Faculty Forum

Looking Ahead to Fall 2015 C o l l e g e Academic Senate As we finish the Spring 2015 semester, your VVC Academic Senate Executive Board (ASEB) wants to wish all faculty a happy and relaxing summer! Volume , Issue Whether you are teaching during the Summer 2015 session, or using the summer to regroup and recharge, please remember that June 2015 the VVC Academic Senate will be working throughout the summer to advocate for faculty in academic and professional matters. Inside this issue: In Fall 2015, the approved revision of the VVC Academic Senate Spring Plenary 2-3 governing documents will take effect. For more information on this, New AS Governing 3 please see page 3. Documents The end of Spring 2015 will see the retirement of several full-time Schedule of Spring 4 VVC Academic Senate and adjunct faculty. To ensure continuity in the Area Reps for the meetings Academic Senate, there will be special elections held in Fall 2015 to VVC AS Reps 4 fill empty representative seats. In addition, there will be a special election for a third Adjunct representative, approved in the revised VVC AS Office Hours 4 governing documents. The new department reorganization will take effect in Fall 2015, replacing the current department structure. For more information on this reorganization, please contact the VVC Faculty Association.

From the Academic Senate President

The VVC Academic we have seen over and obligated to perform 18 offer to serve. As the AS Senate has been over again, it’s faculty hours of committee work president, I am contact- pleased with the who are the driving force (or equivalent — check ed by many faculty who number of faculty who behind this institution. the new AS governing have issues or concerns volunteer for committee Not only are we on the documents for details; with campus policies and work; in the last few front lines every day, see page 3)? It’s true. procedures. While I am years, the AS has seen helping our students to happy to help, the best an increase in participa- succeed, but we are an You will be seeing an “all advice I can offer is to tion for AS and Shared integral part of why VVC call” for new and revised step up and be part of Governance Commit- exists. committees coming your positive change on our tees. way in the Fall 2015 se- campus by serving on If you are not presently mester. I encourage all committees to address Committee work is an serving on a committee, faculty — full-time and these concerns. important academic and and are full-time faculty, Adjunct — to review — Claude Oliver professional duty. As did you know that you are these committees and Page 2 Newsletter Title

Spring Plenary Report

A Plenty-ary of Thoughts By Carey Alstadt, SSSP Counselor Being an idea person, I always enjoy opportunities like this where you can come away with a Santa Claus size bundle of wonderful goodies to take home, all with the hopes of sharing and implementing some new found proposal that might positively affect student success. To this end Spring Plenary did not disappoint. For instance, I hit upon some thoughts on how to increase faculty involvement in senate activities, as well as ways to expand faculty’s par- ticipation on various committees. We all know the reality in which twenty percent of the people do eighty percent of the work. Yet seems to have gotten a hold on the issue, so perhaps theirs is a model to emulate. In terms of other noteworthy nuggets gleaned from the April conference here are five worth sharing. First and foremost, was that literally everywhere and among everyone residing at the Westin these 3 days we all couldn’t help but be discussing the huge importance on gen- erating opportunities and funds for professional development. It is a ship that is in desper- ate need of re-charting. Second, and of equal significance was the importance CCC’s need to be doing to extend the reach of their local CTE programs. Aside from schools staying in touch with their county job market needs, the curriculum structure has to be such so to al- low for quick COR changes, new course approval and senate adoption. Ninety days was mentioned as the target. A third major topic being discussed, of course, was Math. A good bit of focus was given to how CCC’s are handling the Huntington Beach like wave crushing down upon us – as seen in the onslaught of having so many students simply not able to move successfully through the math sequence and onto transfer-level coursework. Two full breakout sessions were al- lotted to just this subject alone. The latter two topics worth mentioning related to student services. The automation of eve- rything from soup to nuts is soon coming to a student development operation near you. There exists an intense movement to state-wide automate many of the services once done on paper – student Ed Plans, Degree Audits, Early Alert, and on and on. A number of schools are serving as pilots in these areas. VVC, even now, serves as a test school for experiment- ing with using a common CC Electronic SEP’s. Then finally there is the soon-to-be complet- ed Common Assessment Instrument. Sitting in on a breakout for this I was impressed on just how well-conceived the project is, how efficiently it is coming along, and more im- portantly how it is designed to benefit students. The new product has the capability to clearly analyze an incoming student’s strengths and weaknesses, thereby identifying skill sets in need of focus or replenishment. The tool should help math, English and basic skills departments much better target course or module offerings directly geared to areas where students require remediation. By Sunday one could say a good time was had by all, I appreciating the fellowship of my VVC partners Claude Oliver, Leslie Huiner, and Eartha Johnson.

The Academic Senate for Community Colleges Spring Plenary was April 9-11, 2015, in San Francisco. For more info on the Spring Plenary, please see page 3! Page 3

Spring Plenary Report, cont.

AB86 and Adult Education

VVC is part of the Victor Valley Regional Consortium (VVRC) for Adult Education, which offers courses in the following areas: Basic Skills/High School Diploma/Equivalency; Eng- lish Second Language (ESL)/Citizenship; Adults with Disabilities; Short Term Career Technical Education; Programs for Apprentices. As a result of AB86, in fall 2015 appor- tionment for non-credit instruction for Career Development and College Preparation (CDCP) will increase to the same level as credit classes. See the full report at http://ab86.cccco.edu/portals/7/docs/plans/13-328- 066%20Victor%20Valley%20Regional%20Consortium-%203.1.15%20Final%20Plan.pdf (contributed by Leslie Huiner)

New VVC Academic Senate Governing Documents

Beginning in Fall 2015, the VVC Governance Committees, en- accreditation purposes, Academic Senate will be imple- suring that all faculty have the holding regular meetings, menting the changes in the Con- opportunity to participate in etc. stitution and By-laws, ratified in committee service  Revision of regular elec- Fall 2014.  Definition and examples of tion timeline to reflect cur-

what constitutes “college ser- rent 16-week semester Major changes: vice” to assist faculty in meet- calendar  Process for removal of non- ing their academic and profes-  Please remember that all participating faculty from AS sional obligations committee appointments and Shared Governance  Process for election of Depart- go through the Academic committees. ment Chair Representative to Senate Executive Board  Recommended terms of ser- College Council, and what (ASEB)! vice on all committees, so that position entails every faculty member has the  Revised duties of AS Presi- To examine the ratified gov- opportunity to volunteer for dent, Vice President, Secre- erning document changes, the committee of their choice. tary, Treasurer and Past Pres- please visit the VVC Academic  Addition of a third Adjunct ident to reflect current AS Senate webpage, under Faculty Area Representative; practice ‘Approved Documents’: special election for this posi-  Formalization of proxy voting http://www.vvc.edu/offices/facu tion will take place Fall 2015 by AS Area Reps lty-services/faculty-  The AS Executive Board  Explanation of committee senate/resolutions.shtml (ASEB) will be the sole ap- chair and committee member pointer of all faculty to Aca- responsibilities, such as re- demic Senate and Shared cording meeting minutes for VVC AS Executive The Victor Valley College Academic Senate rep- T e a m , 2 0 1 4 - 16 resents all faculty in academic and professional President — Claude Oliver Vice President — Jessica Gibbs matters. Secretary — Leslie Huiner Treasurer — Steve Toner Meetings are held the first Thursday of the Past President — Tracy Davis month, at 3:30 p.m., in room AD-8. Refresh- All VVC Academic Senate meeting minutes ments are provided! are online: http://www.vvc.edu/offices/faculty- services/faculty-senate/minutes.shtml Please visit the Academic Senate website, at as well as on SharePoint. www.vvc.edu, under ‘Faculty and Staff’. Senate Committees should post meeting minutes on SharePoint. For more infor- Meetings for Spring 2015: mation, contact Justin Gatewood. June 4

Senate Office Hours, Spring 2015 Expanded office hours to serve YOU better!

Mondays — 2:30-3:30 p.m.; 4:00-5:00 p.m.

Tuesdays — 11:00a.m.-12:00 p.m.12:30-2:30 p.m.

Wednesdays — 1:30-2:30 p.m.; 5:20-6:20 p.m.

Thursdays — 1:30-2:30 p.m.

The Academic Senate office is located in Building 55, office 30, across from the VPI’s office. The telephone extension is 2821.

Academic Senate Representatives, 2014-2016

 2014-2016  Science: Richard Cerreto and Lisa Harvey  Liberal Arts: Karen Tomlin and Lisa Ellis  ATC: Patrick Malone and Tim Adell  Academic Commons: Dave Hollomon  Allied Health: Alice Ramming* and Terry Truelove  Library/Counseling: Mike McCracken and Lorena Ochoa  PAC: Ed Heaberlin  Vocational: Gary Menser*  Kinesiology: Debra Blanchard  Public Safety Training Center: Dave Oleson  At-Large Representatives: David Gibbs and Khalid Rubayi  Adjunct Faculty Representatives*: Cheryl Elsmore and Glenn Akers * Indicates empty, additional or open seat for Fall 2015!