
■' - -‘■ j* " --n ^ Jinm ils NcttJapapcr; !ie»oU^ to l^ tttirs; M igtgllatta^ ^ g ticttltij^ W. F. & a H. BlLPWiN, Proprietors. VOLUME Sr-m. 3. LTKHflELD, (COM.) JULY 12, 1849. WHOLE m 107.

chapter XVI, crowds of gaunt spectres gazing on the n^ent thereof; shall v ^ l .jiiliimlin triist fbr 'CH ,^£R XXXlil. B u 0 t n e 0 $ € a r d 0 . An Act ^ addition to An Act concerning the use of the wife; and upon his e<;j a||k awful scene— twenty-six corpses on a sin­ 4 9 An- Aet for the estabUshment of a State gle morning, lying huddled together in the Crimeis and Punishments. if undisposed of. as herems^ter .meiiiti^^ Sec.. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate shall vest in the wif^ if living, or. if not, Normal Scbool. dead House of one poor housjB^these are Be^it enacted bjf the Senate, and Bouse V. R PALMER, and House of itepresmtatives in General then in her devisees, legatees^ or heiia at but a few of the heart-xiewing horrors of ReiJFraentutices, in General Aasem^ StfBSOUPTIOM AND AOVERTfSiNe AssetrAly convened. That if any person law. - which stand registered in ofir journal to­ bhf convened: Jm.«s-3^aKr«3E'9 day.” who is disqualified to be a member of th i^ ■ husband ehdi be enticed 7« Pkiladelphia, New York, Baltmore Oeneral Assembly, by the 4th section of. t<» thie^r^nts, pmfits, and interest of Such SECTION r., .There shaM be establish^ asiietfliiiafter and Boston. I'or the Republican. the 16th article of the, Cpnstitutioi) jfjf this estate during Ks life; aiid sudi^rents, j»o- Ldnes to. M. M. M. of Woodliurir. state, shall take or hold a seat in either fits.an^ inter^t, ^hedl not be liable to be povidedjone Norpial Sche^, or l^gmini^ I J u b l u % t X s , for training of Teachers in the instruc­ TELEGRAPH OFFICE, W hen moniiDg opn her cheerful eye. branch of the swd General Assenibly, and takeii,^by any legal proce^^/or the debts of Passed May Session, 1849. act in anj respect as a member of the same, the husband, during the life of the wife, ex­ ting and governing the Comnen Schools of o r THE And smiles 80 ^ a d an4 his State ; the object of w^iieb NormaP he shall upon conviction thereof be punish­ cept for debts contracted by him for the

n|i mmA WU T e i« g r a p l» 1.1 ne . T hat gloom aiad shade affrighted fly, CHAPTER XI. ed by fine not exceeding one hundred dol­ support of the w’ife and heir children', after School, or Seminary, shall b^ not to edu • I gaze upon the earth and sky, cate Teachers in the stqdies aoir required CwMmktUMB Mit to all pvteof tbe An Act in alteration cfan Act relating to lars, by imprisonment in the common such estate shall have vested in him as And thiidfoif thee. by law,, bVit to receive suph as are found OrViCK 4T BAI.DWIR8’ Y ariett StOB£, Courts. jail not exceeding six moi^ths, or by sii^ aforesaid. comp^wt in these studies in the manner , WrCHFIELD, CONJf. Through all the scenes'of 1>u^ day. S ec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate fine and imprisonment both, at the d iq |^ S ec.. 3. JJ^p sale or tiansfer, by the; hus­ Thy form is near to and Hoti.se of Eepresentatives in General tion of the court. band, o f any >e§tati?,, or duri^. the hereinafter provided, and train tBem in 'the best methods of teaching and coBdue> And when 6alm twilight’s curtain ^rey. Assembly convened. That the superior Sec. 2, Be it further Meted, I ’hat life of the will, of his interest therein, shall O LIV^pa. G. TODD, ting Common Schools. Falls gently on each dying ray, court within and for Hartford county shall this act shall take effect from its passage. be val'd, unless the wife, if living, or if s^e JLttomey & ^unsellor at Law, I think of thee. hereafter be hold|Ui on the fourth Tuesday JOHN a LEWIS, is dead, those in whoui her wtftte shall, SECTION. II. There shall be appointed, by the Legis­ P F ^ l: nell(|p|llildii^ sotitb of the Mansion of January. ^ > Speaker of the House of Representatives. have vested, or the guardians of such as But most, when o’er my lonely breast, lature, eight Trustees of said Normal School Ho«M,«ipMatrs. S ec. 2. All suits, matters and causes are not of full age, shall join in written O 1^42 :Come Aoughts of fate’s decree. J 9 SHUA B. F E R R rs, one from each County in the State ; two now pending in or returnable ;to gaid su­ Presideixt of the Senate.pro conveyance thereof; and all re-investments And Hope can point no earthly rest tem. of whom shall, in the first instance, hold perior cour^for said Hartford cininty, twen­ Apprpved, June 22d,MS49r shall ^ in the na^e of tbe husband, descri­ THBODORE S.BU Fot one so Mendless'end oppressed, their office for one year, 2 for two years, two ty ^Hfs after tb« rising of this Assembly bing him trustee. I thitak of thee. JOS. TRUA&ULL. fjr three years, and two for four years— A^torn^jr |tOooBiieUor atr be ^[^de returnaSle to said court as now by S eo. 4. T |ie avails of any such estate, the term of offic^ to be by them determined, KENT, CONN. 10 ’ Twould bring relief to press my brow. law established/shall beentered and procee­ if dispojed of as aforesaid, i^ay be expend­ *In the engrossed, bill the word « this” is by lot or otherwise— the vacancies to be That ^rcbs so painfully. ded with at said term of said superior ed by the husband for the support of the substituted for the word “ the” m the origi­ lUled by appointment by-the Legislature, HSNR7 I. FUU^ER, One moment on thy bosom now. court, in the same nianer as if the time of wife, or the issue of their marriage, and nal bill f)assed by the General Assembly.— for the residue, of the term which shall io And feel the bliss to know .that thou ' holding said court had not been altered. may be otherwise disposed of during her A i t p m e y &. Counsellor at Iiaiw Note by the Secretary of State. become vacant; and the Superintendent Dost think of me. ec life, with her written assent, withoii^.Kabil- Aid Cemmiiiiofler of Seeds t o N. Y. State, S 3. All acts and parts of acts incon­ ity to account therefor. o f Common Schools, ex officio, s^aH abo be ’ Twould cheer me in the darkest woe sistent herewith are hereby repealed. ■ ■ ■ . CHAPTER XVII. a member of said Board. Sotdb Kent, Conn. That clouds my destiny. JOHN C. LEW IS, S ec. 5. The coiirt of probate o f the An Act in addition to « An Act concerning SECTION I!t. And b itter tears would’cease to flow, Speakier of the House of .Representatives. Crimes and Punishments/* district in which such trustee resides, shall GEORGS W. P££T. The expenses necessarily incurred by Couldst thou but teach my heart te know JOSHUA B. FERRIS, Be it enacted by the Senate and Hovse have power, upon the written application, of President of tbe Senate,pro tern. the wife, or of her devisees, lej^tees, or said Trustees, in tbe dischai^e «f their du­ Attorney & Counsellor at Iiaw Thine beats for me. E. of Peperesentatives in General Assembly ties, shall be defrayed out of the funds here­ Approved June 22, 1849. heirs at law, who have Ian intereist in such notary Public, convenid. That every person who shall in; appropriated for the supj^rt o f said JOS. TRUMBULL. estate,/to call such trustee to account^-aSIf firtite tSiee Williiun M. Bnrrall, £sq^ vote, act or intermeddle in any school soci­ school and they shall recerva no cOmpenr ^ t 0 ( e l l a n e o u 0 . CHAPTER XII. ety or school district meeting, not being may, at any tune, require hintto bond Snttk Canaan, Ct. An Act in addition to “ An Act relating to with Srttvi^^, payable t<^the judge of- said sation for their services. qualified.. to vote therein, shall be punished SECTION IV, Coui^s.” court and his'successor, fo4? the faithful per­ A ^ Bad Oyster” Story. by a fine not exceeding seven dollars. > To said Bcrard of Trustees shall be com­ HABTDAIsL & BEI jDEN, formance of such 4rust, or the security of [Scene—An Oyster Cellar.—Enter S ec. 1.; Be it enictcd by the Senate t JOHN C. 1.EW1S, and House of Representatipesin General such esti^e, and n»ay remove such. trustee mitted the location o f said school; the ap- Attvmeym & CoimseUors at JLaw, Frenchman^—“Sair, you keep ze raw Speaker of the House of Representatives. j^lication o f the funds for the support there­ Assembly Convened, W henever it shall be and appoint ane^er iiv his stead, in such IdidiKi ii ChueeiT, Lud Ageflts, fte. oys-tair ?” THOMAS BACKUS, of ; the appointment of teachers, and pow­ Opener.— Oh, yes, sir! ^ e,tat Prin- inconvenient for the judge assigned to. hold President of the . Senate. manner, and for such reasons as are pre­ ‘T o m wiH«Uend promptly to all business en- scribed in 25th section of ‘‘ An iftt for the er of removing the same ; the power to ce’« Bay.” a term of the superior court, in any county Approved, June 19thv 1849. . ^ trusttd to their manng^emeni. ’SetdemeQt of Estates, Testate, Intestate scribe the studies and exercises of the Frenchman,— Tres bien, I will e^t to fiuish the business of said term, he may JOS. TRUMBLU school, rules for its management, and gran> iClwamim, Wisconsia, Dec. 1848. and Insolvent 5” and also for n.eglMcing or some raw oystair.” substitute, in his stead, any other judge of ting diplomas ; and the progress and cona­ refusing to apply the income^ of said estate The man opens a fine fat one, and puts the supreme: ^ urt of errors, with the con­ tion of the school. D. S. Bostwick, M. D., CHAPTER XVIII. to thesupport of the wife and her children ; it on a jjlate before the Frenchman, ^ho sent o f the judge,, who shall hkVe the same And the said Trustees am hereby au­ An Act in addition to “ An Act ^joncern- and a removal for said last mentioned cau£^, rifSIC IA N AND SURCEOIf. eye» it for some time, and says: power to proceed with^he business of said thorized to change the location of said^or- FFiCEoVer W«H8’ siore, iti tlie rooms in g . Crimes and Punishments. shall divest said husband’X)f all interest in « Monsieur, you call zis ze good oys- court, as if he had been Torr^inally assign-: mal School from time to time, as they may fcnaeriy occupied by Dr. J. S. Wolcou. 50 S ec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and said estate ; and any person ag^teye^ by tair?*' ed to hold said term. deem best for the interest o f said school and Sec 2. l^o judge so substituted, shall Hovse of Representatives in General As­ any order of such court, in relation to such G . a , B I 8 STELL, M. D., “ Yes, sir— prime.” sembly convened. Every person who shall to accomodate the pupils in this different The Frenchman swallows it, (it was the by reason thereof, be di^ualiiied from hol­ trustee, or tri^si estate, shall have the same wilfully and maliciously stop, obstruct, in ­ Counties of the Stato-^provided, suitaUe Ph.yBloian and Surg^eoji first he ever ate,) opens his moi^h, puts his ding the next regular term of said court right of appeal to the superior court, as is jure or destroy any gas pipe,,gas burner or btdldings and fixtures are funxi^ed THthout Betiiloin, Cf. hand to hi$ l)read-basket, ^and “ B-l-u-p;^ in such county, npr shall any judge be dis- prescribed^ in Ithe 64th, 65th,J^th and 4'^th reflector gas post, or the lantern on section of, ‘*-A»-Act reKting to Courts.” ^pense to the State. i3 tf OVSft TflK PoS T^O m C E / and up comes the “ oyi-tair” on the plate. qpuaKfied from being so substituted by rea- SECTION T. ;^ns 'cf his having held p ^t, he punished by iriiiitt^ot e W ^ - JOHN C. LEWTS, “ Saere dam ! by gar, zat is notdtt the next previous - ' T h e number o f pupils shall not i^zceed p. p. HUKJPHtUBY, M, D, ierm or s^ io n of said court, inisnch coun- in g . twenty-five dollars, or by 'imprison­ Speaker of the House of Representatives. oystair.” ment in the county jail not exceeding ninei- JO SH ^ B. FERRIJ,^ 220 ; and the VMitors of each School So­ Yoa didh’t put on salt and ciety in the Stale shall be reqoested^a fof-r ^HYSICIA-N A S U R G E O N , JOHl^ C. LEWJS, _ ty days or by such fine and imprisonment PriBsiderit of the Seifate,. sir.” ‘ward to the Snjperinteodent ofComrDon Speaker of the House of Representatives. both. Approved Jnne‘21. 1849. JRiiitJineffe, Conn. " A h ! pardonnez moi ?” Puts pepper S c h ^ ^ aiitBttafiy, the names e f &or A r ­ THOMAS BACKUS, S ec. 2. Every person who shall wilful­ JOS. TRUMBULL. ------and salt on the same one— and sw&llows it sons, two o f each sex, ap|:rfieants IbB adodb- President of the Senate. ly and maliciously impair, injure or destroy —land, “ B-l-u-p,” up it comes again. sfon to si^ school, w l^ tbasi^'vi^ars HOOKER, any engine, carriage or car, belonging to CHAPTER XXf. “ How you tell me zat oys-tair bien ?*' Approved, June 19th. 1849. JOS. TRUMBULL. any railroad corporation, shall be punished An Act in addition to An Act concerning sh««U certify they hare “ A h ! oui! certainment ! be-ne-gar ! by a fine not exceeding two hundred and -firoved as possessed of ^ CHAPTER xni. the Domestic Reiatidns.” R i^ E H T OENTIST ou i!” and he swallows the same again. " fifty dollars, or by imprisonment in the required of teachers, ofcoimnon sdibott in Act in addition to an act relat;ing to Beit enacted by tlw~Senate and House “ Blu*u-ff!” and up it comes again on the county jail not exceeding one year, or by of Representatives in General Assembly this State ; which applicants shall have plate. Pourts.” such fine and imprisonment both. The superior court shaii liave given to sqid visitors a written declara- Just then a gent enters. -enacted by the Senate and Hovse convened. a y be consulted AT AU times, (unless uf^Representatives in General Assembly S ec. 3. Every person who shall malicious­ sole and exclusive jurisSction of all petioons tifn signed with their own haj^^—Aat 1 « Give us a dozen raw.” ly displacb any switch upon any railroad, their object in seeking admismn to the M »ro(essionally absent,) at liis O FF IC E convened. That the town of Coventry, in for divorce. OYER “THE VARIETY STORE.*' The Frenchman turns to him. “ Ah, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding School is to qualffy tKwmselves for the the county of Tolland, be, and hereby is con­ S ec. 2. Divorces may be granted to any LttclifieU), April S, 1849. 41 my fren. you eats ze raw ^stair ?” fifty dollars, or by imprisonment in the employment of Common School Teachr stituted a probate district by the name of ^li^or woman, lawftjlly. married,, for the “ O f course.” ^rs. ; and that it is their intention to enrage the District of Coventry. Provided, that county jw l not (exceeding ohe year, or by following ;Canse^ in ad^tioA to those speci­ “ You call zat ze good oys-tair T' such fine and imprisonment both. in that employment in'thm State, Trhich all matters and business begun or entered fied in saidL aci^ viz.,. sentence of the. other “ Yes, fine, fat one.” S ec. 4: Every person who shall wilful­ applicants the said visitors shall rcommend in the court- of probate for the district of He­ party .to .imprisonment, foit,life, bestiality, or “ Ha! you tink dat is good oys-teir,sup­ ly tear down, remove or defa(» any notice, to the Trustees as satiable persons, by their bron shall be completed therein in the same any other infamous crime involving a vio­ OFFICE 4 FEW DOORS WEST OF THE pose tou eat him T* which; itt compliance with the directions Of age, character, talents a ^ attainments^ tQ man ner as if this act had not been passed. lation o f conjugiJ;.dttty, and punishable by COUNTY HOUSE. « With pleasure,' sir Tand the gent gave the law, shall be set upon any public sign­ be received as pupils iii fhb N oinal S cE ^ . ^ J t ) H N G. LE WIS; imprbonment i^4he state's^prison, imd any Lkchfidd, June 27. 1849. ^ it a dart of pepper-sauce, and bolted it. post, or finy x»ther place, shall he punished The Trustees shall sefect by lot from the SpeakenKhe House of Representatives. suj^ misconducit of the other partj.as ner- The honrifie4 opener stood agape : but by a fine not exceeding seven dollars, r ? whole^timW of app^c^tefr each Coun- he didn't mind “ saving” a Frenchman,yet THOMAS BACKUS, n^fEidy the hiE^piipMofUw'peT J. DATTC»r, S ec. 5. Every person who shall wil^ titioner, and defeats the pi^o^'^olthe If propoxtj^ Iq .vhich such aft old customer was another thing. President of the Senate. o r- fully and unlawfully cut down,-ptill up, gir­ marriage.relation. . ?.... » Vr! otiBty eatftled by ite The Frenchman turned on his heel.— Approved, June 19th, 1849. dle or otherwise injure or destroy any or­ j q Sh n c . L ^ ^ v ; m a k atid female^ w b f ^RAfl^ErrMELpDEONS, " Ah*! my firren.zat may be ze good ^pys- JOS. TRUMBULL. namental, fruit or forest tree, standing iQ Speaker of the.Hou.BeofRepreijentative& P fo vid i^ rffltfirlllifl be woiiCOTTVni®, or. tairj ll no like him. I ^allowed zaf oys­ c h a p t e r x i v . any public highway, or any post or stak^ admitt^ to “ ter tree tiow.” An Act in addition of “ An Act relating J^)!?P^JA':B^|£RR^C there placed"for^ the protection of 4he same^ President of the Senate, pro so cie^ , TrOm wmcfa ttii. “ Flu-tt-o-uph!” came the oyster, and to Courts.” N . Bw-»-Oi!K^,aad Piano Fortes( shall be..nuiush6d by a fine not exceeding Approve4tllinel9, 1849. , made, shall han^ papu ^ _m t ^ sclipei, # tubed aad repatned. the Frenchman danced with delight. Be it enacted by the Senate and House seven doflsts. Tiie Trustees shftlKfoi:«rwd to eacht pap3, WoleottoaU, Mb9 9, V64». 4fltf ^*Ah! Monsienr! zat tam bad oys-tair J of Brpresentatives in General Assembly JOHN C. LEW IS, so appointed, a certificate of h u a p ^ 'n t- oui, certainment f ’ convened* That the townofEastfordbe,and Speaker of the House of Representatives. CHAPTER. XXII inent, returning alto to the prxnerpdTa ^ “ The gent, speecUess with horror, ran the same hereby is constitiited a probate THOMAS BACKUS. of pupils appointed to the school. If there An Act in addition to “ An Act concerning Agent, to the bar, and seizing the brandy decan^ district, by , the name of the “ Dittrict of President of the Senate. shall hot be a sufficient number of appli­ BOOKS and STATTONARY, at the ter, swallowed about a pint, an^l puzzled;—i- Eastford.” Provided, that all matters and I Apprpved, June 21st, 1849. the driving of Carriages, and the man­ cants from any County, to fill the nun^r r * C»»Ay PcifctilwbN Depot & Gen- The FrenchmaivfoUowed, saying: business begun or entered in the court of^% j q s . W. TRUMBULL, agement of Steamboats.” ntAX. X)(^0 (iyr in Trunibult’» build- of aprointments allowed to such C otm ^, M ^-bppwro^llie Post Office. Zat dam bad oys-tair ** . probate for the district of Aahford, shaU. be S ec; 1. Be it enacted by the S^B(ate4v^ the Trustees shall fill the vacaney by lot House of Represeniatveei' in Gei^etVAs-^ 48-8m jy. Y. Spirit of the Times. : completed therein in the same manner as if CHAPTER XIX. from am(mg the whole number d t« which he wiU«nmp^uni^ to vA|iU^li»«il«ip|dytim. Mw^line and labor, iundred’ feet ^saasie atigteater .iate^; " i> tlMB aaiteil powhasers, aravssuKd that grave—the b ^ y of tEe iSevoted wife of ^ e Courts.” treasury of th«y^wn in which the offence pi^tice the modes of inatrueCi^i^ Jwia^fiiriusb them at the PaUabeni’ Imoest rates. affectionate peasant iying oit the hill-side, Sbc. 1. Beiit eria^ted Senate and is committed. speed than is herein allowed, t^tf^perstai in plinft inciilcated in .the Normal Schoeing,dll|y conviic^theTeof For the asppprt of said Nocinal ScW d f^ L ftjp riiiiic , Tetwfam well M Hidi- TOOMAS BACKUS, ii»ajt% i dfed dollars, ose.. half to tiift person who derived from “ The Hartford €otm ty Bank late mmatM buried in the floor, somecrawl (^ioes until tbe fourth' day of July in the Approved, June 19,1849. S^aH^^ffOsecute the sam» tp e^EejCit, jthe andthe interest which may aeoine llterion, ^ across the fields, with the dead slung in year next ensuing their appointment,, unless JOS. TRUMBUL^ Other ^alf .tq.4he;. f!oun ^ .,t^stt^^ Irom which the of tweni^-jlTe'.himdir^ tgrope; Jkross Uie back—a desperat^e l^b r their commission diaUbe sooner revoked or .shajl aiw J^ie^J^f^le tp^ .^ee^j^qld. djmages dollars, annually, for ^ term of years dT a^^on—the wasting ^eir . eb­ jtuspended by act o f the General Assem- W<|hliper|9^ V to prope^-sW i bwniured lhall be pai«L ;Hia^q[^rii^eeSk«^aai^ bing s tr e n ^ in e£torts to bury the 4aad-r^ bly. .An Act:in addilipH to aii A ct: cohcenuiig' thereby. ^ ^ ♦ interest, b y CVwfMtrofl*, on tHe ,.S|iC.» Treasoiw;;pf ** two femUBS, wretched skel^ns, dram ng S ec. 2. - The Kction of the act td the I)omestie>ReJftfioils. 2^ This act.^sliill ^k^.^ct, and o f A stim shaH' « i3ear i JtKSB ■ pi^y derived from the s^e or re-iatu»ti m a a T H E L C g f t t g » REFtBLICiN. l y lt e 6 BBd ffil the world with its 4^ei|. X^uiii Kosntli;; E n the MgnMieen. @l)e fUpublicQD. This b»Te t»nd patriotic Commander-in- Anntversary Ode. GOBstltntioB. C J i^ v W. J?.—Hon.S. P. B^eri: WouW tliat Chief, is still fi^^^ing numfully at the head of At a General Assembly of the State rfConnectksot ^ vvs tkisiky,instead of openin^^ Jfcrtford Bank BT J. Bs HARRISON, ES(t. , hbUenatHartlM, in said State, on the first his troops, against the comhined powers of Wednesday of P a y , 1849— A rrivalo! tk» LITCHFIELD: IPooIh:, cnusin; a certitio unoccupied water .pnvi- Austria and Russia, for the civil and jffeiii^ns w W t mean the booiming of those j ^ s , tB ^ jo lie oijened. Ine pealing of those bells ? Resolved hy the kouse of BepresentaHves, That Bv G. B. flffyrfoi.—Union, ewentwl to free- freedom of his country. He is one ot the most the ibllowing be p r o p p « ^ ,w ULCT FRi aggivgnte of individnai fieedom fnmi tires. Its length’ning plains (uid tow’ra g hills. ukd*frose would take him to be a foreigner, ed the doctrines of Thomas Jefferson in every Stretched forth her sacred hand ed report of the GotftempJatoi} retirntwnt ofM . I f . By Rev. Mr. Tlie eaiiitrd wife and //I Proposed oYtfte C o k - kot *» some^light peculiarity in Jiis dress.— respect, and makes his political writings his Upon its free soil freely trod. Dufoure aiidPasso firomthe mother4 , the oraamerit and gU>i y of a family : May Madam' Cavaignac, modier oriha€teriHml,died Wlier«Ter h*f>3o««eys. he will -he sure to constant pole-star; while in religion, he ad­ And owned no Sovereign save its God. such be found not only tlirougli tlie leiigih and Ata Gteneral Assembly of the State ofConneeticat, June 21st of Choiera. The disease is fint ( B o ^ meet with » cordial reception. l>rsadtjfi,pf our native country, but in all regions heres strictly to the tenets of Dr. Channing. What means this gen’ral burst of joy, holden at JfystSoti, on the first Wednesday of ishing in Paris. the worl^ in a greet multitude which ho man can No people in Europe are more worthy of the " So gladly ringmg now ? May,1846^ - The reported change in the^MiBisinrtnd* db« number, from the rising lo the setting sun f o u r t h o f j u t y ^y^p.athies and good wishes of American free­ Why each adult, each lass and boy Resolve by ike of the B^esentatiees, pressing infiuence on the Bonrse. Wear sunshine on the brow ly .'-' , . Italy, . ^ Celeftrationi at Bantaoi. Falls. The following Song, composed by a lady of Ban men, than the Hungarians. Let us- r^taember T hat the -followii^ be propsed as an a o t^ m ^ to It is in honor of the time. the Constitution-of thisSwte, which,, wbeni^pro- From Rome there are no n ig iirrrtn M «[ ' tam Palls, was intended to have been sung on the that the war in which they are engaged, is one When Freedom sought this genial clime; * Offitxrs of the -'Dag. ved. and;adop^ l^the manner by the Constitution It wouU appeiv from ftiffan p a p ^ rib a t had icrir oecasioni but w«s omitted-by mistake of the offi­ 6f self-defence; that they are fighting^lorious- And here her iEiltars reared— received, that althot^h Q *«yyl«taL i.».i TRUMAN ■KILBOURN,*Esq.. President. Here formed the truly n6ble plan . p resm ^ i shall ttfiJI intents and purposes become cers:-:— ly for their rights, their altars and their homes ; a part .dierisrof, v iz: fered drndiyiy in iu sb^K jre*- it hiil.garrm ifrit Stcphek HirssEu,' that they are actuated by the some spirit which That was to rescue fallen man. And maker his rights revered; The Justices of the Peaee, for the several towns in deranging the operaCion3|M^neriiI'OadiKot s» WUXJAM B^EBE, Ye i KWiUans g5in ble a leader as General Kosuth. thepreseiit session. their j'riejidj—the Frenck Thenews we t^ v e , Hiram Stone, Assistmt ManhaJ. W e bn} you in (nendsliip, ■ Our liberty to gain— ; -Partake of onr fere j ■ That “ patriot band”—so pure and brave. H ouse of RspniEskirrATiTXS, June 19th. filtered as it is through the French Jnniimrs is Holden's Dollar Magazine for-JuU/.—^ \ b is 1849- bi-ought down to the 13tl> inst. Which The 73d Annirery of onr NaUonttl Indepen­ Though simple die banquet, Who scorned.the ,n ucK, jmd the Rev. Messrs. J onef, Soott, and lographic engraving—the first, a xomantic His visage closely scan ? holden at Hartford, on the first W«hic8day of doubt that very serioos c nIKefa h ^ token plaee HAJiKiKAir participated. Tbe Rector, Rev. of Mr. Lucius T o m p k in s , 'was by mistake It is because he fearless stood. M ay, in the year of our Lord, one thousand, eight between the h esi^ s and the^besic^^ ibedtiida omitted from the List of the Board r f the Mana­ “ View on the Erie Canal, near Little Falls Contending for his country’s good. hundred and forty-nine:— of which hjve tio^reacM'ot.fh sudi an aitiB pic F. D. HARancABT, then delivered a very able, the second, a portraiture of “ Hans'Christian slia^ie M tp e n ^ o» 'io^/iNr|IStf tte gers of the Celdtration. In peril’s darkest hour— Resolved by the House of Representatixe*,TLhiul and appropriate Address, whidi was listened Anderson.” the Danish Peet; and the third, a Stood up, and dealt a freeman’s, blows result. But on the brAehwasfj After tlie ceremonies at tlie table were ended the following be proposed as an' amendment,of the the French in -the w a ^ ' and a portn i» with marked attention by a crowded andito- IHceness of the “ Rev. William B, Sprague, On tyrant’s heads, on Frieedom^ foes. Constitution of this State, which proposed amend­ the assemblage, (which was great in numbers, and With a true freeman’s ^w er: troops entered tlie city. Thia report, whid> v _ D, Di, of Albany.” It is worthy of observa­ ment, when approved and ad o p t^ in the inanner respectable in character,) proceeded to indulge Relic of Revolution’s days. given out by the French tod to the klis£ that & i rhe services at the CkareL being ended, the tion, that those who subscribe for Holden, ac­ Receive a thankful nation’s praise I provUed by the Constitution, shall be,to all intents stru^le was ever; but the'&ctaoMma^fat that their own rceneaUons—some in walking, cobvers- and purposes, a part thereof, to w it:— ladies and gentlemen filed -in pftwssion, under tually get as good as twelve volumes a year, of on tli^ 12th, (SeneraiOaiRa^'tSir^ .%lie direction of the efficient Marshal and his ing anil meditating in the cool, sequestered grove— What means it that through thirty States, An election of del^ates to a convention to revise the Trium&ir«,making a bM choice reading matter, for the trifling sum of and amend the Constitution of this state shall he Assistant, and proceeded, (ttccompained by otiiers in sailing uix>n the beautiful lake—while One feeling doth pervade ? endealvorii^ to throw npon ItMm t ^ i one dollar, exclusive of the postage. When Why gather now ’round “ Fre^om ’s gates,' holden on the first Tuesday o f September, in the of ibeefiision^blbod^eonseqoeaii'^ a&artiil am»c,) to Capt. Stoddard’s beaatiful the maj irity returned to tlieir homes at an early purchased of agents, the price is 1'2J cents per Sire and son, matron and maid ? year eighteen hundred and fifty-ene, in the same in the event of their cefh^. Pr liTove, about one fourth of a niile south of the hour. r^;ret exceedingly, that we were pre­ number. Chief Publisher, C, W. Htdden, 109 It is because they love to fix manner, and under the same regulations, as meet­ Roman people, with ttie atin^^ chureh. Here seats were p r^ re d for the ac- vented by indisposition, from attending tlie cele­ Their gaze on deeds of “ seventy-six^” ings for the choice of representatives to the Gene­ from the autha ity of tfie Triiiiitvirs^ h i^ n ^ a Nusau Street, N.'Y. -It is republished in Bos­ ral Assembly are now holden, frovided only, that «MBmodatie»;«f six hundred people, togetiier bration so highly creditable to the gentlemen and That nobly were performed— been cirenlated, but all these eOia9k4[^j^(|i%a| ton, by Hotchkiss & Co., and at Cincinnati, by It is that all now feel alike, the electors o f each town may sel^t their delegates no avail. IV . the appeialcd’f wilii an ample stage, upon which the officers ladies of Bantam F alls; yet.we assure our friends, Frederick Bailey. For those who did for Freiglem strike. from the state a t large. Each town shall be enti­ guardinans 6t!iha Trtcn of tiia daj, tli^ clei^ and revolutionary sol­ that 'pur heart and our imagination were there^ ------. .------. With hearts by Freedoin warm ^ ; ■ tled to the same number of dslegates to said con­ |n ly reply in lai^ciRigf whkb diers, toek seats. The DecUration of Inde- with all the vivid Intensity of feeling which they Two Persons Drownetl. This noble feeling now doth bind vention as the number of represemadyes to which Inmtpage for a future) Each “ State with State, and mind with .^eBdence was read by Damux B. Stoddako, were capable of receiving. An afflicting occurrence took place In the it is entitled in the General Assembly, and the del­ the orders of the town of Kent, on Saturday last, under the mind.” egates shall receive tlie same remuneration m is aU people, we have i______Eef., and eloquent and patriotie addresses W e haite determined to conclude with a toast^ lowed to Mid representatives. . All electors quali­ following circumstances : fending tte standaid^’tf t W«re made by the Rev. W ujjam B. H ott, of which we might bs'Ve drank, had we been p rm n t What means it that all “ Yankee Tars,” fied to vote for representatives be entitled to the country, and the AaMet^fpdist Episcopal Church, Rev. Saj£- By ike Editor.—The Rev. Orator o f tlie Day Two persons, a Mr. Beardsley, and a young • Borne onwardVer the deep. vote for d e la te s to said convention. Said eon- Christian world. We man named William Judd, aged 17 years, went Beneath the flag of ** Stripes and Stars!,” vmi^ Txjf^JEXL, D. D.. Rector of St. Michael’s, till: unexampled improvement of die people of his vention shall be holden in the reply was to k» an«fc«eMjMi.l ^ the Macedonia Pond for thepnrpose of bath­ This day with honor keep ? . Hall, in Hartford, on the first and J. W. Savage, Esq., lUl of litchfield, and p^isb4i»-piety, jn otomls, and in l i i e i ^ lefine- ing ; and taking a boat, rowea out some dis­ It is because pure Freedom’s itide the 16th, and ‘ew y a w n s ^ p f iiyr9»' niehf, bear ^orions attestation to the ines^inoMe ber, in the year eighteen hundred and jkky-one; It ligence of the iasq e^d ie ;^wMcb. Jie ^ v e r 41m Bev. J. L. Scott, of the Episcopal Chureh tance from shore; when both jum p^ into the Ebbs with them, wheresoe’er tiie^ glide. sbaU appoint a Presitot, and such other offioers value of his labors in the Desk, the Pulpit tind the water, supposing it to be not abdve their And makes.^^ billtms foam - ', it may end, in h-"™' -> - m New Preston. These addresses were pecu­ Lyceum. God blen the American Clergy. ■milt may dem ex ^ ieaty Who sball be paid a rea- fiiil to bspt odttctive heads, (as neither of them were swimitiers,') Reflects in Mem’ry’s clearest light. Jj|taable rompensatioh for their Krvbxs ; its de- liarly w«U-timed, pointed, and just right as to but which proved otherwise. Mr. Beardsley, Their native land in colors bright-^ queoee^ - i ___ length. ^eeehes on such occasions, are however, succeeded in saving himself Just at w te s sAall be public ; itshaH keep a journal of its Lfiiig BiUrtam O iTision, No. 25, S. of T “ Fair Freedom’s.jMppy home.” ow^>preceedings, aind publish the sam e; it shall H ^ in g a r y always tedious, and always to be avoided. this crisis, Judd’s uncle, Mr. William Geer, Upon this day, they turn to trace The iMidoM Globe of the e wd&g ef t h l ^ At a meeting of Bantam Division, holden aged 38, who was on shore, and seeing the dan­ The loved who there have dwelling-|^lace. determine the rules of its own proceedings, and The assembly now adjourned to tlie well- shall have all other fwwers necessary to the proper says : W e have intel eeiiail»a» vwwa to June tiieir Hall, on Friday evening, the 6th inst., the gerous^ situation of his nephew, plunged in 16. The great n e w s^ loaded tablM, wiiieh the ladies of Bantam had with his clothes on—telling Judd not to seize What means It, that where’er the eye execution o f its functions.v following brethren were installed officers for T he revised and amended Constitation, frfuned with the Hungarians, ^readin tlie remantic shades near by, and hold of him, but lie perfectly qui^t, and he Of wisdom now is turning, the current quarter: would draw him out. But Judd disregarded by w d Convention, shall be submitted to the are sa id (» h%# bgi, a^eh |i>ey not only httd supplied with an Um u each “ hill-top” you espj^ have lefl dn the field die GEoitGE B. Cook, W. P. the caution ; and they both went down, to rise Fair Freedom’^ torches burning ? electors o f this state, in sudi manner, and at such altaubmee of provisions fisr A e inner laan, bnt G akwood Sahvobd, W. A. no more alive. One of the bodies was taken - It is because, the r^ ian t light, time, not less than three, or more than. six months kiUsd. !F h e k w M m fy i|u a tMtrfaWj arranged, and deeorated with Haw- ' WiXUASc R o n o u s, R. S. . out of the water that afternoon, and the other Whieh slione bn Bunker’s sacred .hel^g|H | from the riahig of mid convention, as said conven­ Albkbt S edgwick, A. B. S at half past three, the n;^t inpruing. tion shall pro ride, and if said revired and amend­ Rusaans by Was lit with heav’nly fire-^ Gorgey. Then eame the Toasts, whidi were read fnm H a rris B. GnsBino, F. S. [Our informant is Capt. L . PENBtETOW, of A fire—’ tifill rend each despot^s thi^ii*> ed Goiistitution sliall be approved by a majority of Be sja m ik a . McCAJUb, T the electors, it shall, from and after the time such the Stage by the Preeident of the Day and the this village.] And throw in every land and aone, ... - y i E u sh a MAtioir, C. A ray— twill not e»ire, " approval has been duly ascertained, and publicly The Qernsm Natioi^ o ^ u A s B1 F a sn!baic, a C: ScT. Dr. Fuller. Here are some of them: - ()C5“ The constables of the town of Saco, Me., Till all mankind are bftst and free. proclaimed in a manner to be provrded by said the 16th, that Bf the PntideMt of tht flffjr.—The *»jr we E dward W. Kmo, I. S. - - And join in Freedom’s Jubilee. convention, be established and ordained as the on­ pation, in eontittuing:lr C B xsrsn A so n , O. 6. says an eastern paper, have been ordered to cefel^ste: As we estimate its benefits, way we arrest all the boys that may be found in the ly Constitution o%|he State of . red on him on the ljSl||; i8


/ T HE LITCHFI ELD REPIBfelCiftJ. NEW ARRANGE^F^. «ntSii||lpkl| tiiMthftJ'raaeh States of the Sierra Madra of Mexico, appealing h p r o b a t e SPRINS sqd 4ln^]r>-ttettlMy Mequar- to the Supreme Judge of the wotkl for the recti- For. Sale ( * to Let "TSpiiili**- my Xiorf, tude of our iniet^tions, solemnly publisli and de­ clare -tfaat** these United States are free and iade* A Small FARM ofabout &venty N otioeu F A m i O J V S i» tffm mm cry t It ap- Aeices,'lying partin W asliin ^ n , and pendent,*” timt they are absolved from allall^iance ■\T O T IC E<^T he Court of Probate for the Dis- „ _ l ^ bt«« t«rihe lietteroftlK part in Litchfield, recently occupied by mpaliliaMn. The Pmident in hU speech to the Jtfexican aovemmo»t,and that all Mriiiection, \ trict of Litchfield, hath limite.1 and allowed which has «M«eed, is, and ought io be dissolved.— _ _ _ _ Benjamin Beardsly, and known as leDi Fnmee Uwt they laiw an •rm y of450,000 men the Ezra W eeks Farm. Possession given imme- months from the dale hereof, fiir the creililors to tiwy tiivefiiiiiiKiipiy oewly equal to onrown Conscqtnntly, as free anij independent Statra, they S State of R E U B E N M. WOODRUFF, late have foil power to levy war, contract alliances, es­ diateiy, Enquire at tliis Office. i f # a k^femr. B. H. MORSE. of Liujhficlil, in said District deceased, in which to tablish commeree, and ;to do all other acts and exhibit their claims for allowance and settlement.- TIib army seem staunch to tlieir colors, and if Litekjield May Idth, 1849. tf 47. ^ d a n to rtmoosirate—if we to say an of- things which free and independent Slates may of Those neglefcting to present their accounts within For Id^lield antlVew tia mtfdv wtre liouis Nfepoipen to hdid up his right do. And for the sup|mrt of this declaration, said time, >opcrIy aitesteil, will be debaired a FARE HEDVCBff: finseM, a«4 pronounce the name of E i^land, 1 with a firm reliaace on Divine Providence, we, the recovery. All persons indebted to said estate people, mutually pledge to each other our lives, our N conKquence of a hitherto liberal patronage vadjr teliave the arbolo army, Red Republicans are requested to m ke immediate payment to froiTi a.generouscommunii}; I have deterr mim-d fortunes and our sa cr^ honor. geo. C. WOODRUFF, I and all would throw up their caps, and rush to the Ailmhtistrr.tor. t» put on therqute from W est Cornwall to Litrh- aaa-coast, just as the gold diapers dots California Our swords an dnwn! The scabbards are Litchfield. June 26,1849. 3 thrown away! field a 4 Horse Coach to run daily (Sundays excep­ they would fiad a ricli harvest here, and easier ted)- and by so doing hope to induce a siill nuire T. H. BICHiBM, laa^than bv digging; and what,n»yLord,have Now then—death to tyrants! Ill Distritt of Conmall, Prolate Court, ss. extensive-patronage and make this route 2il to none we to prevent them ? If in 1847 it was th o ^h t Matamoras, Mexico, June 1 6 ,1&49. July 6,1849. Herchant Tailor, F. D. McNIEL s t a t e of s a m u e j , sEELYf:, \M» 9\ ini the Suite, in point of accommodations anti "V ITOU I.D tenilei' his sincere thanks to hi* pa- advisable to ha*« a Chanael fleet ofsix sail of the despatch. - ^ Corrttpondeace «f the Journal of Commeree. Cornwall, in said District deceased-. YV U «>I18 aiid friends, for their very l i b ^ «». liue, ^ as.iaany steamers when Fraope was d Door below the Mansion House, South St., E Fare fiom’ Litchfield to New Y'ork $2,75. qaiet and ooder a strot^ Govemmeat, is it oot Montrbal, Ju ly 4, 1849. 3 would respectfully inform the Ladies and Gen­ ORDEBiEI)—T\\Rt the Executor exhibit his tnwiage, dming tlie past year: hoping,byfidtJifol. ELIAS HART, Proprietor. ness and attcmion bis batiness, to awrit a con­ n o n aeceartMy now whtn all France, and indeed All is gloom here, in consequence of the tlemen of Litchfield, and strangers visiting the Administration account to this Court for adjust­ West Cornwall, Jan 1, 1849. «M Europe, ItaMn to have run mad i If, any L ord, news from Ei^land, and'^ere can be no ques­ town, that he has in store and is receiving a large ment, at the Probate Office in Cornwall, on the tinuance of the same. Having RBBfOTia^ hU E fU M A * th en was a bridge between Dover and Calais^ and tion that the blow has been finally given to assortment of Foreign and Domestic 23d day oi July, A. D ; W49, at one o’cl^ ,* in the 1 8 4 9 . British conaexion as far as the Saxon popula­ afternoon; .and- -tliat al/pe,r»9tts iiiteresteoli) iaid n a e B t to the Store west ef the Congre^ahtmal France |r«s quiet, would.you withdraw, ypur senti- SUMMER ARRANGEMENT; iielt4 ftr .leM ought yw '4o do it wfaeo Louis tion are concerned. They feel bitterly the in- estate may'be notified twSfes^^ie^xMHto^ of jsaid Chwrck, wh«n he will k^«teiaf||pmaad lint Philippe is hurled from his throne, and the country sultmg reply to Sir Allan McNab, and the gen­ suitable for the SPRING TRADE, consisting estate wil) eause tliis ordei* iS te ^^etwHied^'^i^ a New Haven & Northanjit(» auMrtmentpf «B Nv^^jjMion. are bri Iges my Lord—mo­ eral tone of the English public. in part o( newspap*^ printed in titchfieH, wrtl post a copy R«ailj-¥ade I veable ‘4w id ^. ^^^ne has a lim jr passed ibom LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, thereof on'a sign post ^Baid Cornw;ajlnMrcSt- the Gompaay. ToalW lo lloae 80,W0 men;another may pus Cucumbers.—When a cucumbor is taken from place of the late resideDltie of the d e c e n t. in tlie cotmty. Those in • <«lin firpm C h e r ^ r g to Portiand ; the vine, let it be cut off with a knife, leaving a great variety ; Calicoes of entirely New Styles 3 I BURIUT B. NORTH, Judge. and W ELL-M ADE Ctarmnta, wilt be sure to about an eighth of an inch of the cucumber «mf i«t,aqr Lord, you have withdrawn youraenit- and FAST COLORS. find -thein ia-his Stock, as be Chtthing at Pri­ remaining to the steal' apon which it grew, F a n c y D r e s s P l a i d s for Children. OTICE.—The Court of PrdGiate for the Dis- ces that'will enable all in want, to be etiited; bis « ^ ^ lH 4 lM b in d ii! g o f M r .< > ^ ^ -and hisar. then slit the stem with d knife from its end to tnct of Litchfield, has limited and allowied six )>iOgsiiflia jnlir^ have turner] adSfl 4;600 seam ^— SUMMER COATINGS AND PANT N design is to sell at the lowest cash price. tha vjpe, leaving a particle of thd cucumber t» > ■ STUFFS. montjil^ /rom the date hereof, for the crj^itofs to Lord of the Admiralty n y s the reduc- easff'division, and as many slits or divisiocis as the estate of Daniel Stevens, late of Litdhfieltl,. in Rf^r^ad Arrangements, Conmencing March 2S He €aB&(^ be UipidersoM! ai« not ae kkrge as was supposed. He is are made in it there, will be new cucumbers, BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATIN said District, deceased, in which to exhibit their N and afler Monday, March 26th, passengsi* 4Miitaken ;your nductions are lareon ihj 'i^ n 'R ii^ iia n Minister of Ecclesiastical Af- 1st tuUding West of ihe. Conjpregational Ckxtrt^. fully tender their thanks to the EAGLE NEW GOODS! to testify to the virtues of these extraordinary pre­ arrival of theevening train,, a r'5 ^ 0 5 P ,* ihifB Jms |wi|HisiKd k Ibrm of piayet to be oSered GR.4NK18S & Co. Also, Stages from Litchfield feohnect with 40-47tf - GUARDS of Bridgeport, for their beautiful es­ parations, having been restored to sound health in all diwrcfies fhr «be triumph of the Hungarian H A V E just opened a largeand by their use. ihe down train at 11 05 A. M. oH Tuesdays,'^uriu ipkMa. iA vhic|i'^ jb Russian invaders, •ioT the cort and general attention to the wants of the splendid assortment of Millinery These Medicines are too well known to require days and Saturdays. Returning upon the jglrival TheFapiood M, amtihilate liberty^ indepen- Company; and also, to Capt. NICHOLS, of the and Fancy Goods, an extensive notice. Scarcely a village«xistthro’- of the up train, at 1.35 P. M. on Monday, Wednes­ iui^^-Hto«Mfeive die people,' and cariy Bndgepor GRAYS, for the use of the tents of CONSISTING OF out New England, where living witne«ies cannot day and Friday. Also from Wolcottville, on “ Earl gf DevtfflP; tfte m ^ tito'bpndager'rto desccFsle chimsliesanu Ribbons, Flowers and Trim­ be found.to tel! of their inestimable valuer Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Returning |ilaoes-^to mutder the aged and the young, that Corx», enr recent 'Excursion to that ILL be at the STABLE of the Subscriber, mings of all kinds. Tuscan and W e will name here, some of the principal Med­ Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. W the ensuing season. Farmers who are de­ iiM fe w the chastity o f women,” &c. The Tif^ad City; and we araure them, that it would afford Straw Bonnets of all kinds and icines and their uses, referring the enquirer after A t P la ln v llle —Stages from Plymouth & dfche BQnipfian Chorch has moreover instructed sirous of improving their stock, wtlido wriltocall. us the highest gratification to reciprocate the pri^s f—Frcncb and American health, to tlie “ F am h.y P hysician,” a work edi­ Bristol connect with- the mohiing train for New to^’pnadia cnwade against the Rus- T he T E R M S are L O W , andTcizciniDstances favors we have received at their hands. Lac^ Bonnets, of which we have'a G R EA T VA­ ted by Dr. J. S Spear, where may be found a brief Haven at 8 15 A M. Returning at 5 30 P M.— foverable. li^'to inake;die war an object of religion and of R IE T Y , and at very LOW PRICES. treatise on the origin and nature of the principal Also from Litchfield, throueh Northfield, P ly­ b wi4 to teO the people to take all they (taver To the Chief Marshal, H. T. HUGGINS, For the excellence of the stock, reference may diseases which afHict humanity; directions how to mouth,Terryville and Bristol, to conhect whh ihe be made to Me^rs.Lewis and Myron Marsh. l^andfdiaw into the interior of their country, Esq., and to the COMMITTEE OF ARRANGE­ preserve and restore health, together with some cer­ 10 30 A M train to New Haven. Returning up­ C a p t . SOLOMON MARSH- I tiicfxe make a'sr to the knife against the Rus- Pamelea, Verona, Drab and White Chip. A on the arrival of the train at 2 P M —Also a stage MENTS, we desire to express our acknowl­ ijreat variety of^ Ladies’ Lace Caps and Head tificates from highly respectable persons, testifying Litcl^eld, May 16,1849. « edgements for their attentions and civilities. to dieir henli'iS virtues and urging their importance. leaves for Hartford upon the arrival ofthe train Dresses. SUk, Satin and Lawn. from New Haven, at 8 A M.—Returning to con­ We are under the highest obligations to Bonnets Ready Made and made to order by the This book can be obtained of Dr. Spcai’’s Agents, •f the A «strians. nect with the train from New Haven at 5 30 P M . New Greeiry asd Heat M ari^ best of nerkman, and at short notice. free. an eomnmndeot of die Times writes < P. T BARNUM, Esq., for his kind invitation BALM OF LIFE, Nos. 1 & 2;—For Con- At Farmington Sfariffn—Stages from W in si^ ^ H E Subscribers wonl^ tii^e this oj^r^ %lfa|pln: I— to visit his splendid Villa of lBA.Ni8TAir, and sumption, Dyspepsia, Indigestion,^ Liver Com­ New Hartfoi^, Collinsvnie and Unionvilie, will X t unity' to inform - the ^inhabitants of connect with the 8 A. M; Train to Nfiw H a­ ^*4hiirOelni*iBent -does net now endeavor to for the generous entertainment we received at $5* A large stock of Gents’ Straw Hats. plaint, Debility, Nervous Affections, Phthisic, Litcfafeld,and the Public generally,tftfit they have As(hma,Palpitation, Bronchitis. ven. Returning upon tliearrival of the up train at dblpMiB tliis war against H sngaiy is his hands while we remained his guests ; we Particular attention paid to altering^bleaching &c.- fitted up the-basement rooma omfaMr th»-3tore of t araraf eM9 Bpot,and not simply an exf^itinn CATARRH SNUFF.—For Consumption, 2.10 P. M . ' beg him to accept our most sincere thanks for and pressing old Bonnets, Men’s Hats, etc. Bolles & Wells, in W est Street^ in a nmt and ^ a labdlieB. It protests that it will by W ork warranted to be done well. Catarrh, Cough, Headache. S'C. j.this is a certain 41 HENRY FARXAM, Supt. Us hospitality, and our warmest wishes for his comfortable style, for cleanlifiesa and cootMsa in — ini iwat Hungary as a conquered crown- cure for Catarrh, and surpasses any other prepar- Summer, and. warmth in Wii^ter; where they iaaifhm as a provinoe whidi, by the resolution of happiness and welfore. atton for‘ cleansing the liead in cases of colds, etc. will be happy to wait upon their costomeis, and April, forfeited ^1 htstoriral rights^ and Patent Elastic Band, (a new invention,) Patent T H E L IV E R W O R T PIL L S, have been for a 1849. We desire to express our gratitude to PHI­ Pew Handles, Diamond Point Steel Pens, Silver furnish .them, on the-most reasonable and satisfiK?''. iH U iU daina to^icater privilrgn than titose pos- longtime considered a universal medicine. A trial tory terims, w i^ Q r M e r i e s of aH IumIb^ and 1 by the otlier Austrian provinces.” LO HURD, Esft., Superintendent of tiie Nau- Pencils, Combs of all kinds, Purse Twist, Steel of one box, will satisfy the patient that they are HOnSATONlC RAIL ROAB^ gatiic Rail Road, for his kindness in lending^ Beads, Rings «nd Tassels, Bag Clasps and Friiige HI0«t»J>f every de^ption, and of ati am lkst irs i r ^ * desire for the best purgative known. They remove the most qualfiy. ^ rii'om tlie A ^IH had again been Special Train over that Road, for our accom- —A Great variety of Ladies’ Kid, Silk, Lisle severe colds, couehs, pains or fevers if taken in maiiiAMaj in Pohemia and at Agram, tlie capital of Thread, Cotton Gloves, Gents’ Kid Gloves Haii^, seisoor SCROFULA SYRUP.-r-Tliisitoneof OYSTERS and REFRESHMENTS. inodation; its interests can never suj|gr, ifllN vatveV-and* tooth toushtw,- note-paper, en v e l^ ^ ih^tiiosi efte^al-afentsm use for cleansing and in Ui« h- Leave State Line, 9.15 a u that he has taken the store at the bead of Main S neat cattle, shall suffer the same to go at large, questf^aWy a. inost certain remedy. EY E W A ­ WestStockbr’ge9.25 • ■* 7.00 a m humiliation, and prayer. AH business will Prime, and 10 25 €-41 for Mess. out of his or her enclosure, it shall be lhe duty of Street, lately occupied by A. B. M ^s^tt, and will 8«spended ia the various brancliesof the public ser- TER^—This lis the best eye water now in use:— Barrington, 9.52 “ 800 “ open, JNLonday th e 16tb o f April,-a The social and friendly intwcourse and relation­ ihe Haywards, and shall be lawful for any person^ GRAVEL" M IX TU R E.—This Will cure all ca- Canaan, 10J20 “ 9.00 “ viee oa tiiat day ; and it is recommended to persons to take up and impound the same. And whenever branch of his JBEIL GEPO RT tffall religious ^nom inatioas to ahMain.as &ras ship of families is often interrupted by the inroads Is^ o f tte gravel. Forother remedies, see “ Fam- W est Cornwall 10.49 “ 10.00 " any person shall have so impounded any crealurw, fty:Phy^cian.” Kent, 11.17 “ 11.17 “ practicable, fm n arcular orrupation, and to aeftm- of these fearfol ravagers of health and life, Con­ he shaltgive notice thereof to the owner, if he be Ladies’ Emponoffl) Uein their reflective |daces of Public WTorship, ^ All the ingredients of the above MedTcines are Nesw Milford, 11.50 “ 12.20 p M sumptive and Scorfulous Disease, racking the bones known in the same manner as if such cattle had furin'slied by Nature,herself, and are combined in Newtown, 1243iPM 1.50. W here ha will keep con^amly on bttnd, a targe to acknowMge the tafinin gtSodnrss whidi has been taken doing damage, and impounded, and «NicbetfVverrarexj*tenee-aaii nation and ao long and wasting tlie flesh, and driving to despair the aci»rdahc6 :!ivith known principlfB. universally re­ Arrive at Bridgeport,. 1.30 “ 3.10 “ assortment of articles, expiessly for the Ladies—' shall be liable to the same penalty for neglect to ceived as sound, by all scientific Physicians. rfmm'nei aa « iih aa iin iM lrfem to implore On and after the 2Sth April, an E X TR A consisting of Rich L ^ and Maslln Capes, Col­ most beautiful, interesting and delicate forms, alike give suchrnotice': And if the owner of such crea­ Their merits have been acknowledged by thou­ 4be AlaaiN y. ia flis awi{i ffood time, tostay the P A S S E N G E R T R A IN itnU run bettceeri^ lars, Embroidereitite'vere^ Hem'Stitched and plain with those of sterner and more enduringstrength. ture be not' knewn, the person impounding the sands. They have been tested and proved to be Handkerchief ChimiiBettefl,, Cw&, lender sleeves 4eitM ii^ imadarUrii Huaem IKtfd up against us. same shall jwoceed, and such creatures shall be li­ Fridgeport and New-Milford, at 7.16, JL, 2L TAYLOR. Most providentially, has a singular coincidence , equal to the consideration claimed, for them. —wiiJe and narrow thc«^ l«ae Cars on this roai connect whh the titilns on While and Colo^ T<^rtaton., U as^-ilans-; . IhfAem Skctes af Sierra Madre of S e c . '2. The owner of any such cattle so im­ dollars. the N York and N Haven RR, which mn: Crapdi; Ulosion T 8 ^r.F^W(»kt?)o^;.CapeB 5 pounded, shall pot receive or replevy the game, un­ Principal Office, 570 Washington street, Boston if e n e o . , ' as follows: Collaretts; (J^vatis ; Infants* iHarrtagee. til he shall have paid to the pound-keeper the sum Sold also by S N Broftson, Litch^eld ; S Thom-, Ribiwn GimM;.Fringes; and a gfeftUy«^y of W iten In ihe coarse af human events^ it be- of twenty.five cents for each creature so impound­ as & Son^ Plymouth Hollow ; A Lewis, Bristol; BRIDGEPORT AND NEW YORICr articles, that wilLhe sold a s . low as thejf ^ 4aMMa neoeesary for one people to dissolve tl>e po- In this town, on Sunday evening, the 7th inst., ia St. Michael’s Church, by ^v . Dr. ed; whereof one half shall be lo the pound kwp- .S & L HiijrJbut, Winchester Center; E S Wood- Leave Bridgeport at 9.30 a m , 1.30 p u and 4.30 had in the State. ^ litiakl bonds wUeh have connected 'thear with an- p M . Leave N "York at 7.15 a m , 8 a m , and Fuller, Mr. Sheldon Mung^r, and Miss Jane er, and the other half to the use of the person im­ fonl, Wiristed ; Crow & Jewett, New Hartford. ALSO.— .\ splendid assortment of Ladt^-* fffitr. to assume aosong the poaren of the I y 4 7 3 p m . The 8 o’clock a m Train from New Caskey, both of thia village. pounding the same; and until he shall have also Misses, and ChiMren’sH ATS, Ribbons, DRESS aarA tkf aspanilr and equal station to which^ the paid to the pountl-keeper his lowfuf expenses for York, connects with the Housatonic lava at «aiij|r and o f nature^l God entitle theth^ a CAPS in great variety; Plain and Mooming do. providing food and water for such creatures, while Through Train, and the 3 o’clock p N . B. B O N N E T S ’ cx.sai7Xi> Aeeeut fiiMpeii to ibe Opinions %T aftknkind reauin M Train /row New York, con-, in pound. Also; the owner having had notice that Pa.ES8T.O. «hat ^ loald^fcelan ibe ^uses which impd his creatures afe so impounded, shall be liable to the, _ Lamp Oil nects with the New Milford Train. In this town, bn the 5d in st, Mr. Ira ffmith. sanae pefiVlty for neglect to replevy tt>e same, M if ; ^ UlURE R E W inter StriStrained Lamp Oil,bleached . and aged4'9.' " J. B. RENSHAilifr^ the present and past Govern- th«-1?ame1Iad be«f taken ddfng dam a^, an^ tfti- ^r Unbleached,tthbleached, with other qualitiesqualUteBof of cheaplamp c f ^ f lan^ BRIDGEPORT AND NEW HAVEN. 42 No. 17 State Street, Bridgeport. In the ;2d ai^ Kosetta, wife of Leave Bridgeport at 10.30 a m , 2 p m , and 5.30 )>«lf SieJtico, is altistory of rented ir^ries pouike;ers from the.Housntonic Train, and t i t aii absolul^iyranny over these virtue of this By-Law, shaU exceed the sum of 22tf “DRUG’store.” # m n 0 J b r JSak; T o fWDve thiOj Jet wets tse suhmitied to a F anitt M., oldest daughter of the late Mr. arrives in New Haven in season for ihe Cars on A n d re w -S ll^ so n , aged 31 years thtrmibllars. Provided also, That any-one per- the Hartford Railroad. T h e8.45 A M Train from A tC adl|^ isn Monday the 9th inst.j after aoin/who hasafoihily residdnre within said town, New Haven, connects with the Housatonic Train For Sal% . T%q|r ba»e banasaed os with political an illnaai d three montta, wluch he bore'with who s h ^ get permission ihj writtrtg, frotft the Se­ Waterwheel Regulator. i,«tiisll.ape published flejrt week.;-r--Fttn.ew4 a t SiSC. 8. J Tliat the Town Clerk be directed to. Passengers from Ti’oy -Albany for Bridge­ <«ti6»,«Bael64 tofcly to pei|ietuatc the poNiwr of 2 o’cledci B M., Tharsday. r . , port, New York and New Havcn, or fi>r Siattnns all in good condition, hav«^i>een built witiMn 20 ■tta^ aaarpen af the fibei:^ of t he ;«ople. We mW tbe foregoing By-Laws, and cause the same' yearsw aijd lately undergone a ^MUDugh repair, and In H^^field, abput a ,^»ice, DiP. . ^.published four, weeks succ^ively, ina news on the Housatonic and New York and N e w ^ o ^ WooDws^ai |cto^iaB>of Railroads, take I he cars of the Western Raili«^ de1igbtfi)[%.«huateJn the most sightly and pleas­ haw penecoted us with siand- the old and highly resro^^tett aUdftio \&r printed in Litchfield.- r ant part of the town, with a clear view of Loch <*e4|rilp^ ap to oppress and annihilate the l>ated at Canaan, >Tu&e 35,1849. , 4w.l leaving .Bfli? Albany a t 7 ^cUick a h , tktmgA ^knew him. " - \ carsat $(qte Line, and arrive at Bridgeport at 1 .^ Lakes and Mountunsjuid within four mifeaof tUe our oppressors. W e Nau^tuc Kail Road. free. The foregoing is a true copy from the Hecords p ii, at New Haven at 3.30 p M and New Y6r|( at4ilOPM. - T>)e salubrity of th^ dimate, and the dttnticn l^hey ^»a»e acted so, that oor befeved ' Goods at Cost. of the said Town of Canaan. witl> rc^rd to Churches, Academy, Cowl House iwTi|;|on. |nmnrrT*]r threatened by bayonets, has f ^ OOD M atins, iQ up thj5 Jot at 12tcU. J?efurnin^-^Passengers arrive' at State Line iri Attew; CMSORGE.WATSON, ro»wC7«rjt. lime to take the cars on thf -We^ern R R for Pitu- and Jail, make it> most desihi^ f[hi^.lb(. City^ T'JR- ila action of benevolence and V T Splpndid ParMots with heavy silk f r i i ^ at ^ntlemeii,to bring up and edj)0 |^fbOT^;^^ of Wcdeclaiv ourselves five. $1 50,ai tl)ia VABIETJ STOEIi.: field, Springfield, Hudson apd AUwoy. CASH and EXCHMGE STORE] Stages riin ip ^nnection wifbihe ■ i^Ciiqr lw ra«e managed tbst the people The subscriber tie^dwipotw*^ whh liHtpf tte ir vaat territory a n denied the h e Subscriber takes’this methtid ^if ihform i^ <»rs to Lee, Lenox, Old Stock­ Lath, Lath. bridge, CurtissviHe, Winated, Sharon, Goshen, Iris fiimily into an o |M li^ '4 ^ fats business, ItiliriM prpperiy. 1 IFb declare our- hisfrien^afuid t ^ public will sell the ab^ffriM,k::U^ gett- -liny-coiuHdfln*. ^ * “■ l»l la^'the .^ H IS Machitfe i t most mmple construe. C. A. XIHTLAND, Supnvdettdeak^ .‘^pl^^m iN G .about «rally. F a rm er wiU find Jt to, tiieir advantage “IfaliAiandina4ein;themostftubstanttaimamier. Ita . aad wkh- ■ Tire, Fire...... , pill J3«fore. purwasiflg el^where. * - ' ' i Bridgnpott, Afnil. - Hhiitdred and Twen-i togeAer wilt the low j^'ce ^ which it ^ ^ 4 y of good laik^ Wa4loeiai«‘------/IRAlilliB fr € 0 ., having besn j^jMlihjed Butter, Chttitt', Grain and Pfodute- genei(a^> \T ^ Met^im and Fannen ofered, TecoihiOBods it to JoaiiilfiiCtQreri. as the F A S H i O N A # E B with good buildings j sftu- kmrn » >w*i>>g!tf rtfc a t white taken in.excjtaoge for QsxiAz at the lomst eash jnjs.. Nutre ami SIL l^ or fur- of Stodtbijiiii^lfr ees. ,v ifuiietatttm of Regulators, warranted to work well p.»..^'^hiW d. (Northfield on t ^ iadieaiice jmd asieeiT are spee ^e» ry . jrheie, they }Tpi(ippeiiy anfanj^ for operation on any'wheel on reasonA^ y»a^ measecallaitd examine for yotorielves. tj^pwrticolars enquire of H. BALDWIN. -nmonses. ( : ; .i GEattGE PIERPONT. ; W^hii^«n, C^nn,, M y % 1^49. 2 Litchfield, • w m m t t i , »• w'w ifiprtNm ; J m i 26,1W9. Swt) T H E LITCHFIELD REPUBLICAN.

" Purlfj^ tlie Blood.- , ‘‘N ot for a d ay b u t f o r a l l tim e .” LITOHFIELD T T ^ H E N your blood is joace PuRK, nothing, in Owing to tjii^kreat succeij^and'imiilense 'sale of Dr Townsend’s Sarsaparilla, a iiuinber of-Jiien w ^ were STANTONS EXTERNAL ME MED I W tbc iJiapc cf food will Ibanliy come amis; ; formerly our Agents, havb commenced makiiyr Sursapa- nothin' will souc upon your sutniach i you niay rilla Extracts, Elixirs, Bitters, Extracts of Yellow HUNT’S UNIMENT, eat pk«. or arijrthing in reason ; and ii». greater &C. They generally put it up_in the .same sliapefl l>ot- varwtyof feod tiie better blood is made. All who Ucs, and some of them have stoic and copied our adver­ a s now given abundant evidence pf its heal- AND tisements—they are only worthless ifflitittions, ana :ing powers, and proved itself the most extra­ ha»e «reak«iomach6 , who are dysjie].ti<^, or in «ny should be avoided. H h e Subscriber, grateful for. past patronage wajiraWMea in |mdy, sbouidSiiriihoui delay rtfsort ordinary and wonderful medicine in the world.— still continties to carry on the Principal OlTlco, 12(5 FULTON Street,.Smi Building. In itie short space of two years, it has acquired a T to oraadretU s Pills—which willliideetl atrengthrn N. y .; llcddius & Co., 8 S tate etri-eS. Boston; M /o tt« CASTllVe BIJSllVESS, the life prutetple, and by perseverance with them, Sons, 1:I2 N orth Second stri!«-t. Vliiladelphiti; S. S. reputation for curing diseoseand relieving pain far in all its various branches,at the old stand in North entirely renew the wi.otebody; the materials n«w Hiincn. Drusjist, Baltimore; P. M. Cohen. Cliarl'^ton; greater than any medicine aver discovered. Its Street; where all kinds of CASTINGS, witlbt Writfht &. Co.. 151 Chartres Street, N. ().; lOo South wonderful cures have astonished the Medical Fac­ in it gnod, will be kept so ; those Latl, displaced Pei-.ri S lreft, A lbanv; and by al! tin -p rin tip al Drn!!| done, at the shortest notice, and in the most work­ PURIFY! PURIFY! and removed. Good blocd car.not make bad bone, gists and JlHreliaiits eenerally ilirougliout the tuiUP ulty, who now universally concede its great value. man-like manner. or bad flesh. And bear in mind, the Brandreth’s Stiito. W est Indies and the Caiiailas. They speak of it in the highest terms, and com­ He has on hand, Oven-Mouths of two sizes— Lift and Healtit aie is (be Bloei, Pii!s surely purify the BIooil. TOWN8E3V»>S mend its use. one at $1.50, and the other, at $1.25 ; Cart am^ KotoaeoCaB flie maMroa* BMdidaea that htn For sale wholesale and retail,by F. &L. Allen The method of preparlHir the Bran'ireiliian V p£t- COalPOUND EXITRACT OP It is condemned by none. On the contrary, IT S Wagon.Hubs of various sizes ; Fanners’ Kettle? pmarad, be^aa to be oC m great nrdi—1 vIHau, and miftfliiur oertaialy to cleaaM porify, produea u s etable Extracts is secured t>y Lixters Paicnt of the jBethiem ; and at the sign of “ Drugs S: Medi­ PRA ISE IS U N IV E R SA L . The o^ses of cure Furnaces, Sinks; Gri4irons, Dish-Kettles, &c., &r. tad SARSAPARILLA. cines,” No.4 ,South street,Litclifield, Conn. >iaff>y and afrengliien and iavigerale M lAtte tg*. U .S.—Piitent granted to Benjimiiii Dr«ndieth, Jan. fFott Sici-riparilla .PROVISION STOIE. decidedly the best nr w in use. A 1 .S0 —^11 kindso< moatniiracalons eareaaf The public should cautious of medicines re­ overall ot'iermedieiue;) is, thatw h'l - i: rra iiosttc' t'lt; i!ix- For the following diseases, it is an infallible reme­ cas- it inri?orate< the to d y . Itii- ni!-‘ <.>i'I'lo Vfry Ijeul r p H A T well known Stand in W est Jtreet,in the d y : Brass Castings, ComposiUon Box­ commended in advertisements stolen fi om me. dPRING AND SUMMER MKPICINKS 1. second block of buildings \\c- of the Court es, &c. Serofok, Fever S m s, Satt A sm’e test of genuine Brandreth’s Pills : Ex­ Spinal Affections. Rheumatism, Paralysis and all Ever kiiowu; it not ouly pnrifieii llifi sy.-tciii, and House,is stilloccupied by the subscriber, who keeps WANTED.—0\di Iron, in exchange foi SYPHILIS, and otfaer enytiwaadatiadieeaaeiviis.; Bn* amine the box of pills ; then look at the certificnle •treui(tlieii8 tlie person, Iiut it creates ntte. pure and rich constantly on hand, nud for sale at the most rea­ Nervous Affections, Snlt Rheum, Croup or Hives manufactured Articles. M tu, Sores, Uleert, Uktratti A rt UnOk mmi Thnat, of agency, whose engraved date must be within blood • a pow er possessed by uo other nMmcir.!:. Ai.d iu Ague in the Breast and Faec, Weakness of the Fffii rwM rhufM thi« lies the gnnid secret of it» woDdcrruI success. >t haa sonable prices, Joints, Colds, Tooth-ache, Sore Throat, Quinsy, LEONARD CARRINGTON. Hue. Sheumatism, LIVMR COMPLA^T^dSmjcma* the year, which every authorized agent must pos­ perform ed ^vitbiu Uie la it taro years, more than 100,000 DRY GOODS of every description, and of the sess ; if the three laWs on the lk)X, agree with the c o m oT Revere cases o f disease; a t least 15,000 w ere Ulcerated Sores, Indolent Ulcers,Bums, Frosted Notth St., Litchfield, Ct., March 2 0 , ’49. 6m3f dlieaaes. TflOUSAMDS of aodi flitnnna have tiM reaa^ considered incuruble. It kas saved the lives of more best qualities. PURIFIER, and eand ti» m three labels on the certificate, the pills are trueif— GROCERIES of all kinds—a large and general Feet, Corns, Bunyons, Fresh Wounds, Srcellings not. they are false. 27eow4m than 10,000 chihirea during the two p ast seasous. and Bruises, Scrorulous Affeptions, Musquito assortment. Bites and Poisoiis. IRON FOUNDRY, Less at Less C o a b iOjOOO casM CSeiieral Debilitr Attached to his •eslablisliment, is a M 'u iit ®f IVerreua JBneritjr. Price, 25 Cents per bottle. —AND— by/oiir/«iUL than ever radi (daeasas were ^e&n or ik '•* Dr. Towuseud’s Sarsyjarilla invigorates the whole For Sale by ihe following Agents: ' cared, ^ SaraapariBa, or aay other timeij. Wha^ihai^ G r e a t B a r g a i j v s ! system permanently. To those who- hare lost their where m aybe had al all seasons of the year, the ia the quMoa for liiow iaterastad to dedda^ aa to estf inuscuUr energy by tlie effccts of medicine or indiscre­ T A Welton,New Milford, D.Giddings, Gay­ and healtfat FIRST—mU ft «mm m emmUmtr In Real Estate, tion committed in youtli, or the excessive iiidul^eucq of choicest MEATS of all kinds, such as BEEF— lords Bridge, E B Goodsell, Bulls Bridge, G Hop­ OHD—Jbitdummrf TfilBD—IF3I the passions, aud brought on a eeneral physical prostra­ Fresh, Salted,and Smoked. son, and Barkei-, Kent Plains, M Harrison, & Iron H E subscriber ofTei's for s.ile, in the States of tion o f the nervous system , loi>situdo, w ant o f am bition, ONE OOI.LAR ’8 W O R X H PORK—Fresh and Salted. Earn, Venl, Mut­ Company, Cornwall Bridge, Prati & Foster, and Illinois and Iowa—FARMING LANDS in hiintin? sensatious. premature decay and decline, hasteu* of BRANT’S PURIFIEReSactiv^earei'OIIRinaES iii^ tvn-ards that fatal disease. Consumption, can be en­ ton, Lamb, iS-c., ^c. m il siir! riiinois, in the Counties of Peoria, W arren, Me James Scoville, W est Cornwall, J W Beers.& Co, '^P H E Subscriber continues to execute all orders aamachdiaeaaeaamMdoaar'aworAtrfAraapartBar Ifll tirely restored by this pleasant remedy. This Sanft- —ALSO— North Cornwall, G F Peck, Ellsworth, I) Gould, win^OienitiaFOUR TIMES CHEAPE»^tfaaK. Donough, Mercer, Calhouu and Hancock. pariila is far superior to uiy A great variety of fresh, and salted FISH, and X for castings, at the shortest notice. H is list cC riUs. And to prova Ois we odfer on* eaaa «f eacc^ oat of VIL'LAGE LOTS in the Slate of Iowa, in Invisorating Cordial, &G F White, Sharon, Barnum Richardson & Go, patterns is very full and complete, containing ev­ Oeaui^eaaes of At it renews an,aadhe natandtoUM rilla has been the menus, through Provideuce, of saviiw son, New Preston, F Boardman, S E Bostwick, m i administered with uniform success, as a preventive, And Art forthwith at ite liad to use e ra td w a to eaable h e r to iBOvii fect is to disinfe<^ expel, r e s t^ . by their anti-pu­ Uteri, or Falliiiir of the Womb, Costivrness, Piles, Leu- his line of business, give him a call,and see iftJiey ARE YOU INSURED! ting up new machinery ; two kinds of horse pow­ rovtd the house. Mra. Bartlett aaed aix botte.oiBilg^ amk. eorrboea, or Whites, okstrucU-d or difficult Menstrua, trescent, cathartic, and renovatmg properties. At cannot be as well, (if not better) suited with his was coxed, ao that ihe could walk widMMt eraSdiea^ aa irgR tion. Incontinence of Urine, or involiuitary discharge er, for sawing wood, and threshing, the most ap­ aaever. Aa witncaaea of the above &di; m refer to Sr. this season, when the vital system, exhausted by thereof, and for the general prostration of the system—r work and prices,as they can be at any other es proved in the country. Bosskai^ one of the moat reapeetahle pi^ifciaaa ta tha the hMt of summer, but impetfectly performs its no matter whether the result of inherent causa or c a u ^ tablisliment. FARMERS’ WANTED .—Old cast iron. of Brooklyn (office 133 Henhr atree^, aad to Doctor SL produced by irregularity, illness or accident.^ Nothing SKnam, comer of M«»tagiie place and Bsory itr ^ functions, they may be taken with advantage by the be more surprising than its invigorating effects Particular attention paid to HORSE­ H. BALDWIN, healthy, while to the weak and ailing they will prove Brodclyn, L. L »n the hnman frame. Persons all weakness and lassi­ SHOEING. HUGH DUNN. ffiOTUAL FIRE INSURANCE Washington, Augwst^ 15th, ’48. 9 a staff of life. tude, from taking it, at once bccome robust and ftill of Litchfield, Aug 1. t(B CJr BEWARE OP COUNTERFEITSanu energy under its influence. It immediatdy counteracts the nervelcssness of the female frame, which is the great . Stewart’s syrup. BRANT’S'INDIAN CH EA TS.—See that the full name, Rev. B. Hih~ canse ot Barrenness, it wiHnot b« expected of us, in fioot and Shoe Store. At Granville, Wasliington County, New York. bard's Pills, is on the label of each box. and that eases of so delicate a nature, to exhibit certificate of Superior Article, equal to Maple Molasses, they are prepared only by Doctor timothy R. Hib­ cares performed but we can assure the afllictet., .aat A AT BALDWINS’. PULMONART BALSAM No. 96 John st., New York. All othersare handreds of eases have been reported to us. Thousands LITCHFIELD MUTUAL F RE, This Balsam poaaeafles M th e eleansiug and pmrifyimg bard, o f cases where families have been without chiMreu, Over Twelve Millions Insnred! Virtues of the aboTe-niimed Puam m ta E xtkact, and alao spurioKs and irresponsible, injurious alike to those afUr nsing a few bottles of this inva)u«ble medicine, J.4I»fGS W . WILSOW And are now issuing at the rate Ijossessea sereral other medieatioiu, particularlf and aec»- who tain them, and to the reputation of the genuine have been blessed wiUi iuic. healthy offspring. O U LD respectfully inform his friends and Harlf adapted to cure COUGHS and CONSUMP'riOK& R Pills—and there are several such cheats, industri­ COJ!lP.41iT. heals and cures tfleers ia the Ltftgs, and elsewhere iatn -mat To Motlicrs and Married liadiea. W the public generally, that he has on hand, of 20,000 policies per Y ear! bf, as readily and aa as the Purifyimg Exlraet Iwala ously circulated, wiUi plausible stories ofbeing gen­ This Extract of Sarsaparilla has been expressly pre- and is constantly manufacturing a good assort­ and cores eztemallif. uine. None are genuineexcept as stated above.— pared in reference to female complaint!. No fem^e HIS Company has been in operation Fifteen T h o u s a n d s of cures of &e most hopdess Coiuniaptiaa who has reason to suppose she is approachtn; that ment of Boots and Shoes, warranted equal to any iuJfy prove its almoet tninunilous efficacy ia alt dlseaiK» oT Seethat 96, John st., is on the laW of each box. in this town ; which he offers for sale on tlie most A LARGE CASH FUND ON HAND. Years, ending July 3d, 1848. rr\tical period. “ The turn of life'* should neglect to TThe whole number of Policies, which have been Oe LUNGS, THROAT, and BREAST. Fhr Sale at the “ Ihusr Store'^andbv Mr. A. C. ce It, as it is a certain preventive for any of the reasonable terms. .411 orders for work, will be h i s Company have been in existence four ^ h , M this vUlage ; by W. M. Htui^erford, Vimerous and horrible diseases to xvhich femalus we thankfully received, and promptly and faithfully issued i> 3153 A 1>YING SATW I ri>ject at this time of UfQ. This period vtay be ^ T years, and their success is without a parallel Amount of Property Insured during the time WolcottvUle.ani dealers throvghoutthe county, housing this medietu^ Nor executed. Repairing done at short notice. iiLthe history of Mutual Insurance. QpNSUM PTlW CUREDI lm26 I rnltoMe for those who are approactiin^ wo> He ha^ lately removed his estaliiishment to TTift. is >„ - #2543154. ' nuShood, as it is calcURtnnl m uure, by quick­ 'T h e UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN W e give the following certi&'ate as a fact of cure, wfaidi 1 ,South s*.—1 st door south of the Mansion House. Amount ofProperty now insured,is “ 1094621. ening the blood and invigorating the system. Indeed, A PPO IN TED A G E N T S for the above Com­ goes to prove the power to «uyc Urofj^veo wfaen the perm s 25. 1848. 28 The whole amount of cash prem i------;;— To all Whom it May ConcerB. this -medicine is invaluable for all the delicate disea­ Litchfield, South st., Nov. pany, would respectfully call the attention of those seems to be in the very last stngcs uf cxidttence, when Untiti’r ses to which women are subject um paid into the Treasury during the Indian. Pulmonary B/fJjam id adnuiibtcrcd y — It braces the whole system, renews permanently the not insured in L i t c l l f i c i d C o u n ty , and time is $12474,35^. natural ener^fies, by removinj the impurities of the will be happy to receive applications from those Town o f BalUloit, Saratoga Co.^ y . Y ZtUA fhrifW. HARTFORD COUNTY NEW GOODS. T o interest received on Loans “ 1119.63. itAN, being duly sworn, sa y s: n ii it inJBi«whiti?> o f 184.x body, not so far stiniul.iUng ns to produce subsequent E have just receivisd from New York, a who wish their PR O PE R T Y IN SU RED , and deponent’s *ife was believed by her phyKcXn aiid oth*er» ta Mutual Fire Insurance Company. relaxation, which is the casr of most medicines token for W good assortment of seasonable DRESS, give such information as they may wish. be dying with a consmnption of the lun^; aad feniale weakness and disease. By uiing a few bottles el “ 13593 98i. believing that to be the case, went to Mr. Johm V ! ^ this medicine, many severe and painfui surgical opera*, and other GOODS—amon^ which are, some They insure none but the safest kind of Prop­ A mount of Premiums now charg­ \a the milage o f BallHon Spa, to purchase eU}thSor%4_____ . very good Calicoes, at 4 ana 6 ^ cts.; Ginghams LOCATED AT HARTFORD, CONN. tions may be prevented. erty, and take no risk over $ 2 0 0 0 . ed on the Books, which can be col- and other necessaries, to prepare his wife for Iia*^ after at 10 cts.; Splendid Muslins and Lawns, at 15 Their Policies are m ide on fair and equitable h i s old and well tried Company have been G rrat Blcminir to ]?lothcr«aMd Cfaildrcn. Vik:ted if required $22232.76^. she sbotild die. Depomsnt further aay^ that while he’Wa* tit It is the s a (^ aud most effectual medicine for purify­ cts.; Bleached Cottons, at 7 cts.; and many principles, giving these insured an equal chance Sfud WttH’s store, h e w as pM*Ha(ly the Propticior o f T in existence aboat seventeen years; and it is ing the Bvslem, aud relieving the sufferings attendant other styles equally low. ^ th c “ Variety with the Company, bting entitled to full amount “BIUNTS IMDIAN PUI.MONAllY HALS.Wt," who w«» confidently believed, that no Companyin the Uni­ Store.” W. F. & G. S BALDWIN. _ $35826.75. then present, to take a bottle of-««id McdtCMc—he remark- ■pon chikl-birth ever discovercnL It strcugtliens both of damages, not exceeding the amount insur^, The whole amount of Losses, mat if the dying 'rimuir be. poWpwit recovery, yet, if ted States, have done as m u d btuincss with •he mother aud ehild, prevents pain aud disease, in- Litchfiold, A pril 4, 1849. 41 Uie be much opptetsed and distressed, the said medicia* wreases and enriches the food, tliose who have used it without deducting o n e - i h i b d , as is customary which have been paid is $10551,69. Jess ezpenselo its members. daink it is indispensable. It is highly useful both before with some other Companies. would soothe< aad rcUeve her, and make^the pillow of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTt, To amount of expen­ dcnth more easy. Deponent took the said ineScine homo This Company do not pretend to be under the aud after confinement, as it prevents disrnses attendant They are prohibited from insuring in Blocks, direction of Me.mfaers of Congress, Ex-Judges of ipon Gfaiidbirth—in Costiveness, Piles, Cranip.o, SweU- OILS, CHEMICALS, DYE-STUFFS. ses paid to agents, and widi him, toaeAer with the cloth be had nnrcb.ised pn> of the Feet Destrandency, llearthurit. Vomiting, or exposed parts of Villages, or taking risks on for Insurance Plates, for paratory to the anticipated death of his wife; Depanaat Courts, Ex-District Attomies, Ex-Supreme Court caused a portion of said medicine to be adndnisteivd l» Pain In the Back mo result of the curative and healing eft- doulA, will continue to manage it fhr the bestgoo5SSXI3paitiELSr 8 sale, since the first of Dcocmiiir, 1847-^and wheraM,/iM Conn. If so, they will ^ promptly attended to. cation of deleterious mixtures, if they wish to re­ Cream, Military, Castile and a great variety of Policy and Survey, 1 50 haveheard o^e*connteri^ and alio hwe ^kcii it; NELSON TULLER, j gain elasticity of step, buoyant spirits, sparkling eyes Shaving and Toilet Soaps, Self-adjusting and other Whole Cash payment, $4 S3 Daniel B. Brinsmade, Washingtcoi,’ stores and places of business t£ mmypmiaa who w o w and baautiAiI complexions, they should use Dr. Town- the agents of J O J/y A . O LU SSJXAlf, o f 6 6 C edar s t . Hew DAVID WOOSTER, j sond's Sarsaparilla. Thonsands who have tried it, are Syringes, Butler’s, English and American Seidlitz The increasing Cash fund warrants the belief! David G. Sanford, J\f w Milford, York—and whereas, the counteriidt so nearly resemble* tbo- Mayl,lS49. *3m45 more than satisfied, are delighted. Ladies o f ever.^’ Powders, Tamarinds, Ointments ofall kinds,Bleach- that no tax ort the Premium Notes will be necessa­ Rufus Fuller, Jr^ Kent, aenuine, ip all its extemal^peanacca, that it Is liaU e to station, crowd our office daily. ed and unbleached Winter Sperm, Neats Foot and ry for a long term of }rears; and the Directors as eeive any persoa iriio i i ^ t ftmiliar with the marks of jb> Richard Smith, Sharon, ^ .. , tinetion: T h tn fo rt, there is now ITO C E R T M y T Y ibaU m WUUam £. Arnold’s Notice to the I>adic«. Whale Oils, Prepared Oil for Painting, Spirits sure the public that all losses will be settled with anv bottie eontains gamine Brant's Modtclnea, onlesa it h»’ Those that imitate Dr. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla, have Turpentine,Camphine,Oliveand Castor Oil.Bristle promptness and liberality. Frederick Kellogg, Cornwall, ® so&as has dw m ite n sigmatura o F iL T . W kL L A C * fevariably called their stuff a great Remedy for Fe­ Brick,and a large assortment of all oth^r articles Nelson Brewster, Goshen, CO. signed to « itttfe aafe OD d tt oittsUB k b tt •£ each bot­ Celebrated Washing Maclilnc, males, &C., &C., and have copied onr bills and ciroulars The Company isunder fhe direction of tlie Hon. tle^ w hich note reads thosi v ia.:— which relates to the com plaints o f womeu, word for word usually kept in a city Drug Store: all of which wi David Russell, late Member of Congress, Hon. W m. M. Burrall, Canaan, NVENTED at Rochester, N. Tt., 184,4 and be sold at reasonable prices. We hereby promise, fo r vabsereetiMtd, to pay to tMe iumm •-other men who put up medicine, have, since the great Solomon C. Cowen, late Judge of Washington Donald J. Warner, Salisbury, hereof oAe eent, m demand, at omr MKmcim Pactwu;, I are now maoofactur^in the most of the Uni­ snccoss of Dr. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla in complaints , J.G.BECKWITH. County Court of Common Pleas; Hon. Cornelius m m C m o r B*oomr«, N. ted States, n r T hey do not feil to satisfy all iniddent to females, recommended theirs, although pre­ Litchfield, June 26, 1847. S. D. Northway, & ABn(7,lM8 M. T. W^I^CK CQc viously they did not A number of these Mixtures, Pills, Allen, late District Attorney, L. W . B is h ^ Esq., Norfolk, that become acquainted with them. ' Fhey are John Dewell, . (Sliced with writtsa 4-c.. are injorious to female^ as they ugravate disease^ late Supreme Court Commissioner; Henry Hoimes| Said Cbusman fbnnerly actsd as^ naeral m dlif cheap, simple and durable, and do not wear cloth, . ia1 undermine the constitution. Dr. ’Townsend’s is the 109 bbls. Extra uper. Flour, President of the Washington County Bank • thw aadchihL B« carcfuI tu got tlic genuine. FOR SALE~ . M. T. WALLAPE * CO. viduals in different towns, who are successftil, and CURTIS L. NORTH, West Menden, Leman W . Cutler,- Watertown, have made it a lucrative bosinesrffor two years past. (Bcroful'a Ctircd. A Valuable Farm pleas­ General agent for Connecticut. FOit SALE BTBY > , This eertificato conclnsiveiy proves iliut this Sars* antly situated in LITCH­ John Abernethy, Woodbury, I have liberty to refer to several individuals, some of uariUaba* perfect control over the most obstinate di» L. E. WEBB & P. K. WILCOX, A. C. Smith, LitehJuU, whom have used the machine three years fmst,all a f the SloOd. Three persons curcd in one house FIELD, within about 2 Agetdsfor LitchfisU County. David C. Whittlwey, New Preston, Latbrop & Bradford, A. Mile* &^Soa« S mA«» of whom will extol tliem beyond my description, miles of the Court House, t April 19,1849, *6m43 George P. Tallmage, Warren. WollcotvUU, F W Picfce, “ ““P”*^eated^fcree CMWrem. containing from 90 to ICO acres of lind, with a shall add n a ^ ^ as I obtain them, in different towns, ©a.TowKS*KI>-Ue*r Sir: Ihare tte pleasure to ReuTOn Rockwell, Colebrook. R B MitehelK W.C.BriMd, cotnfortable Dwelling House, Barn, Cow-houses, Fancy Note Paper; £.S.Woodlb«d, IPhK * thf :rerm neei may be nearer to new purrhnsers, iufona yon that three of niy children have been cured Persons wishing to get their Buildings Pratt& Foster W ConM'l RxrXBEirCKfi—Sefishire Co , Mnst—F . Rob- of the Setofttla by the use of your ex eu n t medicine and otBer out buildings, with an excellent well of 3 . Z. W arner, B a x im y , H im a Mdnm^ 4a Tlwtf v«re very severely with bad Bores; have W£.ter, &c. F IN E A SSO R T M E N T —Just received at Ensured, can apply to either o r the Agents inson, Esq., W . C. Plunkett, Jason Clapp, Esq., the " V A R IE T Y STO R E.” E. Babbitt, BridgewaHr, for whieh Said F arm is well proportioned for Meadow, A H oa. H . S havj 8 am*{ F n ^ and Grn. Judd. Jan. 23. or to the SecretKry^ C. P. Peek, E f b w ^ k , I feel i^rsslfai^y^oM ^ n - Pasture W ^ and Plow-land, and is well water- UtehAM Gi^Fiteh'P«n-ia,E 3q.,Sam’l Adams, WM. BEEBE, President. W W CalkinB, N Canaan, Warren kr'VKmmtf' C d. Haleomb, Btoon P«cic, "W. Hunt, Bradford ““isI aK w . C&AIN, lOCWeoeter-st. ed. The above properly is offered at a fair price, W alter, 9 -etKNPreslon. VM arM nu and a Q/tv- will be giv- New Clovet Seed. JASON WHITING, John, Capt. Weed, W . H. Wal­ Clovm and Watrantee Deed T . S w t t , Plfmmfth, Mills eni with the exception of an equal undivided half lF superior quality—^For sale by Secretary. ler the Iron Bank.) HortioAmea Dr.Town?oti*kti!!I>rtd3l^^^Mrdeis from R A Doolittle, k cot Hiteke»Jtsv&k, of an acrao f land with buildings thereon, which f P- I>. McNEIL. Litchaeld. July 3d. 1$48L Seowly T .K . Kilboam, W F Bahivin. CLitchfield, Apnl 25,1849. 44tf A ll lettera and orders, maalbe Elisha Mason holds during his and bis wife’s natu­ W ALLACE €•. 106 M»»adw«9 , , is Storae, w bm l shall afthe City of Atai». tare ral life. ad Dt. Townsead'a SanmpariB^. sad MMf** For farther particulars enquire of the subscriber «a «f the «»«“ Hops, Hops, Hops* ImU little Temn, and M.O. on the premises. AOUR I FLOURI ' BI 4A N K S , ^ TN ANY QUANTITIES to suit Barchasen , A StJPBRIOR ABTI03UE juBt re- JiWir^SQN.*^ BENJAMIN W. MASON. F o s S A L M A T ^ K. B. lAtchfield^ AprU 16. 4 $if "•■Litchfield, AprU 25,18«. ^ ' i L ceived at B A U » W « r £ ’. Albany, AprU ,U,D ■m