ror Gibraltar, Naples, Villefranche and




GR. UFF. LUIGI RISSO Chief Engineer

CAY. UFF. VITTORIO Bf-Df-RACCO First Eng i near






MEAL HOURS Breakfast ------from 7:00 to 10:00 a.m. Luncheon ------from 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. Dinner ------from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. A special lunch from 12 :3 0 to 2:30 p.m. may be served on the Lido Deck if passengers wish to take it there. SEATS AT TABLE Please apply to the Maggiordomo. SERVICE IN THE GRAND CENTRAL HALL OR ON SOCIAL DECK Consomme and sandwiches are served at I I a.m. Tea at 4 p.m. Coffee after luncheon and dinner. WINES Passenge rs will find the prices in the Wine List. Typical Italian wines are indicated in a separate list, and are espe­ cially recommended. MEALS IN STATEROOMS Breakfast may be served in staterooms. BAR The Bar is open from 8 a.m. to midnight, subject to change ordered by the Captain. A price list for all drinks served is posted at the Bar and passengers are requested to get a receipt for each payment.

[3J CHILDREN'S ROOM Meals to children under I 0 years will be served in the Children's Dining Room at the following hours: Breakfast ------from 7:00 to 10:00 a.m. Luncheon------at I 1:30 a.m. Dinner------at 6:30 p.m. In the children's room there is a Puppet Theater.

BERTHING OF PASSENGERS No alteration in staterooms may be made except through the Purser. Receipt for any difference paid, in accordance with the Company's fixed tariff, will be given to passengers by the Purser, who will note on passage tickets changes in accommodations.

MEDICAL ATTENDANCE For medical and surgical attendance to passengers, Ship's Surgeons are entitled to professional fees, to be charged as per published schedule, available at Purser's Offices. Said medical and surgical attendan~e will be free of charge, if passengers are suffering from sea sickness, or are affected by infirmities or injuries deriving from statical conditions of the ship, or in any way pertaining to navigation, and also in cases of contagious diseases which are subject to de­ nunciation.

SPA The vessel is completely equipped for physioradiotherapic treatments. A special booklet containing details on these treatments and their tariffs will be distributed to passengers upon request to the Enquiry and Travel Office.

ENQUIRY AND TRAVEL OFFICE The Office is located in the Entrance Hall on A Deck, offering the following services:

( 4] INFORMATION with regard to maritime, railway, aviation and motor-car services and tourist facilities in general. Itineraries and estimates of tours. STEAMSHIP BOOKINGS on all lines and for any destination. SHORE EXCURSIONS at ports of call. RAILROAD TICKETS of the principal railway companies. SLEEPING CAR AND PULLMAN CAR accommodations reserved . AERIAL TRAVEL - Passages secured on the principal air lines. HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS reserved in advance. BABGAGE SERVICE- Forwarding of luggage in bond - Storage - Insurance. TRAVEL LITERATURE-Sale of Guide books, road maps, etc. ITALIAN TOURING CLUB- Membership to the I. T. C. secured - Publication on sale.

RETURN ACCOMMODATION For the convenience of those passengers who may be returning to the United States from Europe and have not yet made the necessary arrangements, the Enquiry and Travel Office will be pleased to radio the Home Office for any accommodation desired. This will enable passengers to complete their arrangements before leaving the steamer and will consequently save them time and trouble.

WIRELESS SERVICES The vessels belonging to the Italian Line are equipped with a powerful and up-to-date radiotelegraphic plant. Thus , the ships are at all times in communication with any part of the world through a chain of wireless stations on land. During the voyage, the vessel is in continuous touch with , Europe and the United States. Thus, the Marconigrams are transmitted, or received direct; so that a quick service and a rapid exchange of business or personal messages may be effected at any moment. The Radiotelegraphic Station is located on the Sport Deck. For the convenience of passengers no Marconigrams arriv­ ing during the night will be delivered to addressee before 7:30 a.m., unless the passenger has expressly requested the Inquiry and Travel Office to hand them at once on receipt during the_ night.

Wireless Service on Board-Three different types of mes- sages can be sent from the steamer: .. a) Marconigrams . b) Ocean Radioletters "SLT" (reduced rates). c) Marconigram-Letters "OL" (reduced rates). ' - Marconigrams-Messages of an urgent nature should be sent as "Marconigrams" and same are telegraphed right through. A Marconigram to Italy or to North America sent this way from steamer costs" less than a cable sent from shore at the ports of call.

Ocean Radioletters "SLT"-are accepted at reduced rates for the United States and Canada. The service is of the deferred type. Ocean Radioletters are sent by radio from steamer to one of the shore stations of North America which will forward them to destination by air or ordinary mail. Rates: Italian Lire 28.00 for 24 words, plus Italian Lire 1.1 I for each extra word.

( 6] Marconigram-Letters "OL"-are only accepted for Italy. The service is of the deferred type. Such messages are sent by wireless to any vessel proceeding to Italy and the receiv­ ing vessel arranges for the forwarding to the destination by ordinary mail at first port of call in Italy. Rates: Italian Lire I 0.60 for 20 words, plus Italian Lire 1.00 for each extra word.

Wireless Telephone Station-The vessel is also equipped with a complete and up-to-date radiotelephone plant (ultra powerful "Marconi"), for transmission and reception, offering . a regular service during navigation, both with Europe, the U. S. A., Canada, Mexico and Cuba. The normal range of these sets allows direct communi­ cation between the ship and North America and Europe immediately after leaving New York. Passengers are kindly requested to ask for the Special Register, and r:10te therein any suggestioAs or complaints they may wish to make in regard to the ship's Radiotele­ graphic and Radiotelephonic service. For full details and tariffs please apply to the Wireless Station on board.

MAIL _ Mail is delivered to the staterooms through the Enquiry and Travel Office. Before disembarking, passengers should personally inquire for their mail. Mail received after passengers have left the ship is for­ warded to the address furnished by them on the identifi· cation cards. /

Passengers are advised that packages shipped from points outside of Italy for consignment to them on board at the time of their westbound sailing should be addressed in the following manner:

NAME OF ADDRESSEE (and Class)------


SAl Ll NG FROM .______(_Q~~-qf-~:~ili~gl______

These packages should be addressed directly to the vessel and not to the office of the Company at the port of depar­ ture. In this way only will the package be shipped in transit, duty free.

HIGH SEAS MAIL The Enquiry and Travel Office acts as official agent. of the Italian Postal Administration and accepts registered mail. All letters mailed on the high seas in the letter boxes of the vessel, or consigned to the traveling Postal Agency, should be prepaid with Italian stamps at the Italian mail rate. The mail bag is closed a few hours previous to arrival. An exception to this rule is made for the call at Villefranche, where the Post Office does not accept foreign mail. During the steamer's stay in .the terminal ports and inter­ mediate ports of call, mail should be prepaid with stamps of the countries at which the steamer calls. Postage stamps may be obtained from the Postal Agency or from the Library Steward.

{ 8 J THE DAILY PAPER The "Corriere del Mare," contains the news of the day, broadcast by the "Radio Nazionale" and by the "Radio Corporation of America," and is distributed free daily.

DIVINE SERVICE The ship's Chaplain celebrates Holy Mass in the Chapel.

VALUABLES The Company is not responsible for loss or theft of valuables, money, etc. Same should be placed in Charge of the Purser for deposit in -his safe. In such cases valuables should be consigned under seal with the name of depositor clearly shown. No charge is made for such service and the Company accepts no liability in conne~tion therewith. Safe deposit boxes for the safe keeping of valuables may be secured free of charge upon application to the Enquiry and Travel Office. A deposit of 50 Italian liras is required, which is refunded to the passenger upon return of the de­ posit key. The deposit of valuables in the safe deposit boxes is made by the passengers themselves without any inventory or checkup by the Line, and it is therefore expressly agreed that the Line does not accep~ any responsibility for the safe custody of the valuables.

BANKING SERVICES Passengers may avail themselves of the banking services (exchange of money, letters of credit, travelers cheques, banking enquiries, etc.) at the Bank located in the Entrance Hall, the care of which is entrusted to an official of the Banca Commerciale ltaliana.

(9] A special booklet containing details of this service will be distributed to passengers upon their request. GARAGE There is a garage on board for uncrated cars belonging to passengers. Rates may be obtained at the Enquiry and Travel Office. . WARDROBE Trunks which, owing to their size, cannot be kept in the cabins, will be placed in the 1'1\rge Baggage Room to which the passengers may have access from I 0 to 12 a.m. and from 2 to 6 p.m. BAGGAGE INSURANCE As the Company's liability for baggage is strictly limited, it is strongly recommended that passengers insure their baggage as, in the event of loss or damage to the same, the Company cannot under any circumstances, accept lia­ bility beyond the amount specified on the steamer contract ticket. Baggage may be insured at the Enquiry and Travel Office, with insurance covering all risks by land or sea. DOGS AND OTHER DOMESTIC ANIMALS Pets are carried at owner's risk in suitable quarters in charge of seamen. Under no circumstances will the animals be allowed in the passenger quart~rs. LIBRARY . Passengers will find on board a well-stocked Library with the best books and magazines. The Library is open from 9 a.m. to I 0 p.m. Books can be obtained by signing for same. CONCERT The Orchestra plays in several saloons at fixed hours during the voyage. The programs are published daily.

[ 10 J. . - ;'\ MOVIES (Talkie films) There are frequent c1nema performances during the voyage. GAMES Chess and other table games may be obtained from the Grand Central Hall steward. Playing Cards may be pur­ chased from the Barman at the prices indicated on the price list. SPORTS L The vessel is equipped with a ~omplete set of sport instal­ lations including gymnasium, swimming pool. shooting gallery, d eck tennis courts and squash raquets court. A special booklet giving details on the above may be obtained upon request to the Enquiry and Travel Office. The Company accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any accident incurred, from any cause whatsoever, by passenger in using the swimming pool, gymnasium, or parti­ cipation in any kind of sport. PHOTOGRAPHIC DARK ROOM Passengers may avail themselves, at no cost, of the dark room fitted with all the necessary developing and printing equipment. Work ordered from the ship's photographer is charged for in accordance to-the -price list. STEA!\IER CHAIRS, RUGS AND CUSHIONS For the eastbound trip, the ·charge for chairs Is Lit. 20.00 per person; for rugs Lit. 20.00 per person and for cushions Lit. 7.00 each. BARBER, LADIES HAIRDRESSER AND MANICURIST The prices for barber shop and beauty parlor services are shown on a special price list. ·· -

[11] LAUNDRY A modern, fully-equipped laundry is in operation on board where passengers may have their clothes cleaned and pressed by an expert attendant. The prices are shown on a special list.

SHOPS Well equipped stores permit the purchase of general and art articles. A booklet is distributed to passengers upon request to the Enquiry and Travel Office.

CIGARS AND CIGARETTES -There is a rich assortment of Italian and foreign cigars and cigarettes which may be purchased in the Grand Cen­ tral Hall and in the Bar. DRUGS The best Italian and foreign specialties are on sale through the Cabin-Steward during the voyage. PAYMENTS Passengers should obtain a receipt from the attendants of the shops for all purchases made on board.

LIFEBELTS AND LIFEBOATS A special notice containing instructions for the use ot lifebelts and indication of places assigned to passengers in the lifeboats is posted in every stateroom. Passengers are requested to take notice of the above mentioned instruc­ tions as indicated.

PROFESSIONAL GAMBLERS Passengers are informed that professional gamblers seek· ing play for high stakes, are often reported as crossing on Atlantic steamers.

[ 12 ] CINEMA··FILMS Passengers are strictly forbidden to keep cinema films in their cabins. Such must be delivered to the Enquiry Office in order to be stored in a suitable room during the voyage.

FIRE PRECAUTIONS Passengers are respectfully reminded that the careless disposal of lighted cigars, cigarettes or pipe refuse and matches may lead to serious consequences. Throwing lighted cigarettes or cigar ends overboard may also prove dan­ gerous, and passengers are kindly requested to use the receptacles provided for this purpose in the passenger accommodations and on the decks.

COLLECTIONS Collections, charitable or otherwise are strictly forbidden . • FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONSULT THE "SHIP'S ROUTINE"


A Miss Eda Albert ------New York, N.Y. Miss Laura Albert ------New York, N.Y. Very Rev. Stephin Alencastre ______San Francisco, Cal. Mr. Harry W. Alexander -~------New York, N.Y. Mrs. Harry W. Alexander ------New York, N.Y. Mr. William 1-L Anderson ------New York, N.Y. Mrs. William H. Anderson ------New York, N.Y. Mrs. Maria Elsa Asiel ------New York, N.Y. Mrs. William Atwater ------New York, N.Y. lng. Giuseppe Atzori ------New York, N.Y.

B Mr. Bion H. Barnett ------New Orleans, La. Mr. V. N. Bashkiroff ------New York, N.Y. Miss Jean Ba xter ------New York, N.Y. Mr. William R. Beatty ------Los Angeles, Cal. Prof. Adolfo Betti ------Milan, Italy Mr. Paul T. Bollinger ------Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Paul T. Bollinger ------Detroit, Mich. Miss Evangeline Bollinger ------Detroit, Mich. Mr. Alexa nder Bona ------Havana, Cuba Mr. Vicente Bori ------Valencia, Spain Mr. Augusto Bozzalla ------Sydney, Australia Mr. Martin Brack ------New York, N.Y. Miss Grace B. Brennen ------New York, N.Y. Mr. H. S. Budgell ------Boston, Mass. Mrs. H. S. Budge!! ------Boston, Mass. Miss Margaret S. Bullock ------Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. Vincent Buonacolto ------New York, N.Y. Miss Josephine R. Buonacolto ------New York, N.Y. Mrs. Anna F. Burns ------Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. John Burns ------Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. Nelson Burr ------New York, N.Y.

[UJ /


Miss Ernesta Vipiana Buttini ------Milan, Italy Mr. Paul M. Byk ______New York, N.Y. Mrs. Paul M. Byk ------New York, N.Y. Miss Marianne Byk ------New York, N.Y. Miss Georgette Byk ------New York, N.Y. c Miss Grace Louise Carney ______Minneapolis, Minn. Mr. Mitchell B. Carroll ------New York, N.Y. Mrs. Mitchell B. Carroll ------New York, N.Y. Mr. Gino Cavallero ------New York, N.Y. Mrs. Gino Cavallero ------New York, N.Y. Master Gino Cavallero ------New York, N.Y. Miss Naomi Cavallero ------New York, N.Y. Mr. Georg~ G. Chandler ------Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. George G. Chandler __: ______Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Henry W. Chappell ------New York, N.Y. and Maid ------New York, N. Y. Mrs. Elisabeth F. Clark ------New York, N.Y. · Mr. G. Roy Cl ark ------Minneapolis, Minn. J Mrs. G. Roy Clark ------Minneapolis, Minn. , and Valet ------Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. Thomas J. Cochrane, Jr. ------New York, N.Y. Miss Rose Coh en ------New York, N.Y. Miss Alice Page Converse ------New York, N.Y. Mrs. Omer Crame r ------Glen Rock, N.J. Mr. James Crowley, Jr. ------New York, N.Y. Mrs. C. K. Cummings ------Boston, Mass. Miss Evelyn Cummings ------Boston, Mass. Miss Margaret Cummings ------Boston, Mass.

D Mr. J. Frank Daniel ------Berkeley, Cal. Mrs. J. Frank Daniel ------Berkeley, Cal.


\ \

Miss Catherine Daniel ------Berkeley, Cal. Mr. Norman Darcy ------New York, N.Y. Miss Col ette D'Arville ------New York, N.Y. and Maid ------New York, N. Y. Mr. David Dasso ------New York, N.Y. Mrs. David Dasso ------New York, N.Y. Miss Doris Dasso ------New York, N.Y. Madre Gen. Antonietta Della Casa ____ New York, N.Y. Mr. Vale ntin e Diaz ------Mexico Mr. Ar na ldo Di Silvestro ------Philadelphia, Pa. Vi comtesse d'Osmoy ------Provid ence , R. I. Mr. John Doty ------New York, N.Y. Mr. Harry C. Drum ------Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. Harry C. Drum ------Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. Al exander D. Duff ------New York, N.Y. Mrs. Al exander D. Duff ------New York, N.Y. Miss Helen Duncan ------New Orleans, La. Mr. Reginald E. Dunne ------New York, N.Y. and Val et ------New York, N.Y. Miss Ru th Dun ning ------New York, N. Y. I E Mr. Hubert Eaton ------Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. Hubert Eaton ------Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. Walter D. Ebinger ------Brooklyn , N.Y. Mrs. Walter D. Ebinger ------Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. Frank J. Ega n ------New York, N.Y. Mr. Ul ric H. El lerhuse n ------New York, N. Y. Mrs. Ulric H. El lerh use n ------New York, N.Y. Miss Celestin e M. Elliot ______Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. Fra'nces P. Elliot ______San Francisco, Cal.

F Mrs. Ada de Ferrari New York, N.Y.

(17} 7

PASSENGERS ON BOARD / I Monsignor Giusepp_e fietta -~~---- Port-au-Prince, Haiti Mr. De Soto Fitzgerald ------Richmond, Va. Mrs. De Soto Fitzgerald ------Richmond, Va. Mr. Edward L. Flanigan ------Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Edward L. Flanigan ------Baltimore, Md. Miss Mary Eleanor Flanigan ------Baltimore, Md. Miss Virginia Foulds ------Berkeley, Cal. Mr. Norman J. Fox ------La Porte, Ind. Mrs. Norman J. Fox ------La Porte, Ind. Miss Joan C. Fox ------La Porte, Ind. and Nurse ------La Porte, Ind. Miss Lora Vivian Fran

G Mr. John W. Garrett ------Baltimore, Md. Mrs. John W. Garrett ------Baltimore, Md. and Maid ------Baltimore, Md. Miss Giuseppina Gia comasso ------Havana, Cuba Mr. Louis W. Gensberg ------Chicago, Ill. Mrs. Louis W. Gensberg ------Chicago, Ill. Mr. Wilber C. Goodale ------Flushing, L. I. Mrs. Wilber C. Goodale ------Flushing, L.l. Miss A. V. Graves ------New York, N.Y. Miss Mary Ann Greene ------Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. E. Gruenewald ------Lafayette, Ind. Mrs. E. Gruenewald ------Lafayette, Ind. H Mr. Clarence E. Hall Philadelphia , Pa.


Mrs.· Clarence E. Hall ------~----- Philadelphia, Pa. Miss Janet Hall ------Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Gordon Hall ------Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. E. J. Higgins ------New York, N.Y. Miss Blanche Higgins ------New York, N.Y. Mr. Edwin A. Hochstader ______New York, N.Y. Mr. Sidney Hollander ------Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Sidney Hollander ------Baltimore, Md. Mr. Maxwell Hoffmann ------New York, N.Y. Mr. D. Reah Houser ------New York , N.Y. Mrs. D. Reah Houser ------New York, N.Y. Mr. W. Davis Hubbard ------Great Neck, L. I. Miss Mary Huntington ------Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. G. H. Huntting ------Fresno, Cal. Mrs. G. H. Huntting ------Fresno, Cal.

Mr. Tawfik Ismail ------New York, N.Y.

J Mr. Frank Januszewski ------Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Frank Januszewski ------Detroit, Mich. Miss N. R. Johansen ------Boston, Mass. Mr. Joseph Judge ------New York, N.Y. K Mr. Harry C. Kahn ------Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Harry C. Kahn ------Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Rudolf Kauders ______San Salvador, Guatemala Mrs. Rudolf Kauders ______San Salvador, Guatemala Mrs. Anna H. Kater ------New York, N.Y. Mrs. Hilde B. Kay ------New York, N.Y. Mr. George Keeley ------Cleveland, Ohio Mr. Sam Koven ------New York, N.Y. Miss E. Krakauer ------New York, N.Y.


L Prof. Alphonse I. Lipetz ------Albany, N.Y. Mrs. Alphonse I. Lipetz, M.D. ______Albany, N.Y. Mr. Herman Lissner ------New York, N.Y. Mrs. Herman Lissner ------New York, N.Y. Mr. Ernest 0. Lophrop ------New York, N.Y.

Me Miss Benedicta McCann ------New York, N.Y. Mrs. Edward McCready ------San Francisco, Cal. Miss Alice McGuinness ------New York, N.Y. Mr. F. McLoone ------New York, N.Y. Mr. Robert A. McMenimen ------New York, N.Y.

M Mr. Grover A. Magnin ------San Francisco, Cal. Mrs. Grover A. Magnin ------San Francisco, Cal. Comm. Luigi Maino ------Genoa, Italy Mr. F. J. Mann ------Toronto, Can. Mrs. F. J. Mann ------Toronto, Can. Mr. Jose Marimon ------Madrid, Spain Gr. Uff. Giovanni Martinelli ______New York and Milan Mr. Charles Mathieu ------New York and Milan Mrs. Charles Mathieu ------New York and Milan Miss Madeleine Mathieu ------New York and Milan Mr. Eugenio Meier ------Basle, Switzerland Madre Luigina Michelini ------New York, N.Y. Mr. George A. Millard ------New York, N.Y. Mrs. George A. Millard ------New York, N.Y. Mrs. Paul H. Miller ------Baltimore, Md. Cav. Felice Missaglia ------Milan, Italy Mr. F. H. Moore, Jr. ------Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. F. G. Moreley ------Detroit, Mich.


Mrs. F. G. Moreley ------Detroit, Mich. Mrs. A. S. Morris ------Detroit, Mich. Miss Josefina Murature ______Buenos Aires, Argentina Miss Maria Rosa Murature ____ Buenos Aires, Argentina Miss Dolores Murature ______Buenos Aires, Argentina Mr. Francisco Murature, Jr. ___ Buenos Aires, Argentina Mr. Jose Luis Murature ______Buenos Aires, Argentina

N Mr. Ignacio Garcia Norena ______New York, N.Y. Mrs. Ign acio Garcia Norena ______New York, N.Y. ~Aaster Ignacio Garcia Norena ______New York, N.Y. Miss lina Novelli ------New York, N.Y. p

Mrs. Edward Page ------San Francisc~, Cal. Madre Maria Pastorelli ------New York, N.Y. Comm. Cesare Pavesio ------Milan, Italy Mrs. Cesare Pavesio ------Milan, Italy Miss Pavesio ------Milan, Italy Col. F. J. Pa xo n ------New Orleans, La. Mrs. F. J. Pa xo n ------New Orleans, La. Mrs. Brock Pemberton ------New York, N.Y. Mr. A. W. Phelps ------New York, N.Y. Mrs. A. W. Phelps ------New York, N.Y. Miss Doris Phelps ------New York, N.Y. Miss Patricia Phelps ------New York, N. Y. Miss Claire Phelps ------New York, N.Y. Miss Amy Phelps ------New York, N.Y. and Maid ______·__ New York, N.Y. Mr. Robert Low Pierrepont ------New York, N.Y. Mrs. Robert Low Pierrepont ------New York, N.Y. and Maid ------New York, N.Y. Mrs. William Lee Pinney ------Philadelphia, Pa.


Mrs. Ridi Prager ------New York, N. Y. Mrs. E. H. Price ------San Antonio, Texas Master Hum phrey Pri ce , Jr. ______San Antonio, Texas Mi ss Sarali e Price ------San Antonio, Texas Hon. Alfredo de Prospero ------Yokohama, Mr. John A. Prosse r ------New York, N. Y.

Q Miss Romay ne Quay ------New York, N. Y.

R Mrs. Ch arl es Rand ------New York, N.Y. Mr. A. G. Re ed ------New York, N.Y. Miss Madelei ne Renard ------Providence, R.I. Mr. Herbert W. Rice ------Providence, R.I. Mrs. Herbert W. Rice ------Providence, R.I. Miss Ma rgaret Robe rts ------Philadelphia , Pa. Mr. W. Frank Roberts ------Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Herbert Robinson ------New York, N. Y. Mr. Samue l C. Rowlands ------Baltimore, Md. Capt. Ang elo Ruspini ------Great Neck, L. I. Mrs. Angelo Ru spini -- ~------Great Neck, L. I. Mrs. Benj amin Ru sse ll ------Ne-w Orleans, La. Mi ss Elizabeth Ru ssell ------New Orleans, La. s Mr. Estaban Salvado ------Manila, P.l. Mrs. Estaban Salvado ------Manila, P. I. Mr. Irving Schm elzel ------New York, N.Y. Mrs. Irving Schmelzel ------New York, N.Y. Mrs. Willi am H. Sh elm erdine ------Philadelphia , Pa. Mr. Woolsey A. Shepard ------New York, N.Y. Mrs. Woolsey A. Sh epard ------New York, N.Y.


Mr. J. Simon ------New York, N.Y. Mons. Aristeo Simoni ------New York, N.Y. Mr. Hiram B. Simonson ------New York, N. Y. Mr. Edwin Crown Slater ______Greenwich, Conn. Mrs. Ed wi n Crown Slater ------Greenwich, Conn. Master Douglas Smith Slater ______Greenwich, Conn. Mr. Percey F. Smith ------New York, N.Y. Mrs. Percey F. Smith ------New York, N.Y. Mr. Le Roy Soher ------New York, N.Y. and Valet ------New York, N.Y. Mrs. Maurice Speiser ------Philadelphia, Pa. Capt. Geo. W. Steele ------Pasadena, Cal. Mrs. Geo. W. Steele ------Pasadena, Cal. Mr. H. G. Steele ------Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. H. G. Steele ------Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. Louis Steinan ------New York, N.Y. Mrs. Frances Rice Stewart ------Providence, R.I. Maestro Giuseppe Sturani ______New York and Milan Mrs. Giuseppe Sturani ------New York and Milan and Maid ------New York and Milan Mr. Florentino Suarez ------Havana, Cuba Mrs. Hans Suhling ------Lynchburg, Va. Mr. Elbert Sutcliffe ------Louisville , Ky. Mrs. Elbert Sutcliffe ------Louisville, Ky. Master Elbert Gary Sutcliffe ------Louisville, Ky. and Governess -----~--~-~------Louisville, Ky. Dr. Floyd Swift ------Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. Floyd Swift ------Los Angeles, Cal.

T Mr. Elmer Z. Taylor ------New York, N.Y. Mrs. Elmer Z. Taylor ------New York, N.Y. Mr. Osvald C. Thogersen ------Omaha, Neb. Mrs. Osvald C: Thogersen ------Omaha, Neb. Mr. Evan. 0 . Thomas ------Geneva, Ill.


'I Mrs. Evan 0. Thomas ------Geneva, Ill. Miss Mary Thomas ------New Orleans, La. Mrs. Edwin S. Townsend ------New York, N.Y. Mr. Mark Tyson ------Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Mark Tyson ------Philadelphia, Pa. Master Michael Tyson ------Philadelphia, Pa. Miss Rosemay Tyson ------Philadelphia, Pa. v Dr. William R. Valentiner ------Detroit, Mich. Mr. F. H. Vander Heyden ------Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. F. H. Vander Heyden ------Los Angeles, Cal. lng. Guido Vanzetti ------Milan, Italy Mrs. Guido Vanzetti ------Milan, Italy Mr. Joseph Vegalaca ------Boston and Madrid Mrs. Bertha R. Venanzi ------New York, N.Y. w Mr. R. A. Weaver ------Cleveland, Ohio Mrs. R. A. Weaver------Cleveland, Ohio Mr. R. A. Weaver ------Cleveland, Ohio Mr. H. B. Webber ------Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. H. B. Webber ------Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. Morris Wenger ------Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. John R. Wildman ------New York, N.Y. Mrs. John R. Wildman ------New York, N.Y. Mrs. Charles A. Willard ------New York, N.Y. Mrs. Frank H. Winants ------Baltimore, Md. Miss Dorothy Winants ------Baltimore, Md. y Mrs. Franklin B. Yates ------New York, N.Y. Miss M·argaret Hall Yates ------New York, N.Y. Miss Elizabeth Hall Yates ------New York, N.Y.


z Baron G. Zezza ------Naples, Italy Miss Adela Zuberbuhler ______Buenos Aires, Argentina Miss Cl ara Zuberbuhler ______Buenos Aires, Argentina

[ 25 ] I MEMORANDA MEMORANDA Distances Between Ports of Call

Miles From New York Pier to - Ambrose Channel Lightship______24

From Ambrose Channel Lightship ~ to Gibraltar ______3286 ~

From Gibraltar to Naples ______985 From Naples to Yillefranche______356

From Villefranche to Genoa______85 Yl, ~,

[ 28 J World Wide Passenger Services OF THE IT ALlAN LINE "ltalia" "Cosulich" "Lloyd Triestlno"

NORTH AMERICA SERVICE ______From New York Azores - Lisbon - Gibroltor - Algiers - C~~nnes - Villefronche Genoo - Naples - P11lermo - Potros - Grovoso - Venice - Mediterroneor\ ond West Indies. Cru.ises SHIPS: REX - CONTE Dl SAVOIA - ROMA - AUGUSTUS SATURNIA- VULCANIA SOUTH AMERICA SERVICE _____ From Genoa and Trieste Villefronche - Noples - Borcelono - Algiers - Gibrolter Las Polmos - Pernombuco - Bohia - Rio de Joneiro - Sontos Rio Grande - Montevideo - Buenos Aires SHIPS: CONTE BIANCAMANO- CONTE GRANDE- AUGUSTUS OCEANIA - NEPTUNIA - PRINCIPESSA GIOVANNA BELVEDERE - PRINCIPESSA MARIA SOUTH AFRICA EXPRESS SERVICE ______From Genoa (Monthly) Morseilles- Gibraltar- Dokor- Copetown - Durbon (Port Notol) East London - Port Elizobeth SHIPS: DUILIO - GIULIO CESARE CENTRAL AMERICA- PACIFIC SERVICE ____ From Genoa {Monthly) . Marseilles - Borcefona - Funchal ond/or Teneriffe - Trinidod Lo Guayro - Port Columbio - Cristobol - Le Libertod - Collao Mollendo- Arico- lquique- Tocopillo- Antofegosto- Volporoiso SHIPS: VIRGILIO - ORAZIO AUSTRALIAN SERVICE_, ______From Genoa (Monthly) Leghorn - Noples - Messina - Port Soid - Suez - Colombo Fremontle - Adelaide - Melbourne - Sydney - Brisbone ' SHIPS: VIMINALE - REMO - R~MOLO - ESQUILINO AMAZON SERVICE ______From Trieste (Monthly) Noples - Genoo - Borcelono - Lisbon - Modeiro - Los Polmos Fortolezo ( Ceoro) - Belem {Poro) SHIPS: AMAZZONIA - URANIA

[ 29 } Orient Services INDIA EXPRESS ______From Genoa and Trieste (Monthly) Genoa • Naples • Port Seid • Aden • Bombey . SHIP: VICTORIA EGYPTIAN EXPRESS ____ From Genoa and Trieste (Weekly) Ganoe • Neples • Alexendria Trieste • Venice • Brindisi • Alexendria SHIPS: ESPERIA • AUS()NIA • GANGE • CALITEA INDIA- FAR EAST EXPRESS ______From Genoa and Trieste (Monthly} Trieste • Venice • Brindisi • Port Seid • !!ombey • Colombo Singepore - Hongkong • Shenghai SHIPS: CONTE VERDE - CONTE ROSSO - GANGE ISTANBUL EXPRESS ______From Trieste (Weekly) Trieste - Venic.- • Brindisi - Pireeus - lstenbul SHIPS: TEVERE • VIENNA • HELOUAN • ADRIA • GANGE PALESTINE EXPRESS ______From Trieste (Weekly) Trieste - Brindisi - Lerneca • Jaffa • Haifa • Beirut SHIPS: PILSNA - GERUSALEMME

ADRIATIC MEDITERRANEAN REVERSIBLE CRUISES From 12 to 22 days. Tickets good for -4 months. Unlimited stop­ overs ot all p.orts enroute. Frequent lnterport Sailings oil the way. Optional Shore Excursions to Egypt ond the Nile, Jerusalem ond ,the Holy Land, Syrio, Turkey, ,- Dolmotion Coast ond the Riviera. INDEPENDENT AND ESCORTED ROUND THE WORLD TOURS A life-time opportunity to review o unique porode of notions in 60 to 730 days. 972 Itineraries to choose from, including East ond South Africo. Unlimited stop-overs ot oil ports of call within 2 years. Optional Shore Excursions.

Weekly connections to ond from New York with oil ITALIAN LINE STEAMERS Cruise theM edite,rfanean Sea!

THE perfect odventure • .. o cruise to the MediterrMeon ond the surrounding picturesque londs of romonce ·when they are ot their. best. The sun pours down in o golden coscode on tho·t fortunate part of the world. 'At night, o bright moon in o deer · sky enhances the poetry of storied scenes. Toke your choice of these ltalion Line cruises the selection is probably a queston of suitable soiling dote ••. for the ships ore all · part of 'the ·Ro yol Fomily of t he Seven Se11s •.. ships built for' lif~ in th~ sun. No m11tter which one you choose your lt11lia n Liner will - convey you with 'effortless pleosure down the p11th 9f the sun to m11gic l11nds that rise from the sea. . .

Cruise the Mediterraneon on luxurious liners ... visit brilliant gardens ..• noisy b11Z11ars • .. glorious temples ••• cosmopoliton resorts ... the puzzling Sphinx ... imperishable Jerusalem. Return· by the s11 ,;;e ship or;· by -ovoi+i ng yourself of the unique stop-over privilege yoy m11y stoy over .• • 3 months from the port of seco nd call • . . to return by any of the vessels of the Italian Line inclucling the _-superliners REX ond Conte di SAVOIA .

. 54. Days --- 14,231 Miles • S.S.- ROMA Leave June ·29th ______, ______:_ __::_ __ ~R&turn August 22nd

36 Days --- 11,705 Miles - S.S. Conte ~RANDE Leove July 17tli ___ :_ ____ :______~ ___ Return Augu~t 22nd PRINCIPAL ITALIAN LINE BOOKI~~G OFFICES AND AGENCIES • American Offices NEW YORK ------Pal azzo d' ltalia, 624 Fift h Avenue CHICAGO ------333 N. Michigan Avenue BOSTON ------86-92 Arlington Street PH I LA DELPHIA ------160 I Wolnut Street CLEVELAND ------944 Arcade, Union Trust Building SAN FRANCISCO ------386 Post Street NEW ORLEANS ------1806 American Bank Building MONTREAL ------1133. Beaver Hall Hill TORONTO -- -~ ------159 Bay Street

Offices Abroad GENOA ------Piazza De Ferrari (Head Office) NAPLES ------Piazza Giovanni Bovio, 22 FLORENCE ------Via Speziali, 2 TURIN ------Piazza Castello, a ng . Via Ba rboroux, 2 MILAN ------Via S. Margherito, II PALERMO ------Piazza Marina, 88 ROME ------Via del Tritone, 75 VENICE ------Calle XXII Morzo, 2031 PARIS ------49 Avenue de !'Opera MARSEILLES ------38 Rue de lo Republique NICE ------10 Avenue de Ia Victoire CANNES ------Building du Casino BERLIN ------Unter den Linden, 47 BUDAPEST ------· Thokoly utzal 2 S. MARGHERITA LIGURE ------Largo Via Romo VIENNA ------Kii.rntnerring, 6 RAPALLO ------Corso Regina Elena, II MADRID ------Calle Alcol6, 45 BARCELONA ------Rombla Santo M6nico, 31 y 33 MALTA ------2, Victoria Sq . LON DON ------Hoymorket, 32 Gl BRAL TAR ------140, Main Street ALEXANDRIA (Egypt) ------30 Rue Cherif Pacho CAl RO (Egypt) ------4 Shari a Kamel ALGIERS ------Boul. Cornot, 19 MADEIRA ------Jooo de Freitas-Mortins MONTE CARLO ___ Anglo-American Agency, Pork Palace Terrasse MESSINA ------Vio Garibaldi, Palazzo Giannetto PI RAE US ------Vio Filonos HAIFA ------Business Center PORT SAID ------Quai Sulton-Hussein RHODES ------Compagnia Commerciale Italiano per I'Egeo ISTANBUL ------Quois Galato Merkez-Rihtin Han 11s. I c .I I 21 I DESIGNED F O R THE IT A LIAN LINE BY VSEVOLODE NI CO ULINE

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