Slica: Arctic Living Conditions

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Slica: Arctic Living Conditions TemaNord 2015:501 TemaNord 2015:501 TemaNord Ved Stranden 18 DK-1061 Copenhagen K SLiCA: Arctic living conditions Living conditions and quality of life among Inuit, Saami and SLiCA: Arctic living conditions indigenous peoples of Chukotka and the Kola Peninsula The SLiCA anthology probes into the theoretical and methodological background of the SLiCA project, the research design, the ethical principles applied and introduces examples of the wealth of information available on the livelihoods and living conditions of the Inuit, Saami and the indigenous peoples of Chukotka and the Kola Peninsula, measured with quality of life criteria they themselves chose. Furthermore the anthology provides samples of analyses – including comparative and contextual studies – that can be accomplished using SLiCA data. Examples of living conditions and topics anlysed are: ’suicidal thoughts’; impacts of oil development on living conditions and quality of life; economic stratification; objective and subjective living conditions; education; gender based differences in productive activities; impacts of societal development on men’s and women’s perceptions of their contributions to their households; factors affecting migration, identity, ethnicity, and herding rights. TemaNord 2015:501 ISBN 978-92-893-3895-0 (PRINT) ISBN 978-92-893-3897-4 (PDF) ISBN 978-92-893-3896-7 (EPUB) ISSN 0908-6692 Birger Poppel (ed.) TN2015501 omslag3.indd 1 19-02-2015 15:58:37 SLiCA: Arctic living conditions – Living conditions and quality of life among Inuit, Saami and indigenous peoples of Chukotka and the Kola Peninsula TemaNord 2015:501 SLiCA: Arctic living conditions – Living conditions and quality of life among Inuit, Saami and indigenous peoples of Chukotka and the Kola Peninsula ISBN 978-92-893-3895-0 (PRINT) ISBN 978-92-893-3897-4 (PDF) ISBN 978-92-893-3896-7 (EPUB) TemaNord 2015:501 ISSN 0908-6692 © Nordic Council of Ministers 2015 Layout: Hanne Lebech Cover photo: Birger Poppel; Jack Kruse Print: Rosendahls-Schultz Grafisk Copies: 500 Printed in Denmark This publication has been published with financial support by the Nordic Council of Ministers. However, the contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views, policies or recommendations of the Nordic Council of Ministers. Nordic co-operation Nordic co-operation is one of the world’s most extensive forms of regional collaboration, involving Den- mark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Åland. Nordic co-operation has firm traditions in politics, the economy, and culture. It plays an important role in European and international collaboration, and aims at creating a strong Nordic community in a strong Europe. Nordic co-operation seeks to safeguard Nordic and regional interests and principles in the global community. Common Nordic values help the region solidify its position as one of the world’s most innovative and competitive. Nordic Council of Ministers Ved Stranden 18 DK-1061 Copenhagen K Phone (+45) 3396 0200 Contents Foreword ........................................................................................................................................... 9 Greetings from Greenland and the Government of Greenland ............................... 9 Acknowledgements to contributors to SLiCA ................................................................... 11 Acknowledgements to contributors to the SLiCA anthology ....................................... 15 Preface ............................................................................................................................................. 17 1. Introduction to SLiCA – Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic: Inuit, Saami and the Indigenous Peoples of Chukotka and the Kola Peninsula – From Research Question to Knowledge: Why? What? How? & Some Main Results ........................................................................................................................... 23 1.1 Why SLiCA? The point of departure ................................................................. 25 1.2 Establishing the foundation for SLiCA............................................................. 28 1.3 The SLiCA objectives.............................................................................................. 31 1.4 Around the survey – SLiCA related activities in brief: developing and expanding partnerships and networks .................................................. 33 1.5 SLiCA questionnaire development ................................................................... 43 1.6 From fieldwork/interviewing to findings ...................................................... 47 1.7 Launching SLiCA findings and research results for the Inuit settlement regions: Inuit Nunaat ...................................................................... 48 1.8 The contents of the anthology ............................................................................ 51 1.9 Major SLiCA findings ............................................................................................. 54 1.10 Postscript – what next? ......................................................................................... 67 1.11 References ................................................................................................................. 69 Annexes 1–6 ........................................................................................................................... 73 1.12 Annex 1: ICC resolution on SLiCA, July 30, 1998 ......................................... 73 1.13 Annex 2: SLiCA survey regions and countries .............................................. 74 1.14 Annex 3: Regional, national and international organisations/associations representing the indigenous peoples of the Arctic ............................................................................................................... 76 1.15 Annex 4: Research institutions affiliated with the SLiCA project (since 1998)............................................................................................................... 78 1.16 Annex 5: Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic: Dissertations, Books & Peer-reviewed Articles and Book chapters 1997–2015 ......... 80 1.17 Annex 6: Extract of SAO meeting report, Thorshavn, 19–20th October 2010 ............................................................................................................ 86 2. Living Conditions in the Arctic.........................................................................................87 2.1 Abstract .......................................................................................................................87 2.2 Introduction ..............................................................................................................88 2.3 The Greenland Living Conditions Study 1994 ..............................................89 2.4 The Arctic Context ...................................................................................................90 2.5 A new set of ground rules for living conditions research in the Arctic ............................................................................................................................93 2.6 SLiCA – A Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic; Inuit, Saami and the Indigenous Peoples of Chukotka ..........................................................94 2.7 Focus on context, social change and the concepts of well-being within SLiCA ..............................................................................................................97 2.8 Focus on structural and individual change ................................................. 106 2.9 An outline of SLiCA’s research design ........................................................... 109 2.10 The perspective: Living conditions research and political planning in the Arctic .......................................................................................... 110 2.11 References ............................................................................................................... 112 3. Design and methods in a survey of living conditions in the Arctic – the SLiCA study .......................................................................................................................... 115 3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 116 3.2 Material and Methods ......................................................................................... 117 3.3 Results ...................................................................................................................... 121 3.4 Discussion ............................................................................................................... 122 3.5 Ethics......................................................................................................................... 126 3.6 Acknowledgements ............................................................................................. 127 3.7 Conflict of interest and funding ....................................................................... 127 3.8 References ............................................................................................................... 128 4. Prevalence of self-reported suicidal thoughts in SLiCA ....................................... 131 4.1 Introduction
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