Ramping up for Disaster

life beyond wheels


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ADI Ad Final.indd 1 11/27/15 2:10 PM CONTENTS VOLUME 27 NUMBER 270 March 2016

life beyond wheels


14 LIVING THE GOOD LIFE Where do wheelers live? Anywhere they want, including Iceland, Hawaii and even a sailboat, writes CORY LEE.

21 OUR FURRY (AND OTHERWISE) FRIENDS Readers talk with ROXANNE FURLONG about pet dogs, cats, rescued backyard critters and a friendly spider.

40 BEACH CHAIRS Hundreds of beaches throughout the U.S. have beach chairs available to rent or borrow. MICHAEL COLLINS helps you plan a truly accessible vacation. Photo Courtesy of Iceland Unlimited


From Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy to the wildfires of California and floods of South Carolina, there’s been one thing in common: The Red Cross hasn’t understood disability, and that has put lives at risk. PAUL TIMMONS reports that there’s progress. Meanwhile, WID policy analyst ALEX GHENIS says climate change is coming, and the time to get ready is now.

Cover and Contents Illustrations by Mark Weber



life beyond wheels MARCH 2016



EDITORIAL Heal, Heel! EDITORIAL DIRECTOR: JEAN DOBBS Since writing about my pressure wound battles EDITOR: TIM GILMER Keeping pressure off the area and having to have my left leg amputated MANAGING EDITOR: JOSIE BYZEK SENIOR EDITOR: IAN RUDER below the knee in August 2012, I’ve heard from means just that – no pressure. SENIOR CORRESPONDENT: BOB VOGEL many of you who have had similar experiences antibiotic daily may be best for you. Consult making travel easy for individuals with spinalEDITORIAL cord disabilitie SUBMISSIONS:s with persistent pressure wounds. They come [email protected] and they go, and too often they come again. your doctor. But other factors can put you Just a week ago I discovered a wound on my at risk for infection. Edema, for example. As I write this, I’m sitting in my recliner with my foot heel (my only heel), which caught me off guard. elevated — one of the most efficient strategies CUSTOMER SERVICE I’m still not quite sure what caused it. But I know for reducing swelling and speeding healing. Toll-free 800/404-2898, what I must do to get rid of it. But no matter what you do, healing will ext. 7203 This wound is serious, not because it is big not occur with inadequate blood supply. If you or deep (it is neither), but because of its loca- suspect this, go immediately to your doc- tion. Foot wounds, particularly heel wounds, ADVERTISING SALES tor and ask for an ankle-brachial index to be are especially dangerous. They are as far away 718/803-3782 performed. This will let you know if you need from our heart as a wound can get, so blood NATIONAL SALES MANAGER: to see a vascular surgeon to discuss options to supply sufficient for healing may be a problem. MEGAN LEE, EXT. 7253 improve your circulation. They are also most prone to swelling, since they AD MATERIALS: Keeping pressure off the area means just DEANNA FIKE, EXT. 7250 occur at the lowest point on our bodies. And that — zero pressure. You may think a little they are often in contact with bathroom floors PRODUCTION offloading may do the trick, but nothing is bet- and harmful bacteria. As if that isn’t enough, ter than zero pressure — even if it means taking PRODUCTION MANAGER: DEANNA FIKE the heel has relatively little flesh, so the bone is to bed (or getting a new, specialized cushion). close to the wound and vulnerable to becom- CIRCULATION The final requirement is eating enough pro- ing infected. tein to stimulate healing. Quite often, the main CIRCULATION MANAGER: So what can we do when a wound suddenly BEVERLY SMITH reason for non-healing wounds is inadequate appears in a troublesome area? There are five CIRCULATION COORDINATOR: protein. If you are doing everything else right MARIA KURTZ essential requirements for a wound to heal: but are still not healing, you need to get serious freedom from infection; adequate blood sup- about eating protein. For healing to begin and POSTMASTER: Send address changes to New Mobility, 120-34 Queens Blvd, #320, Kew Gardens NY 11415. ply; no or minimal edema; freedom from pres- carry through to completion, you will need to Subscription rates: $27.95/year; $35.95/year in Canada; sure; and adequate nutrition, especially protein. $67.95/year international via airmail. eat 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of New Mobility (ISSN 1086-4741), Volume 27, Issue 270, is If only one of these requirements is missing, the body weight daily. Believe me, that’s hard to do, published monthly by United Spinal Association, 120-34 Queens wound will fail to heal or take months or even but absolutely essential. Besides protein-rich Blvd, #320, Kew Gardens NY 11415. Copyright 2016, all rights reserved. Reproduction without years to heal. meals, handfuls of nuts and protein supple- permission of any material contained herein is strictly prohibited. We welcome comments; Staying infection-free may require immedi- ments may be needed to get there. we reserve the right to edit submissions. ate antibiotic treatment. If you are prone to I’ll let you know how I do in my next column. Periodicals postage paid at Flushing, NY and additional mailing offices. developing infections, taking a prophylactic — Tim Gilmer www.newmobility.com

4 NEW MOBILITY CONTRIBUTORS life beyond wheels MARCH 2016

CONTRIBUTING EDITORS FINN BULLERS MICHAEL COLLINS MIKE ERVIN A fierce critic of how the American Red Cross serves people with ROXANNE FURLONG disabilities, Paul Timmons was recently appointed the Red Cross RICHARD HOLICKY Disability Integration Coordinator. When asked how that hap- PRISCILLA MALTBIE pened, he quotes a Star Trek proverb, “Only Nixon could go to ALLEN RUCKER China.” Timmons lives with his wife, Kelly, aboard their yacht, the ROBERT SAMUELS Tumbleweed, Too, which is anchored in St. Johns, South Carolina. ERIC STAMPFLI Follow his progress with the Red Cross at www.portlight.org. ELLEN STOHL BOB VOGEL LOREN WORTHINGTON

Fine artist and illustrator Mark Weber says his main goal is to keep growing as an artist and visual communicator and to eventually COMMUNITY PARTNERS take over the world — or perhaps a small cul-de-sac somewhere. KIM ANDERSON Until that happens, he will continue to live and work in the port city CHRISTIAAN “OTTER” BAILEY of Wilmington, North Carolina. His art has appeared in The New York Times, Rolling Stone, Chicago Tribune, The Atlantic, The Washington MARTY BALL Post and many more. He has been a contributor to New Mobility since TIFFINY CARLSON 2013, when he illustrated the idealized world of “Criptopia.” LAWRENCE CARTER-LONG RORY COOPER JASON DASILVA DEBORAH DAVIS A psychologist residing in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Gretchelle TOBIAS FORREST Dilán says acquiring a T5 spinal cord injury after a 2012 gun shot JENNIFER FRENCH accident gave her a “new perspective.” Since then, she founded ALLISON CAMERON GRAY Vivo Sin Barreras (Living Without Barriers), which is affiliated MINNA HONG with United Spinal Association as the Puerto Rico chapter. She MARK JOHNSON also founded a quarterly publication for people with SCI/D and their caregivers called La Voz Corre (Spreading the Word), found GARY KARP online at lavozcorre.org. NANCY BECKER KENNEDY BRITTANY MARTIN LINDA MASTANDREA LYNN MURRAY Although Mississippians are pros at preparing for hurricanes, ASHLEY LYN OLSON Christy Dunaway says Katrina was beyond anything anyone SCOTT RAINS had ever experienced. She was director of LIFE, Mississippi’s TEAL SHERER network of Centers for Independent Living, when the hurricane MITCH TEPPER devastated the coast and the experience forged her into one of the nation’s finest advocates for disaster relief policy that REVECA TORRES includes disability. Dunaway lives in Jackson, Mississippi, and ANTHONY TUSLER chairs the National Council on Independent Living’s Emergency KARY WRIGHT Preparedness Subcommittee.

MARCH 2016 5 LETTERS Reveca Torres is breaking down barriers for everyone with a disability.

Person of the Year AJ Brockman: Soul Food in town when they had me sit in the lobby I applaud and thank Reveca for everything A most inspiring story of two amazing for 45 minutes while they were suppos- she has accomplished through Backbones people [“AJ Brockman: Portrait of An Artist edly putting in new wheelchair batteries, [“Person of the Year: Reveca Torres,” January …” January 2016]. Allen Rucker’s writing only to be told they didn’t have any in 2016]. Reveca has channeled her enthusi- goes right to our heart and soul — just stock [“Poor Wheelchair Service,” Everyday asm and creativity into making Backbones what I am needing right now. Will be in Advocacy, January 2016]. My chair then a great way for people with disabilities to south Florida next week and will head to stopped running and displayed an error connect and express themselves. I can’t wait the Brewhouse Gallery. code. They told me it was the controller, until the app is available. She is breaking Del Foxton and would cost me $1,900. Luckily I had down barriers for everyone with a disability. via newmobility.com my old chair as a backup. Carlos Saez, Independent Driving Systems After two weeks I called to see what Houston, Texas Brockman and Brewhouse progress was being made. They told me they What a great article for an amazing per- were still waiting for the part. I called Invacare POY Well-Deserved son and an awesome mom! Love The to ask why it was taking so long, and Invacare Reveca is an amazing spirit and well- Brewhouse. You have to experience it to told me they had never received a call, and deserved Person of the Year! understand it! they had plenty of controllers in stock. I called Ellen Stohl Pam Beiter Sartory the dealer back and learned they were order- Northridge, California via newmobility.com ing the part from their own in-house parts department. When the part finally arrived, Generous Heart CPAP Expands Lungs they installed it and the chair still didn’t work. Reveca is an inspiration to all of us! Amazing I acquired my SCI 40 years ago. I was diag- Finally someone opened up the chair and energy and a generous heart! nosed with sleep apnea about three years discovered a disconnected wire. It could have Sudesh Kannan ago [“Healthy Tips for Healthy Lungs,” been fixed the first day for the minimum via newmobility.com January 2016]. I have found the CPAP to be labor charge of $75! very helpful with clearing my lungs. Often, Diane Mettam Snorkeling’s the Best at night, I find myself with productive via newmobility.com We love Cancun! [“Mexico’s Yucatan,” coughing after about 30 minutes of CPAP January 2016]. We usually stay at the use. I think it helps to loosen the phlegm Wheelchair Light Available As a volunteer with Vancouver-based Tetra Royal Caribbean/Royal Islander resort and expand the lungs. Society of North America, I hasten to make [twin “neighbor” resorts]. They have a Georzetta Ratcliffe your readers aware of an effective multi- pool lift (under a tarp in the bar area) and via newmobility.com purpose LED wheelchair light available a wheelchair cabana. The whole place from www.tetrasociety.org [“Wheelchair has ramps and wide-enough doorways. Richmond Chapter Users More Likely to be Struck …,” January The only hard part is the ramp to get in As a new member of the Richmond 2016 News]. Just now moving into produc- the hotel is extremely steep, and it takes chapter of USA, I echo and appreciate tion, it is impressive. you to, of course, the freight elevator. Richard Bagby’s well worded comments Burke Corbet But we have returned to that resort four [“Spotlight,” January 2016]. We hope to Vancouver, B.C., Canada or five times. We loved Chichen Itza, but be impactful in our community, positively thought Tulum was way too much work. shedding light on accessibility. My favorite thing is snorkeling! It’s the Clement Sydnor Feedback closest I’ve found to not being a wheel- via newmobility.com Please send letters, comments and chair user for a few hours. story ideas to [email protected] Carrie Lamont What Wheelchair Service?! or visit us at newmobility.com. via newmobility.com I vowed not to use the wheelchair dealer

6 NEW MOBILITY AllTrack Pub Janvier 2016.indd 1 2015-12-23 11:54 AM NEWS By Tim Gilmer

Budget Impasse Closes Social Living has not had to cut staff. going for the community?” Service Agencies “People with disabilities are not only Wheelchair user Kim Smith, 30, was going without needed services, but on a vis- shopping in early January when two assail- Many social service agencies in Illinois are ceral level it is awful. We are being made to ants mugged her for her purse. “She was under pressure to reduce services or close feel like our lives don’t matter,” says Patrick. inside Target at 7 p.m. on a Sunday, and altogether, as the Democrat-controlled “We depend on state-funded programs, so someone gut-punched her,” says Hong. legislature cannot reach agreement with we need a budget to be passed.” Smith says she was surprised nobody Republican Governor Bruce Rauner on a came to her aid, but nearby shoppers fiscal budget that was supposed to go into Shepherd Offers Self-Defense Classes seemed unaware of the attack. “When it effect July 1, 2015. As of late 2015, the state Wheelchair users in the greater Atlanta happened, the aisle I was on was empty had unpaid bills of about $6 billion and a area now have the opportunity to learn life- but I knew people were around me,” she $111 billion pension deficit. saving self-defense techniques for free at the says. “It’s amazing that nobody happened According to Rahnee Patrick, director city’s renowned Shepherd Center. The rehab to turn the corner and see it happen.” of independent living for Chicago-based hospital has been providing self-defense Although she escaped virtually Access Living, many CILs across the state are training for its inpatient population, but is unscathed, Smith says the experience left having to borrow money on lines of credit now expanding their quarterly classes to her feeling uneasy. “I want to take the to stay open. “At least one CIL has closed, the broader community of wheelchair users class so that if anybody gets their hands and two more are facing imminent closure,” after a member of their peer group was on me, maybe I can learn something that says Patrick. “The largest social service agen- mugged and assaulted at an area Target. will help me,” she says. cy in the state, Lutheran Social Services, has “I didn’t think about offering it to The class meets four times a year had to cut 750 positions statewide. People our community, but when Kim had this and is free to all wheelchair users in the are not getting the assistance they need.” incident, it brought it to the forefront,” Atlanta area. Contact Minna Hong at Access Living is not receiving full state fund- says Shepherd Center Peer Support [email protected] for more ing and has a deficit, yet is being asked to Supervisor Minna Hong. “So we said why information. continue providing services. So far Access don’t we see if we can’t get something — Maureen Gazda

People in the News: Dallas Dietrich Meets the Need

n March, Dallas Dietrich, a T1 para, gets busy planning mining camp. Funds raised will help complete a road to the top Meeting the Need’s annual motorcycle run from Rapid City, of the property — where a new lodge will have a view of Mount ISouth Dakota, to his retreat for people with disabilities near Rushmore — as well as defray costs of stays for people with dis- Mount Rushmore. A restored mining camp, the 102-acre retreat abilities. “We are really looking forward to the 2016 season,” says will host more than 100 visitors for food, fundraising, and dis- Dietrich. “We had 300 camper nights in 2014 and 500 camper ability education. Last year, the event featured an Ekso Bionics nights in 2015, so we are on an upward trend.” exoskeleton demonstration by Gary Linfoot, para and former Dietrich has been a disability supporter since before the Special Ops Army veteran. This year’s run will 1997 accident that damaged his spinal take place August 2. cord. He led the group that established Meeting the Need, a nonprofit founded by Dietrich in 2001, specializes in providing the Black Hills Ski for Light chapter in unique camping and lodging experiences 1979 (for those with visual and mobility for people with disabilities. This year several impairments). President George H. W. Bush groups of disabled visitors, many of them honored the chapter in 1990 as his 80th wheelchair users, will stay in the completely “Point of Light.” For more info, go to www. renovated historic wheelchair-accessible meetingtheneed.com.

8 NEW MOBILITY When it comes to safety, we’ve turned the mobility world upside down. We built the MV-1 with all of the features wheelchair users need, and we focused • Factory built for universal on safety at every turn. We like to say we started with a ramp and created the wheelchair access entire vehicle around it for safe and easy wheelchair access. And because you’ll spend most of your time driving or riding in your vehicle, we designed the MV-1 • Safest wheelchair accessible to have exceptional handling and plenty of ground clearance for the everyday vehicle on the road* obstacles you’ll encounter. Right off the assembly line, the MV-1 is accessible, durable, robust and reliable. It’s the one vehicle for you, protecting you and your • Durable performance with family even as it gives you easy access to the world around you. high ground clearance

* Based on NHTSA safety recall data

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NewMobility-MV1-KidAd.indd 1 1/19/16 4:41 PM SCI LIFE

By Tiffiny Carlson

The Universal Upgrade After a spinal cord injury, you learn how expensive equipment can be, including “When I carry out adapted workout equipment. However, if grudges, I am the you’re in need of a serious workout and your local fitness centers are void of accessible one who suffers equipment, the Wheelchair Fitness Solution — an accessible universal gym — may be the most.” answer you’re looking for. Created by a paralyzed veteran living in Miami, Florida, this Hope and Humanitarianism accessible gym has a “Going from growing up in began competing for Team GB pulley sys- a mud hut to mingling and and became its number one racer tem, hand having tea with the queen of in the 100 meter and 200 meter pedal bike, England is not something I can categories for wheelchair racing. punching take lightly,” says Anne Wafula She carried the Paralympic torch bag and Strike, MBE — Member of the in 2012 when the Paralympics chin-up bar, Most Excellent Order of the came to London. to name a few features. It also has exercises British Empire — for her service Since retiring, Wafula Strike to target all areas of the upper body, like a to disability sport and charity. has dedicated her life to humani- military press for your shoulders and a chest Now 44, Wafula Strike, the first tarian efforts. Her Olympia Wafula press. In total, it has more than 40 exercises Paralympian to hail from East Foundation delivers healthy-liv- using a single entry point harness system. Africa, is not only a sporting ing solutions to people with dis- While the cost is steep at $8,000, if ambassador, but also a speak- abilities in Africa, Nepal and other you are serious about your workouts, the er, author, wife and mother. emerging areas of the world. In Wheelchair Fitness Solution may be just the She became paralyzed after 2014, her foundation delivered 40 machine for you. a bout with polio at the age of to children in Kenya. See www.wheelchairfitnesssolution.com. 2. Coming from a small Kenyan She has also written an auto- village, she traveled a hard road biography, In My Dreams I Dance, growing up. After meeting her which has been a powerful moti- husband in 2000, she moved to vator for many, especially her Strength on Film the United Kingdom, had a child, most oft-quoted piece of advice: and not long after got involved in “I have suffered discrimination, Injured in a car accident in 2014, Carina Ho, 28, wheelchair racing. “I started rac- but what I have come to realize a musician from Oakland, California, has had ing to lose weight, but my natural is that when I carry out grudges, to redefine her life — transitioning from bal- ability was soon spotted, and I I am the one who suffers most.” let dancing to the wheeling life as a T2 para. quickly began to win lots of med- Beautiful insight from one of She can still play the piano independently, but als, gold ones!” the most hopeful souls we’ve moving on has proven difficult, which is why Before she knew it, she was encountered. Her book can be she created the web series, Onward Ho, a film competing in the Paralympics for found on Amazon.com. and art project profiling her post-injury life and Kenya in 2004. Then in 2006, after Visit annestrike.org and the resurgence of her adventuresome spirit. becoming a British citizen, she olympia-wafulafoundation.org. See more at www.onwardhoseries.com.


Preventing Hemorrhoids This smoothie is loaded with fiber, vita- min C and flavonoids. Drink it for breakfast Hemorrhoids — swollen veins around the or as a snack! anus and in the rectum — are more preva- lent among people with SCI than the gener- al population. It is believed that this higher High Fiber Berry Smoothie incidence is due to several factors, such as ½ cup strawberries (fresh or frozen) chronic constipation (which intensifies pres- ½ cup blackberries (fresh or frozen) By Joanne Smith sure and may weaken the veins in the rectal ½ cup unsweetened blueberry juice and Kylie James, authors of area), prolonged sitting, straining, irritation ½-1 cup water Eat Well Live Well with SCI and through repeated digital stimulation and/or 1 tbsp ground flax seeds Other Neurological Conditions, use of suppositories or enemas. eatwelllivewellwithsci.com A major sign of hemorrhoids in individu- Handful spinach als with SCI is bleeding during your bowel Blend until smooth and enjoy! management program. People with SCI obviously cannot avoid risk factors such as prolonged sitting, and Popular Fiber-Rich Foods for Meals and Snacks in some cases digital stimulation and use of suppositories. However, there are many Nuts: foods that can help strengthen your veins Almonds, raw, 1 ounce (23 almonds): 4 grams of fiber and help prevent the development and/or Sunflower seeds, raw or dry-roasted, 1 ounce: 3 grams of fiber recurrence of hemorrhoids: A high-fiber diet is extremely important Fruits: Apples, I medium: 4 grams of fiber in the prevention of hemorrhoids. There is Berries (blue, black, boysen, cran, rasp), 1 cup: 4-8 grams a strong correlation between constipation Mango, 1 medium: 5 grams and hemorrhoid development. Preventing Orange, 1 medium: 3 grams constipation is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of developing hemor- Vegetables: rhoids. A diet rich in vegetables, whole Artichokes, 1 medium cooked: 10 grams of fiber grains, fruits and legumes promotes move- Avocado, ½ medium: 7 grams ment of stool through the bowel. Fiber also Broccoli, ¾ Cup cooked: 7 grams absorbs water to help keep feces soft, bulky Carrots, 1 cup sliced, cooked: 5 grams and easier to pass. The recommended daily Collard greens, 1 cup chopped, cooked: 5 grams intake of fiber for people with SCI is 19 to 30 Green beans, 1 cup cooked: 4 grams grams. A chart of popular foods and their fiber content follows. Beans and peas: Flavonoids are found in foods such as Black beans, dry, ½ cup cooked or canned: 8 grams of fiber blackberries, blueberries, cherries and citrus Black-eyed peas, dry, ½ cup cooked: 6 grams fruits, and they help to strengthen vein Kidney beans, dry, ½ cup cooked: 7 grams structures. Lentils, dry, ½ cup cooked: 8 grams Vitamin C is found in foods such as citrus Navy beans, dry, ½ cup cooked: 10 grams fruits, broccoli, spinach and kale, and helps Pinto beans, dry, ½ cup cooked: 8 grams increase the strength of blood vessels to help prevent hemorrhoids from rupturing.


Should I Drive?

By Michael Collins

Q. As a reader of your columns and a mid- atic approach to decision-making about available, along with many different level quad, I’d be interested in your thoughts the type of vehicle and the mechanisms or sizes and types of vans. Once you on the decision to drive, or not. I don’t drive electronics that will allow you to control it. decide on what you want, check with a and am constantly being told that I should. The very act of driving is a risky local mobility equipment dealer to see Sometimes I feel almost guilty about not undertaking. Minimizing opportunities about purchasing costs. Before making driving. I would love to drive, but only if I for accidents is the primary reason that that final decision, load into a similar felt like I was doing so at the same, or near the products developed, manufactured vehicle and make sure that it fits with the same, level of competence I did prior to and serviced by mobility equipment your mobility device and reach ranges, my injury. I was driving when the accident dealers and hand control companies etc. At that point you should be able happened that left me paralyzed. It was a have evolved to their current status. to get a price estimate from the dealer no-fault accident and, from what I know, I Those of us who are paralyzed and who that sells what you want and need. didn’t do anything wrong. Luckily, no one drive with hand controls today find it The dealer, in partnership with a else was seriously hurt. much easier, and safer, than did people driver rehabilitation specialist, can I have met similarly injured quads who with similar disabilities who started evaluate your driving capabilities based drive and it seems like they are driving at driving 40 years ago. on your level of function. The DRS will a reduced level of control. I can’t do that. I Resources at the end of this col- be required if your vehicle is being can’t imagine jeopardizing the lives of oth- umn will provide links to a previous subsidized, provided or financed by ers for my own benefit. I know that sounds Motorvation column and an article another entity, and sometimes in order like an excuse/self-justification, but it is a in New Mobility that discussed hand to receive a driver’s license, depending very real feeling. controls and how to find affordable on disability. Since I am unable to transfer indepen- vehicles. I will restrict my response in Other cost considerations are vehicle dently and have reduced strength and this column to considerations, potential modifications, assistive technology and dexterity in my arms, I’m interested to know expenses and challenges for someone installation, tax on the sale, insurance, if there are controls available that will allow deciding whether or not to drive. routine maintenance, fuel, license, park- me to drive safely; also, cost information. Are First and most important, do you ing fees and repairs if parts fail. If you joystick-type controls available, and afford- really need to drive? Many people, with are ready to take that on, know that able, for someone in my situation? Thanks for and without disabilities, live in commu- at the end of the process you will be any information you can provide. nities that have excellent public trans- ready, and safe, to drive. Good luck, and — Wavering on the shoulder of the byways portation options. Unless a need exists happy motoring. to take trips out of the area, it may be o need to apologize for exercis- possible to forego vehicle ownership in Resources ing some level of caution when it favor of taking a train or bus. This may • Affordable Vans and Cars, www. Ncomes to deciding whether or not become even more feasible if rideshare newmobility.com/2014/11/affordable- to drive. Some reluctance would certainly and taxicab companies actually become accessible-vehicles be understandable in light of the type of wheelchair accessible, as many munici- • Certified Driver Rehabilitation accident that caused your paralysis, but palities are requiring them to do at this Specialists, www.aded.net even with that in mind, it is important to time. The availability of someone to • Motorvation-Hand Controls, www. explore all avenues before making your drive you in your or their vehicle may newmobility.com/2014/06/all-about- final decision. A variety of driving systems also be a cost-effective option. hand-controls are in place that make it possible for peo- If you want to proceed, what type • National Mobility Equipment Dealers ple with a very high level of injury to drive of vehicle do you need, or want? Lift- Association, www.nmeda.com/locate- safely. That competence requires a system- equipped pickups and SUVs are now a-dealer

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From theA pristine landscapes of remote Iceland to the beautiful Hawaiian island of Maui to a sailboat moored on the sunny coast of Florida, wheelchair users live anywhere they want — successfully. It takes problem-solving,

creativity and flexibility, but living in paradise more than BY CORY LEE makes up for any access-related inconveniences.


t may be a stretch for most Americans to think of Iceland as paradise, but for those Iwho call it home, the dramatic beauty of the island nation is as close to Valhalla-on-earth

as one can get. And like most Icelanders, Jón Photo Courtesy of Iceland Unlimited Gunnar Benjaminsson, 40, is protective of his home island. “Our nature with its vast wilder- ness, towering mountains and glaciers, black AT HOME IN REYKJAVIK volcanic sand beaches and lush green valleys, Benjaminsson was working as a tour guide in is not ours but something we borrow from the Reykjavik when a 2007 car accident during a next generation and generations to come,” says goose-hunting trip led to his L1-2 incomplete Benjaminsson. “We simply must treat it that injury. He rehabbed for nine months and then way and not like it belongs to us.” moved back home with his parents. “It was very Benjaminsson, a para and founder/owner of comfortable living with them, but I decided that P RADISE the travel company Iceland Unlimited, invites wasn’t the future, so I moved back to Reykjavik,” lovers of the outdoors to come spend a week in he says. “I needed to reclaim my independence.” his nation. “Iceland is a small island. You can While getting used to his new reality and capture the whole experience in an eight-day regaining upper body strength, Benjaminsson A round trip of the island,” he says. “You can expe- spotted an ad calling for grant applicants by rience paragliding in a specialized, custom-built 66° North, a major outdoor clothing company chair with an experienced instructor, boat cruis- in Iceland. He applied and his idea to travel es on glacial lagoons, ATV tours on black sand on an ATV to assess the accessibility of public beaches, snowmobiling on glaciers, and bathing huts in the highlands of Iceland was chosen. in natural geothermal hot springs in the high- That 2009 trip led to an additional grant from lands. And you can go snorkeling in crystal clear the Iceland Tourist Board to improve accessi- water in a lava fissure, to name a few options.” bility at selected locations. He says his favorite spot is probably Ey- In 2010 Benjaminsson started Iceland Un- jafjörður fjord in Northeast Iceland. “That’s limited. One of his younger brothers now works where I was born and grew up. My parents and for him as a professional guide. They slowly grew oldest brother still live there and I spend half of and moved to a larger office to accommodate 10 the summer there, fishing and spending time employees. “Getting the initial grant from 66° with my family. ” North allowed me to believe in myself again af- But the most beautiful site in Iceland is prob- ter my injury. It was a turning point,” he says. ably around Skaftafell, located within the Vat- In 2011 he bought a brand new apartment in najökull National Park. “It’s a lush green oasis Reykjavik so close to his office that he can wheel of birch trees, located between the vast Vatna- to work in the summer. He requested the oven be jökull glacier and the black volcanic beach of lowered and a roll-in shower added to the bath- Skeiðarársandur, so you have these contrasts room. Since he loves barbecuing in the summer, there in one spot — white glacier, green trees he also requested custom ramps to make both of and black beach. It’s spectacular.” his balconies accessible.

MARCH 2016 15 Benjaminsson is thrilled by Iceland’s live volcanoes and its rugged countryside. An avid fisherman, the L1-2 para spends much of his time exploring rivers with an all-terrain vehicle.

Benjaminsson says the city’s amenities make it a good place rough. We’re still in the process of updating our infrastructure to call home. “In Reykjavik I’m surrounded by better facilities when it comes to accessibility,” says Benjaminsson. “You have for therapy — swimming and physical training facilities that to be aware of this and be ready for rough conditions in some are available to people with disabilities,” he says. Though down- places, but don’t let this discourage you from coming. Any- town Reykjavik is not the most accessible place in the world, thing is possible and if you’re up for adventure, we promise Ice- improvements are being made on a regular basis. The city is land won’t leave you disappointed.” becoming more and more aware of disabled people. If you want to experience Iceland’s pristine beauty for your- • Iceland Tourist Board, iceland.nordicvisitor.com self, don’t expect American-style access. “Iceland is definitely • Iceland Unlimited, www.icelandunlimited.

Asia from Maui. “In June 2012, we were on vacation here, and I told my husband that I didn’t want to get back on the plane and Carole Zoom: leave,” says Zoom. So they stayed. ALOHO FROM The Kihei region has small shops to visit, restaurants that cater to both tourists and locals, and a bustling farmer’s market. Zoom especially enjoys going to the theater and local events. M UI Plus, Maui’s not that large, so all of its attractions can be ac- A cessed from Kihei. “In Maui you have this nice balance of quiet with activities when you want them.” Everyone is jealous that I live Zoom and her husband, Patrick Carpenter, found a condo fac- in Maui, and I completely un- “derstand it because it took me 10 years to move here,” says Carole Zoom, 50. She lives on the south side of the island of Maui in Kihei, one of the most recently developed areas on the island, with newer construction. “The weather is fantastic and there are only six days of rain all year” — her favorite thing about the island. Zoom, who has muscular dystrophy and uses a vent, loves the mellow Hawaiian lifestyle and can often be found relaxing on her lanai, reading a book while basking in the sun. An accomplished travel writer, Zoom and her husband started coming to Maui in 2003 from their home in Austin, Photo by Jestr Bob/Creative Commons Texas, to take advantage of their timeshare. They soon found Zoom loves to wheel along the shoreline path near her home, watching it was easier to travel to some of their favorite destinations in for sea turtles bobbing in the surf.

16 NEW MOBILITY ing Maalaea Bay that had been recently updated. They widened the if you’re careful, it’s not that much more expensive than Port- small bathroom’s door, removed the tub and built a roll-in shower. land or Austin. She saves money by buying her fruit at farm There are accessible shops and places to eat right downstairs. stands instead of the grocery store, and she avoids processed When she broke her femur soon after moving into the new food that has to be brought in from the mainland. condo, Zoom discovered that, to her surprise, “the caliber of Also, the ADA hasn’t yet fully penetrated our 50th state. doctors on Maui is exceptional, incredibly high quality for the “Most of Hawaii is not as advanced in disability rights and small island. And they accept Medicare. There are some very, wheelchair access as other places in the United States,” says very good specialists.” Zoom, who once served as the executive director for the Coali- tion of Texans with Disabilities. “It’s still lagging way far be- ALMOST HEAVEN hind. Some of that is because infrastructure here is not kept up.” Hawaii has a reputation for being very expensive since almost In some areas on the island, Zoom has to roll in the street. everything has to be either flown or shipped in. But Zoom says The buses are all accessible and there is a paratransit system, but

Zoom says Hawaii is not as accessible as other states, but she finds ways to enjoy the breathtaking beauty of the islands. Photos Courtesy of Iceland Unlimited


Although many whale-watching boats are not wheelchair-friendly yet, Zoom hopes to change that now that she’s a full-time resident. they don’t run late in the evening. And although the ocean is calving season. Many whale-watching boats are not accessible very beautiful, beach amenities aren’t always built or provided yet, but Zoom hopes to influence that now that she’s living in with wheelchair users in mind. Wheelchair users who enjoy Maui full time. swimming may need to rent a beach chair from Gammie Home Anyone interested in moving to Hawaii should first plan a Care in Kahului. Also, Kamaole I beach has a free beach wheel- visit, says Zoom. They could even stay at her place, a wheelchair chair available on a first-come, first-served basis. accessible condo she rents out on Home Away when she’s travel- Still, Zoom has no complaints. “There are ways for those of ing. “I believe that anyone who wants to live in Maui can do it. us who use wheelchairs and who aren’t swimmers to enjoy the It just takes some planning and some saving money to get over beauty of the ocean,” she says. She rolls along the shoreline on here,” she says. “Maui is a great place to live, and we welcome a mile-long pathway near her home to look for giant sea turtles any visitors with ‘Aloha!’” bobbing their heads up in the evenings at sunset. From Novem- • Carole Zoom, www.CaroleZoom.com ber through March, pods of whales come to western Maui for • Gammie Homecare, 808/877-4032; www.gammie.com

for the payment. Over the years he has stayed involved with the Allen Fiske: organization. He was director of watersports, facility and fleet maintenance from 1997 to 2007 and still serves as a part-time SAILING AWAY IN sailing instructor. He has lived the last 25 years in south Florida, 20 of those FLORID on his 35-foot sailboat near Miami, the past three years in Fort Myers. Just recently Fiske, 69, bought a condo to give his body A a break from the physical toll of constantly being on the boat. “I just realized you only live once … one chance to do ho wouldn’t want to live on this,” says Fiske, about living on his boat. “It’s not easy be- a sailboat? Sun on your face, ing paralyzed, but if you can find one little thing that really Wwind in your hair — the smell excites you and makes you want to get up in the morning, of the ocean and the freedom to just pull you’ve got to go with it.” up anchor and sail up or down the coast Fiske has sailed to places like the Bahamas, Key West and makes it a dream. along the coasts of Florida. He tries to do as much as he can At least, Allen Fiske always thought so. himself and always takes at least one person with him when “That was my dream,” he says, but after he goes sailing. his T11-12 injury in 1982, he just didn’t think it would be pos- It is easy for Fiske to find a fellow sailor since he’s only re- sible. “People told me I wouldn’t be able to drive or work, all cently wrapped up serving a term as commodore, or presiding kinds of things. But nothing in the world ever gave me the same senior officer, of the Fort Myers-based Caloosahatchee March- feeling as sailing. I’ve been around the ocean my whole life, and ing and Chowder Society, the largest sailing club on Florida’s it just blew my socks off. It continues to blow my socks off.” west coast. In a club of 110 sailors, he’s the only one so far who Fiske became involved with Shake-A-Leg, a Miami-based uses a wheelchair. organization set up in 1990 to help disabled people enjoy the ocean, including sailing. Eventually he and a friend started MAKING IT WORK chartering big sailboats, and he got some of his confidence The biggest modification was a lift that lowers Fiske from the back. Then, in 1994, he bought a sailboat using his rent money cockpit down into the boat, where another wheelchair waits for

18 NEW MOBILITY him. Rigging and sails are electric-operated, and a special cush- tive feeling I got from living on this boat,” he says. ion allows him to scoot around the upper deck. Fiske says it’s Fiske says he doesn’t think most people take the time to easier to get in and out of the boat if you have a floating dock. “It think about what’s involved for a paralyzed person to live on a isn’t easy being paralyzed and climbing on and off the boat, but boat, and if they knew, it might scare them off. “Nine out of 10 I love it so much that I make it work for me,” he says. might see what I’m doing and say, ‘forget it, too much work, it’s Just making the boat accessible wasn’t enough. Fiske also not worth it.’” Fiske grew up in Massachusetts in a fishing fam- undertook some serious lifestyle changes — eating right and ily and has been on or near the ocean his entire life. “To me it’s exercising — to be at 110 percent for the boat life. He dealt with been worth it because I love it.” pressure sores that required flap surgery, and also had shoulder • Caloosahatchee Marching and Chowder Society, surgery, but made it through the ups and downs. “I think the www.cmcs-sail.org reason I’ve been able to deal with all this is because of the posi- • Shake-a-Leg Miami, 305/858-5550; www.shakealegmiami.org

“It isn’t easy being paralyzed and climbing on and off the boat, but I love it so much that I make it work for me,” Fiske says. Photo: The Beaches of Fort Myers & Sanibel/www.FortMyersSanibel.com Fort & Myers The Beaches of Photo:
















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aving a pet, no matter how big or low us to share our love, even while try- how small, can improve our lives ing our patience. Hgreatly. They provide compan- The pet lovers interviewed admit their ionship and entertainment, bring us joy, pets are a major part of the family, and cheer us in our sorrow and teach us com- somewhat in charge of household activi- passion. Taking care of their daily needs ties. Here, they share the many ways their gives us purpose, and it’s a fact that a pet fur babies add so much to their lives. can also be the best medicine for those of us who have pain, high blood pressure, depression or feelings of isolation. Our ACTIVIST SIDEKICKS pets can bring out the best in us and al- Doug Craig is a tireless advocate for raising funds and awareness to benefit people like himself with FSH muscular dystrophy, and his dog, Gracie, is always right there beside him. This past summer, Craig and his 80-pound Bernese mountain dog mix took a 300-mile walk-and-roll from Yon- kers, New York, to Washington, D.C., to “Whenever I get home from work, Nacho runs raise funds and awareness for the FSH throughout the house barking loudly, announc- ing room by room that his mom is home,” says Society. They walked and rolled for up to Maria Palacios. 10 miles per day while Craig’s friend, Rob Dye, drove along in his van. “When she the little net under my wheelchair was and I got tired, we rode in the van with not only comfortable, but also a way to be Rob to make time,” explains Craig, 62. with his mom all the time,” says Palacios. Author and activist Maria Palacios’ fa- Palacios was enjoying her dog-free vorite of her six pets, Nacho, a small Chi- lawn after losing her beloved Labrador, huahua mix, loves to attend ADA march- Buddy, when one of her mother’s custom- es with her and enjoys protesting nestled ers insisted on bestowing a little yellow Doug Craig says Gracie sticks with him through in the net under her wheelchair. “Nacho puppy as a gift of appreciation for services even his longest walk-and-roll fundraisers. figured out quickly that taking naps in rendered. “My mom was not thrilled

MARCH 2016 21 “When we decided to get another dog, my daughter insisted on a female puppy,” says Tim Vermande’s cats, Blaze and Lydia Nunez Landry. “We prefer matriarchal Chessie, are food snobs, too. egalitarianism here.” “Blaze likes Ritz and Triscuit crackers, as well as Corn Chex,” says Vermande, 61, from Indianapolis. “She can tell the about bringing a puppy home until she difference between the boxes, and won’t thought of giving it to me as ‘revenge’ for even come for Wheat Thins. If I don’t all the animals I’d brought home to her give her anything, she will open the box throughout my life,” says Palacios, a po- and dig into it for one.” lio survivor from Houston, Texas. “As she About a few times a week both cats get a spoonful of milk from Vermande’s morn- put the puppy on my lap, she said, ‘He will ing cereal. And when he comes home from be a special angel to somebody.’” T h e S a f e , P r a c t i c a l being out and about, they do the “where’d And he is. Palacios, 50, who has two a n d C o n ve n i e n t w a y t o ya go, what’d ya do, who’d ya see, what’d t r a ve l wh e r e ve r a n d sons and now four more dogs and two wh e n e ve r yo u w a n t . they say?” routine, sniffing him and his cats, says Nacho is her “best son” and a wheelchair. When Vermande transfers to N o m o r e wo r r i e s a b o u t natural activist. h a vi n g a c c e s si b l e his recliner, the two cats tussle over who fa c i l i t i e s. gets to sit in the wheelchair.

 The clever felines learned to operate Different models to meet FOOD SNOBS the lever door handles in the house Ver-  specific needs! Palacios says Nacho gets a daily bowl of mande shares with his wife. “We can’t Simple to assemble; no chicken while his four-legged siblings  tools required. close off anything now,” he says. A polio  Safe and easy to use. get a combination of dog food sprinkled survivor, Vermande uses crutches around Seat and footrest heights with chicken. “Nacho has to have com- the house and Blaze will come around  are adjustable. Casters have “total-lock” “GO-ANYWHERE”pany when he eatsChairs and only accepts food every hour or so to make sure he gets up  brakes. when he’s hungry. If he’s offered food and moves around. Chessie curls up next Lightweight and durable, when he’s not in the mood, he’ll just roll to him while he’s getting his TENS treat- high-quality aircraft-grade  aluminum. his eyes,” she says. ment and adds a purr to the other side. Compact, convenient, and  PORTABLE! Won’t Rust or corrode;  easy to clean. Virtually maintenance- For Home AND On-The-Road  free. Cushions are available in (3) colors and remove VA contract  easily for cleaning. Optional accessories V797D-30180 include: wheeled custom travel bag, positioning belts, -out commode tray, 2-way adjustableThe Safe, Practical and Convenient way to GO-ANYWHERE Chairs headrest, and upgradedtravel wherever and cushions! whenever you want. “When Ya Gotta Go, We Go With Ya!” No more worries about having accessible facilities. “GO-ANYWHERE” Chairs www.goesanywhere.com DifferentFor modelshome to AND meet on-the-road; [email protected] When ya Gotta Go, We 800-359-4021 Go With Ya!” • Safe, Practical, Convenient, specific needs!  Simple to assemble; no Portable tools required.  Safe and easy to use. • Won’t rust, easy to clean.  Seat and footrest heights are adjustable.  Casters have “total-lock” • Simple to brakes. assemble;  Lightweight and durable, Come See high-quality aircraft-grade no tools Our New aluminum.  Compact, convenient, and required. PORTABLE! Ultralight  Won’t Rust or corrode; Different models • Numerous easy to clean. “Sport”  Virtually maintenance- to meet optional free. Model!  Cushions are available in specific needs! accessories (3) colors and remove easily for cleaning.  Optional accessories include: wheeled custom travel bag, positioning www.GoesAnywhere.com | [email protected] | 800-359-4021 belts, slide-out commode tray, 2-way adjustable For home AND on-the-road; When ya Gotta Go, We Go With Ya!” headrest, and22 upgraded NEW MOBILITY cushions! www.goesanywhere.com [email protected] 800-359-4021

Custom wheeled travel case “For home AND on-the-road; When ya Gotta Go, It'll Go With Ya!" available. GOOD FRIENDS IN DO YOUR HARD TIMES HOMEWORK Six-year-old Agatha Louise, Lydia Nunez Landry’s Chihuahua mix, loves being up Certain pets are not for everyone. on furniture to be with her humans. Un- Research the species or breed be- fortunately, she broke her leg after leap- fore you choose. Understand their ing from a bed and now, with a plate in energy level and be ready to match her leg, someone has to pick up “Ouisie” it or have someone who can help. If and set her on the bed, couch, or Nunez the breed is a runner such as Sibe- Landry’s wheelchair and closely monitor rian huskies or greyhounds, they’ll her so she doesn’t jump off. need to be fenced in or on a leash at “She loves riding on my power chair all times, and some animals such as as we go around the neighborhood,” Persian cats need regular groom- says Nunez Landry, who has dysfer- ing. Understand that certain breeds linopathy muscular dystrophy and can be prone to problems such as lives in Seabrook, Texas. “Apparently, ear infections or hip dysplasia, or this makes her feel invincible as she require special diets that can ring curses out other dogs who probably up the grocery and vet bills. view her as a Chihuahua McNugget. “My dog America ran away about a year ago,” says Keep in mind annual costs for Cory Lee, 25, from Lafayette, Georgia. “I called having a pet can range from $235 For propriety’s sake, I cannot repeat all the shelters around here but nobody had her. her foul utterances.” Three weeks later, a friend looking to adopt for a fish to $1,843 for a large dog. When asked how Agatha Louise went to one of the shelters I had called More specific information from helped her, Nunez Landry said the tiny and there was America, sitting in a cage. the ASPCA on average costs for She was found 30 minutes from my home but particular species can be found at pooch filled a depressing void after she the shelter didn’t check her microchip. I even lost both her parents and another be- described her and left my phone number with www.aspca.org/sites/default/files/ loved dog, Sigmund. them. I was so worried, she’s my baby.” upload/images/pet_care_costs.pdf. “Since I do not engage in many social

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MARCH 2016 23 “Taking care of Hank is like taking care of One night she saw in a mirror that he a toddler,” says Kelsey Little. “I was trying was following her, and when she turned to paint something outside and he was getting into everything. My mom said it’s to look, he started his spray dance. like having triplets. While sleeping, he digs They’d made a game out of it chasing around in my ears, my face and hair, and from room to room. curls up against me. And just like a 3-year- Pumpkin, like most of the wildlife old, if you try to take something away, he starts pitching a fit.” she cares for, was successfully released back to the wild once he was able to look after himself. Little’s raccoon, Hank, came from a local who breeds coon dogs to trap rac- coons, and raises raccoons to train his dogs. “He trapped a momma coon, and the pups wouldn’t take to her,” Little ex- plains. “I had told him that whenever he had pups I’d take one.” Baby raccoons can’t regulate body temperature for their first two weeks, re- lying on their mother and siblings to keep warm. “I’d wear a sports bra and put him in the middle to keep him warm,” she says. “He was like a baby.” activities, my family and pets are a sig- found him alongside a road. nificant and meaningful part of my life,” “He was about six weeks old and fit SPIDERS AND SNAKES says Nunez Landry, 46. “Both provide me in the palm of my hand,” says Little, a NEED LOVE, TOO tremendous joy and comfort, especially T11-12 para. She didn’t get Pumpkin de- Jerry Diaz has had a fascination for ex- when I am down.” scented and often, he would start hop- otics since being mesmerized by them Gary Karp, 61, is best known for his ping around making a chi, chi, chi sound, while watching nature shows as a young motivational books, workshops and acting like he was going to spray her. boy. He has since become an expert on speeches, but the author says he some- “I’d yell, ‘Pumpkin don’t get me!’ and caring for snakes and reptiles and many times struggles to get out of bed due to run away,” she says. “He’d chase me.” tarantulas, including a Goliath named depression. “On those days I know my Labrador retriever Tril- by needs me to get motivated to take care of her needs, and it’s just the nudge I need,” says Karp, a T12- L1 para from Tempe, Arizona.

THE UNUSUAL AND EXOTIC Since childhood, Kelsey Little, 27, from Sevierville, Tennessee, has cared for wildlife such as squirrels, a skunk and a raccoon, all abandoned by their mothers. She named her skunk “Pumpkin,” after her friends

“I get creative when building cages for my animals,” says snake owner Jerry Diaz. “Re- cently, I used an entertainment center my brother was getting rid of and sectioned if off so Zion and Banana are together but can’t interfere with each other. My dream is to buy a house and create a natural en- vironment in a room just for Zion, who will grow to 5 feet long.”

24 NEW MOBILITY A student of obedience classes, Micayla. The largest of tarantulas, a Go- Tim Carson’s Chihuahua mix Toby is close to liath grows to the size of a dinner plate getting his Canine Good Citizen award, the sporting half-inch fangs. gold standard for dog behavior. Practicing Yes, you read that right. obedience commands every night, Tim and his wife, who live in Wittman, Arizona, will Diaz, 29, from Kissimmee, Florida, put Toby in a sitting position across the is a lover of all animals, no matter how room and in his excitement, he’ll stretch little appeal they may have to others. He his way to them, eager to work. has a wealth of knowledge and much of it is uncomfortable. As he was telling me about Micayla and Banana — his pastel mals that drew me. You know, they are ball python — and Zion, his water moni- living dinosaurs, amazing creatures.” tor, I felt something biting me hard on Diaz worked at a pet shop helping the right side of my neck. It might have customers choose pets. He says custom- been a nerve throbbing from an age-old ers could be standing next to a snake fear of creepy-crawlies, but whatever it cage for 20 minutes before they would was, Diaz just laughed when I told him. notice it, grab their kids and bolt out the Then he said something so profound door. Teaching a child to fear or feel dis- about his experience with people and ex- gust about an animal irks Diaz. otics that the biting in my neck ceased, I stopped squirming in my chair, and as “I saw a lot of parents or grandparents a wheeler, I began to relate to the crea- come in with their kid or grandkid,” he tures for whom he cares. Before you run explains. “They’d point to a snake or rep- screaming, consider this: tile cage and tell them how it’s gross or “I see the beauty in all animals and ugly, and I’d think, ‘Why are you teach- have just always wanted to be around ing them that?’ If you don’t teach your them,” says Diaz, a T10-12 para. “But kids that, they won’t fear or hate these there was something about exotic ani beautiful creatures,” he says.




re you and Kelly gonna be South Carolinians with disabilities. OK? They’re predicting My first clue was seeing an Amer- terrible flooding!” ican Red Cross representative on “AOur friend, Sister Colie, was call- television announcing shelter open- ing to check on us, as she often does. ings with the invitation, “Everyone is “C’mon, Sister! You’re a nun. welcome.” After a few calls, it became Surely to God you’ve heard of apparent there were problems at shel- Noah! We’re in better shape for this ters throughout the state, including than anyone you know.” one Red Cross shelter manager who And it was true. My wife, Kelly, responded to questions about acces- and I live aboard the Tumbleweed, sibility by saying, “Honestly, people Too, a 34-foot sailboat docked at a with disabilities just aren’t a priority marina just off Charleston Harbor. for us right now.” We had secured our office, removed Bear in mind, the flooding in our cars to high ground, stocked in South Carolina came on the heels of plenty of food, drink — and candy egregious issues with the Red Cross — and settled in. We were ready for response to Butte and Valley wild- the rains, and the resultant flood. fires in California just weeks before. Our home floats. We were good. Those problems began immediately, As it turned out, we were in much when the Red Cross, faced with a better shape than thousands of oth- lack of accessibility and needed care, ers with disabilities in South Caro- moved two of our people from shel- lina dealing with the catastrophic ters to nursing homes. This culmi- October floods. Weather experts nated a couple of weeks later when eventually referred to it as a flood I received a phone call from Vance that comes along once in 1,000 years. Taylor, chief of the Office of Access The rain began Thursday eve- and Functional Needs for the Cali- ning, Oct. 1. It didn’t stop. Friday fornia Office of Emergency Services. morning, flood reports began to “Paul, I’m sitting here in a shelter come in from across the state. By right now,” said Taylor. “The shelter Saturday morning, it was clear the manager tells me he has turned away event was shaping up to be a dan- several people with service animals, gerous situation, especially for saying, ‘Red Cross national policy

MARCH 2016 27 foot storm surge. None of Katrina, disability rights advocates like them ever expected to be Dunaway started reaching out all over swimming for their lives, the nation, and some strong partnerships roped together with their were formed with emergency responders family, through on local, state and even federal levels. The head-deep water.” good work of the Georgia Disability Emer- It was three days be- gency Management Coalition, run out of fore Dunaway, who lives the State of Georgia’s ADA Coordinator’s in Jackson, Mississippi, Office, comes to mind. And in 2009, Presi- knew all of her staff had dent Obama appointed one of our own, survived and five days disability rights advocate Marcie Roth, as before all of the people senior advisor, disability issues, for FEMA [see “Marcie Roth,” page 29]. served by LIFE could be The communication that went on after accounted for. Once they Katrina was good, as it resulted in intro- were able to get in touch ductions and some plans. But there was a with each other, the staff view held by some of the stakeholder orga- members who were not in Photo Jackson by Ted nizations that, “OK, we’ve done this, we’ve personal crises visited the When disaster strikes, it often hits people with disabilities the got it.” And so disaster relief planning for hardest. shelters to see if they could people with disabilities stagnated. find and serve people with disabilities. Disaster relief is a fluid business, and prohibits us from accepting service ani- “Most of the Red Cross shelters turned it’s very relationship-dependent. It’s criti- mals at our shelters.’” us away at the door, so we camped out cal that we stay engaged and continue to As I sat on my boat, working the phones in the parking lots and waited for people nurture the relationships and continue to and trying to deal with the emergent situa- with disabilities to come outside,” says look at our plans and fine tune them and tion in South Carolina and thinking about Dunaway, who now chairs the National address them on an ongoing basis. Part all that had happened in California, I was Council on Independent Living’s Emer- of the issue here is that, with the excep- overcome by a feeling of hopelessness. gency Preparedness Subcommittee [see tion of Portlight, none of our stakeholder American Red Cross is the major player “Brokering Disaster Relief,” page 30]. organizations are full-time disaster relief in emergency preparedness and response. Shaken up by what had happened to providers for people with disabilities. What they do matters. It impacts how people with disabilities during and after They’re doing great work, but they have other players behave, as they are the in- dustry leader and operate or are intimately involved in the operation of most of the emergency shelters in the United States. ~ BEYOND SHELTERS ~ For two and a half years, I and a host of other advocates have been beating our Sheltering gets a lot of attention, but it’s one leg of a tripod, the other two being heads against the wall, begging Red Cross communication and transportation. If one fails, the whole system collapses. A fully to let us help them get it right for our com- accessible shelter is worthless if one doesn’t know about it or can’t get to it. And it’s munity. As the rains continued to fall in not always the fault of the Red Cross. South Carolina, it was clear that we hadn’t There’s no better example of this than the story of Barbara McWilliams, the 72-year- moved the needle at all. old woman with multiple sclerosis who was stuck in her home during the Valley Fire in California, and whose Sept. 12 death was caused by a series of gross systemic failures. THE KATRINA EFFECT No one thought the fire would actually reach her house at first, so McWilliams, Hurricane Katrina was a clear bench- a retired teacher, told her PCA, Jennifer Hittson, that she would be fine and did not mark of how bad things were for ev- need to evacuate. Hittson left when her shift ended. Neighbors, too, had offered Mc- eryone involved, as few had given any Williams a ride, but she turned them down as well. “You have to realize what she was thought about how to prepare for and re- probably thinking,” Hittson said to SFGate. “It was a lot of work for her to get out of the spond to a catastrophe of its magnitude. house.” Hittson also told the press how she tried in vain to get a deputy sheriff to go “The staff in the LIFE of Mississippi rescue McWilliams once it became clear her home was threatened by the fire. Biloxi office were certainly old hands at Although it would be easy to cast specific blame for McWilliams not being evacu- hurricane preparedness and had taken ated in time, this is obviously not a story about failed sheltering. Communications and what they thought were the appropriate transportation are also key to emergency preparation, and there was not an effective steps both personally and in terms of the plan to get someone with her level of disability to safety. LIFE office,” says Christy Dunaway, who The takeaway lesson from this situation is the one we’ve seen over and over and was director of LIFE of Mississippi, the over again: if “plans and planning” don’t change how services are executed, then state’s network of Centers for Indepen- they’re pointless. dent Living. “But no one expected a 30-

28 NEW MOBILITY other issues upon which to rightly ex- MARCIE ROTH LIGHTS UP pend their resources. It’s my belief that while Katrina precipi- THE DARK SIDE tated the beginnings of us building a foun- ~ ~ dation, in many ways, the efforts stopped Equally important — or arguably more important — as the role of the Red Cross in there. The lack of a meaningful structure disaster relief is the role of FEMA, and there is no better example of the failures of upon the foundation is at the root of a lot of the emergency management community to serve people with disabilities than its the problems we continue to see. performance in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Contrary to myth, they did not do “a hell of a job.” RED CROSS In fact, they didn’t try to do any sort of job BREAKTHROUGH at all. FEMA was a vast wasteland of disability During and after Katrina, our people suf- competency. To the best of my knowledge fered and died in disproportionate num- there was one person with the word dis- bers, and this continued with Hurricanes ability in their job title, and she worked in a Ike, Isaac and Sandy. Ten years on, and cubicle in the basement of the building and our experiences in California and South had no authority to do anything useful. Carolina showed no indication that Longtime disability rights advocate Mar- things were much different. cie Roth watched in horror the missteps by The fact of the matter is, the climate FEMA that caused death and suffering of is changing, and extreme weather events people with disabilities, including a dear are going to get worse and more common. friend of hers. It took her a few years, but One of my great worries is the certainty in 2009, she was placed in a position to do of massive human migration as a result of something about FEMA’s incompetence when she was appointed by President climate change. If the emergency manage- Vance Taylor, chief of the Office of ment overlords don’t get it right, our people Obama to be the disability point-person for Access and Functional Needs for the will continue to suffer and die in dispro- FEMA. And when Marcie called to tell me California Office of Emergency Services, portionate numbers. Aside from the mi- about her appointment, she said, “Well, I’m was pleased with FEMA’s response in the California wildfires. gration issue, the simple fact of increased going over to the dark side.” frequency and severity of disasters is During her six-plus year tenure at FEMA, enough to make this issue one of the most Marcie has created an Office of Disability Integration and Coordination, staffed it with important ones facing our community. subject-matter experts, created a cadre of deployable reservists, and worked diligent- But things may be looking better. ly and with great success to develop an inclusive culture within the agency. For years, Portlight and NCIL have Once Marcie got on board, we knew we could take our concerns directly to her. been asking the Red Cross for two Prior to that there was no one in the agency whose ass we could cut when things things: First, the opportunity to engage went sideways. Because things are going to go sideways, and you need to have a re- in meaningful, continuous training at sponsible person to contact who can run the problems to ground and fix them. After the grassroots level with volunteers and all, we are in the chaos business. staffers involved in the real-time delivery One of Marcie’s greatest accomplishments has been the establishment of a net- of sheltering and services; and second, a work of disability stakeholder partner organizations. To some extent during the Cali- full-time disability inclusion coordinator fornia wildfires we saw the effectiveness of these partnerships, and during the South at Red Cross national headquarters. We Carolina flood response, these partnerships knocked it out of the park. Although my were stymied at every turn in our efforts despair in South Carolina was over the shortcoming of the Red Cross, FEMA and its to engage in meaningful training, and stakeholder organization partners — including the National Disability Rights Net- were flat turned down on our request for work, the Pass It On Center, NCIL and our own Portlight — worked seamlessly to serve a disability inclusion coordinator. This disabled people after the floods in South Carolina. meant there was no one internally within Marcie says we can expect more of the same in the coming year. “I’m seeing Port- the Red Cross to whom we could turn for light leading its many partnerships towards a national alliance that will really bring any satisfaction. folks together around how we can optimize each organization’s agenda to best pre- But then two long-term Red Cross pare for whatever that next emergency is going to be,” she says. “We’re particularly employees who had been close to the gratified because we’re seeing much greater interest in preparedness, much greater situation in California, Katherine Gali- involvement during disasters and in optimizing the opportunities for universal acces- fianakis and Mary Casey-Lockyer, were sibility and inclusion in recovery. And much more understanding of what true com- deployed in South Carolina during the munity resilience means and how to achieve it. What I hope to see over the coming floods and saw first-hand what was need- year is continued exponential growth and a lot more engagement between disability ed for our community. They reported organizations showing how they can be a resource for community preparedness.” back to Brad Kieserman, who was new So Marcie was right — she did go over to the dark side. And as it turns out, she in his job of vice president of disaster op- has lit it up. erations and logistics for Red Cross. He

MARCH 2016 29 had served as general counsel at FEMA, “THE RED CROSS retical request to a meaningful reality, and and worked closely with Marcie Roth to VOLUNTEERS’ RESPONSE the Red Cross has even agreed to stand up create and nurture FEMA’s Office of Dis- WAS UNIVERSALLY POSITIVE, a disability inclusion coordinator, and ability Integration and Coordination. ENCOURAGING, AND to work with Portlight, NCIL and other While at FEMA, Kieserman had seen GRATIFYING.” stakeholder organizations to create and firsthand successful efforts to embrace our nurture a disability inclusion infrastruc- community and our issues, so he inherent- Prior to the trainings, it was a differ- ture throughout their organization. It is ly understood the problems we were having ent story. “In California, I was free to sur- not hyperbole to say these commitments with the Red Cross, and was in a position to vey all of the Red Cross shelter facilities, are game-changing, and are already bear- effect immediate change. In mid-October, but when I pointed out issues of inacces- ing substantial positive fruit. within just 72 hours of Galifianakis and sibility to shelter managers, they showed In the last few years, we’ve seen law- Lockyer proposing the idea, I found myself no interest in fixing the problems,” says suits, fierce advocacy, hell-raising and standing before about 150 Red Cross staff George Kasper, a Portlight staffer who friend-making, and frustration to the and volunteers, giving them training and deployed alongside Red Cross for the point of hopelessness and despair, but insight as to how to serve our community. California wildfires. “I wasn’t even able now, the pieces seem to be coming to- By the end of the month, I had spoken to to do something as simple as deliver a gether. There’s still a ton of work to be about 500 such people in South Carolina, couple of much-needed wheelchairs to done, but at long last, we may have a dis- California and Texas. survivors in one Red Cross shelter, even ability community infrastructure com- Their response was universally posi- though there were stacks of them going bined with a newfound willingness from tive, encouraging, and gratifying. Many unused in another.” the emergency management community, of the same players who heard these Just a month later, after the trainings, which gives me hope that future response trainings in South Carolina and Califor- Kasper reports, “Things were so much bet- and recovery efforts will come more nia were soon after present in Texas in ter on the flood response in Texas. We were closely to serving all people. response to the late October floods there, recognized as respected partners, and as the and I’m pretty sure it’s no coincidence main point of contact for volunteers and Paul Timmons has residual quadriple- that this disaster response operation was staff when they encountered survivors with gia as a result of Guillain-Barre syndrome probably the Red Cross’ finest hour, rela- disabilities who had immediate needs.” and lives on St. Johns Island, South Caro- tive to their service of our community. So the training has gone from a theo- lina, with his wife, Kelly.



I was director of LIFE, Mississippi’s network of Centers for Inde- First, a formal agreement indicates that we will work together pendent Living, when Hurricane Katrina devastated the coast. to provide quality services to individuals with disabilities in the After Katrina, three days went by before I was certain that LIFE’s event of a disaster. Organizationally, each entity operates quite Biloxi and Hattiesburg staff members had not perished. We lost differently, and these memoranda encourage senior administra- all consumer files in the Biloxi office as well as all computers with tion personnel to communicate with one another to ensure that data, and it was five days before we could contact consumers appropriate and accessible services are provided in emergency and check on their welfare. planning, response and recovery efforts. Those of us not personally affected went to shelters to see if Second, this will ensure that in the event of a disaster any- we could find people with disabilities, and most of the Red Cross where in the country, we can facilitate communication between shelters turned us away at the door. All they saw was a bunch of the entities on a local level. For example, if senior Red Cross staff crips that they thought would not be able to help, and would just contact NCIL for assistance in locating a local CIL in an area recent- get in their way. We knew our abilities to serve, but they didn’t. ly affected by a tornado, we can share that information and facili- Not then. They do now, though. tate a meeting or phone call between the emergency responders After Katrina, many of our staff enrolled in any volunteer training on the ground and the disability stakeholders in the area. they could find by their local Red Cross or Salvation Army, so they Third, we can assist one another in developing internal policy would be registered and certified with those agencies and never or crafting documents to ensure that appropriate language is denied access to a shelter again. About half even became certified used and that equal access remains the number one priority. through the Certified Emergency Response Teams, and eventually These memoranda allow us to begin making systemic we developed partnerships with emergency managers and began changes in the provision of emergency management services to participate on the State Emergency Management Task Force. to individuals with disabilities, and these changes will eventu- Perhaps our largest success is the development of memoran- ally filter down to the regional and local levels to impact emer- da of understanding with NCIL, FEMA, Portlight and the American gency preparedness and response to our community. We be- Red Cross. These benefit the disability community in several ways: lieve this can save lives.



magine it’s sometime in the near future. Oregon who care (and that you’re not on danger lives and livelihoods worldwide. You recently moved from Los Angeles so high a dose of baclofen that the with- Climate change will even lead to larger to Portland, Oregon, and are desper- drawals would be unbearable). You still global population shifts, such as when ately searching for accessible housing miss Los Angeles, but you decided to people move in droves to escape flood- Iwith no luck in sight. You’re also trying move when California’s ongoing drought ed cities or areas without water. In fact, to enroll in Oregon’s Medicaid program resulted in severe water shortages that af- many of these changes are already hap- and trying to get anti-spasm meds and fected your quality of life. The fact that pening. 2015 was the warmest year on funding for attendant care. So far, it’s not you waited until the last minute to evacu- record, and last year saw the largest hur- going well, so you are relying on a couple ate also made your move tougher than it ricane ever recorded. The crazy storms of friends in Oregon who were gracious needed to be. You were just lucky enough and New England’s record high Christ- enough to do an emergency retrofit of to have a buddy with a hauling van who mas temperatures this year were made their home and attend to all of your was also heading north. Goodbye, thirsty more intense because of climate change, morning routines. You’ve also been able LA — Portland is home now. and people are beginning to abandon Pa- to manage the spasms enough to get by, cific island nations whose coastlines are and you have a memory foam topper so START PREPARING NOW gradually submerging. you can crash on their couch without get- Let’s be honest — climate change is scary. It’s clear people are taking notice — and ting pressure sores. The warmer atmosphere and oceans will they want to do something about it. Lead- The last couple months were tough lead to stronger storms, deeper droughts, ers and activists worldwide are recogniz- ones — and this one’s no different. You’re more intense heat waves and flooded ing that we need to cut emissions to slow grateful, though, that there are people in coastlines, and those impacts will en- down the climate crisis, and the recent

MARCH 2016 31 COP 21 Summit in Paris created a global Discover GoWing agreement to keep warming below 2 de- a power-assisted arm support with grees Celsius, a level that many scientists natural freedom of movement have set to avoid the “worst impacts of Learn about JACO climate change.” Still, climate change will an assistive robotic arm that gives you continue getting worse to some extent no the power to be independent and do matter how much we cut emissions — and what you thought was not possible ! unfortunately, we are likely to overshoot that 2 degrees Celsius target no matter how hard we work to try to meet it. SEE US AT THE This means we have to start preparing CHICAGO VANCOUVER as much, and as soon, as possible. Good AOTA ISS preparation entails building more storm APRIL 7th - 10th MARCH 1st - 4th shelters for stronger hurricanes, managing our water better for deeper droughts, and maybe even starting to move people away from flooding (or soon-to-be-flooded) coastal cities. It’s a daunting task, but team- work and effort can smooth the transition.

WE HAVE A CHOICE TO MAKE There’s another stark reality that the dis- ability community needs to accept and work to fix: The impacts of climate change 314-324-2470 will hit people with disabilities harder than our nondisabled peers. We are more kinovarobotics.com vulnerable during storms, as we generally have more medical needs and require ac- cessible evacuation shelters and transit. Many of our disabilities make us more prone to heat exhaustion in heat waves. We tend to rely on support networks, such as friends, family, and personal attendants to stay healthy and independent, and those networks can be fragile in tough times. And because we have disproportionately lower income, savings, and assets, we have less of an ability to support ourselves when the tough times hit. When you combine climate change with our vulnerability, it’s more than a bit daunting. That LA-to-Portland jour- ney might sound like a dystopian future, but in the coming decades, moves like those may be a reality for many of us. So will struggling to find accessible emer- gency shelters during stronger storms, to pay air-conditioning bills in hotter heat waves, or to keep health care as econo- mies falter and governments cut back spending. The list goes on. We have a choice to make. We can become resigned to the scary reality, we 203.778.4711 can ignore it entirely and get caught off- topolinotech.com Engineered For Life guard when it’s too late, or we can prepare for the future — and fight to be included when the world finally does the same. In

32 NEW MOBILITY case it’s not totally obvious, number three to turn those actions into reality. All of late. We should push leaders today to plan is clearly the action to take. this — and more — is needed to protect for the critical needs of people with dis- the lives of people with disabilities na- abilities. Luckily, there is already change CLIMATE JUSTICE tionwide and globally. afoot. Disability activists are fighting for The concept of “climate justice” is in- We’ll also have to address all aspects of disaster prep nationwide. We need to credibly important to our community. It climate change, not just the straightfor- jump into conversations around complex acknowledges that some groups will get ward ones. Besides our obvious need for issues like managing climate migration hit by climate change harder than others, more disability-inclusive disaster readi- and raise our unique vulnerabilities and and we need to give them special atten- ness and strategies to make that happen, demands. Long story short: we must take tion as we prepare for the future. Up until we must also address more complicated advantage of every opening to fight for now, the concept has included those in issues, such as spiking food prices and the inclusion of our needs. poverty, people of color, those in devel- large-scale migration. Above all, we should always push for oping countries, and others as especially Think for a minute about somebody climate justice. At 15 percent of the popu- vulnerable groups, but people with dis- making that long-distance move. Finding lation, we belong to every demographic abilities have consistently been left out. accessible housing will be a whole lot easier group. Climate justice demands that the Unfortunately, this is par for the course if apartments are built in advance. Keeping world recognizes our unique needs as we in social justice conversations: our com- health care will be more likely if the state all prepare for the coming global changes. munity is all-too-often the “forgotten protects Medicaid funding and revises the But will it happen if we don’t fight for it? minority,” even though we experience application process (or if rules change so We’ve fought for disability inclusion before, harm just as other minorities do. We are that Medicaid can be transferred between and we’ve won. We can win again. also one of the largest minority groups, states). And the move will be smoother if at about 15 percent of the population, so the person switching cities plans ahead of A policy and research specialist at the leaders must address our needs. time and finds support to do so. There are World Institute on Disability, Alex Ghenis Our fight for climate justice requires many other actions that can ease the mov- manages the New Earth Disability proj- focus, strategy, and action. We must ing process for migrants with disabilities. ect, which addresses how climate change identify how climate change affects our Preparation will be much better if we will affect people with disabilities and how community, come up with actions to start early rather than wait until prob- people can prepare. Learn more at www. keep ourselves safe, and work with allies lems get worse — or until it’s entirely too WID.org/NED. HIPPOCAMPE All-terrain wheelchair Full options Full

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MARCH 2016 33 Discover the Latest Products Meet New Friends Serving the Community Since 1979 Talk with Experts Family-Friendly Experience Newest Technologies Life-enhancing Products Sports for All Abilities Informative Workshops Disability Services Essentials for Seniors Fun & Games for Kids Creative Adaptive Dance Devoted Service Animals

FREE ADMISSION Register online for priority access

New York Metro / April 29-May 1, 2016 Chicago / June 24-26, 2016 Houston / August 5-7, 2016 Boston / Sept. 16-18, 2016 New Jersey Convention & Expo Center Schaumburg Convention Center Reliant Center Boston Convention/Exhibition Center Bay Area / Nov. 18-20, 2016 DC Metro / Dec. 2-4, 2016 Los Angeles / March 8-10, 2017 San Jose Convention Center Dulles Expo Center Los Angeles Convention Center

NewMobility.indd 1 1/6/16 9:15 AM Discover the Latest Products SPOTLIGHT: PUERTO RICO BY GRETCHELLE DILÁN Meet New Friends MY TAKE Serving the Community Mofongo. Asopao. Lechón. You might SKINNY ON THE ISLAND Since 1979 Having a disability should neither prevent nor limit anyone from enjoying a visit to Talk with Experts not know these words now, but once you our beautiful Puerto Rico. As part of the Americans with Disabilities Act, hotels, air- come here and taste what they mean, you ports and public transportation systems are outfitted with disabled-friendly equip- will remember them forever. If you’re one ment. Everything is not accessible, but Puerto Ricans are great hosts and most will go Family-Friendly Experience of those who believe that a culture is best as far as needed to ensure visitors have a pleasant vacation on our island. understood through its food, you’re in for the trip of a lifetime. Our island hasn’t just become a mag- net for foodies; it’s grown into the gastro- Newest Technologies nomic capital of the Caribbean. World- class chefs run the kitchens at many restaurants in San Juan. Life-enhancing Products Our culinary tradition spans centuries and combines Taíno, Spanish and Afri- can cultures, recipes and ingredients. In

recent years, it has combined with flavors JuanPhoto by Cristobal Zulueta/Creative Commons Sports for All Abilities from around the world to create mouth- watering fusion creations. From gourmet Learn about the fine dining to roadside kiosks, you will love Puerto Rico Informative Workshops exploring our menus and discovering the Chapter on many tastes of Puerto Rico. next page Disability Services PLACES TO GO white sand and turquoise water, there’s a own accessible car. As for public transpor- Puerto Rico might be a small island, but beach just for you. Luquillo Beach offers tation, if you are a resident of the metro it is surrounded by more than 270 miles an accessible beach area, where you can area, the government has a service called of beautiful coastline. And it’s not just the enjoy the warm waters of the Caribbean. “Llame y Viaje” (Call and Travel). This Essentials for Seniors quantity of beaches that’s impressive. There It’s about 45 minutes out of San Juan. If paratransit service provides accessible are countless activities you can do under you enjoy kayaking, the Bio Bay Night transportation for residents with disabili- the sun. Some offer you world-class - Kayaking Tour is for you. Located in Fa- ties and runs on the regular public trans- Fun & Games for Kids ing. Others feature miles of reefs with plen- jardo, this bay has microorganisms that portation bus routes. To use this service, ty of marine life to admire. produce glowing, or bioluminescence, in you must file a request, and each case is Even if you just want to spend the the water. This 1.5-mile tour is spectacu- evaluated individually. day relaxing and taking in the beauty of lar and educational. If you are not a resident of the island, our Creative Adaptive Dance Puerto Rico’s lively fusion of cultures United Spinal chapter can provide you with extends to almost every aspect of Puerto a list of private companies that have acces- MUST SEE, MUST DO Rican life: the aforementioned cuisine, sible transportation, but there is a lot to do colorful arts and crafts, vibrant music, and still regarding this matter. Devoted Service Animals El Yunque is the only subtropical traditional festivals. You’ll experience this rainforest in the U.S. National Forest diversity anywhere you look, listen, and Service, a place so indescribable taste. Our museums feature both Euro- MEDICAL FACILITIES that it must be seen, heard and felt. pean classics and Afro-Caribbean sculp- Puerto Rico has a number of medical fa- Trails are not accessible, but you can ture. Our buildings blend traditional co- cilities that treat people with spinal cord enjoy the short movie and display lonial styles with a bright palette of colors. injuries and disorders, including the at the visitor’s center and also see La Our music brings together instruments, VA Caribbean Healthcare System and FREE Coca waterfall, which is amazingly HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital of ADMISSION rhythms and sounds from eras and places Register online for priority access gorgeous. as distant from each other as 18th century San Juan. In my experience, it has been Toro Verde features one of the lon- West Africa and medieval Spain. difficult to find access to advanced SCI/D gest zip lines on Earth: La Bestia (The rehab options and treatment. Beast). Adventurers use a specially Editor’s Note: United Spinal helped pro- designed harness to soar through the GETTING AROUND duce a great accessible travel guide to Old New York Metro / April 29-May 1, 2016 Chicago / June 24-26, 2016 Houston / August 5-7, 2016 Boston / Sept. 16-18, 2016 Transportation in Puerto Rico is compli- San Juan, Puerto Rico. You can download it New Jersey Convention & Expo Center Schaumburg Convention Center Reliant Center Boston Convention/Exhibition Center air across 4,745 feet of terrain. cated, and can be difficult without your for free at bit.ly/23wyivB Bay Area / Nov. 18-20, 2016 DC Metro / Dec. 2-4, 2016 Los Angeles / March 8-10, 2017 San Jose Convention Center Dulles Expo Center Los Angeles Convention Center MARCH 2016 35

NewMobility.indd 1 1/6/16 9:15 AM Chapter Check-In

Puerto Rico: Creating Options for an Active Disability Community

e have a big Without Barriers), a new orga- problem when it nization aimed at helping people “Wcomes to people with disabilities, caregivers and living with disabilities,” says their families. She went on to psychologist Gretchelle Dilán of affiliate with United Spinal As- her native Puerto Rico. “We have sociation as the organization’s a big population and they are all Puerto Rico chapter. young, but you don’t see them Dilán used her background because they are not leaving their in media to also launch La Voz houses, and they don’t know how Corre (Spreading the Word), to handle their finances.” a quarterly Spanish-language With her doctorate in psy- magazine for that same com- chology, Dilán has long been munity, funded by advertising aware of the problem, but she from companies and provid- gained a new perspective when ers that serve it. “I started the she was paralyzed by a stray magazine because I saw the bullet in a 2012 accident. De- need for information,” she says. spite a difficult recovery, Dilán Finding and producing relevant immediately set out to improve content and staying in the black the conditions for the SCI/D has not been easy, but Dilán Gretchelle Dilán has poured her energy into several life-enhancing projects, community on the island. says she never thought it would including a disability magazine, an accessible gym and an equipment recy- She started off by found- be. She is currently devoting all cling program. ing Vivo Sin Barreras (Living of her time to the organization and magazine, and trying to that,” she says. start programs that appeal to the Dilán has had more luck island’s SCI/D community. with a donation-based equip- “We need to have activities ment recycling program. “Let’s to get people out,” she says. say you have a bed or a manual “We need to get people out chair, or even something like of their beds and out of their wheelchair tires — whatever wheelchairs — whether it’s you have that could be useful going to the beach, movies or to someone in a wheelchair, we something else.” will collect it,” says Dilán. She To that end, Dilán converted stores the goods in her garage a property she owned into a until she finds someone who rehab gym, but to her surprise, can use them. “My garage never very few members of the SCI/D gets full!” she says. “As soon community showed up, with the as we list stuff online someone facility mainly being used by comes to get it.” the elderly. “I wanted my people Dilán’s latest venture is to be there and take advantage, starting an accessible vehicle but my people didn’t respond to dealership. Right now residents and visitors looking to buy or rent an accessible vehicle have “We need to have ac- no real options. She wants to tivities to get people change that. “We are not a big out,” she says. “We commonwealth, but we have a need to get people out lot of people with a lot of needs,” she says. “I’m hoping I can help of their beds and out unite the community here and ® of their wheelchairs — improve its quality of life.” whether it’s going to To find out more about the the beach, movies or Puerto Rico chapter, visit www. The Leaders of Recreation, Fitness and Ability! something else.” lavozcorre.org.


SCI Hall of Famer “We are honored to Charcot Marie Tooth disease, Joins United Board have Gary Karp choose a rare neurological disorder. to serve our organiza- Bullers, 52, leaves behind two Bringing up Gary Karp’s name tion. He has been a role children, Alora and Christian in the disability community is Bullers, and a long and impres- model for many with akin to talking about Joe Mon- sive record of advocacy for tana or Vince Lombardi with spinal cord injuries. people with disabilities. a bunch of football fans. With He is an excellent and Bullers spent most of his over 40 years of disability well known author and life as a reporter, starting as the education, advocacy and lead- speaker, and I am cer- editor of the Iowa State Daily in ership on his resume, Karp’s tain he will be a great college, and moving on to stints legacy is known far and wide. with the Ames Tribune, Bismarck Heck, he was even inducted Karp asset to United Spinal Association.” Tribune, the Dubuque Telegraph into the SCI Hall of Fame in Herald, the Quad City Times and 2007. Karp will now bring his getting a shot and believing — United Spinal President the Kansas City Star. He stayed expertise and insight to United everybody has the potential.” James Weisman on the desk as long as his disease Spinal, as the newest member of Karp conveys that message in allowed him, and when he could the board of directors. all of his efforts, and is looking Working on a board will be no longer work full or part time, Karp, 61, comes to United forward to delivering it via United nothing new for Karp. From he turned his reporting skills to Spinal on the heels of a highly Spinal’s advocacy efforts. 2004-5 he sat on the board of exposing the problems facing successful 11 years where the “I think that through our directors for the National Spinal people living with disabilities. Christopher and Dana Reeve advocacy we can help the legis- Cord Injury Association. During Like any good reporter, he knew Foundation sponsored him to lature by having conversations to the tough questions to ask and he educate people working with and his involvement with NSCIA he help them get their heads around often knew the answers before he around disability about how best served as the executive editor of the new frame of disability and asked them. He was never afraid to work with the SCI/D com- SCILife, the organization’s news- get over all these old ideas — that to challenge authority when he munity and people dealing with paper. He has also been a regular they are taking care of unfor- saw it treating people unfairly and new injuries. During that period, contributor to New Mobility. tunate people, that the disabled he always had solutions. Karp spoke at 70 universities Karp was born in Detroit, are a burden — it’s a new world and 25 rehab centers and helped Michigan, but currently resides He brought a relentless ap- where we want to invest in thousands of future profession- in Tempe, Arizona. He has been proach to fighting for a number independence and what is actu- als, while also honing his own living with a T12 SCI since 1973 of key advocacy issues, including ally possible without having to be understanding of disability. when he fell from a tree at the age preserving access to complex re- inspirational heroes to do it. The Despite ending his affiliation of 18. For more information on his hab technology, ratifying the Con- chance to get that across to legis- with the Reeve Foundation, Karp speaking, books or Real People, vention on the Rights of People lators and the broader population continues to speak, write and train Real Potential, visit his website with Disabilities and expanding is really exciting.” others about disability. His books, www.moderndisability.com. Medicaid in Kansas to include Life on Wheels, From There to In addition to helping bring greater in-home care he and other Here and Disability and the Art about that cultural shift, Karp A Farewell to Kansans desperately needed. He is eager to work on funding for of Kissing, are available online Our Friend Finn also fought to get governments to and remain must reads years after complex rehab technology, ad- adopt more modernized wheel- publication. At the root of much of dressing how short rehab stays We lost a great friend and a chair accessibility signs. his work, is his gift for telling sto- have become and improving powerful and unique voice Jan. In honor of his advocacy ries and his understanding of their employment opportunities for 21 when Finn Bullers passed efforts and the genuine zeal with power and potential to change the people with disabilities while also away from complications from which he pursued them, United way others think about disability. helping employers better under- Spinal Association named Bullers “I’ve always tried so hard to stand how to work with people its 2014 Advocate of the Year. He tell my story in a way that gets with disabilities. “Very early in was presented with his award at across the universal lessons of this process I set my sights on United Spinal’s 3rd Annual Roll disability, that human beings making myself a value to employ- on Capitol Hill, legislative and are adaptable in our nature and ers and that meant I had to go policy conference in Washington, everybody wants to find their beyond mobility and start learn- D.C., June 22-25, 2014. way to be OK with themselves ing about broader disability.” One “Finn Bullers was a coura- and what’s possible,” he says. outgrowth of that process is Real geous and tenacious advocate, “It can’t be a matter where peo- People, Real Potential, a video both for himself and others with ple with disabilities are seen training series specifically geared disabilities,” said United Spinal to helping educate workplace as remarkable individuals, it Bullers President James Weisman. “He has to be a matter of everybody cultures about disability. used his writing skills to promote

MARCH 2016 37 News independent, community living A Touchscreen Smith introduced the prod- for all who need attendant care. Solution for Quads uct, originally branded the Sixth He was a staunch proponent of in- Digit, via a Kickstarter cam- tegration, self-determination and Touch screens are the future paign last March and quickly self-management. His presence and they’re everywhere, and if raised over $2,000 to put the and participation will be missed you’re a quad with limited or product into development. Late by Kansans with disabilities, the no hand function they can be a last year backers received the members and staff of United Spi- conundrum. Virginia quad Josh promised Sixth Digits. Smith nal Association and people with Smith has solved the conundrum has since rebranded his product disabilities everywhere.” with the invention of the Han- as Handizap, and now sells it As a member of United dizap, a slick little stylus users through handizap.com. For $30 Spinal’s Kansas City chapter and can slip onto their pinky to make you get two Handizaps, two a policy advisor for the chapter, using touch screens easier. replacement tips and a carry bag. Handizap inventor Josh Smith was surprised his simple idea has Bullers was a shining example of In early February, Smith was already garnered an award. how one advocate’s voice could recognized by Governor Terry break down barriers and spark McAuliffe with Virginia’s 2016 the award I was really excited. It positive change on the local, state STEM [Science, Technology, was definitely a great surprise.” and national level. Engineering, Math] Catalyst Smith thinks the success of the Memorials may be made to his Award for his invention. “I was Handizap is just the beginning. children’s college fund; Sisters, very surprised since I didn’t even “We’re hoping to either develop Servants of Mary (who helped know I was being considered,” he more products for the disabled care for him for many years); the says. “The chief wonder officer of community or offer products we Society of Professional Journal- the Science Museum emailed me think could help make their lives ists Education Fund; and/or the Friday saying he had some great better,” he says. “We also want to Greater Spinal Cord Injury As- The Handizap news and was going to call me be a resource for people that want sociation of Kansas. Monday. When he told me I won to create products.”

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heelchair users know that one of the most effective Wsubstances for stopping their movements is soft sand. Ventur- ing off a sidewalk or boardwalk to head for the water can turn a pleasant outing into a frustrating adventure that can even be life-threatening in some circumstances. I witnessed this firsthand a few years ago on a beach in Hawaii when I learned a lesson about the value of wider tires when crossing sand. On many Hawaiian beaches, the sand is compacted, thanks to wave action and the weight of foot traffic. In other locations the sand is soft, creating a potential trap for unwary wheelchair users. My power wheelchair has smaller diameter wheels with tires that are wider than some other models. During a break from attending an international independent living conference, I joined my daughter Leslie at the beach. The sand was Beach lover Madge Williams, pictured with her husband, Brent, and her late service dog, Tahoe, prefers the power beach chair options. A recent entry in her blog tells fairly compact, so I was able to roll about her positive experience renting one from beachpowerrentals.com in Gulf closer to the water where we could Shores, Alabama. Learn more at wisdomandfaith.com/beach-wheelchair-travel. talk while she enjoyed the sun.

40 NEW MOBILITY Most designs include some way to attach an umbrella. The versatile Hippocampe design from Vipamat allows for creative recreation.

Max Starkloff, co-founder along with hotel, he was severely overheated. For- Further up the coast, Bonnie Lewko- his wife, Colleen, of one of the first inde- tunately he survived that incident, but it wicz, founder and president of Access pendent living centers, Paraquad, in St. serves as an illustration of the potential Northern California, has created a project Louis, was a conference presenter. Like consequences of being stuck in sand in called Wheeling Cal’s Coast, which lists me, Max was also quadriplegic, but he the blazing sun. locations in the state where beach wheel- used an older power chair with narrower That all took place at a time before chairs are available to borrow. “The move- tires. Unbeknownst to Leslie or me, Max beach wheelchairs, with their wider tires, ment has grown relatively quickly, fueled attempted to join us at the beach but was were as available as they are today. Fortu- by recognition of a need, rather than the able to travel only a few yards off the nately, thanks to the urging of disability threat of a lawsuit or ADA complaint,” she paved sidewalk before his wheelchair be- advocates around the world, hundreds says. The Department of Justice has not came trapped in the sand. of public and private beaches now offer taken a position on beach wheelchairs, He was by himself, and no passerby beach wheelchairs to borrow. In some lo- so it’s unclear whether they are required offered to help. cations, private businesses that rent other by the ADA. “As more people continue to About 30 minutes later, Leslie hap- items for use by the vacationing public — witness the chairs rolling up and down pened to look back and saw Max sitting, like , beach umbrellas and lounge beaches, undoubtedly many other loca- immobile, with no one around him. She chairs — also include beach wheelchairs tions will make those devices available in was able to pull his chair loose from the in their inventory. the future.” sand and get him back to the sidewalk, Lewkowicz recalls the first time she but by the time Starkloff returned to the transferred into a beach wheelchair. “It California Wheelin’ was like when I was a child and first vis- In California alone, more than 100 beaches iting the seashore. The feeling was abso- now have beach wheelchairs available lutely exhilarating, and completely natu- that can be borrowed for the day ral,” she says. “I could easily maneuver or checked out by the hour, among the scattered beach towels and usually at no cost. Thanks to visit any part of the beach that I chose. the nonprofit Accessible San No one paid any attention to me, as beach Diego, San Diego County’s wheelchairs were a common sight on that beaches have several avail- beach and many others.” able. Longtime president Wes The variety of products manufactured Johnson takes pride in point- for beach use can meet the needs of most ing out that several of the anyone with a physical disability. There beach wheelchairs avail- are even walkers available equipped with able in the San Diego large balloon-type tires for rolling across area were the result sand and other loose surfaces. Strollers of a broader push for for infants, fitted with similar tires, are people with disabili- also available. Some vendors, like Dem- ties to enjoy and access ing Designs and Hotshot Products, offer the same features that parts or kits that will convert everyday make San Diego such a wheelchairs, strollers or walkers for use popular tourist destination. on the beach. Hotshot Products has a wide variety of designs that cater to every need. MARCH 2016 41 quadriplegia. They finished the first Designs By and For Wheelers prototype beach wheelchair for her use Many beach wheelchair companies are in 1994, and since then have branched small businesses that do not have huge out to sell a variety of other products. production facilities, but they share the Their De-Bug chairs, designed to be common goal of helping people with pushed by individuals rather than pow- physical disabilities enjoy time at the ered by a motor, can be used both on the beach. In some cases, they started in the sand and in the water. Dozens of beach- business simply because they had the es around the world have Deming prod- skill and saw a need. ucts available to borrow, and they have Hank Weseman, Jr., owner of Hotshot even been purchased by cruise lines for Products, became quadriplegic in 1992 use by passengers. after a horrendous crash that occurred Beach Powered Mobility is one of the while he was racing a drag boat at 140 companies that has Deming products miles per hour. Weseman was a talented and other beach wheelchairs available to mechanic prior to his accident, doing all rent. Owner Morris Padgett says the store of the work on the motorcycles and boats in Panama City Beach, Fla., rents and that he raced. He soon started seeking sells beach wheelchairs, along with at- ways to enhance beach mobility for him- tachable umbrellas. His interest in mak- self and others in his situation. Hotshot ing beach wheelchairs available started Products now sells power beach wheel- when a friend with ALS built a power chairs and related products and can even chair for his own use, and he witnessed convert customers’ older power chairs for the impact it had on his friend. use on the beach or off-road as well. Padgett started with two beach wheel- Mike Deming pushes his wife, Karen, in one Similarly, Deming Designs, of Pen- chairs. His fleet of rental chairs has now of the chairs they designed. The company sacola, Fla., was formed by Karen and grown to 20, with future expansion also offers self-propelled models. Mike Deming after Karen was injured planned. He touts the ability of the beach in a 1990 car accident that resulted in chairs to move across the fine “sugar

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42 NEW MOBILITY sand” found along the Gulf Coast that deserving individuals with a military causes even people who walk to sink in connection. This year the group will do- Alan Earl enjoys his Beach ‘N Wheelchair so several inches. “I was initially amazed at nate two beach wheelchairs and have es- much that he initiated a fundraising drive to how few people even knew beach wheel- tablished a GoFundMe account to cover build a fleet of beach chairs in North Carolina. chairs existed and had never used one,” future donations. Funds raised will pay Padgett says. “The amount of joy that for materials and Blaker will donate the first ride creates is very gratifying for me, labor to build the chairs. especially when I watch the reactions on Those donated wheelchairs can make the faces of kids.” a real difference in quality of life and can even inspire other individuals to “pay it forward.” When Alan Earl, a T6 para Semper Fi who works for the Paralyzed Veterans of The owner of Beach ‘N Wheelchairs of America, moved from Northern Virginia Foley, Ala., Chance Blaker, is a skilled to Carolina Beach, N.C., he looked for- mechanic who began by building bicycles ward to telecommuting and enjoying life when he was young. He then progressed by the ocean. Although he could watch to constructing electric bicycles and was the waves break on the shore from his eventually contacted by a friend from his condo unit, frustration soon set in when Marine Corps days who interested him he realized he could not get across the in building a powered beach wheelchair. sand to access the water. Since 2007, the Blaker household’s garage Friends in the veterans’ community has been occupied by wheelchairs in vari- shared Earl’s story with The Other Side ous stages of construction. Of The Dunes, and the decision was someone who believes you shouldn’t give Blaker has joined with Eric Wooten, a made to provide him with a chair. “The up, but instead you should just do it.” He friend from boot camp, to form The Oth- sense of freedom from rolling across the initiated a fundraising drive that result- er Side Of The Dunes, a nonprofit with sand is very exciting, and I realized that ed in the purchase of 12 manual beach a mission of donating powered beach others needed to have access to the same wheelchairs that are now available for wheelchairs to disabled veterans or other mobility,” says Earl. “I’ve always been loan at surrounding beaches.

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MARCH 2016 43 advance. Some of that demand may be fu- gaining some ‘traction,’ to use a pun,” she eled by the public finally recognizing that says. “At Innsbrook, Missouri, where we beach wheelchairs are a great way for peo- spend vacations, there is a new pool be- ple with all types of disabilities to enjoy a ing built with a ramped entry. The man- day at the beach with family and friends. agement told me they will also install a Some people are surprised to learn pool lift and purchase a beach wheelchair that many types of beach wheelchairs are to accommodate any people who want to solely for traveling over sand, and not for get into the pool and enjoy it.” entering the water. It may be obvious that If beach wheelchairs are not yet avail- Aqua Creek Products offers a variety of options water would damage electronic compo- able on your local beach, the following designed to get you in the water, including a nents on the powered models, but even resource list is a good place to begin mak- floating beach wheelchair. non-electric models are only designed to ing their availability a reality. roll across the beach, not serve as boats. Those that are designed to float, such as the Mobi-chair, Sand Rider and Water Sometimes They Float Wheels, make that feature clear with pho- Are there drawbacks to beach wheel- tos and descriptions on their websites. chairs? Of course, but they are relatively Most manual beach wheelchairs re- minor complaints. Some people may find quire someone to push, but Box Wheel- it difficult to perform independent trans- chairs is selling the Beach Bomber, a fers into the chairs, especially those mod- manual wheelchair equipped with wider els with seating in a low-slung position or tires and push rims for those who prefer wider protruding tires. A more common to power themselves across the sand. problem is there are just not enough of How much have things changed, them available, especially when beaches thanks to the push for equal access and are busy. Often they are available on a first the widespread availability of beach The Sand Rider offers customized accessories such come, first served basis, although in some wheelchairs? Quite a bit, says Colleen as comfort-fit armrests, multi-function cuphold- locations they can be reserved a day in Starkloff. “I am glad to see those chairs ers, parking brakes and wheelchair travel bags.

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44 NEW MOBILITY • Box Wheelchairs, 760/801-6399; www.boxwheelchairs.com/ #!beach-bomber/c1thn • Crosswind Concepts (Freedom Chair), 707/523-7535; www.crosswindconcepts. com • De-Bug Beach Wheelchairs, 850/478- 5765; www.beachwheelchair.com • Freedom Trax; www.freedomtrax.com • Global Extreme Mobility, 205/337-3911; www.facebook.com/global.extreme. mobility • Hippocampe, www.vipamat.com Hotshot Products, hotshotproducts.org A wheeler can push herself across sand with • Mobi-chair, 800/957-6287; Box Wheelchairs’ Beach Bomber manual chair. mobi-chair.com • Other Side of the Dunes, www. facebook.com/othersideofthedunes Resources • Sand Rider Custom Beach Wheel- • Accessible San Diego, 619/325-7550; chairs, 757/847-9338; www.custom access-sandiego.org beachwheelchair.com • Aqua Creek Products, 888/687-3552; • Water Wheels, 973/955-0514; www. aquacreekproducts.com/floatingbeach accessrec.com/waterwheels wheelchair • WheelEEZ Balloon Tires, 707/751- • Beach ‘N Wheelchairs, 251/978-8051; 3999; www.wheeleez.com/beach- Using different wheels, the Freedom Chair from www.beachnwheelchairs.com wheels-polyurethane.php Crosswind Concepts can be configured for • Beach Powered Mobility, 800/533-1168; • Wheeling Cal’s Coast, beach transport, emergency evacuation or oth- beachpoweredmobility.com/sales-2 www.wheelingcalscoast.org er uses — and it folds up and fits in a car trunk.

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The Dead Chair Game

By Kary Wright

Covering the joystick with plastic could have prevented the anxiety of a dead chair 1,000 miles from home. Friends and hairdryer to the rescue!

h-Oh,” I say in a scared voice great-day bubble bursts with the worst- nice little café that we spotted on the way — simple words that invoke case scenario. Murphy’s Law states that and were so looking forward to a hot cof- “Ucomplex fear. anything that can go wrong, will, and at fee and a great meal. Our innocent little “What?” replies my wife. the worst possible time. This dead chair trek to retrieve a geocache and get some “My chair quit.” situation certainly applies. There is nothing pictures of salmon spawning in the river “What do you mean, it quit?” like a little adversity to test and strengthen had just turned into a nightmare. “It just totally shut off. I think maybe it’s the bonds of a marriage. Ours ought to be Score: 1-0 Murphy. wet.” Panic sets in as I repeatedly click the really strong. “What do we do now?” my wife asks. switch to restart it. Let’s see. What would be stressful to a I put on my thinking cap, as I am a firm “It can’t just quit,” she says, inserting a couple? Maybe distance from home, reli- believer that there is always a solution. glimmer of hope. ance on equipment, a time limit, bad ter- “Call Sheila, see where the guys are. “It did, it won’t turn on.” I say, extin- rain or extreme weather. Maybe they can get us back to the boat.” guishing the glimmer. How about all of these? We are in We still have about three hours until “Maybe you hit the ‘off’ button?” Ketchikan, Alaska, thousands of miles we have to be back on board. That’s a Frustration mounts. from home. We are enjoying a Holland positive. One point for us. “No, I didn’t.” Dead stop. America Alaska Cruise, and of course we Terry makes the call — it turns out And then the conversation went south have no backup wheelchair with us. We Sheila’s husband Jim and his brother Rob from there. You get the idea. are over a mile away from the ship, up are bored with walking around town. This Most people with disabilities have a steep hill, with yours truly in a lifeless might be just the adventure that they need. experienced situations like this. Just when heavy electric wheelchair. It is pouring Score: Wrights 2, Murphy 1. you think this is one of the least desirable rain like I have never seen in my life, and “OK, they are on their way, now what?” places to have a breakdown, or you need we are cold, uncomfortable, drenched. “If you think you can hold my weight, to run to the bathroom, your having-a- We had just started to head back to a let’s put the chair in freewheel mode and

46 NEW MOBILITY get closer to the ship,” I say. optimist. “Let’s try it some more and see joystick. The rain situation was extreme. Terry puts my chair in freewheel mode, what happens.” Ketchikan gets about 155 inches a year! We we stick to the edge of the curb and head After another 15 minutes with the hair have never experienced this amount of rain down the steep hill. She has to work hard dryer on, Jim plugs the joystick back in. He and should have had the joystick covered. to hold my weight as there are no brakes, hesitantly reaches for the power switch, A potential holiday-ruining calam- but she does an amazing job. It is a little turns it on and — it lights up and beeps! ity was averted. I still carry the tools and stressful crossing the roads with vehicles “It worked! I’m back in business!” I’m spare parts everywhere. Many times we zooming up and down the narrow roads incredibly relieved. “Where’s that wine?” have had to sit and figure out how to fix a beside us, but soon we have made it down We win! Wright Team 4, Murphy 1. wheelchair, usually in some remote situa- to level ground. Why did my wheelchair get wet? Pilot tion where there is no outside help. There Terry texts with Sheila and relays our error. The on/off switch was missing its is always a solution. location to the guys. Soon Jim and Rob are rubber boot, allowing water to get into the Take that, Murphy! with us, throwing sick but funny sugges- tions and grinning as usual. The sarcastic bantering diffuses the tension and serious- ness of the situation. “So what do we do now?” asks Jim, tak- Do you Believe in Magic? ing a much-needed break from teasing. “Get us back on board the ship. Then we’ll worry about the chair.” Bowel & Bladder Basics are our Business! The guys switch off pushing every so often, block traffic, and zoom us back Urological Supplements Suppositories to the ship. Soon we are checked in and Cran Magic + ™ The Magic Bullet™ safely on board. We head up to the cafe- bladder, kidney & urinary health. safe & sure! Faster acting, teria to regroup and come up with a plan, water soluble suppositories. already feeling a lot safer now that we are on the ship. Mannose Magic™ Bowel Supplements Wright Team pulls ahead, 3-1. maintain a healthy urinary tract- flush “So now what?” asks Jim. away E.coli. Magic Cleanse™ promotes fuller movements “I think we go back to our room, take with greater ease the joystick apart, and put a hair dryer on (and less time). it to dry it out good,” I say, after pondering. I keep a set of Allen wrenches and screw- drivers in my backpack at all times, along Enzyme Magic™ with an assortment of screws and bolts better digestion= better elimi- that normally cause big problems when nation. they fall out. We finish our coffee and head to the room. It only takes Jim about five minutes and he has the joystick apart on the table. Water pours out of the screw holes! “I’ll be surprised if you didn’t fry it,” says Rob, a qualified electrician. “We’ll need to celebrate with a bottle of Mention This wine if it runs again!” I say. * Jim switches the hair dryer on and Ad and Receive blows it into the joystick for approximately 5% OFF 15 minutes. It starts to look dry. “Shall we plug it in and see what hap- pens?” he says, nervously. www.conceptsinconfidence.com “Let’s do it — only one way to find out.” Jim plugs in the joystick, we flip the 2500 Quantum Lakes Dr. #214 switch on, the screen lights up half bright, Boynton Beach, FL 33426 but the chair does not work. (800) 822-4050 “The screen lit up part way, I think *one time discount per customer that’s a good sign!” I say, the eternal


People tend to feel less empathy for those who experience the exact same trauma.

By Allen Rucker The Strange Case of Fightin’ Greg Abbott

t is a sad irony that the most don’t seem to exist, either. He clearly Abbott ain’t that cat. But why? powerful person in a wheelchair has bigger concerns, like putting up Since I don’t know him at all, I can only in America, Greg Abbott, current the “No Syrians Welcome Here” sign or guess. The simplest explanation is that governor of Texas, has seemingly ordering the National Guard to make in many cases a trauma like paralysis noI interest in advancing the rights or sure a bunch of hopped-up super doesn’t change a person much at all. opportunities for people with disabili- patriots in West Texas aren’t rounded The newly disabled people who seem ties. He is by all accounts a straight up by the U.S. Army on a training more sensitized to people with dis- shooter, but in the words of Jonathon mission and locked up in abandoned abilities probably had those same ten- Tilove, chief political correspon- Walmart stores. Not to get too glib, but dencies before their own injury. They dent for the Austin Statesman, “he there are about 3 million people with didn’t change as much as find a new is a conservative, free-market, Texas disabilities in Texas and only a rec hall focus for their compassion. Republican with all that entails.” If you full of free-range vigilantes, but maybe But there is another explanation for are of like mind, this is good news for I just don’t understand “Texas values.” the Abbotts of the world outlined in a you. If you are of any other political One instance where Abbott could recent New York Times article entitled persuasion to the left of Ted Cruz, or have acted on a disability issue “The Funny Thing About Adversity.” Ted Nugent, this whole Abbott thing occurred last May when a group of After laying out all the “more compas- is a head-scratcher. 15 or so activists, led by Bob Kafka of sionate” data, the authors note a glar- Abbott became a T12 para when, ADAPT of Texas, crowded into the gov- ing exception: People tend to feel less as a young law school graduate, he ernor’s reception room and refused empathy for those who experience was out jogging one day and part of a to leave until he addressed raising the the exact same trauma. The attitude is, giant oak tree fell on him and crushed base pay for home care attendants to “Hey, I got through it, so should you. his spine. He sped through rehab and a “livable” wage of $10 an hour. This is Don’t come crying to me, bud. Man up, kept going, sidestepping the usual a critical issue for those who depend for chrissakes.” In this case, disability depression and despair. After making on attendants to live independently. doesn’t soften hearts. It hardens them. a name for himself as the attorney The governor was out of the office at Has Abbott generalized this general who stood up for “Texas val- the time and made no comment about attitude toward all people with dis- ues,” he ran for governor as one tough the sit-in. Next! abilities, whether they have caregiver hombre with literally a spine of steel. At first blush, Abbott’s disregard needs or not? No government pro- He won in a landslide. for his disabled “brothers and sisters” gram or charity helped Abbott get At first, leaders in the Texas disabil- runs counter to the conventional wis- up off the floor and keep punching. ity community cut him considerable dom about a post-paralysis response. All it took was his spine of steel. Life slack. Hey, he’s a guy in a wheelchair Studies show that survivors are more is no different than boot camp. If in the front office. His very presence compassionate and more forgiving you can’t cut the mustard, sayonara, is good for us. He isn’t ashamed or towards others in the same straits. baby. No excuses. That’s the way the sensitive about his condition and is in They’ve been there. They know all world works. no way defined by it. For Texans, the about the pain, anguish, anger and Maybe John Wayne isn’t dead after wheelchair doesn’t exist. confusion. They’ve come out stronger all. He just landed in a wheelchair and For Greg Abbott, disability issues and want others to feel the same. came back as fightin’ Greg Abbott.



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Looking for a beach wheelchair YOU CAN TAKE IT WITH YOU! that will conquer the deep sand? Carry your phone, keys, personal items—even your iPad®, in these easy- to-access cases. No more bags in your lap or searching for lost items!

The HOLSTER Now your phone is always at hand: Swivel mount keeps it out of the way, and swings out life beyond wheels for easy access when a publication of United Spinal Association you need it. Don’t miss another call! Check out Sand Rider. Like Us The CADDY on Facebook! Lightweight, durable, Keep your wallet, papers—even your with quick – no tools iPad with you. Easy assembly, Easy to slide-out mount Join our growing Facebook transport. keeps it out of the way except when community to share SCI/D you need it. resources, tips and Take it along when you fly or sail. encouragement. You’ll also learn about upcoming stories and how you

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information. Full Name, Street Address, VACATIONS City, State & Zip Code are needed for Allergan: Actavis (NYSE:ACT) completed the Florida Keys! Accessible 2 /bedroom acquisition of Allergan, creating a unique, global both the old & the new address. Please Waterfront Home, Large Bathroom with company among the leaders in Growth Pharma. allow 6-8 weeks for this change to be www.Actavis.com and www.Allergan.com Roll-In Shower. Spectacular View, Resort processed. Please submit your request Amenities included. 561-627-1941. Astellas Pharmaceuticals, www.astellas.us, Silver electronically to: mkurtz@unitedspinal. 800/888-7704 www.placidaccess.com

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For more information on how you can support United or weddings www.vrbo.com/669234.... • All Paid Print Classifieds get a Spinal and become a business member, please contact 1 month FREE Web Classified 7,000 sq ft! 2 roll-in showers, all accessible! Megan Lee at [email protected] or 718/803-3782, ext. 7253. 1-866-727-7986 (toll-free) Online Only Rate: 1 month = $16 3 months = $36 Ocean-front condo, wheelchair friendly, Acknowledgements on our website, in New Mobility, in 6 months = $72 United Spinal e-news or any other United Spinal publica- 9 months = $108 sleeps six, pool, boardwalk to beach. Rents tion should not be considered as endorsements of any 12 months = $144 daily, weekly, monthly. St. Simons Is., GA. product or service. newmobility.com/classifieds [email protected] 419-569-6114.


PUSHLIVING.COM RESPONSE TO COSMOPOLITAN’S DATING ADVICE Although Pushliving.com gave the women’s magazine Cosmopolitan props for publishing an article with advice on dating women who use wheelchairs, they had a few suggestions for next time. Most jarringly, the mag used stock imagery of obviously nondisabled women in hospital-style chairs. Pushliving collected a few responses to that blooper: Kristy Goosman Hughes: My first impression was, what a stupid picture!” Kara Ayers: Ouch … this literally hurts to see. What year is it!? Tim Cox: HAHAHAHAHA! this might be my favorite picture ever. James Shoemaker: … really, a hospital transport chair? See the rest of Pushliving’s response, including excellent photos of real women who use wheelchairs, at pushliving.com/our-response-to-cosmos-advice-on-dating-a-woman-in-wheelchair/

#SAYTHEWORD Activist Lawrence Carter Long (@LCarterLong) sparked a hashtag revolution with this tweet: “Disabled.” #SayTheWord. On purpose. Often. Until and unless we do, they won’t. #NotDifferent #NotSpecial #Disabled Now the hashtag is popping up across social media platforms in response to presidential candidates, celebrities and others of note, dar- ing them to #SayTheWord disabled.

LEGO’S FIRST-EVER WHEELCHAIR USER Last spring, Rebecca Atkinson, a journalist with a hearing impairment from the United Kingdom, launched #ToyLikeMe, asking why can’t toy manufacturers include children with disabilities in their lines? And in late January, Lego answered with a young minifig wheelchair user. Part of the “Fun in the Park” set, it hits stores in July and is a marked improvement over Lego’s initial offering — an elderly wheelchair user in a hospital-style chair released as part of its Duplo line’s Commu- nity People Set. Atkinson, a mom, says she got the idea for the project when she took a good look at her family’s toy box. “Not one plastic figure had a wheelchair, or a hearing aid, a white cane or any kind of disabil- ity at all,” she said to www.volup2.com.



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