16 September 2013 - 25 May 2014

Presidential Debate (p5;25) Mr. Schulz visit (p2;22) Night (p3;27)

European Parliament Information Office in Slovakia started the official information campaign for the 2014 Elections to the European Parliament in Slovakia in September 2013. Since then, almost 60 events, discussion forums, outdoor activities and dialogues took place in more than 20 towns and cities across the Slovak Republic. In addition, 6 nationwide competitions focusing on the European Elections were initiated. The most significant and interesting moments of our information campaign were definitely the visit of the EP President Martin Schulz in the Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the EU membership in on 30 April 2014, Election Night dedicated to the official announcement of the results of the 2014 Elections to the European Parliament in Slovakia on 25 May 2014 in the EPIO´s office in Bratislava, four outdoor events dedicated to the Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Slovak membership in the EU accompanied by the information campaign to the EE2014 taking place from April to May in four largest Slovak towns (Bratislava, Košice, Banská Bystrica and Žilina) and the watching of live stream of the Presidential Debate accompanied by analytical discussions on 15 May 2014. These activities caught the attention of hundreds of who directly participated in them and other thousands of citizens who expressed their interest for our activities through social media.

CONTENT I. Most significant moments of the EE2014 Information Campaign in Slovakia...... 2 II. Chronological overview of the EE2014 Information Campaign in Slovakia...... 6 III. Promotion of the EE2014 Information Campaign in Slovakia...... 28 IV. Social media monitoring for the EE2014 Information Campaign in Slovakia...... 35 V. Media monitoring and daily press review of the EE2014 Information Campaign in Slovakia...... 47

CCF Bratislava (p14) Election Campaign (p28) Media (p47)



Visit of the President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz in Bratislava 30 April 2014

Martin Schulz visited Slovakia on the occasion of 10th Anniversary of Slovak membership in the EU. President Schulz addressed a crowd during big outdoor event organized at the Bratislava´s Main Square and received the White Cross of the Second Order from the . A media opportunity followed and attracted the attention of all main TVs, radio stations as well as written and internet media. President Schulz answered dozens of questions. Later he delivered an official speech during Gala evening at the National Theatre. The Gala evening was attended by many prominent Slovak and European political leaders.

600 participants + 75 000 participants (from the 10.Anniversary & EE2014 event) 40 stakeholders + 55 stakeholders (from the 10.Anniversary & EE2014 event) 5 502 Facebook impressions 1 514 Twitter outreach 5 TVs, 1 Radio station, 7 written & online media


2014 Election Night in the Office of EPIO in Bratislava 25 May 2014

EPIO organized the Election Night in the premises of the European Information Centre in Bratislava. This special event was dedicated to the official announcement of the results of the 2014 Elections to the European Parliament in the Slovak which was preceded by live analytical discussion of political scholars on the topic of 2014 European Elections. The official announcement of the results was followed by the press conference and private interviews of politicians, analysts, scholars and public officials for the media. 100 participants 28 stakeholders 8 752 Facebook impressions 157 905 Twitter outreach 3 TVs, 2 Radio stations, 2 written & online media


Outdoor events dedicated to the Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Slovak membership in the EU accompanied by the information campaign to the EE2014 in Bratislava, Košice, Banská Bystrica and Žilina 30 April, 7 May, 9 May, 16 May 2014

The Celebrations of the 10th Anniversary of the membership of the Slovak republic in the took place in the town centres of four largest Slovak towns. The events were organized by EPIO in cooperation with ECR Slovakia. The important part of these Celebrations was dedicated to the promotion of the information campaign for the EE2014. Throughout the events, various singers and dancers from the music and dance schools as well as many interesting artists appeared on the stage. Cultural programme, other stands, quizzes and games were available for public during the whole day. 279 500 participants 167 stakeholders 27 450 Facebook impressions 10 586 Twitter outreach 9 TVs, 5 Radio stations, 7 written & online media


Presidential Debate of the candidates for the President of the - watching of the live stream of the debate accompanied by the academic survey of the and the analytical discussions in the Office of EPIO in Bratislava 15 May 2014

EPIO organized the watching of the live stream of the presidential debate, which was accompanied by the academic survey of the students from the Comenius University in Bratislava and two analytical discussions - one taking place in conference room of the European Parliament Information Office in Slovakia and second one happening in the studio of the Slovak state-owned nationwide television RTVS (Radio and Television Slovakia). 40 students + 3 political analysts 2 stakeholders 44 792 Facebook impressions 7 528 Twitter outreach 1 Radio station, 3 written & online media



16 September 2013 - 25 May 2014

16 September 2013 "Kick-off meeting" - the official start of the information campaign for the EP elections 2014 in Bratislava: EPIO organized the information briefing for the partners, stakeholders and media, within which the Head of EPIO Robert Hajšel together with his colleagues presented the main ideas, goals, methods and strategies of the information campaign to the EE2014 in Slovakia The event was attended by 85 participants (45 stakeholders and 35 multipliers).


29 September 2013 Seminar of EPIO Slovakia with the Confederation of Trade Unions of Slovakia in Bratislava: EPIO and the Confederation of Trade Unions prepared the seminar, which was among many other crucial themes dedicated to the presentation of the information campaign to the EE2014 in Slovakia. MEP Katarína Neveďalová participated in the seminar.

______25 October 2013 European year of citizens 2013 - discussion forum in Poprad: EPIO introduced the information campaign for the EE2014 to the participants of the seminar, which was organized by Europe Direct Poprad and attended by MEPs Monika Smolková and Anna Záborská. ______

8 November 2013 Open days in the Office of Trenčiansky Self-governing in Trenčín: EPIO introduced the goals and methods of the information campaign and the significant reasons for the participation in the EE2014 to the participants of the open days of the Office of Trenčiansky Self-governing region.


11 November 2013 Tripartite Citizens Forum in Győr: the forum was organised in cooperation with EPIO Budapest and EPIO Vienna. The main themes discussed were the job creation with focus on youth and the fight against unemployment. A significant space was dedicated to the debate on the EE2014. The event hosted 4 MEPs (Edit Bauer, Katarína Neveďalová, Lívia Járóka, Heinz K. Becker) from 3 countries (Slovakia, , ), 193 participants, 1 university and 3 secondary schools. The forum received 2 695 FB impressions in Slovakia and Twitter outreach was 27 719. (Total outreach: 180 000)


15 November 2013 Regional discussion forum in Trnava on the issues of unemployment, international status of the EU and the 2014 European Elections: EPIO organized the discussion forum which goal was to raise awareness of the activity of the European Parliament in the issues of youth unemployment and the EU international affairs. An important part of the event was dedicated to the EE2014. MEPs Katarína Neveďalová and Boris Zala participated in the event. The discussion welcomed 120 participants and 12 multipliers. 27 463 FB impressions were received. (Total outreach: 820 000) ______

19 November 2013 - 31 January 2014 Competition "Take a photo with the House of the European Union and win!": EPIO organized this competition in order to not only promote the EE2014 but also to inspire people to come to the EPIO´s building, take a photo in front of the building and get interested for the EE2014 information material which is placed inside it - in the European Information Centre. Tens of young people got involved in the competition. The winner was the owner of the photo, which received a highest number of likes on Facebook.


24 November 2013 "Europe? Europe!" - discussion evening on the European topics in Žilina: EPIO, which co-organized this event with Europe Direct Žilina, introduced the main features of the information campaign to the EE2014 and declared the reasons why the voters´ participation in the EE2014 is so crucially important. MEPs Katarína Neveďalová and Eduard Kukan participated in the discussion.


25 November 2013 Discussion on the topic of 2014 European Parliament Elections with students in Trebišov: this event was organized by Europe Direct Trebišov with the help of EPIO. EPIO´s presentation was focused on the European Parliament, its roles, competencies and activities as well as on the 2014 Elections to the EP. The presentation was followed by the discussion with students. ______

30 November 2013 Dialogue on the 2014 Elections to the European Parliament in Sačurov: the event was organized by the Europe Direct Košice and welcomed the Head of EPIO Robert Hajšel as one of the main speakers, who introduced the features of the information campaign to the EE2014 and discussed the issues related to these elections with other guests. MEPs Eduard Kukan and Monika Smolková were the speakers in the dialogue. ______

2 December 2013 Discussion in Lučenec on the topic "This time it will be different - choose who will be in charge - European Parliament Elections 2014": the event was organized by the Europe Direct Lučenec and welcomed the Head of EPIO Robert Hajšel, who introduced and spoke about the information campaign to the EE2014 and the importance of these elections for our future and future of Europe in general. Besides him, MEP Katarína Neveďalová participated in the discussion. App. 100 students participated in the discussion.


2 December 2013 Working lunch with bloggers on the topic of EE2014 in Bratislava: EPIO organized an informal lunch with 13 bloggers, blogging journalist and online media in order to inform them about the main strategies of the EE2014 information campaign. They discussed the importance of use of the social media in this campaign, EPIO´s activities and possible joint projects. (Total outreach: 1 250 000)


13 December 2013 Analytical overview of the year before the EE2014 in Bratislava: EPIO organized the press conference on the main findings of Eurobarometer in the light of May´s European Elections, which crucial importance was highlighted as well. New official EE website was introduced to journalists and multipliers. MEPs Eduard Kukan, Boris Zala and Sergej Kozlík attended the conference.


23 January - 24 January 2014 Meeting of EPIO with the representatives of Europe Direct network in Trenčianske Teplice: the participants discussed the prospects of future cooperation within the EPIO´s information campaign to the EE2014. MEPs Katarína Neveďalová, Anna Záborská and Monika Smolková attended it.


27 January 2014 "Elections to the EP: Why is it different this time?" - seminar for regional journalists in Banská Bystrica: EPIO organized the seminar for regional journalists in order to explain them the main goals and features of the information campaign EE2014 and the crucial topics of May´s elections. MEPs Vladimír Maňka and Anna Záborská visited and spoke in the seminar, which was visited by 18 participants /multipliers/. The event received 1 529 FB impressions. (Total outreach: 420 000) ______

10 February 2014 ModelEuropean Parliament in Bratislava: Almost 100 days before the EP elections, the European Parliament held session in Bratislava, even though it met in a slightly different version. During the whole day meeting, the students of bilingual Slovak grammar schools imitated the work of the EP in the premises of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences of the Comenius University in Bratislava. Much space was dedicated to the presentation of the importance of EE2014. MEP Anna Záborská came to support students. ______

11 February - 13 February 2014 "100 days to the Elections" - pre-elections seminar for Slovak journalists in Brussels: DG COMM organized the interesting seminar for 17 selected journalists from important Slovak media. The seminar took place in Brussels and was dedicated to the preparation of journalists for the media coverage of the EE2014. The event received 1 018 FB impressions. (Total outreach: 1 500 000)


15 February - 31 March 2014 Competition "Write a blog article on the 2014 Elections to the European Parliament and win a trip to Strasbourg!": EPIO organized this competition in order to inspire people to think about and construct the argumentative ideas on the topic of EE2014. The competition lasted from 15.2. to 31.3. and EPIO received 11 very interesting pieces of work. The winner was Michal Frank who wrote an interesting article on the EE2014.


17 February 2014 Conference "Social rights in the light of economic crisis and the European Elections 2014" in Bratislava: EPIO managed this conference together with the Confederation of Trade Union of Slovakia. A great space of the event was dedicated to the introduction and subsequent discussion on the EE2014. MEPs Katarína Neveďalová, Monika Flašíková-Beňová, Miroslav Mikolášik and app. 100 participants attended the conference. 1 545 FB impressions were detected; Twitter outreach was 2 958. (Total outreach: 150 000)

______21 February 2014 Nationwide seminar "Quality of life and the Elections to the European Parliament" in Bratislava: EPIO co-organized the seminar in order to publicly speak and discuss the importance of the participation in the EE2014 and to present the goals of the information campaign for these elections. MEPs Katarína Neveďalová and Anna Záborská attended the seminar, which was welcomed by 150 participants and 3 multiplier organisations. The event received 5 672 FB impressions. (Total outreach: 11 000)


February 2014 "Europe in the eyes of youth" - discussion with students on the future of Europe and EE2014 in Bratislava: EPIO supported the week-long project "Europe in the eyes of youth" within which it presented the information campaign for EE2014 and discussed the importance of these elections with students. MEP Katarína Neveďalová participated in the discussion on the European themes.100students from 3 high schools visited the forum. (Total outreach: 2 550)


3 March 2014 Pre-elections seminar for regional journalists in Košice: EPIO organized the seminar for 18 regional journalists in order to explain them the main goals and features of the information campaign EE2014 as well as how to report all information, facts and updates of these elections. The representatives of EPIO presented the main strategies and forms of the EE2014 information campaign in Slovakia. MEPs Monika Smolková and Sergej Kozlík visited the seminar. The event received 6 233 FB impressions and Twitter outreach was 3 461.


5 March - 27 May 2014 Promotion of "A Taste of Europe" application: EPIO got involved in this initiative in order to promote Taste of Europe application in general (which was aimed to increase voters´ interest for the EE2014 and the Election night itself) as well as to help bryndzové halušky (Slovak national dish) to become the most popular dish of Europe. The highlight of this activity was serving of halušky for our guests during the Election Evening in EPIO. The promotion of Taste of Europe was significantly successful in our social media - 17 869 outreach and 269 interaction on Facebook (none of 5 FB posts were promoted) and app. 95 737 outreach and 9 clicks on Twitter. Halušky reached 5th place out of 28 national dishes and gained 895 FB likes.


7 March 2014 "The prevention of violence on women" - discussion forum on the occasion of International Day of Women in Nitra: this event was organized by EPIO and among many crucial themes concerning the topic of prevention of violence on women, the presentation on the EE2014 campaign took place. The forum welcomed MEPs Monika Flašíková-Beňová and Katarína Neveďalová and app. 90 students and 10 multipliers. The event received 1 568 FB impressions; Twitter outreach was 2 600.(Total outreach: 150 000)


13 March 2014 "Go to vote!" - discussion forums for students in Modrý Kameň, Veľký Krtíš, Fiľakovo and Rimavská Sobota: a series of four discussion forums was dedicated to the presentation of importance of EE2014. The goal was to present the activities, responsibilities and roles of EP to students and thus persuade them not only to go to vote in these elections but also care about the EU affairs. Altogether, 135 students and 2 stakeholders attended the forums. (Total media outreach: 40 000) ______17 March 2014 "Elections to the European Parliament" - discussion forum in Bratislava: 70 days before the elections, EPIO organized the discussion forum for university students in order to inform them about the activities and roles of EP and thus present them the importance to participate in the EP elections. The event welcomed MEPs Katarína Neveďalová, Boris Zala, Eduard Kukan and Miroslav Mikolášik, Commissioner Maroš Šefčovič, Slovak politicians Pavol Frešo, Ivan Štefanec and 320 students. (Total media outreach: 300 000)


21 March 2014 "Elections to the European Parliament" - discussion forum in Trenčín: EPIO and Europe Direct Trenčín organized the discussion forum for university students in order to inform them about the EE2014 and importance of participation in them. The event was attended by MEP Katarína Neveďalová, Slovak MP Ivan Štefanec, 120 students and 3 stakeholders. (Total media outreach: 25 000) ______

24 March 2014 "Water - European Union - Slovakia" Perspectives and risks - discussion forum on water in Bratislava: EPIO prepared this forum on the occasion of World Water Day. Although water, its use and protection were the main themes of the event, a space was also dedicated to the presentation of information campaign for the EE2014. MEPs Jaroslav Paška, Monika Flašíková-Beňová, Vladimír Maňka and Anna Záborská and Commissioner Maroš Šefčovič participated in the forum. Altogether, 35 people and 25 stakeholders were present. (Total media outreach: 85 000)

______24 March 2014 "How has the crisis changed Europe?" - Trilateral cross-border Citizens' Forum in Bratislava: the forum was organised in cooperation with EPIO Budapest and EPIO Vienna. Over 150 participants from 3 member states met in order to discuss the role of EU in terms of the crises. 3 MEPs (Heinz K. Becker, Anna Záborská, Zita Gurmai) and the Slovak EC Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič presented the position and opinions of the EU institutions. The debate on EE2014 was included in the forum as well. The forum was attended by 10 multipliers. The event received 68 105 FB impressions. (Total outreach: 811 000)


26 March 2014 "ReAct!" - event for first-time voters in Modra: EPIO together with its partners organized this three-day long event in order to present everything related to the EE2014 to students in an interactive way. MEPs Katarína Neveďalová, Monika Flašíková-Beňová, Anna Záborská and Boris Zala were present in the event in order to debate with students on the topic of the importance of EE2014.


26 March 2014 Dialogue on the Elections to the European Parliament in Prešov: the goal of event was to inform students - first-time voters - on the importance and meaning of the EE2014 as well as the roles, activities and responsibilities of the EP itself. MEP Monika Smolková visited the event. 150 students and 2 stakeholders attended the dialogue. (Total media outreach: 132 000) ______

27 March 2014 "Come to vote!" - discussion forum in Žilina: the target of the event was to inform the guests about the EE2014 and all information they need to know about them. Head of EPIO Robert Hajšel and MEPs Katarína Neveďalová and Miroslav Mikolášik were the speakers of this discussion which was subsequently altered to an open debate with audience, which was composed of 280 participants and 4 stakeholders. (Total media outreach: 132 000).


31 March 2014 "Go to vote!" - information event in Senica: the aim of event was to discuss the importance, significance and meaning of the EE2014 with students in an interactive way. MEPs Anna Záborská and Vladimír Maňka visited the event. 120 students and 2 stakeholders were present. (Total media outreach: 157 000)


31 March 2014 Dialogue on the Elections to the European Parliament in Spišská Nová Ves: the goal of event was to inform students - first-time voters - on the importance and meaning of the EE2014. In addition, the roles, activities and responsibilities of the EP were highlighted. The event, which was attended by 40 students and 2 stakeholders, was visited by MEP Katarína Neveďalová.


31 March - 2 April 2014 II. pre-elections seminar for Slovak journalists in Brussels: DG COMM organized the interesting seminar for 15 selected journalists from important Slovak media. The seminar took place in Brussels and was dedicated to the preparation of journalists for the EE2014.


3 April 2014 "Elections to the European Parliament" - discussion forum for students in Nitra: Europe Direct Nitra prepared this forum with the help of EPIO. The presentation of the roles, responsibilities and tasks of the EP and the importance of participation in the EP Elections joined with open debate on EU and EE topics with students took place. 90 students and 3 stakeholders attended the forum. ______

4 April 2014 "Elections to the European Parliament" - discussion forums with MEPs for students in Žiar nad Hronom and Banská Bystrica: Europe Direct Banská Bystrica prepared two forums with the help of EPIO, which presented the EP and EE2014 to students. The event was accompanied by the debate of students with MEPs Vladimír Maňka and Eduard Kukan on the importance of participation in the EE2014. 225 students and 1 stakeholder attended the forums. ______

7 April 2014 Meeting with the representatives of NGOs, self-governance and business sector with the MEPs in Košice: EPIO organized this meeting in order to present the EP, its activities, roles, responsibilities, tasks and job responsibilities of MEPs as well as the importance of participation in the EE2014 and the reasons why these elections are different. MEP Monika Smolková was present in the meeting, which was attended by 38 participants and 16 stakeholders. (Total media outreach: 190 000)


8 April 2014 "Elections to the European Parliament" - discussion forum for students in Revúca: Europe Direct Revúca and EPIO prepared this forum in order to present the EP and the importance of participation in the EP Elections to students. The aim was to increase an interest of young people for European affairs and EE2014. MEP Monika Smolková discussed these topics with students as well. Altogether, 32 students and 1 stakeholder were present at the forum.


8 April 2014 "Why is the participation of youth in the 2014 EP Elections so important?" - discussion forum in Trnava: this EPIO´s event, which was dedicated to the presentation of the information campaign to EE2014 and the importance of young voters´ participation in these elections, hosted 320 students and MEPs Katarína Neveďalová, Monika Flašíková-Beňová, Commissioner Maroš Šefčovič and several MEP´s candidates. The event received 19 751 FB impressions. (Total media outreach: 515 000)

______11 April 2014 II. meeting with the representatives of NGOs, self-governance and business sector with the MEPs in Banská Bystrica: EPIO organized this meeting in order to present the EP, its activities, roles, responsibilities, tasks and job responsibilities of MEPs as well as the importance of participation on the EE2014 and the reasons why these elections are different. MEP Eduard Kukan was present in the meeting, which was attended by 27 participants and 12 stakeholders. (Total media outreach: 210 000)


11 April 2014 "Elections to the European Parliament" - discussion forum for students in Kežmarok: Europe Direct Košice and EPIO prepared this forum in order to present the EP and EE2014 to 25 students. The event was accompanied by the debate of students with MEP Vladimír Maňka on the topic of why the participation in the EE2014 is so crucially important. 2 stakeholders were present.


11 April 2014 "More Focus - More Voters" - conference on the European Parliament and the 2014 European Elections in Bratislava: this conference was organized by EPIO in cooperation with the Embassy of in Slovakia. The speakers of the conference - Head of EPIO Robert Hajšel, MEPs Monika Flašíková-Beňová, Anna Záborská and Eduard Kukan, Commissioner Maroš Šefčovič, Ambassador Richard van Rijssen and several significant European political analysts - debated on the work and recent activities of the EP, impacts of the Lisbon Treaty as well as how to increase the voters´ turnout in Slovakia in May´s EP Elections. The conference was attended by 100 participants and 40 stakeholders. The event received 30 199 FB impressions and Twitter outreach was 7 345. (Total media outreach: 320 000)


14 April 2014 "Elections to the European Parliament" - discussion forum for students in Komárno: Europe Direct Komárno managed the forum together with EPIO in order to speak about the roles, responsibilities and tasks of EP and the importance of participation in the EP to 180 students. MEP Eduard Kukan attended the debate. 2 stakeholders were present. ______

21 April - 21 May 2014 Competition "Guess the Slovak turnout in the European Elections and win the backpack full of surprises!": the goal of competition was to encourage voters to think about the voters´ turnout in Slovakia in the European Parliament Elections 2014. Four participants, whose tips were closest to the actual turnout in Slovakia and one participant who wrote the most interesting poem on the EP Elections, became the winners. 287 people got involved in the competition (highest guess reached 72,38%, lowest one was 2,23% and overall guess was 23,31%). The winning guess was 13.33%. The competition received 15 796 FB impressions and Twitter outreach was 39 051.


21 April - 25 May 2014 "YaB Robert travels to Brussels": a small figure YaB named Robert travelled from Slovakia to Brussels in order to inform as many people as possible about the EE2014. Robert met a large number of people throughout his road and he informed them about the importance of participation in the EE2014.


24 April 2014 The presentation of EUVOX 2014 - electoral compass for the EE2014 in Bratislava: the project of the electoral compass called EUVOX 2014, which enabled voters to compare their political preferences with the programmes of the parties which ran for the EP Elections, was presented in the premises of EPIO. 19 participants and 1 stakeholder were present there.


25 April 2014 English Essay Competition on EE2014 topics - awards ceremony: the winners of this year´s 20th English Essay Competition were awarded in the premises of EPIO. 1 060 students from 146 schools got involved in this competition, many of whom wrote an article on the EE2014 topic or theme focused on the history or work of European Parliament. The representatives of EPIO co-evaluated the essays and co-awarded the winners of the competition.


28 April - 21 May 2014 "EE2014 logo competition": this competition caught the interest of many enthusiasts, who cared about the propagation of the EE2014 in Slovakia. Many people from all over Slovakia were willing to take a photo with the logo of this year's elections in order to support the EE2014. More than 120 people got involved in this competition - their photos were regularly updated on the EPIO´s social profiles. The event received 12 833 FB impressions and Twitter outreach was 12 752. ______

______29 April 2014 "Elections to the European Parliament" - discussion forum for students in Trebišov: a series of four discussion forums organized by Europe Direct Košice and EPIO was dedicated to the presentation of importance of EE2014. The goal was to present the activities, responsibilities and roles of EP to students and thus persuade them to go to vote in these elections. The forum was attended by 110 students and 4 stakeholders. ______30 April 2014 Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Slovak membership in the EU accompanied by the information campaign to the 2014 European Parliament Elections in Bratislava: All day event organized by EPIO and ECR on Bratislava´s Main Square hosted many significant Slovak and European politicians, including EP President Martin Schulz, Commissioner Maroš Šefčovič and Heads of EPIO and ECR. Various artists, music bands, dance groups and singers appeared on the Celebrations´ stage. EPIO´s tent welcomed many citizens who debated on the EE2014 topic. The event welcomed 75 000 people and 55 stakeholders. The celebration received 8 480 FB impressions, Twitter outreach was 5 341.


30 April 2014 Visit of the President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz in Bratislava: Martin Schulz visited Slovakia in the occasion of 10 th Anniversary of Slovak membership in the EU. President Schulz started his visit by addressing citizens at the Main Square, where he expressed that Slovakia is a light sample of the EU membership. President Schulz also received the White Double-barred Cross from the Slovak President. He later attended the Gala Evening in the Slovak National Theatre, where he was one of the main speakers.


April - May 2014 Distribution of EE2014 information packs for schools and universities: EPIO sent over 300 European Elections information packs to primary schools, secondary schools, grammar schools and universities from all parts of Slovakia. These packs included information materials for the EE2014, various branded items such as pens, folders, key holders, etc. Many teachers created the special boards from these items in order to promote the importance of these elections for students and teachers. ______3 May - 4 May 2014 European Parliament Information Office at the Majáles 2014 in Bratislava: EPIO´s tent was present on the popular festival Majáles in Bratislava. The representatives of EPIO were distributing the EE2014 information and propagation material, answering questions concerning the EE2014 and EP and promoting the importance of participation in the EE2014. Several dance groups and popular bands performed in the festival.The outdoor event was visited by 4 500 citizens and 8 stakeholders. (Total media outreach: 350 000)


5 May 2014 Plenary session of the National Youth Convention on the topic "Decade of Slovakia in the EU - What kind of Europe do we want for youth?" in Bratislava: EPIO as an ambassador of this project participated in this session in order to promote the importance of participation of young voters in the EE2014 as well as to support the „votEUzen“ project which promotes the participation in the EE2014 as a way to express everyone´s attitude towards our future. Many Slovak politicians attended the plenary session. ______

5 May 2014 Quiz for university students on the Elections to the European Parliament 2014 in Bratislava: EPIO organized this quiz session on the topic of EE2014 in order to spread the importance of the European Elections among university students in Slovakia. The quiz session was attended by 25 participants and 3 stakeholders and received 135 776 FB impressions. (Total outreach: 260 000)


7 May 2014 Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Slovak membership in the EU accompanied by the information campaign to the 2014 European Parliament Elections in Banská Bystrica: All day event organized by EPIO and ECR on Banská Bystrica´s Main Square welcomed the Heads of EPIO and ECR, various local artists, popular Slovak music bands, dance groups and singers. EPIO´s tent welcomed many citizens who debated on the EE2014 topic. The event was visited by 34 000 people and 32 stakeholders. The outdoor event received 7 305 FB impressions. (Total media outreach: 75 000)


8 May 2014 Gala Concert on the occasion of the Europe Day Celebration in Bratislava: EPIO and ECR prepared this gala Concert in order to not only celebrate the Europe Day but also to promote the EE2014 in front of important stakeholders, Ambassadors, politicians, leaders of political parties and many public authorities. 160 participants and 43 stakeholders attended the concert. The event received 1 113 FB impressions.

______9 May 2014 Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Slovak membership in the EU accompanied by the information campaign to the 2014 European Parliament Elections in Košice: All day event organized by EPIO and ECR in the city centre of Košice welcomed the Heads of EPIO and ECR, various local artists, popular Slovak music bands, dance groups and singers. The event was visited by app. 150 000 people, 45 stakeholders. The event received 6 348 FB impressions. (Total media outreach: 160 000)


14 May 2014 Pre-Elections information seminar in Bratislava: EPIO organized this information seminar in order to officially inform the general public about the procedure and rules of the EE2014, course of the Election Day and the importance of these Elections in general. The representatives of EPIO, Central Election Commission and the Slovak Ministry of Interior participated in the seminar. Most of the Slovak Media attended and reported the seminar (37 stakeholders). The seminar received 4 792 FB impressions. (Total media outreach: 690 000)


15 May 2014 Presidential Debate - watching of the live stream of the debate accompanied by the academic survey of the Comenius University and the analytical discussions in Bratislava: EPIO organized the watching of the live stream of the debate of five candidates for the European Commission Presidency, which was accompanied by the academic survey of 40 students from the Comenius University and two analytical discussions of Slovak academic scholars, lecturers and political scientists on the topic of EE2014. At the same time, head of EPIO Robert Hajšel participated as one of the main speakers in the live debate on the topic of EE2014 broadcasted from the public nationwide television RTVS, which was watched in the premises of EPIO as well. The debate was attended by 2 stakeholders and received 44 792 FB impressions; Twitter outreach was 7 528. (Total media outreach: 225 000)


16 May 2014 Celebration of the 10th Annivesary of the Slovak membership in the EU accompanied by the information campaign to the 2014 European Parliament Elections in Žilina: All day event organized by EPIO and ECR in the city centre of Žilina was attended by the Heads of EPIO and ECR, various local artists, Slovak music bands, dance groups and singers. EPIO´s tent welcomed many citizens who debated on the EE2014 topic. The outdoor event was attended by app. 20 500 people and 35 stakeholders. The event received 5 317 FB impression and Twitter outreach was 1 341. (Total media outreach: 95 000)


19 May 2014 "Elections to the European Parliament" - discussion forum with voters in Svätý Jur: the forum was dedicated to the topic of EE2014, which was discussed by the representatives of EPIO with citizens. They also discussed the role and scope of competencies and responsibilities of the European Parliament and their impact for everyday lives of Slovak citizens.


19 May 2014 Working lunch with journalists, bloggers and editors on the topic of EE2014 in Bratislava: EPIO organized an informal lunch with 10 bloggers, journalists and editors in order to inform them about the main strategies of the EE2014 information campaign. They predominantly discussed the

importance of use of the social media in this campaign. ______

20 May 2014 "You are Europe!" - information event for the EE2014 in Trnava: The goal of all-day event organized by EPIO in the city centre of Trnava was to inform citizens about the importance of the EE2014. Alongside the presence of the EPIO´s tent within which people could find out and discuss everything they need to know about the EE2014, there was the symbolic simulation of the EP Elections, EE2014 logo competition, EP messages´ wall and many other interesting activities. App. 3 500 participants and 5 stakeholders attended the tent. The event reached 9 647 FB impressions and Twitter outreach was 16 913.


21 May 2014 EPIO´s tent on the open day of the French Institute in Bratislava: EPIO's information table was a part of the Open Door Day organised by one of our partners - the French Institute. Visitors (mainly general public) were given information and PR material and were informed about the EE2014. App. 1 800 participants and 10 stakeholders visited the table. The event received 6 092 FB impressions and Twitter outreach was 2 900.


25 May 2014 2014 Elections to the European Parliament - Election Night in Bratislava: this special event was dedicated to the official announcement of the results of the 2014 Elections to the European Parliament in Slovakia which was preceded by live analytical discussion of political scholars and experts on the topic of 2014 European Elections in the Slovak as well as European context. The event was attended and reported by most of the Slovak media, TV channels and dailies, 28 stakeholders and app. 100 participants, who were also watching the live stream of the Election Night from Brussels. The event received 8 752 FB impressions; Twitter outreach was 157 905. (Total outreach: 782 000)






RTVS (Radio and Television Slovakia) - Slovak state-owned nationwide public television: 8 airings

TV Markíza - Slovak commercial and most popular nationwide TV: 60 airings

TV Bratislava - Slovak regional TV (western Slovakia) TV Karpaty - Slovak regional TV (western Slovakia) TV Panorama - Slovak regional TV (middle part of Slovakia) TV Turiec - Slovak regional TV (northern Slovakia) MTR - Slovak regional TV (northern Slovakia) TV Liptov - Slovak regional TV (northern Slovakia) } : 474 airings (altogether) TV LocAll - Slovak regional TV (southern Slovakia) RVTV - Slovak regional TV (south-eastern Slovakia) TV Poprad - Slovak regional TV (eastern Slovakia) TV Východ - Slovak regional TV (eastern Slovakia) Bardejov TV - Slovak regional TV (eastern Slovakia) TV Mistral - Slovak regional TV (eastern Slovakia)

Mestká televízia Trnava (MTT) - regional TV: 12 airings


Expres Radio - Slovak nationwide radio Fun Radio - Slovak nationwide radio } : 4 most popular radio stations in Slovakia Radio Slovensko - Slovak nationwide radio Jemné melódie Radio - Slovak nationwide radio



Bratislava´s Airport (capital city, western Slovakia)

Bratislava´s Train station (capital city, western Slovakia)

Žilina´s Train station (northern Slovakia)



The building changed its visual decoration twice towards the elections as long as two posters were installed. Firstly, there was a mighty poster that said ´Do you think you do not have any influence? Think again´. This poster was changed in the middle of April for a new one, which was aimed to encourage people to go to vote ´Use your influence. Decide who will be in charge in Europe.´



50 citylights in Bratislava

Branded local transport in Bratislava, Banska Bystrica and Kosice

2 000 posters placed all around Slovakia + 10.000 posters sent to all voting districts in Slovakia



140 000 brochures placed in daily Nový Čas - most popular Slovak newspapers

Trains commuting - 5 000 brochures placed in the Slovak.Rail`s trains traveling around Slovakia for free

Tens of banners published on important media Slovak portals,,



Tens of our stakeholders shared the visuals and videos on their websites and social media profiles for free for the period of three months before the Elections.



Special EE2014 magazine in the newspapers of our stakeholder European Dialogue of Perspective Attitude

Special EE2014 edition of a monthly magazine of our stakeholder Bratislava Self-Governing Region (80 000 copies). This magazine was distributed as a free annex of several copies of daily Nový Čas, which is the most popular daily in Slovakia.



The events of the EPIO´s Information Campaign were regularly promoted on our social media profiles and website. As a result, many of our E2014 activities received a broad support and interest of the general public, which may be seen on a high number of impressions, likes and accounts reached on our social media profiles. You may find the summaries of the most significant outreaches within our social media below.

















Social media - Slovak hashtag used during Saturday and Sunday's election evening: #EP2014SK


Best performing tweets during the Election Night











Please note that this survey is highly orientational as long as the ways and means which other offices use for their reports may not be absolutely identical to the practices and techniques of our office. As a consequence, this survey has only an informative purpose.



January 2014 - June 2014

IKEP 2014 – Seminar in Banska Bystrica / IKEP 2014 SEMINÁR V BANSKEJ BYSTRICI Rádio Slovensko - 27 Jan 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 16:47:00, Duration 00:03:30] Act, react, impact is the motto of this year’s European elections. The European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia organized a seminar in Banska Bystrica on Monday, dedicated to what troubles Slovakia the most and is concurrently being solved at the EP level. According to MEP Vladimir MANKA (S&D), surveys showed the unemployment and youth unemployment as the most important issues. The next issues include combating tax frauds, taxes and the financial transaction tax. MEP Anna ZABORSKA (EPP), who also attended the seminar, said that the European Parliament indirectly influences the quality of life by adopting legislative norms that people meet with in their everyday lives. These are programmes like active ageing, life education,roaming network. (Jurco Martin)

European Elections are Waiting for Us / ČAKAJÚ NÁS EUROVOĽBY Rádio Lumen - 08 Feb 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 17:30:00, Duration 00:02:00] Act, react, impact – this is the slogan of the upcoming European elections. These elections will bring various novelties. The head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel said the election will be different due to the social-economic context. The European Union and its member states feel consequences of the financial and debt crisis, we have 26 million of unemployed. The European Union is fighting this crisis, adopting various measures. Slovak MEP Vladimir MANKA (S&D) raises a question why should Slovak or EU citizens pay for bankruptcies of some banks. He wants their owners to pay for it. MEP Anna ZABORSKA (EPP) calls for harmonization of family and work lives. (Hatarova Kristina)

Brussels Informs Voters / BRUSEL INFORMUJE VOLIČOV TV Markíza - 09 Feb 2014 - [ Video Broadcast Time 19:00:00, Duration 00:02:00] We will vote 13 Slovak MEPs in the spring. The Union plans to spend 16 million EUR for the information campaign in 28 member states in 24 languages. This is about 4 cents per capita in the EU. The slogan of the campaign is “Act, React, Impact. The Slovak paradox is that although we claim to be well informed about the European Parliament, Slovakia holds a record in the lowest voter turnout in the European elections. Robert HAJSEL of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia stated that conflicting issues that get to media might increase the turnout. The number of Slovak MEPs will not change; however, competences of MEPs will increase. According to Hajsel, they will vote on the entire EU legislation, approve the EU budget and vote the new EC president. (Torokova Martina)

Slovakia - - 11/02/2014 - Web First Polling Stations for European Elections to Open in a Few Months. In Slovakia We Will Vote on May 24: 400 million Europeans will elect a new European Parliament and the new EU executive in a few months. The first polling stations will open in one hundred days, informed Sona Mihalikova Mellak from the European Parliament's Information Office in Slovakia informed. Slovaks will elect their 13 MEPs on Saturday, May 24. According to Mihalikova Mellak, this year's elections will be different, as the EP has greater powers. The new 751 MEPs will decide on the chair of the European Commission. Under the new rules, the EP elects a new president of the EC by majority that is by at least half of the votes of 751 new MEPs (376). European political parties will nominate their candidates for the post prior to the European elections. (TASR)

Slovakia - tasr( - 11/02/2014 - Web First Polling Stations for European Elections to Open in 100 Days: 400 million Europeans will elect a new European Parliament and the new EU executive in a few months. The first polling stations will open in one hundred days, informed Sona Mihalikova Mellak from the European Parliament's Information Office in Slovakia informed. Slovaks will elect their 13 MEPs on Saturday, May 24. According to Mihalikova Mellak, this year's elections will be different, as the EP has greater powers. The new 751 MEPs will decide on the chair of the European Commission. Under the new rules, the EP elects a new president of the EC by majority that is by at least half of the votes of 751 new MEPs (376). European political parties will nominate their candidates for the post prior to the European elections.)



Slovakia - - 11/02/2014 - Web In French and as MEPs: 100 days to European elections, 76 students of grammar school from the entire Slovakia tested a simulated session of the European Parliament at the Comenius University in Bratislava. The negotiation language was French. The event was organized by the Institute of Political Studies in Paris. Co- organizers were the French Institute in Slovakia, the French Embassy in Slovakia and the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia. Its head Robert Hajsel sees the event’s contribution not only in popularization of the European Parliament’s work, but also in encouraging young people to participate in the European elections. MEP Anna ZABORSKA (EPP) who attended the session of mini European Parliament believes that youth will get an idea of its functioning thanks to it.

Slovakia - - 21/02/2014 - Web Robert Hajsel: These European Elections Will Be Unprecedented: The portal brings an interview with the head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel. According to Hajsel, the crisis and the new position of the European Parliament, which is being applied for the first time on grounds of the Lisbon Treaty, will give a new quality to the upcoming elections to the European Parliament. Hajsel stressed a need to make an information campaign ahead the EP elections so that people know what body they are going to vote for, what are its powers and what is the impact of this EU institution on their everyday life. Eurobarometer surveys show that people still do not have sufficient information about work and powers of the EP.


Seminar on European Elections / SEMINÁR O EUROVOĽBÁCH Rádio Lumen - 22 Feb 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 17:30:00, Duration 00:02:00] Seminar called Quality of Senior’s Life and the European Elections took place at the Paneuropean University in Bratislava. It was organized by the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia, the Paneuropean Union in Slovakia and the Association of Christian Seniors. Several personalities of the Slovak and European politics discussed how the European Union and its legislation can influence the life of our citizens and chiefly seniors. Head of the EP Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel said they want to familiarize also this target group with the European Parliament and its work. (Kacalkova Stefania)

Slovakia - - 23/02/2014 - Web Information Office Chief is an Optimist: He Believes in High Turnout in European Elections: The European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia prepared a couple of supporting activities in connection with the upcoming elections in the European Parliament. Billboards that should motivate people to go to polling stations should be placed throughout Slovakia. Head of the European Parliament’s Information Office Robert Hajsel believes that voters’ turnout will be higher than five years ago. He expects that Slovakia will no longer be country with the lowest turnout thanks to the information campaign, as well as issues that are more interesting for people. The Information Office’s campaign will also be focused on youth. EP will take place on May 24 and Slovaks will elect 13 MEPs. (TASR)

Slovakia - tasr( - 23/02/2014 - Web Hajsel Believes that Slovaks‘ Turnout in European Elections will be Higher: The European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia prepared a couple of supporting activities in connection with the upcoming European elections. Billboards that should motivate people to go to polling stations should be placed throughout Slovakia. Head of the European Parliament’s Information Office Robert Hajsel believes that voters’ turnout will be higher than five years ago. He expects that Slovakia will no longer be country with the lowest turnout thanks to the information campaign, as well as issues that are more interesting for people. The Information Office’s campaign will also be focused on youth. (TASR)


Seminar on European Elections / SEMINÁR O EUROVOĽBÁCH Rádio Lumen - 22 Feb 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 17:30:00, Duration 00:02:00] Seminar called Quality of Senior’s Life and the European Elections took place at the Paneuropean University in Bratislava. It was organized by the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia, the Paneuropean Union in Slovakia and the Association of Christian Seniors. Several personalities of the Slovak and European politics discussed how the European Union and its legislation can influence the life of our citizens and chiefly seniors. Head of the EP Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel said they want to familiarize also this target group with the European Parliament and its work. (Kacalkova Stefania)

Discussion on European Elections / DISKUSIA O EUROVOĽBÁCH Rádio Lumen - 17 Mar 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 17:30:00, Duration 00:02:00] The European Parliament‘s Information Office in Slovakia, together with the Bratislava County, organized on Monday a discussion forum on why it is so important that young people participate in the European elections. The head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel stressed they are also offering information on internet to students, as well as to all young people. They have their own facebook profile, twitter and they strive to stir any polemics from events like this among young people and react on it. (Kacelkova Stefancikova Stefania)

European parliament elections 17/ 03 /2014 We have not elected a president yet, as we find out the name of our future president in two weeks, but another elections are approaching - the European elections. The European election in Slovakia are going to take place on the 24th of May. European Parliament elections do not enjoy much popularity, especially, among young people. European Parliament Information Office would like to change this paradox. This was the main reason, why Information Office with Bratislava Region organized a discussion for students. This discussion took a lot of attention and about 350 students attended the event. Eva Sládková was monitoring the situation.


Crisis Changed Europe / KRÍZA ZMENILA EURÓPU TV JOJ - 24 Mar 2014 - [ Video Broadcast Time 19:00:00, Duration 00:02:00 ] Europe has drastically changed. Brussels was not prepared for the crisis like this and that’s why doubts on its functioning arise in countries, stated Austrian MEP Heinz BECKER (EPP). The European Commission is now trying to save the situation. It expects the banking union, formally approved last week to put member countries together again. (Zavrel Adam)

Sefcovic: Crisis Changed Europe, We Realized Our Vulnerability / M. ŠEFČOVIČ: Kríza zmenila Európu, uvedomili sme si svoju zraniteľnosť TASR ( - 24 Mar 2014 - Web A crisis has changed Europe so that we have realized our vulnerability, Vice-President of the European Commission, Maros Sefcovic said on Monday in his address to the international cross-border forum called “How Did the Crisis Change Europe,” organized by the European Parliament’s Information Offices in Slovakia, Hungary and Austria. According to Slovak MEP Anna ZABORSKA (EPP), people are troubled mostly by unemployment and living standards. The situation after the crisis is different in the fact that there never will be so many jobs in the EU as there were before the crisis. In her opinion, the crisis is not yet over, it has only moved from the financial and economic field to the social field. (TASR)


Central Electoral Commission for European Elections Meets for the First Time on Monday / DNES SA PRVÝKRÁT ZIŠLA ÚSTREDNÁ VOLEBNÁ KOMISIA PRE VOĽBY DO EURÓPSKEHO PARLAMENTU Rádio Slovensko - 24 Mar 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 18:00:00, Duration 00:02:00] The Central Electoral Commission for the European elections met for the first time on Monday. Its nine members have been sworn in. A lottery decided that Dusan Strauss of the Nation and Justice party will be the Commission’s chairman and Katarina Sintalova of the People’s Party – Our Slovakia will be its vice-chair. 29 political parties submitted their slates with 334 candidates. The Commission will start checking whether all of them meet the requirements as of Tuesday. Asked about how winners of Slovak parties will be incorporated in political factions of the European Parliament, the head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel said that those parties, who already are members of factions, will automatically become their members again. (Koricanska Elena)

Water - European Union - Slovakia: Prospectives and Risks (RTVS) 24 / 03 / 2014 Is water a material goods just like oil, or a unique heritage which belongs to all and deserves special access and protection? The European Union has responded to this issue further and launched a petition, supported by nearly two million of its citizens, including the citizens of Slovakia. The European Citizens' Initiative on water has historically been the first to meet all the conditions and accept it by the European Commission. It is the beginning of a process that can result in changes in European legislation and other rules. For residents who use water well, could then be easier and cheaper to connect to the water supply. More says Michal Čabák:

Cross-Border Forum – IKEP 2014 / CEZHRANIČNÉ FÓRUM IKEP 2014 Rádio Slovensko - 25 Mar 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 14:50:00, Duration 00:04:00] Has our voice any weight in the European Parliament? This was one of the issues discussed by students and MEPs from three countries, Hungary, Austria and Slovakia at the cross-border forum held in premises of the Comenius University in Bratislava on Monday. The forum was co-organized by the European Parliament’s Information Office in Bratislava. Its head Robert Hajsel said that events like this have already become a tradition. They are organizing the trilateral forum for the third time and want to continue in this tradition. Two months have been left to the European elections. These elections will be different from those held by now, since the social-economic context is very different, said Hajsel. (Sladkova Eva)

Cross- border forum (RTVS) 25 / 03 / 2014 Is our voice any valid in the European Parliament? This was also discussed at the cross-border forum organized by EP Information Offices for students from three countries - Hungary, Austria and Slovakia. They met in the auditorium of the Faculty of Law of the Comenius University in Bratislava. MEPs from all three countries came to answer questions asked by young people. The main discussed topic was: how the crisis has changed the European Union. Eva Sládková captured atmosphere of the event.





Pravda - 02 April 2014 - Printed (p6) Bratislava along with ten Slovak towns was celebrating the tenth anniversary of Slovakia’s EU integration on Wednesday. European Parliament President Martin SCHULZ (S&D) addressed citizens at the Main Square.

He said that an end was made to unnatural division of Europe by an ten years ago. According to him, Slovakia along with nine more countries has finally returned to the European family ten years ago.

SCHULZ, as well as the President Herman Van Rompuy, Director General of the European Financial Stability Fund Klaus Regling and former European Parliament’s rapporteur Jan Marinus Wiersma received the White Double-barred Cross Second Class from Slovak President Ivan Gasparovic.

Parties in the European elections will seek greater "displacement" (EurActiv) 7 / 04 / 2014

It does not help if we say political opponents are Eurosceptics. We need to focus on specific content, warns Dutch diplomat. Robert Hajšel, director of European parliament Information Office thinks: ´People´s awareness is the base, but motivation is another,´ says from his own experience. It is important, parties offer European agenda to public.


European Parliament elections (TV Hronka) 07 / 04 / 2014

European elections debate with students (RTVS) 09 / 04 / 2014

Year 2014 is referred to as a super-election year in Slovakia. We elected a president and the elections of are approaching. However, another election of this year is still waiting for us. People perhaps think our presence in European parliament is too far away from affecting us. In Trnava, students with current members of European parliament discussed their duties of the European parliament and why elections are important. Martin Jurčo.

Slovakia - - 09/04/2014 - Web Students Discuss a Need to Take Part in European Elections: University and secondary-school students discussed in Trnava with MEPs and MEP candidates on importance of taking part in the European elections. The discussion was organized by the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia together with the Faculty of Social Sciences at the St. Cyril and Methodius University. It was attended by European Commission Vice-president Maros Sefcovic, MEPs Katarina NEVEDALOVA and Monika FLASIKOVA BENOVA (both S&D) and MEP candidates Jana Zitnanska, Ivan Stefanec and Jozef Viskupic. According to the Information Office’s head Robert Hajsel, the main goal of the event was to enable young people from the Trnava region to meet Slovakia’s representatives in the European Parliament and exchange opinions with them. (TASR)


Campaign ahead European Elections / KAMPAŇ PRED EUROVOĽBAMI Rádio Lumen - 11 Apr 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 17:30:00, Duration 00:02:00] The European Parliament‘s Information Office, in cooperation with individual regional European centers, is organizing a series of events dedicated to the European Union in these days. The events represent a targeted campaign, aimed at the European elections that will take place in Slovakia on May 24. Within the campaign, citizens have a possibility to learn about current happenings in the European Union and ask questions related to it. Thanks to the Lisbon Treaty, the EP has new powers in the field of legislation or approval of the budget. Head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel said that it will depend on result of the EP elections how the European Commission as an EU executive will look like. (Majerova Monika)

Editor Michael Frank won the competition and is going to Strasbourg (Prešovský Korzár) 11 / 04 / 2014 Information Office of the European Parliament (EP) in Slovakia, announced the blog contest on topic Elections to the European Parliament 2014. Bloggers should express their opinion about EU, as well as express positives of the EU. The winner of the competition became an editor of the newspaper Korzar Prešov region, Michael Frank.


Slovakia - - 14/04/2014 - Web Right to Water: Election Issue: Right to water has become the first-ever successful European Citizens’ Initiative. Not very satisfied by the European Commission’s answer, its organizers turned to candidates for the EC president, proposed by major European political parties with the question concerning their support for the initiative. They have obtained a positive reaction from Greens’ candidate, German MEP Ska KELLER (Greens/EFA), the social democrat and incumbent European Parliament President Martin SCHULZ (S&D), the Christian democrat Jean- Claude Juncker and a candidate of the European left Alexis Tsipras. They did not get support from Belgian MEP Guy VERHOFSTADT (ALDE), the leader of the European liberals. The EP Information Office in Slovakia organized a discussion on this citizens’ initiative on March 24.

Slovakia - - 17/04/2014 - Web Parties Will Strive for Higher “Draught” in European Elections: Slovak MEP Anna ZABORSKA (EPP) is glad that the issue of is being opened in the EU. She was reacting in this way on the first panel of the conference More focus – more voters? The conference was organized on April 11 by the Dutch Embassy in Slovakia, the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia and the Slovak Foreign Affairs Ministry. Robert Hajsel of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia said that media need to be educated. He hopes that the fact that 5-8 parties are on the threshold of making it to the EP will ensure they will strive for the highest possible draught.

Wide Spectrum of Candidates / KANDIDÁTI OD VÝMYSLU SVETA TV Markíza - 21 Apr 2014 - [ Video Broadcast Time 19:00:00, Duration 00:02:00] What do have MPs, a rapper, a magician, students or pensioners in common? This is just a small sample of professions of MEP candidates. A record-high number of parties running for the EP brought a colorful list of MEP candidates. We will choose 13 Slovak MEPs in the May European elections. It is an attractive job with a solid salary. According to Robert Hajsel of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia, MEPs monthly earn about 6,200 EUR after taxation. They also have a right for refunding of various administrative expenditures, such as offices for their assistants, or a part of their travel cost between their home country and Brussels. (Torokova Martina)

European parliament elections are approaching - Let´s not ignore them! (WE TV) 22 / 04 / 2014 Slovakia belongs among those EU member states with the lowest turnout in election turnout to the European Parliament. The least active group is surprisingly young people - first-time voters. Why is this so? In Trnava cinema ´Star´ 300 students from the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of St. Cyril and Methodius asked MPs and Parliament led by Vice-President of the European Commission Maroš Šefčovič. "What's going on - it is all about the kind of policies in various specific areas related to our lives that will lead European Union in next 5 years," stressed Robert Hajšel, Director of the European Parliament Information Office in Slovakia. Therefore, let´s vote! Our country has 13 representatives in the EP. Voters can choose one of the 29 subjects and 333 candidates.


22 Apr 2014 Audiovisual Review Slovakia Monthly Salary for One Day / PLAT ZA JEDEN DEŇ AKO ZA MESIAC TV JOJ - 17 Apr 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 19:00:00, Duration 00:02:00] Elections are waiting for the European Parliament. The new MEPs will replace the old ones. Incumbent MEPs will come to work just for a single day. However, a salary for the entire month will arrive in their accounts. The head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel specified it is currently about 7,950 EUR (gross salary), which is about 6,200 EUR after taxation. The European Parliament took the following position on it: current MEPs are officially in office until the formation of the new parliament and they get their salary until the end of their term. Since they are still in office for a part of July, they will obtain a salary for the entire month. (Juris Richard)

Slovakia - - 23/04/2014 - Web Bratislava May Day to Start Festival Season: The seventh annual Bratislava May Day will take place on the Petrzalka side of the Danube River between May 1 and 4. Several known bands will perform at two stages and the festival will also be connected with celebrations of the tenth anniversary of Slovakia’s entry in the European Union. The European Parliament’s Information Office will have its stand at Tyrsovo Nabrezie, too. It will have its stand at the event for the second time. Visitors can find information or brochures about the European Parliament there. Dionyz Hochel of the European Parliament’s Information Office said they will appeal on people to participate in the upcoming elections to the European Parliament in May. (SITA)


Slovakia - tasr( - 24/04/2014 - Web Election Compass EUvox to Help Voters Orientate Themselves ahead European Elections: An online election compass is available to voters in the European Union a month ahead the European elections. It should help them get information on individual parties’ positions and choose the one that corresponds to their political preferences the best. The project called EUvox was elaborated by experts from 28 EU member states, associated in the consortium of the Dutch organization Kieskompas and academic platform PreferenceMatcher. Its representatives presented the application in the European Information Center in Bratislava on Thursday. Head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel believes that the online application will help to increase interest in the EP elections in Slovakia. (TASR)


Slovakia - - 24/04/2014 - Web New Medicine for Low Voter Turnout: Thanks to This You Will Find Out What Party Matches You: Voters can test their value proximity to parties running for the European Parliament ahead the upcoming European elections. They can do so thanks to the project EU VOX 2014 Election Compass for the European Elections, introduced by sociologist Olga Gyarfasova and the head of the EP’s Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel at a press conference in Bratislava on Thursday. The project is being launched in all the 28 EU member states. The main goal of the project is to boost voter turnout in the EP elections, said Hajsel, adding that the previous two EP elections in Slovakia were connected with a record-low turnout. Value positions of ten political parties have been included in the project in Slovakia. (SITA)

Slovakia - Šport - 25/04/2014 - Printed (p25) Election Cleary: Voters can test their value proximity to parties running for the European Parliament ahead the upcoming European elections. They can do so thanks to the project EU VOX 2014 Election Compass for the European Elections, introduced in Bratislava by sociologist Olga Gyarfasova and the head of the EP’s Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel. (Felix Jan)

Slovakia - Sme - 25/04/2014 - Printed (p6) Election Compass to Help Voters Find Parties: An election compass should help undecided voters in the May European elections. After filling in a questionnaire, an application on the website will compare opinions of a voter with those of parties, running in the European elections, on 30 European issues. The project’s guarantor, a sociologist Olga Gyarfasova said that the six questions are different in each country, respecting its current issues. In Slovakia, the questions include, for example, payments for universities or closure of shops on Sundays. Head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel believes that the online application will help to increase interest in the EP elections in Slovakia. The daily asked some MEP candidates to test accord with their own party. (Dugovic Matej)


Slovakia - Pravda - 26/04/2014 - Printed (p1 - 3) This Time It’s Different. You Decide!: The EP elections in Slovakia suffer from disinterest of overwhelming majority of voters. No wonder, since they are not preceded by a real election campaign. The European Parliament does not have a legislative initiative and it does not directly decide on composition of the European Commission. Despite this, these elections are a sole possibility how we can directly intervene the European politics in the time that requires principal decisions on future heading of the EU, not only in the field of economy, but also in common foreign and security policies. An official information campaign to the elections untraditionally shows Europe as a continent full of problems and conflicts, but also challenges and a under the slogan “This Time It’s Different. Act. React. Impact.”(Macko Martin)

Slovakia - - 27/04/2014 - Web Quiz to Help Slovaks ahead the European Elections Available on Internet: Voters can test their value proximity with parties running in the European Parliament ahead the upcoming European elections thanks to the project EU VOX 2014 Election Compass for the European elections. The project’s guarantor in Slovakia, sociologist Olga Gyarfasova and the head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel introduced the project at a press conference in Bratislava last week. The project is being gradually launched in all the 28 EU member states. According to Hajsel, the project’s aim is to strengthen voter turnout in the EP elections. Previous two EP elections in Slovakia were connected with a record-low voter turnout.


To the point: the 10th anniversary of Slovakia joining the EU 27 / 04 / 2014 The upcoming 10th anniversary of the accession of Slovakia to the European Union is certainly a good moment to evaluate. What does membership in the elite club of European democracies and what brought us to the contrary come from? What direction is the EU moving to? MEPs will evaluate Edit Bauer and Jaroslav Paška and sociologist Oľga Gyarfášová.


Slovakia - - 28/04/2014 - Web Slovakia to Celebrate EU Integration in Four Towns: The amount of 177,503 EUR has been allocated for celebrations of the tenth anniversary of Slovakia’s EU integration. The celebrations will take place in the streets of Bratislava on April 30, Banska Bystrica on May 7, Kosice on May 9 and Zilina on May 16. The European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia informed that the celebrations at the Main Square in Bratislava will be held in attendance of European Parliament President Martin SCHULZ (S&D), EC Vice-President Maros Sefcovic, Foreign Affairs Minister Miroslav Lajcak and Milan Ftacnik. The celebrations are connected with an information campaign ahead the European elections, due to take place on May 24. Visitors can ask about things related to the EP elections in an information stand. (su)

Slovakia - - 29/04/2014 - Web Celebrations to Take Place in Bratislava, Slovakia is in Union for Tenth Year: Celebrations of the tenth anniversary of Slovakia’s EU integration will take place at the Main Square in Bratislava on Wednesday, April 30. The event is organized by the European Commission’s Representation in Slovakia in cooperation with the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia and the Slovak Foreign Affairs Ministry. (SITA)


European Elections and Slovakia’s History in EU / EUROVOĽBY A HISTÓRIA SLOVENSKA V EÚ STV2 - 29 Apr 2014 - [ Video Broadcast Time 21:00:00, Duration 00:10:00] The second channel of the public-service Slovak Television broadcasted a discussion, dedicated to Slovakia’s tenth anniversary in the EU, as well as the European elections. The head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel and the head of the European Studies Institute at the Comenius University, Jozef Batora took part in the discussion. Hajsel labeled Slovakia’s EU integration a success story, since Slovakia, which was one of the youngest countries in Europe turned into one of the most reliable and stable EU countries with full-fledged membership in all aspects. Slovakia even outstripped its neighbors and has become the member. It joined the Schengen zone, and managed to double its GDP per capita. (Majer Peter)


Slovakia - - 29/04/2014 - Web Celebrations of Slovakia’s EU Membership to Take Place at Main Square: Celebrations of the tenth anniversary of Slovakia’s EU integration will take place at the Main Square in Bratislava on Wednesday, April 30. The event is organized by the European Commission’s Representation in Slovakia in cooperation with the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia and the Slovak Foreign Affairs Ministry. (SITA)

Slovakia - - 30/04/2014 - Web May 1 Celebration in Bratislava to Last for Five Days. Check the Complete Program: Two EU institutions are offering various information, quizzes, contests on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of Slovakia’s EU membership and the upcoming elections to the European Parliament that will take place on May 24, 2014. These are the European Commission’s Representation in Slovakia and the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia.


10 Years in European Union / 10 ROKOV V EURÓPSKEJ ÚNII TA3 - 30 Apr 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 18:30:00, Duration 00:02:00] Slovakia celebrates the tenth anniversary of its EU integration. European Council President Herman Van Rompuy paid a visit to Slovakia on this occasion. Slovak President Ivan Gasparovic is scheduled to bestow state decorations to him, as well as to European Parliament President Martin SCHULZ (S&D) and other EU officials. (Hornak Daniel)

Ten Years in EU / DESAŤ ROKOV V EÚ TV Markíza - 30 Apr 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 19:00:00, Duration 00:02:00] European taxpayers will pay almost 180,000 EUR for celebrations of Slovakia’s EU integration in the time when the old continent is troubled by record-high debts. However, there were more stands than visitors at the celebrations. MEPs’ moving between Strasbourg and Brussels, which repeats every month, costs Europe about 200 million EUR annually. Despite many problems, Slovaks mostly perceive the European Union positively. Contrary to other countries, Slovakia has earned on its ten-year membership. (Serebryakov Viktor) Bratislava Commemorates EU Entry / Bratislava si pripomenula vstup do EÚ

SLOVENSKA V EÚ STV1 - 30 Apr 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 19:00:00, Duration 00:02:00] Slovak President Ivan Gasparovic bestowed the state decoration, particularly the White Doublebarred Cross Second Class, to European Parliament President Martin SCHULZ (S&D) and the European Council President Herman Van Rompuy. According to head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel, Slovaks often do not know about opportunities and rights that the European Union ensures them. The awareness on rights and possibilities to participate in public affairs seems to be lower compared to old member states, which reflects in low voter turnout in the EP elections in Slovakia, he added. EP President SCHULZ is scheduled to deliver a speech at the Main Square in Bratislava later on the day. (Hanzelova Zuzana)

It Was Not a Walk to EU / Do EÚ to nebola prechádzka TV Markíza - 30 Apr 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 19:00:00, Duration 00:02:00] Slovakia has become a full-fledged member of the European Union ten years ago. Slovakia’s way to this elite club was pretty dramatic. The head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel said that in that time the problem was a lack of democracy and several cases of not respecting the human rights the European Union had information about. (Igaz Rado)

Gasparovic Bestows Double-barred Cross to Four Union Representatives / Gašparovič udelil dvojkríže ďalším štyrom predstaviteľom Únie TASR ( - 30 Apr 2014 - Web Four officials of the European Union received high state decorations from Slovak President Ivan Gasparovic on Wednesday on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of Slovakia’s EU integration. European Parliament President Martin SCHULZ (S&D) and the European Council President Herman Van Rompuy received the White Double-barred Cross Second Class from Slovak President Ivan Gasparovic for extraordinary deserts in strengthening of Slovakia’s position in international relations. Director General of the European Financial Stability Fund Klaus Regling was awarded for his extraordinary support of Slovakia’s economic reforms during the EU accession process. The former European Parliament’s rapporteur Jan Marinus Wiersma received the same award for his extraordinary support for Slovakia’s EU accession process. (TASR)

Slovakia - - 30/04/2014 - Web Celebrations will Take Place in Bratislava, Slovakia is in Union for Tenth Year: Celebrations of the tenth anniversary of Slovakia’s EU integration will take place at the Main Square in Bratislava on Wednesday, April 30. The event is organized by the European Commission’s Representation in Slovakia in cooperation with the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia and the Slovak Foreign Affairs Ministry. (SITA)


10 Years of Pluses and Minuses / 10 rokov plusov i mínusov TA3 - 01 May 2014 - [ Video Broadcast Time 21:00:00, Duration 00:30:00] Vladimir Bilcik of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association and the head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel were guests in a discussion program on the newsonly TV channel. They elaborated issues like the EU’s big enlargement by 10 countries 10 years ago, Slovakia’s -optimism, hypothetic situation how would Slovakia look like if it has not joined the EU, the European elections, credibility of the European Parliament and the rise of .

Slovakia‘s EU Accession was Right / Prijatie Slovenska do EÚ bolo správne STV1 - 01 May 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 19:00:00, Duration 00:02:00] Solution to the Ukrainian crisis would be much more difficult without a decision on the EU enlargement by other countries, including Slovakia, in 2004, said European Parliament President Martin SCHULZ (S&D). In his words, Europe must consider potential economic sanctions against Russia. SCHULZ stressed we must tell citizens that these sanctions might have an impact on our economy, our gas prices and our investments. He sees the biggest challenge for Slovakia and the entire EU in youth unemployment. (Hanzelova Zuzana)

Robert Hajšel as a guest in TA3 talking about membership of Slovakia in the EU. 02/05/2014


Campaign ahead European Elections Starts / Začína sa kampaň pred eurovoľbami STV1 - 02 May 2014 - [ Video Broadcast Time 19:00:00, Duration 00:02:00] A campaign ahead the European elections is starting on Saturday. We will choose 2 candidates at the maximum from 29 parties. Robert Hajsel of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia said that the European legislation only stipulates that the European elections must be free and secret. Other organizational aspects are up to EU member states, respecting thus election traditions. If the election day, for example, in the Netherlands is Thursday, then the European elections will be held on this day. (Gombosova Iveta)

Slovaks are More Critical about EU / Voči EÚ sú Slováci viac kritickí STV1 - 02 May 2014 - [ Video Broadcast Time 19:00:00, Duration 00:02:00] Slovaks belong to nations that trust the European Union the most. However, the number of critics has grown over ten years. Robert Hajsel, the head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia said he often meets with citizens’ questions as to why they do not have as high salary as their colleagues in the same profession abroad do, or why they do not have as high pensions as Austrian pensioners do. These are historic things that are simply given and where Slovakia and the Slovak economy must keep on catching up with other countries and the European Union only creates opportunities and facilitates this catching up, said Hajsel. (Minich Filip)

Slovakia - - 02/05/2014 - Web EUVOX to Help You with Choice in European Elections: New application EUVOX, prepared by an international expert team across the EU, is to help people to find out what political party is closest to them in European issues. It is finding out their preferences on concrete issues and pairs them with positions taken by Slovak political parties. The application can be an alternative or complement studying of election programs of all political parties. According to the head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel, the EUVOX is a funny tool to test political opinions. The project is financed by the grant scheme of the European Parliament and the Open Society Foundation.


Slovakia - Život - 03/05/2014 - Printed (p10, 11) A Dream Job: The one who manages to make it to the European Parliament after the elections will simply get a dream job! EP slates of political parties can also feature nonpartisans, informed Sona Mihalikova-Mellak of the EP Information Office in Slovakia. New MEPs will replace the old ones in July. The incumbent MEPs will come to work just for a single day, but will get a salary for the entire month. A monthly grow salary of an MEP is currently about 7,950 EUR, which is 6,200 EUR after taxation, said head of the EP Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel. MEPs who were working in the EP before the elections in 2009 have a possibility to claim the previous national system concerning their salary, temporary contributions and pensions during their entire term in the EP. (Durovova Henrieta)


Slovakia - - 03/05/2014 - Web Will a Three-Week Campaign Allure Voters?: The main priority of parties running for 13 posts in the European Parliament should be to explain people why should they go to polls and present it with interesting issues. The European Parliament’s Office in Slovakia connected celebrations of the tenth anniversary of Slovakia’s EU integration with an information campaign to the European elections. Residents of the Slovak capital have already commemorated the EU entry and next events will take place in Banska Bystrica, Kosice or Zilina in May. A sociologist Pavel Haulik has not yet found an unambiguously interesting issue through which MEP candidates might attract voters to polls. (Stupnan Igor).

EP Election Campaign / Predvolebná kampaň do EP Rádio Slovensko - 03 May 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 18:00:00, Duration 00:02:00] MEP candidates have entered an official election campaign on Saturday. Those, whom we elect, will work in various parliamentary factions in Brussels, such as the European liberals, socialists, EPP etc. MEPs of mother parties, which already have their representation in factions, will be included in them automatically. Head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel said that the other ones will hold talks about what faction they join. It can happen they will work as Non-attached Members. (Koritsanska Elena)

Slovakia - - 05/05/2014 - Web EU Accession to be Celebrated at SNP Square on Wednesday: Celebrations of the tenth anniversary of Slovakia’s EU accession will take place at the SNP Square in Banska Bystrica. The event is organized by the European Commission’s Representation in Slovakia, the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia and the Foreign Affairs Ministry together with the Banska Bystrica municipality. It will connect educational and information activities with a cultural program. (SITA)

Young Voters Do Not Come to Polls / Mladí voliči k urnám nechodia STV1 - 05 May 2014 - [ Video Broadcast Time 19:00:00, Duration 00:02:00] Political analyst Svetozar Krno would find it a success if at least 20 percent of Slovaks will come to polls in the European elections. Young voters are least interested in the European elections. The European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia prepared a quiz for students of political science at Nitra-based Constantine the Philosopher University on Monday. Quizzes like this might help to motive youth to go to polling stations. The head of the European Parliament’s Information Office, Robert Hajsel ascribes low voter turnout also to possibilities of election itself. He thinks that introduction of e-voting would definitely increase turnout of youth. (Jaco Matus)

Quiz about the elections to the European Parliament 05 / 05 / 2014 The European Union is one big machine. Making sense of the legislative process, the organization can take, and let's face it, is interested in them before the younger generation. Many departments at universities already have a study plan and courses dealing with European reality, law and processes in these institutions. For such a well- designed quiz for college students. The competition was held on the occasion of Europe Day. The quiz took place in the European Parliament Information office in Bratislava. More information by the editor Martin tells Karman that the quiz was to see.

The first Slovak journalist in European parliament Robert Hajšel: The rest of the states had concerns about us (European newspapers) 05 / 05 / 2014 Two years before Slovakia joined the EU - previous President of the European Parliament (EP) Pat Cox opened the Information Office (IK) in Slovakia in May 2002. Robert Hajšel became its director in 2005. You were among the first to work in EP from Slovakia. In which years and what was your job? This article includes an interview with Robert Hajšel and his experience working as a journalist.


Slovakia - - 06/05/2014 - Web Everything You Need to Know about European Elections 2014: The May European elections will be different. Based on the Lisbon Treaty, the European Council must regard results of the European elections while proposing a candidate for the European Commission head. The second July plenary session will be the first opportunity for the European Parliament to elect the EC head. The new EC chief will than start negotiations with member states’ government concerning candidates for commissioners, said Robert Hajsel, the head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia. The hottest candidates for the post of the EC commission are incumbent EP President Martin SCHULZ (S&D) and Jean Claude Juncker (EPP). According to polls, Verhofstadt won the first debate ahead the European elections, followed by KELLER (Greens) and SCHULZ.


Slovakia - - 07/05/2014 - Web Slovakia will commemorate the 10th anniversary of accession to the EU, also the Europe Day: European Commission Representation in Slovakia joined the event this year in the to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the accession to the European Union and the Europe Day. Event falls on May 9th, and that day is a big event in Košice. 10th anniversary of the Slovak Republic to the European Union have already commenced full- day event on April 30 at the Main Square in Bratislava, continued on May 7 in Banská Bystrica, Košice on May 9 and May 16 in Žilina. Representation of the European Commission has prepared these events in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and the European Parliament Information Office. (TASR)

Slovakia - Poprad - 07/05/2014 - Printed (p6) Students from Poprad in the European Parliament: Euroscola project enjoys great interest, in this project young people are acquainted with the functioning of Parliament, imitate activity of MEPs. Students from the College of Commerce in Poprad visited the EP in April. Students in the building of the EP enjoyed grandeur and monumentality of the building, admired the interior or parliament hall. They Recognized the work of MEPs, exchange experiences, tried one working day as real MEPs. Director of OA Poprad Iveta Račeková said that the visit of the EP was clearly beneficial for both students and teachers of the school and positively assessed the activity of pupils in parliament, further she thanked the Information Office EP in Slovakia that prepares students for such projects and thanks to them students have the opportunity to discover new countries and people. (Mušinská Kristína)

In Banská Bystrica they reminded today 10 years after joining the European Union / V Banskej Bystrici si dnes pripomenuli 10 rokov od vstupu do Európskej únie Rádio Lumen - 07 May 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 17:30:00, Duration 00:02:00] On Wednesday, in Banska Bystrica, they commemorated 10 years after joining the European Union. On the main square in the celebrations there were held various workshops and competitions that attracted passers visitors. The main objective was to inform citizens of the European Union, which is its purpose, what is the problem, but also on how Slovakia has been doing 10 years since the entry into the Union. Attention was drawn to the forthcoming elections to the European Parliament, which will be in our place on May 24. The event ensured European Parliament Information Office in Slovakia. According to a member of Jaroslav Novák, they wanted mainly to inform the domestics about the European Union and the opportunities which it offers. (Majerová Monika)

Elections to the European Parliament 2014 / Voľby do Európskeho parlamentu 2014 Rádio Slovensko - 07 May 2014 - [ Video Broadcast Time 12:00:00, Duration 00:02:00] In the paper the editor dealth with the European Parliament elections and the exchange of political leaders in parliament. Hard fighting and political haggling is expected especially in the post of chief of the European Commission, as she hereinafter stated, "The European Council may propose a top candidate of the party which has not received the most votes in elections to the European Parliament, or someone else who was not even in the game." As it was stated by Robert Hajšel, the director of the European Parliament Information Office in Slovakia, "The President of the European Parliament is elected the candidate who receives more than half of all members in a secret ballot." (Lištiaková Tamara)

Slovakia - tasr( - 08/05/2014 - Web Košice will host a major event of the celebration of Europe Day: Symbolic birthday of the European Union this year will celebrate in Slovakia, in the Friday, May 9 On this day reminds Europe's Declaration of Robert Schuman, which is considered the emergence of modern . The main event in celebration will take place in Kosice, with 10 to 22 hours for the public will be prepared stalls, competitions and musical dance performances. There will not be missing yellow rose, that day has traditionally organizers handed out to citizens in several cities of Slovakia. The preparation of the event along with the European Commission Representation in Slovakia also participated in the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and the European Parliament Information Office in Slovakia. (TASR)


Student Discussion on European Elections / DISKUSIA ŠTUDENTOV NA TÉMU EUROVOĽBY Rádio Slovensko - 09 Apr 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 15:50:00, Duration 00:04:00] Students in Trnava discussed with incumbent MEPs, as well as MEP candidates on roles of the European Parliament and importance of the European elections. Head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel said that Slovakia reported the lowest voter turnout from all the EU countries. While the EU average is around 44 percent, it was 16 percent in Slovakia in the first EP elections and less than 20 percent in the second EP elections. Therefore, he believes that events like this, as well as various controversial issues will make people to vote for those who will advocate their interests in the European Parliament for the next five years. (Jurco Martin)

Kosice Celebrates Europe Day / Košice oslávili Deň Európy TA3 - 09 May 2014 - [ Video Broadcast Time 16:00:00, Duration 00:02:00] Events within celebrations of the Europe Day took place in Kosice on Friday. May 9 is considered the date of a symbolic birthday of the European Union. Simultaneously, the event was to remind people of upcoming European elections that will be held on May 24 in Slovakia. Dionyz Hochel of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia hopes this event to help break Slovakia’s sad record.

Slovakia - tasr( - 10/05/2014 - Web Slovaks Living in Other EU Country Can Only Vote for Candidates of that Country: Slovaks living in any other EU member state can vote in the upcoming European elections, too. However, they can only vote for MEP candidates of a respective country. Those who want to vote for Slovak candidates must come to Slovakia. If a voter will not be present in Slovakia on May 24, s/he is losing the right to voter for Slovak candidates, said Sona Mihalikova Mellak of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia. If they meet requirements of the law on the European elections in a country they live in, they can vote for its candidates in the EP elections. However, these requirements always include a permanent residence in that country, added Mellak. (TASR)


Half of Laws Originates in EU / Polovica zákonov vzniká v EÚ STV1 - 13 May 2014 - [ Video Broadcast Time 19:00:00, Duration 00:02:00] About 400 million Europeans have an opportunity to decide in less than two weeks who will sit in the European Parliament for the next five years. About half of the laws, effective in Slovakia, are made at the level of the European Union. The European Parliament has a possibility to amend or turn them down. Over the past five years, MEPs, for example, turned down the anti-counterfeiting agreement ACTA, blocked some countries’ efforts to resume border controls, significantly limited bankers’ bonuses and amended the seven-year EU budget. The head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel added they focused on allocating as much as possible money for education and research, for example for the Erasmus for all programme. (Minich Filip)

Slovakia - Plus1deň - 14/05/2014 - Printed (p3) When Will Election Results be Published?: Results of the European elections will be published on Sunday, May 25 at 11 p.m. in the residence of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia in Bratislava. (TASR)

Slovakia - tasr( - 14/05/2014 - Web About 1,200 People from the Statistics Office will Participate in Processing of Results: About 1,200 employees of the Slovak Statistics Office, using 618 computers and 242 printing machines, will participate in processing of results of the European elections. The Statistics office’s senior officials informed about it at a joint press conference with representatives of the interior ministry and the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia (IKEP), held in Bratislava on Wednesday. The Central Electoral Commission will release results of the Slovak elections in the EP in IKEP’s premises. No exit polls are planned in Slovakia. IKEP head Robert Hajsel informed that IKEP’s mobilization and information activities are culminating at the moment through TV, radio and billboard campaign, several forms of external advertising. (TASR)


Slovakia - - 14/05/2014 - Web Elections to European Parliament to be Probably More Expensive than Expected: The European elections in Slovakia will probably be more expensive than originally expected. The original budget for the EP elections was 8.24 million EUR. However, it could be several millions more due to higher number of district electoral commission. Their number is 72,000, compare to 46,000 in the last elections. Head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel believes that efforts to ensure people’s information about the elections will adequately reflect in voter turnout. (SITA)

About 1,200 Employees of Statistics Office to Participate in Processing of European Elections / Na spracovaní výsledkov volieb do Európskeho parlamentu sa bude podieľať približne 1200 pracovníkov Štatistického úradu Rádio Lumen - 14 May 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 17:30:00, Duration 00:01:30] About 1,200 employees of the Slovak Statistics Office will take part in processing of the European elections. According to its head Ludmila Benkovicova, this figure attests to more complicated process of results’ processing compared to the March . Head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel believes that efforts to ensure people’s information about the elections will adequately reflect in voter turnout. (Hatarova Kristina)

Our Place in European Space / Naše miesto v európskom priestore TV Bratislava - 14 May 2014 - [ Video Broadcast Time 17:00:00, Duration 00:30:00] Robert Hajsel, the head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia and Andrej Kralik, head of the Press Department of the European Commission’s Representation in Slovakia were guests in discussion broadcasted by the local TV. The discussion was dedicated to ten years of Slovakia’s membership in the European Union. They commented on Eurobarometer 2014 results testifying of people’s perception of EU membership. They touched the issues of eurooptimism, euroscepticism, drawing of EU funds, Slovakia’s low turnout in the European elections and the way of voting in them. (Vazanova Alexandra).


Slovakia - Sme - 15/05/2014 - Printed (p2) Full Polling Stations to Overprice European Elections: The story reports about extremely high interest in participation in district electoral commissions in the European elections. Municipalities established almost 6,000 of them and parties nominated as much as 71,651 members in them. In the last elections their number was about 46,000. The interior ministry did not count with such a high number. It allocated 8.2 million EUR for the EP elections, but it knows already now that it will not be enough. The elections will be more demanding for the Slovak Statistics Office, too. Official results can be published only after the last polling station in the last member state is closed, which is Sunday, 11 p.m., said the head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel. (Pisko Michal)

Big TV Discussion in Brussels / Veľká televízia diskusia v Bruseli STV1 - 15 May 2014 - [ Video Broadcast Time 19:00:00, Duration 00:02:00] Election leaders of five political groups of the European Parliament will meet in a big TV discussion in Brussels in a moment. They run for the post of the European Commission chief. Instead of 700 MEPs, viewers will sit in a discussion hall of the EP and they put questions to five candidates. One of them will probably be the future EC chief. The candidates are: election leader of the EPP, Luxembourgian Jean-Claude Juncker; the leader of socialists and incumbent European Parliament President Martin SCHULZ (S&D); German MEP Ska KELLER (Greens/EFA); leader of the leftists, Greek Alexis Tsipras and Belgian MEP Guy VERHOFSTADT (ALDE). Head of the EP Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel said that at least 20 MEPs from 7 countries are needed to form a faction in the EP. (Majer Peter)

Candidates for the President of the EC met in TV debate / Kandidáti na post šéfa EK sa stretli v televíznej debate TA3 - 16 May 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 10:00:00, Duration 00:02:00] If Russia keeps on worsening the situation in , the European Union will have to toughen its position against Moscow, candidates for the post of the European Commission chief concurred in the election discussion. The five candidates for the first time in the history answered voters’ questions in a live broadcast. Tougher sanctions against Russia would hit Central and Eastern European countries the most. Therefore, a candidate of the socialists, European Parliament President Martin SCHULZ (S&D) would like to support them. He said that the Union is not a military force and we should do our best to prevent a military confrontation, adding we need a common strategy. (Bahledova Dominika).


Eurovision of the Candidates / Eurovízia kandidátov ( - 16 May 2014 - Web / Print Stream from debate at European Parliament Information Office in Bratislava with Eduard Chmelár, Marek Rybář, political journalist Zuzana Gabrižová and information officer in EPIO Slovakia Dionýz Hochel.

We Will Choose 13 MEPs already Next Saturday / Už budúcu sobotu si vyberáme 13 europoslancov Rádio Expres - 16 May 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 12:00:00, Duration 00:02:00] The European elections in Slovakia will be held next Saturday. We will choose 13 MEPs in them. An MEP salary of 6,000 EUR attracts as much as 333 candidates of 29 political parties. The head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel explains the procedure of MEPs’ election. He said that people practically vote for political parties and they can mark two MEPs at the maximum at a ballot of a political party. They can vote for Slovak MEPs neither from abroad, nor in an electronic way. (Gajdosikova Zuzana).

Monthly Salary for a Single Day / MESAČNÝ PLAT ZA JEDEN DEŇ STV1 - 16 Apr 2014 - [ Video Broadcast Time 19:00:00, Duration 00:02:00] MEPs who fail to make it to the new European Parliament will get a monthly salary for a sole day of work, when they will come to pass a relay to their successors. Most MEPs did not know about this present. They will get a monthly salary for working on July 1, which is their last working day. And this salary is not negligible. According to the head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia Robert Hajsel, their gross salary is currently 7,950 EUR, which is around 6,200 EUR after taxation. (Majer Peter)

Most Europeans See Bureaucracy in EU / Väčšina Európanov vidí v EÚ byrokraciu STV1 - 18 May 2014 - [ Video Broadcast Time 19:00:00, Duration 00:02:00] According to the last Eurobarometer results, as much as three quarters of Europeans think that the European Union is too bureaucratic. However, the European Commission claims it has decreased the number of regulations by one quarter since 2005. Robert Hajsel, head of the EP Information Office in Slovakia said that administration makes up about 5.5 percent of the total EU budget. (Minich Filip)

Elections already this Saturday / Voľby už túto sobotu TV Markíza - 19 May 2014 - [ Video Broadcast Time 19:00:00, Duration 00:02:00] High number of political parties and candidates are running in the European elections in Slovakia. However, we are not the only one in Europe. Robert Hajsel of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia said that about 38 political parties are running, for example, in the neighboring . Since the European elections are really Europeans, we must accommodate to other countries in some things. There is a rule that we can release official results only after the last polling station in Europe is closed. According to Hajsel, this stems from the EU Council’s decision from the year 2001. (Torokova Martina).


Slovakia - Žilinské - 19/05/2014 - Printed (p16) More People to Process Results: About 1,200 employees of the Slovak Statistics Office will participate in processing of results to the European Parliament, using 618 computers and 242 printing machines. According to the Statistics Office President Ludmila Benkovicova, these figures attest to more complicated process of process of results’ processing compared to the March presidential elections. Official results cannot be published sooner than on Sunday, May 25 after the polling stations in the last EU member state () will be closed. The Central Electoral Committee will release results of the EP elections in Slovakia in premises of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia. No exit polls are planned in Slovakia. (TASR)

Goals of European Union’s Financial Support to Farmers and Rural Area / Ciele finančnej podpory Európskej únie farmárom a vidieku Rádio Regina - 20 May 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 12:00:00, Duration 00:02:00] Concerning the European support of agriculture, a gap between direct payments sent in subsidies to old and new EU members is a thorn in the flash of Slovak farmers. While the current level is about 200 EUR per hectare in Slovakia, it is 400 EUR in Austria. Robert Hajsel, the head of the European Paliament’s Information Office to Slovakia in this connection said that the support cannot achieve the same level as in the old member states, since the cost of living there is much higher. A consumer basked in the Netherlands, Denmark or in Austria is higher than the EU average in all the parameters and support to farmers is thus higher, too. (Rácz Zoltán)

Elections to European Parliament 2014 / Voľby do Európskeho parlamentu 2014 Rádio Lumen - 20 May 2014 - [ Video Broadcast Time 11:00:00, Duration 01:00:00] The program called Citizen was dedicated to Saturday’s elections to the European Parliament. Head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia Robert Hajsel, the vice-chairman of the Christian Institutions Forum Pavol Kossey and former diplomat at the EU Miriam Lexmann were discussing issues like why it is important to go to polls in the upcoming European elections, the thirteenth salary of MEPs, as well the new way of election of the European Commission President.

Slovakia - - 20/05/2014 - Web In two countries are beginning elections to europarliament: Vote in elections to the European Parliament will start on the first the Dutch and the British,on Thursday, May 22. As it has informed Sonya Miháliková Mellak the European Parliament Information Office in Slovakia, most states elect until Sunday, May 25 with the fact that the last polling stations closing Italians on Sunday at 23:00. On Friday, May 23 MEPs will vote only in Ireland and the Czech Republic, in the Czech Republic there also vote the next day. On Saturday 24 May they vote in Slovakia, and Malta. The remaining countries are elected on Sunday, May 25, in which four of them are mandatory elections, it means in , , and Cyprus. (SITA)


European Parliament elections - this Saturday! 21 / 05 / 2014 Slovakia is characterized by one of the lowest europarliament election turnout among the EU member states. The least active people are surprisingly youngsters and first-time voters. Why is it so? At the University of St. Cyril and Methodius 300 students from the Faculty of Social Sciences, asked such a questions Slovak members of parliament and Director of the European Parliament Information Office in Slovakia- Robert Hajšel. Our country has 13 representatives in the EP. Voters can choose one of the 29 subjects and 333 candidates.

Slovakia - - 21/05/2014 - Web MEPs names we will recognize from Slovakia on Sunday before midnight: Robert Hajšel, EP Information Office in Slovakia, SITA said the results of the European elections in Slovakia would be known on Sunday, May 25th at 23:00. He said, "definitely final, official results of the European elections will probably know until a few days earlier than on Tuesday or Wednesday." From the law on elections to the EP implies that ongoing unofficial voting results Statistical Office will not be published. The final, official results of the vote UVK published after the completion of elections in the Member State of the European Union, which voters cast votes as the last, which is in this case in Italy. (SITA)


Slovakia - - 21/05/2014 - Web On Wednesday, the campaign for the European elections ends: Political entities that are applying on Saturday, May 24th for votes in the European elections had the last day for appealing to voters, on Thursday, May 22 at 7:00 begins parliamentary moratorium that applies to election day until 24:00. On election day, on Saturday, May 24th is forbidden to publish the results of opinion polls. The official election results will publish UVK on Sunday 25th May at 23:00. As said Robert Hajšel, the director of European Parliament Information Office in Slovakia, " no Member State can publish these results earlier not to disturb the elections in those countries where they are still voting." (SITA)

What Will Be Voter Turnout? / Aká bude účasť v eurovoľbách? Rádio Slovensko - 21 May 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 12:00:00, Duration 00:02:00] Slovakia ended the last from all the member states in voter turnout in both European elections held in Slovakia so far. In 2014 turnout was lower than 17 percent and achieved almost 20 percent in 2009. However, awareness on what’s going on in Brussels and Strasbourg has increased since then. Head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel stated this is not a guarantee that it would mirror in higher voter turnout. The decision on voter turnout is up to each individual who thinks s/he can change something by election. (Koritšánska Elena)

Interview with Representatives of European Parliament‘s Information Office in Slovakia Jana Bolgacova and Jaroslav Novak / Rozhovor so zástupcami Informačnej kancelárie Európskeho parlamentu na Slovensku Janou Bolgáčovou a Jaroslavom Novákom Rádio Regina - 21 May 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 07:50:00, Duration 00:03:00] Editor of the radio Regina Martin Jurco visited euro-information kiosk at the Trnava’s Main Square where it addressed representatives of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia (IKEP), Jana Bolgacova and Jaroslav Novak. The editor was asking them about Saturday’s European elections, what do IKEP representatives think that motivates people to go to polls, how did the Information Office strove to make people to participate in the European elections, as well as what are the most frequent problems in decision-making that people turn to them with.

Election Marathon behind the Doors / Volebný maratón za dverami TA3 - 21 May 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 21:00:00, Duration 00:20:00] The Netherlands is the first country to open polling stations in the European elections. Its residents can cast ballots for their MEPs on Thursday. The presented discussed this issue with Robert Hajsel, the head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia. They touched the issues like why the European elections take place for several days, the quorum set by member states for parties to make it to the European Parliament, the minimum age of a candidate, as well as the European Parliament itself, where MEPs are no associated based on the nations, but political membership. (Túrosová Barbara)

Election Campaign ahead European Election has Ended Today / Predvolebná kampaň k eurovoľbám sa dnes skončila Rádio Lumen - 22 May 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 17:30:00, Duration 00:02:00] The election campaign ahead the European elections has ended on Thursday. A 48-hour election moratorium took effect at 7 a.m. Promotional activities of MEP candidates are prohibited during the moratorium and during the election day set on Saturday, May 24. Results of elections to the European parliament will start to be published on Sunday, May 25 at 11 p.m. in premises of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia. Results will be revealed in all the states synchronously. (Horniaková Jana)

Slovakia - tasr( - 23/05/2014 - Web Televisions to Bring Special Election Programs on European Elections: The portal has brought information that televisions will deal with the European elections, in addition to regular news service, in special programs, too. Public-service RTVS, news-only TA3 and TV Markiza have prepared them. RTVS will bring the European-election program on Sunday at 11 p.m. where official results of the elections in Slovakia, as well as other EU member states will be revealed. RTVS will bring a live broadcast of publishing of official results by the Central Electoral Commission, as well as first analyses with invited guests – Radovan Geist of and political scientist Pavol Marchevsky, first reactions of newly-elected Slovak MEPs and an interview with head of the EP Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel. (TASR)


Brano Zavodsky Live: Robert Hajsel / Braňo Závodský Naživo: Robert Hajšel Rádio Expres - 23 May 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 12:10:00, Duration 00:20:00] Presenter Brano Zavodsky discussed in his program Live with the head of the European Parliament’s Information Office, Robert Hajsel why should we go to vote for MEPs or how much is Brussels and Strasbourg distanced from our everyday live. He also motivated and explained to listeners importance of the EP elections and talked about absurd decisions by the European Parliament and the Commission that are rather myth than reality. (Závodský Branislav)


Slovakia - Nový čas - 24/05/2014 - Printed (p4) Let’s Decide Who Will Lead EU: Author of the story, Robert Hajsel, the chief of the EP Information Office in Slovakia writes that Slovakia’s membership in the EU offers a lot of opportunities for the country, businessmen, as well as common citizens. According to him, the European elections are an opportunity to assess how European leaders and Slovak representatives in Brussels have formed our environment by now. The EP decides on things that have a direct impact on our everyday live. Much is at stake in these elections, since the EP will elect the chief of the future EU executive, which will determine further heading of the entire Union through its proposals. Don’t let the others to decide on future of the EU and a place of Slovakia in it, concludes Hajsel. (Hajšel Robert)

Slovakia - - 24/05/2014 - Web LIVE: Google also Reminds Slovaks of European Elections: The European elections in Slovakia started on Saturday at 7 a.m. Polling stations will be opened by 10 p.m. Internet giant Google was also reminding Slovaks of their voter duty on Saturday. It adjusted graphics on its homepage to the European elections. Premier voted in the European elections shortly after 7 a.m. in one of Bratislava’s schools. President Ivan Gasparovic already casted ballots, too. The Central Electoral Commission will reveal official election results only after the voting is over in the last EU member state, which is Sunday, May 25 at 11 p.m. No country can publish the results sooner so that the course of elections in countries that still vote was not affected, stressed the head of the EP Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel. (SITA)

Slovakia - tasr( - 24/05/2014 - Web Polling Stations Open, Slovaks Vote for MEPs: Slovaks vote for new MEPs today. 333 candidates from 29 political parties are running for the European Parliament. Voters can vote for their favourite candidates in almost 6,000 precincts. If a voter is not on the Slovak territory on the election day, s/he loses a possibility to vote for Slovak candidates. Citizens can turn to the helpline with their questions concerning the EP elections. Results of the EP elections will be announced on Sunday, May 23 at 11 p.m. in the residence of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia. Results will be announced in all the EU countries synchronously. (TASR)


Today, the future composition of the European Parliament can also be decided by foreigners living in Slovakia / Rozhodnúť o budúcom zložení Európskeho parlamentu môžu dnes aj cudzinci žijúci na Slovensku Rádio Regina - 24 May 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 17:00:00, Duration 00:02:00] The moderator Marian Kukelka talked with the director of European Parliament of Information Office in Slovakia Robert Hajšel on how foreigners elect in Slovakia. The existing possibility that a person from another country may choose from among the deputies of other countries, is according to a statement by R. Hajšel the opportunities to participate in governance as closest to the place of residence to truly citizens of a Member State of the European Union do not have to vote in their country of origin. According to the Central Election Commission the clerk Eva Chmelová this year asked 33 European Union citizens on enroll into electoral roll in our territory with that the list of those citizens by individual countries the Ministry of the Interior communicates with individual countries of the European Union. (Kukelka Marian)

MEPs don't take an oath / Europoslanci neskladajú sľub Rádio Slovensko - 24 May 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 07:00:00, Duration 00:02:00] Newly elected MEPs, unlike members of the National Council on taking up duty do not take a pledge nor oath. They only have to sign a declaration that they have no other function which is incompatible with the MEP post. As Robert Hajšel said, the director of the EP Information Office in Slovakia, at first elected Members receive a certificate of election, and then they are not prevented to attend the inaugural plenary of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, that will be held on the first of July. Incompatible with the post of MEP is considered, for example, the function of a minister or member of the government of the Member State or member of national parliament function. (Koritšánska Elena)

Europe has been voting yet / Európa ešte volí Rádio Slovensko - 25 May 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 12:00:00, Duration 00:02:00] To how days were selected during which European elections were held, the Radiožurnál editor questioned, Robert Hajšel answered, the director of European Parliament Information Office in Slovakia. As he said, "The European Union essentially defines only that the elections are held in which four days from Thursday to Sunday, respecting parliamentary traditions of all Member States of the European Union, which means that, for example in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland elections held as early as on Thursday. On Thursday Dutch voted, on Friday the elections were in Ireland, in the Czech Republic also began , where as in a single country lasted two days. We voted only on Saturday and besides us still Latvians and Maltese. All 21 of the other Member States voted on Sunday. (Koritšánska Elena)

The official results of the European Parliament Elections 2014 - 25 May 2014 - Web


Live streams from the Election Night (official results) TA3 & RTVS - 25 May 2014 - [Radio Broadcast Time 23:00:00]


The official results of the European Parliament Elections 2014 - 25 May 2014 - Web

Election Evening in European Parliament’s Information Office / Volebný večer v Informačnej kancelárii Európskeho parlamentu Rádio Slovensko - 26 May 2014 - [ Radio Broadcast Time 10:50:00, Duration 00:20:00 ] Editor Miroslava Abelova recorded for the public-service Radio Slovensko an atmosphere in the European Parliament’s Information Office during the election evening. The Information Office’s estimate of Slovaks’ turnout in the elections during the election evening was one of the reasons why a panel discussion and later chats above snack tables were a bit more serious. Political scientist Eduard Chmelar confirmed that a 13-percent turnout is the worst result again. In his opinion, people are too sure they are eurooptimists. These elections, however, showed that we are neither euro-optimists, nor euro-pessimists, but we are euro-nihilists. Robert Hajsel, the head of the EP Information Office in Slovakia commented on indirect influence of voters on election of the European Commission president. The EP Information Office‘s campaign was based on this. He sincerely said it had no impact on voters. (Ábelová Miroslava)

Slovakia - Hospodárske noviny - 26/05/2014 - Printed (p2) Era of Frozen Bonuses is Over. MEPs will Get More: End of term of old MEPs means end of freezing of bonuses they get along with their salaries. These will be valorized again after five years. Concerning the question as to how will the new valorization look like, Jana Bolgacova of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia said that the new term starts on July 1 and it would be premature to say what position on this issue the new European Parliament will take. According to political analyst Grigorij Meseznikov of the Public Affairs Institute, further freeze of salaries would be a popular measure. However, he does not expect any newly-elected MEPs to actively come up with this initiative. (Hunková Mária)

Slovakia - - 26/05/2014 - Web Slovakia’s Representation in EP will be More Colorful: Slovakia reported the highest-ever voter turnout in the EP elections at 13.05 percent, breaking its own record of 16 percent from 2004. The most pessimistic estimates ahead the elections talked about 15 percent. During the election night, hosted by the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia, the low turnout was spoiling a joy to several elected MEP, who were present in the event. The highest turnout was in Bratislava, almost 19 percent and the lowest in Cadca. Seven new Slovak MEPs and four new parties made it to the European Parliament. The story features parties that exceeded a 5-percent quorum as well as their percentages.


SMER-SD is the winner of the EP elections, KDH will get two mandates TASR ( - 26 May 2014 - Web Slovakia will be represented in the new European Parliament by MEPs of Smer-SD, KDH, SDKU-DS, SaS, NOVA, OLaNO, Most-Hid and SMK, according to official election results released by the Central Election Committee on Sunday. Smer-SD won on 24.09 percent, which translates into four MEP seats - a drop by one from current five MEPs. KDH garnered 13.21 percent or two MEP mandates, followed by SDKU-DS (7.75 percent/two MEPs) and one mandate respectively is claimed by OLaNO (7.46 percent), NOVA (6.83 percent), SaS (6.66 percent), ethnic- Hungarian SMK (6.53 percent) and Most-Hid (5.83 percent). The voter turnout recorded an all-time low, namely 13 percent. (TASR)


7 from 13 Slovak MEPs in European Parliament will be Newcomers STV2 - 26 May 2014 - [ Radio Broadcast Time 21:00:00, Duration 00:02:00 ] The head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia, Robert Hajsel and analyst of the Slovak Foreign Policy Institute, Vladimir Bilcik discussed with a presenter results of the EP elections and various aspects of the EP elections in a studio on STV2. (Gombošová Iveta)

Low Voter Turnout of Slovaks in EP Elections Rádio Slovensko - 26 May 2014 - [ Radio Broadcast Time 12:00:00, Duration 00:02:00 ] Analysts see main reasons of low voter turnout in Slovakia in tiredness of elections, growing no-confidence in a representative democracy, as well as economic and societal crisis. Slovakia posted the new negative record when only 13 percent of people came to polls on Saturday. Robert Hajsel, the head of the EP Information Office in Slovakia thinks that education in European issues should be a task already in schools, so that people do not have a feeling that the European Parliament is something strange, but it is one of institutions that influence our everyday lives. He said that “behavior of a Slovak voter is very conservative and s/he only goes to polls if s/he actually feels a need to change something.” (Potocký Erik)

Election Evening in European Parliament’s Information Office / Volebný večer v Informačnej kancelárii Európskeho parlamentu Rádio Slovensko - 26 May 2014 - [ Radio Broadcast Time 10:50:00, Duration 00:20:00 ] Editor Miroslava Abelova recorded for the public-service Radio Slovensko an atmosphere in the European Parliament’s Information Office during the election evening. The Information Office’s estimate of Slovaks’ turnout in the elections during the election evening was one of the reasons why a panel discussion and later chats above snack tables were a bit more serious. Political scientist Eduard Chmelar confirmed that a 13-percent turnout is the worst result again. In his opinion, people are too sure they are eurooptimists. These elections, however, showed that we are neither euro-optimists, nor euro-pessimists, but we are euro-nihilists. Robert Hajsel, the head of the EP Information Office in Slovakia commented on indirect influence of voters on election of the European Commission president. The EP Information Office‘s campaign was based on this. He sincerely said it had no impact on voters. (Ábelová Miroslava)


We... in Europe 38 26 May 2014 - [From 03:00]

Election Night - announcement of the official results (1:29)


How to Increase Voter Turnout / Ako zvýšiť účasť na eurovoľbách STV1 - 27 May 2014 - [ Video Broadcast Time 19:00:00, Duration 00:02:00] Analysts, as well as several politicians try to seek a solution to prevent repeating a record-low voter turnout in the EP elections. It would be instrumental if people did not vote for a political party, but they would choose individual candidates. The Slovak Parliament dealt with the change off the election laws on Tuesday. However, the draft legislation does not reckon with such a change of EP elections. According to experts, weakening of a role of political parties and strengthening of position of individual MEP candidates would allure more people to polls. According to Monika FLASIKOVA BENOVA (S&D), people would wish it very much that they can vote for the 13 MEPs based on a kind of personality choice. Robert Hajsel, the chief of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia thinks that voter turnout in the countries where people can choose candidates from several slates is relatively much higher than the EU average. (Janásik Milan)

Slovakia - - 27/05/2014 - Web Politicians Rather Do Not Mind Low Turnout in EP Elections: Experts agree that the campaign ahead the European elections was more “European” than five years ago, however, it can no way cover 5 years of silence about European issues. According to Robert Hajsel, the head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Slovakia, today we can responsibly state that higher level of information does not guarantee higher voter turnout in the EP elections. The EP Information Office led an institutional and mobilization campaign ahead the EP elections. Hajsel would not blame it on media, since media are just a reflection of what happens in society.

To the point: The results of the European elections (RTVS) 01 / 06 / 2014

European Parliament elections brought Slovakia lead at the lowest election turnout. Many people were discouraged by the fact they were only allowed to choose a political party and not particular candidates. European elections would attract more people if they are joined with national elections or people are allowed to vote on- line. What does the Director of European Parliament Information Office in Slovakia Robert Hajšel think about these changes?