Akademia Vortaro de Esperanto akcident/ accident analiz/ analyze arĥeolog/ archeologist akcipitr/ hawk analog/ analogous arĥeologi/ archeology akciz/ excise tax ananas/ pineapple arĥipelag/ archipelago akir/ acquire anapest/ anapest (metrical foot in arĥitekt/ architect The list of words in this dictionary is aklam/ acclaim verse) arĥitektur/ archtecture from the official Akademia Vortaro of akn/ pimple, acne anarĥi/ anarchy arĥiv/ archives the Esperanto Language Academy. The akompan/ accompany anarki/ anarchy ari/ air, melody, tune, aria brief English definitions have been derived from a number of sources, akord/ accord, agreement anas/ duck aristokrat/ aristocrat including the Universala Vortaro by akr/ sharp anatomi/ anatomy aristokrati/ aristocracy akrid/ locust, grasshopper anĉ/ reed (of a musical instrument) aritmetik/ arithmetic L.L. Zamenhof and the Esperanto- akrobat/ acrobar anĉov/ spiced anchovy / arc, curve English Dictionary by Montagu C. aks/ axle, axis anekdot/ anecdote arkad/ arcade, archway Butler. This version includes words th aksel/ armpit aneks/ annex arkaik/ archaic through the 9 Official Supplement (2007). — D.G. Simpson aksiom/ axiom anemon/ anemone (flower) arkaism/ archaism, obsolete word or akt/ act (theatrical or legal) angelik/ angelica (plant) phrase aktiv/ active angil/ eel arkeolog/ archeologist aktor/ actor angin/ angina arkeologi/ archeology A aktual/ present, current Angl/ [popolnomo] English (people) arkipelag/ archipelago akupunktur/ acupuncture angor/ anguish arkitekt/ architect akurat/ prompt, on time angul/ angle, corner arkitektur/ architecture -a [finaĵo] termination of adjectives akuŝ/ be confined (in childbed) (intr.) anĝel/ angel arkiv/ archives a [liternomo] name of the letter "a" akut/ acute anilin/ aniline (chemical) Arkt/ Arctic abat/ abbot akuz/ accuse anim/ soul arleken/ harlequin abdik/ abdicate, resign akuzativ/ accusative animal/ animal arm/ arm (against), equip with abel/ bee akv/ water aniz/ anise (plant) arme/ army abi/ fir (type of tree) akvafort/ etching, metal-plate ankaŭ also Armen/ Armenian (people) abism/ abyss, chasm engraving ankoraŭ yet, still arnik/ arnica (plant) abiturient/ secondary-school student akvarel/ watercolor (painting) ankr/ anchor arogant/ arrogant ablativ/ ablative akvari/ aquarium Ann/ Anna arom/ aroma abnegaci/ self-denial akvilegi/ columbine (plant) anomali/ anomaly arpeĝ/ arpeggio (music) abomen/ abomination al to anonc/ announce, advertise arsenik/ arsenic abon/ subscribe alabastr/ alabaster anonim/ anonymous art/ art abort/ abort, miscarry alarm/ give alarm, rouse anser/ goose arteri/ artery abrikot/ apricot alaŭd/ lark (bird) anstataŭ instead of artifik/ artifice, contrivance abrupt/ abrupt Alban/ Albanian (people) ant/ [sufikso] ending of present active artik/ joint, articulation absces/ abscess albin/ albino participle artikol/ article (of commerce), absint/ wormwood (type of plant) album/ album Antarkt/ Antarctic; Antarctica commodity absolut/ absolute alcion/ kingfisher; halcyon (bird) antaŭ before artileri/ artillery absorb/ absorb ald/ alto (singing voice) anten/ antenna (zoological or radio) artiŝok/ artichoke abstin/ abstain ale/ tree-lined garden path antibiotik/ antibiotic artrit/ arthritis abstrakt/ abstract alegori/ allegory, figurative tale anticip/ anticipate -as [finaĵo] ending of the present tense absurd/ absurd Aleksandr/ Alexander antikv/ antique, ancient in verbs abund/ abundant alen/ awl, punch antilop/ antelope as/ ace (in cards or dice) acer/ maple (tree) alergi/ allergy antimon/ antimony asbest/ asbestos acid/ acid, sour alfabet/ alphabet antipati/ antipathy asekur/ insure aĉ/ [sufikso] contemptible, wretched alg/ seaweed antipod/ antipode asemble/ assembly (legislative) aĉet/ buy algebr/ algebra antitez/ antithesis asert/ assert ad/ [sufikso] denotes duration of action algoritm/ algorithm antologi/ anthology asesor/ assessor adapt/ adapt Alĝeri/ Algeria Anton/ Anthony asfalt/ asphalt adept/ adept alĥemi/ alchemy antropolog/ anthropologist asign/ assign adiaŭ goodbye ali/ other antropologi/ anthropology asimil/ assimilate adici/ add (arith.) alibi/ alibi Anunciaci/ Annunciation asist/ assist (officially) adjektiv/ adjective aligator/ alligator anus/ anus asoci/ association adjutant/ adjutant (mil.) aline/ indentation at the beginning of a aort/ aorta asonanc/ assonance (in verse) administr/ administer paragraph aparat/ apparatus asparag/ asparagus administraci/ administration alk/ elk apart/ separate, special, apart, distinct aspekt/ appear to be admir/ admire alkemi/ alchemy apartament/ apartment asperg/ sprinkle admiral/ admiral alkohol/ alcohol aparten/ belong (to) aspid/ asp (snake) admiralitat/ admiralty alkov/ alcove apati/ apathy aspir/ aspire admon/ admonish, exhort, warn, scold almanak/ almanac apelaci/ appeal (legal) aspirin/ aspirin adopt/ adopt almenaŭ at least apenaŭ scarcely astm/ asthma ador/ adore, worship almoz/ alms, something given to relieve aper/ appear astr/ heavenly body adrenalin/ adrenaline the poor aperitiv/ apéritif astrolog/ astrologer adres/ address (e.g. mailing address) aln/ alder (tree) apertur/ aperature astrologi/ astrology adult/ commit adultery alo/ aloe apetit/ appetite astronom/ astronomer advent/ advent, arrival alt/ high api/ wild celery (plant) astronomi/ astronomy adverb/ adverb altar/ altar aplaŭd/ applaud at/ [sufikso] ending of present passive advokat/ lawyer alte/ marshmallow (plant) aplik/ apply, employ for special participle aer/ air altern/ alternate purpose atak/ attack aerolit/ aerolite (stony meteorite) alternativ/ alternative aplomb/ aplomb, composure, self- atavism/ atavism, resemblance to aeroplan/ airplane alud/ allude to, mention in passing assurance ancestors afabl/ kind, good-natured alumet/ match (for starting a fire) apog/ lean upon, support ateism/ atheism afekt/ act affectedly, put on airs alumini/ aluminum apoge/ apogee ateist/ atheist afer/ affair, matter alun/ alum (chemical) apokrif/ Apocrypha, apocryphal atenc/ make a criminal attempt against, afiks/ affix am/ love apolog/ fable, animal story with a moral assault afiŝ/ poster, sign amar/ bitter (to taste) apopleksi/ apoplexy, cerebral atend/ wait, expect aflikt/ afflict, distress severely amas/ heap, pile, mass hemorrhage atent/ attentive aforism/ aphorism (concise statement amator/ amateur apostol/ apostle atest/ attest, witness to, testify, certify of a principle) ambasad/ diplomatic mission apostrof/ apostrophe ating/ attain, reach afrank/ to prepay postage on ambasador/ ambassador apotek/ pharmacy Atlantik/ Atlantic Afrik/ Africa ambaŭ both apoteoz/ apotheosis, deification, deified atlas/ [ŝtofo] satin, glossy silk fabric afust/ gun carriage (mil.) ambici/ ambitious ideal atlas/ [maparo] atlas, collection of maps ag/ act ambos/ anvil apozici/ apposition (grammatical) atlet/ athlete agac/ grate, set on edge (teeth, etc.) ambr/ ambergris (substance from apr/ wild boar atmosfer/ atmosphere agat/ agate sperm whale) April/ April atom/ atom agent/ agent ambrozi/ ambrosia aprob/ approve atribu/ attribute, ascribe, assign agit/ agitate, stir up ambulanc/ ambulanco, field hospital apud nearby atribut/ attribute, essential agl/ eagle ameb/ amoeba ar/ [sufikso] a collection of objects characteristic agoni/ death throes amel/ starch Arab/ Arab (people) atripl/ orach (plant) agord/ tune (e.g. musical instrument) amend/ ammend arabesk/ arabesque (design or dance) atut/ trump (cards) agrabl/ pleasant, agreeable Amerik/ America arane/ spider aŭ or agraf/ hook, clasp ametist/ amethyst aranĝ/ arrange aŭd/ hear agres/ to be the aggressor amfibi/ amphibian arb/ tree aŭdac/ audacious, bold, daring agronom/ agronomist amfiteatr/ ampitheater arbalest/ crossbow aŭdienc/ audience agronomi/ agronomy amfor/ amphora (ancient Greek two- arbitr/ arbitrary aŭditori/ auditorium aĝ/ age handled vase) arbitraci/ arbitration aŭgur/ fortell by omens, forbode aĝi/ charge on currency exchange amik/ friend arbust/ shrub, bush Aŭgust/ [monatnomo] August aidos/ AIDS (acquired amnesti/ amnesty arĉ/ bow (violin, etc.) Aŭgust/ [vira nomo] (man's name) immunodeficiency syndrome) amoniak/ ammonia ard/ ardent, fiery, hot aŭkci/ auction ajl/ garlic amor/ sexual love arde/ heron aŭreol/ aureola, halo, glory, nimbus ajn ever amortiz/ amortize; progressively ardez/ slate (rock) aŭskult/ listen aĵ/ [sufikso] made from or possessing diminish are/ area Aŭstrali/ Australia the quality of ampleks/ extent, size aren/ arena aŭt/ automobile akaci/ acacia (tree) ampol/ ampulla, bulbed container areometr/ densimeter aŭtentik/ authentic akademi/ academy amput/ amputate arest/ arrest aŭtobiografi/ autobiography akapar/ monopolize amulet/ amulet, charm worn against argil/ clay aŭtobus/ bus (vehicle) akar/ mite, tick (insect) evil argument/ argument, reasoning aŭtograf/ autograph akcel/ accelerate amuz/ amuse advanced aŭtokrat/ autocrat, absolute ruler akcent/ accent, stress an/ [sufikso] inhabitant, member arĝent/ silver aŭtokrati/ autocracy, absolute akcept/ accept, receive anagal/ pimpernel (plant) arĥaik/ archaic government akcesor/ accessory, additional anagram/ anagram arĥaism/ archaism, obsolete word or aŭtomat/ automaton; automatic akci/ share (as of a stock) anakronism/ anachronism phrase aŭtomobil/ automobile aŭtonom/ autonomous bel/ beautiful bril/ shine cipres/ cypress aŭtor/ author beladon/ belladonna (plant) briliant/ a faceted gem cir/ polish, polishing wax (for floors, aŭtoritat/ authority beletr/ belles-lettres brit/ Brit (resident of Britain) shoes, etc.) aŭtun/ autumn, fall beletristik/ belles-lettres, literary works broĉ/ broach, ornamental pin cirk/ circus av/ grandfather Belg/ Belgian (people) brod/ embroider cirkel/ compass (instrument for avantaĝ/ advantage bemol/ flat (music) brog/ scald drawing circles) avar/ greedy, avaricious ben/ bless brokant/ deal in used goods, barter cirkl/ circle avel/ hazelnut bend/ band, tape, ribbon brokol/ broccoli cirkonstanc/ circumstance aven/ oats benk/ bench brom/ bromine (chemical) cirkul/ circulate, flow around aventur/ adventure benzin/ gasoline bronk/ bronchial tube cirkuler/ circular (letter, notice, etc.) avenu/ avenue, wide tree-lined path to a ber/ berry bronkit/ bronchitis cirkumcid/ circumcise house beril/ beryl (mineral) bronz/ bronze cirkumfleks/ circumflex (^) avert/ warn, caution Berlin/ Berlin bros/ brush cirkvit/ circuit (e.g. electrical) aviad/ aviation Bert/ Bertha broŝur/ brochure cistern/ cistern, reservoir, tank avid/ greedy, eager, hungry for best/ animal, beast brov/ eyebrow cit/ cite, quote, name aviz/ a notice, notification, bet/ beet bru/ noise citadel/ citadel, fortress guarding a city announcement beton/ concrete brul/ burn, be on fire citr/ cither (musical instrument) avokad/ avocado betul/ birch (tree) brun/ brown citron/ lemon azen/ ass, donkey bezon/ need, require brust/ breast, chest civil/ civil, civilian Azi/ Asia Bibli/ Bible brut/ brute, beast civiliz/ civilize azil/ asylum, place of refuge or safety bibliograf/ bibliographer bub/ boy, lad, urchin civilizaci/ civilization azot/ nitrogen bibliografi/ bibliography bubal/ buffalo (of India) civit/ city bibliotek/ library buĉ/ butcher, slaughter co [liternomo] name of the letter "c" bicikl/ bicycle bud/ booth, kiosk col/ inch bien/ estate, grounds budĝet/ budget, estimate bier/ beer, ale buduar/ boudoir, lady's small private B bifstek/ beef-steak room bigot/ bigoted, intolerant, narrow- buf/ toad Ĉ minded bufed/ buffet babil/ chatter, babble bilanc/ balance (accounting) buĝet/ budget, estimate bacil/ bacillus (rod-shaped bacterium) bilard/ billiards buk/ buckle, clasp bagatel/ trifle, something neglibible bild/ picture buked/ bouquet ĉagren/ afflict, distress; vex, annoy bajonet/ bayonet bilet/ ticket bukl/ curl, lock, wisp (as of hair) ĉam/ chamoise (a goat-like antelope) bak/ bake bind/ bind (books, etc.) buks/ box (type of tree) ĉambelan/ chamberlain bakteri/ bacterium binokl/ binoculars bul/ lump, clod, ball ĉambr/ room, chamber bal/ ball, dance biograf/ biographer bulb/ bulb (as of a plant) ĉampan/ champagne bala/ sweep, clean with a broom biografi/ biography Bulgar/ Bulgarian (people) ĉampion/ champion balad/ ballad biolog/ biologist buljon/ bouillon, broth ĉan/ cock (of a gun) balanc/ rock, swing biologi/ biology bulk/ roll (bread) ĉap/ cap, bonnet balast/ ballast bird/ bird Bulonj/ Boulogne (French city name) ĉapel/ hat balbut/ stammer, stutter biret/ biretta (clerical cap) bulten/ bulletin ĉapitr/ chapter (of a book) baldaken/ hanging canopy (over a bed, Birm/ Burmese (people) bulvard/ boulevard, wide tree-lined ĉar/ cart, wagon throne, etc.) bis encore (interjection) street ĉar because, for, since baldaŭ soon biskvit/ cracker burd/ bumblebee ĉarlatan/ charlatan balen/ whale bismut/ bismuth burĝ/ citizen, freeman, commoner ĉarm/ charming balet/ ballet bisturi/ small slender knife (surgical) burĝon/ bud (of a plant) ĉarnir/ hinge balistik/ ballistics, science of projectiles bit/ bit (computing); bitoko=byte burlesk/ burlesque ĉarpent/ do carpenter's work balkon/ balcony bitum/ bitumen (substance) burnus/ hooded Arabian cloak ĉarpi/ lint, soft cotton material for a balon/ balloon bivak/ bivouac, encampment burokrat/ bureaucrat wound balot/ vote by ballot, secret vot bizon/ bison bust/ bust (anatomy) ĉas/ chase, hunt, pursue balustrad/ banisters (of a staircase, blank/ white buŝ/ mouth ĉasi/ chassis etc.), handrail blasfem/ blaspheme buŝel/ bushel ĉast/ chaste balzam/ balsam (substance) blat/ cockroach buter/ butter ĉe at balzamin/ balsam (plant) blazon/ coat of arms, heraldic shield butik/ small shop, boutique ĉef/ [prefikso] chief (adj.), head bambu/ bamboo blek/ sound made by an animal buton/ button ĉek/ check (for money) ban/ bathe blind/ blind, sightless ĉel/ cell, compartment banal/ banal, commonplace, trite blok/ block, boulder, chunk ĉemiz/ shirt banan/ banana blokad/ blockade ĉen/ chain band/ band, gang, group of people blond/ blonde, fair ĉeriz/ cherry C bandaĝ/ bandage blov/ blow (as the wind, etc.) ĉerk/ coffin banderol/ ribbon-like scroll, band, blu/ blue ĉerp/ draw (water, etc.) streamer bluf/ bluff (verb) ĉes/ cease, desist bandit/ bandit, outlaw bluz/ blouse car/ czar ĉeval/ horse bank/ bank (firm or building) bo/ [prefikso] relation by marriage ced/ yield, give up ĉevron/ rafter, beam banked/ banquet bo [liternomo] name of the letter "b" cedr/ cedar (tree) ĉi denotes proximity bankier/ banker boa/ boa (snake) cejan/ cornflower, bachelor's button ĉia every, every kind of bankrot/ bankrupt boac/ reindeer (plant) ĉial for every reason bant/ knot, bow (of a ribbon, etc.) boat/ boat cel/ aim, goal ĉiam always bapt/ baptize boben/ bobbin, spool celeri/ celery ĉie everywhere bar/ bar, obstruct boj/ bark (dog's) celuloz/ cellulose ĉiel/ sky, heaven barak/ barracks bojkot/ boycott cement/ cement ĉiel in every manner barakt/ struggle against, contend with, boks/ box, spar (as in boxing) cend/ cent (money) ĉies everyone's grapple with bol/ boil, bubble up (as water) cent hundred ĉif/ crease, crumple, rumple, wrinkle barb/ beard Bolivi/ Bolivia centigram/ centigram ĉifon/ rag, tatter, scrap, shred barbar/ barbarian bomb/ bomb centilitr/ centiliter ĉifr/ cipher, code, secret writing barbir/ barber bombard/ bombard centim/ centimo (money) ĉikan/ quibble, haggle over barĉ/ borsch (Russian beet-root soup) bombast/ bombast, pretentious inflated centimetr/ centimeter ĉimpanz/ chimpanzee bard/ bard (poet) talk or writing centr/ center, middle ĉin/ inhabitant of China barel/ keg, barrel, cask bombon/ a sweet, confection, bonbon central/ central (station, etc.) ĉio everything barelief/ bas-relief (low-relief bon/ good centraliz/ centralize ĉiom all, the whole quantity sculpture) bor/ bore, drill, burrow; boron cenzur/ censor ĉirkaŭ around barier/ barrier boraks/ borax (chemical) cep/ onion ĉiu each, every one barikad/ barricade bord/ border, boundary, shore ceramik/ ceramics ĉiz/ chisel, carve bariton/ baritone (singing voice) bordel/ brothel cerb/ brain ĉj/ [sufikso] affectionate diminutive of bark/ bark (small sailing ship) border/ border, edge, fringe ceremoni/ ceremony masculine names barometr/ barometer bors/ stock exchange cert/ certain, sure ĉo [liternomo] name of the letter "ĉ" baron/ baron bosk/ grove (of trees, etc.) cerv/ deer ĉokolad/ chocolate bas/ bass (singing voice) bot/ boot ceter/ rest, remainder ĉu whether basen/ basin (wide space for water) botanik/ botany ci thou bask/ basque (a tight-fitting bodice for botel/ bottle cic/ nipple women) bov/ ox cidoni/ quince, fruit of the quince tree baskul/ rocker, see-saw cidr/ cider bovl/ bowl, large basin D bast/ bast, inner bark (of a tree) bracelet/ bracelet cifer/ cipher, digit, numerical figure bastard/ bastard bradip/ sloth (animal) cigan/ gypsy bastion/ bastion, bulwark, defense brak/ arm cigar/ cigar stronghold (military) bram/ bream (type of fish) cigared/ cigarette da is used instead of "de" after words baston/ stick, staff braman/ Brahman (Hindu priest) cign/ swan expressing weight or measure bat/ beat, strike bran/ bran cikad/ cicada (insect) daktil/ date (fruit) batal/ do battle, fight branĉ/ branch (of a tree) cikatr/ scar dali/ dahlia (plant) batalion/ battalion brand/ brandy cikl/ cycle, recurrent period of events dam/ king (in checkers); queen (in bateri/ battery (military or electrical) brank/ gill (of a fish) ciklon/ cyclone chess or cards) batist/ batiste (type of fabric) brasik/ cabbage ciklop/ cyclops damask/ damask (type of fabric) baz/ base, basis, starting point brav/ capable, worthy, valiant cikoni/ stork Dan/ Danish (people) bazalt/ basalt (rock) Brazil/ Brazil cikori/ chicory (plant) danc/ dance bazar/ bazaar, oriental marketplace breĉ/ breach, gap, opening cikut/ cowbane (plant) dand/ dandy, a man who gives bazilik/ basilica (type of building) bred/ breed, propogate, raise cilindr/ cylinder exaggerated attention to dress bazilisk/ basilisk (type of lizard) brems/ brake (of an automobile, etc.) cim/ bed bug (insect) danĝer/ danger beb/ baby, babe bret/ shelf cimbal/ cymbal dank/ thank bed/ bed (garden) brid/ bridle (as for a horse) cinabr/ cinnabar (mineral) dat/ date bedaŭr/ regret, be sorry for brigad/ brigade (military) cinam/ cinnamon dativ/ dative bek/ beak, bill (of a bird) brik/ brick, ingot cindr/ ash, cinder datur/ datura (plant) cinik/ cynic daŭr/ continue de of, from difteri/ diphtheria E enket/ official inquiry, investigation debat/ debate, discuss formally difterit/ diphtheria entomolog/ entomologist debet/ debit, to charge against diftong/ diphthong entomologi/ entomology (study of dec/ be fitting, proper dig/ dike, dam, levee, embankment insects) -e [finaĵo] ending of adverbs Decembr/ December digest/ digest entrepren/ undertake, agree to do e [liternomo] name of the letter "e" decid/ decide dign/ dignity entuziasm/ enthusiasm eben/ even, level decigram/ decigram dik/ thick, fat, stout enu/ be bored, weary ebl/ [sufikso] able, possible decilitr/ deciliter dikt/ dictate ebon/ ebony (wood) envi/ envy decimal/ decimal, base 10 diktator/ dictator ebri/ drunk, intoxicated epidemi/ epidemic decimetr/ decimeter dilem/ dilemma epiderm/ epidermis ebur/ ivory deĉifr/ decipher diletant/ dilettante, dabbler Epifani/ Epiphany ec/ [sufikso] denotes qualities dediĉ/ dedicate diligent/ diligent epigraf/ epigraph (an engraved eĉ even (adv.) dedukt/ deduce diluv/ deluge, great flood inscription) Eden/ Eden defend/ defend dimanĉ/ Sunday edif/ edify, benefit spiritually epigram/ epigram (short poem or defi/ defy; challenge dimensi/ dimension edikt/ edict, proclamation by authority saying with witty ending) deficit/ deficit dinamik/ dynamics epilepsi/ epilepsy eduk/ educate definitiv/ definitive dinamit/ dynamite epilog/ epilogue, final part of a literary edz/ husband degel/ thaw, melt away dinamometr/ dynamometer work efekt/ effect, strong impression degener/ degenerate dinasti/ dynasty episkop/ bishop efektiv/ real, actual degrad/ degrade diplom/ diploma efemer/ may-fly (insect); ephemeral, epitet/ epithet (a characterizing word or deĵor/ be on duty diplomat/ diplomat short-lived phrase) dek ten diplomati/ diplomacy epizod/ episode efik/ have effect upon, be effective dekadenc/ decadence dir/ say epok/ epoch eg/ [sufikso] denotes increase of degree dekagram/ dekagram direkt/ direct, steer epolet/ epaulette, shoulder-piece egal/ equal dekalitr/ dekaliter direktor/ director egid/ aegis, shield, protection epope/ epic poem dekametr/ dekameter dis/ [prefikso] denotes separation egoism/ egoism, self-interest er/ [sufikso] one of many objects of the dekan/ dean (eccesiastical or of a disciplin/ discipline, rules for conduct same kind egoist/ egoist, adherent of egoism college) disĉipl/ disciple erar/ err, be mistaken eĥ/ echo deklam/ declaim, speak rhetorically disenteri/ dysentery erik/ heath (plant) ej/ [sufikso] place where an action deklar/ declare, make known disk/ disk erinac/ hedgehog occurs deklaraci/ declaration, announcement, diskont/ discount, rebate, deduction ek/ [prefikso] denotes a sudden or erizipel/ erysipelas (a disease) proclamation diskret/ discreet, cautious momentary action ermen/ ermine (type of weasel) deklinaci/ decline (grammer) diskriminaci/ discriminate (by race, ermit/ hermit ekip/ equip, furnish dekliv/ declivity, slope, slant etc.) Ernest/ Ernest eklezi/ church, body of believers dekolt/ expose neck and shoulders, diskut/ discuss, debate, deliberate erotik/ erotic eklips/ eclipse low-cut dispepsi/ indigestion erp/ harrow (farm implement) eklog/ eclogue, short pastoral poem dekoraci/ decorate, embellish dispon/ have available (at one's ekologi/ ecology erudici/ erudition, learning, profound dekret/ decree, enactment, fiat disposal) ekonomi/ economy scholarship dekstr/ right-hand disput/ dispute erupci/ erupt ekran/ (a) screen, guard, shield deleg/ delegate, authorize as agent distanc/ distance escept/ except eks/ [prefikso] ex-, late delegaci/ delegation distil/ distil esenc/ essence ekscelenc/ Excellency (title) delfen/ disting/ distinguish, differentiate eskadr/ squadron eksces/ excess, intemperance delikat/ delicate distr/ distract, divert ekscit/ excite eskap/ escape delir/ be delirious, rave distribu/ distribute, give out, dispense, eskort/ escort ekskluziv/ exclusive delt/ delta issue esper/ hope ekskomunik/ excommunicate demagog/ demagogue, agitator distrikt/ district Esperant/ [lingvonomo] Esperanto ekskrement/ excrement demagogi/ demagogy, make false ditiramb/ dithyramb; inflated vehement esplor/ explore ekskurs/ excursion claims to gain power writing, speech or verse eksped/ dispatch, forward, send off esprim/ express (by word, gesture, etc.) demand/ ask (a question), enquire divan/ oriental council; ottoman eksperiment/ experiment est/ be demografi/ demography; demographics diven/ divine, guess, conjecture establ/ establish, found eksplod/ explode demokrat/ democrat, an adherent of divers/ various, diverse estetik/ aesthetics ekspluat/ exploit democracy divid/ divide, separate, break up estim/ esteem eksport/ export demokrati/ democracy divizi/ division (military) esting/ extinguish ekspozici/ exhibition demon/ demon dizert/ desert (military) ekspres/ express, very rapid, for special Eston/ Estonian (people) demonstraci/ make a demonstration by do then, indeed, however purpose estr/ [sufikso] chief, boss public meeting do [liternomo] name of the letter "d" estrad/ platform, stage ekstaz/ ecstacy, delight, rapture demonstrativ/ demonstrative dog/ mastiff (type of dog) eŝafod/ scaffold (for executions) ekster outside, out of denar/ denarius (Roman coin) dogan/ customs (as in traveling from et/ [sufikso] denotes dimunition of eksterm/ exterminate dens/ dense one country to another) degree ekstr/ extra, additional dent/ tooth dogm/ dogma, principle, tenet ekstrakt/ extract etaĝ/ floor, story (of a house) denunc/ denounce, accuse, inform dok/ dock (place for ships) ekstrem/ extreme etap/ stage, place along a journey, against doktor/ doctor (title) stopping-place ekvaci/ equation, formula departement/ department doktrin/ doctrine etat/ register, list, inventory, statment Ekvador/ Ecuador depeŝ/ dispatch, offical communication, dokument/ document, written (financial, etc.) ekvator/ equator urgent message statement ekvilibr/ equilibrium etend/ extend depon/ deposit, entrust, store dolar/ dollar ekzakt/ exact, precise eter/ ether deput/ depute, appoint as a substitute or dolĉ/ sweet etern/ eternal ekzamen/ examine, test representative dolor/ pain etik/ ethics ekzekut/ execute, put to death deriv/ derive dom/ house etiked/ label, tag ekzem/ eczema des the (ju…des = the…the) domaĝ/ wish to keep intact or etiket/ etiquette ekzempl/ example desegn/ design, depict, draw unspoiled; fear to damage ekzempler/ copy (of a book, etc.) etimolog/ etymologist desert/ dessert domen/ domino ekzerc/ exercise, practice (vb.) etimologi/ etymology (study of word despot/ despot, absolute or tyrannical don/ give origins) ekzil/ exile, banish ruler donac/ donate etiolog/ etiologist ekzist/ exist destin/ destine; destiny; destination dorlot/ spoil, pamper, over-indulge etiologi/ etiology (study of the causes of el from, out from detal/ detail, minutia dorm/ sleep disease) elast/ elastic detektiv/ detective dorn/ thorn elefant/ elephant Etiop/ Ethiopian (people) determin/ determine, ascertain dors/ back (anatomy) elegant/ elegant etn/ ethnicity precisely dot/ dowry etnograf/ ethnographist elegi/ elegy, song of lamentation detru/ destroy doz/ dose (as of medicine) etnografi/ ethnography (systematic elekt/ elect, choose dev/ duty, obligation; ought, must dragon/ dragoon (military) recording of human cultures) elektr/ electricity deviz/ device, emblematic or heraldic drak/ dragon etnologi/ ethnology elektronik/ electronics design drakm/ drachma (money) element/ element etos/ ethos, characteristic atmosphere dezert/ desert dram/ drama eŭfemism/ euphemism elf/ elf dezir/ desire, want, wish for drap/ woolen cloth eŭkalipt/ eucalyptus eliksir/ elixir Di/ God drapir/ drape, hang cloth over eŭkaristi/ eucharist, the Lord's supper elips/ ellipse diabet/ diabetes drast/ drastic eŭnuk/ eunuch Elizabet/ Elizabeth diabl/ devil draŝ/ thresh (grain) elizi/ elide, omit syllable or vowel eŭr/ euro (money) diadem/ diadem, crown drat/ wire elokvent/ eloquent Eŭrop/ Europe diafan/ diaphanous, semi-transparent, dres/ train (person or animal) evangeli/ gospel em/ [sufikso] inclined to translucent drink/ drink (alcohol) to excess event/ event emajl/ enamel diafragm/ diaphram driv/ drift eventual/ contingent emancip/ emancipate, set free diagnoz/ diagnose drog/ drug, medical substance evident/ evident, obvious embaras/ embarrass diagonal/ diagonal dromedar/ dromedary (Arabian camel) emblem/ emblem evit/ avoid, elude diakon/ deacon dron/ drown embri/ embryo evolu/ evolve, develop dialekt/ dialect du two evoluci/ evolve, develop embusk/ ambush dialektik/ dialectic (reasoning by dualism/ dualism ezofag/ esophagus (anatomy) emerit/ emeritus, ex-official dialog) dub/ doubt ezok/ pike (type of fish) emfaz/ emphasis dialog/ dialog duel/ duel, contest Emili/ Emily diamant/ diamond duet/ duet eminenc/ Eminence (title) diametr/ diameter duk/ duke eminent/ eminent, distinguished, diant/ pink dukat/ ducat (type of coin) exalted F diapazon/ diapason (standard pitch in dum while emoci/ emotion music) dung/ employ, hire, engage empiri/ empirical diboĉ/ live in debauchery, excess duŝ/ douche emulsi/ emulsion fab/ bean didaktik/ didactic, meant to instruct en in (when followed by the didelf/ opossum fabel/ fairy-tale accusative—into) dies/ sharp (music) fabl/ fable, animal story with a moral enciklopedi/ encyclopedia diet/ diet, habitual food fabrik/ factory end/ [sufikso] that which must be done difekt/ damage, injure fac/ face, outer surface (of a clock, coin, endivi/ endive (plant) etc.) diferenc/ differ energi/ energy facet/ facet difin/ define enigm/ enigma, puzzle facil/ easy final/ finale (music or theater) frot/ rub gland/ gland faden/ a thread financ/ finance fru/ early glas/ drinking glass fag/ beech (tree) fingr/ finger frugileg/ rook (type of bird) glat/ smooth, glossy (not rough) fagot/ bassoon firm/ firm, stable, steady frukt/ fruit glav/ sword fajenc/ china, crockery, earthenware fisk/ public treasury frunt/ forehead glazur/ glaze fajf/ whistle, make whistling sound fistul/ fistula (type of ulcer) frustr/ frustrate glicerin/ glycerin fajl/ file (as with a wood file, etc.) fiŝ/ fish ftiz/ phthisis, consumption, tuberculosis gliciriz/ licorice (type of plant) fajr/ fire fizik/ physics fuĝ/ flee, run away glikoz/ glucose fak/ department, specialty fiziolog/ physiologist fuk/ focus (species of brown algae) glim/ mica fakir/ fakir (type of Muslim monk) fiziologi/ physiology fulg/ soot glis/ glide (aviation) faksimil/ facsimile fizionomi/ physionomy (facial fulm/ lightning glit/ glide, skate, slide fakt/ fact characteristics and expressions) fum/ smoke glob/ globe faktor/ factor fjord/ fjord fund/ bottom glor/ glory faktur/ invoice flag/ flag fundament/ foundation glu/ glue fakultat/ faculty (as of a college) flagr/ flicker, flare (as a flame) funebr/ mourning glukoz/ glucose fal/ fall flam/ flame funel/ funnel glut/ swallow, absorb falang/ phalanx flan/ thin flat pastry fung/ fungus; mushroom gnom/ gnome falbal/ flounce, a strip of pleated fabric flanel/ flannel funkci/ function, act, operate, work go [liternomo] name of the letter "g" attached by one edge flank/ side funt/ pound (weight) gobi/ gudgeon (type of fish) falĉ/ mow, reap, cut (grass, etc.) flar/ smell, perceive by the nose furaĝ/ forage, fodder, food for animals golf/ gulf fald/ fold, pleat (vb.) flat/ flatter Furi/ Fury, godess of vengeance gondol/ gondola, Venetian canal-boat falk/ falcon flav/ yellow furioz/ furious, raging gorĝ/ throat fals/ falsify fleg/ nurse, look after, tend furor/ furor, craze, sensation goril/ gorilla fam/ fame, rumor, report flegm/ phlegmatic cold-blooded, furunk/ furuncle, boil (medicine) gotik/ Gothic famili/ family impassive furz/ flatulate graci/ graceful, charming, elegant familiar/ familiar, friendly fleks/ (cause to) flex, bend, curve, bow fusten/ fustian (type of cloth) grad/ degree, grade fanatik/ fanatical fleksi/ inflection (grammar) fuŝ/ bungle, blunder, botch graf/ earl, count fand/ smelt by heat, blend, fuse, liquify flik/ patch, darn, mend, repair fut/ foot (measure) grafik/ graphics (art, computer, etc.) fanfar/ fanfare, flourish (music) flirt/ flit, flutter (as e.g. a bird or grafit/ graphite fanfaron/ boast, brag butterfly) grafolog/ handwriting expert fantazi/ fantasy flok/ , fluff, lock, wisp grafologi/ graphology (study of fantom/ ghost, phantom flor/ flower, bloom, blossom (vb.) handwriting) G far/ do, make floren/ florin (type of coin) grajn/ grain, small seed farb/ coloring, pigment flos/ a raft, float gram/ gram farĉ/ stuffing, dressing (food) flu/ flow gramatik/ grammar faring/ pharynx flug/ fly (vb.) gad/ cod (type of fish) gramofon/ gramophone, phonograph farm/ to lease land for farming fluid/ fluid gaj/ merry, cheerful granat/ pomegranate (type of fruit) farmaci/ pharmaceutics flustr/ whisper gajl/ gall (swelling of plant tissue) grand/ large fars/ farce, mockery flut/ flute (musical instrument) gajn/ gain grandioz/ grandiose fart/ be (well or unwell) fo [liternomo] name of the letter "f" gal/ bile, gall granit/ granite farun/ flour, meal foir/ fair, market (commerce) galaksi/ galaxy gras/ grease, fat fasad/ facade, face of a building foj/ time (e.g. three times etc.) galant/ snowdrop (type of plant) grat/ scratch, claw, scrape fask/ bundle, bunch, cluster fojn/ hay galanteri/ toiletries gratul/ congratulate fason/ fashion, make, cut (of clothes, fok/ seal (animal) galantin/ galantine (cold chopped meat grav/ important etc.) fokus/ focus dish) graved/ pregnant fast/ to fast, abstain from food foli/ leaf, sheet (of a plant or paper) galer/ galley (type of ship) gravur/ engrave fatal/ fatal folklor/ folklore galeri/ gallery greg/ herd, drove, flock (of anmimals) faŭk/ jaws fon/ background galon/ cord, lace Grek/ Greek (people) fav/ favus (type of skin disease) fond/ found, establish galop/ gallop gren/ grain (as for making meal or favor/ favor, generous treatment, fonetik/ phonetics galoŝ/ galosh, overshoe flour) goodwill, kindness fonograf/ phonograph gam/ gamut, full range grenad/ grenade faz/ phase font/ source (as of a well, spring, etc.) gamaŝ/ gaiter, spats (type of foot gri/ hulled grain (such as oats) fazan/ pheasant fontan/ fountain (artificial) covering) grifel/ slate-pencil; engraving pencil fazeol/ kidney bean for away, forth, off gangli/ ganglion gril/ cricket (type of insect) fe/ fairy forges/ forget gangren/ gangrene grimac/ grimace febr/ fever forĝ/ forge, work in metal gant/ glove grimp/ climb Februar/ February fork/ fork garaĝ/ garage grinc/ make a grinding noise, creak, feĉ/ dregs, grounds, sediment form/ form, shape garanti/ guarantee, promise, pledge grate, squeak feder/ federate formal/ formal garb/ sheaf, bundle, cluster grip/ influenza federaci/ federation format/ format gard/ guard, watch over griz/ grey fek/ defecate formik/ ant gardeni/ gardenia (type of plant) grog/ grog (drink of rum and water) fel/ hide, fur, pelt (of an animal) formul/ formula gargar/ rinse, gargle gros/ gooseberry (type of fruit) feliĉ/ happy forn/ stove, furnace, oven garn/ garnish, adorn, decorate groŝ/ groschen (type of coin) felieton/ feuilleton, literary feature fort/ strong garnitur/ equipment, accessories, gear grot/ grotto, artificial cavern printed in installments fortepian/ pianoforte garnizon/ garrison grotesk/ grotesque felt/ felt (cloth) fortik/ firm, solid, durable, robust garol/ jay (type of bird) gru/ crane (type of bird) feminism/ feminism forum/ forum gas/ gas (state of matter) grumbl/ grumble feminist/ feminist fos/ dig gast/ guest grund/ ground, earth, soil femur/ thigh, femur fosfor/ phosphorus gaz/ gauze grup/ group fend/ split fost/ post, stake, pole gazel/ gazelle gruz/ gravel, coarse sand fenestr/ window fot/ photograph gazet/ magazine guberni/ type of administrative district feniks/ phoenix fotel/ armchair ge/ [prefikso] of both sexes gudr/ tar fenkol/ fennel (plant) fotograf/ photograph gelaten/ gelatine guf/ eagle owl (type of bird) fenomen/ phenomenon fotografi/ photography gem/ gem, jewel gujav/ guava fer/ iron frag/ strawberry gen/ gene gulden/ gulden (type of coin) ferdek/ deck (of ship) fragment/ fragment gencian/ gentian (type of plant) gum/ gum, resinous material feri/ holiday, vacation fraj/ spawn, collection of eggs (as of genealog/ genealogist gurd/ street organ, hurdy-gurdy ferm/ close, shut fish) genealogi/ genealogy gust/ taste ferment/ ferment frak/ dress-coat generaci/ generation (as of a family) gut/ drop fervor/ fervor, zeal, ardor frakas/ shatter, smash general/ general (military) gutaperk/ gutta-percha (type of latex) fest/ celebrate frakci/ fraction geni/ genius guvern/ teach privately (act as tutor) festen/ feast, banquet fraksen/ ash (tree) genist/ gorse (type of plant) gvardi/ guard (military guard) festival/ festival fram/ framework, base structure genitiv/ genetive Gvatemal/ Guatemala feston/ festoon (decorative hanging framason/ freemason genot/ genet (type of animal) gvid/ guide chain or strip) framb/ raspberry genr/ gender Gvine/ Guinea fetiĉ/ fetish Franc/ [popolnomo] French (people) gent/ people, race, kind, genus feŭd/ feudal frand/ be fond of, enjoy, like, have a genu/ knee fi shameful (often used as prefix) taste for geodezi/ geodesy fiakr/ carriage for hire frangol/ alder buck-thorn (plant) geograf/ geographer Ĝ fianĉ/ betrothed (engaged) person franĝ/ fringe, ornamental border geografi/ geography fiask/ fiasco, breakdown, failure frank/ franc (French money) geolog/ geologist fibr/ fiber frap/ hit, knock (vb.) geologi/ geology fid/ trust, have faith frat/ brother geometr/ geometer ĝarden/ garden fidel/ faithful fraŭl/ bachelor geometri/ geometry ĝem/ groan fier/ proud fraz/ sentence (grammar) Georg/ George ĝemel/ twin fig/ fig fregat/ frigate (type of ship) gerani/ geranium (type of plant) ĝen/ bother, annoy, disturb figur/ figure, image fremd/ foreign German/ German (people) ĝendarm/ gendarem, armed policeman fikci/ fiction frenez/ mad, crazy gerundi/ gerund (grammar) ĝeneral/ general, relating to nearly all fiks/ fix, fasten, make fast, secure fresk/ fresco, painting on wet plaster gest/ gesture ĝentil/ polite, courteous fiktiv/ fictitious freŝ/ fresh giĉet/ guichet (small viewing door; ĝerm/ germ fil/ son fring/ chaffinch (type of bird) ticket office; counter) ĝi it filantrop/ philanthropist fringel/ siskin (type of bird) gigant/ giant ĝib/ hump filantropi/ philanthropy fripon/ rascal, rogue, knave gilotin/ guillotine ĝin/ gin (type of liquor) fili/ branch (as of a business) fris/ frieze (decorative band, or coarse gimnastik/ gymnastics ĝir/ endorse (as a check) filik/ fern fabric) gimnazi/ type of public school ĝiraf/ giraffe film/ film (as of a movie or photograph) frit/ fry gips/ gypsum ĝis up to, until filolog/ philologist frivol/ frivolous girland/ garland, wreath ĝo [liternomo] name of the letter "ĝ" filologi/ philology (study of literature) friz/ curl, crimp wave (hair, etc.) gitar/ guitar ĝoj/ rejoice, be glad filozof/ philosopher fromaĝ/ cheese glaci/ ice ĝu/ enjoy filozofi/ philosophy front/ front, foremost part glad/ iron (clothes) ĝust/ right, accurate, exact, correct filtr/ filter, strain fronton/ fronton (architectural) gladiator/ gladiator fin/ finish, conclude, end frost/ frost glan/ acorn H hormon/ hormone indik/ indicate jak/ jacket, coat horoskop/ horoscope indikativ/ indicative (grammar) jam already hortensi/ hortensia (type of plant) individu/ individual (single person) Januar/ January hortulan/ ortolan (type of bird) indukt/ infer, reason by induction japan/ inhabitant of Japan ha ah, alas hospital/ hospital indulg/ be indulgent, be merciful jar/ year hajl/ hail hosti/ host (consecrated wafer) industri/ industry jasmen/ jasmine (type of plant) hak/ chop, hew hotel/ hotel inert/ inert je can be rendered by various English hal/ hall (market, etc.) haladz/ noxious, bad-smelling fumes; huf/ hoof infan/ child prepositions stench hum/ humus (type of soil) infanteri/ infantry jen behold, lo human/ humane infekt/ infect jes yes halebard/ halberd (type of weapon) humer/ humerus (upper arm bone) infer/ hell Jesu/ Jesus halt/ halt, stop humid/ humid infinitiv/ infinitive (grammar) Jezuit/ Jesuit hamak/ hammock humil/ humble inflaci/ inflation (finance) jo [liternomo] name of the letter "j" hamstr/ hamster hangar/ hangar (as for airplanes) humor/ temper, humor inflam/ inflammation jod/ iodine har/ hair hund/ dog influ/ influence, have an effect on Johan/ John Hungar/ Hungarian (people) inform/ inform Jork/ York hard/ harden, toughen hura hurray infuz/ infuse Jozef/ Joseph harem/ harem husar/ hussar (type of soldier) ing/ [sufikso] holder for ju the (ju…des = the…the) haring/ herring huz/ great white sturgeon (type of fish) ingredienc/ ingredient jubile/ jubilee, anniversary harmoni/ harmony harmonik/ harmonica ingven/ groin Jud/ Jew, Jewish harmonium/ reed organ inĝenier/ engineer Judaism/ Judaism iniciat/ initiate, start jug/ yoke, cross-bar (as for oxen) harp/ harp injekt/ inject jugland/ walnut harpi/ harpy; ill-natured woman Ĥ ink/ ink juĝ/ judge, adjuticate, decide harpun/ harpoon haŭt/ skin (e.g. human skin) inklin/ inclination, bent, bias, / itch hav/ have disposition Juli/ July ĥaos/ chaos inkluziv/ inclusive jun/ young haven/ port, harbor ĥemi/ chemistry inkognit/ incognito jung/ to harness, hitch, yoke hazard/ chance, random ĥimer/ chimera inkvizici/ inquisition Juni/ June he hey ĥirurg/ surgeon inkvizitor/ inquisitor juniper/ juniper (type of plant) Hebre/ Hebrew ĥirurgi/ surgery heder/ ivy inokul/ inoculate junk/ rush (type of plant) ĥo [liternomo] name of the letter "ĥ" hegemoni/ hegemony, predominance, insekt/ insect jup/ skirt, petticoat, slip ĥoler/ cholera insid/ lay a snare for, set a trap for jur/ law, jurisprudence supremacy ĥor/ chorus, choir insign/ insignia, badge, emblem of jurist/ jurist, lawyer heĝ/ hedge (of bushes) authority or dignity just/ just, lawful, fair, righteous hejm/ home insist/ insist juvel/ jewel hejt/ to heat, fire, stoke hekatomb/ slaughter of many people inspekt/ inspect heksametr/ hexameter (in verse) I inspektor/ inspector inspir/ inspire hektar/ hectare instal/ install, establish, set up hektogram/ hectogram Ĵ instanc/ juristdiction hektolitr/ hectoliter -i [finaĵo] termination of the infinitive instig/ instigate, goad, incite hektometr/ hectometer in verbs hel/ bright; light; clear instinkt/ instinct i [liternomo] name of the letter "i" instituci/ institution ĵaket/ formal jacket (men's or women's) helic/ helix ia of some kind institut/ institute, academy ĵaluz/ jealous helik/ snail ial for some reason instru/ instruct, teach ĵargon/ jargon helikopter/ helicopter iam at some time instrukci/ instructions, directions, ĵaŭd/ Thursday heliotrop/ heliotrope (type of plant) ibis/ ibis (type of bird) ĵaz/ jazz (music) help/ help orders id/ [sufikso] child, young one ĵet/ throw Henriet/ Henrietta instrument/ instrument ide/ idea insul/ island ĵo [liternomo] name of the letter "ĵ" hepat/ liver ideal/ ideal, high aim, model of insulin/ insulin ĵoke/ jockey herb/ herb, grass perfection insult/ insult ĵongl/ juggle hered/ inherit idealism/ idealism int/ [sufikso] ending of past part. act. in ĵud/ judo herez/ heresy ident/ identical ĵur/ swear, take an oath, solemnly attest hermafrodit/ hermaphrodite verbs ideografi/ ideography (the ĵurnal/ newspaper herni/ hernia, rupture (med.) intelekt/ intellect representation of ideas by graphic inteligent/ intelligent ĵus just now, not long ago hero/ hero symbols) intenc/ intend herold/ herald, person who proclaims ideologi/ ideology intendant/ person in charge important news idili/ idyll (in literature) intens/ intense hetman/ hetman (type of military idiom/ idiom inter between, among commander) idiot/ idiot K hezit/ hesitate interes/ interest idiotism/ idiomatic expression or interjekci/ interjection hiacint/ hyacinth (type of plant) phrase intermit/ intermittent hidr/ hydra (mythological or type of sea idol/ idol intern/ internal, inside kabal/ cabal, intrigue, group plotting to animal) ie somewhere interpelaci/ question formally usurp hidrarg/ mercury (chemical element) iel somehow kaban/ cabin, cottage hidrofobi/ hydrophobia concerning an official action ies someone's interpret/ interpret kabinet/ special room for consultation hidrogen/ hydrogen ig/ [sufikso] to cause to be interpunkci/ punctuation kabl/ cable hidrostatik/ hydrostatic ignor/ ignore intervju/ interview kabriolet/ cabriolet (type of one-horse hidroterapi/ hydrotherapy iĝ/ [sufikso] to become intest/ intestine carriage) hien/ hyena iĥtiokol/ isinglass (substance made intim/ intimate kaĉ/ hash, mush, pulp, purée hierarĥi/ hierarchy from fish) kadavr/ cadaver, corpse hierarki/ hierarchy intrig/ intrigue, plot, scheme iks/ x [liternomo] name of the letter "x" inund/ inundate, flood kadenc/ cadence (as in music) hieraŭ yesterday il/ [sufikso] instrument invad/ invade kadet/ cadet (in a military academy) hieroglif/ hieroglyph ileks/ holly (type of plant) invalid/ disabled person kadr/ a frame higien/ hygiene ili they invent/ invent kaduk/ frail, broken-down, worn-out higrometr/ hygrometer ilumin/ illuminate invers/reverse, opposite; inverse kaf/ coffee himn/ hymn ilustr/ illustrate kaĝ/ cage hipertrofi/ hypertrophy (med.) invit/ invite iluzi/ illusion io something kahel/ tile, paving block, flagstone hipnot/ hypnosis imag/ imagine iom a little, some quantity kaj/ pier, wharf hipodrom/ hippodrome imit/ imitate ipsilon/ y [liternomo] name of the letter kaj and hipokrit/ feign, play the hypocrite imperativ/ imperative (grammar) "y" kajer/ exercise book; unbound book or hipopotam/ hippopotamus imperfekt/ imperfect tense (grammar) section thereof hipotek/ mortgage ir/ go imperi/ empire Irak/ Iraq kajut/ cabin (as a cockpit, room in a hipotez/ hypothesis imperial/ top deck, outside (of a bus, Iran/ Iran ship, etc.) hirt/ bristly, rough, scrubby, shaggy, etc.) irid/ iris (type of plant) kaka/ cocoa spiky imperialism/ imperialism iris/ iris (as of the eye) kakt/ cactus hirud/ leech impertinent/ impertinent, impudent, Irland/ Ireland kal/ corn (on the foot) hirund/ swallow (type of bird) insolent kalci/ calcium hiskiam/ henbane (type of plant) ironi/ irony impet/ impetuous -is [finaĵo] ending of past tense in verbs kaldron/ cauldron, large kettle hisop/ hyssop (type of plant) implik/ implicate Island/ Iceland kalejdoskop/ kaleidoscope Hispan/ [popolnomo] Spanish (people) impon/ impress, command respect ism/ [sufikso] -ism (doctrine, movement, kalendar/ calendar histeri/ hysteria import/ import principle) kalendul/ marigold (type of plant) histori/ history, story impost/ tax, duty Israel/ Israel kaleŝ/ light four-wheeled carriage histrik/ porcupine impres/ mental impression, effect kalfatr/ to caulk ho oh ist/ [sufikso] person occupied with produced on mind istm/ isthmus kali/ potassium ho [liternomo] name of the letter "h" impresari/ impresario, manager of it/ [sufikso] ending of past part. pass. in kalibr/ calibrate hoboj/ oboe public entertainment verbs kalif/ caliph (Islamic ruler) hodiaŭ today improviz/ improvise Ital/ Italian (people) kalik/ chalice, cup, bowl hok/ hook impuls/ impulse iu someone kalikot/ calico (type of cloth) hom/ man (the species) imun/ immune kalk/ lime (type of chemical) homeopat/ homeopath izol/ isolate in/ [sufikso] ending of feminine words Izrael/ Isreal (ancient; modern=Israelo) kalkan/ heel homeopati/ homeopathy inaŭgur/ inaugurate kalkul/ calculate homonim/ hominy (type of grain) inaŭguraci/ inaugurate kalomel/ calomel (type of chemical) honest/ honest incens/ incense kalson/ trousers, pants, slacks honor/ honor incit/ incite, provoke kalumni/ calumniate, slander, libel, honorari/ honorarium ind/ [sufikso] worthy of J malign hont/ be ashamed indeks/ index (alphabetical list) kalv/ bald-headed hor/ hour indiferent/ indifferent Kalvin/ Calvin horde/ barley indig/ indigo (blue powder) -j [finaĵo] sign of the plural kamarad/ comrade, companion, pal horizont/ horizon indign/ be indignant (at, with) ja emphatic particle kambi/ bill of exchange (commerce) horizontal/ horizontal indiĝen/ indigenous, nativ jaguar/ jaguar kame/ cameo (type of carving) horloĝ/ clock kamel/ camel kasked/ a man's peaked cap kling/ blade (of axe, chisel, knife, etc.) kompren/ understand, comprehend kameli/ camellia (type of plant) kast/ caste; exclusive class klinik/ clinic kompres/ compress (bandage) kamen/ fireplace kastanjet/ castanet (musical klister/ enema, douche kompromis/ a compromise kamer/ small dark room instrument) kliŝ/ block or plate for type kompromit/ to compromise, endanger, kamfor/ camphor (type of chemical) kastel/ castle (typography) jeopardize kamion/ camion (type of truck or cart) kastor/ beaver klitor/ clitoris komput/ compute kamizol/ camisole (women's kastr/ castrate kloak/ sewer, drain, cesspool komun/ common to all, general, public undergarment) kaŝ/ hide, conceal, keep secret klon/ clone komuni/ Communion kamlot/ camlet (type of cloth) kaŝtan/ chestnut (type of fruit) klopod/ endeavor, take steps, make komunik/ communicate kamomil/ chamomile (type of plant) kat/ cat efforts kon/ know, recognize, be acquainted kamp/ field, expanse of land; scope katafalk/ catafalque (decorated stage klor/ chlorine with (as a person, etc.) kampanj/ campaign (military) for a coffin) kloŝ/ bell-shaped cover (clock-shade, konced/ concede, admit kan/ cane, reed katakomb/ catacombs (underground etc.) koncentr/ concentrate, draw together kanab/ hemp, cannabis (type of plant) burial caverns) klub/ club, association koncept/ concept kanaben/ linnet (type of bird) katalepsi/ catalepsy (involuntary kluk/ cluck (as a hen) koncern/ concern Kanad/ Canada immobility) kluz/ lock (as of a canal); floodgate koncert/ concert kanajl/ scoundrel, rascal, knave, villain katalog/ catalog knab/ boy koncesi/ concession, grant, license kanal/ canal kataplasm/ medicated plaster to draw knar/ to make a short dry noise (grate, konciz/ concise kanap/ type of sofa out inflammation grind, scrape, etc.) kondamn/ comdemn kanari/ canary (type of bird) katapult/ catapault kned/ knead kondicional/ conditional mood kancelari/ chancery, office of public katar/ catarrh (inflammation of mucous ko [liternomo] name of the letter "k" (grammar) records membrane) koaks/ coke (coal residue) kondiĉ/ condition, qualification, kancelier/ chancellor, minister of state katarakt/ cataract (eye) kobalt/ cobalt stipulation kancer/ cancer katastrof/ catastrophe kobold/ goblin, gnome, imp kondolenc/ condole, express sorrow or kand/ candy katedr/ seat of authority or office, koĉenil/ cochineal (a dye made from sympathy kandel/ candle pulpit, throne, etc. dried bodies of the cochineal insect) kondom/ condom kandelabr/ candelabra (branched katedral/ cathedral kod/ code kondor/ condor (type of bird) candlestick) kategori/ category kodeks/ codex konduk/ to conduct, lead kandidat/ candidate kateĥist/ one who teaches by questions kodicil/ codicil (supplement to a will) konduktor/ conductor (as of a train, kanguru/ kangaroo and answers koeficient/ coefficient etc.) kanibal/ cannibal kateĥiz/ to teach by questions and kofr/ chest, trunk, etc. kondut/ to conduct, lead, guide kankr/ crayfish answers koher/ coherent konekt/ connect kanon/ cannon (military) katekist/ one who teaches by questions koincid/ coincide konfederaci/ confederate kanonik/ canon, member of a cathedral and answers kojn/ wedge, block, jam konfekci/ ready-made suit or dress chapter katekiz/ to teach by questions and kok/ chicken (type of bird) konferenc/ conference, discussion kant/ sing answers kokard/ cockade (ornament worn on a konfes/ confess kantarid/ type of insect katen/ chain, shackle (for prisoners) had as a badge) konfid/ confide, entrust kantat/ cantata (in music) katolik/ Catholic kokcinel/ ladybug (type of insect) konfidenc/ confide (secrets) kanton/ canton (geopolitical entity, as katun/ cotton (type of cloth) koket/ to flirt konfirm/ confirm in Switzerland) kaŭci/ bail, bond (as in criminal law) kokluŝ/ whooping-cough konfisk/ confiscate kantor/ precentor, leader of a church kaŭĉuk/ type of rubber kokon/ cocoon konfit/ preserve in syrup choir kaŭr/ crouch, squat kokos/ coconut konflikt/ conflict, battle kanvas/ canvass (type of cloth) kaŭteriz/ cauterize koks/ hip (part of the body) konform/ conformable to, in kanzon/ little song, ballad kaŭz/ cause kol/ neck (part of the body) accordance with kap/ head kav/ cavity, hollow, hole, pit kolbas/ sausage konfuz/ confuse kapabl/ capable kavaleri/ cavalry koleg/ colleague konglomerat/ conglomerate (type of kapel/ chapel kavalir/ knight, member of an order kolegi/ college rock) kapital/ capital, assets, funds kavern/ cavern kolekt/ collect kongregaci/ congregation kapitan/ captain (military) kaviar/ caviar kolektiv/ collective, common, joint kongres/ congress kapitel/ capital (head of a pillar) kaz/ case (grammar, medicine, or law) koler/ to be angry konjak/ cognac (type of alcoholic kapitulac/ capitulate kaze/ curds kolibr/ hummingbird beverage) kapon/ capon (castrated rooster) kazemat/ casemate, vaulted chamber, kolik/ colic (medical condition) konjekt/ conjecture, guess kapor/ caper (type of plant) armored enclosure kolimb/ diver, loon (type of bird) konjugaci/ conjugate (grammar) kaporal/ corporal (military) kazern/ barracks (soldiers' quarters) kolizi/ collision konjunkci/ conjunction (grammar) kapot/ capote (large cloak with hood) kazin/ casino kolodi/ collodion (type of chemical) konk/ shell kapr/ goat ke that (conjunction) kolofon/ colophony (a resinous konkav/ concave kapreol/ roe deer kegl/ skittle (English ninepins game) substance) konker/ conquer kapric/ caprice, whim kejl/ peg, pin kolomb/ dove, pigeon konklud/ conclude, arrive at by reason kapsik/ Capsicum (hot peppers) kel/ cellar kolon/ column, pillar konkord/ concord, agreement kapsul/ capsule kelk/ some, a little, a certain kolonel/ colonel konkret/ concrete, perceptible, real kapt/ capture, catch kelner/ waiter koloni/ colony, settlement konkur/ compete, be a rival to kapucen/ capuchin monk kemi/ chemistry kolor/ color konkurenc/ compete commercially kapuĉ/ hood (as of a monk's robe) ken/ resinous pinewood kolos/ colossus, huge dominating figure konkurs/ a competition kar/ dear kep/ kepi (a French military peaked kolport/ hawk (sell), peddle konsci/ be conscious of, aware of karaben/ carbine (type of rifle) cap) kolubr/ type of snake konscienc/ conscience karaf/ carafe (type of bottle) ker/ heart (cards) kolumn/ column (of text, figures, etc.) konsekr/ consecrate karakter/ character, quality, nature; kern/ kernel; grain, seed (corn) kolz/ colza (type of plant) konsekvenc/ consistent, in accordance habitual conduct kerub/ cherub kom/ comma with an established principle karakteriz/ characterize kest/ chest, box komand/ be in command (military) konsent/ consent, agree karambol/ strike obliquely (as in kia of what kind komandit/ type of commercial konserv/ keep, conserve, preserve billiards) kial why partnership (silent partnership) konservativ/ conservative (as in karamel/ caramel kiam when komb/ to comb politics) karas/ crucian carp (type of fish) kibuc/ kibbutz (Israeli collective kombin/ to combine konservatori/ conservatory (of music, karat/ carat (mass), or karat (gold community) komedi/ comedy etc.) purity) kie where komenc/ commence, begin konsider/ consider karavan/ caravan kiel how koment/ comment konsil/ advise, counsel karb/ coal kies whose komentari/ commentary, explanatory konsist/ consist / carbon kil/ keel (of a ship) notes konsistori/ consistory (ecclesiastical karcer/ detention cell, jail kilogram/ kilogram komerc/ business, commerce court) kard/ thistle (type of plant) kilometr/ kilometer komet/ comet konsol/ console, comfort kardel/ goldfinch (type of bird) kimon/ kimono komfort/ comfort konsonant/ consonant (grammar) kardinal/ cardinal (Catholic) kin/ cinematography komik/ comical, funny, humorous konspir/ conspire kares/ caress kinin/ quinine komisar/ commissioner, deputy, konstant/ constant karier/ career, profession what temporary steward konstat/ ascertain to be true by karikatur/ caricature kiom how much komisi/ entrust with, put into the hands investigation, establish, prove kariofil/ clove (type of plant) kiosk/ kiosk of konstern/ fill with consternation or kariol/ type of two-wheeled carriage kiras/ body armor covering the torso komision/ board authorized for a dismay karmin/ carmine (a red pigment) kirl/ whirl, twirl, churn special enquiry or study konstituci/ constitution (as in politics) karn/ flesh kirŝ/ kirsch (type of alcoholic drink) komitat/ committee konstru/ construct, build karnaval/ carnival kirurg/ surgeon komiz/ clerk (as at a store) konsul/ consul karo/ diamond (cards) kirurgi/ surgery komod/ chest of drawers konsult/ consult karob/ carob-bean, locust-bean (type of kis/ kiss kompakt/ compact konsum/ consume fruit) kitel/ smock, overall kompani/ company kont/ account, reckoning of debit and karoseri/ coachwork, body (of a car, kiu who, which kompar/ compare credit etc.) klaĉ/ gossip, babble, chit-chat komparativ/ comparative form kontakt/ contact, connection, touch karot/ carrot klaft/ fathom (unit of measure) (grammar) kontant/ cash down, ready money karp/ carp (type of fish) klak/ to make a short sound (clap, crack, kompas/ magnetic compass kontent/ content, satisfied, pleased karpen/ hornbeam (type of plant) snap, smack, etc.) kompat/ compassion, pity, sympathy kontest/ contest, call into question kart/ card, thick paper klap/ flap, overlapping piece, lid, kompens/ compensate kontinent/ continent kartav/ speak with a strongly trilled "r" shutter kompetent/ competent kontinu/ continuous kartilag/ cartilage klar/ clear kompil/ compile kontor/ office for keeping books or kartoĉ/ cartridge (for a gun) Klar/ [virina nomo] Clara komplement/ complement transacting business kartograf/ cartographer klarnet/ clarinet komplet/ complete kontraband/ contraband kartografi/ cartography klas/ class, grade, rank komplez/ kindness, courtesy kontrabas/ double bass (type of karton/ cardboard klasifik/ classify komplik/ complicate stringed musical instrument) kartuŝ/ cartouche (oval used in klasik/ classical kompliment/ compliment kontrakt/ contract, binding promise Egyptian hyroglyphics) klav/ key (of piano, typewriter, etc.) komplot/ contrive a plot or plan for evil kontralt/ contralto (type of singing karusel/ merry-go-round kler/ well-educated, cultured, learned purposes voice) kas/ cash; cash-box klient/ client, customer kompon/ to compose music kontrapunkt/ counterpoint (art of kased/ cassette klimat/ climate kompost/ to set type (in typography) combining melodies) kaserol/ casserole (type of baking dish) klin/ incline, cause to bend, slant kompot/ fruit cooked or preserved in kontrast/ contrast kask/ helmet downwards syrup kontraŭ against, in opposition to kontribu/ contribute kresk/ grow kvintesenc/ quintessence lig/ bind, tie, fasten kontribuci/ tax imposed on a krest/ comb, crest (on an animal's head) kvit/ quit; clear, free, acquitted lign/ wood, timber, lumber conquered nation for support of the krestomati/ chrestomathy, a collection kvitanc/ receipt liken/ lichen (type of plant) occupying army of model writings kvocient/ quotient likv/ liquid kontrol/ audit, check (upon), examine, kret/ chalk kvorum/ quorum likvid/ liquidate, clear off, discharge, inspect krev/ burst, break up, explode put an end to kontur/ outline, contour, external kri/ cry out, shout likvor/ liqueur (alcoholic beverage) boundary kribr/ sieve, sift lili/ lily (type of plant) kontuz/ bruise, contuse krim/ crime lim/ limit, boundary, border L konus/ cone kriminal/ criminal (adj.) limak/ slug (type of animal) konval/ lily of the valley (type of plant) kring/ twisted ring-shaped bun or limf/ lymph konveks/ convex biscuit limonad/ lemonade konven/ be suitable, suit kripl/ crippled, deformed la the lin/ flax (type of plant) konvenci/ convention, agreement kript/ crypt, underground burial vault labirint/ labyrinth, maze lingv/ language konversaci/ converse, chat, talk krisp/ a frill, ruffle labor/ labor, work lini/ line (as in geometry) konvert/ to convert Krist/ Christ laboratori/ laboratory link/ lynx (type of animal) konvink/ convince kristal/ crystal lac/ tired, weary lip/ lip konvolvul/ convolvulus (type of plant) kriteri/ criterion lacert/ lizard lir/ lyre konvulsi/ convulsion kritik/ criticize laĉ/ lace, cord (for boots, shoes, etc.) lirik/ lyric; lyrical poem kooperativ/ a cooperative kriz/ crisis lad/ sheet metal list/ list, register, roll (of persons or kopek/ copeck (type of Russian coin) krizantem/ chrysanthemum (type of laf/ lava things) kopi/ copy, duplicate, reproduce plant) lag/ lake lit/ bed kor/ heart kroĉ/ hook to, fasten to, hitch on to lagun/ lagoon litani/ litany koral/ coral krokodil/ crocodile laik/ lay, secular, non-clerical liter/ letter (of alphabet) Koran/ Koran krom except, besides, apart from lak/ lacquer literatur/ literature korb/ basket kromosom/ chromosome lake/ lackey, footman, manservant litograf/ lithograph kord/ string (of a musical instrument) kron/ crown laks/ diarrhea, looseness (of bowels) litografi/ lithography (type of printing) korekt/ correct, set right, remove errors kronik/ chronicle, annals, continuous lakt/ milk litr/ liter korelativ/ correlative (grammar) narrative laktuk/ lettuce liturgi/ liturgy korespond/ correspond (to exchange kronologi/ chronology lam/ lame liut/ lute letters) kronometr/ chronometer lama/ lama, Tibetan Buddhist monk liver/ deliver koridor/ corridor, galley, main krop/ craw, pouch, gullet (of birds) lamen/ lamina, thin plate, film livre/ livery, servant's uniform passageway kroz/ to cruise (of ships) lament/ lament, grieve, mourn lo [liternomo] name of the letter "l" korife/ leader of a chorus or choir kruc/ a cross lamp/ lamp lob/ lobe kork/ a cork krucifiks/ crucifix lampir/ glow-worm lod/ half an ounce korn/ horn kruĉ/ jug, pitcher lan/ wool log/ draw, entice korne/ cornea krud/ raw, crude, in natural state lanc/ lance, spear logaritm/ logarithm kornet/ cornet kruel/ cruel lanĉ/ launch logik/ logic kornic/ cornice, molded projection at krup/ croup (type of disease) land/ land, country logogrif/ logogriph (type of word top of buiding, etc. krur/ leg lang/ tongue (anatomy) puzzle) kornik/ crow (type of bird) krust/ crust lantern/ lantern loĝ/ dwell, lodge, live korol/ corolla (type of plant) krut/ steep lanug/ down, fluff (of feathers) loĝi/ box (theater); lodge (masonic) korp/ body ksilofon/ xylophone lap/ great burdock (type of plant) lojal/ loyal korporaci/ corporation ku/ q [liternomo] name of the letter "q" lapis/ solid silver nitrate (chemical) lojt/ eel-pout, burbot (type of fish) korpus/ body of troops; division of an kub/ cube lard/ bacon lok/ place, location army Kub/ Cuba larĝ/ broad, wide lokomobil/ steam-powered car or korsaĵ/ bodice, body, corsage (of a kubut/ elbow larik/ larch (type of tree) tractor woman's dress) kudr/ sew laring/ larynx lokomotiv/ locomotive korsar/ corsair, privateer (privately- kuf/ coif, (type of head-dress for larm/ tear (drop) lol/ rye-grass (type of plant) owned ship authorized to raid enemy women) larv/ larva, maggot London/ London ships) kugl/ bullet las/ leave, allow, let long/ long korset/ corset (type of woman's kuir/ to cook (food) laser/ laser longitud/ longitude undergarment) kuk/ a cake last/ last, after all others lonicer/ honeysuckle (type of plant) kort/ court, courtyard kukol/ cuckoo (type of bird) lat/ lath (strip of wood) lord/ lord, nobleman korupt/ bribe kukum/ cucumber (type of vegetable) later/ side (of a geometrical figure) lorn/ field-glass, spyglass (small korv/ member of the crow family; kukurb/ pumpkin, gourd, squash latitud/ latitude telescope) raven (type of bird) kul/ gnat (type of insect) latun/ brass lot/ cast (draw) lots korvet/ corvette (type of ship) kuler/ spoon Latv/ Latvian (people) loteri/ lottery kosm/ cosmos, space kulis/ backdrop (in theater); backstage laŭ according to lotus/ lotus (type of plant) kosmetik/ cosmetic kulp/ guilty, at fault laŭb/ arbour, summer-house lozanĝ/ diamond-shaped figure kosmogoni/ cosmogony (origin of the kult/ cult laŭd/ praise lu/ hire, book, rent Universe) kultur/ culture, refinement laŭr/ laurel (type of tree) lubrik/ lubricate, grease, oil kosmograf/ cosmographer (practitioner kumin/ cumin (type of plant) laŭreat/ laureate, winner in a lucern/ hanging lamp (as in a church or of cosmograph) kun with competition house) kosmografi/ cosmography (general kunikl/ rabbit laŭt/ loud lud/ play description of the world or Universe as kup/ cupping-glass (medical device) lav/ wash Ludovik/ Ludovik (man's name) a whole) kupe/ compartment in a railroad car lavang/ avalanche luk/ skylight kosmopolit/ cosmopolitan kupol/ cupola, dome (in architecture) lavend/ lavender (type of plant) luks/ luxury kost/ to cost, to involve expenditure kupon/ coupon, ticket lazur/ azure, sky blue lukt/ contend, grapple, struggle Kostarik/ Costa Rica kupr/ copper lecion/ lesson lul/ lull, soothe, rock to sleep kostum/ costume, style of dress kur/ to run led/ leather lum/ light kot/ dirt, mud kurac/ treat (as an ilness), apply leg/ read lumb/ small of the back (anatomy) kotiz/ contribute remedies, doctor legat/ papal legate (representative) lumbrik/ earthworm kotlet/ cutlet, chop, small piece of meat kuraĝ/ courageous legend/ legend, myth lun/ moon koton/ cotton (type of fabric) kurator/ trustee, curator legi/ legion lunatik/ sleepwalker; capricous person; koturn/ quail (type of bird) kurb/ curve, arc, bend, turn legitim/ legitimize lunatic kov/ brood, hatch, sit (as a hen on eggs, kurent/ electrical current legom/ vegetable lund/ Monday etc.) kurier/ courier, messenger leĝ/ law lup/ wolf kovert/ envelope kurioz/ curious, interesting, odd lek/ lick (with the tongue) lupol/ hop (type of plant) kovr/ cover, put a cover on kurs/ course (of instruction), series of lekant/ marguerite (type of plant) lustr/ chandelier kozak/ cossack (type of cavalry soldier lessons lekci/ lecture lut/ solder, join metals with solder in a Russian czarist army) kursiv/ cursive (handwriting) leksikon/ lexicon Luter/ Luther krab/ crab (type of sea creature) kurten/ curtain lens/ lens lutr/ otter krabr/ hornet (type of insect) kurz/ exchange rate (finance) lent/ lentil kraĉ/ spit kusen/ cushion lentug/ freckle krad/ grating, crossbars kuŝ/ lie (down) leon/ lion krajon/ pencil kutim/ custom, practice, habit leontod/ dandelion M krak/ crack; make a sharp, dry noise kuv/ tub, big uncovered bucket leopard/ leopard kraken/ cracknel (type of light crisp kuz/ cousin lepor/ hare biscuit) kvadrat/ square lepr/ leprosy kramf/ cramp kvadratur/ quadrature lern/ learn mac/ matza, unleavened bread kramp/ clamp, brace (as in carpentry or kvadril/ quadrille (type of dance) lert/ clever, skillful maĉ/ chew typography) Kvaker/ Quaker lesiv/ lye (for bleaching) Madon/ Madonna, the Virgin Mary kran/ tap, faucet, spigot kvalit/ quality, distinctive property, letargi/ lethargy magazen/ emporium, large shop, krani/ skull attribute, characteristic leter/ letter department store kratag/ hawthorne (type of plant) kvankam although leŭkemi/ leukemia magi/ magic krater/ crater kvant/ quantity leŭtenant/ lieutenant magnet/ magnet kravat/ cravat, necktie kvar four lev/ lift, raise magnetism/ magnetism kre/ create kvaranten/ quarantine levkoj/ gilliflower (type of plant) magnetofon/ tape recorder kred/ believe kvarc/ quartz li he mahagon/ mahogany (type of tree) kredit/ credit kvart/ a fourth (as in music); quart lian/ liana (type of plant) maiz/ maize, corn kreditor/ creditor, one to whom a debt kvartal/ quarter (of town), district, Liban/ Lebanon Maj/ May is owed ward libel/ dragonfly (type of insect) majest/ majestic krem/ cream kvast/ tassel liber/ free majolik/ majolica (type of Italian kren/ horseradish (type of plant) kvazaŭ as if liberal/ liberal (politics) ceramic) kreol/ creole kverel/ quarrel Liberi/ Liberia majonez/ mayonnaise kreozot/ creosote (type of oily liquid kverk/ oak (type of tree) Libi/ Libya major/ major (military title) substance used as a wood preservative) kvestor/ quaestor (type of ancient libr/ book majstr/ master (of an art or trade) krep/ crape (type of fabric with a Roman official) lice/ French secondary school (lycée) majuskl/ uppercase letter wrinkled surface) kviet/ quiet licenc/ license, authorize, give permit makadam/ macadam (type of krepusk/ twilight kvin five lien/ spleen (anatomy) pavement) kres/ watercress (type of plant) kvint/ a fifth (as in music) lift/ elevator makaron/ macaroon (almond-flavored cookie) meduz/ medusa (in mythology or miraĝ/ mirage N makaroni/ macaroni zoology) mirakl/ miracle makler/ act as broker (between buyer meĥanik/ mechanics mirh/ myrrh (type of plant resin) and seller) meĥanism/ miriad/ myriad (10000) -n [finaĵo] ending of the objective; also maksim/ maxim, principle of conduct mejl/ mile miriametr/ myriameter (10 kilometers) marks direction maksimum/ maximum mekanik/ mechanics mirt/ myrtle (type of plant) naci/ nation makul/ stain, spot, mark mekanism/ mechanism mirtel/ bilberry (type of plant) nadl/ needle (an indicator as in a meter, makzel/ jaw-bone Meksik/ Mexico mis/ [prefikso] mis-, incorrectly, in etc.) mal/ [prefikso] denotes opposites mel/ badger error naft/ naphtha (chemical substance) malakit/ malachite (type of mineral) melankoli/ melancholy misi/ mission naftalin/ naphthaline (chemical malari/ malaria melas/ molasses mister/ mystery substance) maleol/ ankle meleagr/ turkey mistifik/ mystify, bewilder, hoax naĝ/ swim malgraŭ in spite of melis/ balm (type of plant) mistik/ mystical naiv/ naïve malic/ malice melk/ to milk (verb) mit/ myth najbar/ neighbor malt/ malt melodi/ melody mitolog/ mythologist najl/ nail malv/ mallow (type of plant) melodram/ melodrama mitologi/ mythology najtingal/ nightingale (type of bird) mam/ breast, udder melon/ melon mitr/ mitre, head-dress of high priest nan/ dwarf mamut/ mammoth (type of animal) melongen/ eggplant mitul/ mussel (type of sea creature) nanken/ nankeen (type of fabric) man/ hand mem self mizer/ misery nap/ rape (type of plant) mana/ manna membr/ member (in general or mo [liternomo] name of the letter "m" narcis/ narcissus, daffodil (type of mandaren/ mandaren (type of Chinese anatomical) mobiliz/ mobilize plant) official) membran/ membrane mod/ fashion, vogue, prevailing narkot/ narcotize (induce sleep through mandarin/ mandarin orange memor/ remember custom; mood (grammar) drugs) mandat/ mandate menci/ make mention of, allude to model/ model narkotik/ narcotic mandolin/ mandoline mend/ place an order (for goods, etc.) modem/ modem nas/ cone-shaped basket for catching mang/ mango mens/ mind; intellect moder/ moderate fish mangan/ manganese mensog/ tell a lie modern/ modern nask/ give birth to manĝ/ eat menstru/ menstruate modest/ modest natri/ sodium (chemical element) mani/ mania, craze ment/ mint modif/ modify natur/ nature manier/ manner, way menton/ chin modul/ modulate naturalism/ naturalism manifest/ manifest, display, exhibit, mentor/ mentor mok/ mock, ridicule naŭ nine show menu/ menu mol/ soft naŭz/ nauseate, disgust, sicken manifestaci/ manifestation, public meridian/ meridian molekul/ molecule nav/ nave (long narrow central hall of a demonstration merit/ deserve, merit, be worthy of molusk/ mollusk church) manik/ sleeve meriz/ wild cherry (type of tree) moment/ moment (of time) navigaci/ navigation maniok/ cassava (plant) merkat/ market, sphere of commercial mon/ money naz/ nose manipul/ manipulate activity (e.g. gold market) monaĥ/ monk, friar ne no, not mank/ lack merkred/ Wednesday monarĥ/ monarch nebul/ fog manometr/ manometer (gas pressure merl/ blackbird monarĥi/ monarchy neces/ necessary gauge) merlang/ whiting (type of fish) monark/ monarch Nederland/ Netherlands manovr/ maneuver (military) mes/ mass (Roman Catholic) monarki/ monarchy negativ/ negative mansard/ attic mesaĝ/ message monat/ month neglekt/ neglect, disregard, leave mantel/ cape, cloak, long over-garment Mesi/ Messiah mond/ world uncared for with or without sleeves mespil/ medlar (type of fruit) moned/ jackdaw (type of bird) negliĝ/ negligée manufaktur/ factory met/ put, place monogram/ monogram negoc/ business affair, deal, negotiation manuskript/ manuscript, book or metafizik/ metaphysics monolog/ monologue negr/ black person document written by hand metafor/ metaphor monomani/ monomania (fixation on a neĝ/ snow map/ map metal/ metal single idea or thought) nek neither, nor mar/ sea metalurgi/ metallurgy monopol/ monopoly nekrolog/ obituary marasm/ marasmus (progressive metamorfoz/ metamorphosis monoteism/ monotheism nektar/ nectar emaciation) metempsikoz/ metempsychosis, monoton/ monotonous nenia not any kind of marcipan/ marzipan (almond paste) transmigration of souls monstr/ monster nenial for no reason marĉ/ marsh, swamp meteor/ meteor mont/ mountain neniam never marĉand/ to bargain, haggle over meteorolog/ meteorologist montr/ to show nenie nowhere mard/ Tuesday meteorologi/ meteorology monument/ monument neniel in no way, not anyhow, by no margarin/ margarine meti/ handicraft, occutation mops/ pug (type of dog) means marĝen/ margin (of a page) metod/ method mor/ manner of living, custom, habitual nenies no one's Mari/ Mary metr/ meter (unit of length) conduct nenio nothing marin/ marinade, brine, cure metrik/ metrics, meter, measure of moral/ morals neniom none, no amount marionet/ marionette verse morbil/ measles neniu nobody mark/ a mark, sign, impression metronom/ metronome mord/ bite neologism/ neologism, newly coined markiz/ marquis (nobleman title) metropol/ metropolis morfin/ morphine word markot/ layer (branch or shoot of a mev/ seagull morgaŭ tomorrow nep/ grandson plant treated to induce rooting) mez/ middle mort/ die nepotism/ nepotism marmelad/ marmalade mezur/ measure morter/ mortar nepr/ without fail marmor/ (type of rock) mi I moru/ cod (type of fish) nerv/ nerve marmot/ marmot, woodchuck (type of miasm/ miasma, noxious vaporous morus/ mulberry (type of fruit) nervoz/ nervous, easily excited, high- animal) exhalation mosk/ musk (odiferous substance from strung Marok/ Morocco miaŭ/ meow (sound of a cat) animals) nest/ nest maroken/ Morocco leather miel/ honey moske/ mosque net/ neat, clean marŝ/ march, walk mien/ mien, air, look, facial expression moskit/ mosquito neŭtr/ neuter marŝal/ marshal (military) migdal/ almond most/ new wine, unfermented grape neŭtral/ neutral Mart/ March (month) migr/ migrate juice nev/ nephew martel/ hammer Miĥael/ Michael moŝt/ universal title of politeness and ni we martir/ martyr mikrob/ microbe respect niĉ/ niche, nook mas/ mass (as in physics) mikrofon/ microphone motiv/ motive, reason, cause nigr/ black masaĝ/ massage mikrometr/ micrometer motor/ motor, engine nihilism/ nihilism masiv/ massive mikroskop/ microscope mov/ move nihilist/ nihilist mask/ mask miks/ mix, blend, combine mozaik/ mosaic Nikaragv/ Nicaragua mason/ to build with stone mil thousand (1000) muel/ to mill, to grind nikel/ nickel (chemical element) mast/ mast mild/ mild, gentle muf/ muff (covering to warm the Nikodem/ (man's name) mastik/ mastic, putty mili/ millet (type of grass) hands) 9 Nikola/ (man's name) mastr/ master (of house, establishment, miliard/ billion (10 ) muĝ/ howl, roar, moan (sound of the nikotin/ nicotine (chemical) etc.) miligram/ milligram wind, etc.) nilon/ nylon maŝ/ mesh; loop, lasso milimetr/ millimeter muk/ mucus nimb/ nimbus, glory, halo maŝin/ machine milion/ million (106) mul/ mule nimf/ nymph mat/ mat milit/ war muld/ mold (verb) nivel/ level (sea, etc.) matador/ matador milv/ kite (type of bird) mult/ much, a lot of niz/ sparrow-hawk (type of bird) mate/ yerba mate (plant) mimik/ mimic, imitate multiplik/ multiply nj/ [sufikso] diminutive of female matematik/ mathematics mimoz/ mimosa (type of plant) mumi/ mummy names maten/ morning min/ mine (as of gold, etc., or in munici/ ammunition no [liternomo] name of the letter "n" materi/ matter military sense) munt/ mount, build, erect, hang nobel/ nobleman, lord material/ material (of which something minac/ menace, threaten mur/ wall nobl/ noble is made) minaret/ minaret, turret of a mosque murd/ murder nod/ node, point of intersection matrac/ mattress mineral/ mineral murmur/ murmur nokt/ night matric/ matrix mineralog/ minerologist mus/ mouse noktu/ little owl (type of bird) matur/ mature, ripe mineralogi/ minerology musk/ moss nom/ name maŭzole/ mausoleum miniatur/ miniature (a small object of muskat/ nutmeg nomad/ nomad mazurk/ mazurka (type of Polish art) muskol/ muscle nombr/ number, quantity dance) minimum/ minimum muslin/ muslin (type of fabric) nominal/ nominal, existing in name mebl/ piece of furniture ministeri/ ministry (of state, not of mustard/ mustard only meĉ/ wick (of a candle or lamp) religion) mustel/ weasel (type of animal) nominativ/ nominative (grammar) medal/ medal ministr/ minister (of state, not of muŝ/ a fly (type of insect) nord/ north medalion/ medallion religion) mut/ mute, unable to speak norm/ norm, standard medi/ sphere influence, environment, minus minus muz/ muse (Greek goddess) normal/ normal, ordinary, typical, usual habitat, surroundings minuskl/ lowercase letter muze/ museum Norveg/ Norwegian (people) medicin/ science of medicine minut/ minute (1/60 hour or degree) muzel/ muzzle, snout nostalgi/ nostalgia medikament/ medicine, drug miogal/ desman (type of animal) muzik/ music not/ note, brief written remark; musical medit/ meditate miop/ near-sighted note Mediterane/ Mediterranean Sea miozot/ forget-me-not (type of plant) notari/ notary medium/ medium (spiritualist) mir/ wonder, marvel nov/ new medol/ bone marrow mirabel/ mirabelle (type of plant) novel/ novelette, short fictional story Novembr/ November orden/ order (of knighthood etc.) of forms perĉ/ pope, ruff (type of fish) (Acerina) novic/ novice ordinar/ ordinary paradiz/ paradise perd/ lose nu well (interjection) ordon/ order, command paradoks/ paradox perdrik/ partridge nuanc/ nuance, shade. subtle difference orel/ ear paraf/ paraph (flourish after a pere/ perish in color, meaning, etc. orf/ orphan signature) perfekt/ perfect nub/ cloud organ/ organ (anatomy); medium of parafin/ paraffin perfid/ betray nud/ nude, naked, bare communication parafraz/ a paraphrase pergamen/ parchment nuk/ nape (of neck) organik/ organic paragraf/ paragraph perimetr/ perimeter nuks/ nut organism/ organism Paragvaj/ Paraguay period/ period (of time) nul/ zero, nought organiz/ organize paralel/ parallel periskop/ periscope numer/ number (among things orgasm/ orgasm paralelogram/ parallelogram peristil/ peristyle (row of surrounding numbered consecutively, as of a orgen/ organ (musical instrument) paraliz/ paralyze columns) magazine, etc.) orgi/ orgy paraŝut/ parachute peritone/ peritoneum (anatomy) numismatik/ numismatic (relating to orient/ east parazit/ parasite perk/ perch (type of fish) coin collecting) origin/ origin pardon/ forgive, pardon perl/ pearl nun now original/ original parenc/ relative, kinsman perlamot/ mother of pearl nunci/ nuncio (papal ambassador) oriol/ oriole (type of bird) parentez/ parenthesis permes/ permit, allow nur only (adverb) orkestr/ orchestra parfum/ perfume, scent, fragrance peron/ front steps, loading platform nutr/ nourish, feed, sustain with food orkide/ orchid (type of plant) parget/ parquet, inlaid wooden flooring persekut/ persecute, prosecute ornam/ adorn, beautify Pariz/ Paris persik/ peach ornitolog/ ornithologist park/ park persist/ persist ornitologi/ ornithology (study of birds) parker/ by heart (as in learning person/ person orografi/ orography (geography of something by heart) perspektiv/ perspective O mountains) parlament/ parliament persvad/ persuade ort/ orthogonal parodi/ parody Peru/ Peru ortodoks/ orthodox paroĥ/ parish peruk/ wig -o [finaĵo] ending of nouns (substantive) ortografi/ orthography, correct or paroksism/ paroxysm, fit, seizure pes/ weigh o [liternomo] name of the letter "o" conventional spelling parol/ speak, talk pesimism/ pessimism oaz/ oasis -os [finaĵo] ending of future tense in part/ part, piece, portion pesimist/ pessimist obe/ obey verbs parter/ pit (theater) pest/ plague obelisk/ obelisk osced/ yawn, gape, open wide parti/ party, side, faction pet/ ask, request objekt/ object ost/ bone particip/ participle (grammar) petal/ petal (of a flower) objektiv/ objective (not subjective) ostr/ oyster partitur/ musical score petard/ explosive charge used to break obl/ [sufikso] …fold ostracism/ ostracism paru/ tomtit, titmouse (type of bird) down a door, etc. oblat/ wafer, seal ot/ [sufikso] ending of future passive pas/ to pass petol/ be mischievous obligaci/ bond, debanature (as in participle in verbs pasaĝer/ passenger Petr/ Peter commerce) ov/ egg pasament/ trimming or braid for petrol/ petroleum oblikv/ oblique ovaci/ ovation, enthusiastic reception clothes or furniture petromiz/ lamprey (type of fish) obol/ obol (type of ancient Greek coin) oval/ oval paser/ sparrow (type of bird) petrosel/ parsley (type of plant) observ/ observe ozon/ ozone pasi/ passion, vehement emotion, strong pez/ have weight, be heavy observatori/ observatory attachment pfenig/ pfennig (German money) obstakl/ obstacle pasiv/ passive pi/ pious, righteous obstin/ obstinate Pask/ Easter pian/ piano obstrukc/ obstruction paskvil/ lampoon; strong piece of satire piastr/ piece of eight (Spanish money) P obtuz/ obtuse pasport/ passport pic/ pizza ocean/ ocean past/ paste, dough pice/ spruce fir (type of tree) od/ ode (type of lyrical poem) pasteĉ/ meat or fish pie pied/ foot (body part) odor/ odor, scent, smell pac/ peace pastel/ lozenge (as in pharmacy) piedestal/ pedestal ofend/ offend pacienc/ patience pastinak/ parsnip (type of plant) pig/ magpie (type of bird) ofer/ offer up, sacrifice pacient/ patient (person under medical pastr/ clergyman, minister, pastor pigme/ pygmy ofert/ to offer for sale treatment) paŝ/ , pace piĵam/ pajamas ofic/ office, duty, function Pacifik/ Pacific paŝt/ to feed (animals), to graze, to pik/ prick, sting; spade (cards) oficial/ official, authorized pacifism/ pacifism pasture piked/ picket, sentry (military); piquet oficir/ officer (military) pacifist/ pacifist paŝtel/ crayon (cards) oft/ often paĉul/ patchouli (type of plant) pat/ frying pan piknik/ picnic ogiv/ ogive, Gothic arch (in paf/ shoot (a projectile) patent/ patent pil/ electrochemical cell (battery) architecture) pag/ pay patolog/ pathologist pilastr/ pilaster (type of architectural ok eight pagod/ pagoda (type of tower in patologi/ pathology (study of diseases) column) okaz/ occur, happen Eastern architecture) patos/ passionate expression of feeling pilgrim/ make a pilgrimage okcident/ west paĝ/ page (of a book) patr/ father pilk/ ball (to play with) oksid/ oxide paĝi/ page (type of servant) patrici/ patrician, aristocrat pilol/ pill oksigen/ oxygen (chemical element) pajl/ straw (plant material) patriot/ patriot pilot/ pilot oksikok/ cranberry (type of plant) pak/ pack, stow (as a suitcase, etc.) patriotism/ patriotism pin/ pine (type of tree) oktav/ octave Pakistan/ Pakistan patrol/ a patrol (military) pinĉ/ pinch Oktobr/ October pal/ pale patron/ patron (protector or customer) pingl/ pin okul/ eye palac/ palace Paŭl/ Paul (man's name) pingven/ penguin okult/ occult, secret; magic, mystical palanken/ palanquin (type of Eastern paŭz/ pause pini/ umbrella pine (type of tree) okup/ occupy, employ sedan chair) pav/ peacock pint/ point, tip, peak okzal/ sorrel (type of plant) palat/ palate (roof of mouth; taste) pavian/ baboon (type of animal) pioĉ/ pick-axe ol than paleograf/ paleographer pavilon/ pavillion pionir/ pioneer ole/ oil paleografi/ paleography (study of pavim/ pave pip/ pipe (for tobacco) oleandr/ oleander (type of plant) ancient writings) pec/ piece pipr/ pepper oligarĥ/ oligarch paleontolog/ paleontologist peĉ/ pitch pips/ pip (poultry disease) oligarĥi/ oligarchy (government by a paleontologi/ paleontology (study of pedagog/ pedagogue, schoolmaster, pir/ pear small, corrupt group) ancient life from fossils) teacher piramid/ pyramid oligark/ oligarch paletr/ palette (as for a painter, etc.) pedagogi/ pedagogy (art and science of pirat/ pirate oligarki/ oligarchy (government by a palinur/ spiny lobster (type of sea teaching) pirit/ pyrites (class of minerals) small, corrupt group) creature) pedal/ pedal pirol/ bullfinch (type of bird) oliv/ olive (fruit of olive tree) palis/ post, stake, piece of wood stuck pedant/ pedant; one who teaches with piroz/ pirosis, heartburn (medicine) omaĝ/ homage in the ground undue emphasis on minutiae pis/ urinate omar/ lobster (type of sea creature) palisandr/ rosewood (type of wood) pedel/ an official sent to carry out the pist/ pound, crush pulverize (in a ombr/ shadow palm/ palm tree orders of a judge, etc. mortar) ombrel/ umbrella palp/ touch, feel pedik/ louse pistak/ pistachio (type of nut) omnibus/ bus (omnibus) palpebr/ eyelid peg/ woodpecker pistil/ pistil (flower part) on/ [sufikso] marks fractions palt/ overcoat pejzaĝ/ landscape, scenery pistol/ pistol (handgun) ond/ wave pamflet/ small libelous, satirical, or pek/ sin piŝt/ piston, plunger oni one, people, they scurrilous document pekl/ pickle in brine, salt (vb.) pivot/ pivot, axis, fulcrum oniks/ onyx (type of mineral) pan/ bread pel/ drive, chase (vb.) piz/ pea onkl/ uncle Panam/ Panama pelerin/ woman's narrow cape plac/ public square onobrik/ sanfoin (type of plant) pane/ break down, stop working (as a pelikan/ pelican plaĉ/ be pleasing, please, give pleasure ont/ [sufikso] ending of future active machine, etc.) pelt/ fur plad/ dish, platter participle in verbs panel/ panel (section of a surface) pelv/ basin, pelvis plafon/ ceiling op/ [sufikso] marks collective numerals panik/ a panic pen/ endeavor, try to, take pains plag/ plague, curse, scourge opal/ opal (type of mineral) pankreat/ pancreas penc/ penny, pence plagiat/ plagiarize oper/ opera panoram/ panorama pend/ hang (intr.) plan/ plan operaci/ operation pantalon/ trousers pendol/ pendulum pland/ sole (of the foot) opi/ opium panteism/ pantheism penetr/ penetrate planed/ planet opini/ opinion panteist/ pantheist penicilin/ penicillin plank/ floor opon/ oppose panter/ panther (type of animal) penik/ paintbrush plant/ to plant (in the ground, etc.) oportun/ convenient, handy pantofl/ slipper (type of footwear) penis/ penis plantag/ plantain (type of plant) opozici/ opposition pantomim/ pantomime pens/ think plast/ plastic (type of material) optativ/ optative mood (grammar - pap/ pope pensi/ pension plastik/ plastic, easily shaped and expresses desire) papag/ parrot (type of bird) pension/ boarding house molded optik/ optics papav/ poppy (type of plant) pent/ repent plastr/ plaster (medical) optimism/ optimism paper/ paper pentametr/ pentameter plat/ flat optimist/ optimist papili/ butterfly Pentekost/ Pentecost, Whitsuntide platan/ plane tree, button-wood (type of or/ gold papirus/ papyrus pentr/ paint (vb.) tree) orakol/ oracle paprik/ paprika peoni/ peony (type of plant) platen/ platinum oranĝ/ orange (type of fruit) par/ pair, couple pep/ chirp, warble plaŭd/ splash, ripple orator/ orator parabol/ parabola pepsin/ pepsin (type of medication) pleb/ common people orbit/ orbit parad/ parade per through, by means of pled/ plead, allege (as in court) ord/ order, regular arrangement paradigm/ paradigm (grammar), table percept/ perceive, sense plej most plekt/ braid, weave, twist, plait preskaŭ almost pund/ British pound (money) rem/ row (verb) plen/ full, complete preskrib/ prescribe (medicine) punkt/ point, period, dot rembur/ stuff, pad, upholster plend/ complain prestiĝ/ prestige punt/ lace rempar/ rampart, bulwark, defense wall pleonasm/ pleonasm, redundancy pret/ ready pup/ doll ren/ kidney plet/ tray, dish pretekst/ pretext pupil/ pupil (of the eye) rendevu/ rendezvous pleŭronekt/ flat-fish (type of fish) pretend/ pretend, lay claim to pupitr/ slanting desk Renesanc/ the Renaissance plezur/ pleasure preter beyond, past, by pur/ clean, pure renkont/ meet pli more preterit/ preterit, past tense (grammar) purgatori/ purgatory rent/ revenue, income plik/ plica (fold or groove in skin) prez/ price Puritan/ Puritan renvers/ upset, knock over plonĝ/ plunge, dive prezent/ present (verb), introduce (a purpur/ purple repertuar/ repertoire plor/ cry, weep person) pus/ pus reputaci/ reputation, character plot/ roach (type of fish) prezid/ preside pustul/ pustule respekt/ respect plu farther, further pri concerning, about puŝ/ push respektiv/ respective, each's own plug/ plow, till (soil, etc.) primitiv/ primitive put/ well (for water, etc.) respond/ answer, reply plum/ pen; feather primol/ primrose (type of plant) putor/ skunk respublik/ republic plumb/ lead (type of metal) princ/ prince putr/ rot, putrify rest/ remain plur/ more than one princip/ principle restoraci/ restoracio plural/ plural printemp/ springtime ret/ net (a) plus plus prior/ prior (of a monastery) retin/ retina pluŝ/ plush (textile) prism/ prism retor/ rhetorician R plutokrat/ plutocrat privat/ private retorik/ rhetorical plutokrati/ plutocracy privilegi/ privilege retort/ retort pluv/ rain pro because, on account of, for the sake reŭmatism/ rheumatism pneŭmatik/ pneumatics of rab/ rob rev/ dream po at the rate of probabl/ probable, likely rabarb/ rhubard revelaci/ revelation po [liternomo] name of the letter "p" problem/ problem rabat/ rebate, discount revizi/ revise podagr/ gout (type of disease) proced/ proceed raben/ rabbi revizor/ inspector-general podi/ podium procedur/ procedure rabi/ rabies revoluci/ revolution, uprising poem/ poem proces/ lawsuit, process rabot/ to plane (wood, etc.) revolver/ revolver poent/ point (in games, exams, etc.) procesi/ procession raci/ reason, judgement revu/ review; magazine, periodical poet/ poet produkt/ produce racionalism/ rationalism rezed/ mignonette (type of plant) poezi/ poetry profan/ profane, irreverent racionalist/ rationalist rezerv/ reserve, hold back, retain, save pokal/ cup, goblet profesi/ profession rad/ wheel rezign/ resign Pol/ [popolnomo] Pole profesor/ professor radar/ radar rezignaci/ resignation polemik/ polemic, controversy, profet/ prophet radi/ ray, beam; radiation rezin/ resin disputation profil/ profile (drawing, etc.) radiator/ radiator rezist/ resist polen/ pollen profit/ profit, gain radik/ root rezoluci/ resolution (at a meeting) polic/ police (the system) profund/ deep radikal/ radical rezon/ reason, conclude, draw poliglot/ polyglot prognoz/ prognosis radiograf/ to photograph by X-rays conclusions poligon/ polygon; buckwheat (type of program/ program, plan, syllabus rafan/ radish rezult/ result plant) progres/ progress, advance rafin/ refine, clarify, purify rezultat/ result Polinezi/ Polynesia projekci/ projection (on a screen, etc.) raj/ ray (type of marine animal) rib/ currant (type of fruit) polip/ polypus (medicine) projekt/ project, plan, scheme rajd/ ride ribel/ revolt, rebel polis/ policy proklam/ proclaim rajt/ right, authority ricev/ receive, get, obtain politeism/ polytheism prokrast/ procrastinate, delay, defer raked/ racquet ricin/ castor oil plant (type of plant) politik/ politics proksim/ near raket/ rocket riĉ/ rich polk/ polka prolet/ proletarian, worker rakont/ tell, relate, give account of rid/ laugh polp/ octopus proletari/ proletarian, worker ramp/ crawl, creep rif/ reef, ridge of rock polur/ polish, burnish, glaze prolog/ prologue ran/ frog rifuĝ/ take refuge, take shelter polus/ pole (of the Earth, etc.) promen/ to walk, promenade ranc/ rancid rifuz/ refuse, say "no" polv/ dust (substance) promes/ promise rand/ edge, border, hem rigard/ look at pom/ apple promontor/ promontory, high point of rang/ rank, class, grade rigid/ rigid, stiff pomad/ pomade (type of perfumed land ranunkol/ ranunculus (type of plant) rigl/ bolt ointment) pronom/ pronoun rap/ turnip rigor/ rigorous pomp/ pomp, display, splendor prononc/ pronounce rapid/ fast, rapid rikan/ sneer at ponard/ dagger, poniard (type of knife) propagand/ propaganda rapir/ rapier, foil (type of sword) rikolt/ harvest, reap pont/ bridge propon/ propose, suggest raport/ report rilat/ relate to, concerned with ponton/ pontoon proporci/ proportion ras/ race, breed rim/ rhyme popl/ poplar (type of tree) propozici/ proposition, assertion rasp/ rasp, scrape, grate rimark/ remark, notice, observe popol/ people propr/ own (one's own) rast/ rake (verb) rimed/ means, method, opportunity popular/ popular prospekt/ prospectus rat/ rat rimen/ strap, leather band por/ pore prosper/ prosper, succeed in raŭk/ hoarse ring/ a ring por for prostat/ prostate raŭp/ caterpillar rinocer/ rhinoceros porcelan/ cporcelain, fine china prostitu/ prostitute rav/ enrapture, delight rip/ rib porci/ portion protagonist/ protagonist raz/ shave ripar/ repair, mend pord/ door protein/ protein re/ [prefikso] again, back ripet/ repeat pore/ leek (type of plant) protekt/ protect reakci/ reaction ripoz/ rest, repose porfir/ porphyry (type of rock) protektorat/ protectorate real/ real riproĉ/ reproach, blame pork/ pig protest/ protest realism/ realism risk/ risk, venture, take a chance port/ carry protokol/ minutes, record (of a rebus/ rebus (puzzle in which pictures rism/ ream (of paper) portal/ portal, doorway, gateway meeting) represent words) risort/ a spring (elastic) porter/ porter (type of beer) prototip/ prototype recenz/ a review (of a book, movie, rit/ rite, ceremony portik/ portico (in architecture) prov/ attempt, try to; test, assay etc.) ritm/ rhythm portret/ portrait proverb/ proverb recept/ recipe, formula rivel/ reveal, disclose posed/ possess Providenc/ Providence reciprok/ mutal, reciprocal river/ river post after, behind provinc/ province recitativ/ recitative (music) riverenc/ bow, curtsey posten/ post, duty station (military) proviz/ provide redakci/ editorial department rivolu/ revolve postul/ demand, require provizor/ provisional, tentative redakt/ edit riz/ rice poŝ/ pocket provok/ provoke redaktor/ compiler, editor ro [liternomo] name of the letter "r" poŝt/ mail proz/ prose redukt/ reduce rob/ robe pot/ pot prozelit/ proselyte, a convert ref/ reef (part of a sail) robot/ robot potas/ potash (type of chemical) prozodi/ prosody, study of versification referenc/ reference rod/ anchorage, landing-place potenc/ power prudent/ prudent, sensible, reasonable reflekt/ reflect (maritime) pov/ be able, can prujn/ rime, hoar frost Reformaci/ the Reformation rojalist/ royalist poz/ pose prun/ plum refut/ refute rok/ rock, boulder pozici/ position prunel/ blackthorn (type of plant) reg/ rule, dominate, govern rokok/ rococo (type of architectural pozitiv/ positive prunt/ al, lend; de, borrow regal/ entertain, regale style) pra/ [prefikso] great-, fore-, ancient pruv/ prove regent/ regent, provisional ruler rol/ rôle, part praktik/ practice, application (of a psalm/ psalm regiment/ regiment roman/ novel (work of fiction) profession) pseŭdonim/ pseudonym region/ region, district, part romanc/ romantic song, ballad pram/ ferry-boat psikolog/ psychologist registr/ register romantik/ romantic, imaginative, prav/ right, correct (to be right) psikologi/ psychology regn/ the state, kingdom picturesque precip/ principal, chief, above all pub/ pubes regol/ wren (type of bird) romb/ rhombus preciz/ precise publik/ public regul/ rule, regulation romp/ break predik/ preach pudel/ poodle reĝ/ king rond/ round, circle predikat/ predicate (grammar) puding/ pudding reĝim/ regime, regimen ronĝ/ gnaw, nibble prefekt/ prefect (an official) pudr/ powder (cosmetic) reĝisor/ stage manager (theater) ronk/ snore prefer/ prefer puf/ puff, pad, wad reklam/ advertise ros/ dew prefiks/ prefix pugn/ fist rekomend/ recommend rosmar/ walrus preĝ/ pray pul/ flea rekompenc/ recompense, make rosmaren/ rosemary (type of plant) prelat/ prelate, high dignitary pulĉinel/ punchinello (type of clown) ammends, repay rost/ roast preleg/ lecture pulm/ lung rekord/ record, best performance rostr/ trunk (of an elephant, etc.) prelud/ prelude (music) pulp/ pulp rekrement/ dregs, grounds, residue, rot/ troop, company (of soldiers) prem/ press puls/ pulse leftover matter rotaci/ rotate premi/ prize, reward, award pulv/ gunpowder rekrut/ recruit rotond/ rotunda, circular hall premis/ premise pulvor/ powder (substance) rekt/ straight roz/ rose (type of flower) pren/ take pumik/ pumice (type of rock) rektor/ rector, chancellor (of a college, rozari/ rosary prepar/ prepare pump/ pump etc.) rub/ rubbish, trash prepozici/ preposition pun/ punish rel/ a rail ruband/ ribbon, band prerogativ/ prerogative punc/ crimson red relativ/ relative, comparative ruben/ ruby pres/ print (verb) punĉ/ punch (drink) relief/ relief (of a map, engraving, etc.) rubl/ ruble (Russian money) religi/ religion rubrik/ rubric; liturgical rule; book heading sens/ sense (sight, hearing, touch, taste, skolastik/ scholasticism etc.) rubus/ blackberry (type of plant) smell) skolop/ woodcock (type of bird) stab/ staff officers (military) ruĝ/ red sensaci/ sensation, intense commotion skolt/ scout stabil/ stable ruin/ ruins, wreckage or interest skorbut/ scurvy stabl/ trestle, work bench; object rukt/ belch sent/ feel, perceive skorpi/ scorpion holding something stable rul/ roll (verb) sentenc/ short, pithy, wise saying skorzoner/ Scorzonera (genus of plant) staci/ station, depot (e.g. railroad) rulet/ roulette sentimental/ sentimental skrap/ shave, scrape, graze stadi/ stage, period, phase of rum/ rum sep seven skrib/ write development Ruman/ Romanian sepi/ cuttlefish (type of marine animal) skrofol/ scrofula (type of disease) stadion/ stadium Rus/ [popolnomo] Russian Septembr/ September skrupul/ scruple, conscientious stagn/ stagnate rust/ rust septet/ septet objection stal/ stable, stall, shed rut/ rue (type of plant) seraf/ seraphim (an order of angels) sku/ shake (verb) stalagmit/ stalagmite rutin/ routine, regular procedure serajl/ seraglio, sultan's harem (part of skulpt/ sculpt, carve stalaktit/ stalactite ruz/ ruse; cunning, sly house) skurĝ/ scourge (type of whip) stamen/ stamen (part of a flower) serĉ/ search skvam/ scale (of a fish, etc.) stamp/ stamp (with a die, etc.) seren/ serene, calm sled/ sled, sleigh stan/ tin serenad/ serenade slip/ slip (of paper), index card standard/ standard, flag, banner serĝent/ sergeant smerald/ emerald stang/ pole, rod S seri/ series so [liternomo] name of the letter "s" star/ to stand serioz/ serious sobr/ sober start/ start, depart, leave serpent/ serpent, snake soci/ society, body, community, the stat/ state, condition sabat/ Saturday serur/ lock (fastening) public statistik/ statistics sabl/ sand serv/ serve social/ relating to socialism statu/ statue sabr/ saber (type of sword) servic/ set of dishes, plates, etc. societ/ society, community, association, statur/ stature, height sacerdot/ priest servut/ servitude, bondage club, group statut/ statute safir/ saphire ses six sociolog/ sociologist stearin/ stearin (type of chemical) safran/ saffron (type of plant) sesi/ session sociologi/ sociology steb/ to quilt sag/ arrow sever/ severe, hard, harsh, strict sod/ soda (sodium carbonate) Stefan/ Steven sagac/ sagacious, shrewd, crafty, sharp sevrug/ stellated sturgeon (type of fish) sof/ sofa stel/ star sagu/ sago (powdered starch made from sezon/ season Sofi/ [virina nomo] Sofia stenograf/ stenographer sago palm) sfer/ sphere sofism/ sophism, fallacy, false stenografi/ stenography saĝ/ wise sfinks/ sphinx reasoning step/ steppe, sandy plain sak/ sack sfinkter/ sphincter muscle sofist/ sophist stereofoni/ stereophony sakr/ sacrum (anatomy) si one's self soif/ thirst sterk/ dung, manure sakrament/ sacrament sibl/ hiss, wheeze, whizz sojl/ threshold, doorstep sterled/ sterlet (type of fish) sakristi/ sacristy (room in a church) sid/ sit sokl/ socle, base, bottom, pedestal, stern/ lay, spread out (on the ground, saksofon/ saxophone sieĝ/ besiege, beleaguer support etc.) sal/ salt sifilis/ syphilis sol/ only, alone stertor/ to rattle (in the throat) salajr/ salary, wages sifon/ syphon sold/ sol (French money) stil/ style salamandr/ salamander sigel/ seal (verb) soldat/ soldier stimul/ stimulate salat/ salad sign/ sign, mark, token sole/ sole (type of fish) stip/ stipa grass (type of plant) sald/ balance (in accounting) signal/ signal solecism/ solecism, blunder, offence stipendi/ stipend, grant, scholarship salik/ willow (type of tree) signif/ signify, mean against standard stir/ steer (verb) salikok/ prawn silab/ syllable solen/ solemn stof/ stofe (Russian measure) saliv/ saliva silent/ be silent solid/ solid stoik/ stoic salm/ salmon (type of fish) silici/ silicon solidar/ jointly liable and responsible stok/ stock, goods for sale salon/ drawing room silik/ flint solist/ soloist stomak/ stomach salpetr/ saltpeter, potassium nitrate silk/ silk solv/ dissolve stopl/ stubble salt/ leap, jump silogism/ syllogism solvent/ solvent strab/ squint salut/ salute, greet siluet/ silhouette somer/ summer strang/ strange, bizarre salv/ salvo, salute, volley (by firearms) silur/ shad-fish (type of fish) somnambul/ somnambulist, strangol/ strangle salvi/ sage (type of plant) silvi/ warbler (type of bird) sleepwalker strat/ street sam/ same simbol/ symbol son/ sound strategi/ strategy sambuk/ elder (type of tree) simetri/ symmetry sonat/ sonata streb/ strive samovar/ samovar, Russian tea urn simfoni/ symphony sond/ take soundings, measure depth streĉ/ stretch, strain san/ healthy simi/ ape, monkey sonet/ strek/ make a line, streak, or stroke sandal/ sandal simil/ similar, alike sonĝ/ dream stri/ stripe, band sandviĉ/ sandwich simpati/ like, affinity, instinctive sonor/ ring, give out a sound (as a bell) strig/ owl sang/ blood attraction sopir/ long for, yearn strigl/ to groom (a horse, etc.) sankci/ sanction, official approval simpl/ simple sopran/ soprano, treble strik/ strike (labor) sankt/ sacred, holy simptom/ symptom sorb/ absorb, soak up striknin/ strychnine santal/ sandalwood (type of tree) sin/ bosom, breast sorĉ/ bewitch, practice witchcraft strof/ verse sap/ soap sinagog/ synagogue sorg/ sorghum (type of grain) struktur/ structure, construction sardel/ sardine sinap/ mustard plant sorik/ shrew-mouse (type of animal) strut/ ostrich sark/ to weed, hoe sincer/ sincere sorp/ service tree stud/ study, do research on sarkasm/ sarcasm sindikat/ syndicate sort/ fate, destiny, lot, luck student/ student (of a college etc.) sarkofag/ sarcophagus Sinedri/ Sanhedrin (Jewish tribunal) sortiment/ assortment stuk/ stucco (type of plaster) sat/ satiated, satisfied, full singular/ singular (grammar) sovaĝ/ savage, wild stult/ foolish Satan/ Satan singult/ hiccough spac/ space, room, extent stump/ stump, stub satelit/ satellite sinjor/ Sir, Mr. spad/ type of straight sword stup/ type of twisted fibers used for saten/ satin sinkop/ syncope, faint spalir/ espalier caulking satir/ satire sinod/ synod, council (of a church) spasm/ sturg/ sturgeon (type of fish) satrap/ satrap, ancient Persian governor sinonim/ synonym spat/ spar (min.) sturn/ starling (type of bird) satur/ saturate sinoptik/ synoptic, giving a spec/ kind, species sub under, beneath, below saŭc/ sauce comprehensive mental view special/ special subit/ sudden sav/ save, rescue sintaks/ syntax specif/ specify subjekt/ subject (grammar) scen/ scene sintez/ synthesis specimen/ specimen subjektiv/ subjective sceptr/ scepter siren/ siren spegul/ mirror subjunktiv/ subjunctive mood sci/ know Siri/ Syria spekt/ watch (verb) (grammar) scienc/ science siring/ lilac (type of plant) spektakl/ spectacle, entertainment, sublimat/ corrosive sublimate (type of sciur/ squirrel sirop/ syrup show substance) se if sistem/ system spektr/ spectrum substanc/ substance seb/ tallow fat, suet sitel/ bucket, pail spekulaci/ to speculate (as in finance) substantiv/ noun, substantive sed but situ/ situation, position, site spekulativ/ speculative, conjectural, subtil/ subtle, delicate, light seg/ to saw situaci/ circumstances, state of affairs, hypothetical subtrah/ subtract segment/ segment situation sperm/ sperm subvenci/ subsidy, grant (money) seĝ/ chair skabi/ scabies (contagious skin spert/ experienced suĉ/ suck sek/ dry condition) spez/ exchange money sud/ south sekal/ rye skadr/ squadron spic/ spice Sudan/ Sudan sekc/ cut into pieces, dissect skal/ scale (measure, musical, etc.) spik/ ear, head (of corn, etc.) sufer/ suffer sekci/ section skalp/ scalp spin/ spine, backbone sufiĉ/ sufficient, enough sekreci/ secretion skan/ scan spinac/ spinach sufiks/ suffix sekret/ secret skandal/ scandal spion/ a spy suflor/ prompt, supply with needed sekretari/ secretary skapol/ shoulder-blade spir/ breathe words seks/ sex skarab/ beetle spiral/ spiral, coil sufok/ suffocate sekt/ sect skarlat/ scarlet spirit/ spirit sugest/ suggest sektor/ sector skarlatin/ scarlet fever (type of disease) spiritist/ spiritist sugesti/ suggest by hypnotic influence sekund/ a second (of time or arc) skarp/ scarf spiritualism/ spiritualism suk/ juice; sap sekundant/ second (assistant of a skatol/ box, case spiritualist/ spiritualist sukcen/ amber (type of substance) duelist) skeĉ/ sketch (theater) spit/ act in defiance of, defy, flout sukces/ succeed sekur/ secure, safe skelet/ skeleton splen/ deep depression, blues, suker/ sugar sekv/ follow skem/ scheme, systematic arrangement, melancholy sulfur/ sulphur sel/ saddle layout split/ splinter, chip, flake, shaving sulk/ furrow, wrinkle, groove selakt/ whey skeptik/ sceptical sponde/ spondee (type of verse) sultan/ sultan sem/ seed skerc/ scherzo (type of musical spong/ sponge sum/ sum semafor/ semaphore composition) spontane/ spontaneous sun/ sun semajn/ week skerm/ fence, fight with swords sport/ sport, outdoors recreation sup/ soup seminari/ seminary ski/ ski sprit/ witty, quick-witted, clever super over, above sen without skism/ schism spron/ spur (for a horse, etc.) superlativ/ superlative senat/ senate skiz/ sketch, draft, outline spur/ spoor, footprint, mark, scent, superstiĉ/ superstition senc/ sense, meaning sklav/ slave track, trace suplement/ supplement send/ send skol/ school (of thought, etc.) sput/ spit, cough up (blood, phlegm, supoz/ suppose supr/ top, summit tajp/ type (by typewriter) tim/ fear tru/ hole sur upon, on taks/ judge, estimate, value, appraise timian/ thyme trud/ intrude, obtrude, impose surd/ deaf taksi/ taxi timon/ shaft, pole truf/ truffle (type of plant) surfac/ surface taksus/ yew (type of tree) tindr/ tinder (type of wood) trul/ trowel surpriz/ surprise takt/ time, rhythm (in music) tine/ moth trumpet/ trumpet surtut/ overcoat taktik/ tactics tink/ tench (type of fish) trunk/ trunk, stem suspekt/ suspicion, suspect talent/ talent, aptitude tinktur/ tincture, dye, stain trup/ troop, band, company, team susur/ rustle, buzz, murmur taler/ thaler (German money) tint/ chink, clank, jingle (military) sutan/ cassock (type of clerical tali/ figure, waist tio that (thing) trust/ trust, organized syndicate (in garment) talisman/ talisman lucky charm tiom so much, that quantity business) svarm/ swarm talk/ talc tip/ type, character, specimen trut/ trout (type of fish) svat/ act as matchmaker Talmud/ Talmud (book of Jewish civil tipograf/ typographer tualet/ groom, dress and tidy one's self Sved/ Swede law) tipografi/ typography tub/ tube, pipe sven/ faint, swoon talp/ mole (type of animal) tir/ draw, pull, drag tuber/ tuber, bump, swelling sving/ to swing tambur/ drum tiran/ tyrant tuberkul/ tubercle, nodule (in tamburin/ tamborine titan/ titan medicine) tamen however, nevertheless titol/ title tuberkuloz/ tuberculosis tamtam/ tom-tom (type of drum) tiu that (one) (person or thing) tuf/ tuft, plume; wisp tan/ tan (hide, etc.) to [liternomo] name of the letter "t" tuj immediately Ŝ tandem/ tandem tog/ toga tuk/ a cloth tangent/ tangent tol/ linen (material) tukan/ toucan tanin/ tannin (type of substance) toler/ tolerate tul/ tulle (type of cloth) ŝaf/ sheep tank/ tank (military) tomat/ tomato tulip/ tulip ŝah/ shah tapet/ tapestry, wall hanging tomb/ tomb, grave tumor/ tumor ŝajn/ seem tapiok/ tapioca tombak/ pinchbeck (an allow of copper tumult/ tumult, commotion, uproar ŝak/ chess tapir/ tapir and zinc) tun/ ton (weight) ŝakal/ jackal tapiŝ/ carpet ton/ tone, sound tunel/ tunnel ŝal/ shawl tarantel/ tarantella (type of dance) tond/ clip, shear tunik/ tunic ŝalm/ reed-pipe; drinking straw tarantul/ tarantula tondr/ thunder Tunizi/ Tunisia ŝalt/ switch on, turn on (verb) tarif/ tariff tonel/ register ton (100 cubic feet) tur/ tower ŝalup/ launch, long boat tarok/ tarot (cards used for fortune tonsil/ tonsil turb/ top (type of toy) ŝam/ chamois-leather telling) tonsur/ tonsure (shaven part of head turban/ turban ŝanc/ chance, undesigned occurrence tas/ cup worn by clerics) turbin/ turbine ŝancel/ shake, rock, cause to totter task/ task, job topaz/ topaz turd/ thrush (type of bird) ŝanĝ/ change tatu/ tattoo topograf/ topographer turism/ tourism ŝankr/ canker taŭg/ be fit for, be of use topografi/ topography turist/ tourist ŝarad/ charade tavol/ layer, stratum torĉ/ torch Turk/ [popolnomo] Turk ŝarg/ charge, load (a gun, etc.) te/ tea tord/ twist, wind turkis/ turquoise ŝarĝ/ charge, load (a ship, etc.) teatr/ theater toreador/ toreador, mounted bullfighter turment/ torment ŝark/ shark ted/ bore, weary, annoy torent/ torrent, swift rushing stream turn/ to turn ŝat/ enjoy, appreciate teg/ to cover (wholly) torf/ peat, turf, sod turnir/ tournament ŝaŭm/ foam tegment/ roof torn/ turn (on a lathe) turt/ turtle dove (type of bird) ŝel/ shell, peel, bark tegol/ tile tornistr/ knapsack tus/ cough ŝelk/ brace, sling teĥnik/ technique torped/ torpedo tuŝ/ touch ŝenopraz/ chives teism/ theism tors/ torso, trunk tut/ whole, entire, total ŝerc/ joke teist/ theist tort/ tart, fruit pie ŝi she teknik/ technique tortur/ torture ŝild/ shield teks/ weave tost/ toast, propose (drink to) ŝiling/ shilling (British money) tekst/ text, wording tra through (place) U Ŝiller/ name of q German author telefon/ telephone trab/ beam (of wood), girder ŝim/ mold, blight telegraf/ telegraph tradici/ tradition ŝind/ shingle (roofing) telegram/ telegram traduk/ translate ŝink/ ham telepati/ telepathy traf/ hit the mark (goal) -u [finaĵo] ending of the imperative in ŝip/ ship teler/ plate trafik/ traffic verbs ŝir/ tear, rip, pull apart teleskop/ telescope tragedi/ tragedy u [liternomo] name of the letter "u" ŝirm/ protect, guard, screen televid/ television (the medium) tragik/ tragic uj/ [sufikso] container ŝlim/ slime, mire, mud tem/ theme, topic tragikomedi/ tragicomedy ukaz/ ukase, edict of czarist ŝlos/ lock, fasten temp/ time traĥe/ trachea, windpipe government ŝmac/ to smack the lips temperament/ temperament trajn/ train, series of objects in a line ul/ [sufikso] person noted for… ŝmir/ smear, spread temperatur/ temperature trajt/ trait, feature, characteristic, ulan/ uhlan (cavalryman with lance) ŝnur/ string, cord, rope tempest/ tempest, wind storm feature ulcer/ ulcer ŝo [liternomo] name of the letter "ŝ" tempi/ temple (of forehead) trakt/ transact, treat of (a subject), deal ulm/ elm (type of tree) ŝofor/ chauffeur templ/ temple, place of worship with uln/ ell (cloth measure = 45 in); ulna ŝok/ shock ten/ hold, grasp traktat/ treaty, agreement (anatomy) ŝose/ highway tend/ tent traktor/ tractor ultimat/ ultimatum ŝov/ shove, push, thrust tenden/ tendon tram/ tram, streetcar um/ [sufikso] this suffix with no fixed ŝovel/ shovel tendenc/ tendency tranĉ/ cut, cleave meaning ŝovinism/ chauvinism tener/ tender, affectionate trankvil/ tranquil, quiet umbilik/ umbilicus, navel ŝovinist/ chauvinist teni/ tape-worm trans across unc/ ounce ŝpar/ save, keep for future use tenis/ tennis transept/ transept (part of a church) ung/ nail (of finger or toe) ŝpat/ spade tenor/ tenor transistor/ transistor uni/ union ŝpin/ spin tent/ tempt transit/ transit (passage through a uniform/ uniform (type of dress) ŝpruc/ spirt out, gush forth Teodor/ Theodore country) unik/ unique ŝrank/ cupboard teokrat/ theocrat transitiv/ transitive unison/ unison ŝrapnel/ shrapnel teokrati/ theocracy trapez/ trapeze univers/ universe ŝraŭb/ screw teolog/ theologian tre very universal/ universal ŝrump/ shrivel up, wilt teologi/ theology tref/ club (in cards) universitat/ university ŝtal/ steel teorem/ theorem trejn/ train, coach, drill unu one ŝtat/ state (realm), nation teori/ theory trem/ tremble, quake, shake ur/ aurochs (type of extinct wild ox) ŝtel/ steal ter/ earth tremol/ aspen (type of tree) uragan/ hurricane ŝtip/ block, log terapi/ therapy tremp/ dip, immerse, plunge urb/ town ŝtof/ fabric, textile teras/ terrace tren/ drag, haul, pull, tow urĝ/ urge ŝton/ stone tercet/ tercet (in verse) tret/ tread (verb) urin/ urine ŝtop/ stop up, plug up terebint/ turpentine trezor/ treasure, hoard, savings urn/ urn ŝtorm/ storm teren/ terrain, ground, land tri three urogal/ capercailie (type of bird) ŝtrump/ stocking teritori/ territory trib/ tribe urs/ bear (type of animal) ŝtup/ stair, step termin/ term, technical name tribun/ tribune; Roman leader; urtik/ nettle (type of plant) ŝu/ shoe termit/ termite speaker's platform Urugvaj/ Uruguay ŝuld/ to be in debt, owe termometr/ thermometer tribunal/ tribunal, court of justice -us [finaĵo] ending of the conditional in ŝultr/ shoulder tern/ sneeze tribut/ tribute verbs ŝut/ pour out (solids) terur/ terror, horror, fright trigonometri/ trigonometry Uson/ United States of America ŝveb/ hover test/ test trik/ knit uter/ womb, uterus ŝvel/ swell testament/ testament trikot/ knitted fabric util/ useful ŝvit/ sweat, perspire testik/ testicle tril/ trill (in music) utopi/ utopia testud/ tortoise trink/ drink uvertur/ overture (in music) tetan/ tetanus trip/ tripe, bowels, entrails uz/ to use, to employ tetr/ grouse (type of bird) tritik/ wheat uzur/ usury uzurp/ usurp T tetra/ hazel grouse (type of bird) triumf/ triumph, victory tez/ thesis, proposition trivial/ trivial, trifling; vulgar, base, tia such, that kind of common tial therefore, for that reason tro too tabak/ tobacco tiam then trofe/ trophy, spoils Ŭ taban/ gadfly (type of insect) tiar/ tiara (type of crown) trog/ trough tabel/ table (in a book, etc.), index tibi/ tibia, shin bone tromb/ waterspout tabl/ table tie there trombon/ trombone tabul/ board, plank tiel thus, so; in that way tromp/ deceive, cheat ŭo [liternomo] name of the letter "ŭ" taburet/ stool, small backless seat ties that one's tron/ throne taĉment/ detachment (troops) tif/ typhus trop/ trope, figure of speech taft/ taffeta (type of textile) tig/ stem, stalk (of a plant); shaft tropik/ tropic tag/ day tigr/ tiger trot/ trot tajl/ cut out, fashion, shape tikl/ tickle trotuar/ pavement, sidewalk tajlor/ tailor tili/ lime-tree trov/ find V vigl/ animated, spirited, quick, sprightly vikari/ deputy; vicarious viktim/ victim vil/ villus; tuft of hair on fruit, plant, vad/ wade, splash skin, etc. vafl/ wafer, thin cake, waffle vilaĝ/ village vag/ wander, drift, rove Vilhelm/ Wilhelm vagin/ vagina vagon/ wagon, carriage, car (for vin/ wine transporting people or cargo) vinagr/ vinegar vind/ swaddle, wind around, wrap vak/ vacant around vakcin/ vaccine vinjet/ vignette, ornamental border vakcini/ bilberry (type of plant) vink/ periwinkle (type of plant) vaks/ wax vaku/ vacuum vinkt/ clip, fastner val/ valley vintr/ winter viol/ violet (type of flower) valid/ valid violon/ violin valiz/ valise, suitcase violonĉel/ violoncello valor/ value, worth vip/ whip, lash vals/ waltz valut/ value of paper money viper/ viper (type of snake) vampir/ vampire vipur/ viper (type of snake) vir/ man, male van/ vain, futile virg/ virgin, chaste vand/ partition virt/ virtue, moral excellence vanel/ lapwing (type of bird) vang/ cheek virtual/ virtual vanil/ vanilla (type of plant and spice) virtuoz/ virtuoso, brilliant performer virus/ virus vant/ vain, empty, frivolous, futile visk/ mistletoe (type of plant) vapor/ vapor, steam viski/ whisky var/ ware, article of commerce vist/ whist (type of card game) varb/ enlist, enroll vari/ vary, undergo change viŝ/ wipe variant/ variant; variable (math) vit/ vine vitamin/ vitamin variol/ smallpox vitr/ glass (type of substance) varm/ warm, hot vitriol/ vitriol (sulphuric acid) Varsovi/ Warsaw viv/ live, be alive vart/ nurse, tend, look after (e.g. children) vivisekci/ vivisection, dissection of a vasal/ vassal, humble servant living animal viz/ visa vast/ vast, wide, extensive vizaĝ/ face Vaŝington/ Washington vizi/ vision, apparition, imagined vat/ wadding supernatural appearance vaz/ vase, vessel vazelin/ vaseline, petroleum jelly vizier/ visor vizit/ visit ve woe! vo [liternomo] name of the letter "v" veget/ vegetate voĉ/ voice vegetal/ plant (as in botant) vodk/ vodka vegetar/ vegetarian vejn/ vein voj/ way, road vek/ wake, arouse vojaĝ/ voyage vok/ call vekt/ beam (of scales, balances, etc.) vokal/ vowel vel/ a sail (e.g. of a ship) vokativ/ vocative case (grammar) velen/ vellum, animal skin used for vol/ will, choose books velk/ droop, fade, wither volont/ willingly velociped/ velocipede volum/ volume (as of a book) volumen/ volume (space occupied) velur/ velvet volupt/ voluptuous, sensual ven/ come volv/ wind, wrap around, roll vend/ sell vom/ vomit vendred/ Friday venen/ poison vort/ word Venezuel/ Venezuela vost/ tail vual/ veil venĝ/ take revenge, avenge vulgar/ vulgar, common, everyday venk/ conquer vulkan/ volcano vent/ wind (moving air) ventol/ ventilate vulp/ fox ventr/ belly, abdomen vultur/ vulture vulv/ vulva ver/ true, truth vund/ wound verand/ veranda (roofed open gallery) verb/ verb verben/ vervain (type of plant) verd/ green verdigr/ verdigris (type of chemical) Z verdikt/ verdict verg/ rod, stick, staff verk/ work (literary) Zamenhof/ Zamenhof (author of verm/ worm Esperanto) vermiĉel/ vermicelli zebr/ zebra vermut/ vermouth (type of alcoholic zefir/ zephyr, soft light wind beverage) zenit/ zenith vers/ verse zibel/ sable (type of animal) versi/ version zigzag/ zigzag verst/ verst (Russian unit of distance, zingibr/ ginger (type of plant and spice) about 2/3 mile) zink/ zinc verŝ/ pour zip/ zipper vert/ top of head, crown zizel/ souslik (type of animal) vertebr/ vertebra zo [liternomo] name of the letter "z" vertic/ vertex, apex zodiak/ zodiac vertikal/ vertical zon/ belt, girdle, waistband veruk/ wart, gnarl, knobby growth on zoolog/ zoologist tree zoologi/ zoology verv/ verve, spirit, vim, zest zorg/ care for, attend to, look after vesp/ wasp zuav/ zouave, African infantryman vesper/ evening zum/ hum, buzz vespert/ bat (type of animal) vest/ to clothe, to dress vestibl/ vestibule, lobby veŝt/ vest,waistcoat vet/ bet, wager veter/ weather veteran/ veteran veterinar/ veterinarian vetur/ journey, travel (by vehicle) vezik/ bladder; blister; bubble vezir/ vizier (type of Turkish minister) vi you viadukt/ viaduct viand/ meat, flesh vibr/ vibrate viburn/ viburnum (type of plant) vic/ row, file, rank, turn vid/ see vidv/ widower