Friday 11th June 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

Coronavirus Update – Please Bring your Face Masks to School

As you will all be aware, the number of people testing positive for Covid-19 in the area is rising, and we continue to be very vigilant with regard to face mask wearing and hand sanitising. This message has been reinforced yet again this week by all form mentors and by myself in all this week’s assemblies. However, a small but persistent minority of learners are expecting us to provide face masks for them on a far too regular basis. Please can I ask for your support in ensuring that your child brings at least two face masks to school - one to wear and one spare in case they lose or break one. This week we have had to send home just one very small bubble of eighteen year 9 learners. We do not want to have to send any learners home, but we must follow the government’s guidance. Our continued vigilance will hopefully ensure that we keep the number of learners having to be sent home to the absolute minimum. We have endeavoured to ensure that all those learners sent home have full access to their revision materials ahead of the year 7 to 10 exams, which take place from Monday 21st June to Friday 2nd July, but please do not hesitate to contact school if you need to call in to pick up any outstanding resources. Thank you for your support and, as ever, we continue to watch this space.

Further Reduce the Spread of Covid -Lunch and Breaktimes Outside

Now that the weather has improved we must also take every single opportunity to ensure that all our learners are outside as much as possible. Indeed, we all know that the chances of catching Coronavirus are dramatically reduced in outdoor spaces. From Monday 14th June form rooms will close at lunchtimes and all learners will be expected to eat their lunches outside or sitting in their social bubbles in the year group areas in the main hall/dining room. If it is raining, then we will of course open up the form rooms again on wet days.

Lateral Flow Tests for Learners Continue

Thank you for your continued support with home testing. Learners will need to continue to test at home twice weekly. Please continue to report all LFD test results (negative, positive and void results) to school. Please report all test results via the dedicated email address: [email protected] or via our phone line.

Mrs S Armstrong Academy Principal Unsworth Academy, Parr Lane, Bury, BL9 8LP Tel: 0161 796 9820 Email: [email protected] Online:

Shaw Education Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in and Wales under company registration number 09067175 at registered address Kidsgrove Secondary School, Gloucester Road, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. ST7 4DL. The details of our academies registered as business names can be found at


Year 11 Uniform Donation

We would be most grateful for any donations of school uniform from our outgoing year 11 learners. Please drop off any items at reception. Last year your donations made a huge difference in supporting us to ensure that every learner is able to come to school in the correct uniform and regardless of any financial challenges.

School Uniform update

Prior to the half term I wrote to you asking for your support to ensure all learners returned to school correctly dressed in full school uniform, including proper school shoes. Your response has been fantastic and our learners look incredibly smart. Thankyou

Year 7 to 10 Important Internal Exams Reminder

Please be aware that these important exams will take place from Monday 21st June until Friday 2nd July. All learners have been issued with paper copies of their exam timetables and they have been sent out electronically to all parents/carers as well. Copies are also available on the school website. All subject topics to be revised have been sent out via Show My Homework. Please support your child by ensuring that they revise for these very important end of year assessments.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs S Armstrong Academy Principal

Mrs S Armstrong Academy Principal Unsworth Academy, Parr Lane, Bury, BL9 8LP Tel: 0161 796 9820 Email: [email protected] Online:

Shaw Education Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 09067175 at registered address Kidsgrove Secondary School, Gloucester Road, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. ST7 4DL. The details of our academies registered as business names can be found at