Advanced Societies

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Advanced Societies - 1 - Advanced Societies In the previous chapter primitive societies were analyzed according to their Color Codes. In this chapter more advanced societies will be examined. In the next chapter 5 artificial intelligence, machines and computers will be examined and their evolution in society according to the twelve Color Codes, and in the final chapter Marginal Societies are where there is a combination of Roy and Biv interacting with each other. Also in the previous chapter more simple relationships were analyzed between plants, 10 animals and humans. As these ecologies and societies evolved Color Codes became more complex in various issues, for example in primitive societies policing was shown as it conforms to the Color Codes. As policing evolved it became more complex, including its relation to prisons, asylums, plea bargaining, the prisoner’s dilemma, rehabilitation, deterrence, sentence lengths in years, and so on. 15 Generally governments also evolved from the simple tribal leader to Monarchies, Dictatorships, Democracies, Theocracies, Authoritarianism, Fascism, Communism, etc. Each of these also manifests characteristics according to their Color Codes and cooperates or battles other Color Codes according to this. So for example Red evolved 20 into Communism and Yellow Predators into Fascism and as in nature they war with each other as Predator and Prey. Economics also becomes more complicated as societies evolve from subsistence farming, hunting and gathering to barter, the creation of money, and so on to more modern financial institutions. Each aspect also functions as in nature according to their Color Codes. 25 Color Codes become more complex because they apply not just to single issues like survival, but to any aspect of people, animal and institutions. For example disease in a society might manifest according to Color Codes as might alcoholism and drug use, promiscuity and prostitution, homosexuality, fashion, sport, etc which are mainly 30 unknown to primitive societies. So generally an issue if pervasive in a society will manifest in twelve Color Codes, which means that twelve groups of people, animals, institutions, etc will develop and interact with each other over this issue. As these issues grow with their Color Codes then they might split into more sub issues. For example drug use might have separate Color Codes for tobacco, marijuana, cocaine and heroin as 35 they might be treated differently by Orange Police and Indigo market coordinators. So generally as a society becomes more complex issues split into classifications which each develop their separate Color Codes. 40 The Roy Group Red In a more complex society Red Color Codes can manifest on many different issues. The 45 urge of Red people to conform makes their attitudes more similar to each other. They 1 - 2 - are seen as people on public lands in a society, public housing, nationalized industries to work in. Red ideology evolved as a kind of primitive Socialism in which there was little or no 5 private property, and people shared because they were so similar to each other. The enemy was Yellow and Orange Yellow which kept Red together like a herd or flock, and they were protected by Red Orange fringe dwellers like the stronger animals of the herd in nature. This evolved into various kinds of modern Socialism as well as the Red Communist state. Communism then was the evolution of the Red Color Code into a 10 political and economic system in which Red people were dominant and other Color Codes subservient, expelled or eliminated. Its ultimate failure was because Color Codes spontaneously form in all groups of people and so a Red dominated system would be constantly battling other Color Codes inside its own country, for example Yellow thieves would be born to Red parents, Biv capitalists would always be trying to 15 establish Free Enterprise, etc. Even if people were suited to such a government and economic system there would always be people being born with other Color Codes. Violet represents the leaves, fruits and flowers of plants which Red feeds on. The Communist system then looked at the Violet parts of the Capitalist system and sought to 20 manage these to support themselves. The basic idea is like Red forming an orchard or farming the Biv capitalist economy to feed themselves, this was Marx’s original idea that Communism would take over from an advanced Capitalist country but instead it started from the Russian primitive economy. Violet in the Biv system represents a plant like aspect of an economy. Unfortunately the control of business by Red Communism, 25 like farming stops plants evolving naturally, prevented the Biv economy there from continuing to evolve as it was the equivalent of overgrazing on plants and breeding them in different ways than they might do freely in Nature hence Free Enterprisei. So the Biv economies of the world developed different kinds of defenses to being tamed like this by Red economies which led to the Cold War, like Biv plants using poison and 30 thorns protected themselves with nuclear weapons and armies from being taken over. Communist countries froze the evolution of their economies and their economic development, this lack of evolution les to them falling behind militarily and eventually to their collapse just as domination of plant evolution by animals in nature fails. 35 Important in Socialism and Communism was the concept of public property as Green because it was considered to be too scarce to be decided who gets a home by free choice in Capitalism, housing was usually publicly built and owned though in practice those more powerful in a Roy economy get the better homes rather than those with more money. In Communism and Socialism people are highly competitive and looking for an 40 excuse to get ahead, this can be by denouncing competitors as deviants or being against Red Communism. Dissidents to Red are moved to the Red Orange fringe just as in nature Red flocks of animals might move deviants to the outer part of the herd or leave them behind considering them a liability. There is an element of paranoia about Orange Yellow spies and saboteurs so Red secret policeii look out for them just as in a Red herd 45 all members are vigilant in looking for Predators sneaking in to eat them, dissidents can be regarded as Wolves in Sheep’s clothing. So the model of the flock which moves together with a majority rule, hence calling Communist states Democratic, with an external stronger fringe of Dissidents and criminals sent to Gulagsiii and prisons or even 2 - 3 - shot was seen as purifying the people and enabling an evolution into a new kind of Communist man. When under attack from Yellow countries like Nazi Germany or Orange Yellow such as later with CIA espionage and assassinations, Communist states such as the Soviet Union evolved stronger defenses by using these Red Orange deviants 5 as their protectors like a Red herd using stronger animals to protect it. This kept out Yellow attacks from such as Nazism in World War Two, and Red remained vigilant for more subtle attacks such as espionage, sabotage, etc from Orange Yellow to the extent of Stalin purging the military and the Communist Party for spies. 10 The Communist Party members competed to appear more devoted to Marxism because Red succeeds by secrecy, deception, misdirection, etc which got them more food, better housing, and dissidents in the Red Orange fringe were expected to work harder, be soldiers in suicidal missions such as in World War Two, work in prison camps, etc for the benefit of the Red center. Communism was in many ways based on deception and 15 secrecy, in a poor country trickery could offer a better way to survive than honest work so it worked better in poor countries. Ponzi schemes and multi-level marketingiv, secret societies, even some cults and religions use this technique of creating a deceptive and secretive system that benefits those on the inside. It creates a mystique so that most do not realize what is true or false any more, except that they benefit more from promoting 20 it to others than exposing its flaws. Such a system can grow quickly, like Blue and Indigo Violet plants that strive to compete with others by growing faster they can also collapse under a strong wind when their apparent strength is shown to be hollow. The same can be said for Orange Yellow systems which are like Fascism but less violent. Often they are built on secretive crony capitalism and false propaganda on how well 25 their economy is doing, as happened with the Nazis before the war started. In Red Communist societies Capitalism is seen as Yellow and Orange Yellow Predatory behavior rather than Violet and Indigo Violet business where both sides benefit, and so various forms of Biv business fell into disfavor in Communism and were usually tried 30 to be replaced as Red. So sometimes even something as simple as a shop making tofu in Communist China which would normally be like a Biv system was seen as Yellow gangsters and Orange Yellow tricksters deceiving the Red people. For Red animals in nature attacks from Predators are dangerous and potential dangers are assumed guilty until proven innocent, so accused people in Red societies can be convicted on mere 35 suspicion because of fear and also because removing a competitor gives the ones left a better chance to succeed. Rehabilitation was usually done by reeducation so the convicted person was sure to understand that subversive behaviors were wrong, this is like in modern societies where the Left tries to rehabilitate criminals by making them repent for crimes rather than just punishing them and locking them up for a time.
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