J ^ 0 N A L 4 ^ FEDERAL REGISTER 1934 ^ VOLUME 13 NUMBER 113 ^A î/TEO ^ Washington, Thursday, June 10, 1948 TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE § 821.4 Revised quotas for other areas. CONTENTS There are hereby established, pursuant Chapter VIII— Production and Market- to subsections (b) and (c) of section 202 Agriculture Department Pase ing Administration (Sugar Branch) of the act, for foreign countries for the Proposed rule making: calendar year 1948, the following quotas: Bartlett pears, fresh, plums, and [General Sugar Quota Regulations, Series 10, No. 1, Amdt. 2] Quotas in terms Elberta peaches in California. 3126 of short tons, Milk handling, Nashville, Tenn_ 3130 P art 821—S ugar Q uotas Area raw value Peaches in North and South Republic of the Philippines.— 982, 000 SUGAR QUOTAS FOR 1948 Carolina ; determination of C u b a__________________________ 1, 726, 200 referendum results________ 3131 By virtue of the authority vested in the Other Foreign Countries_______ 23,800 Tobacco, Burley, flue-cured, Secretary of Agriculture by the Sugar 2. Paragraph (a) of § 821.6 is changed fire-cured and dark air- Act of 1948 (61 Stat. 922) and the Admin­ to read: cured; establishment of to­ istrative Procedure Act (60 Stat. 237), § 821.6 Proration of quota for foreign bacco farm acreage allot­ General Sugar Quota Regulations, Series countries other than Cuba and the Re­ ments and normal yields, 10, No. 1 (13 F. R. 133), as amended public of the-Philippines—(a) Revised 1949-50_____________ 3126 (13 F. R. 1303), establishing sugar quotas Rules and regulations: for 1948, are hereby further amended as prorations. The quota for foreign coun­ tries other than Cuba and the Republic Potatoes, Irish, in Southeastern hereinafter set forth. States; limitation of ship­ Basis and purpose. The amendments of the Philippines is hereby prorated, pursuant to subsection (c) of section 202 ments___________________ 3112 herein are issued pursuant to the Sugar Sugar quotas, 1948__________ 3109 Act of 1948 and are made for the pur­ of the act, among such countries as follows : Alien Property, Office of pose of giving effect to the revision of Prorations in the determination of sugar consumption Country pounds, raw value Notices: requirements made by the Secretary of Belgium ___________ _____ 280,288 Vesting orders, etc.: Agriculture on May 26, 1948. Canada _____________ _____ 537,329 Costs and expenses incurred After setting forth quotas in specific China and Hongkong. 274, 389 in certain court actions: amounts for domestic sugar producing Czechoslovakia_____ 250,759 California___ ______;____ 3159 areas and the Republic of the Philippines, Dominican Republic. _____ 6, 350, 823 Connecticut____________ 3156 section 202 of the act provides that the Dutch East Indies___ ______ 201, 315 Delaware, Louisiana, Maine, G u a te m a la _____. ___ _____ 318,949 difference between the sum of such Haiti, Republic of___ !------- 877, 712 Maryland, New Hamp­ quotas and the consumption estimate H o n d u r a s __________ _____ 3, 269, 055 shire, Pennsylvania, shall be prorated to foreign countries M e x ic o ______________ -------- 5, 744, 545 Texas, and Rhode Island. 3144 other than the Republic of the Philip­ Netherlands_______ -------- 207,487 Massachusetts__________ 3154 pines on the basis of stated percentages. N ic a r a g u a __________ -------- 9, 734, 120 Michigan, California, Illi­ Since the Sugar Act makes the revision Peru ________________ _____ 10, 584, 673 of quotas a mere mathematical computa­ Salvador _____________ -------- 7, 817, 523 nois, Iowa, Indiana, tion, it is hereby determined and found United Kingdom ____ -------- 333,963 Michigan, Minnesota, V e n e z u e la _________ _ -------- 276,188 Ohio, and Wisconsin___ 3169 that compliance with the notice and pro­ Other Countries______ cedure requirements of the Administra­ _____ 40,882 New Jersey____________ 3151 tive Procedure Act is unnecessary. Fur­ Subtotal _________ ______ 47,100, 000 New Jersey, Illinois, Cali­ thermore, under section 202 of the Sugar Unallotted Reserve_____________ 500, 000 fornia, Massachusetts, Act, the Secretary of Agriculture is re­ Ohio, and Wisconsin___ 3143 quired promptly to revise existing quotas Total ____________________ 47,600,000 New York______________ 3145 whenever there is a change in the deter­ Statement of bases and considerations. Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ne­ mination of consumption requirements. The revised quotas for Cuba and “Other vada, Minnesota, and Accordingly, it is hereby found that com­ Foreign Countries” have been established New York____________ 3143 pliance with the 30-day effective date re­ by prorating the amount by which the Washington, Oregon, Ari­ quirement of the Administrative Proce­ revised estimate of consumption*xceeds dure Act is impracticable and contrary zona, Oklahoma, Colo­ the quotas for domestic areas and the rado, New Mexico, Mon­ to the public interest and the amend­ Philippines on the basis of 98.64 per ments made herein shall become effective tana, Utah, and Idaho__ 3166 centum to Cuba and 1.36 per centum to Dommerque, Franz J ______ 3172 on the date of their publication in the “Other Foreign Countries”, as provided F ederal R egister. Eickenberg, Carl__________ 3171 General Sugar Quota Regulations, Se­ in section 202 (c) of the act. In addi­ Hohn, Robert____________ 3171 ries 10, No. 1 (13 F. R. 133), as amended tion, as provided in section 202 (c), the Iseri, Isami, et al__________ 3141 (13 F. R. 1303), are hereby further revised quota for "Other Foreign Coun­ Koehnhorn, Mentzel, Witth, amended as follows: tries” has been prorated on the basis of Puchberger____________ 3172 1. Section 821.4 is changed to read: (Continued on p. 3111) Miyamoto, Saihachi_______ 3142 3109 3110 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Economic Cooperation Admin- Pa?e Interstate Commerce Commis- Page FEDEML|pEGISTER ¡strati on sion Rules and regulations: Notices: *&I*ITED’ Means of payment for procure­ Directives to furnish cars for ment; letter of commitment railroad coal supply: to banking institutions------- 3116 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co—__________________ 3140 Employees’ Compensation Bu­ Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Monongahela Railway Co— _ 3139 and days following official Federal holidays, reau New York Central Railroad by the Division of the Federal Register, the Rules and regulations: Co________________ -— 3140 National Archives, pursuant to the authority Compensation for disability and Pennsylvania Railroad Co----- 3139 contained in the Federal Register Act, ap­ death of noncitizens outside Western Allegheny Railroad proved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Co. (2 documents)-----3139,3140 amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ U. S_________________ «— . tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Delegation of authority to Chief Land Management, Bureau of mittee, approved by the President. Distribu­ of American mission for aid „..o Notices: tion is made only by the Superintendent of / to Greece________________ California; classification order. 3137 D ocum ents, Governm ent P rinting Office, Federal Communications Com­ Idaho; opening of public lands— 31X6 W ashington 25, D. C. The regulatory material appearing herein is mission National Park Service keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Proposed rule making: Rules and regulations: which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Procedure governing holding of Organization and procedure; to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as television hearings------------- 3133 ^ delegations of authority------ 3118 am ended June 19, 1947. The F ederal R egister will be furnished by Federal Power Commission Post Office Department mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Notices: Notices: per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Hearings, etc.: International mails; gift parcels vance. The charge for individual copies 3139 to Greece----------- ----------- 3138 (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the California Electric Power Co_ size of the issue. Remit check or money Chicago District Pipeline Co_ 3138 Rules and regulations: order, made payable to the Superintendent Penn-York Natural Gas Corp_ 3138 General prohibitions and re- of Documents, directly to the Government Seattle---------------------------- 3138 strictions________________ 3118 P rinting Office, W ashington 25, D. C. Texas Eastern Transmission Gift parcels: There are no restrictions on the republica­ Corp----------- ---------------- 3138 Italy------------------------------- 3119 tion of material appearing in the F ederal Proposed rule making: Netherlands_____ ________ 3119 R egister. Annual charges prescribed for Mail service; Province of Shan­ licensees_________________ 3134 tung, China--------------------- 3118 Annual reports of electric utili­ Parcel post: ties and licensees; uniform India--- -------------------------- 3119 system of account's prescribed Kwangtung Province, China- 3118 1947 SUPPLEMENT for public utilities and licens­ Okinawa and Ryukyu Islands. 3119 ees_________________ _____ 3135 Turkey--------------------------- 3119 to the Parcels for foreign countries— 3118 CODE OF FEDERAL Food and Drug Administration Proposed rule making: Railroad Retirement Board REGULATIONS Flour, bromated and enriched Rules and regulations: Certificate of award of benefits The following books are now bromated; definitions and standards of identity---------- 3135 and contributions; procedure available. for issuance and determining Book 1: Titles 1 through 7, Geological Survey liability--------------------------
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