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SPECIAL REVIEW by D SPECIAL REVIEW By D. D. HARBER THE BIRDS OF THE SOVIET UNION. Under the general editorship of G. P. DEMENTIEV and N. A. GLADKOV. (State publishers "Soviet Science", Moscow, 1951-54). 6 vols. (In Russian). CONTESTS OF VOLUME 3 (195I *, 680 pages)* THE volume starts with the Charadriiformes which are dealt with by N. A. Gladkov. The typical race of the Stone Curlew (Bur- hinus a'dicnemus) is replaced by the race as tutus to the east of the southern Urals, the birds between the rivers Ural and Emba being transitional in character. But the typical race ^appears again in an area to the south east of the Caspian. The status of this form in the European part of the Soviet Union is given mainly on the basis of rather old authorities, some going as far back as 1897. It would seem that there is little recent information. The bird is stated to be generally rare except between the Volga and the Ural where it is numerous. On the other hand astutus is generally common and often abundant. Both forms, it is stated, need water for drinking and are usually found near it. The eggs of the race bogolubovi of the Cream-coloured Courser (Cursorius cursor) have never been described and nothing is known of its nidification. The Pratincole (Glareola pratincola) is found in the European part of the Soviet Union only in Bessarabia, in an area to the east of the northern Caucasus and in Armenia. It is not numerous in any of these parts, but in Asia it is very common in places, e.g. the delta of the Amu-Daria. The nesting of the Black-winged Pratincole (G. nordmanni) in Transcaucasia (Armenia) is possible but is not yet fully established. It is common in suitable localities in its normal breeding area. The Grey Plover (Charadrius squatarola) is not given as breed­ ing on Novaya Zemlya as stated in The Handbook. In the Euro­ pean part of its area (eastwards from Kanin) it is relatively not very numerous, but on Yamal, in the delta of the Indigirka and on Wrangel Island it is "in the highest degree common." On pas­ sage it keeps to the coast and only small numbers arfe seen in the interior. Its incubation period is stated to be unknown. The Golden Plovers (Ch. apricarius) breeding in the former Baltic States belong to the typical form. This may also be the case with the birds from the Leningrad and Novgorod districts, but authen­ tic specimens of birds nesting there are not available. The northern form altifrons nests on Kolguev and Vaigach but not on Novaya Zemlya. In the Urals it probably nests as far south as the southern Sosva and Lake Knyaspinskoie. It appears * Discussions of the contents of volumes 1 and 2 appeared in previous issues on pages 221-224 a"d 268-276. 313 314 BRITISH BIRDS [VOL. XLVIII irregularly on migration in the interior, being observed in large numbers in some years and not at all in others. This bird nests in the wetter parts of the tundra while the Grey Plover avoids these and selects the drier areas. Mention must be made of the serious errors in the map purporting to show the distribution of the American and Asiatic Golden Plovers (Ch. d. dominicus and Ch. d. fulvus). Not only is dominicus given as occupying the territory of fulvus and vice versa, but even when allowance is made for this one finds dominicus given as nesting in the Anadyr district of eastern Siberia though the text only gives this as possible. The distribution of the Dotterel (Ch. mofinellus) is given as: Kola Peninsula, possibly Kolguev and Vaigach; has been stated to nest on Novaya Zemlya but does not do so according to S. Uspenski; Urals as far south as Yaman-tau; Taimyr; lower Lena and between the Lena and the Kolyma; apparently few in the Anadyr district; in places from north Baikal to Altai. It is abundant in Altai and common enough in the tundra. The race tundrae of the Ringed Plover (Ch. hiaticula) is rejected. It is stated that possibly there is a very gradual increase in the length of wing from west to east, but that "in general it appears that the individual variability of this feature in Ringed Plover completely covers the differences of the 'geographical races' which were separated on the basis of the study of a small number of individuals". It is further pointed out that the wing- length can change from year to year in the same bird. But the writer seems to be unaware that tundrae is stated by The Hand­ book to have, on the whole, not larger but smaller measurements, including wing-length, than those of the typical race. Nor is any difference in colour between the two races mentioned in the present work. The map gives the Semi-palmated Ringed Plover (Ch. h. semipalmatus) as definitely breeding in extreme north-east Asia, but the text only gives it as "apparently nesting" there (without any details). The Little Ringed Plover (Ch. dubius curonicus) does not sit uninterruptedly: "the birds lightly cover the eggs, in southern localities they leave them uncovered, and the development of the embryo takes place to a considerable extent without the participation of the parents." The most westerly breeding locality of the Caspian Plover (Ch. asiaticus) is the Stavropol steppe where c. 30 pairs were found in 1950 by E. P. Spangenberg. Nesting has been established in the area between the Aral and Caspian Seas (Dementiev found it on the Ust Yurt in 1950) and down the eastern shore of the latter. "Outside the confines of our country Dzungaria has been stated to be a nesting place but unfortunately we do not know the source of this information". A race veredus is given as nesting in Mon­ golia, parts of northern China and Korea. Ringing has shown that Lapwings (Vanellus vanellus) from the European part of the VOL. XLVOI] BIRDS OF SOVIET UNION—3 315 Soviet Union and from western Siberia winter in western Europe, apparently between Holland and Italy. Only a few winter in the Soviet Union, in the region of the southern Caspian. The Sociable Plover (Chettusia gregaria) does not, according to the results of recent investigations, nest in the Ukraine. A Spur-winged Plover (Hoplopterus spinosus) was obtained by Nordmann at Odessa in May 1897. This is the only record for the Soviet Union. The Curlew Sandpiper (Calidris testacea) nests only on the Taimyr Peninsula (from the mouth of the Yenesei), the New Siberian Islands and between the mouth of the Kolyma and Chaun Bay. This is a more limited area than that given in The Hand­ book. Observations on the spring passage of this species are stated to be "extremely meagre and inexact". Its incubation period is still unknown. The Southern race of the Dunlin (C. alpina schinzii) nests in the Pskov district. The races centralis and sakhalina are given, but in the systematic observations it is stated that the whole question of the races of the Dunlin is not yet satisfactorily cleared up and that "it is not excluded that future investigations will confirm the correctness of the statement of Tugarmov that the Dunlin forms only two sub-species: the nominate, C. a. alpina, and the East Siberian/American, C. a. sakhalina". The White-rumped Sandpiper (C. fuscicollis) has been once recorded in the Soviet Union, on Franz Josef Land on 28th June 1897. If the Little Stint (C. minuta) nests further east than the New Siberian Islands it does so "only in places and in very small numbers". Breeding in the Kirghiz Steppes and else­ where to the south of its range is not confirmed. It is almost the most numerous wader breeding on Kanin, but it is very rare in the Timan tundra, where it is completely lost amongst the mass of nesting Temminck's Stints, and on the lower Pechora. It is very numerous on Taimyr and the Gyda Peninsula. Temminck's Stint (C. temminckii) has been found to have full clutches of fresh eggs between 9th and 20th June on the west Murman coast and the author has found such layings on the Timan tundra from 9th June. Baird's Sandpiper (C. bairdii) breeds in the Soviet Union on the eastern part of the Chukotsk Peninsula and on Bolshoi Diomid and Kolytichin Islands. It is stated that autumn migra­ tion from the U.S.S.R. is to the east. The Pectoral Sandpiper (C. melanotos) is known to nest east­ wards from the eastern Taimyr and may likewise breed in the western Taimyr. It is very numerous in places, being one of the most abundant of the waders nesting at the Kolyma delta. Autumn migration is stated to be towards the east and apart from the breeding area the species has (apparently) been recorded in the Soviet Union only from Wrangel Island, the Commander Islands and (on one occasion) from near Yakutsk. The breeding area of the Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (C. acuminata) remains vir- 316 BRITISH BIRDS [VOL. XLVIII tually unknown though it apparently nests in the tundra between the Kolyma and the Indigirka. Its nest and eggs likewise remain unknown. The Knot (C. canutus) has a breeding area in the Soviet Union that is limited to the northern parts of the Taimyr Peninsula to the east of Cape Chelyuskin, the New Siberian Islands and Wrangel Island. The birds of the latter island are attributed to the race rogersi, but this is regarded as a "dubius form described on the basis of specimens obtained while on migration".
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