Closer C. Near D. Reaching E. Gate

22. What things that destroyed the homes of all rats?

A. A group of mice did B. The hunter did C. The trapped elephants did D. A group of king did E. Entire group of rats did

23. At the end of the story, how was the elephants feeling?

A. Angry B. Sad C. Happy D. Dead


E. Dissapointed

Read the following text to answer questions number 23 to 25.

Once upon a time there was a traveler who went to a distant town. It almost midnight when he got the town. He came to an inn but the inn was locked. He tried to knock at the door. “Who are you? What do you want?” asked a voice from inside the inn. “The door cannot be unlocked ar such an odd hour.” The traveler needed a rest, food, and shelter. He begged, “Please unlock the door. How cold it is outside.” The innkeeper replied,” it’s strange lock and can be opened only with a silver key.” Because of his needs and the terrible condition outside, the traveler finally obeyed about what innkeeper said and passed a silver coin through a slit in the door. Then he got the door unlocked and entered into the inn. “I have left one of my bags outside”said the traveler.” “Will you please bring it it?” No sooner the inkeeper had gone out and the traveler locked the door from inside. The greedy inkeeper was outside and shut on. He requested to unlock the door to the traveler. The traveler replied, “ I’m helpless, it’s a strange lock and can be opened only with a silver key.” The inkeeper was required to push a silver coin though the slit. The traveler got back his silver coin and unlock the door.

23. What is the story about? A. A traveler going to a distant town B. A wicked traveler and a helpless traveler C. A silver key which is used to unlock the door’s inn D. A greedy inkeeper and a smart traveler E. A traveler who came from a distant town

24 . It can be referred from the text that …. A. Inn was unlocked when the traveler came B. The innkeeper summoned the traveler to go inside because of his poor condition C. The traveler finally got back his silver coin from the inkeeper D. The traveler brought all of his bags inside E. The silver coin was given after the door opened

25. What is the moral value of the story above? A. Revenge is a bad thing to apply in every condition B. We should prepare well when we travel C. Don’t underestimate to someone D. Smart person always beats greedy person E. We should avoid bribery in our life


Read the following text to answer questions number 26 to 28.

Once a man sold his well to a farmer. Next day when a farmer went to draw the water from that well, the man did not allow him to draw the water from it. He said, “I have sold you the well, not the water, so you cannot draw the water from the well.” The farmer became very sad and came to the Emperor’s court. He described everything to the Emperor and asked for the justice. The Emperor called Birbal and handed over this case to him. Birbal called the man who sold the well to the farmer. Birbal asked, “Why don’t you let him use the water of the well. You have sold the well to the farmer.” The man replied, “Birbal, I have sold the well to the farmer, not the water. He has no right to draw the water from the well.” Then Birbal smiled and said to him, “Good, but look, since you have sold the well to this farmer, and you claim that water is yours, then you have no right to keep your water in the farmer’s well. Either you pay rent to the farmer to keep your water in his well, or you take that out of his well immediately.” The man understood, that his trick has failed. Birbal has outwitted him.

26. What is the text about? A. A farmer and witty birbal B. A smart man and a farmer C. An emperor and a witty birbal D. Farmer’s well and witty birbal E. A farmer and an emperor

27. Why didn’t the man let the farmer use the water from the well? A. Because the man needed the water for himself B. Because there was no water in the well C. Because the man obeyed what the emperor said D. Because water in the well was not included in the sales agreement they made before E. Because the man thought that he had sold the well but the water was not involved

28. What is the moral value of the text? A. Stealing is not a good thing, you can always use your brain and ease out of the difficult situations. B. Don’t try to cheat because you will end up paying for it regardless of how smart you think you are. C. One who desires more, loses all. One should remain satisfied with what one gets D. There is no substitute for hard work because dreams cannot be fulfilled without hard work E. Do not just blindly walk in to anything without thinking

Read the following text to answer questions number 29 to 31.


Once upon a time Sammy and his sister Marie visited their grandparents at their farm. Sammy picked up a slingshot to play with out in the woods. He practiced in the woods but he could never hit the target. Getting a little discouraged, he headed back for the lunch. As he was walking back he saw Grandma’s pet duck. Just out of impulse, he let the slingshot fly which hit the duck square in the head and killed it. He was shocked and grieved. In a panic, he hid the dead duck in the pile of woods. Marie had seen it all from the window but she said nothing. After the lunch, the next day Grandma said, “Marie, let’s wash the dishes.” Marie said, “But Grandma, Sammy told me he wanted to help in the kitchen.” Then she whispered to Sammy, “Remember the duck?” Sammy got nervous knowing his sister knew about the duck and if he doesn’t obey, she may tell his grandparents about it. So without saying anything he did The dishes. Later that day, Grandpa asked if the children wanted to go fishing but Grandma said, “I’m sorry but I need Marie to help make a supper.” Marie just smiled and said, “Well that’s all right because Sammy told me he wanted to help.” She whispered again to Johnny, “Remember the duck?” So Marie went fishing and Sammy stayed to help. After several days of Marie taking advantage of Sammy, he finally couldn’t stand it any longer. He came to Grandma and confessed that he had killed the duck. Grandma knelt down, gave him a hug and said, “Sweetheart, I know. I was standing at the window and I saw the whole thing but because I love you, I forgave you. I was just wondering how long you would let Marie take advantage of you.” 29. What does the text mainly talk about? A. A little boy and a duck B. A little boy in a slingshot C. A reckless little boy D. A brave little boy E. A humble little boy

30. Why didn’t Sammy tell to his grandmother that he had killed the duck? Because …. A. He was relieved that he could hit the target B. He waited for his sister tell his grandparents about it C. He was afraid of saying about the duck D. He did not want to tell about it E. He wanted to tell abouth the truth later

31. What is the moral value of the story? A. Practice makes perfect B. What is bad in one case may be good in another C. Don’t trust people easily D. You should confess of your mistakes E. Keep going and do the best

Read the following text to answer questions number 32 to 36


In the Kingdom of Medang Kamulan, in Java, came a young when man, by the name of Aji Saka to fight Dewatacengkar, the cruel King of The Country who had a habit to eat human flesh of his own people. Aji Saka himself he came from Bumi Majeti. One day he told his two servants, by the name of Dara and Sembodo, that he was going to java. He told them that while he was away, both of them have to guards his Heirloom / Pusoko. No one except Aji Saka himself not a allowed to take the Pusoko. In the big battle, Aji Saka could successfully push Dewata Cengkar to fall to the South Sea. Dewata Cengkar did not die, he became a Bajul Putih (White Crocodile). Aji Saka became a ruler of Medangkamulan. Meanwhile a woman of the village of Dadapan, found an egg. She put the egg in her Lumbung (Rice Barn). After a certain period the egg vanished, instead a snake found in the rice barn. The villagers would like to kill the snake, but the snake said : “I’m the son Aji Saka, bring me to him”. Aji Saka told the snake, that he would be recognized as his son, if he could kill the Bajul Putih in the South Sea. After a long stormy battle which both sides demonstrating physical strength and showing skillfull ability of fighting, the snake could kill Bajul Putih. As had been promised the snake was recognized as Aji Saka’s son and he was given a name Jaka Linglung (a stupid boy). In the palace Jaka Linglung greedily ate domestic pets of the palace. He was punished by the King, expelling him to live in the Jungle of Pesanga. he was tightly roped until he could not move his head. He was instructed only to eat things which fall to his mouth. One day, a group of 9 (nine) village boys were playing around in that Jungle. Suddenly it was raining heavily. They had to find a shelter, luckily there was a cave. Only 8 (eight) boys went inside the cave, the other one who was suffering from very bad skin disease, sting and dirty, he had to stay out of the cave. All of a sudden, the cave was falling apart. The 8 (eight) boys vanished, only the one who stayed outside was safe. The cave in fact was the mouth of Jaka Linglung.

32. Who was Dewatacengkar ?

A. Jaka linglung B. A young wise man C. White crocodile D. Bajul Putih E. The Cruel King

33. Where did the woman put the egg ?

A. Inside the cave B. In a rice barn C. In the south sea D. In the palace E. In the jungle of pasanga


34. Where did Aji Saka come from ?

A. Bumi Mejati B. Jungle of Pasanga C. Medang Kamulan D. Dadapan Village E. South Sea

35. Who was Jaka Linglung ?

A. A stupid boy B. The cruel king. C. A greedy pet belong to Aji Saka D. The snake was recognized as Dewaracengkar’s son E. The snake was recognized as Aji Saka’s son.

36. Why did the king punish Jaka linglung to live in the jungle of Pesanga? because ......

A. Jaka linglung put the egg in the rice born B. Jaka linglung pushed Dewata Cengkor to fall to the South sea C. Jaka linglung greedily ate human flesh of the village D. Jaka linglung could kill Bajul Putih E. Jaka linglung greedily ate domestic pets of the palace

Read the following text to answer questions number 37 to 40

Once upon a time there were four little rabbits. Their names were Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail and Peter. One morning they were allowed to play outside. Their mother reminded them not to go to Mr. McGregor’s garden because their father had an accident there. Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail were good little rabbits. They went down the lane to pick blackberries. But Peter was naughty. He ran straight away to Mr. McGregor’s garden. He ate some lettuces, French beans, and radishes. Suddenly, he met Mr. McGregor. Peter was very frightened and rushed away as fast as he could. He lost a pair of shoes and a jacket while he was running. Peter never stopped running or looked behind him till he got home. During the evening, he was sick because he was so tired. He had to drink some medicine while three of his brother had bread, mild and blackberries for supper. 37. Who was the naughtiest rabbit ?

A. Mr. McGregor B. Cotton-tail C. Mopsy D. Flopsy E. Peter


38. What did Peter brother’s eat?

A. Blackberries B. Strawberry C. Carrot D. Lettuce E. Frenchbeans

39. What did Peter lose while he was running?

A. A bluberries B. Vegetable C. Pair of shoes D. Medicine E. One of his shoes

40. Why did Peter get sick and cannot eating together with his brothers?

A. He was eating to much B. He was naughty C. He caught a cold D. He was so tired E. He did not eat

Appendix 10 Surat Bimbingan Skripsi




Appendix 11 Surat Keterangan Penelitian dari Sekolah


Appendix 12 Documentation



Appendix 13 References Examination Paper