Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Protection Strategy Plan
DEEPWATER HORIZON OIL SPILL PROTECTION STRATEGY PLAN CITY OF APALACHICOLA JULYS, 2010 Van W. Johnson, Sr., Mayor Brenda Ash, Commissioner Betty Webb,City Administrator John M. Bartley, Sr., Commissioner J. Patrick Floyd, City Attorney Frank Cook, Commissioner Lee Mathes, City Clerk James L. Elliott, Commissioner CITY OF APALACmCOLAHOTLINE 850-653-1526 OFFICIAL WEBSITE FOR UNIFIED COMMAND: A LETTER FROM MAYOR VAN JOHNSON Dear Citizens of Historic Apalachicola, After looking at the failure of many of the efforts of BP and those working with BP to the west of us here in Apalachicola to locate and contain the approaching oil spill and prevent it from coming ashore in these communities (Pensacola Beach, etc.), and after reviewing the projections of scientists from following the dye put in the oil erupting from the spill site, I am convinced that we must act immediately to defend and protect ourselves from this oil. We here in Apalachicola already know from our fight with the Army Corps of Engineers and upstream water takers over the illegal taking of our fresh water flow down the Apalachicola River, particularly during drought, that "no one is going to protect your backyard like you're going to protect your backyard." (Quote from Tony Kennon, Mayor, Orange Beach, AL- 6/14/10) We have been asking BP and our government for assistance to enable Apalachicola to protect against this oil for weeks, mostly without any response. Some of our sister cities to the west experienced the same delay and after five weeks the oil came to their shores and their focus has now been turned to clean-up rather than keeping the oil from getting to them.
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