Akademia Vortaro De Esperanto the List of Words in This Dictionary Is From
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Akademia Vortaro de Esperanto akcident/ accident analiz/ analyze arĥeolog/ archeologist akcipitr/ hawk analog/ analogous arĥeologi/ archeology akciz/ excise tax ananas/ pineapple arĥipelag/ archipelago akir/ acquire anapest/ anapest (metrical foot in arĥitekt/ architect The list of words in this dictionary is aklam/ acclaim verse) arĥitektur/ archtecture from the official Akademia Vortaro of akn/ pimple, acne anarĥi/ anarchy arĥiv/ archives the Esperanto Language Academy. The akompan/ accompany anarki/ anarchy ari/ air, melody, tune, aria brief English definitions have been derived from a number of sources, akord/ accord, agreement anas/ duck aristokrat/ aristocrat including the Universala Vortaro by akr/ sharp anatomi/ anatomy aristokrati/ aristocracy akrid/ locust, grasshopper anĉ/ reed (of a musical instrument) aritmetik/ arithmetic L.L. Zamenhof and the Esperanto- akrobat/ acrobar anĉov/ spiced anchovy ark/ arc, curve English Dictionary by Montagu C. aks/ axle, axis anekdot/ anecdote arkad/ arcade, archway Butler. This version includes words th aksel/ armpit aneks/ annex arkaik/ archaic through the 9 Official Supplement (2007). — D.G. Simpson aksiom/ axiom anemon/ anemone (flower) arkaism/ archaism, obsolete word or akt/ act (theatrical or legal) angelik/ angelica (plant) phrase aktiv/ active angil/ eel arkeolog/ archeologist aktor/ actor angin/ angina arkeologi/ archeology A aktual/ present, current Angl/ [popolnomo] English (people) arkipelag/ archipelago akupunktur/ acupuncture angor/ anguish arkitekt/ architect akurat/ prompt, on time angul/ angle, corner arkitektur/ architecture -a [finaĵo] termination of adjectives akuŝ/ be confined (in childbed) (intr.) anĝel/ angel arkiv/ archives a [liternomo] name of the letter "a" akut/ acute anilin/ aniline (chemical) Arkt/ Arctic abat/ abbot akuz/ accuse anim/ soul arleken/ harlequin abdik/ abdicate, resign akuzativ/ accusative animal/ animal arm/ arm (against), equip with abel/ bee akv/ water aniz/ anise (plant) arme/ army abi/ fir (type of tree) akvafort/ etching, metal-plate ankaŭ also Armen/ Armenian (people) abism/ abyss, chasm engraving ankoraŭ yet, still arnik/ arnica (plant) abiturient/ secondary-school student akvarel/ watercolor (painting) ankr/ anchor arogant/ arrogant ablativ/ ablative akvari/ aquarium Ann/ Anna arom/ aroma abnegaci/ self-denial akvilegi/ columbine (plant) anomali/ anomaly arpeĝ/ arpeggio (music) abomen/ abomination al to anonc/ announce, advertise arsenik/ arsenic abon/ subscribe alabastr/ alabaster anonim/ anonymous art/ art abort/ abort, miscarry alarm/ give alarm, rouse anser/ goose arteri/ artery abrikot/ apricot alaŭd/ lark (bird) anstataŭ instead of artifik/ artifice, contrivance abrupt/ abrupt Alban/ Albanian (people) ant/ [sufikso] ending of present active artik/ joint, articulation absces/ abscess albin/ albino participle artikol/ article (of commerce), absint/ wormwood (type of plant) album/ album Antarkt/ Antarctic; Antarctica commodity absolut/ absolute alcion/ kingfisher; halcyon (bird) antaŭ before artileri/ artillery absorb/ absorb ald/ alto (singing voice) anten/ antenna (zoological or radio) artiŝok/ artichoke abstin/ abstain ale/ tree-lined garden path antibiotik/ antibiotic artrit/ arthritis abstrakt/ abstract alegori/ allegory, figurative tale anticip/ anticipate -as [finaĵo] ending of the present tense absurd/ absurd Aleksandr/ Alexander antikv/ antique, ancient in verbs abund/ abundant alen/ awl, punch antilop/ antelope as/ ace (in cards or dice) acer/ maple (tree) alergi/ allergy antimon/ antimony asbest/ asbestos acid/ acid, sour alfabet/ alphabet antipati/ antipathy asekur/ insure aĉ/ [sufikso] contemptible, wretched alg/ seaweed antipod/ antipode asemble/ assembly (legislative) aĉet/ buy algebr/ algebra antitez/ antithesis asert/ assert ad/ [sufikso] denotes duration of action algoritm/ algorithm antologi/ anthology asesor/ assessor adapt/ adapt Alĝeri/ Algeria Anton/ Anthony asfalt/ asphalt adept/ adept alĥemi/ alchemy antropolog/ anthropologist asign/ assign adiaŭ goodbye ali/ other antropologi/ anthropology asimil/ assimilate adici/ add (arith.) alibi/ alibi Anunciaci/ Annunciation asist/ assist (officially) adjektiv/ adjective aligator/ alligator anus/ anus asoci/ association adjutant/ adjutant (mil.) aline/ indentation at the beginning of a aort/ aorta asonanc/ assonance (in verse) administr/ administer paragraph aparat/ apparatus asparag/ asparagus administraci/ administration alk/ elk apart/ separate, special, apart, distinct aspekt/ appear to be admir/ admire alkemi/ alchemy apartament/ apartment asperg/ sprinkle admiral/ admiral alkohol/ alcohol aparten/ belong (to) aspid/ asp (snake) admiralitat/ admiralty alkov/ alcove apati/ apathy aspir/ aspire admon/ admonish, exhort, warn, scold almanak/ almanac apelaci/ appeal (legal) aspirin/ aspirin adopt/ adopt almenaŭ at least apenaŭ scarcely astm/ asthma ador/ adore, worship almoz/ alms, something given to relieve aper/ appear astr/ heavenly body adrenalin/ adrenaline the poor aperitiv/ apéritif astrolog/ astrologer adres/ address (e.g. mailing address) aln/ alder (tree) apertur/ aperature astrologi/ astrology adult/ commit adultery alo/ aloe apetit/ appetite astronom/ astronomer advent/ advent, arrival alt/ high api/ wild celery (plant) astronomi/ astronomy adverb/ adverb altar/ altar aplaŭd/ applaud at/ [sufikso] ending of present passive advokat/ lawyer alte/ marshmallow (plant) aplik/ apply, employ for special participle aer/ air altern/ alternate purpose atak/ attack aerolit/ aerolite (stony meteorite) alternativ/ alternative aplomb/ aplomb, composure, self- atavism/ atavism, resemblance to aeroplan/ airplane alud/ allude to, mention in passing assurance ancestors afabl/ kind, good-natured alumet/ match (for starting a fire) apog/ lean upon, support ateism/ atheism afekt/ act affectedly, put on airs alumini/ aluminum apoge/ apogee ateist/ atheist afer/ affair, matter alun/ alum (chemical) apokrif/ Apocrypha, apocryphal atenc/ make a criminal attempt against, afiks/ affix am/ love apolog/ fable, animal story with a moral assault afiŝ/ poster, sign amar/ bitter (to taste) apopleksi/ apoplexy, cerebral atend/ wait, expect aflikt/ afflict, distress severely amas/ heap, pile, mass hemorrhage atent/ attentive aforism/ aphorism (concise statement amator/ amateur apostol/ apostle atest/ attest, witness to, testify, certify of a principle) ambasad/ diplomatic mission apostrof/ apostrophe ating/ attain, reach afrank/ to prepay postage on ambasador/ ambassador apotek/ pharmacy Atlantik/ Atlantic Afrik/ Africa ambaŭ both apoteoz/ apotheosis, deification, deified atlas/ [ŝtofo] satin, glossy silk fabric afust/ gun carriage (mil.) ambici/ ambitious ideal atlas/ [maparo] atlas, collection of maps ag/ act ambos/ anvil apozici/ apposition (grammatical) atlet/ athlete agac/ grate, set on edge (teeth, etc.) ambr/ ambergris (substance from apr/ wild boar atmosfer/ atmosphere agat/ agate sperm whale) April/ April atom/ atom agent/ agent ambrozi/ ambrosia aprob/ approve atribu/ attribute, ascribe, assign agit/ agitate, stir up ambulanc/ ambulanco, field hospital apud nearby atribut/ attribute, essential agl/ eagle ameb/ amoeba ar/ [sufikso] a collection of objects characteristic agoni/ death throes amel/ starch Arab/ Arab (people) atripl/ orach (plant) agord/ tune (e.g. musical instrument) amend/ ammend arabesk/ arabesque (design or dance) atut/ trump (cards) agrabl/ pleasant, agreeable Amerik/ America arane/ spider aŭ or agraf/ hook, clasp ametist/ amethyst aranĝ/ arrange aŭd/ hear agres/ to be the aggressor amfibi/ amphibian arb/ tree aŭdac/ audacious, bold, daring agronom/ agronomist amfiteatr/ ampitheater arbalest/ crossbow aŭdienc/ audience agronomi/ agronomy amfor/ amphora (ancient Greek two- arbitr/ arbitrary aŭditori/ auditorium aĝ/ age handled vase) arbitraci/ arbitration aŭgur/ fortell by omens, forbode aĝi/ charge on currency exchange amik/ friend arbust/ shrub, bush Aŭgust/ [monatnomo] August aidos/ AIDS (acquired amnesti/ amnesty arĉ/ bow (violin, etc.) Aŭgust/ [vira nomo] (man's name) immunodeficiency syndrome) amoniak/ ammonia ard/ ardent, fiery, hot aŭkci/ auction ajl/ garlic amor/ sexual love arde/ heron aŭreol/ aureola, halo, glory, nimbus ajn ever amortiz/ amortize; progressively ardez/ slate (rock) aŭskult/ listen aĵ/ [sufikso] made from or possessing diminish are/ area Aŭstrali/ Australia the quality of ampleks/ extent, size aren/ arena aŭt/ automobile akaci/ acacia (tree) ampol/ ampulla, bulbed container areometr/ densimeter aŭtentik/ authentic akademi/ academy amput/ amputate arest/ arrest aŭtobiografi/ autobiography akapar/ monopolize amulet/ amulet, charm worn against argil/ clay aŭtobus/ bus (vehicle) akar/ mite, tick (insect) evil argument/ argument, reasoning aŭtograf/ autograph akcel/ accelerate amuz/ amuse advanced aŭtokrat/ autocrat, absolute ruler akcent/ accent, stress an/ [sufikso] inhabitant, member arĝent/ silver aŭtokrati/ autocracy, absolute akcept/ accept, receive anagal/ pimpernel (plant) arĥaik/ archaic government akcesor/ accessory, additional anagram/ anagram arĥaism/ archaism, obsolete word or aŭtomat/ automaton; automatic akci/ share (as of a stock) anakronism/ anachronism phrase aŭtomobil/ automobile aŭtonom/ autonomous bel/ beautiful bril/ shine cipres/ cypress aŭtor/ author beladon/ belladonna (plant) briliant/ a faceted gem cir/ polish, polishing wax (for floors, aŭtoritat/ authority beletr/ belles-lettres brit/ Brit (resident of Britain) shoes, etc.) aŭtun/ autumn, fall beletristik/ belles-lettres, literary works broĉ/ broach,