
My Dear Friends,

By the time you receive this message you will of course have received the news that our shul is cancelling all its services and activities for the meantime until this crisis has calmed down. It means that we cannot use the Shul to pray together, to study , for educational, social or cultural activities. The Shul will be closed. In addition, we are urged not to gather for prayer or Torah classes in an individual members home or another venue. We cannot put people’s lives at risk.

It is a decision which has not been taken lightly.

In my time as , indeed in living memory, I cannot remember a time when our shul was closed for any extended period. This really shows how serious is the situation.

However, I believe that this is a correct and good decision. Pikuach Nefesh, danger to life pushes off all other mitzvoth in the Torah. That means that life overrides most Mitzvot.

A few weeks ago during my sermon, I quoted Rabbi Israel Salanter who, during the 19th century in the middle of a cholera epidemic on , stood up and urged his followers, who were in life threatening danger, to make Kiddush and eat on Yom Kippur. These decisions by our , our leaders are not taken lightly.

So we cannot daven together, we cannot study Torah together. What can we do?

We can daven at home. We can lay Tefillin, put on our Tallitot and say the Shema and go through our Tefillah like we would do at Shul. Praying to G-d can be done in our homes. Indeed it affords us the opportunity to spend the time that we want to on our prayers.

I’m very sorry for those people who are saying Kaddish. These are trying times.

Likewise, we can study Torah at home and review the weekly Sedra. Over the next few weeks I will be sending out advice and messages and words of Torah to you all.

In addition, we have created a new WhatsApp Group called “Kenton Shul in Touch.” You can join by just texting me on my mobile.

We are looking into using technology and the virtual community to keep in touch. Perhaps we will be able to share Shabbat thoughts and shiurim on line. And of course if there is anybody who needs help physical, spiritual or moral support, we are here for you!!

Perhaps now with all the events in the news it’s time for Mashiach to come speedily in our days.

Wishing you all only good health and happiness with a Happy and Kosher Pesach.

Rabbi Yehuda Black