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QUOTA DATE :~~I Washingto No. 17 WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE, PUllMAN, WASHINGTON, Wednesday, February 7, 1945 VOL. 1I. ·1~ -ij Summer Session ' AWS WR YWCA IAppointments Made iNOTEDAUmOR MARCH 13 u . (ommen(es June 11 " On (oUege Paper i QUOTA DATE :~~i~:~:~~n~~,.~~~£~1Councils List: erninees FinalapPo~n~~~~if~,lt~!~~!1TOVISIT WSC KDs Lead Bandage Roll- Almost all the departments will --- I ergreen editorial staff were made I Dr. Paul Hutchinson, Au- be open with a number of nation- NOISE RALLY Nominating councils of WRA, BRIT:T TRIO I this week by the editor, Beverly thor of "From Victory ing, 107Y2 Hours; Chi ally known instructors on the AAWS and YWCA recently met Gregory and Managing Editors T P "T S I Omega Second, 106 ~ teaching staff. to name nominations for offices to I Luann Travis, Beth Pilkey and 0 eace, 0 pea < Hours. Many students in the past have be voted on February 20. Girls June Johnston At Can Thursday , I ;~~~~esa~v:~t~~~r~ior:h~eSr~m~~~ H.ELD: FRIDAY ~~:~t~~di~: ~~;~. i~t~~:t~~r~~~ 'HERE FEB Ne~~C~d~t~~~;,,~l;~~~~g~O~;~:~~ ~~ The Religion and Life co~mit- As can be seen by ,the headmg'l to graduate in three years, About groups. Nominations are as fol- 14 her assistant. Society' Editors in- I tee is bringing to the campus next the r~\~,IS clotse. Tdoffmdu~e~~~~- 525 students Were enrolled last lows: '" elude Nancy Jamieson and Honey Thursday and Frtdav, February 8 age 10 ing, wo I er.en IV g year which was a 10 per cent in- AWS Nicholson. Feature Editor is Bar- and 9, the noted editor and author, g~·~upsP comptete a~I~I~stfia~~~~11crease over previous years. A President: Ramy Newland, Al- Students To Pre c e n t bara Meredith, assisted by Lois Dr. Paul Hutchinson, He was a .0 er, er~en ages WI e b The normal load will be six se- "Butch" To ppear Dur- pha Chi Omega; Lotus Trub, Del- .... French. Desk Editor positions are student at Centenary Collegiate so every living group, r~g~rdleSs mester hours for the six week ling W.S,C, vs. U. of W. ta Delta Delta. ASSCW Cards At Gra- I held by Verle Schoeff, Beth Fort- Institution in New Jersey, receiv- of size, will be judged _faIry. AUlcourse and eight sem.ester hoursl Basketball Games. Vice President: Barbara Ray, duate Manager's Inum, B. J, Hall, Nina Howell and groups should take notice of hOWlfor the eight week course, An over- Duncan Dunn; Anna-Marie Amen- Off' M d J Lucille Laws. Sammie Harrison many hours arethei reqUired. di id byI them load OF~ seven and ten hours,Studentswill WIll' use "Harness the de, North, H,all.. '. I Ice on ay. I an d Me~ G·bI son IilI 1 positions' as tato scornp 1ete eir m IVI ua quo- be,. permitted' under special con- HuskIes", as the theme for the Secre. tararv: B.arbala Mere d1th 'I A special Valentine's Day fea- copy edIt ?rs. , J Remain'g siderat.ion. second basketball rally of the year North Hall; Elame Burgess, Sout~ ture on the campus will be the Reappomtments include Mary ~I~'. Quota 1 to be held this Friday night, Feb- Hall. I concert to be presented by the German, Service, Men:s Editor; g~~u~unity 18Y2 1785 Weapons Alld ruarv 9, preceding the game be- Treas'!rer: Ann Robinson, Pi Britt string and piano trio at 8 Art, D:'ama, MusI~ Editor. Millie Duncan Dunn 4Y2 2331 I tw~en ~SC's Cougars and the Beta Phi; Annabelle. Flemmg, Chi p, m, in E, A, Bryan hall as anoth- Swales: and SPOltS EdItor, R. North 28Y2 2037 T (. P bl Umverslty of Washmgton Hus- Omega, er in the series of ASSCW con- TommIe Thompson, , Stimson 22 2331 0 rime ro em Ikies in the Men's Gymnasium, I . WRA" '" certs, Student body cards may be ~hese appomtments Will c~rry Alpha Chi 38 882 " Beginning at 6:30 at Pine Man-' PreSIdent: Colleen Gabby Jo presented at the Graduate Man- thlough untIl the end of the pres- Alpha Delta Pi 0 735 Available Here or, the noise rally Will maintain ,its I Cook, ChI Omega; Ruth ott, Stev- ager's office beginning Monday, ent semester. Alpha Gamma 11112 966 I usual route ,ending at the Men's ens~,Hall. , "February 12 for concert tickets, ---------- Chi Omega 106Y4 840 ---- ,Gymnasium. Butch again will hon- VICe PreSIdent: Phyills Fntz, This trio was founded by Hor- (l"vl"ll"anEnrollment Delta Zeta 40% 504 I A powerfUl new scientific wea- [or the students with his presence Commumty ;Hall; Carolyn Faulk- ace Britt, cellist, for the purpose Kappa 21 987 I pon to, aid law enforcement offi-\ as he leads the rally and appears ner, Alpha ?amm~, ,Delta, , of presenting those great works of I E ,I "G" McCroskey 9 Y2 1596 ?ers w~thm Wash:ngton In solv- at the game, Jeans, slacks, and, secret~ry, Patncla Topp, PI the string trio and string and I . sima es Iyen· Stevens 70% 1491 I mg theli" mos~ dIffICult Grm~es and vlaid shirts are to be the vogue I Beta PhI, Betty Magnuson, Sigma plano trio literature which are, \ South 28 2373 I problems of IdentifIcatIOn IS now for the rally-goers. , Kappa, . not heard as often as works of the I . I available, " t' h d tl tIt d t I Treasurer: Beverly NeIlan, South string quartet literature, Ga ill Of 15 Percent Shown I Waller 10 2499 ' ' I IS ope 1a eaC1 su en H 11' V' ' . D k N ·th H 11 'l. Delt 49 861 Last week-end was WltneSsmg. h' t' th 11 d a, Irglma an e, Ol a, At present the trio is booked for Over Last Year' 43 , , f. Id Will take IS par m e ra y an YWCA . ' TSigma.l Kappa 0 777 the mallmg ?f a' 28-page Ie game to help spur WSC on to vic- a transcontinental. tour of Ameri- Veterans Re ister Kappa Delt 107% 819 manual to CIty polIce, shenffs, tory'; stated Doris Pierson chair- President: Jane McMicken, Pi ca including such citi:es as New g . Pi Phi 17 882 I st~te patrols, prosecutors, courts, man' of the rally committe~, Beta Phi; Manorie Carr, Alpha York, Boston, Providence, Spring- I S d t . ' t· t" mllltary mtelhgence and plant Chi Omega, field, Richmond, New Orleans, I econ semes el regIs la ,10:'" ' , , Off Campus I protection officials, This printed The second game with the Uni- Vice President: Mary German, Pasadena Santa Barbara Los An- s?owed a 15 per cent gam III CIVI-I mg hiS Doctor of Dlvmlty at De Theta e:t3~ tha;66 publication is their guide to the versity of Washington, will be Sat- Kappa Kappa Gamma; Vivian All- geles, ca'rmel, portland: Seattle, han .enrol~ment over the corres-I' Pauw university, and his Doctor The army requ the services they may receive from the urday night at 7: 30, Half time en- gaier, Delta Delta Delta, Salt Laj<:e City Grand Rapids I pondmg time a year ago. ThIS IS of Letters at OhIO Wesleyan unl- campus quota of 25,666 bandages I well-equipped technical police la- tertainment is scheduled for botll Senior Woman at Large: Dor- Rochester and' Washington D C' unusual in that second semester versity. be completed by March 31, 1945, I bora tory the state of Washington games, othy Burch, Alpha Gamma Delta; Others in the trio besid~s Mr: \ enrollment usually drops three or Having spent many years in has opened here through adding Doris Pierson, Waller Hall. Britt include Viola Wasterlain,l four hundred ,unde~ that of fIrst China, Dr. Hutchinson was edi- to the existing f.acilit~es of the de- "EI Morocco" Has Secretary: Pat Hin~on, Kappa I violinist, and Conrad Held, who semester, ~e~lst~atlOn, when the tor of the China Christian Advo- I'I partment of polIce SCIence and ad- Kappa Gamma; JackIe Melcher, I plays both the viola and piano, fmal total IS m, IS not expected to cate in Shanghai from 1916-1920, louise Bruning ministration here. G de d M · Kappa Alpha Theta. \ be very far under the first semes- and undertook the leadership of a Prof, V. A. Leonard reported 00 row, USIC Tresurer: Fern Overland, Wall- W I F d I" ter enrollT?ent of 1750 students, several Chinese religious move- Heads South H 11 that. alre~dy a number of cases are er Hall; Sylvia Lybecker, South es ey oun a Ion I The. offIce of the dean of w~-I ments there. He has been manag- commg mto the laboratory, m- Soft lights, cokes, dancing, pro- Hall. men lepor~s that all women Sing editor, since 1924, of one of the Installation of officers was held cludl'ng some of the more baffling· Election of toese officers will Install'S Off"l(ers dorms are Just as f,ull as,they w.ere leadl·n::::nOl1-denoml'natl'onal mag- at South hall Wednesday evening, gram and a good crowd were re- ItS t bId st (0 January 31, with Louise Bruning. and important crimes committed sponslble for the enjoyable eve- be held February 20 for all three as ep em er, mc u mg Im~ azines in the U, S., the Christian within the state. He estimates nmg of "El Morocco", sponsored I groups, Installation will take place son and, Waller ha,lls, , The boys Century.
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