FEDERAL REGISTER 1934 ^ VOLUME 13 NUMBER 113 ^A Î/TEO ^ Washington, Thursday, June 10, 1948
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J ^ 0 N A L 4 ^ FEDERAL REGISTER 1934 ^ VOLUME 13 NUMBER 113 ^A î/TEO ^ Washington, Thursday, June 10, 1948 TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE § 821.4 Revised quotas for other areas. CONTENTS There are hereby established, pursuant Chapter VIII— Production and Market- to subsections (b) and (c) of section 202 Agriculture Department Pase ing Administration (Sugar Branch) of the act, for foreign countries for the Proposed rule making: calendar year 1948, the following quotas: Bartlett pears, fresh, plums, and [General Sugar Quota Regulations, Series 10, No. 1, Amdt. 2] Quotas in terms Elberta peaches in California. 3126 of short tons, Milk handling, Nashville, Tenn_ 3130 P art 821—S ugar Q uotas Area raw value Peaches in North and South Republic of the Philippines.— 982, 000 SUGAR QUOTAS FOR 1948 Carolina ; determination of C u b a__________________________ 1, 726, 200 referendum results________ 3131 By virtue of the authority vested in the Other Foreign Countries_______ 23,800 Tobacco, Burley, flue-cured, Secretary of Agriculture by the Sugar 2. Paragraph (a) of § 821.6 is changed fire-cured and dark air- Act of 1948 (61 Stat. 922) and the Admin to read: cured; establishment of to istrative Procedure Act (60 Stat. 237), § 821.6 Proration of quota for foreign bacco farm acreage allot General Sugar Quota Regulations, Series countries other than Cuba and the Re ments and normal yields, 10, No. 1 (13 F. R. 133), as amended public of the-Philippines—(a) Revised 1949-50_____________ 3126 (13 F. R. 1303), establishing sugar quotas Rules and regulations: for 1948, are hereby further amended as prorations. The quota for foreign coun tries other than Cuba and the Republic Potatoes, Irish, in Southeastern hereinafter set forth. States; limitation of ship Basis and purpose. The amendments of the Philippines is hereby prorated, pursuant to subsection (c) of section 202 ments___________________ 3112 herein are issued pursuant to the Sugar Sugar quotas, 1948__________ 3109 Act of 1948 and are made for the pur of the act, among such countries as follows : Alien Property, Office of pose of giving effect to the revision of Prorations in the determination of sugar consumption Country pounds, raw value Notices: requirements made by the Secretary of Belgium ___________ _____ 280,288 Vesting orders, etc.: Agriculture on May 26, 1948. Canada _____________ _____ 537,329 Costs and expenses incurred After setting forth quotas in specific China and Hongkong. 274, 389 in certain court actions: amounts for domestic sugar producing Czechoslovakia_____ 250,759 California___ ______;____ 3159 areas and the Republic of the Philippines, Dominican Republic. _____ 6, 350, 823 Connecticut____________ 3156 section 202 of the act provides that the Dutch East Indies___ ______ 201, 315 Delaware, Louisiana, Maine, G u a te m a la _____. ___ _____ 318,949 difference between the sum of such Haiti, Republic of___ !------- 877, 712 Maryland, New Hamp quotas and the consumption estimate H o n d u r a s __________ _____ 3, 269, 055 shire, Pennsylvania, shall be prorated to foreign countries M e x ic o ______________ -------- 5, 744, 545 Texas, and Rhode Island. 3144 other than the Republic of the Philip Netherlands_______ -------- 207,487 Massachusetts__________ 3154 pines on the basis of stated percentages. N ic a r a g u a __________ -------- 9, 734, 120 Michigan, California, Illi Since the Sugar Act makes the revision Peru ________________ _____ 10, 584, 673 of quotas a mere mathematical computa Salvador _____________ -------- 7, 817, 523 nois, Iowa, Indiana, tion, it is hereby determined and found United Kingdom ____ -------- 333,963 Michigan, Minnesota, V e n e z u e la _________ _ -------- 276,188 Ohio, and Wisconsin___ 3169 that compliance with the notice and pro Other Countries______ cedure requirements of the Administra _____ 40,882 New Jersey____________ 3151 tive Procedure Act is unnecessary. Fur Subtotal _________ ______ 47,100, 000 New Jersey, Illinois, Cali thermore, under section 202 of the Sugar Unallotted Reserve_____________ 500, 000 fornia, Massachusetts, Act, the Secretary of Agriculture is re Ohio, and Wisconsin___ 3143 quired promptly to revise existing quotas Total ____________________ 47,600,000 New York______________ 3145 whenever there is a change in the deter Statement of bases and considerations. Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ne mination of consumption requirements. The revised quotas for Cuba and “Other vada, Minnesota, and Accordingly, it is hereby found that com Foreign Countries” have been established New York____________ 3143 pliance with the 30-day effective date re by prorating the amount by which the Washington, Oregon, Ari quirement of the Administrative Proce revised estimate of consumption*xceeds dure Act is impracticable and contrary zona, Oklahoma, Colo the quotas for domestic areas and the rado, New Mexico, Mon to the public interest and the amend Philippines on the basis of 98.64 per ments made herein shall become effective tana, Utah, and Idaho__ 3166 centum to Cuba and 1.36 per centum to Dommerque, Franz J ______ 3172 on the date of their publication in the “Other Foreign Countries”, as provided F ederal R egister. Eickenberg, Carl__________ 3171 General Sugar Quota Regulations, Se in section 202 (c) of the act. In addi Hohn, Robert____________ 3171 ries 10, No. 1 (13 F. R. 133), as amended tion, as provided in section 202 (c), the Iseri, Isami, et al__________ 3141 (13 F. R. 1303), are hereby further revised quota for "Other Foreign Coun Koehnhorn, Mentzel, Witth, amended as follows: tries” has been prorated on the basis of Puchberger____________ 3172 1. Section 821.4 is changed to read: (Continued on p. 3111) Miyamoto, Saihachi_______ 3142 3109 3110 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Economic Cooperation Admin- Pa?e Interstate Commerce Commis- Page FEDEML|pEGISTER ¡strati on sion Rules and regulations: Notices: *&I*ITED’ Means of payment for procure Directives to furnish cars for ment; letter of commitment railroad coal supply: to banking institutions------- 3116 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co—__________________ 3140 Employees’ Compensation Bu Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Monongahela Railway Co— _ 3139 and days following official Federal holidays, reau New York Central Railroad by the Division of the Federal Register, the Rules and regulations: Co________________ -— 3140 National Archives, pursuant to the authority Compensation for disability and Pennsylvania Railroad Co----- 3139 contained in the Federal Register Act, ap death of noncitizens outside Western Allegheny Railroad proved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Co. (2 documents)-----3139,3140 amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula U. S_________________ «— . tions prescribed by the Administrative Com Delegation of authority to Chief Land Management, Bureau of mittee, approved by the President. Distribu of American mission for aid „..o Notices: tion is made only by the Superintendent of / to Greece________________ California; classification order. 3137 D ocum ents, Governm ent P rinting Office, Federal Communications Com Idaho; opening of public lands— 31X6 W ashington 25, D. C. The regulatory material appearing herein is mission National Park Service keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Proposed rule making: Rules and regulations: which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Procedure governing holding of Organization and procedure; to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as television hearings------------- 3133 ^ delegations of authority------ 3118 am ended June 19, 1947. The F ederal R egister will be furnished by Federal Power Commission Post Office Department mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Notices: Notices: per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad Hearings, etc.: International mails; gift parcels vance. The charge for individual copies 3139 to Greece----------- ----------- 3138 (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the California Electric Power Co_ size of the issue. Remit check or money Chicago District Pipeline Co_ 3138 Rules and regulations: order, made payable to the Superintendent Penn-York Natural Gas Corp_ 3138 General prohibitions and re- of Documents, directly to the Government Seattle---------------------------- 3138 strictions________________ 3118 P rinting Office, W ashington 25, D. C. Texas Eastern Transmission Gift parcels: There are no restrictions on the republica Corp----------- ---------------- 3138 Italy------------------------------- 3119 tion of material appearing in the F ederal Proposed rule making: Netherlands_____ ________ 3119 R egister. Annual charges prescribed for Mail service; Province of Shan licensees_________________ 3134 tung, China--------------------- 3118 Annual reports of electric utili Parcel post: ties and licensees; uniform India--- -------------------------- 3119 system of account's prescribed Kwangtung Province, China- 3118 1947 SUPPLEMENT for public utilities and licens Okinawa and Ryukyu Islands. 3119 ees_________________ _____ 3135 Turkey--------------------------- 3119 to the Parcels for foreign countries— 3118 CODE OF FEDERAL Food and Drug Administration Proposed rule making: Railroad Retirement Board REGULATIONS Flour, bromated and enriched Rules and regulations: Certificate of award of benefits The following books are now bromated; definitions and standards of identity---------- 3135 and contributions; procedure available. for issuance and determining Book 1: Titles 1 through 7, Geological Survey liability--------------------------