Leninism Or Trotskyism

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Leninism Or Trotskyism Page Four THE DAILY WORKER FIGHT AGAINST DEPORTATION OF Leninism or Trotskyism (Continued from last iesue) our theory has bean realized, we nust stride forward.] How? In such VICTOR ZOKAITIS, ALDERMANIC SCHEDEI NOW ON Trotaky on Hlmeelf and Leninism 64-PAGE PAMPHLET ON manner that we gather together the DON’T NEGLECT proletarian Trotsky, in his book, ”1905” (pp. elements of town and CANDIDATE, ENDORSED BY THE 4-6) writes as follows: LENINISM OR TROTSKYISM :ountry against the petty-bourgeois Case Before ‘D.of J.’ and "In the Ilfelements, on the basis of the realized period between January 9, THE JUNIORS’ COMMUNISTS IN ELEVENTH WARD dictatorship Department of Labor and the strike in October, 1905, I NOW IN PREPARATION of theproletariat and peas- formed those views of the character antry. This means the mustering and organization of the proletarian ele- Victor A. Zokaitis, atho only 22 years old, has to his credit many achieve- Petitions from all over the land of the revolutionary development in FEB. 14 PARTY ments as an participant struggle. Russia which have received the desig- This Installment is part of a pam- ments on the basis of this dictator- active in the class have been pouring in to the depart- ship, in order to proceed from the was of . rev- He born Oct. 17, 1902, at South Manchester, nation 'permanent revolution’ . phlet“Leninism or Trotzkylsm”now Comrade, come with us. Conn. While still ment of justice, asking that the crim- olutionary dictatorship of Despite the interval of twelve years, in preparation. It Includes articles democratic Pause in the fight, attending high school, his views on the class struggle caused him to be inal case against John C. Schedel, this the proletariat and peasantry to the estimate has been fully con- by three outstanding figures in the Be a child with us. suspended several times. In the summer of 1917. when he was fifteen years who was deported during the height firmed.” (This dictatorship of the proletariat, to the was written in the Russian Communist Party: G. Just for one night. old; he led a strike of young on Plantation, of the red raids, and who later came year 1922! L. K.) purely socialist revolution, this tobacco workers Hartman’s Buck- Zinoviev, I. Stalin and C. Kamen- This is the invitation extended to land, Conn. hack, be dropped. But during the whole of these reason, Lenin adapted his This tobacco plantation ev, to form fit most timely and im- tactics to the development of the mass the older comrades by. the fighting Was owned by the American Tobacco Petitions have been sent in from years this theory was opposed by an- / -V portant contribution to a discussion movement In the and he Junior Section of Chicago for eve- part one coast to the other, containing other theory, Lenin’s theory, express- peasantry, the Co., of the American Tobacco of world Interest. The pamphlet studied the "peculiarity” of the realiz- of at names ed in the formula: "Revolutionary, ning the fourteenth of February, Trust. Thru this strike the young among them well known to pages, dictatorship prole- 11th Ward Candidate' democratic dictatorship of the prole- will be of 64 selling at 20 ation of the of the the Soviet School, 1902 West Division workers won an increase In wages all in this country. con- tariat and the peasantry, which con- V. 1 tariat and peasantry.” cents and will be ready at the St. and a reduction of hours from ten to from all walks of life have sisted of the fact that 7 the latter, at JVJen "This idea,” so wrote Comrade Trot- clusion of this serial publication, The Junior Section of Chicago, that nine per day. appealed to the government of the sky in 1918, again the given stage of theresolution (April and wrote it in large group of Communist children Upon leaving high United States to forego prosecution 1922 without the slightest reservation, 1917), retained their confidence in the school In his who are successfully bringing the sophomore year, of John C. Schedel on account of "this idea has been repeated unwear- mental questions of the revolution, bourgeois government in the form of at the age of sixteen, working class struggle into the school- Comrade was re-entering the United States after ingly by Lenin since 1904. But that with the mutual relations of the dif- “defense of native country.” After Zokaitis employed by rooms Chicago, preparing Cheny deportation, and to set aside the does not make it correct." ferent classes during the revolution, describing the views pf./he Bolsheviki of are a Bros., silk manufacturers, with the question of "permanent revo- contending against (I was one Communist entertainment planned by working original order of deportation against In this book (“1905’’), Trotsky de- him of in their broadsilk weave- lution,” or Comrade Lenin’s theory, these), a shaßp upon room, carpenter Bchedel so that he may remain in this scribes Lenin’s fundamental idea as and after attack Juniors. shop, and paper bcrx an empty abstraction, and writes that and this is the question of the role us, Lenin writes: They are busy now making up their shop. He was fired and blacklisted country with his American-born wife played by the peasantry in the revolu- the Bolsheviki “arrive at the idea of a “A Marxist must never quit the firm program of half-hourly' mass games, for attempting to organize his fellow- and four American-born children. bourgeois-democratic tion, the question of the paths lead- self-limitation ground of analysis of Class relations. into which everyone will join between workers into a union. Carry Many proletariat possessing ing to socialism in an agrarian coun- Petitions Names of the state The bourgeoisie is in power. And is dancing. Contests will vie with other joined power.” try, the question of the methods In 1918 he the socialist party Among the individuals who have and the mass of the peasantry not another conditions for the realization of the deep Red novelties thought up by our and became educational director of signed petitions He continues: "Whilst the anti- bourgeoisie belonging to another strat- or have written let- revolutionary features proletarian dictatorship in a country wide awake young comrades. the young people’s socialist league of ters of menshevism um, of another description and char- to the department of labor and peasant population pre- Comrades! They need your support Connecticut participated are already visible to their full ex- in which the acter? Does It follow that this strat- in 1919. He department of justice are such well the ponderates. This is no on in the flesh. Come and spend a joy- in tent, anti-revolutionary features of contention um may not seize power by the ‘con- the left wing movement within that known authors as Robert Herrick, theory per- ous Bolshevism (I underline these words abstract formulas. The of summation of bourgeois democratic evening with the future commis- organization and has been in the Com- Anderson, account manent revolution upon a Sherwod Upton Sinclair, on of their importance. U.K.) is based revolution? Why should this not be sars of the Chicago Soviet. munist movement since its inception. threaten to appear as complete underestimation of the role and David Starr Jordan, Dean James mighty danger possible? Old Bolsheviki frequently At piesent he is district secretary of only in of a revolutionary played by the peasantry: it replies to Parker Hall, Professor Ernest Freund case vic- judge in this manner.” the Lithuanian Section of tory.” one question only; it tells how power the Work- and practically the whole faculty of Los Angeles Notes Party Trotsky, be seized or maintained 1 replied, “This is perfectly possible ers for the state of Illinois and the University of Chicago law school. Comrade who caused this cannot under . president phrase on the dangers of the anti-rev- these conditions. it is quite possible that the of the Chicago Lithuanian One of the recent petitions sent in peasantry LOS ANGELES, Cal., Feb. 11.—The olutionary features of Bolshevism to Trotsky’s viewpoint, summed up seizes the whole of the land Workers’ Educational Society. contains the of many teachers the same time the whole pow- Freiheit Costume Ball is always a names be republished and confirmed in she from a study of the “Lessons of Octo- and at Comrade Zokaitis has ben a mem- .’’ . great Angeles. and students in Clark University. year 1922, adds the following: ber.” may he expressed as follows: er. event in Los This ber 6t the Chicago Typographical Un- There are H. P. Little, Dean of “As year a $260 phonograph and radiola Col- is already well known, this did “On the eve of the events of 1905, Len- Lenin continues: "If the peasantry ion No. 16 since his arrival in Chi- VICTOR ZOKAITIS. lege, Clark presented by the American University, Chancellor not happen, for Bolshevism, under in imparted a peculiar character to ceases to support the government in Music Co. cago in September, 1922, and is an ac- Capen of University of Buffalo, Char- Comrade Lenin’s leadership, changed the Russian revolution by the form- the social revolutionary and menshe- will be given as the first prize for the tive militant worker in that union. lea B. Randolph of Clark University ita ideological equipment in this most ula: Democratic dictatorship of the vist Soviets, if the peasantry, having most interesting costume. Many Philadelphia Italian and other many prominent indivi- important question in the spring of proletariat and peasantry. But, as deserted the bourgeoisie, seize the other valuable prizes will be given Branch to Hold Ball, of Worchester, 1917, that, before the conquest of later developments showed, this form- land and power in spite of the bour- fororiginality duals Buffalo, etc.
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