♦ WEATHER FORECASTS ♦ WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT PV*r 36 hour* ending S p. m. Thursday: Royal Victoria—Mary Flckfordb Victoria and vicinity—Light to moder­ Vantages—Vaudeville. ate winds, continued flue and hot. Dominion—"A Modern Lorelei.” • Lower Mainland—Continued fine and Variety—Wallace Reid. Romano— Mrs. Vernon Castle. Columbia—Mary Anderson.

VOL. 53. NO. 14 VICTORIA, B. C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1918 FOURTEEN PAGES ENEMY THRUST INTO SERIES OF LOCAL ACTIONS German Bridges on GERMAN LOSSES ARE ESTIMATED the Marne Are Under ALLIES ARE CONTINUING TO HOLD AT 100,000, ROT ALLIES HAVE Fire of French Guns GERMANS IN CHECK, ALLOWING BUT London, July 17.-—French counter­ attacks have breught the German bridges over the Marne under the fire KEPT OWN LOSSES AT LOW LEVEL ef French artillery of medium calibre. SMALL CHANGES IN BATTLELINE

Enemy Has Found Offensive in France Extremely General Pershing Is REBELS IN GERMAN ARMY Third Day of Offensive in France Finds German Plans Costly Affair; French Forces, Though Fighting With­ Made G. C. B.; Bliss 44 Upset; Enemy's Efforts Seem to Be Directed To­ out Interruption, Have Lost No Guns, It Is Reported Is Made a G.C. M. G. BURNED DOWN IN ward Turning Rheims Salient; French Report

London, July 17.—General Pershing, London, July 17.—The casualties suffered by the German army A NEW GERMAN AERODROME Commander-in-Chief ef the American in the offensive in France up to the present are estimated to numbel1 Army in France, has been awarded the Ob the French Front in France, Jnly 17.—A period of forty, Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath, 100,000, according to news received in London to-day from the front, and General Tasker H. Bliss, the eight hours has sufficed for the holding of the German masse, launch­ London, July 17.—The dint ruction by fire of e new German American representative on the Su ed in the Crown Prince’s great offensive on Monday. The enemy aerodrome and twenty-two airplane* near Nivelles, seventeen miles promo War Council, ha# been given units which were turned back from the direction of Paris are endeav­ London, July 17.—(Via Reuter's Ottawa Agency).—A semi­ south of Brussels, i* attributed to the work of revolutionisis in the the Grand Cross of the Order of St. official report from Paris reads: German army, saya an Exchange Telegraph dispatch from Amsterdam Michael and 8L George. This was of oring to ascend the Marne and are being held in check by the French “While the enemy losses were frightful, ours were quite light, to-day. fleislly announced to-day. forces. especially east of Rheims. If we were allowed to state the figure it Ten Belgian* and two German non-commissioned officers have The poeition of the German columns which gained a footing on would be most reassuring. Whereas during the previous offensive we been arrested. the south bank of the Marne has become perilous, while to the east of had to send for reinforcements from other parts of the front, this The day liefore the fire, adiU the dispatch, a aecret meeting waa Rheims the German efforts to advance have each time been foiled. time those on the spot sufficed to sustain the shock. This is partly held in a canteen at Nivelles, where the scheme for the destruction of Comparatively slight progress has been made by the enemy west due to the constant arrival of American troops, which is reducing the the aerodrome waa discussed. AIRMAN. IS KILLED of Rheims, and his hope of effecting a breach in the line has not been uneven proportions of the forces.” realised. The Allied method of defence has proved wonderfully ef- London. July 17.—The position of With Heavy Losses. ficacions, everywhere resulting in maintaining the armjeS intact. the Allies at the present stage of the l.ondon. July 17 —General von Ein- Ship With Spanish Theodore Roosevelt's Young­ German offensive In France is said to em's army, which now has been defi­ Ite distinctly satisfactory, in advices nitely engaged on the German left est Son Dies in France for London^ July 17.—The German of­ received to-day The French losses wing In the Champagne, yesterday de­ Miiister to Greece 100 Drafted Men in * fensive In France is In it* third day, are slated to have been very small. livered five attacks between Hulppes Allies1 Cause and according to Entente observers, It They have lost no guns, the reports and Maasiges. All the attacks were Torpedoed by U Boat has no longer the character of a gen­ repulsed with heavy losses. Ontario Are Asking eral attack. Already, they declare. It HID TD BE CALLED has worked itself into a series of com­ paratively local operations. The suc­ Athene, July 17.—It io announced Paris. July 17. — Lieut. Quentin Habeas Corpus Now cess of at least one of these operations, from ■ Spanish source that the Span­ Roosevelt, youngest son of Colonel however, would amount to a consider­ ish steamship an which Senor Lopez de able achievement for the Germans, how­ Only* Those Which Were on Theodore Roosevelt, former President of Toronto, July 17.—When Gor ever much It might fall short of their LINE PLANNING ENEMY HAS FED. Vega, 4pie Spanish Minister te Greece, the . has been killed-in an original designs. Waldron appears before Mr. Justice wee returning te Spain, wee torpedoed Line Attacked Have air fight.- the semi-official Havae News Sutherland here to-day he will have Turning Movement. German submarine though she The offensive now appears largely Been Used Agency announces. His machine fell ready to present 100 petitions for writs the Minister's flog. The to take on the aspect of a turning in the enemy lines. of habeas carpus, on behalf of i BREAK WITH JULIES ipleiget end hie family were rescued. movement against the Khefms salient. SHY FRENCH EXPERTS Philip Roosevelt. Quentin's cousin, drafted under the Military Service Act. The Germans during the night mads The German Government hod been Faria, July 17—-No French treaps witnessed the air battle in the vicin­ Mr# Waldron is ef the opinien that progress in two sectors. South of the n®l'f**d of the Minister’s departure a ity of Chateau Thierry in which Quen­ Marne they attacked the positions on from ether perte ef the Western front these cases cannot rightly be referred the heights commanding the river week in advance. tin was engaged, and saw the machine German Report Says Landing Paris Critics Are in Agreement have been sent te the present fighting fail, but did not know until later that te the Supreme Court ef . crossings, retaken by French troops in line, saye • review issued by the Havae the (Aeroplane was that of his cousin. a counter-offensive on Tuesday. The of Allied Troops on Mur- German Thrust Has Fallen The Parle Journal says. French reached the Bourdonnerie and Agency. Only the troops in the line Closmil farms, north of 8t. Agnan and man Coast Cause Short and their reserves here and countered Not in Flames. Daily Cholera Tell Chapelle-Monthoden. but there they en­ the shack ef the German attack. All countered fresh enemy troops who ap­ DM SIYS HUES Paris, July 17. — Lieut. Quentin pear to have forced them back again. circumstances, it is added, paint te Roosevelt, of the American air service, in Petrograd Said The battle is continuing on the slopes Amsterdam, July 17.—Premier Lenin# Paris. July 17.—All the Parts mill favorable outcome of the battle. youngest won of Colonel Theodore and in the wood south of the height*. Roosevelt, is missing. His machine is about te break efF diplomatic re I a tary critics are "in agreement to-day In On the southern bank of the Marne Farther east the Germans seem to was aeen to fall within the German to Be 500 Persons have made little or no progress in their tione with Great Britain and any ottor the view that yesterday still further COULD ENO THE WAR the German position at present la dif lines. It was not In flames when It attempt to debouch from the Bouqulgny Entente Power connected with ine accentuated the failure of the German flcult. The French artillery and felL wood and through Nesle. lending of armed forces on the Murman offensive, the Havas Agency notes to­ aerial forces are working actively to Lieut. Roosevelt was returning from Ixmdon. July 17.—The dally cholera Were Ejected. a patrol fight when he was attacked death lull In Petrograd I» free persons, coast, according to news said to have day In a review of the trend Of Til* prevent the enemy from being rein­ Near the Marne the Germans appar ­ If They Would Accept Teutons by a German squadron. It was si according to an Exchange Telegraph ently took some ground southwest of boon received from Moscow by the comment. forced and to hamper his supply l!n< that Lieut. Roosevelt suddenly lost dispatch. At Saratov thousands of per­ Venteull near Monvolaln. but a coun­ Berlin newspapers. "It Is perhaps too early to speak of Conception of "Feelings The spirit of the French troops re­ control of his machine, probably hav­ ter-attack by French troops ejected sons are suffering from the disesae. victory." says The Echo de Parla, "but mains strong. ing received a mortal wound. them. A diapatch received in London Mon­ of Humanity" The malady also ha* spread to Finland, North of the M%rne the turning day from Moscow by- way of Amster­ we may »ay that the enemy has suf­ Ground Regained. Statement by Father. dam retorted that British and Amerl-. fered. a.-gigantic failure whigh will Paria .July 17—“On the—Marne n—" B.V Ll, July IT—“Qu.n- quite apparent. On Tuesday the Ger­ can trooim had occupied the entire man» hail been held up at Chatillon ca use a sensation throughout Oer- front our troops of the second line, tin's mother and I are very glad that Mueman coast m* «Northern Kuema. Amsterdam. Jot y |?—The- an«t perhaps our general reserves, al- 1» gnt to the front and bad a chance German Aeroplanes and the Rodemat wood, tims . * * - * to the northeast ■tsweNL mvid that the Bolshevik! Foreign Office In Le Journal Henri Ridmi notes that as "senseless and purposeless 'We gif7 The Temps to-day in reviewing the and tn show the stuff therr waft in him luid sent to Great Britain a demand progress of the enemy offensive. Killed Germans Held the initial impetus, in which the offen­ shed." and believes it might be ended before his fate befel him.1 To-day's French official report tells that British detachments on the Mur­ “Where our troops have assumed* the sive developed Its full strength, has This statement was issued by Union si of violent fighting in the Courlon wood man coast be re-embarked without at .the moment .when the Alllee again offensive to the north of La Chapelle in Camp in France delay. ' ...... ' ...... been checked and that consequently manifest feelings df humanity: Baron in.I Montnodon. we have r dbe* not ghr« the result- Cwieed» had furnished confirmation of earlier The Allied trpops on the Murman the battle has degenerated Into par­ ground.” ing that the enemy has reached thé Burl an, the A uatro-Hungarian Foreign reports that his son. Lieut. Quentin coast are there at the express request tial or local action». middle Of this forest, he ha* advanced Minister, made this statement In the Roosevelt, had been killed in an aerial Paris, July 17.—Ninety-four Germans about four and one-half miles from of the Russian citizens there. Local "It may be asserted,” he declares, were killed and seventy-four Germans Inhabitants have been aiding the troops concluding portion of his address to the BRITiSn ..,.;yON ltattle In France. Fere-en-TanJenot*. which waa approx­ ‘that the fifth German offensive Is a were wounded on the night of July imately the location of the line on in defending the ice-free ports and Austrian and Hungarian Premiers Borfi in 1897. 15-16, when five German aviators severe defeat for the enemy ” Sunday. Here and farther west, in the railways running south toward Petro- The newspapers generally ask the Tuesday, according to dispatches from LEAVES PERU AND «M,ml»ei| a camp of war prisoner» in the Vienna . July 17. — Quentin Rodemat wood, the German* are mak­ grad. public to have the fullest confidence. region of Troyes, thirty miles behind Roosevelt was the baby of the Roose­ ing the most threatening gains, -push­ German and Finnish forces ha/e been They note that the Germans already After declaring that the Entente GOES TO ECUADOR the French hattlefront. The aerial Powers would not succeed in thei pur­ velt administration and his pranks at ing toward Epernay. south of Rheims. reported to l>e threatening the Murman have thrown support divisions Into the bombardment lasted for one hour. Two pose of sowing discord among the na­ the White House and school are af­ The Germans have been repulsed at railway near Hem. fray, whereas up to last evening the Lima, July 17.—The British Mission French soldiers of the gourd tionalities in the Dual Monarchy, the fectionately remembered by Washing- were wounded. Vrigny and no fighting is reported in French had not yet employed their re­ Foreign Minister said: heeded by Sir Maurice de Bunion left ton. He was born here in November. serves. When the time comes, they the district Immediately surroimdtng “it is unnecessary further to charac­ 1887, when his father was Assistant declare, the Allied counter-attack may Callao yeeterday for Bcuador. Sir Rheims. terize this method of fighting. Our raves Secretary of the Navy. RAILWAY SHOPMEN IN East ef Rheims. be expected to drivé the Germans indignantly disavow It. The resolute Maurice and the members of the Mia rapidly back to the north of the East of Rheims the Germans have battle of defence must now be carried alon received a cordial .farewell Quentin Roosevelt Joined the Brit­ SESSION AT MONTREAL on to a good end until it brings us the attacked the new -French positions The Petit Journal, for Instance, ish Royal Flying Corps in Canada In south of the »sle. The French offi­ security necessary for our.future peace­ April. 1817. to train for service with DISCUSSING STRIKE saya: “The enemy penetration south ful existence .*' S) FIFTEEN KILLED IN cial statement to-day reports that the of"the Marne is bound to come to an the American army. "Tie was commis­ attack was a failure. FDD FREE BELGIUM end very shortly." Diplomatic Action. TRAIN SMASH TO-DAY sioned last fall and in the present Montreal, July 17—The delegates of From this point eastward there is no Local Actions. There should be no public'belief that spring began active service with the the,. Federated Rail, ay Shopmen's report of fighting, the French official American air forces on the French Union* who are considering whether statement saying, however, that the Ixmdon. . July 17.—On the second diplomatic action and warlike action ON LINE IN FRANCE are inseparable. The Foreign Minister front. On July 3 he took part in an they will accept the McAdoo Award French lines have been maintained in­ day of the German Crown Prince's aerial battle between American and offered by the Railway War Board on tact throughout the region. German Papers Give Promin­ great offensive In France the ftghflng declared that warfare and diplomacy Parle, July 17.—Fifteen persons were German machines In the Marne region, behalf of the roads or strike, were in Unofficial report* state that the Ger­ luxed Into a disjointed series of local served the same ends in time of war. killed and about fifty were wounded, ence to Statement by Ger­ and on July 10 It was said that he had secret session again to-day. man lo**es since Monday are esti­ actions, which, although fought with adding: twenty seriously, when a passenger brought down his first German aero It was istated by Charles Dickie, mated at 100.0*0. This slaughter Is evi­ th<* greatest bitterness, were, neverthe­ “In every step it takes, diplomatic man Professor activity will pay due regard to the grar. train waa derailed to-day near Vierson. plane in a fight north of Chateau Winnipeg, secretary of the committee, less. limited, says a dispatch from the dence of the ferocity of the fighting. The results of'the conduct of the war twenty, miles northwest of Bourges I Thierry, that the session might last all day: Reuter correspondent at French head Reports declare that the situation Is will have a determining influence on the viewed a* being satisfactory by the Al­ quarters, sent from there at 8 o'clock division of labor. On the other hand, this morning. These local actions, he lied commanders. An interesting feat­ London, July 17.—German neW*pa diplomacy has a, duty, being continual ure ot the fighting I» that the French, pers give prominence to an interesting continues, were undertaken in the hope ly on the watch and paying heed to the of saving what might yet be saved according to unofficial reporta, have statement on the situation in Belgium possibilities of effective activity. TELEGRAPHS IN U. S. lost no cannon. by Professor Hans Delbrueck in The from the wreckage of Monday's hopes. Thus, and not otherwise, should the RAIDS BY BRITISH EAST OF Nues Weiner Journal, says an Ex­ The German push down the Marne willingness of the (’entrai Powers for French Report. change Telegraph dispatch from Am­ Valley may progress a few miles far­ peace be conceived. It will not for Paris. July 17 —The Germans last sterdam. The statement reads: ther before being brought to a stand the moment hamper our invincible de night threw new forces into the battle "Germany now will foqg nothing J>y still, for they are fighting hard there, fence, but after victorious battles. Just AMIENS AND NEAR HULLUCH TD BE ELM EH on the front south of the Marne and declaring her readiness to evacuate Bel­ but the French are posted strongly on as during pauses In a battle, it will, attacked the Allied lines north of St. gium without coédition» and to rein­ the heights overlooking the course of even without new peace off re. always Agnan. the War Office announced this state her In Independence and Integrity. the river, and it is doubtful whether be Intent on recalling that we regard afternoon. The enemy succeeded in Germany has other safeguards. Belgium serious gains can be made by the in­ this war as MenjfRdcss and purposeless penetrating Into the Bourdonnerie Is not only a German question, but vaders. BROUGHT SOME PRISONERS Government is Ready to Con­ farm. The battle is continuing in the bloodshed whim might at any moment world question. woods immediately to the south of this "No peace Is possible In the world he ended by the re-emergence of feel­ trol Telegraph and Tele­ ings of humanity in our enemies. unleaa Belgium Is free as before the FIVE GERMAN PLANES London, July 17.—balds carried out last night by British troops On the front farther to the east the war. Even the United States has the By Co-operation. phone Systems French held th# enemy in the southern greatest Interest in Belgium. Until Bel­ BAGGED BY AMERICANS Insofar as they are not aiming at west of Villera-Bretonneux (east of Amiens), and in the neighborhood outskirts of the ltouquigny wood and j gium become* free the world cannot the acquisition of territory, they are at the village of Nesle. accept even the indirect rule of tier- With the American Army in France, fighting against a windmill. They are of Huliuch, on the front to the north, resulted in the taking of prison­ A powerful attack likewise was many over her.” July 17.—Five German aeroplanes and exhausting their strength and ours, in ers, the War Office announced to-day. Washington. July 17.—An executive made by German troops in the direc­ one balloon were brought down by order to build on the ruins of civiliza­ order delegating control of the trunk tion of Monvotsm, but they were driven MORE GRAIN THAN American aviators in the fighting over tion a new arm of the world, whferea* In the iiomme and Ancre sector*, to the northeast of Amiens, and line telephone and telegraph système from this locality by a French counter­ the Dormans region, on the rivër the ideas underlying such an arrange­ in the Arras region, north of the Scarpe, the enemy artillery was ac­ in the United State» to Postmaster- attack. EVE» ilM QUEBEC, Marne. ment which are capable of realization General Butleson Is expected to-day or On the front between the Marne and which also are warmly approved tive last night. Similar activity was displayed by the German guns to-morrow. Arrangements for Govern­ Rheims the fighting developed BUT FRUIT POOR NEWSPRINT IN U. S. by ua might he realized much more in Flanders in the district northeast of Bothune and to the north of ment operation of the lines virtually in the Courlon Wood. The ■ are completed. attacked in the Vrigny region on easily :.nd much more cheaply by the Bailleiijl. Washington. July 17.—The mill peacable co-operation of-our peoples. It Is understood that plans of the front, but thefr assault broke Quebec. July 17.—The farmers In The étalement reads: completely. • Quebec Province have cultivated more stocks of newsprint paper in the United “In spite of all. we look ever more Government contemplate consolidation __ We captured a few prisoners and in the course of a successful raid car­ of telegraph and telephone systems so grata than eYcr. but the fruit crop will SlHte* showed virtually no Improve- hopefully toward the peoples now at ried out early this morning by British Efforts Fruitless. TTfiSra. RurhTeW con< lu.hn"of June, according to the war with us to whither sans during the nlgMJUl that lines may be used simultaneously troops in the neighborhood of Huliuch. Along the line to the east of Rhetoig Federal Trade Commission's monthly they have been deliveredIvered from the ,mlnor enler»riw east of for messages and conversations. An­ a report filed to-day with the Depart Villers-Bretonneux. A raid attempted the Germans delivered local attacks, ment of Agriculture of the province by report on the Industry. At the end of blindness which, after fearful afflic­ "Hostile artillery haa been active In other feature will be acceptance of notably in the Prune y region. The»* tion In’ four years of war. is driving by enemy troops In the same sector the Somme And Ancre sectors, north of telegrams at postoffices and the elimin­ F. N. flavoy. Secretary to the Minister the month only about one week's out­ waa repulsed. effort* by the enemy were fruities*. in of Agriculture put, 26.MI tons, was on hand. the flearpe, northeast of Beth une and ation of book-keeping by the use of renewed assaults upon Beaumont the Concluded on page 6.) •A few prisoners were secured also north of Ballleuil.’* stamps to pay for messages. (Concluded on pege 4.) VICTORIA HAÏ 1/Y TIMES, WKHNEHDAY, 8 111,Y 17, 1918 CAILLE WANTS MATTERS DEBATED AT ALLIES HAD BEST OF [You Can Tell the People Who We Are Prompt. We Uee. the Beet I We Are Careful. Work. TRIAL HASTENED LONDON CONFERENCE YESTERDAY’S FIGHTING Have Iron In Their Blood— Strong, Healthy, Vigorous Folks TRY OUR CUT THIS Ex-Premier of France Is Economic and Financial Ques­ Recaptured Two Villages South Whftl Miniated Iron m Concentrated Orangeade, Charged With Communicat­ tions Dealt With by Empire of Marne; Enemy Re­ dews Peesle to Twe Weeks’ Time to Sw*Stolswf2uLtotowd ft* f /\N| glance is enough to tell 1which Lemonade, Black Raspberry ing With Enemy Representatives pulsed Elsewhere II people have iron in their Mood. They* HE Board of Directors have author ^ _ere__ the „ mms _that______de aad dare.k fR T iaed the broadest publication of the ethers are in the weakling clam. Sleep- •worn statement si the compost twe Vinegar, Ginger Cordial lew nights spent worrying over eeppoeed ef Kuxatcft Iron, so that the suMR may Paris. July 17. Joseph CaiTIaux. ailments, eoattant dosing with habit farm examine it fee themselves and Jndpc as Ottawa. July>*7.—An official resume Parla July 1?.—The following offi­ to it* merit*. former Premier of France, who is in tog drags and narcotics and aarlem at­ For Delicious, Refreshing Summer Drinks. qt the deliberations of the Imperial War cial report was Issued here last night: tempts to brace np with strong reAta or Newspapers everywhere are tovierd to prison awaiting trial, has written to Conference, now in session in London, copy this étalement for the bemeftt of their “To-day the Germans, who have not •thés stimulant» are what keep them suf­ Paul Deachanel. President of the attended by Sir Robert Borden and fering and vainly longing ta kt Sr readers. It is suggested that phywiasie Chamber of Deputies, renewing his re­ fellow members, was cabled to the Di­ Their real trouble ts lath ef iron m table a record of it and keep it to tbrir oftcea so that they may iatrlligenfly an 40c a Bottle quest that the Government hasten his rector of Public Information by the tack, broken by us yesterday, made bleed, soya Dr. James Francis SÉ1U British Ministry of Information. The ■wer quration* of patiente concerning it. trial on charges of communicating violent efforts to improve their local formerly Physician ef Bellevue Rap K very body _ is advised to ent k wwt and with the enemy. i cablegram reads: (Owtdeer Dept.), , and the H successes. Both in the morning and cheater County Hospital. Without iron the keep it A copy of the actual «worn The . former Premier complains 1 of “The imperial War Conference on statement will be rent to any ans who de reassembling for its seventh meeting afternoon the battle was particularly Mead has ne power to change food fate '•certain falsifications in telegrams." desperate south of the Marne. Enemy living tissue and therefore, nothing you aire* such. It ie a* follows: on the return of the Dominions’ mem­ Iron Peptonate (Special Specific Stand­ Campbell’s Prescription Drug Store probably alluding to those sent by bers from France first passed an ad­ forces attempted to ascend the river. eat does yea good; yon don’t get the strength out of it. When Iron is supplied ard) Quantity given below. Sodium Gly­ Count von Bernstorff. forndM German dress of congratulation to the King and Our troops retarded the advance of cerophosphate* U. S. P. (Monsanto) Cat COR. OF FORT AND DOUQLAS. RHONE IIS. Ambassador to the United mates, to a the enemy, defending the ground foot h enriches the impoverished Mood end Queen on the event of their silver gives the body greater resistance to ward citato Gmeeepbeephatee U. S. P. (Mon- German agent in Argentina. ML Call- wedding anniversary. This meeting by foot. They have maintained their a* disease Numbers of nervous, run­ •onto). P E. Nu. Vomica U S. P. ( a* faux adds: ”1 shall have occasion was occupied with certain economic position» on the line of Oeullly-Leu- down people who were ailing all the while carin Sifter. Magnesium Carbonate. Po "oon to enlighten my colleagues in re­ and financial questions which will arise have most astonishingly increased their Ginger U.iS. P. Oil Caaain Cinnamon gard to the |»©ltoe machinations to after the war. and certain resolutions '*On our pert, we counter-attacked etrengfh and endnranre simply by taking U; S. P. Calcium Carbonate Pretip. which men have sunk and- are sinking of u confidential nature were passed. A the enemy on the front of St. Agnan- iron m the proper form. And this, after U. S. P. . they had in some eases keen going on for Each (tow of two tablet* of Nuxated J|n an effort to reach me.” further resolution agreed to the La Chapelle-Monthoden. (Kir troops Iron contain» one and one-half grains of sirability of the establishment of an months without getting benefit from any recaptured these two places and car­ thing. organic iron in the form of iron peptonate Imiierial Bureau of Michology for the ried their line to the heights which of a special spécifié standard which in our ARTHUR GUY EMPEY pur|*ose of investigating fungoid dis lf you ere not strong or well you owe It opinion possesses superior qualities to any dominate the Marne valleÿ In the re­ yourself to make the following test: See esses and that contribution to such 4 gion of Bbur «Sonnerie ant? f Toe ml Ion U other known form of Iron. By using DIAMOND TIRES BECOMES A CAPTAIN bureau Should be made by the Govern­ how long you esn work or how far you can other makes ef Iron Peptonate we could "Between the Marne and Rhelms the ments of the ton pire. walk without becoming treed. Next take have pot the same quantity of actual iron IN AMERICAN ARMY Franco-Italian trouiis repulsed several two fivwgreta tablets of Nusated Iron three in the tablets et lees than one-fourth the Income Tax enemy attempts to improve their po- limes per day after meals for two week*. ro»t to ns, and by using metallic iron we Have a Tough Black Tr--nd and Red Side Walla. “At the eighth meeting a statement Thera test your.strength again and see for c-.u’d have accomplished the same thing Washington, July 17.—Arthur Guy was made by the Chancellor of the East of Rheime. yourself how tnwch you have pained. There at less than one-twelfth the eost; hut by Exchequer on the question of Income U nothing like good old Iron to help put so doing we. must have most certainly im­ Built to Stand Service on our Island Roads. Empey, who, while serving with the "East of Rhelms thé Germans this color >a your «hecks end sound, heahhv Canadian forces overseas, took part in tax. The Chancellor explained the paired their therapeutic efficacy. Ôyeere morning began violent artillery pre­ •esh on your hones. But you must take phoiphatei used ht Nnxatcd Iron ie one several important battles in the first concessions made to Overseas Do­ Iron in a form that can be- easily absorbed JAMESON, ROLFE & WILLIS year* of the war was commissioned a minions under the Finance Act of parations, followed by attacks at sev­ of the most expensive tonic ingredients eral points on the front. A powerful aad assimilated like Nuxated Iron if yen known. II is especially recommended to captain m the national army of the 1818 and subsequent arts. It was want It to do you any good, otherwise it build np the nerve force and thereby in­ ISLAND DISTRIBUTORS United States yesterday. He will be as­ generally agreed that further action effort in th< direction of Beaumont- ■*y prove worse than, useless. sur-V es le failed to detfouch from crease brain power, as glycérophosphate* Cor. Courtney and Gordon Sts. ' Phone 2246 signed to the. adjutant-general's de­ is impracticable during the war. but Many an athlete and prizefighter has won •re raid to contain phosphorous in n state partment. the opinion expressed last year was Prunay. In the sector of Huippes two the day simply because he knew the secret very similar to that in which it ie found Knjfley was promoted to the rank of reiterated that the whole question calls attack* made to the we’st of the river •f great strength and endnranre which to the nerve end brain cells ef man. sergeant in the «"anadlan army before for review Immediately after the con­ cams to naught under our fire. comes from having plenty of iron in the As will be seen from the above, two im­ he was invalided home on account of clusion of the war. and that amend- "The struggle was not less spirited blood while many another has gone down portant ingredients of Nuxated Iren wounds. __' jnent of the law should be made to in the region north of Prennes and to inglorious defeat simply for the lack of (Iron Peptonate and Glycerophosphate») Remedy the present unsatisfactory sit- are very expensive products as compared RETURNED SOLDIER MACHINISTS’ STRIKE east of Tahure. where the enemy also with most other tonics. attacked. Everywhere his efforts were Dr. A. J. Newman, late Pblice Surgeon of Under such circumstances the tempta­ BRITAIN’S FINANCES "The next subject discussed was 1m in vain, and his assaulting troops were WAS SUFFOCATED pe rial statistics and the Imperial the City of Chicago, and former House Sur­ tion to adulteration and substitution by STARTS IN NEW JERSEY repulsed with heavy lasses. geon Jefferson Park Hospital. Chicago, says unscrupulous persons is very great, and IN EXCELLENT SHAPE Conference y>ass*d a resolution ap­ the public Ie hereby warned to be care proving the pro|K>MHl that a confer­ "It i*„ confirmed from orders found Nuxated Iron kaa proven through Ins own AT CALGARY TO-DAY on prisoners that the attack on the Seats of it to excel any preparation he ha* ful and see every bottle is plainly labeled Newark. N. J., July 17.—Between ence of statisticians be held after the "NUTATED IRON” by the Dae Health London, July 17.—(Via Reuter’s Ot­ war to consider the establishment of Champagne front was carried out by •ver used for creating red blood, building Calgary, July 17.- Tom Maroney, a 7.000 and 8,000 skilled machinists, tool- ■P the nerve* and strengthening the nus- Laboratories, Paris. T.endow and Detroit, tawa Agency.i -When the war loan an Imperial statistical bureau under fifteen divisions of the first line, with U. S. A, as this is the only genuine at returned soldier, wan * allocated, and ten supporting divisions. The object w» Dr. J. W. Armisted, Grove ffW. Ala., makers and their apprentices, mostly bill was taken in committee in the the supervision of the inter-impérial graduate of the University of Alabama tide. If yew have taken other forms of Alex. Forsythe, another veteran, nar­ House of Commons yesterday Mr. was to realise an advance of twenty- iron without turrets, this does not prove employed In Government work, walked committee. ■shoal of Medicine, Mobile, 18M. nays: “In rowly escaped a similar fate in a Are Itonar Inw salfl that no new oper­ New Service two kilometres (nearly fifteen miles) •he eases I w*cd Nutated Iron I have Nuxated Iron writ not help vow. in a rooming house here this morning. out in various manufacturing plants in ations were lie. erauyy for the ne*I A further resolution passed dealt on the first day add reach the Marne found more beneficial reunite than from any The cause of the Are. which was ex­ nine months, as the war bonds organ­ on the centre and on the right" preparation I have ever used in S« years' «irwumiM »•*: *»•■*•« 1»» ivwuuit tinguished by other roomers who found this district to-day, on strike for higher with Imperial news services. The. res­ ization had succeeded to a greater ex­ olution stated the 'Conference was In the Air. practice.” Dr. R B. Baugh. Mireille. mLLT,- Maroney dead in bed. hi unknown. wages. tent than ew r aiilw u ated. Misa., graduate of the Memphis Hospital frn4u^««. it u w«w eee,»iUi»< *-#• o-t .«jure n. Impressed with the importance of An official statement of the work of College. Memphle, TIN, says: "T always wth »»a» ttow Mask. ww sows gw revi n, securing an adequate news service the French aviators since the present prescribe Nuxated Iron where e reconatruc rrVrjTg TÎS'ii.nïÏÏ’-XZ available In all parts of the British battle began. Issued last evening, said: •toe tonie ia indicated.” SSiSTnVZmZUtoS f Empire and the supply of such ser­ vice through British sources. The Con­ “From the opening of the battle our ference requested His Majesty’s Gov­ aviators have taken an active part, ernment to formulate a scheme and especially on the Marne. Deeplte the submit It for the consideration of thick curtain of smoke which conceal­ the Goverement* represented at the ed the bridges thrown over by the ene­ Conference. In discussing this ques­ my,' our squadrons discovered and at­ ül tacked them, flying at low altitudes. I »*-1-11»’ B & K OAT FLOUR tion, the desirability of a British B # K Oat Flour mixes readily with wheat flobr and produces a most wbolesbme news service between Canada and They destroyed two bridges filled with nutritious loaf. Newfoundland was particularly em­ troops, who were precipitated into the Conservation Calls on You phasized. river. “At the ninth meeting a resolution Attacks by machine guns and 1 Hissed dealt with the, action taken bombs were carried out on oeeivoys and contemplated by Hie Majesty's and columns debouching on tile north To Preserve Fruits, Berries and Use B & K Oat Flour ie AH Year Baking Government with a view to freeing bank of the Marne « »or escadrilles B&K industry in the United Kingdom from have engaged enemy aviators during •or grocer sells B ft K Oat Hour, put up In 8-lb. cotton sacks and other convenient dependence on German dyestuffs, and the battle with good results. Forty- recommending other Governments of one aeroplanes were brought down or Vegetables sises in keeping with the Canada Çood Board order on Substitutes. the Empire to consider immediately put out of action, and nine captive bal­ what steps can be taken to co-operate loons Were set on fire. Do your preserving on a QAS RANGE—the right way, the re­ with the efforts of the Imperial Oov» eminent to promote successful devel­ British Repart. liable way—cool, quick, clean and easy. The slow simmering The Brackman-Ker Milling Co., Ltd. opment of the dye industry In the London. July 17— Field-Marshal flime so neeeeeary for perfect preserving is always inetautly British Empire and so avoid enemy Haig reported last night: domination over essential Industries. “Early this morning enemy troops * ready. Ocean Freight Rates. attacked and succeeded In entering two new poets established by us north "The Conference next considered of Albert, but were immediately coun­ the question of Inter-Imperial com­ ter-attacked and driven out. We se­ munications. and accepted in prin­ cured a few prisoners. ciple the establishment of an Imperial VICTORIA GAS CO. Board of Investigation to deal with "Hostile artillery was active ta-day the question of ocean freight rales. in the Locre sector, and also has Sales Department Phone 723 The Conference appointed a commit­ shown some activity on other part* of tee to frame a detailed scheme for the front." such a board and also to consider the Raids by Aviators. best machinery for promoting devel­ British a viators again attacked the opment of Imperial communication German city of Offetri erg. near Karl­ to the best advantage, with special sruhe, and Thlonvllle, near Mela, ac­ reference to the probable else of ves­ cording to a report from the Air Min­ sel* ami consequent demands upon istry issued last nhrht. Good bursts har1»or accommodation for purposes were observed at Orenburg and a fire. The Strathcona Lodge, Shawnigan Lake B.C, of Imperial requirements, and tothe fo^wed by exploafona. was started at resolution handed IH~TWr "tfiff fl IllM TiilunviUft. ,.Th*_ text nf th*. of New Zealand? European phm. ■citing ^ort n 1*^°l n th^^alr---" railway sidings and ft.## per (top. Men In a 1* fhV niir. iWNtir If nrrénFTffg fifïïTanoiîTTe aero­ considered it desirable for the pur paie dr VBedHMMrtiqr Importai trade drome were succeasfullv bombed. Good, rest. Tennis, boatlng, bath­ that the present facilities for Inter- burst* were observed On July Hi *,»me of_ our machine* attacked the railway in*. fishing. Motor boat and Imperial parcels delivery should be cars for hire. improved and co-ordinated, and re­ and sidings at Thlonvllle. Several at the Lowest Possible Cost ? _ commended the preparation of a de­ bursts were observed .on the railway. tailed scheme to promote, this ob­ A fire was started and several heavy Special rstes for week-ends. ject.’* explosions followed. All our machines returned safely." M. A. WYLDE, Manager. Economic Policy. Local Actions. la.ndon, July 17.—(Via Reuter’s Ot­ tawa Agency)—In the House of Com­ With the French Army In France. COPAS _ Gordon should b* asked for his resigna­ give it to me Infantry. German Statement. » Per lb., 45* and...... 4UC tion on various matters arising eut of EMPRESS SODA BIS /a Killed in action—Pte. W. D. Rad- Berlin. July 16.—Via London. JuISJL CUITS, largç carton.. way. England ; Pte. J. Barnes, Chicago. —An official étalement issued her* to- school management, the motion was de­ FRY’S BREAKFAST Died—Pte. E. De Joneker. Winni­ feated on a vote of five to two. Not COCOA, Ti-lb. tin.... peg; Sergt. R Edens, England; Pte. “In some sectors fighting activity only that, but the Board practically ad­ INDEPENDENT CREAMERY M. O’Brien. England; Pte. T. Beggs, has revived. East of the Ayette an mitted that Inspector Gordon had been Ireland; Pte 8. Beveridge, Scotland; enemy night advance was repulsed, as doing three men's work by deciding to MARGARINE BUTTER, nothing Pte. C. H. Dyer. England; Corpl. J. F. was Sleo a strong enemy attack east caM for application for an assistant for of Hébuterne. Ghirlie Hope Harrison. England; Pte. P. Partlijg- him at a salary of 1825 per month, and nicer; per lb...... “Between the Aisne and the Marne Per lb...... ton, England ; Pte. T. Ford, England ; also a director of night schools at a 14M Government 8t Pte. W. Gilchrist, Ireland; Pte. R. Mc- and east of Chateau Thierry there were lively artillery duel*. salary of IM per month. Master. Scotland. SELECTED PICNIC >S NEW ONTARIO Wounded-ine. A. Houle. Dantllie, “In minor enterprises and during an 'houe 26M Victoria. X C HAM, per lb...... 0*#C advance across the Marne to the south­ CHEESE, per lb.. P.Q.; Pte. P. Ârseneau, Petit Rocher. west of Jaulgonne we broke into the EMPIRE PRESS UNION 30c enemy's -lines and brought back some MEETS IN LONDON JU—Pte. J. Me William, Scotland; prisoners. Pte. H. V. Clairmont, Fort Frances, "Yesterday, to the southwest and ENFORCEMENT OF Oat.; Acting Corpl. G. A Martin, Tor­ east of Rheime we penetrated Into pert July 17.—(Via Renter’s Ot­ FRESH PRESERVING FRUIT OF ALL KINDS onto; Pte. R. EL Banks, Mount Rose, of the French positions. tawa Agency).—All the Canadian news­ ARMY ACT IN ÛUEBEC N. S.; Pte. J. Clark. England. "By their devastating efferts, oer paper representatives now in England Artillery. > mine throwers and gas throwers, to­ were present and were cordially wel­ Montreal. July 17.—Lieut.-Gelonei M. Killed In action—Gnr. t& Green- gether with ear tanks and Infantry comed at the conference of the Empire A. Fiche, acting district officer com­ halgh. England ; Bomb. J. €k. Todd. flame throwers, opened the way into Press Union at the Savoy Hotel yes­ manding Military District No. 4, Mont­ Winnipeg; Gnr W. P. McKenna, the crater field of last year’s battle, as terday. There was a large attend­ real. staton tha^ from reports received Charlottetown, P.E.I.; Dvr. W. K. far as the Roman Road to the north ance. Robert Donald, editor of The from the military police operating in Çopas & Young ef Promts* and into the woodet London Dally Chronicle and chairman Ilk Vaudreufl district, everything now Johnston, Blackvill*. N.B. country south of Fichtelberg. of the Union, presided, supported by the quiet there and the Military Service "To the east of the Suippe wi president. Lord Burnham. AHTI-OOMBIire 0*001*8 Died—Spr. i wrested from the enemy ther field o Ponnld. referring to the presence er wrm lass., U S A. the Champagne battle between Au- of the Canadiani newspapermen, biding In the 1 Wounded—Pte. L. Halkett. Lac La Derive and southeast of Tahure. Canada had piePtoyed hi *d to be armed with Phones 941 Cerner Fort and ] 194 and 95 licence no. s-tms. longe, Sask. “On our front of attack eai that Canada’s r weapons. The i Forestry Corps. Rheime the enemy is holding hli ond positions to the north ef Pr compile tied but Ill—Pte. H. Carlson, Norway. Souain and Perthes. eventualities. aft*-* ***"*>• VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1918 ENEMY’S “INOFFENSIVE /" An Offer of New Health to All Who Are BURIAL OF ESTEEMED “THE FASHION CENTRE" W eak,Anemic, Nervous, Rundown OFFENSIVE”#! fflSNCE 00390828 QKI.Y the* whowljfei.darkened byill-lwUtk-enly those whoers Week.pr Anemic, or Nenrower Ran-dewn-mui resin# what sa off* of hr alth really means. Robust, v.goeous health that makes your whole ey.tem thrill with vitality, la the health you need. Whvarni* poeiMiee a four-fold to promote new health. Because Wincamis le • Tbnic. a Restorative. a blood-maker, and a Herve- beOd* —all combined In one powerful, health- That is How Gustav Theiy, Late Nicholas A. D, Loggin The New Wlncarnia eiving preparation. Therefore it promotes new 1008-10 Government Street strength, makes new blood, builds new nerve force French Writer, Describes Was Formerly Mine Man­ A ram bi nation of Extract and new vitality. That is why so many Doctors have of Beef. Extract of Malt. recommended it. And the health that Wincamis Latest Attempt ager in Colorado „ Iron and Manganese. promotes is lasting health net a temporary patching PHONE 181 Glycerophosphates of JULY SALE NEWS JULY 17TH, 1918 Çakdam Potassium end Will you try just one bottle T Sediuss with S specially Wincamis net only easterns the very «Ismsi.------selected wine. A Tonic. Prtrfs, July ’ITT—“The German rthof­ Duncan. July 17.—In the passing of Restorative. Blood-build­ which our bodies are composed and without which it would fade and die -but it has the* wonderful pro­ fensive offensive.” is how a witty I*arts Nicholas A. I). Loggin. Cowichah loses er and Ncrvo-food. Pre- perties ia their meet assimilative form. wrlbod by the Medical writer. Gustav Thery. describes the one of its most esteemed residents. profession for Anaemia. Every Ingredient of Wincamis is endorsed end recom­ mended ia the daily practice of the members of the latest effor t <.f General Ludendorff and The late Mr. 'l^oggin was born fifty Misses Smart Gingham gSfc. mediegl profession the world oyer. : . the advices from the front seem tv towered Vitality. La Justify the paradox. If the fighting has years ago in the Argentine, the son of New Profrietort: Coleman <$• Gw, ltd.. H im arms Works. Grippe. Matemity-wenk- N*rn-u k, Eag. ( am A am Ofut. tq Portland St., not resulted in a French victory, it is parents belonging to an old Devon ■** and Cow vales esses Outing Dreà$es Toronto; Frank 5. Butt, Rrssémt ÏJtmlor. held here, it has at least been a serious shire family the men of which on the from any illness. father1*viilde had followed a naval Sala Ata* s for the Domiaim : Ralph J. Portons 4- Co., failure for the Germans. Fof Uni l Ant. Toronto. The objective of the enemy was career, and on the mother's side, served Chalons, against which he directed in the army. He spent his earliest Pique ...... $4.90 converging attack from the north by youth in the Argentine, later training way of Souain, and from the northwest mining engineer and for some by way of the ITunay sector. The time was manager of the Granite gold For Thursday's selling we have grouped a splendid lot of action on his right was more or mines of Colorado. Neckwear secondary in nature while the centre About twelve years ago he married Women’s Fancy Plaid Gingham Dresses and marked them marked time, awaiting,success on the Miss Madge Dorrlngton Ragney in two wings. England, and a few years later came at the most interesting price of 84.90. These Dresses are It was the right wing of the Ger­ to Cowlchan in partnership with Capt. Featuring specially designed for outing and beach wear, being well OUmlnmUo from th« Following Dm g Storoa: ' mans which achieved the only gain, Harry, late of the Scots' Guards, to which was a tactical one merely, and take up ranching at Somenos. At the —Collar* ■owes' Dug Store. D. E. Campbell, Dean A Mleeocke, outbreak of war Capt. Rarry re­ cut and well made. On sale Thursday in the Cotton Dress Williams' Drug Store. which gained more by luck than by any good management. joined his old regiment, leaving his —Vestees Section at...... *4.90 The converging attack of the Oer small daughter and the ranch in the mans was smashed by the brilliant care of Mr. and Mrs. Ixiggin. —Collar and Size* 14, 16, 18. View WindpVv Display. leadership of General H. J. E Gour­ Resides his wife. Mr. l»ggin is sur­ aud. who. according to Henri Rldou. vived by an infant daughter and a 1 Curf Seta young son who is convalescent from military critic of The Journal dea De­ VON HOETZENDORFF CONFIDENT SPIRIT buts. leaving his first line slightly held pneumonia. Over-work and the worry Jual opened up a new ship­ and putting the line of resistance well connection with his child's illness ment ot stylish PPfue Neck to the rear, allowed the German blow left Mr. Loggin an easy prey to the English Sport Corsets of pneumonia which he contracted and Klxlnt». presenting the to expend itself on empty space After newest shapes in Vestees, ON RETIRED LIST EXISTS IN LONDON this false stroke, the Germans were his end came very suddenly. obliged to cross a deadly zone, where His mother and one sister live at Collars and Collar and Cuff Pink Suede Cloth Hrlghton. England, another sister is Sets. You wilt, find the they were shot to pieces before reach­ the wife of Major Jennings Hramley. ing the real French Unes. The French value, much isbove the losses were quit insignificant. of Hampton Court Palace One bro­ average priced at 75< Regular value $.‘1.50, $2 45 Austrian ex-Commander-in ther in the Canadian Engineers re­ to ...... 91.78 Allied Positions in France Not turned to Victoria on Wednesday last Chief Not Commanding in General H. J. E. Gouraud is believed from the front. SLIP-PON VEILS Endangered at Any to be the “Oeperal G——who has The funeral services at the residence 18 Pairs only of Fine English Sport Corsets, made from a Mountains Now been mentioned for his magnificent nd St. Mary’s Church. Somenos. yes­ Black and brown, et ^ Point* generalship in the operations In the fine quality shadow stripe pink suede cloth, lightly boned terday afternoon were conducted by 2 for 254- Ghampagrie region. In ISIS he was the Rev. F G. Christmas and the Rev and finished witli four strong hose supporters. Regular in command of the’french expedition­ Bagshawe. the pall-beafers being Amsterdam, July 17. —: Emperor ary forces senl to the G.illtpoh JVnin $■'1.50. To clear at...... $2.45 London. July 17.—The end of the sec­ Stanley Dmb, F. A. Jackson. Dr. Charles, says a Vienna dispatch, has aula, where he lost an arm and was ond day of the German offensive In Rutherford. Edward Loggin. George grunted the ryquest of Field-Marnhal .seriously wounded in the right thin Hoetxendorff insignificant. was said to have been replaced by The view here is that the Allied posi­ tlefront Germans Would days in one of these at­ $1.50 Field-Marshal von Koevess. Gen. Otto tions thus far have been endanger d at von Re low. of the German army, was Be Hampered tractive knitted Itathing “Kayssr" Silk Gloves are ideal no point and that the future may be for summer wear. Procur­ reported appointed < ’<>minand«»r-in- waited with considerable confidence Klutschevsk, in Southwestern Suite! Made in one-piece fhief of the Austrian army in the The tendency now i* to discard the able in three qualities and Italian zone, but there never Was any suggestion that the enemy's present at Part of Trans-Baikal Re­ British Headquarters in France, July style, with short and no In most of the wanted col­ confirmation of this from official tack was possibly a prelude to a more gion, Captured 17.-—(Via Reuter's Ottawa Agency.) — sleeves, and overskirt. In ors. “The tips outwear the serious assault elsewhere or a feint for A phenomenal storm raged over North­ gloves.” Exceptional value the purpose of drawing off Allied re­ ern France Monday night, accompan­ all the wanted color*, pret­ at. per pair. 85*, $1.25 TWO AIRMEN BURNED serves from other areas. The view is ied by incessant thunder. Sixty flashes tily trimmed with con- and ...... $1.60 widely taken that what the world is of lightning were counted In one min­ watching ia Germany's main offensive, Peking. July 17.—The town of *" treating shades. Prices TO.DEATH IN ONTARIO Klutshevsk. in the southweatern ex­ ute. The fall of rain and hail was which, according t< statements of pris­ most heavy and continued throughout range $2.50 to $9.75 Children’s oners. had been dubbed beforehand tremity of the trans-Baikal region, has "the Friedenstrum" or "peace attack." been occupied by Cz«*ch»-Slovak force* the night Toronto. July 17.—Lieut. W. R. Tait If. as is" most likely, the bad weather and Second Air Mechanic H. Relford, its object being to force a German following their capture of Irkutsk. The Holsheviki are reported concentrating Fancy Cotton of the Royal Air Force, were burned t«r peace upon the Allies. should extend as far as the Cham­ at Verhenudinsk. pagne region. It must affect in marked Skull Shape Bath­ death at Leaside Carpp last evening A dispatch from Manchuria an­ manner the progress of the Germans Sox following a crash of the aeroplane in SOUTHWESTERN JAPAN nounces that General Semenoff. the ing Caps at 35c which they were flying. as the roads, mended with chalk, have anti-Holsheviki leader, has occupied been inches deep with dust which a At 3 Pairs for They were testing an engine, and It STRUCK BY TYPHOON Sharasun with his forces. At ,15c these Skull Shape •tailed In making a turn, causing the downpour would convert Into a slip­ $1.00 aeroplane to fall. The machine caught pery slime. To-day the weather wax Rubber Bathing Gâpa rep­ London. July 17.—Fteiwrta received hot and thundery. fire when it fell, and both occupants Osaka. July 17.—A violent typhoon in Tokio state that the Bolshevik! resent the utmost in value­ A New Let of Children's were so badly burned that they died struck Southwestern Japan and the leaders in the Irkutsk region have giving. They fit the head White Cotton Sox, with before assistance could reach them. Luchu Islands on the night of July 11. taken alarm at 'the coup executed by fancy stripe«i roll tops. Lieut Ta It was a son of Dr. Nelson Much damage was done to the railway the anti-Bolsheviki elements at Vladi­ snugly, thus keeping the Sixes 6 to 8%. Splendid Tait, of Toronto. Second Air Mechanic lines and telegraphic communication vostok and are preparing to flee toward FOOD CONFERENCE hair perfectly dry. Colors wearing qualities, and good Relford came from Moose Jaw, where was Interrupted. Floods occurred in Mongolia, according to an Exchange value at 3 pair for $1.00 his mother resided. Kobe and « >saka. Telegraph di»i>atch from Tientsin. include rose, green, cream, navy and purple. Special Size* 5 to 8*4. IN LONDON JULY 22 at ...... 35<

------. 1 Allied Controllers Will Meet! terday alone would show what little positions, wUh^thc rtv&r £nun*U*tsljr Unfavorable Crop Weather GERMAN COMMUNIQUE success the enemy offensive tn hYnnce achieved. Indeed, no great offensive The newspapers here emphasise as AWARDS IN in Britain s momentous feature of the battle the hitherto has been so barren of initial 8095 conduct of the Americans, who more results. It can not yet be said that than fulfilled the brilliant promise of MOST the enemy has failed, but his definite previous minor engagements, «hatter-__ Ottawa. July 17.—Th-- Ing the belief fostered by the enemy anxiety with regard to the te<»d supply failure is most probable and the le­ Cowan’s Picture Contest peoples that the ^var would be over of the United Kingdom add the Al­ gend 1 of the "irresistible” force' of the before the American factor became a lied nattortp is not yet over. A confer­ already has been real one. q Let u* congratulate the winners in the Cowan Picture Title Contest and say ence of the Food Controllers of Great Tone of Official Statement ls^.™ay%on,'ttU8hl Britain. France and Italy with Herbert —“They are lucky", for the keen sense of humor and ready wit of B. C. Hoover, the United States Food Ad­ sued Yesterday Indicates It is clear that the Allies have profit­ IN WILHELM’S CEMETERY. residents brought forth siich an avalanche of good answers that the judges ministrator. will t>e held on July 22 In ed by their experience, notably by London, when the situation will be Failure in France greatly extending the area of the cov­ The Hague. July 17 —Symbolic of experienced great difficulty in making the awards. fully discussed. Unfavorable weather ering defence tone. The unity of com­ coming events Is the fact that General has been causing serious concern about mand Is proving decidedly effective. Ludendorff has given a commission to a Bavarian tombstone concern for a <| The following answers are declared the prize-winners in the the British home-grown crops and How well the French have the situ­ London. Jtriy 17 —fVia ReuTer’s Ot­ ation In Kind is proved by the fact monument to his family to be set up early estimates will have tn be modt in the Kaiser’s memorial cemetery in that east of Rhvlms they retired to lied. The labor shortage overseas also tawa Agency.)—Jf there was no other Berlin. This tombstone will have two their main line without losing a gun. is acute. evidence, the restrained tone of the plaques for his two sons, who were Home of the difficulties and problems while west of Rheims the progress of killed while serving in the aviation are indicated in the following cable German official corpmunioatlon of yes- *the Germans was so limited that their corps. / received last night by the Canada Food Board from Job if R. dines, the Qowan’s British Food Controller: ‘ British agriculturists have been seriously concerned about the drought which has checked tfie growth of wheat he>e for six weeks, particularly on light soli. Barley and oats also have suffered along with root crops, and SHOE BARGAINS PICTURE TITLE CONTEST even potatoes, have been retarded by «•old weather and lack of rain Luckily FIRST PRIZE SECOND PRIZE the spell of unfavorable weather now "Shells may land or ihelli may not, "On Flanders Field when dreams come troc. has broken and rain is plentiful, but nevertheless it looks as If the early COWAN’S atmtji hits the spot.” And Mother's Chocolate Cake came through’’. That Command Attention optimism about the possibilities of the Won by Misa E. MacEACHERN, Won by Mat. WALTER WINNING. wheat crop In the United Kingdom will 1180 Yates St., Victoria. have to be modified owing to the dif­ MEN'S WORKING BOOTS 944 Hastings St. West, Vancouver. ficulties of newly-broken ground and lack of labor. It is true that women Made of oil' grain leather, THIRD PRIZE ami children are twin* rapidly recruit "Stormed at with shot—and shell. ed for the forthcoming harvest, but good stout soles, Derby On Cowan’s Chocolate (Cake) they fell”. even with the help of urban holiday workers and German prisoners, farm Won by H. E. COOK. Nanaimo. * ers here are skeptical whether they ;:Ui-...$3.95 will h* able to get in that which they FOURTH PRIZE FIFTH PRIZE have raised. "’Urey up Bill, the ’ole blinkin’ Army "An Impending attack on COWAN’S", Fruit. Men’s White Yachting hat smelled Cowan’s Supreme Chocolate”. Woe by “Owing to early frosts and insect attacks on fruit, the Food Controller Won by Mias KATHLEEN H. GALLEY, Mna. MARY OLGA PARK. now also Is battling with an utterly RT...... $1.75 • 1946 Quadra St., Victoria. 8146 George St. South, Vancouver. unforeseen shortage of Jam for our armies and civilian population. MEN ’S WHITE BOOTS g Everybody can’t be a winner but we appreciate your .forts never-tne-less. At a token ol “There is still a shortage at cheese, and lard has Just been formally ra- AND 0XP0RDS Men’s White Yachting recognition for your interest in this contest we will send you • beantUdDy illustrated Recipe Book containing one hundred recipes foe “Hoffs. too. have not been raised as The famous “Leisure” line, MEN ’S PATENT LEATHER rapidly on this side of the Atlantic as made of the best grade S*.. $1.50 was hoped, owing to the abnormally DRESS OXFORDS high prices demanded for breeding white caifvaa. linen lined, COWAN'S SUPREME CHOCOLATE sows and pigs. Such Is th?t situation (ALWAYS A WINNER) despite the great outburst of munici­ with robber sole and heel. Hartt make, on new last pal enterprise In connection gfith hog- with recede toes and Unsweetened—Unrivalled—Unbee ten. Older a package to-day. raising. % Reg. 84.50 goods to be broad, low heel. *. Worth “Generally, the food situation In the cleared out »t d)0 QF $10.00. THE COWAN COMPANY LIMITED, - . . TORONTO. United Kingdom is improved, but the Mutrie&Son season of anxiety is not yet over. The this sale at... Vfe.t/u July Sale Li ’ - B.C.—56 Food Controllers of all the .Vi. $4.65 tries will meet Mr. Hoover In Lpndon 1209 Douglas St. In,conference on the situation on July- 88> VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1918

The Daily Times the United States, Great flbitain, Japan and else­ BURIAN SAYS ALLIES where are turning out much more tonnage than the COULD END THE WAR Qenuan submerinee sre destroying and the cost of ! Published every afternoon (except BûKdsyT *T Buy Only (Continued from page 1.) CHE TIME» PRINTING * PUBLISHING COMPANY, construction for most of those Governments has LIMITED now bocom# ân all-important element. the world ever farther Into that de­ ORIeeei Cerner Breed end Peri Streets We must build in competition, to build at all, struction, which they can avoid If théÿ Business Office (Advertising)...... **?*”• ÎÎÎÎ only will.*' What You Circulation...... «...... and only through the sane co-operation of capital Teutonic Alliances. Editorial Office ...... -...... Phone « and labor can this be done. If the committee of The Foreign Minister said that his and Rockers in Brown Reed SUBSCRIPTION RATESi confidence was based on the war al­ the Board of Trade can obtain a guarantee of that liances, particularly the old alliance City Delivery ...... ••• •*> per men» with Germany. He said that Austria We have just placed on display a line of Reed Chairs By mall (exclusive of city) Canada and ___ co-operation it will do more to help the shiphuild and Hungary would seqk means of ex­ NEED and Rockers that are specially attractive in design. These Great Britain ...... »*•*> P» tending the alliance so that It would To U. B. A...... IS O» per annum in g industry here than all the demonstrations, be adequate for all the requirements are of generous size and come in the popular fumed finish. speeches and resolutions ever held, uttered <#t the haw times. ~ . Figure the eost of your With a loose cushion and a little upholstering on the “In thelte endeavors,” he continued, moved, for with that co-operation and the main!en. “the Government knows It Is In agree­ coal by the month or the back they make a stylish and comfortable chair suitable for A NEW TUNE. anee of industrial peace there is no reason why ment with the desires of the prepon­ year—not by the price— any season, but particularly desirable at this season. » derating mass of Its people. The alli­ ships should not be built as profitably here as any­ ance will hence, as hitherto, preserve then yon will sec how much Come in and see these latest arrivals. The Berlin War Office report of the fighting on Its eirhwtvfly defensive character. It cheeper good coal is than where else. also will rest firmly on the satisfactory PRICED AT 913.50 the West Front is extremely cautious, and in that solution of sll questions and on the cheap coal. respect is in significant contrast to its communi­ necessities of joint concert* which have The coal you want again THEIR EYES BEING OPENED. arisen from the war. It must therefore and again. cations on the other German offensives. “In some not only cover the political relation­ ships of the two powers, but most also sectors,” it says, “fighting activity has been re­ Although tiie German military authorities con lead to changes under altered condi­ Try Pyrex tions. economic, military and other vived. In minor enterprises and during an ad­ sider it good policy to belittle the fighting qualities relations In the future are to be drawn vance acroadk tb* Marne to the southwest of Jaug- of the American troops to the German people the closer. The, agreement must com­ Kirk & Co., ltd. promise a solution, with due regard to Baking Ware lonne we broie into the enemy’s line and brought Great General Staff ia fully aware of the true char­ desires of the populations, of the 1212 Broad St. Pbone 139 back prisoners. Yesterday to the southwest of questions connected with the re-birth If you have never tried Pyrex Baking Ware you should acter of the new forces now coming strongly ipto of Poland- come in and select a piece or two from our present display Rheims we penetrated into parts of the French Menace Disavowed. the war. A short time ago an official report from "Henceforth thé alliance will not and try it out. positions.” It then proceeds to elaborate a little, German intelligence officers to headquarters was mean a threat of unfriendliness toward- so, and when wealth is needed It Is dlf anyone. Nothing will be Included' In It dealt to find on moral grounds a valid We know that you’ll be delighted with it—everyone explaining that the efforts of mine-throwers and captured and a translation of it shows that the Ger­ calculated to offer a stimulus to argument to the contrary. Morally who has tried it has nothing but praise to offer and are formation of counter groups. Every­ every particle of the war debt should gas-throwers, together with infantry and flame­ man military leaders are in receipt of information thing which in the future can be re­ be conscripted, practically It Is at pres­ regular users. throwers, having opened the way to the enemy’s concerning the troops of their latest opponent alised of the sublime idea of a uni ent impossible. versai league of nations shall find in As a matter of fact, taxation is con­ This glass has many advantages, among others being positions, von Boehm’s army crossing the Marne, which, if it were published in the German news our alliance no obstacle, but a favor­ scription of wealth, but is not normally its superior baking qualities, and the fact that you can able nucleus and a prepared group looked upon In that manner. The death etc., etc. papers instead of the stuff supplied to them, would which can easily and naturally unite duty certainly Is end the excess profits serve right from the oven—in the same dish. The suggestion in this is that the fighting was with every general combination of tax now In force In England curbs the astound the great bulk of the German people. states resting on concrete princlplea“ rich man's desires, but it Is not enough. Come in and get a piece. , a fortuitous affair which developed out of scat This report, which had to do with Americans The Foreign Minister said that Aus­ Let ifB consider for a moment what tria expected after the war to remain does conscription of wealth mean. tered “minor enterprises" that were so successful captured in the Bouresehes sector, had a number in closer relations with Turkey and To most people it means something Bulgaria. different. Does it mean the conscription A Few of the Many Pieces Shown that the Germans simply could not resist following of unfilled blank spaces opposite “essential infor­ of Income? It certainly must. Then the After declaring that “the continu Ram akin», from, doz. 92.25 them up by crossing the Marne, and that if they be mation,” “composition of American division,” and ance of the war is due exclusively to graduated Income tax does that duty. Pie Plates at, each.. .91*90 the one-sided and destructive aims of Raise the Income tax higher and higher, Casseroles, round, from 90< Custard Glasses, from, per stopped it cannot be regarded as a reverse, for noth­ “history," showing that the prisoners refused to the enemy, which could only be at the greater the Income of the clttsen. dozen ...... 93-75 tained over the ruins of the world," the leaving him merely sufficient for a ra­ Casseroles,‘oval, from 91-75 ing serious was attempted. There are no grandiose give information on these subjects. It then pro Foreign Minister concluded by quoting tioned subsistence. It le morally right Casseroles, with nickel-plat­ claims this time that ‘tour invincible troops are the final words of the reply of Emperor but difficult to enforce, and Would not Pudding Dishes, from 91.00 ed frame, from.... $2.93 eeeds to comment : • " Charles to the Pope’s peace note. commence to pay the cost of the fighting their way to a victorious peace,” or that “American division may be considered a very We must go further. We must conscript Bread Pans, from... 91.10 Pie Plates, with picket plat­ capital. And when we do this we come Steak Casseroles from 91*75 ed frame, from.... 93.60 “under the command of the Emperor and King good division, perhaps even an assault division. ALLIES ARE CONTINUING TO to the problem. our armies are marching from victory to victory.” The demand for the levy on capital Is Various attacks of two regiments upon Belleau HOLD GERMANS IN CHECK, put forward in two way a Either you The German War Office is profiting from experi­ must defray the current expenses of the Wood were executed with dash and intrepidity. ALLOWING BUT SMALL war by such a tax. or we must liqui­ ence and has wisely refrained from the pleasing but The moral effect of our fire was not able seriously date our liabilities by means of a loan, WEILER BROS. CHANGES IN BATTLELINE and at the close of the war wipe off our often dangerous practice of counting chickens be­ to check the advance of their infantry. The nerves debt by a levy on existing capital. Both Government St LOOTED Hear Poet Office fore they are hatched. (Continued from page 1 ) are difficult and the first is impossible. of the Americans are not yet shaken. Present statesmen are all striving for 1 The new Berlin policy of caution in issuing “The quality of the men must be characterized enemy suffered a sanguinary repulse. some solution of this problem, but far The French positions throughout the t**o many forget the. economic meaning bulletins on the progress of the fighting appears to as remarkable. They carry themselves well, are region to the east of Rheims were of the word and confuse wealth with be abundantly justified by developments so far. maintained intact. the narrow category “money." or e\1en well developed physically, and from eighteen to The text of the statement follows with the wider division of liquid The deepest penetration of the Allies’ positions twenty-eight years of age. At the present time "South of the Marne new German wealth, such wealth as can be readily forces pushed forward and attacked converted into money. This is the mis­ maje by the enemy at the end of the second day they only require proper training to make them yesterday and last evening the heights take. of the offensive was only five miles—south of the •Orth of St. Agimn and <*bapeIle-Mont- The trus wealth of the nation consists formidable adversaries. hodon. The enemy succeeded in pene­ of our railways, our machinery roads, Only THREE Days More Marne—and spirited counter-»ttacks by the French trating into the Bourdonnerie farm and cattle, implements, houses, etc. You “The spirit of the men is fresh and full of naive the bat tie continues with violence on cannot feed and supply an army and and Americans recaptured several villages on high confidence. The following statement bf a prisoner the slopes and woods immediately south win a war with railways, and houses To secure one of these New ground overlooking the river in that sector. The of this point and such other wealth. They must be Edisons on these special is characteristic : ‘We kill or we are killed.’ Foiled b - French. converted. And If you convert It, what then! Can you conscript the securities enemy is trying to widen his front south of the “Details concerning their position. It was iin Farther east, despite very vigorous terme. attacks.' our trooyis held the enemy in and the mortgages snd the bonds that Marne by pressing up the valley towards Eperney, possible to obtain any farts. The prisoners scarce­ represent them ? If so, who Is to buy? the southern outskirts of Bouqutgny To sell you roust have a market But if This model Diamond Disc, Wood and at the village of Nesle. The but is meeting with little success. ly indicated the place they had occupied in the line. the buyer knows that his securities are Germans likewise launched a powerful likewise going to be conscripted, he will 24 selections of your own Between the Marne and Rheims the enemy has attack In the direction of Monvolain, “General remarks : Morale—Tn general, the on the south side of the Marne, south­ not buy; nor even can he buy. for he choice for will have had his wealth likewise made virtually no progress beyond the develop­ east or Venteuil, but were thrown back prisoners make a good impression. Their manner taken, and to buy with what is left he from this locality by a powerful must convert which is Impossible. ments of the first day, while on the whole front is alert. At present they, still Consider 4he war counter-attack by French troops. east of Rheims the best he has been able to do has “Between the Marne and Rheims When there arc many selling and few $177.40 from the point of view of a big brother who is com­ violent combats, developed in Courfon buying, the value of stocks falls been to gain two miles near Prunay. The fighting ing to the assistance of his oppressed brothers and Wood. A German attack In the region heavily. The Government would thus be of Vrigny broke down completely. no better off. for the shares that they appears to have changed from an attempt at a sisters, and who is received everywhere in a friend­ "East of Rheims German local at had got would now have fallen perhaps general advance on a fifty-mile front to a series of lacks were fruitless, notably in the to half their worth. True, it might be ly manner. Their opinions have a certain moral region of Prunay. A renewed attack by possible to sell at a depreciated value local offensives not unlike those which followed eneltiy trdafc# hi fhe direction of Beau­ on a foreign market. But this would basis: goat of the prisonert express themselves mont, on the south side of* the Vesle mean that the country had mortgaged the enemy’s check in hia other offensives with the with an understandable naivete, and declare that southwest of Prunay, suffered a san­ Its existence to a foreign land, a thing guinary repulse. The French positions no sane man would for a moment difference that while in these he made extensive there have been maintained intact.' countenance. they came to Europe to defend their country. The same argument holds against too $25.00 progress before being stopped, in this one hie pene­ "Only a few of the men are pure American by. About Six Miles. heavy a levy on Income It cannot be Cash tration has been relatively small. Some 540,000 Ixmdon, July 17.—Forces of the Ger- readily converted anil will depreciate ri,»a Tli» ...njnrlly nf Ihem nre anna lue In miirrrriww. Hsi it ~ ~ Balance $10.00" per Mouth. men are believed to have been employed by the threè mll«-s line down the Marne val­ parents. These half-Americans, however, most. Of ley yesterday. This mak« e a total not diminished, nor Is the production This New Edison is Mr. Edi­ Germans out "of a total force of 900,000. This whom were bora in America and have never been penetration of the French line of about of wealth discouraged, but rather en- Six unies at Festumy. the most south­ (kriwawK Tor ibe capmutst turning bis son "s very latest instrument means that the enemy stilt-has considerable re­ in "Europe, express without hesitation purely Ameri erly point reached by the invaders. Income greater decreased by the in­ which has iTpermanent Die-""" Heavy Artillery Fire. come tax w ill struggle all the harder to mood Reproducer, Auto­ serves that have not yet been used and more des­ can sentiments.” increase his output so as to keep up With the American Army in France, matic Stop and many other perate fighting may be looked for. Berlin claims That report ought to be useful propaganda ma­ July 17. - (By the Associated Press. ).— the former standard of living. A heavy p. m.—BxTraorfinarify Heavy artil­ hut not toe heavy graduated Income exclusive features. 13,000 prisoners while Paris says the French leases tax Is manifestly the first solution of terial for the Allies. Undoubtedly there are. in lery fire has been Hi progress to-day our war tiro*» finance. Out-of-town orders accepted if dated on or before are comparatively small. Germany and in the, German army many people on both allies along the Marne front The second solution Is the heavy tax­ between Chateau Thierry and Dor­ ation of excess profits made owing to July 20th. i Paris announces that no French forces have mans. who know that the official announcements on the the war Eighty per cent, or even 100 East of Rheims the American troops been diverted from any other part of the West in thelir sectors are holding all their per cent, of profits above that earned American war effort and the calibre of the Ameri­ ly Industries in pre-war times le not positions. Kent’s Edison Store Front to meet this offensive ; that is to say Foeh ’s can troops are utterly false, but so absolute is the too stiff. For no one has a moral right to profit by the conflict. This tax Is ap­ Phone 3449 1004 Government St. original dispositions with local reserves have been control of the German Government over the minds plied in England, found satisfactory, sufficient for the needs of the situation ‘ so far. and with conscientious management of the German people that any cominunieation la­ yields much to the state. This is reassuring, not only in respect of the ques­ belled “official,” no matter bow fantastic, is be­ All this is conscription of wealth, but tion of manpower, but in its demonstration of the to go further than this and seize thF we moke no attempt to pay off our debt great a control of some of our indus­ lieved by the great majority of them. capital of the nation for current ex­ at the clone ot the war Canada will be tries. But it must be remembered penses can only mean to us disaster. All foresight and perfection of the arrangements of none the poorer. that foreign capital Invested In our revenues above this must be secured But perhaps when the war is ended The King has conferred upon General Pershing by the loan, which in reality is. the land would have to stand an equal levy the Commander-in-Chief. All the evidence shows we may decide to pay off our debt by and this could go to our foreign in­ FOR CO-OPERATION. promise of the people to work for the that Foch has had the situation well in hand from a G. C. B., (Grand Cross of the Bath). This does nation for a future payment The conscripting the capital of the wealthy. vestors. war loan Is a sacred bond between her This to some may sound an astounding There are many difficult problems the start and is quite ready for the enemy wher­ not mean that the able American Commander-in- To the Editor,—I Was very pleased to proposition, but is not beyond possl- see in last night's Issue that .the Board rulers and her citizens, and must in attached to such a scheme, but they every way be kept Inviolate. The pa­ itlltles. Even Mr. Bonar Law, Chan­ are not beyond solution. But two ever else he may choose to strike. Chief is now Sir John Pershing, for the United of Trade had appelated two of their cellor of the Exchequer, has hinted at members to meet the Metal Trades triotic loan brings from its lair the levy upon capital after the war; and things must be remembered. We must States does not permit its subjects to wear titles of hidden treasure, renews the energy of hold aour national war debt sacred. Council on the advisability of forming a" people and makes them economize appears to many as an admirable so­ a company, or co-operation, or profit- lution of the problem. It would leave Neither must its interest nor capital CO OPERATION NEEDED. that kind. It means, however, that the General, if and save. To conscript this would be value be diminished, nor must It ever sharing in the shipbuilding industry. I the last resort of a mad financier at the our country none the poorer. It would hope the trades unionists of Victoria merely mean the shifting of ownership be conscripted. And should capital be he has accepted the distinction, will possess the helm of a bankrupt state. We* may conscripted to pay off our debt, it must The Board of Trade yesterday appointed a spe­ Will fall in with the idea. It would be a conscript labor, life and wealth but * our national wealth from one person insignia of one of the highest orders of British grand thing to see the labor and capital to the other. It would mean the equal­ be done at one time and only after the never that scrap of pai>er pledged on war. Any attempt to pay the current cial committee to confer with labor leaders with a of this city combined for each other’s the faith of a nation and sealed by the izing of our Individual fortunes. Ve knighthood. The^Hon. James Gerard, it will be good, for with both working together who had corns to the aid of the nation expenses of the war by the ' present blood of he.r sons. For are we not fight­ conscription of wealth, beyond taxa­ view to the development of local shipbuilding in­ we would make this place the envy of ing and dying for the violated pledge in her plight and had bought war loan recalled, was Created a K. C. B. in recognition of the Pacific coast. would in its place be given an equal tion such as suggested, must prove a dustry on the co-operative principle. The object of a nation and we cannot prove our­ financial disaster. his services to British prisoners of war in Germany, In Gloucestershire there Is a very selves as faithless. amount of stock in the enterprise of sought is the creation of a real community spirit large cloth mill, driven by two large But after the war—what then! Is someone who had refrained from In­ Until theit we must raise our ex­ but I lie bearer is still plain “Mr.” Gerard. horizontal engines One is named the nation going to be shackled with a vesting. He who has Invested in na­ penses with a heavy graduated Income in regard to this industry which will guarantee not 'Capital" and the other""Txabor." Both heavy war debt and made to contribute tional bonds has already helped the and excess profits tax and such other nation, ^whilst he who has amassed a IN FOR A LICKING. are of the same power; one alone could for years to come from her wealth, or taxes as are in common use. The only local financial support 1 ut stable conditions drive the whole of the machinery In will we for once and for all conscript fortune and not offered It to the rest must be got -by a loan, which It is of labor. (New York World.) z case of necessity. But they use the two from the rich to pay off our debts and country deserves to have it conscripted. the patriotic duty of every Canadian, Director-General of Shipping Schwab, speaking before and both working together make the start the nation afresh? Let Us ex­ Such a solution Is possibly would who cannot give his labor and his life Whether this movement wifi succeed or not Detroit shipbuilders, said they were to play a prominent load so much lighter. Why could not we amine the case. disturb very Initie the stock market or his country, to support with all In Victoria do the same? Mr. Walker Money has and is gradually depreci­ would no* necessitate any great will depend upon the co-operation it secures,’upon part in building ships faster than V-boats ran sink them. Îils power and ability. Economy and ^“The Kaiser," he added* “is due for the damnedostrick­ says he knows a shipbuilding employee ating in value. At the close df the Na­ of securities. The economic con­ self-sacrifice Is to-day the only test the extent to which each eleuMBt is prepared to who would put up $600. I am not a poleonic wars a century ago the terrible ditions of the country would not be of true citizenship. ing anyone ever got." shipbuilding employee, boi^will put up debt of that time was thought sufficient greatly disturbed. It might be unwise JOSHUH B. CLEARIHUE. make sacrifices Tor the good of the community as —------an $100 to help the cause along. to strangle the nation. Now It repre­ liquidate our foreign liabilities In Lieutenant. Canadian Field Artillery, BRITAIN'S FIRST CEMENT BOAT. Now, trades unionists, come along sents a pittance of our Income. Then ■ manner as It would give them too France, May 29, 1918. a whole. There must be some assurance that the Britain's first big /concrete ship is 150 feet long, with k', and see what you can do, for your owh wages and prices were equally low and the national debt represented a sum beam of 24feet and displaces 900 tons. Her carrying sake and your children’s, and the land work will not be interrupted by a series of strikes we live in. far in excess of what 1t would to-day. capacity is 400 tons. Compared to the Faith, the 6,000-ton TRADER UNIONIST. Depreciation of the monetary stand­ over non-essential considerations or because some­ concrete ship recently launched on the Pacific Coast of ard is continually progressing and in a TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO TO DAY Victoria Wefit, July 16, 1918. century from now we may equally hope where else men may be receiving piore wages than the United flutes, the British vessel Is a rather small Victoria Times, July 17, 1893. affair, but Lloyds has classed her as Al. to find our debt more than halved in its they are getting here. The key-note should be the CONSCRIPTION OF WEALTH. relative value. We must not fear that the nation will development of an industry, not some temporary SCOTCH SOLDIERS SINGING PSALMS. To the Editor,—There hi a phrase be bankrupt. It Is as rich as ever» Our Machinery for two West Coast mills will be taken around by the steamer (London Express.) now extensively In use with present- wealth still lies in our mines and our Maude. Captain Gosse, which leaves this evening. She will take down the financial advantage regardless of consequences. day politicians which to a large ex­ rivers, our plains and our forests. It machinery for Sutton A Sons’ sawmill at Ucluelet and additional machinery As far as Victoria is concerned ships can be At a conference on church hymn singing, at St. Mary's, tent Is too quickly approved of or dis­ is our natural resources which are al­ for'the B. C. paper mill. Primrose Hill, the vicar, the Rev, Duncan Jones, said he missed with a wave of the hand. This most Illimitable, which can stand the Hon. T. M. Daly, Minister of the Interior; A. M. Burgess, Deputy Min­ built only if it is profitable to build them. The never heard suah singing anywhere as he heard in billet the* conscription of wealth. How weight of our national debt. And then ister of the Interior; Indian Commissioner Reed, of the Northwest Terri­ mAfty of those who use it In daily we owe our debt to ourselves. If our services in tumble-down villages when Scottish boys used tories, and 1^ Hume, Mr. Daly’s private secretary, arrived from the east halcyon day of the construction of vessels without their hearts and their voices in rendering some of those conversation have ever thought of Its loans had been mostly sold on a for­ significance !__ eign market, we would be mortgaging" last evening. Psalms which are so deâr to them, and when the whole regard to cost and conditions of labor and material -ft is an alluring phrase coined to our natural resources to the foreigner. ; Objection to the location of a s hool aj the corner of Douglas Street and place was filled With the strains of "Dunfermline." qr "8t. catch the poor man's vote and is singu­ Some haver It Is true, but It rests with Michigan Street has been lodged by sonie residents. is at an end. The demand for tonnage while Mill Paul," "Duke Street," or "Wiltshire/' they, almost feU larly eucceneful Human labor and life the patriotic Canadian to see that we great is no longer emergent because the yards of themselves back la Scotland < teetageoBscripted, and rightly ourselves sepplÿ our needs. Ever *f VICTORIA DAILY TIMBS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1918

LPAVIP SPENCER, LIMITED^: Another Extraordinary Sale of -at 50c Thursday An almost unbelievable price for such dainty new ^-to-date models. We bought these Waists several months a"° gvt‘at advantage. To-day, Summer Waists are costing at the factory double the price. Needless to say, then, very quick selling will take place and the twenty dozen models involved will be bought up just as quickly as the salespeople can take the money. To secure one you will have to be here sharp on opening time, 8.30 am. 1 he style of \V aist is neat and effective. Made from pretty striped voiles, with large collars and vestee front of plain vHiite. Some models are trimmed with white pique and finished in two-button effect. The shades are greens, Copenhagen and black on white ground with various pattern stripes. All new, clean, crisp goods, and a very great bargain at 50ft each. See display window on View Street for samples. —Waists, First Floor A New^Au-siik Black a Big Stock of Inexpen­ Taffeta Stanfield’s Silk That Will Not Split. Tear sive Wash Dresses Finished Underwear or Crack i for Men This new. Silk is making many friends ami causing an unprece­ dented demand. The makers claim that they have overcome A niee soft finished Undergarment, ideal for sum­ all the old obstaeles and can offer these three grades as being $1.50 to $5.75 mer wear. We have Shirts in sizes 34, 36 and 38; entirely non-splitable, non-tearahle and non-eraekalrle. Finish- Drawers,*32, 34, 36 and 38. To-day’s market ml in blaek only and appropriate weights' for separate skirts price, $2.50. Our special price, while stoek lasts, and suits. 36 inches wide. A yard. $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50 Wash Dresses in styles and materials appropriate for a garment ...... $1.75 An Alt-Silk Black Messaline Satin at #1.50 a Yard. every purpose—for the home, garden, picnic, beach or — An excellent quality offered at a very low price. Made en­ —Men’s Underwear, Main Floor tirely from pure silk and finished in a |>erfeet black ; 36 inches vacation. A splendid variety of shades and patterns and wide and worth today *2.00 a yard Our special price, a all good, serviceable styles. S|>eeially good values at from >“rd •••••••...... $1.50 $1.50 to ...... $5.75 —Silks. Main Floor Two Low Priced Offerings in Wash Dresses in extra large sizes—40 to 50, in a good as­ Special Values in sortment of patterns and styles. Men’s Work Boots —Mantles, First Floor Here’s a Boot that will give equal wear to an all-leather Women’s Gloves boot costing two dollars more. It is made from a HEW PIQUE WASH SKIRTS Women's Long White Glace Perrins' Glace Kid Gloves, in heavy brown duck, with leather lace stay and extra Smart styles and good value Kid Gloves, in all sizes. .So­ white, tan. navy, grey, and cial, a pair ...... $1.50 at ...... ;...... heavy rubber soles and heels. Has absorbent inner black ; 2 dome S|>ecial at, a $3.75 Long White, Cream and Black sole that will not draw the feet. Specially good value Silk Gloves, with double tips. pair ...... $2.00 at, a pair...... $3.50 Queen Quality make. Special, Dents' Chamoisette GlovA, 2- a pair...... $1.25 domc; white and white with Another good Work Boot is made with brown duck Capeskin Gloves, in tans only, Mack points. Special St. a uppers, medium thickness, and with rubber soles and 1 and 2 dome. Special, a pair ...... $1.00 Stylish Summer Suits of heels. This is a good siunnier work boot. Has ventil­ pair ...... $1.75 —Gloves. Main Floor ated leather inner sole. Special value, a pair, $2.75 Linen and Cotton Selling at —Men’s Boots, Main Floor Sheets and Blankets, at r Be Sure and Secure a Copy of Prices to Save You These are smartly tailored garments, iu styles and effects entirely different to those of previous seasons. Some of the Coats have sleeves, others are sleeveless, The Wipers Times Money the latter being extremely effective models and most comfortable for summer A fac simile reprint of the trench magazines—The Savings from two to three dollars a pair on Blankets and 65c a and vacation wear. Several different styles to choose from, all marked specially Wipers Times, The New Church Times, The Kemmel pair on Sheets surely is substantial savings well worth while. low for very quick selling. A Suit ...... ; ;...... ;...... $13.75 This is what wrc offer von here this week. It’s worth investigating Times, The Somme Times, and The B. E. F. Times. —Mantles, First Floor right away, isnjt it T The original copies of these papers were printed Pull-Sise Cotton Sheets, Reg. (4.00 a Pair, for $3.36 a Pair. just behind the firing line—under most trying circum­ —Mode up from our own sheeting, extra wide and good and stances. Some copy and proofs were even written and long. Suitable for your large size bed*. Nice Oven weave, 2Vi Continuing the Sale pf . corrected, in the trepehes.------yards wide. A sheet that will launder well. The entire volume is full of interest and humor. White Blankets for Your Medium and Full-Size Beds at a Saving Be sure and get a copy at $2.00. of from $2.00 to $3.00 a Pair. Women’s High-Grade Pumps —This is quite a saving for those who require Blankets for pre­ , —Books, Main Floor sent or near future needs. Quite a few of our customers are preparing tor their future needs now. Our prices range from and Oxfords at $5.95 r as low as *5.75 to *1(i 00 a pair. An Exceptional Sale of —Staples. Main Floor $4.85 and $2.95 ’ On Thursday we shall continue to dispose of this ’olored Silk Sweaters A Delayed Shipment of high-grade Footwear at bargain prices. There is still a got id assortment of styles and sizes idfracli for Children Fancy Tartan Dress Goods group and the values are as good as on the first d.iy Values to $3.00 of sale. Every pair was made by one of the !.. re- on Sale at 50c a Yd most manufacturers of women's footwear in America. Right up-to-the-minute for styles and Thursday at $1.50 This shipment should have reached us many mouths ago—iu time for last spring’s selling. suitable for dress, street and business wear. Re­ In all the leading shades, such as rose, greens, However, we welcome its arrival as the materials liable giades and rare bargains at the special .greys, blues and gold, also in colored stripes— are so much needed and will come in splendidly prices. Represented are: rose with white, gold with black, blue with white •for children’s school dresses for fall, also for and several other smart combination effects. All . Patent Leather Pumps and Qxfor.is, with high Louis heels and turn soles. women’s dresses and separate skirts. Hmart of good quality silks, various weaves, and in Olazed Kid Pumps and Oxfords, with Louis or military heels, turn or welted new patterns and colorings in blue, red, brown sizes to fit little girls 1 to 4 years. Regular and mixed tartans.; 38 inches wide. Special, a soles. Colored and white Kid Piunps and Oxfords; brown and black calfskin, values to $3.00. Clearing Thursday at the ex­ yard*...... 50* with military heels and welted soles. Blaek Glazed Kid Oxfords, with welted ceptionally low price of...... $1.50 * —Dress Goods, Main Floor soles, also white reiuskin. All sizes and widths in the lot —Children’s, First Floor —Women's Shoes, First Floor = jJDAyiD_SPENCER, LIMITEE)!: PICTOKfA DAILY Tl M KS, YVKI1.N K’HDA Y, JULY 17, 1!MH

Canada Food Board License No. 8-947 IN WOMAN’S DOMAIN Canadian Food Board ■Mr. How, I SO u to • 1 Socio^îetsml FINE PROGRAMME FOR ■Munir. 1 ,’olwk: HtiMw I N , Insure Success by Mrs. F. T. Hill," of New Westminster, Mapping Out a Food Recipe Books accompanied by her cousin, Miss Hoop, Programme — Canada TO MORROW’S CONCERT of Winnipeg, Is visiting friends In the Food Board. The Clearance Sale of Book No. 1, Fruit, Vegetables, Canning, Drying and Storing; <4tiT this .greek. ------4' 4 4 No. 2, Fish; No. 3, Vegetables ; Nb. 4, Bread. The Misses Hazel and Kathleen The Gift Centre.” Army and Navy Veterans’ Cafe Maywood, of Winnipeg, are visiting Summer Millinery theinparents. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. May- UYING ^ J< _ We can supply these. Cost 5c each. matter of Chantant and Dance at wood, 1637 Verrinder Avenue. B it it it Alexandra Hall Miss Monteith and Miss Barbara Most people cannot ac­ Takes Place Thursday THURSDAY'S SPECIAL IN THE GROCERY DEPT. Montelth have gone over to the main­ curately determine for land on a visit to Mrs. Roger Mon­ themselves the value of Diamond Crystal Salt, 3-lb. carton. telth, Harwoods.Street, Vancouver. precious stones and gold Active preparations have been made Regular 15c each. Special, each...... lie * » .4 and silver things. There­ by the Army and Navy.^Veterans to Women who would take Arthur McLorg, of this city, Is visit­ fore, it la Important to insure the success of their second cafe ing In Vancouver, where hie parents. advantage of exceptional re­ KNOW the store you buy chantant and dance to be given at the Judge and Mrs. McLorg. of Saskatoon, from. Alexandra Club and grounds to-mor­ ductions will do well to as­ PROVISION DEPARTMENT. have taken up their residence for the row (Thursday) evening. Dancing Is summer months. sociate; their requirements 4 4 4 ^ *“ to take place In the ballroom, and will Peanut Butter, per lb...... ^30* | Oleomargarine, Marigold Brand. be preceded by a concert In the Victorians registered at Seattle with this special disposal of Like Butter. Per lb., (rounds, which will be brilliantly 11- Pure Lard, per lb...... 37* hotels recently Include Mr. and Mrs P. u mina ted and decorated for the occa­ Summer Hats. Models for .. 39* L. O'Connor and Mrs. P. J. Hickey, who sion. Refreshments will be served by are staying at the Washington Apart­ the members of the "J" Unit Chapter every occasion are included ments, and Capt. and Mrs. W. H. Logan f- Kotwt Burns McMlcking Chapter, GROCERY DEPARTMENT at the Washington Hotel. Birthday Rings—What­ in this sale and prices have it it it ever month the birthday Red Seal Unfermented Wine— Following Is the concert programme: Barley Flour, 3 lbs for ....25* Mrs. McB. Smith, of Oak Bay, and may come in we have the s to 8 30 p. m..... Selections by the Band been so revised as to make Sherry, Port, Red Cherry. Oat Flour, 3 Iba for...... 25* her daughter, Mrs. Newton Burdick, appropriate stone for that fww ...... V. J. Dunn the offerings lin Usually in­ Blackberry, Grape and Black were among the guests at a tea given month — Pearl, Ruby, Shredded Wheat Biscuit, per Currant. Per bottle ...... 50* by Mr* Homer Adams at the Burnaby Diamond and other geni­ Accompanied by^Miss Agnes Wallace on teresting. Visit the depart­ packet ...... 12* Bolf Club, Vancouver, on Monday sei rings. A beautiful Red Seal Ginger Cordial, per afternoon. stock to choose from. g°n*...... :...... * Tom Dooley ment Thursday, You wilt Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, at. per 2°"*;...... Q -M -S. Gillan bottle ...... J...... 75* * Dr 4 £ti?Tt,2n.on Pipe*... MISS Agnes Wallace packet ...... 12* Mrs. J. C C Brqmner, who has been Signet Ring* for ladles, appreciate the splendid men, girls and boys; also CMIo Solo...... Sergt W. Edmunds Rose’s Lime Juice, per bot­ Morton's Arrowroot, at, per spending the past two weeks in Vic­ Baby Rings, etc., etc., etc. g®"» ••••...... V. J. Dunn values presented. tle ...... 50* packet 20* toria, has returned to the mainland, Seaside Kong and Chorus.... Tom Dooley where she Is the guest of Mrs. T. W. Chorus—Misaes B. Hunt. R Hunt. N. Silver Spring or Victoria Phoe- Neileon'e Milk Chocolate, fc-lb. Swa island, of Caulfield», for a few Dooley and L. Dqoley. Light and Dark Colored White Trimmed Hats to . nix Beer, pts., per do*', *1.15 £»*»*, ...... Q.-M -8. Gillan cakes ...... 24* days before returning to her home Russian Dame ...... ’... Miss Lily Dooley Trimmed Hats to clear clear at 83.75, 85.00 Qts., per dox...... *2.25 Edmonton. Mitchell A Duncan Accompanists. Mrs. Hunt and R. D. Neilson'e Soldier Chocolate, % - LTD. Myles. and 87.50. Kennedy’e Standard Invalid 4 4 4 lb. cakes ...... 24* Capt. Charles Williams, of Cardinal JEWELERS 1 at «2.75, 83.75, Port, per bottle ...... :75* Brown’s Fly Ban Tape, at, t and Lieut. Robert Caldwell, of Iroquois, Central Building 85.00, «7.50, 810, Coarse Straw Slilors in White Com Flour, 3 lbs. for 25* for ...... lO* who made a gallant rescue of Lieut.- View and Broad St* dark colors, to clear at Col. L. W. Mulloy from drowning at FLOWER SHOW WAS and 815. C-PjR and B.Q. IQectrie Iroquois last summer, have been W atch Inspectors. 83.75. awarded the Royaf Humane Society Black Trimmed Hats to medal. Both men are overseas. Col. Sport Hats to clear at Mulloy, who is the famous “blind A GREAT SUCCESS clear at 85.00, 87.50, trooper," Is well-known In Victoria. 85.00, 87.50 and H. 0. KIRKHAM & CO., LTD. 4 4 4 8*0.00 and 815.00. 810.00. The Rev. C. Comyn-Ching, who has Victoria and Vancouver. been acting-rector at St. Mary’s Church, Oak Bay, for the past two VANCOUVER WOMEN AND South Saanich Wortien's Insti­ Grocery, 178 and 179 Delivery, 6621 months, has accepted an Invitation PHONES: Pish and Provisions, 6620. bleat, 6621 fsom the military branch of the Y. M. tute Held Annual Exhibition; Corset Values C. A. in Edmonton, and will be leav­ ing in a few days for his now sphere of THE LABOR SITUATION Prize List Work. His departure will be much re­ Investigate These gretted by the members of the par­ ishes of Christ Church Cathedral and Special $1.76—Including high, medium, low or girdle top St. Mary's, to whom he ha»’ endeared The fourth annual flower show un­ himself during his brief sojourn In the 0. D. E. Members Ask Inter­ der the auspices of the South Saanich désigna, in white contil. One model has an elastic top;, city. Women’s Institute, was formally open­ another is made with medium bust and is short below 4 4 4 vention of Governor-in- ed by Mrs. H. F. Tolmle on Saturday A Luncheonette or a Cold Drink “ Victorians who had the pleasure of afternoon, and proved very successful. the waist, while another style is extra long for tall meeting Brigadier-Genefal the Hon. Council to Stop Strikes The hall was tastefully decorated with figures. All these Corsets have hook below front clasp Whichever, it is you require this new store Invitee you. Come here and Senator James Mason during his visit pink rambler roses and gypsophlla and partake of It You will enjoy your lunch at this bakery. The menu to the city last November will regret presented a very attractive appear­ and are provided with four hose supporters ; sizes 19 to to hear of Jils death which ‘ occurred ance. The various stalls did a good 30—81.75 a pair. affords a wide variety of tempting, inexpensive dishes that are “Just business and were In charge of the right" for hot weather. In Toronto yesterday afternoon, follow­ The-Vancouver Municipal Chapter. ing an operation. General Mason was L O. D. B., took a strong stand in the following ladies: needlework, Mrs. At $2.00—Corset of fine coutil, made in low or medium Try t Luncheonette To-day \ Blssett, Mr* McKenzie; ice cream, président of the Home Bank, honorary matter of the present labor unrest at bust styles, one having a reinforced front With hook treasurer of the Canadian Red Crow, Mrs. Lemon, Miss Florence Hafer; their meeting on Monday afternoon. and was one of Canada’s best known peanuts and punch. Misses R. Budd. J. below the clasp and specially suitable for full figures. bankers and military men. He was a Mrs. Herbert Drummond presided, and Lawrie and L. Hafer: raffles, Mrs THE YORKSHIRE BAKERY H. Lawrie; lady with 100 pockets. Miss Another model is made with deep bust gore and is veteran of (he Fenian RAld and the on the motion of Mrs. McCreery, «se­ Ix-dingham. A quantity of lavender n.w A,.™. 641 YATES STREET 641 King Edward Block Northwest rebellion. heavily boned. 1 (Opposite Our OU Stand) conded by Mrs. C. Fit zg lb bon the fol­ kindly given by Prof. Stevenson found 4 4 4 a ready sate. From the Seattle Daily Times "Mi* lowing resolution was passed after At $2.50—Corsets of fine coutil, with rubber gore over the 1 Henrietta A. Bond, daughter much discussion : Tea was served on the grounds In a Prettily decorated tent and was in thigh, low bust and very long; also a model with low W. Bond, of Capitol Hill, will leave ''Whereas the most Important thing soon for Vancouver. B. C.. to visit. charge of Mrs. Nimmo, Mrs. Budd and bust with short gore of rubber in front. These Corsets at the present time Is the prosecution Mrs. Turgoose. Teacup reading was a While there she will be one of the of the war. so that a Just peace and all have four hose supporters and are trimmed with silk Coast home women to enter the Van­ popular pastime. The entertainment that implies may be secured, and for the afternoon Included a pretty couver Horse Show, which will take whereas, the energies of the nation as embroidery; sizes 19 to 28. A BEDTIME STORY Place from August 1» to August 24. •mermaid” dance by Miss Queen le a whole—manpower. Industrial and Ball, songs by Mrs. Tapscott and Miss Misé Bond, who has only made Seattle agricultural- should be whole hearted- her home for three months, coming Rae Bullock and Instrumental selec­ ly devoted to this one object and this tions by Miss Budd, who also acted as from Victoria, B. C.. is an expert horse­ alone. UNCLE-WIGGILY AND THE RAIN WATER PIPES woman and has been riding in horse accompanist for the vocal numbers. Specially Priced Sate of Hosiery shows for seven years. She has won "And. whereas, the employees of the In th«r evening a delightful concert •Jp>"right. 1811, by McClure Newspaper Syndicat* B. C Electric Railway and Western ribbons, medals and money prises on programme was arranged by Mr* Black Lisle Hose, rein­ (By Howard It Oarta) many occasions Miss Bond represent­ Power Co., having by a strike lasting Macdonald Fahey and was greatly ap­ Gloves ed George Washington in the Liberty from the second to the tenth days of preciated. Those assisting Mrs. Fahev forced heels and toes; Bond parade in this city April « and July, 1818, secured all monetary de­ were: Miss Lugrin, Mrs. W. 8haw. "I don't see where they are all com­ sticks, and the water can not run down has been .one of the equestrienne* in mands made by them, the B. C. Elec Miss Bell, Mies Kent, Miss Shaw, with Misses’ Kid Gloves, in regular 35c pair. 3 ing from," said Nurse Jane Fussy off the roof. It stays in the roof gut­ Aeverai other parades in this city. trie men. without warning, again stop Mr* Gibson as accompanist. pairs for 85^. Wuzzy, tl>e muskrat lady housekeeper ter and pipe, and It Is there where the ped work on the 14th distant, thereby Councillor Tanner, on behalf of the shades of tan, in size for Uncle Wlgglly Longears, the rabbit motfjuito eggs ate being hatched into A SMASHER. causing great Injury and toss to the Women's Institute, thanked the enter-, White Cotton Hose, ex­ gentleman, as she hopped out of the biting bugs." citizens of Vancouver and adjoining tainers for their musical treat, and 5Mi only. *1.50 values hollow stump bungalow ope__ municipalities r »t 50^ a pair to ilear.... "ATT 6f lVTiUTh comThg~Troin where V* Jane. "What can we do about It?" "She works like lightning." "Be It resolved by us. the Municipal summer fruit, grown In the Keating pair. asked the bunny. “I must empty all that water qut of •That’s fine!” Chapter, 1. O. D. E., In Vancouver, that district. The receipts for the day “AW the mosquitoes, but 1 don't know PtltA" ...... •-jM* » UpX... She works like light- th» attention.. . at.. the governor-tn. amounted Jo ft tout. 1200». Wben. tim Special* White Cotton -Black or White Fibre where they are coming from,** went on man. nlng because she leaves ruin and dis council be catted "to the situation and expense of the affair has been de­ Gloves, heavy quality, Hose, double heels and Nurse Jane. “I wish 1 did. I'd stop order behind her." to the fact that such recurrences of ducted a good sum should he left for The pipe was one through which rain the funds of the Red Cross and the In them. Don't you get bitten, Wiggle?" water ran off the roof, and, as the strikes Interferes seriously with traps- . 5®# * pair. ______toes. 50f a pair. y+*,.on<* Hi a white. But l am bunny had raid.oldr'taWrtnr #ttfR*tme«nbîr a portation, production and msmrffcbture. used to that. However, I have noticed had filled the pipenine andend gutter, let.ie-letting 7™". OF Ul® CltX Council Of the and thereby gives him authority to deal Prof. Steveneon kindly acted White Chamoisette Glove* Fibre 81k Hoee, m Palm more mosquitoes than usual about former's servant with the situation under the War Judge of the exhibits. The followinir a regular little pond of stagnant water "Not at present ; he's at dinner." the prise list, with the winners: 'Beach, pearl, suede, these last few days. As you know, and stay in the roof gutter. Measures Act. that hs Is therefore re­ with white or black as I know, Nurse Jane, moequltoes “But my business is most import quested without delay to take effective Sweet peas, six trues of bloom any brown, white or black. "How are you going to get the water ant." color—X, Mrs. Blssett: 2. Mrs. Harr! only hatch out In stagnant water like out of the pipe?" asked the muskrat measures under the complete powers points, 81-25 for 81 75*. 85* and 81.00 In a rain water barrel, an old cistern "I cannot help it, sir. Hie Honor is vested In him, to put an end to the un­ eon. Six true, of bloom, white—1, lady as she saw the bunny up on the at steak." Mrs. Harrison: 2, Mrs Gold Six true, a pair. or tin cans that stand around the yard, roof of the hollow stump bungalow. necessary labor difficulties In Van­ a pair. half full. Have we anything like that couver." of bloom, -pink—I, Mrs Harrison: J, "I'U Just poke something down the Mr*. P. Yeung, ftlx trues of bfoom 811k Hope, black with around here?" rainwater pipe." was his answer. “That Makes Strong Plea. Niagara Maid 80k Glove*, In putting the resolution Mrs. Creery crimson—1. Mrs. Harrison: 2. Mrs. white clox and white "Nothing like that near our bqnga- will shove out the old leaves, the twigs, Gold. Six trues of bloom, mauve—1, in white, black, grey, " tew.” said Nurse Jane. JLWr have no sticks and so on, the water wlH runout made a strong patriotic plea to the Mrs. Harrison : Î, Mrs. K. Young. with black elox ; a cistern, and I keep all the empty tin and all the bad, eating mosquitoes will Women to do at) in their power to end Dahlia*—1, Mro Harrison, stocks 1 cream, champagne, 85*? splendid wearing qual- cans picked up. But still we have dry up and blow sway." the many labor difficulties which she Mra. Harrison: 2. Mr. Bieeelt. Pan­ moaquitoea." "Good!" cried the muskrat lady. The not In the best Interests of e's* -t. Mr*. Termer; I, Mrs. Harrison. to 82.00 a pair. ’ tty - 81,75 a pair. the country as a whole. "There must be a puddle of^ water Bo, taking his red, white and blue Pinks—1, Mra. Harrieon. Phlox 1, around somewhere," went An the striped rheumatism crutch with him, Mrs. FttsGtbbon in speaking to the Miss Ledlngham. Rosée. 3 blooms, resolution stated that she felt all labor ---h bunny. ‘Til take a look. If I fcan let the bunny climbed up on his bungalow Balance pink—1, Mrs Harrieon: 1, Mra. Hafer. Phone 187* Sayward Building the water run away there will hot be roof. From there he could reach the troubles were the outcome of German bkieme. white—1, Mr. Harrieon. 3 any more mosquitoes, unless a few top of the rain water pipe, where it propaganda circulated throughout the blooms, red—1. Mrs. Sutton; 2. Mrs First Floor, 1877 1211 Douglas Street blow here from places where the peo- was stopped up with leaves and trash, country by agents from other coun­ Markuy. I blooms, climbing—1, Mrs. « pie are not careful about them." "Now for a good poke—a long poke, tries. Hhe stated, however, that she Mackay; 2, Mra. Harrieon. Shaeltt So Mr. Longears looked all around a hart poke and a strong poke!" said thought the employees were Innocent daisies—1, Mra Lemon: 2. Mrs. Bis­ his hollow stump bungalow, even going the bunny, “and the leaves and old victims of a widespread conspiracy to sait. Bowl of roses— 1, Mrs. Sutton: 1, hold up the building of ships and up on the root, and there he found the water will run out. Here 1 go!" Mra Lemon. Bowl of naelurtlums—1, Hafer. Twelve pods of peas, dwarf— trouble. He was Just about to poke away the transportation. Mra. Sutton; 2. Mrs Lemon Bowl of yokv, donated, by Mra.' F. Young, won "One of the rain water pipes is stop­ leaves, and let the water run down, so It was decided that the resolution be mixed flowers - 1, Mrs. Tanner; 2, Mrs. 1. Mrs. Mlchell; 2. Mrs Harrison; tqr Mies ivy Starring; kcwple doll, ped up," he told Nurse Jane. “It has no more mosquitoes would hatch out, wired Immediately to Ottawa, through Harrison. Bowl of phlox—1, Miss Lcd- Twelve pods of peas, fall—1, Mrs. donated by Mrs. T. F. Gold, won by Mien the provincial and national chapters. become filled with old leaves and little when, all at once down on the ground tngham; t, Mrs. Tanner. Bowl of Hafer; Twelve green onions—1, Mrs. Daphne Sharahmldt; large shopping stood the bad old Whang-Dango! The snapdragon —1. Mrs. II. W Mackay; 2, Mlchell. Six beets—1, Mrs. Mlchell; 2, Whango-Dango is like the Skeeslcks, Mra. Harrison. Canterbury belle—I bag, won by q, Dawson; embroidered only worse, and It can Jump up on Mrs. Hafer Sweet William—1, Mrs Mrs. Sutton. Six white turnips—1, shirt, won by J. Ste4*t. roofs as easily as a fly baseball can SMALL PICKINGS; Tanner; 2. Mrs. P. Young. Marigolds Mrs. Gold; 2, Mrs. Tanner. Twelve The Institute extend» thanks to all get over the fence. as between POSTUM BIG CANNING —1, Mrs. Ml. hell; 2. Mrs. R. W. Mac­ string beans — 1, Mrs. Gold; 2, Mrs. those who so generously donated "Now I have you!" cried the" key. Coreopsis—1. Mrs. Harrison; 2. Harrison. Two heads of lettuce-1-!, articles to be raffled. To Mrs. Elliott, Kink Mrs. Harrison; 2, Mrs. Mlchell. Whango-Ihmgd," as he got ready to and other table Mrs. Mlebell. Foxglove—1, Mra. Tan­ of the Bon Ton, Victoria, for a beauti­ make a spring for the bunny. ner Table bouquet—1, Mrs. Sutton; 2, Canned fruits: Rhubarb- 1, Mrs. ful display of fancy work, and to all But, Just then, Uncle WiggUy thrust beverages Mies K. Mackay. Gentlemen s button­ Hafer; 2, Mrs. Mackay. Gooseberries those who assisted In making the affair his crutch down In the etopppd-up rain hole bouquet—1, Mrs. Michel); 2, Mrs. —1, Mrs Harrison; 2, Mrs. Hafer. a success. in the is in favor of the Strawberries—1, Mrs. Mackay; 2, Mrs. wafer pipe. Tanner. Hanging basket—1, Mrs. "Bquldge ! Squeegee Squldsh!" went Wholesome, Gold. Pot plants. Ilegiinla, for bloom Hafer. Raspberries—1, Mrs. McKen­ the wet leaves as they popped out the and foliage—1. Mra. Gold; 2. Mrs. Mac­ zie; 2, Mr* Mackay. Cherries—1, Mrs. WOMAN’S DEVOTION TO NOME tower end of the stopped-up rain water Heal-tti-fui kay Begonia, for foliage only—1, Mrs. Hafer; 2, Mrs. Mackay. Logganberries Back Mackay; 2. Mrs Mlchell. Large decor­ —1, Mrs. Mackay; 2. Mrs. Hafer. pipe, and the water that had been still Home duties to many women app«$r so long, full of mosquito wigglers, drink. ative fern—1. Mra Mlchell; 2. Miss Black bfrrles—1, Mrs. McKenzie; 2, more Important than health. Ne rnat- You bend over and can gushed out of the pipe and all ôver the Cruse. Small table fern—1, Mra. Mac­ Mrs. Mackay. ter how 111 they feel, they drag them­ scarcely get straightened up Whango- Dangq, wetting him from kay; 1. Mise Craee. Geraniums, red, Collection of summer fruit: 1, Mrs. selves through their daily tasks, over­ head to foot. 1 single—1, Mra. Mackay. Pink, «Ingle — Sheering; 1, Mrs. Gold. Collection of do and pay the penalty In headache* again. This comes on you dried vegetable»—1. Mrs. Hater. Col­ "Oh, dear me!" cried the bad ânlmal, POSTUM 1, Miss Cruse; 2, Mra Mlchell. Pink, backache, dragging-down pains and so suddenly you can’t and away he ran, not hurting Uncle double—1, My*. Mlchell. Scented ger­ lection of dried fruit—1, Mrs. Hafer. nervousness; they become Irritable, Wlgglly or Nurse Jane at all, and after anium—1, Mra. Mlchell Caetue—1, Those who won the Government prizes and finally discover that some form of* understand it. that the rain water pipe mas unstop­ Mra Maokay. Fuchsias— 1, Misa Led­ were: 1, Mrs. Harrison; 2, Mrs. Mich­ female complaint has fastened itself This is lumbago. Like ped, no more mosquitoes were hatched is all this and mom lngham; 2, Mrs Mackay. Collection of el!. Children—1, Gladys Tanner; 2, upon them. When a woman gets Into four pot plants—I, Mra Mlchell; 1 Margaret Mlchell. backache and rheumatism, it out and everybody was happy and Kb most delicious. Mra. Mackay. «• thiq condition there is one tried and lived a long time. And If the lemon­ The raffles were won as follows: true remedy made from the roots and Division 4, for children under 15, is the result of poisons in the ade pitcher doesn't go visiting with the Besides theres no Cm reedy Fer viator by atocUwg Sweater coat, donated by thé Saanich herbs of the field, Lydia E. I’ink ham's yew eeetoy ekefvee with frwito aad school garden exhibit—1, Keating Fruit Growers Association, won by blood. The kidneys are de­ strawberry short cake, and forget to School; 2, Saanlchton School. * Vegetable Compound, which for more waste, and these vegetable* canard ad dried el be—a. Mr. E. Cruse. Invalid table, made and than forty years has continued its com#* home and slide down hill with Collection of cut Gowers—1, Gladys ranged, buf the use of Dr. the rolling pin. I’ll tell you next about Free boob of la.tre.tlon» oe eaaafag donated by Mr. J. Campbell, instructor great work among women In restoring are days when one Tanner; 1, Margaret Mlchell. CoHec- of manual training and the boys of his Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pills Uncle Wlgglly and the Ice cream cone. Ayiea -ay be bad àre- Ike Me­ health after many taher remedies hrve tto" of wild flowers—1, Gladys Tanner; Saanlchton Class, won by Miss J. failed. should Thy al War C.rd.H Ca——i— 2, Ralph Mlchell. Collection of native will soon set them right. The The diner had discovered a small Save. Lawrl* Crocket bag, won by F. D. Co for two ceeta to grasses—1. Ruby Young; t, Ona Tanner; emerald ring. Vdn by Miss pains and aches will disap­ worm in his salad. The manager of INSTANT Young. Exhibit of drawing—1, Gladys The officer was lecturing the new the restaurant was profuse in his Maude Ledlngham ; boy’s watch, do­ Tanner; 2. Margaret Mlchell. Exhibit recruits on the preventive measure for pear with the poisons when apologies. POSTUM nated by Shortt, Hill A Puncan, won gas attacks and theth* necessity for the Not at all," replied th**customer; of painting. 1 „ Gladys Tanner, 1; Mar­ by C. Booth; silk knitting bag, donated the kidneys do their work It le human nature to deal re to be garet Mlchell. Division 5—Vegetables, smart adjustment of gas helmets. *my only trouble is that I have not Hot Mi% jpiiott T*- ^ 1 MaB. are properly. brought my meat card with me." equal to your superiors and superior ten early potatoes, Mr*. MtebaU. by Mies Richardson; your equals. Six carrots— 1, Mrs. only two classes« when the jgas alarm 1, Mr* won by Miss Louise Hafer; quick and toe dead!\ VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, ^TULY 17,1918 ENGEEHS SECURE Summer Suits and Smart Silk Skirts are UNCLE SIM SCENTS TROUBLEJOM AFAR EXCELLENT MATERIAL CUW4M rote Board Lloone, 10-N1*. 10-S22O, 10-S22L Marked at Clearance Prices MERIDAC And WithHis Perfected Organ Prominent Californians Arriver This twice-a-year selling event at Seurrah’s is a genuine riildanee of the ill Latest Party of season s surplus stock. No other special selling events are held at this store. ization Industrial Strife FACE CREAM This week, while the Mid-Summer Sale continues, no woman should over­ Cannot Live Recruits Prevents roughness, redness or chapping gf the skin, vxi.Vlook» the many1 Oiah Mexcellentaim i—m , values our stock affords. ~rHere— are ------of ittms of special interest to-day: and removes blackheads. It is quickly and entirely The advent of the military draft absorbed. . • SERGT. SOUTHIN BACK laws seems to have acted as a stimulus SUITS to. the British subjects residing In the FROM RECRUITING WORK United Btatea for big batches of vol­ 50c unteers continue to arrive from across Beautifully Tailored Suite of Serge and Tweeds, in a nice range of colorings. the border. Yesterday a party of forty “W« HAVE A DRUG STORE IN YOUR LOCALITY* Regular values to $33.50. d»-| Q After twenty-four years In British reached the city from —all fine-looking men who have felt the call July Sale ...... '...... «Pi.Oe $ V Columbia, fairly well imbued with the of the blood and have come many Canadian idea, and perhaps more miles to volunteer their bit towards the Merryfield & Dack Serge Suita, and a few odd Tweeds. * Effective styles, smart shades, per­ peclally with the defeating of the Empire s enemies. DISPENSING DRUGGISTS Of the forty recruits, twenty, have fectly tailored. Regular to $37.50. f tPO/l Idea, I return to this province from Joined the ranks of the Canadian En Free Delivery 1 July Sale...... several months In the Republic to the gineers and will commence thetr over 1843 South, and if ever a man could get ip- seas training at the Willows camp, un­ Modish Suita of fine quality Serge and Poplin. Colors include sand, browns, stilled Into him a wholesome regard der Sergt. J. W. Spencer, ol No. • for another country I am Wat Indi­ Field Company, C. E. Some Idea of green,, navy and black. Regular to $47.50. (PQQ WË? the fine type of the men who came vidual and Uncle Ram’s domain Is yesterday, and the real sacrifices they July Sale...... «J)£Uo f D that country." So did Sergeant W. W. 'tave made in order to throw In their Southin, of the Canadian Engineers, lot with the men "over there,” may be express himself to a representative of gauged from contemplation of the cre­ The Times this morning. cordially welcome them at his recruit­ Patrick Stewart for a British Colum­ SILK SKIRTS dentials carried by some of the re ing office at the Willows camp. bia company. Although fifty-two years of age crults. W. J. McArthur, of Los Ange Sergeant Southin has been to France In the Aibemi Canal region Samuel les. Is a master mechanic, and has for Ryder, of 8t. Albans, England, has Juet and did his bit under fire for six some years held a lucrative post as Superior Quality Silk Skirts in a variety of bright stripe colorings. Styles months when his years began to tell. MINING IS ACTIVE Installed new bunkers and a com pres - Inspecting engineer for the General eor plant at the okl Monitor mine, are new and exceedingly smart. Regular at $11.50. He has two son* at the front Lieut. J. Petroleum Corporation of the southern W. Southin, a first contingent man, which sold three years ago for tare». Sale Price...... »...... :...... $8.50 city, and latterly as supervising en­ Western District ie Reported te Be in A big body of ore I» blocked out there and now attached to the 29th Bat gineer In the marine division of this Excellent Shape by Dis­ il ls claimed. talion, and Driver Harry Southin, who big company's transportation depart­ At Quatslno Sound the Coast Copper left Victoria under the late Captain ment. In this position Mr. McArthur trict Engineer. Birch with the 10th Field Ammunition Company”is working the Old Sport 728-730-734 Telephone No. ha* had supervision of all the com­ group on Elk Lake, and plans are under Column. The sergeant went to Eng­ pany’s tugs, vessels, etc., and his ex­ District Mining Engineer William land In 111$ and returned to Canàda in way fo* a sixteen-mile railroad from Yates St. perience should be an Invaluable as­ M. Brewer, who has charge of the the mines to the coast. At Sidney 3983 . May of last year. He left h.ls bed at set in the war against the Hun. the Esquimelt hospital in the follow­ Western Mining District stated yester­ Inlet the Tidewater Copper Company, LIMITED Chas. Spencer was a brick mason of of New York, is working on the Indian ing August. In September he became Los Angeles, and in this capacity had day In Vancouver that although he haa Chief group, a former Dewdney hold­ attached to the British Canadian Re­ acted as foreman in connection with been here for twenty odd years he has ing. At Knights Inlet the Prinoeee cruiting Mission to the United States the erection of some of the biggest never seen a more encouraging outlook and Union groups are working. Work and It Is from a memorable sojourn in buildings in the California city, in­ for the Industry. Over the entire coast Is proceeding on Texada island prop­ traverse the section. while excellent a picturesque, densely wooded country, Uncle Sam s country that he has Just cluding the $1,200,000 Title Insurance area, from East Sooke to Quatslno erties, and prospecting forces are returned food fish abound in the lakes and with many beautiful seascapes and building. Mr, Spencer bears the Sound, good men who understand the working everywhere, particularly on streams. The area is noted fof it» In Up to the Neck. highest testimonials from business mining business are making things Jervis Inlet. mountain vistas, to Port Angeles, and hum along productive lines, and the SETTLEMENT BOARD heavy natural, vegetation of peavine, from there, by steyier-ferry, twenty Through practically all the southern men with whom he has been associat­ district will rapidly Increase Its pro­ vetches, red top and brume terasa, and miles, across the Straits of Juan de States working eastward tô'-iNew York, ed fur the past thirty years, and he, MOONEY TO BE HANGED. too, will be an acquisition to the army ducing facilities as a result. The in­ where the timber has been burned off Fuca, to Victoria. Sergeant Southin had many unique dustry seems to have taken on a new heavy vegetation quickly springs up. This year numerous parties are opportunities of gauging the American of engineers who prepare the way for San Francisco, July 17.—Accom­ leaae of life. panied only by Sheriff Thomas Finn While, timber growth is described as bringing their cars from the States, mind under the stress of war and his the fighting mt^n. Mr. Spencer Is a The Phelps-Dodge interests have CHS CHOICE FINDS light, In those sections where forest and the American papers contain many first remark, quoted^in the eirller para­ brother of Sergt. Spencer, who was taken bonds on the Fraser group. The and a deputy, Thomas Mooney left this fires have raged, the land is In an em­ references to Journeys of great length graph, gives a comprehensive idea of himself a general contractor In Van­ Ladysmith people have taken a bond city at 40 a. m. to-day for the "death inently easy condition for clearing. In order to reach this favored part of the effect the trip had upon him. couver until he (donned the khaki. on the Willow Grouse. The Ralph r" In San Quentin penitentiary, be­ There are more than 200 settlers in the the world. Apologizing for the somewhat time­ The Canadian Engineers has urgent properties are under the eharge of Mr. ing under sentence to be hanged on Fifty Thousand Acres in Cen­ district already, and when Interviewed It is estimated that at the lowest worn phrase that the United States is need of mechanics of «II trades, Aldridge, of New York, ex-manager of August 2$ for murder in connection on the proposed settlement plan ex in tiiis war until the German military whether of Classes A or B, volunteers the Trail smelter. The Hunlocfe mines with a Preparedness Day bomb ex­ figure the occupants of each car spent machine is no more, Sergt. Southin de­ tral British Columbig pressed themselves extremely hope $30 In British Columbia. Tourists or draftees, and Sergt. Spçncer will on the Jordan River are being run by plosion here. ful. clared that no one who cared to take for Settlement come from all centres from to the trouble to see into the soul < Arizona and the customs authorities America could come to any other vie claim that a new record for visiting of her gigantic efforts. Not only car» Is likely to be established. that the spirit in military circles, be CLERKS WANT LESS cause he says it is patent even to the *0 BE SOLD AT FAIR casual observer that the soldier and the civilian alike is each responsive COLORED YOUTHS ARE the nation s call—not to do hie bit, but PRICES TO SETTLERS HOURS AND MORE PAY to do hie all. This spirit, declares the sergeatit, is reflected in every walk of life, the very atmosphere now appear­ COMMITTED FOR THAI ing to be patriotically infected. The announcement Is made by the Given “Directions.” Hon. E. D. Barrow, Minister of Agricul­ Retail Clerks’ Association De­ But in the States there is a notice ture, this, morning to the effect that able difference, he went on to say .«in the cide to Ask for Concil­ way the state expects the civilian U the Provincial Land Settlement Board Convicted for Hold-up, They respond. Platitudes are not currency, has selected 50.000 acres of magnificent iation Board if a man is neither In the army or navy farm lands to be set aside for Im­ Faced Housebreaking nor likely to be the state expects him mediate settlement. The areas are of to fill his civilian niche, no matter what rich meadow land situated In the Bulk- Charge To-day that niche may be, to the limit. In it’s a ley and Nechako valleys and In the past Increased Wages and shorter hours other words, If the civilian does not Six recognize his duty with agility Uncle have been held by absentee speculators are being sought by the Retail Clerks’ at exorbitant prices. This has retard­ Sam’s war organization has a way of good Association, the members of which held pointing towards the correct direction ed settlement, but by taking control of Howard Wallace and another color a big meeting In the I. O. O. F. Hall, with a very stern finger. Particularly reasons lands In question under the machinery ed youth, who have been sentenced for does this apply, said the sergeant. In WHY friend: provided by the amendment to the Land Douglag. Street, last night. The clerks holding up a Chinaman lust week, were regard to bond issues. Settlement and Development Act claim that they have already attempted passed at the recent session of the arraigned on remand in the Esquimau Busineee Methods. Legislature, the Land Settlement Board to bring their claims before their em­ Police Court this morning charged with “Where Uncle 8am can put Canada intends to offer the property to bona- ployers, but the latter have refused to In the shade In an ability to control fide settlers at from $5 to $20 per acre breaking into a refreshment stand at meet or give any recognition to the. Industrial unrest Is in the quality with a probable average of $10. the Gorge and taking a considerable hie organization, and when 1 say 1— Steadies nerves union,11 which is now an organised la­ Two Tracta. quantity of cigars, cigarettes, and ganizaiion I mean preventative Block l comprises 15.000 acres In the bor body affiliated with the Trades and other similar articles. The alleged of­ ganizatlon,” went on the Sergeant as Bulkley valley and Block 2 consists of Labor Council and part of the organ­ fenders were committed for trial by he explained how a perfected war eye 2— Allays thirst 36,000 acres In the valley of the Ne ised labor farces of the city. Magistrate Jay The grips of the ac tern had become virtually endowed chako with Vanderhoof as Its commer­ with the knack of scenting a "fire’’ be Last night the situation was dis­ cial centre. Mr. Harrow declares him cused were produced in court, and fore the "flames" are allowed to ap self to be perfectly satisfied with the cussed and the schedule of wages con­ 3— Aids appetite when opened displayed a varied col pear. That is to say the organization prospects offered to settlers in these sidered and tentatively approved, but NUH "f 'smokes” chewing gum and two areas and having made a personal left to the executive committee of the wag built up on the acknowledgment cigars. Thee, were identified as the of the prtnrtpte that the cost of living tour of inspection a week or two ago organization to farther deal with and ones that disappeared from Aha Gorge 4— Helps digestion for the sole purpose of placing himself had soared and that higher wage» prepare for submission to the Minister would be required as à counter effect LflLiflCMrali dits, ha has «Ws»t8l the veMihif-eai"—s.H| to Hire benefit of the worker. Upon this had’no hesitation in recommending appointment of a Conciliation Board In apprehending these youthful 5— Keeps teeth dean their acquirement by the province. He basts the settlement of strife, before should |be employers In the meantime wrongdoers the utmost expedition was points out that the speculators who it assumes any very serious propor­ fall to meet the wiahee of the em­ displayed by tjie police. Some fifteen have been clinging tenaciously to the tion, Is made much easier and the na land in question paid rib more than ployees. What is the schedule of wages minutes after the young men had ex- 6— It's economical « •ided upon will not be made public, JmtU mmy from a Chinaman at the lure of settlement is not allowed to be about $1.6» an acre tor it anil they wtl ne-sided So that th*1 old relations now be given an opportunity of dis it was stated after last night’s meeting, corner of Cook, and Pandora Streets, between capital and labor, where each posing of it to the Government at i until it has first been sent on to the they found themselves in the talons of side contented Itself with showing only fair price. employers. the law In the centre of the city. It is Admirable Land. alleged, and the negroes admit their small section of its "hand,” had been replaced by the‘elimination of *• hands'1 Each* of the tracts Is declared to be offence for which they have received admirably fitted for mixed farming and sentences, that last Friday morning altogether. the clearing is of the lightest descrip­ EVERGREEN HIGHWAY shortly before 1 o'clock Wallace and The Silent Navy. tion—poplar and jackpine, while In ad­ his companion were standing on the No doubt exists In the mind of Sergt dition to the farming capabilities of the corner of Cook and Pandora Streets Southin as to the great determining district, there is in the neighborhood when an Oriental approached. Wal­ In the present struggle %-in* oné of the greatest mi muai store­ lace asked ill m for a cigarette and be­ the American army. He Is particularly houses In the province. Ores of gold, HAS FIRST BIRTHDAY Keep the soldiers and fore the Chinaman could escape he enthusiastic over the type of Ameri­ sliver lead and xlnc are already being found himself grasped by the throat, can soldier now pouring across the while the other negro went through his lantlc and puts his tongue in his cheek sailors supplied! Prospecta Good. pocket The victim by his shout» at­ at. I*» suggestion that there «are - only In presenting his report to the'MiA- tracted the «Mention of «• tewWnt of a little over a million troops already In iiter ‘Ma'x'WcIT'"Biriltfl. 'Chairman of the One Year-' Since- Important till» district, who had Immediately France. He spoke of multiplying the Land Settlement Board, observes in phoned the police. The negroes hear­ number byvjwo and a half soon. connection with the Bulkley Valley Route Was Founded ing voices from the house took to their Of the general feeling among the tract that the boundaries of this area heels, and ran along Cook and turned masses Sergt. Southin says there Is al­ Here * down Yates Street. were selected with a view of eliminat­ ways one thought that the American spearmintÀ ing, so far as possible, rough and Infer­ Fell Into Trop. nation will forever recognize the Brit­ ior lands, heavily timbered lands, and In the meantime the tolls of the ish navy as the savior of this contin Sealed tight where possible pre-empted lands be Just a year ago yesterday the Ever­ Police were being skilfully laid. Ser­ ent, none the less Is the American re longing to men on active service. The geant Fry, who at this time of the gard for the gallant Canadian Expedi particular district has already quite a green Highway was formerly inaugur ated by a party of pathfinders who left night was in charge of the station, tionary Force and all It has been able —Kept right number of farmers who are willing to sent the patrol wagon along Pandora to accomplish. take up dairying, and as it has already the Parliament Buildings here en route to 8* l*aso, Texas. Street, and he himself set out by way been proven that oats, wheat and bar­ of Douglas. He had no description of ley, together with various grains, The route here from El Paso rims til a general northwesterly direction, the robbers, and he did not expect to TO ATTEND CONVENTION grasses and vegetables can be pro­ find them so easily. Just as he reach­ duced In unlimited quantity, Mr. Smith passing through many delightful cities Chief Davie Will Pay His Expenses, as and towns noted In the history and ed Yates Street he met two negroes, suggests that a well established set and his suspicion aroused he stopped Council Turned Down Project. tlenient here would prove a success. present day .life of the West nOU BLEMI NT North to Boise, Idaho, the route fol­ and talked with them. They were un­ — -.TT-rrn nrrWc^il ..1 ^ ^ The soil is described as from six to Though the City Council refused the lowed Is known as the ’’Evergreen able to give any account of themselves, eighteen Inches In Mack and chocolate and when the wagon arrived Sergeant request of the Police Coast Fire Chiefs’ top soil with a mixture of gravel and Highway,’’ so called on account of the Association to rend a delegate to the fact that, though abounding In splen­ Fry packed them off to the station. MADE IN clay with sometimes straight subsoil. This occurred Just ten minutes after convention of that body, which will be Adjacent to this area la a large body did scenic features, high mountain held In Oakland two months hence. passes are avoided, consequently, even the first word of the robbery reached CANADA of coal suitable for domestic and other the police. The negroes had evidently Chief Davie intends to make the trip purposes, within five miles of Telkwa. on the higher levels, it is seldom in­ at his own expense. He Is chairman deed that any part of the highway Is made good time down Yates Street, of the Executive of the Association. Plenty of Water. blocked by snow, and it Is practically and had they been able to get past the He expects to leave about September The Nechako 4’alley section is prac­ an all-the-year-round, evergreen, road. officers and reached some hotel, their 1, andf Is preparing two papers to read , nit.i ■■ , , T tically In the centre of British Colum­ _ North from Boise alternative routes description being unknown, they at the convention, one on fire preven­ bia, and is situated In the midst of are shown. The “Evergreen Highway" would probably have made their get­ tion, and the other will deal with the C.Y FRUJJ thousands of acres of valuable/land, away, for it seem* that it was their route passes through Lewiston, Walla handling of a certain kind of film in U I V> I \G Gl. s'_Xlillli which may be tapped for the purpose Walla, Goldendale, Vancouver City, Intention" to return to Vancouver, motion picture theatres. of increasing the present area If found Wash., to Olympia, the charming cap­ whence they came here. necessary. , Water supply is provided ital of the ’^Evergreen State." From In the meantime the robbery at the Mies Booth, who haa been spending by many lakes and streams which Olympia there Se choice of two routei Gorge had been reported. The gripe of a vacation of some weeks’ duration with by which to continue the Journey and the negroes were found at the Bruns­ Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Price at Duncan, reach Victoria. One way Is. through wick Cigar Stand, and the police took has returned to Portland to resume her nursing duties.^ ^ ^ Tacoma, to Seattle, and thence, by them In charge. steamer-ferry, eighty miles, to Vic­ Mies L. Barron, of Duncan, left y< toria. The other vpay passes through County Court Chambers.—Now that terlay for Prince Rupert en route for Judge Lampman is able to be about Edmonton, where she will spend | again, although still feeling very weak. month’s holiday. WANTED County Court Chambers will be held by him during vacation. The first sitting “I am thirty-five years old," an­ will take place on Friday, commencing nounced a woman of fifty-»tx "'at a tea Lady help In family of three, till middle GRAY HAIR at 10.se am., and only vacation matters Chew It after every meal September, Salt Spring Island flood last week. lin cook, no washing Boating and Tremaln's Natural Hair R estera. and matters of urgency will be con­ And I am twenty-six,” said a wo­ Cthing on premise*. References Trane- tlvs, used as sidered. man of forty-five. Then. turning to a rtatkm to suitable party. Apply 616 restore gray hair to II color or AAA girl of seventeen who stood near by, rat boons Hotel. Posit I veil When you have your K •bajurfcms. On sale 6 asked: "How old are you, Ethel?" Dean * printing does in Victoria OK” replied Ethel, "according to went reckoning I’m not bore yet!” The Flavoyr Lasts! m

VICTORIA PAlLY TIMEfe, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1918 LOCAL B0ÏS BEAT UP DELIGRITUL CONCERT VICTO /NORTHWEST Ladies' and Gent’s Bathing Suits HALIFAX BALL STARS AT PANTAGES THEATRE Ladi„‘ Bathing Suita, In aaaorted colora. Suit ...... *2.00 Oanta’ Bathing Suita, all colon. Suit ...... *2.00 Nan1. All-Wool Bathing Suita, aaaorted colon. *4.60, *4.00, *3.50 PLAT ABOUT NETS BATHE WITH JAMES SHAWNIGAN TO STAGE Old Artillery Bunch, With Mrs. Fahey Scored Another Bathing Capa, *1.00, 76*. 50* and ...... 35# George Straith in Box, Make Bathing Shoes, pair ...... oxs 0953 Triumph at Last Night's Hit m Eastern Canada Red Cross Show EVEN ISLAND IS TRAGEDY REAL OLD REGATTA till Government St PEDEN BROS. FOR LOCAL PLATERS! ThâtTîdf.TfH cïi, produce plil toes- ^thoae who attended the second per- ose Matches Are feat me of Event Will Take Place at Fa­ ers as well as wooden ships was formance of the Red Cross entertain­ gives *o generously of her time and well as with an eye to the legendary strongly evidenced by a ball game ment at Pantages Theatre last night, talent; In the interests ofÙ" the many pa­ beauties of the theme. The author Y ester Ja>'s Activities 411- mous Resort; for Red which the Artillery team, late of this enjoyed a musical feast of that high triotic cause*. «pent many day* on th*y beautiful city, won from the Tenth Siege Bat­ standard which has earned for Victoria The film» of wild life loaned by the Santa Barbara Inlands with general Willows Couds Skeleton of Defeat Haunts Vic­ Cross Funds tery ttt Halifax Where the local men her place In the front rank of music Oregon Game and Fish Commission manager Mr. Philip Hansen and the’ are now stationed. The Artillery fel­ loving communities. Every number on again occupied the (tret half of the director of the feature, Henry Otto, lows put up some mighty fine perform­ the programme was excellent, and the evening and were followed with marked and he says that the «lay on those toria Stickhandlers All selections were culled for the most interest by the big audience. ances when they were playing In the rugged and romantic island* was an amateur league here a few weeks ago. part from the classical, with just the Close play about the- net* wan the the Way Home A real old time regatta will be seen few • lighter touch»** which merely inaplration of it*elf. He is delighted and It was their departure that upset with the manner in which his baby has feature of the Vntorua lawn Tennis August of this year at Shawn i^an local diamond activities for a while. served to throw into prominence the gems from the great composers. been presented, and unlike most Club** Handicap Tournament Which Lake, the original home of such affairs, Alex Straith. Horner. Carroll. Chick TheWEATHER screen authors has not a kick coming! wa* continued yesterday Five of the The local stickhandlers who jour­ where everything is perfectly suited for McLeod and the rest of the old bunch Mrs. Fahey's Triumph. Daily Bulletin !• wnlahed matches played con tin tied into three the staging of both aquatic and land are now distinguishing themselves In Of the artists perhaps the honors by the Victoria Metfor- 0 neyed to Jamep Island last night with Eastern Canada, and evidently show­ seta. Of these contests four of the events. This year’s stunt will be ar­ of the evening fell to Mrs. Macdonald •logical Poparwwwt COLUMBIA the avowed, intention of packing home ing the natives how to massage the Fahey, who was in magnificent voice, ranged along the same lines as those third, aets were deuce. Following are some nice, scalps returned not with Mb apple. 0 every note clear ae a bell. Her render­ The resemblance between Capt. Hun -. that, in bygone days, made the lake ing of the aria from L'Enfant Prodigue Victoria, Jlily 17.—6 a. m —The baro­ the detailed results: choice string of suitable trophies but How It Happened. light, the outlaw leader, and her famous. The boat races, the swtmir Hero's what one of the boys writes (Debussy) was a triumph of dramatic meter remains high over Northern B C. rancher rescuer la strong, and the girl Ladies' Singles. with the skeleton of defeat rattling vocalisation, her beautiful contralto and diving events, the big flannel dance to The Times regarding a recent ball and fine, hot wfather is general, extend­ confuses the two. So later when she Mrs. lawilrr defeated Mis* Taylor. along behind them. Had It is but none voice being eminently suited to exprès meets the latter she turn* him ovef1 to in the evening will all be strongly game: “The Fifth Co.. R. C. Cl. A., sion of the yearning tenderness of this ing to Kootenay Fine, moderately warm 1-6, tt-3. 8-6. * the le*« true that they were defeated. the posse at the point of her pistol. At Tffe representative* of this great city reminiscent of the grand old days when from Victoria beat the Tenth Siege mother's wail for her prodigal son. Her weather algo prevail* in the prairie pro- Mis* laiwson defeated Miss Cass. Battery In a baseball game in Halifax, that «he fall* In love with the man were beaten and triumphed over by the the J. B A. A. boys used to pack up second number, the Rossini "Aria." wai while still l»ellevlng him a bandit. 6-1. 6-3. athlete* of that little island on which where they are in training. The game given with equal charm, while in re Mrs. Neame defeated Mrs. Town- their shells and journey thither to out- was a slug fest for the boys from the Imagine the Joy of discovering hi* real there are not even street car*. It is nponse to an ovation. Mr*. Fahey de shend. 6-3. 3-6, 7-’5. row the residents. West. Alex Straith. Chick McLeod. Victoria—Barometer. 30.64; tempera­ identity These are incidents of “Sun­ most bltrer to contemplate, and the lighted her audience with "The Kerry Mis* M" Iteming defeated Mr*. One always expects the water to play Matt Perry, Pete Horner and Orton ture. maximum yesterday. 61. minimum. light’s Last Raid." shown to-day on score, seven to five, is revolting and Dance." given with a dainty airiness of r.nfF. 6-3. 6-0. a large part in stunts pulled off at 55; wind, calm; weather, fair. the" screen at the Columbia Theatre. humiliating to the fans of this Smoke Carroll being especially, active with the ion mingled with the sense of Mis* Craft defeated Mins Robert*. Shaw nigan, and it will be chiefly events ba't and in the field TuS five runs pathos hidden in all Irish ballads. Vancouver—Barometer. 30 A4; tempera less Settlement. No excuses need tie 6-4. 4-6. 7-5. of an aquatic nature that will compos.* •coned off Straith were nil unearned. Mrs. Robert Baird gave a pleasing ture. 'maximum yesterday, 62. minimdm VARIETY Mis* Ross defeated Miss Krrlngton. offered for the James Island boys the programme 01^ August 27. on which Indeed Alex pitched swell ball all 60; wind, cairn, weather, clear. proved themselves some little expon rendering of two beautiful little songs 6-4. 6-2. day the regatta will be staged One of through, and wa* ably received by by Landon Ronald. “A Dream." and Kamloops—Barometer. 26^0; tempera nts of the national game and all "Believe Me Xantippe" will be Mis* 'Jordon defeated Miss Ashdown. the leading attractions will be can e Horner. Carroll stopped everything ' Prelude." and for an encore a dainty ture, maximum, yeeterday, 3l. minimum praise is due to them." The local boy* *h»wn at the Variety for the last time 6-1. 6-4. races, and ow ing to the fact that this that came his way. and made a beauti­ little French chanson, which was per- 66. wind, calm, weather, clear Just can't figure out how it happened, year the lake is crowded with campers this afternoon and evening. Wallace Men's Singles. ful double^-play unassisted. Perry was liups the most popular of her num ITInce Rupert—Barometer, 30 06. tern but the result wa* there In blaek end and visitor* who all live about half the Reid is the hero In - this delightful Kdward» defeated Uarforo, 5-.7, 6-3. dît over the outfield picking them off ber*. Gideon Hicks, the veteran*bass, perature. maximum yesterday, 76: mtpf screen comedy fr»»m th» original stage white on the score Iniard. time in these frail craf’ with the in Speaker-like style. a g un proved that his voice has lost mum, 66; wind, 4 mile* S W. ; weather, 1-2. paddles, some pretty speedy work success .by Frederick Ballard. He is Mixed Doubles. James Island Starts Well. “The other boys from Vancouver none of its old - time appeal, and each of ably supported by Ann Little, and an should be seen. Swimming will also be hie numbers was received with enthu­ Mis* Ross and Clceri defeated Miss The home team decided to set the performed splendidly. Andrews at Temperature. all-star cast Th**re is not one dull a big feature, the lake offering the siasm. Particularly delightful was his Max Hin Robert* and Boyd, 1-6. 6-4. 8-6. pace. Which it did. After the first l>est of opportunities for an exhibition third covered a world of ground, and moment in the entire picture, the spec­ singing of "The Beat of a Passionate llarkerville ...... 7* Mis* Markham and Cove defeated period when both side* were getting of the watery art. It is hoped that some Cody ably assisted him at short. Chick tators being kept in a continuous state McLeod beside* being the batting «tar Heart" (Montague Phillips), while Tatoosh ...... 61 of merriment. Miss Idiens and Taylor. 6-2. 6-1. their second wind it was seen that the of Victoria's leading swimmers may a well-merited encore he gave that old former -had bulged the Victoria net fielded his position at second in bang Portland. Ore ...... 86 Men’s Doubles. tf grace the occasion and give a display favorite. "Hong* of Araby." Seattle ...... 60 twice. Victoria evened up accounts in of real water churning. up fashion Mawhinney and Weir Victorian* last night had the all-too Hone and Proctor defeated Milligan San Franri*c»> ...... M the second period but the dynamic Flannel Dance. idayed their usual steady game and rare opportunity of hearing Master PANTAGES and Neame, 6-0. 6-0. stickhandlers kept right after their op­ cracked the pill out at opportune mo­ V ran brook...... Geoffrey Waddington. of .Lethbridge, Ifent icton ...... 5M) To-day’s Play. ponents" avail»*. • In the final period the Diving will add a great deal to the ment*. The line-up wa* as follows: Undoubtedly unusual interest will affair, the greasy pole and kindred whose violin numbers showed a sense Grand Fork* ...... 06 island boy* with a fine burst of speed Horner c. Straith p.. Carroll 1st. Mc­ of technique and- an artistic tempera attach to the new bill of Pantages Following are the games drawn for stunt* providing plenty, of amusement ...... 31 notched three tallies to Victoria's one. Leod 2nd, Cody s. Andrews 3rd. nient rarely found in such a young ar vaudeville which opened with the play to-day: for the multitude Boating event* Witt Kaslo ... .I...... 82 .. At 4 p. m.- Miss Markham plays and carried home the bacon. Perry L L» Weir c. f.. Mawhinney r. f. list. His accompaniments were played matinee performance this afternoon. take up a considerable time. Dingey The game was played before a large with much sympathy by his mother. First of all it ha* not one but several Misa H. Southwell It was a good game, the victor's race* will be pulled off and si»eed com- Kd mon ton ...... 40 At 5 p. m.—Mis* Neame and Neame home being one of the chief reasons crowd soldier supporters of each team. Mrs. Frank Waddington. particularly attractive feature*. I »etltions between launches should Wu Appelle ...... 80 The headline act, "The Handicap play Mrs. Rickaby and Hprlngett; for their success. They had good com­ "The hoys play the best team In Fifth Regiment Band. prove spectacular. Winnl|M»g ..w-a...... 78 Girl*," is described as one of the very Rome plays Rirch: Roney and Clowe* bination and they were out to win with When everyone ha* seen all there i* Halifax next Saturday.** A prominent place on the programme Toronto ...... 82 every method they knew, t'aptaln best of the Marty Brook productions play Fairbairn and l

BOOTS ««« SHOES * Ml** Roberta Balcom and Maatei The employment of returned soldier* This outfit consists, of Columbia Giafouola No.* Kenneth Darbyshlre, whose plucky ami the means of gratifying the desires rescue of a woman from drowning at of each veteran just/lis soon as he' Is 4L' (;is illugtratod), equipped as follows: ■■■ the tiuege wae fully -reported in Lhasa | ready lo Due pi**-*. m civil hfe At MAYNARD'S - columns last week, are to receive offi­ cial recognition of their heroic deed. again is always a topic of Interest to members of _iho various returned Phone 1232 649 Yates Street At last night’s meeting of the Baan- 1. Powerful double spring leh Council that Ixxly decided to have men's Association* in- this and other motor. Where Most People Trade medallion* made for presentation to cities. An Interesting discussion took each of these plucky children, and the, place at last night's regular meeting of council will also" make repreaentations the local brunch of the Great War regarding the case to the Royfl Hu­ Veterans' Association centering on the 2. Twelve-inch turntable. mane Society. beat method of dealing with the em­ ployment question, the mutter arising It will b*» remembered that these out of a request sent by the Association 3. Famous Columbia No. 6 youthful swimmer*—Kenneth is only to t'oryrade H. W. Hart asking him to ten years of age and Roberta but little sound box. resign from the Returned Soldiers' Em­ older—Were at the Gorge when they ployment Committee. This Committee, noticed a woman, evidently a beginner, THE LATE HENRY GRIBBLE It will be understood, is financed by the 4. Tone control shutters. ‘ getting into difficulties. The little boy Provincial Government by a monthly swam to her aid and supported the who came here In 1855, and whose funeral occurred to-day. grant of |150 and hundled by Comrade "If It’s for a Ford Car, we have it woman until he was exhausted and in Howard for the benefit of all returned dagger of drowning, and by that time men, > > 5. Cabinet of quartered, MARVEL VULCANIZEB, for quick Roberta had reached the scene, re- Too Many Cooks. golden or fumed oak, or tube repairing ...... lleved the boy of his burden and man­ $1.50 aged to tow the woman to land. CANNOT ACCEPT AN As more or less dissociated with the genuine mahogany. Tires and Accessories. « origin of the discussion the general situation was reviewed, by Comrade j Open Evenings and Sunday Mornings. "THERE IS NO BETTER” Hart in which he pointed out to the 6. Six selections on Oolnm- INVITATION TO CITY members present the ineffectiveness «if . bia Double-Disc Records. Washington Automobilists Appreciate I four more or less Isolated employment Good Roads ef Island. bureaux. That Is to say each returned NATIONAL MOTOR CO., LTD. men's Association in the city has set Tli is is an ideal yiodel-for camp or home use. Its 40 p its own employment committee for 831 Yaates St. Ford Dealers. Phone 4900 The secretary of the Tri-State Auto­ ttie express benefit of Its own mem­ bright, lively music will greatly enhance-your even­ mobile Club at Walla Walla. Wa»hT Secretary of Treasury Me bership. Ami with such a plan operating Ingtun, writes to the Vancouver and comrade Hart saw lack of results for ings—in summer or winter. • Island Development Association, stat­ Adoo Declines Canadian the men themselves and n disadvantage Nusurface fer Yeur Furniture and ing that a numl>er of tourists from that to the employer of labor, who was In­ your floors. It makes them look nice section- win be travelling this way and Club Welcome clined towards engaging the veteran and new. 25c. bottle. R. A. Brown the literature sent out by the local or­ Aa an instance he suggested that an EASY TERMS ARRANGED A Vo. • ganization la proving very helpful. employer of labor would apply to the Fairall’s it it it The suggestion is offered that a O. W. V. A. or the Comrades of the Let the Lawn Mewer Hospital curs feature story of Vancouver Island William G. Mr Adoo, Secretary of the Ireat War, and on being told that out i’uat » vcmlc mower, 81S Cormorant tour* should be sent for publication in Vhited Slatei^ Treasury, is making of either membership there could be the club's magazine which 1* circu­ Street • tour of the Western States in connec found no suitable applicant for the va­ Cider lated through Washington. Idaho and cant fHist, he would naturally turn to a it it it. Oregon in order that the visitor^ from lion with railroad matters, and is at civilian, although two representative Makes goed friends everywhere W. A. Blake, 577 Yates Street. FLETCHER BROS. the south may learn more of the at­ present in San Francisco. I .earning bodies had been applied to. Phone 35(5. Show curds, cotton signs, Western Canada's Largest Music House APPLE CIDER posters. • tractions of which they have already that the « minent Amerh-an statesman The Better Policy. heard to some extent. CHERRY CIDER it it it was coming north after leaving San The sfieaker contended that the only 1121 00VEBNMENT STREET and 607 VIEW Lawn Mowers Sharpened, la*, set pre- The Tri-State Automobile Club com­ I ran, i* o. Presiiient John Go. hrane, of possibly scheme that could be expected 11 STREET GRAPE CIDER pliments the local association on it* rose. Jack's Stove store 10$ Tatea the'Canadian Club. Invited Mr. McAdoo to work out for the benefit of the re­ In the New Spencer Building. Also good work and gives the assurance turned men as a whole woufd be the one LOGANBERRY CIDER Phone S71I. • that at all time* ' the club will co­ to address that body before leaving for central committee working towards one it it it Toull not waste a lasts.* opérât» with the island Association in the East, but Victorians are not to have 'ownwm end, whtle ih* efficiency- of Put One in Yeur Car and when you any matter concerning good roads and the opportunity of hearing this prom that machinery could be considerably . On sale at all first-class bars arrive at the picnic grounds set it up. touring, concluding with the remark, enhanced by each member of each As- Put a fire underneath and your kettle inent American. w^nd refreshment booths "Wr are glad to send- our |»et»ple on it Mr. Cochrane received the. following tOClaUon appointing iiimself a self------—------* on top and you will have hot water in trip through your country, for we cunstituted employment agency. That Is a minute. The camp grid is made of telegram from Mr. McAdoo this morn­ know it well, and there is no Iwtter." ing: "I deeply appreciate your kind to say Just a* s«»on as a returned man strong wire, sets on four legs. $1. R. heard of a job going he could report it HEADQUARTERS FOR EDISON MAZDA LAMPS A. Brown A Vo.. 1302 bougies St. • invitation to address luncheon of Can­ Shew Card.—Cotton signs, poster*. adian Club, but am obliged to decline to the main bureau anon*ibHitie* w ould show to employers that ‘"‘In the French Red Cross.—Among the do­ ing to-day and to-morrow. The com­ with which I am charged leave me. I ranks of the returned men could be nation* received by the French Red petition for the property ufider the regret to say. no opportunity to enjoy ftmnd worker» capable of tilling the bill NEWS IN BRIEF Cross towards the "France'* Day" col­ hammer was keen, much more so than as I should like so much to do, under In all directions. :uotmnt lection were cheques from Mrs. M. twelve month* ago. other thun war conditions, the hos­ Towards One End. pitality and generous attention of my Castle, Salt Spring Island. 825; Mrs. it it it I -v The utilization of th. Returne«l Sol­ •Why Pey High Rate for Fire la- Wright. Hooke, 125: and Mrs. Herbert friends. Please be assured ol my cor French Consul’s Thanks.—A. O. P. dial good wishes. diers' Gommleeton conjointly with the •e rance T Bee the Antl-Comblne "Kent, $5. Mrs. F. V. Holden." president Francis, French Consul for Victoria, has Returned Soldiers' Employment Com­ ▲gents and save money. Duck * of the local society wish# s to express ex'pressed bts .grateful appreciation of • WM. G. MeADOO.’ mittee and perhaps an additional ad­ Johnston. • her grateful thanks to the publie, the the tribute paid to hi* compatriots by visory committee composed of returned * * » tagger* and workers and to Me**r* the citizens of Victoria on the occasion met# «nil men "in the know," would. In Marker ami Klppon, of Store Street, of the tug day„ for ,tlie French Red the opinion of Mr. Hart, outweigh by Schwab Can't Come but you can for the loan of the tent whicli was Crowe on Saturday last. To the willing far any half-hearted and unsatisfactory 4*ome and buy a dozen H-pL squut- u*ed as headquarters for the day. band of workers, and the generous pub­ VICTORIA BOY WINS Individual or sectional attempt at the - shaped Jelly glasses for 86c". T do*, fruit lie he eflBttn* sincere thanks on be­ problem. |nr rings for 2Sr; h handy wire can­ half of Ff.iu^e. MILITARY MEDAL ning rack for |1 ; a 30-lb. Male for it it it Bailer» Register. — The Victoria 17.25, at R. A. Brown & Vos., 1302 An Energetic Knitter.—A wonderful Branch ‘of the Navy /League, whose «M- Douglas St. • • liiri --f achievement stands to the flees arc now In the Union Bunk Build­ it it it credit of Mfs. N. Hick, of 14v7 Vitring ing, is anxious that a complete register Street, who si no April. 1817, has knit­ HOTPOINT IRON Civic Conciliation Boa- d. - The Vivie of all sailors who have left Victoria or Conciliation Board resumed its sitting* | Did You Notice ted 178 pairs of socks, five sweaters, men whose relatives are living hefe Why deprive yourself of the convenience of Ironing electrically? « In Victoria to-day, the members con twenty-four -trench-cups and twenty- should he kept, and for this purpose a M«»r«* than Two Million Women uae Hotpoint Electric Irons. •idtvlng the award Hearing evi one scarves for the Bake Hill branch request 1* made by the league that all It has an -always cool handle, point alwa.xs hot, cool grip, removable deuce was concluded last week. Our Window of of the Red Cross. persons having any particular* |n this •witch-plug, non-acorching heel stand (saves lifting), and heating ele­ g ir respect should communicate them by ment guaranteed for five >ears. Joined Up Here. - Sergt. A. E. 'phone, letter or in person to the local SummerUnderwear Brooke, who Joined up here and went office. Far sale by oversea*, and who was wounded some ???? time ago being reported missing le now • see pn-sntwed to have died on or wince October 10 last. Sergt. Ernest James HAWKINS & HAYWARD World Among tin* values of nf»e- Worth, who also Joined up here, and Is - Electrical Supplies. serving with the railway troops, has 1107 Dougll» SL. Phone 644, Opp. City Hilt ciiil interest are— been seriously gassed. of labor1 unreal, car strikes ami it ir it Glasses of lies Dougla» SL, Phone HIT. Near cor. Fort 8L Increased fares. Tour nickels Underskirts. t*dtton or mns- Mors Military Case».- The Police lui; pivtùiv ami- 4 Van was again., a. ccmtiLJfttT.. military service "Cri ses- tills monfitlg Wtnrn • Guaranteed embroidered. Prices’ front last m«uniters *+t-collection of itb Made Safe _—■: ■. ' .Trrr.- : r ; : :.. go! dwarfitJd which Accuracy for ed up and assembled were disposed of. when invested in a Robert Pike was ordered to be handed I Corset Covers from .. ,25< over to the military authorities, and Our Stock 1$ When You BRANTFORD RED BIRD Drawers. Sever.,} slyb-s ;,t TririiT^ $3.50 Mike Your Owi BICYCLE suspended sentence. Joseph Garner, Alwiys Com­ from ...... ,. John Edward .Smith, alias John Ed- Tills is an exceptionally Selections You The Oreatest Money-saver. wald < ’■ iai.-D r who el thns to be a f, ; plete lid the Nightgowns from . . $1.00 German, and Harold Danville, were low priced offer—one that Are Usually j dismissed. These latter men liave been we will be unable to make Prices Speik For previously arraigned before magis­ Satisfied With For Democracy trate* in the Interior and ordered to for any length of time owing Themselves 6. A. Richardson & Co. I** turned over to the military authori­ the Results Bold only by to the heavy demand* for Feed Control License l-MI. Victoria House. 836 Yates St. ties. They were, therefore, taken In charge by army officials after ap­ war purposes "oil optical sup­ pearing in court this morning. plies. Come to-day «ml bene­ RUFFLE fit byt1iisdffer.T,ri prisoners OUT B. C. Granulated Sugar Repairs land a machine gun, according to word 20 pounds ...... [which has just reached Ills uncle, D. All our stock of breweit"" $2.13 PHI Tour baeeieents now. Prices IS. S-iblstun. The young soldier was Peanut Butter .hertly edvanclnf- On. cord block. Bring in your battery repairs. We are now I born in Victoria nearly twenty-one Per pound ...... Hit | year* ago, ami I* the son of H. J. 29c PHONE 8874 FOR SPECIAL PRICES. iii a position to handle any part or parts of a | Caldwell, C. E.. provincial land surv­ Ginger Beer, Manitoba Freeh Eggs ives or. He received his education at Per d«>aen ...... battery. A full line of Prest-O-Lite and the Public School* and later Attended ...44c [the I'niveraity School-Tor .four years, Pale Dry Gin­ Victoria Wood Co. Hart Batteriei kept in stock for rent at a j where he was preparing for McGill I University, intending to take a course ger Ale and ue**"'nominal charge of 25^ per day. in electrical engineering. When war [broke out he gave up Ids proposed Pacific Transfer Co. career and enlisted in the 50th Gordon “New Drink” Satisfaction Guaranteed Highlanders here. I .Dr transferring to The People’s ^rocerteria H. CALWELL the 30th Battalion for overseas service. Bargains for all buyers. Since then he ha* l>een in the fighting 749-761- •YATES STREET- -749-751 Heevy Teeming ef Every | line with the exception of several Preer«p«ien e « pools! ty "Buy the articles in each of the groups of food which are not | month*, enforced inactivity foliowihg | wounds. • Phone 43f> early to se«*nro a Phenes 848 24> required by the armies."—Canada Food Board. Protection on Gorge Bridge.—At a s"lHily. Expren, Purnltuy, Removed. | meeting of the Saanich Council lust Time was when eoae merchant* vied with each other ta ex- Baeebge Cheeked end Etered eve-ping Chief of I‘olive Dry den report* traragance of statement in their ada The wise merchants of to­ 1 Autos | ed on truffle conditions oh the Gorge j bridge. He suggested that steps should day vie with each other in the ACCURACY of their statements Phone 697 Thomas Plimley «2X. | be taken to have footpaths added out- Thorpe A Co. •bout goods and values. Nowadays deliberate mlsrepresentatioa With without dele#. -* I side the bridge. As it is under «-onirol .-Hr Cermerent Bt. Vleterte, B. C. 727-736 Johnson Street 611 View Street [of the province the attention of the Limited in advertising would surely and quickly hill any stare indulging j Department of VuMic Works will be in It ^ ' I « ailed to the matter hi» VH TORI A DAI^V TIMES. WEDNICSBAY, JULY. 17, 1918

(Copyright, 1918. By H. C. Fishy. ’fr#d* MUTT AND JEFF YES WE ALMOST SPEAK THE SAME LANGUAGE Mark Beg. in Cana^ j

r 1 ~11 1 ■------—;—■ ..... bur if TRC uiiunJ' «•«iLber*.1 smacks \ pa»domsrRANtftfe, bur two THil IV \. iT'J uCA. Il -T» MAW KIM FA*. TMt DACkSTSP 4*TS TH« it. veu ARC an American, t tare it. , . 6er M.» *> MAvBfc HO'LL__f------' GLODULC HE'LL SHI 1 / WIUVO you MIND C aPLAINING THE, A gam

S'A t O-Nt**


Y___FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS UNFURNISHED HOUSES PERSONAL MOTOR CYCLES AND CYCLES AUTOMOBILES •’DELICIOUS. AI’PKTIZINO." VICTORIA BRAND MARMALADE. Victoria Daily Times • \ ten mi \ nu \ nD “COOPER S BOMBAY CHUTNEY. ’ GENUINE SEVILLE ORANGE MAR^ EVERYBODY'S EATING IT. GREAT RRW’UTIOX IN FURNITURE— TS A GUARANTEE UF PURITY 3V. AT ALL GRtK'KltS. MALADE. “VICTORIA BRAND." Closing out. Come at once if you want “COOPER S BOMBAY CHUTNEY.’ TIMES' SPECIAL TUITION bargains. Ferrie, 1419-Du uglaa. MOI>KR N eight roomed house, corner RICH FURNITURE at cyder*le prices; CYCLES OVERHAULED, tlree and MOTOR SERVICE STATION, 720 View. COLUMN Craigflower Road and Carrie Street; sure to please. Victoria Furniture Co.. tube» fitted At the “Hub” Cycle Store. I*. V William* Night Phone 2S7IY. ADVERTISING I\m No. 1191 reasonable rent to satinfaciory teiianL ■ 26-Tates Street. 35 Prop., W. W. Barker, 1819 Douglas 8t. Tel. 221. Duck * Jolin*ton. 615 Johnson Street PRIVATE TUITION GENUINE CIIEMAINUS WOOD-Ferris, •fta.EI’HONK f'AIJ. CARI>—Th. Qu.lit, 82 •ole agent Phone 1879 or 3469 Cash ______JHf-tt Prew are preparing the annual issue. THE DOUGLAS CYCLE A MOTOR CO-. C. V. MILTON, A.C.P. Phone 477I.X Kites for CissHiH Hvrrtiscntits WANT El Fur adxertlstng apace Phone 4778. 8848 Douglas gL Phone 878. trlr lights, perfect order, $150. Box 783, a2-47j orders Prompt delivery. None genuine To rent, small unfurnished JH8-31 without receipt; ask for 1L flat, Victoria West or K*oui- NOTICE—-Dr-Dr Jessie Cnoway's, M . D. N«w and Second-hand Motorcycles. malt Phone 2768 X. Jy18-18 tarage. EDUCATIONAL S: nations Vacant. Situations Wanted. plasters supplied from 769 Dunsmulr Cook Street Auto machinist andI c jlm - T" Kent.. Articles for Sale. Lost or Found, TO LET —Newly paltered. 4-i-oom cottage. Street. Vancouver, hereafter. aS-28 der grinding. Tel. 4033 et"- . le. j»er word per insertion. 4c i»er CITY MART, 736 Fort Street. If you are No. 2718 Bridge Street. 87 per month, ST MICHAEL’S SCHOOL FOR BOYS- looking for bargains in second-hand FOR POOL AND COMPORT In sleeping Saratoga Ave , Oak Bay Kyrie 8>S’ t W'-r 1 for six days. Contract rates on ap- including water, twu-roum <-ottage. $6, garments, see our splendid line of silk pt'i-.-atinn. furniture, carpet*, etc., call and m*|*ect including water E. W. Wliiltington mon*. M A. (Oxon ), anelsted by C.'• V ? our prices Wanted to buy. furniture nightdressee Kwong Tai Tune, 1628 THE STRIKE 18 OVER Milton, A.C.P. Phone 625R N • advertisement for leas than 15c. No of all descriptions. Phone 1433. 12 Lumber Co,. Ltd Jyl7; 18 Govern ment Street 15 ad* ertisement charged for less than one TEA KETTLE AUTO STAND.' COLLEGIATE SCHOOL FOR BOYS \ Ft»H RENT H NUI RNIHJIKD» FOR INFORMATION wlt>< for you. when you buy a good bicycle 1157 Rockland Ave. Phone 62. Prospec SOUTHALL fur stoves and ranges. *32 209 SUPERIOR KTUKkrr—Seven rooms, Darjeeling Tea Inquire at N»w •-Cylinder Bub* Car for Blrk In computing the number of words In Fort Street Coils made and connected; n-eently renovated thifoighout, immedi­ Tündiford! tus on application. go advertisement; estimate groups of exchanges made Phone 4239. 816 Tates Street. Mra $2.60 per hour. tl|re* or leas figures as one word. Dollar ate p<«<*e.*i»ion; rent $1» 88 HARRIS A SMITH. ENGINEERING IN8TRUCTI0*6 Sii.trks and all abbreviation» count -as one PRESCRIPTIONS accurately filled. Faw­ 426 ARNOLD AVENUE— $41* rooms, fully 1220 Broad St. _ Special Cotmiry Trips. cett’* Drug Store. 11 m«Hlern. furnace heating, excellent con­ •I HEAR YOU CALLING"—Visiting Brentwood ....86.00 Cordova Bay ,.82.5- ENGINEERS instructed for certificate* j dition, vacant August I; rent $21 card* of superior design at I*ane * Sidney ...... 86.66 Cad boro Bay ..$1 6- marine, htationary, Diesel. W. O. Win .Advertiser» who so desire may have M«M»KRN DANCING- |»r«|»erly taugiit. 101* MuULURK STREET—Six rooms, Son*. 635 Courtney'8t>eet. Phone 6241. T- »!.es addressed to a box at The Times CHEAPEST STORK In town for your Rcsthaven...... $6.00 Mala hat ...... $8 6 terburn, 221 Central Bldg Phones 1474 I Phone 21681, . 12 good" .condition, recently renovated, im- ______al 5-35 4311L. Office ar.d forwarded to their prix ate ad- med.ale possession: rent $14. \ bicycle repairs and troubles. Motor­ dr A charge of lt)c. Is made for this TAH’RISTS visiting Vancouver Island, cycle. Bicycle * and Supply Store, 854 H. COURT. GARDEN TOOTS sharpened and repair­ 1228 OSCAR STREET—Seven rooms. wlU Phone 4163. 1*8-31 MUSIC ed; key* made fit any lock, price, be renovated to suit tenant, vacant at the Great Central Lake district, should Yates Street. 22 ÎDtkîN R-rth. marriage, death and funeral locksmith, 637 Fort Phone 446. 1$ call at lion Watson * motor garage, ■ioii. es., lc. |*er word |>er insertion. prMwnl;, rent til Alberni. and have their curs over­ MAN UKULELE $ Classifled advertisements ma> be tele- BI T CAMOSUN PICKLES, catsup, vine­ 2493 UR AN MURE ROAD-Eight rooms, hauled Every convenience for attend­ HOTELS 1'1-»ned to The 1‘invs Office, but such gar*. marmalades and Worcester first-claim dwelling in every way, t ent ing. breakdowns. Phone Alberni 62M McLAUGHLIN-BVICK roadster for wale, PLOWRIGHT R MUSIC SCHOOL »ilvvi tisenients should after wants be con­ sauce*. They’re the be«t The Western 2*. cheap Phone 41601, Jy23-31 Brown Block. 1116 Broad St. Phone 1663 firmed in writing. Of live open from 8 Pickling Works, Ltd . Victoria, B <’ 12 1518 COOK STREET—Rijr roomed cot- Hours: 1 to 9 ?.« p.m., except Wednesday* t.-ige; fin including water. Magnet Auction Rooms, furniture bar- JAMBS BAY OARAGE. 615 St John St. Other hours by appointment. a m. to • p. ni. W1NIXIWS. doors, interior finish, rough 1202 PORT STREET—Eight room*, fiir- gains. 85 Watch Improvements Mi one 4144. Repair* HjteciaHy. Car* or drcx*eetent inHtructor.s. of them again." The IMggon W8 View Street. Telephone to. Isn't everyone that does’ Consult the after six years’ experience with Madam Printing Co., 706 Yates St SLIGHTLY USED Singer drop-head Acme Press, I.td , View Street. I‘hone Watts, have opened dressmaking DANCING Travellers' sanitary tis­ rotary and vibrator machine* at re­ CAMPING SITES FOR RENT room* at 1722 Bank Street. Order* A NICELY FURNISHED 7 roomed 1k»u*» 2M1. 15 also taken at 716 BeRon Ave. 1‘hone ' £>ANL’E every Saturday evening. Alex f sue towels, 25c. per duced prices, fully guaranteed. 718 in the best part of Fairfield, rent mod­ BEAUTIFUL CAMPING SITES for rent pkg. liuy your Tates 11 S633L J23tf-50 andra Ballroom. Ladies 26c, gents 66t erate Phone 4983L. JylS-18 FURNISHED SUITES at SOOKE RIVER. Water laid on. Oaard s orchestra. Mrs. Boyd, registration load and river i onlage, close to hotel, NOTÏÜK—Ashton * Farrow, plumber*. a gel SNAP—Used Singer hand machine, fine TO RENT—Nearly new. modern bunga­ For the convenience of customer* re- order, only $15. 711 Yates. 12 low 513 ('on ns tight Road. Victoria THS KHNRINCTON, SllHi Pandora Am. * P O., school, main Sooke settlement Balte for rent. 3 room*. u*e of bath and harbor. Finest bathing, boating, Hhling in Oak Bay we have opened a LATEST DANCES TAUGHT—Mr*. Boyd now. Jy 17-8 West. back entrance Powderly and branch situate at 2266 Oak Hay Avenue, teacher. Alexandra Ballroom (all 1er MALLEAR1.9.’ and steel range*. $1 per Mean ' Jy22-ll suitable for busmens lady. Phone 6405 fishing and shooting. Three auto week. Phone 4689 2881 Government St aIS-14 stages per day. Apply W. T. Wll opposite Oak Bay Municipal Hall. 66 aon* private). To arrange dates phon- * COOPER'S BOMBAY CHUTNEY SIX-ROOM. MODERN HOUSE, tales p Studio. 610 Campbell Bldg., $ to 16.3 | ISlà JOHNNY. ON THE SPOT “Name, care of- —"Nag"* ■* Paint> Co.. Ltd WHY EXPERIMENT with hair tonics? FOR SALK -Mission oak piano. In per­ Street Apply 1152 Tate* Jy23-ll FURNISHED. 2-room, front apartment, 1802 Wharf Street jyt8 T»ni foam, the guaranteed dandruff SvANTEIi Roy to carry Times route. fect condition: coat $468. will sell for HOUSES TO LET Ught and water, from $i«; perfectly cure, promotes n vigorous growth of MODERN BALU«K)M DANCING pro Apply Circulation Dept . Times Offi< e $28» cash 369 Langford Street. Vic­ clean ; adults only. 1176 Tates. j> 27-14 beautiful hair. 60c, and $1, druggists perly taught. Private le.-sons onl> toria Wert. Jyl7-12 2624 MARION FT. (Oak Bar>. t roomed EXCHANGE J19tf-I dwelling with large lot. 86 per month. FURNISHED. I-room, front .portm.nl, and barbers. 60 Phone 2198L. 4 light and water, from 818; perfectly V- \ XTKD—Auto delivery man. one who FOR SALK-Small iron safe, flat top l,üoMh BT" * ,rTO“*d «xtw. M P* A RVNGAIZ1W In Calgary wgnted ia ex­ QUEEN U1TT "SERVICE CLUB” will SHORTHAND knows the city well. < >»k Bay preferred desk and three-section filing cabinet Bean; adults only. 1178 Tates. a28-14 change for good Victoria "house and hold a Hale of work on Saturday after­ Apply Box 3322, Times______Jyl7tf-8 Phone l"l j> 22-12 1744. FORT FT , 1 roomed dwelling, with lot*, with money difference. Box 658, noon, July .26, commencing at 2 p. m.. SHORTHAND SCHOOL. 1011 Govern I 2 large lot*. $10 per month MISCELLANEOUS Times fy 26-42 In the premise* recently vacated by the ment Street. Shorthand, typewriting Ï WANTED—A boy to learn the drug busi­ 2113 URANMORK ROAD. 7 roomed. 1% Irish Linen Store. Government Street ness. Apply Foxweil's Drug Store. 321 160 ACRES In Central Alberta, small lm bookkeeping thoroughly taught. E. A i THE ISLAND EXCHANGE. story house and lot about 66x886, 817.68 A QUANTITY of old newspapers for salé. lYoceed* noldier*’ comforts. Jy!9-66 Macmillan, principal. Phone 871 F^quimait Road jy 19-3 per month. provement*: al*o 160-acre farm, well Apply Circulation Dept., Times Office improxed, good net of buildings, half UNDER THE AI'SPICES of the Women s coal truck. S|*elal Bargain. 213 COOK RT., t roomed, modern dwell­ JNtf-41 x XTKD—Driver for Jy'-’?-» ing. will put In good order for suitable nille to arhoot, store and poet office, Auxiliary of Q. W V A . Mr*. Simpson \ torla Fuel < "o Table Grand Piano, in Al condition. tenant. $75 per month. IK leaves Royal clear title*: exchange for Victoria pro- will hold a dam*e In Gorge Park August UNFURNISHED SUITES V ANTED—A boy to learn the plumbing 1613 VANCOUVER ST., • roomed dwell­ DairyM 9.______16.16___ a.____ l.ML S.*, 8.68,8.96 perty. H Stelfox, >19 Howe Kt. Jy24-42 7. Half the proceeds go Mo the fund*. and heating trade Apply A- Slieret. Only $125. ing. $20 per month. n.; Saturday only. 11.16 p m Leave* y $ ty for exchange ;Jyi7-6Q APARTMENTS TO RENT—Park |Z 1114 Blanshard Street jylStf-» 722 MARKET 8T„ 7 roomed house. $16 dova Bay 7 40 a. m (except Sun- Chas F Eagles, 617 Sa> ward Block. WOMEN’S AUXILIARY to Great War *ion*. Apply 1731 Quadra. jyl5t« Note Address: “v per month. day).). 9 46.44 11.16 a. m . 1 46, $ 16. 6 46. Tin; ti W V. A wMms t, eoUty «U re- Ph one 6111. ^Veteran*’ Association wlU hold a silver 739 to 74$ Fort Street Phone 3466 889 CRAIGFLOWER RO\P. • loomed. 7.15 p. m H Jennings. Phone 2848L tea at the room. Fort Street. Wednes­ TO RENT — Apartment*. MeB turned Soldiers thal are. out of employ- 18 SWAPS—Acreage foi motor car. ahotmin ! ment or who are desirous of improving modern dwetting, with Targe grounds, - •jy8*-&i day. July 17. from 1 to t p. m Good Block, Oak Bay Junction. Phone $25 per month for bicycle, cash for 16 pair* roller programme.. Military 666 in evening at their present position to hand in their CLEVELAND ^BICYCIaE for saie.^^156 XL c. Land * invert, agency, ltd., •kates. 1307 Broad Street. Phone 2675 ...... « I .o'clock, good prises, dome and bring 822 Government Street. r friend». Mr*. B. O. Taylor, con- MFLI.rtR APARTMENTS. XT! BroughthU i-LXUH AND TES RHoUa Street. Suite‘ ------1 STATIONERY, china, toy*, hardware FOR RENT—H«ti»e*. fnmt*hed and un­ - iïiii» • 'V. for drug store, one with bicycle 647 Fort StreeL VPSTATRg. entrance and notions. 233 Cook St. T. J. Adeney. furnished. Lloyd-Young Sr Russell, 1618 next to Terry's Catering to private NAVY LEAGUE CHAITKR. 1. O. D. _ itig. Apply Mellor Brod^ Ltd.. , preferred Axronsou'* 1>rug Store, cor Phone 3456. 12 Broad Street Phone 4631. WR WTT.L BUT your used car or sell It garden fete. July 24. 1023 Fuirfleld Riuul, ,, Look and Fort Streets______J.vl9-8 parties a specialty. Open from 12 to 7 for you. If you can satisfy u* that It Is Broughton Street. Jlûtf-i.] 61 corner Cook, alterimon and evening. ANTED—Wheelers," charge feeders and WHEN IN DOUBT about your printing, FURNISHED HOUSES In fir.at-class condition Open evening* adults 25c. children ’ 10c. J> 23-50 take the first lane you come to and see CarUer Broe., 734 Inhnses gt jgUHl WANTEO-PROPERTY i ut 'iaue _men for yuppei MueUer-i WANTBIM-HmnimUv fnrot*ned flee room­ tesQI llfALT CIIAPTKII, I O D E — WANTCO*-WI!8CELLANEOUS WANTED—t»t. Marchant i:-»ad. Slug 1 625 Courtney Street. Phone 5241. a!5-lt ed bungalow. Phôhe 325R JyZ3-16 WB BUT. sell and exchange late • model Postponed rummage sale will be 9* 'Y wanted, with wheel. Merry Held A cars. Cameron, $21 Superior Street Ralurday, July 20. corner Head and gett*, Brentwood; cash Or trade. Dand 1 CAMPING STOViL five hole». $5 W 11 $4 MONTH—Two roomed cabin, partly SECOND-HAND CANOE wanted. Apply a!6-31 ridge, Fell Street. a 17-4 ? Hack. J> 23-8 furnished, for men only $46 Johnson Box 796. Times Jy 1S-13 lTsquinialt Road Contributions may be L . 326 "Linden Avenue. Victoria. Jy 16-12 WANTKix-Ford touring car. late model; left Friday. 19th. or telephone Mrs. R pr.U'ATE TUITION given in mathe1- Street Jy70-16 SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE mafics. bookkeeping and general sub­ REG 1ST RATION CARD HOLDERS. lt>v. WANTED—Antique writing desk, table state price; owner only. Apply Box 791, Beseonette and -they will be called for MarglFOf. Bios.. 1221 Wharf St Jy22-12 TO LET—MISCELLANEOUS and six Chippendale dining chair*, auto­ Time*jyl>-31 - Jyl9-50 jects: terms moderate. Telephone graph letters. State price and where POSITION in office wanted by marrie i fV.it. a6-S FOR SALE—Old door*, hashes and him-' GARAGE, on Leighton Road, $2. Apply to be seen. Box 613. Times. J/19-13 FOR SALE—Almost new Ford. 5-|>aa*en- DANCINGTAUGHT privately. man with thorough know leeteit f WANTED—Bound volumes of London frame, run only short distance, with to take charge of offlt-e, would accêp r SNAP AT $456—Fiehing host. 27 ft. long, sidecar, price $196 Cameron. 621 WANT El >—To ,»lrroomed, fur LOST News, back .number*: also autograph nished house.TeL'tlW; a26-S8 junior |K>*itlon, highest references. Ik. NAVIGATION COURSE 7 ft. 6 in. beam. 6 h. p., four-cycle en­ letter*. State price and where to be Superior Street. ______jy22-31 8806. Of Times.-* *Jy23-I.l " Now Ready. gine. complete outfit gear for salmon LOST—Car plate number 5983. between seen. Box 112. Time* jy ut 13 International Correspondence Schools. trolling, guaranteed Al order. Box 752. Mhawnigari and X"i< t-»ria Finder please A RKLIARI.R I'BBIl CAR nir.ra m eound ROOM AND BOARD 1222 Douglas Street. Time». JylS-11 return to Don Watson, Alberni Garage WANTED—Teacher for the Albert Head Investment to the careful bu*-er. a* WANTED—('«tutorial HOUSES FOR SALE ' J>19-37 good used cars will surely increase in School. Apply to F. F. Higgs. Albert value Our selection of dependable used vate home, for lady and two little HELP WANTED—FEMALE AUTOklATIC DROP-HEAD MACHINE, LOST—White wired terrier, biapk mark­ Head. Jy22-13 . f4 and T year»), m August, city, FIVE ROOMED, modem cottage woodwork in fine shape, only $25. 719 cars is the largest In the rltv and In­ Grahame Street, quite dose to Centn. "5 ings, pal# brown head; generous re­ WANTED — For Hongkong Diocesan cludes most all the popular make*. It a lease state weekly term*., Box 807, JV X NTED — Rtillroom maid. Apply Tate* i 12 ward. Phone 6377LÎ. Jyl7-37 Times Office. Park, cottage quite modern, lot 68*160 ? tX»R SAÎ.K—Store, with living roojnà, Schools, trained a.**latent maater* and good or It wouldn't bk here, as we price 82,100, terms can be had. • Steward, Empress Hotel Jyl»-9 LOST------Dark plaid knee rug. Reward. mistresses; al*o n matron for the girl»’ handle no junk. Our prices a* usual WANTED—Board and lodging for gentle­ 1726 Cook Street ; price $1.500, terms to school, Anglican* Apply by letter to GORDON HEAD—Five acres of____ :i*erien<-ed dres-maker. Ap­ Telephone 4969L Jy|»-37 are right. Open evenings. Cartier Bro*.. men. Fairfield district ; correspondence portion In strawberries, comfortsbi' ply Miss Libby. Room 9, Brown Block, euif Apply L Jackson, 648 Fprt Street Bishop Lander, .care of Box 805, Times 724 Johnson Street 21 solicited and confidential; have refer- Jyl7-I8 LOST—$26 bill, either in Poet Office, cottage, land all good; price * Broad Street. jy23-9 ,< "amplfell'a. W<*>!worth’s or Sfteneer’a, Jy22-1* BALMORAL AUTO STAND—Seven-pas­ ence Reply to Box $050, Time». J29-24 term* to suit purchaser. IH KNOGRAPHEÏF " wfanted at once JUNE BRIDES should see the selection Monday afternoon. IPhone 5634L. Jyl7-37 WANTED—Complete set of solid silver senger auto* for hires Jas. Morgan THE BON-ACCORD. 145 Princess A va CHAPMAN ST., FAIRFIELD ESTATE— of exclusive wedding *niv>unvemcntH Phone» 3786-2031 !.. 8t Jeune & Bro , Ltd. 570 Johnson Street. M>8T—Auto crank. Finder please notify flatware. State number of dose» piece* Rooms, with or without board, terms Modem cottage and lot 41x111. cottag. Jyli-9 and liR-itation* at the Acme Press. 753 and best cash price in first letter to Box moderate. Phone 8867L jyl$.$4 has good basement; price $3.686; aroai View Street Phone 2061. 12 James Leigh St Son Pliene 397. jylS-37 VERNON AUTO STAND—Up-to-date ; W k NTKLM-Lady teacher for Sooke 3291, Times JylStf-13 cars for hire. Day and night service ROOM AND BOARD, home cooking; re*- amount of cash will handle, balance « LOST—(Irey fox fur. Sunday afternoon, Phone 3612 || payments very eaay. School, salary 865 !*er month. Apply WE BUT AND SELL any kind second­ between Ewiulmalt car and Con­ PHONE 1094L and have that repair work ■onable terms. »«! Pandorm Bt. Phon* c A. Helgeaen, secretary - treasurer, hand goods, false teeth. Call anywhere, valescent Hospital, Finder please attended to. Fence budding and <*«U - fl7tf-l« 6% ACRES of good land at Sooke, In th- S-voke P. O. J>25-9 anytime Phone 2215. Evenings, 634R. 12 Phone 5S76L. Reward. Jyl8-37 chicken coop building specialties settlement, no rock, land easy to cloai “Carpenter,” 1743 Lee Avenùe. alo-13 POULTRY AND EGGS dose to Sooke Harbor; price $$00, WANTED—A waitress Apply Dominion 1*-FCM>T FISHING BOAT. he»ry ditty LOST—At or near. Beacon Hill cricket terms, or 8700 cash. Hofei —J51*** engine, all < omplele and In first-class FUOT-PR1NTS on the sand» of time W FORDS FOR HIRE WITHOUT WHITK LEGHORN layln« lime for rale order, price $756; 20-foot hull, fitted for gfound. lady’s small gold watch. Good DRIVER. . C. LAND A INVESTMENT AGENCY AN EXPERIENCED GIRL, for general reward. Phone 5241, or cdll 1237 Rudlin aounds well, but sound printing on 1*11 Deal at reel Phone lfHltl, Jy1»-H LIMITED, engine, $85; 32-fdot work boat. 12 h p.. good paper looks better. Lane dr Son*. bouse work. Apply 179 Olivé St. Jylt-9 4-cycle engine, dinghy, all complete, Street. Box 79A Time*. Jy l7-« Tor your holidays and week-ends, take Ft»R SALE—Chicken ranch, near old jail ______699 Government Itreet. 625 Courtney Street. Phone No. 6241. your friends to the beach. an Topas Avenue, on 4 acres leased UKULELE, mandolin, banjo lessons, 60c price $T»0 Causeway Boat House. LOST—Diamond ring, at Gorge, Satur­ alS-13 FOR BALE—1U acres. 40 acre, hay land an hour. 949 Fort. Phone 6894. jytl-9 Phone 3445 13 day afternoon.- opposite V. I. A. A. land, 3 acre* fall wheat nearly ready to half-mile sea front and some good tim Boat House. Finder please phone 955L. CAST OFF Clothing of any description Phone 2167. We Never Close. cut, about 1-5 acre potatoes, 1-6 acre ber; price, $8,5v6; good terms can b WANTED—Good laundress, 8 days a STOCK OF USED HAND MACHINES Reward Jy 17-37 bought and best price* paid. Fenton. 541 mangles and other garden truck, I v eek, Monday. Tuesday and Wednes­ from $10 and up. 718 Yates. jy 16-12 JolutMon. Phone 2215. Evening. 634R 13 EMPRESS AUTO A TAXI ÇO., LTD. chicken, house* 50 ft. x 16 ft. and 18x8, day. Mrs. J. A. Rithet, 1299 Rockland. number of White Wyandotte laying 2.19 ACRES at Cowlchan Lake, with fot; Phone 1283. Jy19-9 MAGNET AUCTION ROOMS—To-day’» FOUND WE WILL BUY your furniture. Give roomed Itouse, can be reached by ro# baigains: 3 brass beds, springs and Oarage, Cor. View and Vancouver Sts. hen* and young chicken*. 2 goats, wire . fcXÈ*ERIENCKD children’s nurse wanted FOUNlv-One small purse containing sum best possible price and pay spot ca*h. Stand. 1224 Bro^d St. fencing and «econd-hand boiler 5 ft. x or launch: good summer home; prlct mattresses, 5 good rug*. Arcadian Magnet Auction Rooms. Phone 3114. $760; this U a bargain. Immediately for 2 children. Apply 1178 range, 4 stove*, 13 tenta. 7 bicycle* . 10 of money, tickets and registration card; 2 ft. Apply on ranch, or Phone 6558L. Ftort Street. ml7tf-9 bureau*, 8 fine tone pianos, 1 organ. name on card Gladys Maw Owner can GROWERS—We will contract to buy cu­ ______Jy19-21 FOUR ROOMED HOUSE on Vine Rtreet Magnet, corner Douglas and Fort have by applying Victoria Machinery cumber*. cauliflower, red cabbage and SAVE BEEF—keep poultry and rabbits. close to Douglas Street car terminu WANTED—Immediately, skirt i Depot. Jy22-36 pickling onions. The Western Pickling prior $956; $00 cash and balance on fh> workers; also talloreaaes. Phone 3114 12 Works, Ltd . Victoria. B.C. 13 HAVE YOU A CAR FOR SALE? The Poultry Journal, 621 Tate* Street mortgage at 6 per cent. Madame Watts. 1175 Fort St Magnet Auction Rooms, furniture bar­ If so, park it at th* Metropolitan Gar- 18c. per copy. Jylfltf-29 WERE NOT WITTY, but "When you FOUR ROOMED BUNGALOW, on Ckm gain». - tf WANTED TO BUY good ranges, stoves ■ ge. 721 View Street. All cars washed WE WISH to contract to purchase Italian HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS can’t get It, Lane St Son wUl make IV and heater* for spot ca*h Jacks’ Stove and polished dally. Buyers found. Street. Fairfield district; price $2,66» Try us for that next order of printing. prune* thin fall In half ton lots or up­ ca*h $125. balance arrange, good term» Phone 8841. 816 Courtney Ht. O FARM LANDS. Store, 804 Yales St., Phone 6719 Will Charges $1 oo per day. Not less than wards. Hamsterley Farm. Victoria. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS to let. Apply call. three days’ trial. TWO LOTS on Fairfield Road; we wl FOR SALlir-12 h. p.. 4-cycle engine, l 1621 Quadra Street. Phone 920L. Jy20-i7 GET YOUR FARM IN ALBERTA, SAS­ MEN—We pay the highest prices for dis­ 1912 fitudebaker delivery truck. In good *ell these for $560 for the two, on term. i'l'RNISHED housekeeping rodms. flats com piste. 8268; work boat. 11 h. p., 4- KATCHEWAN OR MANITOBA from running order, $256. LOWE'S New Zealand Leghorns, world’s A real bargain cycle engine, $700 ; 88 ft speed boat hah carded clothing. Imnne 6869 In morn­ contest winner, seven diplomas ; official with fitting», cheap. Phone 9448. the C. P R Price* range from $11.66 ing* or evenings, or bring them to 68S 1912 McLnuRltlin-liuick, 45 h. p., tlree weight of hen*. 6 lha ; hat, lung egg», FOUR ROOMED HOUSE, Just off Haul î.ns usai1 week up' ,i*hi to $36.00 per acre. Terms, one-t. nth Johnson Street. IS good: snap, $466. tain Street; price $1,756; easy terms ca OVAL FRAMES, convex glue, for that ca*h, balance in 19 equal annual pay­ 1912 Wlnton Fix. perfect condition, $10 hundred: also Wyandotte*, breeding be arranged. ment* with only 6 per cent, interest. ODDY’S Second-hand. Furniture Store, stock, for sale. Inspection invited. Lake AUTO LIVERY enlargement, frrnn $2.50 and up. 718 1817 Douglas. Open Id buy good furni­ cord tlree rear, new Goodyear non-skid Hill 'bus to place. Phone 3608. betting, LOTH on the lfc-mtle circle for $16 Yates. Your photograph enlarged. It Secure booklets and, full Information ture. carpets, etc. 13 front ; good buy, $756. $1.50 delivered. |$ each, terms if desired. from D. E Brown’s Travel Bureau, 1912 Overland parts. HOONIER CABINET, excellent condition. Limited, official C. I*. R laind Helling FHhNUlS, 819 Yates St. (opposite Do­ Ford slip covers. 142 ACRES in the Otter district; prlci— Phone 6176L. Jy 19-13 Agent*. «26 Hastings Street West. Van­ minion Theatre), alway* open to buy First-class mechanics. • j!9tf-31 LIVESTOCK $14 per acre, terms can l»e arranged. . A FORD CAR FOR II DO AN HOITL couver. B. C. Jy31 good cl»*» and antique furniture, car­ WISE St CO., s, We rent cars for $1.00 an hour, without CALL and get our prices before deciding. £HKLL CARAlili LTD., HE VI— Rtreel. FOR SALK—Pigs,Lake^Road? months. .169 Pemberton Bldg. --$• drivers, to responsible partie* Victoria Furniture Co , Ltd pets, etc. Phone 1163. j$ Moon. Thetis FURNISHED ROOMS Expert ret «airs, all auto work guai'aw- Bridge. l The cars are all of the latent model WANTED—Any class of old metal* or teed. National rubber tirefilier ends all j.v 19-28 HOUSES FOR SALE. ' and are In flrst-claas running order, with SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE U-69 WBEK—Two roomed cablaa for Junk; good prices paid for twttle*, sack*, tire trouble Tel. 8402. PERSIAN KITTENS, blue, grey and all FAIRFIELD—Four large room», modem I r g'*od tires. ___ batchlr^. 848 Johnson Street. al8-|» auto tire*, carpenter#’ tool*, etc Ring ver. Mrs Tapecott, 3342 Uittier Ave good lot In garden, snap at $2,306. [ VICTORIA AUTO LIVERY, up 1329, City Junk Co.. B Aaronson. 665 BKOG MOTOR CO., LTD.. 937 View and WANTED—By lady, middle-age, single, unrxsvvi.'K hotkl—>0t. night up. 12 936 Fort. Cadillac Agency. R. A. Play­ Phone 2426L ______88 WANTED—Snaps In houses, many clleni I | 73: Broughton Street. Phone 8658. position as companion or housekeeper weekly up.- First-classFirst -class location.loeatl Few“ — Johnson Street. Hoiwe idione 6644L. 13 Any quudtf______for elderly couple; available about Sep- fair. Mgr Tel. 2058. Distributors for chicken» or waiting. Let ue have your Hating \ housekeeping rooms. Yates and I>oug- Chevrolet. Dodge Brother*. Chalmers, duck*, cash paid at your house. Phone tember 1 Box 3296. Times Jy20-ll laf*. Plume 317.______6019L, or write 616 “ — * ----- DUNFORD’8. LIMITED, Hudson and Caotlluc Motor Cars slllott Street. City. 1884 Government Ht. 6ÔST-WALK— —ao-Ride a bicycle. Uet It at DON T WALK—Ride a bicycle. Get It et DON T WALK -Rideids a bicycle. Get it *t MNT WALK-Rldo, fclcircle. G.t It at 1'limley'e. fU View. Pllmley'e, «U VltW. Filmier * 8U View. D8îu£eS?:^Jurvâ2la blc,el* u#t ast DON’T WALK—Ride a bicycle. Get it at FLmley a, 811 View, FUmley X HA XÂMb E^rwÂiraThi^srsn - i

VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1918 It PHONE NUMBERS YOU should _____ leather goods VXTBSINAIIV CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP j OF EBQUIMALT. brkadin DAIRYn —Cream, milk, butter, Trunks__ -----, ------automobile ._. I VKTERlNAftlAN—Canine hos|hospital, - ! ÏN1' I ^delivered dally. 1743 Cook StreejU II» M,. .... „IK.1 ^ Times want ad. 10,0 a. C. Saddlery Co . Ltd., W Yates. Cook andI JPandora- TOIL Jult ÜS It. hit* raaxweiiourrerea FIRE DEPARTMENT MS NOTARY PUBLIC I WATCHMAKERS AND REPAIRER» C1TT HALL ...... 444» ENGRAVERS E.t>. TO DO, notary public, 711 Port St. p. L. HAYNES for hlsh-clase watch i -Years With Pimples RED CROSS SOCIETY 6062 GENERAL ENGRAVER. Stencil Cutter I'aMBport forme Kupplled and prepared. Jewelry repaire, lilt Oovemmcnt at Tax Sale Notice FROM KINO’S H* and Seal Engraver. «Geo Crowther, “** JUBILEE HOSPITAL ...... 4633 Street, behind Poet Office. IL9-s,SUl,V6ite. “i"*' IWBNUER. J., «It Yatee Street The beet By order of the Council a sale of lands ! Healed by Cuticnra ST. JOSEPH’S HOSPITAL .... t. 6580 eurance* v ayeat.««cm, Roomnwin AVI,301. nivuen-nunHlbben-Bon. I wrist watches on the market at whole- for Delinquent Tun will be held on HALP-TONB AND UNE ENGRAVING. Illdy City, suburban and farm lands. BAJCMORAL AUTO STAND, S7S0 or Commercial work a specialty I>esigne Wednesday, August 21. 191$. -I suffered for year» with pimples for advertising and business stationery. PXHBTtb,VH,>,L,;'yldKLAu^1Jn.;";‘*,.u,bffe; I 203fL. 47 B. C. Engraving Co., Times Building. «Sm'St'S SS I Interesting Description of Dec- •nd bUckhesd, on my face. The fat- 1611 Broad Street. Phone 4612 and 2563L rt ’ Jewellers and opuciane. linquent------TaxesJ ------(taxes--- in------arrear at list— 1er one Could hardly wet • Orders received at Times Busin. Phone 871______December, ltii), together with Interest I WHITE, M . watchmaker and manufac­ i\ pin point between, end the FAINTING to date of payment, on or before the 13th oration of Lieut.-CoJ. G. Ran­ f HOUSES FOR SALE ELECTROLYSIS turing Jeweller All work guaranteed. August nest; after which date, and up to ft former Itched end burned eo (Continued.) L. KNIGHT, paperhanging, painting and Entrance Hibben-Bone Bldg. I the time of sale, the full amount as adver­ dolph Pearkes, V. C., M, C. I d f that I could tear my flesh to ELECTRICITY Is the only safe and per decorating. Phone 5192L tised will be collected," Yls. : Delinquent JAMES BAY—Clone in* 120x100 feet on Q. B SIMON, 569 Johnson Street. Taxes, Subsequent Taxes In arrear, in­ pieces. I could not sleep at manent method of removing superflu­ night, end my face waa just corner, lfe story frame dwelling, taxes ous hair; absolute cure guaranteed. PLASTERER WINDOW CLEANING terest and costs and expense*. and focal Improvement taxes wry ttwXJ- Kike Ran man, duaîmeflr London special­ ...... , ,______The Clerlr. Cofreetor or Assessor of the • mass of eruption». eMite; snap at 15,000; terms. This Is one ist, 22 Winch Building. Office hours, FRANK THOMAS, plasterer. Repairing, ISI*AND WINIK)W CLEANING CO — .the T®wnah,,P °/ E*»11* Lieut.-Colonel George Randolph I "1 decided to give Cut cure Soap of the beat speculative buys offering 11 till 4 20.______• ______47 etc ; prices reasonable. Phone 3312Y. Phone 3815.3815 Pioneer window cleaners malt are ready to receive noticenot lie ffrom any Pearkea, of the 2nd C, M. R.. eon of Leeming Brothers. Limited. 1218 Gov­ Rea., 1760 Albert Avenue. and Janitors. 85 M source of the Interests of those entitled and Ointment a trial, end alter using ELH9CTfooLY8IS— Fourteen years* prac to the benefit of the War Relief Act; Any Mrs. L. Pearkea. oi Mount Tolittie, was ernment Street. Phone 748. Jy8tf-25 (for A GOOD SERVICE, try the City two cakes ci Cutica» Seep and two tical experience In removing superflu p.n«m h.vlny Inf.rn.»! Ion J tol any |yr- ky U» Kin, at an lnvt.U- FOR HALE—-Hnap, 4-room house, good ous hairs. Mrs. Barker. Phone 5526. * PHOTOGRAPHERS Window Phone eon inter*» lot; 11,000. terms. Mttancourt’n Auction View Street. or other person * entHied to the 1 ture held at Buckingham Palace on SHAW BROS , commercial photograph- 2251. Jyl8-47 soldier, or completely healed." (Signed) R. B. Room, 1807 Broad Street. Phone 1476. benefit of t ELECTRICIANS ere, 904“ ------Government ' ' St. » 1930. the said Act. Is requested to com­ June 22. The English pictorial papers Maxwell, Upper Seckville. N. S., FINE 5 ROOMED BUNOaLow! snap, off VULCANIZING AND REPAIRERS municate In writing with the Clerk. As­ August 10, 1917. Fort Street car line, good location; cost COX A DOUG A I* electricians. Motors MEUGBNS. ______Bldg. Portraiture sessor or Collector of the Corporation of of the next day's date contain a fine $3,000 to build to-day; price only 62,800; and enlartenlargements. ___ Special attention to THE TYRE SHOP—Vulcanising and re Towtxwhip of Esquimau, Municipal Yon may think that because Cud- bought, sold, repaired. Estimates given pairs. 1916 Blaneherd. Street. Ml photograph of the intereating cere cash 61.000. balance easy terms. H. G. for re-winding motors, armatures and children's portraits 1965. 47 Hail, Esquimau, B. C- cure doe. such wonderful work in Dal by it Co., 616 Fort, upstairs. 20 FEDERAL TIRE AGENCY—A. McGavin. G. H. PULLEN. mony, showing Hie Ma>sty pinning soothing end healing severe itching coils; elevator repairs. Phones: Office. K H. BROWNING—Commercial photo­ C M. C., I FOR SALE—Bungalow, modern, 5 rooms 6363; private. 3762R. 3419R graphy, amateur finishing, cameras re- 1011 lilanshard Street. Phone 3869. the decoration on Col. Pearkea's cheat and horning ecaemei it is not adapted and bath room, built-in featuréh, good ired. Room 8. Mahon Blk., over 15c Federal and Goodrich tires and vulcan Corporation Township of Esquimau. The coveted cron# was awarded EMPLOYMENT AGENCY to the gentle ueee of the toilet. On the locality, nice garden, cost 64,200, take 47 Colonel Pearkes for "moat conspicuous contrary, that la just where k fa meet $3,200, terms arranged 1854 Chestnut. bravery and skilful handling of the TIM KEK A CO., 1615 Government. Phone LODGES LAND REGISTRY ACT. effective In preventing these serious 611. AH help supplied at short rtotlbe. jg PRINTING troopa under hia command during the ACRfejfoE IA. O. F.—Court Northern I,lght, No. 5935, capture and consolidât ion of consider ■kin troubles. FISH 300 CIRCULAR LETTERS. FORMS, ETC., i meets—.— at- Foresters------. .’ -Hall Broad------Street, * For Free Sample Each by Mail ad­ $1. 32 Board 08 Trade Building Phone », Section 24. ably more thin the objectives allotted DEEP BAY—Full else lot, on good road, 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. V. F. Fuller dress poet-card: ^CbUcbtb, Dept. A, • K CHI’NORA NES, LTD.—Fish 5362. alO-47 ton, secretary. i the Matter ef Let 7 of Part ef Sub- to him In an attack." At the time of close to beach; $150 cash. Phone 765 or poultry, fruit and vegetables. djvlelon 19, Oak Bay Estate, Victoria the action which led to hie receiving Beaten, U. 8. A.” Sold everywhere. 4862R. jy|l-46 Broughton Street. Phone 242. CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS— REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Meets 4th Monday, 8 p m . 808 Yatee St District, Map 86BB. the decoration, thla officer held the POUR ACRES choice land. Victoria sub­ rank of Major and has since been pro urb#, equity $3,0()0; exchange for small MEATLESS DAYS, Wednesdays ____ R. L Cox, 520 Central Block. Phone 1888 Proof having been filed In my office ef Fridays. Wri glee worth for fresh fish. CAMERON INVESTMENT Sk Securities moted to a lieutenant-colonelcy. He bungalow, good locality, city. Box 616, 651 Johnson. Phone 661. Company—Fire, marine, automobile and DAUGHTERS OF* ENGLAND B. 8 the loee of the Certificate of Title to the Times' Jy23-46 life insurance New offices. Moody Lodge ITtmrose, 4th Thursday, A.O F. left Victoria In 1916 as a lance-corporal CENTRAI, FISH MARKET. 613 oh neon above mentioned land». No. 1691 F, in the ONE-THI1RD ACRE, Garden City, dry. J Block. Cor. Yates and Broad Bis. 47 Hall, S p.m. A. L. Harrison, secy., 912 In the 2nd G. M. R'a., and hls brilliant poultry business, until now the Indica­ Tel 3886 W T Miller. airfield. ______. name of Thomas Henry Slater, and bear­ cultivât.:ed, _. cheap. Owner, 548 Head St . DUNFORD’R, LTD.,' 1222 Government St. soldiery and powers of leadership have tions are fhat now there will be ft big­ Esquimau Jy23-46 FRUIT|8 AND VEGETABLES Insurance brokers and exchange spe­ I COLUMBIA LODGE, No. 2. f O. O. F., ing date the 28th day of August, 1911, I earned hie rapid promotion, in addi­ ger shortage of fresh eggs this year cialists. Tel. «542. meets Wednesdays. Odd Fellows' Hall hereby give notice of my Intention at the tion to the two decoration» which have WANTED—House, barns, etc., with about 1 A)W SIN CO . 2516 Douglas Street. expiration of one calendar month from than ever. A vegetable garden in the live acres erasing land and some gar­ B C. LAND A INVESTMENT AGENCY, |DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND B. S — the first publication hereof to taeue t been awarded in recognition of his ex­ summer and poultry in the winter is a den, anywhere about three-mile circle; FLORISTS 922 Government. Tel. 125______Princess Alexandre, 2nd Thursday, K said Thomas Henry Slater a fresh Certi­ ceptional gallantry. good rotation of production for the city will lease with option of purchase. of P. Hall. Mrs. F. Bridges, Sec., 977 ficate of Title In lieu of auch lost Certifi­ Newton. P, Q. Boa 272.______J7U-46 DAY A BOGGS, 629 Fort. Real estate. Witneeeed Ceremony. dweller, and now is the time to look CUT-'FLOWERS and floral designs, b Cowtchan. cate. Insurance and financial brokers. Tel 80. Any person having any Information An uncle of the young officer, the for a supply of well-matured pullels MR. RETURN SOLDIER—We have two ding and pot plants Wllkerson K. OF F^Far West Victoria Lodge. No. for winter laying. Late pullet# and old exceptionally good land locations. In­ Brown, 613 Fort .Street Phone 1061. GILLESPIE. HART A TODD. LTD.— 1. 2nd and 4th Thurw., K. of P. Hall. with reference to such lost Certificate of Rev. W. Andre Pearkes, rector of 8L vestigate. Call 12 to 2. 322 Savwkrd. Fire, auto, plate glass, bonds, accident, A O. H. Harding, K.R.S., 1006 Govern Title la requested to communicate with Alban's Church, Holborn. London, who hens will not produce profitable eggs, Return Soldiers’ Homestead, Colonisa­ FUNERAL DIRECTORS marine, burglary Insurance. 711 Fort the undersigned. was present at the lnx*estlture In the no matter what they are fed In the tion 4 Realty Co., Capt. A. E. Jones, Street. Phone 2940. Dated at the Land Registry Office, Vic­ Palace, has written an Interesting de­ egrly winter. Secy. +Jyl7-46 . C. FUNERAL CO. (Hayward s), LTD. SONS OF ENGLAND B S.—Pride of the toria, B. C., this third day or July, 1918. LEEMING BROS , LTD., 624 Fort St. Island Lodge, No. Ill, meets 2nd and scription if the ceremony to Mrs Faying Far Stone. 734 Broughton Motor or horse drawi Fire and life insurance. Rents collect­ J. C. GWYNN, FIVE-ACRE FARMS at SOOKE equipment as required. Embalmers. 4th Tuesday# In the A.O F Hall, Broad Registrar-General of Title». Pearkea. The letter says in part: RIVER, $100 per acra All good soil, ed Tel 748 Street. President, W. J. Cobbett. 3254 'Because ot the practice some deal­ T«*l 2235. “This, morning Fred and. I went to ers have of mixing In their poultry no rock, partly cleared, road and river Alder Street. Secretary.Secretary, A. E. Brind- Buckingham8h * Palace to see George get frontage, water laid on, electric light SANDS KVNKRAL FT FINISHING (5b. SCAVENGING hy, 1617 P« nbroke Street, CUy. food proportions of grit and shell, the and power and telephone available; LTD.. Hi; yu.dra SI Tel 330«. VICTORIA SCAVENGING CO., 1626 Gov­ | ORDER OF THE EASTERN STARr- TO BE BOLD brujr tenderICUUCI pursuant{MUBUttUl £!.■Klnr v <\*, ndgot Mt-F*|ckele ttt thefrom band8 the ofI>ord the suggestion has been offered that It be close to tourist hotki. mill, P. O.. THOMSON, FRANK L, 827 Pandora ernment Street Phone 662. Ashes and Vlctoria Chapter, No. 17, meets on 2nd declared Illegal to mix dead matter of school, main Books settlement, C. N. Ave. Fine funeral furnishing*. Gradu­ and 4th Mondays at 8 p m. In the K. of to an Order of the Supreme Court Chamberlain’» office entitling ue to ate of U. 8. College oi Embalming. garbage removed 47 this description with mixed poultry R- STATION and harbor. Govern­ P Hall, North Park St. Visiting mem- , « , __. . J., j good seats and about 9.30 I called for feed*,” said Mr. Elford. Asked as to ment has pmmlsed that C. N. R. will Office Tel. 493. Open day and night. SEWER AND CEMENT WORK bera cordially Invited 01 Britian Columbia, dated the I George at the Grosvenor Hotel, where be In operation as far as Rooks THIS whether he knew of any regulation by jORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR— he waa staying. We drove together to SUMMER, when this property 1s bound FURRIER 28th Day of June, ÀD., 1918. the Palace, where George went in, whlct- mixed food had to contain these, to double In value This Is positively BUTCHER, sewer and cement Queen City Chapter, No. 5. meets on Mr. Mfprd said as far as he knew there 2330 Lee Avenue. Phonee5285«,. 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 8 o'clock In The Official Liquidator of the Fernle whilst I Joined Fred In the Inner the cheapest acreage anywhere In the FOSTER, FRED Highest price for ra- was no regulation nor waa there likely Vicinity of Victoria. Delightful place rbr. 1216 Government St. Phone 1637 K of P. Hall, North Park St. Visiting Lumber Company, Limited, has been quadrangle of the Palace. There was SILKS AND CURIOS members cordially Invited. ___ ,a ra,sed dal» in front covered with an to be. In hls estimation, any law to for summer home, good fishing, shoot­ THE LKNZIE CO., Ull Broad Strac. authorised to offer for side by tender en make a man buy stone in his poultry ing. bathing and booting. Speculative Fur sets, fur coals and leather coats. NOVELTY BEADS AND TASSELS are bloc the property and «, of ,h. above value excellent. $100 per acre, terms J6-19-47 very popular Just now. We have a CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT 'came and we all stood—he and the tf desired. W. T. Williams, ears of full line In stock. Kwong Tai Y une, of oa:: bay. named Company a» a going concern, in officers at the salute, we bareheaded, “Nag" Paint Co.. Ltd.. 1202 Wharf St. GARDENING 1622 Government whilst the band played the National y hrll-46 (1) Free hold sawmill, equipped with Anthem. LANDSCAPE DESIGNER, all work LEE DYE A CO.. TlStVlrw Street blower system, electric lighting plant, fire T MAINLAND CAMP LOTS FOR SALE connection with gardens and estates appliances, etc., office buildings, resi­ First of all to be decorated came carried out In a thoroughly efficient SECOND-HAND DEALERS dences, bunk-houses, etc . situate about George. He .saluted and stood at at­ BUILDING ÎXVT. $150 cash; or what manner Professional advice given In Tax Sale Notice one mile from Fernle. British Columbia; tention before the King, looking a very offers? Browning Street. Sec 35. Map 4ot cultivation. W. H. West by. Phone LADIES, CALL—Mrs. Hunt, wardrobe equipped with top and bottom circular I fine soldier Indeed, all that the proud 1372, Block 2, Lot 13, near University 2763R. dealer, of Winnipeg and Calgary, Ui open buy and sell high-class A sale of lande for Dell Tu« ÎLm “w. and APtiS e8t mother and sister could wish. An NOW GOING STRONG and Shelhourwe. Box 76$, Times. Jy 17-45 will be held on WEDNE6DAiÀT" 8ERTEM mill, having a capacity of about 76,609 officer, Col Clive Wlrram I hoiiov* GENERAL .GARDENING—Small con gents’ and children’s clothing, evening | feet In 16 hours; the whole standing in 1,1ram’ \ ACCIDENT INSURANCE tracts a specialty. Fred Bennett. Straw and parly dreeses; special offer? for i BER IS, 191S. about one hundred acre» of land. ÜÎ off,c,aI _ ac^count of the berry Vale P. O Phone CoiquiU 18L gentlemen’s clothes We pay spot cash Persons desiring to avoid the costs and MERCHANTS’ CASUALTY CO., to any amount. Business done strictly j expenses of such sale must pay the De­ (2) Approximately 1.133 acres of free- -, * Thln^h*6xn" t*i,e Union Bank Bldg, Victoria. B.C. private Mrs. Hunt will call herself to | linquent Taut es (Taxes In arrear at hold land, and 9,956 acres held under 1 f-V. ... 1meV.TteA ,he KJng hunF the HAT WORKS any address, or call at 612 Johnson December 81, 1916). together with Inter­ licensee from the Government of British jtro*»,‘» on hls breast and stood chat- .arge Number of Boys Given AGENTS Street, second house up from Blsnsh- est to date of payment on or BEFORE Columbia, containing, according to a|llnflT tor a few moments, then shook LADIES’ STRAW HATS remodelled ard. Phone 4921..______Jy39-47 SEPTEMBER 4 next; AFTER WHICH orut.se by J D. I^cey A Company, over hands with him, and George saluted Outing on Howe Sound Each MABLE. 717 Johnson St. Agents for Panama# blocked, cleaned. Victoria DATE, and up to the time of sale, the ÜMIE...090 ___feet of_ merchantable_ timber, and left by the other steps«tens ofnf theth- kshutt implement#, plough parts, etc. Hat Factory, corner Fort and Broad NATHAN A LEVY, 1422 Government. full amount a* advertised will be collect­ classified as follows: Phone 1729. 47 Jewelry, musical and nautical instru­ ed, vis.: Delinquent Taxes, Subsequent Year; Camp Life ments, tools, etc. Tel. 5444. Taxe» In arrear. Interest and Costs and 1S% Douglas Fir. "I asked OeoYge what the King said 6% White Fir. to him. Hls Majesty enquired If he ANTIQUE DEALERS AMERICAN HAT WORKS READ THIS—Best price» given for I T^he Clerk. Collector or Asseeeor of the 10<* Red Cedar. ladies’ and gents’ cast-off clothing. was healed of his wound, how long it ANTIQUES at ye sign of ye Old Curl 625 Yates Street. Phone 2073 Corporation of the District of 50% Mountain Spruce. oeity Shoppe, 813 Fort Street. Furni­ ------Phone 2997, or call... 794 Yates Street. . are ready to receive notice from any 7% Tamarac. was before h^had It dressed, whether Probably the largest boys' outing ex - ture. picture#, old china and silver Our motto is promptness, it means sue LOUIS, Bug and waste metal merchant, I source of the Interests of_ those entitled 10% Lodge Foie Fine. he was returning to France and when. pedltion now under way In Canada la bought and sold. Phone Pepin, 5421. !S# We clean and block your old Into 467 7th Avé. East, Vancouver. 47 I to the benefit of the War Relief Act; any And also about: ' There were four V.C/o given, and the latest style. Wo do the best Panama ,500,060 Mining Frope. the Y. M. C. A. summer camp at El- victor.A JUNK aoeSçy ca-B«,7 ïTïSÏSÎ.Î&æ.rS; 40,000 Cedar Poles. after that many decoration* and orders BATHS work Try us and be sure We will —100 in all, I believe. Several people phlnatone, on Howe Sound. The camp call at your office for your hat and re in* sacks and rags best price# paid, a soldier, or other person entitled to the 700,000 Cedar Fence Pests. BATHS—Vapor and electric light, mas- turn It the same day. 47 ?ïf«erîLSuU;IUy to Phone im benefit of the said Act. 1» requested to All located within five or six miles of | Were knighted, amongst ------*••• — them Admiral grounds are situated on the west shore * and chiropody. Mrs. Barker, 1316 Wharf and 1406 Store St. #6-47 j communicate In writing with the Clerk. Fernle. B. C.. on the Crow's Neet Branch I „ KSr Keype* the man who sealed up of the sound at the foot pf Mt. Klphin- Phone 5525. * the Canadian Pacific Railway. | Zeebrugge and Ostend." 713 Vleiview Street| DIAMONDS, antiques,. old gold bought Assessor or Collector of the Corporation etone, about twenty-five miles from FURNITURE and sold. Mrs. Aarenson,Ai 1907 Govern- of the District of Oak Bay, whose t (3) Logging Railway and Equipment, BABY CARRIAGE SPECIALISTS ment 81., oppoaite Angus Campbell’s. Is Municipal Hall. Oak Bay. B. G Including: Vancouver. The property consists of a STEEL CRIB AND MATTRESS, new, By order of the CounelL JONES & CO-, T H., 753 Fort St. Tel $15, regular $18 50, high chair#, nursery BEST PRICES paid for gent»* cast-off (a) Approximately five miles ef two-acre athletic field and elk acre» Ing railway. Including branchessi DIME HEN’S PLACE 2006. All repairs executed. chairs, baby buggies; cheap, cash or clothing. Give roe a trial A. Landa, of wooded land. Snugly situated in a crediLQfR. II. Stewart Co., Ltd., 662 1409 Store Street. Phone 2997. and sidings, starting at a point BRASS FOUNDRY Yut<«P»treet. 47 • en the Elk River about r/2, miles grove of trees elands the Camp Bunga­ SODA WATER sbeve Fernle, B. C., and running low, which includes a dining hall, sixty VICTORIA BRASS AND IRON WORKS, IRON WORKS to the timber limits. by twenty feet, a large open fire place, iron and brass founders, machinist* and FOR FIRST-CLASS dry ginger ale. (b) One (1) Climax Geared, 36-ten IN FEEDING PEOPLE fully equipped kitchen and a wide pattern workers. J19-19-47 I. C IRON WORKS— Boilermakers and lemonade, ginger beer, cider, syphon House Prepertjr—Eotste^ef J. M. Burnet, Lace motive. (c) On# (1) Heleler Geared, 19-ton veranda. ywl hyaworkafa. Government and soda, etc , Crystal Spring Water Supply, ^he boys live in w-aterproof tents on BROKERS ‘rinces# Phones 2518 and 2829X #23-4 Phone 79, 1241 Richard sun Street, Vic­ Under instructions from the Executrix f toria. B. C. 47 of the above-named Estate, the under­ (d) 15 Russell Standard, No. $6, Leg­ board floors, à fleet of row boats and McTAVIHH BROS.. 1218 Government St HORSESHOER signed Solicitors call for tender» for the ging Caro. canoes also form part of the camp Custom Broker#, shipping and forward­ SEWER PIPE AND TILE MFCRft. (e) One (1) Aerial Bkldder, manufac­ Dominion Poultry Husbandman equipment, and the camp wharf is a ing agents. Tel. 2615. American Express MclxiNAI.Ji * Ntcol, 132 Pandora. Tel. U purchase of the house and lot at 460 King-- tured by Washington Iren Works. representative. P. O. Box 1524. ston Street, Victoria. B. C , more particu­ (f) One (1) Steam Leg Leader. port of call for the "Sound" steamers, WOOF! * TODD. 731 Johnson Street. C. POTTERY CO.. LTD.—City office, larly described as the West 20 ft. of Lot Here Illustrates hich bring fresh supplies and mall 220 Pemberton Building. Factor 917 and the Bast 29 fL of Lot 916, Victoria RlNf;T.E A WHITTAKER. - V-*on finrxnnea LEADING GRILLS mltifcm Poultry Husbandman, at thi o'clock the scheduled games and ath­ Phone 1793. Estimates free. JOHN GORDON BILLINGS, ESQ . Empress Hotel this morning. 8T JAMES HOTEL GRILL—Eventually, MANNING. K..-618 Trounce Alley 208-9 Central Bldg-. Victoria. B. C . ------Fernle, B, C. letics begin. CARPENTER AND JOBBINO—J: W ■why not now? On parta Français 47 Solicitors for the Executrix. Messrs. Taylor, Mayers, Stockton "There Is no class of live stock that Under competent leadership the boys Bolden, 1616 Cook St. Telephone 130S ATISFACTION In shoe repairing i Smith, will economize and convert waste food are engaged in baseball, volley ball or residence, 4488L. 47 LEGAL thur Hlhbs, 607 Yates, between Oovei Barristers and Solicitors, Into good food quite as well as poultry. other field and track events. From II ment and Broad Streets. MINERAL ACT. Rogers Building, Considering that Canada s backyard CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS BRADSHAW it STACPOOLB, barrl#ter#- Vancouver, B. C. to 12 a swimming period Is held under at-law, 201 Union Bank Building. SHOE REPAIRING promptly and neatly Ira Bronson, Esq., waste amounts to $60,000,000 annually careful supervision and Instruction. HAW’DEN, KIDD A CO.—Chartered Ac- done, reasonably priced H. White, Certificate ef improvements, and that It Is admitted that the nation LIFE INSURANCE 1311 Ulnnshard St., two doors from NOTICE. Col man Building, Dinner at 12.30, followed by a half countant#. Assignee», etc.. 421 and 42$ ____Seattle,__ _ Wash._ ■capable of maintaining its food supply Central Building, Victoria, B.C. Phone Telephone Office. Iren Prince Fraction- Mineral Claim. Chamberlain. Thomas, Kraemer l1» lhe one that will win this war, the hour rest period, after which the tents NORTH AMERICAN LIFE ASSURANCE situate hi the Victoria m\i * CO. (Home office, Toronto. Canada ) NORTH, SOUTH, BAHT OR WEST, our ------eleii or A Humphreys, | matter is worth considering. are made ready for inspection. The repairs are the best. West Electrical Renfrew Diet Where looated: Buga afternoons are free for the boys to CHIMNEY SWEEPING J. W. Hudson, Vancouver Island man­ Chamber of Commerce,^^ I "Prom experiments based on ordln- ager. 304-6-7 Sayward Block. 47 Shoe Shop, 636 View Street McCutrheon niiîir * wff' Bry Pr*-War conditions it has been spend aa desired. Some play tennis or CHIMNEYS CLEANED—Defective flue# go on a hike, others go fishing, canoe- SUN LIFE ASSURANCE CO. OF CAN­ 8EWINQ MACHINES Merchants’ Exchange Building, ' found that kitchen scrape fed to chlck- lng, j-tc. fixed, etc. Wm. Neal, 1918 Quadra 8t ADA—F. M. Kliner, city manager, B. C. Ran Francisco. U. 8 A resulted In a valuation In new laid Phone 1010. -Permanent Lean Building. J. R. Simp­ At five o'clock the afternoon swim MACHINER FOR RENT by week of Improvements, for the purpose of ob­ Mayers. Meyer. Austrian A Platt. Nfga of fifty cents per head for a fam- O’CONNELL, chimney sweep. Gutters son and C. F. Foxail, city agents 47 month. Singer Sewing Machine. 1214 Continental and takes place and at six o’clock the call Broad Street. 47 taining a Crown Grant of the above claim. Commercial Building. lly of six during the six winter months. for supper is given. Group games, cleaned. Phone 1439. f21tf-47 And further take notice that action, Chicago, lu. 1 Another experiment showed that In LIVERY STABLES lasers. O) ’Brien, YoiYoung A Stone, then the camp fire on the beach, where under Section 85. muet be commenced be­ A Stone, families where table economy Was ex­ CHIROPRACTORS STENOGRAPHER fore the lesusnce ef such Certificate ef 626 Endlcote Building, the fellows hear stories, sing songs, BRAY’S STABLES, 736 Johnson Livery, ercised, the sera be furnished one-third ,mL»l‘2J™hl"'y«t ea, d Hu. a. D. IIU. 8t. Paul. Minn. boarding, haeks, express wagons, etc. MISS B EX HAM, public stenographer, of the feed required by the chickens on pop corn, toast marshmallows, etc., and 6454 R. Office, 392-3 Say ward Ml'-Sk ‘ Phone 182. 202 Central Building, Phone 2838. 47 all are ready to turn In before "Lights the ratio of two tiens for each member Out" at 10 p.m. CHILDREN'S OUTFITTERS (S. L. J. SEYMOUR, public steno- NOTICE. of the family, * LAUNDRIES .902 B. C. Permanent Loan NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF A Huge Settlement. NEW METHOD LAUNDRY. LTD., 1016- lullding. Phone 6468 47 Cats and Doge. CHILDREN'S and Ladles’ Outfitter# RESERVE. Meeting ef Game Conservation Beard. This camp, as far as numbers are Sea brook Young, corner 17 Nurth 1-ark L. D McLean. Eipert i, deputy official *** J“v*. nothlng against cats," said Broad and blunderers. Tel. 2300. A meeting of the Game Conservation 1 r*1"' *&,u concerned, was the largest In the Do­ Johnson Phone 4746. 47 grapher, Stobart - Pease Bldg NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board will be held In the office *f the *Jr- Alford, *but 1 must say that much minion last year, no less than 127 boy» 196. Res. 4403L Reserve on I«ots 4679 to 4699 Inclusive. MACARONI FACTORY Curator of the Provincial Museum, Par- |of the** scraps are now being fed to being under canvas. In these were In­ CHIROPODISTS Group 1, New Westminster District, In Itament Buildings, Victoria, B. C, on July 1 cal» and dogs, almost entirely non- sporting GOODS cluded fellows from all over the pro­ RADIANT HEAT BATHS, massage and LIBERTY BRAND Naples Macaroni, a I conformity with the No«l«e In The BHtleh y *nA d*y" following. Iproductive animals so far as the nation most economical and wholesome food Columbia Gasette of the 27th of Decem­ The Boanl------will be1 pleased to receive all lia concerned. We mlirht tn.t vince, for the fame of t he establish- chiropody. Mr R. H. Barker, from the JAMES GREEN, gunmsk«-r All kinds of concerned. We might Just ae well ment has spread abroad It Is believed National Hospital, London, 211 Jones Ask your grocer for It, or at 6*6 C»r- repairs and alterations. Make stocks to ber, 1907, le cancelled and that all of the sportsmen between the hours of 10 a. m. get down to business and do away with Building Phone 3446. morant. 47 said Lots, with the exception of Lot 4686. and 12 noon on 29th inst. that it has the very best equipment of tit the shoulder: bore barrels to Improve Any communications should be mailed a lot of these animals. the shooting. 1319 Government, upstairs. will be open to pre-emption by returned any similar Institution from Victoria CONTRACTORS MERCHANT TAILORS soldiers only, under the provisions of the before the above date to receive consider­ " licensee cale at to Halifax, and boys from everywhere Phone 17*4 47 ation. twenty-live cents each, but It ought to AH HOY—Fit guaranteed. 1601 Govt. 47 "Soldiers' Land Act:" applications there­ are eager to taste the Joys of the big ^AkCOUVER ISLAND PILE DRIVING TAXIDERMISTS. for to he submitted to the Government F. KERMODE, be higher, enought at any rate to CO. Wharf building, bridges, pilé HAM LOY. 1413 Government. Finest ma­ I Agent at Vancouver between the 14th and Secretary, Game Conservation Board. make people consider whether It 1» camp far from the noise of the city. foundations,- diving, etc. 7Q7 B;C. Per- terials; expert workmanship, first-class GAME HEADS, rug# a specialty. 121st days Inclusive of August, till. This year there are a fbw local boys fit; trial solicited. 47 Victoria, B. C., July 16, ISIS. worth while to keen the animals. In manent Loan Bldg. e25-4S All classe# taxidermy. Wherry A Tow, I The allotment of the lands will be made Bruns Park 231 cat, have be»i killed off 629 Pandora. Phone 3931. on the 29th day of August, 1911, at the DYEING AND CLEANING NURSING Office of the Government Agent, at Van­ because they were killing squirrel* and couver, by drawing In a manner to be de­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS. chip munks. JUNE RECORD OF à.'C:J&TKAM DYE WORKS—The MRS. ESTES, 304 Tllllcum Phone ItllR TRUNK AND HARNESS MFGRS. termined by the Minister of Lands. Forms A Healthy Meal. dyeing and cleaning works In the Pro­ «7 NORRIS A SONS, 1329 flovernment St foMrftpplicatlori and further particulars Estate of Jehn Burtt Morgan, Deceased. vince. We call and deliver Geo. Mc­ Wholesale and retail dealers In suit may be obtained at the Government "One pet Angora cat waa actually STRIKES IN CANADA Cann, proprietor, 644 Fort St. Tel 7$. 47 plumbing and heating cases, bags and leather goods. Tel. 416. [Agent's Office, Vancouver, or at the De­ NOTICE Is hereby given that all ner- known to have killed thirty-two birds sonajhavlijoin'Bumwhïdiïd „°n VICTORIA DYE WORKS for service partment of I^ands, Victoria- TH-AOKKR * HOLT, «M 8|peed Avenue, TYPEWRITERS Should any of the shld Lots not be al­ Ottawa, July 17.—The I-abor Depart- and satisfaction. Main office and works. Plumbing and______heating. Telil. _2921291 ’ or about theth* 21thtint dayHoar oTNovember,â\i NnvdmHer 1917Î1*1? | destroyed was found 340 grasshoppers, 1120 View; Tel. 717. Branch office, 84^ lotted on the 29th of August, such Lots me* report» that the lose of time NOTICE—Ashton A Farrow, pîôipbênf EWRITERS—New and second-hand, are requested, on or before the 17th day nrtfifty-twoJ,*tw° "bugs,“Ç*’ three beetles,beetlr two' wasps Fort; Tel. 2946 J A. Gardiner, prop. 47 repairs, rentals; ribbon» for all ma­ [may be applied for by returned soldiers of August, 1918, to send to the under- land one spider. According to a Mani- owing to Industrial disputes In Canada For the convenience of customer# re­ l only and a Record thereof granted In during June waa less than In May and TOGO CLEANERS, 675 Yates Street. chines. United Typewriter Oo„ Ltd.,, slgned____ solicitors_____ ... forfor TheodoreTheodore_Hardlng Harding | itoba bulletin on birds, the annual loss siding In Oak Bay we have opened a 732 Fort Street, Victoria. Phone 4798. manner as the Minister of Lands Phone 4136. Suits called for and dellv- branch situate at 2296 4>ak Bay Avenue: Morgan, Administrator of the Estate of through Insects In Canada Is $125,000 - touch less than In June, H17. There «Téd______«7 the said deceased, full particulars of their were In existence during the month opposite Oak Bay Municipal I&JJ. 47 TRANSFERS O. R. NADBN. claims against the estate of the said de­ ooo. My point of course is that chickens ng. tailoring Deputy Minister of Lands. ceased, after which last mentioned date willI pro'produce1------for the nation-...... by turning twenty-eight strikes, affecting 11 166 and repairing. Phone 2794. DO NOT let the so-called "handy man" ESTES, Gorge transfer. Res Phone 5016R. create expense. Call a competent Department of Lands, the said administrator will proceed to dis­ what la very often waste Into good food working person* and Involving a toes ' 47 tribute the assets qf the deceased among and that a great deal of this waste Is CLEANING AND PRESSING plumber. Allan Macdonald, 1369 Ksqul- Victoria, B. C . June 1L 691$. workln* daT*. a» compared mait Road Phone $681. 47 the parties entitled thereto, having regard flow going to cats and dogs. Not only With thirty-seven strikes, HSS1 per- TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. only to the claims orwbtch he then shall LOCK HIN—Suits cleaned and pressed HAYWARD A DODS. LTD, 927 Fort. Would the elimination of cats and dogs «ona and NM.Ml working day» In May 1621 Store St. 47 ALL KINDH of typewriters repaired, ad­ NOTICE. have notice. help to Increase food production, but It Plumbing and heating^ Tel. 1854 le the Matter ef the Estate ef Celine Dated the l«th day of July. 191$. and twenty-seven strikes, 16,41» per­ justed, bought, sold, exchanged. Some would do away with one of the greatest sona and working «fay» in CURIOS VICTORIA PLUMBING CO., 1052 Pan- snaps in useduse machines.u Phone 8929. Mmn^ Late ef City ef Vleterla, De- PRINGLE A WHITTAKER, qnemiee we have to bird life. dora Street.. Phones 3462 and 14601* 746 Yates 8t. 47 June. 1»17. - * 6EAVILLE, JOltN T., 718 Fort Curios, NOTICE la hereby riven Jthat all per­ 261-9 Central Building, Victoria, B. C, Amounts to Millions. HASENFRATZ. x. E., succeesor to furniture and books. Tel. 1717.______VACUUM CLEANERS sons Indebted to the above Estate are re­ Solicitors for the Administrator. "I have estimated that If Canadian DENTléfs Cookson Plumbing Co., 1945 Yatee 8t. quested to pay the amount of their In­ DUVAL EXECUTED AT Phones 874 and 4517X. HAVE THE AUTO VACUUM for your debtedness forthwith to the undersigned, cltiee. not- counting the towns, would f" PHASER, DR. W. F., 691-2 Stobart-Pease J. NOTT CO., LTD., 678 Yates carets. Satisfaction assured. Phone and all pereonr having claims against the turn their table scraps into new laid Plumbing and heating. ------■aid Estate are requested to send particu­ Plan I» Be C« •lied.—An applica­ egge It would mean an increased return PARIS YESTERDAY Block. Phone 4294. Office hours, 9.S0 lars of their daims, duly certified, to the tlon for the caneellattion of a sub-div- a.m. to 6 p m. to Canada of between twelve and fif­ ames Ri WHOLESALE IMPORTERS undersigned, on or before the 29th day ef Selon plan on behalf of Robert Scott, teen millions of dollars. 3771.... Rang.es connected, July. 1918. Parte. July 17—M. Duval director HALL. ML LEWIS, dental surgeon. In the Mount Tolmie District, was ap­ “One thing that strikes me 1» the Jewel Block, cor. Yates and Douglas CALORIC F1RELE88 COOKERS—.Saves Dated this 29th day of June, llll. of the Germanophile newspaper Bonnet Streets. Victoria. B. C. Telephone»: fuel, time, food and money. Seen at TATE# A JAY, proved by the Saanich Council last scarcity hère of good laying and breed­ Rouge, waa executed here yesterday BHERBT, ANDREW, 1114 Blanshard. Direct Supply Association, Fort and evening. Certain road allowances were . Office, 567; Residence, 122. Plumbing and heating supplies. Tel. 629. Solicitors for the Executors, ing stock, the high price of grain ap­ for treasonable action* against the Langley Streets. Phone 412* 47 <16-7 Central SuiMlng. Victoria, B. a parently having forced many out of the Government. "1 '4 12 VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1918

'K mi PIG TIN ZING HOLD P* TO TODS NOT op ATTACK VICTORY LOAN BONDS SHEET LEAD SOLDER THB PMCE HAS ALREADY BOBBJ “ ; Countered Successfully South ANTIMONY BABBITT Any information yon may want given by of Marne Without Rest BURDICK BROS. & BRETT, Limited COAL French Advised . STOCK AND BOND BROKERS The Canada Metal Company, Ltd. AT CURRENT PRICES 1428 Granville St., Vancouver. Phone Sey. 1920. Telephones 3724^726 820 Broughton Street Parla, July IT.—"We regret being ———— i i ii in pa mn irni—hn it tallaw, uis counsels of our masters, the French, but the American.flag has been forced to retire. This is unendurable and HALL & WALKER none of onr soldiers would understand SAILING SHIP SUNK FURIOUS FIGHT AT Distributor* Canadian Collieries (Dunsmuir), Ltd. their not being asked to do whatever is nectary to re-establish a situation 1232 Government 8t. Phone 83 which is humiliating to us and unAv ceptable to our country’s honor. We OFF NEWFOUNDLAND DOURDONNERIE EARN are going to counter-attack." This was a message sent by an American general in command of American forces south of the Marne on Monday afternoon after the Ger­ Battle Continues South of FIRES DUE TO LACK mans had succeeded in forcing the Boat Caught Norwegian TO-DAY’S TRADING IN Americans liack towards Conde-en-1 Marne; Locpl Attacks NEW YORK STOCKS Hrey. The French commander in­ Craft Which Sailed From WINNIPEG MARKET formed the American general that the States June 22 by Enemy SAIDS rinstsu-, OF CARE, SAYS CHIEF early German success could not have Winnipeg, May 17.—To-day's cash mar­ any great effect on the fate of twttlrç ket was dull, there being no demand for WERE DULL TODAY •fc* that it w»s understood perfectly that oat*, barley or flax. Oats closed % cent Lire need Embalmers and 1Funeral after hard fighting the Americans had An Atlantic Port of the U, 8.. July 17 higher for July and 4 cent higher for Direct or* Competent lady la at­ Oil the French front in France, July October. Flax closed 3 cents lower for tendance. Authorised Naval and slowly retired and that it was not ex­ —Word reached here to-day that the 17.—(Noon).—This morning’s fighting Military Contractor*. Every Fire Could Be Prevented pected that they should immediately July and «4 cents lower for October. Norwegian sailing ship Marosa. 1882 on the active front of the German Oats— Open High. Low. Close. Phene 3306. 1t1> Quadra »t. launch a counter-attack. He added tons, loaded with coal, was sunk by a drive was marked by purely local at­ Market Was Inclined to Rest Why Canada is Most Waste­ that a counter-attack could be post - July 91H 92(4 964 91 German submarine and that the crew tacks, which, however, were very fierce Oct...... 844 854 844 844 ful Country in This Regard I toned without risk and that it might be was landed safely at Vanw>. N. 8.. yee- in character The Germans had sent Flax— Following Yesterday’s I tetter to give the American troops an a heavy column against the Bour- July ...... 433 «3.1 4264 433 hour’s rest. donnerle farm, in the vicinity of St. Ofct ...... 432 432 425 429 Sharp Advance immediately afterwards the Ameri­ Accordlng to the message the ship as toriH-doed about fifty de Agnan, south of the Marne, which had Cash prices: Oats—2 C. W . 924: 3 C. can general sent the alsrve message, been recaptured by Franco-American "ThePe is no fire that could not have grees north and fifty degrees W . 89; extra 1 feed. 89; 1 feed. 86; which is quoted by the correspondent west, off the coast of Newfoundland. forces, and succeeded in reoccupying feed. 83 been prevented," said Chief Davis this of Tue Matin at the front. The Amer­ 4 By Bord Irk Bros. A Brett. Lt(M The Marosa sailed from this port on It after a furious battle. The fighting Barley—3 C W.. 130: 4 C. WV. 130; r. morning while discussing a recent re­ icans launched their counter-attack is still continuing at this hour. Jected. 126; feed. 125 New Turk. July 17 —There was no par­ port of the Commission on Conserva and the lost ground was soon recov­ Farther eastward along the southern Flax—1 N. W. C., 433 4 ; 2 C. W , 430. ticular pressure on stocks here to-day. ered, with an additional half rrfile bank of the Marne the Germans at­ lion wherein it is stated that Canada taken from the Germans for good New York, July 17—The Italian tacked and temporarily occupied Mon- but the market was inclined to sag on is the most wasteful nation on I he face measure. steamship Napoli. 9.921 tons gross, for­ voison until Frein h troops came back the dullness. The onfr activity of note of the earth with regard to fire loss CORN UNDER PRESSURE merly engaged in the Italian-American and ejected them. was In American Sumatra Tobacco, "I have no doubt that the statement of trade, was stink recently in a collision the Commission is true," continued the ON CHICAGO MARKET which was subject to violent fluctuations near Genoa, according to reports re­ With the American army In France, in both directions. The railroad com­ chief, “and there is no doubt that the ceived here to-day in marine circles. enormous loss each year in the Do­ RAILWAY UNIONS July 17.—(By the Associated Press.) — (By Burdick Bros A Brett. Ltd.) panies are putting out inquiries for large The Napoli was in the service of the The American troops co-operating with machinery orders All market factors, minion is due purely to carelessness Italian Government transporting arms Chicago. July 17.—Increased offerings It may sound a sweeping statement, the French at a point where counter­ however, have been put Into the back­ and supplies from the United States. attacks were carried out yesterday of corn brought considerable pressure on ground while war news is awaited. but 1 don't believe there is ever a fire The ship was built in 1898 at New­ that cannot he traced to neglect some READY TO STRIKE were attacked again this morning by the futures to-day Weather reports were High. Ix)W. Last. where." The only way to prevent t castle. Eng., and formerly was known the çnemy who, by reason of the na­ favorable. The oats gave a remarkable ÀII is-Chalmers. 34 continuance of this loss the chief as the Sannic. ture of the ground, was able to make exhibition of strength, working independ Am. Sugar Hfg thought is to establish fire prevention slight gains at some place* while at ently of corn The activity and strength Am. Can Ço.. com. bureaux all over the country and edu­ London, July 17.—Thirty-five Amer­ others the Americans again pushed of the cash market was responsible for Am. Car Foundry . Our Private Chapel cate the |>eople to a proper apprecia­ But Canadian Organizations icans. constituting the crew of the their way back. The lines here have the advance in‘the futures. Am. Ijocomotive ... tion of the ceaseless caution necessary. former Great UkfM steamship George been wavering back and forth for the Corn— Open High. Low. Close, Am. Smelt A Ref. . is at the service of thoee who . Mr. Davis referred to the relatively Held Back by American L. Eaton, have arrived in London. Their past twenty-four hours and the result iuiv . ir.ni. 1x1 1 it ir.au Am. T. A Tel...... entrust a funeral to u*. It la sma'V loss by fire in the countries of sel foundered at sea in _A„.9tprm. of the entire operation is Indefinite. Sept...... 160 1604 159% 160 ’ Am. Wool. com. ... equipped with everything necessary Europe, which condition, he declared, Federation of Labor They got away in the lifeboats, were In the region f of Vaux, west of Oats— Am. Steel Foundry . Anaconda Mining for services of any kind and will was due to the caution and care of th< rescued some time later by a warship (’bateau Thierry conditions to-day July ...... 754 764 75% 76% people there. "In France,*" he said. * lf and were brought to London. were normal. The Germans there were Sept...... 70S 71% 704 71% Agr. Chemical ...... amply accommodate the ordinary Atchison ...... funeral attendance. It 1s decorated a fire damages a neighbor's property Montrai.--July 17.—The fact that lying low after the two minor but % % % with taste and discretion and there the cost müst be paid by the person in they canhot look for support from the nevertheless important defeats they Atlantic Gulf ...... NEW YORK CURS MARKET. Baldwin Loco...... is no charge for its use. whose house the conflagration started, other railway unions is not the sole had suffered there in two consecutive Baltimore A . "of course we must remember,” he re­ reason that the *hopmen have been WANTS FREE HAND (By Burdick Bros. * Br.ll, Ltd ) holding back so far. ’The other rail­ Bid. Asked. Bethlehem Steel B marked "that the houses in Europe Favored French. Butte Sup. Mining . Thomson Funeral Co. are In most cases built' of stone or way unions have never stood by the Ijondon. July 17.—(Via Reuters Ot Canada Copper ...... 1% 2 Brooklyn Transit .. brick, and that the roofs are tiled shopmen anyway." said one member of tawa Agency.)—A dispatch from Standard Silver Lead 4 4 Phone *M 07 Pandore Ava the committee to-day. Remember Canadian Pacific ... This helps in a great measure to cut FOR PENSIONS HOARD French headquarters dated last even Aetna Explosives 1.. . 12 124 Central Leather .... Motor Hearse and Equipment down fire Iomm.” tiut he does not be­ what happened in Winnipeg in 1908." United Motors 32% 32% Connections Vancouver and ing says: Crucible Steel ...... lieve that there is justification for the There Is another and more vital rea­ "The general attack was not renew­ Mid West Refining . in 115 Winnipeg. son for the delay, according to outside Chesapeake A Ohio .ft* chimney fires which often burn roofs ed to-day. Operations of a local char Tuolumne Cop|*er . . 1 14 Chic.. Mil. A St P. 85 ‘it* here, for they result either from neg- dispatches, although no labor man here acter. with the balance of success with New Cornelia ...... 18 184 Chic., R 1. A Pac. . leet in cleaning the flues, or the using would admit the fact to-day. That is Chairman Ross, Now in Van­ the French, took place. Big Ledge Mining ... 1 14 Colo Fuel A Iron . t of unsuitable fuel. Fires In ware­ that the American Federation of Labor “It is expected that the stabilisation Houston Oil ...... 72 76 Chino Copper ...... houses and factories to# are often due has taken a hand and brought the couver, Wishes to Appoint of the line will be reached in a few Merritt Oil ...... 25 254 Cal. Petroleum .... to sawdust and other material which strongest pressure to bear upon the days. Chevrolet Motors . .. 128 132 Chile Copper Is allowed to collect with a conse­ federated trades in order to keep them Assistants "To-day’s operations were shown by Curt|as Aeroplane ... 38 40 A QUANTITY OF OLD from striking Corn Products ...... quence that Instantaneous combustion the position in which various German Submarine Boat ...... 16 17 Distiller* See...... occurs. All fires could lie prevented, To-day It was stated unofficially that commanders found themselves after U. S Steamships .... 5% 6 Erie ...... PAPERS FOR SALE says Mr. Davis, if people would only the membership of railway shop union» yesterday’s failure. In this regard the Wright -Martin Aero 104 104 Do.. 1st pref...... exercise discretion. in all parts of the Dominion are en­ Vancouver, July 17.—Commander J. battle differs entirely from the second Cosden Oil ...... 64 64 Gen. Klectrv ...... Circulation Department Fir* Prevention Bureau. deavoring to force the hands of the K. Ross, chairman of the Pensions day of the March and May offensives, Northwest Oil ...... 56 6-) Goodrich o.. pref...... whole situation can he studied out and buildings in Victoria are looked over by % % % Kennecott Copper .. a plan of campaign agreed upon. It is tender his resignation as a protest. DIED. the fire authorities about «five or six NEW YORK BOND MARKET. Kan. City Southern . stated that Winnipeg is the most radi­ When Commander Ross took over times a year If any rubbish or com­ Lack, Steel...... GUI RULE—On July 14. 1918. at 8t cal point -in -the count ryi and there 1» the work of the Pensions Board origin (By Burdick Bros. A Brett. Ltd.) Joseph's HotipTraî. Henry orttotslw. a bustible material T# neglected it may ally he was given füH aültiôHtÿ In the Midvale Steel ...... a desire on the part of Winnipeg mem­ FOOD TO THE ALLIES Bid. Asked Mex. Petroleum ...... native of Camberwell. London. Eng­ lead to magisterial proceedings As a selection of his assistants and the for­ land. aged 88 years. bership to strike for the demands. The Miami Copper ...... result of these, vigorous measures, the mation of his general staff. He sent Anglo-Fr 5 ...... 924 92% The remains will repose at the B C fire losses here, have been cut down big shops in Montreal also are strain U. K 5. 1918 ...... 994 M issouri Pacific Ing at the leash. his private secretary through the 994 National I .end ...... Funeral Chapel until Wednesday, morning sixty-seven per cent. If the same meas­ country in an organizing effort, ap V. K 54. 1919 .J...... 974 98 when they will he conveyed to the resi­ ures were adopted In other cities, thinks U. K 54. sec cnv. .. 99 994 N Y.. N. H. A Hart. pointments lielng given to returned Director of Food Production New York Central .. dence. 1326 Pandora Avenue, from where .the ' lilt-f an ritual-TT"* ul lire I’tiK 64. 1931 944 95 funvrvil will' i.■ alæe-4^edæaday Tosses could be prevented. WOMEN’S WORK AT THE sohliers and Ums dependent#, W.ith Western . afternoon at 4 15 p. m Interment in Rofcs the passage of the Civil Service Act. Giveâ' Fifiwes at Saska- 874" 874 Moreover," said the Chief, "the chll- 180 North-rn Pacific .. .ITS CANTEENS IN Fr. Govt. 5 ...... 146 194 dTen of the country should bF*vducated Pan* 1 ■...Tr.7r.:.T.~Tsl------91 Cons Copper . 26lV 19% Board must come within the adbilnis toon fair ------. 44 CAMLIN—On July If. 1918. at St Joseph’s along these tines so that fire lose ran In­ Fr Cities 6 ...... 92 94 R. R . 434 «34 Hospital. Joseph Camlin. a native of cut down to a minimum." This tnove- Canteen work In France, emergency tration of the Civil Service Act. Russ. Govt 64. 1921 43 Pressed Steel Car . 66 65 65 48 88 ___«jUllUnJty. !►'»'*h, Ireland, aged St years. l*elieyea could Jxe inaugurated ygfljjs -RXtr, UuereV cajxuw This situation does not nafll the ap . »IS The fwierat- wW take iilace from the ft all over the country abd in every little with it something more than the privil­ •m*at of Commander Ross, who in­ Dom. Can. 5: 19*9 . . .97 fly. Steel Spring .... 60 '.««i r.'<4 C Funeral Chapel on Thursday. July II. Saskatoon, July 17.—In opening the 97% 24% 24% town with Vast l»enef1t to the nation. ege of wearing a becoming uniform sists that the Pensions Board should Dom. Can 5. 1921 . . 94 97 Ray Cone Mining .. .244 at 3.15 p m . the Rev Dr Campbell offi­ and having one’s picture in the Sunday be In a position to obtain its own ad­ Saskatoon Fair this morning. Hon. C. Republic Steel ...... 92 91 914 ciating Interment Roms Bay Cemetery. A. Dunning. Dominion Director of Food [Him. Can. 5. 1931 . . . 90 924 supplements. The following account ministrative help Dom Can. 6. 1926 .. . 91 Southern Pacific .... 834 83 «34 of just one night in the Women’s Production, made public some striking 93 WATTERSON—On the 17th Inst . at 1214 If the war should continue for two Argentine Govt- 6 ■. • 96% ...... 97% Southern Ry.. com. . .234 234 21% ' Richardson Street. Kfizabeth Walter- Emergency Canteen at the Gere da son. beloved wife of THvvid Watterson. Obi .Uftr"T .r.COXO Nord will convince any one thàt the be paying out in pensions an amount Dom. Can. ’6, 1937 . . Studebaker Corpn 454 454 work makes a tremendous demand on As a basis he took the average pro­ . 904 93 equal to one-half of her entire revenue Fr Republic 54 • . 97% The Texas Company 1494 1494 1494 Funeral from the above ' residence on physical strength, resourcefulness and for the year before the war. At the duction^ of foodstuffs during the three 984 Union Pacific .1214 121% 121% Friday. July 19. at 2.36. Rev. Arthur deB Yesterday morning at 10.20 the fun ------%■ % %— sympathy. ” ~ _ end of June of the present, year there years preceding the war. fills average Utah Copper ...... 81 804 not* 1 Owen officiating Interment Roms Bay era I took place of the late John San­ lie compared with the production lit the NEW YORK COTTON. Cemetery. "When the refugees began to arrive,' were 38,000 pensioners In Canada, re­ IT. 8. Ind Alcohol .. .123 123 123 derson. the Rev. A. deB. Owen con­ 99 SO 574. 581. 616. 616. 653. 662. 705. 83. 790. “It is true." he said, that in certain Do., 4s ...... 93 94 93.94 93.94 3972, 3011. 3050. 3813. 3950 France with the overseas forces for undertaken to carry off the people to Queen Charlotte Islands, for the North other shelters, yet there are hundreds area* of this Province the farmers are some months, and since his return had Pacific and Kerr A Munn Companies, up against very considerable difficul­ The Hague, July IT.—A Dutch white been employed as steam engineer at and hundreds every night who arrive MONTREAL STOCKS. tired and hungry, discouraged and and since April, when the operations ties in their work of increasing produc­ book, containing correspondence re; a logging camp on the Jordan Rijrer. He tion owing to the lack of moisture. I gardtnr the convoy to the East Indies, (By Burdick Bros. A Brett Ltd.) Is survived by one brother, who arrived homeless; babies, little children droop­ started,•aeroplane spruce to an amount ing for want of sleep like flower.9 for feel sure, however, that the same in­ has Just been published and reveals High. Low Last in the city this morning.from Britannia, of more than 12,000,000 feet haa been domitable spirit which has placed Sas­ that the convoy actually sailed with Howe Sound. The funeral will take want of water, old mt»n and women, felled and bucked. Of this quantity Ames Holden 33 Ai girls, boys and so many pet animals katchewan agriculture in its present German dyestuffs, to which Great •04 A place from the B. C. Funeral < ’hapel at two rafts, one with 600,000 feet, and proud position will enable the present Britain objected, and it was recalled. 3.15 to-morrow afternoon. Interment at They ajl have to be fed and it. is not the other with 800.000 feet of No. 1 Bell Telephone ...... 136 A always easy td get food In these da vs difficulties to be overcome. The Cana­ When Holland saw that if the dye­ Brasilian Traction .. 34 34 .34 Ross Bay cemetery. and No. 2 spruce logs, have been sent dian soldier in France has a right to stuffs remained aboard the convoy of bread rations to say nothing of the to the mille, while last week there were Can. Cement, com. . 604 B money it takes to keep things going expect that the Canadian farmer will would be stopped by British wahehlps ommercial The death occurred at an early hour two more rafts waiting for tugs, each 98 91 92 when eggs, butter and milk are so ex­ meet his difficulties and handicaps in with the Inevitable result that the 344B Illustrating this morning of Elisabeth VVatterson, of which contained about 1,000,000 feet the same spirit as the soldier himself C%n. Car Fdy . com.. pensive. commander of ,the convoy would offer Do., pref...... 34% II aged forty-six years, beloved wife of of lumber. The Government scaler must meet his. and further, the soldier Extra workers, too. are not easily armed resistance, the Dutch Govern­ Can. 8. 8.. com...... 414 A David Watterson, of 1224. Richardson found. Just now, for the call is great recently scaled one tree which had on the battlefield haa the right to ex­ ment resolved to discharge this por­ Street. The late Mrs. Watterson was three logs in It with a total of 4H.000 Do., pref...... « 764 764 764 on all service; but somehow it is man­ pect that the farmer who loses his crop tion of the cargo. Can. locomotive JL a native of Ireland, and had been a aged and British and American men feet of No. 1 spruce. The Smallest log by drought shall not render impossible MAKCR90F resident of Victoria for the past four in this tree was eighty inches at the Can Gen. Elec...... and women, not all in their llrst youth the sowing of that land in 1118." Civic Inv. A Ind. .... 111639-CLASS years, prior to that residing in Winni­ by any means, have given what help top end, while tfte butt of the largest COST OF LIVING DESIGNS peg. She is survived by her husband, Cons. M AS...... they could and have turned their hands log measured eleven feet four inches. Dora. Bridge...... ENGRAVINGS three brothers, who reside respectively to anything—washing dishes, scrub­ There are at present seven camps BRITISH SHIPS AID CONTINUES TO RISE bing floors, carrying baggage and ba­ Dom. I'. A 8. in Ireland. Australia, and Africa. Also along the inlet, all under one manage­ Dom. Textile ...... niusntAnons five sisters. Mrs. Sanderlands, now bies. serving hot coffee and food, and ment. They are well equipped, and IN MOVEMENT OF IN THIS COUNTRY Lake of Woods Mlg.. CATALOG WOW visiting in Victoria from Peru, Mrs. above all, keeping up a spirit of hope­ shortly will be close to a Government A9PCCIAUY fulness and cheerfulness to help the " Co...... Oeogrv Grant, of 1165 Oxford Street, wireless station. The beomlng ground THE AMERICAN ARMY Ottawa. July 17.—A continuance of Maple Leaf Milling.. and Mrs. Clark, of Vancouver Street, unhappy people over the discourage­ holds 11,000,000 feet of logs, leaving ment of a second evacuation of their the upward tendency of the coat of liv­ Ma< kay Co...... 75 76 also two sisters in Ireland. The funeral plenty of room for the crews. z-- London, July 17.—Of the 627,929 Amer­ ing is shown in the Labor Department’s N. 8. Steel, com. ... 66 66 has been arranged to take place from the family residence on Friday at 2.10, "It was noticeable among the ma­ ican troops brought to Europe in the report on food prices for the month of Do., prêt...... jority that they all believed the Ger­ LATIN AT THE FARM. months of April. May and June, 360,9 I June. The average èost of a family Ogilvie Milling Co. . Rev. A. de B. Owen officiating. In­ man advance would; be stopped by our were carried in British ships, accord­ budget of staple foods in some sixty terment will be in Ross Bay Ceme­ men and we were glad they had kept "Semper fldelia," announced the hobo. ing to a statement made in the House cities in the middle of June was $12.77, Penmans. Ltd...... 76 76 tery. Arrangements are In the hands faith in the steadfast courage of our ’Dat’s me." of Commons to-day by Si- Leo Money, as against. $12.66 for May. $11.89 for Quebec Railway .... 194 194 of the Thomson Funeral Company. magnificent soldier*—we. whose hearts "Sic semper," chirped the head of Parliamentary Secretary to the Minis­ June. 1917, and $7.36 for June. 1914. In Riordon* Pgper ...... were beating iflth theirs in this hour the house, and the bulldog promptly try of Shipping. He added: “Arrange­ prices the advance in meat. coal. wood, Hhawlnlgan ...... 1104 1164 AID TO CAUTION. of Utmost trial. ,* responded.—Louisville Courier-Journal. ments are being made whereby we hop# coal oil and eggs continued, but there Spanish River Pulp. "Surely if friendship is ever sealed to carry larger numbers in the future.” were declines In butter, nrfllk and pota­ The Driver—Yes, I married mg. old between France and England this great EXPLAINED AT LAST. Steel of Can...... 644 girl through sympathy, like. Yer see, I fight should ileal it for the soil of SAIL FOR CANADA. in wholesale prices the departmental Do., pref ...... 934 VlCTOfttATlMES knocked 'er down wiv me old taxi. France is being fought for. inch by Bessie—Wonder why they always index number was up to 280.6, as com­ Toronto Railway ...... The Misogynist—They ought to make inch, by BritQih men; their blood will have a best man? Ottawa. July 17.—Word has been re­ pared with 375.8 in May. The chief in­ Winnipeg Elec...... 48 that compulsory. There wouldn't be have paid deàrly for its freedom and Tommy—That’s ’cause If the groom ceived here that Hon. A. Meighen, Hon. crease for the month was In fruit and Dom. War Loan (did) 964 many blinkin’ accidents then.— to thousands of British men and women hacks out, there’ll be someone to take J. A. Calder and Senator Smeaton vegetables and in fuel, the last due to Do. 1931 ..tty...... 96 ft will, be holy ground forever." place.—San Francisco Chronicle White have sailed for Canada a rise in the price of matches Do. 1917 ...... 93% —L. 'VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, WETMQTODAY, JT7CY17, 1918 13 T AUSTRALIAN PRESSMEN “HITTING THE Bill Dry Cord wood UNABLE TO SECURE HARD ON THE HEAD” Owin^ to present conditions we strongly advise everyone to AUSTRALIAN SHIPS koy their winter supply now. PASSAGE BY NIAGARA Shipbuilding Experts Repre­ Director-General Schwab Say? Mackay & Gillespie Ltd. senting Australian Govern­ Pacific Coast Yards Will 738 Fort Street ment Arrive From Sydney J. M. Myers, of Sydney Mfrror, Run to Capacity Phones 148 621 Reached Here To-day and

Messrs. John Rrod le and A. V. Mac- Will Join Party in States S**<|*. July 17.—Dlwtor-Cl.ntral SEIZED VESSEL IS Ntcol. who are prominently identified Schwabs Initial étalement here , with the Australian Government’s ship­ that the shipping hoard Intended to RESTORED TO OWNER Ml PORTUGUESE building pr:-gramme, were passenger* The Australien Press Delegation keep all shipyard, an the PaelSc coeat by the Canadian-Australasian liner Ni­ which was scheduled to arrive In the busy up to Uieir full capacity as long m America need* the ships. "The whole BY AMERICAN JUDGE agara from Sydney. Mr. Brodte is » liner Niagara eo route to the United Pacific coqst." he said, "is leading the WERE LANDED HERE member of the ClAnmonwealth Shipping Kingdom failed te make connections world in shipbuilding. They are hit­ Telegraphic reports from Los An­ Board. He was particularly reticent with the Canadian-Australian liner ting the ball hard on the head.*’ Shortly after hie arrival Mr. Schwab geles state that the gasoline schooner when questioned regarding the pro­ owing to the excessive demand for pas posals of the Australian Government in subscribed for 92.909 worth of tickets Alexander Agassis, captured by Ameri­ senger accommodation, and conse­ to the Seattle Girls’ Victory Carnival THE LURE OF THE CANADIAN ROCKIES ’ connection with the construction of quently took passage from Sydney can war craft shortly after she sailed new tonnage, statin? that while he was for himself and Mrs Schwab. Last Former Plantation Workers, aboard the liner Ventura to San Fran­ night in the parade opening the canal- from Mazatlan bound for the HVuth a member of the Shipping Board, his mission to Canada was of a private cisco. The change in the plans of the vai campaign 3,000 navy men, sixty Beas, i-io become, it was alleged, an With Families, Are armed yeomanettee and naval bends Summer Tourist character. delegation was announced following enemy raider, has been ordered re­ from the Puget Sound naval station Bound to States Mr. MacNlcol is a marine engineer of the arrival of the Niagara to-day by and naval training station here marched Excursions stored to her owner, Miss Maud A. considerable repute in Australasia and beforo the shipping official;». Hear-Ad­ ia the man who organized the scheme J. M. Myers, representative of The Lochrane. Judge It F. Bledsoe, of the Sydney Times Company, which con orai R. K. Uoo-ntz, commandant of the 7 via the United States lAstrit t Court, in order­ which resulted in the placing of con Bremerton navy yard, and Clara Kim­ tracts with American shipyards on the trois the newspa|»ct*s Sydney Times. ing the restoration of the vessel, to the Seventeen days out from Auckland Mirror, Sunday Mirror. Referee. Arrow ball Young, movie actress, headed the Pacific coast for jvooden ships. column. Canadian Pacific Railway owner, Justified the seizure, but de­ the Canadian-Australasian Royal Mail «nects to Join the Edmonton . .$50.00 liner sailed from Sydney June 22, these vessels is now^due on berth at rest of the party before crossing the Diverse routings will be given on appllca- touching at Auckland, Suva and Mono Powell River to load i cargo of paper Atlantic. The Australian party taking ■ lion., w for the South Seas. lulu. At the Hawaiian port a party of passage on the liner Ventura comprised TO BE NON ESSENTIAL Tickets on sale until .September lO. Good 144 Portuguese boarded the steamship B. C. May Land Contracts. the following: J. O. Fairfax, proprietor for stop-over at any point enroute. of The Sydney Morning Herald: Ti W. for the United States. This is the larg It is reported that Australian inter­ Fine! Return Limit October SI, 1t1« ests have been in touch yvlth British Heany, editor of The Sydney Morning est party of Portuguese to arrive here Herald : G. Syme. proprietor of The Further particular from any C. P. R. Columbia |>eople with a view to placing Agent or from in many month* and particularly em­ wooden ship contracts in this province. Melbourne Argus; E. Mackintosh, also Remarkable Attitude Adopted phasises the general exodus of this Plans and specifications covering the representing The Melbourne Argus; ^ H. W. BROOie class of people from the Hawaiian lsl type of vessel required are said to be Sir William Eowden. of Thfe Adelaide by Allied Food G. P. A.. Vancouver,V B. C. ——— antis. Some year*? ago several ship expected to reach here at an early date Registrar; Campbell, managing editor loads of Portuguese laborers and their and In the event of a satisfactory agree­ of The Sydney Sun; H. W. Prior, of Commission families were landed at Honolulu to ment being reached as to cost and time The Sydney Bulletin; J. J. Knight, work on the sugar plantations By re­ of delivery, may lead to the placing of managing director of The Brisbane siding in American territory for Courier, and M. Slmmonds, editor large Australian order with British The Hpbart Mercury. Frank Anstey, period of years they became entitled to Columbia shipbuilder» for wooden ton American citizenship and as such they M. P., who is now in London, will rep A remarkable statement ia published are now demanding entrance into the resent The Med bourne Call. In The Vancouver Province, to show SETTLEMENT TO LAST United States. Many children were This Imperial newspaper mission, that 190.000 cases of British Columbia The Ualon Steamship Included In the party arriving here to­ representative of all Britain's Do min Minton are delayed in Vancouver by day. They were landed here and pro­ ions, stated Mr. Myers this morning, lack of ocean transportation. * Co., of B. C. Ltd. ceeded by the afternoon C. P. K. boat THIRD CONTINGENT to enable the representatives of the A leading owner. W. A. Ward, Is to Seattle. of the various Dominions per quoted as saying: "We have been told ATTY. GENERAL SAYS Came Ashore Here. sonally to see the war effoi t in Eng that when we have got our export per­ Sailing from Vancouver as under: 1. Franc# and along the bat tie fronts mit from the Allied Food Commission The following passengers disem­ The members of the various press del in New York we can contract for space; barked here from the Niagara: C. ARRIVES FROM FUI s«rU.rJ/^sxr..^T'™nc*Buptn égalions will also be brought in per Cook, Mrs. E. Cook. Miss E Cook the Commission tells us that when we R,;«r» Intot-Oeean Fella-Bella Cool* sonal contact with the men who are have got our space contracted for we Route Wednesdays, 11 p. m. Master C. Cook. L Scandrett, Mrs. E Mr, Farris Says Strike Situ­ guiding the destinies of the Empire. cap get our export permit. We could Prince Rupert-Nee* River-Anyo* Scandrett, Mrs-. J. Mercer. Mrs. A. is also probable that general matters Herrmann, Mrs N. McClellan. Miss get space on French vessels leaving ation Settled on Firmer Route Friday*. 11p.m. Van Tine, Miss M. Smith W. McGcn- Sergt. Thomas Horne, in of Imperial policy-. Imperial cable com­ New York, but for some reason or Reculer aalllns* to other B C. Pointe agle, Miss S. Meadowcroft, Mrs. M. Mc­ munication and Imperial news service other the French authorities in - Basis will be discussed at the Imperial Press Paris have not Issued any import per­ Daily ezcepCSunday to Powell River Carthy, Miss E McCarthy, Miss E C ha fee, Says Conscription mit for salmon." Perdue. Miss M. Spring. Miss J. Tuoie- Conference during the stay of the OBO. McGregor, a pent. bley, G. Gifford. E. de Sande, Mr. F. Planned in Islands colonial pressmen in England. Kfforts hare been made by the Brit­ No. 1 Belmont Bids. Telephone IMS Bohkoff, Mb.» K. Bobkoff, Mrs. J. Mil- ish Columbia packers and cannera dur­ ing the past few weeks to secure space The Hon. J. W. deB. Farri», Acting ton. Miss J. Perkins, H. Knttdnen. Mrs Premier and Attorney-General, return­ C. Tower, H. Gray, Mrs. 11. Heilman, on grain vessels, but to no avail. It Miss M. Heilman. Master B. Heilman. SHIPPING INQUIRY has been stated by the Government ed to his office in the Parliament Build­ Boisterously happy and eager for that salmon is not an essential and ing* this morning from Vancouver, W. Kimball. Misa M. Cable, W Rogers, scrap with the Hun, a gallant little W. Green Mrs. C. llazeblgg, C. Bland. that all the available tonnage must where he has been in constant touch band comprising the Third Fijian con­ be used for grain. with the situation arising out of the mm —1»»■ w -tv Teeth Made Sound A. McBride, Mrs. E McBride, Mis» N tingent. reached here io-day on the The Allied Commission in New York McBride, L- F lade 1. A. White. Mrs. B. OPENS ON MONDAY action of the electrical workers on liner Niagara from (Suva. Well tanned has the control of the issue of export Saturday evening last. Mr. Farris has Webb, Mrs. E Byrd, Mrs. M. Herman R. F. Rithet A Co.. Ltd, Pmewnrer son. Mr. W. Webster. Mrs. M. Ferriera. by a tropical sun these European set licenses and now also of purchases for held many conferences with all parties at This Office will Mrs. C. Butler, R Rice, H. McDonnell. tiers of the far-off Island of FIJI looked export to Allied countries, but the 100,- to the disagreement, deliberations end Frelaht Anale lilt Wharf PL J. Monta, Mrs M. Monta, H. and J. in Ike pink of conditio* as they lined 000 cases of salmon lying here, to­ reaching into the small hours both on Monta. Mrw. L D. Lake Miss B. Heman. up on deck awaiting the command to gether with another 700,000 cases at Sunday ai*d Monday, while ep till the X X President Leaves Victoria Miss 1. Care. Mrs M. Holmes. Mrs. A. file down the gangway for the purp« se Speedy Adjustment of Dispute Seattle and other United States ports, time of taking the boat last night he Remain Sound Doyle, Miss <1. Howe, Mies 8. Brad­ of strelchtpg their legs ashore. They were all sold some time ago to various was ,kept busy. July 26, 5 p.m. greeted Canadian anil aoisily and the - Between Navigators and buyers in Allied countries, and held The Acting Premier state» that he shaw. K Guppy, Mrs. N. Guppy. Mas­ here indefinitely. Vancouver packers Rnt remember, ple*«‘, we ter R. Guppy, A. Wettach, D. Healey, uniformed patrol created a very favor­ . Owners Expected im reason to believe the settlement Far 8u rnnciieo, Lot Sift- F. Green and J. Rennie. able Impression as they paraded state that the approximate value of the arrived at between the men and the do not mean that once you Capt. Rolls reported a splendid voy­ through thoroughfares of the city dur­ salmon held here is $1.000,0. and the money could very well be applied company will be of a lasting nature le» ud San Diego Direct age from the Booth Seas. Fair weather ing the slay of the liner in port. since many contentious point» have have reeeived dental atten­ just now, with the new catch coming am was experienced throughout the run The contingent is under the command been adjusted on a much more sub­ . -*î^^Tn/yjS&rX-~-.yA tion at our hand» that you of Sergt. Thomas Horne, numbering Vancouver, July 17.—The Royal L ean in. until the liner was within three days of stantial basis than has been the case Fur particular* Phone No. a van look forward to a life­ the coast, when she bumped into some twenty-eight men aa follows: i>. mission appointed to inquire Into the It is stated that a gleam of daylight hitherto. heavy seas. Re!menecWilder, D. Wooley, J. Land, dispute between masters and mates and ipoers ahead in the fact that the •APETV—«PESO—COMPORT the shipowners will get down to busi­ United States Government has com­ J- D. McNiven, Deputy Minister of time of freedom from dental A full cargo of over 5.000 Ions was H. Willoughby, F Lean». K. Laborde. R. Labor, left the city yesterday for stowed away below decks, the prm< »|w*l Merrick# 8. Nlcol* E- Leembruggen. (1. ness by next Monday at the latest, and mandeered In advance sixty per cent, trouble. Dental work done will sit from then on, day and night if of this year’s pack on the American Matsqui in response to certain repre­ shipments being frozen mutton, tallow, Frederick, F. Plucknett. A. Logan, A. sentations made by the members of at this office is the next wool and hides. A large Himalayan necessary, in order to reach a speedy side for the use of the army and navy. East gate. P. Lord A. West, I». Stewart This being the case, it is considered the fair sex who are engaged in fruit bear which is destined for the United W. Tate. C. Ross, E. Hollands. J. Simp­ adjustment of the matters in dispute. thing to being permanent. There ie as yet no indication that that the British Columbia pack may be picking operation* in that section. It DAY STEAMER TO States was put ashore here. The Ni­ son. F, Tate. J. Nlckolt, J. McDonald, used to fill the Australian and New is claimed that unfair treatment is be­ It ia no akilfully prepared agara, after putting off a considerable the owners are inclined to recede from C. King, K. Hennings, N. McDonald and their positions, namely, that it the Zealand demand formerly filled from ing meted out to these fair toiler» and SEATTLE and put in place—no matter quantity of mail, left at 1.30 a. m. for Mr. McNiven’s particular ability to Vancouver. terms of the reference recognize the the American market. whether it is a crown, bridge, Compulsory Servie» New. t’anndian Merchant Service Guild as Whitehead, of the B. C. Packers’ pour oil on troubled waters will doubt­ THB work, filling or plate—that "This Is the third volunteer contin­ the men’s official organization the Association, stated that the impossi­ less see that any grievances .will get FULL INQUIRY PROMISED gent and it will probably be the last’ owners will decline to apjwar before bility of securing tonnage for the Pa­ S.S. "Sol Due” it is warranted to give many said Sergt. Home in a talk with The the commission. cific Coast from the Atlantic was un­ From Matsqui the Deputy Minister ’years o? lasting, satisfactory OAKLAND BOILERMAKERS Times representative. “It is likely to be It is hinted, however, that the com- doubtedly the cause of the tie-up which Will proceed to Sllverton in connection (lie last becHlis* TTY» njUtfi G ■ WHIP rntnciun will Tvn heATtAfe to àol. wemlstd to ex use cuMMTderable loss -ttr nrilh Ihe mining grrlei-aiu^ service.„ ment Is considering the passage of necessary, to the extent of compelling oral Interests. that locality. This unusually high-grade Oakland, Cal., July 17.—Work on conscription measure." According to attendance under the Public Inquiries aval ZiZJtitii ions of. ship can#traction, Sergt Home the totnt wfctt» popula­ Art. from which it* autfifirrty is ffe workmanship is not expen­ in shipyard» of this city, which was tion of the FIJI Islands is approximately rived NSPECT0R FOR PACIFIC NOISY DEMONSTRATION tied up for the two days past by a 3,500, and he estimates that about sive. Visit our surgery and strike of 3,500 boilermakers, was re­ HERRING FISHERIES TO STARTLED WATERFRONT let us estimate on your den­ t u d vi per rent, of this number FIRST STEEL SHIP sumed to-day when the men returned men of military age. In proportion to BE SHORTLY APPOINTED PUGET SOUND NAVIGATION CO. tal requirement*, and find Ut their place» up tit*. prvwto* tiuG her white population. Fiji has already Owing to the censorship regulation» done magnificently The fleet rontfn BUILT WITHOUT RIVETS it is impossible to explain the circum­ out how genuinely reasou- full hearing. gent %ave a splendid account of them­ Vancouver. July 17.- The appoint­ stances of the syrenic demonstration X ahle our charges are. - While voting yesterday to return to selves and was practically wl|»ed out LAUNCHED IN ENGLAND ment of a fully-qualified Inspector for in the outer habor this forenoon. work in order not to embarrass the of existence in the heavy fighting dur­ the herring fisheries .m the Pacific Screeching blasts from syrens afloat Lady Assistants Always ia government's shipbuilding programme, ing the earlier port of the war. Then London. July 17.—The first steel ship coast, with headquarters In Van­ and ashore effectually transmitted to the understanding was given that the second contingent came through. built without rivets, so far an known, couver, will be announced from Ot­ those afloat the well wishes of the Gulf Attendance another strike may be called unless In .slightly smaller numbers, these met has Just been launched on the south tawa in the very near future, accord- entire community. The din lasted for satisfactory results are forthcoming also being assigned to a British bat voa.it of England. The production of to a letter received by Secretary s«>nn miniitrs, and th« volume of sound by August 7. talion. this vessel, it is considered, may mark W. A, Blair, of the Board of Trade, was materially contributed to by a big Island r. Albert E. The boilermakers started their strike Sergt Home, who Is in rbarge of the an epoch in shipbuilding, the plates from O. J. Deebarats, Deputy Minister* llr.er In port. * Monday. They charged their employ third contingent, was formerly assistant being fused together by electric weld­ of Naval Services. ers with failing to fulfill the terms of manager for Dodwell A (V. at Van­ ing in one process. General adoption Until the federal parliament meets, UNMISTAKABLE. Tour the Wage scale set by the Macey couver. He was heartily welcomed at of this process, it is held, would ef­ however, it is pointed out by the De­ juetrm nt commission, calling for re­ the wharf by a large number of his old fect a saving of from twenty to twenty- puty Minister that the inspection will "Did you hear about the delicate hint troactive Increase in pay for -the Iron friand».------:______five per cent, in both time and n be optional with those engaged in the Mr. Staylate got last night?" working trades. ürlmL : ~~ 3------Industry. At the coming session It is “No; what was it?" Office in the Reynolds Bldg. FRATER1NAL ORGANIZER proposed to put through a bill making "Well. Edith found that looking at AVIATION OFFICER HERE. MALAHAT TO COMPLETE it compulsory, but it is stated the in­ the clock and other familiar devices Cor. Votes end Douglas Streets HERE FROM HAWAII spector will be on the Job long before were of no avail, so she ordered scone Phone «02 Lieut G L. Grey, an aviation officer, th* House sits. refreshments and her mother sent in a was a passenger reaching port to-day CARGO AT CHEMAINUS dish of breakfast food." on the liner Niagara from Austral*. After ap eightt months’ tour of the 6UNRI6E AND SUNSET. Philippine and Hawaiian Islands, G. W. The auxiliary schooner Jdalahat. Brown—"I’ve Just met a man who Gifford, organiser for the Loyal Order Capt. Morrison, has almost completed Time of sunrise and sunset (Pacific said I looked like you." of Moose, arrived hero to-day en route loading 700,080 feet of lumber at the standard time) at Victoria, B. C., for the Jones—“What blithering idiot was to (’Mongo, where he will attend th* Canadian-Puget Found Mills and Is month of July. i91S: It? I’ll knock him down!" L O. M. convention on August 5. expected to sail to-morrow for Che- Brown—"You needn’t trouble. I malnus to complete cargo. The Mala- Sunset knocked him down myself." TIDE TADLE. haf* total cargo will amount to over Hour Miq. Hour Min. AHD RETURN 1,600.000 feet of lumber and Is con­ July. signed to Iqulque, Chile. mmemiTIrneHtlTtmeHtfTImeHl fh.m. ft.fi». m. ft.fh. m. ft.fb, m. fl “Here’s the Very Thing!" 13.45 4 8 21 03 * 6 4 If I t 6 17 2 6 ütl.MTl ACIDS Ml STOMACH 6.1# 1.7 « 26 9 2 • 61 11 167 9.4 $ f .50 7.42 0.7 1.17 9.2 1.22 0 6 20 07 I 6 ACRES 0 22 ». 18 64 I All cultivated and in crop, i «8 * 19.00 7.» «04 76 BLUE RIBBON 1 54 fl io.it t 35 0,4 ich cases and may do real harm. Try July 30 Princess 43 3.3 10 00 6.9 12.40 6.11 M 17 yfty mM* fell digestive aids and instead July 11 SI 8.43 2.7 so i.s it from any druggist a few ounce» of The time Used is Pacific standard, for Kisurated Magnesia and take a teaspoon- The Observatory. Heights, 0* $8,500 to put so much in the teapot ful in a quarter glass of water right after the 120th' west. It is counted eating. /This sweetens the stomich. pre­ Victoria. B. C. See u« about -this at once. from 0 to 24 hours, from midnight to mid­ vents the formation of excess acid and No information given pver phone night. The figures for height serve to there' Is no sourness, gas or pain CRUEL. Blue Ribbpn—British grown tea. distinguish high water front" low water «TAMFKO AND RBAOtr Where blanks occur in the table, the Bisurated Magnesia (in powder or tablet FOR form—never liquid or milk) is harmless to Rich Old Aunt—Robert, I am going MAILING tide rises or falls continuously during two the stomach, inexpensive to take and h 17 successive tidal periods without turning to make my will. I think I shall leave The height Is In feet and tenths of a you—(Pause). VICTORIA DAILY TIMES ijo^ abvy*, là* A!t€9«L« jewjsr low Nephew (eagerly)—Tea, aunt APPVf ernes, fc. Pts ctw Aunt Betas» —------— VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17^918 14 CANADA’S PLACE POTOLAR CHOICE IS “WAR TIME” SUBSTITUTES STORK HOURS STORK HOURS WASHBURN CROSBY CORN FLOUR 1A« IN EXPORT TRADE G.W.Ï.A. PRESIDENT 9 a.m. Till 6 p.m. » a.m. Till 6 p.m. l‘er lb...... A-VV Wednesday, 1 p.m. Wednesday, 1 p.m. WASHBURN CROSBY RYB FLOUR OKt* Saturday, 9.30 Saturday, 9.30 2 lbs...... £td\* rf - , P-®« p.m. BAR RYB FLOUR OK*. Canadian Bank of Commerce R. E. Ault Goes to Premier (39 Yatee 8W 10 lbs...... OOK, Issues Timely Position; Other Officers BARLEY FLOUR 1 A» Brochure Chosen Per lb...... A-VV OAT FLOUR ? Seasonable Wash Goods of General approval marked the selec­ 6-lb. sack ...... sAW In an Interesting pamphlet just is- tion of officers to watch over the des­ POTATO FLOUR OC« eued by the Canadian Bank of Com­ tinies of the Victoria branch of the pl^g...... V merce the very pertinent point Is rain­ Great War Veterans’ Assnrtation. ed aa to what Canada’s Industrial Reliable Quality at Attractive QUAKER CORN MEAL OAg* whose acclamaiory nomination at the establishments expanded to meet the Per pkg...... Ams last night re­ piping days of peace. The title of the moved the necessity for the holding the Per pkg...... brochure In question is “Export Busi­ formal election two weeks hence. Prices WHOLE WHEAT MEAL OCg. ness,” and Implies a reliance upon an The retiring president is Major T. B. Monk, who will be succeeded In the Per pkg...... V. outlet for Canada's trade as a solution presidency by Sergt. R. K- Aula. The British-Made Nurse Clothe, Yard, 60c—Here is one of the to the query raised. The essence of vice-president will be Comrade I*. WHOLE WHEAT MEAL QCgn the bank’s plea is the broadening of most wanted and useful materials for ladies’ and chil­ Gadsden, while Comrade G. P. Special Snap the market for Canadian made goods 10-lb. sack ...... "...... QtfXs Ileinekey is to continue the secretary­ dren’s summer wear, beach dresses, house dresses, boys’ after the war And In this connection it is Inter­ ship. Comrade J. A. P. Crompton is in Wash the new treasurer and J. Food, Ser­ waists and rompers, in plain blue, tan, brown, navy blue 30# esting to note the comparisons made ■DOT" CHOCOLATE, PACKAGE ...... by member-elect Frank Giolma before geant-at-Arms. ground with white line stripes, mid-blue with darker blue Goods tot Home-made Confections. the meeting of the Wtn-the-War Chairmen of the various'committees league, as reported In these columns who automatically comprise the Asso­ stripes, white ground with blue, mauve, brown and pink 10 Piece* only, the new yesterday. In short he gave a con­ ciation's executive, are as follows: Sick stripes, line and fancy. 29 inches wide. Wear-guaran­ Check Suitings and crete example of the manner in which and visiting committee. Comrade C. Skirtings in all the new­ twenty-four hours would see a muni­ F. Dawson; membership. Comrade J. teed. Yard...... 50* tion factory employing five thousand W! Cashmore; ways and means. Com­ est colors and effects. women translated into an Industrial rade T. H Monk; publicity. Comrade Ginghams, Yard, 20c and 25c—These Ginghams are always New York styles. 38 DIXI ROSS’ cstablliftmcnt, with all the peace time H. W. Hart; finance and canteen. Com­ in demand for house dresses and children's wear. Come in atmosphere, devoted solely to the rade J. E. Bailey. ins. wide. Reg. 75c. "Quality Grocers’’ 1317 Government Street manufacture of a standardised motor An election will be necessary for se­ checks and stripes. 27 inches wide. Yard, 20* and 25* Yard...... 59* CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE 8-17620 ear at a popular price. lection of auditors and the following, —Basement When Cannon Cesse to Roar. were duly nominated last night: Com­ -> Yhe bank's booklet points out that rades A. W. Webb. W. Crltchlow. R. Duggan and If. C~ Oal*orne A selec­ in unparalleled OOOdltiOB of prosperity tion for the rooms committee will be has resulted In the expansion of Can­ ada’s industries; but It sees the day made from the following comrade#: C. when those plant extensions will be Haggerty. J. Green. A. Tall and J. Mee Fresh Eggs! Fresh Eggs! It will lie remembered that the new Special From the Infants' and little better than useless, with a situa­ It you want your birds to lay use Sylvester's Bug Producer In your tion aggravated t»> workmm out <>f president of the Association was an extremely active worker in the cause mash 60# per package employment, unless the period of smaller incomes and a heavier espoused by Member-elect Giolma at the recent by-election ifi this city. Children s Sections—First Floor Tel. 413 SYLVESTER FEED CO. 701 Yates llonat debt is met by preparation for the complete utilization of war time’s omrade Ault left Victoria in company with the n**w city member In the ranks Kiddies' Rompers, for beach wear. Made of heavy Children's White Cottpn Underskirts, > 1th bodice. organisation in .the product of com­ Trimmed with embroidery and tucks. Ages three modities for peace days. Dealing with of the 88th Battalion in May. 1316. blue and white check gingham, with short Both men were drafted with reinforce­ to four years. Regular $1.2$. Thursday.. .79# the financial obligations of the coun­ sleevea, round neck and belt. Sizes two and Aluminum Preserving try in which the banking Institution ments to the 28th Battalion in France. Girls' Slip-Over Middies, made of white Indian may speak with authority and force, Itoth were wounded on the Somme and three years. Regular #1.26. Thursday...... 8»* head with sailor collar trimmed with white the hand of fate guided them to Es­ Kettles, $1.95 to . . . . $1.25 the pamphlet goes on to say; Children's Drawers of white cotton, trimmed with braid. I»ng sleeves with button cuffs. Ages quimau Hospital for the completion six to fourteen years. I Tice...... 99.09 Those In Enamel. $2.20 to $1.00; ‘•Perfect Seal” Jars, qta . P*r “We have borrowed very large of their recuperative period. tucks and self frill. Ages two to ten years. $146; ju-. $1.50; au ma In both England ami the Girls* Middies, made of white Indian head, coat ft. $1.30; •’Economy" Joro, qt* ••t!» ,1'40-i Comrade Ault Is ' one If the most Special Thursday...... >vers, i*?r doe., 40c. ; "Economy”’ Clamps, |x*r dos. styles, with shawl collar trimmed with blue United States, the principal and popular men in the Association and E Interest on which we must en­ Girls* Nightgowns of fine white cotton. Made rhambray ; long sleeves, pockets and belt. Ages his selection for the premier office is deavor to pay in goods. Our coun­ with tucked yoke, high neck and buttoned front. fourteen to eighteen years. Price...... , 02.00 DRAKE HARDWARE CO., LTD. looked upon with favor. Ages five to fourteen years. Regular 86c. Thurs­ try is liberally endowed with na­ I —Fini Floor 1418 Douglas Street Fhcne 164» tural resources, the production of day ...... G&t foodstuffs and raw materials can going, the “soldiers In the making” at be greatly increased, and fortun­ UNITED SERVICE CLUB the big camp make a very favorable ately these commodities «an be GARDENS A FEATURE impression. The men give every evi­ marketed with comparative ease. dence of being cheery and contented In the production of manufactured New Arrivals in with their lot. goods we shall be subjected to the very active competition of oth-r HOUSE PLANS GROWING Perhaps the interest taken In the Pretty Foulard and Midsummer OF WILLOWS CAMP battalion by its commander has a manufacturing countries, but we great deal to do with this condition of believe that the skill exhibited in affairs and It is quite apparent that the production of munitions has Millinery this attention ta very keen. One of the forcibly demonstrated our ability Coin Spot Silks to compel»; with any other country Great War Veterans Increase An exquisite assemblage of unusu­ features about the camp this year, Regular $1.56 value. Qû» which Immediately strikes one on where reasonable wages are allow­ ally smart midsummer Millinery Men of Depot Battalion No. 2 ed to employees, and there appears Representation to the Cen­ Special Thursday, yard ...... s/Ol/ entering the grounds is tlie extensive awaits your selection at our store system of gardens, where vegetables of to be no reason why our manufac­ Enjoy Military tral Committee These feshionable Bilks are suitable for both street and after­ to-morrow. The collection shows all descriptions are growing in profus- tures should not find a ready sale. Our alms for the future, therefore, noon wear. Beautiful foulard and coin spot effects in navy many new shapes, in large, medi­ Life and white, champagne and white, saxe blue and white, sand A Plesesnt Surpries. should be to Increase the produc­ um and turban styles, with trim­ tion of the factory as well as of the and white, grey and white, midnight blue and white, black ming effects that will not fail to It Is indeed a pleasant surprise to fishery, farm, forest and mine, in Consol hist Ion of Interest as applied and white, and White and black; 36 Inches wide. Regular please the most discriminating to the alma and objects of the various note land that formerly was waste order to create an exportable sur­ $150. Thursday, yard ...... 98# feminine taste. They are devel­ Colonel Major, commanding Depot space now turned Into attractive soldier organisations In the cl|y is éz- plus and thus assuré to our coun­ pected to materialize in the shape of a —Main Floor oped from satin, georgette and Itattalion No. 2 training at the Willows patches of green. The extent to which try at least a reasonable propor­ this scheme of gardening has been car­ joint club house with common facilities corded silk and velvet, and tagel Camp, courteously showed The Times tion of the prosperity It has en­ and advantages for all service men. combinations in fashionable col­ ried out is also impressive, and there la joyed in recent years.” representative over the Camp yester­ not a little corner anywhere that can The matter was sgaln touched upon at ors. Price 05.75 to ...814.00 conveniently lie put to this purpose Many Phases Reviewed. the half-yearly meeting of the Great —First Floor day- War Veterans' Association last night Nobody knows how many men there that has been overlooked. Many phases of post helium condi­ are quartered at the Willows, and rules The Huttalton boasts some first class when comrades Jukes, Hart, Crompton. tions are reviewed by the author of Ault and Food mere added to the G W and Tabulations do not permit of the athletes, and sport Is a matter that I» the pamphlet, in which considerable 40-In. Georqette Crepes V. A. representation on. the central number being dinclosed. It Is only not overlooked by any means In the prominence is given to the natural ad­ when the bugle sounds for “eats” that life of the camp. To-day No. 2 Bat­ committee of what Is already to be vantages of the country, none the less knotion as the United Services Club. The Balance of one can«gaii any idea of the large talion is competing against No. 1 De­ than to the selection and study of Comrade A. W. Webb, as convener, will Good Values at number of citizen warriors stationed pot Battalion at Vancouver in an In­ foreign fields in which to market the now have the backing of five members Trimmed Hats there teresting list of sporting events. Seven product of resultant development of of the Association, equal to that allow­ Are Fine Soldiers. boxers from the local unit and a tug- the Dominion's natural heritage ed other service org .nlsatlons taking $1.75 and $2.00 Yard Greatly Reduced for Tanned and sturdy looking, and with of-war team with an average weight of Foreign agencies and representation, part In the formation of the general an air of bright alertness that pays 136 pounds were among those who left export companies regarded by the We offer some special values in these desirable materials, Clearance tribute to the training they are under- here last night to take part In the author as one of the logical develop Movement Will Spread. moat of which are the genuine French make. They are Reg. to 910.00. Thnre- mainland events. mente of after-the-war trade—are Bpeak In* of prospects for the success similarly treated In their uses for the tv A few changes are being made at the of the plan. <\>mrade Giolma ■ day ..'.'. *' . •.. .$8.9S Willow*, which Include a new guard introduction <>( trail.-, the finding of nice weight and extra bright finish. Shown in the newest good deal of satisfaction ta the fact that] _ Reg. hmif ÏM reliable - eepsesenftlow no distant date of least 2.ÔM men4 times of pink, mnry,'ttY#7lti»’^^rine'ive, sky, gôT3T™ 16 19630: "Ttmrih Short Notice Sale is required, to collect, finance and modal ions are quite sufficient to quar aid be Able to Ukt advantage of brawn, emerald, hunters' green, black and cream; 40 in*, day .... ., $1.98 SALE NO. 1 Lar Goe man comfortably, and it g«>n saheSlipsnst» and to assist In- b an institution, while the ven without saying that the camp naa that ganlzing production in Canada. weight of such an “establishment' wide. Price, yard, $1.75 to...... $2.00 ■pick and span appearance that Is in­ “As Other. See It.” would materially assist th i outlook for Messrs. Stewart Williams * Co. separable from all military establish- Under the caption "As Others Bee Governmental and private support to It,” he quotes the Importance of export anythin* within the bounds of reason. Duty instructed by various clients. business as understood by Sir Herbert Mr. Giolma had no hesitation in saying have removed for convenience to T4Î Hamblin*. general manager of the that the materialization of the united Fort Street, a quantity of Iiondon, Provincial and South-Western scheme In Victoria would bejhe signal Women's and Children's Hosiery for WILL ASSIST TO FIND Bank, who said recently: for many other centrer-hwOaçgda to "All our problems of finance, follow suit, whlto the Subsequent In­ Household Furniture cost of living, exchange, trade fluence would constitute Itself a con­ structive factor on the general life of Present Wear, Attractively Priced position, and the maintenance of a NIGGER IN WOOD PILE higher standard for our working the country. » and Effects classes -all are to be solved In one United Services Club. Children's White Cotton Socks, just new in. Silk Boot Hose for women, in white and The matter of a Joint club house was by Public way and In one way onf*; by a Made with ribbed tops. Sizes 4'/5s to 9. black, reinforced in wearing parts. All and will dispose of .hem greater output of goods and a discussed at length at a recent meeting ----- Auction__ _ sparing consumption of unneces­ of the executive ’ council of the Army Prices, 35*, 40* and...... 45* sizes. Price ...... 50* tireaf War Veterans' Associ­ sary articles Only by obtaining a and Navy Veterans in Canada, when great production, and shipping as G. A. Kirk, one of the delegatee to the Buster Brown Hose for children, fine 1-1 rib, Women's Outzixe Black Cotton Hose, sizes To-morrow, July 18 central committee already referred to, at 2 o'clock. Including; ation Will Take Part in Sat much of it as possible to foreign black ; sizes 5 to 9*£. Price...... 50* 9V4 and 10. Price 35*, 3 pairs $1.00 buyers, can we restore our econo­ said that It was proposed to secure the Upright Grand Piano by Heintxman urday's Parade mic poeltjon and liquidate our war Interest and support of all societies Women's Outsize Black and White Silk Lisle A Ce. debt to foreign creditors." concerned and obtain one central build­ Penman’s Black Cotton Hose for women, White En. Dressing Table, large Cheval ing. such as one of the vacant hotels, Thread Hose, sizes 9% and 10. Price, The pamphlet concludes with a fund and fit It up as a common meeting seamiest, double heels and toes. Spe­ Mirror, Bedsteadx uid Mattresses, of statistical data relating to the busi­ 50*, 75* and...... 85* Waahstand and Ware, Cheat of Draw- In common with the majority of I m al ground for all numbers of, the service cial for Thursday, pair...... 39* organizations an Invitation was sent ness of the world prior to the great organizations. There would be a meet­ era. El. Standard I .amps, El. Light •onflagratlon. —Main Floor Fixtures. B P. Cake Basket, Tantalus. from the Metal Trades Council to the ing hall available for one or other of Fishing Roda and Reels, Tennis Rac­ the bodies on a specified meeting night, Victoria branch of the Greet War Stranded Passenger—“Who's that while the social aide, sleeping quarters quets. Shot Gun and about 200 Cart­ Veterans' Association to take part In singing in there7" and the customary paraphernalia which ridges, “Majestic” 4-Hole Range, Kit­ the monster demonstration slated for Boy—“That’s the station-master— goes to make up the convenience of the chen Cabinet, Chaire, Axmtnster and >’■ got so little to do now. there ain't Haturday evening next. After very modern* club would be taken care of. New Silk Elastic Hat Brussels Carpets. Stair Carpet and many trains stop here, so 'e’s aettin’ There Is no suggestion in ths new Rods, large Iron Garden Roller, large little discussion a unanimous agree the time-table to music for the porters scheme under contemplation to rid any Bathing Suits. English Copper Stock Pot, several ment was reached^to send a delegation to learn when they come back from the association of Its Identity, but merely 4-Inch and 3-point Rrass Shells, Clock, to the organization meeting to be held war.” v to give effect to sensible unity between Bands, in Military Oil Cook Stoves, 2 011 Stoves, Glad­ in the K. of P. Hall to-morrow night. organisations and memberships banded Reg. $3.25 stone flag, several old Navy lAntems, Comrade Hart. Food and Berry will When the mercury reaches the zero together with identical objects. Handcuffs, leg Lons and Chains, Ras- take care of the returned men’s inter­ point the plumber has a lead pipe Finance. ^ for $1.98 ests at that gathering. Colors ors. Punching Bag. Motor Jack, El In the opinion of Comrade Gadsden For the conduct of such an Institution Saucepan, t email Show Cases. 2 Clay as outlined, there would be » per capita Women’s Bathing Suits of Just received a large shipment of ailk elastic Hat Bands in Pigeon Throwers, Jam Jars. there was no necessity for the Great War Veterans’ Association to become levy towards maintenance, but beyond stockinette, knit in black all the latest military colors, including Gordon Highland­ associated with the demonstration idea that there would be no encroachment On view to-morrow morning. For fur­ upon individual Association coffers, with black and white for the simple reason that It had been Shell ers, Artists Corps, Royal Flying Corps, Guards, Black ther particulars apply to the boast of the organization to "row while each organization would be trimmings on neck, The Auctioneer, Stewart Williaffie equally represented upon the central Watch, Rifle Brigade, Border Regiment, Royal Berk­ its own boat,” and he saw no reason sleeves and skirt; all *41$ and 411 Say ward Bldg. Phone 1234 why the returned men’s endeavors body, upon whose shoulders the opera shire Regiment, 5th Royal Irish Lancers, Welsh Regiment tion of the concern would devolve. sizes. Regular 93.25. should be directed on to by-paths of Shocked and Manchester Regiment. They are splendid quality this description. The view was not up­ Thursday...... $1.98 held by any of the speakers who fol­ ECONOM Y’S'EFFECTS —First Floor and worth to-day 50e each. Special, each...... 25* Shaving Supplies lowed, and Comrades Berry, Taylor —Main Floor and Hart were heartily in favor of Nerves Vancouver Firemen Are Unable ta Uee We bare » complete line ot representation from the Association. Equipment te Advantage. Shaver»' Requisites. comprising: Comrade Hart took the stand that Shattered nerve* are the as the returned men had declared them­ The serious situation In the Vancou­ Raises (Straight ar Safety) selves against the recent action of the lource of greatest suffering ver Fire department, due to curtail­ shipyard workers, when there appeared ment in the strength of ths Depart­ Brushes Hones to be a possibility of Important war to many a returned soldier. ment, has been officially called to the force of rn men This was before the of the Department fell at low ebb dur­ hlmr Straps «SSP» works being held up for a considerable The doctor can give attention of the Mayor and Alderman period, the ontr logical course for the Inauguration of tb. system of one day ing meal hours to only about slaty "Tee.” wired back the clerk. "But Lotions PowSsr something to relieve physi­ Marshall. A special meeting of the men * Association to take now was to lend Council Is to be held to deal with the off in four. To-day the total strength first make sure that he Is quite dead. Styptic Pencils what support It could In an endeavor cal pain, but when the ner­ Will send another white boss to-mor­ 8U<)netremedy suggested Is that the of the Department is about 13$. One- Etc, Été. to lind out why there appeared to be ALL DOUBT REMOVED. row.” some sort of discrimination against vous system breaks down fourth of this number are away on the pay df the firemen shall -be Increased A few hours later another telegram Let us show you our lines. Victoria In the letting of shipbuilding and you are sleepless, ner­ to $116 a month for beginners, who weekly one day off Li four, leaving 103 An enterprising company In the contracts. If by supporting the demon­ shall be able to become first class men in the ten halls. Soudan had decided to lay a railway arrived from the foreman : stration to be held on Saturday there vous and mentally worried, During meals—nine hours each day— firemen, at a salary of 1121 a month, Into the wilds, and, of course, many “Burled boas. Made sure he waa would be that much added assistance to the etreneth of the Department I» fur­ real cure only comes when In two years. It is thought that some blacks were employed In Its construe- quite dead. Hit him on the >head with the Medal Trades Council in Its effort» such offer as this would induce more ther reduced by one third, leaving only to ferret out the “nigger in the wood the exhausted nerve cells slaty-eight men available. This num­ tion. a .large ahoveL"—Tit-Bits. men to try for the department. One day the telegraph clerk at thé JOHN COCHBANB pile,” then he considered the support ber, however, la seldom to b. found In­ are nourished back to health There are thirty-two pieces of ap­ tact aa thiae or four are usually off on nearest civilized spot received a tele­ DRU0018T -and vigor hr augb—n»tora- paratus in the Department, and for nine gram from the negro foreman of There are fewer matter-bf-fact man ------aactl^UUJMr^ar. leu than two account of sickness and miner acd- he worId1filn in^C«r-of-flJi«K6®d N.W. Cor. YatesYatee and Douglas appeared to reflect the general opinion ——'------‘ -ilieays------*— tive, upbuilding treatment" "Treat.- wwtle------—- , -, - “Whits boss dead. Shall 1 burv 8ta* of the B. C. Electric Clock. of the meeting for the vote on he I ™ibi°Rn Dsuirtment formerly had a reduos the number us'li the strength 4 question was unanimous aa Dr. Chase's Nerve Food.