2014-15 Men's Basketball

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2014-15 Men's Basketball UT MARTIN SKYHAWKS 2014-15 MEN’S BASKETBALL 2014-15 Skyhawk Men’s Basketball 22014-15014-15 UUTT MMARTINARTIN SSKYHAWKKYHAWK MMEN’SEN’S BASKETBALLBASKETBALL ##00 CJCJ DAVISDAVIS ##11 DDEEEE OOLDHAMLDHAM ##22 KKHRISTIANHRISTIAN TAYLORTAYLOR ##33 AALEXLEX AANDERSONNDERSON ##44 RRICHARDICHARD LLEEEE ##1010 CCHANDLERHANDLER RROWEOWE G • 6-26-2 • 170170 • Fr.Fr. G • 66-4-4 • 118080 • JJr.r. G • 66-2-2 • 117575 • SSr.r. G • 55-11-11 • 118080 • JJr.r. G • 6-46-4 • 200200 • Fr.Fr. F • 66-7-7 • 220505 • SSo.o. SScottsdale,cottsdale, AAriz.riz. LLebanon,ebanon, TTenn.enn. AAkron,kron, OOhiohio MMemphis,emphis, TTenn.enn. LLakeake Worth,Worth, Fla.Fla. IIndianapolis,ndianapolis, IInd.nd. ##1111 TTERRENCEERRENCE DDURHAMURHAM ##1212 HHARRISONARRISON HHAWKSAWKS ##1515 BBRANDONRANDON HHITCHMANITCHMAN ##2020 AARKEEMRKEEM JJOSEPHOSEPH ##2424 DDEVILLEEVILLE SSMITHMITH G • 66-3-3 • 119595 • RR-Jr.-Jr. G • 55-10-10 • 175175 • Fr.Fr. F • 6-96-9 • 215215 • Fr.Fr. C • 66-9-9 • 228080 • JJr.r. G • 66-0-0 • 117575 • SSr.r. MMemphis,emphis, TTenn.enn. SSouthouth Fulton,Fulton, TTenn.enn. SStratford,tratford, EEnglandngland BBrooklyn,rooklyn, NNYY JJackson,ackson, MMiss.iss. ##2525 MMARSHUNARSHUN NNEWELLEWELL ##3030 TTWYMONDWYMOND HHOWARDOWARD ##3333 MMYLESYLES TTAYLORAYLOR ##4040 JAVIERJAVIER MMARTINEZARTINEZ ##4444 NNICKICK DDETLEVETLEV G • 66-3-3 • 119595 • RR-Sr.-Sr. F • 66-6-6 • 221010 • JJr.r. F • 66-7-7 • 223535 • SSr.r. F • 66-7-7 • 221010 • SSo.o. C • 77-2-2 • 225225 • Fr.Fr. MMemphis,emphis, TTenn.enn. PPearl,earl, MMiss.iss. LLittleittle RRock,ock, AArk.rk. SSt.t. CCroix,roix, VVirginirgin IIslandsslands EEuclid,uclid, OOhiohio HHEATHEATH SSCHROYERCHROYER AANTHONYNTHONY STEWARTSTEWART JJERMAINEERMAINE JJOHNSONOHNSON JJOHNOHN AAIKENIKEN DDEANDREEANDRE WWALKERALKER GGARNERARNER SSMALLMALL HHeadead CCoachoach AAssociatessociate HeadHead CoachCoach AAssistantssistant CoachCoach AAssistantssistant CoachCoach SStrength/Playertrength/Player DDevelopmentevelopment GGraduateraduate AAssistantssistant FFirstirst SSeasoneason FFirstirst SSeasoneason FFirstirst SSeasoneason FFirstirst SSeasoneason FFirstirst SSeasoneason FFirstirst SSeasoneason 22014-15014-15 UUTT MMartinartin MMen’sen’s BBasketballasketball qquickuick ffactsacts UT MARTIN QUICK FACTS INSIDE THE GUIDE Founded: 1900; Senior College, 1951 Quick Facts .............................................................................1 Enrollment: 7,423 Nickname: Skyhawks Media Information ................................................................2 Colors: Navy Blue and Orange MEET THE SKYHAWKS ............................................................................3 Affi liation: NCAA Division I 2014-15 Roster ........................................................................4 Conference: Ohio Valley Chancellor: Dr. Thomas A. Rakes Player Bios .........................................................................5-16 Director of Athletics: Julio Freire COACHING/SUPPORT STAFF .............................................................17 Athletics Web Site: www.UTMSports.com Head Coach Heath Schroyer ........................................18-19 UTM BASKETBALL PERSONNEL Assistant Coaches/Support Staff ..................................20-24 Head Coach: Heath Schroyer 2014-15 SEASON OUTLOOK ..............................................................25 Alma Mater: Armstrong Atlantic State, 1995 Career Record: 84-115 (Seven Seasons) Season Preview ...............................................................26-27 UTM Record: 0-0 (First Season) Opponents/OVC Tournament/OVC Schedule ..........28-34 2013-14 SEASON REVIEW .................................................................35 Associate Head Coach: Anthony Stewart Alma Mater: Mount Union, 1993 Season Recap ........................................................................36 Tenure at UT Martin: First season Final Statistics .................................................................37-38 Assistant Coach: Jermaine Johnson Game-by-Game Recaps .................................................39-49 Alma Mater: US Sports Academy, 2007 Ohio Valley Conference ......................................................50 Tenure at UT Martin: First season ALL-TIME RECORDS..................................................................................51 Assistant Coach: John Aiken Season/Career/Game Records ......................................52-53 Alma Mater: Southern Maine, 2008 Notable Skyhawks .............................................................. 54 Tenure at UT Martin: First season All-Time 1,000 Point Scorers ........................................55-57 Strength Coach/Player Development: DeAndre Walker All-Time Head Coaches/All-Time Roster ...................58-60 Alma Mater: Fairmont State, 2004 Yearly Results .................................................................61-70 Tenure at UT Martin: First season All-Time Series Records/Series Breakdowns .............71-82 Graduate Assistant: Garner Small THIS IS UT MARTIN ................................................................................83 Alma Mater: Olivet, 2013 Tenure at UT Martin: First season Elam Center Game Day .................................................84-85 Skyhawk Athletics ..........................................................86-87 UTM BASKETBALL QUICK FACTS Athletic Training/Strength and Conditioning ............88-91 2013-14 Overall Record: 8-23 2013-14 Conference Record (Finish): 3-13 (6th West, 12th overall) Success After UTM/OVC Academic Awards .............92-93 Players Returning/Lost: 7/8 Athletics Director Julio Freire .......................................94-95 Starters Returning/Lost: 3/2 Skyhawk Athletics Staff ......................................................96 Newcomers: 9 CCREDITSREDITS Arena (Capacity): Kathleen and Tom Elam Center (5,000) TThehe 22014-15014-15 UUniversityniversity ooff TTennesseeennessee aatt MMartinartin MMen’sen’s BBasketballasketball MMediaedia GGuideuide Press Row Number: (731) 881-7694 wwasas wwriritt eenn aandnd pproducedroduced bbyy ssportsports iinformationnformation ddirectorirector RRyneyne RRickmanickman uusingsing AAdobedobe IInDesignnDesign CCS6.S6. SSpecialpecial eeditorialditorial aassistancessistance wwasas pprovidedrovided bbyy First Year of Basketball: 1951 AAlexlex BBoggis,oggis, JJordanordan TTuckerucker aandnd AAllisonllison JJones.ones. FFrontront ccoverover ddesignesign bbyy AAlexlex All-Time Basketball Record: 692-912 BBoggis.oggis. PPhotoshotos bbyy NNathanathan Morgan/TrevorMorgan/Trevor RRuszkowski/Tyleruszkowski/Tyler HHolmes,olmes, UUTMTM All-Time OVC Record: 141-255 RRelationselations aandnd TTomom VVia.ia. LLayoutayout ddesignsesigns bbyy RRyneyne RRickman.ickman. All-Time OVC Tournament Record: 3-9 TThehe UUniversityniversity ooff TTennesseeennessee aatt MMartinartin ddoesoes nnotot ddiscriminateiscriminate oonn tthehe bbasisasis OVC Tournament Appearances: 9 ooff rrace,ace, ssex,ex, ccolor,olor, rreligion,eligion, nnationalational oorigin,rigin, aage,ge, ddisabilityisability oorr vveteraneteran sstatustatus Last OVC Tournament Appearance: 2013 iinn pprovisionrovision ooff eeducationalducational oopportunitiespportunities oorr eemploymentmployment oopportunitiespportunities OVC Championships: 1 (Regular Season, 2008-09) aandnd bbeneenefi tts.s. UUTT MMartinartin ddoesoes nnotot ddiscriminateiscriminate oonn tthehe bbasisasis ooff ssexex oorr ddisabilityisability iinn tthehe educationeducation programsprograms aandnd aactivitiesctivities wwhichhich iitt ooperates,perates, UTM SPORTS INFORMATION ppursuantursuant ttoo rrequirementsequirements ooff TTitleitle VVII ooff thethe CivilCivil RightsRights ActAct ooff 19641964 asas ccodiodifi eedd iinn 4422 UU.S.C..S.C. 22000D;000D; TTitleitle IIXX ooff tthehe EEducationalducational AAmendmentsmendments ooff Sports Information Director/MBB Contact: Ryne Rickman 11972,972, PPublicublic LLawaw 9922 3318;18; SSectionection 550404 ooff tthehe RRehabilitationehabilitation AActct ooff 11973,973, E-Mail Address: [email protected] PPublicublic LLawaw 993-112;3-112; tthehe AAmericansmericans wwithith DDisabilitiesisabilities AActct ooff 11990,990, PPublicublic Offi ce Phone: (731) 881-7632 LLawaw 1101-336;01-336; aandnd tthehe AAgege DDiscriminationiscrimination iinn EEmploymentmployment AAct.ct. TThishis Cell Phone: (270) 703-2601 ppolicyolicy eextendsxtends ttoo bbothoth employmentemployment byby andand aadmissiondmission ttoo tthehe university.university. Mailing Address: UT Martin Sports Information IInquiriesnquiries cconcerningoncerning TTitleitle VVI,I, TTitleitle IIX,X, SSectionection 5504,04, tthehe AAmericansmericans wwithith DDisabilitiesisabilities AAct,ct, aandnd tthehe AAgege DDiscriminationiscrimination iinn EEmploymentmployment AActct sshouldhould 1022 Elam Center bbee ddirectedirected ttoo tthehe Offi ccee ooff EEquityquity andand DDiversity,iversity, 224040 GGoochooch HHall,all, UUTT 15 Mt. Pelia Rd. MMartin,artin, MMartin,artin, TTNN 338238-5002,8238-5002, 7731-881-7202.31-881-7202. CChargesharges ooff vviolationiolation ooff tthehe Martin, TN 38238 aabovebove ppolicyolicy aalsolso sshouldhould bbee ddirectedirected ttoo tthehe EEquityquity aandnd DDiversityiversity Offi ccer.er. EE05-0416-00-016-15.05-0416-00-016-15. 22014-15014-15 SSkyhawkkyhawk MMen’sen’s BBasketballasketball 1 MMEDIAEDIA IINFORMATIONNFORMATION INTERVIEW POLICIES Media interviews with players and coaches are encouraged, and every eff ort will be made to accommodate media requests. In-person interviews are preferred. Telephone interviews
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