LORD SCPA Ferrara, Italie

Sommaire Introduction

First of all, within the framework of our cursus within the INSEEC, we had to realize a training in a company in a foreign country. For my part, I carried out this training in the LORD SCPA company, situated in Ferrara in Italy. It is important to specify that I began to work within the structure at the beginning of july (on 1er july). In an economic context marked by the globalization of trade and where goods transportation are very important for the economy, I found a perspicace idea to learn this business with all the requirement. I carry out the training in a Italian Company situated in Ferrara specialized in Logistics called LORD. I carry my mission in both the logistics service and the marketing service. And it was a good opportunity to discover a new company structure , a new company concept, in a new country for me : Italy.

In a first part, I shall present the group LORD SCPA: the structure, its functioning and its performances in order to explain how the company which welcomed me within the training. In a second part, I shall establish a report of my activity to explain the accomplished missions, the methods and the implemented set-up to carry out this mission of one month. Finally I would finish by an analysis of the organization of Page 2 LORD SCPA which will allow me to propose with humility the axes of improvement of this last one.

Initially, this document presents the company, the business of transportation. I will then present the various missions in which I participated in this internship and my feelings.

Find a training abroad wasn’t as easy as we can think, because not only I disposed of 1month (it’ a real short term) but also, I had to carry out this training abroad. It made possible throught my strong willing to find training via training interviews in Scotland and in Italy.


First and foremost, I would like to thank Mrs Mouchrik, my supervisor, for welcoming me in LORD SCpA

I would also like to thank Daniele Corsi, President for accepting my nomination knowing that this was a period of one month only. I want to thank the whole team for giving me confidence in the work which I participated. Sharing their experience and expertise with me, the many tips they have given me their kindness and did this entire training course a success.

I also thank Laura for Ravalli sympathy, encouragement and patience she has shown to teach me his trade and Roberta Zangoli daily for his good humor and optimism. I Presentation of the company

1. LORD SCPA : A human-sized company

LORD, a joint stock consortium, identifies its core business in the global management of logistic and distribution services. The progressive investments, equity investments and take-overs place LORD at the head of a group of companies that operate in various specialized sectors: residential constructions, management and care of the environment, corporate consulting, and management of waste and reclamations.

In this specific field, LORD offers a complete service: from planning to storage, until delivery to destination, monitored 24/24. LORD stands out for the promptness of intervention, capillarity on the entire national territory and use of qualified staff.

The technical skills, the know-how, and high reliability are the characteristics that, together with the particular care for the environment, allowed LORD to obtain the Quality Certification according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards.

Page 4 The consortia are the formations of several companies whose objectives are to pool their knowledge, and resources to achieve a common goal, allowing the company to benefit from the effect of experience of each but also reduce costs ... Each company retains its legal status. The consortium is formed from a contract that will establish the obligations and rights of each member. The consortium is very wide spread in Italy, it's also what made the success of businesses in the north of Italy known for being one of the most industrialized in Europe. Consortium companies :

•Trasporti Vecchi ZironiSRL •IGM Ambiente SRL •LogisticConsultingSrl •Rimini Work Group SRL

•PiraniSRL •Intereco SRL •LogisticService Soc.Coop •G.L.F.Gruppo Logistica Faenza Soc. Coop. •MedService Soc. Coop. •ItalprimaSoc. Coop. •Coop. Cinque Soc. Coop •Società Gestione Servizi Soc. Coop. •PlumbeckContracon •C.E.DSoc. Coop. •Global Service Soc. Coop

2. Geographical context

The headquarter in Ferrara, with the subsidiaries in Milan AND bologna are the principal entities of the logistics system. Lord offer different services in Northern Italy. THE localization of the subsidiaries are situated well because they are situated in the north of the Italy one of the most industrialized place in Europe. The services range from a national “fast courier” service to logistics and storage. They can deal not only with the dry goods but also controlled temperature transport.

Customers and partners of LORD:


Page 6 •ND LOGISTIC •SDA CourierExpress •FOX Bompani •GIA SpA •CPS Farmaceutici

3. Structural context

During the training I worked in a entity of logistics of the “LOGISTIC CONSULTING”

The agency Ferrara, employs 118 peoples (inclunding 68 trucks drivers):

- A Chief Financial Officer (contract manager) - Vice president (my tutor) - President - 2 marketers - 7 administrative charge of billing customers and suppliers - 2 secretaries - 5 agents of traffic (or operators) - 2 trade officials - 68 trucks drivers - 24 handling agents - 5 quality controllers

Page 8 4. Strategy

To withstand competition, to enter new markets, be at the forefront of technology and learn new skills and resources, Lord SCpA search of allies and partners. LORD has obtained outside, resources and knowledge - how complementary for efficient management, and efficient. Forms of alliances and partnerships of the consortium are multiples of the LORD strategy has been to develop in a business network to increase its development potential, and to be widely regarded as a business developed a wide network and weigh heavily in the basin of the country. Thus the company has chosen to be part of a "consortium" of companies as well developed in Italy. The solutions are provided through a consultancy focused on the faces in the stores customer service. LORD is a leader in logistics for movement of goods thanks to the flexibility and dynamism of the service business of production cycles, to ensure integrated services providing with high quality.

5. Services

- Daily courier service - Daily departures of full load transports with a wide ranging of vehicles, with a remote system of surveillance - Controlled temperature transports, the fleet includes last generation refrigerated semi-trailers with real time monitoring 24/24 7/7 from the logistic technical centre. - Bonded warehouses. - Container service - Logistics platform. - Distribution and collection service for all types of goods, from fashion perishable goods - Abnormal load transport. - Transport of equipment and systems of various types. - Technical-logistic consultancy service by highly qualified personnel, this service was situated in Ferrara.

Between the factory of a product and its arrival to the user, the interventions are many and varied: warehousing and inventory management, custom packaging, distribution, shelf and taking orders. All these operations are related and follow one another in a logical order. They can be assigned independently to different stakeholders.

6. Fashion service

I find interesting to speak about the Fashion service, The fashion division was really interesting, this corresponded to a new activity for Logistic consulting, what was interesting is that Logistic Consulting used his heart craft which was the order to diversify and offer other services for companies, in fact it uses its knowledge and its technical in terms of logistics, for example by offering to companies not only (as was the case: to transport goods on behalf of their clients, but also to manage the stores of plants in the management of stocks, to control quality of clothing, for example on behalf of their clients and labeling before transporting goods to stores. So thanks to the resources technical and management has won the credibility of these customers by its reputation and the means they have to diversify into other services.

-Storage of raw materials -Quality control on clothes -Labeling on clothes -Shipment to sales market

Page 10 In 2009 AND 2010 lots of investments have been set up in order to improve the warehouse structures in Ferrara with in order to increase the logistic network in Italy.

II. The main Missions and objectives

1. The discovery of the activity

During the first week of internship, I met various members of staff members in the confines of the logistics platform. So I have had an vision of the relationship between services and staff. I also visited the packing plant that is part of the building of the logistics platform and know more about the information on the operation of the latter and the interaction between the packaging and storage and preparation control. I worked for the marketing department and the logistic department. For the marketing department I had to do the translation of the site in from Italian to French and from Italian to English. Also for the logistic department I was order analyst assistant.

2. Translation mission

I was asked to do work of translation from Italian to French and from french to English translation portion concerned the website of the company, but I could be asked to write mails in french. My tutor was explaining the situation and gave me the e-mail that she eventually received, I took notes and gave me time to work, that way I could get organized and work with other know the priorities. Regarding the activity of "mailing", mainly in English was an essential task in dealing with customers and it was long enough. Every day, reading e-mails coming in from both sides took, customers have different requirements and varied as detailed information on the status of their order, in this case, then it is to apply to the department of logistics to get the information, and finally keep up with demand. The English must be well written and the use of the dictionary is indispensable. My tutor told me an outline of the e-mails that she wanted to write, she gave me some-email which I had to meet to complete my notes. Then either I had all the information I could write and direct e-mail I sent to my tutor who herself was sending to the client in correcting with me if necessary. I have also resorted to the use of REVERSO is translation software that I used mainly to translate from Italian to French when I did not understand what was written in Italian. With regard to writing emails in English I avoided to use REVERSO (translation software on the internet, because the translation was often not realized well, but I really wanted to take the opportunity to practice English.

3. Order management and customer

During my internship I also managed some control customers with a software command: AS-400 -SM1

I had to quickly familiarize myself with these two programs with the help of my colleagues, my tutor and instruction manuals available to me. Using this software, I did the following:

A registration of all clients and all the specifics related to either the client or (transport, type of transport and groupage or full container, method of payment ...). These programs contain data specific customer in terms of transport.

1. Insertion of the order

A client sends a purchase order and must insert a command to be careful because for each product the customer can order either of the pallets (one pallet quantities inserts x) containing a number of cartons or boxes (inserting a number of cartons).

2. Order Modification

Page 12 Sometimes we ask the customers (stores) to change his order because the products are not available. Sometimes, in the case of transport by truck or container "full load" that is to say that transports the goods exclusively for this client, if there is some space may be asked to add a certain amount of a product to maximize space in the truck or the container.

3. Creation of the pro-forma invoice

Once we have checked availability, we need to relate to available trucks, and space in the trucks. All these steps are obviously accompanied by a daily correspondence with clients via email, and you have to write a good business English knowing explain the situations and problems.

4. Synthese about the future of goods by road transport in .

One of the main aims for the vice president of the company is to set up a platform and integrated logistics warehouse and abonded warehouse within the port areas. Because of the burgeoning GROWTH of the free zone of Tanger, it’s overriding to be present in Morocco. I was in charge of writing a report on the MRT in Morocco and the importance of installing a new subsidiary in Morocco. This report will then allow the vice president to make a presentation to shareholders explaining the reasons which lead them to want to install a new subsidiary abroad and address the southern Mediterranean market. I conduct my research from several intelligence agencies and information to guide entrepreneurs wishing to set up in Morocco, such as PACE (the Agency for Business Creation), ODI (Industrial Development Board), the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Ministry of Equipment and Transport in Morocco. Before sending and publishing my report on the company intranet, I first sent to my tutor, who corrected me and then, the vice president presented to the consortium after adding some additional information in term of costs. I had to be concise because most people who receive the report of the Directors are and do not have much time to read it so you have their attention thanks to a clear and passages in bold.

III. Analyze and Recommendations

To resist competition, to enter new markets, launch innovative products and develop new skills and resources, the company is looking for partners. The company get outside, resources and knowledge - how complementary to better establish its competitive advantages. Forms of alliances and partnerships are numerous, and the company's strategy is to develop and rationally selects the most appropriate, depending on its development objectives and the constraints she lives internallyand externally.

1. Benefits and drawbacks of the structure

- Indeed, Italy, member (one of) the founder of the European Union, has a highly developed industry in the northern half of the country. The industry is based in part on conglomerates (or districts) of small family businesses, each specializing in one industry, which is usually of type "textiles and clothing", "cars-stuff", "furniture-equipment".

- No company dominates in absolute terms, agreements are defined by contracts for relatively short durations and the role of partners may change from one contract to another. Cooperation serves to spread the risk and expenses related to production and innovation.

- This type of organization can also reduce transaction costs, since the partners are in direct contact with each other, thanks to the conglomerates.

- To grow-up these family businesses is to create groups of interdependent organizations together. The benefits are numerous, such as abundant exchange of knowledge and techniques or simply to outsource control of the conglomerate in a partner, to respond to the customer as soon as possible.

Page 14 2. Weaknesses of the structure

Although even today the essential elements of Italian industry, these districts have been declining since the early 2000s. This is consistent with the rise of industrial China and other newly industrialized countries. Indeed, the small size of these companies is a handicap toward the global market.

- The change of currency in Italy has greatly contributed to the decline of Italian exports significantly penalizing Italian conglomerate. The consequence is the decline in exports of these districts in most areas.

- This kind of business model must be extremely well managed, the organization and management is difficult.

- Risks of cannibalization between consortia companies

- Difficulty for managing : The size of the company and the composition of the staff of this one affect the role of the leader. He has to manage at the same time several responsibilities while maintaining a certain authority with these employees.

The leader has to handle the business in court and to answer the regular and insistent questions of the trainees not being an easy thing. 3. Swot table

Strenght Weakness

-diversification of services, - Bad internal communication,

-high-capacity parking in platforms - late delivery,

-Being part of a consortium - high costs

Opportunities Threats

- Emergence of new industry -Tanger-Med platform project related to outsourcing, - New competitors resulting in lower -Emergence of new industry related to market prices, the relocation - Increase the value of raw materials (oil), - Anti-pollution rules, - Bad weather, storms, floods… - Drug trafficking and stowaways - Risks of cannibalization between consortia companies - European sovereign debt crise

4. Recommendations

Page 16 It would be interesting to establish a document of reference understanding a panel of basic information which can answer the regular questions of new staff members. All this implementation could be at once precious in term of saving of time and it could also give responsibilities in a more important way the trainees, while inculcating them certain automatisms at work.

I think it would be good for the company if this one could increase I think it'll be good for the company to increase its budget for marketing, making more advertising because right now, this one did not give much importance to the marketing.

Conclusion This one-month internship was a great opportunity for me to discover a new kind of "consortia of companies," I was pleasantly surprised by the mode of organization of such consortia. I understood how the survival of these companies depended on the relationship between the consortium of companies and their management strategies. It was a good opportunity to carry out this internship, and it allowed me to highlight a certain curiosity about the consortium company strategy that is why, I intend to be interested in this subject for the Thesis study of this year. This internship of 8 weeks allowed me to have a first approach of the sector, its rules, its motivations and its seriousness. I learnt how much the relationship and the communication are important within a company. During the months I knew how to ally the quantitative and the qualitative in a convincing way. I also understood that I cannot work in this sector even if it is a very interesting sector, because it is a very stressful domain, very sensitive. I also had the opportunity to work in an area completely different from what I have seen before.

To conclude about the logistic sector, we can say that companies are now forced to adapt quickly and follow a proper guideline to enable them to maintain their market position. There are many threats to this sector but paradoxically a great future especially with regard to the country lanes developement who understood that to develop the country's economy, they had to Avord build on transport infrastructure.

Survey: Why it is overriding to set up a plateform in TANGER and

Page 18 The region of has a very good geographical location for investments. Located at on average fifteen kilometers from Spain, with the most important port of Morocco, the region offers a competitive infrastructure in development. In addition, it offers an attractive tax system to companies. The city of Tangier has a special tax status (Exemption of 50% of taxes) (taxe free).

A major goal of the government program 2008-2012 is to develop a competitive logistics business, given the impact of this sector on the choice of destination for foreign Investors in Morocco. Moroccan infrastructure development is very important to allow the development of its economy. Thus the development of logistics has become a priority to improve the competitiveness of the economy.

I. The network RAIL Morocco

The rail network in Morocco, along with more than 2120 km electrified 1060kms, is considered the most modern in North Africa. The Moroccan railway network is mainly on the coast north leaving the south and the border with Algeria without access to rail transport. Morocco is the only country with only one opening to Algeria. The delivery of goods or passenger traffic between Morocco and Algeria can only be done by . As for Mauritania, the country has no rail network linking it to Morocco which implies that the only way to move goods is to use road transport. The National Railways (ONCF), Moroccan public institution, is responsible for the operation of the Moroccan network. This company is following the takeover of the company Railways of Morocco (CFM), the railway company in Eastern Morocco (CMO) and the Franco-Spanish company of Tanger-Fez since 1 January 1963. It aims to: - Operating the national rail network, - Studies, construction and operation of new lines of railways, - Operation of all companies related directly or indirectly to themission of the Office. Different types of cars are available: Flat, tanks, or covered hoppers, each car is specialized to transport a particular product: phosphates, coal, grain, fertilizer, barite, zinc, petroleum products, pulp, cement, clinker, wood, Gravette, sugar, canned goods, containers, steel, iron ... Freight traffic (freight and Phosphates) reached 32 million tons transported to / from the sites of the various economic operators in the country. The Kingdom of Morocco does not stop there about its rail network with a number of projects to increase the use of this mode of transport.

An investment program of ONCF for 2010-2015 is being finalized with the government in the next state ONCF Contract Program. The main objectives assigned to this program are: - Be consistent with the development strategy of the transport sector in Morocco - A new impetus to the competitiveness of rail in Morocco - Develop a more efficient network to meet the customer expectations and aspirations of economic operators - Improve productivity of the unit of production: profitability, efficiency, cost optimization - Raise the level of quality of services offered

This program focuses on three types of operations in line with the strategic objectives defined by the Ministry of Equipment and Transport, namely:

Of major structural projects with high impact, to sustain and increase the competitiveness of rail transport as - The construction of the -Casablanca TGVM - Increasing the capacity of the line Casablanca- - The doubling of the Settat-Marrakech - The acquisition of new cars to better meet customer demand -Access the rail in the south (line provided Marrakech-serving Laayoume Goulmime)

Projects such as logistics competitiveness - The creation of new freight terminals - The creation of private sidings

Page 20 - The acquisition of vehicles (cars, cars) to better meet customer demand

-Mobility projects and sustainable transport with the upgrading of infrastructure, modernization of stations, improving the working environment and rehabilitation of rolling stock.

-The proposed introduction of high-speed lines (LGV) is consistent with the establishment of several such lines as: -The line-Tangier-Casablanca, the first high speed line that will be put in place and to serve the capital , -The line-Oujda Rabat, -The line-Casablanca-Marrakech -The line-Marrakech Essaouira serving

Since 2030, Morocco will be covered over 1200 km of high speed lines.

II. The common project

The Arab Maghreb Union refers to economic and political organization formed by the five Maghreb countries, namelyAlgeria, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania and Tunisia, whoseheadquarters are located in Rabat. This organization has launched a huge project for these five countries to be connectedtogether by a high-speed line which will be known as TGVMaghreb.

In a context of environmental protection, the investment programreaffirms the desire of the countries of North Africa to join thisglobal movement. He not only an ecological but also economicpurpose. Indeed, trade between these countries will be facilitated by the project.

Maghreb rail network with a length of more than 11000Kms(excluding railways of Mauritania and the Libyan) serving major cities and ports of the three countries will be in the coming decades with a TGV. III. The North African road transport

The Maghreb is the only region crossed by a large cross(Benghazi-Marrakech) which links the three countries and there is also the Maghreb, the longest vertical, the Trans-Saharan. The three Maghreb countries are crossed by 218 527km of roads. Morocco has 59,452 km of roads, including 29,141coated, Algeria more than 130,000 km, including 86,000 tarred and Tunisia which 29,075 km paved 19,685.

The greatest efforts have been made in road during the colonial period. After independence, these countries have strengthened this colonial legacy.

The primary road network in the Maghreb is particularly concentrated around the port areas which liaises with the centers within the country and for which there is an outlet to the sea. As for the secondary and tertiary, they link the main roads and around the main agricultural and mining centers, and large areas markets.

Analysts said the organization of road transport in the Maghreb reveals similarities but also differences.

In Algeria, the road transport since 1962 has taken an important place because of the country's territorial size, high population mobility and the importance of trade between the regions. At that time, rail transport was very little developed which left a strong focus on road transport. Improvement projects launched since 1967 have given to this area a special place under the responsibility of a national state-controlled: the National Society of Road Transport (SNTR) for transport of goods. The company, founded in 1967, is the operator of freight activity in the country.

Page 22 First road transport, the use of road vehicles SNTR all land anddifferent abilities, and provides special transport and masstransport and flow of strategic interest for the operation of the Algerian economy. In the field of international transport, the SNTR performs routing of essential goods bound for the African neighbors. Morocco is the only country in the Maghreb where the road has always been the domain of the private sector. Of course, a public company involved in the sector, the Transport Company in Morocco, but is in a competitive business with more than 2241 working in this sector. Road transport plays a dominant role in the interior of Morocco: inland transport generates 75% of transport flows of goods from phosphate.

The fleet of inland freight transport is estimated at 84,000 vehicles 70,000 light trucks, 6,000 transport vehicles for hire and 8000 for the own-account transport (park built by shippers to agricultural, industrial and business to achieve Goods of their own..


The rail network present in the Maghreb countries is well established in some areas of the country north and often entirely absent from areas where economic development is very low as the south. It seems that the priority access to rail transport is given depending on the region's economy.

As for road transport, it is spread across all countries regardless of wealth of the territorial area. It is far more developed than the railroads.

Maghreb countries seem to be aware of the advantages of rail transport as the environmental, transport conditions (speed,security, ...). However, the price of transport and implantation site of delivery are factors to be taken into account in choosing the type of transport, use of the train is still expensive and difficult because it does not serve the entire country.

The Arab Maghreb Union joined the ambition to set up rail transport of North African countries with the project to create a high-speed rail line traversing the three countries, Mauritania and the Libyan. Rail is on track and has yet to be developed to reduce the share of road transport.

So for now the future of TRM in the Maghreb is quite promising, although the rail network has also expanded, and these two means of transport are complementary, and will each have a role to play, it would be really interesting to develop logistics business in Morocco while there is still time vis-à-vis the competition.

Source : Sites Internet www.cetmo.org www.sncft.com.tn www.oncf.ma www.sntf.org www.maghrebinfo.actu-monde.com www.casafree.com www.euromedtransport.org

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