Commercial Bookbinding; a Description of the Processes And
|i;iiii!i||i BOOKBINDING. If 111 Sill HP hiMnhi II lill GEO. A. STEPHEN. LIBRARY SCH08L LIBRARY OF THE T University of California. E tie Class IHH11U1NAL JNO. Z. Adaptable SEWING lor ; OVER PLAIN TAPE SEWING SEWING SEWING THROUGH OVER NARROW CORD. TAPE. SEWING SEWING THROUGH THROUGH BROAD MULL. TAPE. A SPECIMENS OF SEWING. No Complicated Parts. Simplicity oi' Working. Will sew one or two books up to demy Svo. in one operation. Capable of sewing from the smallest hook up to a maximum of IS inches. First and last sections require no pasting, as the machine automatically lock stitches. Output secured from the machine by a London firm of 3,200 Sections per hour. Full Particulars with Illustration on amplication, o> machitu can bt viewed at tin Show Rooms of ©SCAR FRIEDHEIM, 7, Water Lane, LUDGATE, LONDON, E.C. >< C< >mmi:rci.\i. in >Kr>i\i>i.\< , OSCAR FRIEDHEIM, 7, WATER LANE, LUDGATE, LONDON, E.C Labour Saving riachinerv BOOKBINDERS, RULERS, GOLD BLOCKERS, EMBOSSERS, RRIN TERS, MANUFACTURING STATIONERS, AND ALL KINDRED TRADES, VERY LATEST PATENTS. NEWEST DESIGNS. Only the finest tested materials used in the building of all machines ; the construction being under the care of the highest skilled mechanics. A Large Selection of Machines Stocked. Inspection Invited. PRICES, WITH FULL DETAILS, ON APPLICATION. PREFACE. A handbook describing the modern methods ol commercial bookbinding and the different machines used in connection with the various processes 1ms long been ? desideratum, as none of the works hitherto published on bookbinding deal al ;ill adequately with this important branch ot the industry.
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