JUNE 1956 Volume 7 No. 6



General Summary of Weather Conditions------183

Condensed Climatological Data - States------184

Climatological Data - Stations------185

Monthly and Seasonal Heating Degree Days------189

Storm Data and Unusual Weather Phenomena------193

Tropical Storm of June 12-14, 1956------216

General Summary of River and Flood Conditions------217

Flood Stage Data------219


Rawinsonde Data------220


Solar Radiation Intensities------226

Blue Hill Data------227

Net Radiation------227

Daily Totals and Average Daily Totals by Weeks------228



NOTE.--Beginning with this issue, 200- and 100-mb. charts will be included with the upper air mean charts at the end of each issue. These charts, XVI and XVII, are similar in all respects to Charts XII-XV except that there are no pibal winds at 200 and 100 mb. These are being prepared in answer to the ever increasing interest for information regarding meteor- ological conditions at higher and higher levels of the atmosphere. Although this need has been apparent for quite some time, the preparation of charts for these surfaces has not heretofore been possible due to the lack of sufficient data on a regular basis. it is believed that data are now being regularly received in sufficient quantity to prepare realistic presentations of climatological conditions at these surfaces. It should be noted that with this issue there is a change in the manner of plotting the resultant winds on Charts XII-XVII. The winds shown in red are from rawin reports and are for the same level as the contours and isotherms. The winds in black are from pibal re- ports at 2100 GMT and are for the nearest height level. In addition, wind speeds are indi- cated in knots: a flag equals 50 knots, a full barb 10 knots, and a half barb 5 knots.

NOTE.--This publication contains all of the climatic data for- merly printed in the MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW.

SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: Monthly 30 cents and annual 50 cents per copy; yearly subscription, including monthly and annual issues, $4.00 domestic, $5.50 foreign. Checks and money orders should be made payable to the Superintendent of Documents. Remittance and correspondence regarding subscriptions should be sent to "Superin- tendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C." CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA



Abnormally hot, dry weather in the floods in the Pacific Northwest, averaged as much with intensifying drought which had become quite as 40 below normal. Burns, Oreg., had a record severe in at the end of the month, sufficient June low of 280 on the 5th and reported light frost rainfall to maintain good soil moisture east of on the 21st. Kalispell, Mont., recorded its lowest the , and rather persistent abnormally temperature, 330, for so late in the season on the cool weather in the Pacific Northwest which retard- 30th. ed the rate of melting of a record snowpack, there- PRECIPITATION.--Rainfall exceeded 2 inches from by preventing disastrous floods, were the most the eastern Great Plains to the Atlantic Coast important characteristics of the weather of June. except in a few relatively small scattered areas. The month was also hot and dry in the Far Southwest Greatest totals, up to 10 inches, were measured where drought persisted in many sections. Many in the Central Gulf area, most of which fell forest fires occurred in Arizona before the hazard during a tropical storm on the 13th. Falling at was alleviated by showers the last few days, and a fairly well spaced intervals, rainfall east of the number of dust storms were reported in the southwest Great Plains generally furnished ample soil mois- and western Great Plains. ture for good crop growth. Main exceptions were TEMPERATURE--Temperatures for the month aver- parts of , Georgia and South Carolina where aged well above normal in the upper Mississippi little rain fell during May and beneficial rains Valley, the Great Plains, and Rocky Mountain region in June did not occur until late in the month. and southern California, and well below in the In the remainder of the country the pattern of Southeast and Pacific Northwest. rainfall was very uneven. Monthly totals exceeded The greatest average above normal departures for 2 inches in parts of the Pacific Northwest and June, 80 or more, were centered over western South portions of the Texas and Panhandles, but Dakota and adjacent areas. Rapid City, South Da- were less than d inch in most remaining sections kota, reported 900 or above on 12 days and a monthly of the western Great Plains and parts of the far average of 72.80, both new June records for a period Southwest. Drought had spread over most of Texas dating back to 1888. Also, daily temperatures by the end of the month, and during the last week were above normal on all but 2 days, averaging 170 cotton wilted, feed crops curled, and pastures above for the exceptionally hot period extending burned as daily maxima exceeded 1000. Crops also from the 8th through the 13th. Cheyenne, Wyoming, declined sharply in drier parts of Oklahoma the also had its highest June average, 67.20, exceeding last week, and grains suffered in South Dakota the previous record of 66.80 established in 1881. and Wyoming. Although monthly departures were not quite as DESTRUCTIVE STORMS--Severe thunderstorms (hail, large in the lower Great Plains, the heat there wind, lightning, and heavy rain) were numerous east was equally persistent and the month was among the of the Rockies, yet no individual storms were hottest Junes of record. A good example was San particularly outstanding relative to the amount of Antonio, Texas, whose 84.70 average was its third damage. highest of record with daily averages above normal Some of the most destructive of these storms, on all but one day when it was exactly normal. based on the amount of damage reported were as In contrast to the persistent hot weather in the follows: in Oklahoma on the 3d; in New Jersey Great Plains most days were unseasonably cool in and eastern on the 10th; to crops the Southeast. In this area as well as most other in South Carolina on the 13th; in eastern areas east of the Mississippi, lowest temperatures on the 17th; in the Judith Basin of Montana by accurred on the second and third when light frost hail on the 15th; in North Carolina on the 18th; was observed in some extreme northern areas and in eastern Ohio and in southwestern on many stations, scattered from the Canadian Border the 21st; and in lower on the 24th.. to the Gulf of Mexico, recorded their lowest June Severe dust storms occasionally occurred in the temperatures on record. Among these were Baton western Great Plains. Particularly severe was Rouge, La., 550; Meridian, Miss., 450; Birmingham the one in southwestern and south-central and Montgomery, Ala., 460 and 490 respectively; and on June 25 - 26 when visibility at times was re- Apalachicola Florida, 580, all on the 3d; and duced to zero. In Syracuse and Hamilton Counties, Evansville Ind., 410; and Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., Kansas, the storm moved in as a black roller duster, 330,both on the 2d. a familiar sight in the dust bowl during the 1930's. Subnormal temperatures, favorable for preventing


Tabl. I JUNE 1955

T..perature Pnecipitttion Moatloty waftroan MOatbolywotneu

.0I - |Gowotjest Statbot Statiot9 staooD Sttion - Iowa' 10 | F j 37 | IobileM S8 Airport 11.92 Ioitnyto.ile A laba no 2 Station- 1100 20.1 Stations 2.79|21 Stotiono Ari tona D-oisD- 27 |Foot Volley 41 12 Ststioss 0.63 Ite Qurnn Rrk~noto no-tirclbo 35 103 20 4 Stat ions | 17 IS |Crescnt Cic SENE 2.00 324 Scalions Cotifornin Coo Creek 125 20 Whoit Mountoi. 2 4.45 |sngRIy 30 Frasec JoIoSorOg .02 Ca I-rodo 001Ily Ifb 11 7 4.006 Bridgrprt Wh AP ConnectiCut H-rtford Broloerd FId. 98 14 .MInfieIdHoIlow Don 35 |19 000b01 3'W .57 43 20 ONnark Callegr F-rn 4.90 oiddl1t_10 25 Delaware Bridgroolle INW 98 14 grogrgtownSW |12.023|Copt i0v .33 Florida aInver1eW 100 21 S-oboro To-r 118 3 00 Fontak Springs I11.53 ICo1ol Oridn l01 24 BlSaic-ti lle Fop. Station 34| 3 |octortown 105W i3Y G-orgin 2 stiti-oo 4.26 FDIIS 40W WS Idaho do 103 27. Otbidito 4NNE 21 5| Canbridge 0 .70 SBcdford CAA Ap 10t 21 Moil 3NE 34 3 iDantille 57 90 12. 2 Stationo 32 2 Indianapolit Mon. Cio. 18.66 Log-top-ot WSAL 331 Indisan 2 Shattoo- 34 1 Sona City 104 10 1inwood 2W 06.24 Toledo lout do 39 114 30 torn Oak 37 1 ClaY Cntr 0.560 Gneo K an aa Li ncon 2ESE 1. 73Fordl Fory Dhn 50 SenMaIon1:1 tarhy Fords Ferry don S0 99 21 5 Stoohono 39 2 Grot Look 3 14.00 Loolalana |cArad to 102 28 3 Stat int 47 2 Ban 20NW Sugorton 15 htatiant 4.222 Ohotiont a00 Fort land 98 4 31 19 gRioo Dtm 7.10 |Kedy vo Iie .02 lod 1SF 36 5 Merrill 70I Many land 2 Stationo 100 13 Onk 0.617 F~ros i nrtaor 3'K Mannacttuno tt 3 Shatiooo 99 13 Weeot Coonsiogtcn 30 119 1N-0 oIrem 41 100 12 25 1 2 Sttion- 6030 GGrnd Hoo-o Fire Opt. Ouron aoaotoin CorneI1 8NW OQ" Remer M lanianil 28 1 F-riboolt 12.02 Red Miood Fo1lo CAA AP 104 12 12Ststio-5 12.11 0v0Cr Boy Spting 99 10 INewton Eop Statioa 40 3 S0 0 ExpFo Fo.rst Stotitoo 9 95 |Snero 21W Mi naouri taernan No. I 103 21 4 39 I Ca' tille Rngrr Sts. Mtnt 50 Mi ten City l0b 19 |Lakoooeo 25 22 |Co 000k AP 9.33 nMitholl SE Nebranka 8 Statloot 104 |13ot Swing 31 1 Hardy Ii7 Net da Overton 117 28 06ibb60gch 21 19 J-rbidge Fobyon 0.90 1Nrthtood New Itampahlirn 3 Satawion 97 13. 25 19 SM.opt Walhing- 8.86 1D- pw..e .00 Ne- Jer-ey 2 Sonoloon 100 14I 2Stetiotoo 35 IQ | e 105i 107 Ml to'y, IOSE 4.23 16 Station New Mekico do I do |25 |16.1 1.3(,1.22 IN 102 101 do 20 19 500g00 5.94 Hookr Newl York Rifto. .40212 18140 P-otrtanO North Carolina ho Ida 00ro 101 124 Sennnr 6ik 31 4 Whitevi lle 5N Pr IISE N.,bh D kot CIoford Citc 145 103 10 1|A0010 Stot 27 1 oiedalc 7.2D Bo...on |13 A2 Stotino 9.09 |Springfild Ohio Toledo Blade 99 37 2 | Seorcot 1e Doe I.00 110 30 2artletoillr2t 141 2 Tatloqooh 6.53 leldorado 1.50 Ok lathaa | 000.0 d .ritt 20N Oregon 2 Stntirons 101 27 12 Statio-s 21 S Clo-erdalr 1N0 Gl-cktell. 1 30 I t9 Slipp-ry Rock 11.07 .T.re.t ISW Fenosy itanisa 99 13 Co-d-rn0rt1 3Nt7 Gn nolt tin 39 I 19 Singston 2.31 Stork Inland WO AF .251 Ititde to land 9b |14 IKungoton 40 3 Marion 11.95 Ribo.. Lako .00 Caro lien Tilgh.-n Forolt Nv0. 104 26 Ca.narn Onad Southt 252 1 O8ryant 7.00|Forc Thowpyo_ 3ENE Swath Onkoos Fattihoon INNi 108 12 Canton 2.20 0.691Ml.r,,,nbo-o Sot.b t0. Tennessee 2 Sthotlona 99 |24| Crotsa iIle CAR HF 33 3 BBolton 6043 |oC. .y Tew no Pren idio 113 49 2 |ry 1 02 7 Shtstin Utah Zion NP 11i0 27 |Hrdao Ro 26 7 1Ooid-r 4:24 |Soot Neooury Bnllown Falls 100 15 L-ies gtan 20 19 -toniartford 32 | 4 | ainnprt 2NE 0.02 ICh iItanie IS O irt n is W- ver ly 99 26. Monterey 19.117iQoinry 2 Stti.oon 98 9. Rtini PFaradi-e RS 23 11 Syroco Meat 0ingtoni 11.75 3 Statiena 97 13. 2 Statio-l 30 1 4 ParsoF W111 Aldarnon Mlineons in Ri.a how 4 101 11 do 26 1. Spring Valley 10:29FortP ting 2.82|5 0t0ti00 lyo-i:g A tShin-.4 103 713|Kantd a11 18 22 Upton 12S 10669 P-00t0 Rot eeertO Rico j2 StationO 95 7,j G.-la D.. 52 2 [0Ri BItn-o 1000 Ft.

a And also on a Int-r dato or d-o.

Notn: DS teti Tabl I apyly to thn p-riod 24 hoors prior to toin 0. obner.a- that nhown. (Sen i nditoido Cli-atologlIcl DptD for tiwen 00 obferoatlona) ti n. Ip oaowraneo too actoIl ort re- il on the c-i-od-r doto preceding


Table 2 _ _ JU-NE -1956

Prooaa - __ N wlsad N.. of dly. - (-I-toe H.D". Sleet Fashea maile In aDD t)

State and station 0___ 00 41 M. 1014 80 1 3.0. 630 0512 Ft. fb. ML, 'F. 'F 'F. 'F 'F. 'F. 1. M 0-3 7j0-1- ALABRAMA 0 7.3 NE Rnemi-iigh-ai 610 992.7 1017.i, OR1 60 76.! . 0.91 96 24 !46! 0.0 33 010 515110 6.2 62 211 1009 0 lO1n 9 OR 69 70.t . 1.21 97 9 56 33 100 67i70 11.920.03, 3.25 11I11: .0 0 8.6 SOW 19 9.7 1017.0 gA 67 7R.f I00 -1.1 96i28. 49 3 7 0 66 70 3.69,-ISO 1.44i11 61 .0 0 6.0 0 30' NOJ0.3.011:Il0.21 63 ARIZONA 6,993 ------RI1 41 61.( 16 1I1 -- 2.79i 2.26 2.792 4i .0 2.7 91 27 230 - 31 36 62.5,.. ---- 1114~ 969.9 1007.9 101~ 72, 86h 2.0I109 10. 66i 7.30 0 43'24i O01 -.00 .01 11 .0 0 6.3~ N 29S029 23 1 61 2.1 97 0014 846.9 1010.71 09, 00 72.7 2.6S 100 27W4 16 1210 ..951 .72 .35 4 4 .0 0 112. 1 SSW 54[S0 20 20 7] I32.5 91 2000 922.0 1000.0 101 71 06.1 4.110 11 63' .0 0 9 0 ,41123i 361 06 .34 2 3 0 7.4. 34 SE11 16 6 8.3.0 91 48R:) 80007 IDRO0 94 00 76.1 i4.6 100 ~27051; 1627 28 21 .37, .08 .223 4 .0 *43 000N42'3 6 2. 199 1002.7 1007.7 106 72 09.1 1.2 117 12 60' 6.20 0 39121,T7 -. 01 7T 001 .0 0 9.055E 30 S 0 24i 3' 2 1.0 94

1 450 990.6 1013.7 RR 67 77.1 0 7.41ENE Rtsa Ito I -. 7 100 20 500 10 ~067 74' 3.90' -.36 1.26'9' 0 .0 20 NE 27 9 13~ R 5.11 70 200 1003.1 1015.7 00 69 70.2, -.3 96 O. 54~ 10 W670 50.00 1.65 1.73 0 61 s0 0 8.8,00W .52WNOW26 111 9110'! 5.2, 68 61 ------089 69 79.1 -. 9 98 27 04 2119to0 . .- 3.67, -.18 2.14,10'7 .0 0 - -

" I'l N OS 409~ 994.6i1012.2 92 62 77.0 .0 109 20 53 0 20 o 46130 .00 -.09 .000 0 .0 0 7.2~ NW 30 090r 14 .29.1 I 7 - 4100 071.7 1009.0 92 00 71.7 1~1.9i100 20 41 1.2010 DO.00-b .000 .0 Mtrt Shipti H ) 0 -- - -- 27 32 01 9 0203 029.0 1013.2 70 00 09.0t .7 06 27. 21 4 01 .00 -. 96 .00 1I0 .0 22 5~ 2. 2.4 0 ---4.71 6991 906.0 1012.9 02. 20 b9. 2.4~ 90 26 00 1 5 0 1 4i66 7'-0 7 10 0f .0 S S0 Ia lb10 13 1' 3.0 - 42 1016.6 1019.01 60 00 00.1 -6 67 9 46 30 .0 0 -- .711 1. 00 .82' 91 o1 .0 0 7.1 - - 232 NO 30 13, 710S1.0 6R L Fttl tht- 221 1000.2 1012.0 91 50 74.7 .1.4107 20 40 0 0 0 46 41 .00 -. 11 .00 0' 01 .0 0 7.7 NW 28 NW 14 27' 2 1' .8 l 212, ------080 60 69.1 2.0 90 12i00 I i 0 56T6 -. 07 7 0 0 .0 0 0.4. --. 22 0N14 120 9 I,3.0 T75 99 1009.0 1013.1 74j 59 66.7 1.1 0 0 56 74 7,-07 7T 00 0 I7.4' 0 030O 14 .11,197!2C421- .0 CALIORtA 2044 0`92.2 1012.11 74z 40 09.2 6i 91 27 237 6 1 0 - .93 -1.30 .45 6~ 2' 2 Dl 2.9 I 7 -- _ 22; 3 1014.9.1010.2 72 13 62.4. 1~.0, 93 27 4 O 3i0 01 70 T7 -.10 7 0O0 0 539 0 2 5i 41 1' 1.9 - .0 10.5 Rairraield. pi 341 1000.0 1012.0' 90 62 76.3, 1 17 0 40 26 .50 .12 .37 2 2 0 9.1 001. 3D SE 3 25' 3L 2' 1.1 94 17 1011.5,1012.4; 80 56 72.1 1.1627.4 4.13. 40 49 7. 11 7 0 Ol .0 0 q .0 SW 35' S0IN 250 4 1' 1 I.1 90 .0 5 4517 062.0~1011.0! 70 00 66.2 1.41 92 27.40 0. 30 - I7 -04 T 0 0 16.0-- -- .0 46.NMW 14 29' 0 D 1 19 1009.081013.1 72 60 66.2 .7. 00 2.105 1I 0 0 56 723 '-04i 7 00 0 I7.7 SSW 19 l2 11.15. 41 44]65 02 ----- __ - 66 02 5R * -.21 80 26 500 3. 0. . .02 13i .01 21 0 .0 34 0 14 22' 7'1 1 .81 8 .0 0 I116 O 1014.6 ~1010.3L71 02 61.71 1.6 97 27 46 11 2 0 51 75 -13 7 00 0 14.1 WNO 37004 241 l1'18 .0 Nurekat. (U) 220 1002.0.1014J6 69 40 00.71 ..4, 81 27al42i 7 0 0 3 0 77 T7 -14 T7 00 0 .7. 050 24' NO 13 23: 7' DI 2.4' - Mti. SH. st_ .0 7020 774.0 1017O0 2 40 63.1 4. 087 14 136 110 16 41 4.5 710, 0. . . . .33 1 2 0 .0 OaklaWAd 6173 812.110I11.287 04 70.7c 4.0 95 29 .47 .15 7 12 0 12.1; SE a WNW 7119 44.7,- Red Bluff. 71 90 30 36 ~ .41 -1.38 .0 4 0 0 8 029)2 837.0 1010.1 09 00 72.4 7.0j 96 13 00 71100 .30 33 .44 .1.20 .10 0 8 0 12.8 050 47 S S1 0:6' 4, 4.41 i 4849 007.4 1009.3 90 61 70.4 4.2' 90813503 7,10 27,20 .30 -.10 .14 4 6 .0 0 11.3i ESE .0 56' SW 5 214* 0 3.0 01 0 4629 006.1 1010.6 92 09 76.2. * 7.2 I10D29 52~ la22i0 41 30 .48 -.92 .30 4 9 0 9.7 N0 40' SW A.13125Si 4.3' 82 .0 9 511,041 -- 7 1010.2-----78 59 60.71 1.0i 92, 13 152 1 9 3:0 - 1.69 -1,70 1.11 76 .0 109i1009.6 1010.1 01 5n 60.1 0-.4. 97.14 40 19 5 0 07 71~ 3.631 .01 1.00~10 0~ 0 9.0i S 27' SE" 9II 10 50 Sat my-~ 1332 ------080 00 67.7 97 14 .0 44 19 6'0 --. 3.04 2.25 01 4~ 0 ---- .0 T79-- 6i1014.0 1015.2 76i 00 67.1 1.2, 92 13 45: 19 I1'0 '--.2.30 .1.43 1.44 050 0 5.9.- 2i1028 9112 9' 6 70 .0 ----- 141 91 . --- 73 1012.0 1010.0. 02 61 71.7 -196 13.i40 20 60 61 711 3.50' -. 44 .78 12 8 0 6.71 NW .0 72 ---- i----084 64; 74.2 .497 13. 52 3 12 0 - 3.81 .39J 1.74 12 4 0 0. CtGORGtiIA 14 1011.0 1016.3 03~ 64 .0 73.3 .1 95I12 52 3 9 0 I600 W2.66. -.750 .97 1232 0 0.0,000W 47 NU 248101319 0.51 69 .0 had 1Aftta 12 1010.0----- D1 72~ 78.7 -1.2 9180 0 2 1 o -- 4.08 -1.39 1.32 912 0 6.4.-- 23 6.010,4 6.51 5 21 1016.0 1017.0' 00 60[ 78.1 .1.0 94 220 63 7. 0 0 079 7.41 .7 2 1.800 114 .0 O 8.60 K 29, 28 61 .0 HE I 6 .7 15 1016,6- -....90 69~ 79.R .1.0 94 9 62 0 230 -- -- 4.67.-4.53 2.02 061 0 6.81 .0 24 1010.6 1017.61 9 70i 79.2 .1.0 96 19 581 0 0.0-DE 49' M26 a I8817.1 50 3 14 0 69~70 7.8711.05 1.82 12 11 .0 1 4 9 10. - 0 76' 82. 0.0 921 7.67 10 171 1- 1.80 .2.16 1.47, 71 0 0 6.6 --- 27 SO 10 6,9,1007 72 22- - -90~ 701 RO:C 'I.1 96 9066 6alO 0 .- 5 .77 .2.34] 2.405813i .0 6 14 to0 0.2 76 RI------085 73 79.2; 0 0 .- 4.80. -.67 1.06I I,1 .0 1S , 7 914 6.4 66 7 0 9~9100 381 Ir 9 dart Is ad O 1015.0 1016.81 09 73: 00.7 -.6 92k2567 8 8, 0 70 741 3.93 -2.09 1.32. 910, .0 20 E 15 6 101 14, 6.5 -- 186 1013.6 - 06~ 761 -. 7 91 20 '71 0 -.. 310.331.1.65 .9.1 - .0 --- 80.0E 0 -- --- 0--610 14 - M4Iddlaata ( 1010361017,7 91 69~ 79.9 9i 95. 9. 64. 7 2110 60 741 5.41] -2.44 2.27 12 12i .0 Rae Osee 13 1014.7 --- 0-0 721 78.2 1.14 93. 0 91 370 1 '_10.700.61i 4.14'1313 .0 I 9: 1 .. 29' S, I13. - , - 49 641 1014.3 1016.91 80. 60~ 70.2 -I 5 94 0 0 3n 1410 67'T7[ 7:32 .601 1.06.13:16 .0 0 5.5 SE -- .--- -- ' 36211 7.0 -_ "ELAWA1RE 191 1016.3 115 970 79.R ..o 9310 64, 4101 0 08 71 2.86 -4.91 1.13, 5I10 252 ES~ 10 0 11 '5.8 66 10I1010.0 721 00.2 -.3 949 D , 0I 70 75 1.94 -5.951 .601I'12i 0 9.3~1ESE Mt15L sN as 6.7 09 651 .0 DIRT. O OUN Msinosag (U .0 41HD8 0 10 076 9705 976.9 1017.41001 66: 76.0 .9 96 29 1461 3 14]0 62 65l 2.21 11 01ill9 0 10.3 NMW 790 988. 11017.0 891 64: 76.7 .2.2 98 29 471 3 170 62 66 2.991:.85 10691 .0 0 8.04 NW 143 009.8 1016.1932601 70.2 7, 1 -9 101124 023 3n2014 64 67 2.70 .99 1.5810 Ill 0 0.8: *42 00W 24 712 11 6.0 - 3 30010. - 90 66i 78.1 -.9 97 29 :44 17l0 '-- -- 2.71 -1.241 .11 9 .0 --- -5 10 15 7.0 - 203 033 066 91 67 79.2 .~1.7 98,39l 1408 3 210 0460,4008105: 1969 .0 0 1-8 7WRY 31 N01226j015 96.0 65 637-944- ---- 901 62 75.7 _ 1.7 9920 4 3 2 0 I __ 2:34 -1.73 .97 9 14 0 l-:- --- 413:1360.0- 210 6769.01 3.84 3.1713 311NW 25I4 1412 6.4 69 FI'lltnv Ier 40 1014.4 1016.7 89 67 77.9 I..8, 95 24 5 .0 0 8.31 SW 203------90 69 79.4 -3l96:10 '54 2318 0 -- -- 7.01 2.66: 1.39 14 141 .0 0 ------Wits 4 0 41 40 .80 .04 .57711 'l H en 20421 918.4 1013.4 79 01 64.5 -.6 97127'~37 .0 Ar.IaNdo 4 9 3 3 .0 0 8.9 NW 31 NW014 1760173' I ~ 848.0 1013.2 79 43 60.7 1.1 93:28 .~301 7a32 2. . 02 -. 79 .01 2' O 110.9.. .341s S4 ------a50tt.t.(01". 47901 ------RD 42 01.0 2.01 94128 120I !2 02... .09...... 0413-- .0

14131 963.4 10114.7 76 DO 62.7 .3.61 91 27 ~401I1a1 0 .- 2.32 .57~ 1.72 93 .0 0' -- - - - 9 I 11 5.9 - 42N04 17 ID 33.4 07 4444 861.8 1012.6 80 40 63.9 .91 95 28 [36 17 4 37 41 .03 -.99 .022 0 113.57D .0 314 1003.4-----807 67 77.1 -7 98 24 :51 2 13 0 -- -- 5.61 1.77 1.66 0 A 9 .0 0 0.60 - 34 NIE 21 111110 .0 78 610 992.9 0010.4 84 64 72.9 4.5 97 12 4 0T.0 SW 1 3 10 0 17 5D .70-3.37 .20911 32 00 2752 13 51 4. 878 589 9932.21015.3 86 62 74.0 3.2 94 10r 42 312 0 60063 1.31 -200 .0 6 0 9.4 S5 36 0f 21 1310 74.0675 .0 604 993.6 1010.7 8 63 74.1 3 11I 61 62 .8 2.90 .49 7 0 9. 3-- 32 00 21 10 164 4.7 73 009 992.9 1010.0 5 64 74.6 2 9 0 62 66 3.909 -1.09 1.05 10 10 0 0.8 SSW 54003 6 10 10010 5.4 78

202 1001.0 1016.6 07 62 74.0 .295 12 '41 2 13 0 62 07 2.060 .1.27 12.21 11S 0 7.2 DO 29 SI2. 1211I 7 4.7 72 ODD 980.4 0016.0 84 60 72.1 3.1 96 13 3D 2 D 0 00 04 2.26.130 .27a8 0 9.1 S5 38 SW 24 5157 01 5.8 60 793 987.051017.0 82 62 72.1 .7 92 I1 39 2 . 0 01 09 3.48 -.73 1.053 8 0 01.6SW 40 00 24 911 10 S.D 70 768 900.2 10105.9 83 00 71.4 2.7 94 D 1 3,5 2 I7 0 59 67 1.41 -2.421 .061 59 0 9 .5 SsW .27 N0 1 718504.9_ t sd ef table -105 - CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA

2 Table -Cbonhue - -- JUNE 1955-

Piressure Temperaitre P-ocipitatbo Wind No. ofdayt - -te- i-- t So-e No. No. Soot, Sleet k 0 iof dayn Fastet my t. smmbt)

- e0 I , 8 Stbtea-d ntadoo c i 8 O.8 o 8 -nz M a ~0I

0. N .0 = t a b : n 9~, 0 . Ca-e 0 , ,1 o R 60 . 'C a r r. X0 - Ft Mb. Mb 'F 'F 'F 'F 'F 'F 1b.1 o. In., M. M. 10- 4- 8- O-IG -3 0 I OWA p h. p. h. 3 7 10 orlitgtto 694 908.5 1016.0 87 63 74.8 3 1 9,. 1I 41 2 .14 05 . 4.85 i:0.(1, 8 70 0. 0 o.00 7,9 SSW 40 NW 10 Des Mojior 948 983. 7 1014.6 8 14 3 4. 88 6,4 76.0 5.4 1400 1941 1 10 0 -3. 70 .41 11 8 0 11.3 5 47 W 20 Dooq,, 1065 489.5 1015.1 83 60 71. . 9 14 7 5.1 :1.8 92 21 41 71.T 5 5 .0 0 12 13 5 4.7 Slooo Uty 1094 071.9 1012.8 90 04 7609 0.0 00 13. 41 1-02 I1010 .0 8 3 4. 2 1,0 41.50 2i 1.. 75 140 S 57 NW'2' ' 117 14 W.ter loo o70 - . - . 0 2 74.0 4. 00 20 4 1 2 20 0 71. 1 11.3 . ------011 405 .59 KANSAS 17 5 3 Con.ordi fU) 1375 060.4 ---- 91 6h 78.3 l 2 4.4 109 30 46 17 ' 'C t 3-.20 1.15 911 II0 8.4 --- 33 NWi b 1S7 8 4.2 87 Dodge City 03 0 2504 925.0 1011.0 ht 79. 3 5.8 104 30 52 11 117; 58 4.83qI2 07 1.81 I.45 4 8r 11.3 SSE 63 5'23 31 8 3 3.0 a 7 Goodlotd 3o45 880.0 1010.4 94 00 7, 8 8.3 101 2 I 48 5 2.43 .34 3 8 14.2 0*40 NNW 60 16 1 2 2 3 o Topek. 879 070.3 11014.4 87 65 76.8 I1 53 53 3.80 0 30 45 0.32 1.69 0 II iI.I OSE O o N927 11 Ii 8 2.1 7. iicthia 1321 05.1 10112.7 92 h7 79.3 C, 4.8 106031 47 1 62 60 1.28 .47 : 7258 13.6 SSE 34 S 17 18 10 10 5,3 74 19 0 KFNTUICKY .8S Lex ngton 979 981.9 1017 3 83 02 72.5 .3 91 24 4. 4 62 72 6.80 22.59 2.144i 1(3 0 0 8 13 5 .3 - Lo-loi-ile 474 097.4 l()16 S 85 63 .0 7. 8 S ------73.0 .3 93 11 45 62 711 2.38 1. 0 11 7 0 .I SE 37 N 24 10:13 7 1.08- 05 .0 4.8 70 13 0 LOUISIANA Bat.n boog 64 1013.5 101.7 88 6S 78.8 -. 8 98 0 055 68 75 3.78 1.24 1 .4 10 9 .0 0 7.9 A -- -. J- 6 8 lb Lake Ch-rl-o 12 1014.0 1015.7 80 71 79.8 0... .Y 94 8-.08 17 64 74 1.04 .914 8 7' 6.1 S '21 1S. 12 5 13 I2 New Orleans 111 9 1814.27 ----- 88 73 80.2 1.7 96 i65 2 . 115 - . 11 .68 2.11 3.71 120 9 5.4 --- 25 SE 15 6 10 8 New Orleano 3 1014.2 1016.2 88 70 78.7 To 1.8 04 8. (11 14 09 77 -.08 1:i.05 3.04 9 5 7.5 SSW *2 ENE 27 5 13 12 Shte-epor- 252 1006.4 1801.4 89 69 7903 .0 9 -i.808 27 ,58 13| 67 70 3. 11 .47 1.43 87 9. 7.05 - 12 10 8 8 .1 80o 11 C-rlboy 50 .0 8so 024: 090.8 1813.9 08 59 0 6. 91 14 i38 51 76 3 35 I.40 17 4 10.8 7.0 - - 3 .9 0 WSW '-44 NNW917 1 10 10 fortlaod 61 1011.2 18IS 3 74 511 62.0 2 94 l o 30 10 53 73 1 .51 1.81 .92 14 6 8.5 S 34 E' 8 5 14 11 6 ,5 oS5 0 0so MARYLAND .8 0o Boltinoer (Ui 14 To ------85 b7 75.0 1.b 100 13 58 2 . 4. 83 1.31 Balti.ore 140 1011.2 181606 82 1,1 71.9 .3 07 13 51 0 ol 70 2.11 1.41 .94 10 5 7.0 WNW 40 W023. 7 15 8 5.4 6, F-ede-ick 294 -0- ---- 82 50: 70.8 0 1.8P o 13 41 - 2.08 11.28 1.70 06 - .0 ------j ------ 0 Blue Hil1 (R) 1015.3 .0 Obs,. 629 992.2 77 57 653 1.6' 93 14 '44 0, 3 - 73 2.57 1.24 11 3 12.8 S 50 N5 13 0 10 14 6 4 01 Boston 15 1818.11014.7 78 60 68.9 1.7 97 13 47 10 5 -1.01 55 6, 2.03 1.11 0 2 .0 13.2 SW '52 0N5 13 71711 0.072 Na-t-oket 43 101:.S lOb. 1 68 54 60.8j -. 1 87 1.. 45 55 83 2.29 0 1.19 30 .0 12.0 5W 33 NE. 13 3 13 14 1.0965 Pitt0field 1153 973.5 ------76 52 63.9 .9 90 14 38 1 9 I - -- 1 .76 2 .83 I 0l90 1 MICCHIGAN .0 Alpe.a (U) 587 093.2 - .0 -- 71 54 62.7 1 9204 13 i38 I 2 - - 2.57 .02 .87 11 3 0 9.0 - -- t19 989.8 18106.2 79 60 69.8 - 2. 030.45 .0 350 0 27 10 12 8 5.2 71 1.7 90 13 42 1 4 57 67 1.61 1.29 .85 8 7 0 8. 4 S 42 24 612 12 06.1 65 Detroit (Willo. 722 987.5 1815.6 81 59 69.9 0 1 1.3 97 13 42 1 6 56 66 4.87 1. ,1 3.13 10 7 0 9.0 50WN '32 WNi27 6 14 10 6.0 - ast Lan g U), 856 .8 ------81 59 70.2 2.8 95 13 39 2 4 -- 1.80 -1. 27 .63 7 7 8 3. 8.- - Esanaba (U) 594 992.68 ---- - 70 54 62.3 1 6 94 12 34 17 0-27- -- 7 2 1 - 4.483 2.03 1.79 12 5 .0 0 9. 4 --- 47 N 13 8 9 13 6.1 61 FlInt 761 988.2 1815.8 88 57 68.2 .8 93 13 40 1,4 56 67 2.97 :-.04 1.35 8 7 0 7,.4 8 Grand RIpid, 681 990.2 1015 6 81 58 )..5 .0 '*37 W27 9111 10 S.5 -- 2.8 94 13 '35 2 5 56 65 3.36 .01 2.01 7 6, 0 8 .8 090 38 Mar tt (U) 677 987.5 ------72 52 ,2.1 124 9 9 12 51.4 73 2.0 99 13 35 2 3 - 67 3.20 - .26 2 .0 10 5 To00 7.80 --- 26 S13 a68 l0 6.6 62 ttuokego- 627 992.q 1015.0 70 57 0801 3.7 04 11 37 2 1 56 63 1.13 i-1I. 74; .92 5: 5 ------14 10 8 4. 2 - - S..lt St. Mtrie 721 993.60101b(. 72 49 00.1 2.8 90 13 33 52 75 4.22 1. 28 2.Oo 12 5 0 8.3 WNW '24 SW 7 8 11 13 0.0 51 YINNESOTA .0 Is2 I Doloth 1409 973.6 1014.8 S0 73 01.9 2.2 92 10 32 5 71 1.19 0 12.05 1 1, 33 -3. 14 .48 10 5 .0 42 027 7 11 12 6.2 63 Intern 1. Fa.l 1179 972.9 1013.6 j70 1 65.0 4.9 98 11 31 52 65 1. 37 0 9. 9 SE Minneapolit 830 081,4 1014.1 84 62 73.4 -2.30 .81 860 - 13 12 6.2 - 5.2 100 13 44 l1 9 58 62 6.58 2.32 1.45 14 12 .0 8 1 1.9 S Oorhetle- 1017 977.7 1014.3 84 60 71.0 38 SW29 9 13 8 5.2 61 5.1 96 13 39 2 18 60067 4.46 .13 1.17 10 9 .0 8 9.~3 SE 11 14 5 4.0 - St. Cioud 1034 76.3 1013.4 81 57 08.0) 3.9 97 1 39 I 7 58 71 5.46 1.61 3.11 10 I1I 0 7. 9 10 11 9 5.4 YISSIS SIIPPI Jatkson 305 1004.7 1-5. 87 06 7606 -3.3 95 10 48 3 1I 66' 73 7.37 3.850 2.97 10 8 0 6. 1 SSE tieridian 294 1003.2 ---- 89 65 76.7 .0 -2.4 97 29 i45 3 ' 17 -. -- 4.960 .63 1.4404 4 ?2 - 9 1 8 3,S,2 ;; Virksbbrg (U) j .0 27i SEf 18,0 l, 5. 71 71 234 1007.3 ----.- 86 69 77.8 -1.7 94 27 50 2 13 2.908 j-.41' '1.81 o 40 8 7. 4 - - .0 Coluebia 778 987.5 1015.5 87 63 75.0 2.1 07 21 45 2 1 1 8 63 69 1.98 -2.92 ,89 8 9 26 NE! 20, 9 15 6, 5 1 8( Kans City 741 080.7 1015.0 87 60 77.8 2.4 97 24, 50 0 X1 13 62061 3.61 .1.41 1.20 9 8 .0 0 10.0 49' NW 27 , 8 14 8' 5.3: 82 1.7 96 10 45 1 12 8 - - 4. 28 -2. 18 1.81 9 11 0 10.4~ --- '35 NNW, 0 St.St . LoSJo-rph i 4658090H ------995.9------87 6 61165 77.07601 I .0 .0 30 12 9 4.9 -- 1.2 94 21 053 8 - 2.39 -1.41 1.74 9 12 80o 0.SE9. 3 - - 45i SW 24 11 10 4 41o7 St. Loits 552 990.9 10 Ii 87 06 76.2 1.1 95 21 48 2 13 0 62 65 3.07 1.30 1.01 8 7 0 8.8 SW 8 13 0 S.4 -- Springfild 1265 968.8 101508 83 h4 73.5 .6 93 22 45 8 64 77 3.63 1.42 9 7 1. 93 .0 8 11.4 1 N27N 918 13 5.0 62 MONTANA 2, 0 Billing f 3538 888.911009.9 84 5S 69.3 10 5.3i 96, 4S 78 0 48.49 .066 - 195 .43 5 9 .8 41 S8 15 12 IS 3 4. 0 O Btat. 5530, 829.7 1014.8 72 30 55.3 .8 85 29 33 36 -, .0 1.55 -.73 .641 1 101 0 8.4 NW 030 5N I 11810 s 4.8 -- Glaagoa (U) j2277 936.7.1018.8 82 04; 67.0 410 97 9, 44 44 48 1.68 1.80 .77.10 81 8 12. 2 ESE Great 3004 884.9Rala 1011.2 76 52 03.8 7 4 401 SW 9o 91 13 0, 5 3. I93 10 44 3i 39140 2.58 - .38 .97 10 7 0 10.9.4 50 52 Sll I0 9, 15, 0 .0 7 NaHro 2408i 923.1 1010.0a80H 3 00.8 3.1 98 10 41i 4 013 431 49, 1.75 1.23 1.09: 4 .8 0 0.7 j36 S! 15 1801 18 5.7 6 Helenj 3893 872.3 1012.2 77 48 62.2 2.8 94 10 39 0'i 49 9 I I 40!0i 1.80 -.35 1.00 9 9 .0 0 18. 65N sI 7 17 0 5.j 70 Kalipell 295------l70 45 57.3 1.1 90 10 33 3C - 2.92 .49 1.99 13. 0 Miles City 2629 928.9. 1089. 87 59 73 0 7.8' 101 20 50j l'3 152 0' 1.80' -- 1311 07 -- Mttnila 3200 901.5 1015.0 460- .98 0 13.3 SE '40 SO I1S 18 9 2 4. -6 73 45 59.1 _. 1 90 0,37 12 43 00 2.87 I. 00i .93 13 7 8 7. 2 NW 0 1 S0 3 21212 I~ 0 ii 0 49i I ' Grnd IIend 1841i 947.5i1012.1 89i 04 .0 -, 7862 4.86 99 21 41i I 1f5 'll' 62 3.51 .15, I 37 9j 12 8 I3.8jSSE 1 1 3 4 Li.o.lo (U)I [ 11660 ------89 85 77.2 4.4 103 21 45. -3.93 -.17 .98 12 15 0 18.7 -- 60. Sl6. 80:13 12 5 4.2 82 Norfolk 1544j 958.0 1012.1 89 62i 75.3 6.0 102,21 391 I1 14 59 15b3.89 -.89, 1.47 13; 16 0 North Oab . 1323 966.1 ------88 64 76 0 -_101 19 N brthPlatte 809 411 151 -- 2.74 1.15 9 12, III5121 3.80 2779 914.3'1010.7 601 7480 5.2 99 12 01i 41I 57159 5.250 2.33 2.89. 18o 1 0 18.7'0 SE .o010210 43 1 60158 2.67'. .1.84 .70 10 9 0 II i SSE StoOhaaitt bltff ! 3950978; 977974.3 4 1009.31013.6 8990 076tO 73.477.6 571 21 1 1i 13' 6 4 6 80 0.9 101. 13 4602' zl 1 2 481 47 1.30 1. 48. .28 811 0 10.08ESE Valenti e (U) 23871 921.1----- 90 59i 74 6. 7.3 103 13 -. -- 1.731 I.44 .81. 81313 0 13.80 --- 31,2 .0 368 15 17,18 31 3. 12 8.- NEVADA I-) Elko 5875 844.2 j1014.0 80 40 60.1 3 -.2 95128 . 5 3 35 45 .58 .12 .49 2 0 I0.8 OSw Ely| .9 93128 6311 27 31 .381 .38, 1 5 1.8 Las bega 121621602571 943.1l1006.71011809.2 11012.9' 81! 7040i 85.560.5S 0 3472 W 23 ! 85 4 29! 8 1.9 114 27, 61O!6 24 12 .001 -.13 0 12.86S Re.o 4397i 861.8H1014.1 82 42 61.7 j 30 50 14 27f 2, 1 .8R .2 99 27, 331 5 35141 .021 -.40 021 1 II 8 7.0 WNW 38SW50 4 123 5 2 2.215 Mtine.. r..a 42991 867.3 1014.0 81 41 01.2 -2.81 98:27 241 5 s 6 32 38 .011 --74 .03 2 8' 0 8.4 0 35. Nli BAMPSHIRE 5 4 206 8 4 3.18 Cnoard | 339 1084. 1 !0 14.9 |7 52i 65 4 1.3 96814. 37119 43l tS 71 1.69 1.93 0 5.8 NW Mt. .. tt.. to 0282 8008.2f- 1---f 51 391 45.1 5 .7! 66 14 23118 - 91 6.90 .64 2 .55 l l 21 7 27. 4 0 2%72 N 118I 3 8121 8.0, 42 See footn-tea at end of table. 86 - CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA

2n.-1T-ts-ds - . -1- - - 'JU E 1950b

p-nAle T.Iipe-ture Pi-cpstaraoo wind iNo.of deys

F -F- , i--T - -No. - 7- I T~S.- IFoones on). to sunset) K

(sacs -sd stati. '

0 0

P.8 105.8 26 1. 0~ 0,65 3'1 1na49 84.06! ,j -- 1;.1 14 . 5 .06 Ft. lab. F. 'F IF, M. B)0- 8- 0-10 %; NEW JERSEY Atsiani Cit 'C) 109O 97 65 0' 8.1 95 17 56 4.1 1: 88 ' 8.0~ . 34 18 9 9 012 S.0 08 7 IL0IO4.4 1.4, 99 14 52 28 6: '29 NW2 .7 8 1 57 5.6 - T-rI.. (U) 56 1088.4 .9i 96 401 20 6i 0.0 S0 23 N 20 9 13. 8~ 5.4 64 *. SW 0 -- 4.12 1.17 .1.0 11 H1 .0. NEW8MEXICO M11.0 7F. F. F7. A (baq- q-S 53 10 040.0~ 4.80108 13 08 3. 2O0 4 1 S8il !7 17 Ii 2 3.3 871 4089 845.0 4.8 98 20 521 14i 00 - 14 13 3 3.9~ -- 3 7 9 1815.78275 51 6.9 8 40239 .43 -I.4 .02 51 9 .8 a 807.3 7. 5 9214.45 29 7; 0 105 4.7 1015.2 72 57 71.7 4.3i182 15508;13,29; 36 12 892. 0 p. WS 61 NW!I .7 17 15 7 3.6 - 1009.4 794 64 76.9 0-7- 7.00. 1.71 .457 2 . ha 1015.4 89 08 72.4 0' 3--.451 -1.07 .62 O1 21 .0 2 77 10811.0 .395 14 j39 19 37 13.0 --- 01 50,139 .0761.47 .02 3 0 0 28 NhWl2'2 6 12 12 8.2 74 Biryfaota 160 1 57.72 .0 89 131432 0 3 4 14 12 6.3i 60 b97 988.1 .9 90 15,44'19 2 436 S,2 :7 9 912508 10L 104.3 1015.0 77 5o 67.3~ 1.496 14 3 9 I3 0t 55 67 1.8 1.51 .o 0i 3'2 .0 36 SW12.8 7 16 5.7 60 1815,8 79 55 6.1. 0 36 SW2 ~ 19I1013. 9 1.4 99 14 52 9 6 0 6 70 1 94 -2.02 .45 I638 .0 5,0,~ Iufl 01 48 0 615~ 9' - 543 9946.4 1016.2 70 57 670. .0~ 9213,42 19 3 35 W2 !7 7 13 10 5.7' i4 71 7 --- -- .3 94 14 43 19 3j U -- 3,49~1.25 61182'10. .0 -- 19 92 3.3. -- 424 994.3 -.H 02 14,~44 19 4 40~ W. i2 11 II18 5.3 ! 09 0 058 072~.108 .5976 2 . 1015. 776 66. NORTHCAROLIN5A 0 bl 68 1184 -2.02 1.48 1 3 .0 0 - -6. 79 50 74.7 1. 012.~43 3 2 01 5508 ,17 1.17 .09 lo 4C .0 00 23 S 10 013 11, 6.2 88 7277 989.- 11.r SSE .8 7 16 7~ 5.0j 71 10. 7 --- 31 N Ashs) Ie (15T 1905.8 0 -3 4 43'l.34 3.03.1213 .0 11 6.3' 67 89 H 10.1 SE 71 Wsw :6 3 18 4 10(7,6. 0 831 00 1.2 -2.29 I.9 7109 .0 7 4 0 18 7.51 62 1810.0 70 56 67.8 -905 24,162 3 8, Etru... a 433 1003.0o .898 23, 48 4 14 0 81 88 2.3li-1.r9 1.34 5 40 .0 .88 1,95 5.41 76 70 1015.4 .8 9652, 73 I 0 73 NW n0 .01 7~012 085 70.0i 9 51 70 (uen)br 967 982.3 -.2i 97 25 4737,, I 2 6 IS 9 5.9. -- sOlo.30 80 64 78.8i 0 70 5 52.51 1.14 -.946013 .0 8.07 --- 0 87 71 4.43' 2.37 3.83196i .0 (ani. .ra.(5 0 0 57 -4 4.36' -19 12 s012 9 .0 1817.4 778 52 673.8 1650 9751. 9 5.0 99 10 :42 1 4 0 40526 3 2.3 1.39 1.7853 4 .0 0. 3 5W 56 07 (0 12 004~4 79 14719 939.7 lA-o. 793 70 74.7' 2.7 93 10 1 3' 8 NW' 0 1013 7 5.21 77 10106 872 63 74.9, ~40 .9 895 970.7 8.1 9912 37 1 4 7 6 SSWE 42 BSri 19 10 9i 5 .41 50 79'Bo 67 8.0. 1077 943.8 101.6 ' 0 57 62 23 6 -16.97 1.48 913 .0 5S15 9q9127 5.71 68 i 9990946 7.:3 0 34 1017.1 O 83i5 74.7l 0 -- -- 0.95 2.77 3.41 9187 .0 9I 4 SW- Ltaila Lke(C 0 570 .94 1.09 6187 . ~42.00 0 5.9 fr-- 1210 97T9.4 1o81. 04 57 78.1 .1.491 13 4 2. 1 8 408 72~ 3.24 -.3 2.53I 1049 0 9B8 13 0.9~ -- Cil-lasta (U) 8 76 1---- 79 57 67.9 - 2 91I 12 47 7 5i 1 7 SW) 132-- --- 08 CHI-b 889 989.7 101.2. 021 59~ 70.7 .3. 92 12 48 2 41 0 8. 7 W 14 7 10~13 5.7 -- 787 98B.9 .:7 92 13,45 1., 5 01 5- 69 3.22 -1.43 I01 2 7 .0 0 13 a, I1 1I .0 ' 53 72 4---- -2'93 13 f47 2. 5; 1017.15 77 57; 067. 8 50 89 4.290 1.614 1.9 97 .0 9.32 SW 815 `087.3 .4 95 13 40! 2. 10 0 0724.148 1.09 1.4, 14 90 .0 42 N~l '4 7 I 12 6.0i 62 1002 988.9 .4 92 13140 2. 4 05 0 31.82 2.04 1.2 9091 6 . 0 ,3 9 H 131 8.0' 60 687 994.4 1810.01 02 82 72.1 -96 13 .40a1,6 0 596 3.2291 1.10 1.20 14 91 .0 03, 9 13 6 4.0 08 8 78 991. 0 95~12.4 le 8 11.1 SS 710 13 6.1 73 0 ~3 1178 9274.9 814.9 62 78.81 -1. 92 14 144 l 0 54 08 2.29 -1.nl~ 1.47578 .0 14 8 12 10 0.8~ -- 0 656 - 2.403i .75 1.4021 tO .0 7. 0 SNW 0 1280 970.5 .1019.2 01 59 69.8 68 100032 154 105 8 7T 186 6 8 4.4 82 01 57 75, 4.91. 1.28 1.37 14 11 .0 WS C ct- eas-)t 8 872 090.7 1017.1 70 42o 06.7 1.3102 27 '5512116 0 9.4 S" ~35i 17 9121 9 5. 04 A 0i 354702.46-1.37 .05 740 . 301 T0 81018. 0 05 67 2.83 -3.2 13 6.227n 0 5.0 --- 322 -2.41 70 26 42,21 0) - I17 23 0.4 - L4 0 0 4.3 - 4140 873.0 _2. 93127 28' 5 1 2 502 1.842 1901.9 187l0i .0 38 1 0000. 4 1019.1j 71 45 58. -3.31 85 28, 351II 0 - 9 5 16' 6.1 - I, 35 47 .40 -. 38j 431 461 7 40500---- -2.5 81 27 31 0 0 0 LL' 7123 5.4 - 0 1312 909. 9 1817.2 77 47 61.0i -2.1 95 27 i39 I11 3' 8 49 73 2.05 -.32 .36681 0 .0 50 8 15 869 4.3' - 1492 962.1 1015.5 70 .50 83.2 -3.5 94 27 42' 4r2; 21 -- -- I 1.42 -. 19 .47~903 .0 13.6 ASW 00 *f 9 9 4.9, 21 1017.9 1018.5 680 58 59.0 -3.6o8126 46 ;21 0 0 48 80 .80i -.17 .49 810 .0 0 4 521; 7.7i 37 s05 999.7 1018.8 72 45 50.5 -3.6808 27 26'11 0~ 0 42, 9 jI10' 9 I 5.21 58 195I1010. 5 0 1018.5 71 46 58.5 -4.3 086 27 130 24~ 8 7.91S - 0220 - 3836------641 43 53.5 -2.5! 00 28. 124 4.) o 49 73 2.035 3 .802 101 6I .0 - 15.09 4 -5 0 PENNS5YLOA N IA 0 o-- 1.48 .134 1.50 91 1 .0 _.1 951 13 49 5. 6' 4070 3.86'-.02 I.2911 0 .8 All-tas 370 :10502.3 10164 01 50 09.7 ~ F ra ag 335 1002.5101.2 82 80 71.0 o __ -- 1.013 -. 40 1.I58 9 8 .1 7 816 72.81 43 ff124 L'4' 9' 5.8 70 Attladelphta (5) 2 F .2 9414a 79 0 1B1113 1oIS.7 2 63 72.3 .2,95 1'3, 51~20 6' 0' 59 71~ 4.0 .900i 12.708 70 . PIO 10 749IboLh 8 0 ---- 26~0 2.92 16124.0 5 .0 2 0 _6 14110) 01 65 --- 00 61 70.4 -1.31 94 12, 46 2. 3i 7.6 !*SW P555tbbr8 1UL151 980.8-- 0 -- 66 5456 1.40 1.017111)10 .5 0 1817.1: 70. 5067.7 -. 9 91 13,,432 2 2 I0 806 3.86 --01 1.023 13,' . 7 '9 14! 6.3' 70 105 20 1003.5) 1010. 0282,61 71.8. .0 98 I3t15 5. 61 0 4 Oil1 L13' 6.2 09 1818.5 78: 58. 87.1~ - 792 14!4019II 3 0 3 7112111 5.91 691 NLI ~IsP-t (B) 736 - 70) 56' 67.01 0 2. 3'~--- Wliepa-s 5279 997. 2 .0 90 13 14714 9 0 2, 58:! 70.01 3.02 -. 40 1.19,9- .0

7 :eRsODEISAN I I1009. 1058 70 55 82.9i -. 1' 80815, 40 10. 8, 0) - .0-1.36 .75j 7,3~ .8 ------77 101 3 I 10I15..77 57) 67.1j 15 94:L13,4519 5 01 57 72~ 1.57: 1.600 .93 18' 2~ .0 10.3~ SW e311SS0128 0 12310, 5.7 67 SOUTH CAROLINaA 8 ---- 85 72 70.5! -1. 93.24 00 3 68 -- -- 4.97 .8 9.2 --- 3 B34 51 14' 6. 7 74 ChaI-t-a 41 1015.4 0, 1.79 914- .8 0 1017 2 87 67 76.91 ,-1.0 95 24 57 3 9 0 8079 7.6 2.97 2.60)3 15 .0 L0.68 SW - '- 117 110 6.!- -1.102 23.12 421 0 PI~esra 2 14 1811.0 1010.0 93 66 79.4 064165!170 -2.35F 1.29' 7110 :. 0O 7.1' W 21i;NW 23 3 10' 5.7' 82 ---- 90 66 70.2. 8 -- -- ;4.90 .2 3.87 10,18 .0 -.0100 23 54 3201 0 Beee5tile I 010 979.8 1016.4 807 65 76.1~ -.296 8)2 15 '13 81 09161! 2.44, -.08 1.68 91l4 .0 90'!NE 48 N239 14 13) 8. 67 00--86 6 76.6 .6' 97126F Al 3 0) -- --! 2.23! -.77 1.81)866 .0 8 7.1--- 31! NW~ I I7 l 0 tasto 1282 965. 1011.3 90 61 75.7~ 7. Sf1A1013 .37I1 151 0 7 7 .986-2. IJ 14BI ' 142 S 1105 4 )14 9 7 4. 8 tapo, City 31605899. 1010.5 08 00 72.0 4744 1.2,104 .6349 .0 Slias F. L 120 02. 9. I101)11 461 112' 45W 20 131 5. 4,3, 76 1012.4809 82 75.1 7.1 101 13 133 114 ~iO~NNW ?8tte42 096 2 . 6 N F15 141 6~ 4:2 --

802-- 60 71.2 -1.0 9113, 42 4 4 0 -- -- .39 -2.28 .51 9101 .0 ------'10 14 6.3 -- K 6~ll70 99800 1017.1 88 83 75.2 -.5 95 23 l41 3 16 0 62711.42 -2.791.40 1210.0 5.8' 39 NW 29 9 12! 9 5.0 764 1817.7 88 62 74.6 -1.2 92 In '43 3 13 0 82 672.89! -.781 1.07 9 0 0 6.41WSW 361 SW 23 9 Ij i0~ 5.7 Me~p5 tos8 950 982.7 0---86 69 77.4 -1.3 92 11.[54 2 12 ol -- -- 3.291 .04, I.259'-- . N 5077997. 5 1010.7 07 67 77.3 -1.8 94 0.54 2a15 01 84 70 3.711 .381 1.3509616 .0 1017.2 80 65 76. 1 - ,8 95 l1 44 3 16 006470 2.42 -771 .67j9)8) .0 0 5 3 123 1111I0 5.6 78 lsj tidge 181 905 984. 6 ---- 85 82, 73.5 -2.3 93 11 433 9 0 -- -- 2.20 -1.831 1.11, 8~ 7 .0 I

0 01 e I17391 902.3 o 5 1 51 .12 -2.871 . 1011.4 971 73 04.7~ 4.9 104 15 i65 2 20 9 4 113.21S 401 E1 18 l201 61 41 3. 79 See B esa .tR e d 08 856 In. - 187 - CLIMATOLOGICA.L DATA

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PN -ao Temovo-t-o PN-optoiotb. wst'd 4.. ~.ON. teat moilo to ..... t) Stat. and tlo.ou

Ft. MbMb. -F . 2F ' F 0--8 0-0

350 01. 08.2.4 449 65 .2 a80 61592. 101 .1 36 8 4 a. 0 2 6 ~ 1 2 P. hW. P. h.

TEXAS (C~ony 3 7 10, 0 561 51 2.03 -1.231 1.27 8 10j 0.0 5 16.7 S 58 N223 15 98 6o 4.,2 83 Amar. ilo 54 9.6A13 0 a4 33a3 19133 0 2 16 8 5 3.0P . Oust.. hit 10 16 4 4 0 71 74 .- 2 -2.20~ .30 4 1 .0 0 10,5 SE 27 SE 15 13.15 2 42 0 0i 05 50~ .50 -2.85 .42 3 4 .0 0 14.0;SSE 30 10 0 4 3.7 7 3510188.3 1010.382 +6 78 0.0 4.4 90 10, 67 1. 2 S~19 )Ie to 0 S1 40, 03 -2.38 .03 1 0 .0 0 13.9 --- 37 1 7 12 1 3. 2 76 El P... 0 4120 1.10 .57 .81 16 .0 0 13.0 OSE 48 1 927.3 1012.1 90 73 04.4 2.9 102 12..731320 N8 185 01 64.57 A88 -2.51 .64 4 5 .0 0 13.3 SA 4 19 8 32 3.4 -- It439021~10 1.5 04 6067 00.3 23, 90314670 10 26 0 -- .90 24 3 .0 0 2.1 --- 47 241 1032114.3 01 7737 03.30 821 7. 2061.64 823 0 4.7 40 1014.911.0 89 73 83.9 8 70 71 1.94 -1.-Il .03 52 6 .0 0 14.4 S1 -- 11 13 -- 05 1. 141 2't 2. 25 I4 I1 44.4 7 1903 978.321011.7 96 75 87 0 3.4. 107 13 72 10130 01 -- -I- 4.41 .33 1.498 0 7 .0 0 9.4 -- 38~ Houston 0 69172 4.07 .38H1.42 47 .0 0 0.71SSE -- 9 13 6 4. 8 3820 804,2 1000.7 07 71 03.8 3.7 102 13, 568 1030 0i 00 57~ .34!-1.75 .31 352 .0 814.9 SSE 1:2 ESE60 18 I18 2 3.4 Lubb:ck 544 883.2 1013. 84S73203.3 1.0 103 30 i602!23 o1 58 52~ 3,26~ .73 1.05, 9 I2 .0 0 I14.8 S *40 62- 14.10 65 4. 1 aidilad 8 61 42 1.47I -.061.24 2 4 0 0 0.7 SSE 16 0 6 3.8 12 1012.3 1015.0 A5 72 81.2.6 4 900 3n 24 ~-30 Port detlur ~6715 8 70.7o 3.04-2.74 1.05 6.10O .0 0 8.9 S5 32 6 14 10 5.8 66, 01 58 45 .07 -1.751 .04 2. 2' .0 0 11.7 5 0329 41100.-88743211Ow02.0 .2. 89 2A 64 12617 010251015.1, 81 71 80.0b 380920H .. 2 0605 58 .2 2.93~ .16 3. .0 0 10.8 SSE 31 14 151 3 4 8I 520097311. 88,,6750.8 1 10612 .7 13,0 0. 69 67 1.18 .2.06 .60 7 3 .0 010.8-- %37 123 13 5 4.2 o06591 317.2.02, .35 36o .0 0 4.0 S -- ESE!107 89 16 51 4.0~ 2243 902.9 1010.5 7645 64 8.0 3.i 2103I386 10 25. 063 52 1.51-.189; .73 67 .0 0 I2.4 sE. -29 17 98 4 3.6 UTAH Mi tIned 157 108. 1016--0 88 70 78 1 -. 41 93 A..023 211 0 -.. 73 .28' .73 2~ 2i .0 0-- 20 80 2 2. 5 180 846.511011.7 84 6 75 A. 3.4 104 15. 545i328 Salt Lake City 039838 ~63 -. 28 .59 3 2 .0 0 9.8 SE 29 SE 4. la 9 3 3.0 1610008.0 1014.2~ 84 73 83.C -1 84 3 '0 7. 28 VERMONT Hue inogton 0 53 67 2.02 -. 65 .85'1 5 .0 0 7.2 S0 29 3 11I10 .1 0I VIHGINIA 4220 975.6~1010.4 86 4 687.63 2.598 28 43 7.131 521 Lyonhb-rt 0-- -- 1.65.-2.23~ .o3 80 .0 0 b6.3..- 32 4 17 92 6.2 0 65 74 2.07 -2.09 1.77 580 0 0 7.8 SO 29 NI1 6 1113 Io "73 319 898.8 ,1014.5 70 547 04.9 A-. 81261 38 219 2 0 63 70 3.284 -. 9 2.01 816 .0 0 6.7 SW 23 SWi 26 0 17 5 1.2 73 0 60i68 1.72 .1.98 1.1010 10 .0 0 5.8 Wa -. 3 16 l116. 3 947-83.- --- 66183 72.19 -2.97983 1474 3 1 WASH INGTON 26 1013.3 1010.7I04 St7. t8 1.9 I o lyispi 1174875.7107.48495 72.3 -. 4' 77 13 43 4 13 0 40 70 2.57 1.29 .70 14 1 .0 0 7.5 SS8W 3 AW 22 3 423 8.3 Srsttlo IUl 0 -- -- 2.66 1.41 .82 13 1 .0 0 98.3 --- 34 SW 10 1 10 19851 20 Sentt 10 -- 48 69...... -- . --. ..--- 7.80 S - Sc-ntle-Tacoe 0 48 76 2.47' 1.17 .52 I 0 .0 0 12.3 SW -30 1 5 24 i. 2357 846.2 1015.0 71 47 58.8 -2.5~ 85 27 30 11 9 0.41 53 1.18 .01 .56 02 .0 0 10.0 SSW 31. SWi 10 5 0 9 6. 2 50 Stampede Paso 1 38508800.1 1018.0 53 30 45.0 .4.8 08 20 '32 74.0 3 -- -- 3.58 -.38 .73 18 I1 .0 41 -- - 15 24 0 . 101 1014.891.157 50 53.3 -. 7 61 10 47 n 0 0 49 67 t,.31 3.73' 2.45 22 0 .0 011.4 0 46 3 324 8,4 286 880831014. 70, 53 04.6! .3.393 27454 1 o . .-- .7 . 47 .35 6 0 0 0 ------12 7 1I 5.0 -- 1061 976.3I1015.1 75 47 61.3' -4.1 81 27 365 1 0f 43154 1.81122 .218 3 . 0 7.4 NNW 15614 1.08 WEST tIRAINIA 810 981.8.1017.1 Al 59 78.0-2.090,13n1414 2 8 60 75 2.70.-1.23 .0011 7 .0 0 4.8 SWI 22 41 115, 6O - Elkis- 1970 ----- 77"53 4.9 -1.6 87 13nl 40 4 0 01 57..- 5.95 .69~ 1.8 13 8 . 0 4.8 --- l8 O10~ 15 6.89 H.stisgton 1111 565- - - -4 61 72. 1.8. 84 13464 8 0..- .07 .27 1.18100-. .0 0 815 ---- I---- 81 60 70.8l 1.5 93~1347 3 5 0 - - 3.39 -.79 1.28 12 7 .0 0 4.1 --- 27 I11,10 85. 4 6 WISCONSIN 688 882.8 1015.2 7085466.0 1.3 3 1:3 332 2 0 67 176138 .33 1.44 12 89 .0 0 9.6SW 3 1' 91 10 5.1 0 SE 14 632 9H890 13014.1 8462 73.3 4.7987 13 42 2 10 0 02 .511 .30 8 8 .0 0 58S0. 203 1 116 4. 7 837~ 880.4L1013.1 8358971.8 4.49801035 210I 0. 57;63 3.24 I-.52. 7 a8 .0 0 9.6 5 40 13 a 98 4.7 II 672 880.810 15.7 79 08 68.7 3.8 83512+382 5 01 57 68 3.87! .65, 1.66 7 .8 0 I11.2SSW 52 --I 2- 14 7 91 4.5 73 WlYOMING 0 330 .03 ;-1.45 .02 26 .0 012 Wa 5 Casper 1322 836.1 1008.8 AS 51 68.3 6.3 80 ~12,41 22 89 1 6131 812.4I111. .83 52 67.2, 6.8 81413427 5 WNEI 27 141142i3.8 La sde "e 03878 0 -. .11 .3 .6 .0 0 12.7 54'14 3363 034.7 10 10.8803 51 67, 1 5.6 9212. i22 7 0 363 4 T -1 .35 T7 0 3 .0 0 80.2.- 421 1011133. Shreid.. 3842 881.8 1010.7083 32 07.2 5 .096 20 03 7. 5 04064 1 07 -1.53 .58 3 0 .0 0 0.7WNW 42 E120 CPACIFIC AlEA HI..I Ia 91008.8 1010.3 00 78 82.16-1.7 980874 i23 1 Sf73 76j1.71 .1.09 '58 ,7'0 .0 0---- 31 0101.9 1018.3 01 66 73.5 -. 8 83 ito 6,13 ~10 660 019 8.70 3.03 1.22 2 70 .0 0 8.2 WS3 237j 0.11.9 0.2 327 HttnnIa Ia 71017.6 1017.98 H 71 76.7 -1.2 84 16, 68 0 064 67 .514 8.9 .03 10 0 . 5 14.2 ENE 371 '9 011 11010.1I8875 15.3 3 ~NE1. 80 4, 71 13 01 76 85 1.719 3.26 5.41 2~7 .0 0 ------00 6;24 87 Lihur 150135 1518. 83 71 70.6 . 8 8168 S 0 67 73 . 0l -67 1.212'0 .8 013.9 ENE 2 0 12 117,7 42 1810 I518.885 77 8.1 -8 7 I1n 74In [ 01 75 83 11SO.-. 1-.71122 '.0 0 ---- -.. Poasp IWO.. 0.75 88 2.1728 6,.0 0----... 0822 05 - 0 73 78 152 -.28 .29 211 . 0140 1 - .061094 . Yap IHI 8' 76 83 11.45 1.06 .b6t122 1 .0 0 1 WEST INDIEA 82 10004710102. 8074552. San ..a.. P.H.(U 5313 '8813 4375-0 114'62 2.35 2,106 .0 01. N5

ALASKA 224047 80334 274 78.8 -3. 55 ~7f69 ~162 Anchorag' 0139 60, .52 -.37 5~0' 0 0 7.7 SH 1211 811. 08 5S83 A ...tte 101 1003.1 IO. 58 445 5.52 -. 7479 <1 2 O4 010.40 5.82 2.7 00 0 0 1. 8313 23 .83. 2 0 01 !. S 51.3 ~NE 281 3 3 12 2 6~ .7 - Bethel 8. 437 .30 -.90 .1517 0 .0 0 98.71NW n23S HE 20 1 821 8.5 - Cold Bay 034583 403 24L1.021112 . 0 7.0 SE 538 SE32 06214 8. Cordova 44 0100.5 Ol01. 354 382 730 -4.13 7 107 3014 6 243 )61 8 012128.S~ 10 1010.5 10091.1 48 38 51.42:3 1 7H411 7A 3 3 448 1.76 .44 13J0 .0 T 4.6 E : 21 J Jna.. an. 2 F H 14 2 7'21 7.6i- SE 340 888.48 10100.7 84 46 54.8 74 10 3206 0 0141 23.42 .24 1.101110 .0 0 8.86 N 30 H 418287.32 itag SaI-o 39 440 3 .33 -.70 .29 1220 .0 011.0 SSW n35 0'38 15 .40-.24 1.02 'I8 T T0 2.6 W 53. ]Lotlebose 131008.3 10010. 59 41 43.1 236 7I 514 2 5 1 NW 22 3 1111 5 A6 fu-lhtS 41S3301.0.3 0510 12.8 I 503 SW233.4 oN- 3 39 71 .72 I .2 .33 I 4 7 0 .0 25 0 ---- I1.8 -42 7.7 L1 3 .0 -- 0 Kr7723L1.8.4 -4 St. P-1a I.lasd 22 100 8.8 1010.0 42 34 38.4-3.5 4895 27 8 0 Yak~taCa 8136 92 1.77 .46 .47 laH0 i7 I -- - ol223 .5- 28N 01 I.8 03.1 03 40 48.7 _-2.88314 380 3 8 2143 833.79 11.17 1.05 12161.0 8 6.8 ESE 31 SE 16 2 4 2 8.0 -

Data Ira airPnrt osleas Otberia e Pecified. U indinsten Ilebu, H indlontes Sural1, sitro. * asetered is t-Ia. '"Potet Mile' is the tasta mile observed. This $ta~tto ia t.t equipped nith sun smti -crdingaind 1.-numo6

Masi..m hourlly Irae 0 Station prssre apply ng h...inosbais Tsble 106, nf the ...naIsl -m of this publittloti.. a.-b-r Hf day...nnLasa 70 o aboe for Alaskao tati..ona


(Ba..e 65') Table 3A 0955 - 1956 ------T- State and Statien July Aug. iSept. Oct.- aN.- De.- Ja.. Feb. Ma.i Apr.- y Je - .- - . ------fr OLABASA 0 095 450 354 073 7 28688 2780 0 607 719 266 5 0 74 270 489 183 63 0 S 0648 18122 S 370 191 9 aatty... S 1322 354 513 623 269 274 11 6 0 2280 2137 0 02 ARIZONA S 22 219 480 857 959 979 0004 864 723 406 6848 7525 Pl uoal 232 219 94 47 S 0 1106 1 492 DOS 121 365 7oh-a (ID 02 060 278 271 402 131 S 0I '139 1698 P...nia 693 699 840 .55 1100 4040 4533 40 559 547 0 129 198 466 84 S 1473 i 1776 0 0 266 2688 007 12 612 725 725 958 564 372 64 4070 4702 S 202 178 292 72 0 865 950 S S 96 25 40 0 04 0 ARKAN SAS S 0 769 842 576, 10 3474 Lit tenth- 507 407 3160 S 124 459 G693 769 506 386 214 12 3216 2982 395 600 393 334 2607 i 14 S 652 0 124 CALIFORNIA Rikerfteeld 332 383 423 494 246 133 26 4 20866 2125 650 198 581 793 793 768 514 357 043 4236 4222 20 063 271 700 903 *950 780 617 428 065 332 *324 0 20 4 47 392 175 207 3901 0758 2808 298 386 451 451 487 540 458 4936 4632 Acecha(u) 53 426 455 517 559 340 183 49 090 2286 2532 59 279 272 339 150 195 05011 I 2452 74 123 3 02 92 167 283 316 169 182 1899 2025 0 292 95 2580 362 798 893 940 936 750 505 345 0 8023 592-3 1390 116 354 428 504 409 302 265 33 18 30863 3520 069 485 Lao1Ogae (R) 2 47 395 509 552 539 341 179 64 2858 2548 Sn. Dhua R 2 47 49 360 452 5122 486 297 189 70 6 2431 2600 68 397 475 535 515 333 097 68 2608 282 106 62 261 140 497 764 568 506 309 725 4257 4243 t Iac... (U) 677 635 54 254 236 290 327 208 1182 57 8 2507 2574 Sacra.en. 187 246 O 176 273 262 405 390 346 300 235 3367 3089 102 075 325 406 486 405 359 3376 3421 107 256 46I 208: 130 322 34 98 3 20 396 403 459 334 234 45 2481 2410 Santa Macna 196 049 I79 318 374 530 384 228 092 D35 366 34801 29134 COLORADO 41; 274 640 l040 1239 1295 293 1002 74 2 621 68027 8 659 Colordo Springs 034 369 *886 920 1036 1107 838 622 203 6127 8254 923 581 5748 8132 126 336 959 955 1072 764 714 0 brace J-ntian 33 279 666 900 870 682 695 372 5090 5796 Pa-bo. 0 I 296 804 887 1088 0070 747 473 98 S0 5543 5709

CONNECTICUT Sr 2 Bindgrpart 229 1053 922 587 5876 5896 S S 60 657 1243 896 304 24 nrItf-rd S 029 354 754 I256 986 653 340 37 6896 603 93 285 692 1177 1073 927 959 617 335 39 8203 8026 DELAWARE waleangtan 45 226 645 0090 1021 790 620 456 199 13 5288 4910 DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA Nehagtn (U) 03 169 573 951 926 677 655 335 215 13 4427 4258. Wachnugtn 937 4529 4333 182 576 968 685 6691 360 1222 25 0: 0. FLORIDA S 05 Apalarhitaba (u) 28 064 319 454 141 163 35 0 0 1304 1307 0I 0 21 87 193 362 122 137 40 0 0 987 8688 Fart My-r S 0! 312 64 209 39 53 2 0 409 405 036 314 194 130 27 1103 0 220 404 0 0 260 254 330 454 027 255 0 0 1284 0243 S 36 Ery Bray (U) S 2 27 2 S 00 Scmi-(RD S 0 S 24 135 30 0 0 0 DlI 107 D7 132 23 30 0 0 B 97 86 0 0 120 023 51 S 110 6 2 1529 305 60 7 0 0 Peee In(R S 0 1702 650 0i 56 226 329 475 162 163 43 0 I 786 240 368 496 200 72 0 00 1833 0519 0i 0 631 154 266 76 5 00 858 874 OrnI Palm Reark 6 29 178 32 0 272 246 B B 0 2 21 0 01 At~GORGRIA 0r 0 Aicau 0 0 167 443 702 702 463 386 202 20i 3098 2800 138 433 664 724 3696 348 16.4 9I 2882 2828 0 8 2653 2138 Itut 138 396 882 335 319 1,64 0 152 370 550 839 312 316 045 114 3405 540 596 289 155 0 IDauAH 512 266, 10 0 229 724 799 461 417 235 3396 31381 87 283 507 588 205 253 97 20901 1710 92 ILLIuNOIS 40 0 10 cSiane 192 363 875 9122 0855 720 424 2251 58192 5800 OChee ( 0 I084 Si 400 932 2066 755 344 2051 92 5988 5483 472 960 10 26 1120 0306 2531 8945 8976 S 0 220 236 44 186 S 564 657 942 614 479 351 3909 3758 Cch I.L..O. 264 1141 964 859 58 5995 IN (U)D __t 1065 528 231J 43 300 864 1205 0023 1025 878 532 2121 35 6207 6310 47 287 646 0094 1116 962 550 247 68 0I 70 356 9014 0259 2305 10004 890 537 155i 26 8235 8364 8 41 1206 6901 491 8104 8087 Srnugfield 0 331 0241 28 0G S 35 3100 1204 953 730 484 1201 23 5766 5863 8060 E..a.uI"DANA 0 0 47,51 I 4380 Ft. ae 2 258 970 2040 819 372 28 334 0228 889 16 8388 I 287 64H 6820 2285 536 272 44 Inna dno 29 322 0084 606 783 483 42 5810 5822 584 0 0 S2 33 877 0208 1204 921 12 53 8859 8524 S 2 2425 0 683 101 509 20 0 58 339 1220 0077 822 6387 6448 70 347 2008 0343 0392 1137 926 523 I0 002 425 1015 1425 1404 0235 2038 820 32 751 7272 SeiA (B) 154 31 278 605 1103 970 737 438 5842 97 340 1076 0444 0250 967 567 7416 7002 S 942 Cv KASSAS 87 10 58 240 609 1029 718 449 159 00 0 1236 429 63 I90 782 996 0033 976 804 0 130 59 0 6207 8367 Tv.g (U) 0 0 324 0022 0074 26 10138 832 5259 4909t 'Za1ek% B0 211 771 59 S 0074 855 425 0 24I 761 1214 6868 0 l9g 716 9960 1064 602 379 552 46

Beta Ira airportt tak. athti.h. aP.eifted. S 1.iedh.t. Orble, 8 imdi.ate. R-Id, .1t-5 189 MONTHLY AND SEASONAL HEATING DEGREE DAYS

95c, Teble 3A-Contin..ed (Base 65') ______1955 - Total Noal State and Station Joly Aug. Sept. Ot. Nov Dec Jan. Feb Mr Ar May June fo

KENTUCKY Lngtn0 0 4 264 696 968 1031 r 703 660 410 114 33 4883 4979 Loalvlle0 0 4 230 653 919 999 680 584 348 90 30 4037 4439 Pik-niii. (U) 0 0 0 181 514 870 939 538 498 308 23 17 3928

LOUISIANA 19 Salon Ra.g 0 0 0 67 251 333 448 215 180 62 0 0 1556 197 11 37 0 0 1342 1543 Lags Chbrlee 0 0 0 30 29 304 388 2 1717 NewOrleans (U) 0 0 0 17 189 301 392 148 103 Me.Olas0 0 0 50 207 314 414 170 14 40 0 1318 1317 ShrevpOrt 0 0 0 79 351 493 569 319 267 110 0 2189 2117 MAINE Caribu8 50 61 379 649 1022 1667 1248 1492 1427 965 623 302 9839 10173 Gr .e.vAlle (U) 29 67 316 628 1010 1631 1364 1376 1429 883 65 173 9130 Pnrtlaed 5 42 246 501 861 1448 1161 1166 1213 743 116 141 8043 7681 MARYLAND 4448 4203 Balti .... (U) 0 0 24 167 600 958 903 079 663 I331 115 4 Baltimo..e 0 0 34 224 648 1037 895 758 749 414 172 18 5048 47 81 Frederteln 0 0 74 304 736 1089 1068 829 808 466 216 24 5608 48154 MASSACHUSETTS Blue H011 Obs. (R) 2 16 156 3989 0 1296 2385 1043 1077 689 413 85 7161 Bete 2 6 307 6882 1181 10517 936 96 575 304 54 6155 5791 Nant.cket 7 17 126 298 834 1122 888 98 -93 1 671 501 138 6334 6102 Pltfed1 37 242 473 887 1433 130 1165 1382 761 460 95i 8086 7694

MICIGAN 1302 1330 1220 1226 800 487 1L40 8128 6073 Alen U)5 18 327 431 942 53 30 6 50 00 etot0 2 80 304 811 1165 1190 1061 3003 Detroit (Will.Son.u) 0 1 93 326 846 1179 1221 1067 988 169 291 09 6844 6469 eat Leig(U) 0 2 113 327 884 1215 1260 1122 1084 607 302 58 6837 Esosah (0 7 25f 220 461 995 1388 1373 3316 3284 853 531 326 8581 8657 Gcrasd Rapid.) 0 41 142 344 886 1219 1255 1166 1076 627 316 62 7097 7075 Ma~rquette (0) 23 29 260 1 476 1026 1381 1300 1229 1227 852 560 159 8521 8529 Muakegos 2 103 344 868 1203 1236 1141 10891 672 366 72 7148 I 7089 S. Ste .Ma~r15 12 34 324 117 1049 1477 1496 1346 1381 803 633 172 i 9357 9475

NINNESOTA DalutS U 22 27 281 610 1273 1716 111 13 30 91 049 20 172 9574 Duluth 24 29 313 608 1314 1751 1621 1560 1406 930 526 156 123 93 Intern4tio... Pall1. 24 43 383 652 1419 1923 1756 1723 1527 971 578 77 11076 106800 MlnseaPnlie 0 2 16 43 1123 163 6185 1444 1205 886 246 12 8573 7653 Snheeter 0 9 176 47 1154 1613 1622 1499 1250 729 178 2 866 8085 St .C.d 8 71 2386 2 1285 1764 1742 1594 13 78 32 25 9617 8893 Mississippi Jack..e 0 0 0 131 385 517 631 314 310 133 0 3 2432 2202 Meridia 0 8 0 150 398 528 647 304 28 132 1 5 2450 2333 Viokahu-g (U) 0 0 0 81 353 476 590 289 26805 88 0 0 2135 2000 MISSO!1111URI CaAmi 0 0 31 2914 031 1121 882 647 399 i 75 15 5182 11 Kneacty 0 18 182 740 1020 1143 877 61 77 55 507 48 St. Joe~p 0P, 0 34 270 863 1142 1241 878 731 444 77 I 10 5790 33 St ol0 0 3 21 5 941 1060 776 589 336 I 66 9 4649 66 St om0 5 9 230 69 979 1101 811 615 368 74 12 481 49 Spriagfield 0 0 94 249 695 958 1071 775 60 8 3 1 89 4693

MONTANA silliags J 22 01 240 368 1233 1305 1331 1151 908 74 26 16 7558 7106 Glan:. 20 8 282 469 1116 1763 1837 1594 1196 782 315 34 9813 8090 GreatWall 88 181 300 44 1364 1318 1363 1198 860 700 341 84 8178 75 Enee (U) 56 6 327 498 1539 1605 1681 1436 1008 716 i299 55 9226 8213 elena 93 7 33 32 1355 1437 1495 .134 971 687 i331 113 8685. 81220 Kalpl 3 8 363 844 126 1364 1320 1299 103 68 37 33 R73 85 925 695 263 10 8473 7850 MIle. City 2 2 214 407 1381 1526 1883 1365 18 889 73 Meua11 19 34 587 1217 1370 1302 1386 1019 566 29 mi I.i 11B1R2429A 16 8 77

Grand Inland i 0 1 938 335 980 1358 1371 1159 864 613 168 I 8 6955 6311 Lincoln (U) 0 0 83 269 914 13233 1303 1083 797 499 All 7 6279 5865 Norfolk 0 0 [113 381 1087 1481 1001 1293 949 645 I173 11 7634 7065 North Platte 0 0 152 437 1063 1354 1288 1147 855 887 183 I 5 7171 6546 Oah. 0 0~ 61 305 964 1284 [1314 1121 841 502 114 71 6557 61600 Bnottabluff 0 2 10 430 1038 130 17 16 88 896 90 61 6841 Valeattas (0) 0 81 156 430 1182 1458 1405 1318 980 751 341 6 93 77

lk NEAA47 4 285 45 04 17 1062 1290 8177 16011 36 152 7406 7335 ly68 2 163 542 99 1121 1059 1312 901 704 I444 146 [54 4 La ea 7 30 520 487 553 268 105 a 0 23 42 R.n 50 81 201 437 762 905 952 1077 723 556 309 I 122 6102303 Toeph 125 I 35 763 940 907 973 75 8 17 2 5451 2812 Mtaemcca 419 4 I 24 478 920 995 93 1047 813 545 I 09 146 6481 0209

SWAPSHIRE CoNorW 0A 23 210 502 807 1446 1216 1144 12516 748 443 8 88 71 Mt. Wanhiegtos 3501 418 772 1042 1423 1992 1560 1706 1773 1352 1188 591 143

JESyauy 3 7I17 NW AlncCiyU)0 I 0 25I 15 5631 992 97 741 788 523 284 3 08 44 8N-ark 0 0i 45 207 839 1101 1013 833 864 516 218 19 5455 5252 Trno U 2 37 64 1095 1014 806 832 47 209 16 53106

AlbuquNerquKe 'O0 0 1 I 3 5901 764 736 836 483 2838 20 0 3837 4389 5138 Claytn 0 0 83 253 I 742 777 8196 89811 660 443 77 0 4809 3436] 32 No.e53l 0 0 0 134 j 500 692 703 795 384 222 6 0

NEWb OREy 13 174 387 821 1377 13789 1123 1145 687 370 40 7395 6002 Bahmo0 14 197 421 906 1396 136 1152 1180 722 443 61 7888737 Buffale 0 I 3 137 338 783 129 I1243 300 1082 652 376 71 6955 83 Sew York (U) 0 0 30 182 627 1069 995 814 636 508 261 20 5340 5850 0 0 21 146 591 1058 691 805 828 493 214 14 5161 4889 ewYrk I 68 Rohae 169 357 812 1251 1388 1101 18 87 47 7 39 Seheacetady 0 4 133 350 7983 1300 1227 102 1074 620 3078 29 6880 6520 SYrnou 0 6 141 341 790 11333 1307 1095 1123 658 36 49 7228 47 NORTH CAROLINA 4291 42 Anhenille (U) 0 0 11 272 605 845 937 584 550 389 58 40 Asherillle 0 0 20 328 656 902 964 614 574 346 6 33 4506 328 3257 '3818 charlotte 0 1 J 1585 4342 748 737 490 430 234 28 2 Oree..ah... 0 j 12 230 53 890 880 617 554 320 69 22 4132 2392 Ratgh (R 0 1491 5007 8450 802 5482 406 2175 65 8 37451 36 iatt erag (R 0 491 287 645 777 5412 418 2175 40 0 37536

Data from airport unless ot erwis. specified. U iedlee.atUrba.. R Indjoatee Rural, i~ts... 190 - MONTHLY AND SEASONAL HEATING DEGREE DAYS

Table 3d-Coat ind (Bas. 65) 1955 -1956

9rate and Stotion JUTy Aug. Sept Ot. N.o. De.- J... Feb. Mar Apr May J... for

NORTH CAROLINA (Coet'd.) Zao~tOO 0 0 0 104 349 659 0 4 3 51 169 425 0 27 12 2323 ,Pgt oo-Sole- 0 0 13 179 510 8619 837 597 530 288 60 22 3097 3721 NORT DAKOTA lamrk9 7 252 501 1494 1820 1867 1618 1281 819 308 13 9989 9033 JpabLake (u) 14 20 325 591 1520 1955 1936 1739 1227 1000 408 31 11084 9940 Fag 0 231 534 0376 1845 1828 1714 0406 8190 31 3 124 9274 rand Fork. 7 03 300 591 1447 0932 1931, 1925 127I 90 38 2 196 Pa-bi-o 3 38 286 589 1407 1955 1938 1534 1520 973 409 28 100657 #amlat-O (1) 20 11 379 539 1497 1779 1800 15116 1194 935 339 26 97989 908S TRIO Ak... 0 3 82 387 833 1194 1217 1006 946 596 303 73 6840 6203 -lec...ati (u) 0 0 7 205 648 919 I1002 702 625 368 82 24 4592 4532 0 0.t 017 282 739 1019 1104 789 719 480 135 37 5301 j 5195 Clre-ad 0 1 52 320 7851 1127 1151 967 891 566 265 69 8194 I 6006 Coa~o0 0 29 302 740 3070 1152 845 788 495 186 42 5680 5615 Inln0 0 29 314 793 1103 1193 884 811 512 18 41 5876 I 5597 Sa-d-ky 11) 0 0 36 290 778 1133 1186 979 903 530 265 59 6149 I 5859 Toeo0 3 92 347 843 1289 1266 1040 961 575 271 r5 6742 6 394 Y~oNOn0 7 110 392 i830 1385 1221 1011 956 596 321 78 6707 6172 lOln~oh C. t 0 0 5 151 585 849 888 700 464 257 14 0 3923 3844 Tnl1a 0 0 0 129 190 816 .905 653 429 245 I29 6 3766 2584

NA~t-in 215 199 250 388 658 720 712 763 63 49 335 289 5700 4995 Ia.ns (1) 1RS 8 262 475 963 1107 1202 1197 970 536 319 i228 7271 6918 J...n 115 70 189 377 850 702 712 798 636 430 265 206 5150 4778 Srachn 230 89 344 578 i1092 1150 1135 1187 983 I652 1452 397 8289 7888 ,,dlod 51 4 140 303 642 723 77 795 643 338 205 116 47081 44 Peaadlet.. 41 1 159 372 895 976 953 1054 660 330 181 I 97 57 16 5204 Portland (U) 69 24 106 282 656 728 693 793 589 309 161 135 4546 4143 Poond80 33 173 346 701 793 770 839 839 364 2071 174 5112 4632 R-nbarg 94 30 173 341 569 665 716 758 595 39 27 195 4780 Nee 9 5 172 358 6 52, 71 736 805 647 405 213 200 5070 j 4574 Rootno S.-it (R) 29366 82 275 442 792 912 968 953 876 567 418 346 6863 6217

RNSYLVANIA Alloto.a 0 1 100 299 750 1209 1103 927 928 548 278 28 6189 58 ... isbnr 0 0 67 257 718 1124 1015 80 8124 484 202 19 5560 525 l'hlladelOhlo (U) 0 0 16 19 5 11 54 764 9 6 6 7 4878 4523 baldlpO, 0 0 32 200 62 061 101 790 809 456 170 141 5165 4586 Palbrb1)0 0 30 275 683 1013 1050 808 759 466 14 4 Poobro0 2 59 361 775 1115 114 897 87 540 242 66 6063 5905 RodoR 0 56 313 657 1092 995 915 820 465 197 13 5323 5060 I~ote0. 0 133 340 813 1277 13223 1007 1033 802 33 7 6812 6047 9i-imporo 0 0 105 340 793 1207 1115 959 923 520 290 35 6277 59 RH00E ISLN Olook Isad0 2 74 261 629 1115 1015 904 948 671 464 104 6187 5843 P-i~denor 0 10 116 326 711 1219 1066 941 986 625 365 52 6418 8125 SOURH CAROLINA C~clton (U) 0 0 . 0 42 225 508 557 228 235 87 4 0 1886 1789 cbarleatn 0 0 0 14 323 549 610 245 275 117 6 0 22293 1973 C~nbn00 0 131 380 68 83r70 333 154 9 0 2708 2435 Plrae0 0 0 106 361 667 672 345 325 147 16 0 2659 2507 leevle0 0 2 182 .442 740 739 503 417 212 29 6 3252 3060 Spart-ob-g 0 0 1 157 436 760 7451 495 413 29 31? 20 24

S0UTH DAKOTA 1on69 448 1269 1726 1732 1618 1187 757 232 10 9101 7902 pip"re 0 0 155 409 1266 1698 1642 1458 1079 742 221 6 8668 Rapid City 0 0 164 415 1203 133 1294 1180 953 774 270 0 7604 7535 lnoPl0 0 3 164 418 1212 1639 i 1663 1486 1155 719 221 11 8891 7848

Roo 0 0 0 275 654 922 100 58 555 366 42 33 445 48 CheR. Eog 0 0 0 230 536 745 928, 482 427 231 10 17 3489 3384 Snole0 0 0 26 567 806 90 56 46 27 174 23 377 3590 hialo 0 0 0 158 487 695 806 492 425 16 7 1 3256 3137 Nehoolje 0 0 214 574 785 895 518 479 249 21 18 3753 3513

7AS6 kbi e0 I 0 0 76 374 576 :666 511 245 135 0 0 2583 2657 nAnrtl 0 0 32 160 841 731 844 851 540 339 24 0 412 34 00000 0 0 0 24 252 384 4.45 295 168 32 0 0 100 1713 0000le0 0 0 0 72 105 118 108 52 0 0 0 4561 ,Ibs 0 0 0 1 130 204 228 150 95 4 0 0 812 1011 0 0 0 54 347 550 615 434 244 84 0 0 2228 2272 ela0 0 0 21 236 380 :423 269 91 20 0 0 1440 1407 0 0 0 34 317 477 48 578 238 132 0 0 2244 2641 0 0 0 55 356 5 625 445 260 97 0 291 2361 la1se5 1 00 (U) 0 0 0 4 148 246 291 188 123 I 9 0 0 1019 1211 Ramet- 0 0 0 0 9 350 245 303 196 12 8 0 0 1044 . 1233 loao0 (0) 0 2 10 20 30 29 131 30 0 0 5152 . 1276 OE.n 0 00 21 196 20 32 21 14 7 0 0 12306 38 Lobd. 0. 0 0 0 132 186 227 150 42 11 0 0 748: 781 kilad 0 0 4 160 526: 633 7.51 761 413 230 7 0 3487 3587 OrrT.0 0 0 74 383 512 60 54 63 146 0 0, 2524 11 AngdRoel 0 0 0 37 237: 297 380 215 164 46 0 22576 25107 Is0100 j 0 0 0 63 341: 492 1 74 450 :223 114 0 Iltor0 :0 26 224 359 413 I275 1140 : 22 0 0 1461 1579 0 0I 0 13 173 269 305 197 128 7 0 0 591 12 Sllapol 0~ 0 0 55 306 478 546 379 2112 : 0 204 0 0 0 86 456 680 759 572 343 152 : 0 0 2048 32 kllf.UTA 6445 SB t Lne 0 : 0 140 404 832 923 6816 1167 771 51Si: 189 16 5847 64 L.Ciy2 0 120 374 673 858 908. 1114 694 446 172 35 5596 I 5866

NrlR~ 3 26 234 432 978 1496 1400 1209 . 1273 719 470 1 66 9212 7862

POhng 21 243 595 850 683 667 606 356 308 27 : 4466 4153 0 0 0 122 43 32 84 546 527 280 12 2 372 45 Siz100a4, 0 9 186 555 928 896 631 578 323 107 10 I 4222 3955 Rk 0 21 2298 606: 847 910 882 588 365 87 36 4450 415,2

267 NeaOletI (It) 160 134 13273 46368453 7708770 73084 833 865 751 458 248 1 24 6024 50 S-attle T 1 97 69 I 8 71 I 768 669 378 179 178 j 5027 4438 3Pk.V52 12 43 446 776 616 I 80 44 i741 455 260 228 5898 5275 92 14 238 I 549 1101 119j1114 123 990 448 252 191 7291 8852

5 Ot-000 airport -Iel...otheerise speel!fied. OlleeaUrbas, R edloates. R-a, Cite... 191 - MONTHLY AND SEASONAL HEATING DEGREE DAYS (Base 651) Table 3A-Cacti ued 1911 - 1956

State and Station July Aug Sept Ott Noo Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Juan TiTotal Ro8rsals Sc - .onoJuly-Juan

WABRINGTON (Cont'd.)j Stampede Pan (R) 430 328 474 773 1235 1322 1298 1281 1159 794 557 576 10227 9149 Tatoosh Inlaad (R) 327 317 324 439 706 750 730 763 722 540 j 410 342 6373 724 Wall. Walls (U) 22 0 126 318 891 949 931 1062 612 288 158 71 5431 4848 Ynkina 61 17 201 483 1008 1244 1161 1218 753 361 154 129 6790 5845 WEST VIRGINIA Charleton O0 0 6 261 661 963 1049 665 ! 647 415 112 45 4824 4417 ElkiPn 0 1 71 414 925 1140 1211 783 799 569 233 84 6130 5773 Muntiagtlo (U) 0 0 1 231 020 933 1012 647 615 389 188 34 4670 4073 Purkersb-rg (U) 0 0 12 274 665 990 1072 737 690 438 1 144 39 5061 4750

WISCONSIN8 Green sy 4 20 199 462 1026 1488 1456 1369 1265 764 402 62 8539 8259 La Cross. 0 6 118 410 1057 1531 1127 1371 1198 664 242 21 8145 7650 Mdis.on (U) 0 3 109 404 974 1392 1341 1217 1064 619 269 25 7421 7300 Mad sn 0 4 123 412 999 1399 2357 1229 1067 637 281 20 7555 7417 MIllautok 0 3 104 373 939 1306 1234 1153 1036 652 370 67 7239 7205 WYOMING Camper 1 0 190 442 1167 1163 1161 1177 979 723 276 23 7304 7638 Cheyenne 1 12 221 470 1035 1041 51113 1222 986 758 310 21 7190 7162 Lander 6 0 229 467 1126 1292 1327 1391 996 681 298 39 7864 8203 Sheridan 21 3 244 432 1238 1340 1352 1256 1027 738 308 34 7998 7903

ALASrA Anchorage 226 323 554 1029 1664 1756 1854 1584 1402 904 644 369 12312 10789 Annette. 273 328 377 652 992 1120 1000 963 899 661 477 406 8168 7096 Barrow 816 - 1012 1125 1770 2314 2562 2559 2691 2482 1936 1376 1027 21662 1994 Bethel i 345 421 594 1175 1506 1828 2147 1887 1791 1313 732 396 14135 12880 Cold Bay 474 472 558 896 897 1108 1444 1152 1297 1036 914 641 10789 Cordova 350 430 552 869 1264 1413 1467 1387 1279 8916 771 540 11213 9615 Fairbnsha 144 362 634 1268 2247 2300 2651 2193 1830 1008 501 215 15358 14158 Juneau 247 396 . 34 909 1289 1447 1396 1247 1144 780 601 441 10335 8888 King Salmon 1816 2111 1711 1549 1123 728 536 Xotaebue 346 450 713 1377 1993 2081 2420 2219 2026 1553 872 676 16726 16151 MoNreth 234 403 646 1339 2163 2284 2573 2122 1842 1159 645 306 15716 14390 No.e 46 484 692 1262 1678 1822 2134 2011 1895 1429 807 5 1 12511 14086 North-y 1781 432 707 1413 2466 2843 2892 2332 1952 1134 644 348 17181 15506 St. Paul 622 557 649 971 929 1081 1328 1308 1456 1259 992 788 11941 10839 Yakatat 327 411 539 829 1176 1376' 1244 1196 1178 855 734 541 10409 9314

Data from airport uslens otherai-e opecified. U indicaten Urha, R indicaten Rural, ite..

Sate: Table 3, Heating Degree Days, ha beec dioconticued in the Jane insurs of thi publicattion, the duta appearing there.n hetig cho-o in the lant three colooc- nf the abose Table 3A.


Table 4

Character Place Date I Time Remarks Crops I of storm , of crops)

I on I - NORTHCAROLINA 1 i I 4 Sail Iobacco and wheat damaged over 3 square miles. Durham County |

NORTHCAROLINA 1 1 p. . 1 1,000 3 4 Hail Doofs and crops damaged; egg-size hailstones re- Cumnock area lported. Lee Caunty 1 m HASSACHUSETTS 1 12 p.aM. ' ° 0 fTornado Funnel cloud observed by several peraons in north- Worcester ern part of Worcester. It did not come near Worcester Co01m ground and no damage reported. ty

YASSACKUSETTS 1 12:30-2:40 1 Electrical | ightning prematurely set off 5,000 pounds of Woronoco, ' p.m. dynamite on Maessachusetts Turnpike construction Hampden County project near Woronoco, 1,000 feet west of Turn- pike bridge on U.S. 20, injuring S workmen and damaging construction equipment to extent of i S100,000 As 25 sen were within 300 fe-t of i Ibiant center it almost seems miraculous that i none was killed. i YASSACHUSETTS 112:30-4:20 75 0 12 i Torndoesnd, at Westfield 200 yards wide and 1 mile Central por- 1 p.m. rain, electr long cut swath through tobacco plantation, level- tior I i and hail ing 5 curing barns and such shade netting and i i supports with loss of $175,000. Total loss at rI IWestfield over $250,000, affecting powerlines, 3 I I a utomobiles, and over 150 trees. Visible funnel without great violence seen in town center, but i i main as on ground with no i tornado described cloud definite funnel shape. Observer 2 miles north of i Chicopee Center, 8 miles northeast of WeIstfield, I saw storm approach as funnel cloud aloft, and end iI of her hose exploded outward as it passed over- i | head. Total damage in Chicopee area estimated at $15,000, occurring at about 3 p.m. Another storm, possible tornado, struck a few miles eastward of this path, in West Springfield and Springfield, with much damage to trees and powerlines. Rotary motion in direction of felled trees evident, but I funnel not seen; time near 3 p.s.; damage esti- mated at $25,000 in this area. A woman narrowly escaped death in Holyoke when chimney fell on her automobile moments after she left it; damage in Holyoke estimated at 85,000; 0.60 inch of rain fell in 5 minutes. Storm continued northeastward with less violence, but at Hubbardston a 500-pound chicken shelter lifted into air and other buildings upended; hail diameter here 3/4 inch, accompanied by low clouds not described as a funnel; time about 3:30 p.m. Over Fitchburg,circus tent "bal- loomed up' pulling stakes and collapsing to injure 12 or more of the crowd as storm passed at about 4 p.m. At about 4:20 p.m. , barn 200 by 20 feet completely demolished and scattered over I acre of land, with loss of livestock $200 and property $5,000. Additional damage by fallen trees, etc., brings total damages to about $10,000. This storm is thoughtto have been tornado, although no funnel seen, based on hit and skip nature, changes of direction of path, and twisting of debris. Other damages along State included many i | path across I phone and powerline- out and trees felled. Phone i I services particularly hit at Indian Orchard, i Chicopee, West Springfield, Ludlow, Agawam, and I East Longmeadow. Many buildings struck by light- i I ning, including homes in Westfield, Feeding Hills, and Holyoke. Rail fell at many points across State, ostly of pea sime.

DELAWARE 13 p.m 0 Tornado Residents reported tornado cloud over ocean; cloud Rehohoth I movement seemed to be in easterly direction. E&ech, Sussex I County

CONlECTICUT 1 3:30 p m. 4 2 Electrical, Storm struck Winsted in space of 10 minutes. Very Litchfleld to rain, and wind heavy rains caused flooding of streets and wash- Wlndhas Coun- outs of exposed soils in new housing project. ties Many trees and limbs blown down with 30 major interruptions in power. Clock factory damaged by rain after wind blew windows in. No immediate es- timate of damage to merchandise. Same storm ov- ing eastward forced small plane down on golf course in darkness at Lebanon, New London County, Cone.; no damage or injuries resulted.

REBRASA 1 3:30-4ps Sf sl 2 4 Hail Stones up to 1 inch in diameter. Chappell (3 iissouth a Besel County

IAo 1 Afternoon hain and elec- ouch erosion damage to fields, water covered Righ- Cottonwood trical way 95, and lightning knocked out several trans- 1dah. county formers.

i fternoon 1 lectrical I person killed while standing near electrical fence.

Bee reforence notes at end of table. - 193 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA Table 4-Continued -o iE-das

0 ,| .N b Estimated damage L e l peno~~P~y.categories t a . n Character Date Place Time , 0 | Property o s Remarks * (exclusive Crops , of crops)

- - _-----, - [ X- - _-_- _ ------SOUTH CAROLINA 1 Afternoon I *2 1 4 iHail, windra in,Tobacco and cotton severely damaged. Storm moved Parrish's Mill and electriccal eastward. vicinity, Dillon Countyi

NORTH CAROLINA 1 !4:30 p.m. 4 !Hail 4 square miles Pitt County damaged, mostly tobacco.

iI MAINE 1 4:45 p.m. 1/2, 10 o 4. 1 Tornado, wind, Tormado moving eastward destroyed barn and slightl, East Lebanon, rain, hail, and idamaged house. York County i ! electrical

IDAHO 1 Late 1/4i 0; 0 'Tornado (sus- IViolent whirling wind seemed to dip down, cutting Carmen, Lemhi I afternoon pected) swath through County cottonwood trees along Carmen Creek for about 1/4 mile, and was last seen as it as- crended mountainside to east. NEW HAMPSHIRE 1 9-10 p.m. 0' 4 Electrical and Lightning caused fires with loss of $25,000 to con- Nashua I ares, I , wind mercial and residential property, including $10,000 Hillsboro in suburban Hollis. Direct lightning damage to County !power and phone equipment estimated at $2,500, while wind damage to communication lines and small buildings accounted for $2,500. Door blown from garage and carried 100 feet after striking an automobile. Also damage at Hudson. COLORADO 1! Ii1I 0i Tornadoes '3 tornadoes sighted, I touched ground in open Morgan and field 8 miles northwest of Hillrose, the other 2 spotted Weld Counties| i I ! 3 miles south of Stoneham. No damage as tornadoes touched ground only briefly I i in open country. NORTH CLAOLINA 1] i 4 Electrical Lightning damage to school. Sampson County'

I Minor storms also reported at Bridgeville and I Milford, Del.; in southern Maine; and at Ogden and I Spartanburg, S.C.

NORTH CAROLINA] 2 1-3 p.m. 4 |Hail Scattered damage over 14 square miles. Alleghany, Surry, and Yadkin CountLe0

ARIZONA 2 'La te So 0 3 1 |Dust devil and Pedestrian claims to have been lifted 4 inches off Tucson, Piea I afternooo wind sidewalk by wind; he grabbed iron bars on window County to keep from going higher. He said, "It sounded like a bunch of jet bombers going overhead." Storm moved southwestward. OKLAHOMA 3 j1-2:15 am.' 10 5' 01 0 6 4 IHail wind, rain Severe hailstorm accompanied by strong winds and Stephens CuunJ electrical, and heavy rain ty caused extensive damage in Stephens tornado (san- County from Commanche to Marlow. Hail up to size peered) ! of hens 'eggs caused up to 100 percent damage to crops, gardens, and fruit trees. Severe damage also resulted to roofs and automobiles. Lightning set fire to 2 homes in Duncan and several trans- formers also burned. Near 5-inch rain in 2 hours caused flooding along creeks and resulted in flooding of about 30 homes and numerous business buildings. Unconfirmed tornado reported southwest of Comanche about 1 a.m. Storm moved northwestward OKLAHOMA 3 '2:52 a.m. 4 1 Electrical Lightning caused fire which destroyed feed mill Oklahoma City, i and contents. Oklahoma Count ty i OKAHOVA 3 13:55 a.m. 2 1 880 j 0i 4 Tornadoes,rain,/Funnel aloft sighted just east of AnadarkO Caddo Caddo, Grady, i in hail, wind, and ' County traveling northeastward. Heavy rain and and Canadian I electrical bail up to 1-3/4 inches in diameter Counties reported I causing damage estimated at $500 to roofs, neon signs, and an auto windshield. Lightning struck and killed 2 head of cattle near Minco. Next dam- age noted near Mustang in Canadian County where observers indicated twin funnels on ground just west of Mustang formed a single funnel as tornado went over community at roof-top level. Heavy rain and hail preceded and followed tornado. Damage resulted to 42 of the 60 homes in community and many outbuildings and barns destroyed or damaged. Hail completely destroyed crops in 6-square mile aresa.

OKLAHOMA 3 A.m. 1 1 Electrical and Lightning struck home near Spencer causing fire Spencer (near). j ! rain which resulted in complete destruction. Oklahoma Coun-, occupant severely burned fighting fire. ty

TEXAS 3 4 p.m. 1/4 150 1 3' Electrical, wind, Llghtning struck man Rule, Haskell in open field. Localized heavy rain and hail rain and hail. Wind damaged cotton-oil County mill, cog press roof, and cotton gin. Storm moved northwest- ward. NEW HAMPSHIRE 3 4:30 p.m. 1 lain loudburst hit Plainfield, Cornish, and Claremont Sullivan Coon areas and caused 2 washouts on Boston and Maine Railroad roadbed near Cornish, resulting in de- railments of 1 train and damage to track. Some highways also washed out.

See reference notes at end of table. 194 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA

Table 4-Continued JUNE 1956

-- Number - of persons Estimated damage I Character -i Property Place Date Time °0 of storm Remarks s : X| (exclusive Crops .-0 H 3 , X| of crops) I

!Wind, hail, tor-Widespread thunderstorm activity south of Salmon IDAHO 3 'Afternoon i 0 Sever, 3 nado. rain, and River accuepanied in many cases by violent winds evening al Most of State electrical and in some cases by hail. Structural damage re- ported at Challis, Salmon, Gooding, Fairfield, and Hill City. Hail damage to gardens in vicinities of Gooding and Hagerman. Snail "twisters reported at West Point, southwest of Gooding. Gale struck Thousand Sprisgs area about I p.m., uprooting trees, capsizing boats, and overturning car. Large crowd was gathered for boat races and several per- Sons were injured. Extensive uprooting of trees reported, some at Ketchum, Hailey, Challis, Aber- deen, Idaho Falls, andWarm Lake, but greatest dam- age along South Fork of Salmon River where more than 2 million board feet of timber downed, most of which could be salvaged. Cold front entering northern part of State toward evening brought heavy showers and damaging winds to communities of Kendrick, Craigmont, and Winchester. Hail did con- siderable crop damage, rain caused much erosion, highways covered with debris, and lightning did several hundred dollars damage to TV cable system at Kendrick.

ARKANSAS 3 P.m. Electrical and Youth killed by lightning while leaning against Blenons, Hemp-, rain tree. stead County i Minor storms also reported near St. Francis, Kans.; in Worcester County, Mass.; at Missoula and Virginia City, Mont.; and at Cement, Foraker, and Minnekah, Okla.

SOUTHDAKOTA 3-4 68pm .3d- ,Hail and rain Considerable hail from Sioux Falls to Watertown, Eastern por- H a.m. 4th some reaching golf-ball size. Deepest drifts at tion Howard, Volga, and Sioux Falls. 2 farmers north- east of Howard estimated over 12 inches of rain in several hours (from filling of stock tanks)i No official gages nearby, but unofficial 6-inch Il capacity gages overflowed. 250 sheep killed by hail or drowning. Local flooding indicated near- record rainfall.

ARIZONA 4 |Afternoon I 0 i0 'Dust devil and Dust devil moving northeastward damaged number of Benson, Cochise wind buildings (primarily roof damage) in Benson then County reportedly skipped to North Benson where it de- I small house and carport. 4 1 nolished 4 IDAHO| 4 Afternoon 2 2iWind and dust 'Trees uprooted and broken, also some structural dam- 9Suthern por- ! evening i I I age at Gooding, Burley, Pocatello, Mackay, and tion i Ashton. Sudden squall on Cascade Reservoir cap- sized boat and all 4 occupants drowned. Damaging winds hit Bliss and Gooding between 2 and 2:30pm., I Pocatello 4:30 to 5:30, and Ashton about 7 p.m. Auto wreck occurred in duststorm north of Black- foot about 7:20 p.m., with damage estimated at $40(

GEORGIA i 4 7:15pm 350100 41 5 Tornado, hail, HRoofs blown from 3 business buildings and 2 nearby Hahira, Loo I Ie o rain, and residences. Many trees downed, causing damage to County r electrical other buildings. Utility lines and TV antennas blown down. Tornado damage extended over area about 2 miles long, but hail destruction covered 01 area about 4 miles wide and 7 miles long. Tobacco hit hardest, but cotton, corn, and all truck crops i in affected area almost completely destroyed. Storm moved northwestward, then northeastward. Hi 2 I TEXAS 4 10:20 p.m -2 1 4i Wind, tornadoes fr antennas, parts of grain elevators, and barns Briscoe and and hail blown down. 2 funnels not touching ground be- Swisher Coun- tween Silverton and Kress reported over open coun- ties try. Storm moved southeastward.

KANSAS 4 Night lElectrical and Bolt of lightning struck church) destroying steeple NStoma (near),) I - rain and damaging roof. Rocks County 1)1 Io TEXAS0lton (near), 4 01 51-2 Electrical and Lightning killed farmer, struck house, and burned- i hail out pump motor. Hailstones cut swath through Lamb County fields. II Minor storm also reported at Woodward, Okla. COLORADO 4-5 P.m. 4th- 2 HRair, hail, and Heavy rains in northeastern El Paso County, in wind vicinity of Calhan, caused flooding of Big Sandy Linnol a.m. 5th Creek. Railroad property, bridges, and water Elbert"6%d mains damaged along creek at Sisla, Limon, Hugo, ties Clifford, and Boyero. Some hail accompanied storm, but no serious damage reported. 0 lAOMA S 2:10 a.m. 3 3IRain,wind,tor-IHeavy rains and high winds raked Woods and Woodward gnds and Ike nado, and Counties. Funnel aloft sighted 10 miles southwest Ward Counties electrical of Alva, but not confirmed. Storm moved southeast- ward. OKLAHOMA 5 am 15 ,"&xonarea, S3 m 3 1;Tornado,elec- 13 persons sighted funnel aloft miles southwest | tri , and of Lawton in vicinity of Faxon; minor damage to CNAnche County wind utility lines resulted from lightning. Storm moved northeastwardd. See reference notes at end of table. - 195 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA Table 4-Continued JUNE 1956

Nufea Entimnated d--aage |

| [-t Character o0 K Property Place D. Time '.p 1 of storm Remarks S (Is Crops aexclusive 7 of crops)~ ______

KANSAS 5 Early a~m.l lectrical ~.ightning struck large barn which was completely La Roy (6mile l burned by resulting fire. eat of), I Coffey County|

ALABAMA 5 Afternoon 4 Hail, rain, and Chestnut Grove electrical Coffee County

KANSAS 54 p.m. 1 Electrical Filling station struck by lightning; 1 gasoline Cherryvale, pump caught fire. Several street lights put out Montgomery I of order. County

ALABAMA S IS30 p m. 2 Wind hail, rain, rop damage by hail; other damage by wind. Headland, iand electrica] Henry County

ALABAMA S Late a Electrical, hai In addition to UK"l damage to crops, lightning Il-lvern-Taylor afternoo, wind, and rain struck and burned shop with loss of $15,000. areas, Houston and Geneva Counties

NORTH DAKOTA 5 6:10 p.m. 1 Tornado (sue- 3arns and smaller buildings demolished, antennas Coleharbor pected), wind, destroyed, and telephone and electric services (near), ItLean| i oj and rain disrupted Black funnel cloud sighted by several County I persons. Storm moved northeastward. I I NEBRASKA 5 i9:40 p m. i 0 2 1 Tornado and lFrame building picked up, carried 50 feet, and Sparks (6 mile~ i 0y rain flattened, Car and 2 tractors which were lnside east of), Key I i I building not damaged. Tornado moved northeastnard. Paha County i i I i 5 11105P.- KANSAS i 1 Electrical Bolt of lightning struck oil company wooden gun Hays (6-1/2 1 barrel; fire burned until next afternoon. sIles west of) I Ellis County 1 i oi

KANSAS S Night I i Wind, hail and High winds and hail caused some crop and property Pawnee and i I tornado (sus- damage in Rozel, Garfield, and Kinsley areas. Edwards Coun- I pected) Some evidence of tornado formation aloft at Rossl. ties

OKLAHOMA 5' Electrical Lightning struck tree as 2 men passed seeking Jay, Delaware I shelter In building. 1 man killed and the other County knocked unconsious.

TEXAS | 5 Hlailand wind 0Ieavy hail destroyed 300 acres of cotton. Lockesy High (torth- I I winds blew roofs off barns and carried roof tin ea"t of), 100 yards. Floyd County I I i | inor storms also reported at Savannah, Ga.; in i Fairfield vicinity, Maine; at Maitland, Mo.; at i Columbus, Lincoln, and near Sidney, Nebr.; and I 1 Iat Clinton and Carnegie, Okla. COLORADO d 6 Afternoon i al, wind, and Thunderstorm accompanied by hail and strong wind Sedgwick and Irain did considerable dasage to wheat. Estimations Phillips I ranged from 35 to 95 percent losses; amount of Counties i acreage not known. I i MISSOURI 5-7 a i. I 5: Electrical, winckgxcessive lightning. Damage to houses and buildings Grant City, rainand hail estimated at $200,000. Worth County I i i SOUTH CAROLINA 46:30-pin. 3 1 880 1 4 Hail wind, and Da ged crops over 2 square miles. Bone damage t° Mont Clare rain utillty poles. Storm moved eastward. area Darlingim County 1 NEBRASKA 2 e63:30pm. 2 500 1 0 1 4 1ornado, wind, ornado moved southeastward. Funnel cloud observed. Pleasanton ( - 1 and rain Man blown off haystack and injured. 1/2 miles north 1 set of fars i buildings and contents destroyed, another set daM- of), Buffalo aged. County 1 NEBRASKA 6I 4:30-6p«mJ 5 *2 i S Bail tones 1 inch in diameter. Trumbull (Couth o0, Clay County I NEBRASKA 6 I 5:45-6:30: 3 Hail and wind Several flimsy buildings destroyed Clay County p.m,. or toppled. Several wheat fields ruined by ha'l. property das (northern por - 1 lion) age by wind, crop by bail.

NESBRASKA 6 6620-7:30 1 0 2 5 3 Tornado, hail, Gene-a area, .6 farro Iasonry wall of solid, fairly new building broken P.m. rain, and outward. Many farm buildings destroyed. Crop I Fillmore COUD-( electrical ty damage by hail, property damage by tornado. F'fe cloud observed. Storm moved southeastward. NEBRASKA I 6 p.m. 4 3 Electrical and %ouse struck Li ncoln and burned; most contents Also lost. (Omil- 1 hail Crop damage by hail. northwest of) Lancaster Criut 1 See reference notes at end of table. 196 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA -1956 Table 4-Continued ------

of persons Estimated damage o 0. -~. ofCharactr Strsnrm r Remarks Place Date Time c o -- - Propertyby st D . e ot(exclusive! Crops

7- - t--p --

Srge, solidly built barn shredded to bits. Gran- ornado, rain, L NEBRASKA 6 larro~ I 3\ 1 1electrical try and corn crib carried over 1 mile. Water Denton (2 miles sucked from stock tanks. Trees and branches twist- sest of), ed off. Store moved southeastward. Lancaster County wind, Barn pickted up by wind. Storm aoved northew--r NEBRASKA 6 7:30 p.m. ShortNarrow 0 I 3 I Frornado, i > rain, and j Emerald (3 i i southwest of), i electrical I I Lancaster i4 I County wind, Strongly-built corncrib and its concrete foundation ,7:30 p.m. 100 0 0 3 1 efornado, NEBRASKA 6 and rain !demolished, but loose objects on ground nearby not (2 Dei i I Walton I moved. Storm moved northeastward. north-northesw e I of), Lancastell I County I I .:I.q I NEBRASKA IWind lidespread moderate damage to wires, trailerhouses, Lan- I 4; 1 and trees. Lincoln TV antennas, plate-glass windows, caster County 6 7B~, I I 4 3 Hail and wind Property damage by wind and hail, crop by hail. NEBRASKA 6 8:30-8:40 112 11,200 i County i- - Thayer i P.. (southwestern i I portion) folt-ball-sized hail damaged 9 light planes at 6 Evening Hail and wind SOUTHDAKOTA Pierre Municipal Airport. Hughes County 6 Ilinor storms also reported at Des Moines and Manning, Iowa; at St. Joseph, Mo.; near Helena, Mont.; and near Humboldt, Nebr. line developing late in afternoon and pass- I5 0 1 Tornadoes,wind,Squall KANSAS 6-7 pm-afleri ing eastward across Kansas during night, left cenH amidnight 1 hail, electrical,' Northern, and rain evidence of fury in a number of localities. Storm tral, and I 1 especially severe from Rawlins to Jewell Counties. por- eastern I First evidence of severity was in wind shift from tions Rawlins to Norton Counties, where dumt reduced visibility to less than 50 feet as storm moved in. I In from peas to hickory nuts I I Hail ranging size i i I i fell in area 20 siles long and 2 miles wide across i ii I I Rawlins County. Some fields of wheat leveled. At i i i I Norton, wind did extensive damage to partly con- to metal awning i structed wall at grade school and I i at newspaper office. At Kirvin, Phillips County, i hail size of golf balls reported. In Smith County, i damaged by wind. Jewell County suffered ti buildings i 2 storms, 1 of hail from 6:10 to 7 p.s., over 50- area with heaviest damage 3 miles south I I i square-mile and 1-1/2 siles east of Burr Oak; wheat damage I I ranged from 20 to 80 percent loss; round hailstones i up to 2 inches in diameter, others rather flat and Oak many windows I I i 3 inches across wide side; in Burr broken and roofs damaged. Second storm, severe wind. I I I from 8:15 to 9 p.m., uprooted trees, broke limbs I 1 and TV aerials, caused roof damage, and destroyed some small farm buildings. All limbs and other I I I i east of 1 wind-damaged articles blown directly I I original location. No definite reports of funnels I or indicatioNs of tornado damage Second area i I affected by severe winds from about 6 to 10:30pm., was in Larned, Great Bend, McPherson areas; some hail fell in this section almo, but no great i i amount of damage resulted; power and telephone circuits out for a while due to wind damages. 4 tornadoes reported, near Frizell, Pawnee County, i i north of I I at 5:55 p.m., aloft, no damage; 8 miles I I Larned, touched ground in open country at 5:55pm.; I west of Great Bend Airport at 8:25 p.s-' no dam- i I I age; near Inman, McPherson County, during evening i I as no damage resulted. Reports i apparently aloft I indicate that thunderstorm produced exceptionally severe lightning as it crossed eastern Kansas. 6 damaging lightning strikes reported at St. iI in late evening, George, Pottawatomie County, $12,000 loss when lightning struck oil storage I and burned 2,000 gallons of power fuel, stor- tank i i age tanks, building, and automobile, explosion heard 3 miles distant; at 11:07 p.s., lightning I struck farm home near Salina and electricity follo ed lead-in wire of TV, damage done to side of houme, TV set,a nd housewife injured receiving small cut on her head; at Wellington thunderstorm lasted almost 4 hours and home struck at 4:05 a.m., with some damage; unoccupied frame dwelling in I southwestern portion of Fort Scott struck by lightning about 2:30 a-m., house and contents burned rapidly with damage estimated at $3,000; parts of Wichita without lights and power for several hours early on 7th due to electrical storm; lightning struck bome about 4 a.m., west of Junc- tion Caty, setting Sbre to TV set and flases damaged wall and a portrait.

See reference notes at end of table. 197 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA Table 4-Continued JUNtE 19S Number ! I Estimated damage 'L of persons b aeoje 0 Character Place Date Time . 0 Property o . Re-mars X _; a (exclusive Crops of storm M I of crops) i .

TEXAS 7 4:30-S p.m 1 0 Electrical, Lightning killed farmer near Tulia. Heavy hail Hockley, Hale, hail, Swisher, and tor - damaged cotton acreage northwest of Levelland and nadoes Floyd Counties ,and around Plainview. Tornado funnel not touch- ing ground reported northwest of Plainview and ianother funnel aloft 15 miles northwest of Lockney.

OKLAHOMA 8 3:30-3: 45 0. 0 Tornadoesrainl funnel Alva area, a... aloft sighted west of Alva at 3:30 asm, Woods County and electrical and second sighted southwest of Alva at 3:45 a.m i OKLAHOMA 1:30 8H p.m. 18. 150 Of 0 1 Tornadoes, Seminole County wind,Oamage first noted 6 miles northwest of Seminole rain.and hail and funnel first sighted 5 miles northeast of Seminole where observer i i said funnel split in two, one continuing eastward where damage noted over I an additional 6 miles and the other traveled southeastward toward Wewoka with spotted damage over an additional 12-mile path. Second funnel i spotted 2 miles northeast of Wewoka by Highway Patrol. Damage included an oil derrick torn from its foundation and foundation pulled from ground. : I ! Rig fell across automobile, small truck, and tool shed. Empty oil drums near shed were not moved, Another oil rig blown down a little to northwest of first one. Light plane at I i airport 3 miles [north of Seminole lifted in the air, hovered about 50 feet above ground, then dashed to earth * in nearby yard. Other planes at airport were not moved. Other damage included trees being blown over or snapped off several feet above ground, buildings damaged, utility lines blown down, and windows blown out. Unconfirmed reports included several persons sighting funnels or funnels aloft i in area. NEW MEXICO 8 2:30 p.m. 4-5 e4-5 2 ' 5 Hail Portales, and rain Storm moved eastward. Roosevelt County ALABAMA 8 Early i 0 0 2 1 Whirlwind Eyewitnesses Brindlee Moun- afternoon reported mmcii tornado"l moving along tain, Madison top of Brindlee Mountain. House unroofed and grape County arbor overturned. No rain or other disturbances reported by any substation. OKLAHOMA 150 0 1 0 Tornado, wind, Tornado touched ground in field 4 miles northwest Logan, Kingfish-~ hail, erand Okla- iI electrical of Crescent, Logan County; no damage resulted. It homa Counties and rain was described as peculiar sight in that it tt555]5d southwestward and protruded from leading edge of cloud, forming an arc to ground. Severe thunder- storm which spawned this tornado traveled path 15 miles wide and about 35 miles long from Hennessey and Dover in Kingfisher County to Edmond and north- eastern Oklahoma City in Oklahoma County. Hail up 8H78 7 p.m.ph.s. to size of golf balls caused damage of S to 100 j I percent to crops in Hennessey to Dover area (King- j I fisher County) and to Crescent to Cashion area, i Logan County. Roof and window damage also result- i ed from hail. High winds up to estimated 80 m.p.h., i I snapped large trees and partially unroofed large i I barn near Cashion. Lightning struck stack of bales and burned about 40 of them before fire ex- I tinguished. TEXAS I 4 Sunray area, I Electrical ightnIng struck refinery 7 miles southwest of Su- Moore County I ray. OKLAHOMAi 8 7:30 pm 2 Hail and wind Tillman and i western Tillman and southeastern Jackson Counties Jackson Coun- I l bit by hour-long hailstorm which badly damaged ties i icotton and few remaining fields of wheat. TEXAS i Hockley, Floyd,! Hall electrical.ail cut swath 6 miles long by 2 miles wide through and Palo Pinto I a*nd wind cropland southwest of Lockney. Lightning struck Counties at Levelland, destroying 210-barrel oil tank. i Lightning and gusty winds destroyed roofs and !plate-glass window at Graford. TEXAS 9 I Hailwind, and Lubbock County, Heavy hail swept through 40 square miles of cotton I rain in western Lubbock County. Wind up to 65 s.p.h, 4 with torrential rains which flooded streets and covered roads with water occurred in Lubbock. i Power and telephone services disrupted. 9, i linor storm also reported at Jasper, Tex. DELAWARE 10 ~idnight Camden (near), i I Electrical Lightning struck TV antenna and caused shingles to Kent County j I be torn from roof. Lightning struck in at least 2 other locations in same area. Side of house hit, I starting fire. Large barn destroyed by fire caused by lightning. MONTANA i LO012:15 P.m.. 5 i 4 1 Missoula 1 Wind r late-glass windows, trees, and several structures Missoula County i destroyed. Storm moved northeastward. See reference notees at end of table. 198 STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA

Table 4-Continue JUDE 956

Number Estimated damage

eX efo persons -by catejp J8Character Place Date Time Property of storm Remarks ao (exclusivel Crop. 7- of crops) 4-+. - _ _ _ ------. . VIRGINIA 10 Afternoon | Wind, hail,hail, at kdi Patrick County jrain (eastern por- tion) WASHINGTON 10 Afternoon jWind, hail, an,d Tfrees, powerlines, and few farm buildings damaged Eastern portion I rain by high wind and in a few localities hail caused 'crop losses. Several persons narrowly escaped injury from falling trees in camping areas and from boats capsizing on lakes in northeastern icounties. arn destroyed by wind near Davenport.

NORTHCAROLINA 10 3-5 p.m. 4 IHall P amage mostly to tobacco in small areas. Craven, Catawba Lenoir, Xecklen burg, Yadkin, and Henderson Counties CONNECTICUT 10 3-9 pm. 4 1 Wlectrical and Fire caused by lightning destroyed barn and con- Litchfield and! rain tents of hay and farm tools at New Milford with Hartford Coun- estimated loss of $5,000. Lightning also struck ties 2 homes in Hartford area with small fires result- ing.

VIRGINIA 10 i4-4:30 p.m. 10 880 iWind, electricalj)amage mainly to young growing Crops; no informa- Henry County hail, and rain tion available covering monetary loss. Hail smalL. (northern and 0.25 precipitation fell. Excessive lightning and eastern por- thunder. Storm moved eastward. tions)

PENNSYLVANIA 10 4-10 p.m. 4 5 Hail, electricalleries of thunderstorms set off by cold frontal Eastern half Rand rain passage. Thunderstorms which broke out in Sueque- hanna Valley and moved eastward caused greatest damage in Lebanon, Lancaster, Herke, Monroe, and Montgomery Counties where hail ac- companying storms accounted for most damage. It ,voaried in diameter from 1/4 inch in northern sec- tions to 2 inches in Lebanon and Lancaster Coun- ties. Most property damage confined to glass breakage in greenhouses, windows, and automobiles. ICrop damage restricted to southern counties where apples, peaches, and tomatoes suffered broken iskins in addition to being torn from limbs. Pound- ing hail flattened many acres of corn, alfalfa, and Soybeans. Many com-unities without electric- ity temporarily, due to severed wires and burned- i out transformers. Minor damage occurred, from i felled trees and tree limbs, but was widespread. NEWJERSEY 10 16-9 p.m. I S C Hail, electricalirlncipal damage due to hail, although some damage Nunterdon and i wind, and rain caused by lightning and wind. Wshington hardest hit in Warren Coun- I area from Belvidere to Clinton and Flemington. Ex- ties i tensive damage to crops, houses, trees, shrubbery, I greenhouses, and automobiles reported. Hailstones ,varying in size from moth balls to golf balls i sighted, and in some planes piled 4 to 6 inches i high. Storm moved southeastward. I FLORIDA 101 i Wind and hail .ocal severe thunderstorm with strong winds and New Port Ricbey, I Ihail, size of marbles, broke windows and shredded Pasco County I foliage. Falling trees damaged a number of homes i |and automobiles. i i 10 ii Miinor storms also reported at Mobile and Sand i i Mountain, Ala.; at Tillar, Ark.; and at Helena, Mont.

NORTHDAKOTA 11 !:30 am 20 i 3 Wlind Storm moved eastward. Gladstone, Stark County Ii NORTHCAROLINA 4 Hail square miles damaged. New Hanover I i County 11Spm , i TEXAS I 1 Flectrical and High wind and lightning disrupted electric services Jasper, HardinI 1 wind at Jasper and burned out generator. Lightning and Jeffersono struck man fishing on Neches River, 45 miles north Counties I I of Silsbee. Lightning struck powerpole near I Beaumont, disrupting service to Silsbee for about I j3 hours. Wind blew down drive-in theater screen I i |and damaged roofs at Nome.

I 11 i iinor storms also reported at Toledo, Ark.; and in Jacksonville and Trinity areas, Texas. I I lSSOURI | 12 Afternoon l jElectrical Deering Peaicot Coun- . tyI i MISSOURS St. Loui 12 Late f ' Electrical ,12,000 damage to downtown building. Louir c *afternof2 i

i See reference notes at end of table. 199 - 1 MINNS(IA lv v v , U u dU 1 MCNTANA 0 0 51 0 0 80 3 NORTH CAROLINA 0 0 51 0 0 80 6 PENNSYLVANIA 0 0 51 0 0 80 1 MASSACHUSETTS 0 0 51 0 0 80


___ - - Number f .N Estimated damage peersons by categories t Character

Place Date Time | Property of storm Remarks x ., (exclusivei Crops a of crops)

ARKANSAS 12 P.m. 2, 1 ;Electrical 2 persons killed and 1 injured by lightning. Leachville, Electrical Mississippi County

MISSOURI 12iLate p.m. Electrical St. Louis

MISSOURI 12 Electrical kirl killed by lightnlng while chopping cotton. Deering, PeMiscot County

12 Minor storms also reported near Salasonia, nd.; at Wellman, Iowa; in Robeson, Scotland, Yadkin, and Cherokee Counties, N.C.; and at New Providence and Ruffln, S.C. SOUTH CAROLINA 13 Afternoon 15 C5 6 Hail, wind, andSeries of hailstorms occurred from 6 miles south of Darlington. rain Hartsville to near Mont Clare. Most damage report- County 13 pm ed near Bethel, Philadelphia, Swift Creek, and i I Mont Clare communities. 2,000 acres of cotton I damaged, 1,000 acres of tobacco, much corn, tomato, and watermelon crops. Storm moved northeastward. MAINE 13 '3 p..m 4 Electrical, Telephone and powerlines hard hit by lightning and Androscoggin wind, and rainx wind-felled trees. 2 persons stunned and bruised and Kennebec by lightning bolt at Auburn. Counties

PENNSYLVANIA 13 '3-6 p.m. 1 21 4 4 Electrical, hailiLightning killed 1 man and injured 2 others while area wind, and rain they were playing golf near McKeesport just as Ailegheny and storm struck. Near Reynoldsville lightning hit Jefferson Coun- barn causing $6,000 fire. Severe hailstorm ac- ties companying thunderstorm in same area caused henay damage to garden crops. Lightning bolts also struck 2 homes in area, but no fire resulted and * damage slight. Some damage throughout area caused by wires burning in wet trees, with some inter- ruptions in service. MINNESOTA 1313:15 p.m. 2 Hail, rain, and IHail reported 5 inches in diameter. At Eagle Head, Sandstone vi - electrical east of Sandstone, 5.50 inches of rain unofficial cinity, Pine report (forest ranger) fell in 1 hour. Vehicle County 1 windshields and roofs broken and punctured at Sandstone. Storm moved eastward.

MASSACHUSETTS 13 ~4-5p m. 1' Electrical, wlrd|Severe thunderstorms hit many localities in eastern and NEW HAMP- hail, and rain Massachusetts and around Nashna, N.H., causing SHIRE damage from scores of lightning-set fires; thou- sands of power and phone outages from lightning aand wind. One storm left 12-mile path about 1 mile wide southeastward through Fitchburg which in some spots were suggestive of tornado damage with hail up to 1 inch in diameter. Particularly hard hit also were parts of Lowell, which also had some flash floods, North Chelesford, Wilmington, parts of Tyngsboro, Dracut, and other nearby areas. Most Greater Boston areas affected and lightning stun- ned and burned 1 man at Arlington, and at Milton motorman had his clothes scorched when his train was struck 6 head of steers killed by lightning Iat Lexington. Several small areas had very heavy rainfall totals in a few minutes time, with local street flooding. Damage of $300 inflicted on building at Methuen by what was locally billed as "twister" but subsequent investigation could not ] idefinitely establish it as a tornado. Many towns to south of Boston and as far west as Natick hit. Natick had scores of trees felled and homes struck by lightning. Brockton hard hit. Many plate-gi5RS windows collapsed in suburbs as well as in Boston. In all it is estimated that over 100 homes struck | by lightning, starting scores of minor fires and some with considerable damage. Also over 20,000 families lost electrical service for varying lengths of time, and many as well had phone out- ages. Rush-hour traffic delayed by poor vlsibility in heavy rain by tree-blocked or flooded streets. wind reached 84 m.p.h., in a gust at Logan Airport, 4 I Boston. PENNSYLVANIA 13:7:45 p.m. O 2! 41 4lElectrical, hail,2 persons injured, roofs of 8 buildings blown off, York area, tornado (sus- and 5 cars damaged when severe electrical storm York County pected), wind, with high winds hit York area. Injured persons 1and rain were in moving automobile when it was struck by roof blown off nearby store. According to eye witness, "It had a tail like a kite and skipped a11 around All at once the whole building shuok. There was a sound like an explosion when the roof went off." Accompanying rain did much damage to interiors of unroofed buildings. Widespread dam- age to trees, utility lines and poles, and crops due to hail. Storm moved eastward. WISCONSIN 13il0 p.m. 4 Wlind, rain, and 3 drowned from 1 boat and 1 from another during Rhinelander electrical winds up to 100 m.p.h., in gusts reported. Storm area, Oneida l moved northeastward. County See reference notes at end of table. 200 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA

Table 4-Continued

L: ~ICharacter|. Place Date Time Pi AI Reomarks Crops of storm

- - I 13 - 7 4 Winor storms also reported at Houston, Ala.; and in Northampton County, N. C.

LOUISIANA 13-14 7:15aml3t* Tropical storm rropical storm developed about 100 miles south of Southeastern ! -a.. l4thl Louisiana coast between midnight and 3 a..m moved portion and inland over southeastern Louisiana about 7:15 a.m., northeastern then northward into Mississippi. Rainfall d 2 to 7 corner inches over southeastern Louisiana, Southwestern Alabama, and most of Mississippi. High wind speed reported at SS mp h., at Grand Isle, La. Lowest observed pressure was 29.66 atldssant Airport, La., Iand at McComb, Miss. 1 person drowned in Lake Pontchartrain when his truck skidded on bridge as result of wet pavement. Bridge over Lake damaged by the truck, hut more seriously by a loose barge; damage estimated at $12,000. Sulphur mines near coast south of Houma suffered some damage from tide 4-1/2 feet. Storm crossed northeastern cor- ner of State early morning 14th

MiSSISSIPPI 13-14 |Noon 13th- 3 Tropical storm Storm entered State about noon, 13th, moved north- Southern and early a.na westward from coast across southwestern portion soutbwestern 14th and crossed into northeastern corner of Louisiana portions early morning of 14th. Rains of 2 to 7 inches over most of Mississippi. Highest measured tide was 4.7 feet MSL from Biloxi. Lowest pressure observed was 29 .66 at McCosb, Miss., and at Moissant Air- port, La. 3 persons drowned off Mississippi coast, when 10 or 12 Ien jumped from a quarter barge to a tug which then sank. Considerable minor damage to beaches, small boats, and piers along Mississippi coast from high tides. WISCONSIN 13-14 Midnight 41 1 Electrical and LIghtning struck 2 barns, 1 burned, killing 12 cows. Rusk and Sawyer rain Storm moved northeastward. Counties

MINNESOTA 14 1:30 p m. 4 5 Rain llnofficial 8 inches of rain in 3 to 3-1/2 hours; Ivanhoe, I much flooding and erosion resulted. Road damage Lincoln County estimated at $50,000. Storm moved eastward.

MINNESOTA 14 3-4 p.m. 4 2 Electrical. tor-it Minneapolis lightning struck hose and started Sennepin and nado, hail, fire, damage $5,000. Washington County Sheriff Washlngton wind, and rain reported funnel-like cloud northwest of Still- Connties water at 3 pm. Hail fell eastern Washington County, disrupting traffic and doing some crop damage. Some telephone poles also downed by l l Iwind and rain. Storm moved eastward. PENNSYLVANIA 14 S p.m. 1 lectrical and Lightning struck wooded section of Bald Eagle Moun- La k Saves area rain tain causing 15-acre forest fire. Clinton County MINNESOTA 14 P.. 14 51-1/I I Crops da-ged. No structur-l damage reported. Madison, LacQnd4 Storm moved eastward. Parls County

NESRASKA 14 Ivening 12 152-1/4 1 6 failstones up to sizm of golf balls. Dlwson County (Snuthern and Southeastern Portions)

14 inor storms also reported at Minneapolis, Minn.; Iand between Gramling and Inman, S.C.

COLORADO 15 Pll day Wind, hail, rain. ,9trong wind damaged trees, powerlines, buildings, Eastern portion electrical, and other property in northeast, In Denver, gusts and dust up to 55 mp h., disrupted powerlines, blew out plate-glass windows, and littered streets with large branches of trees. In Greeley outdoor movie screen blown down. Roads closed on eastern plains due to poor visibility, caused by blowing dust. In Manitou area electrical storm accompanied by wind and hail did minor damage by stripping leaves off I trees, and washing rocks, sand, and gravel over | yards and streets. Hail reported to be about size of pullet eggs. ILLINOIS 1! 2:20 p.m. Wind, rain, and Northern and ny widely scattered local thunderstorms. Damage cOntral portions electrical resulted from heavy showers, lightning strikes, and heavy winds. Lightning struck judging tower at Chicago racetrack. "ING Southeastern 15 1hfternoon 5 Wind and hail Small grain damaged, tree limbs broken, and TV Portion antennas blown down.

tnk end Still 15 0:30 p.m. 25 4 Bail and wind il to 2 inches in diameter dented cars, broke W5terCounties windows, damaged roofs, and hurt small grains and | hay. Water covered main highways for a time. Storm moved northward.

and 15 :30 p.m. SO 52 3 4 Rail, wind, and il and wind to about 40 m p.h. Several hundred I.. -~cai Idiaw 0-oremIBWo o vdUp rt e-a/z t nchesa in et es *nd o bColn | di-i ter. Storm moved northe-setvrd, Be' reterence motes at end of table. - 201 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA

Table 4-Continued JUNiE 19_i Num ber i Estimated damage of persons by cCahroriesa - ~4 ------y1 ~- tJ Character Property PIace Date Time a ° Remarks I (exclusive Crops storm - of crops)

MONTANA 15 5-8 p.m. 12 1-3/4 4 5 Hail and wind Hail driven by locally strong wind. Hail diameter Fergus and up to 1 inch. Windows broken, utility poles blown Judith Basin over, and crops hurt, costly small grains. Wind Counties gusts estimated by Moccasin observer up to 80 sp.h Storm moved northeastward. MAINE 15 IP.m. 4 1 Electrical Losses due to fires set by lightning in Caribou d area; some minor damage to power services else- where in Maine, particularly in coastal area. NEW YORK 15 Late p.m 4 2 Electrical, hail Near Perkinsville barn burned by lightning with Steuben County and rain $12,000 loss. Near Avoca housewife injured by lightning, and barn burned with $8,000 loss. Rain caused some loss of crops by flooding and erosion. MONTANA 15 Evening Sevem, '5-6 4 2 Wind, rain, andWindstorm accompanying frontal passage with thus- Yellowstone al electrical derstorms. Many trees blown down, a few taking River Valley out telephone and powerlines. Most damage in Yellowstone River Valley, where a few store- front windows blown out. Storm moved eastward.

SOUTH DAKOTA 15 01 0 Tornado (sus- Cooperative observer reported small trees uprooted Deerfield (near), pected) by 'small twister" 2 miles northwest of Deerfield. Pennington County TEXAS 'Wind and rain Strong winds and heavy rains caused damage along Galveston and Gulf Coast. Hardest hit area around Bayt wn where Harris Counties 2 planes and a hangar destroyed; 2 other light planes damaged; only 1 wall of hangar left stand- ing. Wind moved into Houston about 3:20 a.m., and lasted about 3 hours; highest speed recorded at Houston 62 m.p.h., but Galveston Airport re- corded 79 m.ph. Wind blew down numerous garages and barns throughout Harris County. At Houston wind snapped off tree branches, toppled trees, blew down signs, and knocked out traffic signals. Brief heavy rainfall which accompanied wind flood- ed streets and underpasses. Minor storms also reported in Poweshiek County, Iowa; in Chatham County, N.C.; at Lapoint, Utah; and near Glenrock, Wyo.

PENNSYLVANIA 16 5-7 a.m 1 22 3 1 'Electrical and Boy killed and 21 other boys and scoutmaster in- Chester Area, rain jured when lightning struck Boy Scout Camp near Delaware County Chester Heights, Delaware County, during violent thunderstorm. Several trees in camp struck by . lightning, but otherwise property damage to camp negligible. In surrounding area 2 homes hit by * lightning, causing fires resulting in estimated $3,000 damage. MISSOURI 16 'A.m. Rain, wind, andNear 5 inches of rain at Cassville. Much flooding Southwestern electrical and some lightning damage. portion

IOWA 16 1:30 p.m. 4 1 Wind, rain, and tFarm buildings destroyed and phone lines downed. Britt (1-1 2 hail !Storm moved eastward. miles east of), Hancock County 3 KANSAS 16 4: 0-5p.m. 10 53 4 4 'Wind, hail, andoriven by high wind, hail from 1/2 to 1 inch in Rawlins CountyI rain diameter damaged wheat in two 30-square-mile areas (northern por- 1 20 to 100 percent. Wind and heavy rain also tion) caused some damage, Storm moved eastward. f , I COLORADO 16 9:35-11:15 Rain and hail On night of 16th, 3 canyons in Boulder area closed Boulder area, p.m. by cloudburst and hailstorm. Water came into Boulder County Boulder, flooding many basements. Buildings and equipment at Colorado University heavily damaged by flood waters. Hail reported to be as large as the end of your thumb, but no serious damage to I crops reported. NEBRASKA 16 10 p.m. 1'2 200 0, 0, 4 1 'Tornado, wind, Man in storm cellar reported ears hurt when storm Broken Bow (10 rain, and passed over. Farm buildings destroyed. Storm miles southof), electrical moved northeastward. Custer County

MASSACHUSETTS 16 P.m. 2 4 j 1 !Electrical, i2 Tewksbury residents shocked by lightning; con- Middlesex Irain, and wind siderable highway damage from heavy rain occurred County at Acton and several homes damaged by lightning there. Minor electrical troubles caused in Bud- I i i i bury area. Unusual ball lightning phenomenon ob- f served at Stow, which caused $150 damage. At j i I Framingham 2.02 inches of rain, neasly all I thought to have fallen in about 1 hour; if go, i I Ii that would surpass official Boston i-hour record C i i rainfall. Hail also fell there. Barn and some i i equipment destroyed by fire set by lightning at j I Sherborn. Over 1,000 phone outages reported by i j telephone company. I i i I 1 1 1 i j :1 . I See reference notes at end of table.


Table 4-Continued JUNE 1956

I - ' !Estimated damage -r 0 of personS. bv categories Cht ce I- - a. I jCharacter 0 _ prope.t Remarks Place Date I Time .0 -o P of storm , - (exclunive[ Crops

.H -| of crops)

RtlNNESOTA 16 P s. 1 l:ectrical, han killed by lightning in open field. Store moved Faribault (near), hail, and rai n leastward. Rice County I NEBRASKA 16 iEvening 4 [Hail Dundy County (northeastern *ad north-cen- tral portions) i i NEBRASKA 16 Evening I 3 4 iHail Stratton (north4 east of) Hitch- cock County I I NEBRASKA 16 4 [Hail Chappell (near I I Deuel County I 161 (inor storms also reported at McGregor, Iowa; at i Coffeyville, Kans.; and at Lawton, Muskogee, Nowata, and Claremore, Okla.

FIFNESOTA j-17 P.m. I Electrical, Lightning killed cattle near Zumobrota. Boy Scout Goodhue, Rice, S i I rain, and wind Ikitchen and dining hall set afire by lightning Olmsted Indd I near Rochester; complete loss, damage $5,000. Lyon Counties ! I t * Other building in area also hit, damage slight. Heavy rain 4.27 inches at Faribault sent Crockus i Creek out of banks, washed out concrete bridge. Police said flooding along creek worst in their I I * memory. Wind leveled barn at west Florence. i I i Storm moved eastward. ILLINOIS 17 5:30 a.m. 2 ! 0i 0 i 4 3 Tornado, wind, 2 cottages damaged at Riverview resort area on Thomson (north i nrai and hail . Storm moved northeastward. of), Carroll County

IXNSAS 17 A.m . 4 1 Electrical Loss sustained by Eagles Lodge when building Yanhattan, struck by lightning. Riley County I )I I PENNSYLVANIA 17 1-4 p.m. i I I 1 Electrical and Bolt of lightning struck oil storage tank at Mercer area, rain ILeesburg (near Mercer) and hurned 840,000 gallons Mercer County of crude oil. Tank also destroyed, with total damage in excess of $100,000.

FIFNESOTA 17 1.30 p.m.I 2 Rain, hail, and Rainfall 8.38 inches at Balaton in 4-hour period. Southwestern electrical Basements flooded, some field erosion, also crop portion lloss due to flooded fields. Other heavy amounts, iTyler 4.64; Faribault 5.15: Waseca 3.26; and Mankato 3.40 inches. Storm moved eastward.

TEXAS 17 p.m. 0 ITornado (sus- Suspected funnel, almost hidden by rain, moved Aito. (near), pected) and northeastward near Anton, destroying tenant house. hockley County rain TEXAS 17 1:30 p.m. 0 0E Tornado (sus- lJnconfirmed tornado dipped down on farm and smashed Carlisle (2nD]f pected) and itractor shed, lifted, then dipped down again 1/4 south of), 1hail imile east where it demolished overhead water tank. Trinity County IiHail accompanying storm shredded growing cotton in wide radius. ALARBAMA 17 Afternoon I 1 41 Electrical School struck by lightning, with resulting fire and Lineville other structural damage of $15,000. Clay County

COLOpADo 17 Afternoon 1 S Hail, rain, and iScattered showers over eastern Colorado. 1 shower Eastern portion evAn1ing wind accompanied by hail, hit Golden, Lakewood, and west Denver and did damage to roofs, windows, and vegetation; ground was white and hail foot deep in places. Same day heavy showers accom- panied by hail and wind general in northeastern Colorado from mountains to eastern border. Heavy I hail damage estimated at 5500,000 to crops through- out Platte Valley from a few miles south of Fort '[organand Brush to northeastern border. Buildings Idamaged and many windmills blown down. Old timers in Roggen and Prospect Valley areas say this was ostathe extenyive and damaging hail that ever hit 1 | the Valley. NCORTRCAROLINA 4 Iectrical nd 3buildings destroyed by lightning-set fires; hail 'Ne~tfort 17 ¢-6 P.m. aiertfrd hail damaged crops over 5 square ailes. Fsshise,.A *n I lttin Countie

WoereCounty n 7 6-7 P.n. 10 ^4-8 Windhail,and kinds estimated at 70 m.p.h., accompanied by hail rain 1/2 Inch in diameter caused severe damage over about 4 sections of land 3 to 15 miles northeast of hutchinson. Very angrytwisting clouds ob- served. Damage also to trees and light poles. Storm moved northeastward.

e reference notes at end of table. 203 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA Table 4-Continued -- 1 JUNE- 1956 Numbi *r Estimated damage ! ofperac o pycategores Character

Property o storm Place Date Tims e 0 Remarks , (exclusivel Crops of crops)

OKLAHOMA 17 17 p am 0 Tornado, wind, Tornado sighted 3 miles northeast of Leedey, and Leedey are., hail, and rain pilot reported tornado on ground 30 miles south- Dewey County east of Gage. These were probably reports of same storm. Hangar unroofed at Leedey Airport and debris seattered everywhere. Extensive dasage I noted southeast of Leedey resulting from high winds and heavy hail. Many holes punched in roofs and crops wiped out over small area. Storm moved northeastward. 17 |Minor storms also reported at Auburn and Blooming- ton, Ill.; and at Canyon, Hereford, Amarillo, and McLean, Tex.

MONTANA 18 1-4 a.m. 41 3 |Rain and hail 1 bridge washed out, downtown business basements Glendive, flooded, and construction projects damaged. Only Dawson County snall amount of hail. Crops beaten down by rain, *l Storm moved northeastward.

KANSAS 18 6:20 am. 3/4 25 0 0 3 Tornado (sus- trees blown down, large limbs broken off resulting Lansing area, pected), wind, in breakage of power- and telephone lines over Leavenworth rain, and area around Lansing. Near and at State Peniten- County electrical tiary narrow strip of damage to roofs and trees | lover path 3/4 mile long gave evidence of some tornadic winds. Storm moved northeastward.

TEXAS 18 j8 Ra.. 0 O Tornado 'Tornado observed, but dissipated with no damage re- Alice (West of4 Iported. Jim Wells Counl ty MASSACHUSETTS 18 1:40 p.. I S 0 0 1 Dust devil Lifted objects from yard as high as 30 feet into Woburn, MiddleI I | air; moved southward. sex County

NORTH DAKOTA 18 13:15 p.m. 15 100~ 0 3 Tornado, rain, 1Hailway employee injured when caboose and several Beulah area, ,and hail grain cars lifted 4 or 5 feet off track and dump- Mercer and I I I 'ed into ditch. 1,000-pound feed grinder carried Oliver Counties several feet. Storm moved east-northeastward. I! OKLAHOMA 18 3:30 p.s. I I lElectrical,hailiDuring severe thunderstorm, lightning struck large Tillman County| wind, and raitn electric motor at ice plant and burned it out; bricks knocked of f high school building and numerous other forms of electrical equipment das- | aged in Frederick. Strong wind and severe hail damaged outbuildings and caused heavy damage to cotton, melons, and other crops in small area | southeast of Tipton. 2 NORTH CAROLINA 18|4-8 p~m I 5 5 Electrical, hail,| Pender County children, 1 man at Elizabeth City, Eastern and I wind, and rain and 1 at Camp LeJeune severely shocked by light- southern por- ning. Several lightning-set fires; numerous in- tions stances of minor wind damage to buildings, and I hail damage to crops scattered over half the state. 2 aircraft demolished near Fayetteville. I i ILLINOIS 18 Late I 1 3 3 Electrical, winlLightning damage reported from Degalb, Dana, East-central afternocn I rain,and hail l Tuscola, and Mattoon. Lightning killed man near and north-cen- I8.m-evening I 1 1 I |DeKalb. tral portions 1 NORTH DAKOTA 18 8:30 p.m. I 35 1 50 1 0 0: 5 3 Tornado, rain, tornado traveled east-northeastward mostly over Baldwin to i I hail, and pastureland, but 1 home destroyed, 16 hoses and Tuttle, Burleigh i electrical 21 other buildings damaged. Some chickens and I and Kidder calf killed. Counties i i I INDIANA I 1 Electrical and Lightning and resulting fire destroyed barn *nd Evansville are0 rain corncrib Just west of Evansville and damaged 2 Vanderburgh homes in area. County

INDIANA 3 Heavy rain between Centerville and AbingtOn washed Wayne County out bridge, damaged paved road, disrupted electric I power and flooded automobiles parked at CamP 18 P -n Clements.

KENTUCKY 1 3 2 Electrical Lightning struck and burned barn; all contents des- Cynthbiana, troyed. Man putting up metal lead pipe from near- Harrison Count by barn to cistern stunned by probably same bot that hit the other barn.

IOWA 18 Ev-ning| 2 2 1 Wind House and car damaged and 2 occupants of house in- Strawberry Point, jured. Clayton County Wind, rainand Powerlines and farm buildings damaged. MISSOURI i8vLening St. Joseph and electrical Maryville sr Buchanan to lodaway Co'nt

IOWA 18 3 4 Wind and rain Buildings damaged and oat crop flattened. Jones County

See reference notes at end of table.


Table 4-Continued - JUNE -1956

Nimbel Estimated damage l l a ot e ronsby categories Lj b art oI es Character Place Date Time o - Pro ot storm Remarks e 0cr op ~I'0 (exclusive; rp c 7 7- ;F of crops)

MARYLAND 18 1 Hail and rain Heavy thunderstorm brought tI Ital of 2 73 inches Hancock (near),: If rain. Hail hit several nearby orchards. Washington I County I I 1B | Minor storms also reported in Case County, Iowa; I 'Mat Spalding, Nebr.; and at El Paso, Tex. I I COLORADO 19 IBefore J i Electrical rMankilled by lightning on farm at El Moro. Trinidad (nea3, ! noon i Las Animas I i County i TEXAS so 19 ,1:30 p.m. | 1/2 i' 300 0 2 Tornado (sus- 6 miles east of Sinton "wind estimated strong Sinton area, pected), rain a man could not walk in it." 13x18-Soot sheet- San Patricio I and hail iron building destroyed, injuring 2 men. Wind- County mill blown over.

ALABAMA 19 3 p.m. 1 I |Electrical Farmer standing in doorway of his home struck by Brooklyn (near), l ightning. Cullman County 1 NORTHCAROLINA 19 4-5 p m. 4 Hail |7 square miles damaged. Craven and 1 Pander Counties 1

KANSAS 195;15 p.m. !Few 0 I 1 Tornad6 wind, ISmall tornado caused light damage at 1 farm, 3 Riley County and rain miles north of Cleburne. Wind squall about same i I i time damaged some farm buildings 1/2 mile South 0 of Randolph. Storm moved northeastward. NEBRASKA 19J5 :30-5:45 4 |Hail Hailstones 1 inch in diameter. Blue Spr ings p.m. 0 (3 miles meet i of), Gage County I ILLINOIS 19 Late 1 4 Electrical, wind, -ny heavy thunderstorms occurred in broad band Central portion| afternood rain,and hail; extending from about Quincy and Monmouth east- southeastward across State. Local flooding oc- curred near Kawanee. Large oil-storage tank lightning-struck and burned at Martinuville. Other damage resulted from heavy showers, strong 0 l winds, and hail. MISSOURI 19 Late , 0 Tornado (sus- Unconfirmed tornado near Maryville. Powerlines Northwestern ,a fterroo~ pected) wind, downed and trees damaged. portion evening rairkand hail

SOUTHDAKOTA 19 6 p.m.- 0 4 Tornadoes (sus1IStraight winds downed barn, small sheds, and house Kimball and midnight |pected), wind, chimney. Lightning set fire to residence. 2 Dimock areas, hail, and else funnels reported aloft over Kimball at midnight. Rutchinson and trical Brule Counties

IOWA 19 7 p.m. 4 1 Wind, rainand Buildings and utility lines damaged. Burlington, Des electrical I Moines County

ILLINOIS 19 8 p.m. 0 4 Tornado (sus- Htdio station WIBA destroyed; cement-block build- Pike County pected), wind, ing leveled. Heavy rain, lightning, and other rain, and wind damage in area extending from Barry east- electrical Isoutheastward to beyond Pittsfield and south as far as Summer Hill.

MISSOURI 19|10 p.m. Wind and rain Wlind hit 55 m.p.h. St. Charles St. Charles County MINNMESOTA 19 11 p.M. 7 '1I 3 4 Hail, wind, rain Hailstones 2 to 3 Inches in diameter and wind dam- Cologne (near), and electrica- ged crope, killed 268 turkeys, caused minor Carver County structural damage. Storm moved eastwkrd.

KANSAS 19 1 Wind High, gusty winds tore roofing off motel and dam- Smith Center, aged several small buildings at edge of town; air- Smith County plane also demolished at airport.

19 Minor storms also reported at French Lick, Ind.; at Batavia, Cedar Rapids, Colfax, Des Moines, Grinnell, Lorimor,Bcranton, Mt. Vernon, Riverton, and in Mahaska, Adams, Greene , Guthrie, and Wayne Counties, Iowa; at Palco, Kane.; and in Fillsore and Saline Counties, Nebr. COLORADo 9 or20 Fort Morgan 0 Tornado Small tornado tore roofs off 2 buildings,lsile west area, Morgan of Fort Morgan. County

MISSOUJRI it a-20 Late p.S.- Wimd, raiD hail Many powerlines downed. St Louis early a.m and electrica, MISSOURI 20 Afternoon La Plata Rain and wind 7.40 inches of rain fell. Much local flooding. Macon coufrnty

See reference 501 'es at end of table.

205 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA Table 4-Continued JUNE -Il3 r- r v umber [ of persons, Estimated damage

0 ' - bCharacter

Place Date Time . 0 of stort Remarks (exclusive Crops -of crops)

MONTANA 20 4:30 p.m. 4 sl-/2 3 i 4 Hail Hail damaged hay and grain, caused roof damage as Hysham vicinit* well as broken windows. Storm moved northwest- Treasure Coun- ward. ty MONTANA 20 4:30 p.m. 3 Hail, rain, windlWindows broken and hay damaged by rain and hail up bartinsdale and electrical to golf-ball size. Storm moved east-northeastward area, Meagher County

NEBRASKA 20 4:30 p.m. 6 Hail IHailstones up to 1 inch in diameter. Gibbon (near), Buffalo County

NORTH CAROLINA 20 15 p.m. , 4Hail Scattered damage to tobacco. Beaufort County KENTUCKY 20 P.m. 1 Wind and rain Wind flattened trees, damaged houses and utility Lexington, l lines, and rain flooded streets. Injury occurred Fayette County to member of Lexington street crew.

MICHIGAN 201Evening I 1 Wind, electrical~wind blew down barns near Cass City. Lightning Tuscola and and rain struck several buildings, killed 10 head of cattle Huron Counties ] Iand caused considerable damage to power- and tele- phone lines; at least 50 power transformers das- aged by lightning. ALABAMA 20 Electrical Woman standing in edge of field killed by light.n4. Florence (near), Lauderdale County 20 Minor storms also reported at Atlantic, Iowa; and I at Hannibal, Mo.

NEBRASKA 21 1:55 a.m. S 440 4 B1ail and wind 'Ripe wheat shattered by hail and wind. Haystacks Saunders COcunvl scattered. (northeas tern! portion)

WYOliING 21 11 a.m. 1s 0 °0 1 Tornado (sus- Windmill blown over. Roofs blown off of house and Gillette (21 pected) wind, shed. Storm moved northeastward. siles South- and hail west of),Camp- bell County

MONTANA 2112 p.m. 14 .4i i 41h'ail and elec- |Grains and hay damaged by 1/4 to 1/2-inch hail; Fallon County trical storm moved northeastward. WEST VIRGINIA 21 2:45 p.m. Rain and elec- |Heavy rain damage considerable, but unestimated, Parkersburg, trical to streets and especially clogged sewers. Wood County

ILLINOIS 21 3 p.m. 4 5 IRai, wind, and A group of heavy thundershowers brought 3 to 7 Danville area i electrical inches of rain in area extending from west of Vermilion Danville north-northwestward to Rankin area. Un- County official 7 inches of rain at Rankin. Wind wrech- ed baseball grandstand at Danville in afternoon. Other structures struck by lightning later.

SOUTH DAKOTA 21 ,3-7:30p.m. .0 0 I Tornadoes (sus-Occurred from Gettysburg to Watertown. Most dam- North-central i pected), wind, I age due to straight winds, but funnels reported and northeast- i i and hail near Redfield. Numerous barns and granaries ern portions I i flattened. Hail occasionally baseball size in southern Spink and central Clark Counties. Crop i 1 1 hail insurance claims filed for 1,048 sections in Spink, Clark, Codington, and Grant Counties. i At Gettysburg, Air Force anemometer read 70 to i I 103-m.p.h., gusts; circus tent downed. At Red- field, parked airplane overturned. At Watertomi, i I I i I carnival equipment wrecked. VIRGINIA 21 3:30 p.m. I [Rain Flash flood with 0.33 inch in 30 minutes. Storm Front Royal, l 1 I drains could not carry water off fast enough. Warren Countyl causing water to flood 5 or 6 stores. i I INDIANA e 21 Afternoon 1 1 2 Electrical and boys injured by lightning and girl killed when Shoals (2 miles i rain they sought shelter in shed during thunderstorm. east of), I Martin County I I

INDIANA 21 Afternoon 4: 3 Electrical.rai ightning set fire to church, but structure saved Marion County and wind by firemen. Heavy thundershowers flooded base- ments and streets. Electrical services inter- rupted by lightning. Damage about evenly divided between lightning and rain. KANSAS 21 Afternoon I Electrical Man had dismounted from his tractor on his way to Oberlin (south [ shelter when struck and killed by lightning. west of), Decatur Count

MISSOURI 21 Afternoon I 2 Hail and wind orn damaged by hail. Arrow Rock Saline CountyI See reference notes at end of table.


Table 4-Continued -JNE 1956 Fr

Character I Rernarks Crops of storm I

MISSOURI 21 I lectrical Puildings hit by lightning near bethany and Northwestern Spickard. portion TEXAS 21 Afternoon Hail, electrical, Hail beat down 500 to 700 acres of cotton north of Lamb, Hale, and wind and rain IAmherst, and 250 acres of cotton and grain ruined Yoakus Counties 7 ailes south of Plains. Lightning cut power to IAbernathy. Heavy rains closed roads in Sudan and Denver City regions, and another road closed near Abernathy.

PENNSYLVANIA i 21 4-7 p.m. 3 plectrical, hailightning from thunderstorm touched off 2 fires in Hercer area, 0 wind, and rais Mercer area causing $4,000 damage to barn but Mercer County only $100 damage to private dwelling. Hailstones 1-1/2 inches in diameter damaged crops while wind uprooted trees and felled utility lines.

NEBRASKA 2114:30 p... 3 1 Tornado (su- 3 sets of farm buildings damaged. Surrounding Almeria (West Petted), rain, country sparsely settled open range. of Loup County and haili INDIANA 21 17 p.m. Electrical plan injured by lightning striking nearby. Edinburg, Johnson County

MINNESOTA 21 9 p.m. 5 5 Wind, hail, At Belgrade and vicinity, Stearns County, strong, Southwestern I electrical, straight-line wind blew down 25 barns, a service portion and rain station, a cafe, and hundreds of trees; damage estimated at $200,000. At Benson, Swift County, $40,000 property damage an TV antennae and TV transmission tower blown down; also other property 2 l damage. Near Spicer, Kandiyohi County, 35,000 turkeys killed by falling debris and suffocation, estimated loss $50,000; other property damage es- timated over $10,000; some crop damage due to 1/4- inch hail. At Litchfield, Meeker County, light- ning struck municipal powerplant doing over $8,000 daage. Hail over Pipestone County, centered near SPlpestone, did $150,000 damage to crops, $10,000 to property. In Storden Township, Cottonwood County, hail as large as golf balls accompanied by strong wind did over $50,000 damage to crops. Storm moved eastward. OHIO 21 10 p.M. 5 | Rair4 wind, hail .eavy thunderstor- centered in northern Fairfield Franklin and and electrica1 County caused flash floods on French and Black- Fairfield Coun- lick Creeks, with worst damage in Pickerington ties and Reynoldeburg; about a dozen houses flooded and highway bridges washed out. Storm moved east- ward INDIANA 21 P.m. Electrical bnas killed and 2 injured when lightning struck tree Otwell, Pike under which they were standing. County

INDIANA 21 Evening 4 3 Rain Approximately 7 inches of rain flooded 500 base- Linton, Greene ments and floors of 3 houses. Electrical services County interrupted and 2 State roads closed for a time. NORTHDAKOTA 21 4 Wind and hail Buildings damaged by hail; antennas twisted by wind. Gladstone, Stark County

21 Minor storms also reported in Colbert and Lauder- dale Counties, Ala.; at Alpha and Freeport, Ill.; in Bluffton area, near Covington and Newtown, at Dugger, and in Harrison County, Ind.; at Durant, Fort Madison, and near Massena and Rock Rapids, Iowa; at Garden City and Hays, Kans.; in Shelby County, Ky.; at Trenton, No.; near Coleridge, Nebr.; in Cumberland County, NC.; and In Columbia area, Tenn. KANSAS 22 12:30-1:31 4 Hail aw1lins County 3 Rail size of marbles to 1/2 inch in diameter fell a. m in northeastern Rawlime County and about same time in south-central part. Storm moved eastward. NEBRASKA 22 2:30 a... 7-8 1 5 Hail Hailstones 3/4 inches in diameter. Elwood (4 sIlm South of), GOsper County KANSAS 22 5-7 a.m. Thunderstorms over these 2 counties resulted in Clay and Riley Electrical and a rain number of lightning strikes that caused damage. Counties Powerlines broken by transformers being hit, and a number of buildings damaged by lightning. Also a number of electrical appliances burned out. Telephone lines north and east of Clay Center also put out of commimion. IOWA Fayette and 22 A..- 4 1 Electrical, lightning destroyed barns and contents. Clayton Counties wind,and rain

see reference notes at end of table.


Table 4-Continued JUNE- 1956

I Number Estimated damage _a of pea - - byct g~ries t j- -j Por Character Place Date Dat TieTim f prsoa ycaeoe I of storm R-marks (exclusive Crops of crops) I I

MINNESOTA 22 A... J Find, rain, and Ftrong, gusty winds over area accompanied by rain. South-central electrical Damages were; At Windom, 70-foot wall 16 feet high and .outheast- blown down; loss estinated at $4,000; at Odin ern portions large cattle barn downed; near Truman 12-foot wide, 1/4-mile long strip of corn downed; Rochester Weather Bureau Airport Station reported gustiness to near 60 mph.; north of Kasson severe hail I damage; at Mazeppa 2-cub hangar blown down. Al- though local people reported tornadoes near Rochester, Weather Bureau Meteorologist who visited areas found evidence of straight-line windstorm i jonly. Storm moved eastward. a.m.- 4 4 Rain, electricaidely scattered thunderstorm damage. 5 inches of ILLINOIS 22 6 dam- Entire State evening j hail, and wins rain at Oregon in morning. Mostly lightning age early part of day; hail damage to crops later.

INDIANA 22 2:30-3:30 1 Evansville, P.m. 1 4 3 Electrical. ighteing and resulting fire destroyed barn and Vanderburgh jrain, and wingrain elevator. Rain caused some flash flooding. County INDIANA 22 Afternoon 3 4 Rain Lany acres of farming land flooded by several Posey County Iinches of rainlail, damaging wheat and otne cros 0 1 Tornadoes, wind,'2 tornadoes heavy win, hail, severe wind, and lightning KANSAS 22 Af ternoon| Elk, Southeastern rain, hail,an occurred in parts of Cowley, Chautauqua, portion electrical Montgomery, Labette, and Allen Counties. Greatest fury located in southern and eastern Montgomery County where winds estimated at 75 to 80 m.p.h. Local heavy rains of S to 9 inches. Tornado sIghted northeast of Winfield, traveling north- eastward, no damage resulted. Another tornado sighted near Latham, but did not touch ground. erosion over KANSAS 22 74-4:30 pms. 15 *3 3 S Hail, wind, |High wind preceding hail caused severe Cheyenne and and dust I wide area. Hail concentrated largely in Burntwood Rawlitn Count Township, Rawlins County. Hail pea size to 1/2 inch in diameter, but driven by estimated wind speeds up to 60 m.p.h., very destructive to field 1 crops. Store moved southeastward.

30 p.s.1 1 3 1 Wind, hail, and ISevere thunderstorm with winds estimated up to 90 COffeyville rain s.p.h., caused damage to roofs, buildings, win- (south of), dows, trees, utility lines, etc. 1 man received Nowata County minor cuts when plate-glass window was blown in on him. 1/4-inch hail during storm also i caused some damage. Storm moved southwestward. damage by hail MISSOURI 22 Ni ternooni 2 |Hail, wind, rain|Hail size of golf balls. Much crop Nevada, Vernon vening and electrica. County damaged. MISSOURI te after Wind and elec- Powerlines downed and farm buildings Warrensburg, noon- trical Johnson County vening TEXAS 23 1:'15 p.s. S Electrical, Turbulent weather moved downstate, extending in Western portior t wornado, rain, band about 10 to 15 miles wide from Kermit, 22 P. windand hail Winkler County, to Sweetwater, Nolan County. Lightning struck 2 large oil storage tanks east of Midland; fire destroyed contents. Small tor- nado 2 miles west of Big Spring tipped over car and trailer, injuring 1 person. 2 softball play- ers suffered shock when lightning struck near 22 |Nif them. Hail, rain, and wind estimated at 50 m.p.h., hit Colorado City smashing plate-gass windows; trees blown down and rain flowed curb deep about 20 miles south of Big Spring, 8 to 10 inches of water standing on Highway 87. Storm moved south- 22 L eastward.

MISSOURI 22 14 330 p.M. Electrical Barn destroyed by lightning. Schneider Howell County 21l OKLAHOMA a.- 1 Wind and rain Strong winds tore down 2 windmill towers and des- an automobile. Utility lines also dsmaged, Oakwood, Devey 236 troyed County KANSAS ght 0 Tornado and Tornado funnel sighted aloft by aid of lightning. St. Francis (16 electrical m1.es northeAft of), Cheyenne County Minor storms also reported at Columbus, Ind.; at Charles City and Mason City, Iowa; in Shelby County, Ky.; and at Yale, Okla.

OKLAHDIIA 43 a.m. 0 Tornado Funnel aloft reported sighted 12 miles southwest El Reno (near) of E1 Reno moving southward; believed not to have Canadian Count touched ground. burned a small outbuilding OKLAHOMA *,.-. I Electrical Lightning struck and Adair County just west of Stilwell. Lightning also struck Sea reference notes at end of table. - 208 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA

Table 4-Continued - _JWI1I 1956 Number Estimated damage 0. o f persons by cats ris t Character Property Date Time oi storm Remarks 0~ o -u1_! .0 (exclusive Crops S - i -;0.h of crops)

OKLAHOMA(Cont d hose just *outh of Westville; hole torn in side of houae and through kitchen cabinets, dishes broken and stove clock damaged, and TV antenna downed.

OKLAHOMA 23 A.m. Electrical ,ightning struck and completely destroyed barn Konava, containing several bundred bales of hay. Seminole Count3 0 0 and rornado first observed over plowed field, than KANSAS 23 3:55-4:20 1~Tornado McDonald (3-1/2 p.m. rain raised and came down south of highway and soon miles West of), disintegrated; moved southeastward. Cheyenne Count3 PENNSYLVANIA 23 4 p.m. - 2 6 5 Electrical, hunderstorms which crossed State concentrated Statewide midnight rain, and windI their fury on western half, although flood dam- age at Willow Park near Butztown estimated at $20,000. Extensive damage such as felled trees and powerlines did occur in east portion of State. 2 barns, hit by lightning, destroyed in Camp Run-Eellenople-Marmony areas causing losses estimated at $37,000 with an additional $12,000 equipment destroyed. High water, due to heavy rains, claimed life of youth when he drowned while trying to retrieve floating debris. Water about 3 feet deep in strests. In Pittsburgh man stepped on "live wire" blown down by storm and was fatally injured. Heavy rains caused land- slides in Kittanning area and washed out bridge, while along Lake Erie coast 70-s.p.h., winds battered several boats against shore and Cap- sized a few sail boats. Lightning struck barn, setting fire to structure, which burned to ground *nd destroyed all contents stored inside causing estiated $30,000 lose

NEBRASKA 23 15-6 p.m. 13 880 6 3 Mail fHailstones 1 to 3 inches in diameter. Ord (southwest of), Valley County TENNESSEE 23 15-9 p.m. 4 1 Wind, rain, and IFnd gusts to 50 s.p.h., ripped off roofing which Raleigh and hali let rain into furniture store. Power and tele- Mhlliniton are jphoe facilities in Memphis shut off for several Shelby County hours.

MINNESOTA 23 7:10 p.s. 0 0 2 Waterspout and Waterspout observed at Jack Fish Bay on Rainy Lake, International rain 10 miles northwest of International Falls. Trees Falls (north- downed. west of) Koochiching County

OKLAHOMA 23 8 p.s. 2 50 0 0 3 Tornado rain, Tornado appeared over a plowed field just above Goodwell (near), and hail ground, moved over highway sucking top off con- Texas County vertible, and struck farm 2 miles northeast of Goodwell. Considerable damage resulted to out- buildinga and doors, windows, and roof of house. Several telephone poles broken off before it dis- sipated. Storm traveled northwestward.

IOWA 23 Night Bail and wind Hil damaged farm crops. Esmet County

IOWA 23 Night 1 2 Wind Wind damaged farm buildings and injured occupant of asatinges house. Mills County

OKLAHOMA 23 INight 0 0 Tornado (sus- Severe wind, may have been tornado, accompanied by Gage, Ellis pected), wind loud roar damaged trees, roofs, and outbuildings. County and electrica

23 Minor storms also reported at Russellville, Ark.; at Macon, Ga.; at Sibley, Iowa; near Jetmore and Dodge City, Kans.; at Joplin, Mo.; and at Broken Bow, Buffalo, and Tulsa, Okla.

OHIO " 23-24 Few Wind, rain, and ge extensive, mainly to trees, utility lines, Northern portia electrical houses, etc. Thunderstorms accompanied by moder- ately heavy rain and strong winds over such of northern Ohio starting about 4:30 p.m., on 23d and continued on 24th. In Elyria, damage best reported, and apparently most extensive, occurring mostly on 23d. Similar damage, however, occurred in Norwalk, Lima, Conneaut, Shelby, Fostoria, Bowling Green, Mansfield, Ashland, Bere-, and Van Wort. On 24th thunderstorms of nearly equal severity caused damage reported from Sandusky, Fostoria, Green Springs, Bucyrus, Mansfield, Ash- land, Kenton, and Upper Sandusky. It would be impossible to estimate total damage from all storms which were part of same system.

NICHIGAN (Lower) 24 9 a*m. 180 *60 1 1 Wind, hail, ral quall line first reported about 25 miles west of Extreme mouth- and electric& Lake Michigan at 9 a .m., and moved eastward across ern portion the extreme southern portion of Lower Michigan, 55 reference notes at end of table. - 209 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA Table 4-Continued JUNCE 1956

Character Place Date Time .2 ' of storm Rer.-ks xclusive- Crops , of crops)

MICHIC iAN (Lower - reaching eastern border about noon. Most local- (Conl ities within 60 miles of Indiana-Ohio borders re- ported scattered wind damage and severe damage occurred in a few communities, especially in Battle Creek area. Damage reported to homes, farm and commercial buildings, power- and con- munication lines and trees. Sail and wind also caused scattered crop damage. ILLINOIS 24 lmorning- 4 5 |Hai, wind, eiec-Bail damage mostly in 3 areas; southern Carroll late I I trical, and County in morning; Hoopeston and Buckley areas, afternoon rain Vermilion and Iroquois Counties in midafternoon; Sparta and Centralia areas, Randolph and Marion Counties, in late afternoon.

TENNEDSSE 24 2:30 p.m. IIj 3 Electrical and Lightning struck school smokestack, showering Knoxville and rain bricks to roof. 15 telephone lines knocked out. vicinity, Knox County

MISSOURI 24 Afternoon io IRain Up to 5.75 inches of rain fell. Heavy damage from Jefferson City 'flash floods. Cole County I NEBRASKA 24 Afternoon Shor Narrow 0i Tornado Funnel cloud observed by several persons; touched Sidney (15 milei I ground only in uninhabited area; moved northeast- northwest of), , ward. Cheyenne Count i

INDIANA 245pm 3 0 3 1ITornado, wind, On north edge of town trees and barn roof destroyed Tocsin area, and rain On highway 1/4 mile west of Tocsin automobile lift- Wells County ed and placed in ditch. Storm moved south-southeast- ward. I MISSOURI 24 Late lWind, rain, hail/,Numerous trees and powerlines downed. Central and afternoond and electrical southeastern -evening i portions i

INDIANA 24 6 pm 3 4 Wind, hail, rain,|Strong winds responsible for damaging utility lines, Hendricks Iand electrical automobiles, and TV antennas. Sail loss to crops County i most severe along line from Stilesville to North Sales.

INDIANA 24 7 p -m I 4 3 Wind, hail rain, Severe thunderstorm moving southeasterly carried Greensburg, I anda electrical winds which damaged house roofs, TV antennas, Decatur County trees, and utility lines in area of 7 or 8 square I miles. Hail damaged some crops. i INDIANA 24 9-9;30 p.m.l 4i 1 Wind, rain, and Along river front squall sunk 2 river craft and Evansville, i electrical damaged others. Vanderburgh County I

INDIANA 24 Evening 4 Hail, rain, and iHail up to 2-1/2 inches in diameter damaged many Hamtilton, I electrical | acres of crops. Most severe damage in Ekin area. Tipton, and j Clinton Counti-e i MISSOURI 24 Night I Rain, wind, an,4 inches of rain and some hail. Trees downed. Woolridge, Col, hail I County 24i I inor storms also reported near Oxford, Ala.; near i lAttica, at Martinsville, and at Pence, Ind.; at I lenton, Iowa; near St. Francis, eans.; near I Ii Laarenceburg and in Oldham and Shelby Counties, I Ky.; at Ismay, Mont.; at Cashion, Enid, and I Stroud, Okla.; in Westminister-Oakway areas, S.C.; i i I in Tiptonville area, Tenn.; and at Parkersburg, I I . Va. SOUTH DAKOTA 25 i5-6:30 a| i 3i Electrical and Occurred at Bristol and Waubay, Day County; Arling- Northeastern I hail ton, Kingsbury County; and Mllbank, Grant County. portion i l Lightning caused roof and electrical damage over i100-mile wide area. NORTH CAROLINA 25 2-4 p.m. i 3 4 SHil and wind Light structural damage from wind, and widespread Greene, Pamic4 hail damage to crops. Lenoir, and Lee i Counties

MONTANA 25 2:30 p.m. 15 *21 1 4 Bail and elec- Hail 1/4 inch in diameter caused up to 100 percent Peerless to trical damage in storm center. Storm moved southeastward. Four Buttes, i Daniels County I SOUTH CAROLINA 25 2:30 p.m. 2 200 O I 3 3 Tornado, hail, all tornado moving southeastward destroyed or Little Rock 1 | wind, and rain damaged a number of tobacco barns and tenant house area, Dillon and blew down a number of telegraph poles. Crop County damage by hail.

KANSAS 25 5-6 p.m. 1 Bail, wind, and hailstorms covered southern part of Pawnee county. Zook area, rain Hailstones larger than golf halls fell in first Pawnee County storm. Most wheat already cut, any remining uncut I damaged beyond any harvest value Driven by winds See reference notes at end of table.'

- 210 STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA Table 4-Continued RemNZ-106 ----- I--- Number X o pe-nonni Estimated damage cl ae~ois I Character Place Date aTime Tin - 3 Property I oC fX|etesc1si sttor o rm Remarks ~ . . ;exc,,usive! Crops |~~ ~ --- P, -. KANSAS (Cont'dN of 70 m.p.h.; hail damaged window screens and l I nfcrups 1 stripped trees of foliage. Local heavy rains of 3 to 4 inches accompanied storm. Storms noved !eastward.

MINNESOTA 25 6 p.m. ' 0; 01 5 5 Tornado (sus- -ind destroyed buildings on 8 farms. Several cattle Ivanhoe area,j 1 1pected), win d, killed. In town, trailer home tipped over. Utili- Lincoln CountS rain, hail,a. d ties out 3 hours after storm. Other town damage electrical light. 8 inches of rain in 3 to 3-1/2 hours caused most of crop damage. Storm moved eastward. MI7NESOTA 25 -7p.m. 6 2-1/2 I 1 I 5 Rain, hail. annd Heavy rain, unofficial 3 to 4 inches, accompanied Mapleton and electrical by hail as large as golf balls laid-by and strip- Ceresdo Town- I I I !ped crops. Store moved eastward. ships, Blue Earth County i I MINNESOTA 25 s7:30 p.m. i i 5 1 Rain Cloudburst damaged streets in excess of $100,000. Minneapols- i Many basements flooded. Traffic paralyzed in low St. Paul I I areas. Storm moved eastward.

OKLAHOMA 1 25 58:45 p.m. I 0 0 iTornado, hail, Highway Patrol reported funnel aloft over northern t Guymon, Texas i wind, and raii edge of Guymon. Heavy hail reported to have County I knocked holes in roofs. Storm moved southeastward.

IOWA 25 i p.m. i I 1 41 3 [Wind and rain Wind destroyed barn, killing some livestock. Man Lyon to Kossuthl I injured when lawn hammock picked up and dropped. Counties I I i i KANSAS 25 19 p.m. i 0! 0 Tornado and punnel cloud reported by oil company workers touch- McPherson (15 electrical ing ground, dissipated without damage. miles south- east of), YcPherson County

NEBRASKA 25 S ll p.m. 16 20 0 4 1 Tornado, wind, So-e buildings burst outward. Length and width of Hendley (near hail, and elecz path positively indicate this storm was tornado. Furnas County i trical Storm moved southeastward. KANSAS 25 Evening oi 1 Tornado, wind, Iigh winds caused minor damage in Norton, and dam- Norton County land rain age to trees and buildings at farmhouse a few msles northwest of Norton indicated tornadic iaction. IO NEBRASKA 25 Evening 1 Iind Man killed when storm felled tree on his trailer- MeadowGrove, 1 ihouse. MadisonCountyl

COLORADO 25 01 ornado Smail twister went through eastern Alamosa, break- Alamosa, ing limbs off trees, breaking windows, and dam- Alamosa County aging cars. COLORADO 25 Hail, wind, and Severe hail- and windstorm caused 75 to 100 per- Washington, rain cent losses. Winter wheat was just ready to har- Phillips, and vest. Yuma Counties

25 Minor storms also reported at Jonesboro, Ark.; at Savannah, Ga.; at Council Bluffs, Iowa; at Cape Girardeau and Springfield, Mo.; near McCook, Omaha, 0 and Tilden, and in Webster County, Nebr.; at Vinita, Okla.; in Conway area, S.C.; and in St. Albans area, Vt.

KANSAS 25-26 i6:40p m. Wind and dust Black roller duster from north hit Syracuse, Hamil- Southwestern 125th-2 i1 ton County, about 6:40 p.m., and Elkhart about and south- a*m. 26t; 8 p.m. Further east in Barber and Harper Counties central por- tions dustetorm occurred about 1 to 2 a.m., of 26th. 0 I Visibility for short time reported as zero. Traffic halted on main highways at times. Storm moved southeastward. KANSAS 26 Midnight- gTornado and Scattered damage resulted from severe winds over Northeastern early am wind northern part of Kansas in connection with squall and north- line passage. Minor wind damage to buildings, cen tral por- and tlIons trees, transmission lines reported at Salina about 12:30 a.m., Clay Center about 1:30 to 2:30 a.m., Topeka about 3 as., and at Leavenworth i early in morning. Small tornado struck farm plant about 4 miles northeast of Frankfort at about 2 a.m., destroying large recently construct- ed building and 1,500-bushel granary; fruit trees leveled and side winds caused additional damage in vicinity. Storm moved eastward. IONA 26 3:30 a.m. 4 1 Electrical Ogden (7 miles Lightning destroyed barn and contents. southeast of), Boone County

MICHIGAN 26 1:42 p.m. 1-e200 6 0 Buren, 2 1 Tornado and runnel formed aloft southwest of Niles and moved Van rain Berrien, and northeastward to near Lawton, dipping to surface Cass Counties briefly once near Niles and wrecking tool shed and 0 picking up several heavy oil drums. Heavy rain occurred near Lawton where funnel dissipated. INDIANA 26 2 p.s. 0 Tor nado rnado sighted aloft northest of South Mend; it St. Jose ph then moved northeastward between South Bend and Niles, Mich., and on into Michigan. County I See reference notes at end of table. 211 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA

Table 4-Continued TUNE 1956

j l c tNumber Nubr EstimateId damage !o persons bu at egories I I I Character Place Date Time t0o P ICr p of storm i Remarks

I of rops) I:P! ----- I OHIO j 26 12:10 p 2 50 0 3 2 Tornado (sue- Several residents reported seeing "whirling mass" Waineville,C pacted) of debris, branches, etc. about 50 to 150 feet Warren County wide accompanied by loud roar. First evidence Iof damage about 1-1/2 miles southwest of Maine- I ville where top of silo and large barn door blown off. Next damage in northeastward line near cen- ter of town where large tree lifted out of ground and blown over. Storm moved further northeastward, toppling a number of brick chimneys, splintering a number of trees, and unroofing outbuildings. In this area sm ll piece of wood 3/4 Inch in diameter and 1 foot long was blown through side of house and a splinter 1 inch long and 1/16 inch in diam- 1 eter was driven into wood siding of house. Fur- ther northeastward trees in orchard uprooted and 1 shorn off about 10 feet above ground.

VIRGINIA 26,4 p.m 3 Wind and rain Thunderstorm preceded by gusts hitting 50 m.p.h. Danville, I Temperatures dropped 20' between 4 and 5:15 p.s. Pittsylvan la A few roofs and telephone and powerlines damaged; County some trees blown over. ARKANSAS 26,4:15 p.m. 42 1 Wind electricallConsiderable damage to buildings and trees, in- Lonoke, and rain cluding large shed and stored boats at factory Pulaski, in Little Rock. Storm moved northeastward.from and White Little Rock and Lonoke areas to Garner. Counties MISSOURI 2614:30-5:15 WInd, rain, and !Wind hit 85 mp h., in gusts. Trees downed, and electrical airplane and several cars damaged. Storm moved Lebanon p m. Laclede County I southeastward ARIZONA 26 ILate 0 0 Dust devil and All reported damage occurred when rear wall of Globe, Gila !fternoot ! wind unoccupied church collapsed. Storm moved south- County eastward. FLORIDA 26 S50-6pm 2175-10i 0 43 Wind !Violent winds with heavy thunderstorm demolished lar tow, Polk drive-in theater screen, damaged lumberyard and County skating-rink tent Storm moved northward.

ARKANSAS 26 6 p.. 1 Wind and rain |Damage to roofs, trees, and powerlines. Parkin, Cross County MICHIGAN (Lower 26 Day-even- 0 4 4 Electrical, wind.Severe thunderstorms caused scattered property Southern and I ing torna does, damage and downed many utility lines, mainly in central por- rain, and hail southwestern and west-central portions. About tions a dozen head of cattle reported killed by light- ning. Funnels aloft reported near St. Joseph, Cascade, and Lake Odessa.

MICHIGAN 2617:20 p.s. 0 5 4 Tornado, wind, Storm apparently originated near Perrinton and Gratiot Count rain, and haii moved northeastward through rural areas. Several farms badly damaged, 11 buildings downed, about 50 others damaged. At least 2 persons reported seeing funnel cloud, according to report from sheriff.

WEST VIRGINIA 26 Late p - Wind, electrical, Damage considerable to greenhouse where 200 panes Jackson Count$ and rain of glass broken. 4 farmhouse roofs damaged by trees falling on them. In Fairplain and Parchment Road areas.

NORTH CAROLINA 26 Night 1 Electrical Man working on fence killed by lightning. Rowan County

FLORIDA 26 Tornado Pilot sighted tornado. No damage as funnel cloud Miami (15 ile occurred over uninhabited area. southwest of), Dade County

FLORIDA 26 1 Electrical Woman killed by lightning bolt as she sat under Altha, Calhoun tree during electrical storm. County FLORIDA 26 2 Electrical and Heavy thunderstorm with lightning and heavy rain Lake County rain caused widespread but relatively minor damage. Man struck and killed by lightning as he ws operating tractor.

FLORIDA 4 lectrical, wind igh winds uprooted trees and tore down drive-in Jacksonville and hail theater screen. At Jacksonville Beach, woman area, Duval seriously injured when struck by bolt of lightning County FLORIDA 26 4 Wind, rain, hail onsiderable street flooding. Nigh winds knocked De Land, and electrical down a number of trees. Volusia Count] 26

INDIANA 4 1 Electrical and ightning and resulting fire burned hose. LA Porte, La raia Porte County 26 inor storus also reported at Red May Ala.; at Rusiellville, Ark.; in Fremont County, Colo; 'it Valparaiso, Ind.; at Prescott and near Red Oak, - ~ . ~ s ss..orse, Iowa; *t C.pe ca sexo, -~zes 89* reference notes at end of table.


Teble 4-Continued IJ1JEL-ft56 A Number Estimated damage [ of persons b categories Ca 0. a 0- Property racter Place Date Time A 0° of storm Remarks * e. (eaclusive Crops I

Minor stores 26 | - o No.; at Dyersburg, Ten, and in Brown, Kewaunee, (Coot'd)i and Manitowoc Co--ties, tie. YEBRASKA 27 112:10 a.s 11 6 |Hail 'Hailstones up to 1-1/2 inches in diameter. Superior (sastClI of), Nuckolls COuoty I NEBRASKA 27 Early a.r. I 1 4 Hail Hailstones 1/2 to 1 inch in diameter. Wilber (southi of), Saline County i

SOUTHDAKOTA 27 4:30 am. 4 ical fightning met fire to south corner of 75-foot Spencer, Ile ti quarry building. Y*Cook County

CONNECTICUT 27 2 p.m. 5 1 Electriical, Huse struck by lightning and burned with estimated Fairfield I wind, toand rain loss Cousty of $100,000 in village of Byram, town of Ire-nwich. 100 telephones and power services knocked out for 2 hours. f p e ' u U1 Torn dt and Small funnel aloft observed south of Garnett. Garoett (near wind Side winds caused some tree and crop damage. Anderson Coun ty MISSOURI 27 3 p.m. 6 lWind, rakin, and llind hit 115 a p.h., at Fairfax Airport. Storm Kansas City, hail m oved eastward. Jackson County

OKLAHOMA 27 3 p.m. 5 Hail, wi Led, and arble-sized hail fell for an hour, covering Woodward, rain ground. Preliainar re-orts indictd ..nl. Woodward Coun- minor damage, but after investigation ty extensive damage noted to trees, shrubs, gardens, neon signs, windows, and roofs. NORTH 27 13-6 p.m. CAROLINA 1 4 hail. wind, and Roofs and tobacco crop damaged by hail. Scattered Johnston, electrical | light damage by lightning and wind. Man Bobeson, Hoke hurt by falling ston struck from building Cabarrus, by lightning. Saspson, Our - ham, and Aneson Countiel OKLAHOMA 27 3:24 p m. 0 0 1 Tornado, hail, Tornado struck rural home 5 miles northwest of Nowata County electrical, Nowata,cauoing damage to TV antenna, trees, and wind, and raini| scattered small articles. Heavy hail fell at Alluwe. Lightning struck tree and utility lines northeast of Nowata. Storm moved southwestward. KANSAS 27 Afternoon 2 1 Wind, rain,and High winds over Shawnee, Douglas, Leavenvorth, Northeas tern electrical and portiOn Wyandotte, northern Johnson Counties damaged trees, communication lines, and houses, and knocked down some corn, lansas Power and Light Company suffered greatest lose in that area in 10 |yers, with approximately 10,000 telephones out of operation and 200 high Woltage or primary cir- cuits out of service. Storm first noticed on radar in north-central Kansas about soon and with rapid development progressed eastward. Winds of | ms.p.h., registered at Fairfax Airport, Kanmas City, Kans., where storm hit about 1:40 to 2:15 p.m. Telephone and communication lines broken by falling trees and limbs, and in mome cases poles snapped off. All service not restored for 2 days. Orchards muffered great deal from lose of fruit and broken trees. 2 construction workers on Turnpike near Lawrence slightly injured by flying boards. Numerous roads and streets blocked by fallen tress. KANSAS 27 Afternoon Eastern port Wind and hail Dccasional damage from winds and some hail reported 1 from various localities from near Emporia east and south. Power-and communication lines occasionally broken, and blowing dust reduced visibility for a few minutes. Harvest interrupted and some hail damage done to crops east of lmporim. MISSoURI 27 Late 3 Wind and rain Trees and powerlines downed. Springfield, afternoon Greene County KANSAS 27 Afternoon 1 Central p1 rti Wind, electrical jigh winds and lightning caused some damage to night and rain power and communication lines and to trees, TV antennas, and electrical appliances, especially in Dickinson and Clay Counties. Man injured by light- ning in Stafford County. M ISSOURI t 27 4:30-6:30 0I 0 Wshburn Tornadoes, wind, 2 funnels, 20 miles east of Washburn, and 10 miles BarryCounty p.m. and rain went of Washburn. Golf-ball mize hail and 5 inches of rain, Storm moved eastward. SKLANOMA M 0 uakogee, 27 4:30-1lP 0 5 1 Tornadoes,wind, Squall line with excessive winds, hail, rain, and Nagoner, |electrical, | funnels aloft lashed large area of east-central. ChekrokeeT.. hail, and rain Strong winds struck Fort Gibson Lake between Wagoner and Cherokee Counties about 4:30 p.m., causing yes Contieq damage or destruction to 100 boats and 20 boat docks, and sunk $15,000, 50-foot luxury

8"e reference notes at end of table. - 213 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA

Table 4-Continued JUNE 1956

f - Number > I - . i [Estimated danmage I ,I-personsL of byratedr.ies t Character Place Date Time. 0 | J Property] of storm Remarks 'so|x m E (emclueives Crops I F '- < S ¢ at X U |of cro pa)

OKLAHNDMA (Conted)b houseboat. Funnels aloft sighted at 8:50 p.m., between Haskell and Leonard; at 9:15 p.m., be- tween Coweta and Wagoner, and at 10:40 p.m., be- tween Muskogee and Wagoner. Numerous lightning strikes noted in Tulsa, Claremore, and Pryor causing minor damage. Other wind damage to trees and utility lines reported over area. Storm moved 'eastward. NEW HAMPSHIRE 27 4:31 p.m. 1/1 25 0 0 2i 1 Tornado, wind, funnel did not quite touch ground; rotation of de- Manc hester, and rain Ibris observed. Destructive wind only in very Hill aboro |small area. Heavy granite chimney cap lifted and Coun ty 1dropped through apartment building. Storm moved north-northeastward. OKLAHOMA I 27 18 p.m. 1 IWindrain, and Severe thunderstorm with high winds and heavy rain Woods and I electrical caused extensive damage to trees, windows, and TV Alfalfa Coun- antennas in Alva, Capron, Dacoma, and Cherokee. ties Farm house 5 miles northwest of Cherokee had roof partially blown off by twisting winds; heavy water damage resulted to interior of house. Storm moved northeastward. 27il ai. OKLAHOMA 1 Win4 rain, hail ,severe thunderstorm hit Sallisaw, causing minor dam- Sallisaw, I i I and electrical, age to trees and utility lines. Strong winds up Sequoyah Coun.- to 65 m.p.h., caused some roofs to leak, resulting ty ; in water damage. Storm moved south-southwestward. OKLAHOMA 0' 0 1 Tornado, wind, runnel aloft sighted by ground observer corps north Payne County electrical, Iof Stillwater. Cushing hit by strong winds and 2711030 .m. and rain severe electrical storm. Lightning struck power meter at ice plant, and house had 2 large holes torn in walls. Strong wind caused minor property damage, and utility lines received damage from up- rooted trees and falling branches. Storm moved i southeastward. i i ARKANSAS I I Wind and hail Wlind accompanied by hail up to size of golf balls Tontitown, i I caused extensive damage to vineyards; also con- I Washington I I sIderable damage to roofs by wind and hail. County I I 27 i Minor storms also reported at Opp, Ala.; in Kiowa i I I i County, Kans.; at Sedalia and West Plains, Mo.; near Deshler and Lincoln, Nebr.; at Langley, I I II 1Ponca City, and Vinita, Okla. ; and from Mars I Bluff to Dillon, S. C. I i OKLAHOMA 28 12:24 a.m. I 01O Ii Tornado Highway Patrol sighted funnel aloft north of Shawnee area, Shawnee. PottawatoieI County

MONTANA 26 10:30 a.-. 6 1I .1 0 0 3 3 liail, wind, rain,HIail up to 3/4 inch in diameter caused scattered Baylor (near),: I and tornado I small grain damage; wind destroyed several farm Valley County i I(suspected) ! outbuildings. Probable funnel aloft. Storm I smoved eastward. I SOUTH DAKOTA 28 foonr-even.I I 3 hind and hail Strong gusts caused minor damage all across State. Central and ing I I Windmills downed near Miller and Madison. Hail eastern por- in extreme east caused most crop damage. tions

ARIZONA 28 9 P.M..- Ind and rain lost damage occurred when gin in Peoria collapsed Peoria , runder wind. Storm moved southward. Maricopa Coun-I I ty 1 NEBRASKA 28 Evening I 7 1-1-2 | 1 1 4 Hai l Ragan (2 miles i north of), I Harlan County i NEBRASKA 28 4 Bail a ilstones 1-1/4 inches in diameter. Superior (nsaO i Nuckolls County I I 28 inor storm also reported at Opp, Ala. I ALABAMA 29 1:30 p.m. 1 lectrical and Hen on newer construction project killed by light Mobile, Mobile 1 train ning as he took refuge from rain under a tree. County

NORTH CAROLINA 29 -4 p.m. 5 il Tobacco and corn damaged. Pander, Sam and Jackson Counties

GEORGIA 29 4:30 p.m. 1 1 LRin, wind, and Violent thunderstorm, heavy rain, and wind caused Augusta, electrical damage to utility lines, trees, and some struc- Richmond COun- tures. 5-year-old boy drowned when washed away ty by flash flood. Night club destroyed by fire after being struck by lightning; los e s tmted at $15,000.

See reference notes at end of table.


Table 4-Continued JtUNE 1956

_ICharacter Property | Place Date C of storm Renmarks i(exclusivei CropsI ! of crops) I I- NEBRASKA 29 15:30-6 pm.j 6 Hail ucb corn stripped and wheat shattered Ord (6-8 milei south of), I Valley County 6:30-7:30 4 ITornado, else- Wightning killed boy standing In farm- SOUTH DAKOTA 29 I i by truck Extreme east- p.. 4 trical and yard 6 miles northwest of Gary. Tornado de- ern portion 0 I hail molished farm buildings 1'2 mile northeast of Wentworth. 2 house trailers wrecked south of Flandreau injuring occupant. Farm buildings in area daaged. 1 I MINNESOTA 29 37:30 p.m. O 'Tornado, hail, Barns and outbuildings on 3 farms left in splinters, Luverne (S wind, rain,and no farm homes hit. Hail, some as large as 2-1/2 miles north- ii 1 electrica1 inches in diameter, damaged small grain and corn west of), Rock over 20-square mile area. Storm moved eastward. County I .1 i I 29 jinor storms also reported at Curry, Ala.; in Dickinson and Emmet Counties, Iowa; and at Marys- vale, Utah.

MISSOURI 30 112:30 a fiH Wind Wind hit 51 mp h., at Rosencraus Field. St. Joseph, Buchanan Coun.j ty 1 O IOVA 30 i5 a.m. 10 4)11ail Hail damaged growing crops. Storm moved northeast- Soldier ward. Monona County 80!\

MINNESOTA 30 11 p.m. 0° 1Tornado Pilot reported funnel cloud 30 miles southwest of Rochester area I Rochester, did not touch ground. At 1:30 p.m., 01sted Countyj ground observer saw funnel touch ground briefly J 12 miles southwest of Rochester.

SOUTHCAROLINA 30 Afternoo I S Wind rain and Beavy winds and rains accompanied thunderstorm, Marion to j ectrical cauing significant damage to tobacco. (100 acres Mullins, of tobacco destroyed.) Marion County| WISCONSIN 3010 p.m. Wind and hail Hail to 1-1/2 inches is diameter. Storm moved Polk, St. Crok) eastward. and Vernon Counties

GEORGIA 301'P. 4 1 lWind and rain 2 chickenhouses each containing 8,000 broilers, Pendergrass, destroyed and i other building badly damaged. Jackson County

MINNESOTA 30 [P.. 16 *1 3 Hail, rain win Hailstorm hit crops on 110 farms. Near St. Cloud Stacy area, and electrical roof Of barn ripped offf Winds observed 65 to 70 Chisago Count3 1 p.h,; 1.35 inches of rain fell in 20 minutes. and St. Cloud, Storm moved southeastward. Stearns County 30 Minor storm also reported in Fayette County, Ky.


M~ay~ Minor storm in Canyon and Gem Counties, Idaho.

C Crop damage included with property damage. Miles inst ead of yards Yards instead of miles.

I This is a new form of presentation of storm damage estimates. The Weather Bureau has for some time recognized the fact that without detailed expert appraisal of damage all figures published are merely Npproximations to fact. Since errors in dollar estimates vary in proportion to the total, storms are placed in categories varying from 1 to 9 as follows: 1 Less than $50 2 $50 to $500 3 $500 to $5,000 4 $5,000 to $50,000 5 $50,000 to $500,000 6 $500,000 to $5,000,000 7 $5,000,000 to $°0,000,000 a $50,000,000 to $500,000,000 9 $500,000,000 to $5,000,000,000

- 215 - TROPICAL STORM OF JUNE 12-14, 1956

A tropical storm developed over the Gulf of sea level. Minor damage to the beach, small boats, Mexico on June 12 near latitude 230N. and longitude and piers occurred along the Mississippi coast in 960W. It was the result of a combination of an places where tides reached as much as 5 feet above easterly wave and a cold low aloft, and retained mean sea level. both tropical and extratropical characteristics. The highest wind reported ashore was 55 m.p.h. The rainfall was tropical, but never formed the from the east at Grand Isle, La., at 7:15 a.m., bands characteristic of tropical storms. There c.s.t., on the 13th. A boat 5 miles south of was never a definite calm center or eye observed. Pilottown, La., reported gusts to 60 m.p.h. from Temperatures aloft over the low remained as cold the south-southeast. The highest measured tide or colder than in the surrounding air. was 4.7 feet above mean sea level at Biloxi, Miss. Four persons were drowned, three of them on a The lowest observed pressure was 29.66 inches tug which sank off the Mississippi coast and one at Moissant Airport, New Orleans, La., and at truck driver when his truck skidded on the bridge McComb, Miss. The heaviest rain was within 100 over Lake Pontchartrain and plunged into the lake. miles east of the storm track and decreased from The bridge was damaged by the truck, but more seri- 6.13 inches at Grand Isle, La., as the storm moved ously by a loose barge. The total damage to the inland, to 5.60 inches at Monticello, 3.17 inches bridge has been estimated at $12,000. at Jackson, and 1.60 at Greenwood, Miss. The bene- Tides generally ranged from 2 to 4 feet above fit to crops from these rains, which ended a normal along the Louisiana and Mississippi coasts. drought, probably exceeded property losses from The Freeport Sulphur Company suffered some damage wind and water on the coast. to their sulphur mines near the coast south of The track of this tropical storm is shown in the Houma, La., where the tide was 4! feet above mean accompanying chart.


Open circles on track indicate locations _ of center at 7 a.m., E.S.T., of date entered nearby; solid circles on track indicate- lnoations nf entert at 7 nm. '.S.T


The generally high flows in the Columbia River the South Dakota state line. Basin in late May and early June produced high A small dam on Clear Creek about 2 miles north stages along the main stem of the Columbia River of Georgetown, Colo., failed as a result of a rise in the first days of June. The crest passed Van- from rapid snowmelt, sometime between 9:30 a.m. couver, Wash., on the 3d and 4th. Total observed and 11:00 a.m. of the 4th. A former dam at this lo- runoff near The Dalles, for the 3-month snowmelt cation washed out on June 10, 1952. Extremely warm period, April through June, was the second largest temperatures on the 2d and 3d caused rapid melt- for this period, since the record began in 1878, ing of the snow pack in the mountains. The water being exceeded only by the flow in 1894. behind the dam (300-400 acre-feet) rose to about The overflows reported in the Upper White and 1 foot of the top of the dam on the 3d and remained East Fork of White River Basins in Indiana in late there until failure of the dam at the spillway May, continued downstream, and during the first section. The flood crest arrived at Golden, Colo., week in June, produced the highest observed stages at 2:30 p.m. on the 4th and crested at 3:15 p.m., in recent years, on the low reaches. at a gage height of 6.9 feet. At the mouth of the Elsewhere, about the only other flooding reported creek the crest was at a gage height of 5.45 feet was due to flash floods. at 8 p.m. Ten small county bridges in the vicinity The continued drought in many sections of south- of Idaho Springs were destroyed and there was some ern United States resulted in record and near- highway damage. At Golden the crest came within record low-flow being reported in various streams 0.3 foot from the top of a concrete retaining wall in Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama, South Caro- near Ford Street. No damage occurred at Golden. lina, and north-central Virginia. The famous Heavy showers in the Middle Loup River Basin Comal Springs at New Braunfels, Texas, ran dry for produced localized flooding on some small tribu- the first time known. taries. Damage was insignificant. Unofficial rainfall reports indicated 4 to 5 inches of rain ATLANTIC SLOPE DRAINAGE fell over the headwaters of Corporation Creek on Rainfall averaging 2 to 3 inches over Cape Fear, the night of the 25th-26th. Flooding developed Neuse, and Tar River Basins on the 2d, caused sub- along the creek at Norfolk, Nebr. The overflow stantial rises on these streams. Since all streams was of short duration, only lasting 3 to 4 hours. were at fairly low levels, before the rain, the There was major damage to 5 homes and minor damage only overflow occurring was at Smithfield, N. C., to 75 others as reported by the Red Cross. on the Neuse River. Overflow was minor and no Flash floods occurred at Natoma, Kans., on Para- damage was reported. dise Creek on the 5th and at Wauneta, Nebr., on Frenchman Creek on the 17th. Flood waters at EAST GULF OF MEXICO DRAINAGE Natoma, a foot or more deep, spread over the Light overflow with no damage resulting oc- business district and through portions of the curred at Bogalusa, La., on the Pearl River on the residential area. The crest occurred about 3 a.m. 16th to the 18th. of the 5th, reaching foundation levels in the business district and lapping at store entrances UPPER MISSISSIPPI BASIN and flooding some basements. Flood waters receded Only minor flooding with no damage, occurred on rapidly and was off the streets by 7 a.m. Some the 2d at Pacific, Mo., on the Meramec River. farmland along the creek was also affected. Dam- Missouri Basin.--Light overflows were reported ages were light. Considerably greater damage along Big Hole and Jefferson Rivers during the occurred at Wauneta, Nebr., as a result of 4 to 5 period 1st through 6th. No damage occurred. inches of rain upstream on Frenchman Creek. About The Sun and Missouri Rivers overflowed low areas 2 inches was recorded locally at Wauneta in about in the vicinity of Great Falls, Mont., on the 3d a half hour. About 30 families were forced to and 4th. Only minor damage was caused. leave their homes. The power plant was flooded, Several minor crests moved down the main stem the telephone exchange disabled and water stood of the Yellowstone River during the month. The 65 inches deep in the Burlington Railroad depot. most important one passing Corwin Springs, Mont.. In the business district damage was fairly heavy. on the morning of the 2d at a stage of 9.6 feet. Losses are estimated at several hundred thousand The crest reached Livingston, Mont., on the after- dollars. Overflow along Frenchman Creek extended noon of the 2d at a stage of 9.3 feet. The rise to Culbertson, Nebr., at the mouth of the stream. reached Billings, Mont., on the morning of the 3d, The resulting rise on the Republican River reached holding a sustained crest, between 11.2 and 11.3 minor flood levels at Cambridge, Nebr., with little feet, until the evening of the 4th. A general damage. falling trend followed with only minor fluctuations Minor overflow on the 1st with no damage was during the remainder of the month. Minor lowland reported at Jerome, Mo., on the Gasconade River. flooding extended downstream from Billings for Ohio Basin.--On the evening of June 17 moderate about 70 miles and upstream to a point just above to heavy thundershowers over the western Pennsyl- Livingston. vania area produced flash flooding in the vicinity Heavy rains caused flash flooding on the 6th, of McKeesport, East McKeesport, and WhiteOak, Pa., along Spring Creek, a tributary to Big Beaver Creek, in Allegheny County. In Westmoreland County flash in the vicinity of Linton, N. Dak. Farm lands floods were reported at Irwin, Scottsdale, and north and east of Linton and six blocks in the old Delmont, Pa. Considerable damage was reported. part of the town were inundated. Damages were Thundershowers hit western Pennsylvania again light. on June 22, 23, and 24. The greatest damage was Rainfall averaging 3 to 5 inches on the 5th and reported at Slippery Rock, Harlansburg, Zelienople, 6th over a local area south of Jamestown, N. Dak., and New Castle, Pa., and Washington, Claysville, Caused overflow of small streams and on a 20 mile and Mannington, W. Va. Slippery Rock and Neshan- reach of the James River. The flood crest on the nock Creeks destroyed five small bridges and James was well below bankful stage before reaching flooded low-lying roads. Hundreds of campers were


JUNE 1956 stranded including 175 small girls at the Sal- was reported at Linton, Ind., on the 21st. Linton vation Army Camp at Wittenburg, Pa., requiring was isolated for several hours when Black Creek evacuation by rescue teams. Only minor rises oc- overflowed. Two separate showers, each with 6 curred on the main rivers. to 8 inches of rain, hit the little hamlet of Heavy rainfall on the 17th and 18th brought the Hope, Ind. , on Haw Creek, located northeast of Scioto at La Rue, Ohio, to near flood stage and Columbus. These flash floods, while limited in Paint Creek at Bourneville, Ohio, to slightly extent, did cause considerable damage. over bankful. A flash flood on the 22d was re- ported on Black Lick Creeka tributary of the PACIFIC COAST DRAINAGE Big Walnut, resulting from a heavy thundershower ColumbiaBasin.--A generally slowly falling on the night of the 21st. Estimated amounts of trend was observed in the Kootenai River throughout 4 to 5 inches of rain were reported. Numerous the month. A few secondary crests were noted with families were evacuated, a bridge destroyed and the highest crest on the 3d and 4th. The flooding U. S. Highway #40 was flooded. Local flash flood- in May was more extensive and the damages were in- ing occurred in the vicinity of Paris, Ky., result- flicted in May. The flood waters on Pend Oreille ing from heavy rainfall in the Licking headwaters. River this month did not cause any damage. There were unofficial reports of 6 inches of rain Some flooding beginning late in May, continued in the area. along the Snake River in the vicinity of Roberts Moderately high flood crests moving downstream and Heise, Idaho, and on the Salmon River in the from the headwaters of the White and Wabash Rivers vicinity of Challis and Salmon, Idaho. The river at the end of May continued downstream during the fell below flood stage at Salmon on the 6th and at first 10 days of June. Thousands of acres of corn, Heise, the Snake crested at 9.2 feet from 8 a.m. hay, soybeans, and other crops were submerged and of the 4th to 4 p.m. of the 6th. Recession was crops were wholly or partially ruined. In the slow and at the end of the month, water still Petersburg, Ind., area, the Lamb Levee, 2 miles stood in many fields in the Roberts area, down- west of Petersburg, gave way at the height of the stream from Heise. Runoff at Heise was the highest crest and flooded 4,000 acres. Flooding was gener- since 1927 and the 4th highest of record for June. ally less extensive on the Wabash between Terre At Portland, Oregon, the river fell below the Haute and Vincennes, Ind. It was most severe flood stage of 18 feet on June 28 but lingered along most of the East Fork and along the White above flood stage of 15 feet at Vancouver, Wash., River from Indianapolis to the mouth and on the into July. At Portland the river was above flood Wabash from the confluence of the White and Wabash stage for 52 days and at Vancouver for 71 days. downstream. In many instances crest stages were Observed peak stage at The Dalles was 150.10 feet at not far below those of major floods. 11 p.m. of the 2d; discharge was 823,000 cfs. The There was a prolonged period of showers from high water in the lower Columbia River caused some midmonth through the 26th which resulted in rises curtailment of activities to shipping and manu- above flood stage at some points for a second facturing interests in the dock area. Freight time during the month. Flooding was on a much and cargo stored on low and intermediate docks smaller scale than the earlier period and damage had to be removed. Considerable sandbagging was was mostly limited to a small amount of crop required and river traffic was compelled to slow damage and some inconveniences due to highway up. The actual damage was relatively small in inundation. view of the flood potential which existed. Long During this period of widespread showers a con- range flood and volume forecasts had wide dis- siderable number of heavy local showers occurred. semination to all Federal, State and local agencies, On the 19th, at West Baden, Ind., 4.04 inches of private interests, and general public. Early pro- rain was recorded in a period of about 2~ hours. tective planning and initiation of action were At the Indianapolis Fall Creek Pumping Plant, 3.49 undertaken and carried out, keeping losses to a inches of rain fell in a 1Y hour period late on minimum. the 18th. An unofficial measurement of 7 inches


Tebla 0 (Al I dotes ia, J..o utlIrio 00 herwiar apeci firdi JUNE 1950 th- i- p--f~d

Abo floodsige- Above food eto-ge - ,-d i - r = -= Flood -datoc Fiood -dete C iRover and wbtbion -4 iRoelr end .t10t-

1 ' Ftom- To- Stag. i Dmt. t F- I To- Sttg. D . - E -- - - 3, -5 F1 : FL F R.F ATLANTIC SLOPE DRAINAGE MISSISSIPPI SYSTEM IContd.) Ohio Bdasic lCoaO'd. Sco-e: Snilhfiild. N. C. 13 1 3 5 15 : fKie lCoi 'd. ): EAST GULF OF MEXICO DRAINAGE | Edrordoport, Ind. 12 1 1 7 21.08 23 i 28 l17.A6 25 Pe-cl: Oogolusa La. 15 1ii IA 15. c I 1 22 Prterbukog, tnd. 1 6 2 08 MISSISSIPPI SYSTEM U2Fe, mV}i-iSSj ?sxn Biaboh. Id. ' 2 1 1 I 12.86 I Merorec; Pacific, Mo. I I 2 12.5 2 Mationteaush Ind. 14 1 1 2 19.98 Mlay 29 MlisSouri BSijD Terre Haute, Itd. 1 4 16.7 I Yellowstone. Billings. Mon. II 3 4 11.3! 3,4 YountM Carel, Ind. 117 5 8 19.3 7 Slinking Mater Cre-k: Polis-d, Nebr. - 8.5 I 17 PACIFIC SLOPE DRAINAGE Columbia Basin Fr--bn-ei Creek: Palis-de, Neb -- i -- B.761 17 | asotanal: iRpohlic-t: Coebridge Neb.B 6 10 20 7.2 28 Libby. Bant. 16 1 6 17.2 3

N. Fk. Solo.on: Doans. K.on. IBa 22 ! 23 i20.51I 2 2 .B.aern Ferry Idaha 31 1l 9 35.9 4 49 1 14 52.4 5-6 Gadcorde: Jeromn, Mo. 15 I I 1 6.9 Pend Oreille: Nteprt. Bash. ! Ohio Blasin BWill.ett-e: Portland, OBrg. 18 April 20 23 26.4 4-6

Pnini Creek. Bitu..n le Ohio I 10 i 20 21 10.45 21 Col1-bi.: iUatilla, erg. 25 1 8 26.3 2 Eoat Park 14 ' I Seymour Itd. 10. I Buiy 30 Vaneouver, Bash. IS April 24 30y 2 |26. 4-5 23 ! 15.6 23 26 fRidgefaid. Mesh. 20 Mey 23 19 25.1 4-6 Bedford, Ind. 20 1 1 23.5 i 2 St. 8elenc Oreg. 20 May 22 20 25.5 5-6 10 1 Wifli.a I.d. 243 10.9 1 3 khite: Spencer Ind. 14 1 21.8 Buy 31 * Prosii.nal Ellistn. Iad. | 4, 18 23 257 1 IR 1 231 1 2 4 18.7 1 24

219 RAWINSONDE DATA A-ege mont..ly 1m.. JUNE 1956 Table 20 -. .X. ATHENS, IGA. | ALBJQU68QI1E, ANCHORAGE, ALAISKA 1 ANNET7TE ALASKA ALBANY, N. Y. RB (988 MB (1004 MB.) (.,A83 N.)Md (1005 MR.) (1010 MB.) I--- 4 -o I r WinWdI Wind I a

i .! 1z1 -,- El l SEPA E 1Z ;8 TI i 1.0 i S 8 I I 29 141- I0'0 29 059, 10 30 3.5' 30 52 219 5.8 30 37 11.71 73 173 7.8 29 1 2469 2 7 72 292 1.7 17.4 76 254. 3.1 1,619 26.1 30 14.2 28 86 75 206 6.4 30 124 11.0173 170 8.0 29 141 2541 3.3 30 18 30 1,000-- 28 120 56 173 6.4 301 550 8.0' 74 165 11.3 29 2 593 23.8 57 280 3.7 28 565 17.3 61 263 6.5 30 488 30 505 9.7I 9o5--- 950 6.4 164 4.5 351 91I, 4.91 77 168 10.9 29 31 ,05 19.8 58 247 3.9 28 1,021 14.9 62 2621 6.4 30 976 ,301 64 30 4106 2.9. 70 157 3.9 301 1,458 1.7 78 1367 95 29 11549 10.2 62 2491 4.1 850---- 28 1,502 11.6 64 2741 9.1 1,4891 4.1[ 30 1,944- 1. 77 17011.-5 29 2,02 12.5 65 2411 2.5 30 2,024, 24.1 25 196 3.1 30 1, 904 - .4 72 1321 9.21 800--- 26 2,007 8.7 27 266110.9 13.2 129 12,6061 57 242 2.3 30 230.0 26 1244 4.5 30 2, 424 - 35 73 131 4.5 30 2,463 - 4.01 72 176 309 4.3 750--- 28 2,548 6.1[ 50 272113.8 2,581 960 - 6.6 168 132 4.3 30 2,998 - 6.9, 67 183 11.8 29 3,1691 5.8 56 700- --. 28 3 101 3.3 44 277 14.4 30 3,1731 14.8 32 250 5.61 301 2 29 3.780 2.0 30 3,577 -10.5 62 118610.7 58 3021 3.9 3,703, .3 37 272 15.9 30 3,797 9.1 39 257 17.2 303 4 544 - 9.61 62 120 3.9 129 4,415 - 1.61 650--- 28 60 11101 3.1 301 4,185 -14.2 56 18910.9 54 285i 5.8 28 4,337j- 3.3 37 273,17.9 30 4,4511 3.4 46 262 91.1 304 , 150 -13.0 129 5,s106 - 5.41 600---- 4 113 3.5 291 4,848 -18.3 46 193 11.1 49 1297 I S. 28 5,0211- 7.1 268119.8 30 5.148 - 2.7 57 256 sIo5s 30 809 -17.01 57 1297, 6. 550---- 30 253 55 79 2.3 291 5 5491-23.1 43 196 11.7 29 5 845 - 9.8 45 -11.7 271,21.8 5,997:- 8.9 64 310.5 30i s 517 -21.4 3961j 6.8 500---- 28 5,757 48 1251 1 91 291 6,311-28.31 42 192 13:4 29 6,664 -14.6 6,566 -17.2[ 267123.9 30 6 716 -14.6 57 250 12.41 30 6 291 -26.6: -34.4 40 182113.8 3841 450--- 27 7, 91 29 7 147 29 7,534 -20.6 2880 8.0 -23.3 272126. 30 75861-20.8 47 25 13.01 30 125 -32.91 48 400--- 27 7 428 185 2.7 291 8:067 -40.9 166 15.2 21 8,504 -27.8 298 9.7 27 8:391 -30.3 272128.5 30 818551-28.2 250 is.s 30 8, 050 -40.2 350--- 30 082 _-48.1 229 2.3 28! 9,0961-46.9 166 14.8 28 9,590 -36.3 300--- 27 9,468 -38.6 270128.0 9 643 -36 .6 247 21.21 30 9, 129 1l0,838 -46.2 28 10,8771-45.8 212 29 10.267 -52.6i 307 1.4 281l0,295 -48.7 2066 5.8 250--- 27 10'692 -48.4 273130.9 30.3 1821.4 28 11 770 -45.9 247 6.4 -56.7 275 108.6 29 1258 33.5 29 11,725 -46.8 1 28 1-2,276 200--- 27 12,132 -56.8[ 278138.7 12 32 -55 .6 27 13,111 -61'.0 284 114.9 29 260 32.1 29112, 610 -46.5 189 1.21 28112:658 -46.2 243 9.3 175--- 27 12 973 -58.7 279 32.8 1 3 1687 : 60 .1 25.8 28 113, 27 14,060 -64.7 300 12.6 -59.7 279 127.2 28 14,118 -64.3 261 635 -46.55 142 3.71 28 13,679 -46.9 259110.9 150--- 26 13.940 257 15.0 28 14 149 2.7 28 14,882 -48.0 2610 71 27 15,1641-66.9 332 9.9 25 15,076 -60.6 279 21.0 27 15,221 -68.0 843I-46.6 21 6.0 125 ---- 6.0 28 16, 321 -40.9 121 4.1 28 16,350 -48.6. 235 5.8 26 16,309-66.3 100 --- 25 116 460 -61.1 283 11.7 26 16,552 -69.2[ 1220 28917 24 17.863 -63.4 54 5.2 3.1 -46.6 109 1.4 28 17,814 -49.2 177 2.1 80---- 24 [17,854 -58.9 306 4.9 23 17,892 -65.4 1131 800 23 19.642 -59.9 71 9.1 19.1 19 709 -46 3 97 8.7 27[19,695-49.51 150! 1.7 |75113 8 23 19,669 -56.2 58 4.7 22 19,665 -60.0i 27 22 20,789 -57.7 81 14.0 27 20 919 -46.2 91 11.5 25 20 891 -49.3 I 681 4.1 23 20,839 -54.9 70 8.9 21 20,806 j -58.0! 99 13.3 23 22 3SO -49.3 95 6.6 20 322,205-54.9 86 119. 4 0----- 22 [22,262 -53.2 89 13.0 19 22,223 -54.7 20.4j 26122, 395 -40.6- 2 4 2 3 9 189120.8 1 86 313 -46. 81 15.5 21 , -48.9 14 24,045 -51.7 30----, 19 24,121 -50.8 86 15.7 17 24,073-3 18.8 16124, 20----- 8 j26,740 -48.01 j LL-

= BROlNSYILLE, TEX. BETHEL, ALASKA 315YA8CK, N. DA'K. BOISE, IDAHO BARROW, ALASKA (1013 MB.) (1014 YB.) (1008 RB.) (952 YH.) - 7 25.2 87 134 9.7 30 505 20.9 91 6-6 1153.9 821.7 40 346 5.1 SURFACE 8 0.1 88 3. 4 14.3 58 251 122 25.7 | 3 135112.8 129 71 13.7 60 237! 4.3 30 751 301 72 30 1,000-- 29! 115!- 1.31 85 73 5.2 23.4 74 139 17.7 29 502 9.5 30 529[ 117 4.71 301 528 30 572 S331 .4 75 103 2.9 67 228 3.3 9831 20.8 30 1,044 21.3 64 135 14.0 950---- 29 946 5.9 70 [213 30 54 138 4.71 30 9951 21 .7 34 345, 6.2 1130 10.9 900---- 291 a .60! .7 64 130 1.9 2.7 30 1,538 18.9 56 2S8I1 4D18!- .7 62 I18111.6 29 1,411 2.8 74 1167 3.7 30 1,4851 17.6 53 224 2.9 301 1,487 18.1 34 3351 6.8 52 850--- 29 1 1,4 7.0 2,003 13.9 38 287 7.2 30 2.056 15.8 11221 9 5 29 1 80o0I 2.5 65 12081 3.5 29 1,899 .0 70 154 3.9 30 2,000 14.6 48 263 30, 49 1 187j 78 800---- 29 49 2,549 9.3 45 268 11.3 30 2,603 12.6 18 - 5.0] 56 221 4.5 2,418 - 2.8. 62 152 4.7 30 2 ,547 11.0 266 11.31 301 98 6.4 750---- 29 4.9 271 14.81 301 3,111I 4.8 49 254 15.0 30 3,177 9.1 48 181 6.0 29 22,7 501-7.61 51 2311 5.1 2,958 - 5.7j 58 146 300 3,114 7.0 46 700---- 2:4, 29 5.1 16.5 .1 48 244 17.7 30 3,792 5.3 44 29 3,4 .34 -10.9 48 234 6.6 3,542 - 8.91 58 142 30 3,724 2.8 43 271 30 3,7111 851 6.2 650---- 1 .4 30 4,347 - 4.2 45 241120.6 30 4,436 1.6 41 29 1 4,2.34 -14.7 42 223 7.2 29 4,151 -12.2 55 134 3.3 30 4,363 - 1.4 40 27319 64 6.8 600--- 30 5,031 - 8.6 39 238 24.5 30 5 132 - 2.4 36 511 0.0 4 740793 -19.2 41 221 8.2 29 4,812 -16.3 52 145 2.3 29 5052 1- 6.3 36 275 22.5 550---- 29 29 268 24.1 30 5 761 -13.9 39 234 27.6 30 5,8821- 7.0 490 -24.2 43 231110.1 5,521 -20.9 49 1162 2.3 29 5,789 -11.3 31 361 6.4 500---- 29 6,294 -26.31 48 1188 1 .2 296 24.9 30 6,562 -19.S 235 30.3 30 6,702 -12.5 450---- 159 -29.6 43 230 9.9 5.7 29 6,597 -17.6 7,584 20 8.0 29 47 243 29 7,459 -24.0 274 26.6 30 7,417 -25.8 230 28-9 30 -18.6 26 10.1 400 ---- 29 8.6 '80 -35.7 38 .234 9.5 7,132 -22.51 29 8,058 -39.7 279 1.9 29 8,419 -31.4 260 29.9 291 8,371 -33.3 242 22.3 30 1 8,565 -25.7 6 7.0 350---- 395 -42.2 247 9.7 29 9,663 -34.0 9,094 -47.41 243 4.3 29 9,492 -39.6 259 34.4 291 9 435 -41.6 261 25.5 343 6.6 300--- 023 -48.3 241 11.7 28 10,911 -43.8 10,2118 -48.4 240 9.3 29 10 283 -51.5 25 4.7 29i10,713 -49.0 254 29.7 28 10,649 -49.7 25 8.7 250---- 29 28 27 12,374 -54 .7 29 11,6 97 -44.81 1234 7.4 11,746 -47.2 274 4.3 29 12,150 -56.1 260 33.4 28 12,093-53.5 3 11.8 200---- 261 33.6 28 12,951 -54.1 27 13,216 -60.4 175---- 90 -444' 1 2271 6.8 28 12,631 -46.11 270 2.1 29 12,996-56.6 27 14,163 -65.7 6115.9 17, 221 6.8 28 13,624-464 27 2.3 27 13,969 -56.9 28 13,936 -55.6 21 13.6 1 0---- 29 13,7;21 -44.8 166 27 15,257 -70.2 51 28 14,864 -46.3 2. 12715,118 -58.9 28 15,091 -57.8 59 13.8 125---- 29 12:1714,8 .381-44.8 213 84 27 16,573 -72.2 28 116 ,3 129 -44.4 195 3.9 26 16,300 -46.3 2.3 27 16,509 -60.3 27 168493 -80.0 155 15.0 100---- 17,833 -4.8 105 4.3 26 17,888 -59.1 27 17,891 -69 .1 124 -43.5 140 2.7 26 27 17,903 -59.2 90 23.3 80----- 7.0 5 9, 716 1-SS5.9 26 19,639 -62.3 19,7 '51 -43.4 116 5.2 26 19,747 -45.4 90 126 26 19,704 -56.2 89928.6 60----- 25 8.9 -54 .3 26 20 773 -58.8 '78 109 8.5 20,961 -45.5 88 25 20,8789 26 20,865 -54.9 987 50---- 21 20,9 -42.3 226 23 22,297 -53.5I I 25 22,182 1-55.6 9 128.629.3 21 22,4478 -43.4 101 10.1 22,447 -4s 90 11.7 25 22,3111-53.1 40----- 24 24 24.,171 -I.0-1 21 24,027 -52.1 15 i22 -43.0 91 11.1 24 347 45.8 1 9 14 .2 18 24,159 -51.6 95 34.8 30----- 24,4 s26,8258 -47.4 118 26,667 -47.8 20----- 7 28,574 -45.6 -U- 15----- _ _ _ _ .1 l --- j I l l l l - COLD BAY, ALASKA CHARLESTON, S. C. BUFFALO, W. T. WM8OOD, LA. CARIBOU, ME. (1007 89.) (1016 R9.) (991 ME. ) (1016 MB.) (993 MD.) 29q 98.0 76 302o 13.5 81 242 30 - . 1301 = 3.1 29 191 4.5 . - ; 3 24.3 14.3 17.1[ 77 3.9 27 24.3 -86 193 3 . 29 t243 4:51 30 78 75 331 4.3 SURFA 30 182 f224 200 7.6 i30 30 124 27 1443 24 .1 75 180 4.5 29 110 13.85 30 150 22.5 508 4.1 81 185 .0 1,000-- 4.7 169 221 8.0 1301 30 565 17.91 65 251 8.4 27 592 21.2 89 167 28 545 131.6 255 7.6 30 600 4.7 r30 944 1:.5 5 165 1.9 950---- 1,059 4.1 9.3 1,069 66 242 900---- 30 1 ,025 15.1s 66 270 10.1 27 19.6 57 131 998 10.8 69 282 30 19.9 2. 1, 403 .4 82 262 1.4 6.0 29 8.1 16.5 67 298 S301 30 1,507 12.0 65 280 11.5 27 1,548 16.3 55 116 1291 1,472 72 298 12.0 30 1 560 t30 1,889- .7 70 250[ 1.9 850---- 55 113 5.9 2,074 13.2 65 311 800--- 30 2,012 9.2 61 1 28 12.4 27 2 ,062 13.2 29 1,971 5.2 74 292 19.013.8 30 9.7 2,406 -2.9 69 198[ 3.7 4.3 2.8 287 2,620 310 2.3 130 750---- 30 2,548 6.3 57 283 11.8 27 2 ,604 10. 50 109 2 ,504 67 30 60 130 ,97-5 5 66 212 .1 27 3, 173 29 3 ,052 60 280 3 185 6.3 54 327 1.9 700---- 30 3 ,108 3.3 51 281 11.5 37. 46 116 2.7 29 .0 50 20 .4 30 261 530 ,527 -8.6 59 214 3.01 285 11.7 26 43 6 1.6 3,649 - 2.8 278 22.7 30 3,793 2.9 51 2 .5 4,142 -118 53 212. 5.6 650---- 30 3,710 .1 44 3,785 29 279 26.8 4,434 251 4.5 ;30 600---- 4,342 - 3.8 36 288 14.6 25 4,423 46 3488 4.3 4.274 1- 6.0 47 30 - .7 51 30 48 319 29 2,129 - 4.7 11 3.1 L30 4,804 .4. 4 2 6.6 550---- 30 5,026 - 7.4 32 287 17.5 24 5,118 - 4.4 4.9 4,954 - 9.8 41 279 20 260 130 5,516 -20 :4 48 21 - 41 347 29 5,680 30 .3 - 9.0 43 4.1 500---- 30 5 ,71 -12.2 34 284 20.2 24 5,860 - 8.3 5.2 -14.5 37 279 30 5,869 270 1301 6, 291-26 147 230 6. 29 6,667 -14.1 42 286 4.7 450--- 30 6, 568 -17.5 277 22.5 23 6,677 -14 . 333 7.8 6,481 -20.1 37 279 34.0 30 29 7,130 -32.0 -4 224 5.2 29 282 36.9 282 6.8 1303030 400---- 7,431 -23.5 273 25.8 23 7,553 -20.4 311 8.9 7,333 -26.3 39 30 7,563 -20.0 39 8.4 8,057 -393 249 A. 30 8.127 359 29 -33 .4 39 8,539 -27 .1 38 287 3029 ---- 30 -31.2 270 28.2 21 -27.8 6.4 II 8,284T. 283 41.2 30 294 8.0 9,096 -4964 2351 7.6 350 8 ,391 9,616 29 9,348 -40 .9 8,630 -35.7 30 8 .484 -39.4 267 29.1 21 -38 . 6.2 284 44.31 29 29 7 30 10,291 -500 267 14.2 300--- 28 10,567 -48 .8 -45.8 10.5 30 250---- 29 10 683 -48.1 275 30.1 10, 853 -46.3 72 283 49.7 29 10,872 11,75,3 -47:9 280 15.2 21 28 -54 .3 -56.9 299 17.1 30 200---- 29 12,121 -56.7 291 28.0 12,298 -57.1 89 4.2 12 014 278 48.0 29 13,12 ,322 157 12,634 -474 281 14.2 28.2 21 43 28 273 44.5 -61.9 309 14.6 48 283 54.0 175---- 29 12,962 -58.8 291 13,130 -62.3 4.3 28 12,865 -55 .8.9 29 14 102 15.0 13,652 8 Iso0---- -89.8 300 24.5 19 14 ,068 -66. 13,845 283 35.4 29 -65.3 34318 10.0 23 14,851 :.48 8 i 29 13,926 15,004 -56 .4 15,207 125---- 28 15,057 -61.0 318 19.2 17 15,168 -69.1 28 277 28.0 -66.7 35 8.2 16,31 -48: 282, 6:8 17 -696. 28 16,418 -56.8 18.3 28 16,51 -66.2 28 17,783 -48:4 35 1 100---- 26 16,439 -61.4 318 13.2 16 ,496 286 27 59 7.2 14 25 17,829 -55 .8 300 12.8 17 920 -63 .0 28 19677 -47.7 69 3.7 80---- 26 17 ,824 -59.9 1322 1 8.0 17,832 -66.7 26 75 12.8 12 19, 590 19,871 -53.6 36 5.1 19,706 -59 .6 28 83 .99 60---- 25 19 ,630 -57.0 38 8.2 23 69 24 86 '2'0,879-4786 85 8. 2 -57.1 23 20 846 5.4 5.49 -57 .4 327 8512. 50 ---- 25 20,787 -55.4 12 20,730 -52 .7 24 -54.6 a3 22352 -47 4 84 15.0 22,218 12 22,148 22 290 -51.4 70 22,269 19.8 24.90-4.1 40 ----- 24 -53.2 78 10.52 -54.8 23 22 -81.4 96 -50.5 82 12.4 11 23,999 24,159 -49.8 83 13.8 24,127 24.1 30----- 21 24,090 -51.1 20 16 190 26.4 7 26,677 -46.6 26,832 -45 .9 88 22.5 26,783 -48.3 20---- 18 26,762 -46.6 85 12.4 I11 93 7 28 ,679 -43.8 28,766 -44.2 19.6 15----- I-41 .8 . I I------r sulta nt 1- bhed 1es-ew- 5S" These* araga vnlue for eteedard prmere surfaes -re obtaind by ra-.neond; the number of obs2itione on which the isouau459I of Climatological Data, dynmeic height (geoputential) in units of .98 dynaic m*ter, teperature in de- folowing Table 22 in the January 50 grewe Celeiue. relatie bu-idity in percent, and rseultant winds in dogroe8 Sua-ry. and knots. The rewult-nt o0 wod speed are biased tord lower wind speeds m - 220 - RAWINSONDE DATA AVsoq* inchlty -lue4 Tible 20C..inu.d JUNK 1956

COLUMBIA, MO. DAYTON, OHI[D DODC::E CITY, KANS. PASO,0 7BX. ELY, NEV. (987 MR.) (982 MD..) (923 MB.) (879 ME.) (808 MS.)

1Wioc4 I I - Wind MWud wind 6.0 Wio --- r- a01 z 6 K-. I I I0- 1 S 0 r 4 I * a: z L 6 i 6 a a .5 i I t I' I, A M 2,. 29 297 20.9 72 1214 10.86 330 1 7942 SSRFACI30 238 122.3 |74 TS 169 25.9 46 L55 11.1 30 1,195 30.0 1 27 1125 1 S,1 30 1,908 20.7 1 22 222 1 3.9 1,000- 30 126 29 135 68 30 25 30 IS 950 --- 30 1 577 22.8 61 1777 7.2 29 579 20.0 1238 3.5 30 535 30 495 30 482 Boo--- 30 11,044 19.38 63 1996 8.2 29 1,044 17.1 69 1262 6.2 30 1.0135 26.0 44 16.1 30 984 S50U---- 301 534 16 64 66 156 30 961 000-- 30 2,048126 . 54 1,530 14.0 1282 7 8 301 2,525 22. 47 376 16.5 30 1,499 29.0 23 148 2 4 9 29 63 4.5 30 1,466 42 2.7 29 2,039 11.0 295 8.5 30 2.040 19.0 46 190 15.5 30 2.033 24.6 25 137 4.1 30 1,996 23.0 18 209 5.2 750----1 30 2,575 11.0 46 1 16 2,579 64 8.9 51 4.5 29 7.7 301 30 2,597 115.11 215 11,7 30 2,594 19.6 32 p58 3.7 30 2,558 18.7 19 225 9.3 700 30 3 ,62 7.7 42 32 9 1 60 29 3,140 4.7 60 299 9.7 30 3,172 11.2 45 236 9.0 14.3 194 2.5 30 13 5137 12.9 23 12.0 55 30 3,181 40 222 650---- 30 3 774 4.0 42 33 4 119.1 29 3,745 1.3 307 6.7 44 5. 2 30 3,802 8.7 197 7.3 30 199' 30 3,790 1 265 46 1.9 30 3,757 222 Ws.0 600 ----l 29 4,414 - .3 42 33 4 I12. 28 4,379 - 2.3 52 300 11.5 29 4,439 1.9 41 316 5.8 29 4 456 2 .1 54 p3.5 1,2 30 4,404 1.3 37 223 .,:3 128 227 510----l 29 5,105 - 5.0 43 33 7 115.2 28 5,064 - 6.0 45 04 15.2 29 5,130 - 3.2 37 329 7.9 29 5,154 - 2.5 60 3.1 30 5,098 - 4.9 43 17.3 500-- 29 15,847 1- 9.5 34 33 5,806 I-10.3 2 16.1 28 38 298 4.2 29 5,8981 1-8.81 314 10.1 29 5,904 - 7.8 58 1.6 36 5,838 -11 .o 44 233 20 .8 450---- 29 6,662 1-4.9 22 16.1 28 6,612 I-15. 294 16.9 29 6.694 .14 .4 317 11.5 21 6,727 -12.8 42 240 2.7 30 6,646 35 238 26.2?O092 -31.0-16 .6 20.9 400 29. 7,534 -20 9 3113 17. 1 28 7,48C6 -22.2 290 17.1 29 7.571 .21.0 112 13.2 28 7,604 30 7.514 -22.9 241 --- pS6, 30 350 1 8:505 -28. 1 004 18.1 28 8,453 -29.4 297 0.2 29 6,542 27.9 300 16. 5 28 8,585 6.2.5 9,477 -20.4 247 21.3 300----29 9, 592 -36.4 2 9 14.4 28 9,534 I-37.5 279 22.5 2 .36.4 -34.8 271 10.5 19 21.2 128 9 6291 292 20.8 28 9,680 i6.1 30 9,554 |-28.9 247 21.7 250---- 29 10,630 -45.9 27 10,766 -46.7 282 27.4 12 1108661 _45.8 294 25.4 28 10,926 -44.5 p73 19.2 30 10,779 -47.9 249 0 .3 200-- 29 12,280 -55.8 29 16 23.7 128 1232,4 -55.7 264 297 29 123,316 -56.0 392 25.3 28 12,384 F55 .1 p72 30 12,225 -54 .8 252 1751--- 29 13,122 -59.3 29 95 24.7 '28 13,056 -59.5 290 29.5 27 113,152 .60 .6 264 25.1 277 249 28 13,225 1-66-60.5 . S 25 a 30 13,075 1-56.8 14.2 1s0----o 29 14,079 -62.3 3015 21.8 127 14.011 -61.5 02 3.9 26 114,100 1-64,21 391 19 .4 26 14,172 274 23 .3 30 14,047 |-58.5 252 Is8.6 125---- 29 15,195 -65.1 3 7 0 2 16.5 26 15 135 -63.2 312 14.6 124 15206 -66.4 299 13.2 24 5, 263 F- .3 471 6.5 30 15 187 -60.9 100--- 27 116 548 -65.7 1 33 39 8.9 125 16 504 I-63.4 36 8.7 24 16,551 2.9 -62. 00- 372 5.4 23 16,582 F705 R13 8.7 29 L6,562 26 17,906 -6.3 339 17.4 125 17,78 1-61.7 20 8.2 20 7,905 107 4.1 21 17,19 P82 28 17 '939 61.2 60 24 119,690 -59.0 7 7 11.51 24 19,673 -58.1 66 9-1 19 19,679 .59.41 12.8 -70.2 02 14.2 23 -57.2 50 - 23 120,836 -56.6 64 20,826 -56.7 76 ,9745 8114.4 23 74 11.1 19 20,925 -56.9 92 13.6 21 20,830 -57 .3 99 18.6 23 p0,902 .25.j 40- 23 22, 262 -532 688 16:9 122 22.247 -54.5 96 13.0 17 22,244 154.21 14.4 20 2,252 20 -53.3 30 17 24,131 -51 .1 90 19 09 17.3 R1 19.0 21 24,100 -51.7 84 19-8 15 124099 R9 19.2 16 14116 21 .6 15 24,18332,329 -51.0 20 - 126,761 -48.2 26 738 -47.7 86 8. 9 26762 -47.6 a 26767 47 .1 1 5---- 28 656 1-44.0 j 18


{ Y A t | . n [ X- | A . j -A . i A. . . r AF ] 09RFACEi 29 135 18.6 46 178 28.55 153 7.0 21.5 43 30 1,474. .- 26.6 14 ;39l 1.6 1,123 19.0 *45 ;ii 1,000-- 30o 6953 291 53j t 30 106 30 53 30 -1 30 53 950----. 29, 489 05.l 45 279i 2.9 30 566 26.61 55 150 17.5 30 504 30 470 30 505 900---- 29 945 ' 10.9: 52 320 2.3 30 1 ,038 23.21 58 166 17.5 30 974 21.2 231 4 7 954 30 974 10---.. 29 1 4186 66 1 9 326 2.3 30 1 ,534 19.0 64 178 13.2 17.4 301 4,5 30 1, 463 30 1.467 17.3 39 269 30 1,460 43 30 1 .7 12.6 000--- 29 119121 2.3 6 a26 1.9 30 2,053 16.1 66 204 8.5 30 1,980 13.6 46 266 6.4 1,997 25.0 248 6.0 30 1,981 13.1 44 257 L2. 7s0o--- 291 2,433 1.41 5 37 1.0 30 2,601 32.4 30 9.5 21 255 10.7 20.2 241 30 2,521 8.6 29 242 34.0 i 63 240 4.9 2,527 30 2,565 17 8.2 700 ---- 29 2,976 - 5.0 163 2.9 30 30 5.3 53 341 14.8 14.8 237 8.5 30 3,086 4.1 57 62 3,175 9.01 52 312 2.1 3,069 30 3,146 20 233 15. 6So---- 291 3,554 - 9.646 58 169 3.1 29 5.2 45 345 7.6 30 3,694 1.0 53 350 19.0 30 3,771 9.0 25 229 30 3,685 - .1 59 232 20 0, 3,789 32 9.5 600---- 29 4170 - 54 165 5.6 29 4,434 .9 42 3522 9, - 3.5' 49 353 23.5 4,422 3.0 222 30 4,320 - 4.4 27 238 22.5 SS--- 29 30 4 329 30 4:830 1-1. 1 5 175 5.4 29 5 129 30 5,014 8 .3 47 256 26.6 5,112 221 14.6 29 5,001 - 8.0 55 241 - 3.7 42 355 11.3 30 - 3.4 40 29 128.0 100 29 5,538 1-21.8 f48 172 6.0 29 5,973 - 8.6 39 352 15.5 30 5,744 -13.2 40 260 29.1 30 5,863 - 9.5 40 230 17.5 5,732 -14.3 55 239 29 .1 450 29 6,316 -27.2 [ 48 174' 7.0 29 1868901 -13.9 350 11.7 29 6,548 36 252 29.5 6,675 ]-35.5 29 6,526 -19.7 52 239 20 .5 30 242 19.6 29 400 29 7,144 -33,4 46 159 8.2 29 17.5661 -20.2 345 11.8 7,407 -25.0 34 346 29.5 30 7.545 -22.3 244 23.5 7,387 -25.7 45 242 29 30 29 122.4 350-- -. 29 j ,066 -40.7 170 9.3 29 98,540 -27.7 335 14.0 29 9,363 .32.3 246 29.1 8 511 -29-9 347 29.6 8,340 -33.1 43 245 {34.a 300---- 29 9,098 1-4.41 -40.5 30 9,589 31.5 29 9,405 280 9.9 29 9.628 -36.3 2 35.3 29 9,432 230 27.8 -38.4 248 29 -41.3 242 33754 8i.9 250---.. 29 10 282 -52.2' 186 7.0 29 10,867 -45.5 318 18.6 29 10,646 -49.5 235 29.3 129 10,9 21 -47.6 257 34.6 10,620 -49.6 239 200---- 29 11,741 -46.8 165 4,5 29 12,321 -55.6 1324 20.0 29 12,087 -55.5.2 .2 240 "27. 29 12,264 -56 .3 260 36.5 27 12,0686 -54.7 242 35 .0 171--.-. 29 ,12,627 -46.0 184 4.3 29 13,161 -60.9 J326 20.8 28 12,937 -54.6 341 22.9 29 13,106 -569.6 260 37 .9 25 12,917 -24.5 238 33 .8 150 --- 29 '13,652 -46,0 181 4.3 29 14,107 -65.2 1332 14.2 27 13,922 -54.8 241 124.3 29 14,069 -61.2 275 29 .9 25 13,905 -54.6 232 27.4 29 125---- 29 14 ,863 -46.4 156 4.5 26 15,216 -68.5 1332 8.9 -56 .1 15,190 -64 .5 260 27 .6 23 15,066 -56.4 235 23 .1 26 15,086 2494 14.2 lOO----j 29 16,342 -46.6 139 5.4 21 16,542 -70.2 6 5.1 25 16,498 -58.2 214 7.0 16, 546 -65.4 16 16,478 -59.0 223 15.3 60- 29 17,823 -46.1 141 5.2 20 17 882 .66.S1 68 9.5 25 17,906 .57.0 182 4.7 27 17 909 -63.1 7 17,892 -57.7 60- 27 19,733 -45.8 108 8.5 19 19,648 -61.0 182 116.1 24 19,7361 .54 s l15 6.2 26 19,687 -58.1 61 19,703 -55.6 50- 27 20 945 -45.8 99 10.5 17 20,790 -58.3 82 15.7 23 20, 905 -53.2 94 12.0 25 20,847 -56 7 61 20,868 -54.2 40- 27 22 430 -45.9 100 10,7 37 22 206 -54.51 89 19.6 22 22,348 -51.9 24 22, 268 22,287 -53.5 30- 1 124,359 -45.3 92 24.8 93 15.2 17 24,061 5-15.S 17 24,211 .49.9I 19 24,126 -51.9 20- 6 37,074 -43.8 9 7 22.91 14 26,704 -457.1 88 26.9 7 26,897 -46 .2 28, 598 -45.2 l5-- l l l l l [ I l l l l i

0nisn BAY, WIS. | UERN86O, N. C. RATTZRAN, N. C. Hli90, T. B. I28T7 5AT. FAL*S, 8I". (990 MB. (986 MB.) (1016 19.) (1016 It.) (971 NO.)

I SOFAC 30 210 17.5 83 1,000__ 301 1211 57 1.0 30 273 21.31787 1 65 1.0 30 23.0 90 193 3 3 30 9 24.5 73 68 5.4 30 360 18.7 63 150 2.9 30 148 30 141 22.7 86 305 5.1 151 2.6 74 6.6 30 102 950..--.. 30 564 19.0 62 30 242 1.7 30 594 22.3 62 194 3.1 30 592 21.2 75 228 7.0 30 599 19 .2 82 70 7.6 30 547 19.5 55 170 5.1 284 4.3 30 1,064 1,056 87 6.6 8S50____ 30 1,510 13.3 62 19.6 61 2!29 3.9 I30 18.8 70 234 30 1,060 16.0 66 30 1.008 16.3 208 68. 291 8.0 30 1,554 16.1 66 2161 6.0 301 1,545 16.0 69 546 5.6 1,44 13.2 64 6.2 30 1,492 13.0 56 23i 8.0 800--.. 30. .,018 10.3 59 30 89 75 294 9.5 30 2,067 12.4 70 2177 7.8 I30 2,058 12.9 67 255 5.6 30 2 054 11.3 75 8.7 1,S99 9.9 i226 8.2 710----. 30 2,557 7.4 55 30 306 11.5 30 2,612 9.0 67 2 8.4 30 2,259 9.6 1 611 259 4.5 30 2,601 10.4 47 83 11.1 30 2,540 7.1 53 10.7 7°0-.. 30 3,119 4.2 50 308 13.2 30 3,174 5.5 60 2 8.2 30 5.1 3,165 8.4 92 30 3,098 48 293 0 29 3,721 .5 47 3,168 6.2 60 269 30 10.7 4.2 12.6 313 16.3 30 3,787 2.1 53 2 6.6 30 2.7 51 270 4.1 30 87 3,700 .8 285 14 4 606---.. 29 4,3257- 3.2 42 1835 3,775 3 .783 5.9 9 .9 30 45 314 19.8 30 4,4201- 1.2 45 1 30 4 ,415 47 280 4,425 2.5 92 9.1 4,337 46 287 19.3 220-..... 29 1,S037 - 7,11 39 5.2 30 30 - 3.2 317 17.3 30 5,112 - 5.1 41 2 5.0 30 5,104 - 4.8 45 383 6.2 30 5, 125- I.9 105 7.2 30 5,018 - 7.f 42 290 |18.1 5g00---- 29 5,775 -11.8 35 319 19.8 30 5,851 - 9.9 39 2'83 6.6 30 5,848 - 9.3 40 283 30 5 ,874 - 6.9 144 3.7 30 5,755 -12.2 39 291 20.6 410----. 29 6,583 -17.3 32 314 21.2 30 6,667 -15.0 39 2 9.7 30 6,665 -14.3 37 292 6.2 30 6,695 -12.6 188 4.3 30 6,558 -17.5 33 288 23.1 0----1 29 7,445 -23.8 30 317 20.0 30 7,537 -21.0 179 9.7 -20.4 350----. 29 8,404 -31.2 41 2 30 7,539 36 293 9.3 30 7.575 -19.4 210 7.6 30 7,425 -23.8 33 287 4 .1 302 18.8 30 8,509 -27.8 39 2184 13.0 30 '8,512 -27.7 34 I 293 9 7 30 8,552 -27.1 229 11.3 8,382 -31.3 54.1 300-:--- 29 1 9 477 -39.4 29 284 290 24.7 30 9,599 -36.0 2183 13.2 30 9,800 -35.9 298 12.8 9,64 _-35.9 242 16,9 29 9,455 -39.1 292 24.9 205 30 210_.--.. 29 10 701 -47.6 286 26.6 30 10,838 -45.8 16.9 30 10, 839 -45 .9 117.3 30 10,862 -45.6 355 23.3 27 10,676 -47,5 277 27.4 °----1- 29112.148 -55.21 293 25.3 29 12,288 -56.3 2 17.3 330 12, 288 -57.3 19.4 30 12,333 -56.4 264 23.1 26 12,128 -53 .4 274 1 -5----29 12,996-57.0 r35 26.8 303 20.2 28 13,134 -60.9 2 16.3 13,119 -61.9 311 19.8 29 13, 169 -61.7 263 23.3 25 12,984 -S4.5 274 28.8 150.-.. 29 13,967 -58.3 3 0 303 24.5 28 14,084 -64.0 2 15.3 14 069 -64.5 319 19.2 129 14,1 11 -66.9 265 20.2 22 13.968 -54 .9 25 .4 25---- 2.9 15,106 -90,5 310 21.0 28 15,195 -65.2 3~11111.1 15,175 -64 .9 336 14.4 29 15,200 -70a9 252 10.1 20 15,133 -56. 4 1280 20.2 100....., 28 16,494 -61.0 329 12.6 28 16,553 -65.0 16,535 5,4 16,541 12.81 a0- 25 17 8871 -59.7 12 5,4 -65.2 358 4.9 28 16,517 -71.1 L48 18 1-28.1 7.8 27 17,923 -62.6 62 6.6 17, 903 -62.4 36 6.0 26 17,829 -69.4 96 13. 17,949 -56 .9 6.0 5----- 9693-56.4 18 59 8.5 27 19,714 -28.3 70 8.7 23 1, 696 -58.8 56 25 29,579 -64.2 97 29.8 19,786 b a 5.1 .-22 20,894 -54.6 74 14.6 26 2 30 - 1----22122,286 -52.9 20,864 -56.7 77 13 .8 21 20,849 .86.6 89 14.2 25 20,702 -60.9 92 31.1 151 20,951 -52 .5 68 7.6 74 17.5 22,286 -53.9 19 -53.3 206.2 22,101 -57. 4 12 52,398 84 18.3 320 1724,12 -20.9 26 93 18.3 22,278 78 241 18 35.0 -50.8 24 24,148 -21.2 96 i8.5 24, 136, -51,0 22.0 22 23,932 -54.2 92 40.6 8 24,277 -494. 20 12 26,801 -47.8 7 26,772 -48.8 12 26,576 -48.3 S 28,685 -45.2

drrThemei "rW raW1 for Standard presaurs SurfacS ers obtifted by r-wi-oend; the cauber of observation. oa which the resnitant 1 based lr5.. Se sote *-le height (geopot..tial) i U0it0 of .98 dy-aio eater, temperature ii de- 6.11-irg Sable 22 in the J-nnary 1950 l sue of Clliatological Dlat, Natioual frees C lsiug, relative humidity ln porcent, and resultant winda i. degrees iSummry. Wnd kfte. The resultant of *ind speed are biased toward loar wind speed es 221 - RAWINSONDE DATA A-.g.q .. ntllly -alu.. Tel.b 20-C.ti od.. JDNE 1956

sI IFL/I.-,-C501lL E - ,--_-- | JACKSON1#. NIBS3 KCINGSALYON. ALASKA I[OTZEBUE, ALASSA I LAIIE CHARLES, I.A. (1015 MD.) (1004 MB.) (10"17' No.) (1008 MB. ) | (1010 IIB. ) | T T Wuxdi I Wind t T_ 1 -,t -Wn - T I Wind t r_ -Wxd_T I ' - - ~-T -- i -' ' - I ! I i0 1


. z E E

IGoo 29 1403 24.372 El3

143 j1.7 ! 30 6 23.5 87 jl86t3.5 30 1S 11.8 j632 !219 1 4.9 30i 5 1 7.0 8-22 82109 0t t 5 24.7 80 157 3.7 1135 24.8 75 1155 5.2 B13FC 29, l95 223 9t7 1221 1.9 j301 157 23.6 80 1189 |5.2 j30. 81 10.4 ! 661 1217 j5.4 30 j 86 7.4 72 12178 110. 1 301 1,000-- 29 1 I 1924 667 165 4.11 30 602 21.9 70 1204 6.4 30' I 0 6O6. 72 11201,654 I 30 1 516 7.4 163 12286 5.6 30 586 22.4 73 1179 5.2 165 3.9 30 1 1,73~ 19.4 16 2123 1:,-3.5 1 0 47 14.1761 165 3.7 I 30 951 5.1 60 12278 22.1 30 1,053 19198 69 1I46 3.3 850 ---- 29 11,549 16.6 63 194 11.4 30 11563 16.11 69 12611 3130 140 .9 753 134 4.1 I 30 1,415 2.4 56 12258 2.9 30 1,1544 17.3 61 1I04 13.5 800---- 29 2,063 113.7 SB 222 1.0 30 2 076 1 12.9 1 6 12 5 3.11 30 1 1'897 .9 75 1114 4.9 30 1 902 -. 2 47 12 12,060 114.6 56 76 13.3 750---- 29 2,609 1 107 53 336 11.2 30 2,615 9.5 66 3802 2. 30 2,f415 L S3.1 701 1011 4.3 130, 2,417 1-3.11 44 12392 4 5L 30 2,603 11.S 55 32-1. 7500 ---- : 29 '3,1'76 177Sso5 329 12.3 130 3,186 1 6.01 66 1305 3.11 30292 ,- 6. 6 S I 90 33.3 30 2,9568' 6.6 4712126 15.4 30, 3,:176 8.2 52 5 2. 5 i4.1 650---- 29 3 ,788 3.8 Sl 342 ' 3.7 30 3,793 12.5 i63 307 2.11 30 3,533 1-9.2 63 96 2 7 I30 3,537 1-0.2 45 2233 4.9 30 3,787 14.4 54 1346 6000---- 29 4 4,429' .1 47 334 606 130 4434.4 _-1.1 59 12713.1 301) 4,143 112.6 62 991 3'5 i 30 44144 -13.8 42 2:236 5.SB 30 4,432 1 .4 154 346 14.9 SSO---- 29 55123 -4.2 47 334 .5.6 30 5,121 1-4.8 57 124 j2.7 30 41,805 L169 S 173 3.1 L 30 4 800 -17.9 3712 |5 123 |-3.7 |50 |351 !6.6 SOO---- 29 5,865 1-8.5 46 33 7.6 130 I 867 1- 9.1 54 128 1 3.5 30 i5 510 21.4 1561 88 3. 5 i 30 5 505 1-22.9 37 2256 5. I 29 5 873 -8.11 40 1351 6.2 450---- 29 6,685 1-13.3 '42 32718.4 !30 j6 6791-14.2 |49 1292 j5.4 i30 6 287 :2 .8 j56 3911.6 i130 6,273 1-28.5 36 2286 5.6 29 6,689 113.1 136 747.2 400 ---- 29 7,563 1-19.4 40 123 9.7 30 7,559 l-20.2 48 1304 5.46 30 7,119 133.0 5 11 172 1.6 i 29 7.101 1-34.5 37 1 7,571 19-I92 1 38 6.8 35o --- 29 8,541 1-26 6 138 j313 9.11 30 8 ,534 1-27.4 43 12911 6. 3018,043 _40.1 i 71 1.6 i 29 8,019 1-41. 12279 4.9 29 8,5SS -26.5 136 6.8 |9,643 j-35.0 | j09 6.B 300 ---- 1 2H 9,636 1-34.9| I1298 9.7 29 9,622 136.0 1 311 8.2 1309075 1-48.11 322 223 i29 9 046 1-S651 1282 6.0 29 250 ---- 1 28 110,881 1-44.81 |8 l8|28 0,O865 -45.8 |11 17.8 |30 11 58r2.3 1 294 5S1 I 28 10 233 I-O1I 1244 1.2 291 IIO,888 1-44.9 311 9.5 | 2611 6.2 200 ---- 1 28 112334 1-56 2 ' 828 '12:.6 28 |12,313 j56. 303 |11.81 30 51170:486 j 128 1011,703 145.9 2s162 3.11 29 112 342 1-55.7 1 13`6 80 175 ---- 26 IS I72 l_-62l 1296 Ill.S 28 113 1.49 -61.6 102 114.0 313 112 589 1-47.4 1 12811 4.1 26 12 690 -45.4 1 212B| 2.5S 29 113 182 1-60.4 30. 1. lSO --- : 27 114 119 165.3a bo2 19.9 i28 il4'02 j-65.7 j 1b9 13.2 i301I'6097 L 47.S j 264 4.1 L 28 113 616 _-45.6 2, 12511.4 12391 II4,133 1-64.3 343 114.4 2125---- 2 211 9 1-82 334 112.2 27 5115189 167-7 1 13S 1.951 27 114 817 s-48.0 1 21239 3.3 I212 1I4,829 1-5-4 1 21211 1.91 28 1115,239 1-68.0 1 514113.6 IoO--- 26 1B 1. -51-6. 122 ::.I 251652621 -67.5; 3 8 1.4 12 6,8L-47.8 1 t 195 11.7 'I28 116,316 L-5.2 11I27 .6 25 116 575 1-69.6 1 2 9.. 117 915 _-66. 61 III. So -----1 25 117,900 1-65.8i | 0 89|24 i7877 i-64.6 | 3 628 123 117 754 r7.2 | i 127 4.3 I 25 17 809 i4.9| |! 9113.91 2sl 60----- 1 24 1l9,667 1-60. 76 114.6 122 1 646-0. 78 113'0 j18 1l9 646 L46.9 114 6.8 I 22 119,730 1-44.4I 98 86j6 22. 119, 682 161. 88 1120.2 93 S. 22 1 186 124.3 50----- 1 21 120 EI 3 -7.! 82 118.6 21j2 785-64 77 1153 151i20,848 F46.9 1 1 113 7.4 I 21 20951 1-44.21 11 95 6622: 20,821 1-791 40----- 18 122 232 1-5547.51 j 7 121.61 21 12,194IS.i 1 7B 122.5 1 13 22,327 14.7 1 97 110.5 i117 122 435 _1-447 11 122,238 19-4619 122.1 j95 120.0 118 12 4 -2 9|8 0'423r57 1-141 197 127.0 30 ---- 4 11 124 '(73 _51l.5 |13 |4 363 _-43.7 93 11 .5 21: 124,096 126 741 -87 9 3. I 1126 673 -'L. l i I I 60 28,656 14.

MC GELATH, ALASKA IlEXICO LIINDX8, WYO. LAS VEGAS, NEV. LITTLE ROCK, ARK. I MAZATLAli, (996 IB. ) t828 118.) (932 YB. ) ( 1006 HB .) | (1006 9B. ) 1 fT T rT--F 811RFACE|30 |1,696 20.8 1 34 1253 5.4 30 216 1~0.7 30] 79 245574 II 19 26.2 75 30 1 03 16.6 49 250115 1301 127 24.8 711I W 12.31 0 83 27.4 75 130 950- -- - 30 461 I 130 1 579 23.3 164 1lso 5.4 30013 543 I 24.2 173 30 1499 112.6 151 1248 1 2.7 301 9591 301 :96931.4 1 212 113.4 301 I 04 19.9 688I 76 5.8 30 1I,OIO 1301 95I 8.7 57 1274 12.1 30 1I,464 1 I 1301 130 I ,538 16.8 65 II 30 11 420 447 63 i340 11.2 900---' 1,477 26.8 1 121215 113.2 95 13.9 30 1I,507 20.3 71L 212 123.6 30 14140162 1241 1I71 30i 2 029 17.668 30 850--- 30 1 I,9I 20.824 271 6.8 30 12,006 122.0, 12 1301 o7 1, 9111 *9 68 351 2.1 217 11 1. 2,053 1.7 30 12 586 14.7 697 30 2,431- 2.8 70 56"1. 800--- 301 2:54b I6.:3 25 263 99.I 30 2568 117.1i 12 11I. |58 13 224 10o.3 301 32 12970 1- 6. 5 133 13.1 750---- 301 3 125 11.31 27 247 III.S5 301 13144 121211 1 301 13 169 8.G152 13 I I.S 65 30 5.9 1 31 13:7641 6.811 11238 8.4 3,782 311 16.6 128 13 ,784 17. 5164 3 ssol- .41: 63- - 30 3 '39 1238 1IS.: 30 1301 14.2 50SO' 30 1238 212L. 291 123319. 7 14,424 I .3 148 13:I. 8.21 2814,433 i2.916 4,161 :13.1l 59 463. 600--- 30 4:S03 1-SS34 5S116 240 124 5 29 S IO9 1-2.9 1 12230 1II7 30 -3.7 141 1341 912715 130 _221 69 30 4 8,2 :1-7.3l 52 28 1.9 550--- 301 37 130 500 - - - 30 5 816 :11 3 1 36 1238 126.4 2'3 5:858 1: .61 12t232 114.0 130 15,863 -8.5 135 13 IOI 27 5S,85 1- 6.6 67 I5S5261-22.01 47 1335t 3.1 4 50-:--- 30 1: 6,18 1-7.4 1 a262. 291 235 16.7 6,879 -13.6 1 327 111.31 25 1 6707 I-II.2 6,294 1-27.4 45 1 6 56476 -21L5'; 1 30 -16.1 29 400--- - 30 j7: 48:5 124 . 236 132.I 29 !241 19 4 7'558 I-I9.4 1 321 II2.6 25 1 7 598 7,130 -33.6l 41 1 301 07 29 350--- 30 4 13. ol 252 133.8 2 9 8: 515 -29.6 i 1 139 1220 8,536 1-26.6 3 II3.8 124 8 585 1 ,052 1-40.71 1 3B0i 95 ,291 300-- -- 30 19,751~3:440 3 1 1248 134.6 29 9595 1-8.5 1 12239 125.4 19,6281 L-350 1 21 1I3.8 241 9,890 1-32.4 , 29 9 064 1-4.9 1238132.6 82 10 270 1-51.51 1 250---- 1247 136.5 129 II, 22 1-47.5 1 2 IIO,873 -44 .7 1 2 114.0 22 IIO 949 1-42.2 1 29 2711 82 11,733 1-46.6 200----_ 28 12,1073 1-55.51 258 140 .4 28 II :265 55S.7 1 1 139 141.0 II2 332 1-55.4 1 2 II6.7 17 1I2 424 29 28 24I 37.5 .12,620 1-46.1 175 ---- I3 021 I-7.0 1 256 135.7 26 |I3 II4 |-S.S5 25 1131688 .L59.8 129" IIS.3 13 II3,262 -60.41 1291 28 I3 894 -58.21 250 132.4 24 14,073 1-61.7 1 2242 133 .8 25 1114 ,122 -63.L1 1323 17.3 19 14 215 113,643 1-46 .11 1 150 ---- 29 125----_ 28 1IS,136 1-60 5 1 1256 125.6 1221 238 127.0 123 1IIS ,233 36 112.0 1 14 'B54 1-46 .1 15194 1-65.'O I 28 100 ---- 27 116,520 1-62.1 1 249 110.3 20 I6 54 -66.-0, 126 120 2 18 1II6 ,578 _67.2 1 357 8.5l 16,335 1-46.3 1 so0----- 26 1I7 903 1-60 .3 139 2. 19 -7 903 -6.7 1 I I96 6.3 17 11l7 9s= _-64.7 46 28 117,818 1-45.7 24 II9714 1-57 0 846 1II.7 14.61 1 1281 119,735 1-45.11 1 60---- 12 ,31 157 .1 17 1119 ,708 1-59 5 77 -60 24 '20,673 -55 41 182 91.:3 161 93 114.6 1-5.8 1 78 I6.11 27 20 952 -45.1 50----H 829 1I. 161 1171120,'8551 40---- 23 122 30 S-3.3 122 2517 -54 .61 64 1IS.3 116' 22,28 1 ,53 .5SI 79 119.2 126 22,434 5-.3 I I j1815I.2 j121 ISI .6 25 3 0-~ -- d 19 124,1631[-51.4 1 18 S 126,749124106 1-48. S' 11' 24,139 -50.4 234,355 1-42 4.4 20----- 97 .. 5226,788 1-49 10 a

MEDFORD, ORE. |MIAYI, FLA. IIIDLAIID, TEXAS MONxTGOM1ERY,IILA. NANTUCKET, IIA88. (969 1MB.) (1017 IIB. ) (91 4 il'6.) (1010 119.) ( 1014 IIB . ) Ir 178 1114 38 14 s .6 -611 23.8 3-1r2 1 14.49 20 . 1 134 117 2 182 1217 17.2 1 ,000-- 30 129 30 150 174 112 7.0 30 1 So 29 149 24.:: 75 77 30S 850- - -- 30 1 57 193IS 46 1320 9.9 30 596 76 128 30 527 29 502 23.2 66 118 1 .1, 575 18.5 66 l259 l0v7 30 goo ---- 301 1035 15.71 52 314 8.7 30 1 ,066 is8 4 72 129 B 2 130 11001 35 1146 29 069 1199 9 65 117 1 037 16.0 66 1266 919 6 .8 850 ---- 301 1,5171 11.71 59 298 6.8 30 1, 54 65 119 1301 '1 125.1 14 0 11 l60o11 .31 , ' 560 161.6 164 1165 30 1 5320 13.2 63 1264 110.7 301 2,0211 7.91 64 268 6.2 30 2,066 19 32 61 106 4.5 301 2,0451 20.6 45 1168 111.31 374 13.3 64 1144 4.7 Soo0---- 1301 2,60.31 29 301 750 ---- 301 2 5571 4 660 8.2 30 2 ,603 57 84 148 1177 29 6211 10.4 58 1137 373 1301 35652 |7. 3 49 j271 142.4 6 .1 30 3 182 51 11831 4.9 700- - --- 255 11.3 30 3 ,173 49 191 124 29 186 S .9 60 1142 1 4 30 3 ,110 1 1.7 48 250 2.4 30 3 'go 2 .91 3'S 301 q 3 ,778 48 2112 2.7 7.1 797 3.2 59 1291 1.0 30¢ 3 7SO 1:LO 42 1274 1L85 650--- 301 3,7081- 1.31 37 1250 14. o 30 -1.4 49 1354 29 600 ---- 30 4 338 1-4.8 33 16.5S 300 45 231 3.7 30 4,494 2.1 46 11 27 US 1 .3 53 1332 3.1 1301 ~25 15.4 148 1 9 550- ---- 301 5 020 -- 8030 258 21.2 30 5, 104 - 5 .6 43 252 130 51 5141 1- 3.0 27 ,'(129 1-4.2 144 1338 4.9 3. 256 45 264 6.2 30 5'884 42 13 2 16. 0 301 5,749 _13 8 32 224 7 329 S,B48 -10. 1 . 7.9 10o.391 27 373 1-8.8 143 1461 30 j . 78 'LL731 S 3 20. 30 16, 549 _19 .3 133 262 6,662 7.0 -13 .1 110.71 8 ,' 30 450 -- < -14 .9 46 278 129 i6 712 _19. 39 1351 590 1-14 0 143 12 626S 4900-- -- 2682 29 .9 28 _21 .0 46 271 291 7,5921 27 570 1-19.8 43 234 301 301 7,407 -25.41 32 110 1 25 350 --- ^ 301 8,361 -32 .6 275a 32 .1 28 44 291 1291 8,5711 1 319 25 546 1-27.1 39 322 1301 8,46262 -30o 1 12g4 235 91 501 -326B9 309 67 4 51:~ 300 ---- - 301 8428 -4.1.01 1268 32 .1 27 28 9 565 1-34.7 1 318 15.9 24 543 1-35.2 141 124 13.7 30 |12 7 -s'|-38.4 1 3828123 S9,504 .L 10,827 -46 .8 289 8.4 27 110 9.12 -44 .4 1 312 230.6 894 1-44-9 1 310 3.9 250 --- q 30 110 ,64 1-49 .21 256 3 2.4 24 27 I 2, 371 23 30 4o i0.1088 _-:43 1-54.8 12 .71 348 1-55.9 1 16 8.2. 200 ---- 2131 22 i30 12 842_-55.1 13 Bo6_63. 8 1319 4.7 127 113 1-60.1 124.7 L85 1-61 .3 1 26 222 69 5 301 22 329 Iso-i 30 113,.92 ISS.41 2 2 14 029 _69 .7 1355 127 14,162 -65 .4 302 20.4 20 130 1-64.9 1 241 30 -69..4 I. 125 ---- 20315 084 -57.21 15,115 128 26 15 260 1 299 243 1-68.6 332 8.4B 29 1IL4 42 -58. 31 20 16 ,451 -68.:7, 83 1266 116,5841 -70 .6 I 1261 1.99 15 120( 582 1-67.6 48 9.3 1281 7.8 28117,*961-57 9R 19 17, 794 -65.9 92 14.4 25 17 917 -66 .5 11 1224.942 1-5.1 1 0 6.2 1271 too----9 185 25 19 :680| 819 12.8 0,3 47 l o3 27 119 ,714 1-6.2 19, 551 -62 .1 as -60.9 11 |4, S706 1-6. : 8 114 2 26 1-U.9 1B -SB .8 25 20,821 -58. 1 84 14.4 23 26 120,875 I B3 871 ;24 22,310 -53 .1 18 22,101 -55 .4 23 122,232 -54 .6 117.7 107 272 -5.8 26 30 --- < 17l24,172l 51.3j 23,947 36.5s 23124,0861 1-51.7 120.4 7 123 :-16 25 20----q -3 16 126 739 -48.0 5 753 1-95 13 -45.5 528,647 L8 18:5

Th~m ." M -Ir -1@f-r xtenxd prsen -urur e e- obt ined by -lvn ondee; the nu-be, of bob-rvtio" OD which the r-eultant 1. b..ed Iness- S., nteo dyns.Ic eright (geopotenti.I) 1. .. it. of .w8 dybesic eeter, t. p".t-te 1. de- f.1101i.g Table 22 in the Ja..ary 1950 iggue ol Clla-t-l-gic-l D-; t-. 5^ - gr e* Celatus. r-latl'e hu-idity in p.rc. t. And r... ltzat lsdS tr d gr--s Su ry. rd4 :sts. The r 9u1t.t of wlnd Sp ed *r- biStd tW-rd loWer iud sp.d. - . 222- RAWINSONDE DATA Average monthly vaue Tabl. 20-Continu..d JUNE 1956

- - -

NASHVILLE, TENN. NOME, ALA3hA NORFOLKi VA. NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. OAKLAND, CALIF. (996 MD.). (1009 MO.) -T (1016 HE.) (915 MOB.) (1014 MR.) Wind -J 'md' r Wind Wiad

9 Wind II - -l I 0 ra i p I 0I Is.0 30 0 6, Z i I Z a -9 I 2-

BURFAC3 177 23 .1 7 224 5.1 30 9 22.4 81 1.7 30 7 t e 49 179 2.5 849 22.9 58 132 6.0 30 16.6 282 11.1 1,000- 30 144 30 83 10.2 ;4.1 30 146 22. 73 192 5.1 65 246 64 123 15.7 282 10.5 900---. 30 598 22.3 60 234 2.7 30 i1.2 30 2. 59196 20. K 63 231 5.17, 520 513 8.4 57 296 130 29 569 17.5 52 291 900---- 30, ;1.4 30 j1 O58 30 10.9~ 1,062 19.0 63 246 3.1 30 953 5.9 57 56 17 .9 63 272 6.6 995 24.5 46 [40 ' 8.7 291,023 17.8 38 295 650 --- ! 30 1 550 )i.2 30 1154 514 .9 15. 5 68 253 4.1 30 1,419 3.1 56 130 60 273 7.2 1,495 33.3 42 173 11.8 1,509 15.8 31 1297 80----J 30 2,062 12.1' 64 1261 5.2 30 3 2.3 30 12 055 11.9 153 273 8.0 2,019 30 1,906 .4 58 178 42 204 12 .4 2,022 13. 2 23 2293 6.2 750 --- 30 l2.9 30 30 1 2,606 9.2 59 264 3.9 30 2,427 I-2.5 SS 201 2 597 8.8 48 265 S.0 2,569 15.4 42 227 10.9 2,588 10.4 23 290 700---- 30 3 170 5.9 61 275 53.3 29 3,161 3030 3.7 30 2,966 - 5.6 53 225 595 144 260 8.7 3,150 11.4 41 258 8.4 30 3,132 7.5 263 8.5 650.--- 30 3 779 2.2 57 316 3.7 30 3 550 - 8.9 49 216 53.5 29 3 769 2.4 141 261 2930 21 S.4 3,769 8.89 38 285 8.9 30 3,742 3.7 269 10.5 6000---- 29 4,414 1.5 51 i3.1 29 4'406 22 322 5.1 30 4,159 -12.5 47 215 I .4 38 266 S.5 4 419 40 29811 .1 3029 4,383 - .4 23 272 138 SS0---- 29 5,103 I2.3 29 5,096 -5.2 266 5.4 47 329 6.4 30 4,821 -16.6 44 223 8.4 5,112 - 3.4 38 297 12.8 29 5,076 - 5.1 23 271 1723 600---- 29; 5 844 1-10.1 42 328 6.6 I1.9 29 5 7 9.7 32 6 35 30 30 5,528 -21.2 40 264 5 860 - 8.9 304 15 :9 5, -10.5 19.8 450 28 6,655 l 96650. -14 .8 27 9.7 29 -15.3 38 318 8.7 30 6,305 -26.6 37 290 6,674 -14.8 103 18.3 8,1915, I509 -16.3 266i 22.0 400--- 28 7,527 3.5 28 7 -21.0a522 268 13 2 29 -21.2 39 317 18.5 30 7 136 -32 9 40 00 7,549 -21.2 299 20. 6 7,489 -23 .2 270 24.7 350---- 28 8,498 -28.2 301 12.0 30 8,061 :40:0 4 30 474 27 8,492 -28.3 29 271 17.3 8,521 -28.8 291 23.3 9,451 -31.5 73 2388 300---- 28 9,586 -36.3 285 12.6 30 9,095 -47.3 310 )5.1 27 9,578 -36 .6 272 18.3 9 ,665 -37. 1 281 25.8 29 -40.5 298.9 i3.3 26 9,522 [273 250---- 28 10,824 -45.8 285116.7 30 10,285 -50.8 266 10'81 5-46.2 271 21.4 10,840 -46.0 273 30.7 29 10, 739 -49 .6 20.9 200---- 28 12,274 -56.3 1285 120.6 29 51,753 1-46-S 57 71.7 22 112,253 -57.5 1 259 25.1 12,290 265 33 .6 12,172 -57.0 263 34.2 175---- 28 24.0 13 114 -59.9 , 288 120.6 29 12,641 -45.5 235 51.2 21 1 3, 090 -61.61 266 21 .2 13,134 -59.2 272 32 .2 29 13.015 -58 .0 150---- 28 ,14,068 -62.9 l 27 257 309 116.9 I 29 13,667 -45.7 47 .2 21 1 4,040 -63.2 273 19.2 14 094 -61.41 -60.0 255 2 .5 51.9 271 24.9 259 S15123,91 125---, 26 15,181 -65.3 331 112.6 29 14,879 -45.8 105 20 15 '165 -64.-2 299 12.0 15,218 -64.1 269 15.3 245 22.9 100--- 22 116,534 -65.7 3.5 20 16, 530 .5 03 2.5 24 -81.9 11.9 2 1 8.0 29 16,364 -45.5 82 3. 9446-7 1.4 39 868. 16 574 -64 .7 272 7.8 -63.6 236 12.8 80- 21 17,893 5. 18 17, 908 61.4 9 75 2.9 16,488, -63.6 i 49 5.6 1 29 57,9851 -45.1 1 98 17,942 -62.7 126 2 .3 17 881 -62.1 4.1 60 ---- 20 19,675 -59.3 i 70 12.1 29 19 772 -44.6 91 L7. 16 1971 -57 -58 .3 72 7.2 19,722 .0 63 8.5 19,.651 -58.9 100 50--- 20 20,822 -57.2 4 .1 1 104870 .55 7 12 11.5 24 77 13.0 29 20,991 1-44.8 89 20 876 -56. 1 20,02 -56.5 8S 40----. 18 22,244 12.8 3 2591 20.8 712 14.2 -54.2 9 7 17.3 29 22,482 -44.6 87 22 305 -54. 0 21 22,22 -54.1 95 14.216.1 30---- 18 24,101 .51.0 85 17.1 26 24,400 1-44.1 90 ) 14 30 24152 -51.5 63 17.5 24,180 -50.3 15 24,082 -51.9 86 5I'2.3 3 , 193 27 8 9 26,729-48 . 15 I - _45E.0 [7 28,6925

OKLAHOMACITY, OKLA. ORAHA, BE. PITIRBURGH PA. PORTLAND, (988 41 26.) E. (960 MO. ) (966 80.) (976 MR.) (1013 MO11.)

-1-T-247I 5 SURFACE 30 391 24.9, 67 145 6.9 30 403 24 .7 [55 157 5.6 30 341 34.2118 298 1 5.4 30 353 18.6 76 245 i 2.3 30 20 14.9 80 l49 1.2 1, 000- 30 101 93 7. 30 41 30 142 30 129 168 70 141 2.9 950--..-- 30 554 25.7 59 140 112.0 30 548 24.9 51 159 507 34.7 287 10.1 30 586 18.3 71 256 1 3.3 30 571 17.,0 60 277 10I. 166 1 6.1 30 1,019 21 .5 53 179 13 .0 30 994 .1 046 10.3 900---. 30 1030 23.2 61 31.4 278 12.6 30 10.9 70 268 7.0 30 1,026 14.2 62 281 850---- 30 1,527 20.5 62 188 13.6 30 1, 51 18.0 156 196 10.1 30 1,502 27.1 266 10.9 30 1,530 12.7 72 276 9.1 30 1,506 11.2 64 278 110. 800 ---- i 30 2,0481 17.4 i58 22.4 2,036 9.7 j 9 7 208 9.1 30 2,029 15.1 54 233 6.8 30 2,032 I 253 9.3 30 278 193 30 2,010 8.3 56 875 13.0 50 ---- 30 2.597 I14.1 51 239 8.0 30 2,579 11.7 151 275 6.9 30 2 .590 17.5526 233 9 .7 30 2,577 30 2,543 5.5 53 273 155 700-:: 30 3.175 110.3 47 8.3 44 213 3 136 30 283 5.8 30 3,147 291 6.6 30 3 , 171 12.4 32 11 .8 30 4.01 58 291 11.7 3,102 2.8 44 271 17.3 650--:_ 30 3, 7921 6 2 43 4 1 44 3,702 - .4 6061-::: 30 4,439. 1.9, 36 325 7.0 30 3 .763 306 8.7 30 3 ,793 7.6 36 212 13.2 30 3.743 1.01554 291 12.4 30 41 271 18.8 335 8.9 30 4,402 - .21 40 314 11.3 30 4,440 2.7 37 205 12.8 4, 375 295 14.8 30 4,335 - 3.9 19.6 12.6 30 - 30 - 2.7 49 40 873 450--- 30 5,132 - 3.1 35 339 9.5 29 5,099 -1491 38 323 5,139 2.2 205 13.0 5 064 - 6.5 44 294 16.7 5,018 - 7.8 36 272 0.1 35 15.7 30 30 30 22 1 500---- 30 5,88234 79.1 342 12.8 1 29 5,834 317 5,887 - 7.6 282 11.8 30 5,799 -11 .5 41 287 17.1 30 5,752 -12.1 24.7 6,654 -15.5 207 14.0 277 150--- 6,697 -13 . 333 14.61 28 309 19 .6 30 6,709 -13 3 28 6,605 -17.4 282 18 .1 30 6,553 -17 .6 277 26.2 80°- 330 7,577 -19.7 32616.3 27 7,521 -21 .8 304 20.8 30 7,584 -20.1 217 15.3 28 7,470 -23.8 277 18.6 29 7,422 .23. 278 27.2 35-~I30 8,552 -27.0: 321 17.7 27 8,488 -29 .4 297 21 .2 30 8,559 -27.5 227 28 8,431 -30.8 277 21.4 8,379 .31.1 30.7 30 9,644 -35,5 -35.8 20.8 28 279 300-- 316 17.3 26 9 ,567 -37.5 286 23.9 30 9,650 529 25.8 28 9,506 -39 .0 272 22.7 28 9,452 -39 . 10, eoo 35.0 --- 30,1087 45, 0 312 18.8 26 799 -46.5 281 25.4 30 10, 893 -45.1 238 31.3 28 10,731 -48.1 273 25.4 28 10,675 27.7 200--- 30 12,344 -54.7 12,247 -55 .7 2780 313 24.5 26 275 29.3 28 12,354 -50.0 231 35.4 24 12,175 -56.8 288 31.9 27 12,121 -5-58.6 .9 43.1 2 30 13 188 -59 8 314 26 .6 26 13, 090 -58.9 277 89.0 28 13,197 -60.2 235 34.8 23 13,023 -60 5 291 31.3 27 12,663 280 231 29.9 -5 .6 28.8 125 ..-.121 30 14:142 -63.41 312 17.1 26 14,049 -61.9 284 26.0 28 14,148 -64.5 19 14.066 -62.4 303 32.8 27 13 ,926 .59.8 284 33.2 -H3015,250 -67.5 309 11.7 26 15,167 -64 .7 286 24.1 26 15,255 -67.7 235 18.6 16 15,134 -64.0 321 128.0 27 15,066 -59.4 284 22.3 lOO--. 29 16 591 8 111 4.9 25 16,524 -64.8 13.4 25 -r68.8 11 16,519 331 20 .8 16,457 20-7 17:940:875:0 30513S 16,594 -66.0 65.0 26 -59.9 287 17.1 75 925 17,.891 -62 17,936 -58.4 .5 15 6.6 25 17,871 -62.4 23 17,856 310 7.4 60-~.. 27 19,715 -60.01 79 15.5 24 19,680 -58.2 39 7.2 25 19,707 -60 2 S 19,652 -58.5 22 19,679 -55.2 56 50-~.. 27,20,859 -57.4 -55.8 5.2 84 17.9 22 20,835 82 7.6 23 20 849 57.7 20 803 -56.4 18 20,844 -54.9 82 9.7 40-.., 27 22,279 54,4 88120.4 21 02, 255 -53.6 78 7.6 23 22, 268 -54.5 16 22,287 -52.4 81 14.2 0 21 24,140 -510 8 120.4 16 24 109 -51.9 88 4.7 21 24,121 -51.2 5 14 24,156 .50.4 83 20.4 20 10 26,788 :457.3 6 28,714 -48.3 8 26,772 -48.5- a 26,804 -46.8

- l 1 I-- -

RAPID CITY, S. DAK. ST. CLOUD, MINN. ST. PAUL IS., ALASKA SALEM, ORE. SAN ANTONIO, TEX. (902 MO.) (976 MO.) (1009 MO.) (1010 XH.) T (985 MO.) SURFACE30 966 21.9 48 I 66 3.7 30 316 19.81 71 89 2.5 30 10 4.7 87 186 1.6 1,000-. 30 61 17.0 82 290 3.9 30 243 29.0 52 152 9.9 30 30 5071 103 S30 l30 80 286 2.1 20 149 16.0 63 286 4.7 30 109 950----, 30 553 19.8 64115230 500 208 212 2. 3 0 58 12.7 68 298 5.1 300 572 26.7 55 144 18.1 900 - 30 983 55 4.1 30 1,014 18.6 161 173 6.2 30 931 1.4 78 210 3.5 30 1,034 9.4 73 272 5 2 30 1,042 23.3 60 152 15 7 850---- 30 1,482I 21.6 38 129 5.6 20 1,503 15.6 60 214 7.8 30 1,391 .9 72 185 2.3 30 1,508 6.3 77 248 7.0 30 1,53 19.8 62 155 10.9 800-.--.- 301 2,004 17.5 41 174 5.6 30 2,015 12.8 58 251 7.6 30 1 877 1.0 66 164 1.7 30 2,001 4.1 64 245 9.5 30 2,058 16.6 60 157 6.4 750---- 301 2,554 13.5 42 215 7.0 30 2,562 10.0 51 263 9.1 30 2,398 3.4 64 154 3.5 30 2,528 1.8 58 244 12.6 30 52 700---- 2,607 13.4 145 4.9 30 3,128 9.0 45 233 10.7 30 3.126 6.8 45 2N5 11.8 30 2,933 - 6.3 64 148 2.1 30 3,078 - 1.1 51 249 15.3 30 3 182 9.6 50 103 4.5 650- -.-- 30 3,739 4.3 47 243 13.6 30 3,734 2.6 42 291 14.4 30 3,519 9.3 60 13 1 1.7 30 3,7 4 2 795 5.7 44 53 6.0 600--.- 30 4,383 - .7 45 25117.3 30 4,373 - 1.8 41 29215.9 30 4,125 12.7 53 1 .2 30 4,293 - 8.1 44 254 20.8 30 4,442 1.5 43 41 10.3 550---- 29 5,073 5.6 42 255 22.0 30 5,058 - 6.6 39 296 16.9 30 4 794 -16.8 45 500-.- 123 1.2 30 4 969 -12.2 41 253 23.9 30 5 134 - 2.7 36 32 1.5 29 5 812 1-10.9 40 262 24.9 29 5,802 -11.3 38 292 18.6 30 5,493 -21.4 38 312 1.6 30 5,687 -18.7 40 252 27.4 30 5,887 - 7.4 26 10.5 29 6,618 -16.9 264 27.0 29 6,608 -16.7 32 285 14.6 30 6,274 -26.7 35 311 1.9 400 ---- 30 6,481 -21.7 43 255 26.3 30 6,705 -12.8 22 10.5 29 7,485 -23.5 266 29.5 29 7,477 -23.2 282 15.7 30 7,102 -32.7 304 350---- 7.2 30 7 328 -27.9 44 280 32.1 30 7,587 -19.0 2 11.1 29 8 ,447 -31.1 61 28.9 29 8,441 -30.4 270 17.9 30 8,028 -39.2 298 9.5 29 8,274 34.9 42 300 ---- 258 35.5 30 8,565 -26.4 348 2.8 28 9.518 -39.4 256 30.3 29 9,520 -38.5 63320.8 30 9,068 -45.5 309 9.1 29 9,332 -42.8 263 39.6 28 9,58 -35.0 345 14.2 250- --- 2810,741 -48.4 253 31.3 29 180750 -47.4 256 23.9 30 10,271 -48.3 305 6.2 29 10,541 -50.1 268 40.2 29 10,904 -44.3 344 17.5 200 --- 28 12,181 -56.7 250 33.2 29 12,198 -55.6 262 28.9 29 11,749 -46 .3 274 9.7 29 11 ,982 -53.7 262 37.5 29 12,365 -54.8 346 2.5 175---- 27 13,023 -59.0 243 36.3 29 13,043 -57.5 275 25.4 29 12,636 -46.0 296 9.1 29 12,840 -53.5 260 34.4 29 13,207 -60.1 341 20.8 150---. 25 13,989-59.1 246 30.7 29 14,014 -58.9 288 23.5 29 13,6859 -4.7 287 7.6 28 13,832 -53.9 256 29.5 29 14,156-65.3 344 18.1 125 2415.125 -61.5 249 22.5 29 12.153 -80.5 287 17.5 28 14,885 7.4 307 5.4 28 14,999 -35.3 250 23.7 29 15,252 -70.1 357 10.3 100 15 16,5 66-62.5 266 13.0 2816,538 -60.9 302 9.9 29 16,340 -47.2 5 .8 28 16,415 -56.0 240 15.3 29 18,569 -72.1 41 10.3 6 17,879 -60.1 27 17,929 -59.6 61 3.3 29 17 15 -46.9 56 2.3 28 17,33 -56.3 216 7.4 28 17,890 -68.5 73 3.4 60---- l 2319,739 -56.5 50 7.8 29 19,722 -46.4 97 6.4 22 19,663 -5.6 121 6.6 27 19,836 -62.1 78 9.6 23 20,899 -55.0 70 11.5 28 20,934 -46.4 90 8.7 20 20826 -53.9 100 8.7 25 20,771 -5.8 82 2.1 22 22 327 -53.2 81 14.6 27 22,422 -46.1 95 11.7 18 22,258 -52.1 95 13.2 24 22,179 -55.6 87 1.0 20 24,183 -51.5 84 15.7 25 24,331 -45,4 - 8716.3 15 24,124 -50.4 91 15. 2 24 029 -51.7 91 27.0 5 16,8 75 -46.7 9 27.037 -42.4 11 26,778 -464 16 26675 -482 99 .

These -verage valuEe for standard pressure surfaces sere obtained by r-w-esonde; thenumber of bheratioa- on which the resultant Is based lesse.. sato PY*-.i height (gepotenti.l) ia Unit. of .98 dynaniC seter, teaperature folon g Table 22 dwe in de Ia the January 1950 issue of Climatological Data, National Celeiue, relative humidity is percent, and romultat winda in degrees Sumeary. a84 kets The re..Itant of wind speed are biased toward Inmr wied speeds s - 223 RAWINSIONDE DATA A ... 9 mvontby vaiuB Table 20-Coatnued JUN!E 19;56 =- -. =- =- It 1]]- 1T -_ nz9 rMD,) BAN JUAN, P. R. BANTA MARIA, CAALIF. | Ah'TAI11021CA, CALIF. B, 5TE. IIARIE 2, MICEH. P. dt- (1017 MD8.) (1005 km.) (1O00 Sil.) | (99 IIB

I rwin-d tF -- l--- -wind- r -- I I Z a

.2 I 9 5 la C, a I I I A Z 1z6 - fi A W Z Q

8URACI1 Vs 124 17.0 6f24. 06 74 30 1 74 13.51 76 301 8.5 30 3 17.01 84 2421 6.6 30 221.,14.2i 79 1.2 86 f2751 1, 000 -- 1!5 104 I 1824.8, 79 10032 30 1 20 13.21 77 3041 8.2 30 j 1071 16,4i 83 1239[ 7.0 30 128, 950 ---- VS 547 15.3 60 22.1 30 1009.6 301 58 6. 62 3311 8.0130 1 5531 19.6' SS 1244 5.4130 5561 15.71 6661 288 i 2.9 900 --- - I! 5 1,031. 1,077 191.3 80 13 1.6 30 1 ao3130 1340 12.2 30 j1,012 20.31 36 1267 2.9 30 1' ,0231 14.1 64 283 3.7 850-- - If S 1,49'4 1. 1,567 16163 78 13 1. 30 11Sl 1.6 2 191 9' 730 1 1504 19.6; 24 12361 4.1 30j 1,5031 11.3 68 1284, 4.1 goo0---- I.-S 2,012 17.1o 2,0682 14.2 64 1117.3 ,211.129"3 311 6.4 30 2 0231 16.9 23 1246, 3.9 30 2,008 8.71 67 j 312 7.0 7 50---- I- 5 2 567 14.1 260 2 627 1 11. lO56 .3 3012, 579 1.s 13271 5.2130 2,573i 13.61 22 1254' 4.5130 12,5431 .21 60 1317 8.5 700 ---- 1 0S 3 137 10.3 3 :197 7. 100 lS.0 30 ' 46 2 .5i 3011 7.8 30 3 147 10.11l 23 12541 5.6 30 j3,103 3.21 56 313 111.3 650 ---- 1 S 3 ,758 7.3 3,812 4 4 95 11. 30 3 7611 6.01 2911 9.3 30 j3 7621 66 12461 9.3 30 3,705- .21 S11 315'I 3.4 8000---- I-S 4,403 3.0 4,453 1:10 958. S 30 |4, 407 |1.7! 275 10.3 30 4,4111 2.631 245l 9.3 30 44338- 3.9 47 320 116.7 550 ---- 1. S5 106 2.1 44 9816.63130 5 -1041 3.41 2010.9 29 151041 2.81 12 44 .1 29 I5S0231 8.2 46 321 19 .o 500-- l; P 5Ss0- . 5 897 :1-7:5 2X0 11.6 26 855l 8.41 248 13.2 28 5 ,753-2. 44 324 i20.0 450-- I S6 ,671 -4I. 6,721 1-2 9 107 2.3 130 6,665 1-4.9 262 12.6 28 6' 670 -14.61 246 13.6 27 6,554 -18 .31 40 1321 21.2 400-- I: S7, 543 -21 .1 A3 .7, 598 -19 .0 41 1270 21301 7, 535 -21.81 1516:.3 28 7 541- 9 1241 15.3 27 17,4131-24.71 39 1317 22.5 350---- 1 S B514 -28 .5 a,577 -2 ,. 5 36 26 2 6.81 30 8 ' 503 -29 .6 ! 254 63 28 8 511 -29.1 1239 18 5 27 8,369 -32.1 41 308 24 .S 100 - -- - 15 S9, 598 -36 .9 9.670 _35 .2 274 1 9.11 29 9584 -38.4 244 16.9 28 9,590 -38.41 237 23.3 27 9 .4391-401 29S, 30. I 250---- 15 510 ,835 -45 ,6 10,912 -45 .5 !290 12.0 129 110,811 -47.6 246 22.3 28 ilO,818 -47.2 1242 30 .7 26 1l0.668 -48.4 , 291 31 .7 200o---- 15 512 293 -54.3 12, 360 -57 .6 1294 115.2 128 112,2611-55.4 252130.3128 .12,263 1-55. 2411 36.3' 25 112,1131 -54 .8, j292 36.5 175 ---- 15 513 138 -59.1 13 191 _64.0 3oo 119.2128 13, 106 -58.3l 1259l30.9l28 113,105 -59.841 l239 36.9 25 112,9621-6 1295 34.4 15 514 ,094 -63 .3 296 120.6 28 , 4091-61. ;298 31. 1 I50 ---- 14,122 -69.8 1s1.62 14,066j 62.61 12822.7 25 132'937 5S7 71 125 --- I 15 15,203 -67.1I 15,194 1-73 .6 1288 215.2 26, 1S ,190 -4.41 1247 223 1l9 115,185 -65.81 1240'1j92 24 15s,090 -59.0 1306 25 .6 13 316 553 -69.S 1277 13.3 128 116,S..-6.... too ---- 16, S00 -71 .8 12461 8,7 11 ,16 537 -68.3i 1235j13.0 21 116,485 -60.0 312i 17.7 11 I17 ,889 -66C.7 17 818 -70.3 93 19.9 128 17,908 -63.8'~ 1801 2.71 6 117 860 -65.51 l 16 117,877 -59.3 332 1 Q.9 'IO----- 319 ,647 -61 .3 Le 554 -64.3 84 122.5 127 19,6:94 5s8.71 8 103l .1 p i4 1l9 694-55 9, 1301 8.7 9320,788 -58.3 20, 677-0. . 4 133.2 126 120,84 s. 31 87 17.5l j 5s 10.s 40--- 13 120,856 -53 22,203 -55.0 22, oeY -570 .4 87 135.5 123 22,270 -53.4! 233,891 -53.50 30 ----- 18 87 12.3 113 24,129 -5.1 | [ ] | 17 124,191 -498 20 ----- 7

5HllDEPORS, LA. SPOKANE, WA81i8. SW8ANISLAND, 11. 1. | TC6YIEIO | TAIIPA, FL4JLA. (1005 1X9.) (930 Y3o.) (1013 118.) (74 1. (01 6

8WRAC1 30'1 761 24.7 771 Tl722j 18.11 46 21 4.91 30 102-T26. 84 i .a 0 236T -1----- 1 ooo--: 30 1 124 24.09 73 151 5Is I I 130 I26 125.9 8.4 82 113.4 30 58 30 1 lSS ,Si24.8 772 72' 3.3 950-__ 30 .58I 2.0 67 30 165 110.11 30 15791 22.8 18 96 1167 30 516 30 1I 605 s 22.2 70 1102 '2. 1 fk00---- 30 1,043 19198691 221 9.3 3 1 1,048 20 .01 81 o03 118.1 30 989 30 1 1074 4 19.4 66 1147' 3.7 1 2 . 1 91 1 850----1 30 '1534 1. 167 . 9 1 117 . 1 i4116.3 631 165 4.9 26171.6 233I1:.8133 1, 540 117.2 1 76 1108 17.3, 301 1,4931 30 1 ,5 4 8100--- 30 2 08 14 .1 3 765 57 236 113.4 13001 2 056 14145169 107 17.11 30 2 O1S5 30 12,0677 '7113.11 63 1162 4.3 750O :--- 301 2,5961 11.11 56 329 3 .7 2,526 .11 64 237 115.2 130 2'601 11.7 161 10 6.5 30 2 569 14.8 66 30 2.627 '719.91 58 1139 2.9 3° 700 ---- 1 30 13,164 17.7 53 1342 6.0 3,074 241 16.71 301 3 174 8s 552 11I414.21 30 3,1511 10,2 73 i 301 3,188 1 6.5 53 171 1.4 650 ---- 1 30 3,778 440 5 11 1346S 6.5 :30 3 668 234 1l9.2 29 3 .790 4 9 50 IIIS 113.6, 30 s3,768 15.7 179 30S 3,801 113.21 461 237 J 2. 600 ---- 1 301 4,4171 :I 511 1-7.9 1 5 234 122.7 129 14,432 11.2, 1 1119 112.81 30 44415 1.3i 82i 1 30j 4,439 9-.s5 46 246' 2.7 5150---- 301 5,110- 4.01 46 352 111.7 4,96511-12.1 54 233 25.3 29 5,S126 - 2.7 5 0 2-4.6 f47 1287; 4.9 3300 124 10o.7 130 5 1091- 2.5 72 30 5,132 500 ---- 29 5 ,854 1-8.7 139 -16 .7 I s 233 127,2 29 5 877 -7.2 I 0 1128 884 29 15 863 1-6.4 61 30 56874 4-9.3 49 1300 i4.9 450_- 29 1 6 672 1-14 .0136 33 r 11o:3 30 1-21.8 49 231 31.11 29 1 6,695 1-12.2 I 1 1136 14.11 29 16,686 _-11.2 56 130 16,692 2 14 2 48 300, S.1 400----1 2S1 7 54a 1-19:.8 1323 110,1 30 7 ,324 -27 .6145 23 134.0 29 7,582 _I17.9 149 195 2.3 28 17,575 _-7 .11 54 1 30 7 566 6-20.4 46 309 5.6 350---q 271 8522 -27.0l 309 11 I 6 ,269 236 136.7 29 '655g 1-25 2 44 268 51 l 28 8,562 1-24 .1 52 30 8 5399 -28 .0 44 131. 4.7 Go_----1 27 19612 1-35.1 1295 13 37 19,3261 I-35: 1 43 234 35.4 291 9 6e3 -33.8 42 120 80 27 9667 -32.7 45 3001 9,626 16136.9 323 7.S 250---- 26 10,5 s4 -s21 302b110, 5 21 3-5.21 1234 34 0 28 110,912 -44 .3 127. 112.0 1 2710925. 142.9 1 1 129 11,62 2147 .2 1312 S.7 11 ,979 200 -:-I 25112:308 -5'.9 : 296 11l.3 1239 132 'I 27 112 366 15.61 _58-6.3 1289 ill., 175:_- 25 113147 -. 0.S 1298818" 6'212,390-49 go 4 i 29 12 30 308 110.7 1so4212,844 238 128.4 27 113'199 -6 .3 1289 19.41 27 1l3,3 _31614 1 I 129 13,10301O -63 .5 1303 112.4 I so- -- 4 25 1l4 093 165.61 1320 1.7 228 125:8 26 114:128 -70 .4 324 10 -1 2s.7 292 119.2 212114,177 1-68.2 1 28 114 066 125 --- : 24 15s190 :69.5 I 115:012 227 120.6 20 1l5 192 1-74.4 1303 10.51 19 15 2 71-73.4 27 15,1533 -69.71 1 100--- 2 2116516 -70:511 34 191 S.5 18.61_1 16 436 217 114.4 1 116,S0 1-72.5 136, 3.5 112 116,5547 1-76.1 1 , 125 16,481 34 5.2 so_-:--- 2 117 848 -67:51 164 9 .3 17,859 185 17.81 10 117 1 -6.8 83 119.0 10 117,143 1-71 . i I 25 17 8266-65.71 17918.5 6O----__ 21 119,002 _-61. _161.5 79 114.2 119 7011 110 7.6 1919'5 -3. 9 19:17I .-4 .8 24 19,588 83 il7.5 SCI----H 21120 741 1-57.91 1 80 17.9 120 8 76:1 94 112.0 18 120,687 1-59.6 710 687 1-6l.. 23 207266 -58 61 81 21. -51.5 40 ----- 20 22I - 8-54.8 91 20.6 22 3251 188 11.4-4 8 122,092 1-56.6 5122,066 -58.1 21 22,144 4 -55.71 1 84 1217.68 30----- I l24,014 1-50.71 1-49.3 7-51 .41 197 128.4 20 ----- 1-4i 8 1...r 8-47 .11 88 133 .9 128 810,1-42 .2 LLI 1 11 13 26648

TAT008B ISLAND, 7A8B . TOPEKA, KANS. TUCSONN, A81Z . VERA CRUZ, IIEXICO WASHIlNGTON, D .C . ( 1014 1[8. ) (98 1[.) (921 JB.) (1010 US.) (1006 NB .

r ] I I . - a -- 1 - r 30 T11.8| 96 1240 30 7S1 |32.6 19 28 30t 111 1 1 30 -- 9a2 3.9 27.3 79 68 21.3l 7 222j2.1 30 F 48 10.91 84 Zl1 6.2 34 28 30o 572 30 106 26.61 79 140 j21.6 70 0215 21. 8" 30 a8.11 782 2340 30 65 124.11 57 1 502 28 130 553 33.3 79 587 120.7 f65 1245 15.8 30 1 ,019 5 6 224 161 21.01 56 131.21 28 30 79 30 So8 114.01 30 19 287 a . 20.6 73 1, 052 1 179 67 1260 6. 750- --- 1 3.3 77 2271111.7 122 5( 261 18.4 I 1 3lL92 12.41 1,497 22.1 28 30 30 30 21 290 120 17 .S72 1:539 114.6 69 1275 1:82 900 - - 10 75 11 81 301 45 15156 48 12 i 12,974 207 7 01 2,028 22. 24 289 11. 3 28 14. 572 30~ 850 -_-- 94 112.4 46 1 126613.31 130 2,036 30 2 494 115 2301 301 30 2,588 28 11 . S 6 30 30 284 8. 4 2, 594 8.B2 |63 1254j89 soo --- 1 3 038 C, 12311118.11 30 6l 9.1 44 1 127 3 28 30 30 36 279 4.5S 2. 2593 3,550 S 252 7.6 750 --- 29 3,620 -14.31 61 3 77,77 5'21 40 1 6.4 69 301 322 899 30 3,783 40 3,773S 30 700-- 58 193 3 .7 4.9 66 3, 760 1 18 51 126(I .95 29 23°4 30 14,4214 .81 40 1 128 112.0 4,436 12.11 2 23.o 43 188 8. 2 4,414 1.4 63 4:395 [-1.7 49 2637 1il 7 29 44,06 51 1236 141-4.11 35 1 331113.41 129 i I-2.7I 30 44 194 11. 1 -_2.4 62 303 29 . r5 47 |239 _31-4.6 1 1 329 118.s 29 5'8739 1-8.41 22: 301 195 12.2 - 6.6 59 S 8125 _1-lO1 37 1271 113.4 SSO --- 29 45 12381l32 61 322 168.7 29 6,694 _13.R 27 7'424°74 30 6 641_1.[-So 276 145.7 800---- i 29 1-9. 12441 30 2042 21 1 131 119 .o0 29 1-19.9 206 11.:8 6 ' 699 17 575 25 7,572 -17 .2 53 30 7 S10 |-21 e7 Z7|76 |'9 ' 28 246 35.7 30 8, 52 1-27 3 225 1S .2 23 750--q 1309120.81 1 299 227 20.8 - 24.2 49 239 281 9,232 246 30 07 1-36.3 13too 122 7 135.4 f 23 150--- t -9 .8 139.81 2S4 24 .3 I_312.32 26 10,431 248 10 8445 l-456 1 297 123.5 29 1-45.0 21 230 I! 120---" 329 291 10 '96183 -42.'6 0 799 1-47.11 17 125 850--- 247 132.21 So9122.0 12,3441 l-55. 0 I 242 37.5S 21 1 25 -so .21 29.9 91 -59 7 12 291 12 383 1.2,240 1-57.4 1 275 125' 2. 12,762 245 1291122.01 248 38. 19 227 29} 125,2s6 14,1361 1-60 .2a 15 -62.1 25 13 ,769 1-502:4 12361123.5 97 j-62.l i t296120.4 29 1-64. a 243 33.4 9 I: SOO ---- 291 1i4,15S _68.8 40427 -62 6 t30221.0 23 14 ,948 14 1-65.51 1 12971l4. 20 30S 250--- 1314o 15,2291 237 23. 1 15,244 V 23 16,395 -5 2 2 23201 251 631-66.21 13 16,'554 I 14 -7°.5 215 8 .S -73:6- 18a-63 .S5 200---- 22 17 '83S -52.0 1981 11.1I 24 331 6.6 117 ,888 6.21 142 ,04 10 4.9 I 19 I9 ,696 I-52.2 13S 24 04I-59.o 75 10o.3 IN ,644 -617 4 I! 010.9 14 92 S. .0 17 202,38604 127 24 IS -56.51 83 113:4 207 781 I-59.0 24 -5:2sl log9 13 84 1S .S 5,516 :-6 32897.2 is0----9 13 23 n-53.9 f 82114.0 22,19011-56. 1 21 11 131 92 20.2 124,176 21 3-51 01 124,031 1 21 121 91 21.:2 126,6731 - 2 22.9 21 61 128,6071 -46.1 1 21 I I s I I I - l. - ---- I ------J I. l.

the DU er of obeer-stiols 0D hblch the r.4.1t..t 'is basd l "e Isl Tolvoable 22 in the J.lu ry 19SO is e. oS CiLet.1 gi..l D- t-

* Obstrvations began JUns is, 19S6.- -224 - RAWINSONDE DATA Avenge onuthly values Table20-Cooti ..d flUNE 10 56

WINNEMUICCA,NEV. -y-AE-T AT_, ALASKA YUMA ARlIZ. (06a MD.) (10A12 MR.) (984 MR.)

I Wand' -ZI WindWind

I I..I .2 1 i1 A A 0 A i I-0 I I ,30 222 2734 0. 2~~_ 1 . . 2. 1. 14I 37 1 0 07 .5 7 297 17294 49 ' 30 5 'S6474 .22 1 231 II

247 0.0 1,00- 29 3917 2.2 27 8 0.2, 30 1291 10.4 77 1202 6.6 29, 101 3.I24,1 242 8.9 8010---~ 29 1 5406 15 3 '09330 1073 0.5 71 1207 1.7l 2I 25401! 72 246 6.9a 900- 29 1 250' 7.2 050 --- J 29 2 70i 3 599530 ' 29723 65 80 12 3. 29 9912 29.6271 240 6.8 70- 29 31.72 210 2 62 '214 . 0 3110 799 120 94.9 29'95 163:7240 4 47 21 233 8.7 .9935 7. 2 684 2260110.91 30 1,9193 -13.2 7 110 0.6 298 2:021 20X62 228 10.0 2 2 233~722102 02,72 -16.5 60 124 0.2 20 3,2 -1. 2 73 216 50.9 202 206 .9. .037 7.8 39 224.'30 4,819 -7 5 5 2 15 2 5,118-2. 218 9.9 100-..]27.5 .705 -1 3.0 34 237 26.4 29 5,528 -22,2 11 120 10 9 28 5,868 - 7.9 211 9.7 564 -16.6 245 28.4 20 6,2986 -27.4 45 118 10.51 27 6,692 -13.81 204 10.-9 450 --- 27 a 4261-25.3 249 29.5 20 7,121 -33.7 45 122 12.6~ 27! 7.564 -20.81 221 13.0 400 --- 1 27' 7D 30331 252 34:4! 29 9,002 -40.7 120 14.0! 271 0 534 -28 s5 222 15.7 4641 253 34 .8~29 9,084 -47.7 105112.21 22719608 366 233 22 .3 250---- 2601 '613i-50.7 35 37.1j 20 10,278 -49.4 122 12.01 27 5 - 4. 239 27.8 200 ---- 24 12 08155.6 24 00 81 47 45.2 127 7.6' 22 12,311 -5.5 .946- 55.9 244 38.5 38 12 638:45:01 3,68 242 32.4 07--.(2212 211,1 -60.2! 233 27 .8 1100---- 21113 .937 -57.6. 241 33.6 28 13.6661 45.6 143 6.01 20 114,104 -64.3, 243 25. 8 .064 -50.5 238 31.0 28 14 ,877 -46.4 156 5.11 17115,203 -68.4 234 18.3 100---- , 13116 46 21 236 17.91 28 10,356 -46.9 1130 7.8' 11 16,538 -70.1 00 - 0 17 8 461326 17,8133 -46 5 1157 78 2 1 77:46:8 1133 5.6 630 -58.4 ~:1 28110,943-7 .0 I117 4 0 ---- H 7122 2185 2 20:42347.0! 108 12.6, 20 ---- L7 24 .0621-52.41 2~4 24,317 -46.6 I -0 1. 20---.. 20 43 697-491'0 I27,067- .6

RAWINSONDE DATA Average monthly valuss T.b1.20 -Ai,r F...o dota for Frbrury 1916

DENVER, COLO. 00006. UT00 RANT100L. ILL. (029 MO.) (614 M8.1 1990 ME8.1

WiWind in id

I00 29 5 I S' i 9 2 59 29 54 023 . - 4. 7 057

1,00,.-- 291 1140 917. --- 291I163 29 1,029 I 29 983 -11 66 313 7.0 29 1,404 102 2.1 29 1,4308 1.5 62 366 11.3 600.. 29 :1,44 -3.01 50 i,!70 3.0 29 I1,962.1.1 51 211 1.0 29 1,920 332 59 274 15.3 710. 2923.417 5.1350 !96 6.4 29 3,471 776 53 254 7.4 29 2.434 -5.3 59 279 20 .0 700.. 29 2,991 (79 10.1 29 3.000 .11.0 53 296 I0.3 29 2.966 - 02 60 376 25.6 194 14.4 29 2.572 .14 .1 11 299 14.2 29 3,546 _11.3 11 374 29.5 o0l.. 29 43167 109 19.6 29 4.169 .17.4 47 302 17.3 29 4.140 5.113 52 273 33.8 - 39210 4,14 l93 34.1 29 4,018 .31.4 44 300 20.0 30 4.800 .19.5 49 276 39.2 5... 29 1,02 193 26.0 29 1,513 -31.6 46 299 34.1 29 0.000 .24. 3 47 275 46.9 -.55.8 '07 32.6 400.. 272 29 6,273 -30.9 46 301 20.9 29 6,261 .29.4 271 54.0 25..91 7.09 1 919:4' 29 7,093 -3. 299 32.6 29 7,091 .34.8 270 60.8 087 43.5 29 9,002 .43.5 290 37.5 29 8.006 -41.6 269 69. 5---29 9:002 I; 661(,51.7 29 9,023 -10.0 298 42.0 29 9.037 -40.3 26 5 77. 256.43 (64 01.7 29 10.199 -55.1 296 44.7 29 10.223 -53.3 236 79.8 2000.... 629 (74 11.1 29 11.614 .55.9 294 41.3 29 11.648 .00.1 175 .... 29 12,470 262 78.3 (72 52.4 29 12,467 -53.9 280 39.8 29 12.502 -54.4 367 72.6 lob.... 29 13. 454 (72 48.0 29 12,457 .53.4 293 28.1 29 13,400 .14.6 269 67.4 I25.. .15914,615 i(75 41.2 21 14,635 -54.6 305 31.7 29 14,647 .16.5 269 58.3 100... 29 16,031 l69 26.0 1816,070 .56. 295 24.3 29 1605 57.8 7 4. 00..... 20 17.426 .55.08 (60 20.0 12 17,479 .56. 38 4. 25 17,461 .58. 270 33.0 b:-:: 26 19,340 l73 8.4 6 19,299 .57.8 32 19,2715 .57.2 271 31.8 S0. .28 30, 392 .55. 3 -23,5 ;64 6.0 6 20,464 .57.20 19 20,424 .56.9 272 13.4 40. 20 2 1,791 -12.4 '74 5.2 6 21.075 .56.8 17 51,840 .56.1 281 11.3 i0.7123630 76 10.1 12 33.667 526.1 312 10.1 I2. .---13 26 2 13 19 496 26,235 .55.2 1jj---- 30,062 _ 5 30, 602

MWrh dat. I-Or I hc abae Air F.rr Statl ns IllI be Iclded I t he J. ly 1OO thLi poblIlr-tlo..

E~t~obarvtion 21 scedued t 000, G.C.T. ewoept at fsnatla., Merida computed and eaprese~ed on the basis of the apor-preosur Over Ics. All relative 904V~rcruehre heyaretakn nar0200, 13.C.T. '1umber of observations" humoidity observations are obtained by electric hygrometer and have bees adjusted reIre o toseofynaic eigt oly.Temperature, humidity or wind dat9 way to coepa-nasAts for the -al.. occurring below thne operating range of the humidity beOroneor lasng orepresur suf ss.of scem observatioss. The tamprera- elemaent. lor analus Wnd re ase o 15orsore bobsr-tions at the surf aoe or 2 Oboo~oti~9 9ntadad pesoreleel ortemperature and 10 for vied. Rela- These Average value for standard pressur surfaces ware obtaIned by ruslwlsnisdIe t1O~b~)oo~datar so pulised orstaadard pressure surf.... baving lass dynamic heigbt (geopoteetial) in unIts of .98 dynamlc meter, temperatore in de- grees Celsius, relative humaidity In percent, sad reeulteat winds in degrees and knots. The resultant of wInd speed are bi ssed toward lower Reoative hnaldity data beginning with October 1, 1948, M-r computed And expressed wind speeds a. the number of observations on which in these tables on ths basic of vapor-pressur the resultant is bsased lasmen. Ree note followingS over eater. Upper air values of Sable 22 is the January 1950 lea..e of C~li.tological Daca, Natlonal relatlyc humiidity at levels with twepsrstueaw less. thea 0 C, have formely been Sinwaary.


Table 30 Solar ra lin oesiin tbltd gntnley. per inute on -ufac norma to the~dir...tion of the un JUNE 1Q2,

A.M~ P.M.Dt A.M. P. M.

78.7? 75.7* f 70.7? 60.0. 60.0' 70.7' 75.7' 87- i78.7? 75.?' 70.?' 800. 00.01 70?7 75 7T 78.7'


5.0 4.0 30 2. 0 I 2.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 3.6 , .01o.i 1.51 -0. 75 1. 51 2. 2, 3. 01 3. 7,

C-d, ------H I3 ----- Clt.ady------H1-2 -J 067 0. 751 0.93 1.12 --- 1.14 1.02 0.91 0.4H------1.25---- i -- 7 0 37 .04 .97 1.15 ------10 .111.42, - -- 30 .45 .0 .4 ------. -- - - I 01. 43 ------9- - -55 .6 81 .9 1.20 1.04 - - .71 12 ---- H1.43 -- - 02------.6 ------Ulondy -- 13 - -- H01 45 ------.8I 1.11 - - . - - 14 ------i. 30 09 .6-~ ~ 1230 11H 102 .92 ---- 16: I ------9-- 1:91 0.5 010 01.17 01.------I3-- 67 I 7 9 1.01 1.25 90 76 . h-- - - H2-1.3,. ------16 -647; .0 .10 1.329 10 0 7 21 ---- 0O.90 OH , 01N.17 . 01.11--- -- 17- 60 -7------12I.6 -- -- -. -- - - 12 10 :: .6 .750 .93 1.1 1.14 .90 76 69 N10 01.6 31.3 6 ---7 --- 8 --- lond - 4--70 - 2 - 0.5 11 13 0.0 -- - 20------0-1...... 21--- 59 65576 1.00 1.3 1.0 .0I .56 26------0' 1.35 19 67----5 10-12 ---10 .0------' - - - - - 110I------2 - - - -- :: -- 9 Clon.dy------20 - 2 .1 .4 . .2 ~ ; ~ ' ------[25~ 9 Hi.o 1.19 H1.348 28- - -9 6-5- -76 C Ioady ------: '------29 -- --- 7 [.5 hn6y-2ADISN. ------MIS 30 ------4 Clondy ------.601:5 .61~ 783 9. 1.22' 1.07 .719.734 1906 --- -

BLUE HILL, MASS. 5.0 4.0 3.0 2 .0 p 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5. 0

i Jon Aia m-a I 10---0H.79 1181.02 I ---- 00.62 ' 007, o.~95 IHO. 47 100.34 1HU.-9 SO.4110.0 1H872 i ---- 4.861 1.09 ' 2 92 1. 94 -0.97 1 1.94 2.92 , 13.9 4.06 1- ! ------001I. 12 I1.34 I ---- SH.76 011.00 1 10.---- SO.57 50.06 NH.82 010 I12::-, 0.45 H.53 N..4 1H8.04 MH .77 MO 90 - - I------1:53 21------6---- 00. 44 HCt.52 HO.65100.084 8-. 76 ------501.06 7------.71 . 86 1.:20 ------2 7---- SH.76 SHO9 081.04 iSH1.19 1SH.225 .76 .871 .99 1.25 -- SH.99 001.09 ISHI1 23 - - . 83 .70 760 ---- 12- . 74 . 82 .94 1. 11 14 --- 0. 43 .70 .02 1.02 I471 .55 ,4 1.51 I. 63 8. 82 H1.02 -- 1.61 0.4051 10---- 1.22 11.41 8. 62 H: 92 H-.70 16--- 1.48 8. 62 18 -- n 2 1.00 88 .72 .62 1 .14 19 -- : .73 .84 .5 I. 35I .0 26- 80 1 6 28~--- .81 .4 1. 11 29--- 1 .04 -- I . 86 0000 egos. .5so .64 . 79 .95 1. 17 1 .80 .70 .66 .56

o Ettrapoleted. 18 Intnehm Powee- fsil-e remindr of day. SI' 01i.861 hom

Langley in the .. i s..ed to denote ... ere, calorie Pe- stee centi-eter Ho liste in Table 30 pp.-r in Mnnthly Inathee OR-ir.. V.1... 75. N0. 3, M.-'O ..ple...tlseof the fne-al coed in coapating the ale area no oo Ifor erhlitotin 1947, p.47.

- 226 SOLAR RADIATION DATA Table31.- Daily totals aad averge daily totals b3 eek. of solr and sky radiataco plus the radiatio reflected tre the groud, s reCeived onaetical Soctee- facing soth at Bl.e Hill. Mas., during the .oath

3S 0 70 9 11 11 12131 I 122---1-- is 16 17 Ii 19 20 21 22 23 75 114'110'100 196 157 107 192 46 171 170 204 ctl _ 2 19 5 29 20 iiA15 212 209 19 171 182 7 l1 2e---27, 20 30 00 cll------10 12 20~ 1 4 4211 215

Tabla Sib flatly totals and ae-rge daily ttuls .ac. by o:ffsolar and sky radiatia.. plus the radiationt reflected fron the suracein esat Blue gilt, Mann. during the hStnt round, a rcivedoaaeri..

3 i 9 10 11 Yll,i 1 2 I 2 1, 17 1 1920 21 -- 130 245 29 0 23 0 246 127 23 4174434 2 23Ay 347 3211 31 92 41 43129 36 62 2i2 342 295

20o~ j 13 407 l6d 303 307132 32 J {300 .-.

Table 31. Daily totals and aegedaily totaa hy eek of solar ned sky radiation, plan the radiatioa reflected fro the oun..d,anecived oaa-etical Surface facing mooch at Blue Bill, Mans,. dariag the month

3--4-----3 7 1 0 9101 12 LlsIlcr---9 I 1 14 10 II 1 7 10 1 20 21 22 23 176' 2414 2415 207 24005 193 23 I2008 260 241 352516 21'9 170 230 222' 256 251 2602 00 235 278 223

2 II- - 4 25 . 27 Looc I1'60' 243 210 111 2028 O------193)29 30 1 AtO I

Table31d Daily Ctala1 and average daily totals hy eka of molar and sky radiatio. PI- the radition reflected fro the groun.d, an -i-lvd oaa-etical Sufac facing west at Blue Bill, Mann. during the month

e------3 4 5 0 7 0 9 10 II tige - 12 12 13 14 11 16 17 10 19 20 21 400 284 419 390 200 90 271 270 473 451 320 22 23 172 424 106 354 357 4708 430 404 59 353 321 343 L- - -d 25 26 127 20 29 30 July1ao Llgi 2'30' 440 464 123 207 331 415 422 3341

Tabla31. Daily totala Cad averge daIly totaln by weeks of diffune (.ky) radiation as-etivd oaahurla...talm1 fc at Blue Bill, M.nn. during the month

I - - 3 4 5 0 7 0 91 11 tagle--- 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 19 20 21 22 23 103 233 200 260' 173 1601 139 1116 203 1 241 11 173 192 2313 204 200 291 117 1713 293 90 281 275 2iB 3 24-- 25 26 27 20 29 30 180 Laglys -302 212 133 81 159 261 194 159 201

ioeLnle I an unitt usd to dabnot on. Wca naonie pan aqunc _mainsete

NET RADIATION T-ala 32.--aNt -d.dtiea i langle9y. ewe dny (ldaigho Cu .1daight) at Ralaigb* a. C. daring the month

tagEy...... 347 25. 3 5 3134a 323002.5..44.7.5..a n 4 7 30014330 .43 1 5 4 isrdiati as is aaaamd isheaes

Ie...... a~esn ..i .ade nliaea as d Whi~lt y esanerdl .e ...... Tiece data ar....e..lnna are .Id aecPa1hllhd n eesdtn h tialgrdats fal-selnta cd has.sa Cnted thei ate ae


Table 33,--Daily totals and weekly averages of solar radiation (direct and diffuse) received on a horizon.tal surface, tabulated in langleys. JU8NE1956 ------F-F -1 1 I ,;I i .0 I i 0 a0 3. .40 0 . 0 W A A I I u1I I 6 U, * , . k a31 a a -z 4-- 4 ., .4C N 04 0 .4 04 H n 4 - 00 > 4 6 4 8 W . .1 0 a . 4 1 ~ a I I 4.4 4-V 4 0 ) 4 ' X 8 10 I a -- 44 0 U A FW' W0- 4 F a U . I = 0 4 A , I 2. a-6 a4 IC A

1956 , .032 a97! 668 188 3- 1 5O1 4 0606 S 491 9 June 626 773 383 756 5b6 222 165 3 6 3 51ZI 3 I 7 41 017 3 49 (680i 713 740 548 376 748 403 383 7I6 290 492 245 612 751 546 1313 252 720 809 j697 485 ! I * 877 424 June 4- 184 639 608 545 416 --- 757 983 72 79'o0 033 1441(270 612 873 412 June 5- 97 84 508 700 265 546 571 444 372 535 632 517 746 617 1I 312 423 557 522 734 663 674 (462) 669 825 1514 I 646 . ; 395 862 759 Ju 6- 768 449 685 192 482 576 391 318 628 704 696 609 700 837 807 376 734 628 753 703 748 6835 669 711 781 924 77 738 976' 758 60 107 13~61623 165685 277187 643 849 7561 502 804 581 723 786 661 692 729 830 639 709 107 732 211 585 372 651 585 754 296 721 711 596 406 68675 1423 '7518 744 988 753 78 385 59 6951 June 8- 663 312 715 181 630 508 463 755 633 722 592 753 608 178 706 438 662 728 726 658 630 748 624 716 692 8 826 419 746 200 594 F 67 7 419 1060 462 1712 855 1581 June 9- 805 404 312 240 511 423 632 779 151 686 100 730 423 129 682 872 734 740 758 708 --- 760 602 4 1 (735) 827 646 578 749 816 666 7519 603 714 ( s5 623 666 604 Average------723 450 644 320 589 538 469 623 464 585 453 690 346 596 545 578 731 691 589 (495) 876 553 325 564 056 728 751 772 B07 --- 708 827 367 679 753 904 727 679 . 573 4131 5561 681 June 10- 726 494 704 560 482 726 688 755 381 605 640 585 91 598 570 (768)1 688 681 791 636 746 708 (1506) 749 847 504 707 76 1 678 778 818 June 11- 758 435 369 726 693 774 534 572 777 519 586 275 527 846 732 746 88 1 717 746 690 681 757 779 510 --- 763 --- 773 66 a --- 567 841 666 5 June 12- 799 395 322 743 670 744 735 749 708 --- I 374 585 706 644 745 -- 698 681 633 763 826) 7431 605 769 7301 --- 68 7 --- 5 64 779 667 887 633 * June 13- 743 544 220 231 638 561 685 632 691 623 564 728 619 581 672 731 i ------590 F 670 (717) 660 --- 53 2 579 388 657 423 ,7 02 June 14- 236 820 550 415 446 549 490 701 678 326 639 -- 569 118 7532 489 552 768 700 626 8 4 6 590 766 540 --- 6 I 654 46C 665 525 ' 77 698 June 15- 223 824 173 439 628 606 739 372 679 368 661 -- 581 430 561 610 ,637 726 772 347 634 784 425 1580 6 8 756 360 --- 49 0 544 780 806 599 860 557 June 16- 276 827 400 308 320 549 812 615 421 609 469 -- 544 779 666 345 473 740 729 358 475 764 737 633 689 755) 646 --- 5668 590 537 (725) 607 873 650 Average------785 427 397 522 651 676 629 585 589 563 --- 572 446 577 671 625 713 747 613 (592) 750 740) 564 657 2 608o 629 656 586 852 463 438 -- 184 547 478 442 372 7531 (7133 359 415 757 562 535 670 753 696 --- 79 , June 17------201 58 489 586 589 782 769 486 765 3, 23 "791 571 268 846 792 334 566 621 780 133 767 -- 581 505 587 318 551 666 766 300 761 762 830 1540 688 735) 969 --- 78 5 j June 18------284 769 71 523 717 F 265 462 (126) 371 849 789 180 762 - - 533 811 285 826 643 706 679 756 749 775 732 464 647 603 742 --- 71 June 19------391 729 361 377 684 785 704 765 619 252 697 6 119 358 818 854 609 579 - - 516 628 370 568 698 760 733 719 640 786 494 --- : 40 June 20----- 313 744 92 218 553 668 331 780 648 5 373 3 (78 ) 854 477 - - 120 421 633 66 777 736 711 101 493 802) 260 717 760 001 --- 21 S 611 June 21------242 823 77 620 815 277 333 430 106 785 136 533 5) 608 431 761 199 840 734 567 538 .423 432 693 463 751 753 529 497 787 811 466 735 751 921 --- (77 June 22-----2 315 821 177 429 345 274 239 376 558 764 751 889 --- 66 8 594 674 678 489 833 289 June 23------240 821 407 585 556 540 104 603 626 395 549 580 782 441 516 668 749 621 697 529 779 799 493 721 --- 734) 820 --- (62 (628) 421 847 1593 623 504 542 552 545 431 571 53 737 (714) 553 528 731 736); 430 696 5)1 441 535 1 Average------265 796 182 513 507 470 456 558 I -- 779 864 --- 688 644 609 683 665 856 592 451 530 746 753 601 215 778 757 391 734 June 24------177 630 417 214 650 548 490 697 370 719 488 598 495 667 773 932 --- 63 860 596 557 - - 662 756 733 494 494 654 914 642 723 3 678 671 641 658 June 25------146 772 435 317 519 728 473 593 765 502 .589 267 570 686 9 461 581 771 535 843 766 322 755 -- 263 817 653 680 603 732 745 635 661 709 814 711 692 738 989 --- 61 June 26------286 786 130 638 740 696 785 751 731 662 705 827 624 694 291 808 222 296 588 515 821 492 704 502 780 189 705 677 436 706 739 268 1--- 796 483 686 June 27------395 637 250 214 499 717 -- 740 511 --- 78 4 677 689 I 91 760 796 424 562 579 443 568 676 747 704 663 666 549 664 360 607 S June 28------230 579 387 515 495 355 524 791 561 * 736 -- 9 657 188 189 746 811 606 June 29------217 799 194 564 386 389 276 728 479 775 444 461 412 686 867 701 737 652 549 731 728 599 672 757 ------81 -- 704 458 722) 788 ------so08 617 518 254 549 877 746 June 30------221 664 214 655 465 421 329 695 713 786 692 571 606 280 824 613 700 (749) 737 693 668 1 697 --- 502 802 700 734 749 ------64 4 649 389 697 880 6151 July 1------277 806 218 742 788 746 271 755 680 755 671 -- -5- 228 464 750 730 707 664 464

-- 745 537 k699) 758 720 --- 72 5 608 191 611 664 844 6321 Average------243 709 281 482 592 526 404 716 546 751 548 521 468 549 710 655 724 (691) 628 495 662

I - - l I I I II .1 I Il

I 1 -- - 1 711 9'--I -] Uote.--L.ngley is the unit used to denote gram calorie per square c e n tl-eter. Value. In parentheses are leterpulatad. SOLAR RADIATION DATA Table 33.--Daily totals and ..eeklY avrages of olar radiation (direct and diffuse.)rscnived on a horizon.talsuface, tabulated in langleys. - Continued JUNE 1956

044 44 ,4 I F C C (4 '44 "I 4 Q 5 44 U .44 a 021 w 0 * N. - 2 0 E. Mu 0F- i . 0 8 4 Na 0 0.40 0 8 Q N~ aw ,P la 1 0 0: 0 - 44 ,.0 01 02 02 Eu A4 0, 0V 1 N" 0M w . k 0'>0 21 0 UIa I vi 0 -4 02- VA 0 N 602 02 302 .11 V 0 0I I . I a 11 0 70 44 .0 M8 V a Ii t 592' " A I :1 _A!~ i w 9 I I I . I----I I 1956 59 fC_ June 3- 516 655 787 740 341 643 632 694 544 108 575 718 305 461 716 474 603 737 767 555 603 654 331 534 69 41 191 747 293 -- June 4. 631 576 604 747 442 633 661 686 325 493 430 686 44 0 410 375 1454 Jue5- 531 (652) 548 754 579 798 228 634 533 297 141 450 705 _ 616 656 621 800 686 466 720 703 632 641 426 691 609 464 702 736 690 776 622 7)June 6---- 601 826 520 804 861 646 617 623 573 601 359 717 618 687 823 678 452 671 667 655 591 605 398 700 737 686 487 767 720 600 737 206 755 822 752 200 197 502 766 666 741 711 f/'J~es 7---- 785 812 387 491 54 623 2942 Jn e 8- 608 630 164 614 722 507 700 713 750 571 599 776 691 795 754 636 792 637 766 647 376 333 591 751 715 753 566 660 712 811 758 590 583 627 726 247 6290 Jane 9---- 744 675 697 593 728 665 686 430 784 593 778 735 721 809 877 753 645 155 152 733 743 650 73 720 502 647 817 736 606 588 652 707 244 722 698 451 595 228 254 715 772 96 788 666 702 772 532 170 185 i699 535 563 235 479 717 501 715 457 Average ---- 595 779 470 689 676 484 635 653 609 458 566 530 671 543 502 734 561 :727) 499 705 741 575 762 680 631 540 550 304 254 1532 134 703 607 669 7258 7485 7394 June 10---- 485 728 814 594 674 633 703 657 251 689 555, June 11---- 209 595 638 437 183 645 689 759 185 748 751 671 744 863 168 36 1 288 453 685 572 226 701 600 822 815 564 630 713 733 547 471 744 454 713 664 742 686 763 670 752 526 (800) 776 719 805 471 705 783 540 659 June 12---- 503 812 833 641 774 728 5458 797 I298 780 695 424 779 681 339 720 428 737 370 738 681 640 748 730 (723) 802 494 (805) 741 756 710 493 517 731 344 June 13---- 386 825 831 646 196 757 685 744 403 530 640 376 710 6417 June 14---- 598 552 722 772 555 (770) 818 592 788 706 744 448 636 381 335 535 479 487 738 792 587 132 635 651 728 709 381 540 706 361 683 684 505 810 (713) 7507 June 15---- 762 707 770 387 760 666 714 578 4813 518 711 624 568 605 261 382 615 601 307 399 442 718 420 686 528 668 779 691 659 626 385 813 6457 627 583 348 June 16---- 331 856 807 561 712 400 577 655 i349 728 454 661 650 362 596 477 698 583 473 428 702 789 480 666 761 220 803 180 595 162 308 367 347 I108 376 243 552 614 114 659 Average ---- 480 792 814 550 413 540 520 684 686 567 503 563 440 687 488 638 541 663 773 553 (726) 758 495 (788) 575 612 2593 550 495 394 599 400 643 550 219 189 675 June 17---- 365 395 721 797 383 555 562 594 455 691 749 668 677 567 416 441 720 757 684 (756) 5401 1507 June 18---- 345 788 618 612 321 786 279 507 466 589 628 431 617 546 '514 773 552 594 316 375 292 544 232 732 636 694 780 623 600 772 747 785 639 162 505 784 299 June 19---- 579 700 784 422 732 318 219 249 299 735 793 705 6208 592 567 578 364 505 715 681 566 703 602 5524 725 756 781 633 559 613 632 580 600 728 359 439 388 595 641 480 June 20- 742 692 787 610 636 511 478 693 224 736 716 714 423 733 733 77 9 643 June 21 682 615 (712) 579 757 787 662 454 422 324 311 -- 293 219 I691703 ~' - 671 784 800 632 628 482 493 622 165 751 659 676 338 123 110 494 733 732 6249 a June 22---. 704 792 91 7281 420 771 735 73 80 775 785 412 619 104 725 864 807 299 642 552 538 315 731 321 640 555 572 734 793 638 819 712 582 4468 497 -- June 23---- 674 763 809 591 610 538 608 551 540 581 669 565 693 4 55 641 631 640 640 751 197 571 549 532 670 631 455 764 509 801 691 712 563 510 636 650 476 5111 463 740 591 587 602 665 738 Average ---- 587 757 796 505 538 5820 611 519 499 388 628 623 677 537 569 523 725 671 773 582 (748) 632 503 679 574 548 436 480 488 410 599 563 641 707 695 2598 661 June 24---- 710 728 805 717 645 558 585 728 237 751 558 684 644 232 566 417 June 25---- 808 637 230 :725) 380 :674) 707 649 782 225 600 653 454 4823 - 953 692 483 635 684 696 445 632 687 710 472 746 595 5,28 590 653 743 748 460 :534) 518 4550 June 26--- 736 837 806 398 444 545 772 284 789 903 650 648 430 402 -- 544 731 -- 680 723 739 248 586 743 274 277 759 643 489 752 753 (603) 760 585 781 131 756 653 677 610 -- 684 721 778 479 June- 27---- 700 778 709 598 689 699 744 302 724 705 June 28---- 530 766 755 173 354 601 198 787 699 728 763 174 176 504 463 545 -- ,602 476 179 577 750 623 738 715 752 260 678 684 747 561 720 308 610 717 571 587 582 593 :583) 371) 5109 June 29---- 210 824 748 728 406 679 759 757 596 408 745 679 -- 600 436 526 685 704 687 608 317 742 624 704 649 680 738 411 [727) 691 730 769 June 30---- 660 780 764 689 672 678 739 607 683 724 617 387 365 -- 444 1748 669 693 513 752 679 729 520 758 638 750 539 490 738 451 568 433 764 653 644 ,759 2555 771 710 July 1- 670 515 816 695 680 481 399 293 729 738 682 695 692 496 619 749 627 :653) 640 610 439 297 264 400 629 646 1703 626 591 667 703 Average ---- 616 730 780 673 519 643 652 596 465 740 533 591 547 591 651 1624 K682)1495 t631)1 711 1584 701 k402)1 566 1463 596 556 1514 i--- 664 1585 1597 1638 1648


I ------L_ .

____ F-F-17-1 Note. -Langley is the unit used to denote one gram calorie per square centimeter. Values In parentheses are interpolated. CONDENSED CLIMATOLOGICAL SUMMARY

T.bl. I DELAYED DATA0 _T__ Tomperot-e PO~pst~ta------F-----

'4 Monthl-y et...a Monthly extr-oso

stiotion I I Stataon thanat-t Stalno Loa, Stho * 0 n .0 U1~ -F I. h 'F. Liis.1 ,oae e er 1927~

Al-kn [ 1.3 OvsIslas- -55 23 .~20 0.1i4 Ba-e F~Ilt 13.0935 ..... n H AP

B -- bfle 165,,1

5 41 13II 3hterai--y i 52 22 000Cr- -6tr 20 21.25 .35 Coede 2 7.76 7Wilen AP ii. , A 7 KRai o, AP 09 I, V.-t 6- Lppor ._l7 10 7.57 -2 6 Kah-es .,5.0 Hairs Alnak.

S heam...- B~y 53 280 T-Anrs. S -065 Ant B.ran-f 10. 57 ChitIna .00 H.l. IIia xil--b Pt, 92 227 ss..a Lea Upper Kil.a- Fi514 51.259 P-s Mali 1 03

Ala-ka Whi-i-no 30 1 Teller- Pare Alexander 116.79 Barte Inland fans,II 2 Stoilions 0- 10 Osan L-eoLpe 20 0 Pastikan.. 2 71.24 Keonkoal 504

A lanka Ke~tihik-o 270 TeIlle -6,4 I 12.9t Chitis .00 Harenaf~li. .05 Hanen 2' Sa"t-ien Hit 20- Rae Lee Lppe 21.61 Ka-nk~k.i Papal e...~n Ap1U~i 56 76i, 21 Haghes Al-aks T- jIP LI Si. -46, 6 15.94 All~nkate itt 5i Masna Lao Upper Cerkon HanIsi Keoiti AT 2 4 13 24.64 Iiaaesknkai

Mae t1t9l6 tenokan .50n

Han-ii 2 St-i-,n 90 I10- Kolani Ma-kn 35 10 30.60 5 St.,inn- CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA

T.bl.n 2

!No.of P -enon Te-p-stna PEecnpitnteon wind dayo

N".4y Sleet Fantani mile to neoct) I o a.

Sott nod tntions

C 0

. 110 003 28a7 3 0 7 1 12 2 .5

Ft. % i L.. 019 0164 012 -4.11 32 82

50.7 1028 0 C3 20 2 004130-5 5 i15, 5.507 2 1i 0i 31 -7 55; 0.52 -0.24' 0.401 5 0~ 0.9 47 i 1.0 N n:35 N 4 1 1 0, 23 _22 60i 5.49 -3.91 2.17 10 0~ 0.0 4 10.0 BNB * 46 ENE 1 2 3 i20 09 -- A..nItteI 0 Ii1 Bn.... 2 0 31 -28 51' .29 .13 .131 7 H' 2.9 840. SE 42 O 20 ii 13.9 20 14 .0NNE :31 NNE 10- 19 o Ut 51-11 73 1.02 .12 .38 9 7221 7. 9 CnId BnY 0 1. 7 13.4 NNW 35 N 16 3 03.810100.4 -102 -3.0 -17.1 36 21 .29 1Sf 7 17 6.0:- C.,ed-s 4O 1:020.4;1007.31 37 20 32.5 -62 234 15 1232tn 0 30 -_ -- 3.92 -3.13: 1.21 12 0 40 4 3 6 - - - - - I _ 6!14 5.6 -92: 22 313 I43 4I 0 31 -29 65 .42 -. 061 :14: 7 ol 9.0 20 2.4 NNE a20 W 7 1 1 - F.ni basaks 43 0 Ii052.H 1023.5 -9 -27 -17.4 0j22 7. 9 32 5 Ii 0,31 11608 2.83 -1.65' .74 14 0 I33.6 16 9.1 N 42 SE 10 4 j.....a I 014.9 10216.3 4 -12 4.38-11.1 33 24 -20 24 141 0. 2 4 Ii 0 31 -10 70 .76 -.29! .23 12, H 11.6 IA 11.7 N 39 NN0 B 12. Kang Salee 4 25 10.0 N 12 6 113 0. 1 Klntneba I0 1'930.7 1022.0 -It -30 -20.2 -110.4 li 31 -53 5 0 31 -20 70 -20 - 19 .16, 5I O 7.3~ E 6 12, O~~n-t 33 4 1 0 31 27[64 1.11 -:03 .37 11 0 11.5 26 I 2.41 N :21 N 4 ~10.J 307~.6017H. 26 -1821-.0 -17.1 34 20 -4i 25 3 1' 0 31 -12,69 .221-10 .9'40 2. 23 ~10.6 B 42 NE 1 .' 14 0 31 - 211 -40 .05 I7 H0 12.01 29 3 2 ------3 10 6.3 St. PatI1land 2 1. 0 20 it0 :45,1.371 .20 7 0 .ol Onkatat2 0 I'004.4!1005.4 32 17 24.7 -1.0 43 12 -l 26 21 lit70 9.62 -1.9082.9017 0 65:.3 4012.5 B .002 O 19 1 0

floe 1950

WEST VIRGINIA P-ek-,ib.,g I1 75 01 02.7 -. 0 90 13 37 24 I 02r3 1.72' 1.07! 16 11 .0 0 0.0 20i Nwl 17 9! 11 11' 5.0 5

,San belaw h-ri-n -ti-anasa -ttil Jan-ay 24,0. tee nthintst - -aeetdata. HEATING DEGREE DAYS T.Ws. 3 (Ban... n5E.)

i Camt -moe i I Ii I sntet -ad cAtlm 1 SW. -dtfl- Stet.nod .th.to 'I Stat. ad cbafto I i -B j -A I jj~- i I Al A I I Asannat 1950 A LAS5KA 827 SI. Ecal 5571 1161011119 A a. i ge I 323 549 530 Bald B.y 472 946 450 796 4111 7301 75 320 6011 479 430 700 723 leGroth 402 637 563 Y.k51tt '1012 1609 Fa i, Ia of 362 506 445 110cc 404 920 970 Bethel 42 1 766 1 707 J neo 396 643 654 Marlthcoy 432 6 10 536

JnAeEIILL_12A ALASKA 2092 107711 5 A.nobaae 10054 74 00 6419 1444~ 5049 fing 0.lcao. 2111 122 61 $ 7 A... l I 11000 4742 3964 1467 6345 5430 Knlne.ba 2420~9300 St;. Eca C-n 12559 12150 1007 C," leRrI 2651 9606 8693 .erth 2573 96 42 06631 Y.flc Be !F. M-ki Betba 1 12147. 0016 71363 1396 610 5169 mc... 2134 0500 78008 - 230t - RAWINSONDE DATA A-aO. nOniy -as DELAYED DATA

2/ 2/ HAVANA, CUBA CAMAGUEY, CUBA TACUBAYA, MEXICO SAN JUAN. P. B. ( 1011 NB.) (1003 MB. ) (775 NO.) (1016 ME) rOi FWind Wind wind Wind 0 0a 1iX 3 i A B 0 i0- .6 .1 E .2 7 0 .0 zI S Ii .0 H A E 9 I US II EIi IU .I I I b j

SURFACE 30 49 22. 9 81 29 122 20.1 95 20 2,306 13.81 60 24. 0 82 6.0 147 30 86 1,000-- 30 22.9 78 29 146 20.3 93 20 92 30 146 23.5 76 89 10.9 950---- I 30 094 20. 8 75 29 20.4 80 20 547 30 596 20.7 76 92 900 ---- 596 30 1. 05 17.6 75 29 1.050 17.8 75 20 1,018 30 1, 059 17.8 75 97 14.0 850 30 1. 547- 15.0 65 29 1,547 14 9 74 20 1,512 30 1,546 75 96 10.7 700---- 30 2,057 13.4 46 29 2,05 12.4 66 20 2.036 30 2. 058 12.0 63 90 0.0 750---- 30 2.603 10.9 38 29 2, 60 9.9 53 20 2, 580 12.5 57 30 2, 604 10.1 56 81 6.4 700---- 30 3,171 8.2 37 2 9 3, 166 7.4 44 20 3, 155 0.7 60 30 3. 169 7.1 48 09 1.9 30 3,79I 5.3 29 3.782 4.2 34 20 3. 769 4.3 66 30 3, 784 4.3 33 3 .4 D000--- - .2 cOO---- 30 4.430 1.0 2 9 4 420 .I 27 20 4 411 _ 30 4 423 1.1 337 1.4 30 5, 126 - 2.6 29 5.110 - 3.7 18 5, 104 - 3. 7 30 5 119 - 2.6 317 4.5 5000---- 10 30 5.87 - 7.6 29 5,859 - 0.4 5,851 - 8.0 29 5, 867 7.3- 209 7.6 ISO---- 30 6,700 -12.9 29 6.683 -14.0 17 6. 667 -13, 4 29 6, 688 -13.1 301 13.0 400 ---- 30 7.576 -10.3 29 7 553 -20.0 16 7, 547 -10.0 28 7,566 -19.9 3901 16. 1 30 8, 554 -26 .7 29 8, 529 -26.9 12 8 515 -27 .5 28 8 541 -27.4 291 22.3 30 9,649 -34.8 29 9.622 -35 .2 10 9, 599 -35. 0 28 9,631 -35.7 281 28.0 200250 ------30 10 896 -44.5 29 10.867 -44.9 6 10, 820 -46. 1 28 10.872 -45.1 277 37.1 30 12,355 -55 .0 29 12 322 -56.1 5 12,269 -57. 5 28 12 326 -55.8 266 47.2 29 13, 194 -62 .1 29 13, 159 -62. 1 13.099 -63 .6 28 13 164 -61.8 265 45.8 20 14 535 -67.5 29 14.099 -67. 4 28 14. 102 -68.2 268 46.6 1250--80- 22 15 225 -71.7 26 15. 186 -72.9 28 15, 182 -72.4 270 36.5 100:- - 18 533 -76.7 23.3 121-- - - 16, -75.5 18 16,473 26 16,474 -77.1 268 15 17. a2 -76.1 14 17. 755 -76.2 24 17 747 -77. 1 2 70 9- 9 15 19,011 -68.3 11 19,437 -67.8 22 19.428 -68.8 159 2.7 15 20,619 -62.9 I1I20, 545 -62.8 22 20.533 -63. 5 108 3.1 (--- 14 22, 005 -50. 1 21 946 -56.6 20 21 913 58.2 80 6.8 13 23. 827 -5. 3 16 23, 726 -54.3 77 12.2 20---- 6 26. 353 -50.0

1i Nosenber 1955 3/ April 1956 $7 -eenber 1955 Also see footnotes with current data. SOLAR RADIATION DATA SolTr radiatio. intennitien, tabUlated in langley. per fala30 minUte OD a S-rf.Ce .Or.al to the direction of the -se.

ann' -Dith diat.-e

Doibe A- K | | P. M.

78.7 75.7' 70.7 60.0' [ 60.0 70.7 1 75.7- 78.7-


I ~Ai.r -

|__4.81 3.84 2.8 1.92 | 1 2.88 3.84 4.81

WAY 7----- 0. 76 so 02 51. 47 S1.22 5 .09 50 92 50.03 16 ---- 0 78 5 89 51.04 B.H36 kH. 22 ---- 0.82 61 K80.99 25---- N. 72 K. 98 1.09

Aver - aB I .66 .75 . 88 1.04 1.47 1.22 1.09 .92 .83

"B S0.0e e bane dd S Slight Sob, nd bare N Mloderate soke and ha.e See footnotest6 With rr.t data


M.nth! Jan..ry 1956

page 17: RBa.tlsn d. DOtS the wind speed in the Toble 20 reference note. pages 17-21. nhnld be "metern per second".

pNqe 21 RM.in..o.de DOta the reference t ld read - - - - The teNper- tare sd wInd talons ar based os IS or ere obseros- tlions E the surface or S nbuernatinnn at a st.dard pres..re level for and Ienperare10 for wind." - - - This change also appl~es to i-ssns Febrnary tbrough AprIl.

Mooth Febr-ary 1956

pSO SlNI: Rinsoode Data the wled spod 10 the Table 20 ref .r.nce not. pages 51-5. should be "Meters per *econd;"so0 in the apecisi neDr reoardisg Matin *nd PIbnl dnta. paoes 21 and 55 of the Jannary nd Febr-ary ieae the d of the second psrngrph ahoUld read -- - - of prese-ti.B wind data for constant heigbt levela"

Month! AHan.l 1955

PMIC l03o Pil.t 5Hllna Dt. Cl Paan. Too., the 1.000 meten lenel Ohld be dnhed mad daI. followisng*woed owe level higher so chat lant data Ievel Ia at 10.000 *.


Table 33.--Daily total. aed -eekly averages of solar radiation (direct *nd diff.se) received oo a hori.o.tal sear!ace, tabulated i* laugleys. DELAtXD DATA

sS ZI - I c2 o 1; c c 9 - 1; I e o > t: c AI I I - AIo I - ZI

1956 May June Je.ly Ja.. Apr. 19 195 55 Apr. Aug. 385 2 7 582 548 422 6 593 i 173 150 295 319 270 mar. 6- 411 621 522 51 Feb. 2 1 43 616 7 703 30 324 128 M-r. 7- 447 4 9 626 583 725 8 3 69 43 66 295 374 Mar. 8- 541 5 10 518 606 663 9 113 59 236 344 260 Mar. 9--- 458 530 11 621 732 485 10 6s4 201 208 45 336 245 Msr. 10-- 520 76 370 12 553 746 517 11 6 187 207 It 38 298 Ea., II- 371 435 8 506 13 542 531 1I 524 12 7 146 89 36 317 305 II Avwerage----- 457 - - 580 624 551 131 115 105 319 279 111 it II Mar 12- 497 9 259 14 382 399 13 224 238 117 305 326 Mar 13- 10 154 15 433 443 14 82 57 261 309 258 4911 12 109 Mar. 14-- 11 204 16 397 381 1 5 35 19 1 4 65 359 176 M~ar. 15-- 5412 12 400 17 629 650 430 16 33 38 60 378 11 14 12 172 Mar. 1(,-- 513 13 188 18 631 11 616 (322) 17 13 40 39 15 209 369 Mar. 17----- 269 14 314 19 577 It 298 14 610 10 239 140 70 255 428 Mar 18- 429 15 670 20 330 17- 367 630 19 14 164 263 95 373 217 151 11 A ver.ge------446 313 483 483 (459) 117 113 125 335 263 17 Mar 19- 446 16 665 21 162 327 631 20 96 19 101 52 I101 15 261 340 Mar 20 483 17 659 22 206 422 501 21 16 75 126 20 377 71 523 18 Mar 21- 361 642 243 492 213 700 654 22 17 224 128 2 1 222 323 341 I10 22 Mar 22- 3 11 19 644 2 4 570 651 664 23 18 97 253 304 54 Mar. 23- 20 567 25 446 22 611 20C 538 32 23 575 24 19 39 1 359 213 579 Mar. 24- 509 21 357 26 719 22 309 2 1 314 25 20 136 91 2 4 39 392 1590 M-ar 25- 453 2 2 604 27 567 2 4 309 22 375 26 21 185 12 1 20 244 110 2] 584

A.erage------448 591 452 476 525 121 147 240 194 221 493 lIar 26--- 393 23 586 28 657 25! 485 232 421 27 22 186 114 2 6 401 363 463 22 Mar 27- 6119 2 4 391 29 568 28 560 24 285 28 621 23 263 289 27 179 409 568 Mar. 28- 86 215 609 30 694 27 473 2 5 637 29 604 24 269 295 28 414 312 22 577 IMar 29- 26 692 31 745 28 645 2 6 255 30 584 25 104 148 29 389 356 2 1 467 Mar. 30- 2 7 69 IJu e 1 732 29~ 659 273 491 31 378 26 178 273 Marl, 345 422 27! 435 Mar. 31- 28 535 2 745 30l. 592 26 560 SepI 425 27 206 2181 2 378 301 20 585 Apr. 1- 29 601 3 640 467 29q 508 2 215 28 113 267 3 180 364 579 25, Aver.ge 598 683 554 451 471 188 229 327 361 525

30 699 556 29 59 32 534 ay 1 664 384 30 142 313 IU 20 69 451 2 601 555 31 284 141 May I 31 89 3 737 F. b31 73 685 Aug4 215 660 721 2 38 81 - - - 5 620 639 3 237 228 11--I 6 647 792 4 44 52

Avg. 665 A vg. 626 Av9.1 125 1 117 Avg.1 --

llte.--Laa10y is the unit "ed to denote use grau calorie per rquar- centiseter. Values in parentheses re interpolated. NV1C, Auhenille. N. C. --- 9/13/56 -- 1850

232 - Chart I. A. Average Temperature (OF.) at Surface, June 1956.

l-o , -m; . b

A. Based ow rt om 8OO WeatrBu adcoera station.. Themonthly averageis half the sum of the monthly avera g and mothlyaerage ,whI are the averge of the daily maxima and daily minima. respectively. B l monthly tempertures e computed for Weather Bureau stationshaing at least 10 years of record. Chart II. Total Precipitation (Inches), June 1956. 10125, lie lid' 105 I00* 05, to, U to 75, 70 Ss'

~ 2


I 'kaR00*.d I A Z - /

I 35

ID.~A Ai

20 SALE T EI S~\ ~ llI iJI rASE OF~SL00'CT0 OCS 0 0 0


020 lO 500 9 ES08

Based on daily precipitation records at 800 Weather Bureau and cooperative stations. from Normal (Inches), June 1956.

Normal monthly precipitation amounts are computed for stations having at least 10 years of record. Cover Between Sunrise and

A. In addition to cloudiness, sky cover includes obscuration of the sky by fog, smoke, snow, etc. (atbd on visual observations made hourly at Weather Bureau stations and averaged o'er the month. B. :ti of normal amount of sky cover are made for stations having at least 10 yeas of record. n Tom total number hou of observed sunshine in relation to tot number of possible hur of snshe dBring month 0 B. Nonl are eobputed for stations havig at least 10 year of record. Chart VIII. Average Daily Values of Solar Radiation, Direct + Diffuse, June 1956. Inset: Percentage of Mean Daily Solar Radiation, June 1956. (Mean based on period 1951-55.) 0 ~ 1OS00 115, 110 15 100, soI'SB6 75' 70 6


I ~~~700 .1SI 4

L, - o 4 ooo' o.

06 .4

94 a

Chart shows mean daily solar radiation, direct + diffuse, received on a horizontal surface in langleys (1 langley =- 1 gm. cal. cm. 2). Basic data for isolines are shown on chart. Further estimates are obtained from supplementary data for which limits of accuracy are wider than for those data shown. Chart IX. Tracks of Centers of Anticyclones at Sea June 1956.

1 N' '-

II ,

Ie 10 20 It \ \ \ 20 - I 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 00 900 1000 A' | "t -SCALE OFMILES AT VARIS LATITUES I0 +105 - I -\ , 130- 125' 2D' 95. 90' 81)' 75.

. . . = t - = - - =- = ...... - .... u . w ^ w - - Circle indicates position of center at 7:30 a. m. E. S. T. Figure above circle indicates date, figure below, pressure to nearest millibar. Dots indicate intervening 6-hourly positions. Squares indicate position of stationary center for period shown. Dashed line in track indicates reformation at new position. Only those centers which could be identified for 24 hours or more are included. !c

.' >^ - 4 .I

bs 4,

7. 6 '4


./ Ns o 1' I

( . - N. / / S.

N ,v4'

NI\W I 4-' 5 r lI .4 'S - 4 f/1 A- I" ' -,1' 4- 4,, 4 -1 .I 4-, - N- - .ŽN e t ' 4 "7 \ 7 I T.U. AT IATnD9 WC' I - t .s 'r , t' - 7- t V,g-t 30' ,5":'P /5 = 4, 5* * I 1-\ I --- 1i.. -/? p C", VY *3P -\\- tt-- -' 50 Xi

-20-'- -- 20- 5-' I. 20°O - - N- -X --/ N 4 -I-'4I - \ 100 5O 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 WY SCALE OF MILES AT VARIOUSLATItUOES . --- 1I0- -- '4:, 1ZS'asO' S21K- 115 ' - ' 1 10' 105° I D 95' 97' 45' ao= 75' --- .-. Circle indicates position of center at 7:30 a. m. E. S. T. See Chart IX for explanation of symwbols. Chart XI. Average Sea Level Pressure (mb.) and Surface Windroses, June 1956. Inset: Departure of Average Pressure (mb.) from Normal, June 1956. 175' t70 1 150 140- 130' 120 IOM 0' 70 ° 6- 4) 30 25'o.20



Deatr Fro Normal

d .So 5 O - 2075

Average sea level pressures are obtained from the averages of the 7:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. E. S. T. readings. Windroses show percentage of time wind blew from 16 compass points or was calm during the month. Pressure normals are computed for stations having at least 10 years of record and for 100 inter- sections in a diamond grid based on readings from the Historical Weather Maps (1899-1939) for the 20 years of most complete data coverage prior to 1940. Chart XII. 850-mb. Surface, 0300 GMT, June 1956. Average Height and Temperature, and Resultant Winds. 18Tr75' 170' 50 I' 54' 730' 120' 1 00- 70-0' i 50? ' 3M 3l 2 20C





9 . MUE AT' V' RIO t~UO 0'a 2 0 1 ~~ 20

60lo07 C-W 7' 0a3 0X 2b 0p 0+T

506 A1.

14760o3 7.520~~oos 15 5r 0 7.5 gp 6tb'2Q 0 \ '~ s, 0 i1- 4X io/ & $ < >.


125 120' 115' 110' 100' CO'0T.O*0 IT 05' .5 - 75' Height in geopotential meters (1 g.p.m. ==0.98 dynamic meters). Temperature in 'C. Wind speed in knots; flag represents 50 knots, full feather 10 knots, and half feather 5 knots. Winds shown in red are based on rawins taken at the indicated pressure surface and time. Those in black are based on pibals taken at 2100 GMT and are for the nearest standard height level. C3hart XIII. 700-mb. Surface, 0300 GMT, June 1956. Average Height and Temperature, and Resultant Winds. 1 75- 170' 160' 150, 140' I" 120 100' 80' 70~' 600 50' A0- 5 30 2501


70V~L- 2 I5713.320 ilk 0 2 h-Zgu TSW 001 0 0 3 0 1 lA~ ~p

1030010000 1 0 3 2T=1g~2

VELO (KNgooT9)600

NA13CL ¶ l AV2OU LAT0 TU OE 11 i025,g 0 6

See Chart X11 for explanation of map. Chart XIV. 500-mb. Surface, 0300 GMT, June 1956. Average Height and Temperature, and Resultant Winds. 17r 160 1 14 I W'133t 100 w eV6 SW IV 3T w 25 M


L -- 72O,

.~7!~V.S2Z20 IS0007.5 D k25p 3Or.U'CALO 5 5040U2D0C 2-i 0m1 205 60020000120108040 50 14Ch-Wk0gp25 GROSTVOPHICTWI(D OCSL CONSANTSRFACS RESSRE 0. or 2.10 1. 0.l. th g*g.a.7*7

See Chart X1I for explanation of map. Chart XV. 300-mb. Surface, 0300 GMT, June 1956. Average Height and Temperature, and Resultant Winds. I .17ir 17(r lEO 150 140' l30 120' lair O? 70-,6O so, Air 35* w Sir_ 2ir

- 1W t 4'v

L 707




too. G 0D 2- 42




Se hr I o xlnto fmp Chart XV1. 200-mb. Surface, 0300 GMT, June 1956. Average Height and Temperature, and RIesultant Winds. 1875 175* ISO, 1 O* 140. 130- 120 100 80 70~60T.( 3' 3T





O 0 00 20 3 ,s oD




W 10 S 53.520 20 I 0 756,- ~~ Mr 0I 30 2 I-=5gmI Mgl0 402A'Cq~n0I~~ M~I

T 3.10 2.l5 I~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 9.08~'

See Chart XII for explanation of map. All winds are from rawin reports. Chart XVII. 100-mb. Surface, 0300 GMT,_June 1956. Average Height and Temperature, and Resultant Winds. flu, 160'b75t 50' 140' 130' 12O' 100' 3080' '0' 6O S0' 40' 3S 30' 25 2




A /0'


2020 ' WIVGf OT vC CA L. -IN 'Il\ V 6 Lt~tt-R, - >- i ; z


8 15075537.52 20~I~h15 10 b5 6 h 28gprOp 5 -' e8o, C Vk* , ; -> too3)020)0ts~0 O8 40 3 0 ~ J 24Eh-lf0gpr20 s\,c9 /Q/-SZ VELOCIlTY ( KNOTS) (X- - ? (

in 123-0 t: : : 5 5110 < 105 00g | o . + . -- t.e> .

See Chart XII for explanation of map. All winds are from rawin reports.