GRAY WON’T RUN GULF BREEZE HOSPITAL TURNS 25 School Board veteran plans to step down Dignitaries break ground on $5 million expansion project COMMUNITY, 3C COMMUNITY, 2A 50¢ YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER June 17, 2010 CRUDE AWAKENING Week 8 ‘Assault on our Oil intensifies; Obama visits shores’ will be Officials aim “The good news is there doesn’t to improve fought vigorously seem to have been any new oil In the days since the BP oil spill began, coming in Tuesday. The bad news is response to the failure to stop the leak has caused that what is already in here could be incredible anger and frustration – especial- oil impacts ly for the people of the Gulf Coast strug- drifting around all summer.” gling to survive one of the worst environ- – Marco White BY SCOTT PAGE mental disasters in our nation’s history. Gulf Breeze News On Tuesday I visited Pensacola Beach,
[email protected] and during the last few weeks I’ve been to the Gulf and met with people directly As President Obama visited impacted by this tragedy. I’ve heard sto- Pensacola Beach on Tuesday, ries from oystermen and shrimpers who state, local and BP officials are wondering where their next paycheck escalated response efforts to will come from. I’ve met business owners cope with intensified oil impacts who are seeing revenue dry up as the along the Northwest Florida number of tourists decline. And I’ve talked coastline. with Americans young and old who are “We’re going to be doing afraid that the ecosystem that has played everything we can – make sure such an important role in their lives will that there are skimmers out, there be damaged beyond repair.