M a r c h 2 8 , 2 0 2 1 D i g i t a l D o c k - E p i s o d e 5 . 6 L e n t - J e s u s i s B e t r a y e d

U n i t 5 F u l l S u p p l y L i s t T h i s w e e k ' s v i d e o b r o a d c a s t l i n k !

G E T T I N G R E A D Y : W H A T W E ' R E L E A R N I N G T H I S W E E K :

Jesus is betrayed by Judas and Peter denies 3 You will need: times internet access for video and activity After Jesus had taught the disciples about ’s links; Supper (Communion) to remember him by eating bread Spark Story Bible or Connect Bible; and and drinking wine, the disciples went with Jesus to pray in Cross template on cardstock or plain the garden of . The story moves quickly to include Peter’s denial, Judas betraying Jesus, and people paper, strips or squares of purple giving false testimony against Jesus. It was quite a night. paper, glue stick and scissors This week’s take home kit supplies: Bible Story - Jesus is Betrayed Cross template and purple paper The night Jesus was betrayed was a difficult one for many reasons. His disciples didn’t support him when he needed them most (staying awake with him) and then Judas betrayed him. Jesus was arrested, people said untrue things about him, and the guards beat him. How did things T H I S W E E K ' S C H A L L E N G E turn against Jesus so quickly?

Woven or Mosaic Cross for Read Peter’s Denial Foretold, Jesus Prays in Gethsemane, The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus, Jesus Morning Before the Council and Peter Denies Jesus (:26-72) in your Connect Bible beginning on page 1145. In your Using strips or squares of purple paper, Spark Story Bible, you can find Jesus is Betrayed on weave or create a mosaic cross to glue page 468. onto a paper cross template. Talk about these questions: Has a friend ever let you down like Peter and Judas let down Jesus? What happened? How did it make you feel? T A L K T O G O D ! Think about a hard time you went through. Tell about this time and how you felt God’s presence. Older Learners: Dear God, you helped Jesus be brave Check out the boxes at the bottom of page 1146 in your Connect and strong during a hard time. Thank Bible. Use a regular pencil or colored pencils to complete the you for being with us during our hard activities for “” and “Betrayal”. Do some deeper thinking about this story! times. Help us always remember what Jesus did to be sure that our sins will Consider talking about this story the Faith5 way: be forgiven and that we will be with 1.Share your highs and lows 2.Read the scripture or story you in heaven one day. Wow! Thank 3.Talk about how reading might relate to your you for loving us so BIG! Amen. highs/lows - or - what you heard that sounded important 4.Pray for one another’s highs and lows 5.Bless one another by making the sign of the cross of each other’s foreheads, saying “God loves you and so do I.”