^ 0 N A L 4 ^ FEDERAL REGISTER 1934 ^ VOLUME 13 NUMBER 113 ^A î/TEO ^ Washington, Thursday, June 10, 1948

TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE § 821.4 Revised quotas for other areas. CONTENTS There are hereby established, pursuant Chapter VIII— Production and Market- to subsections (b) and (c) of section 202 Agriculture Department Pase ing Administration (Sugar Branch) of the act, for foreign countries for the Proposed rule making: calendar year 1948, the following quotas: Bartlett pears, fresh, plums, and [General Sugar Quota Regulations, Series 10, No. 1, Amdt. 2] Quotas in terms Elberta peaches in California. 3126 of short tons, Milk handling, Nashville, Tenn_ 3130 P art 821—S ugar Q uotas Area raw value Peaches in North and South Republic of the Philippines.— 982, 000 SUGAR QUOTAS FOR 1948 Carolina ; determination of C u b a______1, 726, 200 referendum results______3131 By virtue of the authority vested in the Other Foreign Countries______23,800 Tobacco, Burley, flue-cured, Secretary of Agriculture by the Sugar 2. Paragraph (a) of § 821.6 is changed fire-cured and dark air- Act of 1948 (61 Stat. 922) and the Admin­ to read: cured; establishment of to­ istrative Procedure Act (60 Stat. 237), § 821.6 Proration of quota for foreign bacco farm acreage allot­ General Sugar Quota Regulations, Series countries other than Cuba and the Re­ ments and normal yields, 10, No. 1 (13 F. R. 133), as amended public of the-Philippines—(a) Revised 1949-50______3126 (13 F. R. 1303), establishing sugar quotas Rules and regulations: for 1948, are hereby further amended as prorations. The quota for foreign coun­ tries other than Cuba and the Republic Potatoes, Irish, in Southeastern hereinafter set forth. States; limitation of ship­ Basis and purpose. The amendments of the Philippines is hereby prorated, pursuant to subsection (c) of section 202 ments______3112 herein are issued pursuant to the Sugar Sugar quotas, 1948______3109 Act of 1948 and are made for the pur­ of the act, among such countries as follows : Alien Property, Office of pose of giving effect to the revision of Prorations in the determination of sugar consumption Country pounds, raw value Notices: requirements made by the Secretary of Belgium ______280,288 Vesting orders, etc.: Agriculture on May 26, 1948. Canada ______537,329 Costs and expenses incurred After setting forth quotas in specific China and Hongkong. 274, 389 in certain court actions: amounts for domestic sugar producing Czechoslovakia_____ 250,759 California______;____ 3159 areas and the Republic of the Philippines, Dominican Republic. _____ 6, 350, 823 Connecticut______3156 section 202 of the act provides that the Dutch East Indies______201, 315 Delaware, Louisiana, Maine, G u a te m a la _____. ______318,949 difference between the sum of such Haiti, Republic of___ !------877, 712 Maryland, New Hamp­ quotas and the consumption estimate H o n d u r a s ______3, 269, 055 shire, Pennsylvania, shall be prorated to foreign countries M e x ic o ______------5, 744, 545 Texas, and Rhode Island. 3144 other than the Republic of the Philip­ Netherlands______------207,487 Massachusetts______3154 pines on the basis of stated percentages. N ic a r a g u a ______------9, 734, 120 Michigan, California, Illi­ Since the Sugar Act makes the revision Peru ______10, 584, 673 of quotas a mere mathematical computa­ Salvador ______------7, 817, 523 nois, Iowa, Indiana, tion, it is hereby determined and found United Kingdom ____ ------333,963 Michigan, Minnesota, V e n e z u e la ______------276,188 Ohio, and Wisconsin___ 3169 that compliance with the notice and pro­ Other Countries______cedure requirements of the Administra­ _____ 40,882 New Jersey______3151 tive Procedure Act is unnecessary. Fur­ Subtotal ______47,100, 000 New Jersey, Illinois, Cali­ thermore, under section 202 of the Sugar Unallotted Reserve______500, 000 fornia, Massachusetts, Act, the Secretary of Agriculture is re­ Ohio, and Wisconsin___ 3143 quired promptly to revise existing quotas Total ______47,600,000 New York______3145 whenever there is a change in the deter­ Statement of bases and considerations. Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ne­ mination of consumption requirements. The revised quotas for Cuba and “Other vada, Minnesota, and Accordingly, it is hereby found that com­ Foreign Countries” have been established New York______3143 pliance with the 30-day effective date re­ by prorating the amount by which the Washington, Oregon, Ari­ quirement of the Administrative Proce­ revised estimate of consumption*xceeds dure Act is impracticable and contrary zona, Oklahoma, Colo­ the quotas for domestic areas and the rado, New Mexico, Mon­ to the public interest and the amend­ Philippines on the basis of 98.64 per ments made herein shall become effective tana, Utah, and Idaho__ 3166 centum to Cuba and 1.36 per centum to Dommerque, Franz J ______3172 on the date of their publication in the “Other Foreign Countries”, as provided F ederal R egister. Eickenberg, Carl______3171 General Sugar Quota Regulations, Se­ in section 202 (c) of the act. In addi­ Hohn, Robert______3171 ries 10, No. 1 (13 F. R. 133), as amended tion, as provided in section 202 (c), the Iseri, Isami, et al______3141 (13 F. R. 1303), are hereby further revised quota for "Other Foreign Coun­ Koehnhorn, Mentzel, Witth, amended as follows: tries” has been prorated on the basis of Puchberger______3172 1. Section 821.4 is changed to read: (Continued on p. 3111) Miyamoto, Saihachi______3142 3109 3110 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Economic Cooperation Admin- Pa?e Interstate Commerce Commis- Page FEDEML|pEGISTER ¡strati on sion Rules and regulations: Notices: *&I*ITED’ Means of payment for procure­ Directives to furnish cars for ment; letter of commitment railroad coal supply: to banking institutions------3116 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co—______3140 Employees’ Compensation Bu­ Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Monongahela Railway Co— _ 3139 and days following official Federal holidays, reau New York Central Railroad by the Division of the Federal Register, the Rules and regulations: Co______-— 3140 National Archives, pursuant to the authority Compensation for disability and Pennsylvania Railroad Co----- 3139 contained in the Federal Register Act, ap­ death of noncitizens outside Western Allegheny Railroad proved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Co. (2 documents)-----3139,3140 amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ U. S______«— . tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Delegation of authority to Chief Land Management, Bureau of mittee, approved by the President. Distribu­ of American mission for aid „..o Notices: tion is made only by the Superintendent of / to Greece______California; classification order. 3137 D ocum ents, Governm ent P rinting Office, Federal Communications Com­ Idaho; opening of public lands— 31X6 W ashington 25, D. C. The regulatory material appearing herein is mission National Park Service keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Proposed rule making: Rules and regulations: which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Procedure governing holding of Organization and procedure; to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as television hearings------3133 ^ delegations of authority------3118 am ended June 19, 1947. The F ederal R egister will be furnished by Federal Power Commission Post Office Department mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Notices: Notices: per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Hearings, etc.: International mails; gift parcels vance. The charge for individual copies 3139 to Greece------3138 (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the California Electric Power Co_ size of the issue. Remit check or money Chicago District Pipeline Co_ 3138 Rules and regulations: order, made payable to the Superintendent Penn-York Natural Gas Corp_ 3138 General prohibitions and re- of Documents, directly to the Government Seattle------3138 strictions______3118 P rinting Office, W ashington 25, D. C. Texas Eastern Transmission Gift parcels: There are no restrictions on the republica­ Corp------3138 Italy------3119 tion of material appearing in the F ederal Proposed rule making: Netherlands______3119 R egister. Annual charges prescribed for Mail service; Province of Shan­ licensees______3134 tung, China------3118 Annual reports of electric utili­ Parcel post: ties and licensees; uniform India------3119 system of account's prescribed Kwangtung Province, China- 3118 1947 SUPPLEMENT for public utilities and licens­ Okinawa and Ryukyu Islands. 3119 ees______3135 Turkey------3119 to the Parcels for foreign countries— 3118 CODE OF FEDERAL Food and Drug Administration Proposed rule making: Railroad Retirement Board REGULATIONS Flour, bromated and enriched Rules and regulations: Certificate of award of benefits The following books are now bromated; definitions and standards of identity------3135 and contributions; procedure available. for issuance and determining Book 1: Titles 1 through 7, Geological Survey liability------3115 including, in Title 3, Presiden­ Rules and regulations: Securities and Exchange Com­ tial documents in full text with Definitions of known geologic mission appropriate reference tables and structures of producing oil and gas fields: New Mexico Notices : index. and Wyoming------3117 Hearings, etc.: Book 2: Titles 8 through 17. Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul Book 3: Titles 18 through 30. Housing Expediter, Office of & Pacific Railroad Co. (2 Rules and regulations: documents)______3140, 3141 These books may be obtained from the Rent, controlled: Providentia, Ltd. et al------3140 Superintendent of Documents, Government Housing (2 documents)---- — 3116 Wage and Hour Division Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C., at Rooms in rooming houses and Proposed rule making: $3.50 per copy. . other establishments (2 doc­ A limited sales stock of the 1946 Sup­ Railroad, railway express, and plement (6 books) is still available at uments)______3116,3117 property motor transport in­ $3.50 a book. Interior Department dustry in Puerto Rico; recom­ See also Geological Survey; Land mendations for minimum Management, Bureau of; Na­ wage rates------3132 tional Park Service. CONTENTS— Continued Rules and regulations: CODIFICATION GUIDE Delegation of authority to Na- A numerical list óf the parts of the Code Civil Aeronautics Board Page tional Park Service------3119 of Federal Regulations affected by documents Proposed rule making; published in this issue. Proposed rules, as Boeing 377 aircraft; authoriza­ Internal Revenue Bureau opposed to final actions, are identified as tion for operation in cargo Proposed rule making; 6UCh. and mail service under provi­ Distilled spirits and wines, draw­ sions of experimental air- back______3120 Title 7— Agriculture Page worthiness certificate------3133 Distilled spirits in bond, bot­ Chapter VII—Production and tling ______3121 Marketing Administration Customs Bureau Malt liquor, fermented—------3121 (Agricultural Adjustment) : Rules and regulations: Stills and distilling apparatus— 3120 Part 725—Burley and flue- Documentation of vessels; re­ Rules and regulations: cured tobacco (proposed)— 3126 cording of bills of sale and Gauging manual; miscellaneous Part 726—Fire-cured and dark mortgages______:______3112 amendments______- — 3117 air-cured tobacco (proposed) - 3126 Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3111

CODIFICATION GUIDE— Con. CODIFICATION GUIDE— Con. CODIFICATION GUIDE— Con. Title 7— Agriculture— Con. Pa®e Title 21— Food and Drugs Page Title 30-—Mineral Resources Pase Chapter VIII—Production and Chapter I—Food and Drug Admin­ Chapter II—Geological Survey, Marketing Administration istration, Federal Security Department of the Interior: (Sugar Branch) : Agency: Part 227—Definitions of known Part 821—Sugar quotas ___ 3109 Part 15—Cereal flours and re­ geologic structures of produc­ Chapter IX—Production and Mar­ lated products; definitions ing oil and gas fields—____ 3117 keting Administration (Mar­ and standards of identity Title 36— Parks and Forests keting Agreements and Or­ (proposed)------3135 Chapter I—National Park Service, ders) : ‘ Title 22— Foreign Relations Department of the Interior: Part 936—Fresh Bartlett pears, Chapter III—Economic, Coopera­ Part 01—Organization and pro­ plums, and Elberta peaches tion Administration : cedure ------3118 grown in California (prö- Part 1111—Means of payment Title 39-— Postal Service posed)______3126 for procurement____;------3116 Part 978—Milk in Nashville, Chapter I—Post Office Depart­ Tenn., marketing area (pro­ Title 24— Housing Credit ment: posed) •______3130 Chapter VIII—Office of Housing Part 127—International postal Part 981—Irish potatoes grown Expediter: service: postage rates, service in southeastern States_____ 3112 Part 825—Rent regulations un­ available, and instructions for Part 982—Peaches grown in der the Housing and Rent Act mailing (9 documents)—.3118,3119 North and -South Carolina of 1947, as amended (4 docu­ Title 43— Public Lands: Interior ' (proposed)______3131 ments) ______3116,3117 Subtitle A—Office of the Secretary Title 26— Internal Revenue of the Interior: Title 14— Civil Aviation Chapter I—Bureau of Internal Part 4—Delegations of author­ Chapter I — Civil Aeronautics Revenue, Department of the ity------3119 Board: Treasury : Title 47-—Telecommunication Part 40—Air carrier operating Part 176—Drawback on distilled certification (proposed)------3133 spirits and wines (proposed) _ 3120 Chapter I—Federal Communica­ Part 41—Certification and op­ Part 181—Stills and distilling tions Commission: eration rules for. scheduled apparatus (proposed)---- -— 3120 Part 3—Radio broadcast serv­ 'air carrier operations out­ Part 186—Gauging manual----- 3117 ices (proposed)------— 3133 side continental limits of the Part 188—Bottling of distilled (proposed) ___ 3133 spirits in bond (proposed)— 3121 Part 42—Nonscheduled air car­ the prorations of such quota in effect for Part 192—Fermented malt liq­ the calendar year 1937. rier certification and opera­ uors (proposed)______3121 tion rules (proposed)------3133 After giving effect to the changes set Part 43 — General operation Title 29— Labor forth in General Sugar Quota Regula­ rules (proposed)______3133 Chapter V—Wage and Hour Divi­ tions, Series 10, No. 1, and Amendments Part 61—Scheduled air carrier sion, Department of Labor: 1 and 2 thereto, the current sugar quotas, rules (proposed)_____ .---- 3133 Part 692—Minimum wage rates in terms of short tons, raw value, for in the railroad, railway ex­ the several domestic sugar producing Title 18— Conservation of Power press, and property motor areas, Cuba, the Republic of the Philip­ Chapter I—Federal Power Com- transport industry in Puerto pines, and “Other Foreign Countries” . mission : Rico (proposed)______3132 are as follows: Part 11—Annual charges (pro­ posed) ______3134 Proration of Proration of deficit in deficit in Adjusted Part 101—Uniform system of Production area Basic quota quota for quota for quota accounts prescribed for Class Hawaii Philippines A and Class B public utilities and licensees (proposed)___ 3135 Domestic beet______1,800,000 47,738 1,847,738 Mainland cane...... 500.000 13,260 513,260 Part 131—Forms, Federal Power Hawaii1______1,052,000 « (152,000) 900.000 Act. (proposed)______3134 Puerto Rico8...... 910.000 24,134 934,134 Virgin Islands...... 6,000 159 6,159 Part 141—Statements and re­ Philippines8------; 982.000 «1692,000) 290.000 ports (schedules), Federal Cuba4...... ------...... 1,726, 200 66,709 *657, 400 2,450,309 Power Act (proposed)--- .----- 3135 Foreign countries: * Belgium...... 140.1 198.5 338.6 Canada...... — 268.7 380. 5 649.2 Title 19— Customs Duties China and Hongkong. 137.2 194.3 331.5 ...... 125.4 177.6 303.0 Chapter I—Bureau of Customs, Dominican Republic. 3,175.4 4,496. 8 7,672.2 Department of the Treasury : Dutch East Indies__ 100.7 142.5 243.2 Part 3—Documentation of ves­ Guatemala...... 159.5 225.8 385.3 Haiti, Republic of___ 438.8 621.5 1,060.3 sels______»3112 Honduras____ t ____ 1,634. 5 2,314. 7 ' 3,949.2 Mexico.______2,872.3 4,067. 5 6,939.8 Title 20— Employees’ Benefits Netherlands..______103.7 146.9 250.6 Nicaragua...... 4,867.1 6,892.4 11,759.5 Chapter I—Bureau of Employ­ 'Peru______5,292.3 7,494. 7 12,787.0 ment Compensation, Federal Salvador______3,908.8 5, 535. 3 9,444.1 United Kingdom___ 167.0 236.5 403.5 Security Agency: Venezuela...... 138.1 195.6 333.7 Part 04—Delegations of author­ Other Countries...... 20.4 28.9 49.3 ity______-______~ 3112 23,550.0 33,350. 0 56,900.0 Part 25—Compensation for dis­ Unallotted. 250.0 1,250.0 1,500.0 ability and death of non-citi­ 23,800.0 34,600.0 68,400.0 zens outside the United Subtotal. States______3112 Total.... 7,000,000.0 7,000,000.0 Chapter II—Railroad Retirement Board: i Of Hawaii’s adjusted quota, 29,616 tons may be direct-consumption sugar. * Of Puerto Rico’s adjusted quota, 126,033 tons may be direct-consumption sugar. Part 319—Procedure for issu­ 8 Of the Philippine’s adjusted quota, 59,920 tons may be direct-consumption sugar. ance of certificate of award of «Of Cuba’s total adjusted quota, 375,000 tons may be direct-consumption sugar. 8 Original quotas for “All other foreign countries” may be filled with direct-consumption or with raw sugars. benefits and for determining Prorations of the Philippine d®cit to-“all other foreign countries” may be filled only with raw sugar. liability for contributions___. 3115 • Deduct this amount from original quota.

/ S / 3112 RULES AND REGULATIONS y (Secs. 202,403, Pub. taw 388,80th Cong.; or a total of 5 percent, may be seriously (7) Chief of the American Mission for 61 Stat. 922) damaged, including-not more than 1 Aid to Greece in Greece. percent for soft rot or wet breakdown: (Sec. 42, 39 Stat. 750, 56 Stat. 725, sec. 4, Done at Washington, D. C., this 4th Provided, That as recommended by the day of June 1948. Witness my hand and Southeastern Potato Committee pursu­ 59 Stat. 503; 5 U. S. C. 793; sec. 3, Reorg. the seal of the Department of Agricul­ ant to § 981.6 (c), there shall be no limi­ Plan No. 2 of 1946; 11 F. R. 7873, 3 CFR, ture. tation of the shipment of potatoes for 1946 Supp., Ch. IV) [seal] C harles P . B r annan, export, except that the aforesaid com­ Dated: June 3, 1948. Secretary. mittee may prescribe appropriate pro­ [seal] J ew ell W. S w offord, [F. R. Doc. 48-5161; Filed, June 9, 1948; cedures applicable to such shipments for Commissioner for Special Services. 8:51 a. m.] export as provided by § 981.6 (c) of Order No. 81. Approved: June 4, 1948, (3) As used in this section the terms O scar R . E w in g , “handler”, “ship”, and “export,” shall Federal Security Administrator. Chapter IX— Production and Mar­ have the same meaning as when used in Marketing Order No. 81. (48 Stat. 31, [F. R. Doc. 48-5170; Filed, June 9, 1948; keting Administration (Marketing 670, 675; 49 Stat. 750; 50 Stat. 246; 61 8:52 a. m.] Agreements and Orders) Sta$. 202, 707; 7 U. S. C. 601 et seq.; 13 F. R. 2709) P art 981—I rish P otatoes G row n in S outheastern S tates Done at Washington, D. C., this 8th Subchapter A— United States Employees’ Compensation Act LIMITATION OF SHIPMENTS day of June 1948. P art 25—Compensation for D isa bility § 981.302 Potatoes; limitation of ship­ [seal] M. W. BAk er, ments, Southeastern States; Regulation Acting Director, Fruit and Veg­ and D eath of N o n -C itizen s O utside 2—(a) Findings. (1) Pursuant to the etable Branch, Production and the U nited S tates marketing agreement and Order No. 81 Marketing Administration. Part 25 of Subchapter A of this chap­ (13 P. R. 2709) regulating the handling of [F. R. Doc. 48-5277; Filed, June 9, 1948; ter, is hereby amended by deleting the potatoes grown in the Southeastern 11:47 a. m.] contents thereof, and by substituting the States production area, effective under following therefor: the applicable provisions of the Agricul. SUBPART A--- GENERAL PROVISIONS turai Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, TITLE 19— CUSTOMS DUTIES Sec. as amended, and upon the basis of the 25.1 General statement. recommendation and information sub­ Chapter I— Bureau of Customs, 25.2 General adoption of local law. mitted by the Southeastern Potato Com­ Department of the Treasury 25.3 General provisions relating to special schedule. ^ mittee, established under the said mar­ [T. D. 51934] keting agreement and said order, and 25.4 Authority to settle and pay claims. upon other available information, it is P art 3— D ocumentation of Vessels SUBPART B----SPECIAL SCHEDULE OP hereby found that the limitation of ship­ RECORDING OF BILLS OF SALE AND MORTGAGES COMPENSATION ments of such potatoes as hereinafter Section 3.33 (a), Customs Regulations 25.11 Compensation for disability. provided will tend to effectuate the de­ 25.12 Compensation for death. of 1943 (19 CFR, Cum. Supp., 3.33 (a)), 25.13 General provisions. clared policy of the act. is amended by inserting before the period (2) It is hereby further found that at the end thereof a comma and the fol­ SUBPART C--- EXTENSIONS OP SPECIAL SCHEDULE OP compliance with the preliminary notice lowing: “or any other official thereof COMPENSATION and public rule-making procedure re­ duly authorized by such corporation to 25.21 Philippine Islands. quirements and the 30-day effective date execute any such declaration”. 25.22 Australia. requirement of the Administrative Pro- 25.23 N on-citizen em ployees of Office of cedurê Act (60 Stat. 237; 5 U. S. C. 1001 (R. S. 161, sec. 2, 23 Stat. 118, sec. 4, 40 Strategic Services and Strategic et seq.) is impracticable, unnecessary, Stat. 902; Pub. Law 518, 80th Cong.; 5 Services Unit. and contrary to the public interest in U. S. C. 22, 46 U. S. C. 2, 838; sec. 102, Authority: §§ 25.1 to 25.23, inclusive, is­ that the time intervening between the Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1946; 11 F. R. 7875, sued undef section 42, 39 Stat. 750, as date when information upon which this 3 CFR, 1946 Supp., ch. IV) amended; U. S. C. 793, sec. 3, Reorg. Plan 2 of 194b, 11 F. R. 7873, 3 CFR, 1946, Supp., section is based became available and the - [ seal] F rank Dow, time when this section must become ef­ Acting Commissioner of Customs. Ch. IV. ’ ■... fective in order to effectuate the de­ SUBÎART A— GENERAL PROVISIONS clared policy dt the Agricultural Market­ Approved: June 3, 1948. § 25.1 General statement. The pro­ ing Agreement Act of 1937, as amended, E. H. F oley, Jr., is insufficient for such compliance. This Acting Secretary of the Treasury. visions of this part shall apply in respect order relieves some of the restrictions to compensation, under the United States on potato shipments from the South­ [F. R. Doc. 48-5200; Filed, June 9, 1948; Employees’ Compensation Act, payable eastern States Production Area imposed 8:58 a. m.] only to employees of the United States by the provisions in § 981.301 (13 P. R. who are neither citizens nor residents of 2965) which is hereinafter terminated. the»» United States, any Territory, or (b) Order. (1) The provisions of TITLE 20— EMPLOYEES’ Canada, or payable to any dependents of § 981.301 are hereby terminated as of BENEFITS such employees. It has previously been the effective date of this section. determined, pursuant to section 42 of (2) During the period beginning June Chapter I— Bureau of Employees' such act, that the amount of compensa­ 8, 1948, and ending 12:01 a. m., e. s. t., Compensation, Federal Security tion, as provided under such act, is sub­ August 15, 1948, no handler shall ship Agency stantially disproportionate to the com­ any potatoes grown in the Southeastern pensation for disability or death which is States production area unless such po­ P art 04—D elegations of Authority payable in similar cases under local law, tatoes meet the requirements of U. S. regulation, custom, or otherwise, in areas CHIEF OF AMERICAN MISSION FOR AID TO outside the United States, any Territory, No. 1 grade, as such grade is defined GREECE in the United States Standards for Po­ or Canada. Therefore, in respect to tatoes (12 F. R. 3651), except that the Paragraph *(b) of § 04.11, Subpart B cases of such employees whose injury, (or tolerances for defects for the aforesaid of this chapter, is hereby amended by injury resulting in death) has occurred U. S. No. 1 grade shall be, for purposes adding thereto the following new sub- subsequent to December 7, 1941, or may of determining whether such potatoes paragraph: occur, the following provisions shall be may be shipped hereunder, as follows: § 04.11 Delegations of authority. applicable. not more than 15 percent may be dam­ * * * - § 25.2 General adoption of local law. aged, of which not to exceed one-third, (b) * * * (a) Pursuant to the provisions of section Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3113 42 of such act, the benefit features of tion or other facts, or questions of law. to the loss of use of the hand or foot . local workmen’s compensation laws, or The Director shall, in administrative in­ occasioned thereby, but shall not exceed provisions in the nature of workmen’s structions to the particular representa­ the compensation for the loss of a hand compensation, in effect in the areas re­ tive concerned, establish such procedures or a foot. ferred to in § 25.1, shall, effective as of in respect to action under this section as (18) Total loss of use: Compensation December 7,1941, by adoption and adap­ may be deemed necessary, and may spec­ for permanent total loss of use of a tation, as recognized by the Director, ify the scope of any administrative member shall be the same as for loss of Bureau of Employees’ Compensation, ap­ review of such action. the member. ply in the cases of the employees specified (19) Partial loss or partial loss of use: in §25.1; Provided however, That there SUBPART B— SPECIAL SCHEDULE OF COMPENSATION Compensation for permanent partial is not established and promulgated under loss or loss of use of a member may be this part, for the particular locality, or § 25.11 Compensation for disability. for proportionate loss of use of the for a class of employees in the particular Compensation for disability shall be paid member. locality, a special schedule of compen­ to the employee as follows: (20) Consecutive awards: In any case sation for injury or death. (a) Permanent total disability. In in which there shall be a loss or loss (b) The benefit provisions as thus case of disability, total in character and of use of more than one member or adopted or adapted are those dealing permanent in quality, 66% per centum parts of more than one member, set with the money payments for injury and of the monthly pay during the continu­ forth in subparagraphs (1) to (19), in­ death (including provisions dealing with ance of such disability. clusive, of this- paragraph but not medical, surgical,« hospital and similar (b) Temporary total disability. In amounting to permanent total disability, treatment and care), as well as those case of disability, total in character and the award of compensation shall be for dealing with services and purposes form­ temporary in quality*, 66% per centum the loss or loss of use of each such mem­ ing an integral part of the local plan, of the monthly pay during the continu­ ber or part thereof, which awards shall provided they are of a kind or character ance of such disability. run consecutively, except that where the similar to services and purposes author­ (c) Permanent partial disability. In injury affects only two or more digits of ized by the Employees’ Compensation case of disability, partial in character and the same hand or foot, subparagraph Act. Procedural provisions, designations permanent in quality, 66% per centum (17) of this paragraph shall apply. of classes of beneficiaries in death cases, of the monthly pay, for the following (21) Other cases: In all other cases limitations (except those affecting losses and periods: within this class of disability the com­ amounts of benefit payments), and any (1) Arm lost, 280 weeks’ compensa­ pensation during the continuance of dis­ other provisions not directly affecting the tion. ability shall be that proportion of com­ amounts of the benefit payments, in such (2) Leg lost, 248 weeks’ compensa­ pensation for permanent total disability, local plans, shall not apply, but in lieu tion. as determined under paragraph (a) of thereof the pertinent provisions of the (3) Hand lost, 212 weeks’ compensa­ this section, which is equal in percentage Employees’ Compensation Act shall ap­ tion. to the degree or percentage of physical ply, unless modified by further specifica­ (4) Foot lost, 173 weeks’ compensa­ impairment caused by the disability. tion in this section. tion. (22) Compensation under * subpara­ (c) Compensation in all cases of such (5) Eye lost, 140 weeks’ compensa­ graph (1) to (21), inclusive, of this employees paid and closed prior to the tion. paragraph for permanent partial dis­ effective date of the regulations in this (6) Thumb lost, 51 weeks’ compensa­ ability, shall be in addition to any com­ part shall be deemed compromised and tion. pensation for temporary total or tem- paid under section 42 of such act; in all (7) First finger lost, 28 weeks’ com­ PJÿ’aty partial disability under this sec­ other cases compensation mays be ad­ pensation. v tion, and awards for temporary total, justed to conform with the regulations (8) Great toe lost, 26 weeks’ compen­ temporary partial, and permanent par­ in this part, or the beneficiary may by sation. tial disability shall run consecutively. compromise or agreement with the Bu­ (9) Second finger lost, 18 weeks’ com­ (d) Temporary partial disability. In reau have compensation continued on pensation. case of disability, partial in character the basis of a previous adjustment of the (10) Third finger lost, 17 weeks’ com­ and temporary in quality, during the claim. pensation. continuance pf disability that propor­ § 25.3 General provisions relating to (11) Toe, other than grefctf toe, lost, tion of compensation for temporary total special schedule. The special schedule 8 weeks’ compensation. disability, as determined under para­ established by Subpart B of this part is (12) Fourth finger lost, 7 weeks’ com­ graph (b) of this section, which is equal intended as the vehicle of general basic pensation. in percentage to the degree or percent­ provisions, to be adapted, with such mod­ (13) Loss of hearing: One ear, 52 age of physical impairment ^caused by weeks’ compensation; both ears, 200 the disability. ifications as may be necessary, and as weeks’ compensation. local conditions outside the United States (14) Phalanges: Compensation for § 25.12 Compensation for death. If require. The application of this special loss of more than one phalanx of a digit the disability causes death the compen­ schedule will be by specific and appro­ shall be the same as for the loss of the sation shall be payable in the amount, priate provision in the regulations in this entire digit. Compensation for loss of and to or for the benefit of the persons, part, such provision specifying the local­ the first phalanx shall be one-half of the determined as follows: ity to which applied, and the particular compensation for the loss of the entire (a) To the undertaker or person en- - modifications of or additions to the digit. titled to reimbursement, reasonable fu­ schedule, as may be made. (15) Amputated arm or leg: Compen­ neral expenses not exceeding $200. § 25.4 Authority to settle and pay sation for an arm or a leg, if amputated (b) To the widow, if there is no child, claims. In addition to the authority to at or above the elbow or the knee, shall 35 per centum of the monthly pay until receive, process and pay claims, when be the same as for the loss of the arm her death or remarriage. delegated in § 04.11, such representative or leg; but, if amputated between the (c) To the widower, if there is no or agency receiving delegation of author­ child and if wholly dependent for sup­ elbow and the wrist, or between the knee port upon the deceased employee at the ity by such § 04.11, shall, in respect to and the ankle, the compensation shall be time of her death, 35 per centum of the cases adjudicated under this part, and the same as for the loss of the hand or monthly pay until his death or-remar­ when so authorized by the Director, have the foot. ' ‘ riage. authority (a) to make lump sum awards (16) Binocular visfon or per centum (d) To the widow or widower, if there (in the manner prescribed by section 14 of vision: Compensation for loss of is a child, the compensatiqn payable un­ of such act) whenever such authorized binocular vision, or for 80 per centum der paragraph (b) or (c) of this section, representative shall deem such settle­ or more of the.vision of an eye shall be and in addition thereto 10 per centum ment to be for the best interest of the the same as for loss of the eye. of the monthly wage for each child, not United States, and (b) to compromise (17) Two or more digits: Compensa­ to exceed a total of 66% per centum for and pay claims for any benefits provided tion for loss of two or more digits, one such widow or widower and children. If for under this part, including claims in or more phalanges of two or more digits, a child has a guardian other than the which there is a dispute as to jurisdic­ of a hand or foot may be proportioned surviving widow or widower, the com- 3114 RULES AND REGULATIONS pensation payable on account of such (i) Upon the cessation of any person's on and from such date. Compensation child shall be paid to such guardian. The compensation for death under this sub­ in all cases pending as of July 15, 1946, compensation of any child shall cease part, the compensation of any remain­ shall be readjusted accordingly, with when he dies, marries, or reaches the age ing person entitled to the continuation credit taken in the amount of compen­ of 18 years, or if over such age, and in­ of compensation in the same case shall sation paid prior to such date. Refund capable of self-support, becomes capable be adjusted, so that the continuing com­ of compensation shall not be required if of self-support. pensation shall be at the same rate such the amount of compensation paid in any (e) To the children, if there is no person would have received, had no case, otherwise than through fraud, mis­ jyidow or widower, 25 per centum of such award been made to the person whose representation, or mistake, and prior to monthly pay for one child and 10 per compensation was terminated. July 15, 1946, exceeds the amount pro­ centum thereof for each additional child, (j) In case there are two or more vided fdr under this section; and such not to exceed a total of 66% per centum classes of persons entitled to compensa­ case shall be deemed compromised and thereof, divided among such children tion for death under this subpart, and paid under section 42 of such act of share and share alike. The compensa­ the apportionment of such compensa­ September 7,1916, as amended. tion of each child shall be paid until he tion as above provided would result in (b) The total aggregate compensation dies, marries, or reaches the age of 18, injustice, the Bureau may in its discre­ payable in any case under paragraph (a) or if over such age, and incapable of tion modify the apportionments to meet of this section, for injury or death or self-support, becomes capable of self- the requirements of the case. both, shall not exceed the sum of $4,000, support. The compensation of a child exclusive of medical costs. The maxi­ under legal age shall be paid to its guard­ § 25.13 General provisions, (a) The mum monthly rat^ of compensation in definitions of terms in the Employees’ any case shall not exceed the subi of ian, if there is one, otherwise to the per­ Compensation Act of September 7, 1916, son having the custody or care of such as amended, shall apply to terms used in $50. child, for such child, as the Bureau in this subpart. § 25.23 Non-citizen employees of Of­ its discretion shall determine. (b) The provisions of such act unless fice of Strategic Services and Strategic (f) To the parents, if one is wholly modified by this subpart, or unless other­ Services Unit, (a) The special schedule dependent for support upon the deceased wise inapplicable, shall be applied when­ of compensation established by Subpart employee at the time of his death and ever possible in the application of this B of this part shall apply, with the modi­ the other is not dependent to any extent, subpart. fications or additions specified in par­ 25 per centum of such monthly pay; if (c) The provisions of the regulations agraph (b) of this section, to non­ both are wholly dependent, 20 per centum of the Bureau for the administration of citizen and non-resident employees of the thereof to each; if one is or both are such act of September 7,1916, as amend­ Office of Strategic Services and Strategic partly dependent, a proportionate ed (Code of Federal Regulations, Title Services Unit, War Department, as of amount in the discretion of the Bureau. 20, Chapter I, Subchapter A), as sup­ December 7, 1941, and shall be applied The compensation to a parent or parents plemented from time to time by instruc­ retrospectively, in cases of injury (or in the percentages specified shall be paid tions applicable to this subpart, shall death from injury) occurring on or after if there is no widow, widower, or child, apply in the administration -of compen­ such date. Compensation in all cases but if there is a widow, widower, or child, sation under this subpart, whenever they pending December 1,1947, shall be read­ there shall be paid so much of such per­ can reasonably be applied. justed accordingly, with credit taken in centages for a parent or parents, as, any amount of compensation paid prior when added to the total of the percent­ SUBPART C—EXTENSIONS OF SPECIAL to such date. Refund of compensation ages of the widow, widower, and children, \ SCHEDULE OF COMPENSATION shall not be required if the amount of will not exceed a total of 66% per centum § 25.21 Philippine Islands, (a) The compensation paid in any case, otherwise of such pay. • / special schedule of compensation estab­ than through fraud, misrepresentation, (g) To the brothers, sisters, grand­ lished by Subpart B of this part shall or mistake, and prior to December 1, parents, and grandchildren, if one is apply, with the modifications or addi­ 1947, exceeds the amount provided for wholly dependent upon the deceased em­ tions specified in paragraph (b) of this under this section; and such case shall ployee for support at the time of his section, as of December 8, 1941, in the be deemed compromised and paid under death, 20 per centum of such pay to such Philippine Islands, and shall be applied section 42 of such act of September 7, dependent; if more than one are wholly retrospectively in cases of injury (or 1916, as amended. dependent, 30 per centum of such pay, death from injury) occurring on and (b) The total aggregate compensation divided among such dependents share after such date. Compensation in all payable in any case under paragraph and share alike; if there is no one of them cases pending as of July 9,1946, shall be (a) of this section for injury or death or wholly dependent, but one or more are readjusted accordingly, with credit taken both, shall not exceed the sum of $5,000, partly dependent, 10 per centum of such in the amount of compensation paid prior exclusive of medical costs. The maxi­ pay divided among such dependents to such date. Refund of compensation mum monthly rate of compensation in share and share alike. The compensa­ shall not be required if the amount of any case shall not exceed the sum of $50. tion to such beneficiaries shall be paid compensation paid in any case, other­ The compensation of a parent, brother, if there is no widow, widower, child, or wise than through fraud, misrepresenta­ sister, grandparent or grandchild shall dependent parent. If there is a widow, tion, or mistake, and prior to July 9,1946, be paid for a period of eight years from widower, child, or dependent parent, exceeds the amount provided for under the time of death, unless before that time there shall be paid so much of the above this section; and such case shall be he, if a parent or grandparent, dies, percentages as, when added to the total deemed compromised and paid under marries, or ceases to be dependent, or, if of the percentages payable to the widow, section 42 of such act of September 7, a brother, sister, or grandchild, dies, widower, children, and dependent par­ 1916, as amended. marries, or reaches the age of 18 years, ents, will not exceed a total of 66% per (b) The total aggregate compensation or, if over 18 years and incapable of self- centum of such pay. support, becomes capable of self-support. (h) The compensation of each benefi­ payable in any case under paragraph (a) ciary .under paragraphs (f) and (g) of of this section, for injury or death or The commutation of compensation in this section shall be paid until he, if a both, shall not exceed the sum of $4,000, case of injury shall be made as of the parent or grandparent, dies, marries, or exclusive of medical costs. The maxi­ date of the injury, and in case of death, mum monthly rate of compensation in as of the date of death. ceases to be dependent, or, if a brother, any case shall not exceed the sum of sister, or grandchild, dies, marries, or Dated: June 3, 1948. reaches the age of 18 years, or if over such $50. age and incapable of self-support be­ § 25.22 Australia, (a) The special [seal] J ew ell W. S w offord, comes capable of self-support. The com­ schedule of compensation established by Commissioner for Special Services. pensation of a brother, sister, or grand­ Subpart B of this part.shall apply, with Approved: June 4, 1948. child under legal age shall be paid to his the modifications or additions specified or her guardian, if there is one, other­ in paragraph (b) of this section, as of O scar R . E w in g , wise to the person having the custody or December 8, 1941, in Australia, and shall Federal Security Administrator. care of such child, for such child, as the be applied retrospectively, in cases of in­ [F. R. Doc. 48-5172; Filed, June 9, 1948; Bureau in its discretion shall determine. jury (or death from injury) occurring 8:53 a. m.] Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3115

Chopter II—-Railroad Retirement Pinal decision of the Board in the cases tional evidence to.be taken before the Board, provided for in the preceding two paragraphs and the Board may, after hearing such addi­ Board shall be communicated to the claimant and tional evidence, modify its findings of fact P art #19— P rocedure for I ssuance of to the other interested parties within fifteen and conclusions and file such additional or days after it is made. Any properly inter­ modified findings and conclusions with the C ertificate o f Award of B en efits and ested party notified, as hereinabove provided, court, and the Board shall file with the for D eterm ining L iability for C on ­ of his right to participate in the proceedings court a transcript of the additional record. tributions may obtain a review of any such decision by The judgment and decree of the court shall which he claims to be aggrieved or the deter­ be final, subject to review as in equity cases. miscellaneous am endm ents mination of any issue therein in the manner Pursuant to the general authority con­ provided in subsection (f) of this section § 319.96 Procedure for determining with respect to the review of the Board’s de­ liability for contributions, (a) The tained in section 12 of the act of June 25, cisions upon claims for benefits and subject Board may designate one of its officers 1938 (52 Stat. 1107; 45 U. S. C. 362 (D ), to all provisions of law applicable to the or employees as examiner to receive evi­ the title to Part 319 is amended as set review of such decisions. Subject only to dence and report to the Board whether forth above, and § 319.0 is amended, and such review, the decision of the Board upon or not any person or company is entitled § 319.96 is added to the regulations under all issues determined in such decision shall ' such act (7 F. R. 4774) ', by Board Order be final and conclusive for all purposes and to a refund of contributions or should be 48-183, dated May 26, 1948, effective shall conclusively establish all rights and ob­ required to pay contributions under the immediately, to read as follows: ligations arising under this act, of every Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act. party notified as hereinabove provided of his Such procedure shall be followed if Con­ § 319.0 Statutory provisions, (a) Sub­ right to participate in the proceedings. tributions are assessed and payment is section (c) of section 5 of the Railroad (b) Subsection (e) of section 5 of the refused or payment is made and a re­ Unemployment Insurance Act provides in Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act fund claimed upon the basis that such part: provides: person or company is or will not have Any claimant whose claim for benefits has been liable for such contributions. The (e) In any proceeding other than a court examiner shall have power to hold hear­ been denied in an initial determination with proceeding, the rules of evidence prevailing respect thereto upon the basis of his not in courts of law or equity shall not be con­ ings, require and compel the attendance being a qualified employee, and any claimant trolling, but a full and complete record of witnesses, administer oaths, take tes­ who contends that under an initial determi­ shall be kept of all proceedings and testi­ timony, and make all necessary investi­ nation of his claim he has been awarded mony, and the Board’s final determination, gations. At the request of any party benefits at less than the proper rate, may together with its findings of fact and con­ properly interested, the Board shall pro­ appeal to the Board for the review of such clusions of law in connection therewith, vide for a hearing before such examiner, determination. Thereupon the Board shall shall be communicated to the parties within review the determination and for such review and may provide for a hearing on its own fifteen days after the date of such final de­ motion. ^The examiner shall, by publica­ may designate one of its officers or employees termination. to receive evidence and to report to the tion or otherwise, notify all parties prop­ Board thereon together with recommenda­ (c) Subsection (f) of section 5 of the erly interested of their right to partici­ tions. In any such case the Board or the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act pate in the proceeding and, if a hearing person so designated shall, by publication or is to be held, of the time and plaice of otherwise, notify all parties properly inter­ provides in part: ested of their right to participate in the pro­ (f) Any claimant, or any railway labor the hearing. ceeding and. jf a hearing is to be held, of the organization organized in accordance with (b) All evidence and argument pre­ time and place of the hearing. At the re­ the provision»'«£ the Railway Labor Act, sented by any party, and all evidence de­ quest of any party properly interested the of which claimant is a member, or any other veloped by the examiner, shall be pre­ Board shall provide for a hearing, and may party aggrieved by a final decision under served and shall constitute a part of the provide for a hearing on its own motion. The subsection (c) of this section, may, only record. All oral evidence presented at Board shall prescribe regulations governing after all administrative remedies within the any hearing, and all oral argument, shall the appeals provided for in this paragraph Board will have been availed of and ex­ be reduced to writing. The record at any and for decisions upon such appeal. hausted, obtain a review of any final deci­ In any case in which benefits are awarded sion of the Board by filing a petition for time shall be available for examination to a claimant in whole or in part upon the review within ninety days after the mailing by any properly interested party or his basis of pay earned in the service of a person of notice of such decision to the claimant or representative. or company found by the Board to be an other party, or within such further time as (c) Upon the completion of any pro­ employer as defined in this Act but- which the Board may allow, in the United States ceeding, the examiner shall, upon the denies that it is such an employer, such ben­ circuit court of appeals for the circuit in basis of the entire record, render a report efits awarded on such basis shall be paid to which the claimant or other party resides to the Board as soon as practicable, and such claimant subject to a right of recovery or. will have had his principal place of busi­ within five days after the making there­ of such benefits. The Board shall there­ ness or principal executive office, or in the upon designate one of its officers or em­ United States Circuit Court of Appeals for of shall send a copy of the report to ployees to receive evidence and to report to the Seventh Circuit or in the Court of each party appearing in the proceeding the Board on whether such benefits should Appeals for the District of Columbia. A by mailing such copy to him at the ad­ be repaid. The Board may also designate copy of such petition, together with initial dress stated in his appearance. Such re­ one of its officers or employees to receive evi­ process, shall forthwith bS” served upon the port shall contain a statement of (1) the dence and report to the Board whether or Board Or any officer designated by it for issue or issues raised, (2) the evidence not any person or company is entitled to a such purpose. Service may be made upon submitted, (3) findings of fact, (4) con­ refund of contributions or should be re­ the Board by registered mail addressed to quired to .pay contributions under this Act, the Chairman. Within fifteen days after clusions of law, and (5) a recommended regardless of whether or not any claims for receipt of service, or within such additional determination. benefits will have been filed upon the basis time as the court may allow, the Board (d) Any party to the proceeding may, of service in the employ of such person or shall certify and file with the Court in which within twenty days after the mailing to company, and shall follow such procedure such petition has been filed a transcript him of a copy of the examiner’s report, if contributions are assessed and payment is of the record upon which the findings and file with the Board, and serve upon other refused or payment is made and a refund decision complained of are based. Upon such parties by mailing to their addresses as claimed upon the basis that such person or filing the court shall have exclusive juris­ company is or will not have been liable for diction of the proceeding and of the ques­ stated in their appearance, such excep­ such contributions. In any such case the tion determined therein, and shall give pre­ tions in writing as he desires to make to Board or the person so designated shall, by cedence in the adjudication thereof over the examiner’s findings of fact and con­ publication or otherwise, notify all parties all other civil cases not otherwise entitled clusions of law. Each exception shall properly interested of their right to partici­ by law to precedence. It shall have power specifically designate the particular find­ pate in the proceeding and, if a hearing is to enter upon the pleadings and transcript ing of fact or conclusion of law to which to be held, of the time and place of the of the record a decree affirming, modifying, exception is taken, and shall set forth in hearing. At the request of any party prop­ or reversing the decision of the Board, with erly interested the Board shall provide for a or without remanding the cause for re­ detail the grounds of the exception. hearing, and may provide for a hearing on its hearing. The findings of the Board as to General exceptions and exceptions not own motion. The Board shall prescribe reg­ the facts, if supported by evidence and in specifically directed to particular find­ ulations governing the proceedings provided the absence of fraud, shall be conclusive. ings of fact or conclusions of law will not for in this paragraph and for decisions upon No additional evidence shall be received by be considered. Each party shall have such proceedings. the court, but the court may order addi­ ten days after the receipt of exceptions 3116 RULES AND REGULATIONS county in accordance with section 204 taken by other parties in which to file TITLE 22— FOREIGN RELATIONS (c) of the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, with the Board replies to the exceptions. The Board may, upon the application of Chapter III— Economic Cooperation as amended. any party and for cause shown, extend Administration [F. R. Doc. 48-5223; Filed, Jund 8, 1948; 3:28 p. m.] the time fdr filing and serving of excep­ [ECA'Reg. 1, Amdt. 1] tions or filing of replies thereto. The ex­ aminer’s report shall be advisory but P art 1111—M eans of P a y m e n t F or shall be presumed to be correct. Find­ P ro c u r em en t ings of fact to which no exceptions are LETTER OF COMMITMENT TO BANKING P art 825—R ent R egulations U nder the taken will, subject only to the power of INSTITUTIONS H o u sin g and R en t A ct of 1947, as the Board to reject or modify, stand A mended confirmed. Preamble; The following amendment (e) The Board will render its decision has been approved by the Secretary of CONTROLLED HOUSING RENT REGULATION upon the record and upon the basis of the Treasury. Amendment 31 to the Controlled Hous­ the examiner’s report and such excep­ Paragraph 3 of the Terms and Provi­ ing Rent Regulation.1 The Controlled tions and replies thereto as are made. sions annexed to the Form of Adminis­ Housing Rent Regulation (§ 825.1) is Further argument will not be permitted trator’s Letter of Commitment to Bank­ amended in the following respect: except upon a showing by any party that ing Institution (Exhibit B), which ap­ 1. Schedule A, item 336, is amended to he has arguments to present which- for peared at 13 F. R. ^655, is amended by describe the counties in the defense- valid reasons he was unable to present changing the parenthetical clause in the rental area under the Controlled Rent at an earlier stage, and in cases in which second and third lines from “(but in no Regulation for Housing as follows: event later than four months)” to “(but the Board requests further elaboration of Utah—Salt Lake arguments. In such cases, the further in no event later than thirty days)”. Utah—Tooele argument shall be submitted orally or in (Sec. I ll (b) (1), Pub. Law 472, 80th writing, as the Board may indicate in This amendment shall become effec­ Cong.) tive June 8, 1948. each case, and shall be subject to such P aul G. H o f f m a n , restrictions as to form, subject matter, Administrator for Issued this 8th day of June 1948. length, and time as the Board may indi­ Economic Cooperation. cate. The decision of the Board will be E d D upree, communicated to all parties to the pro­ [F. R. Doc. 48-5224; Filed, June 9, 1948; Acting Housing Expediter. ceeding within fifteen days after it has 9:00 a. m.] Statement To Accompany Amendment been made by mailing a copy of the deci­ 31 to the Controlled Housing Rent sion to each such party at the address Regulation furnished by him. TITLE 24— HOUSING CREDIT (f) The decision of the Board, with It is the judgment of the Housing Ex­ respect to all issues determined therein, Chapter VIII— Office of Housing pediter that the need for continuing shall be final and conclusive for all pur­ Expediter maximum rents in that portion of the poses, and shall conclusively establish all Salt Lake City Defense-Rental Area situ­ rights and obligations, arising under any P art 825—R en t R egulations U nder the ated in the State of Nevada no longer act administered by the Board, of every H o u sin g and R ent Act of 1947, as exists due to the fact that the demand person notified of his right to participate A mended > for rental housing accommodations has in the proceeding. CONTROLLED HOUSING RENT REGULATION been reasonably met, and this amend­ (g) Any properly interested party noti­ ment is therefore being issued to decon­ fied of his right to participate in the Amendment 30 to the Controlled Hous­ trol said portion of the area in accord­ proceeding may, as provided in section ing Rent Regulation.1 The Controlled ance with section 204 (c) of the Housing 5 (c) of the Railroad Unemployment In­ Housing Rent Regulation (§ 825.1) is and Rent Act of 1947. as amended. surance Act, and in accordance with the amended in the following respect: 1. Schedule A, item 244 (b), is amended[F. R. Doc. 48-5222; Filed, June 8, 1948; provisions of section 5 (f) of the act, 3:27 p. m.J obtain judicial review of a final decision to describe the defense-rental area un­ of the Board, under this section, by which der the Controlled Housing Rent Regu­ he claims to be aggrieved, by filing a peti­ lation as follows: “All of Tillman Coun- tion for review in the proper court within • ty south of the base line between Town­ ninety days after the mailing to him of ships 1 South and 2 South.” P art 825—R ent R egulations U nder the notice of such decision, or within such This amendment shall become effec­ H ousing and R en t A ct of 1947, as further time as the Board may allow. tive June 8, 1948. A mended Such petition for review must be filed in Issued this 8th day of June, 1948. RENT REGULATIONS FOR CONTROLLED ROOMS the United States circuit court of ap­ peals for the circuit in which the party E d D upree, IN ROOMING HOUSES AND OTHER ESTAB­ resides or will have had his principal Acting Housing Expediter. LISHMENTS place of business or principal executive Statement To Accompany Amendment 30 Amendment 30 to the Rent Regulation office, or in the United States Circuit to the Controlled Housing Rent Regu­ for Controlled Rooms in Rooming Houses Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit and Other Establishments.* The Rent or in the Court of Appeals for the District lation Regulation for Controlled Rooms in of Columbia. It is the judgment of the Housing Ex­ Rooming Houses and Other Establish­ (h) Insofar as applicable and not in­ pediter that the need for continuing ments (§ 825.5) is amended in the follow­ consistent with the preceding provisions maximum rents in that portion of Till­ ing respect: of this section, the provisions of §§ 250.7 man County north of the base line be­ 1. Schedule A, item 244 (b), is amended through 250.16 of this chapter shall be tween Townships 1 South and 2 South to describe the defense-rental area un­ followed in any proceeding under this in the Frederick, Oklahoma, defense- der the Rent Regulation for Controlled section. rental area no longer exists due to the Rooms in Rooming Houses and Other fact that the demand for rental housing Establishments as follows: “All of Till- (Sec. 12,52 Stat. 1107; 45 U. S. C. 362 (1)) accommodations has been reasonably Dated: June 3,1948...... met, and this amendment is therefore 1 12 F. R. 4331, 5421, 5454, 5697, 6027, 6687, 6923, 7111, 7630, 7825, 7999, 8660; 13 F. R. 6, By authority of the Board. being issued to decontrol said portion of 62, 180, 216, 294, 322, 441, 475, 476, 498, 523, 827, 86?, 1118, 1628, 1793, 1861, 1927, 1929! [seal] M ary B. L in k in s , 112 F. R. 4331, 5421, 5454, 5697, 6027, 6686, 2 12 F. R. 4302, 5423, 5457, 5699, 6027, 6686, Secretary of the Board. 6923, 7111, 7630, 7825, 7998, 8660; 13 F. R. 6, 6923, 7111, 7630, 7825, 7998, 8660; 13 F. R. [F. R. Doc. 48-5156; Filed, June 9, 1948; 62, 181, 216, 294, 321, 442, 476, 497, 523, 828, 6, 62, 181, 216, 294, 321, 442, 476, 497, 523, 8:50 a. m.] 861, 1118, 1628, 1793, 1861, 1927, 1929. 828, 861, 1119, 1627, 1793, 1873, 1929. Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER aii7 man County south of the base line be­ trol said portion of the area in accord­ to the head of each new package in the tween Townships 1 South and 2 South.” ance with section 204 (c) of the Housing manner herein prescribed for the affix­ This amendment shall become effec­ and Rent Act of 1947, as amended. ing of tax-paid stamps. The label shall tive June 8,1948. [F. R. Doc. 48-5221; Filed, June 8, 1948; be in the following form: Issued this 8th day of June 1948. 3:27 p. m.] The spirits contained in this package, se­ rial N o .------, were transferred to n ew ______E d D upree, (kind Acting Housing Expediter. TITLE 26— INTERNAL REVENUE ______barrel under date o f _____ of cooperage) Statement to Accompany Amendment 30 Chapter I— Bureau of Internal Rev­ ------1 by authority of Department To Rent Regulations for Controlled enue, Department of the Treasury letter dated ______Rooms in Rooming Houses and Other The package from which the spirits herein Establishments Subchapter C— Miscellaneous Excise Taxes were transferred was a ______(kind of cooperage) [T. D. 5620] It is the judgment of the Housing Ex­ barrel. Upon withdrawal of this package the pediter that the need for continuing P art 186—G auging M anual storekeeper-gauger will determine the total maximum rents in that portion of Till­ tare by adding thP soakage allowance to man County north of the base line be­ MISCELLANEOUS AMENDMENTS ------pounds, the weight of this tween Townships 1 South and 2 South in 1. The purpose of this amendment is barrel before spirits were placed therein, the Frederick, Oklahoma, defense-rental to authorize the storekeeper-gauger, in unless actual tare is taken. area no longer exists due to the fact that lieu of the district supervisor, to prepare the demand for rental housing accom­ the label to be affixed to the head of the ( Storekeeper-gauger ) modations has been reasonably met, and new package where a change of package District N o.____ this amendment is therefore being issued is made in the internal revenue bonded Allowance for soakage will be made to decontrol said portion of county in warehouse to prevent loss by leakage or only for the new barrel when withdrawn. accordance with section 204 (c) of the to effect a change in the kind of coop­ No allowance will be made for soakage in Housing and Rent Act of 1947, as erage. the original barrel. amended. 2. Because the provisions of this Treas­ ury decision relate to duties of Bureau 4. This Treasury decision shall be ef­ [F. R. Doc. 48-5220; Filed, June 8, 1948; fective upon publication in the F ederal 3:26 p. m.J personnel, not affecting the warehouse­ man, it is found that it is unnecessary to R egister. issue such Treasury decision with notice (Secs. 2808, 3176, 53 Stat. 307, 375; 26 and public procedure thereon under sec­ U. S. C. 2808, 3176) tion 4 (a) of the Administrative Proce­ P art 825—R ent R egulations U nder the [seal] G eo. J. S choeneman, dure Act, approved June 11,1946, or sub­ Commissioner. H ousing and R ent A ct. of 1947, as ject to the effective date limitation of Amended section 4 (c) of the said act. Approved: June 4, 1948. 3. Paragraphs 64 and 67 of the Gaug­ RENT REGULATIONS FOR CONTROLLED ROOMS A. L. M . W iggins, IN ROOMING HOUSES AND OTHER ESTAB­ ing Manual, approved November 21, 1938 Acting Secretary of the Treasury. LISHMENTS (26 CFR, 186.64, 186.67) are hereby amended to read as follows: [F. R. Doc. 48-5204; Filed, June 9, 1948; Amendment 31 to the Rent Regulation 8:59 a. m .] for Controlled Rooms in Rooming Houses C hange of P ackage in I nternal R evenue and Other Establishments.1 The Rent B onded W arehouse T o P revent L oss Regulation for Controlled Rooms in by L eakage TITLE 30— MINERAL RESOURCES Room Houses and Other Establishments § 186.64 Report to supervisor. The (§ 825.5) is amended in the following storekeeper-gauger will take the tare of Chapter II— Geological Survey, respect: the new package before transfer of the l. Schedule A, item 336, is amended to spirits, and upon completion of the Department of the Interior describe the counties in the defense- transfer will prepare and sign a label P art 227—D e f in it io n s of K n o w n G e ­ rental area under the Rent Regulation to be affixed to the head of the new for Controlled Rooms in Rooming Houses ologic S tructures of P roducing O il package in the manner~Kerefh prescribed and G as F ields and Other Establishments as follows: for the affixing of tax-paid stamps. The Utah—Salt Lake label shall be in the following form: NEW MEXICO AND WYOMING Utah—Tooele The spirits contained in this package, Paragraph (c) of § 227.0, Part 227, Title This amendment shall become effec­ serial N o .___ _ were transferred to new bar­ 30, Chapter II, Code of Federal Regula­ tive June 8, 1948. rel under date o f ______Upon with­ tions (1947 Supp.), is hereby supple­ drawal of this package, the storekeeper- mented to read as follows: Issued this 8th day of June 1948. gauger will determine the total tare by add­ ing the soakage allowance t o ______pounds, § 227.0 Outstanding definitions. E d D upree, the weight of this barrel before spirits were * * * Acting Housing Expediter. placed therein, unless actual tare is taken. (c) Effective, as of the dates shown Statement to Accompany Amendment 31 (Storekeeper-gauger) below, the following structures had been To the Rent Regulation for Controlled District N o.____ defined: Rooms in Rooming Houses and Other Name of Field, Effective Date and Acreage Establishments Allowance for soakage will be made only for the new barrel when with­ (5) New Mexico It is the judgment of the Housing Ex­ drawn. No allowance will be made for Hale Field (R evision ), March 10, 1942_ 240 pediter that the need for continuing soakage in the original barrel. PCA Field (Revision), March 10, 1942_ 1,080 ihaximum rents in that portion of the C hange in R ind of Cooperage in I nternal ***** Salt Lake City Defense-Rental Area situ­ R evenue B onded W arehouse ated in the State of Nevada no longer (9) W yoming exists due to the fact that the demand § 186.67 Label on new package. Each Dubois Field, March 29, 1946______160 for rental housing accommodations has new package will be given the same serial Sand Creek Field, September 8, 1947_1, 694 number, marks, and brands as the orig­ been reasonably met, and this amend­ (20 Stat. 394, 41 Stat. 450; 43 U. S. C., ment is therefore being issued to decon- inal package, and will contain only spirits from one package. The storekeeper- 31, 30 U. S. C., 189) 112 F. R. 4302, 5423 , 5457, 5699, 6027, 6686, gauger will take the tare of the new pack­ T homas B. N olan, 6923, 7111, 7630, 7825, 7998, 8660; 13 F. R. age before the transfer, and upon com­ Acting Director. 6, 62, 181, 216, 294, 321, 442, 476, 497, 523, 828, pletion of the transfer will prepare and [F. R. Doc. 48-5144; Filed, June 9, 1948; 861, 1119, 1627, 1793, 1873, 1929. sign a label to be affixed by the proprietor 8:48 a. m.] No. 113------2 3118 RULES AND REGULATIONS

P art 127— I nternational P ostal S ervice: Ankiu. Sinchwang, Sung. TITLE 36— PARKS AND FORESTS Sintai, Sung. P ostage R ates, S ervice Available, and Changkiu. Changlo. ““Szefang. Chapter I— National Park Service, I nstructions for M ailing Changtien. Szeshui, Sung. Department of the Interior PARCELS FOR FOREIGN COUNTRIES Changtsing. Taian. Chefoo. Taierhchwang. P art 01—O rganization and P rocedure Amend § 127.81 Unpaid and insuffi­ Chenyang. Takunlun. ciently prepaid parcel-post packages (13 Chowtsun. Tancheng. DELEGATIONS OF AUTHORITY F. R. 920), to read as follows: Fangtze. Tawenkow. Feicheng. Tenghsien. C ross R eference : For additions to the § 127.81 Unpaid and insufficiently Fushan. Tsangkow, Sung. list of delegations of authority contained prepaid parcel-post package s—(a) Hanchwang. Tsaochwang, N. in §§01.50 to 01.54, inclusive, see Title Treatment at offices of mailing. When Hotseh. Tsiho. 43, Part 4, infra, authorizing the Direc­ a parcel (ordinary, registered, insured, Hungshan. Tsimo. or collect-on-delivery), whether intended Hwantai. Tsinan. tor of the National Park Service to: (1) K insiang. Tsingtao. permit the colletjtion of scientific speci­ to be transported by surface means or by Kufow. Tsining. mens in areas administered by the Serv­ air, is observed at the office of mailing to Lincheng. . Tsowhsien. ice, (2) accept donations of money for be unpaid or insufficiently prepaid and Lini. Tsowping. the purposes of the national park and the return address on the parcel is at Lintzo. Tunga. monument system, and (3) accept offers the office of mailing, the parcel shall be Litsun, Sung. Tzechwan. in settlement of timber trespasses. promptly returned to the sender for the Lungshan. Tzeyang, Sung. affixing of the necessary additional post­ M ingshui. W eihsien. age. When parcels returned for addi­ Mingyang. Wenshang. Penglai. Y ihsien. TITLE 39— POSTAL SERVICE tional postage are again presented for Pingyin. Y itu. mailing the postage stamps originally Poshan. Yutai. Chapter I— Post Office Department affixed shall be accepted to the amount Putsih. of their face value. If the parcel bears a P art 127—I nternational P ostal S ervice: return address other than at the office The postal service is temporarily sus­ P ostage R ates, S ervice Available, and of mailing it shall not be returned to the pended in other localities of the Province I nstructions for M ailing sender but shall be forwarded to the ap­ of Shantung. propriate dispatching exchange office. (2) Parcel post service to the Province general prohibitions and restrictions (b) Treatment at exchange post of­of Shantung is suspended temporarily except to the following post offices: In Part 127, Title 39, Code of Fed­ fices. When an unpaid or insufficiently eral Regulations, make the following prepaid parcel (surface or air) is received Chefoo. Tawenkow. at an exchange office for dispatch to a Chengyang. Tenghsien. changes: foreign country, the postmaster at such Hanchwang. Tsangkow, Sung. 1. Strike out § 127.61 Pavits, varnishes, exchange office shall forward the parcel Kufow. Tsimo. turpentine, and similar substances (13 to its destination in the same manner as Lincheng, Sung. Tsinan. F. R. 916), and insert in lieu thereof the Litsun, Sung. Tsingtao. ^ though fully prepaid (without affixing Sinchwang, Sung. Tsining. following: additional postage) and send to the post­ Szefang. Tsowhsien. § 127.61 Combustible liquids. Com­ master at the office of mailing (or to the Taian. Tzeyang, Sung. bustible liquids having a flash point of postmaster at the office where the sender (R. S. 161, 396, 398, secs. 304, 309, 42 Stat. 150 degrees or lower but above 60° F. is located if it is not the same as the office 24, 25, 48 Stat. 943; 5 U. S. C. 22, 369, 372) may be sent to foreign countries gen­ of mailing) a card notice on Form 2918, appropriately completed, containing in­ J oseph J . L awler, erally in quantities not exceeding one structions to the effect that the amount Acting Postmaster General. quart in any one parcel, except that of the deficiency is to be collected from [F. R. Doc. 48-5154; Filed, June 9, 1948; paints, varnishes, turpentine and similar the sender and postage due stamps to 8:50 a. m.] substances may be sent in quantities of cover the short payment affixed to the less than one gallon in any one parcel. back of the card and canceled, and that Before accepting a parcel containing a the card be then returned by the post­ ] combustible liquid for a foreign country, master making the collection to the ex­ postmasters shall exercise particular change office from'which it was received. P art 127—I nternational P ostal S ervice: (R. S. 161, 396, 398, secs. 304, 309, 42 Stat. P ostage R ates, S ervice Available, and care to see that it is packed as prescribed I nstructions for M ailing in § 127.71, and that the country of des­ 24, 25, 48 Stat. 943; 5 U. S. C. 22, 369, 372) PARCEL POST TO KWANGTUNG PROVINCE, tination does not prohibit liquids of the V . C. B u r k e, flash point concerned. Great Britain in Acting Postmaster General. CHINA particular forbids the admission of any [F. R. Doc. 48-5153; Filed, June 9, 1948; In § 127.231 China (including Taiwan liquid having a flash point below 200° F. 8:49 a. m.] (Formosa) and the leased territory of by parcel post, or below 90° F. as a sample Kwangchowwan (Fort Bayard), of Sub­ of merchandise. part D (13 F. R. 955), make the following The wrapper of any parcel containing change: P art 127—I nternational P ostal S ervice : Insert the following as new - para­ a combustible liquid must be endorsed graph (e): by the sender to indicate that the flash P ostage R ates, S ervice Available, and point is above 80° F. I nstructions for M ailing (e) Mail service to Kwangtung Prov­ ince. Parcel post service has been tem­ 2. In the Index to Part 127, Title 39, MAIL SERVICE TO PROVINCE OF SHANTUNG, CHINA porarily suspended to the following of­ of the Code of Federal Regulations (13 fices in the Province of Kwangtung: F. R. 892), strike out the reference “127.61 In § 127.231 China (including Taiwan (.Formosa) and the leased territory of Aihsien. Lungm oon. Paints, varnishes, turpentine and simi­ Chongkong, N. Lungsinhu. lar substances”, and insert in lieu there­ Kwangchowwan (Fort Bayard) (13 F. R. 956)), make the following change: Chungsun. M anning. _ of: “127.61 Combustible liquids.” Fahsien. Onpo. Amend paragraph (d) to read as fol­ Hoihong. Paklai. (R. S. 161, 396, 398, secs. 304, 309, 42 lows: Hoping. Shekkek (Limkong) Stat. 24, 25, 48 Stat. 943; 5 U. S. C. 22, (d) Mail service to Shantung Province.Hoyun. / Suikai. 369, 372) (1) The Chinese Postal Administration Kachek. Sunfung. Laclung. Suwen. V. C. B ur k e, reports that articles in the regular Acting Postmaster General Lim kong. Tzekam. (Postal Union) mails may now be sent to Lingshui. Yulin (Kwangtung) [F. R. Doc. 48-5152; Filed, June 9, 1948; the following post offices in the Province Linping, Tung. Yungyun. 8:49 a. m.] of Shantung: Lungchun. Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3119 (R. S. 161, 396, 398, secs. 304, 309, 42 (gift parcels and trade samples only) and Italy, in the list of countries therein Stat. 24, 25, 48 Stat. 943; 5 U. S. C. 22, are available to all islands of the Ryukyu contained. 369, 372) Group south of 30 degrees north latitude, 2. Amend paragraph (i) by inserting J o seph J. L aw ler, including Kuchinoshima. the following between Iceland, and Neth­ Acting Postmaster General. 2. Delete the following from the first erlands, in the list of countries and rates [P. R. Doc. 48-5155; Piled, June 9, 1948; paragraph of paragraph (b), "Gift par­ therein contained: 8:50 a. m.] cels are subject to the following rates of I ndia postage and other conditions;”, and sub­ stitute therefor the following: Lbs Oz. Rate Lbs. Oz. Rate (b) Parcel post. (Okinawa and the 0 4...... $1.70 11 4 .. $43.94 P art 127— I nternational P ostal S ervice : Ryukyu Islands.) 0 8...... 2.66 11 8 . 44.90 P ostage R ates, S ervice Available, and 0 12...... 3.62 11 12...... 45.86 3. Insert, as an introductory sentence 1 I nstructions for M ailing 0...... 4.58 12 0...... 46.82 to paragraph (c) the following: 1 4...... 5. 54 12 4___ - 47.78 1 8...... 6.50 12 8...... 48.74 ITALi; GIFT PARCELS (c) Gift parcels. Gift parcels are sub­ 1 12-.... 7.46 12 12..... - 49.70 2 0...... 8.42 13 0...... - 50.66 In § 127.281 Italy (13 P. R. 995), make ject to the following conditions: 2 4___ 9.38 13 4...... - 51.62 the following change.* Subparagraphs (1), (2), (3), and (4) 2 8...... 10.34 13 8. . 52.68 2 12...... 11.30 13 12...... 53.54 Amend paragraph (b) (4), Observa­ will be left unchanged and will follow 3 0___ .. 12.26 14 0...... 54.50 tions, by the addition of the following as this introduction. 3 4...... 13.22 14 4...... 55.46 subdivision (iii): - 8 8 .. 14.18 14 8 56.42 4. Add the following as paragraph (d): 8 12...... 15.14 14 12...... - 57.38 4 0—... .. 16.10 15 0...... 58.34 (iii) Exemption from customs duty is (d) Trade samples. Effective May 15, 4 4...... 17.06 15 4____ .. 59.30 granted to the following types of ship­ 1948, parcel post packages addressed to 4 8...... 18.02 15 8 . 60.26 ments sent as gifts by parcel post: 4 12...... 18.98 15 12...... - 61.22 Okinawa and the other islands of the 5 0...... 19.94 16 0...... 62.18 Pood (including coffee up to 11 Ryukyu Group may contain trade sam­ 5 4____ .. 20.90 16 4...... 63.14 pounds), clothing, footwear, soap, dentri- 6 8____ .. 21.86 16 8...... - 64.10 ples up to the maximum weight of 6 12...... 22.82 16 12...... 65.06 frices and medicines addressed to indi­ twenty-two pounds. The customs dec­ 6 0...... 23.78 17 0...... 66.02 viduals for their personal use. 6 4...... 24.74 17 4____ .. 66.98 Flour and cereals, dried vegetables and larations of such parcels must bear, in 6 8____ .. 25.70 17 8...... 67.94 addition to the description of the articles, 6 12...... 26.66 17 12...... 68.90 food pastes addressed to individuals, to the words "Trade Samples Only.” 7 0...... 27.62 18 0...... 69.86 communities, or to relief organizations. 7 4____ . . 28.58 18 4...... 70.82 (R. S. 161, 396, 398, secs. 304, 309, 42 Stat. 7 8...... 29.54 18 8 71.78 (R. S. 161, 396, 398, secs. 304, 309, 42 7 12...... 30.50 18 12...... 72.74 24, 25, 48 Stat. 943; 5 U. S. C. 22, 369, 372) s 0...... 31.46 19 0...... 73.70 Stat. 24, 25, 48 Stat. 943; 5 U. S. C. 22, 8 4...... „ 32.42 19 4...... 74.66 369, 372> J o seph J . L aw ler, 8 8____ . . 33.38 19 8...... 75.62 8 12...... 34.34 19 12...... 76.58 J oseph J . L awler, Acting Postmaster General. 9 0...... 35.30 20 0...... - 77.54 Acting Postmaster General. 9 4...... 36.26 20 4...... 78.50 [F. R. Doc. 48-5149; Piled, June 9, 1948; 9 8____ -- 37.22 20 8 . . 79.46 [P. R. Doc. 48-5146; Piled, June 9, 1948; 8:49 a. m.] 9 12...... 38.18 20 12...... 80.42 8:48 a. m.] 10 0...... 39.14 21 0...... «1.38 10 4____ . . 40.10 . 21 4...... 82.34 10 8...... 41.06 21 8...... 83.30 10 12...... 42.02 21 12...... 84.26 11 0____ . . 42.98 22 0...... - 85.22 P art 127—I nternational P ostal S ervice: P art I nternational P ostal S ervice: 127— P ostage R ates, S ervice Available, and (R>S. 161, 396, 398, secs. 304, 309, 42 Stat. P ostage R ates, S ervice Available, and I nstructions for M ailing 24, 25, 48 Stat. 943; 5 Ü. S. C. 22, 369, 372) I nstructions for M ailing tu r k ey ; parcel post The above service will be inaugurated GIFT PARCELS TO THE NETHERLANDS on May 22, 1948. In § 127.307 Netherlands (13 P. R. In § 127.363 Turkey (13 P. R. 1048), V. C. B u r k e , 1011), make the following change: make the following change: Acting Postmaster General. Append the following as a note to para­ Insert, in the proper alphabetical se­ [F. R. Doc. 48-5148; Piled, June 9, 1948; graph (b) (5) (ii) (a): quence, in the list of offices under the 8:48 a. m.] heading Turkey in Asia, in paragraph Note: The foregoing restrictions do not ap­ ply in the case of small quantities of dried (b) (4) (i), the following additional of­ milk products sent in gift parcels. fices: TITLE 43— PUBLIC LANDS: Corum. (R. S. 161, 396, 398, secs. 304, 309, 42 Stat. Malatya. Nlgde. • -INTERIOR 24, 25, 48 Stat. 943; 5 U?S. C. 22, 369, 372) Mustafakemalpa§a. Ordu. Subtitle A— Office of the Secretary of V . C. B ur k e, (R. S. 161, 396, 398, secs. 304, 309, 42 Stat. the Interior Acting Postmaster General. 24, 25, 48 Stat. 943; 5 U. S. C. 22, 369, 372) P art 4—D elegations of A u th o r it y [P. R. Doc. 48-5147; Filed, June 9, 1948; V . C. B urk e, 8:48 a. m.J Acting Postmaster General. NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Sections 4.670, 4.671, and 4.672 are (F. R. Doc. 48-5151; Piled, June 9, 1948; 8:49 a. m.] added to Part 4 to read as follows: P art 127—I nternational P ostal S ervice: . § 4.670 Collection of scientific speci­ P ostage R ates, S ervice Available, and mens. Unless the Secretary in any par­ I nstructions for M ailing ticular case determines otherwise, the Director of the National Park Service PARCEL POST SERVICE TO OKINAWA AND P art 127—I nternational P ostal S ervice: and such subordinate officials of that . RYUKYU ISLANDS P ostage R ates, S ervice Available, and Service as the Director may designate, In § 127.320 Okinawa and the Ryukyu I nstructions for M ailing are authorized to permit the collection Islands (13 P. R. 1020), make the follow­ INTERNATIONAL AIR PARCEL POST: SERVICE by Federal employees, for scientific or ing changes: TO INDIA INITIATED educational purposes, of specimens of 1. Amend the first paragraph of para­ animal life in areas administered by the graph (a) to read as follows: In § 127.390 International air parcel National Park Service where it is admin­ post (13 P. R. 1341), make the following istratively determined that the collecting § 127.320 Okinawa and the Ryukyu changes: of such specimens is desirable in the in­ Islands, (a) Postal Union (regular) mail 1. Amend paragraph (a) by inserting terest of science or education and will service and ordinary parcel post service a new country, India, between Iceland, contribute ,to the conservation of the 3120 RULES AND REGULATIONS natural objects and the wildlife within § 4.672 Acceptance of offers in settle­ (R. S. 161, secs. 1, 2, 39 Stat. 535, 41 the areas. ment of timber trespasses. The Director Stat. 917; 5 U. S. C. 22,16 U. S. C. 1-2, 6) of the National Park Service, in his dis­ § 4.671 Acceptance of donations of Issued this 18th day of May 1948. moneys. The Director of the National cretion, is authorized to settle timber trespasses on lands administered by the Park Service may accept on behalf of the [seal] C. G irard D avidson, United States donations of money for the National Park Service upon payment in Assistant Secretary of the Interior. purposes of the national park and monu­ full of the damages thereto as determined ment system when the donation does not by the Director when the amount of such [F. R. Doc. 48-5145; Filed, June 9, 1948; exceed $5,000 in amount. damages does not exceed $2,000. 8:48 a. m.] •


TREASURY DEPARTMENT of the same board as the liners for the 1. Regulations 23 (Part 181, 26 CFR), r top, bottom, and sides. The interior as amended, are hereby amended in these Bureau of Internal Revenue packing of pads, liners, or partitions is respects• not required where the bottles are placed a. Sections 181.13 (g) and 181.14 (a) [26 CFR, Part 176] in individual double-faced corrugated are amended; and D rawback o n D istilled S pir it s and cartons meeting the requirements of par­ b. Sections 181.28, 181.29, 181.30, W in e s agraph (a) of this section. 181.31 and 181.32 are added. (c) Securing cases for shipment. The 2. This amendment of the regulations no tice of proposed rule m aking top and bottom of the case shall be se­ is designed to provide a procedure to fa­ A notice is hereby given, pursuant to cured by gluing the entire inner surface cilitate customs treatment where stills, the Administrative Procedure Act, ap­ of the inner flaps to the top and bottom worms or condensers intended for pur­ proved. June 11, 1946, that the regula­ liners and the entire inner surface of poses other than distilling are removed tions set forth in tentative form below the outer flaps to the inner flaps with for exportation free of tax. are proposed to be prescribed by the silicate of soda or an equally efficient § 181.13 Taxable status of stills. Commissioner of Internal Revenue and adhesive: Provided, That containers * * * the Secretary of the Treasury with the sealed with automatic sealing machines (g) Exportation. Stills or worms or approval of the Secretary of the Treas­ are not required to have the inner flaps condensers intended for purposes other ury. Prior to the final adoption of glued to the top and bottom pads or than distilling as defined in § 181.12 may such regulations, consideration will be liners. In lieu of gluing, the top and be removed without payment of the com­ given to any data, views or argu­ bottom of the case may be secured with modity tax for export by the manufac­ ments pertaining thereto which are metal fastenings or staples, or stitching turer, or dealer, under the procedure submitted in writing, in ' duplicate, to wire made of steel, treated to resist rust, prescribed by §§ 181.28, 181.29^ 181.30, the Commissioner of Internal Reve­ and not less than l/z of an inch long. 181.31 and 181.32. (Sec. 13791,1. R. C.) nue, Washington 25, D. C., within the The staples or stitches shall be spaced not more than 2 inches apart, shall pass § 181.14 Procedure for removal for do­ period of 30 days from the date of mestic use—(a) Application and permit this notice in the F ederal R egister. The through all the pieces to be fastened, and proposed regulations are to be issued shall be clinched on the inside. (Sec. for removal. No still, boiler (doubler or under the authority of section 3179 (b), 3179 (b), Internal Revenue Code, and sec. pot still), worm, condenser, or other dis­ Internal Revenue Code (26 U. S. C. A. 309 (a), (b), (c), (d) of the Tariff Act of tilling apparatus, shall be removed from 3179 (b)) and section 309 (a), (b), (c), 1930, as amended (19 U. S. C. Supp. V, the premises of the manufacturer, or (d) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended 1309 (a), (b), (c), (d)).) dealer, as the case may be, for delivery to a user, or for his own use, until the (19 U. S. C. Supp. V, 1309 (a), (b), (c), 2. This Treasury decision shall be ef­ (d)). collector of the district in which the fective on the‘31st day after its publica­ manufacturer or vendor is located has [seal] G eo. J. S ch o enem an, tion in the F ederal R egister. received from the manufacturer or ven­ Commissioner of Internal Revenue. [F. R. Doc. 48-5201; Filed, June 9, 1948; dor an application on Form 110, in tripli­ 1. Section 176.27 of Regulations 28 (26 8:58 a. m.] cate, for permission to remove the dis­ CFR, Part 176), as amended, is hereby tilling apparatus, and permit on such amended. form has been received from such col­ [26 CFR, Part 181] lector to remove ¿he same. Such appli­ § 176.27 Fiberboard cases—(a) Re­ cation shall disclbse the name and ad­ quirements. Spirits bottled especially for S tills and D ist il l in g A pparatus dress of the manufacturer or vendor, the export may be placed in cases (boxes) NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULE MAKING , approximate date the apparatus is to be constructed of solid fiberboard, single removed, the name and address of the and double wall corrugated fiberboard, Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the person by whom the apparatus is to be one-piece style, meeting the applicable Administrative Procedure Act, approved used, the purpose for which it is to be requirements of rule 41, Consolidated June 11, 1946, that the regulations set used, the type and kind of apparatus, its Freight Classification; rule 18, Official forth in tentative form below are pro­ capacity, the manufacturer’s serial num­ Express Classification; Federal Specifica­ posed to be prescribed by the Commis­ ber of the apparatus, and, if the appa­ tions LLL-B-631 for corrugated boxes, sioner of Internal Revenue, with the ap­ ratus is taxable, the serial number of the except that B-flute corrugated sheets proval of the Secretary of the Treasury. manufacturer’s special (occupational) specified therein may not be used; and Prior to the final adoption of such regu­ tax stamp and the serial number of the Federal Specifications LLL-B-636 for lations, consideration will be given to any special (commodity) tax stamp for the solid fibér boxes. In addition, the re­ data, views, or arguments pertaining apparatus. The collector issuing the re­ quirements of paragraphs (b) and (c) thereto which are submitted in writing moval permit shall furnish a copy of such of this section shall apply. in duplicate to the Commissioner of In­ permit to the district supervisor in whose (b) Liners and partitions. The top, ternal Revenue, • Washington 25, D. C., district the apparatus is to be set up, bottom, and sides of the cases shall be within the period of 30 days from the registered and used. No distilling ap­ lined with double-faced corrugated board date of publication of this notice in the paratus may be set up or used for distill­ conforming to the requirements of para­ F ederal R egister. The proposed regu­ ing as defined by § 181.12 without ap­ graph (a) of this section. The cases lations are to be issued under the au­ plication to and permit from the district shall also contain partitions separating thority of section 379i of the Internal supervisor in whose district the appa­ each bottle.' Such partitions shall be Revenue Code (26 U. S. C. A. 3791). ratus is to be used as provided in tightly fitting, touching the top, bot­ [ seal] G eo. J. S choenem an, §181.14 (b). (See §§181.17 to 181.27, tom, and all sides of the case, and-made Commissioner of Internal Revenue. inclusive, relative to exportation of stills Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3121 with benefit of drawback, and §§ 181.28 § 181.31 Inspection and lading. The Specifications LT J r-B-636 for solid fiber to 181.32, inclusive, relative to exporta­ collector of customs to whom the eopies boxes. In addition, the requirements of tion free of tax.) (Sec. 3791,1. R. C.) of Form 1690 are transmitted will fill in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section on each copy of the form the order for shall apply. E xportation o p D ist il l in g A pparatus inspection and lading. The inspector of (b) Liners and partitions. The top, F ree of T ax customs will carefully examine the ship­ bottom, and sides of the cases shall be § 181.28 Application and entry, Form ment described in the entry and he will, lined with double-faced corrugated board 1690. The exporter will execute and file if he finds it to be otherwise than de­ conforming to the requirements of para­ with the collector of internal revenue an scribed, make a special report thereon. graph (a) of this section. The cases shall application and entry on Form 1690, in After having complied with the order of also contain partitions separating each quadruplicate, when he desires to remove inspection and after the distilling ap­ bottle. Such partitions shall be tightly for exportation, without payment of the paratus has been duly laden on board fitting, touching the top, bottom, and all commodity tax, a still, worm or con­ the exporting vessel or other vehicle the sides of the case, and made of the same denser intended for purposes other than inspector will complete and sign the cer­ board as the liners for the top, bottom, distilling. Each application, Form 1690, tificate of inspection and lading. (Sec. and sides. The interior packing of pads, must be numbered serially commencing 3791,1. R. C.) liners, or partitions is not required where with number 1 and continuing in regu­ the bottles are placed in individual lar sequence for all applications there­ § 181.32 Certification of exportation. double-faced corrugated cartons meet­ after. Parts 1 and 2 of each copy will be After inspection, lading and clearance ing the requirements of paragraph (a) fully executed. If all required informa­ for a foreign port of the vessel or other of this section. tion has been furnished by the exporter, vehicle on which the distilling apparatus (c) Securing cases for shipment. The the collector of internal revenue will ap­ described in the entry is laden, and after top and bottom of the case shall be se­ prove each copy of the application and receipt of the export or through bill of cured by gluing the entire inner surface entry, retain the original and return lading, the collector of customs will ex­ of the inner flaps to the top arid bottom three copies to the exporter. Upon re­ ecute the certificate of exportation on liners and the entire inner surface of the ceipt of the approved copies of the ap­ each copy of the entry, Form 1690. The outer flaps to the inner flaps with silicate plication and entry, the exporter may re? collector of customs will retain onë copy of soda or an equally efficient adhesive: move the still, worm or condenser de­ for his entry record and transmit the Provided, That containers sealed with scribed therein for export free of tax, remaining copy of the Form 1690 to the automatic sealing machines are not re­ If evidence of exportation (as herein­ collector of internal revenue who ap­ quired to have the inner flaps glued to after prescribed) is not received by the proved the form. (Sec. 3791, I. R. C.) the top and bottom pads or liners. In collector of internal revenue in due 3. This Treasury decision shall be ef­ lieu of gluing, the top and bottom of the course, an appropriate inquiry will be fective on the 31st day after the date of case may be secured with metal fasten­ made. (Sec. ¡1791, I. R. C.) its publication in the F ederal R egister. ings or staples, or stitching wire made of [P. R. Doc, 48-5203; Piled, June 9, 1948; § 181.29 Marking of stills, worms or steel, treated to resist rust, and not less 8:59 a. m.] than V2 of an inch long. The staples or condensers. Stills, worms or condensers stitches shall be spaced not more than intended for exportation free of tax shall 2 iriches apart, shall pass -through all have branded or stamped thereon, in a the pieces to be fastened, and shall be conspicuous place, the words “For ex­ [26 CFR,, Part 188] clinched on the inside. (Sec. 2905 and port,” followed by the serial number of sec. 3176, Internal Revenue Code (26 the article and the manufacturer’s name. B ottling op D istilled S pir it s in B ond U. S. C. A. 2905 and 3176)) Where* such articles are manufactured from metal plates, the words “For ex­ NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULE MAKING 2. This Treasury decision shall be port,” with the serial number of the ar­ A notice is hereby given, pursuant to effective on the 31st day after its pub­ ticle and the manufacturer’s name di­ the Administrative Procedure Act, ap­ lication-in the F ederal R egister. rectly thereunder, will be stamped (in proved June 11, 1946, that the regula­ IF. .R. Doc. 48-5202; Filed, June 9, 1948; letters and figures which must, in no case, tions set forth in tentative form below 8:59 a. m.] be less than one-half inch in height) are proposed to be prescribed by the Com­ thereon with a suitable die, or otherwise missioner of internal Revenue with the permanently affixed to each article. approval of the Secretary of the Treas­ Where the article is constructed of wood, ury. Prior to the final adoption of such [26 CFR, Part 192] the words “For export,” the serial num­ regulations, consideration will be given to F ermented M alt L iquor ber of the article and the manufacturer’s any data, views or arguments pertaining name will be branded thereon. If the thereto which are submitted in writing, NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULE MAKING article is to be exported in a shipping in duplicate, to the Commissioner of In­ A notice is hereby given, pursuant to container, the foregoing marks must also ternal Revenue, Washington 25, D. C., the Administrative Procedure Act, ap­ be shown on such container in a manner within the period of 30" days from the proved June 11, 1946, that the regula­ which will enable^ready identification by date of this notice in the F ederal R eg is­ tions set forth in tentative form below customs officers. (Sec. 3791, I. R. C.) ter. The proposed regulations are to be are proposed to be prescribed by the § 181.30 Delivery of shipment; bill of issued under the authority of sections Commissioner of Internal Revenue with lading. The exporter, upon receipt of 2905 and 3176, Internal Revenue Code the approval of the Secretary of the the approved copies of the application (26 U. S. C. A. 2905 and 3176). Treasury. Prior to the final adoption of and entry, will deliver the still, worm or [ seal] G eo. J. S choenem an, such regulations, consideration will be condenser either to the carrier or directly Commissioner of Internal Revenue. given to any data, views or arguments for customs inspection. Two copies of pertaining thereto which are submitted the Form 1690 will be transmitted to the 1. Section 188.89 of Regulations 6 (26 in writing, in duplicate, to the Commis­ collector of customs. A copy of the ex­ CFR, Part 188) is hereby amended. sioner of Internal Revenue, Washington port bill of lading shall be forwarded arid § 188.89 Fiberboard cases—(a) Re­ 25, D. C., "Within the period of 30 days filed with the collector of customs. In quirements. Spirits bottled in bond may from the date of this notice in the F ed­ case of exportation through a border port be placed in cases (boxes) constructed eral R egister. The propoj^d regulations to foreign contiguous territory, the bill of solid fiberboard, single and double are to be issued under the authority of of lading will cover transportation to des­ wall corrugated fiberboard, one-piece sectioris 2829, 3150, 3153, 3154, 3155, 3157, tination and must show the routing, par­ style, meeting the applicable require­ 3158, 3176, 3250, 3271, 3278, and 3280, ticularly the carrier which will deliver ments of rule 41, Consolidated Freight Internal Revenue Code (26 U. S. C. A. the shipment for customs, inspection at Classification; rule 18, Official Express 2829, 3150, 3153, 3154, 3155, 3157, 3158, the border; also, that the shipment was Classification; Federal Specifications 3176, 3250, 3271, 3278, and 3280) and sec. sent in care of the collector or deputy LLL-B-631 for corrugated boxes, except 3, 55 Stat. 602 (19 U. S. C. Supp., 1309). collector of customs at the border port. that B-flute corrugated sheets specified [ seal] G eo . J. S choenem an, (Sec. 3791.1. R. c.) therein may not be used; and Federal Commissioner of Internal Revenue. 3122 PROPOSED RULE MAKING

1. The following sections are amended: meter when the meter is located on the not be considered as broken where the 192.7, 192.16, 192.22, 192.26,192.27, 192.31, premises. These connecting premises are divided by a public street 192.33, 192.41, 192.46, 192.76 to 192.81, in­ flanges will be bolted and sealed with or highway, if the parts of the premises clusive, 192.87, 192.89, 192.92 (a), 192.94, Government cap seals. Meters must be so divided abut on such street or high­ 192.95, 192.96, 192.107, 192.111, 192.118, provided for racking and each meter in­ way opposite each other. The same is 192.125, 192.127, 192.129, 192.130, 192.146, stalled as near as possible to the racker true where the premises are so divided 192.149, 192.150, 192.184, 192.185, 192.187, tank in such manner that all mov­ by a railroad right of way, if the rail­ 192.191, 192.195, 192.196, 192.201, 192.204, ing into the racking machine will pass road is a common carrier. In such cases, 192.207, 192.209, 192.224, 192.252, 192.259, through the meter. The beer line from each tract of land constituting the brew­ 192.260 and 192.263. the meter to the racker tank must be ery and the bottling house premises shall § 192.7 Brewery buildings. Brewery brazed, sweated or welded to flanges be described separately on the form. buildings must be securely constructed which are fitted to the flanges on the (Secs. 3155 (a), 3176 I. R. C.) of substantial, solid materials. If there outlet side of the meter and also to the § 192.33 Description of apparatus and are buildings used in the conduct of an­ racker tank at the point of entrance. equipment. The brew kettles, mash tubs, other business (except as hereinbefore These connecting flanges at the meter fermenting tanks, storage tanks and authorized) adjoining the building on and the racker tank will be bolted and other major equipment used in the pro­ the brewery premises, such other build­ sealed with G o v e r n m e n t cap seals. duction of fermented malt liquor will be ings must be entirely separated from the (Secs. 2829, 3157, 3176,1. R. C.) described separately as to use, serial brewery buildings by substantial, solid § 192.26 Repairs and adjustment. When number, and capacity, in barrels of 31 and unbroken walls from the ground to necessary in the opinion of the super­ gallons, as specifically required by the the roof in a direct vertical line. If beer visor, or upon request of the brewer, the Form 27-C and the instructions thereon. is conveyed from the brewery to the bot­ supervisor will detail an inspector to All tanks, bottling apparatus and other tling house by pipe line, the brewery supervise the dismantling and reassem­ major equipment in the bottling -house premises must be adjacent or contigu­ bling of the meter for the purpose of used for bottling fermented malt liquor ous to the bottling house premises. If cleaning or repair. If the meter cannot must be described in the space provided the brewery and the bottling house are be repaired or a replacement meter in­ therefor in the notice, separately, as to adjoining, there shall be no interior com­ stalled without delay, the inspector will, use, serial number, and capacity in bar­ munication between the two premises upon removal of the meter, cause the rels of 31 gallons, in the case of tanks. and such premises must be separated open beer line to be closed by locking (Secs. 3155 (a), 3176,1. R. C.) by solid and unbroken walls, except for the cut-off valve with a Slaight seal lock §192.41 Trade name certificate. authorized conduits, tunnels and pipe or affixing a Government cap seal. When * * * lines. (Secs. 3157, 3176,1. R.C.) the repairs are completed or a new meter (a) Bottling under trade name. § 192.16 Tanks and vats. Each sta­ installed, the inspector will test the re­ Where a brewer intends to bottle beer tionary tank, vat, cask, or other container paired or newly installed meter with a under a trade name or names other than used in connection with the operation master meter. Minor repairs to the the name under which the brewery or of the brewery shall be located in the counter mechanism sue1*, as cleaning to bottling house is qualified to operate, he brewery building and be constructed of facilitate reading will not necessitate a must include such trade name in Form suitable materials. Each such tank, vat, master meter check. The officer will 27-C for that purpose, furnish the trade cask, or other container shall be perma­ report on Form 121 the removal and use name certificate, or statement in lieu nently marked to show its designated use, of cap seals. A report will be made in thereof required by this section, and such as “Fermenting Tank,” “Storage triplicate on Form 138 of any master obtain appropriate certificates qf label Tank,” “Settling Tank,” etc., and its se­ meter check occasioned by repairs and approval or certificates of exemption rial number and capacity in barrels of adjustment. One copy will be given to from label approval in any case where 31 gallons. Tanks that are used for ,a the brewer, one filed in Government cab­ Regulations No. 7, issued under the Fed­ dual purpose, such as fermenting and inet at the brewery and one copy for­ eral Alcohol Administration Act, is ap­ storage, will be designated to indicate warded to the district supervisor. The plicable. (Secs. 3155 (a), 3176,1. R. C.) both usages. All tanks or other con­ use of any meter must be discontinued tainers shall be equipped with a suitable whenever it appears that the revenue § 192.46 Penal sum. The penal sum measuring device so that the actual con­ Will be jeopardized by the continued use of a brewer’s bond to cover the manu­ tents of each such tank or container may ofsuch meter. (Secs. 2829,3176,1. R. C.) facture of fermented malt liquors, must be determined, except that in lieu of be equal to the amount of the tax as pre­ equipping each storage container with § 192.27 Facilities for meter test. The scribed by law, which, in the opinion of an individual measuring device, the brewer will provide adequate facilities the district supervisor of the district in brewer may use meters or portable gauge for master meter tests of all regularly which the brewery is located, the brewer glasses whereby the contents of storage installed meters. The pipe lines to all will be liable to pay during any one containers may be correctly ascertained. meters will contain removable sections month; that is to say, the maximum or other facilities to permit the installa­ quantity of fermented liquors that, in his (Secs. 2829, 3176,1. R. C.) tion of the master meter close to and in opinion, will actually be tax-paid at said § 192.22 Location and installation. series with the brewer’s meter. The pipe brewery during any one month: Provided, The meters will be located on the brew­ lines will also contain an arrangement That the penal sum of any such bond ery premises: Provided, That the dis­ of valves and by-pass lines for inserting shall not exceed $100,000 nor be less than trict supervisor may approve the loca­ the Government meter and making the $1,000. (Secs. 3155 (b), 3176,1. R. C.) tion of the bottling meters on the bot­ test without interfering with pumping § 192.76 Preparation. Every plat and tling house premises upon establishment operations, unless the brewer elects to plan shall be drawn to scale and each by the brewer of a good and sufficient stop operations for the meter tests in sheet thereof shall bear a distinctive title, reason .therefor and the supervisor is lieu of making such installations. All enabling ready identification, and shall satisfied that the structural arrange­ such installations must conform with show the cardinal points of the compass. ment of the pipe lines and meter will per­ the requirements of § 192.22. (Secs. 2829, The minimum scale of any plat will be mit an accurate measurement of the fer­ 3176,1. R. C.) , not less than %2 inch per foot. Eaclf mented malt^quor transferred for bot­ § 192.31 Description of premises. The sheet of the plat and plans shall be num­ tling. Each bottling meter must be in­ lot or tract of land on which the brewery bered, . the first sheet being designated stalled in such manner that all beer is situated, and the lot or tract of land number 1 and the other sheets numbered tranferred to the bottling house will on which the brewery bottling house is in consecutive order. Plats and plans pass through the meter. The beer line situated, must be separately described shall be submitted on sheets- of tracing from the brewery to the bottling house on Form 27-C by courses, and distances, cloth or sensitized linen. The dimensions must be brazed, sweated or welded to a in feet and inches, with the particularity of plats and plans shall be 15 by 20 inches companion flange which shall be fitted required in conveyances of real estate outside measurement, with a clear mar­ to the inlet flange of the meter when The continuity of the brewery premises gin of at least 1 inch on each side of the the meter is located on the bottling house and the bottling house premises must be drawing, lettering and writing. Plats premises and to the outlet flange of the unbroken, except that the continuity will and plans may be original drawings, or Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3123

reproductions made by the “ditto pro­ other pipe lines connecting the brewery § 192.92 Change in location. * * * cess,” or by blue or brown line lithoprint, and bottling house will be shown on the (a) Special tax. Where there has if such reproductions are clear and dis­ plat and will be designated as to use. The been a change in location, the brewer tinct. (Sec. 3176,1. R. C.) direction of flow of fermented malt liquor must, within 30 days after such change § 192.77 Description of brewery and through the pipe lines must be indicated is made, file with the collector of in­ bottling house premises. Plats must by arrows on the plat. (Secs. 3157, 3176, ternal revenue an amended return on show separately the outer boundaries of I. R. C.) Form 11 covering the new location of the brewery and bottling house preriiises § 192.80 Certificate of accuracy. The the premises; otherwise, new special tax by courses and distances, in feet and plat and plans shall bear a certificate of stamps must be purchased. The special inches, and the point of beginning with accuracy in the lower, right hand corner tax stamp, or stamps, must be forwarded respect to its distance and bearings from of each sheet signed by the brewer, the to the collector for endorsement of the some near and well-known land mark, draftsman and the district supervisor change in location. (Secs. 3176, 3250, and the building, or buildings, compris­ substantially in the following form: 3278, 3280, I. R. C.) ing the premises must be accurately * § 192.94 Changes in construction and identified. The brewery, and bottling (Name of brewer) house premises must be shown in con­ use. Where a change is to be made in trasting colors or by a legend such as (Address) the construction or use of a room, or cross hatching, a broken- line, etc. If Approved ______building, that will affect the accuracy the premises are separated by a public (Date) of Form 27-C and plat or plans, the highway, or a railroad right of way, and Accuracy certified by: brewer shall first secure approval thereof the tracts of land comprising the prem­ by the district supervisor pursuant to ises, or parts thereof, abut on such high­ (District supervisor) application, in triplicate, setting forth specifically the proposed changes. Upon way, or right of way, opposite each other, (Name and capacity—for the brewer) the different tracts will be described completion Of the changes, the brewer separately by courses and distances, in (Draftsman) will comply with the provisions of feet and inches. If two or more build­ ______19____S heet No______§ 192.86. (Sec. 3176, I. R. C.) ings are used, the designated name of (D ate) . § 192.95 Changes in equipment. each will be indicated and all passage (Sec. 3176, I. R. C.) Where changes are to be made in brewery ways and other openings, if any, and all equipment that affect the accuracy of connecting pipe lines used for the con­ § 192.81 Revised plats and plans. Form 27-C and plat or plans, the brewer veyance of fermented malt liquor be­ The sheets of revised plats and plans shall first secure approval thereof by the tween the same depicted. All pipe lines .shall bear the same number as the Sheets district supervisor pursuant to applica­ and other connections between the brew­ superseded but will be given a new date. tion, in triplicate, setting forth specif­ ery premises and Other premises must be Any additional plats and plans shall be ically the proposed changes: Provided, indicated on the plat and identified as to given a new number in consecutive or­ That emergency repairs coming under Use. Where two or more buildings are der or will be otherwise numbered and this category of changes may be made used for the same purpose, the name of lettered in such manner as will permit without prior approval of the district each building shall include an alpha­ the filing of the plats and plans in proper supervisor. Where such emergency re­ betical designation, beginning with “A” sequence. (Sec. 3176,1. R. C.) pairs are made, the brewer will file im­ and they shall be so shown on the plat. § 192.87 Change in stockholders, mediately a report thereof, in triplicate, All first floor openings of each building officers, and directors of corporation. with the district supervisor. (Sec. 3176, on the premises will be shown on the The sale or transfer of the capital stock I. R. C.) plat. The surrounding drive ways, of a corporation operating a brewery § 192.96 Amended notice and plats streets and sidings shall also be indicated does not constitute a change in the pro­ on the plat. (Sec. 3176,1. R. C.) or plans. Where changes have occurred prietorship of the brewery. However, under §§ 192.94 or 192.95 amended no­ § 192.78 Plans, Plans will include a where the sale or transfer of capital tice and plat or plans will be filed on floor plan of each floor of each building stock results in a change in the control or before May 1 to reflect the changes actually used in connection with the or management of the business, or made during the preceding calendar manufacture, packaging and bottling of where there is any change in the officers year. The district supervisor may re­ fermented malt liquor or other author­ or directors, the brewer must give notice quire the immediate filing of such doc­ ized activity, indicating the dimensions thereof, in triplicate, to the district su­ uments upon completion of changes that of the rooms and floors. The location pervisor within 5 days of such ohange. materially affect the accuracy of the of doors, windows and other openings Mere changes in stockholders of corpo­ existing Form 27-C and plat or plans. will be shown. The approximate loca­ rations not constituting a change in (Sec. 3176, I. R. .C.) tion and serial numbers of breW kettles, control need not be so reported. The mash tubs, fermenting tanks, settling district supervisor must, in the case of § 192.107 Disposition of qualifying tanks, storage tanks and other major changes in officers or directors, be fur­ documents. ' Where the bond or consent apparatus and equipment used in the nished extracts, in triplicate, of the min­ of surety is approved by the district production of fermented malt liquor must utes of the meetings showing the election supervisor, he will forward the original be shown or indicated on the plan by of the new officers within 5 days after copy of the bond, and the original copy such election. (Sec. 3176,1. R. C.) of the notice, plat, plan, and other quali­ drawing or wording. For example, fying documents, together with a copy of where a number of tanks1 are located in § 192.89 Special tax stamps. Where all inspection reports, to the Commis­ a room, the approximate location of each there is a change in proprietorship of sioner, one copy of the bond, notice, plat, tank may be shown on the plan by circle the brewery, the successor must procure plans, and other qualifying documents or square and the kind and serial num­ the required special tax stamps: Pro­ to the brewer and will retain one copy ber of the tank indicated within the circle vided, That where a change in propri­ of such qualifying documents for the file or square or elsewhere on the plan or the etorship occurs by reason of the with­ of such brewer, and will authorize the fact that the tanks are located within drawal of one or more members of a brewer to commence operations. The the room may be indicated by wording partnership, the special tax stamp, or documents returned to the brewer will be giving the kinds and serial numbers of stamps, may be validated if within 30 filed in proper order and made available the tanks. (Sec. 3176,1. R. C.) days after the withdrawal there is filed for inspection during ordinary business § 192.79 Conduits or pipe lines. The with the collector of internal revenue, hours. If the bond or consent of surety conduit or pipe line used for the transfer an amended return on Form 11, showing is disapproved by the district supervisor, of fermented malt liquor from the the required information regarding the all copies thereof shall be returned to the brewery to the bottling house will be remaining partner or partners. The principal, and the surety or sureties shall shown in red on the plat, and the details special tax stamp, or stamps, must also be notified of such action. The district of construction, the manner of securing be forwarded to the collector for appro­ supervisor will promptly advise the Com­ same, and the location of meters and priate endorsement of the change in the missioner fully respecting the disap­ Government locks will be shown. All partnership. (Secs. 3176, 3250, I. R. C.) proval of any bond by him. If the bond 3124 PROPOSED RULE MAKING or consent of surety has been disap­ § 192.130 Rebranded barrels. No piece thereof not less than one-half inch proved, the district supervisor will return wooden barrel or keg which has been re­ square, and will sign the receipt on the all copies of other qualifying documents branded across the staves and no wooden three copies of Form 139. The meter to the applicant, or brewer. (Sec. 3176, barrel or keg which has the name of more will be read, and Forms 139, with can­ I. R. C.) than one manufacturer branded thereon celed stamps attached, will be collected may be used by a brewer as a container from the brewer by any inspector visit- * § 192.111 Review of documents. The for fermented liquor: Provided, That the ing the brewery to make a master meter Commissioner Will review the qualifying removal and replacement of one or more check* or any special inspection, or on documents, and determine that they are monthly inspection. (Secs. 3157 (a), properly executed, and in conformity staves by the brewer whose name and with the requirements of law and regu­ address was originally so branded on a 3176, I. R. C.) lations concerning construction and es­ barrel or keg shall not be deemed to be § 192.149 Containers and records. tablishment. If such documents are not a rebranding: And provided further, Brewer’s yeast in liquid or solid form in conformity with the above require­ That where wooden barrels or kegs are containing not less than 10 percent solids ments, the Commissioner will return all sold by one brewer to another, or are sold (as determined by the methods of analy­ copies to the district supervisor, with the under court order, the brands on such sis of the American Society of Brewing necessary instructions for correction. barrels or kegs may, upon application to, Chemists) may be removed from the (Sec. 3176, L R. C.) and approval of, the district supervisor, brewery in barrels, tank wagons or other be scraped and the barrels or kegs re­ suitable containers or by pipe line. If § 192.118 Special tax. Brewers are branded by the purchasing brewer, and removed in containers, the containers required to pay within the calendar in the case of metal barrels or kegs the must bear labels giving the name and month in which they commence opera-, original marks may be covered by a metal location of the brewery and the words tions the special tax required by sec­ plate so welded into the barrel as to be­ “Brewer’s Yeast.” If removed by pipe tion 3250 (c), Internal Revenue Code. come an integral part thereof. Where line, the pipe line will be indicated on Special taxes shall become due on the 1st a brewer has discontinued business, the the plat and described in the Form 27-C day of July in each year, or on*commenc- successor may comply with the provisions and the premises receiving the product ing any trade or business on which such of this section by placing additional will be subject to inspection by Govern­ tax is imposed. In the former case the marks and brands on the barrels and ment officers during ordinary business tax is reckoned for one year; and in the kegs, in accordance with § 192.128, which hours. The brewer must keep records latter it is reckoned proportionately from indicate the successorship, without re­ open for inspection by Government offi­ the 1st day of the month in which the moving the marks and brands of the cers showing the quantity and date of liability to special tax commenced to and predecessor. (Secs. 3155 (f), 3176, removal and the name and address of including the 30th day of June following. I. R. C.) the consignee. Brewer’s yeast may be (Secs. 3176, 3250 (c) (1), 3271 (b), § 192.146 Beer transferred to bottling removed for sale to other brewers for I. R. C.) house by pipe line. Sufficient stamps to use in the manufacture of beer and to § 192.125 Beer tax rate. All beer, cover the taxpayment of all fermented other concerns (including off-premise lager beer, ale, porter, and other similar malt liquor to be transferred to the bot­ plants of brewers) for the preparation fermented liquOTs, containing one-half tling house each day must be on hand at" of stock foods and medicinal products, or of 1 per centum or more of alcohol by the brewery. The brewer will make a for any other legitimate purposes. (Secs. volume, brewed or manufactured and daily report on Form 139, in triplicate, 3158, 3176 I. R. C.) sold, or removed for consumption or sale, of all beer run through the meter fof § 192.150 Malt sirup. Records shall by whatever name such liquors may be bottling. The daily report will be pre­ be kept by the brewer of all malt and called, are subject to the tax prescribed pared not later than the close of the malt sirup removed from the brewery. by section 3150 (a), Internal Revenue business day (exclusive of Saturdays, Such records must show the quantity of Code, for every barrel containing not Sundays and holidays) next succeeding each lot removed, together with the name more than 31 gallons, and at a like rate the day on which the transactions occur. and address of the person to whom for any other quantity or for the frac­ Report of meter readings will be made shipped or delivered. The records must tional parts of a barrel authorized tmd from the continuous counter. At the be available for inspection by Govern­ defined by law, to be collected under the time of making his report on Form 139 ment officers. (Secs. 3158, 3176,1. R. C.) provisions of existing law. (Secs. the brewer will cancel the number of beer 3150 (a), 3176,1. R. C.) stamps corresponding to the quantity of § 192.184 Examination of beer. The beer metered for tax payment, in the inspector will examine the beer to deter­ § 192.127 Method of tax payment. manner prescribed for the cancellation mine (a) its condition, (b) that it is un­ The tax on fermented liquor is required of stamps for barrels or kegs of fer­ salable, and (c) the apparent reason for by law to be paid by the owner, agent, or mented malt liquor. The set back its having become unsalable. He will superintendent of the brewery or prem­ counter may be used by the brewer for verify the quantity to be destroyed or re­ ises in which it is made, and must be paid checking continuous counter readings, turned to the brewery. The inspector by stamp and at the time and in the and upon completion of the day’s run for will take samples of the unsalable beer, manner specified by the regulations in bottling, it must be set at zero. The selected at random from several of the this part. (Secs. 3150 (a), 3176,1. R. C.) brewer will attach the canceled stamps to lots accumulated and determine the per § 192.129 More than one "brewery one copy of Form 139, to be delivered to cent of alcohol by volume. Samples of owned by the same person. Where two the inspector who visits the brewery and beer similar to that which is being de­ or more are owned and oper­ takes the meter reading. One copy of stroyed or returped to the brewery, will ated by the same person, firm, or cor­ each Form 139 will be attached to Form be selected from the brewery storage vats poration, barrels or kegs w^h the name 103 by the brewer, and will be transmit­ and the alcoholic content determined for of the brewer and the location of one or ted by him to the district supervisor. comparison with the tests of samples of more of such breweries branded or em­ The third copy will be retained by the unsalable beer. Any other tests of the bossed thereon or indented therein may brewer as a part of his Government rec­ unsalable beer will be made by the in­ be used for the removal of tax-paid fer­ ord, to be kept available for inspection spector that will aid in verifying the mented malt liquor from the premises of by officers of this Bureau. The inspector, statements in the brewer’s affidavit. all such breweries, provided, whenever having satisfied himself by an inspection (Secs. 3153, 3176, I. R. C.) a barrel or keg so branded is filled with of the stamps that they are sufficient to § 192.185 Requirements for accumu­ tax-paid fermented malt liquor for re­ cover the tax due on the beer passed lation in tanks. Brewers may accumu­ moval, a label, showing the location (city through the meter for taxpayment as late in calibrated tanks provided espe­ and state) of the brewery at which the indicated by Form 139, and that they cially for that purpose any fermented fermented malt liquor was produced, is have been properly canceled by the malt liquor which has not been removed securely affixed thereon. If more than brewer, will, in the presence of the from the bottling house and which is un­ one such brewery is located in the same brewer, further cancel and deface the salable by reason of its conditions. A city, such label shall show the location stamps so delivered, by driving through record will be kept of the quantity of fer­ by street number, city and state. (Secs. them a die or punch, in such manner as mented malt liquor deposited in the tanks 3155 (f), 3176,1. R. C.) to cut from, the center of each stamp a each day and a record of the bottling Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3125 from which the unsalable beer was ac­ 103 retained by him at the brewery. fermented liquors are required to have a cumulated. The daily record will show (Secs. 3153 (b), 3176, I. R. C.) label setting forth the following informa­ the balling, alcoholic content by volume tion: and amount of each type bottled and § 192.201 Marks on containers. Each (a) Name of the brewer. will be submitted in support of the affi­ keg, barrel, shipping case, crate or other (b) The location of the brewery by davit made under § 192.181. The brewer package containing fermented malt liq­ city and state, or street number, city and will ascertain the balling and alcoholic uor to be exported under these regula­ state if the brewer operates more than content of thé accumulated beer to be of­ tions in this part, without the payment one brewery in the same city. fered for inspection and will make appro­ of tax, must plainly and legibly show (c) Distinctive name of the beverage, priate computations by comparison with the brewer’s name1 and address, and the if any. the average balling and alcoholic content words “Fermented Malt Liquor for Ex­ (d) “Non-taxable as Fermented Liquor of the beer bottled daily during the cal- port-Lot No_____ ” in letters and figures Under Federal Law.” The label may lection period to determine the actual of not less than three-fourths of an inch contain other statements desired by the amount of unsalable beer collected upon -in height. The lot number assigned brewer if they are not inconsistent with which refund may, be claimed and the must correspond with the brewer’s serial the requirements of this section. (Sec. amount of water that may have been in­ number of the Form 1689. (Secs. 3153 3176, I. R. C.) (b), 3176,1. R. C.) cidentally introduced into the tank for § 192.259 Form 103. Each brewer which refund is not allowable. The in­ § 192.204 Details on Form 1689. Each shall keep Form 103, “Monthly Record of spector will take appropriate samples of application on Form 1689 will be given Transactions at Brewery,” reporting the fermented malt liquor for use in de­ a serial number by the brewer beginning thereon the quantity of each kind of ma­ termining the balling and per cent of all with number 1. On July 1 of each year terial received and used in the produc­ cohol and whether the beer is unsalable. he shall begin a new series, commencing tion of fermented malt liquor, the He will also make such examination of with number 1. The details required by amount of fermented malt liquor pro­ the brewing and bottling records as may the application must be filed in com­ duced therefrom, the amount of fer­ be necessary to verify the brewer’s affi­ pletely and legibly by the brewer. The mented malt liquor removed from the davit and supporting data. (Secs. 3154, name of the carrier—that is, vessel or brewery premises and other information 3176, I. R. C.) vehicle on which shipment will be car­ required by the regulations in this part § 192.187 Copy to Commissioner. The ried from the exterior limits of the and by the lines and instructions on the original of the inspector’s report, to­ United States—unless known to the form. There shall also be reported as a gether with one copy of the brewer’s af­ brewer, will be filled in by the agent of special debit in the “Summary of Fer­ fidavit, will be forwarded by the district the brewer at the port of exportation mented Malt Liquor” of Form 103 the supervisor to the Commissioner, accom­ who will sign the request for customs in­ quantity of water, if any, used in adjust­ panied by a statement setting forth the spection as exporter. (Secs. 3153 (b), ing the balling or alcoholic content of district supervisor’s views as to the pro­ 3176.1. R. C.) the fermented malt liquor after removal priety of allowing the claim for refund § 192.297 Examination by inspector. from the settling tanks. The entries of the tax paid on the unsalable beer. Upon receipt of Forms 1689 from the shall be made prior to the close of the (Secs. 3154, 3176, I. R. C.) supervisor, the inspector will verify the business day (exclusive of Saturdays, quantity of fermented malt liquor to Sundays and holidays) next succeeding § 192.191 Claims for refund. Claims the day on which the transactions occur. for refund of tax on fermented -malt be exported. In verifying the contents of the containers of fermented malt liquor, Monthly returns of the operations of sudh liquor destroyed in the bottling house plants on Form 103 shall be made not or returned to the brewery because of the inspector will examine a representa­ tive number of such containers or will later than the 10th day of each month the fermented malt liquor being unsal­ for the preceding month. Such returns able will be filed on Form 843. Claims use any other method of inspection which will reasonably disclose that the con­ shall be made in triplicate. Each copy must be filed with the district supervisor shall be duly sworn to or affirmed. Two of the district where the brewery is lo­ tents of the containers are as represented by the‘Form 1689 and that the contain­ copies shall be forwarded to the super­ cated and within 90 days after destruc­ visor, who shall forward one to the Com­ tion of the fermented malt liquor or the ers are properly marked and labeled. (Secs. 3153 (b), 3176,1. R. C.) missioner in accordance with instruc­ return thereof to the brewery for use tions on the form. The remaining copy as brewing material. The district super­ § 192.209 Change of consignee. will be retained by the brewer and filed visor will certify the claim as to the total Where, after inspection of an export as a permanent record, so as to be avail­ amount of tax paid on the fermented shipment, but before removal, the brewer, able for inspection at any time within the malt liquor in question and will forward for good and sufficient reasons, desires to succeeding four years. (Secs. 3155 (c), the claim to the Commissioner with the change the name and address of the con­ 3171 (a), 3176,1. R. C.) papers referred to in § 192.187. (Secs. signee, he will forward the two copies of *T 192.260 Daily sales record. Each 3154, 3176,1. R. C.) Form 1689, left with him by the inspec­ brewer must keep at the brewery, and § 192.195 Record of beer bottled for tor with a letter to the district super­ available for inspection at all times, a export. Not later than the close of busi­ visor, for correction, indorsement, and daily sales record, showing in detail the ness of the next business day (exclusive return. Where a change of consignee is number and kind of packages, such as of Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) on desired after removal of the fermented hogsheads, barrels, half-barrels, cases, which beer is removed from the brewery malt liquor, the district supervisor may etc., of fermented malt liquor and cereal authorize such change and notify the ap­ beverages sold or removed, the names, to the bottling house and bottled for ex­ propriate collector of customs. (Secs. port the brewer will enter the quantity 3153 (b), 3176, I. R. C.) and addresses of the purchasers, and the so bottled in Form 139 at the line en­ amounts sold to each such purchaser. titled “Less tax-free transfers.” The § 192.224 Shortage in foreign landing. The sales records will be held available brewer will write in this line the words If a shortage is reported, the district for inspection for a period of four years. “Bottled for export.” (Secs. 3153 (b), supervisor shall enter credit for the (Sec. 3176,1. R. C.) 3176, I. R. C.) actual quantity, if any, received at the § 192.263 Form 1689. Application foreign port as indicated by the evidence will be made on Form 1689 for the re­ § 192.196 Form 1626. Record will be of landing and shall report promptly for kept by the brewer on Form 1626 of all moval of fermented malt liquor from a assessment the amount of the tax due on brewery or from the bottling house of fermented malt liquor bottled for export. the shortage. If shortages are disclosed a brewery for use as supplies on vessels Entries must be made in this record in more than one export shipment of a and aircraft. (Sec. 3176,1. R. C.; Sec. 3, not later than the close of business of the brewer, all the shortages reported dur­ 55 Stat. 602 (19 U. S. C. Supp., 1309)) next succeeding business day (exclusive ing a month may be included in a con­ of Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) on solidated assessment to be reported at 2. Sections 192.197, 192.205, 192.206, which transactions’ occur. The brewer the close of the month. (Secs. 3153 (b), 192.208, 192.215 to 192.218, inclusive, 3176.1. R. C.) 192.221 to 192.223, inclusive, and 192.258 will attach one, copy of Form 1626 to each (b) are amended by striking out “Form copy of Form 103 rendered by him to § 192.252 Labels. Bottles or cans con­ 550” wherever it appears therein and sub­ the supervisor, and one copy to the Form taining cereal beverages not taxable as stituting therefor “Form 1689.” No. 113------3 3126 PROPOSED RULE MAKING 3. This Treasury decision shall be ef­ fodmulate marketing agreements and (3) With respect to the issuance of fective on the 31st day after the date of marketing orders, as amended (7 CFR exemption certificates^that, in the event its publication in the F ederal R egister. and Supps. 900.1 et seq.; 12 F. R. 1159, the commodity committee determines that by reason of general crop failure or IP. R. Doc. 48-5205; Piled, June 9, 1948; 4904), notice is hereby given of the 8:59 a. m.] filing with the Hearing Clerk of this any other unusual conditions within a recommended decision of the Assistant particular district or districts it is not Administrator, Production and Market­ feasible or would not be equitable to issue DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ing Administration, United States De­ such certificates on the basis of an in­ partment of Agriculture, with respect to dividual district percentage, the average Production and Marketing proposed amendments to Marketing of the percentages for all districts shall Administration Agreement No. 85, as amended (herein­ be used; after referred to as the “marketing (4) For the modification, suspension 17 CFR, Parts 725, 7261 agreement”), and Order No. .36, as or termination by the Secretary of any regulation, theretofore issued and then T obacco; B u rley and F l u e -C ured and amended (7 CFR, Cum. Supp., Part 936), F ire-C ured and D ark A ir -C ured hereinafter referred to as the “order”, in effect; and regulating the handling of fresh Bart­ (5) Authorization for the Control NOTICE OF FORMULATION OF REGULATIONS lett pears, plums, and Elberta peaches Committee to engage in such research RELATING TO ESTABLISHMENT OF TOBACCO grown in the State of California to be and service activities in connection with FARM ACREAGE ALLOTMENTS AND NORMAL made effective pursuant to the provi­ the handling of such fruits as may be YIELDS FOR 1949-50 MARKETING YEAR sions of the Agricultural Marketing approved, from time to time, by the Sec­ Pursuant to the authority contained Agreement Act of 1937, as amended (7 retary; and for the financing of such in the applicable provisions of the U. S. C. 601 et seq.). Interested parties activities. Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as may file exceptions to this recommended Findings and conclusions. The find­ amended (7 U. S. C. 1312, 1313), the decision with the Hearing Clerk, United ings and conclusions relating to the ma­ Secretary of Agriculture is preparing to States Department of Agriculture, Room terial issues are based upon the evidence formulate regulations governing the es­ 1846, South Building, Washington 25, introduced at the hearing and the record tablishment of farm acreage allotments D. C., not later than the close of business thereof, and are as follows: and normal yields for marketing quotas on the 10th day after publication hereof (1) The marketing agreement and to be in effect during the 1949-50 mar­ in the F ederal R egister. Exceptions order should be amended to permit con­ keting year for Burley, flue-cured, fire- should be filed in quadruplicate. tinued operation of the marketing agree­ cured, and dp,rk air-cured tobacco. Preliminary statement. The public ment and order program under minimum Growers of Burley and flue-cured to­ hearing, on the record of which the pro­ standards of quality and maturity during bacco voting in referenda held on Octo­ pose amendments to the marketing periods when the respective seasonal ber 25, 1946, and July 12, 1946, respec­ agreement and order are formulated, was average price of fresh Bartlett pears, tively, favored marketing quotas for the initiated by the Production and Market­ plums, or Elberta peaches produced in marketing years 1947-48 through 1949- ing Administration as a result of pro­ the State of California exceeds the parity 50 by a percentage of 95.9 (11 F. R. 14509) posed amendments received from the level set forth therefor in section 2 (1) of in the case of Burley tobacco, and 97.1 Control Committee, established pursuant the Agricultural Marketing Agreement (llt F. R. 9732) in the case of flue-cured to the marketing agreement and order Act of 1937, as amended. During seasons tobacco. as the agency to administer the terms when the average prices of these fruits The applicability of the regulations as and provisions thereof. were not in excess of their respective issued with respect to each kind of to­ In accordance with the applicable pro­ parity levels, grade and size regulations bacco will be contingent upon the proc­ visions of the aforesaid rules of practice were-made effective pursuant to the pro­ lamation of a national marketing quota and procedure, a notice that a public visions of the marketing agreement and pursuant to section 312 of the act, and hearing would be held at Sacramento, order. Considerable good will was ob­ in the cases of fire-cured and dark air- California, on April 12, 1948, to consider tained, during such periods, from con­ cured tobacco, upon approval of market­ the proposed amendments, was published sumers of these commodities by supply­ ing quotas by growers voting in refer­ in the F ederal R egister (13 F. R . 1903) ing them with mature and properly enda. on April 7, 1948. graded fruits. At other times when the Prior to the final adoption and issu­ Material issues, The material issues seasonal average prices of these com­ ance of these regulations, consideration presented on the record of the hearing modities were in excess of parity, the will be given to any data, views, and were concerned with amending the m a r­ regulatory provisions of the program recommendations pertaining thereto keting agreement and order to provide, were rendered inoperative, as required which are submitted in writing to the with respect to fresh Bartlett pears, by the Agricultural Marketing Agree­ Director, Tobacco Branch, Production plums, and Elberta peaches produced in ment Act of 1937, as amended. The re­ and Marketing Administration, United the State of California: version by some members of these indus­ States Department of Agriculture, Wash­ (1) For the establishment of minimum tries, because of the absence of gradé and ington 25, D. C. All submissions must standards of quality and maturity to be size regulations, to less rigid grading be postmarked not later than June 30, effective during specified periods even practices invariably destroyed some of 1948. % though the seasonal average price of the the previously earned good will, since, in respective fruit exceeds the parity level many instances, consumers were offered Issued at Washington, D. C., this 7th low quality fruit, off-grade fruit, and day of June 1948. set forth therefor in section 2 (1) of the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act immature or cull fruit. [seal] R alph S. T rigg, of 1937, as amended; The suspension of regulations under Administrator. (2) That whenever any grower fur­ the marketing agreement and order pro­ [F. R. Doc. 48-5197; Filed, June 9, 1948; nishes proof satisfactory to a commodity gram has also seriously interfered with 8:57 a. m.] committee, established for a particular the activities of the Control Committee. fruit, that by reason of conditions beyond At times suspension of such regulations his control he will be prevented, because has been required during the course of a marketing season. Such action usu­ /17 CFR, Part 9361 of a regulation then in effect governing the shipment of such fruit, from ship­ ally resulted in the shipment of low- F resh B artlett P ears, P l u m s , and E l - ping, or having shipped, a percentage of quality fruit during the remainder of berta P eaches G r o w n in California such marketing season. his crop of such fruit equal to the per­ Public Law 305, 80th Congress, ap­ NOTICE OF RECOMMENDED DECISION AND OP­ centage, determined by suCh committee, proved August 1, 1947, permits mini­ PORTUNITY TO FILE WRITTEN EXCEPTIONS of all such fruit permitted to be shipped mum standards of quality and maturity WITH RESPECT TO PROPOSED AMENDMENTS from his district, such committee shall to be established and maintained in effect TO AMENDED MARKETING AGREEMENT AND issue an exemption certificate to such even though the seasonal average price ORDER grower authorizing the shipment of a of the regulated commodity is above par­ Pursuant to the rules of practice and percentage of his crop of such fruit equal ity, if such action will effectuate orderly procedure governing proceedings to to the aforesaid percentage; marketing in the public interest. Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3127 Through the use of minimum standards be in the public interest when prices are quality of fruit. Material impairment of of quality and maturity during any sea­ above parity. shipping quality is of significance be­ son when the average price of the re­ The minimum standard of maturity to cause decay or deterioration resulting spective fruit covered by the marketing be made operative during periods when from serious mechanical injuries in­ agreement and order program is above the seasonal average price of a particular creases during the period the fruit is in the parity level, the commodity commit­ fruit exceeds parity, should be based on transit and tends to spread more rapidly tee established for such fruit would be the definition of maturity, which is con­ after the fruit has arrived in the ter­ in position to recommend that the Secre­ tained in the applicable United States minal markets and is no longer under tary regulate, to the extent prescribed standards for such fruit.1 Mature fruit refrigeration. by such minimum standards, the qual­ reaches that stage of growth which per­ Freedom of fruit from material im­ ity and maturity of shipments of such mits the completion of the normal ripen­ pairment of edible quality should also be fruit at times when more stringent regu­ ing process of such fruit. Immature fruit given significant consideration in the lations may not be invoked. Such rec­ was shown to be fruit which could not establishment of minimum standards of ommendations for the establishment of reasonably be considered palatable or quality. Fruit, the edible quality of minimum standards of quality or matu­ edible, and, hence, sucli fruit should not which is only slightly affected, should rity, or both, to govern the shipment of be shipped for consumption regardless of not be considered in the establishment of such fruit should be in terms of (i) min­ the level of prices to producers. minimum standards of quality; but ma­ imum standards of maturity; (ii) free­ In the establishment of minimum terial impairment pi the edible quality dom of fruit from material waste; (iii) standards of quality, consideration of fruit significantly affects adversely freedom of fruit from material impair­ should be given to the five previously the consumer satisfaction derived from ment of shipping quality ; (iv) freedom of enumerated factors of (i) freedom of purchases of such fruit. fruit from material impairment of edible fruit from material waste, (ii) freedom The evidence, shows that, freedom of quality; (v). freedom of fruit from seri­ of fruit from material impairment of fruit from serious damage to appearance ous damage~to appearance; (vi) mini­ shipping quality, (iii) freedom of fruit should be another factor in the deter­ mum size requirements; or (vii) any from material impairment of edible qual­ mination of minimum standards of combination of the foregoing. Specifi­ ity, (ii) freedom of fruit from serious quality, because serious damage to ap­ cation of the attributes or elements of damage to appearance, and (v) minimum pearance directly affects the amount of maturity and quality is necessary in or­ size requirements. Since the presence of waste or the proportion of edible flesh der to delineate the basis upon which any material waste adversely affects the in the fruit. For example, fruit which is such recommendation should be made measure of satisfaction which consumers excessively abnormal in shape, excessive­ by a commodity committee. may derive from purchases of such fruit, ly scarred or hail marked, or which had The structure of the amendment, freedom of fruit from material waste been subjected to severe freezing injury, authorizing any commodity committee should be one of the criterional factors is considered seriously misshapen. It is to recommend and the Secretary to bearing on the determination of mini­ not in the public interest that any such establish on the basis of such recom­ mum standards of quality. It is signifi­ fruit which is seriously or abnormally mendation or other available informa­ cant that the factor is not merely speci­ defective in shape be shipped to con­ tion minimum standards of quality and fied as “waste”; rather it is specified as suming markets, for such fruit will ulti­ maturity, affords the necessary maxi­ “material tf aste”, which the evidence of mately result in measurable waste at the mum flexibility in the establishment, record describes as serious damage to the time of consumption. modification, suspension, or termination edible portion of the fruit. Material The evidence adduced at the hearing* of such minimum standards which would waste was shown to result from severe shows that the size of fresh Bartlett otherwise be absent if the specific stand­ scab, hail damage, or frost damage caus­ pears, plums, and Elberta peaches has a ards were detailed in the amendment: It ing 10 percent or more waste of the edi­ direct bearing upon the quality and flavor is impracticable to anticipate with preci­ ble portion of frdit. An example of ma­ of the fruit and should be considered in sion the varying climatic and other con­ terial waste is provided by fruit which, the specification of romimum standards ditions whiclT*may prevail during a par­ in its growth, has developed rough, dry, of quality. Fruit which is excessively ticular marketing season and have a usually discolored portions of the flesh small in relation to the normal size for direct bearing on any prefigured, manda­ of the fruit, due to drought spots or limb the particular variety or strain is usually tory specifications of minimum stand­ rubs, which are medible and must be dis­ so inferior in palatability as not to be ards of quality and maturity to be in carded by the consumer. The shipment reasonably acceptable to consumers. effect during such season. As experience of fruit with material waste will not ef­ Such extremely small-sized fruit was in the operation of this amendment fectuate orderly marketing of such fruit shown to have been the result of im­ demonstrates the exact needs, appropri­ in the public interest regardless of the proper cultural practices or of some cli-* ate adjustments in the standards can be level of prices to producers. matic or other factor which interfered made readily. Another factor to be considered in the with thp normal development of the fruit. The desirability of prohibiting the determination of minimum standards of Small-sized fruit usually does not possess shipment of fruit which does not meet quality should be freedom of fruit from the flavor present in normal-sized fruit. minimum standards of quality qnd material impairment of shipping quality. In addition, there is excessive waste in maturity was emphasized at the hearing This factor is of particular importance small-sized fruit due to the high pro­ because of the tendency on the part of in producing areas located at great dis­ portion of core or pit to flesh. some growers and shippers in the indus­ tances from consuming markets, as is A close correlation was .shown to exist try to ship extremely poor quality fruit the case in the California producing among the foregoing factors of maturity when prices are high. While there is a area since approximately 8 to 10 days and quality. The size of the various limited demand, in times of scarcity, for transit time is required before the fruit fruits subject to regulation under the such fruit, no appreciable quantity can is delivered to the principal eastern con­ marketing agreement and order program be expected to be marketed even at such suming markets. Material impairment often provides an indication nf the de­ times. The marketing of immature or of shipping quality was shown to result gree of maturity of the respective fruit low-quality fruit clearly is not in the best from the existence of worms, worm holes, and has a direct relationship to the pro­ interest of consumers. The continued decay, or excessive heat injury, or sun portion of waste usually found in such shipment of such immature or low-grade scald. Serious mechanical injuries often fruit. Serious damage to appearance of fruit would, because of the increasing result in deterioration of the fruit in the fruit also is directly related to the consumer resistance thereto and because transit and; consequently, are indicia of aggregate amount of waste. Immaturity of the long distance over which most material impairment of the shipping directly affects the edibility of fruit and shipments of such fruit must travel to usually results in waste. Material im­ the eastern consuming markets, tend to pairment of shipping quality also affects 1 United States Standards for plums and the edible quality of the fruit and often result in direct financial loss to all ele­ prunes (fresh), 12 F. R. 2305; United States ments of the industry. Such a develop­ Standards for Peaches (12 F. R. 3798); and results in waste. ment is not conducive to such orderly United States standards for summer and fall Section 2 (s) (8) of the marketing marketing of California fresh Bartlett pears, such as Bartlett, Hardy, and other agreement and § 936.2 (s) (8) of the pears, plums, and Elbert a peaches as will similar varieties (12 F. R. 3800). order should be amended to contain an 3128 PROPOSED RULE MAKING

appropriate reference to minimum stand­ order to provide (a) an indication of the in sudden crop disasters; and exemptions ards of quality and maturity because proportion of the total crop of a particu­ from regulations, if warranted, should recommendations by the various com­ lar fruit in any district that will be be provided as quickly as possible. modity coriunittees, regarding such min­ prohibited from being shipped as a re­ Hence, the provisions dealing with the imum standards, should be made in the sult of the regulation, and (b) a basis issuance of exemption certificates in such light of the recommendations of the for the issuance of exemption certificates instances should authorize the commod­ Sales Managers’ Committee with respect to growers who are inequitably affected ity committees to act promptly. Evi­ thereto. The Sales Managers’ Commit­ as a result of such regulation. dence of record shows that the use of the tee, consisting of handlers, is well quali­ Evidence adduced at the hearing shows foregoing method of averaging the per­ fied to provide guidance and counsel to that exemption certificates should be centages of all districts will be equitable the commodity committees by reason of issued in the event the conditions pre­ and will tend to expedite the issuance of their experience in handling the fruits requisite to their issuance are met. An exemption certificates. covered by the marketing agreement and exemption certificate should be issued The provisions in the existing market­ order. to any grower who furnishes proof sat­ ing agreement and order specifying the The inspection requirements of sec­ isfactory to the appropriate commodity activities of employees of various com­ tion 4 of the marketing agreement and committee that by reason of conditions modity committees with respect to the § 936.4 of the order should be made ap­ beyond his control he will be prevented, issuance of exemption certificates should plicable to shipments of fruit when mini­ because of a regulation theretofore issued be deleted since the activities and per­ mum standards of quality and maturity and then in effect, from shipping, or hav­ formance of employees of the commodity are in effect in order to provide for the ing shipped, a percentage of his crop of committees are directed by such com­ proper administration of regulations that such fruit equal to the percentage, deter­ mittees. The provisions with respect to may be made effective during any period mined as aforesaid, of all such fruit per­ appeals from the action of a commodity when the seasonal average price of a mitted to be shipped from his district. committee regarding applications for ex­ particular fruit covered by this regula­ The record shows that the basic principle emption certificates should be continued tory program exceeds the parity level governing the issuance of exemption cer­ in the amended program in order to per­ therefor. tificates under the current program will mit any grower who is dissatisfied with (2) In order to continue to providenot be changed under the proposed such action to appeal to the Secretary equitable treatment among growers, in­ amendment. Rather, the amendment is for modification or reversal of such ac­ sofar as the effects of any given regula­ designed to state clearly and expressly tion. tion or set of regulations is Concerned, that an exemption certificate shall be The evidence adduced at the hearing provision should be made to allow pro­ issued to any grower who furnishes requi­ supports the applicability of these ex­ ducers to ship, or have shipped, some site proof that by reason of conditions emption provisions to grade and size reg­ fruit which otherwise would be prohibited beyond his control the shipment of his ulations that are effective during any pe­ by the regulations from being shipped. fruit would be unduly curtailed because riod when the seasonal average price for The exemption provisions hereinafter of the existing regulation. the respective fruits covered by the pro­ prescribed are designed to prevent the Conditions beyond the control of grow­ gram is not in excess of the particularly imposition of undue inequities as a con­ ers, such as hail, frost, or wind injury or parity level. However, while it was as­ sequence of the operation of the regula­ widespread insert infestation, are in con­ serted at the hearing, that such exemp­ tory provisions of this marketing agree- trast to conditions resulting from the tion provisions should also extend to reg­ i ment and order program. The new pro­ lack of observance of proper cultural and ulations, prescribed minimum standards visions with respect to exemptions are harvesting practices. Proper cultural of quality and maturity, that are effec­ based upon the existing exemption pro­ care and adequate thinning are neces­ tive during any period when the respec­ visions and are designed to clarify and sary to produce good merchantable fruit. tive seasonal average price is above the make more workable such provisions. Evidence of record shows that the lack applicable level, no proof was offered to Each commclmty committee estab­ of observance of such practices by grow­ substantiate the proposal. lished for a particular fruit should adopt ers in the production of their fruit should Each commodity committee should the procedural rules to govern the is­ not be considered as a proper basis for maintain adequate records of all appli­ suance of exemption certificates, as the issuance of exemption certificates. cations submitted for exemption certifi­ hereinafter set forth, without delaying The record further shows that it would cates and of all certificates issued, in­ such action until one-half of the es­ not be equitable to permit growers who cluding the information used in deter­ timated seasonal shipments of such fruit do not properly cultivate or thin their mining, in each instance, the quantity has been made. The prerequisite deter- crops to be permitted to ship, through of fruit to be so exempted and a record - mination that such shipments have been the means of exemption certificates, as of all shipments of exempted fruit. Such completed is currently required under large a proportion of their crops as those data should be submitted, from time to the marketing agreement an$J order. growers who did engage in such cultural time, to the Secretary in order to assure Operations under the marketing agree­ practices. proper administration of’these exemption ment and order have demonstrated, since If, in the event of a general crop failure provisions. the inception of the program, that the or any other unusual condition within a (3) Provision should be made for the same procedural rules may be used each particular district or districts, it is not modification of any or all regulations, is­ season. To make the aforesaid prerequi­ feasible or would not be equitable to issue sued by the Secretary pursuant to sec­ site determination and announcement exemption certificates to growers on the tion 4 of the marketing agreement and of the procedural rules each season basis of the percentage, determined as § 962.4 of the order, if such modification whenever a particular commodity com­ aforesaid, of fruit permitted to be will tend to effectuate the declared policy mittee finds that one-half of the es­ shipped from the respective district, ex­ of the act. Provision should also be timated shipments of such fruit in such emption certificates should be issued to made for the suspension or termination marketing season has been shipped is growers on the basis of the average of by the Secretary of any such regulations impracticable because of lack of time in all such percentages for all districts. It which obstruct or do not tend to effectu­ which the procedure^ rules can be made is manifest, from the evidence adduced ate the declared policy of the act. These effective for use by the growers. at the hearing, that such exemption cer­ provisions should be stated explicitly in Upon the issuance of any regulation tificates should also be issued, for the order to indicate clearly the plenary by the Secretary governing the handling reasons hereinbefore discussed, whenever power of the Secretary with respect to of a particular fruit, the commodity com- the requisite proof is furnished by a such regulatory orders. Such action by (Jnittee established for such fruit should grower that conditions beyond his con­ the Secretary should be authorized not be required to determine for each dis­ trol are the reason for such grower’s only on the basis of a committee’s recom­ trict what the proportion of such fruit application for an exemption certificate. mendation but also on the basis of in­ permitted to be shipped from such dis­ The basic principle governing the issu­ formation available to him. trict is of the total quantity of such fruit ance of exemption certificates will be the Provision should be made for any com­ which would be shipped from such dis­ same as that currently employed under modity committee to recommend to the trict in the absence of such regulation. the marketing agreement and order pro­ Sècretary the modification, suspension, This determination should be made in gram. Climatic conditions often result or termination of any or all regulations Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3129 established pursuant to this marketing Public Law 305, 80th Cong., approved tion to the attention of all interested agreement and order program, and to for­ August 1, 1947”. parties. ward to the Secretary any such recom­ 2. Insert, after the first semicolon in 8. Delete the provisions in section mendation and pertinent information. section 2 (s) (3) of the marketing agree­ 4 (c) Exemptions of the marketing agree­ The record shows that, especially in in­ ment and § 936.2 (s) (3) of the order, the ment and § 936.4 (c) Exemptions of the stances where sudden changes occur in following: “to engage in such research order and insert, in lieu thereof, the fol­ the growing or marketing conditions so and service activities in connection with lowing:. as to warrant an immediate modification the handling of such fruit as may be ap­ (1) Each commodity^ committee, es­ of an existing regulation, action should proved, from time to time, by the Sec- tablished pursuant hereto for a particu­ be taken promptly by the committee to re t ar y \ ", lar fruit, shall, subject to the approval of apprise the Secretary of the committee’s 3. In section 2 (s) (8) of the market­ the Secretary, adopt the procedural recommendation in that regard. Any ing agreement and § 936.-2 (s) (8) of the order, insert the following immediately rules to govern the issuance of exemption modification relaxing a regulation in ef­ certificates. fect should be made effective promptly after the word “sizes”: “or minimum (2) In the event the Secretary issues a in order to permit fruit which meets the standards of quality and maturity”. regulation for a particular fruit pursuant requirements of such modification to be 4. Delete the heading from section 4 to the provisions in paragraph (a) of this shipped to consuming markets under the of the marketing agreement and § 936.4 section, the commodity committee estab­ program. of the order and substitute, in lieu there­ (4) The marketing agreement and or­ of, the following: “Regulation.” lished pursuant hereto for such fruit der should be amended to authorize the 5. Delete the heading from section 4 shall determine what the percentage of Control Committee to engage in such re­ (a) of the marketing agreement and such fruit permitted to be shipped from search and service activities in connec­ § 936.4 (a) of the order, and substitute, each district is of the total quantity of tion with the handling of the fruit cov­ in lieu thereof, the following: “By grades such fruit which would be shipped from ered by this program as may be ap­ and sizes— (1) Recommendation.” such district in the absence of such regu­ proved, from time to time, by the Sec­ 6. Delete the paragraph designation lation. An exemption certificate shall retary. Such activities are now added to “(b)” and its heading from section 4 of thereafter be issued by such committee to the duties of the committee as authorized the marketing agreement and § 936.4 of any grower who furnishes proof, satis­ under Public Law 305, 80th Congress. the order and substitute, in lieu thereof, factory to such committee, that by rea­ The precise activities in which such com­ the following: “(2) Establishment.” son of conditions beyond his control he mittee may engage, are, of course, to be 7. Add to section 4 of the marketing will be prevented, because of the regu­ confined to those that are directly re­ agreement and § 936.4 of the order the lation issued, from shipping, or having following new paragraph: shipped, a percentage of his crop of such lated to the handling of fresh Bartlett fruit equal to the percentage, determined pears, plums, and Elberta peaches grown (b) By minimum standards of qual­ as aforesaid, of all such fruit permitted to in the State of California. The commit­ ity and maturity—(1) Recommendation. be shipped from his district. The cer­ tee should be authorized to finance such Whenever a commodity committee, es­ tificate shall permit such grower to ship, activities from assessments collected tablished pursuant hereto for a particu­ or ha^e shipped, a percentage of his crop under the marketing agreement and or­ lar fruit, deems it advisable to establish of such fruit equal to the percentage de­ der program. during any period minimum standards termined as aforesaid. Each such com­ Rulings on proposed findings and con­ of quality or maturity, or both, to govern modity committee shall maintain a rec­ clusions. No brief or proposed finding shipments of such fruit pursuant to this ord of all applications submitted for ex­ or conclusion was submitted within the paragraph, it shall so recommend to the emption certificates pursuant to the pro­ prescribed time. Secretary. Each such recommendation visions of this section, and shall main­ General findings. (1) The marketing of the committee Sfffill be in terms of (i) tain a record of all certificates issued, agreement, as hereby proposed to be m in im u m standards of maturity; (ii) including the information used in deter­ amended, and the order, as hereby pro­ freedom of fruit from material waste; mining in each instance the quantity of posed to be amended, and all of the terms (iii) freedom of fruit from material im­ fruit thus to be exempted, and a record of and conditions thereof, will tend to ef­ pairment of shipping quality; (iv) free­ all shipments of exempted fruit. Such fectuate the declared policy of the act; dom of fruit from material impairment additional information as the Secretary (2) The marketing agreement, as of edible quality; (v) freedom of fruit may require shall be recorded in the rec­ hereby proposed to be amended, and the from serious damage to appearance; (vi) ords of such committee. Each commod­ order, as hereby proposed to be amended, minimum size requirements; or (vii) any ity committee shall, from time to time, regulate the handling of fresh Bartlett combination of the foregoing. With each submit to the Secretary reports stating in pears, plums, and Elberta peaches grown such recommendation, the committee detail the number of exemption certifi­ in the State of California in the same shall submit to the Secretary the infor­ cates issued, the quantity of fruit thus manner as, and are applicable only to mation and data on which such recom­ exempted, and such additional informa­ persons in the respective classes of in­ mendation is predicated; and such com­ tion as may be requested by the Secre­ dustrial and commercial activity speci­ modity committee shall also submit-to the tary. fied in, the marketing agreement upon Secretary such other information as he (3) In the event the commodity com­ which hearings have been held; and may request. mittee, established pursuant hereto for (3) There are no differences in the (2) Establishment. Whenever the a particular fruit, determines that by production and marketing of fresh Bart­ Secretary finds, from the recommenda­ reason of general crop failure or any lett pears, plums, and Elberta peaches tion and information submitted by a other unusual conditions within a par­ grown in the production area covered by commodity committee established pursu­ ticular district or districts, it is not feas­ said marketing agreement, as hereby ant hereto for a particular fruit or from ible or would not be equitable to issue proposed to be amended, and said order, other available information, that to es- exemption certificates to growers within as hereby proposed to be amended, that ' tablish minimum standards of quality or such district or districts on the basis make necessary different terms and pro­ maturity, or both, for such fruit and to set forth in subparagraph (2) of this visions applicable to different parts of limit the shipment of such fruit during paragraph, it may issue exemption cer­ such area. any period to that meeting the minimum tificates on the basis of the average of Recommended amendments to the standards would be in the public interest the percentages, as determined under marketing agreement and order. The and would tend to effectuate the declared subparagraph (2) of this paragraph, of following amendments to the marketing policy of the act, he shall establish such the crops of such fruit permitted to be agreement and order are recommended standards, designate such period, and so shipped from all districts. An exemption as the detailed and appropriate means lfinit the shipment of such fruit. The certificate shall thereafter be issued by by which the foregoing conclusions may Secretary shall immediately notify such such committee to any grower who fur­ be carried out: commodity committee of the minimüm nishes proof satisfactory to such com­ 1. Insert the following immediatelystandards so established and the period mittee to the effect that such grower will preceding the period in section 1 (b) of so designated; and the committee shall be prevented, because of the aforesaid the marketing agreement and § 936.1 (b) give such notice thereof as may be rea­ regulation, from. shipping, or having of the order: “, and further amended by sonably calculated to bring such regula­ shipped, as large a percentage of his crop 3130 PROPOSED RULE MAKING

of such fruit as the average of the per­ and are likely to be incurred by the (ii!> Subtract from the pounds of but­ centages, as determined under subpara­ Control Committee during the then cur­ terfat remaining in each class, in series graph (2) of this paragraph, of the crops rent fiscal period for the maintenance beginning with the lowest-priced avail­ of such fruit permitted to be shipped and functioning of such committee and able use, the pounds of butterfat in other from all districts. The certificate shall the respective commodity committees, source milk; permit such grower to ship, or have and for such research and service activi­ (iii) Subtract from the pounds of but­ shipped, a percentage of his crop of such ties relating to the handling of fruit as terfat remaining in each class the pounds fruit equal to the average of the percent­ the Secretary may determine to be ap­ of butterfat received from other handlers age determined as aforesaid. propriate. * * * and assigned to such class pursuant to (4) If any grower is dissatisfied with 13. Delete the last sentence of section paragraph (d) (1) of this section; the action of a commodity committee 8 (b) of the marketing agreement and (iv) Add to the pounds of butterfat taken with respect to his application for § 936.8 (b) of the order. remaining in Class n i milk the pounds an exemption certificate, such power may of butterfat subtracted pursuant to sub­ appeal to the Secretary: Provided, That Piled at Washington, D. C., this 7th division (i) of this subparagraph; or if such appeal shall be made promptly. iday of June 1948. the pounds of butterfat remaining in all The Secretary may, upon an appeal made [ seal] J o h n I. T h o m pso n , -classes exceed the pounds of butterfat in as aforesaid, modify or reverse the ac­ Assistant Administrator, Pro- producer milk, subtract such excess from tion of the committee from which such . duction and Marketing Ad­ the pounds of butterfat remaining in appeal was taken. The authority of the ministration. each class, in series beginning with the Secretary to supervise and control the lowest-priced utilization. issuance of exemption certificates is un­ [P. R. Doc. 46-5199; Piled, June 9, 1948; (2) Allocate the pounds of skim milk limited and plenary; and any determina­ 8:58 a. m.] in each class to producer milk in the same tion by the Secretary with respect to an manner prescribed for butterfat in sub- exemption certificate, shall be final and paragraph (1) of this'paragraph: Pro­ conclusive. vided, That when the pounds of skim milk 17 CFR, Part 9783 9. Insert before the period at the end contained in the total hundredweight of [Docket No. AO 184-A1] producer milk received by all handlers, of the first sentence of section 4 (d) of who made the reports prescribed by the marketing agreement and I 936.4 (d) H andling o p M il k i n N a sh v ille, T e n n ., § 978.3 (a) for such delivery period, ex­ of the order, the following: “or mini­ M arketing A rea mum standards of quality and maturity.” cept those in default of payments re­ 10. Insert, after the word “size” in the NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED AMEND­ quired pursuant to § 978.8 (c) for the last sentence of section 4 (d) of the mar­ MENTS TO TENTATIVE MARKETING AGREE­ preceding delivery period, is less than MENT AND TO ORDER 105% of the total skim milk of all such keting agreement and § 936.4 (d) of the handlers classified as Class I skim milk, order, the following: “or quality and Pursuant to the Agricultural Market­ Class H skim milk and that portion of maturity”. ing Agreement Act of 1937, as amended Class HI skim milk used to produce cot­ 11. Add the following new paragraph (7 U. S. C. 601 et seq.), and in accordance tage cheese, the pounds of skim milk re­ to section 4 of the marketing agreement with the applicable rules of practice and maining in each class after making the and § 936.4 of the order: procedure, as amended (7 CFR, 'Supps. following computations for each handler (e) Modification, suspension, or termi­900.1 et seq.; 12 F. R. 1159, 4904), notice for each delivery period shall be the nation, Whenever a commodity com­ is hereby given of a public hearing to be pounds of skim milk in each class allo­ mittee, established pursuant hereto for held in the Hotel Noel, at Nashville, Ten­ cated to producer milk received by such a particular fruit, deems it advisable to nessee, beginning at 9:30 a. m., c. d. t., on handler. recommend to the Secretary the modi­ June 15, 1948, for tfl? purpose of receiv­ (i) Subtract allowable shrinkage of fication, suspension, or termination of ing evidence with respect to proposed skim milk from the total pounds of skim amendments hereinafter set forth to the milk in Class III milk; any or all of the regulations established tentative marketing agreement, as here­ pursuant to paragraphs (a) or (b) of tofore approved (12 F. R. 7082) by the (ii) Subtract: (a) from the pounds of this section, it shall so recommend to Secretary of Agriculture, and to the order skim milk remaining in Class III the the Secretary. If the Secretary finds, regulating the handling, of milk in the pounds of skim milk other than that used upon the basis of such recommendation Nashville, Tennessee, milk marketing to produce cottage cheese; (b) from the or upon the basis of other available in­ area (12 F. R. 7320). These proposed pounds of skim milk remaining in each formation, that to modify any such reg­ amendments have not received the ap­ class, pro rata, the pounds of skim milk ulations will tend to effectuate the de­ proval of the Secretary of Agriculture. in other source milk less the pounds of clared policy of the act, he shall so mod­ The following amendments have been skim milk used to produce Class IH items ify such regulations. If the Secretary proposed: other than cottage cheese; finds, upon the basis of such recom­ By the Dairy Branch, Production and (iii) Subtract from the pounds of skim mendation or upon the basis of other Marketing Administration: milk remaining in each class the pounds available information, that any such 1. Delete § 978.1 (m) and substitute of skim milk received from other han­ regulations obstruct or do not tend to .therefor the following: dlers and assigned to such class pursuant effectuate the declared policy of the act, to paragraph (d) (1) of this section; he shall suspend or terminate such reg­ (m) “Other source milk” means all (iv) Add to the pounds of skim milk ulations. The Secretary shall immedi­ skim milk and butterfat received in any remaining in Class III milk the pounds of ately notify such commodity committee, form from a producer-handler and from skim milk subtracted pursuant to sub­ and such commodity committee shall a source other than producers or other division (i) of this subparagraph; or if promptly give adequate notice to han­ handlers, except any nonfluid milk prod­ the pounds of skim milk remaining in all dlers and growers, of the issuance of uct which is received and disposed of in classes exceed the pounds of skim milk each order modifying, suspending, or the same form. in producer milk, subtract such excess terminating any such regulations. In By the Nashville Milk Producers, Inc.: from the pounds of skim milk remaining like manner and upon the same basis 2. Delete § 978.4 (f) and substitute in each class, in series beginning with the Secretary may terminate any such therefor the following: the lowest-priced utilization. modification or suspension. (f ) Allocation of skim milk and butter - (3) Add the pounds of skim milk afid 12. Delete the first sentence in section fat classified. (1) The pounds of butter- the pounds of butterfat allocated to pro­ 8 (a) of the marketing agreement and fat remaining in each class after making ducer milk in each class, respectively, as § 936.8 (a) of the order and insert, in the following computations for each computed pursuant to subparagraphs (1) lieu thereof, the following: handler for each delivery period shall be and (2) of this paragraph, and deter­ the pounds in such class allocated to pro­ mine the percentage of butterfat in each § 936.8 Expenses and assessments— ducer milk received by such handler: class. (a) Expenses. The Control Committee (i) Subtract allowable shrinkage of By Handlers: is authorized to incur such expenses as butterfat from the total pounds of 3. Delete § 978.4 (f) and substitute the Secretary may find are reasonable butterfat in Class HI milk; therefor the following: Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3131 (f) Allocation of skim milk and bat­ (iv) Add to the pounds of skim milk (ii) For each of the delivery periods of ter fat classified. H.1) The pounds of but- remaining in Class m milk the pounds April, May, and June, beginning April terfat remaining in each class after mak­ of skim milk subtracted pursuant to sub­ 1949, also subtract 50 cents, for the pur­ ing the following computations for each division (i) of this subparagraph; or if pose of establishing in the producer- handler for each delivery period shall be the pounds of skim milk remaining in settlement fund a cash balance for dis­ the pounds in such class allocated to pro­ all classes exceed the pounds of skim tribution pursuant to § 978.7 (b) (3) ducer milk received by such handler: milk in producer milk, subtract such (ii) as an incentive for fall season pro­ (1) Subtract allowable shrinkage of excess from the pounds of skim milk re­ duction. This result shall be known as butterfat from the total pounds of but- maining in each class, in series begin­ the “uniform price” per hundredweight terfat in Class III milk; ning with the lowest-priced utilization. for such delivery period for producer (ii) Subtract from the pounds of but­ (3) Add the pounds of skim milk and milk containing 4.0 percent butterfat, terfat remaining in each class, in series the pounds of butterfat allocated to pro­ f. o. b., fluid milk plant. beginning with the lowest-priced^ivail- ducer milk iff each class, respectively, By the Dairy Branch, Production and able use, the pounds of butterfat in other as computed pursuant to subparagraphs Marketing Administration: source milk; (1) and (2) of this paragraph, and 6. Make such other changes as may be (iii) Subtract from the pounds of but­ determine the percentage of butterfat required to make the entire marketing terfat remaining in each class the pounds in each class. agreement and the order conform with of butterfat received from other han­ By the Nashville Milk Producer, Inc.: any amendments thereto which may re­ dlers and assigned to such class pursuant 4. Delete § 978.7 (b) (3) and (5) and sult from thffr hearing. to paragraph (d) (1) of this section; substitute therefor the following: Copies of this notice of hearing and of (iv) Add to the pounds of butterfat (3) Add an amount representing: (i) the tentative marketing agreement, and remaining in Class i n milk the pounds The cash balance on hand in the pro­ the order now in effect, may be procured of butterfat subtracted pursuant to sub­ ducer-settlement fund pursuant to sub- from the market administrator, 402 division (i) of this subparagraph; or if paragraph (5) (i) of this paragraph, Presbyterian Building, Nashville 3, Ten­ the.pounds of butterfat remaining in all less the total amount of contingent obli­ nessee, or from the Hearing Clerk, United classes exceed the pounds of butterfat in gations to handlers pursuant to § 978.8 States Department of Agriculture, Room producer milk, subtract such excess from (d); (ii) for each of the delivery periods 1844, South Building, Washington 25, the pounds of butterfat remaining in of September, October, and November, D. C., or may be there inspected. .each class, in series beginning with the beginhing September 1949, one-third of Dated June 7,1948, Washington, D. C. lowest-priced utilization. the aggregate cash balance established (2) When the pounds of skim milk during the delivery periods of April, J o h n I. T h o m p s o n , contained in the total hundredweight of May, and June immediately preceding Assistant Administrator. producer milk received by all handlers pursuant to subparagraph (5) (ii) of [F. R. Doc. 48-5198; Filed, June 9, 1948; who made the reports prescribed by this paragraph; s 8:57 a. m.] ~ § 978.3 (a) for the delivery period, except (5) Subtract: (i) Not less than 4 cents those in default of payments required nor more than 5 cents for the purpose of pursuant to § 978.8 (c) for the preceding retaining in the producer-settlement delivery period, is equal to 105% or more fund a cash balance to provide against 17 CFR, Part 9821 than 105 % of thè total skim milk of all error in reports and payments or delin­ such handlers classified for the delivery quencies in payments by handlers: (ii) H andling op P eaches G r o w n in N orth period as Class I skim milk, Class II skim 40 cents for each of the delivery periods and S o uth C arolina milk and that portion of Class III skim of April, May, and June, beginning April DETERMINATION OF REFERENDUM RESULTS milk used to produce cottage cheese, the 1949, for the purpose of establishing and pounds of skim milk in each class allo­ Pursuant to the Agricultural Market­ retaining in the producer-settlement ing Agreement Act of 1937, as amended cated to producer milk received by each fund a cash balance for disbursement handler for the delivery period shall be (7 U. S. C. 601 et seq.), and the rules of pursuant to § 978.7 (b) (3) (ii) as an practice and procedure governing pro­ computed in the same manner prescribed incentive for fall season production. for the allocation of butterfat in sub- ceedings to formulate marketing agree­ This result shall be known as the “uni*, ments and marketing orders (7 CFR, and paragraph (1) of this paragraph, form price” per hundredweight for such When the pounds of skim milk con­ Supps., 900.1 et seq.; 11 F. R. 7737, 12 delivery period for producer milk con­ F. R. 1159, 4904), a public hearing was tained in the total hundredweight of taining 4.0 percent butterfat, f. o. b. fluid producer milk received by all handlers milk plant. held upon a proposed marketing agree­ who made the reports prescribed by ment and a proposed marketing order § 978.3 (a) for the delivery period, ex­ By Handlers: regulating the handling of peaches cept those in default of payments re­ 5. Delete § 978.7 (b) (3) and (5) and grown in North and South Carolina. quired pursuant to § 978.8 (c) for the substitute therefor the following: The recommended decision was made by preceding delivery, period, is less than the Acting Assistant Administrator, Pro­ (3) (i) Add an amount equivalent to duction and Marketing Administration 105% of the total skim milk, of all such the cash balance on hand in the producer on April 15, 1948 (F. R. Doc. 48-3477; 13 handlers classified as Class I skim milk, settlement fund established by the pro­ F. R. 2093), and the decision of the Act­ Class II skim milk and that portion of visions of subparagraph (5) (i) of this ing Secretary of Agriculture was issued Class HI skim milk used to produce cot­ paragraph less the total amount of con­ on May 5, 1948 (F. R. Doc. 48-4193; 13 tage cheese, the pounds of skim milk re­ tingent obligations to handlers pursuant F. R. 2543), together with an order di­ maining in each class after making the to § 978.8 (d) ; recting the conduct of a referendum following computations for each handler (ii) For each of the delivery periods of among producers upon the question of for each delivery period shall be the September, October, and November, be­ issuing the aforesaid marketing order pounds of skim milk in each class allo­ ginning September 1949, also add an (F. R. Doc. 48-4192; 13 F. R. 2549). cated to producer milk received by such amount equivalent to one-third of the Such referendum having been held and handler: total of the three amounts representing duly concluded, it is hereby found and (i) Subtract allowable shrinkage of the cash balance established during the determined that the issuance of a mar­ skim milk from the total pounds of skim delivery periods of April, May, and June keting order regulating the handling of milk in Class HI milk, immediately preceding as a fall season peaches grown in North and South Caro­ (ii) Subtract from the pounds of sk im milk remaining in each class, pro rata, production incentive pursuant to sub- lina has not been approved or favored the pounds of skim milk in other source paragraph (5) (ii) of this paragraph. by at least two-thirds of the producers milk. (5) (i) Subtract not less than 4 cents who, dining the period March 1, 1947- '(iii) Subtract from the pounds of skim nor more than 5 cents for the purpose of February 29, 1948 (determined to be a milk remaining in each class the pounds retaining in the producer-settlement representative përiod), were engaged in of skim milk received from other han­ fund a cash balance to provide against the production of peaches in North or dlers and assigned to such class pursu­ errors in reports and payments or de­ South Carolina and participated in the ant to paragraph (d) (1) of this section. linquencies in payments by handlers; referendum conducted pursuant to said 3132 PROPOSED RULE MAKING

act, or by those producers who, during thereafter to investigate conditions and tee No. 5 for Puerto Rico for Minimum the aforesaid representative period, pro­ to recommend to him minimum wage Wage Rates in the^Railroad, Railway duced for market within North and South rates for employees in other industries Express, and Property Motor Transport Carolina at least two-thirds of the vol­ enumerated and defined in the order, as Industry in Puerto Rico,” a copy of which ume of peaches produced for market amended by Administrative Order No. may be had upon request addressed to within said States during such period by 369, including the railroad, railway ex­ the Wage and Hour Division, United all producers who participated in the press, and property motor transport in­ States Department of Labor, Washing­ said referendum, as required by the said dustry in Puerto Rico, in accordance ton^, D. C.; act; and that, therefore, said marketing with the provisions of the act and rules Now, therefore, it is ordered, That: order may not be made effective. and regulations promulgated there­ under; and Sec. Done at Washington, D. C. this 4th day 692.1 Approval of recommendations of In­ of June 1948. Whereas, the Committee for purposes dustry Committee, - — of investigating conditions and recom­ 692.2 Wage rates. [seal] Charles P . B rannan, mending minimum wage rates for em­ 692.3® N otices of order. Secretary of Agriculture. ployees in the railroad, railway express, 692.4 Definitions of the railroad, railway [F. R. Doc. 48-5160; Filed, June 9, 1948; and property motor transport industry express, and property motor trans­ 8:51 a. m.] in Puerto Rico, included three disinter­ port industry in Puerto Rico. ested persons representing the public, a § 692.1 Approval of recommendations like number representing employers and of Industry Committee. The Commit­ DEPARTMENT O f LABOR employees in the railroad, railway ex­ tee’s recommendations are hereby ap­ press, and property motor transport in­ proved. Wage and Hour Division dustry in Puerto Rico, and was com­ [29 CFR, Part 692] posed of residents of Puerto Rico and of § 692.2 Wage rates, (a) Wages at a the United States outside of Puerto rate of not less than 25 cents per hour M in im u m W age R ates in R ailroad, R ail­ Rico; and shall be paid under section 6 of the Fair w a y E xpress, and P roperty M otor Whereas, the Committee, after in­ Labor Standards Act of 1938 by .every T ransport I n d u str y in P uerto R ico vestigating economic and competitive employer to each of his employees in the conditions in the railroad, railway ex­ railroad divisi6n of the railroad, railway RECOMMENDATIONS OF SPECIAL INDUSTRY express, and property motor transport COMMITTEE NO. 5 press, and property motor transport in­ dustry in Puerto Rico, filed a report with industry in Puerto Rico who is engaged Pursuant to the Administrative Pro­ the Administrator containing (a) its in commerce or in the production of cedure Act (60 Stat. 237; 5 U. S .C., Supp., recommendations that the railroad, goods for commerce; 1001), and the rules of practice govern­ railway express, and property motor (b) Wages a& a rate of not less than 35 ing this proceeding (12 F. R. 7890, 7891), transport industry in Puerto Rico, as cents per hour shall be paid under sec­ notice is hereby given of the decision of defined in Administrative Order No. 367, tion 6 of the Fair Labor Standards Act the Acting Administrator of the Wage be divided into separable divisions for of 1938 by every employer to each of his and Hour Division, United States De­ the purpose of fixing minimum wage employees in the railway express and partment of Labor, with respect to the rates; (b) the titles and definitions rec­ property motor transport division of the recommendations of Special Industry ommended by the Committee for such railroad, railway express, and property Committee No. 5 for Puerto Rico for separable divisions of the industry; and motor transport industry in Puerto Rico minimum wage rates in the railroad, Cc) its separable recommendations for who is engaged in commerce or in the railway express, and property motor minimum wage rates to be paid em­ production of goods, for commerce. transport industry in Puerto Rico, and of ployees engaged in commerce or in the § 692.3 Notices of order. Every em­ the wage order which he proposes to is­ production of goods for commerce in ployer employing any employees so en­ sue pursuant thereto. The decision1 and the separable recommended divisions of gaged in commerce or in the production proposed wage order are set forth be­ the railroad, railway express, and prop­ of goods for commerce in the railroad, low. Interested parties may submit erty motor transport industry in Puerto railway express, and property motor written exceptions thereto to the Ad­ Rico, namely: transport industry in Puerto Rico shall ministrator of the Wage and Hour Di­ (1) 25 cents an hour to employees in keep posted in a conspicuous place in vision, United States Department of La­ the railroad division; and each department of his establishment bor, Washintgon 25, D. C., within 15 days (2) 35 cents an hour to employees in where such employees are working such from publication of this notice in the the railway express and property motor notices of this order as shall be pre­ F ederal R egister. Exceptions should be transport division; and scribed from time to time by the Wage submitted in quadruplicate, and should Whereas, pursuant to notice published and Hour Division of the United States .include supporting reasons for any ex­ in the F ederal R egister on January 8, Department of Labor and shall give such ceptions presented. 1948, and circulated to all interested per­ other notice as the Division may. pre­ Signed at Washington, D. C., this 1st sons, a public hearing upon the Com­ scribe. day of June 1948. mittee’s recommendations was held be­ fore Hearing Examiner E. West Parkin­ § 692.4 Definition of the railroad, F. G ranville G r im es, Jr., railway express, and property motor son in Washington, D. C., on February 4, transport industry in Puerto Rico, (a) Acting Administrator, 1948, at which all interested persons were Wage and Hour Division. The railroad, railway express, and prop­ given an opportunity to be heard; and erty motor transport industry in Puerto Whereas, on June 16, 1947, pursuant Whereas, upon reviewing all the evi­ Rico, to which this order shall apply, is to section p (e) of the Fair Labor Stand­ dence adduced in this proceeding and hereby defined as follows: ards Act of 1938, hereinafter called the after giving consideration to the provi­ (1) The industry carried on in Puerto act, the Administrator of the Wage and sions of the act, particularly sections 5 Rico by any railroad carrier under public Hour Division of the United States De­ and 8^thereof, I have concluded that the franchise which holds itself out to the partment of Labor, by Administrative recommendations of the Committee for general public to engage in the trans­ Order No. 367, appointed Special In­ minimum rates in the railroad, railway portation for compensation of passengers dustry Committee No. 5 for Puerto Rico, express, and property motor transport and property in or for commerce or of hereinafter called the Committee, and industry in Puerto Rico, as defined, were passengers and property necessary for directed the Committee to proceed first made in accordance with law, are sup­ the production o l goods for commerce, to investigate conditions and to recom­ ported by the evidence adduced at the mend to him minimum wage rates for hearing, and taking into consideration and which furnishes transportation employees in the sugar manufacturing the same factors as are required to be service for passengers in an amount not industry in Puerto Rico, as defined in considered by the Committee, will carry less than $25,000 annually or which de­ Administrative Order No. 367, and out the purposes of sections 5 and 8 of rives at least ten percent of its total the act; and operating revenues from passenger 1 Filed as part of original document. Cop­ Whereas, I have set forth my decision transportation service, ies available on request at Wage and Hour in a document entitled “Findings and (2) The industry carried on in Puerto Division, Department of Labor, Washington, Opinion in the Matter of the Recom­ Rico by any railway express company D. C. mendations of Special Industry Commit­ which holds itself out to the general Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3133 public to engage in the transportation Bureau will propose to the Board a Spe­ operation may be expected to improve for compensation of property in or for cial Civil Air Regulation as hereinafter safety in air transportation; commerce or of property necessary to set forth. (c) The Administrator finds the air­ the production of goods for commerce. Interested persons may participate in craft in safe condition for this purpose, (3) The industry carried on in Puerto the making of the proposed rule by sub­ based upon examination and tests al­ Rico consisting of the transportation, for mitting such Written data, views, or ready accomplished; compensation, by motor vehicle, of prop­ arguments as they may desire. Commu­ (d) The number of aircraft employed erty in or for commerce or of property nications should be submitted to the and the duration of the authorization necessary to the production of goods for Civil Aeronautics Board, attention Safety for such operation will not exceed that' commerce. Bureau, Washington 25, D. C. All com­ necessary for the attainment of the above This definition supersedes the definition munications received within 15 days after, objective; contained in any and all wage orders the date of this publication will be con­ (e) Such records are maintained and heretofore issued for other industries to sidered by the Board before taking fur­ furnished to the Administrator as he the extent that such definitions include ther action on the proposed rule. finds are necessary for the above objec­ activities covered by the definition of this At the present time aircraft utilized in tive. industry. air carrier operations are required to This regulation shall terminate De­ (b) The separable divisions of the in­ possess standard airworthiness certifi­ cember 15, 1948. dustry as above defined to which this cates issued in accordance with the ap­ This regulation is proposed under the wage order and its several provisions plicable airworthiness requirements of authority of Title VI of the Civil Aero­ shall apply, are hereby defined as fol­ the Civil Air Regulations. This require­ nautics Act of 1938, as amended. lows: ment precludes the use of other than (Secs. 205 (a), 601-610,52 Stat. 984,1007- (1) The railroad division. This divi­ these aircraft in air carrier service even 1012; 49 U. S. C. 425 (a), 551-560) sion consists of the industry carried on though passengers are not to be earned. in Puerto Rico by any railroad carrier It is the opinion of the Safety Bureau By the Safety Bureau. under public franchise which holds it­ that certain aircraft which have sub­ [ seal] J o h n M . Cham berlain, self out to the general public to engage stantially completed the required type Assistant Director (Regulations). in the transportation for compensation certification process but have not yet [F. R. Doc. 48-5195; Filed, June 9, 1948; of passengers and property in or for been shown to fully comply with the re­ 8:57 a. m.] commerce or of passengers and property quired reliability and functional require­ necessary to the production of goods for ments may be safely utilized in cargo commerce, and Which furnishes trans­ and mail service prior to final certifica­ FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS portation service for passengers in an tion. In view of the fact that only a amount not less than $25,000 annually limited number of aircraft are designed COMMISSION or which derives at least ten percent of for air carrier use, the administrative [47 CFR, Part 3] its total operating revenues from passen­ burden of determining whether an air­ ger transportation service. craft may be so used prior to completion [Docket Nos. 8975, 8736] (2) The railway express and property of the certification process is not onerous, P rocedure G overning H olding of motor transport division. This division and it is believed that the Board may T e l e v isio n : H earings consists of (i) the industry carried on in decide each case op an individual basis. Puerto Rico by any railway express com­ The Boeing 377 aircraft has substan­ order c o n t in u in g hearing on proposed pany which holds itself out to the gen­ tially completed the required flight tests RULE MAKING eral public to engage in the transporta­ but has not as yet completed the relia­ In the matter of amendment of § 3.606 tion for compensation of property in or bility and functional service tests re­ of the Commission’s rules and regula­ for commerce pr of property necessary quired for certification of the aircraft tions. to the production of goods for commerce, in accordance with the transport cate­ At a meeting of the Federal Communi­ and (ii) the industry carried on in Puerto gory requirements of the Civil Air Regu­ cations Commission held at its office in Rico consisting of the transportation, lations. The proposed regulation would Washington, D. C., on the 8th day of for compensation, by motor vehicle, of authorize the Boeing 377 aircraft, bear­ June 1948. property in or for commerce or of prop­ ing an experimental airworthiness cer­ It appearing that, as a result of the erty necessary to the production of goods tificate, to be used in air carrier service numerous notices of appearance which for commerce. in the carriage of cargo and mail only. have been filed in the above captioned This authorization will enable this model proceeding, a great many of which were Effective date. This wage order shall aircraft to obtain extensive service test­ become effective August 2, 1948. filed on the last day on which such action ing under actual air carrier operating could be taken, interested parties and (Sec. 5 (e) and 8 of the Fair Labor conditions prior to the issuance of the the Commission’s staff have not been Standards Act of 1938, (sec. 3 (c), 54 Stat. type certificate for such model. It ap­ afforded adequate opportunity to fully 615, sec. 8, 52 Stat. 1064; 29 U. S. C. 205 pears that more valuable information apprise themselves of the contents of (el, 208)) could be obtained regarding the perform­ statements filed with said notices of ap­ Signed at Washington, D. C., this 1st ance and reliability of the model under pearance; and day of June 1948. varying operating conditions by exten­ It further appearing that in order that sive testing in air carrier service than F. G ranville G rim es, Jr., all participants in said proceeding may would be obtained by a simulated serv­ have adequate time to become ac­ Acting Administrator, ice test, and that all possible data should Wage and Hour Division. quainted with the issues herein and pre­ be obtained prior to the issuance of the pare more fully the testimony which they [F. R. Doc. 48-5120; Filed, June 9, 1948; type certificate which would qualify the propose to submit at the hearing, a con­ 8:51 a. m.] aircraft for use in passenger operations. tinuance of said hearing would be in the The text of the proposed Special Civil public interest; Air Regulation is as follows: It is ordered, That the hearing in the CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD Notwithstanding any contrary provi­ above-captioned proceeding is continued 114 CFR, Parts 40, 41, 42, 43, 611 sions of the Civil Air Regulations, the to June 29,1948, at 10 a. m. Administrator may authorize the Boeing It is further ordered, That, notwith­ A uthorization F or O peratio n of B oeing Model 377 aircraft, bearing an experi­ standing the requirement that appear­ 377 A ircraft i n Cargo and M ail S erv­ mental airworthiness certificate, to be ice U nder P r o v isio n s of an E x pe r i­ ances and statements were to be filed by used in air transportation for the car­ May 28, 1948, interested persons who de­ mental A irworthiness C ertificate riage only of cargo and mail prior to sire to present testimony in opposition to notice o f proposed rule m a k in g the issuance of a type certificate: Pro­ vided, That: or in support of any proposals submitted J u n e 4, 1948. (a) An application for a type certifi­ by other interested persons on or before Pursuant to authority delegated by the cate has been made; May 28,1948, will be permitted to do so Civil Aeronautics Board to the Safety (b) The Administrator finds that the if notices of appearance are filed by such Bureau, notice is hereby given that the experience to be gained through such persons not later than the close of busi- No! 113------4 3134 PROPOSED RULE MAKING ness on June 18,1948, except that no new compute op the bill for annual charges censee’s water or sewerage system, or proposals will be accepted. the exemption to which a State or munic­ consumed in performing other public It is further ordered, That five copies ipal licensee is entitled because of the functions of the licensee. of all engineering ëxhibits be filed with use of power by the licensee for State (d) Sales to public. No State or mu­ the Commission by the close of business or municipal purposes, each State or mu­ nicipal licensee shall be entitled to ex­ on June 18,1948, and that a copy of each nicipal licensee shall file with the Com­ emption from the payment of annual such exhibit shall be available for in­ mission, on or before February 1 of each charges on the ground that power gen­ spection by interested persons in the year, a statement under oath showing erated, transmitted, or distributed by the public reference room of the Commission. the following information with respect project is sold to the public without to the power generated by the project profit, unless such licensee shall show: F ederal C ommunications and the disposition thereof during the (1) That it maintains an accounting C o m m issio n ,’ preceding calendar year, expressed in system which segregates the operations [seal! T . J. S l o w ie , Secretary. kilowatt-hours: * of the licensed project and reflects with (i) Gross amount of power generated reasonable accuracy the revenues and [F. R. Doc. 48-5243; Filed, June 9, 1948; by the project. expenses of the project; 12:10 p. m.] (ii) Amount of power used for station (2) That an income statement, pre­ purposes, lost in transmission, etc. pared in accordance with the Commis­ (iii) Net amount of power available sion’s Uniform System of Accounts, FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION for sale or use by licensee, classified as shows that the revenues from the sale [18 CFR, Parts 11, 1311 follows : of project power do not exceed the rea­ (a) Used by licensee; sonable total amount of operating ex­ [Docket No. R-108] (b) Sold by licensee. penses, maintenance, depreciation, amor­ A nnual C harges P rescribed for L i ­ (3) When the power from a licensed tization, taxes, and interest on indebted­ censees U nder P ro visions of F ederal project owned by a State or municipality ness, applicable to the project property. P ower A ct enters into its electric system, making it Periodic accruals or payments for re­ impracticable to meet the requirements demption of the principal of bonds or NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULE MAKING of paragraph (b) (2) of this section with other indebtedness may not be deducted A pril 14, 1948. respect to the disposition of project in determining the net profit of the proj­ (1) Notice is hereby given of proposed power, such licensee may, in lieu thereof, ect. rule making in the above-entitled matter. furnish similar information with respect (e) Sales for resale. Notwithstand­ (2) Under section 10 (e) of the Fed­ to the disposition of the available power ing compliance by a State or municipal eral Power Act, licenses for hydroelectric of the entire electric system of the licensee with the requirements of para­ power projects are required to carry a licensee. graph (d) of this section, it shall be sub­ condition that reasonable annual charges (c) For projects of 100 horsepower or ject to the payment of annual charges shall be fixed by the Commission, pro­ less pf installed capacity the charge shall to the extent that electric power gener­ vided, however, that State and municipal be $5 per annum, subject to the provi­ ated, transmitted, or distributed by the licensees may claim exemption under sions of § 11.23. project is sold to another State, munici­ section 10 (e) of. the act from payment (d) For projects involving transmis­ pality, person, or corporation for resale, of such charges as provided by the pro­ sion lines only the administration unless the licensee shall show that the posed amendment of § 11.24 of the Com­ charge shall be a minimum of - $5 per power was sold to the ultimate consumer mission’s rules. annum. without profit. The matter of whether (3) Pursuant to the authority vested (e) For projects not covered by the or not a profit was made is a question in it by the Federal Power Act, particu­ above sections, reasonable annual of fact to be established by the licensee. larly sections 10 (e), and 309 thereof (49 charges will be fixed by the Commission (f) Interchange of power. Notwith­ Stat. 843, 858; 16 U. S. C. 803 (e), 825 after consideration of the facts in each standing compliance by a State or mu­ (h)), the Commission proposes to amend case. nicipal licensee with the requirements §§ 11.20,11.24,11.27 and 131.70 of its rules § 11.24 Exemption of State and mu­ of paragraph (d) of this section, it shall in connection with annual charges for nicipal licensees—(a) Bases for exemp­ be subject to the payment of annual licenses issued for hydroelectric projects tion. A State or municipal licensee may charges to the extent that power gen­ by amendments in the following form: claim total or partial exemption upon erated, transmitted, or distributed by the § 11.20 Costs of administration. Rea­ one or more of the following grounds: project was supplied under an inter­ sonable annual charges will be assessed (1) The project was primarily de­ change agreement to a State, munici­ by the Commission against individual li­ signed to provide or improve navigation; pality, person, or corporation for sale at censees for reimbursing the United States (2) To the extent that power gener­ a profit (which power was not offset by for the costs of administration of Part I ated, transmitted, or distributed by the an equivalent amount of power received of the Federal Power Act as follows un­ project was sold directly or indirectly to under such interchange agreement) un­ less otherwise specifically provided in the the public (ultimate consumer) without less the licensee shall show that the power license: j profit; was sold to-ultimate consumers without (a) For projects of more than 100 (3) To the extent that power gener­ profit. horsepower of installed capacity: ated, transmitted, or distributed by the (g) Construction period. During the project was used by the licensee for State period when the licensed project is under (1) A charge of one cent per horse­ or municipal purposes. construction and is not generating power, power of the horsepower, capacity au­ it will be considered as operating with­ thorized to be installed by the-license; (b) Projects primarily for navigation. and No State or municipal licensee shall be out profit within the meaning of this entitled to exemption from the payment section, and licensee will be entitled to (2) A charge of two and one-half cents total exemption from the payment of per thousand kilowatt-hours of power of annual charges on the ground that the project was primarily designed to annual charges, except as to those generated by each project during the cal­ charges relating to the use of a Govern­ endar year for which the charge is made. provide or improve navigation unless the licensee establishes that fact from the ment dam or tribal lands within Indian (b) (1) To enable the Commission to actual conditions under which the proj­ reservations. determine such charges annually each (h) Optional showing. When the licensee (other than State or municipal) ect was constructed and operated. (c) State or municipal use. A State power from the licensed project enters shall file with the Commission, on or into the electric power system of the before February 1 of each year, a state­ or municipal licensee shall be entitled to exemption from the payment of annual State or municipal licensee, making i t " ment under oath showing the gross impracticable to meet the requirements amount of power generated (or produced charges for the project to the extent that set forth in this section with respect to by non-electrical equipment) by the power generated, transmitted, or distrib­ the operations 'of the project only, such project during the preceding calendar uted by the project is used by the licensee licensee may, in lieu thereof, furnish the year, expressed in kilowatt-hours. itself for State or municipal purposes, same information with respect to the (2) To enable the Commission to de­ such as lighting streets, highways, parks, operations of said electric power system termine such charges annually and to public buildings, etc., for operating li­ as a whole. Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3135 (i) Application for exemption. Appli­ instructions and schedules therein con­ nection with thd Commission’s: admin­ cation for exemption from payment of tained, to be prepared and filed annu­ istration of the Federal Power Act. annual charges shall be prepared on ally with the Commission. The revised 6. It is to be noted that the new forms prescribed by the Commission, and form here proposed, if adopted, will su­ Annual Report Form proposed to be shall be signed by an authorized execu­ persede FPC Form No. 1, heretofore adopted is adaptable to machine re­ tive officer of the licensee and verified adopted and prescribed by the Commis­ production through the use of die-im­ under oath. An original and three copies sion’s order dated August 6, 1937, as pressed stencils, thereby meeting the of. such application shall be fired with amended by its orders dated October 12, needs of the many reporting utilities the Commission within the. time allowed 1937, October 22, 1938, and October 17, and licensees that require so large a (by § 11.27) for the payment of the an­ 1939, and Order Nd: 75, dated September number of copies that duplication nual charges; Provided, however, That if 24, 1940. through the use of carbon is impracti­ the licensee shall within the time al­ Note: The proposed revised Annual Re­ cable. lowed for the payment of the annual port Form referred to herein was filed with 7. It is also to be noted that the gen­ charges file notice that it intends to file the original document. Copies may be ob­ eral instructions included in the new application for exemption, air additional tained from the Federal Power Commission, form have been revised. General In­ period of 30 days is allowed within which Washington 25, D. C. struction No. 1 specifies generally the to complete and file the application for 3. In connection with the adoption of persons required to file reports. In­ exemption. the accompanying new Annual Report struction No. 2 specifies that the sched­ ules with page numbers ending with § 11.27 Payment of charges. Annual Form, it appears desirable and accord­ ingly it is proposed to amend § 101.03-2 the “M” suffix are applicable only to mu­ charges shall be paid within 30 days of nicipal and other public corporations, rendition of a bill therefor by the Com­ entitled “Records” of Part 101, Uniform System of Accounts Prescribed for Class agencies, authorities, and instrumentali­ mission, except that licensees located ties. Likewise, Instruction No. 3 specifies outside the continental limits of the A and Class B Public Utilities and Licen­ sees, Subchapter C, Accounts, Federal that only licensees are required to fill United States shall be allowed a period out the schedules included in the “Li­ of 45 days after rendition of the bill. Power Act, Chapter I of Title 18, Code of Federal Regulations,1 by adding a pew censed Project Section” at page num­ §131.70 Form of application by State paragraph to read as follows: bers 123 through 140 of the new Report and municipal licensees for exemption Form. In that section no changes are from payment of annual charges. (h) The arrangement and order in being proposed as a part of the new Note: Copies of this form are filed as part which the accounts are presented in this Annual Report Form proposed by this of the original docum ent a,nd are available system of accounts are not to be inter­ notice. upon request from the Federal Power Com­ preted as determinative of the arrange­ 8. The amendments to the Commis­ mission, Washington 25, D. C. ment and order in which they will be sion’s rules herein described and set (4) Any interested person may submit scheduled in the report forms prescribed forth are proposed to be issued under the to the Federal Power Commission, Wash­ by the Commissipn. authority granted the Federal Powefc ington 25, D. C., not later than 30 days 4. The rules and form proposed to be Commission by the Federal Power Act, from the date of the publication of this amended were initially developed in col­ particularly sections 3 (13), 4 (a) notice in the F ederal R egister, data, laboration with the Committee on Statis­ through (c), 301 (a), 304 (a), 309 and views and comments in writing concern­ tics and Accounts of the National As­ 311 thereof (49 Stat. 838, 839, 854, 855, ing the proposed amendments. The sociation of Railroad and Utilities Com­ 858, 859; 16 U. S. C. 796,(13), 797 (a) Commission will consider these written missioners. The new form and amend­ through (c), 825 (a), 825c (a), 825h, submittals before acting upon the pro­ ments here proposed reflect and propose 825j). . posed amendments. to give effect to changes and improve­ 9. Any interested persons may submit to the Federal Power Commission, Wash­ [seal! L eon M . F u q u a y , ments recently recommended by that * Secretary. Committee, including changes and ington 25, D. C., not later than July 15, amendments recommended by the said 1948, data, views and comments in writ­ [F. R. Doc. 4&-5135; Filed, June 9, 1948; ing concerning the proposed amend­ 8:46 a. m.J Committee in its reports to the Associa­ tion at its last two national conventions, ments. The Commission will consider at Los Angeles, California, November these written submittals before acting 12-15, 1946, and at Boston, Massachu­ upon the proposed amendments. [18 CFR, Parts 101, 141] setts, July 14-17, 1947. [ seal] L eo n M. F u q u a y , 5. During recent years the foregoing Secretary. [Docket No. R-109] Committee on Statistics and Accounts IF. R. Doc. 48-4916; Filed, June 9, 1948; Annual R eport for E lectric U tilities has conferred with representatives of 9:00 a. m.] and L ic e n se e s; U nifo rm S y stem of the utility industry and interested gov­ A ccounts for P u blic U t il ities and ernmental agencies to consider changes and improvements in the Annual Report FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY L icensees Form requirements of the various utility notice of proposed rule m aking regulatory commissions, including this Food and Drug Administration A pril 28,1948. Commission. As a result of the confer­ ences and study made by thç aforesaid [21 CFR, Part 151 Amendment of rules prescribing the Committee numerous changes were de­ [Docket No. FDC 21 (b) ] form and filing of annual reports, FPC veloped and have been incorporated into Form No. 1, for electric utilities and li­ the revised Annual Report Form pro­ B romated F lour and E nriched B romated censees (Classes A and B), and amend­ posed in this notice. The new Report F lo u r ; , A mended D e f in it io n s and ment of General Instruction 2 of Uni­ S tandards of I dentity form System of Accounts prescribed for Form requirements proposed give effect public utilities and licensees subject to to several industry suggestions for sim­ NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULE MAKING the provisions of the Federal Power Act, plification of schedules as well as for the It is proposed that by virtue' of the 1. Notice is hereby given of proposed elimination of some schedules previously authority vested in the Federal Security rule making in the above-entitled matter. prescribed. In a few instanpes addi­ Administrator by the provisions of the 2. It is proposed to amend § 1417T en­ tional information is to be required but Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act titled “Annual Report, Form No. 1, Elec­ only where it appears needed in con- (secs. 401, 701; 52 Stat. 1046, 1055; 21 tric Utilities and Licensees (Classes A and U. S. C. 341, 371), and on the basis of B) ” of Part 141, Statements and Reports, 1 The reference to the Code of Federal Regu­ evidence received at the hearing held lations, 18 CFR 101.03-2 corresponds to Gen­ pursuant to the notice published in the Subchapter D, Approved Forms, Federal eral Instruction 2, entitled “Records”, ap­ F ederal R egister on February 21, 1948 Power Act, Chapter I of Title 18, Code of pearing at pages 8-9 of the Commission’s Federal Regulations, to prescribe the ac­ pamphlet publication of its Uniform System (13 F. R. 814, 815) and upon considera­ companying revised Annual Report Form of Accounts prescribed for Public Utilities tion of the brief filed on behalf of the for Electric Utilities and Licensees and Licensees subject to the provisions of the Millers’ National Federation, the follow­ (Classes A and B), including the revised Federal Power Act, effective January 1, 1937. ing order be made: 3136 PROPOSED RULE MAKING Finding^ of fact.1 l.'By order pub­ whose baking qualities are improved riched bromated flour (21 CFR., Cum. lished in the F ederal R egister May 27, thereby. (R. 19, 31, 40, 45-46, 68-71, 91, Supp. 15.20 and 15.30) so that after mak­ 1941 (6 F. R. 2579; 21 CFR, Cum. Supp., 100-101, 108; Ex. 10) ing the recommended changes they read 15.20, 15.30) the standards of identity 6. When flour to which potassium bro­ as follows : for bromated flour and enriched bro- mate has been added in amounts less § 15.20 Bromated flour; identity; label mated flour provided for the addition of than 50 parts per million is used in the statement of optional ingredients. Bro­ potassium bromate in quantities not ex­ preparation of yeast-leavened bread and mated flour conforms to the definition ceeding 75 parts per million to flour or rolls and in the preparation of cakes and standard of identity, and is subject enriched flour, the protein content of containing eggs, the potassium bromate to the requirement for label statement which, on a moisture-free basis, was not is not found in the finished baked prod­ of optional ingredients, prescribed for less than 15 percent (approximately 13.5 uct. It is apparently all converted to flour by § 15.00, except that potassium percent on an “as is” moisture basis). potassium bromide. In general, in the bromate is added in a quantity not ex­ 2. Since the promulgation of the pres­ case of biscuits and various other baked ceeding 50 parts to each million parts of ent standards for bromated flour and en­ products made with such flour, only a the finished bromated flour, and is added riched bromated flour in 1941, additional partial conversion takes place, and resid­ only to flours whose baking qualities are experimentation and the experience of ual potassium bromate will be found in improved by such addition. millers and bakers have shown that the the finished product. (R. 47, 49-50, 92- addition of small amounts of potassium 93; Ex. 6, 7) § 15.30 Enriched bromated flour; bromate to some flours containing less 7. There is convincing evidence that identity; label statement of optional in­ than 15 percent protein on a moisture- the small amounts of potassium bromide gredients. Enriched bromated flour con­ free basis will improve their baking that would be consumed in baked prod­ forms to the definition and standard of qualities in much the same way as with ucts made from flour containing potas­ identity, and is subject to the require­ flours containing more than 15 percent sium bromate in amounts not over 50 ments for label statement of optional in­ protein. (R. 17-18, 29-31, 40-42, 44, 61- parts per million are not injurious. gredients, prescribed for enriched flour 63, 84-87, 97, 110, 116-117, 161-162, 174- There is less evidence as to the possible by § 15.10, except that potassium bro­ 176; Ex. 5, 8, 10, 13) effects from the small amounts of potas­ mate is added in a quantity not exceeding 3. Increased experience with the use sium' bromate not converted to potassium 50 pasts to each million parts of the of potassium bromate in flour of various bromide, but it indicates that there are finished enriched bromated flour, and is protein contents shows the added potas­ no deleterious effects from the consump­ added only to enriched flours whose sium bromate need not exceed 50 parts tion of foods prepared from bromated baking qualities are improved by such per million of the finished bromated flour flour. (R. 146-155, 159, 185, 192-193, addition. for the purpose of obtaining the im­ 197-198) Any interested person whose appear­ provements in baking quality made pos­ 8. Where reference is made in the ance was filed at the hearing may, within sible by the use of this substance. (R. above findings to the addition of potas­ 20 days from the date of publication of 17, 29, 48-49, 51, 78; Ex. 7) sium bromate to flour the same facts ap­ this tentative order in the F ederal R eg­ 4. Flour of protein content lower than ply where it is added to enriched flour. ist e r , file with the Hearing Clerk, Fed­ 15 percent on a moisture-free basis is There is no measurable destruction of eral Security Agency, Room 3346, Fed­ used for both home and commercial bak­ the enriching ingredients in enriched eral Security Building, Fourth Street and ing and for many purposes in addition flour resulting from the addition of the Independence Avenue, SW„ Washington, to the baking of bread. While improved potassium bromate. (R, 20-21, 79,93-94, D. C., written exceptions thereto. Ex­ baking qualities are apparent when some 117-118, 163) ceptions shall point out with particular­ bromated lower protein flours are used Conclusions. It is in the interest of ity the alleged errors in this tentative in the production of yeast-leavened consumers that millers be able to bromate order and s^iall contain specific refer­ bread, little or no improved baking quali­ all flour and enriched flour whose baking ences to the pages of the transcript of ties have been observed when such flour properties are thereby improved. the testimony or to the exhibits on which is used-in the production of other baked It is unnecessary, for consumer protec­ such exceptions are based. Such excep­ products. However, in those flours tion, to sét any limit based on protein tions may be accompanied with a memo­ whose baking qualities are not improved content of flour to which potassium bro­ randum or brief in support thereof. Ex­ it does not appear that bromating in mate may be added for the purpose of ceptions and accompanying memoranda quantities under 50 parts per million in­ making bromated flour, or enriched bro­ or briefs shall be submitted in quintup- terferes with their use. (R. 44, 64-66, mated flour. licate. 68-72, 79, 102, 116-117, 121-122; Ex. 5, On the basis of the foregoing findings Dated: June 3, 1948. 8, 10, 13) of fact and conclusions, it is further con­ 5. It is common practice for millers, cluded that it will promote honesty and [ seal] O scar R. E w in g , before bromating to test flours for their fair dealing in the interest of consumers Administrator. response to additions of potassium.bro­ to amend the definitions and standards [F. R. Doc. 48-5171; Filed, June 9, 1948; mate and to bromate only those flours of identity for bromated flour and en- 8:53 a. m.]


DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR found that the hereinafter-described 682a), as amended, by qualified veterans • lands are unsuitable for irrigation and of World War H, for whose service rec­ Bureau of Land Management reclamation, and accordingly recônveyed ognition is granted by the act of Sep­ » [Mise. 33528] such lands to the United States. tember 27, 1944 (58 Stat. 747, 43 U. S. C. At 10:00 a. m. on July 30, 1948, the Sup. 279-283), subject to the require­ I daho lands shall, subject to valid existing ments of applicable law, and (2) appli­ rights anti the provisions of existing* cation under any applicable public-land ORDER PROVIDING FOR* OPENING OF PUBLIC withdrawals, become subject to applica-; law, based on prior existing valid set­ LANDS tion, petition, 'location, or selection as tlement rights and preference rights M ay 28, 1948. follows : conferred by existing laws or equitable Pursuant to the provisions of the Carey (a) Ninety-day period for preference- claims subject to allowance and confir­ Act of August 18, 1894 (28 Stat. 422; 43 right filings. For à period of 90 days mation. Applications by such veterans U. S. C., sec. 641), the State of Idaho from July 30, 1948, to October 29, 1948, shall be, subject to claims of the classes inclusive, the public lands affected by described in subdivision (2). 1 The citations following each finding of this order shall be subject to (1) appli­ (b) Twenty-day advance period ■ for fact refer to the pages of the transcript of cation under the homestead or the simultaneous preference-right filings. the testimony and the exhibits received in desert land laws, or the small tract act For a period of 20 days from July 10,1948, evidence at the hearing. of June 1, 1938 (52 Stat. 609, 43 U. S. C. to July 29, 1948, inclusive, such veterans Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3137 and persons claiming preference rights [Misc. 2117532] 27, 1944 (58 Stat. 747) as amended May 31,1947 (61 Stat. 123,43 U. S. Q. sec. 279), superior to those of such veterans, may C alifornia present their applications, and all such and by other qualified persons entitled applications, together with those pre­ CLASSIFICATION ORDER to credit for service under the said act, sented at 10:00 a, m. on July 30, 1948, M ay 18,1948. subject to the requirements of applicable law, and (2) application under any ap­ shall, be treated as simultaneously filed. 1. Pursuant to the authority delegated^ (c) Date for non-preference-right fil­ plicable public land law, based on prior to me by the Secretary of the Interior by existing valid settlement and preference ings authorized by the pubicrland laws. Order No. 2325 dated May 24, 1947 (43 Commencing at 10:00 a. m. on October rights conferred by existing lavfrs or equi­ CFR 4-275 (b) <3), 12 F. R. 3566X, I table claims subject to allowance and 30,1948, any of the lands remaining un­ hereby classify under the small tract act appropriated shall become subject to confirmation. Application by such vet­ of June 1, 1938 (52 Stat. 609), as erans and by other persons entitled to such application, petition, location, or amended July 14, 1945 (59 Stat. 467, 43 selection by the public generally as may credit for service shall be subject to be authorized by the public-land laws. U. S. C. sec. 682a), as hereinafter indi­ claims of the classes described in sub­ (d) Twenty-day advance period for cated, the following described public division (2). simultaneous non-preference-right fil­ lands in the Los Angeles, California, land (b) Advance period for simultaneous ings. Applications by the general public district, embracing 160 acres: preference-right filings. All applications may be presented during the 20-day pe­ Small T ract Classification No. 149 by such veterans and persons claiming riod from October 11, 1948, to October California No. 59 preference rights superior to those of 29, 1948, inclusive, and^ftl such applica­ such veterans filed at 2:55 p. m. on Feb­ tions, together with those presented at FOR LEASING AND SALE ruary 27, 1948, or thereafter, up to and 10:00 a. m. on October 30, 1948, shall be For Home, Cabin, Health, Convalescent, and including 10:00 a. m. on July 20, 1948, treated as simultaneously filed. Recreational Sites shall be treated as simultaneously filed. Veterans shall accompany their ap­ T 1 N., R. 5 E„ S. B. M., California, sec. 34, (c) Date for non-preference-right fil­ plications with certified copies of their NE^. . ings authorized by the public land laws. Commencing at 10:00 a. m. on October certificates of discharge, or other satis­ 2. This land is located in San Bernar­ factory evidence of their military or 20, 1948, any of the land remaining un­ dino County, California, about 18 miles appropriated shall becoifie subject to ap­ naval service. Persons asserting prefer­ west of Twentynine Palms. It is acces­ ence rights, through settlement or other­ plication under the small tract act by wise, and those having equitable claims, sible from the,paved highway to Twenty- the public generally. shall a'ccompany their applications by nine Palms by one-half mile of dirt road. {d) Advance period for simultaneous 3. Water-supplies must be developed non-preference-right filings. Applica­ duly corroborated affidavits in support from underground sources. A well on thereof, setting forth in detail all facts tions under the small tract act by the relevant to their claims. the.SE^NWi4 sec. 34 is approximately general public filed at 2:55 p. m. on Feb­ Applications for these lands, which 150 feet deep. Although depths to water ruary 27, 1948, or thereafter, up to and shall be filed in the District Land Office vary greatly in short distances, the de­ including 10:00 a. m. on October 20, at Blackfoot, Idaho, shall be acted upon velopment of ground water in supplies 1948, shall be treated as simultaneously in accordance with the regulations con­ adequate for domestic purposes should filed. tained in § 295.8 of Title 43 of the Code be entirely feasible, especially if under­ 6. Veterans shall accompany their ap­ of Federal Regulations (Circular No. 324,. taken as group projects. Settlers in this plications with certified copies of their May 22, 1914, 43 L. D. 254), and Part area even haul water for domestic pur­ certificates of discharge, or other sat­ 296 of that title, to the extent that such poses. Electric power has been made isfactory evidence of their military or regulations are applicable. Applica­ available at Twentynine Palms. Tele­ naval service. Other persons entitled tions under the homestead laws shall be phone service has also been provided for to credit for service shall file evidence of governed by the regulations contained the community. • their right to credit in accordance with in Parts 166 to 170, inclusive, of Title 43 4. Pursuant to § 257.9 of the Code of 43 CFR 181.36 (Circ. 1588). Persons as­ of the Code of Federal Regulations and Federal Regulations (43 CFR part 257, serting preference rights, through settle­ applications under the desert land laws Circ. 1647, May 27, 1947, and Cir. 1665, ment or otherwise, and those having and the small tract act of June 1, 1938, November 19,1947) a preference right to equitable claims, shall accompany their shall be governed by the regulations a lease is accorded to those applicants applications by duly corroborated affi­ contained in Parts 232 ad 257, respec­ whose applications (a) were regularly davits in support thereof, setting forth tively, of that title. filed, under the regulations issued pur­ in detail all facts relevant to their claims. Inquiries concerning these lands shall suant to the act, prior to 2:55 p. m. on 7. All applications referred to in para­ be addressed to the District Land Office February 27, 1948, and (b) are for the graphs 4 and 5 shall be filed in the dis­ at Blackfoot, Idaho. type of site for which the land subject trict office at Los Angeles, California, The lands affected by this order are thereunder has been classified. As to shall be acted upon in accordance with such applications, this order shall become the regulations contained in § 295.8 of described as follows: effective upon the date on which it is B oise Meridian 'Title 43 of the Code of Federal Regu­ signed. lations (Circ. 324, May 22, 1914, 43 L. D. T. 10 S., R. 37 E., 5. As to the land not covered by the 254), to the extent that1 such regulations Sec. 32, Wy2SW i4, applications referred to in paragraph 4, are applicable. Applications under the T. 11 S., R. 36 E., tins order shall not become effective to sec. i, ei/2ne34, syaSE^, sy2sw^; small tract act of June 1, 1938, shall be permit the leasing of such land under the governed by the regulations contained in 11, NEI^SE^; small tract «act of June 1, 1938, cited 12, wy2Nwy4) Ni/gSwyt, sE&swy4, sw ^ Part 257 of Title 43 of the Code of Fed­ SE&; above, until 10:00 a. m. on July 20, 1948. eral Regulations. 13, w y 2sw y 4, Ny2NEy4, s e ^ n w )4, Nya At that time such land shall, subject to 8. Lessees under the small tract act of NWte, SWi4NW^: valid existing rights and the provisions June 1, 1938 will be required, within a 14, SE^NEi/4, NE14SE&, of existing withdrawals, become subject reasonable time after execution of the T. 11 s., R. 37 E., to application, petition, location, or se­ lease, to construct upon the leased land, Sec. 17, S W ^ S E ^ ; lection, as follows: 20, N W ^N E ^; to the satisfaction of the appropriate 82, Ey2SEi/4 , SE1/4SWV4, aggregating 1,200 (a) Ninety-day period for other pref­ officer of the Bureau of Land Manage­ acres. erence right filings. ment authorized to sign the lease, im­ For a period of 90 days from 10:00 provements which, in the circumstances The lands are generally level to gently a. m. on July 20,1948, to close of business are presentable, substantial and appro­ rolling in character. on October 19, 1948, inclusive, to (1) ap­ priate for the use for which the lease is M arion Claw so n, plication under the small tract act of issued. Leases will be for a period of 5 Director. June 1, 1938, by qualified veterans of years at an annual rental of $5.00, pay­ [F. R. Doc. 48-5142; Filed June 9 1948; World War II, for whose service recog­ able for the entire lease period in advance 8: 48 a. m.] nition is granted by the act of September of the issuance of the lease. Leases will 3138 NOTICES contain an option to purchase clause at [Docket Nos. G-988, G-1011] 20.00 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION the appraised price of $ an acre, ap­ T exas E astern T ransmission C orp. plication for which may be filed at or [Docket No. G-1007] after the expiration of one year from date NOTICE OF ORDER ISSUING CERTIFICATE OF the lease is issued. C hicago D istrict P ip e l in e Co. PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY AND 9. All of^ the lands will be leased in ORDER FIXING DATE OF HEARING DISMISSING APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY tracts of approximately 5 acres, each be­ TO ABANDON AND REMOVE PIPE LINES** J u n e 3, 1948. ing approximately 330 by 660 feet, the J u n e 4, 1948. longest dimension extending north and Upon consideration of the application Notice is hereby given that, on June 3, south. The tracts, whenever possible, filed March 5, 1948, by Chicago District 1948, the Federal Power Commission is­ must conform in description with the Pipeline Company (Applicant), an Illi­ rectangular system of surveys as one sued its order entered June 2, 1948, in compact unit; i. e., the EY2 or the WVfe nois corporation with its principal place the above-designated matters, issuing of a quarter-quarter-quarter section. of business at Joliet, Illinois, for a cer­ certificate of public convenience and ne­ 10. Preference right leases referred to tificate of public convenience and neces­ cessity for operation of certain lines in in paragraph 4 will be issued for the land Lincoln Parish, Louisiana, in lieu of a sity pursuant to section 7 of the Natural line authorized in the order of October described in the application, irrespective Gas Act, as amended, authorizing the of the direction of the tract, provided 10, 1947, in Docket No. G-880, and dis­ the tract conforms or is made to conform construction and operation of certain missing application for authority to to the area and dimensions specified natural-gas pipeline facilities subject to abandon and remove certain pipe lines. above. the jurisdiction of the Commission, as [ seal] L eon M . F u q u a y , 11. Where only one 5-acre tract in a fully described in such application on Secretary. 10-acre subdivision is embraced in a file with the Commission, and open to [F. R. Doc. 48-5137; Filed, June 9, 1948; preference right application, the Acting public inspection; Manager is authorized to accept applica­ 8:46 a. m.] tions for the remaining 5-acre tract ex­ It appearing to the Commission that:. tending in the same direction so as to fill (1) Temporary authorization to con­ struct and operate the requested facili­ out the subdivision, notwithstanding the [Project No. 553] direction of the tract may be contrary to ties was granted by the Commission on that specified in paragraph 10. May 14, 1948; Cit y of S eattle 12. All inquiries relating to these lands (2) This proceeding is a proper one NOTICE OF ORDER GRANTING PARTIAL'EXEMP­ shall be addressed to the Acting Mana­ for disposition under the provisions of TION FROM PAYMENT OF ANNUAL CHARGES ger, District Land Office, Los Angeles 12, Rule 1.32 (b) (18 CFR 1.32 (b)) of the California. ^ Commission’s rules of practice and pro­ J u n e 4, 1948. M arion C la w so n , cedure, Applicant having requested that Notice is hereby given that, on June 3, £ Director. 1948, the Federal Power Commission is­ its application be heard under the sued its order entered June 1, 1948, [F. R. Doc. 48-5143; Filed, June 9, 1948; shortened procedure provided by the granting partial exemption from pay­ 8:48 a. m .] aforesaid rule for non-contested proceed­ ment of annual charges in the above-des­ ings, and no request to be heard, protest ignated matter. or petition having been filed subsequent POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT to the giving of due notice of the filing [ seal] L eo n M . F uq u a y , of the application,, including publication * Secretary. I nternational M ails in the F ederal R egister on March 26, [F. R. Doc. 48-5138; Filed, June 9, 1918; 8:46 a. m.] GIFT PARCELS TO GREECE 1948 (13 F. R. 1612-1613). ' The Commission, therefore, orders The Postal Administration of Greece that: has advised that gift parcels mailed un­ (A) Pursuant to the authority con­ [Docket No. G-1057] til June 30, 1948, and addressed to in­ tained in and subject to the jurisdiction dividuals in that country, will be exempt P e n n -Y ork N atural G as C orp. from customs duty if their contents are conferred upon the Federal Power Com­ limited to the following articles in mission by sections 7 and 15 of the Nat­ ORDER SUSPENDING RATE SCHEDULE amounts not exceeding those indicated: ural Gas Act, as amended, and the Com­ It appearing to the Commission that: mission’s rules of practice and procedure, Worn clothing: 17y2 pounds. (a) Penn-York Natural Gas Corpora­ Worn footwear: 4 pairs. a hearing be held on June 23, 1948, at tion (hereinafter sometimes referred to New clothing, manufactured or not (except 9:30 a. m. (e. d. s. t.), in the Hearing as “Penn-York”) filed on May 7, 1948, furs, nylon hose and silk garments): 6 y2 Room of the Federal Power Commission, with the Commission, a proposed rate pounds. 1800 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Wash­ schedule available to Republic Light, Wool fabric or wearing apparel made there­ ington, D. C., concerning the matters in­ Heat & Power Company, an affiliate and from: 1 complete suit. volved and the issues presented by such Penn-York’s sole customer (hereinafter Leather, or new footwear made therefrom: application: Provided, however, That the sometimes referred to as “Republic”) for 1 pair. natural gas purchased and received by Bed coverings, sheets, napkins, etc.: &y2 Commission may, after a non-contested Penn-York from New York State Natu­ pounds. hearing, forthwith dispose of the pro­ ral Gas Corporation (hereinafter some­ Foodstuffs: 6 y2 pounds of each kind. ceeding pursuant to the provisions of times referred to as “New York Natu­ If a parcel contains articles other than Rule 1.32 (b) of the Commission’s rules ral”) under letter agreement dated April those mentioned above, the entire con­ of practice and procedure. 2, 1948, which schedule has been desig­ tents of the parcel will be subject to (B) Interested State commissions may nated by the Commission as Penn-York’s customs duties. participate as provided by Rules 1.8 and Supplement No. 1 to Rate Schedule FPC 1.37 (f) (18 CFR 1.8 and 1.37 (f)) of the No. 11, and, unless suspended, will be­ Gift parcels are subject to customs ex­ come effective on June 7, 1948.1 amination in Greece, and may be con­ said rules of practice and procedure. fiscated if it is found that the contents Date of issuance: June 4,1948. 1 Supplement No. 1 to Rate Schedule FPC have been falsely declared. By the Commission. No. 11 was not filed with the Commission un­ til May 7, 1948, and at the time of filing J o seph J. L aw ler, [seal] L eon M . F uq u a y , Penn-York requested a waiver of the 30-day Acting Postmaster General. Secretary. notice prescribed by Section 4 of the Natural Gas Act and approval of the Commission to [F. R. Doc. 48-5150; Filed, June 9, 1948; [F. R. Doc. 48-5136; Filed, June 9, 1948; make the Supplement effective retroactively 8:49 a. m.] 8:46 a. m.] to April 15, 1948. Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3139 (b) The aforesaid Supplement sets of such rates, charges, and classifications tary of the Commission, Washington, forth rates which if applied would re­ until November 6,1948, or until sUch time D. C., and by filing it with the Director sult in an increase of approximately thereafter as said Supplement shall be of the Division of the Federal Register. $12,000, during the period covered, over made effective in the manner prescribed Issued at Washington, D. C., this 4th the rate established by the Commission’s by the Natural Gas Act. day of June A. D. 1948. order dated February 16, 1946, in Docket (C) Interested State Commissions may No. G-600. The proposed Supplement participate in this proceeding as pro­ I nterstate C ommerce provides, for the temporary additional vided by Rules 1.8 and 1.37 (f) (18 CFR C o m m issio n , deliveries, an increased commodity 1.8 and 1.37 (f)) of the Commission’s H omer C. K in g , charge of 43 ^ per Mcf, which is a ô1/^ rules of practice and procedure. Director, Bureau of Service. per Mcf increase over the commodity Date of issuance: June 4, 1948. charge for present deliveries. There is [F. R. Doc. 48-5162; Piled, June 9, 1948; no provision for an additional transpor­ By the Commission. 8:51 a. m.] tation charge over the present charge of [ seal] L eon M . F u q u a y , $10,960 per month. Secretary. (c) The purported justification of the IF. R. Doc. 48-5139; Filed, June 9, 1948; [S. Cf. 790, Special Directive No. 52-A]; said proposed increase in the rates and 8:47 a. m.] charges for the temporary additional M onongahela R ailw a y C o. deliveries, is that the additional natural DIRECTIVE TO VACATE ORDER TO FURNISH gas is to be purchased from New York CARS FOR RAILROAD COAL SUPPLY Natural at a new point of delivery in [Docket No. E-6147] the Town of Angelica, Allegany County, Upon further consideration of the New York, which is ir. a higher rate zone California E lectric P ow er C o. provisions of Service Order No. 790 (12 than the point of present deliveries to NOTICE OF APPLICATION F. R. 7791) and good cause appearing Penn-York. Under the aforementioned therefor* April 2, 1948 agreement between Penn- J u n e 4, 1948. It is ordered, That Special Directive York and New York Natural the natural Notice is hereby given that on June 3, No. 52 under Service Order No. 790, be, gas is to be delivered only at the times 1948, an application was filed with the and it is hereby vacated effective 12:01 and in such quantities as New York Federal Power Commission, pursuant to a. m., June 4, 1948. Natural considers it has natural gas section 204 of the Federal Power Act, A copy of this special directive shall available for such purpose. ^here is no by California Electric Power Company, be served upon The Monongahela Rail­ new obligation placed on Penn-York by a corporation organized under the laws way Company and notice of this direc­ the proposed Supplement, as the present of the State of Delaware and doing busi­ tive shall be given the public by deposit­ schedule provides for delivery of natural ness in the States of California and Ne­ ing a copy in the office of the Secretary gas purchased from New York Natural vada with its principal business office at of the Commission, Washington, D. C., under a contract dated January 13,1944, Riverside, California, seeking an order and by filing it with the Director of the as amended from time to time there­ authorizing the issuance of 75,000 shares Division of the Federal Register. after. o f __.% Convertible Preference Stock, Issued at Washington, D. C., this 3d (d) Penn-York has been and is now par value of $20 per share, and the sale day of June A. D. 1948. a natural-gas company, subject to thé of such stock through a group of under­ jurisdiction of the Commission under writers. Proposed dividend rate is stated I nterstate C ommerce the Natural Gas Act, engaged in the to be 5y2% and the proposed under­ C o m m issio n , transportation of natural gas in inter­ writer’s spread is $1.40 per share, all as H omer C. K in g , more fully appears in the application on Director, state Commerce and in the sale of nat­ Bureau of Service. ural gas in interstate commerce for re­ file with the Commission. sale for ultimate public consumption, by Any person desiring to be heard or to [F. R. Doc. 48-5163; Filed, June 9, 1948; means ôf its natural gas pipe lines and make any protest with reference to said 8:51 a. m.] appurtenant facilities located in the application should, on or before the 22d States of Pennsylvania and New York. day of June 1948, file with the Fed­ (e) The rates, charges and classifica­ eral Power Commission, Washington 25, [S. O. 790, Special Directive No. 53-A] tions set forth in the aforesaid Supple­ D. C., a petition or protest in accordance ment No. 1 may be unjust, unreasonable with the Commission’s rules of practice P ennsylvania R ailroad Co. and unlawful and place an undue bur­ and procedure. DIRECTIVE TO VACATE ORDER TO FURNISH CARS den Upon the ultimate consumers of [seal] L eon M . F uq u a y , • * FOR.RAILROAD COAL SUPPLY natural gas. . Secretary. Upon further consideration of the pro­ The Commission finds that: [F.*R . Doc. 48-5140; Filed, June 9, 1948; visions of Service Order No. 790 (12 F. R. It is necessary and desirable in the 8: 47 a. m ] 7791) and good cause appearing there­ public interest that the Commission en­ for: ter upon a hearing concerning the law­ It is ordered, That Special Directive fulness of the rates, charges, and classi­ INTERSTATE COMMERCE No. 53 under Service Order No. 790, be, fications set forth in the aforesaid Sup­ COMMISSION and it is hereby vacated effective 12:01 plement No. 1, referred to in paragraph a. m., June 4, 1948. (a) above, and that said Supplement be [S. O. 790, Special Directive 33-À] A copy of this special directive shall suspended pending hearing and decision W estern A lleg h eny R ailroad C o . be served upon The Pennsylvania Rail­ thereon. road Company and notice of this direc­ The Commission orders that: directive to vacate order to f u r n is h ting shall be given the public by deposit­ (A) A public hearing be held on a date CARS FOR RAILROAD COAL SUPPLY ing a copy in the office of the Secretary and at a place to be hereafter fixed by Upon further consideration of the of the Commission, Washington, D. C., the Commission, concerning the lawful­ provisions of Service Order No. 790 (12 and by filing it with the Director of the ness of the rates, charges, and classifica­ Division of the Federal Register. tion, subject to the jurisdiction of the F. R. 7791) and good cause appearing Commission, as set forth in the afore­ therefor : Issued at Washington, D. C., this 3d It is ordered, That Special. Directive day of June A. D. 1948. said designated Supplement No. 1, re­ No. 33 under Service Order No. 790, be, ferred to in paragraph (a) above, filed and it is hereby vacated effective 12:01 I nterstate C ommerce by Penn-York Natural Gas Corporation. a. m., June 5, 1948. C o m m issio n , (B) Pending such hearing and decision A copy of this special directive shall H omer C. K in g , thereon, Supplement No. 1, referred to be served upon the Western Allegheny Director, in paragraph (a) above, filed by Penn- Railroad Company and notice of this di­ Bureau of Service. York Natural Gas Corporation, be and rective shall be given the public by de­ [F. R. Doc. 48-5164; Filed, June 9, 1948; it hereby is suspended and use deferred positing a copy in the office of the Secre­ 8:51 a. m.] 3140 NOTICES

[S. O. 790, Special Directive No. 54-A] It is ordered, That Special Directive formation as would be required by the B altimore and O h io R ailroad Co. No. 58 under Service Order No. 790, be, Commission’s Form N-30B-1. and it is hereby vacated effective 12:01 All interested persons are referred to DIRECTIVE TO VACATE ORDER TO FURNISH CARS a. m., June 5, 1948. said applications which are on file in the FOR RAILROAD COAL SUPPLY A copy of this special directive shall offices of this Commission for a more de­ Upon further consideration of the pro­ be served upon the Western Allegheny tailed statement of the matters of fact visions of Service Order No. 790 (12 F. R. Railroad Company and notice of this di­ and law asserted. 7791) and good cause appearing there­ rective shall be given the public by de­ It appearing to the Commission that for: positing a copy in the office of the Secre­ said applications are related and present It is ordered, That Special Directive tary of the Commission, Washington, questions of law and fact common to No. 54 under Service Order No. 790, be, D. C., and by filing it with the Director each of said applications. and it is hereby vacated effective 12:01 of the Division of the Federal Register. It is ordered, That the proceedings on a. m., June 4, 1948. Issued at Washington, D. C., this 4th the three applications be and the same A copy of this special directive shall day of June A. D. 1948. hereby are consolidated. be served upon The Baltimore and Ohio Notice is further given that an order Railroad Company and notice ,.of this I nterstate Commerce granting the applications may be issued directive shall be given the public by Co m m issio n , by the Commission at any time after depositing a copy in the office of the H omer C. K ing , June 18, 1948 unless prior thereto a Secretary of the Commission, Washing­ Director, hearing on the applications is ordered by ton, D. C., and by filing it with the Di­ Bureau of Service. the Corfimission as provided in Rule N-5 rector of the Division of the Federal [F. R. Doc. 48-5167; Filed, June 9, 1948; of the rules and regulations promulgated Register. 8:51 a. m.] under the act. Any interested person may, not later than June 16, 1948, at Issued at Washington, D. C., this 3rd 5:30 p. m., Eastern Daylight Saving day of June A. D. 1948. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE Time, submit in writing to the Commis­ I nterstate C ommerce COMMISSION sion his views or any additional fact C o m m issio n , bearing upon the applications or the H omer C. K in g , [File Nos. 812-192, 812-193, 812-194] desirability of a hearing thereon or re­ Director, P rovidentia, L td., et al. quest the Commission, in writing, that Bureau of Service. a hearing be held thereon. Any such NOTICE OF APPLICATION [F. R. Doc. 4&-5165; Filed, June 9, 1948; communication or request should be ad­ 8:51 a. m.] In the matter of Providentia, Ltd., The dressed: Secretary, Securities and Ex­ Nineteen Corporation, Instoria, Inc., File change Commission, 425 Second Street Nos. 812-192, 812-193, 812-194. NW„ Washington 25, D. C., and should At a regular session of the Securities state briefly the nature and interest of [S. O. 790, Special Directive No. 55-A] and Exchange Commission held at its the person submitting such information or requesting a hearing, the reasons for N e w Y ork C entral R ailroad C o. office in Washington, D. C., on the 4th day of June A. D. 1948. such request, and the issues of fact or DIRECTIVE TO VACATE ORDER TO FURNISH CARS Notice is hereby given that Providen­ law raised by the applications which he FOR RAILROAD COAL SUPPLY tia, Ltd., The Nineteen Corporation and desires to controvert. Upon further consideration of the pro­ Instoria, Inc. (“applicants”) 67 Wall By the Commission. visions of Service Order No. 790 (12 F. R. Street, New York 5, New York have filed applications pursuant to section 6 (c) [ seal] Orval L. DuBois, 7791) and good cause appearing there­ Secretary. for: of the Investment Company Act of 1940 for an order of the Commission modify­ [F. R. Doc. 48-5157; Filed, June 9, 1948; It is ordered, That Special Directive ing the order of exemption entered on 9:39 a. m.] No. 55 under Service Order No. 790, be, October 13, 1946 (Investment Company and it is hereby vacated effective 12:01 Act of 1940, Release No. 954) by which a. m., June 4, 1948. the applicants were exempted from the A copy of this special directive shall be provisions of the act with the provisos [File No. 7-1055] served upon The New York Central Rail­ that so long as the exemption granted Chicago, M ilw a u k e e , St. P aul and road Company and notice of this directive shall be in effect, each of the applicants P acific R ailroad Co? shall be given the public by depositing a will file with the Commission (1) an an­ copy in the office of the Secretary'of th t nual report setting forth such informa­ NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR UNLISTED TRAD­ Commission, Washington, D. C., and by tion as would be required by certain ING PRIVILEGES, AND OF OPPORTUNITY FOR filing it with the Director of the Division items of Form N-30 A-l (2) a quarterly HEARING of the Federal Register. report setting forth such information At a regular session of the Securities as would be required by Form N-30B-1 and Exchange Commission, held at its Issued at Washington, D. C., this 3d prescribed by Rule N-30 Bl-1 of the gen­ office in the city of Washington, D. C., on day of June, A. D. 1948. eral rules and regulations under the act the 4th day of June A. D. 1948. (3) information as to any purchases of I nterstate Commerce The San Francisco Stock Exchange a beneficial interest in any securities " Co m m issio n , pursuant to Section 12 (f) (2) of the issued by applicants by any person resi­ H omer C. K in g , Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule Director, dent in the United States of which appli­ X-12F-1 thereunder, has made appli­ Bureau of Service. cants are advised or have knowledge and cation for unlisted trading privileges in (4) information as to any acquisition of the Voting Trust Certificates for Pre­ [F. R. Doc. 48-5166; Filed, June 9, 1948; the securities of any American company 8:51 a. m.] ferred Series A Stock of the Chicago, which would result in presumptive con­ Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad trol by the applicant under the act. Co., a security listed and registered orrthe Each of the applicants now seeks a New York Stock Exchange and the Chi­ modification of such order with respect [S. O. 790, Special Directive No. 58A] cago Stock Exchange. to the filing of quarterly reports and Rule X-12F-1 provides that the ap­ W estern A lleg h eny R ailroad C o. agrees that if and so long as the exemp­ tion herein requested shall be granted plicant shall furnish a copy of the appli­ DIRECTIVE TO VACATE ORDER TO FURNISH CARS and shall be in effect, it will within 30 cation to the issuer and to every exchange FOR RAILROAD COAL SUPPLY days after receipt from the Commission on which the security is listed or already Upon further consideration of the pro­ of a request therefor, file with the Com­ admitted to unlisted trading privileges. visions of Service Order No. 790 (12 F. R. mission a report setting forth as of the The application is available for public 7791) and good cause appearing there­ end of the quarterly period next preced­ inspection at the Commission’s principal for: ing the date of such request, such in­ office in Washington, D. C. Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3 1 4 1

Notice is hereby given that, upon re­ DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE geko Iseri”, and any and all rights to quest of any interested person received demand, enforce and collect the same, prior to June 28, 1948, the Commission Office of Alien Property is property within the United States will set this matter down for hearing, owned or controlled by, payable or de­ in addition, any interested person may Au th o r ity : 40 Stat. 411, 55 Stat. 839, Pub. liverable to, held on behalf of or on ac­ submit his views or any additional facts Laws 322, 671, 79th Cong., 60 Stat. 50, 925; 50 U. g. O. and Supp. App. «, 616, E. O. 9193, count of, or owing to, or which is evi­ bearing on this application by means of July 6, 1942, 3 CFR, Cum. Supp., E. O. 9567, dence of ownership or control by, Isami a letter addressed to the Secretary of June 8, 1945, 3 CFR, 1945 Supp., E. O. 9788, Iseri, Shigeko Iseri and Hanako Iseri, the Securities and Exchange Commis­ Oct. 14, 1946, 11 F. R. 11981. the aforesaid nationals of a designated sion, Washington, D. C. If no one re­ [Vesting Order 11307] enemy country (Japan): quests a hearing on this matter, this ap­ 4. That the property described as fol­ plication will be determined by order of ISAMI ISERI ET AL. lows : the Commission on |he basis of the facts In re: Real property, household fur­ a. That certain debt or obligation, stated in the application, and other in­ nishings, farm equipment and materials, owing to Hanako Iseri and Shigeko Iseri, formation contained in the official file of motor vehicles, property insurance pol­ by the First American National Bank of the Commission pertaining to this mat­ icy, and bank accounts owned individ­ Port Townsend, Washington, Port Town­ ter. ually and/or jointly by Isami Iseri, send, Washington, arising out of Savings By the Commission. Shigeko Iseri, Hanako Iseri and Jiso Iseri. Account No. 13151, entitled “Hanako or Under the authority of the Trading Shigeko Iseri”, and any and all rights to [SEAL] ORVAL L. D u BOIS, Secretary. With the Enemy Act, as amended, Ex­ demand, enforce and collect the same, ecutive Order 9193, as amended, and b. That certain debt or other obliga­ [F. R. Doc. 48-5158; Filed, June 9, 1948; Executive Order 9788, and pursuant to tion, owing to Hanako Iseri and Shigeko 8:50 a. m.] law, after investigation, it is hereby Iseri, by the First American National found: Bank of Port Townsend, Washington, 1. That Isami Iseri, Shigeko Iseri, Port Townsend, Washington, arising out Hanako Iseri and Jiso Iseri, whose last of Savings Account No. 13681, entitled [File No. 7-1054] known addresses are Japan, are residents “Hanako or Shigeko Iseri”, and any and C hicago, M ilw a u k ee, S t . P aul & P acific of Japan and nationals of a designated all rights to demand, enforce and collect R ailroad C o. enemy country (Japan) ; the same, 2. That the property described as fol­ NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR UNLISTED TRAD­ lows: Real property situated in the is property within the United States ING PRIVILEGES, AND OF OPPORTUNITY FOR County of Jefferson, State of Washing­ owned or controlled by, payable or deliv­ HEARING ton, particularly described in Exhibit A, erable to, held on behalf of or on account At a regular session of the Securities attached hereto and by reference made of, or owing to, or which is evidence of and Exchange Commission, held at its a part hereof, together with all heredita­ ownership or control by, Hanako Iseri office in the city of Washington, D. C., ments, fixtures, improvements and ap­ and Shigeko Iseri, the aforesaid nationals on the 4th day of June A. D. 1948. purtenances thereto, and any and all of a designated enemy country (Japan) ; The San Francisco Stock Exchange claims for rents, refunds, benefits or 5. That the property described as fol­ pursuant to section 12 (f) (2) of the Se­ other payments, arising from the owner­ lows: curities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule ship of such property, a. One (1) 1937 Oldsmobile Sedan, X-12F-1 thereunder, has made applica­ Engine No. 408009-1, Washington State is property within the United States 1942 License No. Y-133 and one (1) 1929 tion for unlisted trading privileges in the owned or controlled by, payable or deliv­ Chevrolet Truck, Engine No. 835503- Voting Trust Certificates for Common erable to, held on behalf of or on account K48-3, Washington State 1942 License Stock, no par value, of the Chicago, Mil­ of, or owing to, or which is evidence of No. Y-13, which motor vehicles are lo­ waukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Co., ownership of control by, Isami Iseri and cated on the Lomsdalen Ranch, Dabob, a security listed and registered on the Shigeko Iseri, the aforesaid nationals of" Washington, New York Stock Exchange and Chicago a designated enemy country (Japan) ; Stock Exchange. b. That certain debt or obligation, 3. That the property described as owing to Jiso Iseri, by the First Ameri­ Rule X-12F-1 provides that the appli­ follows : can National Bank of Port Townsend, cant shall furnish a copy of the applica­ a. All that personal property, consist­ Washington, Port. Townsend, Washing­ tion to the issuer and to every exchange ing of household furnishings, farm equip­ ton, arising out of Savings Account No. on which the security is listed or already ment and materials, described in Exhib­ 9142, entitled “Jiso Iseri”, and any and admitted to unlisted trading privileges. its B and C, respectively, attached hereto all rights to demand, enforce and collect The application is available for public and by reference made a part hereof, the same, inspection at the Commission’s principal b. All right, title and interest of Isami office in Washington, D. C. Iseri, Shigeko Iseri and Hanako Iseri, is property within the United States Notice is hereby given that, upon re­ in and to Fire and Extended Insurance owned or controlled by, payable or deliv­ quest of any interested person received Policy No. 1940F-2863, issued by the erable to, held on behalf of or on account prior to June 28, 1948, the Commission General Insurance Co. of America, Se­ of, or owing to, or which is evidence of attle, Washington, which policy insures ownership or control by, Jiso iseri, the will set this matter down for hearing. aforesaid national of a designated enemy In addition, any interested person may the real and personal property described country (Japan) ; . submit his views or any additional facts in Exhibits A, B, and C, attached hereto bearing on this application by means of and by reference made a part hereof, and it is hereby determined: a letter addressed to the Secretary of the c. That certain debt or obligation, 6. That to the extent that the persons owing to Isami Iseri, Shigeko Iseri and named in subparagraph 1 hereof are not Securities and Exchange Commission, Hanako Iseri, by the First American within a designated enemy country, the Washington, D. C. If no one requests a National Bank of Port Townsend, Wash­ national interest of the United States hearing on this matter, this application ington, Port Townsend, Washington, requires that such persons be treated as will be determined by order of the Com­ arising out of a commercial account nationals of a designated enemy country mission on the basis of the facts stated entitled “Iseri Farm Account”, and any (Japan). in the application, and other information and all rights to demand, enforce and All determinations and all action re­ contained in the official file of the Com­ collect the same, ' quired by law, including appropriate mission pertaining to this matter. d. That certain debt or obligation, consultation and certification, having By the Commission. owing to Isami Iseri, Shigeko Iseri and been made and taken, and, it being Hanako Iseri, by the First American Na­ deemed necessary in the national in­ [SEAL] ORVAL L. DUBOIS, tional Bank of Port Townsend, Wash­ terest, Secretary. ington, Port Townsend, Washington, There is hereby vested in the Attorney [F. R. Doc. 48-5159; Filed, June 9, 1948; arising out of Savings Account No. General of the United States the prop­ 8.50 a. m.] 11280, entitled “Isami, Hanako or Shi- erty described in subparagraph 2 hereof, No. 113------5 3 1 4 2 NOTICES subject to recorded, liens, encumbrances 1 box of unions, elbows, tees, plugs and liverable to, held on behalf of or on ac­ and other rights of record held by or for short pipe count of, or owing to, or which is evidence persons who are not nationals of desig­ 2 knee pads and toggles, 3 screw jacks of ownership or control by, the aforesaid 1 milk can with coal oil national of a designated enemy country nated enemy countries, and 1 bucking and 1 felling saw There is hereby vested in the Attorney 1 drag saw with 2 blades (Japan); General of the United States the prop­ 1 carpenter squarf and it is hereby*determined: erty described in subparagraphs 3-a to 2 walking plows 3. That to the extent that the persons 5-b hereof, inclusive, 1 pick, 1 mattock, 3 axes identified in subparagraph. 1 hereof are 1 plow share All such property so vested to be held, 2 potato diggers not within a designated enemy country, used, administered, liquidated, sold or 2 garden hoes the national interest of the United States otherwise dealt with in the interest of 1 garden seeder requires that such persons be treated as and for the benefit of the United States. 1 peavy nationals of a designated enemy country The terms “national” and “designated 2 bales chieken wire (Japan). * enemy country” as used herein shall have 4 bales barb wire All determinations and all action re­ 10 10 Japanese kegs quired by law, including appropriate con­ the meanings prescribed in section of 1 scythe and snath Executive Order 9193, as amended. 1 crowbar sultation and certification, having been 100 ft. each %" and 1/2” steel cable made and taken, and, it being deemed Executed at Washington, D. C., on necessary in the national interest, June 1, 1948. [F. R. Doc. 48-5117; Filed, June 8, 1948; There is hereby vested in the Attorney For the Attorney General. 8:50 a. m.] General of the United States the property described in subparagraph 2-a hereof, [seal] D avid L. B azelon, Assistant Attorney General, subject to recorded liens, encumbrances [Vesting Order .11309] and other rights of record held by or for Director, Office of Alien Property. persons who are not nationals of desig­ Exhibit A S aigachi M iyam oto et al. nated enemy countries, and All that certain real property situate, lying In re: Real property, a leasehold estate There is hereby vested in the Attorney and being in the County of Jefferson, State and a claim owned by the personal rep­ General of the United States the prop­ of Washington, described as follows: resentatives, heirs, next of kin, legatees erty described in subparagraphs 2-b and The Southwest % o%thè Northeast %, the and distributees, names unknown, of 2-c hereof, East y2 of the Northeast *4, and th e North­ All such property so vested to be held, west % of the Southeast 1/4, of Section 17, Saihachi Miyamoto, deceased. Township 28 North, Range 1 West, of the Under the authority of the Trading used, administered, liquidated, sold or Willamette Meridian, excepting therefrom With the Enemy Act, as amended, Exec­ otherwise dealt with in the interest of the rights of way of County Roads now on utive Order 9193, as amended, and Ex­ and for the benefit of the United States. said premises. ecutive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, The terms “national” and “designated Exhibit B after investigation, it is hereby found: enemy country” as used herein shall have Inventory of household furnishings owned 1. That the personal representatives, the meanings prescribed in section 10 of by Isami Iseri, Shigeko Iseri and Hanako heirs, next of kin, legatees and distribu­ Executive Order 9193, as amended. Iseri, stored at places designated Iseri Ranch, tees, names unknown, of Saihachi Executed at Washington, D. C„ on c /o E. L. Fahringer, Dabob, W ashington: Miyamoto, deceased, who there is reason­ June 1, 1948. 1 davenport and chair able cause to believe are residents of 1 swing rocker Japan, are nationals of a designated For the Attorney General. I dining room set enemy country (Japan); [seal] D avid L. B azelon, 1 heater (small) 2. That the property described as fol­ Assistant Attorney General, miscellaneous iron beds, springs and odd lows: Director, Office of Alien Property. pieces a. Real property, situated at Lualualei, Lomsdalen Ranch, c/o Gunhild Lomsdalen, District of Waianae, City and County of Exhibit A Dabob, Washington: Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, particu­ All of those certain parcels of land (por- tiong of the lands described in and covered 1 Aldrich piano larly described in Exhibit A attached by Land Patent Grant Number 8531 to 1 General Electric radio hereto and by reference made a part Manuel G. Correa) situate, lying and being Exhibit C hereof, together with all hereditaments, at Lualualei, in the District of Waianae, City fixtures, improvements and appurte­ and County of Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, Inventory of farm equipment and materials nances thereto, and any and all claims being lots numbers thirteen (13) and owned by Isami Iseri, Shigeko Iseri and fifteen (15), in block “D”, of the tract of. Hanako Iseri-, stored at places designated for rents, refunds, benefits or other pay­ land known as the “Maili Lands’’, as shown Iseri Ranch, c/o E. L. Fahringer, Dabob, ments, arising from the ownership of Washington : such property, on the Map thereof filed in the Office of b. A leasehold estate in real property, the Registrar of Conveyances at Honolulu as 1 horse disc situated at Kapalama, Honolulu, City Registered Map Number Three Hundred 1 8 ft. hay rake and County of Honolulu, Territory of Twenty-Four (324). 1 land roller Hawaii, particularly described in Exhibit Each of said lots containing an Area of Lomsdalen Ranch, c/o Gunhild Lomsdalen, B, attached hereto and by reference 5,000 Square Feet, or thereabouts. Dabob, Washington: " made a part hereof, created under and Exhibit B 2 blocks and box rope by virtue of a lease executed May 20, 1 grinder 1941, by and-between George M. Collins, All j^iat certain piece or parcel of land 1 pipe dies with vise John K. .Clarke, Frank E. Midkiff and situate at Kapalama, Honolulu, City and 1 2-unit milking machine with electric County of Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, motor Edwin P. Murray, Trustees under the containing an area of 7,500 square feet, com­ 1 milk tank , Will and of the Estate of Bernice P. prising Lot 168-A Section “A” as delineated 1 milk bucket and strainer Bishop, deceased, Lessors, and Saihachi on Subdivision Map or Plan of Section “A”, 1 fence controller with insulators Miyamoto, Lessee, and Land Court Application 750, approved by the 2 garden sprayers c. That certain debt or other obliga­ Land Court of the Territory of Hawaii on 3 horse collars and strap tion owing to the personal representa­ August 6, 1928, and filed with the Assistant 1 wire stretcher tives, heirs, next of kin, legatees and Registrar of said Land Court, and being a 1 m eat saw distributees, names unknown, of Sai­ 1 grinder and electric motor portion of the land described in Owners’ 1 outside electric globe, 1 scythe, 2 whet­ hachi Miyamoto, deceased, by Kameyo Transfer Certificate of Title No. 8219 issued stones Furushima, 1543 Colburn Street, Hono­ to the Trustees of the Bernice P. Bishop 1 hedge cutter lulu, Territory of Hawaii, arising out of Estate, and shown on Bishop Estate Map cupboard snaps, claw and ballpean rentals collected on the property de­ 3010-26 on file in the office of the Lessors; hammer scribed in subparagraph 2-b hereof, together with the buildings thereon. 6 m ole traps No. 10 nails and 6 cotir bells is property within the United States [F. R. Doc. 48-5118; Filed, June 8, 1948; 20 irrigation pipe faucets and 2 faucets owned or controlled by, payable of de­ 8:50 a. m.] Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3 1 4 3

[Vesting Order CE 440] umn 3 of said Exhibit A opposite such in the interest of and for the benefit of C osts and E xpen ses I ncurred i n C ertain person’s name, and such measures hav­ the United States, interests in the prop­ A ctio ns or P roceedings i n C ertain ing been taken; erty in the possession or custody of, or P ennsylvania, I l l in o is, N evada, M i n ­ 3. That as a result of such action or under the control of, the persons de­ nesota, and N e w Y ork C ourts proceeding each of said persons obtained scribed in Column 5 of said Exhibit A or was determined to have the property in amounts equal to the sums stated in Under the authority qf the Trading particularly described in Column 4 of Column 6 of said Exhibit A. With the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ said Exhibit A opposite such person’s The term “designated enemy country” tive Order 9193, as amended, and Ex­ name; as used herein shall have the meaning ecutive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, 4. That such property is in the posses­ prescribed in section 10 of Executive after investigation, it having been found: sion or custody of, or under the control Order 9193, as amended. The term 1. That each of the persons named in of, the person described in Column 5 of “enemy-occupied territory” as used Column 1 of Exhibit A, attached hereto said Exhibit A opposite such property; herein shall have the meaning pre­ and by reference made a part hereof, 5. That, in taking such measures in scribed in Rules of Procedure, Office of was a person withiir the designated each of suçh actions or proceedings, costs Alien Property, § 501.6 (8 CPR, Cum. enemy country or the enemy-occupied Supp., 503.6). territory identified in Column 2 of said and expenses have‘been incurred in the amount stated in Column 6 of said Ex­ Executed at Washington, D. C., on Exhibit A opposite such person’s name; June 2, 1948. 2. That it was in the interest of the hibit A opposite such action or proceed­ United States to take measures in con­ ing; Por the Attorney General. nection with representing each of said Now, therefore, there is hereby vested [ seal] D avid L. B azelon, persons in the court or administrative in the Attorney General of the United Assistant Attorney General, action or proceeding identified in Col­ States, to be used or otherwise dealt with Director, Office of Alien Property.

E xhibit A

Column 1 Column 2 Column 8 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Name Country or Territory Action or proceeding Property Depositary Sum vested

I te m 1 Czechoslovakia...... Estate of Dora Kerak, deceased. Orphans’ $4,626.82 Czechoslovak Consulate. Philadelphia 4. $28.00 Court, Philadelphia County, Pa. No. Pa. 798 of 1943.

I te m t - Rozsa Fischer Gyurkovics, also . ... _ _ Estate of Armin Fischer, deceased. Pro- 1,131.45 Louis E. Nelson, treasurer of Cook 104.00 known as Rozzi Fischer Gyurko- bate Court, Cook County, 111. File County, County Bldg., Chicago, 111. vico, also known as Rozsa Fischer No. 44 P 2695. Docket 430, p. 298. Gyurkovici, also known as Rose Fischer (sister), and other Heirs at law, names unknown, of Arm in Fischer, deceased. / ' • • I te m S China....______Estate of On Ng, deceased. District 926.25 George Aiazzi, Administrator, c/o Taylor 31.00 Court of the Fourth Judicial District, H. Wines, Esquire, 403 Henderson Elko County, Nev. No. 1377. , Bank Bldg., Elko, Nev.

I te m 4 do Same...... 926.25 Same...... 31.00 * Ite m 5 Norway______Estate of Annie Asperheim, deceased. 400.00 Royal Norwegian Consulate General, 40.00 Probate Court. Watonwan County, Minneapolis 2, Minn. Minn. I te m 6 Greece...... Estate of Elias Lefkaditis, deceased. 81.65 Public Administrator* New York County, 16.67 Surrogate’s Court, New York County, 31 Chambers St., New York, N. Y. N. Y. Index No. A-5Q4-1944.

I te m 7 do...... Estate of Elias Lefkaditis, deceased. 81.55 Public Administrator, New York County, $16.67 Surrogate’s Court, New York County, 31 Chambers St., New York, N. Y. N. Y. Index No. A-504-1944.

I te m 8 Same...... 81.54 Same______’______... v 16.66

[F. R. Doc. 48-5184; Filed, June 9, 1948; 8:55 a. m .]

[Vesting Order CE 441] utive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, United States to take measures in con­ after investigation, it having been found: nection with representing each of said Costs and E x pe n se s I ncurred in C ertain 1. That each of the persons named in A ctions or P roceedings i n Certain persons in the court or administrative N ew J er sey , I l l in o is, C alifornia, Column 1 of Exhibit A, attached hereto action or proceeding identified in Column and by reference made a part hereof, was 3 of said Exhibit A opposite such person’s . M assachusetts, O h io , and W isc o n sin a person within the designated enemy name, and such measures having been C ourts country or the enemy-occupied territory taken; Under the authority of the Trading identified in Column 2 of said Exhibit A 3. That, in taking such measures in With the Enemy Act, as amended, Exec­ opposite such person’s name; each of such actions or proceedings, costs utive Order 9193, as amended, and Exec­ 2. That it was in the interest of the and expenses have been incurred in the 3 1 4 4 NOTICES amount stated in Column 4 of said Ex­ are determined to have as a result of said Procedure, Office of Alien Property, hibit A opposite the action or proceeding actions or proceedings in amounts equal § 501.6 (8 CPR, Cum. Supp., 503.6). identified in Column 3 of said Exhibit A; to the sums stated in Column 4 of said Exhibit A. Executed at Washington, D. C., on Now, therefore, there is hereby vested June 2, 1948. in the Attorney General of the United The term "designated enemy country” as used herein shall have the meaning For the Attorney General.' States, to be used or otherwise dealt prescribed in section 10 of Executive Or­ with in the interest of and for the bene­ der 9193, as amended. The term “enemy- [ seal! D avid L. B azelon, fit of the United States, interests in the occupied territory” as used herein shall Assistant Attorney General, property which said persons obtain or have the meaning prescribed in Rules of Director, Office of Alien Property.

E xhibit A

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4

Sum Action or proceeding Sum Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested Name Country or territory vested

I te m 1 I te m 10 Rumania Estate of John Pop, de­ $39.00 Ane Margrede Honiluis. Estate of Charles Elverts, $39.00 ceased. Orphans’ Court, also known as C. El­ Burlington County, N. verts, deceased. Supe- J. - rior Court, Sonoma I te m t County, Calif., No. 14923. d o ___ 6 8 .0 0 deceased. Probate Court, I te m 11 Cook County, 111. File Same ' . __ ___ 39.00 No. 44 P 5185, Docket 433, p. 129. I te m IS Hungary _____ Estate of Bela Messa, de- 59.00 ...... dó...... 58.00 ceased. Probate court, Norfolk County, Mass. Ite m ¿ Docket No. 107984. Hyman Leibovitz „ . ; .do...... 58.00 \ I te m IS .....d o ...... Same...... 59.00 r do _ _ 58.00 I te m H I te m 6 . Angiolina Landorfi, also Estate of Vincent Landorfi, 52.00 Anna Albrecht Szucs... Estate of Joseph Albrecht, 119.00 known as Angiolina deceased. Probate deceased. Probate Landolfo. Court/ Mahoning Court, Cook County, County; Ohio. 111. File 45 P 7498, Docket 445, p. 406. I te m 16 Giovanni Landorfi, also , do _i '______Same...... 62.00 I te m 7 £ known as; Giovanni' ___ do...... Same...... _...... 40.00 I te m 16 I te m 8 - . . — do...... Same...... ___...... 40.00 Society for the poor Trust under the Will of 947.00 people of Kerpen. Christian Dick, de­ I te m 9 ceased. County Court. Dane County, Wis. Kristine Hattesen__ __ Denmark...... Estate of Charles Elverts, 39.00 also known as C. El- I te m 17 vejts, deceased. Supe­ Hospital and gym­ 189.00 rior Court, Sonoma nasium at Kerpen. County, Calif., No. 14923. i

[F. R. Doc. 48-5185; Filed, June 9, 1948; 8:55 a. m.]

[Vesting Order CE 442] persons in the court or administrative ac­ Now therefore, there is hereby C osts and E x pe n se s I ncurred i n Certain tion or proceeding identified in Column Vested in the Attorney General of the A ctions or P roceedings in C ertain 3 ef said Exhibit A opposite such person’s United States, to be used or otherwise D elaware, L ouisiana,. M aine, M ary­ name, and such measures having been dealt with in the interest of and for the land, N e w H am psh ire, P ennsylvania , taken; benefit of the United States, the amounts T exas, and R hode I sland C ourts 3. That, in taking such measures in stated in Column 4 of said Exhibit A. each of such actions or proceedings, costs The term "designated enemy country” Under the authority of the Tradihg and expenses were incurred in the as used herein shall have the meaning With the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ amount stated in Column 4 of said Ex­ prescribed in section 10 of Executive Or­ tive Order 9193, as amended, and Exec­ hibit A opposite the action or proceeding der 9193, as amended. The term utive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, identified in Column 3 of said Exhibit A; “enemy-occupied territory” as used after investigation, it having been found: 4. That each amount stated in Column herein shall have the meaning prescribed 1. That each of the persons named in 4 of said Exhibit A has been paid from in rules of procedure, Office of Alien Column 1 of Exhibit A, attached hereto Property § 501.6 (8 CFR, Cum. Supp., and by reference made a part hereof, was the property which each of said persons 503.6). a person within the designated enemy obtained or was determined to have as a country or the enemy-occupied territory result of the action or proceeding iden­ Executed at Washington, D. C., on identified in Column 2 of said Exhibit A tified in Column 3 of said Exhibit A op­ June 2, 1948. opposite such person’s name; posite such person’s name and all of said For the Attorney General. 2. That it was in the interest of the amounts are presently in the possession [ seal 1 D avid L . B azelon, United States to take measures in con­ of the Attorney General of the United Assistant Attorney General, nection with representing each of said States. Director, Office of Alien Property. Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3 1 4 5

E xh ibit A

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Name Country or territory Sum Sum Action or proceeding vested Name Country or territory Action OT proceeding vested

I te m 1 I te m 9 Algemeene Kunstzijde David Bimbaum v. Alge­ $2,056.31 Julia Marcinko. Czechoslovakia. Estate of John Uporsky, $30.00 Unie (1^. V.). meene Kunstzijde Unie deceased. Orphans’ (N. V.) Superior Court, Court, Lawrence Coun­ N e# Castle County, ty, Pa. No. 1 June Del. Docket No. 224— Term, 1945. 1944. Ite m ? I te m 10 Elizabeth Gaysi. .do. Same. 30.00 Madam Wedoe August 12.37 Gyselinck; MadamAl- Haver, in the First Judi­ I te m I t fons De Bacher Van cial District.- Court, Haver; Alfons Van Caddo Parish, La. No. Francesco Donatich. Italy. Estate of Anton Donatich, 47.00 Haver; Heirs-at-law 89,135. deceased. Orphans’ of Francis Van Haver, Court, Philadelphia names unknown County, Pa. No. 1163 and of 1940. *■ Rev. Venantius Gyse­ linck Ite m I t

I te m S Polyxene Georgulas. Greece. Estate of Costantinos 100.00 Georgulas, deceased. Lucretia M. Camera, Italy...... 58.00 Orphans’ Court, Phila formerly Lucretia Louisa D. T. Carpenter, delphia County, Pa. May Carpenter. deceased. Cumberland County, Probate Court, Ite m IS Maine. No. 728. Emma Emily Listmann. . Estate of H. W. Emil List- 97.00 I te m 4 mann, deceased. Coun­ ty Court, Tom Green Kosto Dimas.______Estate of Elia Iovan Gelio, 65.00 County, Tex. No. 2487. deceased. Probate Court, Penobscot Coun­ I te m H ty, Maine. No. 18,685. Baron Louis de Letay.. Hungary. Estate of Baroness 25.00 I te m 5 Blanche de Levay, de­ ceased. Probate Court, Maria Beatrice Andre- Italy...... Franklin D. Martin Sin- 26.00 Bristol County, R. I. ozzi Bernini Benzoni. gle, v. Maria Beatrice Andreozzi Bernini Ben­ I te m 15 zoni and Ferdinando Miss Elisabeth de Le- ___ do___ Same. 13.00 Benzoni, her hsuband, vay. of the City of Rome, I te m 16 Italy, in the Circuit Court, Baltimore City, Angelina Palmieri Coc­ Italy...... Estate of Francesco Pal­ 23.00 Md. cola. mieri, deceased. Pro­ I te m 6 bate Cdurt, Providence County, R. I. No. Beatrice T. Doumovo__ France______52.75 . 41522. Frank West Rollins, Probate Court, Merri­ I te m 17 mack County, N. H. Filomena Cappiello.. .do. Same. 4.40

Ite m 7 I te m 18 Michelina Cappiello. .do. Same. 4.40 Emilie Antonelli Ricci.. Italy...... Estate of Angelo Ricci, 2 2 .0 0 also known as Angelo I te m 19 Congezio Ricci, de­ Carmelina Cappiello. .do. Same. 4.40 ceased. Orphans’ Court, Philadelphia County, Pa. No. 1249 of 1946. Antonetta Cappiello.. .do. Same. 4.40

I te m 8 Filomena R icci...... do..'...... Same...... 2 2 .0 0 Attilio Cappiello____ .do. Same. 4.40

[F. R. Doc. 48-5186; Filed, June 9, 1948; 8:55 a. m.]

[Vesting Order CE 443] action or proceeding identified in Column Now, therefore, there is hereby vested C osts and E x pen ses I ncurred in C ertain 3 of said Exhibit A opposite such person’s in the Attorney General of the United A ctions or P roceedings in C ertain N e w name, and such measures having been States, to be used or otherwise dealt Y ork Courts taken; with in the interest of and for the bene­ 3. That, in taking such measures in fit of the United States, the amounts Under the authority of the Trading each of such actions or proceedings, costs stated in Column 4 of said Exhibit A. With the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ and expenses were incurred in the The term “designated enemy country’’ tive Order 9193, as amended, and Execu­ amount stated in Column 4 of said Ex­ as used herein shall have the meaning tive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, hibit A opposite the action or proceeding prescribed in section 10 of Executive Or­ after investigation, it having been found: identified in Column 3 of said Exhibit A; der 9193, as amended. The term “en­ 1. That each of the persons named in 4. That each amount stated in Column emy-occupied territory’’ as used herein Column 1 of Exhibit A, attached hereto shall have the meaning prescribed in wind by reference made a part hereof, was 4 of said Exhibit A has been paid from rules bf procedure, Office of Alien Prop­ a person within the designated enemy the property which each of said persons erty, § 501.6 (8 CFR, Cum. Sljpp., 503.6). obtained or Was determined to have as country or the enemy-occupied territory Executed at Washington, D. C., on identified in Column 2 of said Exhibit A a result of the action or proceeding iden­ June 2, 1948. opposite such person’s name; tified in Column 3 of said Exhibit A op­ 2. That it was in the interest of the posite such person’s name and all of said For the Attorney General. United States to take measures in con­ amounts are presently in the possession [seal] D avid L. B azelon, nection with representing each of said of the Attorney General of the United Assistant Attorney General, persons in the court or administrative States. Director, Office of Alien Property. 3 1 4 6 NOTICES

E xh ibit A

Column 3 Column 4 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 — Column 1 Sum Sum Country or territory Action or proceeding Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested Name vested

Ite m S3 I te m 1 Italy. Estate of Alfonso Battag­ $25.00 Carlo Borelli. Italy. Estate of Angelo Borelli, $14.56 Magnalena (Battaglia) also known as Angelo Antolena. lia, deceased. Surro­ Giardini,deceased. Sur­ gate’s Court, Erie Coun­ rogated Court, New ty, N. Y. York County, N. Y. No. 55738—1943. I te m 84 Rose (Battaglia) Gra- -do. Same: 25.00 I te m 8 I te m S6 Prima Borelli___ .do. Same. 14.56 Francesca Cavallone. -do. Estate of Frank Cavallone, 17.00 I te m 3 deceased. Surrogate’s Barbara Borelli... .do. Same. 14.56 Court, Nassau County, N. Y. Ite m 4 14.56 Elizabeth Borelli. .do. Same. I te m 86 Same. 17.00 I te m 6 Michael Cavallone. .do. 14. 55 Zeta Borelli...... do. Same. I te m i Same; 17.00 I te m 6 Rosario Cavallone.. .do. 134.00 I te m 88 P. de Gruyter & Zoon Netherlands. Harry L. Cohen Bendiks N. V. (a corporation). ». P. de Gruyter & Zoon 16.75 N. V. (a corporation) Solomon W agschal a/k/a Belgium. Estate of Osias Wagschal, Solomon Wagszal. a/k/a Schija (Schya, New York Supreme I Szja), Rubin Wagszal, Court, New York Coun­ deceased. Surrogate’s ty, N. Y. Court, New York Coun­ ty, N. Y. No. P 2501/' I te m 7 W 1944. John Juzek. Czechoslovakia. Estate of William Juzek, 32.00 decreased. Surrogate’s Ite m : Court, New York Coun­ Samuel Aaron Wagschal -do. Same. 16.75 ty, N. Y. Index No. A1583-1942. I te m SO Feiga Wagschal a/k/a -do. Same. 16.75 I te m 8 Feiga Wagszal. 1 I te m 31 Rivka Kuehla Dimant— Poland. Estate of Pinches Dimant, 24.25 Ethel Wagschal a/k/a -do. Same. 16.75 also known as Peter Ethel Wagszal. Dimant, deceased. Sur' Ite m 38 rogate’s Court, Bronx County. N. Y. Index Carissima Caranfa. Italy. Estate of Aurelio Caranfa, 13.75 No. 631/P-1944. deceased. Surrogate’s Court, Ablany County, I te m 9 N. Y. Noyech Dimant--r~ .do. Same. 24.25 I te m S3 I te m 10 Louis Jacob Dimant. .do. Same. 24.25 Adolfo Caranfa. -do. Same. 13.75 I te m 11 I te m 34 Hannah Dimant...... do. Same. 24.25 I te m IS Ettore Caranfa. .do. Estate of Aurelio Caranfa, 13.75 deceased. Surrogate’s Maria Cappalletti. Italy. Estate of Constantino 9.84 Court, Albany County, Cappalletti, deceased, N. Y. S u rro g a te’s Court, Tompkins C o u n t y , N. Y. I te m 36 Nunzia Caranfa. .do. Same. 13.75 I te m 18 Same. 9.84 Emma Riva__ ...... -do. I te m 36 I te m 14 Cidute Iacomini...... do. Same. 9.83 Gretchen Lehmann. Belgium. Estate of Jennie M. Brei­ 33.00 tenbach, deceased. Sur­ I te m 16 rogate’s Court, New Ciesere Iacomini___... .do., Same. 9.83 York County, N. Y. File No, P2483-1940. ' Same. 9.83 Daniele Iacomini------.do. I te m 37 I te m 17 Giaconta Champagna. .do. Same. 9.83 Carolina Talamini, now Italy. Estate of Angelo Talamini, 4.70 known as Caroline T. deceased. Surrogate’s I te m 18 Jessen (Querini). - Court, Queens County, N. Y. Index No. 3913/ Amsterdamsche Bank. Holland. Max Van Der Veen, Plain 56.00 1943. tifi against Amster damsche Bank, Defend ant. New York SU' I te m 38 preme Court, New York The trustees, officers or ...... do.J.. Same. 89.30 County, N. Y., File directors of the Ceme­ No. 5725/1941. tery in the Town of Vodo Cadora, Prov­ I te m 19 ince of Belluno, Italy. I te m 19 Rosamonda Adimari— Italy. Estate of Margarita Man 6.25 tovani Chiriano, de ceased. Surrogate’ Giovannina Santagata. .do. Estate of Domenico Santa­ 118.00 Court, Bronx County gata. deceased: Surro­ N. Y. Docket No. 94( gate’s Court, Bronx P/1942. County, N. Y. Index No. 18414-1943. I te m i 6.25 Annina Geraldi... .do. Saine. I te m 40

I te m SI Adeline Boitrel. . Estate of Anna Wood 25.00 Fulvia Marinello. .do. Same. 0.26 Brown, deceased. Sur­ rogate’s Court, New I te m SS York County, N. Y. File No. P-721-43. Giuseppina Esposito. .do. Same. 6.25 Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3 1 4 7

E x h ibit A—Continued

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 ’ * / Name ' ^ Country or territory Action or proceeding Sum Name Country or territory Sum vested Action or proceeding vested

I te m 41 I te m 66

Ida Leino...... Finland...... Estate of Edla Makinen, $12.63 Amelie Simonin France...... $6 .0 0 deceased. Surrogate’s Chardin. in, deceased. Surro­ Court, New York Coun­ gate’s Court, Kings ty, N. Y. Index No. County, N. Y. Index 625-P-1941. 7252/1944.

I te m 49 I te m 67 Herman Makinen___ ...... do...... 12.63 Marie Simonin Regard...... do...... Same...... 25.00

I te m 43 I te m 68 Raija Marjatta Aalto...... do...... 12.63 Delphine Simonin_____ Same...... 10.00

I te m 44 I te m 69 Sauli Leino...... 12.63 Madeleine Simonin...... do...... Estate of Judes Lr-Simo- 1 0.00 I te m 46 nin, deceased. Surro­ Ossi Leino...... ___ d o ______12.62 gate’s Court, Kings ""County, N. Y. Index I te m 46 7272/1944. Osmo Leino...... do...... 12.62 I te m 70 I te m 47 Louis Regard...... do...... Same...... 6 .0 0 Alpo Herman Makinen. Same...... 12.62 H eu 71 I te m 48 Charlotte Virginia Re- .do. Same. 5.00 Paul Edvin Makinen... Same...... 12.62 • gard. I te m 79 Ite m 49 Louisa Zampard. Italy. Estate of John Marius L. 32.00 Dice Dalumi ...... Italy...... Estate of Amalia Dalumi 40.00 Gorett, deceased. Sur­ Shaw, deceased. Surro­ rogate’s Court, Kings gate’s Court, New York County, N. Y. Docket County, N. Y. Index No. 8891/1944. No. P848-1940. I te m 73 Ite m 50 Lina Cima...... do...... Same...... 6.00 Maria Froehlich. . Estate of John Froehlich, SÍ. 00 deceased. Surrogate’s I te m 51 Court, New York Maria Cima...... do...... Same...... 6.00 County, N. Y. Docket P 2210/1946. Ite m 69 Regina Cima...... do...... _...... 6.00 I te m 74 I te m 53 Melanie (Muska) Halil- Germany. Estate of Mabel von 28.00 Francesca Ghislanzoni...... do...... Same...... 6.00 Beg Mussayassul. 'Nagel, deceased. Surro­ gate’s Court, New York Ite m 64 County, N. Y. Docket Lea Piatti...... do...... Same___ 6.00 No. P 2090-1944.

I te m 55 I te m 76 Pina Piatti...... do...... 6.00 Alexandra von Deym~. Italy... Same. 67.00

* Ite m 56 I te m 76 Guiseppe Galli...... do...... 6.00 Ludovica Jones______do. Same. 28.00 I te m 57 ' Herren Heirs of Ilo Rappi Kale- Albania...... i ...... Estate of Mandi Rapi, de­ 35.00 Angelina Ercole. -do. Estate of Camille Cassone, 82.00 shy, deceased. ceased. Surrogate’s a/k/a Camilla Cassone, Court, Chautauqua deceased. Surrogate’s . County, N. Y. Court, New York County, N. Y. File No. I te m 68 P-2963/1944. .

Michael Puntigam...... Austria...... Estate of Joseph Punti­ 25.00 I te m 78 gam, deceased. Surro-. gate’s Court, Westches­ Concetta Signa. .do Estate of Pasquale Signa, 62.00 ter County, N. Y. No. deceased. Surrogate’s 1540/43. Court, Kings County, N. Y. Docket No. I te m 69 8909/1945. Anton Puntigam...... 25.00 I te m 79 I te m 60 August Puntigam...... do...... Same...... 12.00 Filomena Corbaro .do Estate of Natale Corbaro, 36.00 Misasi. deceased. Surrogate’s I te m 61 Court, Westchester William Puntigam...... Same__ 12.00 County, N. Y.

I te m 69 I te m 80 Karl Puntigam______...... do...... L...... • Same__ 12.00 Cesidio Aureli. .do. Estate of Gianfilippo 4.00 Aureli, a/k/a Giovanni I te m 63 Filippo Aureli, deceased. Louisa Puntigam ___ do...... Same...... 12.00 Surrogate’s Court, Schober. Bronx County, N. Y. Ite m 64 Docket No. 825/1944. Julia Puntigam Leies...... do...... Same...... 12.00 I te m 81 Ite m 66 Achille Aureli______.do. Same. 24.00

Mario Arturo Sansoni Italy...... Estate of Guido Sansoni, 73.00 I te m 89 and his heirs. deceased. Surrogate’s Luciano Aureli_____ -do. Same. 24.00 Court, New York County, N. Y. Index I te m i No. P-55-1943. Maria Donata Aureli. .do. Same. 24.00 3 1 4 8 NOTICES

E xh ibit A—Continued

Column 1 — Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Sum Action or proceeding Sum Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested Name Country or territory vested

I te m 84 I te m 104 Estate of Luciano O'. $7.50 Kate S. Shaw...... Philippine Islands.. Estate of Anna B. Coulter, $49.00 Giovenco, deceased. deceased. Surrogate’s Surrogate’s Court, Court, Erie County, Kings County, N. Y. N. Y. Docket No. 8674/1944. I te m 106 I te m 86 7.50 “John” Schaier...... France...... Rose Bakal, plaintiff v. 89.00 “John” Schaier, defend­ I te m 86 ant. Supreme Court, Same...... 7.50 New York County, N .Y . Index No. 30325/ I te m 87 1943. _._do ...... Same...... 7.50 Ite m 106 I te m 88 7.50 Efzcina Timoshuk...... Russia...... Estate of John Timoshuk, 35.00 deceased. Surrogate’s Ite m 89 Court, Kings County, N. Y. Docket No. Estate of Luciano G. Gio- 7.50 7642/1943. venco, deceased. Surro­ gate’s Court, Kings I te m 107 County, N. Y. Docket No. 674/1944. Yugoslavia______Estate of August Dobrajc, _ 79.00 deceased. Surrogate’s I te m 90 Court, New York « County, N. Y. Index Karl Leeb or his children Austria...... Estate of John Leeb, de­ 63.00 No. A-1366-1943. ceased. Surrogate’s Court, New York Coun- - I te m 108 ty, N. Y. Index No. P-1830/1944. Norway...... Estate of Eueene Drol- 48.00 sum, deceased. Surro­ I te m 91 gate’s Court, New York County, N. Y. Index Rafalla (Lefella) De- Estate of Nicholas De- 73.00 No. P-2420-1942. % Stefano or Serafina Stefano, deceased. Sur­ DeStefano. rogate’s Court, Che­ Ite m 109 mung County, N. Y. Italy...... Estate of Guiseppc Talle- 14.00 I te m ft? rico, deceased. Surro­ gate’s Court, Kings Estate of Kathe Minden, 37.00 County, N. Y. Index - deceased. Surrogate’s No. 3338-1943. Court, Kings County, ' N. Y. File No. 3957/ I te m 110 1946...... do...... Same...... 14.00 I te m 98 I te m 111 Estate of Angelo Alpi, de­ 2 1 .0 0 ceased. Surrogate’s Joseph Montel...... Austria...... Estate of.Christina 14.00 Court, Queens County, Schmitt Kirchner, de­ County, N. Y. Index No. ceased. Surrogate’s 6163/1944. - Court, Queens County, N. Y. Docket No. I te m 94 1931/1942. Same...... 10.00 I te m 118 ...... do______Same...... 14.0C Same...... 10.00 I te m 118 I te m 96 Estate of Stephen Cerutti, 15.67 Czechoslovakia____ Estate of Adolph C. Lock- 4.00" deceased. Surrogate’s wenz, deceased. Surro­ Court, Queens County, gate’s Court, Queens N. Y. Docket No. County, N. Y. Index 3403/1945. No. 2101/1943. I te m 114 I te m 97 Estate of Adolph C. Lock- 4.00 Paul Cerutti...... ___ Estate of Stephen Cerutti, 15.67 wenz, deceased. Surro­ deceased. Surrogate’s gate’s Court, Queens Court, Queens County, County, N. Y. Index N. Y. Docket No. No. 2101/1943. 3403/1945.

I te m 98 Same...... 4.00 I te m 116 do __ , ___— Same...... 15.66 I te m 99 Same...... 4.00 I te m 116 I te m 100 4.00 Gustaf Gustafson...... Finland...... Estate of Mathilda Jans- 14.67 son, a/k/a Mathilda Jan- I te m 101 son and Mathilda Hel­ Same...... 4.00 ena Johnson, deceased. Surrogate’s Court, I te m 108 Kings County, N. Y. Ludmila Burdych 4.00 Docket No. 8740/1944. Snizek. I te m 108 It& m 117 Assunta Scarfato, a/k/a Anna Schnier and Helen 23.00 Linda Kalm ______14.67 Assunta Scarfato Forman v. Thomas Scar­ Ruocco. fato, et al. Supreme Court,' Kings County, I te m 118 N .Y . File No. 170/1943. Eva Zetterstrom...... do...... Same...... 14.66 Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3 1 4 9

E xh ibit A—Continued

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Sum Sum Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested

I te m 119 I te m 1S8 \ Estate of Duvi Passera, $10.34 Ernest Oangry___ Estate of Camille Gâugry, $9.75 deceased. Surrogate’s deceased. Surrogate’s Court, Schenectady Court, New York Coun­ County, N. Y. ty, N. Y. Index No. A-2183-43. I te m ISO Òssola...... do...... Same...... 10.33 I te m 189 Jules a/k/a Marcel _ dA • Same...... 9.75 I te m 1S1 Gaugry...... do...... Same...... 10.33 Ite m H O Rose Blanch Magnoux...... do...... Same...... 8.75 I te m 1SS I te m H I Adele Tarign ...... d o ...... Estate of Giacomo Bal- 12.91 Alice Ikert...... ___ d o __ Same...... _...... 8.75 zarini, deceased. Surro­ gate’s Court, New York I te m H i County, N. Y. Index No. A-1430/1944. Laure Bussiere... Estate of Juliette Cag­ 14.80 liostro, deceased. Surro­ I te m 1SS gate’s Court, New York Same...... 2.07 County, N. Y. Docket No. P-2030—1943. I te m I S i I te m H S Fortunato Balzarmi do___ . Estate of Giacomo Balza- 2.07 Marcelle Corbat___.... Same...... 14.80 rini, deceased. Surro­ gate’s Court, New York I te m H I County, N. Y. Index Berthe Denis______...... do...... Same...... 14.80 No. A-1420/1944. I te m H S I te m 1S5 Marguerite Cornu____ Same...... 14.80 ____do...... Same...... 2.07 I te m H O I te m 1S6 Same...... 2.07 Estate of Juliette Caglios­ 14.80 tro, deceased. Surra-' I te m 1S7 gate’s Court, New York Same...... 2.06 County, N. Y. Docket .- >. , No. P-2030-1943. I te m 1S8 Same...... 2.06 Ite m H 7 I te m 1S9 Angelo Salvatore Italy...... Estate of Pietro Salvatore, 19.05 a/k/a Pietro Salvatori, Bassano Ventura...... _ do______Estate of Sabatina Cosco, 46.00 deceased. Surrogate’s 1 deceased. Surrogate’s Court, Bronx County, Court, Oneida County, N. Y. Index No. 507- N. Y. - A-1943. I te m 190 I te m H 8 Rosaria Bruno...... d o _ Estate of Gabriele Bruno, 50.00 Same...... 19.06 a/k/a Gabriel Bruno, « deceased. Surrogate’s I te m H 9 Court, Bronx County, N. Y. Index No. 1076- Yee Shee...... China...... Estate of Wong Gung 67.00 A-1944. You, a/k/a Wong Gun You, deceased. Surro­ I te m 1S1 gate’s Court, New York County, N.Y. File No. Mary Robertson Al­ Germany _ ___ Estate of Leila Ladson 128.00 A-183-1944. brecht, a/k/a May L. Jones, deceased. Surro­ Albrecht. gate’s Court, New York County, N.Y. File No. I te m ISO P-2060-1936. Wong Jack Poy...... Same...... 5.00 I te m 151 I te m 1SS Wong Jack Hee______...... do...... Same...... 5.00

Luigi Rossetti______Italy Estate of Mary R. Pag- 23.00 I te m IBS iiuchi, deceased. Sur­ Wong Jack Chack___ ...... do...... rogate’s Court, Kings Same...... 5.00 County, N. Y. Docket I te m IBS No. 1894/1943. Wong Jack Song___...... do...... Same...... 5.00

I te m 1SS I te m 151 Bartolomeo Cavassi...... Same...... 1 2 .0 0 Same...... 5.00 I te m 134 I te m 155 Grace Menonna Coccia. Estate of Domenico Me- 18.25 nonna, deceased. Sur­ Adeline P. D’Empre- France...... Trust under the Will of 37.00 rogate’s Court, St. Law­ mesnil. Henry T. Oxnard, de­ rence County, N. Y. ceased. Supreme Court, New York County, N. I te m 1S5 Y. No. 9102-1944. Same...... 18.25 . I te m 156 I te m 138 Nadine A. Oxnard...... do...... Seme. 36.00 Anna Marie Menonna.. Same______18.25 I te m 167 I te m 1S7 “Jane Doe,” “Alice d o __ - Same______...... 18.25 Effie Howells Thomas... do ______Trust under the Will of 51.00 Doe” and “Mary ■ Sarah L. Howells, de­ Doe,” names being ceased. Supreme Court, fictitious, children of New York County, a deceased sister, N. Y. File No. 27913- Julia. 1941.

No. 113------6 3 1 5 0 NOTICES

E xh ibit A—Continued

Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Sum Sum Country or territory Action or proceeding Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested Name vested

I te m 177 I te m 158 Estate of Elizabeth T. $183.00 Alfredina Starnile Sarro, Estate of Peter Sarro, a/k/a $50.00 Jessie MacBride, a/k/a Italy...... Pietro Sarro, deceased. Jessie Amici Grissi. Gardiner, deceased. Pasqualina Sarro, Vit­ Surrogate’s Court, torio Sarro and Arnal­ Surrogate’s Court, Nas­ sau County, N. Y. Westchester County, do Sarro. N. y. I te m 159 I te m 178 Mary Isenberg Ebstein. Estate of Max von der 28.50 , Porten, deceased. Sur­ Samet-U-Seiden-W eb- Czechoslovakia...... Adalbert Greiner and 252.00 rogate’s Court, New erei-A-G, vermals Ru­ John J. McCloskey, York County, N. Y. dolph Reichert & Sheriff of the City of Docket No. 2017-1943. Sohne. New York, Plaintiffs, ». Dernier, Inc., De-. I te m 160 fendant. Adalbert Grei­ 28.50 ner, P la in tiff, ». Same______SAMET-U-WEBER- EI-A-G, vermals Ru­ I te m 161 dolph Reichert & Sohne, Italy...... Estate of Giovanni Varric- 23.00 Defendant. Supreme chio, a/k/a John Varraic- Court, New York chio, deceased. Surro­ County, N. Y. Index gate’s Court, Washing­ No. 12527/1943. ton County, N. Y. Ite m 179 I te m 163 do 23.00 Gaspare Leone______Italy...... Estate of Philip Leone, 43.50 deceased. Surrogate’s I te m 163 Court, New York Coun­ ...... do...... Same...... 23.00 ty, New York. Docket No. P-2032/1945. I te m 164 I te m 180 Estate of Zenos Hatzenas, 8 .0 0 Carmelo Leone Cascio.. -___do...... Same. 43.50 deceased. ' Surrogate’s Court, W ashington I te m 180 County; N. Y. Richard Weser, and his Hungary...... Estate of Hugo Steams, 28.00 ■C'y- | I te m 166 heirs-at-law, next of deceased. Surrogate’s 8 .0 0 kin and distributees, Court, Nassau County, names unknown. N. Y. Docket No. I te m 166 38204/1942. ___ do...... Same...... - 8 .0 0 I te m m I te m 167 Same. 28.00

do Estate of Zenos Hatzenas, 8 .0 0 Ite m 18S deceased. Surrogate’s Rumania...... Same. 71.00 Court, Washington County, N. Y. Ite m 184

Ite m 168 ' Bella Spett Weisfeld___ Poland______Estate of Julia Friedhaber, 7.25 • deceased. Surrogate’s Italy___ ...... __ Estate of Theresa Danza, 50.67 Court, New Y ork Coun­ deceased. Surrogate’s ty, N. Y. Docket No. Court, Richmond Coun­ P-1034/1944. ty, N. Y. I te m 185 I te m 169 do ____ Same. 7.25 Pasquale lacertosa, Do­ do , „ .... _ Same...... 25.33 menico Lacertosa and I te m 186 Teresa Lacertosa. do_ _ _ Same. 7.25 I te m 170 I te m 187 Ellen Biddle von Stack- Estate of Elizabeth E. 63.00 Sarah Friedhaber Celler. Same. 7.25 elberg. Biddle, deceased. Sur­ rogate’s Court, New I te m 188 York County, N. Y. Docket No. P-23-1944. Italy_____ .... ___ Estate of Esther Gärgenti 97.00 Vitale, deceased. Sur­ I te m 171 rogate’s Court, New York County, N. Y. Shaine Klacko Chap__ Lithuania...... In the matter of the Estate 0.51 Index No. 1235/1942. of Michael Salit, de­ ceased. Surrogate's Court, New York Coun­ I te m 189 ty, N. Y. File No. Amsterdamsche Liqui- Netherlands...... David Birnbaum ». Irving 1,085. 00 P-111—1941. datiekas, N. V. Trust Company and Amsterdamsche Liqui- I te m 173 datiekas N. V...... do...... Same...... 9.50 Supreme Court, New York County, N. Y. I te m 173 Rachele Catalano ..... Italy______Estate of Antonio Cata- 23.00 I te m 190 lano, deceased. Surro­ gate’s Court, Queens Vincenza S. Bellardino.. Italy...... Estate of John Bellardino, 56.65 County, N. Y. Docket deceased. Surrogate’s No. 2144—1939. Court, Seneca County, N. Y. I te m 174 23.00 I te m 191 --...d o...... Same. 11.35 I te m 175 Serafino Vitelli Cata­ 2 2 .0 0 lano. Ite m 193

I te m 176 Banque de L ’Union France...... Charles Steindecker, plain­ 250.00 Parisienne, S. A. tiff, against Banque de France______Trust u/w of Peter B. 80.00 L’Union Parisienne, S, Lorillard, deceased. A. Supreme Court, Surrogate’s Court, New New York County, York County, N. Y. N. Y. ♦

T h u r s d a y , J u n e 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3 1 5 1

E x h ib it A—Continued

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 1 Column : Column 3 Column 4

Name Country or territory Action or proceeding Sum Sum vested Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested

I te m 193 I te m ¡SOS Eene Bergerat a/k/a France...... Joseph J. Sabatier, Plain­ $104.00 Edith Carpenter Macy. $8,408.33 Kenê Bergerat, Fran­ tiff, against Bene Berg- Valentine Everit Macy, cis Monnoyeur & Cie, ■ erat, a/k/a René Berg- deceased. Surrogate’s Hy. Bergerat Monno­ çrat, and Francis Mon­ Court, Westchester yeur & Çie. noyeur, a/k/a Francis County, N. Y. Monnoyeur et al. Defend­ ants. Supreme Court, I te m g04 New York - County, Estate of Joseph Gerlow- 38.00 43. ski, deceased. Surro­ gate’s Court, Nassau I te m 194 County, N. Y. Docket No. 23778. Credit Industriel, D’Al­ -,-do Fred Metzger v. Credit 161.00 sace Et Lorraine. Industriel D’Alsace Et I te m 90S De Lorraine. Supreme Valeria Josznska...... do...... 38.00 Court, New York County, N. Y. I te m 306 Estate of Severine Laur-* 22.80 Ite m 195 enze, Ulvested, de­ Sammt U. Seiden, Web­ Czechoslovakia...... Greiner & Sheriff, City of 155.00 ceased. Surrogate’s erei Boehmische Es New York, v. Dernier, - Court, New York compte Bank. Inc. Supreme Court, County, N. Y. No. New York County, P-1853-43. N. Y. Index No. 12527/ 1943. I te m g07 Lina Grytebust...... 22.80

I te m 196 I te m g08 Marius Ulfrstad______22.80 Christopher Aaro_____ Norway . ... Estate of Didrik C. Trond- 4.16 sen, deceased. Surro­ I te m 209 gate’s Court, Washing­ Karen Grytten______22.80 ton County, N. Y. I te m 810 I te m 197 Bia Liseth...... 22.80 dO rrllTT Same...... _ 4.17 Ite m 811 I te m 198 FrancO’American Com- France...... Rene Silz as assignee of 457.75 Heirs of Tryggve Aaro, __ do Same . . . 4.17 mereiai Corporation, American Commercial deceased. a/k/a Franco-Ameri­ Corporation Plaintiff, I te m 199 can Commercial v. Franco-American dA Same 12.50 Corporation, France, Commercial Corpora- Ltd., “Jean” Porte, tion, et al. Defendants. “Pierre” Porte, (First United States Supreme I te m 800 Names fictitious and Court, Southern Dis­ unknown), Maurice trict, N. Y. Docket - B e lg iu m ___ . _ 54.00 Lacroix and Andre No. Civ. 24-331. stantia. intosh, deceased. Sur­ Morel, Composing rogate’s Court, New the partnership of York County, N.Y. Andre Morel et Cie. I te m 818 Ite m g01 Onnik Boshnakian____ . _ __d(v._. __ 559.00 kian, deceased. Sur­ Alois Navratil. __ . Austria...... 29.00 rogate’s Court, Nassau til, deceased. Surro­ bounty, N. Y. gate’s Court, New York County, N. Y. No. Ite m 813 P-203—1945. Hrant Boshnakian...... 659.00

I te m gOg I te m 814 Nevant Hampartzowi- ...... 559.00 Anton Navratil______Same...... 15.00 mian.

[F. B. Doc. 48-5187; Filed, June 9, 1948; 8:55 a. m.]

[Vesting Order CE 444] action or proceeding identified in Col­ in the Attorney General of the United umn 3 of said Exhibit A opposite such States, to be used or otherwise dealt with Costs and E x pe n se s I ncurred in Certain person’s name, and such measures hav­ in the interest of and for the benefit of A ctions or P roceedings in C ertain N e w ing been taken; the United States, the amounts stated in J ersey C ourts 3. That, in taking such measures in Column 4 of said Exhibit A. Under the authority of the Trading each of such actions or proceedings, costs The term “designated enemy country" With the Enemy Act, as amended, Ex­ and expenses were incurred in the as used herein shall have the meaning ecutive Order 9193, as amended, and Ex­ amount stated in Column 4 of said Ex­ prescribed in section 10 of Executive Or­ ecutive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, hibit A opposite the action or proceeding der 9193, as amended. The term “enemy- after investigation, it having been found: identified in Column 3 of said Exhibit A; occupied territory” as used herein shall 1. That each of the persons named in 4. That each amount stated in Col­ have the meaning prescribed in rules of Column 1 of Exhibit A, attached hereto umn 4 of said Exhibit A has been paid procedure, Office of Alien Property, and by reference made a part hereof, was from the property which each of said § 501.6 (8 CFR, Cum. Supp., 503.6). a person within the designated enemy persons obtained or was determined to country or the enemy-occupied territory have as a result of the action or proceed­ Executed at Washington, D. C., on identified in Column 2 of said Exhibit A ing identified in Column 3 of said Ex­ June 2, 1948. opposite such person’s name; hibit A opposite such person’s name and 2. That it was in the interest of the all of said amounts are presently in the For the Attorney General. United States to take measures in con­ possession of the Attorney General of [ seal] JDavid L. B azelon, nection with representing each of said the United States. Assistant Attorney General, persons in the court or administrative Now, therefore, there is hereby vested Director, Office of Alien Property. 3 1 5 2 NOTICES

E x h ibit A

Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 * Column 8 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Sum Sum Country or territory Action or proceeding Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested Name vested

I te m 1 Item i f $60.00 Fidelity Union Trust Co. $101.00 Carolina Tarantola. Italy. Estate of Ealph Tarantola, v. Bufus G. Mather, Sr., deceased. Surro­ individually and as gate’s Court. Hunter­ trustee under the will don County, N. J. of Caroline G. Mather, deceased. Court of Ite m S3 Chancery, New Jersey. Lucia Foltronetti. .do. Estate of Louis Di Lollo, 128.00 deceased. Orphans’ I te m i Court, Hudson County, 109.00 N.J. Jayta H u m p h r e y s __..do...... Estate of Fannie Gaffney, Ite m H Schlemmer. deceased. Orphans’ Court, Union County, Theresa Bogmaar (nee Hungary. Estate of Kristina Praxl, 63.00 N. J. deceased. Orphans’ I te m 3 Pak) also known as Theresa Bognaar. Court, Essex County, ...... do...... Estate of Esterina Erbet- 24.60 N. J. ta, deceased. Orphans’ Court, Union County, Ite m S6 N. J. Pasqua Spinelfi. Italy. Estate of Loreto De As- 38.00 centis, deceased. Sur­ I te m 4 rogate’s Court, Camderi 24.60 County, N. J. I te m 6 Same____;___ '______24.60 I te m 36 Teresa DeCesari..'.... -do. Same.. 38.00 I te m 6 ...... do.*.______24.60 I te m 17 Esterina Vanole______Nunziata Corradetta. .do. Same. 38.00 I te m 7 Same______:— 24.60 I te m 88 Estate ol Pietro Nigro (or 16.25 I te m 8 Immacolata Nigro (Di- .do. vona). Negro), deceased. Sur­ rogate’s Court, Essex ...... do...... Estate of Andrew Gila, 39.00 deceased. Surrogate’s County, N. J. Court, Passaic County, N. J. lte m 89 Concetta Nigro Bolla. ___do. Samc- 16.25 Ite m 9 ' Ite m 30 16.25 ...... do...... Estate of Millie Zoldan 2 0 .0 0 Eosa Nigro...... d o . Same. Widmar, deceased. Or­ I te m 31 phans’ Court, Passaic 16.25 County, N. J. Natalina D’AcuntO— ___do. Same. Item S i I te m 10 9.75 2 0 .0 0 Marie Marino. ___do. Estate of Antonio 8 . Adalgisa Zoldan Fran- Lavina, deceased. Sur­ nelich. rogate’s Court, Hudson I te m 11 County, N. J...... do...... Estate of Millie Zoldan 2 0 .0 0 Widmar, deceased. Or­ I te m S3 phans’ Court, Passaic Louise Scherino, also .do. Same. 9.75 County, N. J. known as Louise Schiano. I te m l i I te m 84 Same...... —-____ 2 0 .0 0 Frank Lavina. .do. Same. 9.75 I te m IS I te m 36 Aurelia Zoldan Tur- 2 0 .0 0 Same. 9.75 chetto. Lucy S. Lavina. .do. I te m 14 Ite m 36 Estate of Eev. Umberto 2 0 .0 0 Donati, deceased. Sur­ Domenico Martino or .do. Edgar G. Wandless, and 104.00 rogate’s Court, Hudson Caterina Martino. others, as Trustees of County, N. J. Fidelity Liquidation Trust, and others, v. I te m 16 Elizabeth L. Baum, and Same...... 2 0 .0 0 others, Chancery Cou*t, N. J. No. 149/485. I te m 16 2 0 .0 0 Same______—____ Ite m 37 I te m 17 Dr. Luigi Di Persia. .do. Estate of Eight Eeverend 102.00 Estate of Pasquale Scan- 28.00 Monsignor Felix Di nella, deceased. Surro­ Persia, deceased. Sur­ gate’s Court, Passaic rogate’s Court, Hudson County, N. J. County, N. J.

I te m 18 Ite m 38 Same______28.00 Carmela Perrotta. .do. Estate of Maria Grazia 49.00 I te m 19 Fanoni, also known as Maria Perrotta, de­ Maria Napoli (widow). Estate of Joseph Napoli, 17.66 ceased. Orphans’ Court, deceased. Surrogate’s Hudson, County, N. J. Court, Bergen County, N. J. Ite m 39 I te m iO ■ 17.67 Teresa Sardo Protopapa. .do. Estate of Cologero Sardo, 90.00 Maria Napoli (daughter) Same...... deceased. O rp h an s’ I te m t l Court, Hudson County, Pasquale Napoli (son).. Same...... 17.67 N. J. Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3 1 5 3

E x h ib it A—Continued

Column 1 Column 2 Column 8 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4, Sum Sum Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested

Item 40 Item 67 Maria Barone...... Italy______Estate of Antonio Barone, $21.83 Jacob (Yankel) Magid- Rumania...... Estate of Leon Magidman, $3.17 deceased. Surrogate’s man. deceased. Orphans’ Court, Hudson County, Court, Monmouth N. J, County, N. J.

Ite m 41 I te m 68 Francesco Barone...... 21.83 Goldie Rosenthal...... Same...... 8.17

I te m i t I te m 69 Guiseppe Barone___... Same..i...... 43.67 Kelia (also known as Same...... 3.17 Kala) Moiseevna I te m 48 Schwartzman. Francesco Barone...... Same...... 21.83 I te m 70 Sorcalla Bolba___ ..... Same...... 3.17 I te m 44 Francesco Barone...... Same...... 8.46 I te m 71 Leika Gindis . _ _ Same...... 3.16 I te m 46 j Rosario Barone...... do...... Same...... 5.46 I te m 78 Bachel Perrogrofsky Same...... 8.16 I te m 46 (also known as Piro- Antonio Barone... 4 __ Same...... 6.46 grovskya). I te m 73 I te m 47 /V 1 1 | • Rosa Barone...... Same...... 6.46 TnVin PiiVinni/iVi Estate of George Cuha­ 2 1 .0 0 nich, deceased. Orphans’ I te m 48 Court, Essex County, N. J. Taube Liehtman...... Estate of Jacob M. Sat- 17.00 tenstein, deceased. Or- phans’ Court, Passaic Anna Cuhanich______Same...... 2 0.00 County, N. J. I te m 75 I te m 49 Sara Braine Lichtman ...... do...... Sam e...... 8 .0 0 Estate of August Koeb, 26.66 Saksiene. deceased. Orphans’ I te m 60 David Lichtman...... Same...... 8 .0 0 N. J. ' I te m 61 Fraims Satensteins____ Same...... 8 .0 0 26.56

I te m 6 t I te m 77 -David Satensteins____ Same...... 3.00 26.56 I te m 63 Braine Satensteins______...... do...... Sam e...... 3.00 26.55 I te m 64 Motja Hirss Satensteins...... do__...... Same...... 3.00 26.55

I te m 56 I te m 80 Same...... 3.00 Rose Waibel______Estate of August Koeb, 6.32 I te m 66 deceased. Orphans’ Court, HudsonCounty, Teresina Antonarelli_____ Italy...... Estate of Michael Anto- 33.00 N. J. narelli, also known as Mike Antonarelli, de- Josefine Schertler...... 6.31 ceased. Orphans’ Court, Somerset County, N. J. I te m 88 Josef Albinger...... Same...... 6.31 I te m 67 Durante Antonarelli_____ ...... do...... Same...... 67.00 I te m 83 Ferdinand Albinger___ Same...... 6.31 I te m 68 I te m 84 Johanna E. Jurry Meyer. Netherlands__ . Estate .of Peter E. Meyer, 14.00 d e c e a s e d . Orphan’s Rosa Zigarelli______Estate of Alberto Zigarelli, 11.67 Court. Essex County, deceased. Surrogate’s N. J. Court, Passaic County, N. J. I te m 69 I te m 85 do Same ...... 10.00 Carmine Zigarelli______Same...... 11.67 I te m 60 Geleyn Meyer...... Same...... __ ... 10.00 I te m 8C I te m 61 1 1 .6 6 Pieter Meyer...... Same...... _____ 10.00 Ite m 87 I t e m 6 t \

Axel Petersen...... Denmark...... Estate of Leon B. Peter­ 67.00 Teresa Montellero...... do_ Estate of Michele Montel- 63.00 sen, deceased. Orphans' lero, deceased. Surro- • Court, Hudson County, gate’s Court, Passaic N. J. County, N. J.

I te m 68 I te m 88 Carlo Petersen...... Same...... 67.00 I te m 64 Mary Horvath ____ Austria...... Estate of John Horvath, 15.00 Margarita Pignone Estate of Domenico Pig­ 110.00 none, deceased. Coun- vath and Johan Hor- ty Court, Passaic wath, deceased. Surro- County, N. J. gate’s Court, Bergen I te m 65 ♦ County, N. J. Yolanda Lappano______do ______Estate of Saverio Lap­ 82.00 pano, deceased. Or- I te m 89 phans’ Court, Passaic Stephen H orvath...... _ do __ 15.00 County,' N. J.x I te m 90 I te m 66 Clementina Lappano__ ...... do...... Same...... ^...... 6 6 .0 0 Charles Horvath...... Same...... 15.00 3 1 5 4 NOTICES

E x h ib it A—Continued

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Sum Bum' Country or territory Action or proceeding Käme Country or territory Action or proceeding vested Name vested

I te m 91 I te m 104 Filomena DeMartino.— Italy. Estate of Joseph DeMar­ $12.00 Estate of Emilio Pascuzzi, $38.60 tino, also known as Gui- deceased. Orphans’ seppe DeMartin, Jose Court, Atlantic County, and Jiose DeMartino, County, N. J. ■deceased. Orphans’ Court, Essex County, I te m 106 N. J. Same...... 38.60 I te m 92 .do., 4.00 I te m 106 Teresa DeMartino___ Same...... 6.43 I te m 9$ .do., 4.00 I te m 107 Giovanna DeMartino. Same...... 6.43 I te m 94 Giuseppa DeMartino.. .do. 4.00 Ite m 108

I te m 95 Estate of Emilio Pascuzzi, 6.43 4.00 deceased. Orphans’ Nicolina DeMartino.. .do. Court, Atlantic Coun­ I te m 96 ty, N. J. .do. 4.00 Emilio DeMartino__ I te m 109 I te m 97 6.43 3,00 Raffaele DeMartino. . .do. I te m 110 I te m 98 6.44 Costas AntonopolOs. Greece. Estate of George S. Anto­ 27.34 I te m 111 nopolos, also known as Same...... 6.44 George S. Anthony, de­ ceased. Orphans’ Court, I te m 112 Mercer County, N. J. Same...... 9 .65 I te m U S I te m 99 0.66 Triantafilia Antono- .do., 27.33 Same...... polos. I te m 114 I te m 100 9.65 Malamati Antonopolos. .do. 27.33 ...... do...... Same......

I te m 101 I te m 116 Estate of John Kaji Pana- 41.33 Estate of Emilio Pas- 9.65 Constantin Kaji Pana- .do— cuzzi, deceased. Or­ giotou. giotou, deceased, also known as John C. Pan- phans’ Court, Atlantic. agiotou, deceased. Or­ County, N. J. phans’ Court, Essex Ite m 116 County, N. J. 19.30 Ite m 102 I te m 117 Melachini Kaji Pana- .do. Estate of John Kaji Pana- 41.33 19.30 giotou. giotou, deceased, also known as John C. Pana- giotou, deceased. Or­ phans’ Court, Essex County, N. J.

I te m 10S Paulixani Kaji Pana- .do. 41.34 giotou.

[P. R. Doc. 48-5188; Filed, June 9, 1948; 8:56 a. m.]

[Vesting Order CE 445] persons in the court or administrative Now, therefore, there is hereby vested action or proceeding identified in Col­ in the Attorney General of the United C osts and E x pe n se s I ncurred in Certain umn 3 of said Exhibit A opposite such States, to be used or otherwise dealt with A ctions or P roceedings i n Certain person’s name, and such measures hav­ in -the interest of and for the benefit of M assachusetts Courts ing been taken; the United States, the amounts stated in Under the authority of the Trading 3. That, in taking such measures in Column 4 of said Exhibit A. With the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ each of such actions or proceedings, costs The term “designated enemy country” tive Order 9193, as amended, and Execu­ and expenses were incurred in the as used herein shall have the meaning tive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, amount stated in Column 4 of said Ex­ prescribed in section 10 of Executive Or­ after investigation, it having been hibit A opposite the action or proceeding der 9193, as amended. The term “enemy- found: identified in Column 3 of said Exhibit A; - occupied territory” as used herein shall 1. That each of the persons named in 4. That each amount stated in Column have the meaning prescribed in rules of Column 1 of Exhibit A, attached hereto 4 of said Exhibit A has been paid from procedure, Office of Alien Property, and by reference made a part hereof, the property which each of said persons § 501.6 (8 CFR, Cum. Supp., 503.6), was a person within the designated obtained or was determined to have as a Executed at Washington, D. C., on enemy country or the enemy-occupied result of the action or proceeding identi­ June 2, 1948. territory identified in Column 2 of said fied in Column 3 of said Exhibit A oppo­ For the Attorney General. Exhibit A opposite such person’s name; site such person’s name and all of said 2. That it was in the interest of the amounts are presently in the possession [ seal] D avid L. B azelon, United States to take measures in con­ of the Attorney General of the United Assistant Attorney General, nection with representing each of said States. Director, Office of Alien Property, Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAI. REGISTER 3 1 5 5

E x h ib it A—Continued

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Sum Sum Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested

I te m 1 I te m 18 Frank Mancuso fu Già- Italy______Estate of Frank Mancusco $40.00 Greece...... Estate of Theodore P. $218.00 corno. fu Giacomo, under Avion, deceased. Pro­ guardianship, Probate bate Court, Hampden Court, B erk sh ire County, Mass. County, Mass. No. 35741. I te m 19

I te m C Esterina Ascolillo Italy...... Estate of Guglielmo Artu- 6 .0 0 so, also known as Wil­ Hilda Holm...... Norway...______Estate of Johanne Holm, 15.00 liam Artuso, deceased. also known as Johanna Probate Court, Suffolk Holm, deceased. Pro­ County, No. 312689, bate Court, Essex Massachusetts. - County. Mass. No. 209624. I te m SO Alfredo Aftuso...... _ _ (Irt__ _ _ Same . ' ^ 76.00 I te m S Maren Serlie...... do ______15.00 I te m St I te m i John R ena...... do Estate of Michael Rena, 50.00 also known as Michele Nancy Frantzen...... _do______r Estate of Oswald Frant- 2 1 .0 0 Reno and Michle Reno, zen, deceased. Probate deceased. Probate Court, Suffolk County, Court, Worcester Coun­ Mass. No. 320868. ty, No. 145937, Massa­ chusetts. I te m S Alf Frantzen...... do__ 2 1 .0 0 * I te m SS Ite m 6 Charles Merkis. .. Lithuania...... Estate of Joseph Merkis, 5.40 deceased. Probate Maria Molino Speda- Italy. . . . Estate of Francesco Mo- 17.50 Court, Essex County, lieri. lino, deceased. Probate No. 195787, Massachu­ Court, Norfolk County, setts. No. 110725, Massachu­ setts. I te m SS Annie Merkis______do - _ __ 5.40 , I te m 7 Gemma Molino Coti- _do ___ Same 4 17.50 I te m S i cone. Angalia Merkis Regali- _ do Same...... 5.40 ene. I te m 8 I te m SS Veronica Merkis Bai- do Same...... 5.40 Pamela Cassettari...... do___ Estate of Luigi Cassettari, 42.00 tuskie. deceased. Probate I te m S6 Court, Suffolk County, Joseph Merkis...... _ do__ 1.80 No. 326340, Massachu­ setts. I te m S7 Charles Merkis (neph­ ...... do______|___ Same...... 1.80 Ite m 9 ew). Eletta Porciani____. ... do. _ Same...... 1 0 .0 0 I te m S8 Emilie Malasauskiene.. do __ Same...... 1.80 I te m 10 I te m S9 Lidia Cassettari-...... do...... Estate of Luigi Cassettari, 5.00 deceased. Probate Raffaela Di Donna Italy...... Estate of Joseph Morvillo, 25.00 Court, Suffolk County, also known as Giuseppe No. 326340, Massachu­ Morvilla and Giuseppe setts. Morvillo, deceased. Probate Court, Norfolk I te m 11 County, No. 104277, Maria Cassettari______do ' Same..______5.00 Massachusetts.

I te m SO I te m 1S Lucia Patriarca______do _ _ Estate of Gina Caradonna, 110.00 Emilia Jennie Capponi ...... do...... Estate of Ines Thomas, de­ 12.67 deceased. Probate Introna. ceased. Probate Court, Court, Norfolk County, Suffolk County, No. No. 102372, Massachu­ 310077, Massachusetts. setts.

Ite m IS Ite m SI Laudice Capponi 1 do_ Same 12.67 Mariani. Maria Rovai or Elisa do „ Estate of Ernest Henry 71.00 Bagnoli. Rovai, deceased. Pro- I te m H . bate Court, Suffolk do_ Same...... 12.66 County, No. 313727, Silvestri and First Massachusetts. Church of Christ Scientist. I te m SS I te m IS Florence Avitabile...... d o __ 140.00 Mabel L. Hastings...... do _ Trust under the will of 45.00 Covel, deceased. Pro­ Alphonse W, Hastings, bate Court, Bristol deceased. Probate County, No. 61111, Mas­ Court, Middlesex sachusetts. County, Mass. I te m SS I te m 16 Giuseppe Scalzi...... do...... Estate of Giovanni Scalzi, 49.00 Lyyli Koskenhovi... Finland. . . . . Estate of Paavo A. Kos- 114.00 deceased. Probate kenhovi, also known as Court, Suffolk County, Paavo Koskenhovi, de­ No. 312848, Massachu­ ceased. Probate Court, setts. Middlesex County, No. I te m S i 255139, Massachusetts. Mrs. Luigi Niccolai ...... do...... Estate of George D. 91.00 (Gwendolyn Emery • Emery, deceased. Pro­ I te m 17 Niccolai). bate Court, Suffolk Katri Amevi (Kosken­ ...... do...... 13.00 County, No. 144001, hovi). Massachusetts. 3 1 5 6 NOTICES

E x h ib it A—Continued

Column 1 Column ? Column 3 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Sum Action or proceeding Sum Name Country or erritory Action or proceeding vested Name Country or territory vested

I te m SB I te m 89

Estate of Ezio Barsi, de­ $1 0.00 GiSelìa Tassinari, Raf- Italy...... Estate of Ettore Tassinari, $400.00 ceased. Probate Court, faele Ranieri, Adolfo deceased. Probate Plymouth County, No. Dall’Olio and Clem­ Court, Essex County, 57610, Massachusetts^ entina Scarabelli. Mass.

I te m $6 I te m 40 1 0.00 Angelo Mignani, Er­ do...... Same...... 300.00 nesta Mignani, and I te m S7 Giovanni Mignani. ___ do...... Same...... 10.00

I te m S8 ___ do______' 10.00

[F. R. Doc. 48-5189; Filed, June 9, 1948; 8:56 a. m.]

[Vesting Order CE 446] persons in the court or administrative Now, therefore, there is hereby vested action or proceeding identified in Col­ in the Attorney General of the United C osts and E x pe n se s I ncurred in Certain umn 3 of said Exhibit A opposite such States, to be used or otherwise dealt with A ctions or P roceedings in C ertain person’s name, and such measures hav­ in the interest of and for the benefit of C onnecticut C ourts ing been taken; the United States, the amounts stated in Under the authority of the Trading 3. That, in taking such measures in Column 4 of said-Exhibit A. With the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ each of such actions or proceedings, costs The term “designated enemy country” tive Order 9193, as amended, and Execu­ and expenses were incurred in the as used herein shall have the meaning tive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, amount stated in Column 4 of said Ex­ prescribed in section 10 of Executive Or­ after investigation, it having been hibit A opposite the action or proceeding der 9193, as amended. The term “enemy- found: identified in Column 3 of said Exhibit A; occupied territory” asmsed herein shall 1. That each of the persons named in 4. That each amount stated in Column have the meaning prescribed in rules of Column 1 of Exhibit A, attached hereto 4 of said Exhibit A has been paid from procedure, Office of Alien Property, and by reference made a part hereof, the property which each of said persons § 501.6 (8 CFR, Cum. Supp., 503.6). was a person within the designated obtained or was determined to have as a Executed at Washington, D. C., on enemy country or the enemy-occupied result of the action or proceeding identi­ June 2, 1948. territory identified in Column 2 of said fied in Column 3 of said Exhibit A oppo­ Exhibit A opposite such person’s name; site such person’s name and all of said For the Attorney General. 2. That it was in the interest of the amounts are presently in the possession [ seal] D avid L. B azelon, United States to take measures in con­ of the Attorney General of the United Assistant Attorney General, nection with representing each of said States. Director, Office of Alien Property.

E xh ibit A

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Name Country or territory Action or proceeding Sum Sum vested Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested

I te m 1 I te m 9 Lucy Howard Marchi... Italy...... Trust under the will of $196.00 Ruth Brooks Palmer...: $495.00 Alfred H. Renshaw, de­ mer, deceased. Probate ceased. Probate Court, Court, District of East District of Darien, Conn. Hampton, Conn.

I te m 8 I te m 10 Luigi Cirmo...... do...... -___ Estate of Margherita Mar- 2 0 .0 0 Estate of Lorenzo Pizza- 100. 50 iani, deceased. Probate galli, deceased. Probate Court, District of New Court, District of Haven, Conn. Bridgeport, Conn.

I te m S I te m 11 Chiarina Rescigno...... do...... Same...... 2 0 .0 0 50.25

I te m 4 I te m IS Domenico Mangieri..... Same...... 6 .0 0 Mrs. Giovanna Falcone. 60.25

I te m 6 Ite m IS Raffaela Mangieri______do______6 .0 0 Victoria Chavos...... Albania _ Estate of Socrates Chavos, 84.50 I te m 6 deceased. Probate Caterina Mangieri...... ___ do...... 6 .0 0 Court, District of Tor- rington, Conn. I te m 7 Vincenza Mangieri____ ...... do...... Same...... 6 .0 0 I te m 14 I te m 8 Basile Chavos______Same 84.50

Melarne Mas______France...... Estate of Ambrose Rossi, 10 0 .0 0 I te m IB also known as Ambro­ gio Rossi, deceased. Giovanna Buassa - - - Estate of Antonio Buassa, 109.00 Probate Court, District ■ deceased. Probate Court, * of Berlin, New Britain, District of Water bury, Conn. Conn. Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3 1 5 7

E x h ib it A—Continued

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Sum Country or territory Action or proceeding Sum Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested Name vested

I te m 16 I te m 84 Estate of Umberto For- $133,00 Kirstine Jen sen ...... Denmark...... Estate of Peter Hansen, $1.73 menti, deceased. Pro­ d e c e a se d , Probate bate Court, District of Court, District of Hart­ Middletown, Conn. ford Conn.

I te m 17 I te m 86 Same...... 1.73 - do ______Estate of Madalena Gius- 45.00 dero. tina Cuneo Dondero, de­ I te m 86 ceased. Probate Court, Same...... 1.73 District of Meriden, Conn. I te m 87 do__ Same...... 1.73 Ite m 18 I te m 88 Estate of Antonio Coiro, 23.33 ...... do...... Same...... 1.73 or Tony Coiro, deceased. Probate Court, District I te m 89 of Hartford, Conn. Italy. Estate of Charles Mosca, 11.25 I te m 19 d e c e a s e d . Probate Same...... 40.67 Court, District of Nor- wich, Conn. I te m 90 I te m 40 ___ do Estate of Luigi Zamponi, 01.50 ___ do...... Same...... 11.25 deceased. Probate Court, District of New I te m 41 Haven, Conn. Same...... 11.25

I te m 91 I te m 48 Same...... 01.50 ...... do...... Same...... 11.25

I te m 89 I te m 48

-do ____ _ Estate of Francisco Ab- 138.00 Salvatrice Teresa Sibaia Estate of John Amenta, 8 6 .0 0 bate, deceased. Probate Amenta. deceased. Probate Court, District of Hart­ Court, District of Ber­ ford, Conn. lin, Conn.

I te m 98 I te m 44 ...... do...... Same...... 57.00 - do Trust udder will of Eliza- 111.00 beth C. P. Bell for bene­ I te m 46 fit of Ruth Brooks do_. , Same...... 67.00 Palmer. Probate Court, District of Hartford, I te m 46 Conn. Poland______Estate of Michael Szaran, 50.00 Ite m 84 deceased. Probate Court, District of Ber­ ___ do______Estate of Thomas D. Cri- 117.00 lin, Conn. telli, deceased. Probate Court, District of Dan­ I te m 47 bury, Conn. - do. . „ Same...... 50.00

I te m 96 I te m 48 Poland______Estate of Justine Wadin 10.40 Italy Estate of Antonio Guer- 237.00 or Justine Wadien or rera, deceased. Probate Jessie Wadin or Justine Court, District of Water- Wadine, deceased. Pro­ bury, Conn. bate Court, District of Hartford, Conn. I te m 49 n.__do_ ____ r_ Same...... 67.00 I te m 90 I te m 60 Estate of Justine Wadin 10.40 ___ do...... Same...... 67.00 or Justine Wadien or Jessie Wadin or Justine I te m 61 Wadine, deceased. Pro­ Same...... 57.00 bate Court, District of Hartford, Conn. ( 1 I te m 69

I te m 97 Luigi Macchi...... do______Estate of Giuseppina Brog 40.20 gi, also known as Jose­ Marchone Crialasone__ Ita ly ...... 27.00 phine Broggi, or Guisep- meni, deceased. Probate pina Broggi, deceased. Court, District of New Probate Court, District Haven, Conn. of Meriden, Conn.

I te m 98" I te m 68 ...... d o ...... - Same__ : ______27.00 Isolina Giuseppa Mac­ r do. ' _ Same...... 40.20 chi. I te m 99 I te m 54 do . Same...... 40.20 Denmark...... Estate of Peter Hansen, 8.67 deceased. Probate I te m 66 Court, District of Hart­ , do__ Same...... _____...... 40.20 ford, Conn. I te m 66 I te m 80 40.20 8.67 Corina Macchi...... do...... Same......

I te m 81 I te m 67 ...... do...... — Same...... 8.67 Austria...... Estate of Helen Kum- 25.00 I te m 89 Kumpltsch. pitsch also known as ...... do...... — Same...... 8.67 Helene Kum pitsch, de­ ceased. Probate Court, I te m 88 District of Hartford, Same...... Marie Hansen...... 8.67 Conn.Else

No. 113-----*-7 3 1 5 8 NOTICES

E x h ibit A—Continued

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Sum Name Country or territory Action or proceeding Name Country or territory Action or proceeding Sum vested vested

I te m 68 I te m 78 Dominick Sanzo...... Italy...... Estate of Celestino Sanzo, $116.00 Mary Krason Kida. Poland. Estate of Joseph Krason, $39/50 deceased. Probate Court, deceased. Prohate District of Hartford, Court,DistrictofBridge- Conn. port, Conn. I te m 59 Crociflssi Fasolo...... I te m 79 Estate of Valentine Fasolo, 110.00 Katarzyna Krason .do. Same. 39.50 deceased. Probate Court, Skiba. District of Farmington, Conn. I te m 80 I te m 60 Martin Thurner. Czechoslovakia. Estate of Jacob Thurner, 51.00 deceased. Prohate Angelina Cirmo...... Estate of Arsenio Cirmo, 122.00 deceased. Probate Court, Court, District of Man­ District of New Haven, chester, Conn. Conn. I te m 81 Katherine Steflany. -do. Same. Ite m 61 51.00 Luigia Rossi...... Estate of John Rossi, de­ 33.00 Juditha Lepter...... -do. ceased. Probate Court, Same. 51.00 District of Hartford, Conn. I te m 83 Elrifemja Cihocka. Poland. I te m 68 Estate of Stanislaw Ziol- 27.50 Lucia Rossi...... kowski, or S. Ziolkowski 65.00 deceased. Prohate Court, District ot Hart­ Ite m 63 ford, Conn. Sacha Finesilver also France___. -...... Estate of David Fine- 100.34 known as Alexander silver, deceased. Pro­ Itifm 84 Finesilver. bate Court, District of Victoria Ziojkowska.. -do.. Same. 27.50 Hartford, Conn. I te m 85 I te m 6k Pauline Zultowska... .do. Same. 27.50 Moses Finesilver ...... Russia...... 1...... 100.33

I te m 65 Ite m i The two (2) sons (names ...... do...... 100.33 Wladyslawa Wòlska. ..do. Same. 27.50 unknown) of Aaron Finesilver, deceased. I te m 87 I te m 66 Giuseppe Palmerio__ Italy. Estate of Camillo Pal­ 53.00 Michael Rocco...... Italy...... Estate of John Rocco, also 11.00 in erio, deceased, also -known as ' Giovanni known as Sam Palmerio, Rocco, also known as deceased. Probate Giovanni Rocca, de­ Court, District of New ceased. Probate Court, Canaan, Conn. District of Waterbury, Conn. I te m 88 I te m 67 Vita Palmerio... -do., Same. 53.00 Carmela Rocco. .do. Same. 11.00 I te m 89 I te m 68 Anna Palmerio.. -do.. Same. Angelina Rocco. .do. Same. 11.00 53.00

I te m 69 I te m i Concetta Rocco. -do. Same. 11.00 Maria Palmerio. -do.. Same. 53.00

I te m 70 I te m 91 Abraham Cohen. Philippine Islands.. Estate of Lena Cohen, de­ 25.00 Lucy Howard Marchi. -do. Trust under the will of 154.00 ceased. Probate Court, Lucy B. Renshaw, de­ District of New Haven, ceased. Probate Court, Conn. District of Darien, Conn

Ite m 71 Ite m 93 Ruggerio Calcinan. Italy. Estate of Girolamo Calci­ 21.25 Domenico Rinaldi (Fal­ .do. Estate of Ralph Rinaldi, 80.00 nar!, also known as Ciro cone). also known as Raffaele Calcinari, deceased. . Rinaldi, deceased. Pro­ Probate Court, District bate Court, District of of Berlin, Conn. Waterbury, Conn.

I te m 78 Ite m 93 Adam Calcinali____ .do. Same. 21.25 Amelia Salvaterra. .do. Estate of Albino Salvater­ I te m 7S 190.00 Eva Calcinan______ra, deceased. Probate .do. Same. 21.25 Court, District of Hart­ ford, Conn. I te m 7b Mrs. Cesari Mancini. .do. Same. 21.25 Item 94 I te m 76 Mrs. Josephine Gervase .do. Estate of Mariano Ger- 12.50 vasi, also known as Heirs of law, next of Poland. Estate of Ignacy Labis- 45.00 kiif, names unknown, Mariano Gervase, de­ zewski, deceased. Pro­ ceased. Probate Court, of. Ignacy Labiszew- bate Court, District of ski, deceased. Darien, Conn. District of Derby. Conn I te m 96 I te m 76 Miss Josephine Gervase. -do. Same. 12.50 Michael J. Sopko, Sr__ Czechoslovakia. EstateofMichacl J. Sopko, 94.00 also known as Michael Ite m 96 Sopko, deceased. Pro­ Maria Molino Speda­ .do. Estate of Francesco Mo- bate .Court, District of liere. lino, also( known as 48.00 Bridgeport, Conn. ' Frank Molino, deceas­ ed. Probate Court, Dis­ I te m 77 trict of Bridgeport, Conn. Elizabeth Kalmanidos.. Greece. Estate of James Lazaros, 132.00 deceased. Probate I te m 97 Court, District of Der­ Gemma Molino Coti- .do. Same. 48.00 by, Conn. cone. Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3 1 5 9 Y ' / E xh ibit A—Continued

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 • Column 3 Column 4 Sum Sum 4 [ame Country or territory Action or proceeding vested Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested

Item 98 Item 107 Pangrazio Visca. . __ . Estate of Eugenia Visca $29.60 Giovanna Gulielmetti__ Estate of Antonio Gugli- $19.00 Ballangero, deceased. elmetti, deceased. Pro­ Probate Court, District bate Court, District of of Berlin, Conn. Torrington Conn.

I te m 99 I te m 108 Children of Giovanni ...... do...... Same...... 29.60 19.00 Visca, deceased I te m 100 I te m 109 Same...... 29.60 Amelia Maria Gugliel­ 19.00 motti. I te m 101 I te m 110 Same...... 29.60 ...... do...... Estate of Antonio Palmi- 62.00 I te m lO t eri, deceased. Probate Same...... 29.60 Court, District of Ber­ I te m 103 lin, Conn. Lucie Matignon (also 176.00 -known as Jean John H. Goodwin, de­ I te m 111 Jacques Matignon). ceased. Probate Court, do __ __ Same...... 62.00 District of Hartford, Conn. I te m l i t I te m 10i 62.00 Louise Minier (also ...... do...... Same...... 176.00 known as Mrs. Pierre I te m U S Rene Minier). Ite m 105 Estate of Lars John Lar­ 79.29 Maria Zamperini_____ ...... do...... Estate of Angelo Raffaele 64.00 son, also known as John Zamperini, deceased. Larson, deceased. Pro­ Probate Court, District bate Court, District of of Torrington, Conn. Branford, Conn. I te m 114 I te m 106 Cesira Astolfl Zennaro.: Italy______Estate of Odone Astolfl, 298.00 Estate of Mesio Luzi, de­ 101.00 deceased. Probate ceased. Probate Court, Court, District of New District of New Haven, Haven, Conn. Conn.

[F. R. Doc. 48-5190; Filed, June 9, 1948; 8:56 a. m.]

[Vesting Order CE 447] action or proceeding identified in Col­ Now, therefore, there is hereby vested umn 3 of said Exhibit A opposite such in the Attorney General of the United C osts and E x pen ses I ncurred in Certain person’s name, and such measures hav­ States, to be used or otherwise dealt with A ctions or P roceedings in Certain ing been taken; in the interest of and for the benefit of California C ourts 3. That, in taking such measures in the United States, the amounts stated in Under the authority of the Trading each of such actions or proceedings, costs Column 4 of said Exhibit A. With the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ and expenses were incurred in the The term “designated enemy country” tive Order 9193, as amended, and Execu­ amount stated in Column 4 of said Ex­ as used herein shall have the meaning tive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, hibit A opposite the action or proceeding prescribed in section 10 of Executive Or­ after-investigation, it having been found: identified in Column 3 of said Exhibit A; der 9193, as amended. The term “enemy- 1. That each of the persons named in 4. That each amount stated in Column occupied territory” as used herein shall Column 1 of Exhibit A, attached hereto 4 of said Exhibit A has been paid from have the meaning prescribed in rules of and by reference made a part hereof, procedure, Office of Alien Property, the property which each of said persons § 501.6 (8 CFR, Cum. Supp., 503.6). was a person within the designated obtained or was determined to have as a enemy country or the enemy-occupied result of the action or proceeding identi­ Executed at Washington, D. C., on territory identified in Column 2 of said June 2r 1948. Exhibit A opposite such person’s name; fied in Column 3 of said Exhibit A oppo­ 2. That it was in the interest of the site such person’s name and all of said For the Attorney General. United States to take measures in con­ amounts are presently in the possession [ seal] D avid L. B azelon, nection with representing each of said of the Attorney General of the United Assistant Attorney General, persons in the court or administrative States. Director, Office of Alien Property.

E xh ibit A

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Sum Sum ■Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested W I te m 1 I te m 5 Abelle Riccardi _ Ttaly ... . _ ... Guardianship, estate of $48.00 Abelle Riccardi, incom­ Placido Abaya___ . ___ Philippine Islands.. Guardianship Estate of $73.00 petent. Superior Court, Plácido Abaya, incom­ petent. Superior Court, San Francisco County, San Francisco County, Calif. No. 32179. Calif. No. 45575. I te m t Michail P. Terplna...... 16.00 pina, a/k/a Kostandine P. I te m 6 Terpina^eceased. Su­ perior Court, San Fran­ Marie nilm an. _ ___ Estate of Anna Rabstinek, 27.00 cisco County, Calif. deceased. Superior No. 92236. Court, Los Angeles County, Calif. No. P- _ I te m 8 Chrisafi Petrou Di- ...... do...... 16.00 5942. amanti. I te m 7 I te m 4 Fani K. Bosdaki...... do...... Same...... ______16.00 Markets Hanka...... Same...... 27.00 3 1 6 0 NOTICES

E x h ib it A—Continued

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 y Column 4

Name Country or territory Action or proceeding Sum 1 * Sum vested Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested

I te m 8 I te m 27 Emestina Lasagna Sem- Italy...... $47.00 Estate of Nick Runjevic, $64.15 ino. Lasagna, deceased. Su- a/k/a Nick Runyaevic, perior Court, San Fran- deceased. Superior cisco County, Caif. No. Court, Fresno County, 93745. Calif. No. 18593.

Ite m 9 Ite m 28 Maria Ferrero, Lina ...... do...... Estate of Teresa Barbieri, 73.00 Estate of Clotilde Rossi, 234.00 Ferrero or heirs of deceased. Superior a/k/a Josephine Saure- Attilio Pantagine. Court, San Francisco Lambert and Josephine County, Calif. No. Faure Lambert, de- 98345. ceased. Superior Court, San Francisco County, I te m 10 Calif. No. 86032.

Victor LaVerne Stewart. China...... 79.28 Ite m 29 son, deceased. Superior Paul Laforet...... 234.00 Court, Los Angeles County, Calif. No. I te m SO 218995. Elizabeth Rossi Di 59.00 Gilio. I te m 11 Ite m 81 Ernesta Sottani...... Italy...... *...... Estate of John Guerizoli, 23.00 Estate of James Raven, 48.00 a/k/a J. Guerizoli, de- deceased. Superior ceased." Superior Court, Court, San Francisco San Mateo County, County, Calif. No. Calif. No. 12064. 92709. Ite m 12 Enrichetta Firenze...... Same______23.00 48.00

I te m 18 I te m 88 Cecilie Skaarup______48.00 The personal repre- France...... 25.56 sentative, heirs, next deux, deceased. Supe­ I te m 84 of kin, legatees and rior Court, Los Angeles distributees of Mrs. County, Calif. No. Joseph Langlard, or his Estate of Henri Langlard, 155.00 Helenne Beaudeux, 194, 536'. heirs at law, legatees deceased. Superior deceased. and personal repre­ Court, Alameda Coun­ I te m H sentatives, names un- ty, Calif., No. 88315. The personal repre- ...... do...... Sam e..______25.56 known. sentative, heirs, next of kin, legatees and I te m 86 distributees of Albert Mary Mathiasen____ _ 2.04 Beaudeux, deceased. deceased. Superior Court, Alameda Coun­ Ite m 18 ty, Calif. No. 86601. Mrs. Yvonne Beau- ...... d o ...... 25.56 deux. I te m 86 , I te m 16 Kansine Larsen______dn T _ 2.04 The personal repre- ...... do...... Same...... 25.56 sentative, heirs, next of kin, legatees and Kristine Andersen____ 2.04 distributees of Ed- mond Beaudeux, de- ceased. -Hhns Nielsen...... 2.04 I te m 17 I te m 89 Mrs. Blanche Sevestre...... do...... Estate of Louise Beau­ 25.56 deux, deceased. Supe- Johanne Jensen...... do Estate of Nels J. Nelson, 2.04 rior Court, Los Angeles deceased. Superior ; * '• : County, Calif. No. Court, Alameda Coun- 194,536. ty, Calif. No. 86601.

I te m 18 I te m Jfl Katrine Melby______12.26 Mrs. Aline Sevestre...... do...... 25.55 Ite m i l I te m 19 Jens Kristin Nielsen___ 12.26 Georges Beaudeux____ ...... do...... Same...... 25.55 Ite m Jfi I te m 20 Malvina Holmgren...... 15.24 Gaetan Leloup______...... do...... Same...... 25.55 I te m 48 I te m 21 Hilda Nelson Soby...... 2.04 Gabriel Gouelle____ ...... do...... Same...... 25.55 I te m 44 I te m 22 - Andon Andonian_____ Estate of George Andon­ 42.00 Hans Andersen Denmark...... Estate of Christ Ander­ 40.00 ian, deceased. Superior sen, deceased. Superior Court, Fresno County, Court, Fresno County, Calif. No. 19881. Calif. No. 17,104. I te m 48 I te m 28 Ulrick Andersen______Same__ __ 40.00 Estate of Luigia Ghio, de­ ,■ 50.00 ceased. Superior Court, Ite m 2 i San Francisco County, Johanne Andersen______do. ______* 40.00 Calif. No. 95114.

I te m 28 Giovanni Orler______Italy...... Estate of Victor Orler, de- 24.00 Antonio Dallorso_____ ceased. Superior Court, 1 0 .0 0 • Monterey County. I te m 47 Calif. No. 8877. Stefano Dallorso...... ^^..do...... Same______1 0 .0 0

I te m 26 Maria Orler______...... do...... Same.—...... 24.00 Emanuele Dallorso...... Same...... 1 0 .0 0 Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3 1 6 1

E xh ibit A—Continued

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Sum Sum . Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested

I te m 49 I te m 66 Estate of Harry A. Jacob­ $27.50 Lucie Broques Tuyaret. France...... Estate of Laurent Bro- $35.79 son, deceased. Superior ques, deceased. Supe­ Court, San Francisco rior Court, Alameda County, Calif. No. County, Calif. No. 90085. 83914.

I te m SO I te m 66 35.79 Same...... 27.50 Ite m 67 Ite m S t Estate of Laurent 35.79 Estate of Giovanni Na'- 47.00 Broques, deceased. Su- toli, a/k/a John Natoli, perior Court, Alameda . deceased. Superior County, Calif. No. Court, Los Angeles 83914. County, Calif. No. 254870. > I te m 68 35.79 I te m S t I te m 69 Estate of Margaret L. 43.00 Same...... -...... 23.87 Rutgers, deceased. Su­ perior Court, Alameda I te m 70 County, Calif. No. 23.87 89455. I te m 71 I te m S3 23.86 Same...... 43.00 I te m 7 t I te m 54 14.31 43.00

I te m 65 14.31 "V Balubet. «1 Estate of Meta Therese 29.00 Green, a/k/a Meta T. I te m 74 Green and Meta Green, do...... 14.31 deceased. Superior Court, San Francisco Ite m 75 County, Calif. No. 14.31 90531. I te m 56 Ite m 76 ...... do...... Same...... 29.00 Estate of Archimede Vi- 12.72 I te m 57 vorio, deceased. Super­ ior'Court, San Francis­ Estate of Guiseppe Par- 45.00 co County, Calif. No. rlho, deceased. Supe­ 100019. rior Court, San Fran­ cisco County, Calif. . Ite m 77 No. 99402. 1.84

I te m 68 I te m 78 Same...... 12.72 Estate of Frank Franu- 16.00 sich, deceased. Supe­ I te m 79 rior Court, San Fran­ 4.24 cisco County, Calif. No. 99171 .y I te m 80 4.24 I te m 69 16.00 4.24 I te m 60 I te m 83 Estate of Frank Fra- 16.00 nusich, deceased. Sup­ ...... do...... Estate of Carmen Gerace, 48.00 erior Court, San Fran­ deceased. Superior cisco County, Calif. Court, Alameda County, No. 99171. Calif. No. 91005:

. I te m 61 I te m 83 Matija Mareina...... do...... Estate of Sam Santo 47.00 Estate of Antonio Bertel- 32.00 Marchina, a/k/a Sime lo, a/k/a Topi Bertello Santo Marcina, de­ and Antonio Bartello, ceased. Superior Court, deceased. Superior Los Angeles County, Court, Santa Clara Calif. No. 243136. County, Calif. No. 30364. I te m 6 t I te m 84 Maria Lucia Bianca Estate of Gaetano lapi­ 33.00 lapichino. chino, deceased. Su­ Estate of Luigi Gandol- - 72.00 perior Court, San Fran­ fo, deceased. Superior cisco County, Calif. Court, Alameda County, No. 98501. Calif. No. 83307.

I te m 63 I te m 85 Caterina Fazio Vanella...... do...... Estate of Antonio Vanella, 143.75 Estate of Rosario Rug­ 203.97 deceased. Superior giero, deceased. Supe­ Court, Santa Clara rior Court, Santa Clara County, Calif. No. County, Calif. No. 29355. 28505. I te m 64 I te m 86 Mrs. Martha Malich__ Estate of John Popovich, 30.00 Luiga Pana...... Estate of Anthony Pana, 27.00 a/k/a J. Popovich, de­ deceased. Superior ceased. Superior Court, Court, San Francisco Sacramento County, County, Calif. No. Calif. No. 18804. £4780. 3 1 6 2 NOTICES

E x h ibit A—Continued

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4

Name Country or territory Action or proceeding Sum Sum vested Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested

I te e m 87 I te m 111 Andres Sagadalen, a/k/a Norway...... Estate of Mari Christen- $43.00 John Platanint.is Estate of Euthymia Colo- * $13.00 Anders Andersen. sen, deceased. Supe- buros, deceased. Supe­ « rior Court, Alameda rior Court, San Francisco County, Calif. No. County, Calif. No. 87879. 91065.

I te m 88 I te m 118 Community of the ...... do...... Same.. . 13.00 Elling A. Moen, a/k/a 43.00 Town of Galaxeidion. Elling Andersen Mo­ sen, deceased. Superior I te m 118 en. Court, Alameda Coun­ ty, Calif. No. 87879. Giulio Ferrandn_ Estate of Giuseppe Fer­ 1 2 .0 0 rando, deceased. Su­ I te m 89 perior Court, San Fran­ Helene Oldebraaten. a/ ...... d o...,...... 43.00 cisco County, Calif. k/a Helene Oldebrateri. No. 97779. I te m 90 - ...... do...... 6.15 I te m 114 Marina Ferrando_____ ...... do...... 1 2 .0 0 I te m 91 Olaf K. Traelup, a/k/a do...... 6.14 Olav K. Traelup. Children of Angiolina do...... Same_____ .. ____ . 1 2 .0 0 I te m 99 Perfumo, a prede­ 6.14 ceased sister. I te m 116 . I te m 98 ...... do...... 6.14 Zacarias Espejn ____ Philippine Islands.. 45.00 Manongdo Espejo, de­ I te m 94 ceased. Superior Court, ...... do...... 6.14 Tulare County, Calif. No. 9138. I te m 96 ...... do...... 6.14 tensen, a/k/a Kristen Ite m 117 G. Kristensen. Zanofon Zabarenes I te m 96 Greece______Estate of George 27.00 ...... do...... Zaharenes, deceased. Same...... 2.05 Superior Court, Fresno I te m 97 -County, Calif. Eeidar Traelup, a/k/a ...... do...... 2.05 No. 17688. Tteiar Traelup. I te m 118 I te m 98 2.05 Gramateke Gostandas Same...... 27.00 I te m 119 I te m 99 Estate of Angelo Giusti,de­ 34.00 Guilia Fomasi___ Italy.______Estate' of Luigi Fomasi. 33.00 ceased. Superior Court, a/k/a Luigi Fomasi, de­ San Francisco County, ceased. Superior Court, Calif. No. 95552. San Francisco County, Calif. No. 99578. I te m 100 I te m 180 Estate of Laura K. West- 1 0 .0 0 Marianna Fomasi_____ ...... do...... Same...... s.oa man, deceased. Superior Court, Alameda County, I te m 181 Calif. No. 77083. Ettore Fomasi ______do _ ? _ Same...... 8 .0 0

I te m 101 I te m 188 io oo Teresa Buccellato...... -__ do...... Estate of Gaetano Buccel- 32.00 man, deceased. Supe­ lato, deceased. Superi­ rior Court, Alameda or Court, San Francisco County, Calif. No. 77083. County, Calif. No. 99628. I te m 108 Anne Olsen...... __ do _ TIT — 1 0 .0 0 I te m 188 Anna Pilara...... _ _do Same...... 32.00 I te m 108 I te m 184 Felicidad Bolo Cle­ Philippine Islands.. Estate of Patricio Valdez 29.00 mente. Clemente, deceased. Jean Boyer...... France___ Estate of Joseph Ganguet, 108.00 Superior Court, Orange deceased. Superior County, Calif. No. P. Court, Los Angeles A. 189. County, Calif. No.219,666, I te m 104 I te m 186 Ivo Barovich______Y u g o slav ia Estate of Steve Barovich, 7.00 a/k/a S. Barovich, de­ Auria Moses Cornelius.. do _ _ Estate of Edith Moses, de­ 81.00 ceased. Superior Court, ceased. Superior Court, Santa Cruz County, Alameda County, Calif. Calif. No. 8646. No. 87915.

I te m 106 I te m 186 Pasko Barovich...... do...... 7.00 Niels Schmidt a/k/a Denmark...... Estate of Hans Nielsen 120.00 I te m 106 Nills Cbmidt. Schmidt, a/k/a Hans Nike Petkovich...... 7.00 . Chmidt, deceased. Su­ perior Court, Madera I te m 107 County, Calif. No. 1840. Anna Saseilo...... 7.00 I te m 187 I te m 108 Mary Knego...... do...... Same...... t t ...... 7.00 Estate of Lee L. Jovano- 92.00 vich, deceased. Superior I te m 109 Court, San Diego Coun­ Joanna E. Skoura __ Greece______Estate of Euthymia Colo- 13.00 ty, Calif. No. 33696. buros, deceased. Supe­ rior Court, San Fran­ cisco County, Calif. I te m 188 No. 91065. Hoh See______China _ Estate of Eobert Leong, 41.00 I te m 110 deceased. Superior Garyfalia nee Platanic- ...... d o .--.-...... Same______13.00 Court, San Francisco tou (marriage name County, Calif. No. unknown). 1 88873. Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3 1 6 3

E x h ibit A—Continued

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Sum Sum Country or territory Action or proceeding Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested Neune vested

I te m 139 I te m 14S Denmark...... Estate of John Jensen, $55.14 Neza Grohek. Yugoslavia. Estate of Joseph Abetz. $18.02 deceased. Superior deceased. Superior Court, San Francisco Court, San Francisco County, Calif. No. County, Calif. No. 90727. 95317.

I te m 130 I te m ISO Same...... 55.14 Ursula Malerich. .do. Same. 18.01

Ite m 131 I te m 161 Same...... 27.58 Theresa La Vedova. Italy. Estate of Joe La Vedova, 290.00 I te m 133 a/k/a Joe Lavedova, Same...... 55.14 Guiseppe La Vedova and Joe IV h ite, deceased. Ite m 133 Superior Court, Santa Clara County, Calif. Estate of Pascal Cailha- 2 2 .0 0 No. 24959. hot, deceased. Superior Court, San Francisco I te m 1 5 i County, Calif. No. 1 93508. Suzanne Kahn. France. Estate of Henry Lazare, 150.50 deceased. Superior I te m IS4 Court, San Mateo Same...... 2 2 .0 0 County, Calif. No. 10604. I te m 1SB I te m IBS Same...... 2 2 .0 0 Yvonne Lazare. .do. Same______—. 150.50

I te m 136 I te m 154 Greece...... Estate of Peter E. Giano- 162.00 Josefa Al vero. Philippine Islands.. Estate of Alfonso Alvero, 18.50 pulos, deceased. Supe­ deceased. Superior rior Court, San Diego Court, San Francisco County, Calif. No. County, Calif. No. 29979. 93749.

Ite m 137 I te m IBS Estate of John Terliamis, 37.66 Alexander Alvero. -do. Estate of Alfonso Alvero, 18.50 a/k/a John E. Terliamis, deceased. Superior deceased. Superior Court, San Francisco Court, Los Angeles County, Calif. No. County. Calif. No. 953749. 224551. I te m 1B6 Ite m 138 Same...... 37.67 Giovanni Fumasi. Italy. Estate of Giovanni Fu- 53.00 masi, deceased. Supe­ I te m 139 rior Court, San Mateo Chrysavgi Papatrianta- Same...... 37.67 County, Calif. No. fllou. 10915. I te m 140 Ite m 1S7 "Italy______Estate of Modesto Gemig- 61.66 nani, deceased. Supe­ Argero Tsouramakis__ Greece. Estate of Erineos Tsoura­ 18.80 rior Court, San Mateo makis, deceased. Su­ County, Calif. No. perior Court, San Fran­ 12646. cisco County, Calif. No. 96211. I te m 141 Same*,...... 61.66 I te m IBS George Tsouramakis. .do. Same. 18.80 I te m 143 Same...... 61.66 Ite m 169 I te m 143 Same...... 61.65 Uranea Kotronaki. -do. Same. 18.80

I te m 144 I te m 160 Same...... 61.65 T hemistocles Kotronaki. -do. Same. 18.80 I te m 146 % I te m 161 Yugoslavia...... Estate of George Kais, de- 53.00 ceased. Superior Court, Nick Tsouramakis... ___d o ...... Sam e...... 18.80 Sacramento County, Calif. No. 23602. Ite m 163 Mrs. Benjamin Oan- Philippine Islands. Estate of Delphine Taver 729.00 I te m I46 dazan. law, deceased. Superior ' Court, Los Angeles Andreas Michael Latses. Greece...... Estate of Georgias Latses, 34.00 " County, Calif. No. a/k/a George Lotts, 220027. George Latts and George Lattz, deceased. Su­ I te m 163 perior Court, San Fran­ cisco County, Calif. No Gustav Pinoy. Belgium______Estate of Mary Vandaele 24.67 84118. a/k/a Marie Vandaele, deceased. Superior I te m 147 Court, Los Angeles County. Calif. No. Denmark...... Estate of Sine Tolman, a/ 28.50 208333. k/a Hansine Tolman, Mrs. Eddy Tolman, I te m I 64 Sine Oleson.Thommasine Tolman, Thomasina Eulalie Pinoy. .do. Estate of Mary Vandaele, 24.67 Olesen and T. O. Olsen, a/k/a Marie Vandaele, deceased. Superior ‘ deceased. Superior Court, San Francisco Court, Los Angeles County, Calif. No. County, Calif. No. 85788. 208333.

I te m 148 Ite m 16B Jens Olesen...... do...... Same...... 28.5028.80 Mrs. Elvira Pinoy...... do Same. 4.11 3 1 6 4 NOTICES

E x h ib it A—Continued

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Name Country or territory Action or proceeding Sum Sum vested Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested

Item 166 I te m 187 Mrs. Noe Pinoy. Belgium. Estate of Mary Vandaele, $4.11 Achille Cervelli __ Ttaly. . ___ Estate of Domenico Cer- $32.00 a/k/a Marie Vandaele, velli, deceased. Super­ deceased. Supesior ior Court, San Francisco Court, Los Angeles County, Calif. No. County, Calif. No. 84409. 208333. ' I te m 188 h e m 167 Adele Bartoli______Same...... 16.00 Mrs. Gerardine Pinoy. .do. Same. 4.11 I te m 189 • I te m 168 Mrs. Marie P in oy...... do. Same. 4.11 Achille Cervelli...... * -do . _ •_ Achille Cervelli t>. Adolfo 75.00 Cervelli and Gjuseppe Ite m 169 Cervelli as iteecutors Mrs. Albertine Pinoy.. .do. Same. 4.11 u/w of Felice Cervelli, deceased. Superior I te m 170 Court, San Francisco Mrs. Rachel Pinoy___ .do. Same. 4.11 County, Calif. No. 327548. Ite m 171 f I te m 190 Fong Shee. China. Estate of Pon Man On, 74.00 deceased. Superior Vicente Jarata...... Philippine Islands.. Estate of Luciano Jerata, 8.00 Court, Monterey Coun­ deceased. Superior ty, Calif. No. 7605. Court, San Francisco County, Calif. N6. Ite m 172 89380.

Johannes Rasmussen... Denmark. Estate of James G. Ras­ 18.00 I te m 191 mussen, deceased. Su­ 8.00 perior Court, Sacra­ mento County, Calif. I te m 192 No. 23348. 8.00

I te m 173 I te m 193 Marius Rasmussen. .do. Same 18.00 Karl Larsen Fjellestad.. Estate of Lars Larsen, de­ 29.00 I te m 174 ceased. Superior Court, Jensine Rasm ine Ras­ .do. Same 18.00 San Diego County, mussen. Calif. No. 32698. I te m 176 Kristine Rasmussen__ .do. Same 18.00 I te m 194 Ole Larsen Fjellestad__ Sam e...... 29. 00 I te m 176 Anna Dorthea Kirstine .do. Same.. 18.00 Ite m 196 Rasmussen. Sophie Flesche...... 29.00 I te m 177 I te m 196 Foro Zouliano. Greece. Estate of Anton Palikar, 25.00 Kristene Bjonlegard___ do_ Same...... 29.00 deceased. Superior Court, San Francisco I te m 197 County, Calif. No. 87884. Lniga Basila ...... Estate of Frank Basila, 23.00 I te m 178 a/k/a Francesco Basile. deceased. Superior Marianthe Stra .do. Estate of John Panagiotis 38.00 Court, San Bernardino yropoulos. Pilikingkos, deceased. County, Calif No. PA- Superior Court, Marin 1221. County, Calif. No. 7117. Ite m 198 I te m 179 Luisa Martinelli___ ... 23.00 Evangelos Constantine .do. Same. 19. .00 Pilikingkos. I te m 180 I te m 199 Panagiotis Constantine .do. Same. 19.00 Pilikingkos. Anna Sarabua_____ ... 22.50 pu, deceased. Superior I te m 181 Court, San Francisco Kohari Sandor. Hungary. Estate of Julius Schwartz, 44.00 County, Calif. No. deceased. Superior 88522. Court, San Francisco County, Calif. No. I te m 200 101928. . Joseph Ounapuu______do 22.50 Ite m 182 Item 201 Maria Gotelli. Italy. Estate of Domenico Pag­ 30.00 anini, deceased. Supe­ Arthur Willis Woods... Philippine Islands.. Estate of Charlotte L. 111.00 rior Court, San Fran­ Woods, deceased. Su­ cisco County. Calif. perior Court, Los Ange­ No. 90592. les County, Calif. No. LB P-10985. I te m 18S I te m 202 Alfonso Zinni. .do. Estate of Nicholas Zinni, 31.50 deceased. Superior Jose R. Masonicich..... Estate of Make Masonich. 2 1.00 Court, San Francisco a/k/a Milo R. Ma§on County, Calif. No. and Mike Masovich, 92742. deceased. Superior Court, Alameda Coun­ I te m 184 ty, Calif. No. 88276. Maria Pasquini. .dò. Same. 31.50

I te m 186 I te m 203 Kole Masonicich...... 2 1 .0 0 Antonio Perottino. -do. Estate of Giovanni Perot- 15.00 tino, deceased. Superior I te m 204 Court, San Francisco County, Calif. No. Marinus Christensen... Denmark... 6 6.00 93756. Christensen, deceased. Superior Court, Los I te m 186 Angeles County, Calif, Guisippina Perottino. .do. Same. 15.00 No. 231253. Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3 1 6 5

E x h ibit A—Continued

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 CColumn 4 Sum Sum Action or proceeding Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested Name Country or territory vested

I te m SOB I te m SSI Rose Marie Pasquet___ Same...... $105.05 Fermina S. Salamanca.. Philippine Islands.. Estate of Cristobal S. Sal­ $18.66 amanca, deceased. Su­ perior Court, Alameda County, Calif. No. 83521. I te m SS8 Ite m SOS Same...... $157.59 Paulina S. Salamanca__ .do. Same...... 18.67 I te m SSO I te m S07 Same...... 157.59 Celerina S. Salamanca.. .do- Same. 18.67 I te m SSO I te m S08 Same...... 157.58 Mildred Meta Hapsen.. Denmark. Estate of Melchior Han­ 153.00 I te m SSI sen, deceased. Superior Same...... 157.58 Court, Fresno County, Calif. No. 18470. I te m SSS

I te m S09 Estate of Joe Lukes, de- 97.00 ceased. Superior Court, Leonilda Zanotti and Italy. Estate of Enrico Zanotti, 71.00 Los Angeles County, heirs of Enrico Zanotti deceased. Superior Calif. No. 243435. Court, San Francisco County, Calif. No. I te m SSS 98823. Estate of John Pagliaroli, 37.00 I te m S10 deceased. Superior Court, Los Angeles Johanne Sophie Chris­ Denmark. Estate of Caroline W. Jor­ 104.00 . County, Calif. No. tensen. gensen, deceased. Supe­ 238611. rior Court, Los Angeles County, Calif. No. LB I te m SSI P-14392. Estate of Joe Cardono, 38.00 I te m S l l deceased. Superior Court, San Mateo Yliane Remy. France. Estate of Georgette La- 80.50 County, Calif. No. baudt, deceased. Supe- 12173. . rior Court, San Mateo County, Calif. No. I te m SSB 10964. Same...... 38.00

I te m SIS I te m SS6 Mrs. Alvyne Maison­ .do. Same. 80.50 neuve. Estate of Alberto Mor- 23.00 zenti. zenti, deceased. Supe­ I te m SIS rior Court, San Fran­ Martin Valdez. Philippine Islands. Estate of Silberio M. Val­ 30.00 cisco County, Calif. dez, deceased. Superior No. 10J650. Court, San Francisco I te m SSI County, Calif. No. 5.00 88750. Same__ --......

I te m S H Ite m SS8 Same...... 5.00 Ernest Trarbach. France. Estate of Paul Joseph 28.00 Trarbach, deceased. I te m SSO Superior Court, Los Same...... 5.00 Angeles County, Calif. No. SM P-1575. I te m S /fi Same...... 6.00 I te m SIB Georges Denis T r a r ■ _do. Same. 28.00 I te m S i t bach. Same...... 5.00 I te m S16 Henry Trarbach_____ .do. Same. 28.00 I te m SIS

I te m SVI Nielsine Madsen. ___ Estate of Rasmus Ras- 130.00 \ ^ifarthe Henriette Trar­ .do. Same. 28.00 mussen, deceased. Su­ bach. perior Court, Fresno I te m SI 8 County, Calif. No. Lucie-Colette Trarbach. .do. Same. 28.00 18046. I te m SIS I te m SI9 Ellen Beanedsen (nee 43.34 Jean Trarbach______.do. Same. 28.00 Rasmussen). I te m SSO I te m S H Octavie Amelie Tom .do. Estate of Marie Lenoir, 132.00 Marie Petersen (nee Same...... -...... 43.33 lousy. deceased. Superior Rasmussen). Court, San Francisco County, Calif. No. 85- I te m SIS 259. Item SSI Kjrsten Jensen (nee _ J o __ Estate of Rasmus Ras- 43.33 Rasmussen). mussen, deceased. Su­ Anselme Ompraret. -do. Estate of Pierre Ompra­ 630.32 perior Court, Fresno ret, deceased. Superior County, Calif. No. Court, Santa Clara 18046. 949. I te m SSS Ite m SJfi Noel Lascurettes __ do ______Same 105.06 flier gin Giampanll___ Estate of Valente Giam- 13.00 Ite m SSS paoli, deceased. Su­ Jean Baptiste Same.. 105.06 S perior Court, Fresno Lascurettes. County, Calif. No. I te m SSI 19157. L#n Lascurettes _do Same— 105.06 I te m SI7 I te m SSS 13.00 Henri, a/k/a Anselme d o __. Same 105.06 Lascurettes. I te m SS6 I te m SI8 Marie Jeanne Arriuloii Same— 105.05 Annita Gtampaoli...... Same...... 13.00 No. 113------8 3 1 6 6 NOTICES

E x h ibit A—C o n t i n u é i s

Column 1 Column S Column 8 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Sum Name Country or territory Action or proceeding Name Country or territory Action or proceeding Sum vested vested

I te m t lf i i te m £68 Antoinette Heslauin___ France...... Estate of Joseph F. Perini, $4.39 $42.00 deceased. Superior deceased. Superior - Court, San Francisco Court, Fresno County, County, Calif. No. Calif. No. 18690. 89500. I te m £69 ' I te m £60 Mary Schiavoni______Same...... 42.00 Louisa Levillain...... 4.39 I te m £70 I te m £61 .V *• Yvonne Levillain_____ Same...... 4.39 Estate of Michele Fruz- 40.00 ...... V...... zetti, deceased. Supe- I te m £5£ rior Court, Alameda Mary Levillain______Same...... 81.83 County, Calif. No. 68593. I te m £53 I te m £71 Paulina Bava______Italy_____ Estate of Egidio Bava, 31.00 a/k/a Egidio Paolo Bava Giuseppe Grillerò ...... do...... Estate of Vittoria Griff ero, 7.50 and Egidio P. Bava, de- ► a/k/a Victor Grillero, ceased. Superior Court, deceased. Superior San Francisco County,- Coürt, San Francisco Calif. No. 95175. County, Calif. No. 97750. I te m £55 I te m £7£ Giovanni Bormida____ Estate of Cesare Bormida, 6.60 Maddalena Grififero...... 7.57 a/k/a Caesar Bormida, deceased. Superior I te m £73 Giuseppe Gussardo___ do._ _ __ 7.57 County, Calif No. 98142. I te m £75 Lucia Gentile...... do ...... 7.57 I te m £55 Mario Bormida___ .... 6.60 Zita Bruzzone...... ___ .do...... Estate of Vittori^ Grififero, 7.57 ___ d o „ ^ 6.60 a/k/a Victor ^ Grififero, deceased. Superior I te m £57 Court, ? San Francisco 6.60 County, Calif. No. 97750. I te m £68 _ __do , 6.60 I te m £76 i Maddalena Sdutto.-... ____do.__1 ...... Same...... >...... : 7.57 I te m £59 r • i| R e m £77 Amalia Moines______Norway...... Estate of’John M..Staf- 41.33 7.57 seth, deceased. Supe­ rior Court, Los Angeles I te m '£78 County, Calif. No. 226597. Helene Loux...... Estate of Angele C. Kara- 17.12 tar, deceased. Superior I te m £60 Court, San Mateo Coun- ...... do...... 41.33 ty, Calif. No. 11717.

I te m £61 I te m £79 Gina Roald Vigero...... Same...... 41.34 17.11

Ite m £6£ I te m £80 Juliette Loux...... do 17.11 Italv______Estate of Stefano Bovetti-, 114.00 deceased. Superior I te m £81 Court, San Joaquin Eliza Stauffer...... do 17.1Í County; Calif., No. 17766. I te m £8£ Ite m £63 Lina Morel...... do • - 17.11

Henning Hansen Chris­ Denmark...... 20.00 . * I te m £83 tensen. sen, deceased. Supe­ Denice Horn______do 17.11 rior Court, Fresno Coun- ty, Calif. No. 17633. I te m £85 Maurice Bernard_____ 17.11 I te m £65 Andreasine Povline Jor- „ ..d o ...... Same . . . 20.00 I te m £85 gen sen. Berthe Voltz-Loux____ do ...... 17.11 íte m £65 I te m £86 Maren Christensen____ ...... do...... Estate of Louis Christen- 20.00 Elize Loux______17.11 sen, deceased. Superior Court, Fresno County, Calif. No. 17633.

*» I te m £66 Anna Marie Sofie Chris- ...... do...... 10.00 tiansen. I te m £67 Mads Henning Chris- ...... do...... Same ... 10.00 tensen. [F. R. Doc. 48-6191; Filed, June 9,1948; 8:56 a. m.]

[Vesting Order CE 448] tive Order 9193, as amended, and Execu­ Exhibit A opposite such person’s name; tive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, C osts and E x pe n se s I ncurred in C ertain 2. That it was in the interest of the after investigation, it having been found: United States to take, measures in fon- A ctions or P roceedings in Certain 1. That each of the persons named in C ourts in W ashington, O regon, A r i­ nection with representing each of said Column 1 of Exhibit A, attached hereto persons in the court or administrative zona, O klahom a, C olorado, N e w M ex­ and by reference made a part hereof, ico, M ontana, U tah, and I daho Courts action or proceeding identified in Col­ was a person within the designated umn 3 of said Exhibit A opposite such Under the authority of the Trading enemy country or the enemy-occupied person’s name, and such measures hav­ With the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ territory identified in Column 2 of said ing been taken; Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3 1 6 7 3. That, in taking such measures in site such person’s name and all of said prescribed in section 10 of Executive Or­ each of such actions or proceedings, costs amounts are presently in the possession der 9193, as amended. The term “enemy- and expenses were incurred in the of the Attorney General of the United occupied territory” as used herein shall amount stated in Column 4 of said Ex­ States. have the meaning prescribed in rules of hibit A opposite the action or proceeding Now, therefore, there is hereby vested procedure, Office of Alien Property, identified in Column 3 of said Exhibit A; in the Attorney General of the United § 501.6 (8 CFR, Cum. Supp., 503.6). 4. That each amount stated in Column States, to be used or otherwise dealt with Executed at Washington, D. C., on 4 of said Exhibit A has been paid from in the interest of and for the benefit of June 2, 1948. the property which each of said persons the United States, the amounts stated in For the Attorney General. obtained or was determined to have as a Column 4 of said Exhibit A. [ seal] D avid L. B azelon, result of the action or proceeding identi­ The term “designated enemy country” Assistant Attorney General, fied in Column 3 of said Exhibit A oppo­ as used herein shall have the meaning Director, Office of Alien Property•

E x h ibit A

Column 1 - Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Sum Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested Name Country or territory Action or proceeding Tested

I te m 1 I te m 16 Camiel Schram______Belgium______Estate of Edward Schram, $45.00 Estate of Frank Widigar, $37.00 deceased, Superior Court deceased, Superior of the State of Washing­ Court of the State of ton, in and for the Coun­ Washington, in and for ty of Franklin. the County of King; No. 82975. I te m t Matielde Schram Ooege...... do...... Same______45.00 I te m 17 I te m S Qiobatta Floram...... Italy...... Estate of Jake Floran, 106.25 Sivia Schram Ooege , 45.00 also known as Angelo Floran, deceased, Su­ I te m 4 perior Court of the State of Washington, in Mats Hennrik Sorbo___ Norway...... Estate of Knut Sorbo, de­ 49.00 and for the County of ceased, in the Superior King. No. 72659. Court of the State of Washington, in and for I te m 18 - the County of Pierce; Carolina Floram...... Same...... 106.25 , No. 36131. I te m 19 Ite m S Emilio Floram____ . Same______106.25

Peter J. Drange______Estate of Olaf J. Drange, 22.20 I te m to deceased, in the Supe­ Pietro Floram...... Same...... 106.25 rior Court of the State of Washington, in and I te m tl for the County of King; Oiuseppina Floram...... Same...... 106.25 No. 77094. I te m tt I te m 6 Maria Floram____..... Same...... 106.25 Agatha J. Drange...... 22.20 I te m tS I te m 7 Giuseppe Floram...... Same...... 10IV25 Heirs of Johannes J. 22.20 Drange, names un­ I te m H known. Luigia Balus Costa- ___ do Same______106.25 I te m 8 peraria. Kristine J. Drange__ _ 22.20 I te m tS I te m 9 Adeline Nigro...... Estate ol Antonio and 30,00 Anetha J. Drange_____ 22.20 Carmela Colacone, de­ ceased, Superior Court, I te m 10 Spokane County, Wash- ington; No. 35595. Adele Onards____ ,, Austria______Estate of Charles Schift- 3 1 .0 0 ner, deceased, in the Superior Court of the Item t6 State of Washingtpn, in Stanley Piskorowski___ Poland ______Estate of Rosa Boski, de­ 12.00 and for the County of ceased, Superior Court Spokane; No. 38872. of the State of Washing­ ton in and for the I te m 11 Hermine Hoher County of Spokane; ...... do...... 31.00 No. 39759.

I te m I t I te m t 7 Blazey Piskorowski___ Same_,...... Estate of Mary Ruflino, 42.00 12.00 x deceased, Superior I te m t 8 Court of the State of Sophie Michalski...... Washington, in and for Same...... 26.00 the County of Pierce; I te m S9 No. 37695. Michael Wus...... Same...... 8.00

Ite m IS I te m SO Jedrzr] Wus______. Same..,...... Estate of Samuel M. Ob- 26.00 8.00 radovich, deceased, Su­ I te m SI perior Court, King Peter Wus...... County, State of Wash­ Same...... ____ 8.00 ington; No. 88641. I te m S t Mrs. Peter Jorgensen. Denmark ___ _ Estate of Peter Christen­ 62.00 Mandic Nane .. I te m 14 Hans Andresen, Jor- sen, Superior Court of 26.00 gen Jorgensen and the Stateof Washington, Hans Hansen or their in and for the County of I te m IS respective surviving Douglas; No. 1811. Vasiljevic Gospava Same...... ___ 26.00 issue. 3 1 6 8 NOTICES

E x h ibit A—Continued

Column 1 Column 2 Column 8 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Sum Sum Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested

I te m 88 Item '61 Berglioth (Akus) Norway _ ...... Estate of Axel E. Amund- $107.00 Estate of Francis Hoch- $54.00 Amundsen. sen, deceased, in the evar, deceased, County County Court for the Court, Mesa County, Stateof Jackson County; State of Colorado; No. No. 7435. 4158.

I te m S i Ite m 68 Mary Salvaticho...... Italy______Estate of Battista Allasia, 75.00 Italy Estate of Frank Micelia, ) 26.00 deceased, Circuit Court also known as Francesco of the State of Oregon Miceli, deceased, Coun­ for the County of Mult­ ty Court, Montezuma nomah; No. 5064k County, Colo.

Ite m 86 I te m 68 Concetta Miceli______dn nT. Same...... 26.00 Spett Società Anonima Pacific Salvage Co. vs. 103.00 Di Sicurtà Fra Arm­ Italian Motorship Fel- I te m 64 atori. tre, etc., in the U. S. District Court, Port- Phillipi Tortisi _ .... Estate’ of Nunzia Longi, 24.75 land, Oreg.; No. 22460-G. deceased, in the County Court for the City and I te m 86 County of Denver, Colo.; No. 65997. Yotsuya Mission of Japan . . . Estate of Mary Edna Mc­ 49.00 Tokyo. Farland, deceased, Cir­ I te m 66 cuit Court of the State Francesco Torrisi___... Same...... 24.75 of Oregon, for the Coun­ ty of Lane. I te m 66 Same...... 24.75 I te m 87 Sv I te m 67 Stine Nielsen...... Denmark...... Estate of Soren Hansen, 70.00 24.75 deceased, Circuit Court, State of Oregon for the Ite m 68 County of Malheur. Guiseppe Bongiomo___ Estate of Anthony Picone, 8.00 I te m 88 also known as Anthony Marie Hansen_____ ... do , Same...... 14.00 as Antonio Picone, de­ I te m 89 ceased, in the County Julia Hansen Morgen- do...... Same...... > 14.00 sen. ty, Colo.; No. 73528. I te m Jfl Anna Hansen Riise.___ do Same...... 14.00 Caterina Bonglomò ...... do...... Same...... 8.00 I te m 41 Niels Hansen...... _ do Ram« ...... _ 14.00 *“> - X . .

I te m 41 Nannina Bongiomo...... Estate of Anthony Picone, 8.00 Marius Hansen______do...... Same...... 14.00 also known as Anthony Picone, Jr., also known I te m 43 as Antonio Picone, de­ ceased, in the County Vaso L. Jovanovich 112.00 * vich, deceased, Superior ty, Colo. No. 73528. Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the I te m 61 County of Cochise; No. Terzita Bongiomo____ ...... do...... S^me..-...... 8.00 4849.' I te m 68 Item 44 Cristina Bongiomo___ Same...... 8.00

Peter Puhara...... Estate of Bias Puhara, de­ 96.00 I te m 68 ceased. Superior Court, State of Arizona, Gila Teresa A nselmi__ . _ _ Estate of Joseph Borzago, 7.00 County; No. 2444-C. deceased, in the County Court, in and for the I te m 46 County of Gilpin, State of Colo. No. 1077. - Cbristopbili Economou. Greene ______. Estate of William Eco, 40.00 deceased, in the County I te m 64 Court in and for Ste- Viola Paniza...... Same...... 7.00 phens County, Okla., No. 2055. I te m 66 Boberto Fior...... Same...... 7.00 I te m 46 I te m 66 Eduard Fischbach...... Luxembourg______Estate of John Fischbach, 19.00 7.00 deceased, in the County Court, Bio Grande I te m 67 County, Colo. Same...... 7.00

I te m 47 I te m 68 Margurite Fischbach... ___ do...... — Same...... *19.00 7.00

I te m 48 I te m 69 Emilio Borzago___..... Same...... 7.00 Maria Fischbacb ...... d o ______19.00 deceased, in the County I te m 70 Court, Bio Grande Emilia Borzago Ber­ — do ______Same...... 7.00 County, Colo. toldi. I te m 71 . I te m 49 7.00 19.00 Luigi B orzago...... Same......

I te m 60 I te m 78 Francois Fiscbbacb___ Same..______.. 19.00 Maria Borzago______Same...... 7.00 Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3 1 6 9

E xh ibit A—Continued

. Column 3 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Sum Sum Country or territory Action or proceeding Name Country or territory' Action or proceeding vested Name vested

I te m 73 I te m 90 Isadora-Giovanni Men­ Italy...... Estate of Isadora Men- $9.17 Barbara Grofl Mattiva. Estate of Antonio Groff, $19.00 gon. goni, deceased, in the deceased, in the County District Court of Second Court of Ouray County, Judicial District of the State of Colorado. State of Montana, in and for the County of I te m 74 Silver Bow, No. 11677— Rosina Groff Dalla- Same...... 9.60 picolla. I te m 75 I te m 91 9.50 Guido-Fortunato Men- ...... do...... Same...... 9.16 gon. I te m 76 I te m 92 Giuseppe Stefano Men­ Same...... &e. 16 Mme. Vve Ed Bernardin. Estate of Michael Duma- 21.00 gon». rest, deceased, Probate I te m 93 Court in the State of Mexico, in and for the do T,nir_____ Estate of Peter Mengon, 18.00 County of Bernalillo. deceased, in the Dis­ No. 5042. trict Court of the Sec­ ond Judicial District of I te m 77 the State of Montana, Mlle. Clemence Duma- 21.00 in and for the County of rest. Silver Bow; No. 12353. I te m 78 21.00 I te m 94 Same...... Same...... 18.00 I te m 79 I te m 95 Estate of Bruno Casna, de­ 36.34 Antonio Mengon...... Same...... 18.00 ceased, Probate Court in and for the County of I te m 96 McKinley and State of ...... do...... Same...... 18.00 New Mexico. No. 713. I te m 97 I te m 80 Guido Fortunato Men­ Same...... 18.00 Erminia Casna Capei- Same...... 36.33 gon. lozza. I te m 98 I te m 81 Same...... 18.00 Same...... 36.33 I te m 99 I te m 83 Estate of Genaro Caicco, 18.00 Estate of Sante Chiocchi, 6.00 deceased, District Court deceased, District Court of Salt Lake County, of Second Judicial Dis­ State of Utah, Probate trict, State of Montana, Division; No. 23388. in and for the County of Silver Bow, No. 11522. I te m 100 Same...... 18 00 % ... I te m 83 Same...... 6.00 I te m 101

I te m 8 4 ' do „ ____ Estate of Genaro Caicco, 18.00 6.00 deceased, District Court' of Salt Lake County, I te m 85 State of Utah, Probate Same...... 6.00 Division; No. 23388.

I te m 86 I te m 102 Same...... 6.00 Denmark...... Estate of Niels Thomsen 58.00 "’'deceased, Probate I te m 87 Court, Bingham Coun­ Domenica Mengon... . ___ d o ...... Estate of Isadora Men- 9.17 ty, State of Idaho. goni, deceased, in the District Court of Second I te m 103 Judicial District of the Same...... 58.00 State of Montana, in and for the County of I te m 104' Silver Bow, No. 11677...... do...... Estate of Bettie Anderson 30.00 I te m 88 Peterson, deceased, in 9.17 the Superior Court, in ___ do...... Same...... the State of Washington, l te m $ 9 in and for the County of Teodora Mengon . „ ...... do______Same...... 9.17 Wahkiakum; No. 725. ------j------

[F. R. Doc. 48-5192; Filed, June 9, 1948; 8:56 a. m.]

[Vesting Order CE 449] and by reference made a part hereof, 3. That, if» taking such measures in was a person within the designated each of such actions or proceedings, costs Costs and Ex penses I ncurred in Certain enemy country or the enemy-occupied and expenses were incurred in the A ctions or P roceedings in Certain territory identified in Column 2 of said amount stated in Column 4 of said Ex­ M ichigan, California, I l l in o is, I ow a, Exhibit A opposite such person’s name; hibit A opposite the action or proceeding Indiana, M innesota, O h io , and W i s ­ identified in Column 3 of said Exhibit A; consin Courts 2. That it was in the interest of the United States to take measures in con­ 4. That each amount stated in Column Under the authority of the Trading 4 of said Exhibit A has been paid from With the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ nection with representing each of said the property which each of said persons tive Order 9193, as amended, and Execu­ persons in the court or administrative obtained or was determined to have as a tive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, action or, proceeding identified in Col­ result of the action or proceeding identi­ after investigation, it having been found: umn 3 of said Exhibit A opposite such fied in Column 3 of said Exhibit A oppo­ 1. That each of the persons named in person’s name, and such measures hav­ site such person’s name and all of said Column'1 of Exhibit A, attached hereto ing been taken; amounts are presently in the possession 3 1 7 0 NOTICES of the Attorney General of the United The term “designated enemy country” Executed at Washington, D. C., on States. as used herein shall have the meaning Jund 2, 1948. Now, therefore, there is hereby vested prescribed in section 10 of Executive Or­ in the Attorney General of the United der 9193, as amended. The term “enemy- For the Attorney General. States, to be used or otherwise dealt with occupied territory” as used herein shall [ seal] D avid L. B azelon, in the interest of and for the benefit of have the meaning prescribed in rules of Assistant Attorney General, the United States, the amounts stated in procedure, Office of Alien Property, Director, Office of Alien Property. Column 4 of said Exhibit A. § 501.6 (8 CFR, Cum. Supp., 503.6).

E x h ibit A

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Sum Action or proceeding Sum Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested Name ' Country or territory vested

I te m 1 I te m £8 " $5.00 Ness v. Lunde, Circuit, $11.00 ring, deceased. Probate Court of Ford County, Court, Wayne County, 111. In Chancery. No. State of Michigan. 2918. No. 326704. I te m £4 Same...... 33.50 Ite m £ 5.00 I te m £5 Olive Storesund also Same...... 67.00 Ite m 8 known as Olava Sto­ 5.00 resund. I te m £6 I te m 4 Theresa Johannessen, Same...... 67.00 25.00 Johaansen. x I te m 5 , I te m £7 5.00 Lenhard Tjarandsen, Same...... 67.00 also known as Leon- Ite m 6 . ard Tjarandsen. 5.00 I te m £8 Roger Georges Picard... Estate of Roger Georges 98.00 Picard, a minor. Pro­ Estate of Leopold Pagel, 28.00 bate Court, Cook Coun- deceased. Superior ty, 111. No. 88754. Court, State of Cali­ fornia, in and for the I te m £9 County of Los Angeles. No. 190928. .Denmark ______Estate of Jorgen Adolph 12.33 Findsen, deceased, in I te m 8 the District Court of Ruth Frankfurter Lowy...... do...... 28.00 Iowa, in and for Shelby County, Harlan, Iowa. I te m 9 No. 5332. Mathilde Catherine Estate of Jonas Mattison, 25.00 I te m 80 Mattison Lund. deceased. County Same...... - ...... - 12.32 Court of Henry County, HI. No. 9131. I te m 81 Same...... -...... 12.32 \ I te m 10 I te m S£ 35.00 Same...... 12.32 deceased. In the / County Court of Iro­ I te m 88 quois County, 111. Same...... 12.32

I te m I f I te m 84 35.00 Kirsten Langberg Niel­ Same...... 12.32 sen. I te m 1£ I te m 85 Ness v. Lunde, Circuit 52.00 Estate of Tine Paulsen, 60.00 Court of Ford County, or Thyra Aage Alsoe. deceased. District 111. In Chancery. No. Court of Iowa in and for 2918. Pottawattamie County, Council Bluffs, Iowa. I te m 18 No. 11478. 52.00 . I te m 86 I te m 14 Emanuel Kocariotis, also 75.00 52.00 heirs at law. known as Mike Koka- riotis ' v. Margitsa N. I te m 15 JHassari, Gary State Bank Corp., as trustee, Ness v. Lunde. Circuit 52.00 and the Gary State Court of Ford County, Bank, Superior Court, 111. In Chancery. No. Lake County, Ind. 2918. I te m 87 * I te m 16 62.00 Poland...... i ____ Estate of Teofll Górecki, 35.00 deceased. Probate I te m 17 Court, Wayne County, 72.00 State of Michigan. No. 315508. I te m 18 I te m 88 do r . Same...... 33.50 Czechoslovakia...... Estate of Mary Keslik 42.00 I te m 19 Curtis, deceased. Pro­ V 38.50 bate Court for Van as Oleana Tiema. - Buren County, Paw I te m £0 Paw, Mich. No. 13656. Same...... 33.50 I te m 89 I te m £1 11.00 Thor Sulland...... Norway...... Estate of Peder Sulland, 30.00 deceased. Probate i I te m ££ Court, Clearwater Coun* Holger Tunheim______Same...... 11.00 ty, Minn. Thursday, June 10, 1948 FEDERAL REGISTER 3 1 7 1 . » E xh ibit A—Continued

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Sum Action or proceeding Sum Name Country or territory Action or proceeding vested Name Country or territory vested,

I te m 40 I te m 63 Iona R. Lawrence Fem- Italy. Anna T. Lawrence Drack- $72.00 Jakob Marinus Kris- Denmark. Estate of Rasmus Chris- $17.85 strom. ett v. Ray C. Smith et tensen. , tensen, deceased. al. District Court, County Court of Racine Fourth Judicial Dis­ County, Wis. trict, County of Henne­ pin, Minn. I te m 54 Svend Kristian Kris- .do. Same. 17.85 Ite m 41 tensen.

Konstantinos G. Kekos. Greece. Estate of Louise G. Kekos, 6.71 I te m 66 deceased. Probate Same. • Court, Hennepin Coun­ Niels Nielsen... .do. 11.90 ty, Minn. I te m 56 I te m 4& Jakob Nielsen- .do. Same. 11.90 Paraskevi Kekos.... .do. Same. 6.70 I te m 67 I te m 43 Same. Helen Anargyrou... .do. Same. 6.70 Marius Nielsen. .do. 11.90

I te m 44 I te m 58 Penelope Syrios___ .do. Same. 6.70 Athanasia Stathopoulos. Greece. Estate Nick Sakas, 17.67 I te m 45 deceased. County Nicholas G. Kekos. .do. Same. 6.70 Court, Eau Claire County, Wis. Ite m 46 Christina DelMatto___ Italy. Estate of Michele Del­ 20.00 I te m 59 Matto, deceased. Pro­ Angeliki Barlamas... .do. Same. 17.67 bate Court, Summit County, Ohio. I te m 60 Helen Angelopoulos.. .do. Same. 17.66 I te m 47 Dante DelMatto. .do. Same. 20.00 I te m 61 Ite m 48 Heirs, names unknown, Rumania. Estate of John Matzak, 26.00 Marko Sajatovic. Yugoslavia. Estate of Mary Popovic, 21.00 within Rumania of deceased. County deceased. Probate John Matzak, de­ Court of Milwaukee Court, Cuyahoga Coun­ ceased. County, State of Wis­ ty, State ofc Ohio. consin. No. 251283.

I te m . Andja Badovinak. .do. Same. 21.00 I te m 69

Ite m 50 Milia Gianakakis. Greece. Estate of Arrestedes A. 26.00 Andja Koscica__ -do. Same. 16.00 Reckas, deceased. Pro­ bate Court of Cook Ite m 51 County, Chicago, 111. Marie Popovic__ -do. S^me. 5.00 I te m ( Ite m S i Marta Rudman... ,do. Same. 5.00 Gianoula Stamatopoulos_____do Same. 25.00

[P. R. Doc. 48-5193; Filed, June 9, 1948; 8:56 a. m.]

[Vesting Order ! 1218] ently-held by the City Bank Farmers wise dealt with in the interest of and Trust Company, 22 William Street, New for the benefit of the United States. Carl E ickenberg York 15, New York’, as liquidating agent The terms “national” and “designated In re: Voting trust certificates owned for the aforesaid Susquehanna Silk Mills, enemy country” as used herein shall hav