Chinese Drive of India
f ■■ ' >---- PAGE TWENTY-FOUB THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1961 Average Daily Net Prese Ron For the WeHc Ended The Wehther I I — I ■.»■■■—I ■„.tf . I I I— — October 8, IMS FareeaM of U. S. Weather Bariea The League of Women Voters unit meeting on atate election Chamber Urges 13,638 Clearing tonight uot nuMh About Town laws will be held tonight at 8 at X-ray Unit in Shopping Areas NUTMEG FOREST MO. 118 change hi temperatun. Leer *g. the home of Mrs. Ehrl Gardner, Washiugtou Add Tall Cedars of Lebaden Member of Uie Audit 68. Saturday fair, eooler. Rigli hi The Rev. Paul Kaieer, pastor of 173 Spring St. IS ext Week for Public^ s Use Bureau of Ctrematlon 60b. Concordia Lutheran Church, will PO Car spaces HOBO D A N CE Manchester^A Cfiy of Fittagt Chorm Robert W. Schubert, son of Mr. conduct aervlces Sunday at 6:40 ( ______ AnMriean L«^oii Hem* a m. In the Chapel of Manchester and Mrs. Robert Schubert, 17 Sum Alt townspeople are urged by*clans of those w;hose resulta are .The Chtmber of Commerce has LEONARD ST. VOL. LXXXII, NO. 11 (TWENTY PAGES)' Memorial Hospital. mer St., recently graduated from the Connecticut Tuberculosis and suspicious will also be notified. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1961 (ClfMMed AdverUihig an rmgo li> the Coast Guard Receiving Center, prepared a brochure recommend PRICE nVE CENTS Health Association to take advan Persons who can’t make the af The Disabled American Vet Cape . May; N. J., as a seaman ap ternoon and evening sessions Oct.
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