Jan. Vol.22 No.I 1991 HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Past Treasurer holds up the "money".

Dr. Don makes off with the loot. DISCLAIMER EM 168 MONTHLY MEETING We would like to make you aware that as always, in past, present, and future, any communication issued by EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION, CHAPTER ONE-SIXTY­ EIGHT, INC., regardless of the form, format, and/or media -[jffi_ used which includes, but is not limited to HANGAR ECHOES and audio/video recordings is presented only in the light FARMERS BRANCH of a clearing house of ideas, opinions and personal COMMUNITY BUILDING experience accounts. Anyone using ideas, opinions, 2919 AMBER LANE information, etc., does so at their own discretion and risk. Therefore, no responsibility or liability is expressed or implied and you are without recourse to 635-LBJ anyone. Any event announced and/or listed herein is done so as a matter of information only and does not constitute approval, sponsorship, involvement, control or direction of any event (this includes OSHKOSH). Please Come on Up! read, listen, enjoy, and be careful out there. DID YOU KNOW,,,,?

That you never would be issued pilot's certificate if during your initial or subsequent flight tests you did not do any or all of the following,,, OFFICERS PRES BROWNIE SEALS 248 - 4335 1, At an uncontrolled : a - Fly over the airport at 500 ft, V-P JOHN IVY 243 - 7509 above pattern altitude checking SEC PAUL KEPNER 276 - 1691 wind indicators and "L"s for traff­ TREAS DOUG VAIL 414 - 1175 ic pattern directions, watch out! b Fly away from traffic pattern DIRECTORS DON CHRISTIANSEN 298 -6531 area, broadcast, let down and enter BILL WISLEY 494 - 4153 downwind leg at 45 degree angle at RED MARRON 618 - 1368 published pattern altitude, LEON RAUSCH 349 - 6024 c Watch Out! Other traffic IS out TOM SCOTT 349 - 8766 there. d Make a "blind" radio call on the TECHNICAL JIM RUSHING 727 - 5630 designated unicorn freq, when: COUNSELORS OWEN BRUCE 231 - 3946 MEL ASBERRY 517 - 5070 (1) Entering DOWNWIND LEG, BILL WARE 353 - 9392 (2) TURNING BASE LEG BROWNIE SEALS 248 - 4335 (3) TURNING ON FINAL APPROACH Also Prior to taxi or taking HANGER ECHOES the for takeoff, Watch EDITOR OPEN PUBLISHER STEPHEN FERRARO 248 - 9418 out ..• Other traffic in pattern,

ADVERTISING BILL WISLEY 494 - 4153 Unicom frequencies are all over the place,,,,maybe only 15 miles away. FLY - INS OPEN Unicom: 122,7, 122,8, 123,0 TRAILER VERN WILLIAMS Multicom: 122,9 DATA PROCESSING CLAIR BUTTON 231 - 6070 Interplane: 122,78 SAFETY OFFICER MEL ASBERRY 517 - 5070 Chapter 168 flyers use the radio LIBRARIAN ERNIE LUDWICK 241 - 1185 on EVERY FAR 61,107 and FAR 61,102 TOOL CUSTODIAN ERNIE LUDWICK 241 - 1185 Dave Davidson GOVT, LIAISON CLARENCE (MUTT) WAY 416 - 4692 ATP,CFI,CF II, A&P, FE ·- GIA Page one

From the office of the President!

"----I do solemnly swear to perform the duties of the President and defend the charter and bylaws of the EAA to the best of my ability -- So Help Me Paul-----" I am both flattered and disappointed by being elected to the office. Flattered because you consider me qualified to lead the chapter - -- disappointed because no others were in the race to contest for the opportunity to serve and do it their way, This election starts me on my fourteenth year as President to an EAA chapter, Seems that I am having more than my share of fun in EAA,

As some of you know, I have been a member of 168 longer than the four years since I moved back to Dallas in 1986. I first joined 168 in 1965 .. , Records for those dates are little fuzzy but they tell me that 168 was chartered in the early '60s. In those early meetings I remember Owen Bruce, Jim Rushing, Dale Brooks, Jack Winthrop, Judy Cobb, Dick Caven and others whose names I cannot bring to mind at this moment. Dick Cavin's newsletter was so good that I remained a member for several years after I moved to Mississippi ... just to keep in touch and get the news. For me 168 set the pattern for what an EAA chapter should be. The three chapters I served in Mississippi all got a strong does of doing in the 168 way. It is my opinion that EAA is supposed to be FUN -- not work -- it is supposed to be educational, inspiring and recreational. Therefore the goal of my administration will be to make 1991 "Educational fun" Now some of the "fun" and all of the "education comes from getting involved ~o prepare to step up and join the "group".

I am a strong believer in the lais-sez faire theory of government, thus I hope to follow the example of my hero "Ronnie'' and get good people, establish a plan and let them go to it. I just hope I don't get too forgetful ... nor fall asleep too often.

We have the beginnings of a super team to make 1991 a banner year. (everybody take turns at towing) John Ivy as Vice-President and program chairman, Doug Vail as Treasurer, Paul Kepner as Secretary ... plus an outstanding group on the Board. These elected volunteers are supported by some dedicated real ~olunteers ... Ernie Ludwick as temporary editor (we need a permanent one), Stephen Ferraro as Publisher and Bill Wisley for Advertising. Mel Asberry is once again Safety Officer and Ernie Ludwick as custodian of tools and books. Vern Williams has agreed to see that the trailer is located in the right place for our events. One major vacancy exists --- we need a couple of good EAAers to take on the duty of food experts to operate the eating activities at our airport get togethers •. Here is an opportunity to be a hero ... there will be others. Page two

As I see, it this EAA education platform has one purpose ... for "learning about airplanes and flying". That is sharing the skill and knowledge of airplanes with other people who enjoy aviation and flying. Lucky for us there are several by-product benefits ... we get to spend time with people who share our interests .•.. we get to visit interesting places where airplanes congregate and we get to see and admire many beautiful aircraft. In the process we stretch our minds learning more and more about Airplanes and Flying. TCAs notwithstanding.

In a more practical vein, following discussion of the January weather ... unpredictable and miserable as it can be .. . we will forgo the Airport Fly-In this month.

Aero Country the Saturday after the meeting ... cafe for lunch ... ,(not official)

The year is started ... I can only do what you will suggest and support ... so help me and together we will make 168 great in '91!

Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!


Minutes of Directors Meeting, Thurs., Ded. 13, 1990

THE CHRISTMAS PARTY WAS A HUGE SUCCESS ... especially for John Ivy;s little Grandaughter. No discussion of old business. The January meeting will be on the SECOND Tuesday the balance of '91 will be at the regular time .... the First Tuesday. One item discussed was an introduction to a committee concept of chapter organization ... perhaps called "special interest groups" made up of ALL chapter members. The idea is to get everyone involved in something ... a more a~tive 168 perhaps.

Airport Meeting insurance was brought up and the news is ..• we bought the insurance plan 1 thru National and we .can call them Fly- Ins again.

The need for a Hangar Echoes editor was discussed. Thomas Mouser had to retire as editor ... and he did a great job for us .... Thanks Thomas. Being Editor is kind of fun if you have a word processor available and you enjoy talking to sources of information and keeping up on what's going on. Chapter members are generous with input and pictures ... and Stephen Ferraro as Publisher is there to help.

The January assembly of Hanger Ehoes will be at Bill Wisley's home on the 29th of Jan. The Board Meeting for the month of Jan. will be on the 17th. Page three

There will be no formal Fly-In in January Try Aero Country for lunch at the cafe.,., Saturday after the regular meeting,

Chapter 168 is about to have a real P.A. system that helps us old pilots that have to ask ... What? What? at meetings.

Paul Kepner

January 1991 EAA91 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY -FRIDAY------SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 f ~® ~ ~ 6 7 9 12 8 10 11 10:00am 7~R AIRPORT MEimNG MEEl1NG i nl rr, ._ ~ VI • ~ co )> :z: ::e: -.&, C: December 1990~ February 1991~ M T W T F S M T W T F S ·- ... C) 1 1 2 345678 4S6789 10 11 12 13 14 15 '" ~ (0 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 Z7 28 29 18 19 20 21 22 23 ?'t?li'T7?A .... -..Iii IT " ~

OSHKOSH HAD 850,000 visitors this 1990. That's lots of folks.& 13,000 airplanes. Pag~ four

QUESTAIR's VENTURE - will be paying a visit to the Dallas/Fort Worth area January 26. More specifically, it will be at Charles Boyd's hangar over at . The Venture will be coming in the evening before so they plan to get started about 9:30AM and be there most of the day. Charle's hangar is the 2nd hangar from the south end, on the East side. Look for the signs. If you'd like more information call him at (817) 571-3544. One of our new members, Ken Parks, recently flew the Questair when he was down at their home field in Greensboro, NC. This very fast (250+ Knots), 2-seat, all metal airplane has won several speed/efficiency contests and attracted lots of attention at the Sun-N-Fun, Oshkosh, Kerrville Fly-In's. LANCAIR IV - as I mentioned at our December Meeting\XMAS Party, the folks at Lancair have expressed an interest in bringing their new 4-seat Lancair IV prototype to Dallas for a visit. If you would be interested is having your new Chapter Officers pursue this offer, give them a call. C.J.B.

CHAPTER 168 CHRISTMAS PARTY - was teriffic ! Lots of members, their Spouses, and some visitors attended. Everyone enjoyed the feast of Food, Friendship, and Fun. A special thanks to Ann Asberry, Ellen Button, and the other ladies and gents who helped set up and decorate the Community Building with a Christmas flare, and to Ted Thayer and Collin Farrell for arranging to obtain and show the memorable video "Come Fly with the Geese" on the large screen video projection system. The "White Elephant" gift exchange was a lot of fun, and an interesting lesson is human psychology!

FOR SALE - Project table, 4' X 20', sturdy wood construction. Has built in storage shelves. Can be disassembled for transportation. Asking $125 Tim Falkofske, 1500 Apache st., Arlington, Tx 76012 (817) 860-7569

Fellow E.A.A. member.

I have a 40'x 30' fully enclosed hanger with concrete floor for sale. It has a large concrete ramp .in front of the hanger,ventilation doors in the back,water and electricity. Also I have a two acre building site next to the runway for sale. It is located at Freedom Field, just three miles south of Gainesville Muni. I would appreciate it if you would pass this information onto the members of your club.

Thank You,~ .J- 1/~/{-'~ Wayne R. Moster Rt. 2 Box 50 Gainesville TX. 76240 Phone 817-668-7036 J. E. "RED" MARRON <-::-~-;~~ :J

LAKEVIEW AIRPORT Rentals Include J3 Cub and C-150 liU!234-1143 Lake Dallas ••••••••• 817-497-7496 (214)596-5556

AERO COUNTRY ESTATES WEST D. E. CHRISTIANSEN, D.O. Airport Residential lots and Hanger sites. Famlly Medicine Restricted Aviation Medical Examiner Municipal Water

Oflice 298-9174 222 S. Cedar Ridge contact John Rustin-:- \-~ 7-2030 Ana. Sen,lce 521-4 111 Duncanville. Texu 751 Ill TEXAS' GREATEST SPORT AIRPORT Olllce Hours By Appolnlmenl

George Carroll (214) 637-3598 AIRCRAFT SUPPLY COMPANY ~ RAYMOND MORT, P.E. 7204 PAR WELi: Registered Engineer (ANSON & HINES Near Boy Scout Bldg.)

DALLAS,TEXAS75235 324 Hillview Drive Bus: (8171280-2776 Hurs~, Texas 76054 Res: 18171 282-6940 AN • MS • NAS HARDWARE l ACCESSORtES

BELA'S AIRCRAFT r ~3 ENGINE & ACCEBSOi-lY SHOP 2711 BROOKFIELD. DALLAS, TEXAS 75235 AEKOPLEX SALES (Off 0£NTON DRIVE LOVE FIELD AREAi • Alrcrart farts and Accessories lR'14) 315'1•'1 "172 • PIiot Supplies FAA CERTIFIED REPAIR STATION 1202 • 148 (21-4) 458·1594 (214}352-8'49 BEL.A AMBRUS: RESIDENCE l.(ERRY NOBLE 1·800·2.3.3·1778 ENGINE OVERHAUL PARTS EXCHANGE I 5060 8eltwood Parkway East l ·800-486· l 778 Dallas. Texas 75244 Digital Pager 229·5980

• New BLUE ANGELS Video (1989) "The Navy's All Star Team" --o----•...... o-+-<>+SINCE 1976 oSTlTS • Harlingen AIRSHO - 89 "Salute to Airpower" 0 HARDWARE Catalog 0 SPRUCE $3.00 0 . PLYWOOD 0 TUBING(STEEL &ALUM.)

ALPHA AVIATION SUPPLY Co. Collmer Aviation Video · ~ O. BOX 8641-GREENVILLE. TEXAS 75401•8641 (21 4) 233-1589 or 1 -800-527-0251 (9-5 Weekdays) GEM AIRCRAFT SUPPLY, INC. 10221 DENTON DR. DALLAS, TX. 75235 AEROMILLER (214) 350-7066 DOYLE ADAMS Bruce Miller, Flight Instructor SEE US FOR PAINT, AIRCRAFT TOOLS, HARDWARE, SAFETY WIRE, BATTERIES, Airplane, glider, or taildragger MOST AIRCRAFT PARTS & SUPPLIES. Box 547, Prosper, TX 75078 WE ARE OPEN 9:00-5:00 MON.-FRI. (214) 347-2831 AND 9:00-1:00 SATURDAY


(214)350-5531 Toll-lrN In Tens, (800) 442•3058 ALTEX AERO CENTER E-A A IO,. 0 ff D O PE & f AB RIC 8 UP P LIE 8 AL WINCEK, Owner Rt.#1 Rock Hill Rd. 2818 CENTURY (011 Denlon Drive) DALU..S. TEXAS 75220 (214) 347-2086 HGR. McKinney, TX 75069 (214) 348-6930 HM. HANGER 3C


Business (214) 357--4478 Home (214) 234-1864 FROM ONE HOMEBUILDER' TO ANOTHER. FAX (214} 357-4572 If you Need Insurance of Any Kind-- • Auto, Plane, Home, Business ••• Let: AER@ INSTRUMENTS, INC. DELMO JOHNSON msURANCt AGENCY SALES • OVERHAUi. • EXCHANGE SHOP TOOi. CERTIFICATIONS FMVKFR3711K Find Answer to Your. Particular NP-ed.

Russell A. Kilboum 7515 lemmon Ave., Hgr. L 15190 l>OOl.EY ROlD President Just Call: 458 - 7550 Dallas, Texas 75209 Di\LLl& , TLXll 7 52 l4 45 YEARS OF OUAI.ITY SERVICE Defrno (Pitta IPKJ•I) Johnaon

DISTRIBUTOR FOR AVIATION SUPPt.lES STITS • RANDOLPH •CONCORDE BATTERIES Airplanes ILICK • 0 I • AER00UCT •PERMATIX ~- Instruments TIRES • BEARINGS • IIRAKE5 HARDWARE AN. NAS MS • FITTINGS Engines SHEET METAL • TUBING • CABLE SWAGlf',/G DZUS • AIRLOC • CANNON PLUGS Radios ii PIPER AIRCAAn PARTS ~- BOBBY'S PLANES 'N PARTS INC. TEX-AIR PARTS, INC. 320 F.M. 1885 E. Meacham Field, Loe 2N 4500 Ratliff Ln. Ste 109 Weatherford, TX 76066 Fort Worth, Texas 76106 Dallas. Texas 75248 BOBBY OSBORN 817-682-4220 (817) 624-9882 (214) 931-9896 BUY & SELL FRONTIER B[JILJJINC SYSTE.MS, INC USED DAMAGED OR DISABLED AIRCRAFT PARTS AIRCRAFT RETRIEVAL Air ~- Salvage Of CUSTOM BUil T HANGARS Bl-FOLD DOORS ~ Dallas Lancaster Airport AERO-COUNTRY JOHNNY BRITTEN RT !, BOX 203C (214) 227-1111 (214) 347-2042 1361 Forris Road (800) 336-6399 McKINNEY, TX 75070 Lancaslar, TX 75146 FAX (214) 227-6176 LfJ~tB\Plf11J3i' , @tfJTI"IB ®IP@il l'rlcr:: 110.~/boo\ pll,, I l.!,Q po,\19t. n li>th>g~ ol "'<»l publ\c U>t 11,f'Uh In the Jo,.., n ~htn. lncluckd arr Airport H••rs. Cit~ of lotall011t. AERO COUNTRY AIRPORT G""Jraphlc Cccrdlnatu lo, Awporh and \ti!'>- rnn 0.>'g,-.tor._ r,i..1ry R1dlo Trtq,.,tnt\j of r•chracJbly Bi-Plane Aide Raies. Glider Ride Rates •nd I.he !:...rlac1 llnbh of Unpr,td Run...\l,._

Panem Rioe (8-10 min.) Boo)., L i ) end I ~l cooo-dlnotu In o.gr..,._ Hh-..tn S25.00 2.000' Rioe • $25.00 Scenic RkJe (20 min.) $45.00 3.000' RKMt • $35.00 •nd Sttond>. 8U1c Aerooauc RkSe S45.00 4.000' Ride • S55,00 Boo>., IA. 2A. )A and "1 b,t coordln1tn In °'1lr•n ind Thnll Seeker R;oe (T-sr1111 ,noudeO) $75.00 111nutn with Sra.nds glvrn In llrchaol ror-. (loops, rolls, spms, & tiammernHa) • Rioes based on allituae, not time CR(OI rR01, O.an A. Btnha.._ 1010 Avlon Drtv<. • AetObalic lnstruaion Availa01e S010 Pacxage ll,;il<. .,.. ._ r.,me lphon1 2K-17>1~~ • Ta11wnee1 Trans.ilk>n Courses Prev.ous lligtn experience not required. $895.00 Aero-Systems Aviation Power Transition Aero-Country Airport Pnva1e Pilot S495.00 - BATTERIES - Otteting Bi-Plane & Gliaer Rioaa Flight Instruction & Rentals A~ Power Transa1ion ForOelails Comm. Pilot $695.00 Call (214) 676-1343 DAVID HINCKLEY, F1,gn1 IIIS1ruClor Re01a1s SWUng@ S18. Hr. E-V-~ - Gift Cetr1hcates Available - NI-CADS, GEL CELLS, ALKALINE. LITHIUM "W~ Build Battery Packs" I$ East Arapaho, Suite #126 Richardson, Tex.as 75080 o... _ (214) 231-5351 12"•1676-0QB 1-aoo-ns-s2e1 --- /2'IIIJ70-1tJOH ~ Aircraft Repair MAX FLIGHT AVIATION MIKE EDGERTON AVIATOR MAX A&P MECHANIC, A I BUS. 214-347-2868 ~- HOME 214-625-8929 LET'S GET HIGH TOGETHER Rent - Buy - Sell - Trade - Training Specializing in Single and Light Twin Recip. Engine MESQUITE AIRPORT Aircraft. Including Radio/ Engine & Fobnc Covered. Max Bolen Off: (214) 222-6052 151 O Hudson Rd. Pager: _____ Aero-Country Airport VN. VET. Mesquite, Texas 75181 Mobile: ______

This AD space Is


(214) 494-4153 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION & RENEWAL FORM Please Print!!! National EAA #

NAME ______<-�-�---> preferred 1st name

NAME(AUX) ______ADDRESS ------�=-=��-,----,,------CITY HOME PHONE (_) ______STATE ZIP ____ WORK PHONE (_) ______CO-PILOT ------,------,,-....,....--,,-,------(spouse or friend) Projects-(%complete/name) ------Interests ------Plane Flying -=------Pilot/ A & P Ratings ------EAA OFFICE (past or present) Type of Membership:_ New Member --- Renewal Member --- Membership dues for EAA Chapter 168 are $15 for one year. Name Tags are available for $6. Make Checks Payable to: EAA DALLAS CHAPTER 168

EAA CHAPTER 168 DALLAS POST OFFICE BOX.. 1.6.8 ...,. .. ADDISON,· TEXAS 75001-0168

»A�B�� (i()(f,f!J!J�(l, (gr!1/ (f,ft1