Attachment 4 “Coomera Wood Koala Evaluation and Assessment Chapter 1 & 2” COOMERA WOODS KOALA EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT CHAPTER 1 EVALUATION OF KOALA SURVEY METHODOLOGY PREPARED FOR POLARIS COOMERA PTY LTD Planit Consulting Pty Ltd October 2017 Coomera Woods Koala Evaluation and Assessment Chapter 1: Evaluation of Koala Survey Methodology Polaris Coomera PTY LTD En`vironmental As This report has been prepared by: Planit Consulting Pty Ltd ABN 20 099 261 711 Level 1, 2247 Gold Coast Highway Nobby Beach QLD 4218 PO Box 206 Nobby Beach QLD 4218 Telephone: (07) 5526 1500 Facsimile: (07) 5526 1502 Email:
[email protected] Web: Document Control Issue Date Description Prepared By Checked By A 21/07/2017 Client Issue LT BS B 13/09/2017 Final Issue LT BS C 16/10/2017 Amended Issue- update of aerials LT BS Prepared by Planit Consulting October 2017 Coomera Woods Koala Evaluation and Assessment Chapter 1: Evaluation of Koala Survey Methodology Polaris Coomera Pty Ltd CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................. 4 CONTRIBUTORS ............................................................................................................................................. 5 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 6 2.0 BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT ..........................................................................................................