1. Contained Wholly Witbin the USSR, It Used to Form Part of the Boundary Between Finland and USSR
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1. Contained wholly witbin the USSR, it used to form part of the boundary between Finland and USSR. It i~ the largest lake in Europe. What?/L. Ladoge 2. Which of the following events occurred first: the signing of the Warsaw r '\, Pact, the establishment ' of the Common Market, the partition of Vietnam I according to the Geneva settlement?/partition (1954)--Warsaw(1~55)--(~957) 3. Vii th vvhat pro foot ball te am did the follovling Hall of Famers all play: GeDrge M~cAfee, Link Lyman, Daniel J~ Fortmann, ~nd Branko N~gurski?!Bears 4. His secretary of state was John Forsyth; his sec. of treasury. was Levi Woodbury; his sec. of war was Joel Poinsett. During his term Wi'lliam R. King was presddent pro tempore of the Seriate, James K. Polk was Speak~r of the House •. Polk would later he the next man of this president I s party to go to the White Hbus~.For ten points, what presi~ent?/ Van Buren · . 5. ' We all know that John Adams and John Quincy Adams ran for presddent; what is lesser known is th~t Charles Frapcia Adams, JQrs son, ran for vice- president in 1848. Who was his running mate?/Van Buren . 6. Carl Nielsen and Frederick Kuhlau were two of the greatest composers . of the eighteanthan~ nineteenth ce~turies. From what country did they hail? / Denmrak . 7. For a quick ten points, in what European city . will you find the Tivoli Gardens?/ Copenhagen . 8. "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg" was perhaps the'· only opera commissioned for the cinema. It starred Cathe rine beneuve. Who wrote th.e music? /H. Legrand 911 This Italian filmmaker directed such classics as "Stromboli", "The Rise of Louis XIV, "Il .Generale delle Rovere", and "0p~n City".Who?/Rosselini . 10.Apol16 XI landed Armstrong and.Aldrin in . the Sea of Tranqaility. Apollo ' " XII landed two men in the Sea of Storms. Name ei-ther astronaut./ Alan Bearl, \ Charles Conrad .' . ...M. ~ 1. In 1850 this German formulated the second law of thermodynamic G, 1. s. , ~ ' ) the concept of entropy. Whp? / Clau~ius (J 12. Ix: what Eugene 0 I ~eill . p;Lay is a macho Bailor' crushed to death bj' (j.. ,~ gorllla? / liThe Halry Ape" . 13. Ezra Taft B~nson; Orvil Freeman; Earl Butz; and John Blotk. What c~~inet post has been held by these four fe:Llows?/ Secretary of Agriculture ' 14. In an attempt ~o combat the German' Hanseatic LEa&ue, Denmark, Norway, an e.;. Sweden were united in 1397 by a Danish queen. Who?/ Queen Margrethe 15. On Oct. 15, 1978, the House passed a compromise version of a bill whicj had earlier cleared the Senate. It set as a national priciity the reduction of the unemployemtn rate to 4 % by 1983. What was this bill called?/ Humphrey-Hawkins full employment bill 1 G. Among this Chicago wri~:rl s books of oral history are IIDivision Street USA", 111lJorking" , and II \\.,J1;.>"'~ .£' 11. Who is he? / Studs Terkel . 17. For a quick ten points, how often does something occur that is hebdomadaJ / weekl~, . or every seven times 18. Within one-half, how many . light-years equal one parsec?/ 3.26 19/ Which US Amendmlil.ut prohibits a citizen of one state from suing another state? / Eleventh 20. In this 'year Ohio became the 17th state; John Iv1arshall wrote the famous IIt1arbury v~ Madisonll ruling; Lewis and Clark set out. What year? / 1803 o 'y ",. '~r;:. ';' · t BONUSES : ~f; ; f:: ~ ::: 1,.. .~. In what country would you find the following famous cities: : ~ ( .''') a • .Timbuktu (t1ali) b/tht-Iandalllay. (Bu~ma) rl • Ct~ Hecca (Saudi. Arabia) ~~:_~~':':" e:.. Give the ?urrent name of e fo oWlng ren~~ . cl les: ;. (S~~1~~~~~~5Z (Karl-Marx-Stadt) b. Hama a,~batan~) c. Volgograd ' ~.~,'._." ~'" 3. What city is known as: ~ / a. City of Dreadtul Night (Calcutta) ~. City of Kihgs · (Lima) I c. City of Salt (Salzburg) d. City of Joy (Burmarest) b; . 4• Name the following forts~ . .: .... t.. , ~ ; t~ . a. fort. at Lake George near Lake Champlain, Wft>E!!l?B Etha!). Allen \111M) ( captured in 1775 (Fort Ticonderoga) . ;- 't. fort whose bombc:rdinent moved F.S. Key to write "Star Spangled Banner" J. (Fort HcHenry) : f:· c. fort in Tennesse captured by General Grant, giving Uilion fiBst major ~ ~ victory in Civil War (Fort Donelson) :: 5. What cities 'have the following queenlynicknames: ~ ' . a. Queen of the Danube (Budapest) b.Queen of the t-Hssissippi (St.Louis ; ~:; · c. Queen City of Canada (Tornnto) d. QUeen City of the Sbuth(Sydney) :f.:> 6. Identify the auhhor from his works, 30-20-10 • . a. Something Happened b. Good as Gold c. Catch-22 (Joe Heller) :;2 7. Idehtify the composer, 30-20-10. .~ '. a. Alpine Symphony b.Sihfoliia Domest~cac.Ein Heldenleben (R. straussjf, 8~ Identify the year, 30-20-10. ' ~ ' a. Trotsky was expelled from the Communist party • . ! ! ~ .. b. Sacco. and Va'nzetti were executed. ~. : c. Lindbergh flew across the At lantic alone. ( 1 927) < 9~ ive the capIhtals o.f the following Mex~can states: f CJ a. Nuevo Leon (l-10nterrey) b. Chlhuahua (Chlhuahua) t,· . c. Jalisco (Guadalajara) d. Durango (Durango) e~ Oaxaca (Oaxaca) I 10.Traveling east, ' list the following Roman provinces or regions existing . t~ during the Roman empire as youwould com~ upon them : ~ . Cappadocia; Illyricum, Lusitania, P~rthia (Lusitania, Illricum, I. Cappadocia, Parthia) 'l 11. Traveling west, . do ap in (10) again: Thrace, Dalmatia, Bithynia,Aquitania . 1 (Bithynia , Thrace, Dalmatia, Aquitania) . 12. Give the year, . wi thiU one, . when the following p'airs died: a. DeGau·lle , and Nasser . (1 970) b. Prokofiev and Stalin (1953) . :. c. Eisenh00er and Ho Chi Minh (1969) 13. Supreme Court justices: . a. name either appointed by LBJ (Fortas, Marshall) b. only one appt. by ' Ford (JP ste~ens) c. ahy oheappt. by Carter (none) 14. Give the team name of the following teams ' in the Canadian football league: : ~;' a~ Edmonton (Eskimos) b. Saskatchewan (Roughri6ers) . c. British Columbia (Lions) d. Ottawa (Rough Riders) e. CalgarY(Starnpeders) ~ f. Winnipeg (Blue Bombers) - . I 15. The first six states admitted to the Union were Georgia, Delaware, New" Jersey, Pennsylvania,Massachasetts, and Connecticut. Put them in order. (Del, Pa, NJ,Ga, ct, Mass) 16. The next four to be admitted after the origin!l 13 were Ohio, Tennessee, Vermont, and Kentucky, Put them in ordEr. (Ver,Ken, Te~n, Ohio) o Name the year, 30-20-10. ~: ~::ft-1:;~lHf~~;!~~;"V~;'~;"_:: J~:"'~:'f: at· ·_ i' .~ ". ;,. , J .. .,., /." r: .- ,., . -",".~_ .:.: " ..J, .. /:,. )jJt.., .<~ ..,.i':'- i t! I,.(~ t ..-, .. ·! .",. ;( . ~ ,.~. A '3. ..., . ..... ../< ... ....... '0 "·n ·y,, k. .V .... 7. ;~.~ _ .." ,. ( ";'\" ," " ,)" . ' . .:r.. \. 1<", ; .'. l '. , TOSS-UPS 1. This amendment restricts the courts from imposing excessive bails or cruel and unusual purtishment. Which? (Eighth) 2. It is bordered by India, Burma, and the Bay of Bengal; its major ( \ ,) lcities: ar.e Dacca, :' Chittagong, _'and Khulna • . Name. this country wh,ihh .became . an ,.independent... natiQrl· lin; Janur.ay 1972., . .; (Banglaciesh) • . ··/3. O£ Flannery ,.0' C... onnor ' ..Le .n. 0' C"onr::o~' ~ . Do~~~d O·'.,C onnor, .arid Ed w.in V O'Connor, ' wh..ic-.h: wne wrote. .the; aC~~{:I.:;t.(lle.d. {lpY$'J;·.. l'.q:'he. Last · Hurrah" , . about a big-:city b0ss? . ....... (Edwin) ,: , . · ~:· 4. ·· o.f , F~anM:rjO'Connor, : Len ~ D',C " bnnor, Donald O'Coonor; ;andEdw:(n . //~ . :o.'.corinor;. 'whi:ch one;.. ': wrote·~IC . lout", a true stDIlY [·of. a big-~ity boss, '/ . Richard J. Daley.? ... :J: ... ..!-; [ . .l., .. ( 'J " . • (Len) , :" . ' ;.~ .. ;5.-::' Curr.ently the: may.oro&: -·At·lanta, . .h.e_ s-erv.. ed as' a. ' Democ.rat;ic· re..pre- . ,' . ,,- s.ent.ati ve. fromGe" orgia~ in the: ..1 970 's ;:'be fore . ~~rvihg :. irs U.• .3.·.. ·. ambassador { . ·"t.o· .the 1) nited Nations 0lnd~r,.:Pre~ident· Car.t:er. ,Who? . (Andrew young) > 6~ ' The':chemical elements .' praeeodymium,-.: samarium , :y·t .terb.. ium, ~ and pro- t, '. methiumC!ll belong to.'··what<su..bcrlassification. ofJthe. peri.Qdic table? .( tlanthanides, or Mi rare;'·e .. arth .. 'metals) '.',:. i '. 7. When the Saracens conquered' Egypt, the supply of writing materials .. was severely limited, thus resulting in the practice of writing over . /1 previously used manuscripts. What is the term for an anci~n£ parch- mentwritten upon twice? . (palimpse~t) .8. His novel. "The Ides of March" is presen'ted as a, series of documents leading ' up 'to the assassination of Julius Caesar. Who was this American author, better known as a playwright? (Thornton Wilder) 9. This war officially ended with the Treaty of Portsmouth ,N. E., on Septmeber 5, 1905; the m~n who put together hhe terms or peace was to win a Nobel Prize for his . efforts. What war? (Russo-Japanese) 10.This expressionist pajnter and playwright was born in Austria in .. -...., . 1886, served as president of the Dresden Academy in 1919-24, fled to (~) London in 1938, rind eventually settled in Switzerland. Among his plays are 11 Sphinx and Strawman" and "Murderer, the Hope of Woman". Who? (Osk~r Kokoschka) . 11. Born in Rpscommon, Ireland, in 1&86, he came to the United states in 1904 and was ordained a priest ~n 13i 1912. Two films have been made about his life, especially his founding of Boys' Town in Nebraska. Who? (Edward Flana gan) 12.Born in Shanghai in 1898, she was educated at Wellesley College in the USA. Devoting her time to social seyvice work, she was appointed to the Child Labor Commission and was married in 1927. A spokesperson for the Nationalitt government, she was the aubhor of ItWe Chinese Women" and "Little Sister Su" • Who? (Madame Chiang Kai-skek) 13.This FrBnch philosopher and mathematician of the eighteenth century was a co-founder with Diderot of the Encyclopedia.