Saint Catherine of Siena Roman Laguna Beach, CA

Month of the Sacred Heart Solemnity of the Most Holy June 7, 2020 Glory and praise for ever! Daniel 3

The Most Holy Trinity June 7, 2020 Page 2 Welcome to Our Parish

MISSION STATEMENT—We, the community of St. Catherine of Siena Parish, located within the larger, diverse and artistic seaside community of Laguna Beach, recognize and celebrate the uniqueness which is grounded in the sacred mysteries and traditions of the Roman Catho- lic Church and in the history and lives of our individuals, families and leaders. Built on these roots, and in order to see the world as God sees it, we commit ourselves to: being a welcoming sanctuary and a place of prayer and worship, nurturing, assisting, encouraging and serving all those in need, offering all generations opportunities for personal and communal growth, and,

by these commitments, to honor our call to evangelization. ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA CHURCH 1042 Temple Terrace  Laguna Beach, CA 92651 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Phone: (949) 494-9701 On the First Friday of each month we gather in prayer and praise before the Blessed . Following the 8 a.m. Mass and concluding at 8 p.m.

OFFICE HOURS Mon—Thurs 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. SACRAMENT OF Fri 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Parents of infants requesting information about Baptism may contact Father Closed Saturday & Sunday Pat in the parish office. Infant are celebrated on the second Saturday of the month.

SUNDAY (MASS) CELEBRATION OF CHRISTIAN FUNERALS Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (Sunday Vigil) At the time of death, a family member should contact the parish office, as Sundays: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m.,11:00 a.m., soon as possible, to arrange the date and time for the Funeral Liturgy.

1:30 p.m. Spanish Mon - Sat 8:00 a.m. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Couples must begin preparation for their Sacrament at least six months prior HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION MASS SCHEDULE to their proposed wedding date. Please call the parish office for more 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. information.

CLERGY SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Rev. Pat Rudolph—Pastor The third Saturday of each month after the 8:00 a.m. Mass. In the event of Ext. 8532 or [email protected] serious illness or medical emergency, of the Sick and Eucharist may be arranged by contacting the parish office

Rev. Gabriel Stack, O. Praem—Sunday Assistance CHRISTIAN OF ADULTS (RCIA) Adults requesting information about full initiation and communion with the Roman Catholic Church (the of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirma- tion) may contact the office for more info.—949-494-9701

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION () Saturdays: 4:00—5:00 p.m. (or by appointment) PARISH STAFF

Susan Daley-Ministry Coordinator/Office Manager Ext. 8534 or [email protected] ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA PARISH SCHOOL

(Transitional Kindergarten—8th Grade) Lisa Marcus-Parish Administrator & Bookkeeper 30516 So. Coast Hwy Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Ext. 8533 or [email protected] Phone: (949) 494-7339 Fax: (949) 376-5752 Charles Stephenson-Director, Music Ministry

Gina Stewart-Director, Youth Religious Education/ Informacion en Espanol Ext. 8535 or [email protected]

General Voicemail Box - Ext. 8531

The Most Holy Trinity June 7, 2020 Page 3 At Our Parish

"IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER AND OF THE SON AND OF THE HOLY SPIRIT" 232 Christians are baptized "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spir- it"53 Before receiving the sacrament, they respond to a three-part question when asked to confess the Father, the Son and the Spirit: "I do." "The of all Christians rests on the Trinity."54

233 Christians are baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit: not in their names,55 for there is only one God, the almighty Father, his only Son and the Holy Spirit: the Most Holy Trinity.

234 The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery of God in himself. It is therefore the source of all the other mysteries of faith, the light that enlightens them. It is the most fundamental and essential teaching in the "hierarchy of the truths of faith".56 The whole history of salvation is identical with the his- tory of the way and the means by which the one true God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, re- veals himself to men "and reconciles and unites with himself those who turn away from sin".57

235 This paragraph expounds briefly (I) how the mystery of the Blessed Trinity was re- vealed, (II) how the Church has articulated the doctrine of the faith regarding this mystery, and (III) how, by the divine missions of the Son and the Holy Spirit, God the Father fulfills the "plan of his loving goodness" of creation, redemption and sanctification.

236 The Fathers of the Church distinguish between theology (theologia) and economy (oikonomia). "Theology" refers to the mystery of God's inmost life within the Blessed Trin- ity and "economy" to all the works by which God reveals himself and communicates his life. Through the oikonomia the theologia is revealed to us; but conversely, the theologia illuminates the whole oikonomia. God's works reveal who he is in himself; the mystery of his inmost being enlightens our understanding of all his works. So it is, analogously, among human persons. A person discloses himself in his actions, and the bet- ter we know a person, the better we understand his actions.

237 The Trinity is a mystery of faith in the strict sense, one of the "mysteries that are hid- den in God, which can never be known unless they are revealed by God".58 To be sure, God has left traces of his Trinitarian being in his work of creation and in his Revelation through- out the Old Testament. But his inmost Being as Holy Trinity is a mystery that is inaccessi- ble to reason alone or even to Israel's faith before the Incarnation of God's Son and the sending of the Holy Spirit.

The Most Holy Trinity June 7, 2020 Page 4 Readings, Intentions, Saints & Special Observances


Monday: 1 Kgs 17:1-6; Ps 121:1bc-8; Mt 5:1-12 Sunday: The Most Holy Trinity; Tuesday: 1 Kgs 17:7-16; Ps 4:2-5, 7b-8; Mt 5:13-16 Julian Calendar Pentecost Wednesday: 1 Kgs 18:20-39; Ps 16:1b-2ab, 4, 5ab, 8, 11; Monday: Tenth Week in Ordinary Time Mt 5:17-19 Tuesday: St. Ephrem Thursday: Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Ps 65:10-13; Thursday: St. Barnabas Mt 5:20-26 Saturday: St. Anthony of Padua Friday: 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-16; Ps 27:7-9abc, 13-14; Mt 5:27-32 Saturday: 1 Kgs 19:19-21; Ps 16:1b-2a, 5, 7-10; Mt 5:33-37 Sunday: Dt 8:2-3, 14b-16a; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; GRACE AND ETERNAL LIFE 1 Cor 10:16-17; Jn 6:51-58 Moses is a man after our own hearts, for haven’t we all dealt with more than our share of stiff-necked people? Indeed, haven’t we all gotten a little stiff-necked ourselves at times? Complaining . . . impatient . . . quick to anger. How lucky for Moses—how lucky for all of us—that God is exactly the op- posite! And we don’t even have to guess about it. The Lord tells us so directly. Accordingly, Moses does what we all need to do. Even with the tablets in hand, he bows down and asks for God’s forgiveness and grace.

Please pray for the sick: Encouraging us to live together in peace—and in God’s favor—the Apostle Paul knows all about this grace, joyfully invoking Christ’s grace on us along with God’s love and the Harry Allen Pola Munoz Holy Spirit’s. “Rejoice,” he says. And when it comes to rejoic- Malea Anderson Hiroko Nishimaya ing, John offers us the gladdest words of all: the assurance of Donna Beam Zachary Quick eternal life through Jesus. Charles Cambruzzi Anthony Ramirez Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Jakie Canali Trudy Rideout Rick Ciaccio Richard Robertson Myrla Clark Karen Schaeffer Intentions—8:00 a.m. Mass Jim Cook Eleanor Schmidt Conor Davis Ann Shea Mon: Scott Riddel (I) Therese Davis Mike Soto Tue: Bryce Elliott (I) Sarah Delacruz Halina Stanaland Laura Ewing Regine Stanaland Wed: Father Sergio Ramos (I) Paul Freeman Burton Swann Thurs: Father Edward Broom (I) Ruby Garcia Francis Szeibert Fri: Priests at St. Michael’s Abbey (I) Diane Gendron Virginia Thomas Sat: Joe McAndrews (D) Patricia Gonzalez Aria Tremblay Mike Helin Sam Vasquez Mary Hobson Richard Watson Ed Johnson Ghinka Wilson Pray for those in the Armed Forces: Teresa Johnson Lauriann Meyer Erin Bevacqua, Captain, USMC Melinda Munoz Evan Dineen, Major, USAF Ryan Raffo, Lieutenant, USN

The Most Holy Trinity June 7, 2020 Page 5 Ministries


Altar Servers Susan Daley 494-9701, x8534 Extraordinary Ministers Susan Daley 494-9701, x8534 Extraordinary Ministers To Sick & Homebound Susan Daley 494-9701, x8534 Homeless Shelter Dinners Lisa Staight 949-852-4442 Jovenes Para Cristo Sebastian Mejia 949-525-5089 Victoria Ramirez 949-202-9410 Lectors Susan Daley 494-9701, x8534 Life, Justice and Peace Ministry Beth Healy [email protected] Men’s Fellowship Joe Bevacqua 714-747-3122 Music Charles Stephenson [email protected] Prayer Line Parish Office 494-9701 Religious Education Gina Stewart 494-9701, x8535 RCIA please leave message 494-9701 Sacristans Susan Daley 494-9701, x8534 Sick & Homebound Visits Parish Office 494-9701 Ushers Susan Daley 494-9701, x8534 Women’s Council Stephanie Andrews [email protected]

Ministry Coordinator: Susan Daley, 494-9701, x8534 or [email protected]

Are you thinking of joining the Church? Do you have a family member or friend you would like to introduce to the Catholic faith? Do you have questions about what we believe?

If our Catholic faith attracts you, or if you are a baptized Catholic who would like to be Confirmed and receive the Eucharist, our Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) process can help you.

YOUR FIRST STEP: Contact the parish office to set up a meeting with one of our RCIA Team Leaders. Please call 949-494-9701.

All inquiries are welcome. No immediate commitment is necessary at the time of initial inquiry.

The Most Holy Trinity June 7, 2020 Page 6 School News

La Santísima Trinidad 7 de junio de 2020 Page 7 Lecturas y Noticias


Moisés es un hombre como nosotros, ¿acaso no hemos tratado también con cabezas duras? De hecho, ¿acaso no hemos sido nosotros mismos los cabezas duras? Quejumbrosos. . . impacientes. . . rápidos para enojarnos. ¡Qué suerte la de Moisés y qué suerte la nuestra que Dios es precisamente lo opuesto! Y ni siquiera tenemos que adivinarlo. El Señor nos lo dice directamente. Y en concordancia, Moisés hace lo que todos necesitamos hacer. Pese a tener las tablas en las manos, se postra y pide el perdón y la gracia de Dios.

Alentándonos a vivir juntos en paz y con el favor de Dios, el apóstol Pablo sabe de esta gracia, e invo- ca con alegría la gracia del amor de Dios y del Espí- ritu Santo sobre nosotros. “Estén alegres”, dice. Y cuando se trata de alegrarnos, Juan nos ofrece las palabras más regocijantes: la seguridad de la vida eterna en Jesús. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

La Santísima Trinidad 7 de junio de 2020 Tanto amó Dios al mundo, que le entregó a su Hijo único. — Juan 3:16a

SAN EFRÉN (c. 306-373) 9 de junio

Nació en la actual Turquía, hijo de un sacerdote pagano y de madre cristiana. Desde muy pequeño mos- tró un temperamento explosivo, mismo que aprendió a controlar. Siendo muy joven se hizo bautizar y poste- riormente fue ordenado diácono. Su ministerio estuvo dedicado a la enseñanza de la fe, pues era un gran maestro. Su obispo, notando sus cualidades cristianas y humanas, quiso ordenarlo sacerdote, pero Efrén se opuso pues consideraba el sacerdocio como algo indigno para él. Como diácono y maestro difundió la ense- ñanza cristiana con cualidades extraordinarias de escritor, haciendo uso de la poesía, los cantos religiosos o bien, parodiando la letra de los cantos populares de su tiempo para no sólo rebatir las herejías cristianas, sino también, para propagar las enseñanzas de Cristo. La historia lo distingue con el mote de “La cítara del Espí- ritu Santo”. Con su poesía fue fundador de una escuela teológica. Pese a que no hablaba el griego, fue audaz en su idioma, escribiendo poemas dedicados a María, Madre de Dios. Sus escritos y misticismo hicieron de él uno de los Doctores de la Iglesia. —Miguel Arias, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

La Santísima Trinidad 7 de junio de 2020 Page 8 Lecturas y Noticias


Lunes: 1 Re 17:1-6; Sal 121 (120):1bc-8; Mt 5:1-12 Primera lectura — Moisés subió al Monte Sinaí y lue- Martes: 1 Re 17:7-16; Sal 4:2-5, 7b-8; Mt 5:13-16 go el Señor pasó delante de él (Éxodo 34:4b-6, 8-9). Miércoles: 1 Re 18:20-39; Sal 16 (15):1b-2ab, 4, 5ab, 8, Salmo — ¡Gloria y alabanza por siempre! (Daniel 3). 11; Mt 5:17-19 Segunda lectura — Trabajen para ser perfectos, Jueves: Hch 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Sal 98 (97):1-6; anímense, tengan un mismo sentir y vivan en paz. Mt 5:17-19 (2 Corintios 13:11-13). Viernes: 1 Re 19:9a, 11-16; Sal 27 (26):7-9abc, 13-14; Evangelio — Dios mandó a su Hijo único al mundo Mt 5:27-32 para salvar el mundo por él (Juan 3:16-18). Salmo responsorial: Leccionario Hispanoamericano Dominical © 1970, Comisión Episcopal Españo- Sábado: 1 Re 19:19-21; Sal 16 (15):1b-2a, 5, 7-10; la. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados. Mt 5:33-37 Domingo: Dt 8:2-3, 14b-16a; Sal 147:12-15, 19-20; 1 Cor 10:16-17; Jn 6:51-58 LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES

Domingo: La Santísima Trinidad; Pentecostés en el calendario juliano Lunes: Décima Semana del Tiempo Ordinario Martes: San Efrén Jueves: San Bernabé Sábado: San Antonio de Padua

BAUTISMOS Nuestros bautizos de infantiles en español están programados contactando Gina Stewart en la ofici- na parroquial. (949)494-9701 Ext. 8535

Los padres deben ser miembros de la parroquia de Santa Catalina y los padres necesitan venir a la oficina de la parroquia para la aplicación Bautismal.

Si usted tiene alguna pregunta o necesita información adicional, por favor contáctenos al (949) 494-9701 ext. 8535 o también puede contactar Gina Stewart en [email protected].

Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office.


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