
France/UK/Belgium 法國/英國/比利時 2017 | English | DCP | Color | 106min

Director Original Author Fabien Nury, Thierry Robin Scriptwriter Armando Iannucci, , Cinematographer Zac Nicholson Editor Peter Lambert Art Director Cristina Casali Music Cast , , , Producer Yann Zenou, Laurent Zeitoun, Nicolas Duval Adassovsky, Kevin Loader Production Quad Productions, Main Journey World Sales Gaumont

The Death of Stalin 弊傢伙!史太林死咗

Was it easier than you expected to make a comedy about [導演訪問] Stalin and his inner circle that was also factually accurate? 拍這部關於史太林及其黨羽的喜劇,既要幽默又要符 Yeah. When we were researching it, we found out things like Vasily, 合史實,其實是否沒有你想像中那麼難? Stalin’s son, really did lose the ice-hockey team in a plane crash. 對。我們作資料搜集時,發現了一些諸如史太林兒子華 And because the comedy is the comedy of hysteria, you want to 西里真的在一宗飛機失事意外中,導致轄下冰上曲棍球 be true to what happened and how people responded. So anything 隊喪生的事件。而由於喜劇就是歇斯底里的喜劇,你會 that was so-bizarre-and-yet-true was a candidate for going in. I 想忠於真實發生的事件,忠於人們如何反應,因此,那 thought about having “This is a true story…”, but then I thought, no, 些「不可思議卻又千真萬確」的事件都列入拍攝的選 just watch it for what it is, and it would be great if you subsequently 材。我想過放映時列明「本片依真實故事改編」,但隨 found out that the bulk of it was true… 即便想,且慢,就讓大家沒前設地去看,看到最後才發 Power corrupts? 現大部份都是史實時,這才好玩。

Yeah, it was almost like Animal Farm by the end, and yet they all 這群人都不是好人,但你的電影給了他們人性的一面。 lived near each other and popped in and out of each other’s houses. 他們有家人,又會說笑。影片完成後你對他們的感覺 He might have had your brother shot and all that, but they had to 有沒有改變? sublimate that as just part of the process of moving forward. 嗯,沒有。但我想過,伴君如伴虎,為了生存,他們不 Interview with Armando Iannucci 得不做出的是哪一些事?同時哪一些事又會發生在他們 The Observer 身上?例如,事實上,史太林會羞辱他們,拿他們開玩 笑,也要他們彼此對立。到最後我們可以問以下問題: 「換了是你,在那些處境你會做什麼?」

Armando IANNUCCI was born in Glasgow, UK in 1963 and has written, directed and produced numerous television and radio comedy shows including (05-12) and (12-15). In 2009, he directed his feature debut . The Death of Stalin (17) is his second feature. 阿曼多伊恩諾齊 1963 年生於蘇格蘭格拉斯哥,博士論文研究《失落園》作者約翰密爾頓。曾編導及製作多部電視及電台喜劇節目。執導 電影包括《地鐵故事》(09,合導 )、《人人有份》(09)、《弊傢伙!史太林死咗》(17)。