EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ««« « « « « 1999 « « 2004 ««« Session document FINAL 17 April 2001 A5-0123/2001 REPORT on the request for waiver of the immunity of Mr Peter Sichrovsky (2000/2237(IMM)) Committee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market Rapporteur: François Zimeray RR\437472EN.doc PE 298.384 EN EN PE 298.384 2/2 RR\437472EN.doc EN CONTENTS Page PROCEDURAL PAGE ...................................................................................................................4 PROPOSAL FOR A DECISION ....................................................................................................5 EXPLANATORY STATEMENT...................................................................................................6 ANNEX……… .............................................................................................................................14 RR\437472EN.doc 3/3 PE 298.384 EN PROCEDURAL PAGE At the sitting of 5 October 2000, the President of Parliament announced that she had received, by letter of 12 September 2000, a request by Mr Bruno Weis, Judge at the Vienna Criminal Court, for waiver of the immunity of Mr Peter Sichrovsky, and that she had referred it to the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market, pursuant to Rule 6(1) of the Rules of Procedure (2000/2237(IMM)). The Committee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market appointed François Zimeray rapporteur at its meeting of 22 November 2000. At its meeting of 30 January 2001 it heard Mr Sichrovsky, pursuant to Rule 6(3) and held an exchange of views on the reasons for and against the waiver of immunity. It considered the draft report at its meetings of 6 March and 20 March 2001. It considered the draft report at its meeting of 11 April 2001 and adopted the proposal for a decision unanimously. The following were present for the vote: Willi Rothley, acting chairman; François Zimeray, rapporteur; Luis Berenguer Fuster, Evelyne Gebhardt, Malcolm Harbour, Gerhard Hager, The Lord Inglewood, Kurt Lechner, Klaus-Heiner Lehne, Neil MacCormick, Feleknas Uca, Diana Wallis and Stefano Zappalà.
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