SR September 2013
THE SARMATIAN REVIEW Vol. XXXIII, No. 3 __ _____________ __ September 2013 Cyprian Kamil Norwid (1821–1883) Poet and painter Naiads (1838), by C. K. Norwid. Public domain. September 2013 THE SARMATIAN REVIEW in the Poetry of Cyprian Kamil Norwid . 1771 The Sarmatian Review (ISSN 1059- 5872) is a triannual publication of the Polish Institute of Jan Twardowski, Carpe diem, tr. by Patrick Houston. The journal deals with Polish, Central, and Corness (poem). 1776 Eastern European affairs, and it explores their implications Karl A. Roider, Intermarium: The Land Between for the United States. We specialize in the translation of the Black and Baltic Seas, by Marek Jan documents. Sarmatian Review is indexed in the American Chodakiewicz (review) . 1776 Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies, EBSCO, and P.A.I.S. International Database. From January 1998 on, Paweł Styrna, Politics, History and Collective files in PDF format are available at the Central and Eastern Memory in East Central Europe, ed. Zdzisław European Online Library ( Subscription Krasnodębski, Stefan Garsztecki, and Rüdiger price is $21.00 per year for individuals, $28.00 for Ritter (review) . 1777 institutions and libraries ($28.00 for individuals, $35.00 for libraries overseas, air mail). The views expressed by Bożena Karwowska, Out of the Nest: Polish authors of articles do not necessarily represent those of the Women Immigrants in Canada in the XX century, Editors or of the Polish Institute of Houston. Articles are by Maria Anna Jarochowska-de-Kosko subject to editing. Unsolicited manuscripts and other (review) . .1780 materials are not returned unless accompanied by a self- Ewa Thompson, Between the Brown and the addressed and stamped envelope.
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