Publications HANS ULRICH GUMBRECHT Stanford University
Publications HANS ULRICH GUMBRECHT Stanford University [March 2015]* 1. Books 1.1 Funktionswandel und Rezeption. Studien zur Hyperbolik in literarischen Texten des romanischen Mittelalters. München 1972. 1.2 Literaturkritik. BSV-Studienmaterial. München 1973. 1.3 Emile Zola im historischen Kontext. Für eine neue Lektüre des Rougon-Macquart- Zyklus. München 1978. 1.4 Funktionen parlamentarischer Rhetorik in der Französischen Revolution. Vorstudien zur Entwicklung einer historischen Textpragmatik. München 1978 [Portuguese translation under the title: As funçoes da retórica parlamentar na Revoluçao francesa. Belo Horizonte [Editora UFMG] 2003]. 1.5 Sozialgeschichte ästhetischer Erfahrung. Hagen [Fernuniversität] 1984. 1.6 Eine Geschichte der spanischen Literatur. Frankfurt 1990 [available as CD Rom at Directmedia [2004]]. 1.7 Making Sense in Life and Literature [English translation of publications [5.11], [5.22], [5.39], [5.43], [5.44], [5.45], [5.53], [5.69], [5.81], [5.84] and [5.88] by Glen Burns, and first publication of [5.112]]. Preface by Wlad Godzich. Minneapolis 1992. 1.8 In 1926. Living at the Edge of Time. Cambridge [Harvard University Press] 1997 [Portuguese translation under the title: Em 1926. Vivendo no Limite do Tempo. Rio de Janeiro [Editora Record] 1999 / German translation under the title: 1926. Ein Jahr am Rand der Zeit. Frankfurt [Suhrkamp Verlag] 2001; second edition / softcover, 2003 / Spanish translation under the title: 1926 – viviendo al borde del tiempo [Editorial Iberoamericana], Mexico City 2004 / Spanish translation forthcoming at RBA Libros /Russian translation at NLO [Moscow] [2005] / Hungarian translation at Kijarat Kiado [Budapest] 2014]. 1.9 Modernizaçao dos Sentidos. Sao Paulo 1998 [Portuguese translation of publications [5.49], [5.67], [5.93], [5.97], [5.104], [5.105], [5.110], [5.117], [5.131], [5.137], [5.143], [5.147], [5.150]].
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