r ■' - -‘■ j* " --n ^ Jinm ils NcttJapapcr; !ie»oU^ to l^ tttirs; M igtgllatta^ ^ g ticttltij^ W. F. & a H. BlLPWiN, Proprietors. VOLUME Sr-m. 3. LTKHflELD, (COM.) JULY 12, 1849. WHOLE m 107. chapter XVI, crowds of gaunt spectres gazing on the n^ent thereof; shall v ^ l .jiiliimlin triist fbr 'CH ,^£R XXXlil. B u 0 t n e 0 $ € a r d 0 . An Act ^ addition to An Act concerning the use of the wife; and upon his e<;j a||k awful scene— twenty-six corpses on a sin­ 4 9 An- Aet for the estabUshment of a State gle morning, lying huddled together in the Crimeis and Punishments. if undisposed of. as herems^ter .meiiiti^^ Sec.. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate shall vest in the wif^ if living, or. if not, Normal Scbool. dead House of one poor housjB^these are Be^it enacted bjf the Senate, and Bouse V. R PALMER, and House of itepresmtatives in General then in her devisees, legatees^ or heiia at but a few of the heart-xiewing horrors of ReiJFraentutices, in General Aasem^ StfBSOUPTIOM AND AOVERTfSiNe AssetrAly convened. That if any person law. - which stand registered in ofir journal to­ bhf convened: Jm.«s-3^aKr«3E'9 day.” who is disqualified to be a member of th i^ ■ husband ehdi be enticed 7« Pkiladelphia, New York, Baltmore Oeneral Assembly, by the 4th section of. t<» thie^r^nts, pmfits, and interest of Such SECTION r., .There shaM be establish^ asiietfliiiafter and Boston. I'or the Republican. the 16th article of the, Cpnstitutioi) jfjf this estate during Ks life; aiid sudi^rents, j»o- Ldnes to. M. M. M. of Woodliurir. state, shall take or hold a seat in either fits.an^ inter^t, ^hedl not be liable to be povidedjone Norpial Sche^, or l^gmini^ I J u b l u % t X s , for training of Teachers in the instruc­ TELEGRAPH OFFICE, W hen moniiDg opn her cheerful eye. branch of the swd General Assenibly, and takeii,^by any legal proce^^/or the debts of Passed May Session, 1849. act in anj respect as a member of the same, the husband, during the life of the wife, ex­ ting and governing the Comnen Schools of o r THE And smiles 80 ^ a d an4 his State ; the object of w^iieb NormaP he shall upon conviction thereof be punish­ cept for debts contracted by him for the <P>n|i mmA WU T e i« g r a p l» 1.1 ne . T hat gloom aiad shade affrighted fly, CHAPTER XI. ed by fine not exceeding one hundred dol­ support of the w’ife and heir children', after School, or Seminary, shall b^ not to edu • I gaze upon the earth and sky, cate Teachers in the stqdies aoir required CwMmktUMB Mit to all pvteof tbe An Act in alteration cfan Act relating to lars, by imprisonment in the common such estate shall have vested in him as And thiidfoif thee. by law,, bVit to receive suph as are found OrViCK 4T BAI.DWIR8’ Y ariett StOB£, Courts. jail not exceeding six moi^ths, or by sii^ aforesaid. comp^wt in these studies in the manner , WrCHFIELD, CONJf. Through all the scenes'of 1>u^ day. S ec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate fine and imprisonment both, at the d iq |^ S ec.. 3. JJ^p sale or tiansfer, by the; hus­ Thy form is near to and Hoti.se of Eepresentatives in General tion of the court. band, o f any >e§tati?,, or duri^. the hereinafter provided, and train tBem in 'the best methods of teaching and coBdue> And when 6alm twilight’s curtain ^rey. Assembly convened. That the superior Sec. 2, Be it further Meted, I ’hat life of the will, of his interest therein, shall O LIV^pa. G. TODD, ting Common Schools. Falls gently on each dying ray, court within and for Hartford county shall this act shall take effect from its passage. be val'd, unless the wife, if living, or if s^e JLttomey & ^unsellor at Law, I think of thee. hereafter be hold|Ui on the fourth Tuesday JOHN a LEWIS, is dead, those in whoui her wtftte shall, SECTION. II. There shall be appointed, by the Legis­ P F ^ l: nell(|p|llildii^ sotitb of the Mansion of January. ^ > Speaker of the House of Representatives. have vested, or the guardians of such as But most, when o’er my lonely breast, lature, eight Trustees of said Normal School Ho«M,«ipMatrs. S ec. 2. All suits, matters and causes are not of full age, shall join in written O 1^42 :Come Aoughts of fate’s decree. J 9 SHUA B. F E R R rs, one from each County in the State ; two now pending in or returnable ;to gaid su­ Presideixt of the Senate.pro conveyance thereof; and all re-investments And Hope can point no earthly rest tem. of whom shall, in the first instance, hold perior cour^for said Hartford cininty, twen­ Apprpved, June 22d,MS49r shall ^ in the na^e of tbe husband, descri­ THBODORE S.BU Fot one so Mendless'end oppressed, their office for one year, 2 for two years, two ty ^Hfs after tb« rising of this Assembly bing him trustee. I thitak of thee. JOS. TRUA&ULL. fjr three years, and two for four years— A^torn^jr |tOooBiieUor atr be ^[^de returnaSle to said court as now by S eo. 4. T |ie avails of any such estate, the term of offic^ to be by them determined, KENT, CONN. 10 ’ Twould bring relief to press my brow. law established/shall beentered and procee­ if dispojed of as aforesaid, i^ay be expend­ *In the engrossed, bill the word « this” is by lot or otherwise— the vacancies to be That ^rcbs so painfully. ded with at said term of said superior ed by the husband for the support of the substituted for the word “ the” m the origi­ lUled by appointment by-the Legislature, HSNR7 I. FUU^ER, One moment on thy bosom now. court, in the same nianer as if the time of wife, or the issue of their marriage, and nal bill f)assed by the General Assembly.— for the residue, of the term which shall io And feel the bliss to know .that thou ' holding said court had not been altered. may be otherwise disposed of during her A i t p m e y &. Counsellor at Iiaiw Note by the Secretary of State. become vacant; and the Superintendent Dost think of me. ec life, with her written assent, withoii^.Kabil- Aid Cemmiiiiofler of Seeds t o N. Y. State, S 3. All acts and parts of acts incon­ ity to account therefor. o f Common Schools, ex officio, s^aH abo be ’ Twould cheer me in the darkest woe sistent herewith are hereby repealed. ■ ■ ■ . CHAPTER XVII. a member of said Board. Sotdb Kent, Conn. That clouds my destiny. JOHN C. LEW IS, S ec. 5. The coiirt of probate o f the An Act in addition to « An Act concerning SECTION I!t. And b itter tears would’cease to flow, Speakier of the House of .Representatives. Crimes and Punishments/* district in which such trustee resides, shall GEORGS W. P££T. The expenses necessarily incurred by Couldst thou but teach my heart te know JOSHUA B. FERRIS, Be it enacted by the Senate and Hovse have power, upon the written application, of President of tbe Senate,pro tern. the wife, or of her devisees, lej^tees, or said Trustees, in tbe dischai^e «f their du­ Attorney & Counsellor at Iiaw Thine beats for me. E. of Peperesentatives in General Assembly ties, shall be defrayed out of the funds here­ Approved June 22, 1849. heirs at law, who have Ian intereist in such notary Public, convenid. That every person who shall in; appropriated for the supj^rt o f said JOS. TRUMBULL. estate,/to call such trustee to account^-aSIf firtite tSiee Williiun M. Bnrrall, £sq^ vote, act or intermeddle in any school soci­ school and they shall recerva no cOmpenr ^ t 0 ( e l l a n e o u 0 . CHAPTER XII. ety or school district meeting, not being may, at any tune, require hintto bond Snttk Canaan, Ct. An Act in addition to “ An Act relating to with Srttvi^^, payable t<^the judge of- said sation for their services. qualified.. to vote therein, shall be punished SECTION IV, Coui^s.” court and his'successor, fo4? the faithful per­ A ^ Bad Oyster” Story. by a fine not exceeding seven dollars. > To said Bcrard of Trustees shall be com­ HABTDAIsL & BEI jDEN, formance of such 4rust, or the security of [Scene—An Oyster Cellar.—Enter S ec. 1.; Be it enictcd by the Senate t JOHN C. 1.EW1S, and House of Representatipesin General such esti^e, and n»ay remove such. trustee mitted the location o f said school; the ap- Attvmeym & CoimseUors at JLaw, Frenchman^—“Sair, you keep ze raw Speaker of the House of Representatives. j^lication o f the funds for the support there­ Assembly Convened, W henever it shall be and appoint ane^er iiv his stead, in such IdidiKi ii ChueeiT, Lud Ageflts, fte. oys-tair ?” THOMAS BACKUS, of ; the appointment of teachers, and pow­ Opener.— Oh, yes, sir! ^ e,tat Prin- inconvenient for the judge assigned to. hold President of the . Senate. manner, and for such reasons as are pre­ ‘T o m wiH«Uend promptly to all business en- scribed in 25th section of ‘‘ An iftt for the er of removing the same ; the power to ce’« Bay.” a term of the superior court, in any county Approved, June 19thv 1849.
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