Order in Council 955/1923

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Order in Council 955/1923 955. ✓ , AD. 19 x Approved and ordered this day of lieu tena0-675Cernor. At the Executive Council Chamber, Victoria, PRESENT: The Honourable Mr. MacLean in the Chair. Mr. Pattullo Mr. Manson mr.Suth,r1and Mr. Mr. mr. Mr. To His Honour Ai-- (pa.. The Lieutenant-Governor in Council: . The undersigned has the honour to recommend I - p.a 4,as 4-o/4-y 1 u 1/3 q THAT, pursuant to Seotion 3 of the "grazing Act," Chapter 30 of the Statutes of 1919, the areas comprised in the existing eight forest districts of the Province, as described in Order-in-Council No. 880, approved on the 21st day of July, 1923, be respectively constituted grazing districts for the purposes of said Aot, and that a Proclamation be issued and published in the Gazette a000rdingly. ,A / DATED THIS Ai OP N A. D. 1923. Miplmtkrof lands. APPROVED THIS r ".1 / DAY OP c A. D. 1923. 7.5 Presiding member o?aiTiiioutive Connoil. (li4 '11 Y ".' /9 3. ', I.. t , r• • • C 9. 3 o c. THE BRITISH COLUMBIA GAZETTE. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS. the 'south-we'd corner of Lot 7517; thence easterly following the !southerly boundaries of said Lot 7517 and of Lot 3214 to the south-Pant corner of said FOREST DISTRICI'S• Lot ;1214; thence southerly following the westerly boundary of Lot 3100 to the nouth-west corner OTICE is hereby given that, under authority thereof; thence easterly following the southerly N etntalned In geetion 5 of chapter 17 of the bound:01ot of .aid Lot 3150 and of lots 3151. Statutes of 1912. the Lieutenant-Governor In 3152, 5547. and g514 to the 'south-cant corner of Council has been pleased to cancel the boundaries enisi Lot 14554; thence in a general north-easterly of the Forest Diotrietg an defined by notice appear. direction to and along the height of land 'separating ing in the British Columbia Gazette on April 10th, the headwaters of Canyon and Terry Creeks to 11)19, and to order that the Momdaries of the vari- the th-went eorner of Lot 11945; thence easterly ous Fount Dietrictn he re-estabilehed on follow.. following the southerly boundaries of said Lot 09-45 and of Lot 0913 to the south-enst corner of said O. R. NADEN. Lot 0943; thence south-eanterly in a right line to Deputy Minisfer of Lands. the north-went, corner of Lot 1096; theme easterly following the northerly boundary of an id Lot 16941 IlegultIPTIONN or FOREnT DIRTRIC14. to the nortleett.t corner thereof; thence smith- Cariboo Forest Disirirf.—Commencing nt the se,eterly in at right line to the north-west corner point of intersection of the 124th meridian of went of Lot MI5; thence easterly following the northerly longitude with the 51't parallel of north latitude; boundary of said Lot 1415 to the north-east (owner them*. in a north-weotedy direction to and along thereof: all the lot* hereinnbove tnentioned being the headwaters I If the Southgate River to meet the Cariboo hand District Iota; thence in a general llontathiso River at Waddington Canyon; thence south etteterly direction to and along the divide acrons said llomathlos River in a north.westerly between the waters flowing southerly Into Indian direction and crossing Chromium Creek to meet the Point Creek and into Wolverine ('reek and those Klinaklini River at the portage between Klinaklini flowing into Itowron (Bear) River, and continuing Lake and the thin! Canoe Landing on said Kline- In it !south-remedy direction along the divide be- klini River, and continuing therce In a north- tween said Wolverine ('reek and Goat River to and westerly dinvtion to the westerly boundary of the ,,long the height of land separating the waters flow- watershed of said Munklint River: thence in a ing southerly into Quesnel River and into Qns.onel northeasterly direction following add boundary of lake from those flowing easterly into the Frage!. maid wotertshwil to the height of land separating Inver, to the divide between the waters flowing Charlotte Lake awl the headwaters of 5Icelitschy easterly Into Hobson (Big) Creek. Holston Lake. ('reek; thence in a general northwenterly direction and into Clearwater Lake and the Clearwater River to and around the headwater,. of the liotnarko front the watern flowing westerly to intensect the River, and pasoing along the !wield of land nepar- 5211d parallel of north latitude; thence went along tiling the waters' flowing southerly Into said llot- said parallel to the north-east corner of the Lillooet narko River end anee flowing north-easterly into Land District; thence southerly following the gur- Dean River. and tingeing thence northerly, crooning u-eyed inier-lad.dintriet boundary-line at this point nail Dean River, to the height of land between to the post set thereon at mile 35; thence In a *latch,, and Eliguk lakes; thenee in it general gourd mouth elosterly direction passing to the cast north-ensterly direction to and along the divide of I.ne den Roches and between the headwater• between the waters flowing southerly and easterly of Darlington Creek ntol the Machete Lakes to the into the Euehiniko River and into Ilatnuni Creek westerly boundary of the watershed of the North from those flowing westerly into the Nechako River Thompson River, and noninuing southerly along to and around the headwater's of sold Itatnuni paid westerly boundary of said watershed to Inter- ('reek, nod continuing thence in an easterly direc- n, et the northerly limit of the Dominion Railway tion along the northerly boundary of the watershed Belt; thence westerly and southerly following re- of sold Ilantuni ('reek to intersect the 124th spectively the northerly and westerly boundaries of meridian of west longitude at milepost No. 33, add Railway Belt to the parallel of north latitude as net by !survey thereon; thence eagterly in a of fifty degrees and fourteen minutes (50' 14'1; straight line to the south-went o flier of Lot 12413, theme west ,long said parallel to the easterly and continuing easterly following the southerly boundary of the watershed of Lillooet lake; thence Imundaries of said Lot 1263 and of Lota 1202. 1317, In a general north-westerly direction along said 121111. 1057, 1056. 111111. 1050, 1045, 1044, 1043. boundary• of gni(' watershed to the south-west 5220. and 5225 to the south-east corner of maid corner of Lot 1251, Lillooet hand District; thence Lot 5225; thence southerly following the westerly northerly following the westerly boundary of said boundary of Lot 5215 to the south-west corner Lot 1251 and the easterly boundary of Lot 1547 thereof; thence easterly following the southerly of maid Lillooet Diatrict to the north-east corner boundaries of said Lot 5218 and of Lots 5217, of said Lot 1547; thence in a general north-westerly 5210. 5210, 5399. and 5201 to the south-east corner direction, panting anamd the headwaters of Phelix of said but 5201: thence southerly following the Creek. to and along the height of land separating easterly boundaries of Lots 5202. 5203, and 5204 the waters flowing 'southerly into the Lillooet River to the south-east corner of said lot 5304; thence from those flowing northerly, to the point of easterly along the southerly boundary of Lot 6516 rsarlan t. to the south-east corner thereof ; thence southerly Cranbrook Forest Distriet.—Commencing at the following the easterly boundaries of Lots 0530. south-eau corner of the Province. being a point 0527, and 0530 to the smith-east corner of said on the 49th parallel of north latitude; thence in 1.sd 6530; thence ensterly along the southerly a general north-westerly direction following the boundary of Lot 0529 to the south-east corner Interprovincial boundary-line between Alberta and therm( ; thence southerly following the westerly British Columbia to intersect the southerly bound- boundaries; of lots 1324. 1430, and 1442 to the ary of the Dominion Railway Belt; thence in a south-went corner of said Lot 1142; thence easterly westerly direction following said southerly bound- along the southerly boundary of staid Lot 1442 to 'try of said Railway Belt to interned the easterly the 'south-east corner thereof; thence southerly boundary of the watershed of Duncan River; thence following the westerly boundaries of Tote 1417 and in a general southerly direction along the divide 1460 to the south-went corner of nail Lot 1460; between the waters flowing eaxterly into the Colum- thence emsterly along the southerly boundary of maid bia and Kootenay Rivers from those flowing west- Lot 1460 to the south-east corner thereof; thence erly into said Dunenn River and into Kootenay southerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 1468 Lake to that point on said dividi which lien due to intersect the northerly bank of the Blackwater cant of Kuskonook; thence In a south-westerly River; thence in an enoerly direction following direction inn straight line to the south-east corner maid northerly bank of gnid river to its intersection of Sub-lot 145 of lot 45115. Kootenay Land Din. with the westerly hank of the Fraser River; thence trict; thence westerly following the southerly in a north-easterly direction aerosol said Fraser boundary of said Sub-lot 145 to the enoterly bound- River to and along the height of land between the ary of Lot 5171) of said Kootenay District; thence waters flowing !southerly into Marvin Creek and southerly following said easterly boundary of maid dome flowing northerly into said Fraser River to lot Stilt to the soutleenst corner thereof; thence THE BRITISH COLUMBIA GAZETTE. wmterly In a right line to the south-east corner and Lucas Lakes, to the north-east corner of Lot of Lot 885 of staid Kooteuay Dimtriet; thence in 2018 of said Range 4.
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