23 January – 2 May 1982


Lindsay Chapman Fisheries Development Adviser


Tevita Fusimalohi Masterfisherman

South Pacific Commission Noumea, New Caledonia 1998 ii

The South Pacific Commission authorises the reproduction of this material, whole or in part, in any form, provided appropriate acknowledgment is given.

This unpublished report forms part of a series compiled by the Capture Section of the South Pacific Commission’s Coastal Fisheries Programme. These reports have been produced as a record of individual project activities and country assignments, from materials held within the Section, with the aim of making this valuable information readily accessible. Each report in this series has been compiled within the Capture Section to a technical standard acceptable for release into the public arena. However, they have not been through the full South Pacific Commission editorial process.

South Pacific Commission BP D5 98848 Noumea Cedex New Caledonia

Tel.: (687) 26 20 00 Fax: (687) 26 38 18 e-mail: [email protected]

Prepared at South Pacific Commission headquarters, Noumea, New Caledonia, 1998 iii


The South Pacific Commission's Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project (DSFDP) visited for the second time between 23 January and 2 May 1982, under the supervision of SPC Masterfisherman Tevita Fusimalohi.

The Project operated around , Island and , conducting a survey and training programme in deep-bottom dropline fishing. Most fishing effort was devoted to deep- bottom droplining in depths up to 300 m, principal target species being deep-water snappers of the family Lutjanidae. Catch records with the species composition of the catch were kept in two locations, Port Moresby and Manus Island, however, only records showing the total catch were kept for fishing activities conducted around Samarai Island.

The total deep-bottom dropline catch had a combined weight of 1,460.1 kg, of which better than 80 per cent was locally saleable. The deep-bottom catch included an adequate proportion of high-value species and no ciguatoxicity was noted. Catch rates recorded for deep-bottom fishing ranged from 2.6 kg/reel hour at Port Moresby, and 3.0 kg/reel hour at Samarai Island, to 5.2 kg/reel hour at Manus Island. The overall deep-bottom catch rate was 4.0 kg/reel hour.

These catch rates compare well with results recorded by the DSFDP elsewhere in the Pacific and indicate the presence of profitably exploitable deep-bottom stocks. The commercial development of the fishery appears likely to be hampered by a number of logistical, marketing and geographic restraints. This report includes some recommendations considered important for the successful progress of provincial fisheries development programmes.



Sous la direction du maître de pêche Tevita Fusimalohi, des agents de la Commission du Pacifique Sud ont séjourné, pour la deuxième fois, du 23 janvier au 2 mai 1982, en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, dans le cadre du projet de développement de la pêche au demi-large.

Les activités menées au titre du projet, en particulier une campagne d'évaluation et un programme de formation à la pêche à la ligne à main par grandes profondeurs, se sont déroulées au large de Port- Moresby, de l'île de Samarai et de l'île de Manus. Elles ont consisté pour l'essentiel à pêcher à la ligne à main par des fonds pouvant atteindre 300 mètres, en ciblant les lutjanidés profonds. Des relevés de prises faisant apparaître la composition par espèce ont été tenus sur deux sites, à Port-Moresby et à Manus; en revanche, les relevés faits à Samarai ne donnaient que le volume total des prises.

En tout, 1 460,10 kg de poisson ont été capturés à la palangre au grand fond, dont plus de 80 pour cent étaient commercialisables sur le marché local. Au nombre de ces prises figurait une proportion non négligeable d'espèces à valeur marchande élevée et aucun cas de ciguatera n'a été relevé. Les taux de prises enregistrés pour la pêche au grand fond ont varié de 2,6 kg/moulinet/heure à Port-Moresby et de 3 kg/moulinet/heure à Samarai à 5,2 kg/moulinet/heure à Manus. Le taux de prises global de ces opérations de pêche au grand fond a été de 4 kg/moulinet/heure.

Ces taux de capture soutiennent favorablement la comparaison avec les résultats enregistrés ailleurs dans le Pacifique dans le cadre du projet; en outre, ils démontrent la présence de stocks de poissons de grand fond qui peuvent faire l'objet d'une exploitation rentable. Le développement de la pêche commerciale risque, semble-t-il, de se heurter à un certain nombre de difficultés liées à la logistique, à la commercialisation et à la géographie. Ce rapport comporte certaines recommandations considérées comme importantes pour la réussite de la mise en œuvre des programmes de développement de la pêche dans les provinces.



The South Pacific Commission gratefully acknowledges the friendly support and co-operation offered by the many individuals and organisations associated with the Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project's stay in three locations around Papua New Guinea. Particular thanks are due to the skippers and crew of the three vessels used by the project, for their hard work and dedication to the project, which added to its success.




2. BACKGROUND 1 2.1 General 1 2.2 Existing fisheries 3

3. PROJECT OPERATIONS 3 3.1 General 3 3.2 Boats and equipment 4 3.3 Fishing techniques employed 6 3.4 Data Collection 6 3.5 Training activities 6 3.6 Disposal of the catch 6

4. FISHING ACTIVITIES 6 4.1 General 6 4.2 Deep-bottom fishing droplining 7 4.3 Trolling 9

5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS 9 5.1 General 9 5.2 Commercial potential 9 5.3 Development restraints 10

6. RECOMMENDATIONS 10 6.1 Fishing rights 10 6.2 Boats and equipment 10 6.3 Financial support 10 6.4 Fish handling and marketing 11 6.5 Diversification of fisheries 11



1 Standard form for data collection 13 2A Species composition of the saleable deep-bottom catch at each location 15 2B Species composition of unsaleable deep-bottom catch at each location 19 3A Trip records for Port Moresby 21 3B Trip records for Manus Island 23



The South Pacific Commission's Deep Sea Fisheries Development (DSFD) Project is a mobile village-level rural development project which operates in Pacific Island nations at specific Government request, and which has the following broad objectives:

– To promote the development or expansion of artisanal fisheries throughout the region, based on fishery resources which are at present under-utilised, in particular the deep bottom resources of the outer reef slope;

– To develop and evaluate new simple technology, fishing gear and techniques suitable for use by village fishermen, which will enable fishermen to substantially increase catches while reducing dependence on costly imported fuels; and

– To provide practical training in appropriate fishing techniques to local fishermen and government fisheries extension workers.

The Project has operated in Papua New Guinea on one previous occasions. The 1979 visit was based at Kimbe, West (Fusimalohi & Crossland, 1980). This visit involved the surveying and assessment of deep-bottom fish resources along the outer reef slopes, and the demonstration of appropriate gear and fishing techniques to promote the artisanal exploitation of this resource.

The current visit was conducted between 23 January and 2 May 1982, under the supervision of SPC Masterfisherman Tevita Fusimalohi. The visit followed a request of SPC by the Government of Papua New Guinea for assistance in conducting surveys of deep-bottom fish resources at specific sites. A further major aim was to promote the development of the local deep-bottom fishery through the demonstration of appropriate gear and techniques to personnel of the Department of Primary Industry's Fisheries Division, and to interested local fishermen where possible. The Project's operational bases were established at Port Moresby, (Manus Island) and Samarai Island.


2.1 General

Papua New Guinea (Figure 1) has a land area of some 476,500 sq km comprising the eastern half of the New Guinea mainland, the (Manus, and New Britain), Bougainville and Buka. Hundreds of smaller islands lie within PNG's borders, scattered across the Bismarck, Solomon and Coral Seas.

The central core of the mainland is a massive cordillera interspersed with wide valleys at altitudes up to 1,800 m. Alluvium derived from active mountain erosion is deposited extensively in the broad, swampy Sepik River Basin and the low, swampy plain of the Fly River and Gulf of Papua. New Britain, New Ireland and Bougainville are part of high island arcs.


Figure 1: Papua New Guinea, showing areas fished during this visit

Tropical rain-forest covers about three-quarters of the country. The remainder is covered in savannah, grassland and swamps. Some 97 per cent of all land is held under customary tenure and part of this is used for subsistence agriculture (much of it on a shifting or rotational basis). Cash crops include copra, coffee, rubber, palm oil and tea, grown on smallholdings and on plantations. There is some forestry.

Except in high altitudes the climate is tropical with uniformly high temperatures and regular heavy rainfall. PNG is one of the largest constantly wet areas in the world and rainfall in some areas ranges up to 5,000 mm annually. South-east trade winds predominate from May to October, and the north- east monsoons from December to March. During the transition winds are variable with periods of hot, humid calm.

Population is estimated at nearly 3.5 million, 98 per cent of whom are indigenous Melanesians. The rugged topography has divided the country into numerous regional settlements and has contributed to a remarkable cultural diversity. There are more than 700 indigenous spoken languages which fall into two main groups, Papuan and Melanesian. Pidgin was first used in trade and has become the common language though English is taught in schools and is widely understood.

The majority of the work force is engaged in primary production, either at subsistence level or in cash-cropping. Mining is important and a number of small manufacturing industries produce for the local market. The main exports are copper, gold, coffee, cocoa, copra and coconut oil and fish.

Politically independent since 1975, the country is divided into 19 administrative provinces, with the national capital at Port Moresby on the southern coast of the mainland. The national unit of currency is the PNG Kina (1 Kina = 100 Toea). 3

2.2 Existing fisheries

PNG's extensive coastline and offshore archipelagoes present a great diversity of coastal types and marine environments. The Gulf of Papua is characterised by large delta areas, mud flats and mangrove swamps. The North Coast and the high island coasts are typified by fringing coral reefs and narrow lagoons. Some of the smaller island clusters lie adjacent to extensive submerged reef systems or broad shallows.

Artisanal fisheries throughout the country reflect the diversity of coastal environments and, although an important element in subsistence food-gathering, are poorly developed by Pacific standards. This reflects to some extent the traditional preoccupation with agriculture common in Pacific states having large areas of arable land available.

Along the mainland and high island coasts and in the smaller island communities fishing activities include the harvesting of the reef flats, spearfishing, shallow-water handlining from dugout canoes, netting, and trapping in the fresh water reaches of the larger rivers.

Commercial exploitation of local marine resources has long been dominated by the offshore tuna fishery, conducted by foreign-based vessels and foreign vessels based locally under joint venture arrangements. During the 1970s the locally based pole-and-line fishery was the most productive Pacific based tuna fishery.

Other commercial exploitation of local marine resources is limited but includes a number of coastal fisheries stations maintained by government some of which were established by foreign aid organisations. Catches collected at these stations is generally air-freighted to coastal urban centres or to Highland settlements where a shortage of affordable protein foodstuffs is general. Two coastal stations, Samarai and Daru, export quantities of reef fish fillets and barramundi fillets, respectively, to . At some other centres the collection and domestic sale of crabs, lobsters and inshore fishes is an important commercial activity. Demand for fisheries products exceeds supply in most areas.


3.1 General

During the three months of this visit, the Project operated at the three sites shown in Figure 1 for varying periods as detailed in Table 1.

Table 1: The movements of the project

Locality Dates (1982) Days spent at site

Masterfisherman arrives in PNG 25 January 1982

Establish project and fishing 26 January to 15 February 21 activities out of Port Moresby

Samarai Island 16 February to 17 March 30

Manus Island 18 March to 19 April 32

Report writing and wind-up of 20 April to 1 May 12 project in Port Moresby

Masterfisherman departs PNG 2 May

Because of the distances between operational bases the movement of the Project from site to site was effected by air transport. Little time was lost due to unfavourable weather as at all sites weather conditions were generally mild. During some rough periods fishing activities were restricted to sheltered waters or shore activities conducted.


At each operational base a vessel, complete with skipper and crew, was assigned to support the Project and fishing time was therefore maximised. Trainees in Port Moresby were advised ahead of time of their scheduled training trips so they could get to the vessel departure point. Training was not conducted in the other two locations the Project was based.

3.2 Boats and equipment

Different fishing craft were used at each location. The vessels were 7–8.5 m in length of the ‘dory’ design. Figure 2 shows the approximate deck layout of the fishing equipment.

Figure 2: Standard deck layout of fishing equipment 5

The Masterfisherman carried three of the Project's FAO, Western Samoan design wooden handreels. These reels were mounted to the project vessel if suitable handreels were not available. The FAO, Western Samoan handreel design is illustrated in Figure 3. The Project’s three handreels were sold to the Fisheries Department at the conclusion of the project.

Figure 3: FAO, Western Samoan design wooden handreel used by the Project

Anchoring gear carried on each vessel was similar and consisted of a simply constructed grapnel anchor fabricated from two 3 m lengths of 9 mm diameter steel rod (reinforcing bar), bent in half to form an eye in the middle, welded together and bent into a grapnel shape; a 5 m length of 12 mm diameter chain shackled to the anchor-eye; 440 m of polypropylene anchor rope of a diameter suited to the size of each vessel (generally 12 mm), and fitted with a 'no-return' barb of 4 mm diameter steel fencing wire whipped onto the rope about 1.5 m from the end; and an inflatable buoy of 75 kg or greater flotation fitted with a snap-shackle which could be clipped onto the anchor rope so as to slide freely along it. This gear is illustrated in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Self-hauling anchor gear 6

3.3 Fishing techniques employed

Most fishing effort was devoted to deep-bottom droplining along the outer-reef slope, with the fishing craft at anchor and employing the handreels to lower and haul the lines. The primary species targeted by this technique are deep-water snappers (Etelis spp.), jobfish (Aphareus, Pristipomoides spp.), sea breams (Gnathodentex, Gymnocranius spp.), and fusiliers (Paracaesio spp.), although a wide variety of other deep-dwelling species also occur in the catch, including less desirable Gempylids and sharks. Species characteristic of shallower waters, including emperors (Lethrinus spp.), trevallies (Caranx spp.) and shallow-water Lutjanids, also appear in the catch because bottom irregularities and the swing of the fishing craft at anchor usually results in a considerable depth range being fished.

Trolling along the edge of the outer reef-slope was conducted opportunistically. The target species was Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson), although a variety of other species could also be taken, including members of the Scombridae, Sphyraenidae and Carangidae families.

3.4 Data collection

SPC Masterfishermen use a standard logsheet, shown at Appendix 1, to record catch effort and other data and make detailed notes of their daily activities and of any supplementary information required. During this Project visit, data collected for each trip comprised: time spent travelling, anchoring and fishing; fishing area; fishing depth or depth range; number of crew; quantity and type of fishing gear, fuel and bait used; the specific identity of each fish caught, where this could be determined; and the total number and weight of each species taken by each fishing method. These records were kept for two locations, Port Moresby and Manus Island, however, only total catch and effort were recorded for fishing activities around Samarai Island.

3.5 Training activities

The demonstration of deep-bottom fishing technique and gear-rigging, were important components of the work programme in Port Moresby. Although deep-bottom droplining had been introduced to some areas previously, few local fishermen appeared to employ this method. At the other locations, only fisheries officers were trained in deep-water snapper fishing techniques.

3.6 Disposal of the catch

The disposal of the catch was the prerogative of Fisheries Division and arrangements varied at each area. In Port Moresby, the Counterpart officer arranged for the sale of the catch. At Manus and , the catch was sold to the Coastal Fisheries Station at each location.


4.1 General

Fifteen fishing trips were completed during the course of the survey and training programmes at the three locations visited. Six trips were made out from Port Moresby, four from Samarai Island and five from Manus Island. The comparative effort devoted to droplining varied from place to place and trip to trip, depending on the local requirements of the survey and training programme, the fishing craft in use, the distance between operational bases and fishing sites, and weather and sea conditions.


4.2 Deep-bottom droplining

Deep-bottom droplining was conducted at anchor along the outer reef slopes and employing the various handreel types to lower and haul the line, during all 15 fishing trips. Handreels were wound with 500 m of 130 kg test monofilament nylon, terminating with a wire terminal rig bearing three tuna circle hooks (sizes 5, 6 and 7 being most often rigged during this visit), as illustrated in Figure 5. Suitable sites were identified by echo-sounding (target depth being around 160 m), or known grounds located by referring to landmarks and bearings.

Figure 5: Typical terminal rig for deep-bottom fishing

Once a site was selected the anchor was dropped in shallower water and in a position chosen so that prevailing wind or current would carry the boat back over the fishing site as the anchor warp was paid out. At many of the areas fished, however, the bottom gradient was very moderate and it was frequently necessary to anchor in water of the same depth as the fishing site, or even in deeper water. Once the boat was resting at anchor fishing was commenced by lowering the lines from the handreels, each line being fitted with the terminal rig described in Figure 5, and a 1 kg to 2 kg sinker, depending on depth and current strength. The sinker was lowered to the bottom and thereafter the line kept taut by hand to allow the fisherman to respond to bites by striking and to reduce the possibility of fouling other lines. Because of the elasticity of the long lines employed, much reliance is placed on the ‘self- hooking’ qualities of the tuna circle hooks.

After fishing, or preparatory to shifting to another fishing site, a simple technique was employed to retrieve the anchor, which greatly reduced the effort required in hauling by hand. (The slack rope was hauled in until the warp was vertical, the anchor warp was made fast, and the boat motored ahead to break the anchor free of the bottom). Once the anchor was freed, the boat speed was increased and forward motion was continued as the anchor streamed behind the boat and the inflatable buoy clipped onto the warp (see Figure 4) and released. The resistance of the water forced the buoy back along the warp until it became trapped by the 'no-return' barb. The boat was then run back toward the anchor with the warp being hand-hauled inboard and the anchor and chain, suspended at the surface by the buoy, easily retrieved.

The best proven bait for this fishing method is fresh skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) and, this or other tunas, were used whenever available. Squid was also used on several fishing trips out of Port Moresby, whilst at Manus Island, tuna caught during trolling to the fishing ground were used.

Deep-bottom droplining was conducted on all fishing trips, with a total calculated fishing effort of 366.5 reel hours; reel hours being the standard unit of fishing effort used in determining the relative productivity of bottom droplining operations, and defined as the use of one handreel over one hour of fishing. 8

The combined weight of the total catch was 1,460.1 kg and a catch rate (catch per unit of effort, or CPUE) of 4.0 kg/reel hours recorded. The catch included 232.5 kg of unsaleable species, mainly comprising of small dog sharks, one large manta ray and one conger eel. When the unsaleable catch is removed from the catch, the CPUE recorded was 3.4 kg/reel hour (see Table 2). It should be noted that detailed catch records showing the species composition for Samarai Island, and the last fishing trip conducted at Manus Island, were not kept, although total weights and total effort were recorded.

Table 2: Catch rates recorded for the saleable dropline catch at each area

Location Effort Saleable catch CPUE (line hours) No. Weight (kg) (kg)

Port Moresby 88.5 55 230.6 2.6

Samarai Island 100.0 – 295.5 3.0

Manus Island 178.0 97 701.5 3.9

TOTAL 366.5 1,227.7 3.4

The recorded saleable catch from Port Moresby and Manus Island was dominated by deep-water snappers (Lutjanidae) of the Etelinae and Apsillinae sub-families which together comprised 110 fish with a combined weight of 518.4 kg, 54.6 per cent of the total recorded catch (see Appendix 2A). The most significant species occurring in this group were the short-tailed red snapper (Etelis carbunculus), with 79 fish taken having a combined weight of 437.1 kg.

Next most significant of the saleable catch were groupers, cods, and coral trouts (Serranidae). Fish in this group were often of large individual size and the 18 fish recorded had a combined weight of 174.7 kg. The notoriously ciguatoxic red bass (Lutjanus bohar) which is unsaleable in many areas of the Pacific, was consumed here. Some sharks were dressed and filleted and this flesh was readily eaten when given away, although it could not be sold. The species composition of the saleable deep- bottom catch for Port Moresby and Manus Island is detailed in Appendix 2A. The unsaleable catch for the same locations are detailed in Appendix 2B. Trip records for Port Moresby and Manus Island can be found at Appendix 3A and Appendix 3B respectively. There were no detailed trip records for the section of the Project at Samarai Island.

Table 3 summarises overall catch and effort by droplining at each area and Table 4 catch rates recorded by droplining at other selected Pacific countries and territories visited by the DSFD Project.

Table 3: Summary of catch and effort by droplining at each area.

Catch Location No of Fishing Effort Saleable Unsaleable Total CPUE trips hours (line No. Weight No. Weight (kg) (kg) hours) (kg) (kg)

Port Moresby 6 30.8 88.5 55 230.6 0 0.0 230.6 2.6

Samarai 4 – 100.0 – 295.5 0 0.0 295.5 3.0

Manus 5 63.0 178.0 – 701.5 – 232.5 934.0 5.3

TOTAL 15 366.5 1,227.7 232.5 1,460.1 4.0


Table 4: Deep-bottom fishing catch rates recorded by the DSFDP at selected Pacific countries and territories

Country or Catch per unit of effort territory Fishing area Year of visit All species Excluding sharks

Papua Port Moresby 1982 (this visit) 2.6 2.6 New Guinea

" " Samarai Island " " 3.0 3.0 " " Manus Island " " 5.3 3.9

Vanuatu Tanna 1979 2.7 2.5

Fiji Vanua Balavu 1981/82 32.9 9.2 " Lakemba " 9.6 6.7 " Southern Lau " 12.3 9.4

New Caledonia Lifou 1979 7.5 7.2 " " Isle of Pines " 7.8 7.1

4.3 Trolling

Trolling was only conducted opportunistically at Manus island when travelling to and from the selected deep-bottom fishing area. A total of 21 fish were caught trolling comprised of one small skipjack tuna (0.5 kg) and 20 mackerel tuna (Euthynnus affinis—20 kg). No trolling was conducted at Port Moresby and there was no recorded trolling activity or catch at Samarai Island.


5.1 General

The catches recorded by the Project indicated the presence of significant deep-bottom fish resources in all three areas visited. Catch rates compared well with results obtained elsewhere in the Pacific and high value species occurred in adequate proportion, with only a small unsaleable component. No ciguatoxicity was noted.

5.2 Commercial potential

Although deep-bottom catches were taken from virtually unexploited stocks and it is probable that catch rates would possibly decline over time under increased fishing pressure, the extensive grounds noted which are likely to have good bottom-fishing potential and the relatively scattered populations likely to exploit these resources indicate that a number of small-scale operations could enter the fishery productively, most probably on a village co-operative basis. Whether or not such operations could become economically viable is less certain.

At Manus and Samarai it was apparent that commercial village fishing activities were heavily dependent on the support of the local Coastal Fisheries Station’s fisheries development programmes. Although villagers could fish for local consumption using their own canoes for activities such as shallow-water handlining, the lack of powered craft, holding facilities or preservation techniques, and the distance to markets virtually precluded independent commercial fishing.

It may be expected that a commercial fishing operation, free of the restraints imposed by the Project's survey and training programme, and with an accumulation of local fishing knowledge and a regularised supply of suitable bait, would improve on the catch rates recorded by the Project. Proper processing and marketing of the shark by-catch might also increase returns.


5.3 Development restraints

A number of restraints were noted which have the potential to hinder the development of commercial fishing activities in the three regions visited. Some of these restraints may also discourage increased subsistence fishing efforts. The most significant restraint concerns the recognition of traditional fishing rights as well beyond inshore waters and the reef flats. Fishermen are generally restricted by this exclusion to fishing in areas along the outer reef slope or offshore only in the areas adjacent to their home territory. Such restriction would be likely to interfere with operators wishing to fish commercially on the best grounds within the range of their vessels.

Other significant restraints relate to the difficulties in providing technical and material support to generally inexperienced fishermen in remote areas. At Manus and Samarai the distance of fishing areas from substantial markets, and local agricultural traditions have been recognised as major factors discouraging more widespread and efficient village fishing endeavours. Attempts to encourage village fisheries have been based on providing intermittent opportunities for villagers to derive cash income through participation in Coastal Fisheries Station fishing programmes.

In all areas a scarcity of effective, low cost fishing gear, and inexperience in efficient commercial fishing techniques have all served to discourage commercial endeavours.


6.1 Fishing rights

The present recognition of traditional fishing rights over the outer reef slope and offshore should be reviewed by the National and Provincial Governments, and attempts made to encourage the negotiation of fishing access agreements between neighbouring areas. Some Pacific Governments have introduced legislation to give wider access to these areas to artisanal fishermen with some success, while still recognising the basic rights of traditional owners to manage the exploitation of their resources.

6.2 Boats and equipment

In order to foster real progress in village-based subsistence and commercial fisheries, suitable fishing craft and gear must be made more widely available, at prices or under schemes of assisted purchase which will allow willing groups who lack capital to acquire such basic fishing equipment.

Irrespective of which vessel type is deemed most suitable the availability of fuel, oil and grease, and engine spares will affect the efficiency of local fishing operations. Problems of availability of such basic supplies will be most pronounced in the more remote areas and will be compounded if a variety of engine makes and models come into general use. In conjunction with the development of a locally appropriate fishing craft some attention should be paid to selecting and promoting the use of a standard engine type and in maintaining stocks of appropriate spares. Regional motor repair workshops and travelling mechanics, and the conduct of maintenance and repair training sessions should support the distribution of fishing craft. Equipment such as FAO design wooden handreels, trolling booms, and grapnel anchor could be locally manufactured and supplied as standard equipment for fishing boat purchases.

6.3 Financial support

As development capital is unlikely to be available in some village situations it is likely that financial support will have to be made available to encourage groups inexperienced in fishing or business management to commit themselves to the purchase of boats and equipment.

Attempts should be made to determine the most appropriate means of financial support within the framework of present budgets, some options would include: 11

– low interest or interest free loans;

– subsidised boat construction;

– user participation schemes (whereby potential fishermen assist in construction of vessels and gear under expert guidance); and

– aid-in-kind grants (engines, boats or fishing gear supplied under aid project funding or in place of fishing access fees).

The establishment of viable commercial fishing operations will also likely require a good deal of managerial support and advice. The most appropriate means to this end may be by establishing village fishing co-operatives and either training selected members in management practices or supplying trained personnel to work with such groups.

6.4 Fish handling and marketing

More effort should be devoted to landing and marketing catches at regional centres in fresh chilled condition, rather than freezing which is the common practice at present. Chilled fish are a superior product and may be marketed more profitably with little extra effort.

In areas where collection of fish can only be sporadic, Fisheries Division should encourage the development of simple preservation techniques such as smoking, salting, and drying, and assist with promoting the marketing of such products.

6.5 Diversification of fisheries

The many different coastal types around Papua New Guinea and the broad range of adjacent marine environments suggests that fishing techniques which are successful in one area may not be suited to another. Fisheries Division should make efforts to diversify the range of village fishing activities and attempt to identify most locally productive techniques. A vigorous FAD deployment and maintenance programme would be an important component of such endeavours.


Anon, (1981). Pacific Islands Yearbook. Fourteenth edition. Sydney, Australia. Pacific Publications Ltd.

Fusimalohi T. and J. Crossland, (1980). Report on the Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project in Papua New Guinea. Noumea, New Caledonia. South Pacific Commission. 14 p.

Tuna Programme (1983). An assessment of the skipjack and baitfish resources of Papua New Guinea. Skipjack survey and assessment programme. Final country report No. 12. Noumea, New Caledonia. South Pacific Commission.






FAMILY Port Moresby Samarai Is. * Manus Is. ** TOTAL Species No. Weight No. Weight No. Weight No. Weight English name (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg)



Aphareus rutilans Small-tooth 1 5.5 Catch records 1 5.5 jobfish/silvermouth not available Etelis carbunculus for Samarai Is. Short-tailed red snapper 17 129.6 62 307.5 79 437.1

Etelis coruscans Longtail snapper 1 4.9 9 43.0 10 47.9

Pristipomoides amoenus Flower snapper 1 0.8 2 0.5 3 1.3

Pristipomoides auricilla Gold-tailed jobfish 2 0.8 2 0.8

Pristipomoides flavipinnis Yellow jobfish 1 0.5 1 0.5

Pristipomoides multidens Large-scale jobfish 4 9.3 4 8.5 8 17.8

Pristipomoides zonatus Banded flower snapper 3 6.2 3 1.3 6 7.5

Sub-total 30 157.6 80 360.8 110 518.4



Lutjanus argentimaculatus Mangrove jack 3 15.7 3 15.7

Lutjanus bohar Red bass 2 12.1 2 12.1

Lutjanus erythropterus Saddled-tail sea perch 1 4.2 1 4.2

Lutjanus malabaricus Scarlet sea perch 1 2.4 1 2.4

Sub-total 4 18.7 3 15.7 7 34.4 16



Gnathodentex mossambicus Large-eye sea bream 7 13.5 2 4.1 9 17.6

Lethrinus kalopterus Orange spotted emperor 1 3.1 1 3.1

Lethrinus miniatus Long-nose emperor 2 9.9 2 9.9

Sub-total 10 26.5 2 4.1 12 30.6



Epinephelus chlorostigma Brown-spotted grouper 1 1.6 1 1.6

Epinephelus magniscuttus Large-scaled grouper 4 17.9 1 5.4 5 23.3

Epinephelus morrhua Curve-banded grouper 2 2.7 3 9.9 5 12.6

Epinephelus septemfasciatus Seven-banded grouper 4 135.4 4 135.4

Epinephelus spp Unidentified grouper 1 1.0 1 1.0

Variola louti Luna-tail trout 2 0.8 2 0.8

Sub-total 10 24.0 8 150.7 18 174.7



Caranx lugubris Black trevally 1 5.0 1 5.0

Seriola rivoliana Deep-water amberjack 1 3.8 1 5.6 2 9.4

Sub-total 1 3.8 2 10.6 3 14.4



Gymnosarda unicolor Dogtooth tuna 1 4.6 1 4.6

Sub-total 1 4.6 1 4.6 17



Branchiostegus wardi Tilefish 1 1.5 1 1.5

Sub-total 1 1.5 1 1.5

TOTAL 55 230.6 97 548.0 152 778.6 * No species composition details were available for the catch at Samarai Island ** The species composition presented for Manus Island is for the first four of the five fishing trips undertaken.




FAMILY Port Moresby Samarai Is. * Manus Is. ** TOTAL Species No. Weight No. Weight No. Weight No. Weight English name (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg)



Triaenodon obesus Catch records White-tip reef shark not available 2 10.2 2 10.2 for Samarai Is. SQUALIDAE

Squalus spp. Spiny dog shark 8 32.9 8 32.9


Unidentified dog shark 41 137.4 41 137.4


Conger cinerus Conger eel 1 10.6 1 10.6


Mobula spp. Manta ray 1 80.0 1 80.0

Sub-total 0 0.0 53 271.1 53 271.1

TOTAL 0 0.0 53 271.1 53 271.1 * No species composition details were available for the catch at Samarai Island ** The species composition presented for Manus Island is for the first four of the five fishing trips undertaken.




Trip Fishing method Fishing Units of Catch * Bait No. hours effort No. Weight (kg) (kg)

1. Droplining 3.0 9.0 3 10.4 2.0 Total 3.0 9.0 3 10.4 2.0

2. Droplining 6.5 19.5 9 30.5 1.0 Total 6.5 19.5 9 30.5 1.0

3. Droplining 5.3 16.0 10 101.8 2.0 Total 5.3 16.0 10 101.8 2.0

4. Droplining 8.0 24.0 13 53.3 3.0 Total 8.0 24.0 13 53.3 3.0

5. Droplining 2.0 6.0 2 3.2 0.5 Total 2.0 6.0 2 3.2 0.5

6. Droplining 6.0 14.0 18 31.4 4.0 Total 6.0 14.0 18 31.4 4.0

Total Droplining 30.8 88.5 55 230.6 12.5 Total 30.8 88.5 55 230.6 12.5 * Catch excludes sharks and other unsaleable species. 23



Trip Fishing method Fishing Units of Catch * Bait No. hours effort No. Weight (kg) (kg)

1. Trolling 8.5 23.0 2 1.5 Droplining 10.0 28.0 19 45.6 2.5 Total 18.5 21 47.1 2.5

2. Trolling 5.0 15.0 0 0.0 Droplining 10.0 30.0 24 132.2 4.5 Total 15.0 24 132.2 4.5

3. Trolling 2.5 7.5 15 20.0 Droplining 14.5 43.5 28 200.8 10.0 Total 17.0 43 220.8 10.0

4. Trolling 1.5 3.0 0 0.0 Droplining 13.0 30.0 34 169.4 10.0 Total 14.5 34 169.4 10.0

5. Trolling 3.0 6.0 0 0.0 Droplining 15.5 46.5 – ** 153.5 ** 6.0 Total 18.5 – 153.5 6.0 Total Trolling 20.5 54.5 17 21.5 Droplining 63.0 178.0 – 701.5 33.0 Total 83.5 723.0 33.0 * Catch excludes sharks and other unsaleable species. ** Numbers and species composition of catch not recorded, just total weight of saleable fish.