what are your ideas for commerce township parks, programs and trails? Public Workshop Thursday, September 13, 2018 7:00 - 9:00 PM Richardson Senior Center 1485 Oakley Park Online Survey - OPEN UNTIL SEPTEMBER 18th A short survey to gather your opinon of parks, programs and trails can be found at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Q2D2HYY. A link to the survey is also posted to the Township website www.commercetwp.com. Stop by the Richardson Center if you need a hard copy. Commerce Township is working on updating our 5-Year Parks and Recreation Master Plan and are looking for your input in order to better understand community priorities. The input gathered at the workshop and via the survey will be shared with the Parks Commission and Township Board and used to help inform the goals, objectives and action plan for the next 5 years. Questions? Contact Emily England
[email protected] or 248.926.0063 Parks, Recreation + Trails Master Plan (2019-2023) Public Workshop September 13, 2018 • Raise awareness that the Township is working on updating the 5-year Master Plan. GOALS FOR TONIGHT • Gather input as to what you think the Township and staff should focus on over the next 5 years. • Introductions • Review Agenda • Brief Overview of Master Plan Process AGENDA • Small Groups o Walking/Biking/Trails/Sidepaths ▪ Confirm accuracy of map ▪ Brainstorm priority gaps and desires related to walking and biking o Parks/Programs/Events/Maintenance ▪ Brainstorm priorities and issues • Report Back to Large Group • Use 3 stickers on your Top Walking/Biking Priorities + 3 stickers on your Top Park/Program Items OVERVIEW The Township is beginning the process of updating their 5-Year Master Plan and are looking to solicit input related to your priorities for trails, parks and programming for the next five years.