CASE STUDY The Rise of Nazism and the Destruction of European Jewry 148 Darlinghurst Road, Darlinghurst NSW 2010 T 02 9360 7999 F 02 9331 4245 E
[email protected] Acknowledgements Karen Finch, Education Officer Avril Alba, Director of Education Sophie Gelski, extract from Teaching the Holocaust Susi Brieger, Education Consultant The contributors also wish to thank Dr Konrad Kwiet, Resident Historian, Sydney Jewish Museum. Every effort has been made to contact or trace all copyright holders. The publishers will be grateful to be notified of any additions, errors or omissions that should be incorporated in the next edition. These materials were prepared by the Education Department of the Sydney Jewish Museum for use in the program, The Rise of Nazism and the Destruction of European Jewry. They may not be reproduced for other purposes without the express permission of the Sydney Jewish Museum. Copyright, Sydney Jewish Museum 2008. All rights reserved. Design by ignition point Dear Teacher Please find enclosed pre visit materials, lesson plan and post visit materials for you to use in the classroom to support student learning at the Sydney Jewish Museum (SJM). The Rise of Nazism and the Destruction of European Jewry program will introduce concepts from Option C: Germany 1919-1939, Part II: National Studies. The content and learning experiences are linked to syllabus outcomes. Students will investigate ■ the nature and influence of racism ■ changes in society ■ the nature and impact of Nazism Students will learn about ■ Nazi racial policy; antisemitism; policy and practice to 1939 At the Museum, your students will meet a Holocaust survivor or descendant and hear first hand experiences of the period.