Grain Elevator Conference To-Day
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4 ♦ WHERE TOGO TO-NIGHT WEATHER FORECAST Columbia—"Code of the West.- Coliseum—1926 Revue. Playhouse—“Sally from Saanich.- Für M hours ending I p,m. Saturday: Caplto)—“Soul Fire." Dominion—"Chlckle.*' Victoria and vicinity—Moderate to Crystal Garden—Salt Water Bathtns free* westerly Winds; fair and coot j-l. VOL 67 NO. 38 VICTORIA, B.C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1925—18 PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS GRAIN ELEVATOR CONFERENCE TO-DAY Over $ Taken In Daylight Robbery In Street of Winnipeg VICTORIA IS 87,000 LOGICAL PORT DUNNING STILL 7.100 MEN GO B.C:S MINISTER IS OPTIMISTIC FIVE ARMED BANDITS TO-DAY IN CONFERENCE TO GRAIN FIELDS ON ARRIVAL HERE; HON. J. H. KING FOR^VHEAT WITH MR. KING OF THE^PR AIRIES Ottawa. Aug. 14.—Premier C. IN WINNIPEG TOOK PAYROLL Winnipeg, Aug. • 14.—-Harvester» Says Expert in Talking of Elevator Plans; J. A. Gibson A. Dunning of Saskatchewan con tinues to maintain a policy of ali from Eastern Canada numbering 2.100 arrived here leet night and Addresses Business Men at Luncheon Here; Nego enee regarding his conferences eentlnued their Journey weal, the with Premier King as to his pos majority being ticketed through te tiations Are Now Complete. OF COMPANY AND ESCAPED sible entry Into the Federal Cab Moose Jaw. To-day nine epeelal inet which are understood to be trains carrying 8,000 harvesters, are In progress. due here from the East. When approached this morning J. A. Gibson, fioenciel manager of the Panama Pacific Grain Cashier of Winnipeg Electric Company Beaten on Head On the matter. Premier Dunning replied he "had nothing to say for Terminal* Limited, at a gathering of representative buaine* and $87,478 Taken From .Him; Bobbers Forced the present.** men here to-day briefly outlined the plans of hia company for While no definite statement Cashier’s Chauffeur to Drive Them Rapidly Away has been made. It Is believed FIREFIGHTERS the construction of a *1,000,000 grain elevator at the Ogden Point Premier Dunning will not return docks. Negotiations and conditions for the erection of the ele and Pursuit by Police and Citixens Was Failure. to Regina for several flays. vator were completed.. C. P. W. Schwengers said in introducing MIKE READY FOR Mr. Gibson, with the exception of the arrangement with the City Winnipeg, Ang. 14—Five daring daylight bandit* executed OHIO ROBBER Council which Mr. Gibson was here to complete. one of the boldest coupa ever recorded in Winnipeg when they Mr. Gibson expressed thanks to the Chamber of Commerce dele held up and robbed Dick Shaw, Winnipeg Electric Company ESCAPED WITH gates who went to Ottawa and se caahier, at 9.50 o’clock this morning. The amount taken, payroll cured a lease on the Gçvernment money, was *87,478. It was contained in a pouch. SUM OF $20,000 Rangers Work on Fire Breaks, docks for the company. Before that SEARCHING FOR was done the lack of the lease had While the police are scouting the whole countryside, no clue Fearing Return of Hot caused considerable difficulty In has .been obtained as to the direction in which the bandits fled Dayton. O- Aug- 14-—A rubber held Weather financing and the company was Just after leaving a car they had commandeered. up six employee* of the North Day- ready to build elsewhere on a ninety- loii branch of the Dayton Savings nine year lease. WOMAN LOST Returning from the bank with a bag full of money to he and Trust Bank and escaped with Rain Soaks Interiçr, But Victoria-area A MUI* bard *• mil apprvrrlmutely tftMHHl. ‘ The hbldup on the prairies but the prairie peo 2^690023 weed in making up a company payroll,- Straw was surrounded by man apparently had been hiding In Leaves Coast; No Im- ple were Interested to know the rgtea five men as he stepped, from the company automobile in which the basement of the building all mediate Danger were the same. he had made the trip. night. VITAL FACTOR With a gun thrust at his head, " The grain business was a vita! Parties Seek Mrs. A. C. Me* Shaw refused to hand over the cash, While British Columbia’s for factor in Canada. It was respons whereupon one of the five robbers est fire menace is temporarily ible for building Winnipeg Van Coubrey in Hills 30 Miles slugged him over the head with the couver to-day was reaping a real butt end of a revolver. With Shaw umler control as a result of rain benefit and there was no reason why From Lake Windermere MAYOR INTERVENES; CITY’S Victoria should not do the same. unconscious on the pavement, while all over the southern portion* of the hurrying throng stood aghast at the Province, forest ranger* are PRAIRIE VIEWS Is Winnipeg Woman; Was the daring holdup, the five robbers "People of the prairies would reap leaped Into the car and ordered the making vigorou* efforts now to more from their product by shipping With Party Climbing Peaks driven to speed up. ULTIMATUM TO SAANICH prepare for a return of hot grain Weal than by shipping grain of Purcell Rahge PURSUIT QUICKLY STARTED weather. After the preeent moist East,” aald Mr. Gibbon In talking of An Immediate alarm started a hot WEST IN tOOD HUMOR the Western movement of wheat. Lake Windermere. B.C., Aug. 14.-* pursuit. Police on motorcycles and spell it is feareil that the heat They will also reap greater benefit by •hlppfWg through your port than by Hgying become separated from a In automobiles and citizens in com and drought may come back climbing party, Mrs. A. C. McCoub- mandeered cars Joined In the chase. SUSPENDED UNTIL MONDAY again with Its accompanying toll of •hipping through any port on the Mainland. The reason la obvious. rey ef St. James, Maniteba. ia re As their car aigxagged about In the ruined foreets and heavy property ported lest in the mountain» thirty maze of downtown streets, direct lorn. AS PROSPERITY CAINS You havS a free port here, whereas miles from Lake Windermere, and eight ef the robbers was lost In a In Vancouver the port expense» are Ma.vor Carl Pendray. aghast that 12,000 citizens ofUtisaiutxh ■® fM. however. JJum A. He* considerable.** search parties have been organized' few minutes. After a ride of ap of hot Weather. Report» from Gon- Mrs. McCewbrey, Her husband, a proximately half an hour the eom- should have been threatened by Victoria with stoppage of water salea Observatory to-day predicts QUALITY FORT , „ "This is a quality port for Cana •tetar-in-lew, Mrs. Reilly, and guides ny ear was abandoned My the supply as a means of collecting the overdue June account of continued cool temperatures and hu eet eut te ge up Toby Creek te the ndlts and the driver returned to mid atmosphere on the coast and ION. J. I. KING FINDS dian wheat There la no danger of de summit of the Puroell Range during the office, where he was seized by*5,368.20, yeeterday afternoon intervened with an order to Water more showers In the Interior. Rain grading. and Western Saskatchewan Spolice. fell heavily at some pointa In the --------------- r------- --------- wheat and Alberta wheat can be the leet week. While In or near Ean Commissioner Preston to withhold any contemplated action of Grey Pass on Wednesday Mrs. Me- The holdup was carried out on one Interior yesterday and drenched the •hipped through thle port Just as it Is the kind until the City Council has -expressed an opinion on wood*. Aa a result moat of the Big Crop at High Prices, Immigration Opening up and shipped from those points and mar Coubrey became eeperated, and wai of the busiest corners In Winnipeg. leet In the mountains. Hundreds of persona going to work Monday evening. larger Area have quieted down. Soundness of National Finances, Give Bright Out keted In that condition '* said Mr. Emergency fire-fighting crews, has Gibson, otter dealing with regrading A messenger arrived here with the pass that corner in the early morning •Speaking from Vancouver this morning by long distance news and a search party, under Hours, and at the time of the rob tily assembled to cope with the dan look to Country, Particularly the West; Vtorks De of Western Canada wheat with in telephone, Mayor Pendray stated, “I was aware that Saanich gerous situation of the last two ferior wheat» from other pointa when direction of the provincial police, has bery ‘the street is always well left here. crowded. had been nerved «,-ilh notice of arrears, and 1 understood that weeks, are being cut down now. For velopments Here Being Speeded. shipments were made through Buf eat rangers, aided by expert fire falo and otharffCaetern '■ports. FAR FROM TELEPHONE payment had been asked, but I had no idea that a formal threat fighters. are (rylng, however, to sur The Western Canada price should The locality where lira. McCoubrey of eeasation of supply had been issued by special letter. I do round all existing fires with fire be the Liverpool price of wheat lese became separated from the party 1» breaks which will hold them after Canada is breaking into another cycle of prvaperity and ma the coat of freight and handling, he fifteen mllea from the nearest tele* HEAVY SENTENCE IS not think the council would permit any turn-off, I would oppose the weather gets dry again. It 1* terial advancement, according to the Hon. .).' H. King, Minister aald. 1 it myself. hoped that with a few more days of (Concluded on Peg* ■ > Mr.