Mayor’s Report to the Assembly, 17th May 2006

Background Document – List of Decisions recorded between 9th March 2006 to 19 April 2006

Ref Decision Date Approved by Policy Director/ Financial Implications Comments Mayoral Adviser MA 2287 Agreed: 07/03/06 Ken Livingstone N/A The total contract value over three years to the GLA 1. To extend retrospectively the is £282,000 (£94,000 per existing Porterage contract from annum). the 1st November 2005 until 28th February 2006 to allow for the The Porterage service at tender period over the holiday City Hall is provided by a season. mixture of in-house staff and contracted services. 2. To appoint the successful The cost of the contracted tenderer OCS to supply services are contained Porterage services for a period of within the staffing budget three years commencing 1st for the approved staffing March 2006, with an option to establishment of 69 FTE for extend for a further two years. Facilities Management staff The value of the contract over providing porterage, three years will be £282,000. security and call centre services.

Given the demands on the Security and Porterage services at City Hall it has not proved possible to contain staffing and contracted services costs APPENDIX A

within the approved staffing budget which assumes the ability to maintain a 4.5% vacancy allowance based on natural turnover and makes no allowance for the level of overtime, which has proved necessary. In recognition of the pressures on the porterage service a growth bid of £85,000 was submitted and approved for the 2006/07 budget to help meet costs of this new contract.

MA 2456 Agreed: 20/03/06 Ken Livingstone John Ross The estimated total cost of this initiative to the GLA is 1. Expenditure of £18,000 from the £18,000 and will be met New Initiative Reserve to support from the New Initiatives the establishment of Mayoral Reserve. offices in Beijing and Shanghai, to be allocated as follows:

• Up to £10,000 to cover the cost of building and transporting to China a model of the London Olympic site for display in the proposed Beijing office. APPENDIX A

• Up to £8,000 to cover cost of officer travel to China to support locating appropriate premises, recruitment of staff and securing the necessary approvals and consents for establishment of the offices and for other miscellaneous expenses connected with this initiative.

2. An exemption from complying with the full requirements of the GLA Contracts Code of Practice in respect of the order for a model of the London Olympic Site from Pipers New Vision Ltd.

MA 2524 Approved a grant of £2,000 to the 20/03/06 Ken Livingstone John Duffy The GLA’s contribution of noise Abatement Society towards £2,000 for this initiative will solicitors’ legal costs in preparing to be met from the 2005/06 seek Judicial Review of the actions Environment Programme of the Office of Rail Regulation in budget. respect of noise from new train horns. MA 2544 Agreed the use of the 2006/07 06/04/06 Ken Livingstone Mark Watts The estimated total gross Environment Programme budget and net cost of extending for the extension for a period of 12 the 4 fixed term posts for a months of four posts in the further 12 months to the Environment Team: GLA is £206,662 and will be APPENDIX A

• Partnership Manager (London met from the 2006/07 Energy Partnership). Environment Programme budget. • Partnership Manager (London Hydrogen Partnership).

• Project Manager (London Energy Partnerships) (x2). MA 2552 Agreed: 08/03/06 Ken Livingstone N/A The estimated gross and net cost of the extension of 1. To extend retrospectively the the current Archives existing Archive Services contract with Ede’s is contract (EDE’s) for four months £4,800 and was met from from 30 October 2005 to 28 the 2005/06 Facilities February 2006. Management Records Management & Archives 2. For the new contract as budget. approved by MA2314 to commence on the 1st March The estimated gross and 2006 until the 28 February 2009. net cost of the new contract to the GLA is £48,000 (£16,000 per annum for 3 years) and will be met from the Facilities Management Records Management & Archives budget for each subsequent year. MA 2569 Agreed for the GLA to allow 08/03/06 Ken Livingstone John Duffy The total 2005/06 hire Nuclear Free Local Authorities to charge for the hire of APPENDIX A

use London’s Living Room free of London’s Living Room at charge (and agreed a waiver of the City Hall for this event is fees & charges policy for this £5,535, which will be purpose) on the evening of 22nd income forgone. The March 2006 for the purpose of 2005/06 income target is launching “Chenobyl 20 years on: £116,000. Waiving the hire Nuclear Costs and Energy Futures fee will have a negative Conference”. impact on this income target. To date a total of £251,701 of income has been forgone in 2005/06 in relation to the waiving of room hire charges at City Hall.

MA 2572 Agreed: 08/03/06 Ken Livingstone Judith Woodward The estimated gross and net cost of this project to 1. The GLA’s support for a number the GLA is £120,000 and of events on 23 April 2006, St will span two financial years George’s Day, to celebrate the as follows: contribution of England to world culture and to the associated • 2005/06 – £20,000 programme of publicity and • 2006/07 - £100,000 approved a budget of £20,000 in 2005/06 and £100,000 in The expenditure of £20,000 2006/07 to cover these in 2005/06 will be met from activities. the 2005/06 Cultural Events Programme budget. 2. From the £120,000, to provide funding of up to £50,000 to The expenditure of APPENDIX A

Shakespeare’s Globe, as a £100,000 in 2006/07 will contribution to their event to be met from the 2006/07 celebrate Shakespeare’s birthday Cultural Events Programme on St George’s Day, 23 April budget. 2006.

3. To allocate the remaining budget of £70,000 as follows:

• £15,000 – to Royal Society of St George for a music event in Covent Garden and the annual wreath laying event at Cenotaph.

• £50,000 – for an event to celebrate the life and work of Charlie Chaplin.

• £5,000 – for marketing and publicity activities relating to all the events.

4. A virement of £20,000 from the 2005/06 youth arts budget to the 2005/06 St George’s Day budget (within the Cultural Events Programme budget).


MA 2584 Agreed: 08/03/06 Ken Livingstone Neale Coleman With the UEFA Champion League Finals for 2007/08 1. That the GLA should sign the and 2008/09 being held in letters of agreement in support May 2008 and May 2009 of a bid by National respectively, the proposed Stadium (WNSL) to host the minimum expenditure of UEFA Champions League Final approximately £102,870 2007/08 or 2008/09. (150,000 Euros) on promotion and marketing 2. That the GLA will inform will be incurred either of the during the latter part of the need to do everything 2007/08 financial year and reasonable within their powers to early part of the 2008/09 support the transport and other financial year for the May aspects of hosting the 2008 final, or for the May Champions League Final. 2009 Final, expenditure will be incurred in the latter part of the 2008/09 financial year and early part of the 2009/10 financial year. This would, therefore represent a prior commitment on the GLA’s consolidated budget over the two financial years (for which financial years depends on which bid is successful) and budget provision would need to be made accordingly. MA 2585 Agreed: 31/03/06 Ken Livingstone Redmond O’Neill The estimated gross and net cost of this project to APPENDIX A

1. To hold a conference to discuss the GLA is £162,000. the concept of the ‘clash of civilizations’ thesis and the £50,000 was allocated for impact of such ideas on this project from within the community relations in London New Initiatives Reserve. on Saturday 10 June 2006 at a This budget allocation is total cost of £156,000. now accounted for within the 2005/06 Stakeholders 2. To hold an evening reception for Programme budget (Global visiting international speakers Cities Policy Forum). An and dignitaries at a total cost of additional £37,000 of £6,000. expenditure for this project will be met from virements 3. For the relevant virements to be to the 2005/06 made to the 2005/06 Stakeholders Programme Stakeholder Programme budget budget (Global Cities Policy (Global Cities Policy Forum): Forum) from the following programme budgets: • 2005/06 Stakeholder Programme (City • 2005/06 Stakeholders Partnership) - £17,000. Programme budget (City Partnership) - £17,000 • 2005/06 Government & Parliamentary Liaison • 2005/06 Government & budget - £10,000. Parliamentary Programme - £10,000 • 2005/06 Human Rights budget - £10,000. • 2005/06 Human Rights Programme budget - 4. For a carry forward to 2006/07 £10,000 APPENDIX A

of the 2005/06 budget elements, £87,000, in As all expenditure for this accordance with year-end project will be incurred in finance guidelines. 2006/07, a budget carry- forward of £87,000 has 5. To procure Central Hall been agreed to 2006/07 to Centre (CHW) to meet some of the costs of provide the venue for the this project. conference and reception, subject to an acceptable contract The balance of expenditure being agreed. totalling £75,000 will be met from the 2006/07 6. To procure other supplies and Stakeholders Programme services necessary for the budget (Global Cities Policy conference and reception. Forum).

MA 2588 Noted the structure and budget 23/03/06 Ken Livingstone Neale Coleman The estimated cost for the requirement for the London Elects outline structure of the 2008 team contained in the GLRO’s London Elects 2008 team is initial proposal. £609,278. This includes £379,000 for three specific Authorised the application of the posts currently being Election Reserve to fund the initial approved by the Assembly. tranche of appointments to the All costs associated with team at a cost of £379,000. these posts, including the costs of recruitment, will be Agreed to consider the balance of met from the Elections employed / contracted support to Reserve the communications function for APPENDIX A

2008 following receipt of the consultant’s advice, and then to consider funding for the relevant posts in the London Elects 2008 team.

MA 2591 Noted the External Audit Regularity 09/03/06 Ken Livingstone Neale Coleman There are no direct financial This report Report. implications to the GLA. will be considered by the Assembly’s Audit Panel on the 25 April 2006.

MA 2593 Agreed: 09/03/06 Ken Livingstone Redmond O’Neill The total cost of the contract with Westferry 1. To appoint four named printers Printers Ltd is estimated to to the GLA framework be £1,200,000 and will be arrangement for printing met from the 2006/07 services. Londoner Budget.

2. To award the contract for printing and pre-press services for the May 06, June 06, July 06, August 06, September 06, November 06, December 06, January 07, March 07 and April 07 editions of to Westferry Printers Ltd.


MA 2596 Approved the Local Implementation 08/03/02 Ken Livingstone Redmond O’Neill There are no direct financial Plan of the Royal Borough of implications to the GLA. Kingston upon Thames, November 2005 as being consistent with, and adequate for, the purposes of the Mayor’s Transport Strategy and signed the attached letter to the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames. MA 2598 Approved: 08/03/06 Ken Livingstone Mark Watts The estimated gross and net cost of the London Best 1. The adoption of the draft Practice Guide to the GLA is London Code of Construction £3,000 and will be met from Practice, produced by the GLA the 2006/07 Environment Air Quality team, with assistance Programme budget. from the London borough working group on air Pollution Planning and the Local Environment, as a London-wide Best Practice Guide to control dust and emissions from construction and demolition. The publication of the code will implement policy 22 and proposal 47 of the Mayor’s Air Quality Strategy enabling the reduction of air pollution and dust emissions from demolition and construction sites in London and a reduction in noise. APPENDIX A

2. Expenditure from the 2006/07 Environment Programme budget of approximately £3,000 to publish the document.

3. The delegation, to Shirley Rodrigues, Head of Environment and Mark Watts, Senior Adviser to the Mayor, the power of approval of the final draft of the Best Practice Guide and its publication in the event that proposed amendments following the proposed consultation are only minor and inconsequential.


1. The Best Practice Guide is intended for use in the Olympic Games developments, dramatically reducing the dust and other emissions generated by demolition and construction and raising the standard for future development in London.

2. The Best Practice Guide will complement the Mayor’s Supplementary Planning APPENDIX A

Guidance on Sustainable Design and Construction (currently in draft form).

3. A London-wide Best Practice Guide has the support of the London boroughs and the ALG and we will seek to publish the document in partnership with them.

4. Controls on exhaust emissions from vehicles and plant will complement those in the proposed LEZ.

5. The Building Research Establishment is keen to pay for and run training courses for developers once the Best Practice Guide is published.

6. The Air Pollution planning and the Local Environment Working Group plan to produce a second London-wide Best Practice Guide on ways to reduce noise.

MA 2602 Agreed a variation to MA2337 that 05/04/06 Ken Livingstone Judith Woodward The estimated gross cost of approved the ‘Big Dance 2006’ this project is £342,200 and APPENDIX A

project – (a pan-London dance the net cost to the GLA is activity programme) new strategic £64,500. The balance of initiative that includes a diverse £277,700 will be met from range of communities and sponsorship income. The participants that represents all expenditure for this project London boroughs alongside will span two financial years professional artists to take into and the GLA’s net cost will account of the growth of the Big be phased as follows: Dance Programme and the revised gross budget for the project. • 2005/06 - £49,500 • 2006/07 - £15,000

The GLA’s expenditure of £49,500 in 2005/06 will be met from the following 2005/06 programme budgets:

• Cultural Strategy - £44,500 • Thames gateway / Olympics - £5,000

The £5,000 budget allocation from the Thames Gateway / Olympics Programme budget will be vired to the 2005/06 Cultural Strategy Programme budget. APPENDIX A

The GLA’s net cost of £15,000 to be incurred in 2006/07 will be met from the 2006/07 Cultural Strategy Programme budget. MA 2603 Approved additional work required 20/03/06 Ken Livingstone Alex Bax The total cost of the for the London Development additional work to the GLA Database, to be placed with CDP as is £20,000 and will be met per the terms of the original from the 2005/06 Capital agreement. The original project was Programme budget approved by MA1777 and the (London Development additional work required is to Database). further improve the strategic reporting environment and the modification and creation of a number of Business Objects reports, which are required to monitor the London Plan. MA 2607 Approved proposals that will allow 08/03/06 Ken Livingstone Redmond O’Neill There are no direct financial free travel on implications to the GLA. and DLR in the off-peak period (from 9:30 Monday to Friday, and all day at weekends and public holidays) for accompanied children from 5 years of age and under 11. MA 2609 Approved that Joanne McCartney 21/03/06 Ken Livingstone Mark Watts There are no direct financial replaces Valerie Shawcross as a implications to the GLA. member of the Board of London Connects Limited, as the Mayor’s APPENDIX A

e-envoy and as the chair of the GLA group e-government board. MA 2610 Agreed: 13/03/06 Ken Livingstone Mark Watts Skills Gap Project

1. For the GLA to accept, on behalf The estimated gross cost of of the London Energy the skills gap project is Partnership, £65,000 of revenue £65,000 and the net cost to grant over the 2005/06 and the GLA is nil. The project 2006/07 financial years from the will be funded entirely by London Development Agency to the LDA. carry out a skills gap study in the energy efficiency and renewable The GLA will receive energy sector in London. £32,500 from the LDA in 2005/06 and the balance 2. The appointment of consultants will be received in 2006/07. to carry out the study “skills gap However, all expenditure study in the energy efficiency for this project will be and renewable energy sector in incurred in 2006/07. London”, on behalf of the Therefore, the LDA funding London Energy Partnership. The of £32,500 to be received in maximum cost of this 2005/06 will be treated as consultancy work will be income in advance for £65,000. 2006/07.

Noted the update to the London Development of Website Energy Partnership work programme. The estimated gross cost of developing the website is Approved the development of the £20,000 and the net cost to London Energy Partnership the GLA is £5,000. The Website, with the total budget not expenditure for this project APPENDIX A

to exceed £20,000. will span two financial years as follows:

• 2005/06 - £10,000 • 2006/07 - £10,000

The expenditure of £10,000 to be incurred in 2005/06 will be met from DTI funding (£5,000) and the 2005/06 Environment Programme budget (£5,000).

The expenditure of £10,000 to be incurred in 2006/07 will be met by the LDA. The LDA funding has already been received and will be treated as income in advance for 2006/07. MA 2611 Approved: 21/03/06 Ken Livingstone There is no specific provision for this initiative 1. The agreement to provide the and to date the cost of the London Resilience Team with a secondments have been secondee from the GLA on a met locally from permanent basis. underspends by the directorates employing the 2. The financial arrangements for successful secondees. As the GLA secondee to the London secondments are identified Resilience Team. by an open advert within APPENDIX A

the Authority the financial impact of the current arrangements on individual directorates can be disproportionate.

If these secondment arrangements are to be made permanent it is more appropriate that the cost should be met from corporate reserves. It is therefore proposed that the Directorate providing the secondee be reimbursed from the Grading and Redundancy Reserve up to an annual limit equivalent to mid-point grade 8 including on-costs, which currently stands at £47,622, to allow the provision of temporary cover for the duration of the secondment. This will minimise the potential impact of the secondment on the Authority’s own work programmes MA 2612 Approved: 21/03/06 Ken Livingstone Alex Bax The total cost of appointing Robin Thompson as an APPENDIX A

1. The retrospective appointment expert witness to the GLA is and waiver of the GLA Contracts £10,062, which will be met Code for the procurement of from a draw down on the Robin Thompson who acted as Professional Witness an expert witness to the Reserve. Belvedere Waste incinerator Public Inquiry.

2. The draw down of £10,062 from the GLA’s Professional Witness Reserve.

MA 2613 Agreed to delegate to the 21/03/06 Ken Livingstone Alex Bax There are no direct financial Executive Director of Policy and implications to the GLA. Partnerships, who may be so authorised as an officer of the Authority under section 38(2)(b) of the Authority Act 1999, to exercise his functions under the Town and Country Planning () Order 2000 in relation to the Dalston Interchange Planning Application (Ref: LDA/05/2840).

MA 2614 Approved: 20/03/06 Ken Livingstone Neale Coleman To date the London Health Commission have secured 1. The GLA to support the London partnership income totalling Health Commission (LHC) by £478,000 from the LDA, APPENDIX A

administering the LHC funds for London Strategic Health the next 3 years. Authority (LSHA), Regional Public Health Group 2. The acceptance by the GLA of a (RPHG) and the National grant of £300,000 from the Institute of Health and London Development Agency to Clinical Excellence for the support the London Health next three years in addition Commission (LHC) to support to 2005/06. Any income their work on health and health that is not spent by the end inequalities in London. of each subsequent financial year will be carried 3. The acceptance of a grant of forward in line with the £25,000 per year from the GLA’s year-end procedures. London Strategic Health Authority to the LHC/GLA as support for the work of the LHC Partnership on health in London.

4. The acceptance of a grant of £15,000 per year from the Regional Public Health Group (PRHG) to the GLA to support the LHC Partnership’s work on health in London.

5. The acceptance of a contribution of £57,550 from the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) in 2005/06 towards the partnerships management salaries (the APPENDIX A

Development & Communications and the Administrator posts).

6. The acceptance of funding from GOL, MPA and other LHC partner organisations.

7. The expenditure of the total budget for the LHC in line with the partnership’s work programme as agreed by the LHC Partnership Executive Group and all of the LHC partners.

MA 2615 Agreed: 20/03/06 Ken Livingstone Harry Barlow The estimated gross and net cost of this project to 1. To host a reception in London’s the GLA is £15,266 and will Living Room at City Hall, on 31 be met by a virement from March 2006 to mark the the 2005/06 Human Rights successes of regional budget to the 2005/06 government on the anniversary Marketing budget. of the abolition of the GLC.

2. A virement of £15,266 from the 2005/06 Human Rights budget to the 2005/06 Marketing budget.

MA 2617 Agreed: 21/03/06 Ken Livingstone Alex Bax Lower Lea Valley OAPF


1. The receipt of £70,000 funding The estimated gross cost of from the LDA for the Lower Lea the Lower Lea Valley OAPF Valley OAPF to be carried is £70,000 and the net cost forward to 2006/07 and agreed to the GLA is Nil. This a waiver of the GLA’s Contracts project will be funded by Code of Practice in relation to the LDA. The income of the appointment of EDAW for £70,000 will be received in phase 1 of the project. 2005/06 but will be treated as income in advance for 2. The receipt of £60,000 funding 2006/07. from the LDA for the Park Royal OAPF to be carried forward to Park Royal OAPF 2006/07. The funding will be used to cover consultancy fees in The estimated gross cost of relation to the draft of the the Park Royal OAPF is framework. £60,000 and the net cost to the GLA is Nil. This project 3. The receipt of £10,000 from the will be funded by the LDA. LDA to be used towards a Pre- The GLA will receive feasibility Study into the £40,000 from the LDA in redevelopment of Waterloo 2005/06, which will be Station to be carried forward to treated as income in 2006/07. advance for 2006/07. The balance of £20,000 will be received in 2006/07.

Waterloo Station Study

The GLA’s contribution to the Waterloo Study totals £10,000 and will be funded APPENDIX A

by the LDA. The LDA income of £10,000 will be received in 2005/06 and treated as income in advance for 2006/07. MA 2618 Approved the Authorised Limited 31/03/06 Ken Livingstone Neale Coleman The limits for the next three for external debt for the functional years have been set as bodies and the GLA, for use from 1 follows: April 2006. 06/07 07/08 08/09 £m £m £m MPA 186.5 159.3 104.4 Agreed that the Director of Finance LFEPA 160.1 184.2 190.4 & Performance write to the TfL 1,485 2,035 2,735 functional bodies with confirmation LDA 174.3 422.1 514.5 of their limits. GLA Nil Nil Nil MA 2619 Approved the Local Implementation 21/03/06 Ken Livingstone Redmond O’Neill There are no direct financial Plan of the London Borough of implications to the GLA. Camden, January 2006 as being consistent with, and adequate for, the purposes of the Mayor’s Transport Strategy and signed the letter to the . MA 2620 Approved the Local Implementation 21/03/06 Ken Livingstone Redmond O’Neill There are no direct financial Plan of the London Borough of implications to the GLA. Hammersmith & , January 2006 as being consistent with, and adequate for, the purposes of the Mayor’s Transport Strategy, and signed the letter to the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham. APPENDIX A

MA 2621 Agreed for the GLA to allow the 31/03/06 Ken Livingstone Murziline The total 2006/07 hire organisation ‘BTWSC’ to use Parchment charge for the hire of committee room 5 (half day) and Committee Room 5 at City agreed a waiver of the fees & Hall for this event is £2,256 charges policy for this purpose to which will be income hold a press launch and reception forgone. The 2006/07 for the “Because?” report on 11 income target is £119,000. April 2006. Waiving the hire fee will have a negative impact on this income target. To date a total of £4,868 of income has been forgone in 2006/07 in relation to the waiving of room hire charges at City Hall. MA 2622 Agreed the decision by the London 31/03/06 Ken Livingstone John Ross There are no direct financial Development Agency (LDA) to implications to the GLA. extend the contract of Manny Lewis as the LDA Chief Executive until 31 July 2008.

Part 2 of Report is confidential under FOI. MA 2623 Agreed: 20/03/06 Ken Livingstone Alex Bax The total estimated gross cost of this project is 1. To accept the invitation of the £101,800 and the net cost First Secretary of State, Office of to the GLA is nil. The the Deputy Prime Minister ODPM will fully reimburse (ODPM), to submit by 21 march the GLA for costs relating 2006 a tender for a contract to to this project. Expenditure provide secretarial services to the for this project will span APPENDIX A

London Regional Aggregates four financial years as Working Party (LAWP) for the follows: period April 2006 to March 2010. • 2006/07 - £24,250 • 2007/08 - £25,050 2. To submit a tender to ODPM for • 2008/09 - £25,850 the contract to provide • 2009/10 - £26,650 secretarial services to LAWP for the period 2006/10 for the sum of £101,800.

3. If the GLA’s tender submission is accepted by the ODPM and the contract is awarded to the GLA, to enter into a consultancy contract to provide secretarial services LAWP for the period 2006/10 for the sum of £101,800.

4. To grant an exemption under section 16 of the GLA’s Contracts Code of Practice to allow the award of the consultancy contract to Chris Waite Planning without having first conducted an advertised tender.

MA 2624 Agreed: 30/03/06 Ken Livingstone Murziline The estimated gross and APPENDIX A

Parchment net cost of this project to 1. That the GLA support the the GLA is £18,000 and will establishment of a London be met from the following Carers Alliance in Summer 2006 budgets: to identify and represent the voices of London’s diversity of • 2005/06 Social Inclusion carers, liaise with existing carers’ budget - £13,000 organisations and mobilise support to address these needs. • 2005/06 Human Rights budget - £5,000 2. That GLA funding be used until August 2006, whilst applications The £5,000 contribution are made for external funding to from the 2005/06 Human take forward the Alliance on a Rights budget will be vired more sustainable basis. to the 2005/06 Social Inclusion budget and the 3. That the temporary Carers total budget provision of Development Officer post be £18,000 for this project will funded until the end of July be carried forward to 2006. 2006/07.

4. A virement of £5,000 from the 2005/06 Human Rights budget to the 2005/06 Social Inclusion budget.

5. A carry forward of £18,000 from the 2005/06 Social Inclusion budget to 2006/07.


MA 2627 Agreed, given the size of the event 15/03/06 Ken Livingstone Judith Woodward The maximum cost of this and the disruption and associated initiative to the GLA is additional costs involved for the (Signed by £5,000 and will be met from organisers, due to the restoration Simon Fletcher the ‘Smaller Events and works on Nelson’s Column, to fund on behalf of the Festivals’ budget held by a screen on for the Mayor, at his the Events for London Stop the War event on the 18th request, Team. March to a maximum cost of following £5,000 payable to the Campaign consultation for . with the Mayor). MA 2630 Noted the results of the internal 27/03/06 MMB N/A There are no direct costs audit reviews, the assurance levels associated with the given and the management action implementation of the audit taken on the following activities: recommendations.

Audit Reviews Assurance Decision Making Full IS/IT & E Government Strategy Full Marketing Substantial Events for London Substantial London’s European Office Substantial MA 2631 Approved: 31/03/06 Ken Livingstone Lee Jasper There are likely to be some financial implications to the 1. The contents of the GLA Group adoption of the Policy but Sustainable Procurement Policy. these are difficult to quantify at this stage and 2. The steps being taken towards will depend on the efficacy the implementation of the GLA of the competitive Group Sustainable Procurement tendering processes. Any APPENDIX A

Policy. potential financial impacts will need to be addressed Agreed to delegate authority to TfL within each organisations and LDA and direct TfL and LDA to budget and business implement the GLA Group planning process. Sustainable Procurement Policy.

Noted that the MPA/MPS and LFEPA have agreed to take steps towards the implementation of the GLA Group Sustainable Procurement Policy. MA 2632 Noted the GLA performance 27/03/06 MMB N/A The GLA is statutory indicators for 2005/06 and agreed required to collect clearly the proposed annual targets for defined best value 2006/07 to 2008/09. performance indicators.

The costs of collecting, reporting and dissemination of the performance indicator information can be met from within 2006/07 GLA salaries and other associated budgets. MA 2633 Approved changes in the contract 05/04/06 Ken Livingstone Redmond O’Neill The estimated total cost for price with ALG TEC for the 2006/07 are £1,474,105 provision of adjudication services to and will be met by the TfL. reflect cost increases for 2006/07 year, which will be implemented as a result of the annual review of costs as specified in the contract APPENDIX A

with ALG. MA 2637 Noted the contents of the 2006/07 27/03/06 MMB N/A There are no financial This report Budget and Sustainable implications for 2006/07 will be Development report. beyond those already considered incorporated in the budgets by the Agreed: of the GLA and its Assembly’s functional bodies. Budget 1. The Director of Finance and Committee Performance be delegated to on 22 June make final amendments to the 2006. report in consultation with the relevant Directors in the Mayor’s Office.

2. The report be published electronically and that in keeping with sustainability principles, a printed copy only be provided where a specific request is made.

MA 2639 Approved the GLA 2006-09 31/03/06 Ken Livingstone Neale Coleman The GLA net budget Corporate Plan for publication and requirement for 2006/07 is GLA budget for 2006/07. £122.5 million. MA 2642 Agreed to award a contract to 05/04/06 Ken Livingstone Redmond O’Neill The estimated cost of this ‘WordTrans’ to provide translation contract is £100,000 and services for The Londoner in the will be met from the 2006/07 financial -year. 2006/07 Londoner budget. MA 2643 Approved the appointment of 12/04/06 Ken Livingstone John Duffy The total value of the Chubb Security Personnel Ltd to contract is £1,121,420 and APPENDIX A

provide the Heritage Warden (Signed by will span three financial Service on Trafalgar and Parliament Simon Fletcher years as follows: Squares from 1 May 2006 for three on behalf of the years with a possible two-year Mayor, at his • 2006/07 - £362,813 extension for a total contract value request, • 2007/08 - £373,698 of £1,121,420. following • 2008/09 - £384,909 consultation with the Mayor). The contract costs will be met annually from the London Squares budget subject to the annual budget process for each subsequent year. MA 2645 Approved: 31/03/06 Ken Livingstone Neale Coleman It is proposed that the five- year capital programme is to 1. Capital Programme for 2006/07 be funded from Direct to 2010/11. Revenue Financing and the Asset Replacement Reserve. 2. The Capital schemes for A summary of the capital 2006/07 and the provisional programme is shown below: schemes for 2007/08. Capital Programme 3. The arrangements for managing the IT programme as outlined in £000 Appendix 1 of this report. 2006/07 budget 1,436 2007/08 plan 1,648 2008/09 plan 2,119 2009/10 plan 1,875 2010/11 plan 1,867 Total 8,945 APPENDIX A

MA 2646 Agreed: 31/03/06 Ken Livingstone Murziline The Cathedral has been Parchment advised that the costs of 1. To support an appeal by the the appeal including Very Reverend Colin Slee Dean potential supporting of Cathedral against research are likely to be in the decision made by the the region of £30,000. This London Borough of Southwark expenditure is expected to to grant a premises license to be incurred in the 2006/07 include regulated entertainment, financial-year. However, striptease and lap dancing to there is no specific Rembrandt Restaurants Ltd, 56- provision for the proposal in 58 Tooley Street SE1. either the 2005/06 or 2006/07 budgets. Based on 2. To enter into a funding / the latest information indemnity agreement with the available there should be a Dean on behalf of the Cathedral general underspend against detailing the terms upon which the 2005/06 budget of at the funding will be provided. least £30,000, which could be carried forward into 3. That £30,000 be carried forward 2006/07 to cover the cost into 2006/07 to establish a of this proposal. budget for this proposal within the Finance and Performance Any liability falling to be Directorate. met by the Authority in excess of the currently proposed budget will have to be contained within existing resources. MA 2647 Noted the contents of the 27/03/06 MMB N/A There are no direct financial Functional Body (LDA/TfL) budget implications to the GLA. APPENDIX A

and Performance Monitoring Report: 1 April 2005 to 31 December 2005.

Agreed that the Executive Director of Finance and Performance make necessary amendments, in consultation with the Director of Business Planning and Regeneration, prior to the submission of the report to the Assembly’s Budget Monitoring Sub-Committee for consideration on 25 April 2006. MA 2651 Agreed: 05/04/06 Ken Livingstone John Duffy The payment of up to £35,000 will be drawn down 1. A payment of up to £35,000 to from the Squares’ Reserve. the Mandela Statue Fund by amending the Mandela Statue Fund Project Funding Agreement to meet the costs of the latest stages of work to the sculpture of up to creating a wax mould of the statue.

2. To this payment on the same terms as the rest of the Funding Agreement and that the contribution will be repaid in part or in whole in the event of APPENDIX A

the Mandela Statue Fund having surplus funds after the statue has been erected.

MA 2652 Approved the 2006 Implementing 07/04/06 Ken Livingstone Alex Bax There are no direct costs Electronic Government Statement associated with the (IEG6) for submission to the Office approval of the IEG6 of the Deputy Prime Minister. statement to the GLA. MA 2654 Agreed: 05/04/06 Ken Livingstone John Ross The GLA’s contribution of £33,000 will be met from 1. For the GLA to provide a grant the following programme to Artichoke Ltd of £33,000. budgets: This grant will enable Artichoke Ltd to produce the final stage of • 2005/06 Cultural Events The Sultan and the Elephant Programme budget – parade by Royal de Luxe that is Smaller festivals and scheduled to take place in and events allocation – around the capital including (£20,000). Trafalgar Square 4-7 May 2006. • 2005/06 Cultural 2. To carry-forward the £33,000 Strategy Programme from the following 2005/06 budget – Culture & budgets to the 2006/07 Disability allocation – financial year: (£13,000).

• 2005/06 Cultural Events Due to the delays with this Programme budget – Smaller project, a carry-forward of festivals and events allocation the funding to 2006/07 has - £20,000. APPENDIX A

been agreed. • 2005/06 Cultural Strategy Programme budget – Culture & Disability allocation - £13,000.

MA 2656 Agreed: 03/04/06 Ken Livingstone N/A Waiver of London’s Living Room 1. Government Office for London (GOL) hiring London’s Living The total 2006/07 hire Room on 4 April 2006 for the charge for the hire of purpose of holding a conference London’s Living Room at on the subject of improving City Hall for this event is London’s economy up to 2012. £2,612 which will be income forgone. The 2. To waive the standard charge for 2006/07 income target is the hire of London’s Living £119,000. Waiving the hire Room for the conference. fee will have a negative impact on this income 3. To supply, at the GLA’s cost, the target. To date a total of audio- visual equipment that will £4,868 of income has been be needed by GOL to forgone in 2006/07 in successfully stage the relation to the waiving of conference. room hire charges at City Hall.

Audio-Visual Equipment

There is no specific provision in this year’s budget to meet the GLA’s net cost of £6,500 for this APPENDIX A

project. However, the Authority received a refund of £54,989 in respect of the ESF event in 2004. This income was not budgeted for in the 2005/06 Financial Year and would normally be used to replenish the budgets, which originally supported the event. Some of these funds were used to meet costs of another project. The balance of these funds of £8,954 is currently held in the contingency fund. It is proposed that the GLA’s net cost of £6,500 for this project be met from this balance of the ESF refund. An earmarked reserve for this expenditure will be created and subsequently drawn down in 2006/07. MA 2658 Agreed: 05/04/06 Ken Livingstone John Duffy The estimated gross cost of phase 3 of the project is 1. That the GLA deliver Phase 3 of £33,000 and the net cost to a project called ‘Wildweb’, to the GLA is £8,000. The increase public engagement with balance of £25,000 will be London’s Sites of Importance for met from sponsorship Nature Conservation, with a income. APPENDIX A

maximum project cost for phase 3 of £33,000. The GLA’s net cost of £8,000 will be met from the 2. The release of £8,000 from the 2006/07 Environment 2006/07 Environment Programme budget. Programme budget – ‘Biodiversity’ to cover maintenance costs for the website and distribution of marketing materials for phase 2.

3. That £25,000, the remainder of the funding, is sought from sponsorship.

4. The release of up to a further £10,000 from the 2006/07 Environment Programme budget – ‘Biodiversity’ to cover sponsorship shortfall if savings in other biodiversity projects can be identified.

5. Subject to funding, the engagement of consultants to deliver Phase 3 (including up to £18,000 on consultants CDP Ltd, as previously agreed in MA2473).


MA 2661 Agreed: 03/04/06 MMB N/A The 2006/07 budget identifies budget reductions 1. The business development totalling £937,000, of programme for 2006/07 and which £672,000 will count that the Executive Director of towards the ODPM target Finance & Performance finalises of £1.38m. the scope and agrees the timetable for individual reviews subject to consultation with the director concerned.

2. The GLA’s 2006/07 forward looking Annual Efficiency Statement for submission to the ODPM.

MA 2664 Agreed to establish a project team 06/04/06 Ken Livingstone Lee Jasper There are no direct financial to investigate the viability of implications to the GLA. submitting an expression of interest to the Home Office for a pan London 101 (Single non- emergency number) implementation plan. The project team will have representations from the GLA, TfL, LDA, LFEPA, MPA, MPS, ALG, GOL and London Connects. DA 1551 Agreed funding of £25,000 is made 03/04/06 Alan Benson N/A The GLA’s contribution of available to Empty Homes Agency £25,000 will be met from in 2006/07 as a contribution the 2006/07 Housing APPENDIX A

towards running the London empty Programme budget. property hotline service. DA 1574 Agreed to commission external 20/03/06 David Lunts N/A The estimated gross cost of consultants to carry out the full this project is £50,000 and Sustainability Appraisal (SA) the net cost to the GLA is (including the requirements for nil. This project will be Strategic Environmental entirely funded by Planning Assessment (SEA)) of the first Delivery Grant from the review of the London Plan, ODPM. specifically stages B to D of the SA process as outlined in the Government guidance. DA 1579 Agreed to allocate up to £20,000 20/03/06 Redmond N/A The estimated gross cost of from the 2006/07 Cultural Events O’Neill this project is £40,000 and Programme budget on Vaisakhi the net cost to the GLA is celebrations to take place in £20,000. The balance of Trafalgar Square on the 30 April £20,000 will be met by 2006. sponsorship income.

The GLA’s net cost of £20,000 will be met from the 2006/07 Cultural Events Programme budget. DA 1581 Agreed to produce Children’s Arts 13/03/06 Judith N/A The estimated gross cost of Day that is scheduled to take place Woodward this event is £20,600 and in Trafalgar Square on 2 July 2006. the net cost to the GLA is £10,000. The balance of £10,600 will be met from the sponsorship income.

The GLA’s net cost of APPENDIX A

£10,000 will be met from the 2006/07 Cultural Strategy Programme budget. DA 1582 Approved a contribution of 13/03/06 David Lunts N/A The GLA’s contribution of £24,250 to the Environmental £14,250 will be met from Research Group of Kings College the 2005/06 Environment London through a funding Programme budget. agreement, to undertake a project updating and providing additional functionality for the London air Quality Network website. The project will improve the quality of the site and enable greater transparency in the delivery of air quality monitoring data and statistics. DA 1584 Agreed to award a contract for field 16/03/06 Redmond N/A The total cost of the field marketing services for two editions O’Neill marketing services contract of The Londoner at London to the GLA is £46,400 and Underground stations to Carlson will be met from the Marketing. 2006/07 Londoner budget. DA 1585 Approved a waiver from the 23/03/06 Redmond N/A The estimated gross and contracts code requiring three O’Neill net cost of this contract to quotes for the provision of bulk the GLA is £1,900 and will drop delivery and distribution be met from the 2005/06 services for The Londoner in Londoner budget. London Underground ticket halls.

Agreed to seek a single quote from associated Newspapers Ltd for this APPENDIX A

service. DA 1588 Agreed: 10/04/06 Stephanie Swan N/A The estimated gross and net cost of this contract to 1. That the GLA enter into a the GLA is £45,598 and will consultancy agreement with span three financial years: Positive Action Training Highway (PATH) National under the terms • 2006/07 - £16,574 of which the GLA will provide a • 2007/08 - £22,332 work experience placement in • 2008/09 - £6,692 the Housing and Homelessness Unit and GLA Economics for a The expenditure noted policy trainee from a BME above will be divided background and/or who is equally between the protected by the Disability Housing Programme budget Discrimination Act who is and the GLA Economics undertaking a postgraduate budget for each subsequent qualification in Economics (with year. housing components). The trainee will be appointed by In order to facilitate PATH and will receive specialist effective budget and support and a training allowance project management, the from them. contribution from the GLA Economics budget each 2. For an exemption to the year for this contract will be contracts code, in relation to the vired to the Housing engagement of PATH National Programme budget each Ltd to carry out consultancy due financial year. to a limited number of suitable suppliers existing, in accordance with 16.7 of the code.


DA 1590 Agreed that the Director of 22/03/06 Mark Roberts N/A The total gross and net cost Secretariat signs the award of of this project to the GLA is contract letter to Direction – The £17,675 and will span two Learning Consultancy, for a project financial years as follows: to improve the quality of written communication within Core • 2005/06 - £3,250 Secretariat. • 2006/07 - £14,425

The expenditure of £3,250 to be incurred in 2005/06 will be met from the 2005/06 Executive Director of Secretariat Training budget.

The expenditure of £14,425 to be incurred in 2006/07 will be met from the 2006/07 Executive Director of Secretariat Training budget.

DA 1591 Approved: 17/03/06 Debbie N/A The estimated gross cost of McMullen this project is £15,000 and 1. The award of a consultancy the net cost to the GLA is contract to produce small area Nil. The project will be employment projections based totally funded by the LDA. upon consultancy work by Volterra Consulting Limited on The LDA’s income of APPENDIX A

Standard Industry Classification £15,000 will be received in based pan-London employment 2005/06. However, all projection and the GLA expenditure for this project Economics borough level will be incurred in 2006/07. distribution of total employment. Therefore, the income will be treated as income in 2. The receipt of £15,000 from the advance for 2006/07. LDA as a contribution towards the costs of this project.

DA 1592 Approved: 17/03/06 David Lunts N/A The estimated gross cost of this project is £40,000 and 1. The award of a consultancy the net cost to the GLA is contract to undertake a review £5,000. The balance of of the demand for and supply of £35,000 will be met from land for the logistics sector. the LDA.

2. The receipt of £35,000 from the The GLA’s net cost of LDA as a contribution towards £5,000 will be met from the the costs of this consultancy 2006/07 London Plan study. Programme budget.

The LDA’s income of £35,000 will be received in 2005/06. However, all expenditure for this project will be incurred in 2006/07. Therefore, the income will be treated as income in advance for 2006/07. APPENDIX A

DA 1593 Approved: 17/03/06 David Lunts N/A The estimated maximum gross cost of this project is 1. The award of a consultancy £50,000 and the maximum contract to identify long-term net cost to the GLA is future requirements for £5,000. The balance of wholesaling capacity in London £45,000 will be met by the and to test against scenarios for LDA. future provision. The GLA’s net cost of 2. The receipt of £45,000 from the £5,000 will be met from the LDA towards the cost of this 2006/07 London Plan consultancy project. Programme budget.

The LDA’s income of £45,000 will be received in 2005/06. However, all expenditure for this project will be incurred in 2006/07. Therefore, the income will be treated as income in advance for 2006/07. DA 1600 Agreed to award a contract to 10/04/06 Louise Harris N/A The total cost of this Associated Newspapers Ltd to contract is £20,000 and will provide bulk drop delivery and be met from the 2006/07 distribution services for The Londoner budget. Londoner in selected London Underground ticket halls and selected London bus depots.