

JOURNAL WATCH, J to Z H-Diplo Journal and Periodical Review www.h-net.org/~diplo/journals/ Second Quarter 2014 15 April 2014

Compiled by Lubna Qureshi, Stockholm University

The Journal of African History, Vol. 55, Issue 1 (March 2014) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=AFH&volumeId=55&is sueId=01&iid=9216967

JAH Forum: Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa

• Jean-Louis Triaud, “Giving a Name to Islam South of the Sahara: An Adventure in Taxonomy,” 3.

• Scott S. Reese, “Islam in Africa/Africans and Islam,” 17.

• Benjamin Soares, “The Historiography of Islam in West Africa: An Anthropologist’s View,” 27.

Social Order and Economic Transformation

• Peter Delius and Stefan Schirmer, “Order, Openness, and Economic Change in Precolonial Southern Africa: A Perspective from the Bokoni Terraces,” 37.

Slavery and Indebtedness

• Paul E. Lovejoy, “Pawnship, Debt, and ‘Freedom’ in Atlantic Africa During the Era of the Slave Trade: A Reassessment,” 55.

Protesting Colonial Abuse

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• Joel Glasman, “Unruly Agents: Police Reform, Bureaucratization and Policemen’s Agency in Interwar Togo,” 79.


Journal of American-East Asian Relations, Vol. 21, Issue 1 (2014) http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/18765610/21/1

• Mark E. Caprio, “The Eagle Has Landed: Groping for a Korean Role in the Pacific War,” 5.

• David A. Conrad, “’Before It Is Too Late’: Land Reform in South Vietnam, 1956-1968,” 34.

• Eun Seo Jo, “Fighting for Peanuts: Reimagining South Korean Soldiers’ Participation in the Wollam Boom,” 58.


The Journal of American History, Vol. 100, No. 4 (March 2014) http://www.journalofamericanhistory.org/issues/1004/

• Cameron B. Strang, “Violence, Ethnicity, and Human Remains During the Second Seminole War,” 973.

• Eric R. Schlereth, “Privileges of Locomotion: Expatriation and the Politics of Southwestern Border Crossing,” 995.

• Julia L. Mickenberg, “Suffragettes and Soviets: American Feminists and the Specter of Revolutionary Russia,” 1021.

• Dorothy Sue Cobble, “A Higher ‘Standard of Life’ for the World: U.S. Labor Women’s Reform Internationalism and the Legacies of 1919,” 1052.

• Susan L. Carruthers, “’Produce More Joppolos’: John Hersey’s A Bell for Adano and the Making of the ‘Good Occupation,” 1086.

• Lisa Levenstein, “’Don’t Agonize, Organize!’: The Displaced Homemakers Campaign and the Contested Goals of Postwar Feminism,” 1114.

• Mary Dougherty, Eric Foner, Amy Kinsel, Randall M. Miller, and David J. Trowbridge, “Textbooks Today and Tomorrow: A Conversation about History, Pedagogy, and Economics ‘Box’,” 1139.


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Journal of American Studies, Vol. 48, Issue 1 (February 2014) https://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=AMS&volumeId=48&i ssueId=01&iid=9174627

• Anders Stephanson, “Senator John F. Kennedy: Anti-Imperialism and Utopian Deficit,” 1.

• Tamara L. Follini, “Speaking Monuments: Henry James, Walt Whitman, and the Civil War Statues of Augustus Saint-Gaudens,” 25.

• Philip McGowan, “AA and the Redeployment of Temperance Literature,” 51.

• Jenel Virden, “Warm Beer and Cold Canons: US Army Chaplains and Alcohol Consumption in World War II,” 79.

• Timothy A. Hickman, “A Chicago Architect in King Arthur’s Court: Mark Twain, Daniel Burnham and the Imperialism of Gilded Age Modernity,” 99.

• Jennifer Terry, “’Breathing the Air of a World So New’: Rewriting the Landscape of America in Toni Morrison’s A Mercy,” 127.

• Ramón Espejo, “Coping with the Postmodern: Paul Auster’s New York Trilogy,” 147.

• Colin Hutchinson, “The Complicity of Consumption: Hedonism and Politics in Thomas Pynchon’s Against the Day and John Dos Passos’s USA,” 173.

• Nick Witham, “US Feminists and Central America in the ‘Age of Reagan’: The Overlapping Contexts of Activism, Intellectual Culture and Documentary Filmmaking,” 199.

• Colin Burnett, “The ‘Albert Maltz Affair’ and the Debate over Para-Marxist Formalism in New Masses, 1945-1946,” 223.

• Henry Knight, “’Savages of Southern Sunshine’: Racial Realignment of the Seminoles in the Selling of Jim Crow Florida,” 251.

• Venla Oikkonen, “Kennewick Man and the Evolutionary Origins of the Nation,” 275.

• Mark Joseph Walmsley, “Tell It Like It Isn’t: SNCC and the Media, 1960-1965,” 291.


The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 73, Issue 1 (February 2014) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=JAS&volumeId=73&iss ueId=01&iid=9184661

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• Gerald James Larson, “Partition: The ‘Pulsing Heart that Grieved’,” 5.

• Manan Ahmed Asif, “Idols in the Archive,” 9.

• Erik Mueggler, “Corpse, Stone, Door, Text,” 17.

• Justin M. Jacobs, “Nationalist China’s ‘Great Game’: Leveraging Foreign Explorers in Xinjiang, 1927-1935,” 43.

• Projit Bihari Mukharji, “Vishalyakarani as Eupatorium ayapana: Retro-botanizing, Embedded Traditions, and Multiple Historicities of Plants in Colonial Bengal, 1890- 1940,” 65.

• Francis R. Bradley, “Islamic Reform, the Family, and Knowledge Networks Linking Mecca to Southeast Asia in the Nineteenth Century,” 89.

• Nayoung Aimee Kwon, “Conflicting Nostalgia: Performing The Tale of Ch’unhyang in the Japanese Empire,” 113.

• Kumiko Saito, “Magic, Shojo, and Metamorphosis: Magical Girl Anime and the Challenges of Changing Gender Identities in Japanese Society,” 143.

• Eiko Maruko Siniawer, “’Affluence of the Heart’: Wastefulness and the Search for Meaning in Millennial Japan,” 165.

• Franziska Seraphim, “A New Social History of Occupied Japan,” 187.


Journal of British Studies, Vol. 53, Issue 1 (January 2014) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=JBR&volumeId=53&iss ueId=01&iid=9175788

• Rupali Mishra, “Diplomacy at the Edge: Split Interests in the Roe Embassy to the Mughal Court,” 5.

• Hannah Weiss Muller, “Bonds of Belonging: Subjecthood and the British Empire,” 29.

• Coll Thrush, “The Iceberg and the Cathedral: Encounter, Entanglement, and Isuma in Inuit London,” 59.

• Philip Harling, “The Trouble with Convicts: From Transportation to Penal Servitude, 1840-67,” 80.

• Kenton Scott Storey, “Colonial Humanitarian? Thomas Gore Browne and the Taranaki War, 1860-61,” 111. 4 | Page

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• Eloise Moss, “’How I Had Liked This Villain! How I Had Admired Him!’: A.J. Raffles and the Burglar as British Icon, 1898-1939,” 136.

• Lara Putnam, “Citizenship from the Margins: Vernacular Theories of Rights and the State from the Interwar Caribbean,” 162.


Journal of Cold War Studies, Vol. 15, No. 4 (Fall 2013) http://www.mitpressjournals.org/toc/jcws/15/4

• Mark J. Gasiorowski, “The CIA’s TPBEDAMN Operation and the 1953 Coup in Iran,” 4.

• Nikos Marantzidis, “The Greek Civil War (1944-1949) and the International Communist System,” 25.

• Michael H. Creswell and Dieter H. Kollmer, “Power, Preferences, or Ideas? Explaining West Germany’s Armaments Strategy, 1955-1972,” 55.

• Robert Brier, “Broadening the Cultural History of the Cold War: The Emergence of the Polish Workers’ Defense Committee and the Rise of Human Rights,” 104.

• Loch K. Johnson, “James Angleton and the Church Committee,” 128.

• Mark Kramer, “The Dynamics of 1989: Reassessing a Momentous Year,” 148.

FORUM: George F. Kennan and the Cold War: Perspectives on John Gaddis’s Biography

• James G. Hershberg, “Reflections on George F. Kennan: An American Life,” 155.

• David Mayers, “Gaddis, Kennan, and the Cold War: An Assessment of the Biography,” 161.

• Barton J. Bernstein, “Analyzing and Assessing Gaddis’s Kennan Biography: Questionable Interpretations and Unpursued Evidence and Issues,” 170.

• Vladimir O. Pechatnov, “Gaddis’s Achievement: Taking the Measure of Kennan,” 183.

• Ivan Kurilla, “An Assessment of John Lewis Gaddis’s George F. Kennan: An American Life,” 189.

• James C. Wallace, “Contained? The Religious Life of George F. Kennan and Its Influence,” 196.

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• Binoy Kampmark, “Commentary on John Lewis Gaddis, George F. Kennan: An American Life,” 216.

• Vít Smetana, “George F. Kennan and the Division of Europe,” 225.

• Anders Stephanson, “Gaddis’s Kennan: A Different Kennan?,” 233.

• John Lewis Gaddis, “Reply to the Commentaries,” 241.


The Journal of Conflict Resolution, 58:1 (February 2014) http://jcr.sagepub.com/content/58/1.toc

• Adam S. Harris and Michael G. Findley, “Is Ethnicity Identifiable?: Lessons from an Experiment in South Africa,” 4.

• Courtenay R. Conrad, “Divergent Incentives for Dictators: Domestic Institutions and (International Promises Not to) Torture,” 34.

• Iris Lavi, Daphna Canetti, Keren Sharvit, Daniel Bar-Tal, and Stevan E. Hobfoll, “Protected by Ethos in a Protracted Conflict? A Comparative Study among Israelis and Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem,” 68.

• Sam Whitt, “Social Norms in the Aftermath of Ethnic Violence: Ethnicity and Fairness in Non-costly Decision Making,” 93.

• Christina J. Schneider and Johannes Urpelainen, “Partisan Heterogeneity and International Cooperation: The Case of the European Development Fund,” 120.

• Emily Hencken Ritter, “Policy Disputes, Political Survival, and the Onset and Severity of State Repression,” 143.

• Jonathan M. Powell, “Regime Vulnerability and the Diversionary Threat of Force,” 169.

The Journal of Conflict Resolution, 58:2 (March 2014) http://jcr.sagepub.com/content/58/2.toc

• Michael C. Horowitz and Philip B.K. Potter, “Allying to Kill: Terrorist Intergroup Cooperation and the Consequences for Lethality,” 199.

• Jae-Woo Kim and Robert A. Hanneman, “Coevolutionary Dynamics of Cultural Markers, Parochial Cooperation, and Networks,” 226.

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• Nathan Danneman and Emily Hencken Ritter, “Contagious Rebellion and Preemptive Repression,” 254.

• Ana Carolina Garriga and Brian J. Phillips, “Foreign Aid as a Signal to Investors: Predicting FDI in Post-conflict Countries,” 280.

• Brett V. Benson, Adam Meirowitz, and Kristopher W. Ramsay, “Inducing Deterrence through Moral Hazard in Alliance Contracts,” 307.

• Stephen Nemeth, “The Effect of Competition on Terrorist Group Operations,” 336.

• Kyle Beardsley and Nigel Lo, “Third-Party Conflict Management and the Willingness to Make Concessions,” 363.


Journal of Contemporary Asia, Vol. 44, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rjoc20/44/1#.U0K8dSguitg

• Kenta Goto and Tamaki Endo, “Upgrading, Relocating, Informalising? Local Strategies in the Era of Globalisation: The Thai Garment Industry,” 1.

• Eveyn Shyamala Devadason and Chan Wai Meng, “Policies and Laws Regulating Migrant Workers in Malaysia: A Critical Appraisal,” 19.

• Shengjun Zhu and John Pickles, “Bring In, Go Up, Go West, Go Out: Upgrading, Regionalisation and Delocalisation in China’s Apparel Production Networks,” 36.

• Yeo Lin and Rajah Rasiah, “Human Capital Flows in Taiwan’s Technological Catch Up in Integrated Circuit Manufacturing,” 64.

• Jonathan D. London, “Welfare Regimes in China and Vietnam,” 84.

• Alec Gordon, “Reverse Flow Foreign Investment: Colonial Indonesia’s Investment in Metropolitan Countries,” 108.

• Vedi R. Hadiz, “A New Islamic Populism and the Contradictions of Development,” 125.

• Lee Jones, “The Political Economy of Myanmar’s Transition,” 144.

Journal of Contemporary Asia, Vol. 44, Issue 2 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rjoc20/44/2#.U0K-nyguitg

Feature Section: “Good Governance” in Asia: Multiple Trajectories to Development 7 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

• Linda Chelan Li, “Multiple Trajectories and ‘Good Governance’ in Asia: An Introduction,” 187.

• Martin Painter, “Governance Reforms in China and Vietnam: Marketisation, Leapfrogging and Retro-Fitting,” 204.

• Yi-Wen Cheng and Tak-Wing Ngo, “The Heterodoxy of Governance under Decentralisation: Rent-Seeking Politics in China’s Tobacco Growing Areas,” 221.

• Thomas Johnson, “Good Governance for Environmental Protection in China: Instrumentation, Strategic Interactions and Unintended Consequences,” 241.

• Björn Dressel, “Governance, Courts and Politics in Asia,” 259.

• Linda Chelan Li and Wen Wang, “Pursuing Equity in Education: Conflicting Views and Shifting Strategies,” 279.

Research Articles

• Marie Lall and Ashley South, “Comparing Models of Non-state Ethnic Education in Myanmar: The Mon and Karen National Education Regimes,” 298.

• Sarinda Singh, “Developing Bureaucracies for Environmental Governance: State Authority and World Bank Conditionality in Laos,” 322.

• Dennis Soltys, “Challenges to the Institutionalisation of Environmental NGOs in Kazakhstan’s Corporatist Policy Arena,” 342.


Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 23, Issue 86 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cjcc20/23/86#.U0LC-Cguitg

Domestic Sources of Chinese Foreign Policy

• James Reilly, “A Wave to Worry About? Public opinion, foreign policy and China’s anti- Japan protests,” 197. • Jianwei Wang and Xiaojie Wang, “Media and Chinese Foreign Policy,” 216.

• You Ji, “The PLA and Diplomacy: unraveling myths about the military role in foreign policy making,” 236.

• Yawei Liu and Justine Zheng Ren, “An Emerging Consensus on the US Threat: the United States according to PLA officers,” 255.

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• Mingjiang Li, “Local Liberalism: China’s provincial approaches to relations with Southeast Asia,” 275.

• Hongyi and Su-Jeong Kang, “Domestic Bureaucratic Politics and Chinese Foreign Policy,” 294.

Research Articles

• Neil Munro, “Profiling the Victims: public awareness of pollution-related harm in China,” 314.

• Jong-Ho Jeong, “Transplanted Wenzhou Model and Transnational Ethnic Economy: experiences of Zhejiangcun’s Wenzhou migrants and Wangjing’s Chaoxianzu (ethnic Korean Chinese) migrants in Beijing,” 330.

• Lige Liu, Xiaoyi Jin, Melissa J. Brown, and Marcus W. Feldman, “Male Marriage Squeeze and Inter-provincial Marriage in Central China: evidence from Anhui,” 351.

Research Note

• Xiaoning Lu, “The Politics of Recognition and Constructing Socialist Subjectivity: reexamining the national minority film (1949-1966),” 372.


Journal of Contemporary History, 49:1 (January 2014) http://jch.sagepub.com/content/49/1.toc

Special Issue: Migration in Germany’s Age of Globalization

Migration Policy and Citizenship

• Johannes-Dieter Steinert, “Migration and Migration Policy: West Germany and the Recruitment of Foreign Labour, 1945-61,” 9.

• Olga Sparschuh, “Citizens and Non-Citizens: The Relevance of Citizenship Status in Labour Migration within Italy and to Germany from the 1950s to 1970s,” 28.

• Helen Williams, “Changing the National Narrative: Evolution in Citizenship and Integration in Germany, 2000-10,” 54.

Refugees and Asylum Seekers

• Beata Halicka, “The Oder-Neisse Line as a Place of Remembrance for Germans and Poles,” 75.

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• Jan-Hinnerk Antons, “Displaced Persons in Postwar Germany: Parallel Societies in a Hostile Environment,” 92.

• Patrice G. Poutrus, “Asylum in Postwar Germany: Refugee Admission Policies and Their Practical Implementation in the Federal Republic and the GDR Between the Late 1940s and the Mid-1970s,” 115.

Migrant Political Activism

• Nathanael Kuck, “Anti-colonialism in a Post-Imperial Environment – The Case of Berlin, 1914-33,” 134.

• Simon Goeke, “The Multinational Working Class? Political Activism and Labour Migration in West Germany During the 1960s and 1970s,” 160.

• Raika Espahangizi, “Migration and Urban Transformations: Frankfurt in the 1960s and 1970s,” 183.

Migrant Entrepreneurship

• Maren Möhring, “Food for Thought: Rethinking the History of Migration to West Germany Through the Migrant Restaurant Business,” 209.

• Maria Lidola, “Negotiating Integration in Berlin’s Waxing Studios: Brazilian Migrants’ Gendered Appropriation of Urban Consumer Spaces and ‘Ethnic’ Entrepreneurship,” 228.


Journal of the Early Republic, Vol. 34, No. 1 (Spring 2014) http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/journal_of_the_early_republic/toc/jer.34.1.html

SHEAR Presidential Address

• Patricia Cline Cohen, “The ‘Anti-Marriage Theory’ of Thomas and Mary Gove Nichols: A Radical Critique of Monogamy in the 1850s,” 1.


• Emily L. Conroy-Krutz, “’Engaged in the Same Glorious Cause’: Anglo-American Connections in the American Missionary Entrance into , 1790-1815,” 21.

• Donald Ratcliffe, “Popular Preferences in the Presidential Election of 1824,” 45.

• Brandon Mills, “’The United States of Africa’: Liberian Independence and the Contested Meaning of a Black Republic,” 79. 10 | Page

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Review Essay

• Eliga H. Gould, “The Wars of 1812,” 109.


The Journal of Economic History, Vol. 74, Issue 1 (March 2014) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=JEH&volumeId=74&iss ueId=01&iid=9176737

• Elise Huillery, “The Black Man’s Burden: The Cost of Colonization of French West Africa,” 1.

• James Fenske, “Imachi Nkwu: Trade and the Commons,” 39.

• Sebastian Braun and Toman Omar Mahmoud, “The Employment Effects of Immigration: Evidence from the Mass Arrival of German Expellees in Postwar Germany,” 69.

• Matthew Jaremski, “National Banking’s Role in U.S. Industrialization, 1850-1900,” 109.

• Bishnupriya Gupta, “Discrimination or Social Networks? Industrial Investment in Colonial India,” 141.

• Taylor Jaworski, “’You’re in the Army Now’: The Impact of World War II on Women’s Education, Work, and Family,” 169.

• Sevket Pamuk and Maya Shatzmiller, “Plagues, Wages, and Economic Change in the Islamic Middle East, 700-1500,” 196.

• Dario Debowicz and Paul Segal, “Structural Change in Argentina, 1935-1960: The Role of Import Substitution and Factor Endowments,” 230.

• Andrew J. Jalil, “Monetary Intervention Really Did Mitigate Banking Panics During the Great Depression: Evidence Along the Atlanta Federal Reserve District Border,” 259.


Journal of Genocide Research, Vol. 16, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cjgr20/16/1#.U0LgmSguitg

• Raz Segal, “Beyond Holocaust Studies: rethinking the Holocaust in Hungary,” 1.

• Matthew Krain, “The effects of diplomatic sanctions and engagement on the severity of ongoing genocides or politicides,” 25. 11 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

• Bridget Conley-Zilkic and Alex de Waal, “Setting the agenda for evidence-based research on ending mass atrocities,” 55.

• Bashir Bashir and Amos Goldberg, “Deliberating the Holocaust and the Nakba: disruptive empathy and binationalism in Israel/Palestine,” 77.

• Charles S. Maier, “Recounting, retrieving, rereading: approaches to the history of genocide,” 101.

• Charles H. Anderton, “A research agenda for the economic study of genocide: signposts from the field of conflict economics,” 113.


The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, Vol. 13, Issue 1 (January 2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cjgr20/16/1#.U0LgmSguitg

2013 SHGAPE Distinguished Historian Address

• Pero Gaglo Dagbovie, “Reflections on Conventional Portrayals of the African American Experience during the Progressive Era or ‘the Nadir’,” 4.


• Jacqueline M. Moore, “’Them’s Fighting Words’: Violence, Masculinity, and the Texas Cowboy in the Late Nineteenth Century,” 28.

Forum: Women and American Music, Three Stories

• Katherine K. Preston, “’The People’s Prima Donna’: Emma Abbott and Opera for the People,” 56.

• Joseph Horowitz, “A Life in Limbo: Laura Langford and Brooklyn’s Seidl Society,” 80.

• Michelle Wick Patterson, “Singing Wagner to Navajos: Natalie Curtis’s Journey from Classical Music to Native and African American Folk Songs,” 93.

• Judith Tick, “Comments,” 109.


Journal of Global History, Vol. 9, Issue 1 (March 2014) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=JGH&volumeId=9&iss ueId=01&iid=9167498

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• José Guadalupe Ortega, “Machines, modernity, and sugar: the Greater Caribbean in a global context, 1812-50,” 1.

• Alison Bashford, “Immigration restriction: rethinking period and place from settler colonies to postcolonial nations,” 26.

• Corey Ross, “The plantation paradigm: colonial agronomy, African farmers, and the global cocoa boom, 1870s-1940s,” 49.

• Nir Shafir, “The international congress as scientific and diplomatic technology: global intellectual exchange in the International Prison Congress, 1860-90,” 72.

• Karin Alejandra Rosemblatt, “Modernization, dependency, and the global in Mexican critiques of anthropology,” 94.

• Maurice Jr. M. Labelle, “De-coca-colonizing Egypt: globalization, decolonization, and the Egyptian boycott of Coca-Cola, 1966-68,” 122.

• Ann-Christina L. Knudsen and Karen Gram-Skjoldager, “Historiography and narration in transnational history,” 143.


Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Vol. 36, Issue 1 (March 2014) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=HET&volumeId=36&is sueId=01&iid=9185164

• Robert W. Dimand, “HES Presidential Address: The Global Economic Crisis in Light of the History of Interwar Monetary Economics,” 3.

• Cécile Edlinger and Antoine Parent, “The Beginnings of a ‘Common Sense’ Approach to Portfolio Theory by Nineteenth-Century French Financial Analysts Paul Leroy-Beaulieu and Alfred Neymarck,” 23.

• Kevin D. Hoover, “On the Reception of Haavelmo’s Econometric Thought,” 45.

• Rogério Arthmar, “Torrens and Malthus’ Challenge,” 67.

• Miguel D. Ramírez, “Is Capitalist Globalization Inevitable in the Marxian Paradigm?,” 83.

• Eduard Braun, “The Menger-Lachmann Trajectory on Capital: A Comment on Endres and Harper,” 97.

• Anthony M. Endres and David A. Harper, “Menger on the Nature of Capital and Its Structure: A Reply,” 103. 13 | Page

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• Eduard Braun, “Menger on the Nature of Capital and Its Structure: A Rejoinder,” 111.


Journal of Human Rights, Vol. 13, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cjhr20/13/1#.U0MEliguitg

• William F. Birdsall, “Development, Human Rights, and Human Capabilities: The Political Divide,” 1.

• Neil A. Englehart and Melissa K. Miller, “The CEDAW Effect: International Law’s Impact on Women’s Rights,” 22.

• Darren Hawkins and Chad Losee, “States and International Courts: The Politics of Prosecution in Sierra Leone,” 48.

• Nina Schneider, “Waiting for a Meaningful State Apology: Has Apologized for Authoritarian Repression?,” 69.

• Franklin Oduro and Rosemary Nagy, “What’s in an Idea?: Truth Commission Policy Transfer in Ghana and Canada,” 85.

• Renée Jeffery, “Beyond Repair?: Collective and Moral Reparations at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal,” 103.


The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, Vol. 41, Issue 5 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fich20/41/5#.U0OX4Cguitg

• David Veevers, “’The Company as Their Lords and the Deputy as a Great Rajah’: Imperial Expansion and the English East India Company on the West Coast of Sumatra, 1685-1730,” 687.

• Raymond E. Dumett, “A West African ‘Fashoda’: Expanding Trade, Colonial Rivalries and the Insurrection in the Côte d’Ivoire/Gold Coast Borderlands: The Assikasso Crisis of 1897-98,” 710.

• Kristyn Harman, “Protecting Tasmanian Aborigines: American and Queensland Influences on the Cape Barren Island Reserve Act, 1912,” 744.

• Antonis Klapsis, “The Strategic Importance of Cyprus and the Prospect of Union with Greece, 1919-1931: The Greek Perspective,” 765.

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• Julia Edwards, “Phosphate and Forced Relocation: An Assessment of the Resettlement of the Banabans to Northern Fiji in 1945,” 783.

• Gareth Curless, “The Sudan is ‘Not Yet Ready for Trade Unions’: The Railway Strikes of 1947-1948,” 804.

• Rebecca C. Hughes, “’Science in the Hands of Love’: British Evangelical Missionaries and Colonial Development in Africa, c. 1940-60,” 823.

• Mário Artur Machaqueiro, “Foes or Allies? Portuguese Colonial Policies towards Islam in Mozambique and ,” 843.

• Christianne Gates, “The ‘Turkish’ Minority in Cyprus: An artificial identity?,” 870.

The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, Vol. 42, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fich20/42/1#.U0Oe9yguitg

• Aaron Willis, “The Standing of New Subjects: Grenada and the Protestant Constitution after the Treaty of (1763),” 1.

• Donald F. Johnson, “The Failure of Restored British Rule in Revolutionary Charleston, South Carolina,” 22.

• Andrew J. May, “Homo in Nubibus: Altitude, Colonisation and Political Order in the Khasi Hills of Northeast India,” 41.

• Felicity Barnes, “Bringing Another Empire Alive? The Empire Marketing Board and the Construction of Dominion Identity, 1926-33,” 61.

• Felicia Yap, “A ‘New Angle of Vision’: British Imperial Reappraisal of Hong Kong during the Second World War,” 86.

• Na’ama Ben Ze’ev, “Sites of Assimilation into Urban Life: Rural Migrants’ Clubs in Haifa under the Mandate, 1939-48,” 114.

• Lynn Schler, “’The facts stated do not seem to be true’: The Contested Process of Repatriation in British Colonial Nigeria,” 134.

• Denis Cryle, “’Cornerstone of the Commonwealth’: The Press Union and the Preservation of the Penny Cable Rate, 1941-67,” 153.

• Bain Attwood, “Law, History and Power: The British Treatment of Aboriginal Rights in Land in New South Wales,” 171.

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The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Vol. 44, Issue 4 (Spring 2014) http://www.mitpressjournals.org/toc/jinh/44/4

• Martin Bruegel, Jean-Michel Chevet, and Sébastien Lecocq, “Animal Protein and Rational Choice: Diet in the Eighteenth Century,” 427.

• Zef Segal, “Communication and State Construction: The Postal Service in German States, 1815-1866,” 453.

• Trent MacNamara, “Why ‘Race Suicide’? Cultural Factors in U.S. Fertility Decline, 1903- 1908,” 475.

• Enriqueta Camps and Stanley L. Engerman, “World Population Growth: The Force of Recent Historical Trends,” 509. ______

Journal of Israeli History: Politics, Society, Culture, Vol. 33, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fjih20/33/1#.U0Okiyguitg

• Johannes Becke, “Towards a de-Occidentalist perspective on Israel: The case of the occupation,” 1.

• Yuval Ben-Bassat, “A Zionist torn between two worlds: Aharon Eisenberg’s correspondence after the Young Turk Revolution,” 25.

• Kobi Peled, “Oral testimonies, archival sources, and the 1948 Arab-Israeli War: A close look at the occupation of a Galilean village,” 41.

• Efrat Seckbach, “Meir Har-Zion’s act of reprisal: Reality and memory,” 63.

• Ari Barell, “The failure to formulate a national science policy: Israel’s Scientific Council, 1948-1959,” 85.


Journal of Latin American Studies, Vol. 46, Issue 1 (February 2014) https://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=LAS&volumeId=46&i ssueId=01&iid=9176252

• Frank “Trey” Proctor III, “Amores perritos: Puppies, Laughter and Popular Catholicism in Bourbon ,” 1.

• Juan Luis Ossa Santa Cruz, “The Army of the Andes: Chilean and Rioplatense Politics in an Age of Military Organisation, 1814-1817,” 29.

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• Jennifer N. Collins, “New Left Experiences in Bolivia and and the Challenge to Theories of Populism,” 59.

• Pedro Floriano Ribeiro, “An Amphibian Party? Organisational Change and Adaptation in the Brazilian Workers’ Party, 1980-2012,” 87.

• Teresa R. Melgar, “A Time of Closure? Participatory Budgeting in Porto Alegre, Brazil, after the Workers’ Party Era,” 121.

• José Carlos Orihuela, “The Environmental Rules of Economic Development: Governing Air Pollution from Smelters in Chuquicamata and La Oroya,” 151.


The Journal of Legal History, Vol. 35, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/flgh20/35/1#.U0OsmCguitg

• Dr. Kevin Costello, “’More Equitable than the Judgment of the Justices of the Peace’: The King’s Bench and the Poor Law 1630-1800,” 3.

• Dr. Sean Bottomley, “Patent Cases in the Court of Chancery, 1714-58,” 27.

• Raymond Cocks, “’Sustaining the Character of a Judge’: Conflict within the Legal Thought of British India,” 44.

• “Scottish Legal History Group Report 2013,” 68.

• Sir John Baker, “Migrations of Manuscripts 2013,” 71.


Journal of Military Ethics, Vol. 12, Issue 4 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/smil20/12/4#.U0OudCguitg

• Paul T. Berghaus and Nathan L. Cartagena, “Developing Good Soldiers: The Problem of Fragmentation Within the Army,” 287.

• Megan Braun and Daniel R. Brunstetter, “Rethinking the Criterion for Assessing CIA- targeted Killings: Drones, Proportionality and Jus Ad Vim,” 304.

• Jeff Montrose, “Unjust War and a Soldier’s Moral Dilemma,” 325.

• Mark N. Jensen, “Hard Moral Choices in the Military,” 341.

• Graham Parsons, “What is the Classical Theory of Just Cause? A Response to Reichberg,” 357. 17 | Page

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• Gregory M. Reichberg, “Second Response to Parsons,” 370.

Case Study

• Walter E. Carter, Jr., “The Ibar Bridge Attack,” 373.

• Michael N. Schmitt, “The Ibar Bridge Attack: A Legal Assessment,” 376.

• Emmanuel R. Goffi, “The Ibar Bridge Attack: A Moral Assessment,” 380.


Journal of Military History, Vol. 78, No. 2 (April 2014) http://www.smh-hq.org/jmh/jmhvols/782.html

• Alex Kerner, “Espionage and Field Intelligence in the Conquest of México, 1519-1521,” 469.

• Holly A. Mayer, “Canada, Congress, and the Continental Army: Strategic Accommodations, 1774-1776,” 503.

• J.C.A. Stagg, “Freedom and Subordination: Disciplinary Problems in the U.S. Army During the War of 1812,” 537.

• Jason W. Smith, “Twixt the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: Hydrography, Sea Power, and the Marine Environment, 1898-1901,” 575.

• Jeffery A. Gunsberg, “La Grande Illusion: Belgian and Dutch Strategy Facing Germany, 1919-May 1940 (Part II),” 605.

• David Stubbs, “A Blind Spot? The Royal Air Force (RAF) and Long-Range Fighters, 1936-1944,” 673.

• Nir Arielli, “When are Foreign Volunteers Useful? Israel’s Transnational Soldiers in the War of 1948 Re-examined,” 703.

• Donald R. Hickey, “’War Hawks’: Using Newspapers to Trace a Phrase, 1792-1812,” 725.

• Blair P. Turner, “Capturing the Many Faces of War,” 741.

• William S. Dudley, “War of 1812 Trilogy,” 747.

• Roger Dingman, “American Bases in Japan,” 753.

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The Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 52, Issue 1 (March 2014) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=MOA&volumeId=52&i ssueId=01&iid=9161575

• Thomas Osmond, “Competing Muslim legacies along city/countryside dichotomies: another political history of Harar Town and its Oromo rural neighbours in Eastern Ethiopia,” 1.

• Lutgart Lenaerts, Mark Breusers, Stefaan Dondeyne, Hans Bauer, Mitiku Haile, and Jozef Deckers, “’This pasture is ours since ancient times’: An ethnographic analysis of the reduction in conflicts along the post-1991 Afar-Tigray regional boundary,” 25.

• Giulia Piccolino, “Ultranationalism, democracy and the law: insights from Côte d’Ivoire,” 45.

• Issaka K. Souaré, “The African Union as a norm entrepreneur on military coups d’état in Africa (1952-2012): an empirical assessment,” 69.

• Zacharia S. Masanyiwa, Anke Niehof, and Catrien J.A.M. Termeer, “Gender perspectives on decentralisation and service users’ participation in rural Tanzania,” 95.

• Steven Gordon and Brij Maharaj, “Representing foreign workers in the private security industry: a South African perspective on trade union engagement,” 123.

• Lansana Gberie, “The ‘Rebel’ Wars of Africa: From Political Contest to Criminal Violence?,” 151.


The Journal of Modern History, Vol. 86, No. 1 (March 2014) http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/673568

• Antonio Calvo Maturana, “’Is it useful to deceive the people?’ The Debate on Public Information in Spain at the End of the Ancien Régime (1780-1808),” 1.

• Rebekka Habermas, “Lost in Translation: Transfer and Nontransfer in the Atakpame Colonial Scandal,” 47.

• Talbot C. Imlay, “’The policy of social democracy is self-consciously internationalist’: The German Social Democratic Party’s Internationalism after 1945,” 81.

• Alvin Jackson, “Ireland’s Long Nineteenth Century of Union,” 124.

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Journal of Modern Italian Studies, Vol. 19, Issue 2 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rmis20/19/2#.U0PIKCguitg

• M. Giovanni Cavagnini, “’Reckless youth.’ Cardinal Maffi and Fascism (1919-31),” 99.

• Stefania Pontrandolfo, “The disappearance of a Rom community and the rejection of the politics of recognition,” 119.

• Giuseppe Monsagrati, “Margaret Fuller and Mazzini again: an almost unedited letter,” 132.

• Julius Lüttge, “Missing an opportunity: the Italian Mezzogiorno’s trading troubles during European integration,” 145.

• Marco Valbruzzi, “Is trasformismo a useful category for analysing modern Italian politics?,” 169.


Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 42, No. 4 (Summer 2013) http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1525/jps.2013.42.issue-4

• Nicholas E. Roberts, “Dividing Jerusalem: British Urban Planning in the Holy City,” 7.

• Ahmad Amara, “The Negev Land Question: Between Denial and Recognition,” 27.

• Salim Tamari, “Normalcy and Violence: The Yearning for the Ordinary in Discourse of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict,” 48.

• Rashid Khalidi, “The United States and the Palestinians, 1977-2012: Three Key Moments,” 61.

• Richard Falk, “Rethinking the Palestinian Future,” 73.

Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 43, No. 1 (Autumn 2013) http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1525/jps.2013.43.issue-1

• Tamir Sorek, “Calendars, Myths, and Palestinian Particularism under British Rule,” 6.

• Faris Giacaman, “Political Representation and Armed Struggle,” 24.

• Hassan Jabareen, “20 Years of Oslo,” 41.

• Rosemary Sayigh, “On the Exclusion of the Palestinian Nakba from the ‘Trauma Genre’,” 51. 20 | Page

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• Nidal Bitari, “Yarmuk Refugee Camp and the Syrian Uprising,” 61.


Journal of Policy History, Vol. 26, Issue 2 (April 2014) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=JPH&volumeId=26&iss ueId=02&iid=9202310

• Joanne Abel Goldman, “The U.S. Rare Earth Industry: Its Growth and Decline,” 139.

• William D. Adler and Jonathan Keller, “A Federal Army, Not a Federalist One: Regime Building in the Jeffersonian Era,” 167.

• Kathleen J. Frydl, “The Criminalization of Distress: The Government’s Response to Foundlings in the Postwar United States,” 188.

• Maddalena Marinari, “’Americans Must Show Justice in Immigration Policies Too’: The Passage of the 1965 Immigration Act,” 219.

• Abdillah Noh, “Malay Nationalism: A Historical Institutional Explanation,” 246.

• James Cooper, “’I must brief you on the mistakes’: When Ronald Reagan Met Margaret Thatcher, February 25-28, 1981,” 274.


Journal of Political Science Education, Vol. 10, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/upse20/10/1#.U0PReSguitg

• Candace C. Young, Debra K. Cartwright, and Michael Rudy, “To Resist, Acquiesce, or Internalize: Departmental Responsiveness to Demands for Outcomes Assessment,” 3.

• John Craig, “What Have We Been Writing About?: Patterns and Trends in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Political Science,” 23.

• J. Michael Despeaux, H. Gibbs Knotts, and Jennifer S. Schiff, “The Power of Partnerships: Exploring the Relationship between Campus Career Centers and Political Science Departments,” 37.

• Jill S. Greenlee, Mirya R. Holman, and Rachel VanSickle-Ward, “Making It Personal: Assessing the Impact of In-Class Exercises on Closing the Gender Gap in Political Ambition,” 48.

• Dena Levy and Susan Orr, “Balancing the Books: Analyzing the Impact of a Federal Budget Deliberative Simulation on Student Learning and Opinion,” 62. 21 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

• Tracy H. Slagter and Druscilla L. Scribner, “Interteach and Student Engagement in Political Science,” 81.

• John Ishiyama and Wendy L. Watson, “Using Computer-Based Writing Software to Facilitate Writing Assignments in Large Political Science Classes,” 93.

• Amy Cabrera Rasmussen, “Toward an Intersectional Political Science Pedagogy,” 102.


Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. 24, Issue 2 (April 2014) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=JRA&seriesId=3&volu meId=24&issueId=02&iid=9200952

• Efraim Lev, “An Early Fragment of Ibn Jazlah’s Tabulated Manual ‘Taqwim al-Abdan’ from the Cairo Genizah (T-S Ar. 41.137),” 189.

• Almut Hintze, “Monotheism on the Zoroastrian Way,” 225.

• S.R. Burge, “Scattered Pearls: Exploring al-Suyuti’s Hermeneutics and the Use of sources in al-Durr al-manthur fi’l-tafsir bi’l-ma’thur,” 251.

• Kevin N. Cawley, “Dis-assembling Traditions: Deconstructing Tasan via Matteo Ricci,” 297.

• Chi-Kwan Mark, “Development without Decolonisation? Hong Kong’s Future and Relations with Britain and China, 1967-1972,” 315.


Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 45, Issue 1 (February 2014) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=SEA&volumeId=45&is sueId=01&iid=9149024

• Courtney Work, “Sacred bribes and violence deferred: Buddhist ritual in rural Cambodia,” 4.

• Matthew O’Lemmon, “Spirit cults and Buddhist practice in Kep Province, Cambodia,” 25.

• Ian G. Baird, “The cult of Phaya Narin Songkhram: Spirit mediums and shifting sociocultural boundaries in northeastern Thailand,” 50.

• Prasert Rangkla, “Karen ethno-nationalism and the wrist-tying ceremony along the Thai-Burmese border,” 74. 22 | Page

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• Frank Fanselow, “The anthropology of the state and the state of anthropology in Brunei,” 90.

• Piriya Krairiksh, “Re-visioning Buddhist art in Thailand,” 113.


Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 37, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fjss20/37/1#.U0QLsyguitg

• Javier Jordan, “The Effectiveness of the Drone Campaign against Al Qaeda Central: A Case Study,” 4.

• Sergio Catignani, “Coping with Knowledge: Organizational Learning in the British Army?,” 30.

• Efraim Inbar and Eitan Shamir, “’Mowing the Grass’: Israel’s Strategy for Protracted Intractable Conflict,” 65.

• Dmitry (Dima) Adamsky, “Nuclear Incoherence: Deterrence Theory and Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons in Russia,” 91.

Amos Perlmutter Prize Essay

• Kersti Larsdotter, “Regional Support for Afghan Insurgents: Challenges for Counterinsurgency Theory and Doctrine,” 135.


Journal of Transatlantic Studies, Vol. 12, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rjts20/12/1#.U0QOAiguitg

• Philip Gannon, “The special relationship and the 1945 Anglo-American Loan,” 1.

• Sotiris Rizas, “Formulating a policy towards Eastern Europe on the eve of Détente: The USA, the Allies and Bridge Building, 1961-1964,” 18.

• Daniela Sicurelli and Sergio Fabbrini, “An institutional approach to foreign policy- making: the EU, the USA and crisis management in Africa,” 41.

• Luca Trenta, “Clinton and Bosnia: a candidate’s freebie, a president’s nightmare,” 62.

• Ruben Zaiotti, “Practical continentalism: North America, territorial security and the European model,” 90.

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The Middle East Journal, Vol. 68, No. 1 (Winter 2014) http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/the_middle_east_journal/toc/mej.68.1.html

• Rebecca Joubin, “Resistance amid Regime Co-optation on the Syrian Television Series Buq’at Daw’, 2001-2012,” 9.

• Philippe Droz-Vincent, “’State of Barbary’ (Take Two): From the Arab Spring to the Return of Violence in Syria,” 33.

• Joas Wagemakers, “A Terrorist Organization that Never Was: The Jordanian ‘Bay’at al- Imam’ Group,” 59.

• Dina Jadallah, “Colonialist Construction in the Urban Space of Jerusalem,” 77.

• Hamed El-Said and Jane Harrigan, “Economic Reform, Social Welfare, and Instability: Jordan, Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia, 1983-2004,” 99.


Middle East Policy, Vol. 21, Issue 1 (Spring 2014) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/mepo.2014.21.issue-1/issuetoc

The Problem of Iran

• David Albright, Frederic C. Hof, Richard LeBaron, and Anthony H. Cordesman, “Symposium: The United States, its Middle East Allies and Iran: What Is the Way Forward?,” 1.

• Kayhan Barzegar, “Nuclear Terrorism: An Iranian Perspective,” 29.

• Stephen G. Carter, “Iran, Natural Gas and Asia’s Energy Needs: A Spoiler for Sanctions?,” 41.

Shifting Sands

• Ann M. Lesch, “Troubled Political Transitions: Tunisia, Egypt and Libya,” 62.

• Muqtedar Khan, “Islam, Democracy and Islamism after the Counterrevolution in Egypt,” 75.

• Fauzi M. Najjar, “Whiter the Islamic Religious Discourse?,” 87.


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• Yasar Yakis, “Turkey after the Arab Spring: Policy Dilemmas,” 98.

• Massimo Morelli and Costantino Pischedda, “The Turkey-KRG Energy Partnership: Assessing Its Implications,” 107.

Special Section: The EU and the Region

• Peter Seeberg, “EU Strategic Interests in Post-Qadhafi Libya: Perspectives for Cooperation,” 122.

• Tamirace Fakhoury, “The EU and Lebanon in the Wake of the Arab Uprisings,” 133.

• Curtis R. Ryan, “Jordanian Foreign Policy and the Arab Spring,” 144.

• Sally Khalifa Isaac, “The Egyptian Transition, 2011-13: How Strategic to Europe?,” 154.


Middle East Studies, Vol. 50, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fmes20/50/1#.U0QZrCguitg

• Sami E. Baroudi, “Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi on International Relations: The Discourse of a Leading Islamist Scholar (1926-),” 2.

• Joseph Sassoon, “The Iraqi Ba’th Party Preparatory School and the ‘Cultural’ Courses of the Branches,” 27.

• David Steele, “Three British Prime Ministers and the Survival of the Ottoman Empire, 1855-1902,” 43.

• Süleyman Inan, “Political Marriage: The Sons-in-Law of the Ottoman Dynasty in the Late Ottoman State,” 61.

• Ronen Zeidel, “Gypsies and Society in : Between Marginality, Folklore and Romanticism,” 74.

• Ido Zelkovitz, “A Paradise Lost? The Rise and Fall of the Palestinian Community in Kuwait,” 86.

• Muhammad Azhar, “Economic Cooperation between India and Kuwait: Performance and Prospects,” 100.

• Murat Yasar, “Learning the Ropes: The Young Turk Perception of the 1905 Russian Revolution,” 114.

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• Yaron Harel, “Ha-Mizrah/al-Sharq: A Zionist Newspaper in Damascus during the Reign of Faysal in 1920,” 129.

• Ozlem Madi, “From Islamic Radicalism to Islamic : The Promises and Predicaments of Turkish-Islamic Entrepreneurship in a Capitalist System (The Case of IGIAD),” 144.

Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 50, Issue 2 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fmes20/50/2#.U0QdViguitg

• Faridullah Bezhan, “The Second World War and Political Dynamics in Afghanistan,” 175. • Ibrahim Köremezli, “Shpion vs. Casus: Ottoman and Russian Intelligence in the Balkans during the Crimean War (1853-56),” 192.

• Paolo Maggiolini, “Understanding Life in the Ottoman-Montenegrin Borderlands of Northern Albania during the Tanzimat Era: Catholic Mirdite , Missionaries and Ottoman Officials,” 208.

• Mustafa Serdar Palabiyik, “The Emergence of the Idea of ‘International Law’ in the Ottoman Empire before the Treaty of Paris (1856),” 233.

• Basak Kale, “Transforming an Empire: The Ottoman Empire’s Immigration and Settlement Policies in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries,” 252.

• Aysel Yildiz, “The ‘Louis XVI of the Turks’: The Character of an Ottoman Sultan,” 272.

• Rory Finnin, “Captive Turks: Crimean Tatars in Pan-Turkist Literature,” 291.

• Enno Maessen, “Reassessing Turkish National Memory: An Analysis of the Representation of Turkish National Memory by the AKP,” 309.

• Tancred Bradshaw, “The Dead Hand of the Treasury: The Economic and Social Development of the Trucial States, 1948-60,” 325.


Modern & Contemporary , Vol. 22, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cmcf20/22/1#.U0Qh3Cguitg

• Keith Reader, “France and the Middle East: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in Contemporary France,” 1.

• Bronwyn Winter, “Walking the Middle of the Peace Road? The Emergence of JCall in France,” 7. 26 | Page

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• Keith Reader, “The Querelle between Alain Badiou and Éric Marty, Contrasted with Régis Debray’s Lettre Ouverte to Élie Barnavi and Barnavi’s Response,” 29.

• Olivia C. Harrison, “Performing Palestine in Contemporary France: Mohamed Rouabhi’s Transcolonial Banlieue,” 43.

• Jennifer Solheim, “’Please Tell Me Who I Am’: Resisting Media Representation of Arab Masculinity and Violence in Wajdi Mouawad’s Incendies,” 59.

• Lucille Cairns, “Righteous Realism Versus Postmodern Play: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in Female-Authored Fiction,” 71.

• Jenny Chamarette, “Absurd Avatars, Transcultural Relations: Elia Suleiman, Franco- Palestinian Filmmaking and Beyond,” 85.

Modern & Contemporary France, Vol. 22, Issue 2 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cmcf20/22/2#.U0QkNiguitg

Special Section: Generations

• Fiona Barclay and Cristina Johnston, “Qu’est-ce qu’une génération?,” 133.

• Siân Reynolds, “Historical Note,” 139.

• Maggie Allison, “From ‘Generation Auclert’ to ‘Generation Ockrent’: Convictions, Comparisons and Continuities,” 143.

• Barbara Lebrun, “Beyond Brassens: Twenty-First Century Chanson and the New Generation of Singer-Songwriters,” 159.

• Jim Morrissey, “From Ciné Liberté to Kourtrajmé: Three ‘Generations’ of French Collective Filmmaking,” 177.

Other Articles

• Susan Bainbrigge, “(Beyond) ‘Devoirs de mémoire’ in Nancy Huston’s L’Empreinte de l’ange (1998): Music, Trauma and Childhood,” 193.

• Chris Reyns-Chikuma, “Mémoire et histoire dans un roman graphique en six volumes: double jeu, infotainment, obsession française?,” 207.

• Philippe Le Goff, “Capitalism, Crisis and Critique: Reassessing Régis Debray’s ‘Modest Contribution’ to Understanding May 1968 in Light of Luc Boltanski and Ève Chiapello’s Le nouvel esprit du capitalisme,” 231. 27 | Page

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Modern Italy, Vol. 19, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cmit20/19/1#.U0QoCyguitg

• Oliver Janz and Lucy Riall, “Special Issue: The Italian Risorgimento: transnational perspectives: Introduction,” 1. • David Laven and Laura Parker, “Foreign rule? Transnational, national, and local perspectives on Venice and Venetia within the ‘multinational’ empire,” 5.

• Ferdinand Nicolas Göhde, “A new military history of the Italian Risorgimento and Anti- Risorgimento: the case of ‘transnational soldiers’,” 21.

• Lucy Riall, “Travel, migration, exile: Garibaldi’s global fame,” 41.

• Carlotta Sorba, “Between cosmopolitanism and nationhood: Italian opera in the early nineteenth century,” 53.

• Marco Meriggi, “Legitimism, liberalism and nationalism: the nature of the relationship between North and South in Italian unification,” 69.

• Simon Sarlin, “The Anti-Risorgimento as a transnational experience,” 81.


Le Monde Diplomatique (Feburary 2014) http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/2014/02/

• Thomas Frank, “Révolte américaine contre les ogres du fast-food,” 1.

• Patrick Maurus, “La Corée du Nord se rêve en futur dragon,” 1.

• Agnès Stienne, “Zones économiques spéciales en Corée du Nord.”

• Vincent Descombes, “Crises d’identités,” 3.

• Pierre Souchon, “Evangélistes de Bruxelles dans les campagnes roumaines,” 4.

• Marius Garrigue and Clio Randimbivololona, “La politique agricole commune rebat les cartes à l’Est.”

• Jean-Arnault Dérens and Laurent Geslin, “Malaise français, colère bretonne,” 6.

• Agnès Stienne, “L’industrie agroalimentaire en Bretagne.”

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• Renaud Lambert, “Arithmétique et certitudes.”

• Guillaume Pitron, “A Sotchi, produire de l’or blanc sur la mer Noire,” 8.

• Guillaume Pitron, “Géopolitique du saut à skis.”

• Philippe Rekacewicz, “Jeux olympiques et ‘grand jeu’ caucasien.”

• Hicham Ben Abdallah El-Alaoui, “Le ‘printemps arabe’ n’a pas dit son dernier mot,” 10.

• Gérard Prunier, “Au Soudan du Sud, l’écroulement des espoirs démocratiques,” 12.

• Jean-Baptiste Gallopin, “Avec les réfugiés du Nil Bleu.”

• Philippe Rekacewicz, “Soudans: fragmentation d’Etats et projets énergétiques.”

• Laurent Courtens, “Que viva Mexico!,” 14.

• André Breton and Diego Rivera, “Pour un art révolutionnaire indépendant.”

• Johann Hari, “Pourquoi l’Uruguay légalise le cannabis,” 18.

• François Polet, “Vers la fin de la ‘guerre contre la drogue’,” 18.

• Marc Endeweld, “L’Agence France-Presse survivra-t-elle au déclin des journaux?,” 22.

• Timour Muhidine, “Les apaches d’Istanbul,” 27.

• Evelyne Pieiller, “Extension du domaine de la sieste,” 28.

La Monde Diplomatique (March 2014) http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/2014/03/

• Razmig Keucheyan, “Quand la finance se branche sur la nature,” 1.

• Emmanuel Dreyfus, “En Ukraine, les ultras du nationalisme,” 1.

• Frédéric Lordon, “Les entreprises ne créent pas l’emploi,” 3.

• Allan Popelard, “A l’écart des circuits officiels, des parents d’élèves défendent l’école pour tous,” 4.

• Allan Popelard, “Limites de la coéducation,” 5.

• Ali Kazancigil, “Le mouvement Gülen, une énigme turque,” 6. 29 | Page

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• Olivier Quarante, “Si riche Sahara occidental,” 7.

• Agnès Stienne, “Le Sahara Occidental et ses ressources.”

• Jean-François Boyer, “Echec et mat pour la gauche mexicaine,” 8.

• John Mill Ackerman, “Le Mexique privatise son pétrole.”

• Hernando Calvo Ospina, “Chevron, pollueur mais pas payeur en Equateur,” 8.

• Jean-Arnault Dérens, “La Bosnie enfin unie…contre les privatisations,” 10.

• Anna Bednik, “Pour tout l’or du Pérou,” 10.

• Kostas Vergopoulos, “L’affreux doute des libéraux,” 11.

• Devapriya Roy, “La ruse de Calcutta,” 12.

• Rafaële Brillaud, “Iwaishima, l’île antinucléaire,” 13.

• Jens Malling, “Des monuments de l’avant-garde soviétique glissent dans l’oubli,” 14.

• Etienne Balibar, “Un nouvel élan, mais pour quelle Europe?,” 16.

• Jean-Yves Camus, “Extrêmes droites mutantes en Europe,” 18

• Eric Dupin, “Le Front national sur un plateau,” 20.

• Cécile Marin, “Scores de l’extrême droite en Europe.”

• Benoît Bréville, “La ‘passion rouge-brune’ de Bernard-Henri Lévy.”

• Mathilde Goanec, “Fondations ‘d’utilité publique’, vraiment?,” 21.

• Jacques Denis, “Tous producteurs,” 27.

• Finn Brunton, “Une histoire du spam,” 28.

Le Monde Diplomatique (April 2014) http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/2014/04/

• Serge Halimi, “Quel cap pour la Tunisie?,” 1.

• Olivier Zajec, “L’obsession antirusse,” 1. 30 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

• Jean-Arnault Dérens and Laurent Geslin, “Ukraine, d’une oligarchie à l’autre.”

• Agnès Stienne, “Un pays charnière entre l’Europe et la Russie.”

• Anne-Cécile Robert, “Plus atlantiste que moi…,” 3.

• Corentin Léotard, “Le national-conservatisme s’ancre dans la société hongroise,” 6.

• Corentin Léotard, “Une extrême droite qui n’exècre pas l’islam,” 7.

• Jean-Pierre Séréni, “En Algérie, rien ne change…sauf la société,” 8.

• Pierre Daum, “’Tout ce qu’ils nous proposent, c’est de devenir flics!’,” 8.

• André Bellon, “Bonapartisme ou Constituante,” 11.

• Rodney Benson, “Délire partisan dans les médias américains,” 12.

• Alexander Main, “Au , la tentation du coup de force,” 13.

• Alexander Main, “Défaites diplomatiqes des Etats-Unis.”

• Philippe Revelli, “La révolte populaire menace le pouvoir cambodgien,” 14.

• Cyril Laucci, “Quand le droit anglo-saxon s’impose,” 16.

• Alain Gresh, “Le monde musulman, Marx et le socialisme,” 16.

• Paty Frechani-Maujore, “Les municipalités laissent mourir les centres de santé,” 22.

• Fanny Darbus and Matthieu Hély, “Justes causes et bas salaires,” 22.

• Mélanie Bourdaa and Mona Chollet, “Sous-titrage en série,” 27.

• Jacques Testart, “Repenser la procréation médicalement assistée,” 28.


• “La machine bruxelloise s’emballe,” 17.

• Gilles Balbastre, “Travail détaché, travailleurs enchaînés,” 1.

• Frédéric Lordon, “Un peuple européen est-il possible?,” 17.

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• Pierre Souchon, “Une directive trop cruciale pour être débattue publiquement,” 18.

• Panagiotis Grigoriou, “Visite guidée de la nouvelle Athènes,” 20.

• Frédéric Panier, “’Arrangements contractuels’, l’arme fatale,” 20.


Le Monde Diplomatique – Manière de voir (February-March 2014) http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/mav/133/

• Maurice Lemoine, “Tout le monde le fait!”

Au profit du…profit

• Denis Duclos, “Ce juteux marché de la peur.”

• James Ridgeway, “Le ciel, la Terre et l’oeil des satellites.”

• Ali Laïdi, “L’arme cachée des grandes puisssances.”

• Ariane Krol and Jacques Nantel, “Pêcher le client dans une baignoire.”

• Jean-Baptiste Malet, “Amazon, l’envers de l’écran.”

• Philippe Rivière, “Facebook, miroir magique.”

Contrôle social

• Stéphane Haefliger, “La tentation du ‘Loft management.’”

• Louis Joinet, “Les ‘pièges liberticides’ de l’informatique.”

• Martin Mongin, “Alarmante banalisation des vigiles.”

• Noé Le Blanc, “Sous l’oeil myope des caméras.”

• Giorgio Agamben, “Comment l’obsession sécuritaire fait muter la démocratie.”

• Kenneth Cukier and Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, “Données de masse, tyrannie numérique.”

• Jean-Marc Manach, “We are the (digital) champions.”

Grands oreilles électroniques

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• Hernando Calvo Ospina, “Quand l’Etat colombien espionne ses opposants.”

• Maurice Lemoine, “Antiterrorisme à géométrie variable.”

• Nicky Hager, “Au coeur du renseignement américain.”

• Philippe Leymarie, “Le boom des réseaux sociaux.”

• Antoine Champagne, “Surveillance ‘profonde’ sur Internet.”

• Jordan Pouille, “La Grande Muraille chinoise a des ratés.”

• Felix Stalder, “Pourquoi les institutions peinent à conserver leurs secrets.”

• Dominique Vidal, “Confession d’un autiste.”

• David Price, “Aux Etats-Unis, d’Al Capone à John Edgar Hoover.”

• Thibault Henneton, “Prism, un Echelon au-dessus…”

• Dan Schiller, “Les gros mensonges de Google et Microsoft.”

Le Monde Diplomatique – Manière de voir (April-May 2014) http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/mav/134/

• Martine Bulard, “De l’audace!”

Au commencement était la haine raciale

• G.M. Tamas, “Peur et désolation en Hongrie.”

• Remi Nilsen, “Tuerie hors norms, idées ordinaires.”

• Yossi Gurvitz, “Israël aussi…”

• Dominique Vidal, “Trois modèles pour une dérive commune.”

• Corina Vasilopoulou, “Aube dorée, le choc.”

• Stefan Durand, “Le fascisme vert n’existe pas.”

• Luis Sepúlveda, “Pinochet sans peine ni gloire.”

A la recherche de la respectabilité

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• Serge Govaert, “L’irrésistible ascension du nationalisme flamand.”

• Pierre Daum, “La victoire posthume de Jörg Haider.”

• Raffaele Laudani, “Une droite italienne respectable…”

• Laurent Bonelli, “En Espagne, des relents de franquisme.”

• Christophe Jaffrelot “Nationalisme hindou, libéralisme économique et populisme high- tech.”

• Gilbert Rochu and Yasmina Salhi, “Quand Toulon se voulait une vitrine attrayante.”

Le cas français et l’irruption du social

• Eric Dupin, “Glissements idéologiques du Front national.”

• Evelyne Pieiller, “La galaxie frontiste, ses petites embrouilles et ses illusionnistes.”

• Sylvain Crépon and Joël Gombin, “Loin des mythes, dans l’isoloir.”

• Christian de Brie, “Sur les ruines d’une gauche sans projet.”

• Serge Halimi, “Revenir à la politique.”

• Edgar Roskis, “Chronique d’un orphéon médiatique.”

Le paravent culturel

• Patrick Mignon, “Racisme et violences dans les tribunes.”

• Brigitte Pätzol, “Et le rock allemand se fit xénophobe.”

• Richard Hofstadter, “Aux origines du vaste complot mondial.”

• Philippe Pons, “Crimes de guerre, négationnisme et mangas.”

• Armand Mattelart, “Télévision et publicité pour gagner les esprits.”

• Patrick Tort, “Un prix Nobel à la rescousse.”


National Identities, Vol. 16, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cnid20/16/1#.U0UERyguitg

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• Jerry Won Lee, “Legacies of Japanese colonialism in the rhetorical constitution of South Korean national identity,” 1.

• Mariam Raqib and Amilcar Antonio Barreto, “The Taliban, religious revival and innovation in Afghan nationalism,” 15.

• Anders Ravn Sørensen, “The Danish euro: constructing a monetary oxymoron in the Danish euro debate,” 31.

• Daniel C. Knudsen, Jillian M. Rickly-Boyd, and Charles E. Greer, “Myth, national identity, and the contemporary tourism site: the case of Amalienborg and Frederiksstaden,” 53.

• Sarah Egan, “National identity and cultural resonance in English foxhunting movements,” 71. ______

Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, Vol. 20, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fnep20/20/1#.U0UI3iguitg

• Stephanie Lawson, “The Politics of Indigenous Identity: An Introductory Commentary,” 1.

• Braden Hill, “Searching for Certainty in Purity: Indigenous Fundamentalism,” 10.

• Dominic O’Sullivan, “Indigeneity, Ethnicity, and the State: , Fiji, and New Zealand,” 26.

• Katherine Smits, “The Neoliberal State and the Uses of Indigenous Culture,” 43.

• Margaret Forster, “Indigeneity and Trends in Recognizing Maori Environmental Interests in Aotearoa New Zealand,” 63.

• Jeanne Simon and Claudio J. González-Parra, “International Norms and National Indigenous Politics: Mapuche Demands for Territory in Chile,” 79.

• Nameirakpam Bijen Meetei, “Ethnicity, Colonial Legacies, and Postindependence Issues of Identity Politics in North-East India,” 99.

• Lailufar Yasmin, “The Tyranny of the Majority in Bangladesh: The Case of Chittagong Hill Tracts,” 116.

• Adrian Guelke, “Northern Ireland’s Flags Crisis and the Enduring Legacy of the Settler- Native Divide,” 133. ______

The Nonproliferation Review, Vol. 21, Issue 1 (2014) 35 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013 http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rnpr20/21/1#.U0UMYiguitg

• William C. Potter interviews Ambassador Cornel Feruta, “On the Road to the 2015 NPT Review Conference: An Insider’s Perspective of the 2013 NPT PrepCom,” 11.

• Jeffrey S. Lantis, “Economic Competition and Nuclear Cooperation: The ‘Nuclear Renaissance’ Revisited,” 21.

• Jason Enia and Jeffrey Fields, “The Relative Efficacy of the Biological and Chemical Weapon Regimes,” 43.

• Zia Mian and Alexander Glaser, “Confronting the ‘Perpetual Menace to Human Security’: Openness as a Tool to Enable Nuclear Disarmament,” 65.

• Victor Gillinsky and Henry Sokolski, “Serious Rules for Nuclear Power without Proliferation,” 77. ______

Orbis, Vol. 58, Issue 1 (Winter 2014) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00304387/58/1

• Dov S. Zakheim, “Facing the Challenges of the 21st Century,” 8.

• Colin Dueck, “The Role of the National Security Advisor and the 2006 Iraq Strategy Review,” 15.

• Raphael S. Cohen and Gabriel M. Scheinmann, “Can Europe Fill the Void in U.S. Military Leadership?,” 39.

• Andrew Glencross, “The Eurozone Crisis as a Challenge to Democracy and Integration in Europe,” 55.

• Jakub Grygiel, “Agricola: A Man for Our Times,” 69.

• Philip A. Brown and M.L.R. Smith, “The Rise of Gulf War Paradigm 2.0,” 83.

• Christopher McIntosh, “Ending the War with Al Qaeda,” 104.

• Kevin P. Kelley and Joan Johnson-Freese, “Getting to the Goal in Professional Military Education,” 119.

• David W. Kearn, Jr., “Air-Sea Battle and China’s Anti-Access and Area Denial Challenge,” 132.

• Michael P. Noonan, “The Cartography of Command and U.S. Civil-Military Relations,” 147. 36 | Page

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Orbis, Vol. 58, Issue 2 (2014) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00304387/58/2

• Arthur Waldron, “China’s ‘Peaceful Rise’ Enters Turbulence,” 164.

• Nicholas Khoo, “Is Realism Dead? Academic Myths and Asia’s International Politics,” 182.

• Barak Mendelsohn, “U.S. Strategy in a Transitioning Middle East: Reviving ‘State Responsibility’,” 198.

• David T. Jones, “The Middle East: Learning from the Past,” 212.

• Anthony N. Celso, “Cycles of Jihadist Movements and the Role of Irrationality,” 229.

• Lani Kass and J. Phillip Jack, “Combating Asymmetric Threats: The Interplay of Offense and Defense,” 248.

• Alan Dobson and Steve Marsh, “Benign Neglect: America’s Threat to the Anglo- American Alliance,” 266.

• Edward M. Roche and Michael J. Blaine, “International Convention for the Peaceful Use of Cyberspace,” 282.

• Daddis Gregory, “The Real ‘Forever War’,” 297. ______

Pacific Historical Review, Vol. 83, No. 1 (February 2014) http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1525/phr.2014.83.issue-1

• Carl Abbott, “Jim Rockford or Tony Soprano: Coastal Contrasts in American Suburbia,” 1.

• Beth Lew-Williams, “Before Restriction Became Exclusion: America’s Experiment in Diplomatic Immigration Control,” 24.

• Meredith Oda, “Rebuilding Japantown: Japanese Americans in Transpacific San Francisco during the Cold War,” 57.

• Khalil Anthony Johnson, Jr., “The Chinle Dog Shoots: Federal Governance and Grass- roots Politics,” 92. ______

Passport: The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Review, Vol. 44, No. 2 (September 2013) 37 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013 https://shafr.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/Passport-09-2013.pdf

• Mark Philip Bradley, “New Editors for Diplomatic History,” 6.

• Fraser J. Harbutt, Petra Goedde, William I. Hitchock, Wilson D. Miscamble, Kimber Quinney, and Frank Costigliola, “A Roundtable on Frank Costigliola’s Roosevelt’s Lost Alliances: How Personal Politics Helped Start the Cold War,” 8.

• Ali Gheissari, “The U.S. Coup of 1953 in Iran, Sixty Years On,” 23.

• Steven Casey, Brian C. Etheridge, Donna Alvah, Nicholas Cull, David J. Snyder, and Justin Hart, “A Roundtable on Justin Hart’s Empire of Ideas: The Origins of Public Diplomacy and the Transformation of U.S. Foreign Policy,” 27.

• Kurk Dorsey, “Perhaps I Was Mistaken: Writing about Environmental Diplomacy over the Last Decade,” 37.

• Lady Borton, “A View from Overseas: Not What We Thought: The Paris Conference on Viet Nam,” 43.

• Lawrence S. Wittner, “Nuclear Arms Control and Disarmament in Historical Perspective,” 45.

• Douglas Macdonald, “Tackling the Wednesday Morning Quarterback: Autobiographical and Biographical Revisionism in Historical Research,” 50.

• Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones, “The American Left: Its Impact on Foreign Policy,” 53.

• Guy Laron and Zach Levey, “The Nixon Administration and the Yom Kippur War in the Foreign Relations of the United States series,” 55.

• “Minutes from the June 2013 SHAFR Council Meeting,” 59.

• Warren F. Kimball, “In Memoriam: William Z. Slany,” 68.

• The Bennett Family, “In Memoriam: Edward Bennett,” 69.

• Timothy J. Lynch, “The Last Word: Where Have All the Diplomatic Historians Gone?,” 70. ______

Peace & Change, Vol. 39, Issue 1 (January 2014) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/pech.2014.39.issue-1/issuetoc

• Dario Fazzi, “The Blame and the Shame: Kennedy’s Choice to Resume Nuclear Tests in 1962,” 1. 38 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

• David Bassano, “The Boomerang Pattern: Verification and Modification,” 23.

• Sarah E. Heath, “’Lubricating the Machine of Social Change’: The National PTA and Desegregation Debates, 1950-1970,” 49.

• Majken Jul Sørensen and Brian Martin, “The Dilemma Action: Analysis of an Activist Technique,” 73.

• Marko Lehti, “The Quest for Solidarity and Tamed Nationalism: Envisioning Sustainable Peace in the Balkans,” 101.

Peace & Change, Vol. 39, Issue 2 (April 2014) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/pech.2014.39.issue-2/issuetoc

• Saul Newman, “Faith and Fear: Explaining Jewish and Unionist Attitudes toward Compromise in Israel and Northern Ireland,” 153.

• Ryan G. Davis, “Israeli-Palestinian Healthcare Partnerships: Advancing Multitrack Peacework after the Arab Spring,” 190.

• Robert Shaffer, “A Japanese Christian Socialist-Pacifist and His American Supporters: Personal Contacts and Critical Internationalism,” 212.

• Andrew Rigby, “Sea-Dogs for Peace: An Exploration of Nonviolent Maritime Interventions for Peace and Justice,” 242. ______

Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice, Vol. 26, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cper20/26/1#.U0UpJCguitg

Symposium: Nonviolent Movements

• William Hoynes, “Assessing Nonviolent Movements,” 1.

• Timothy Braatz, “The Limitations of Strategic Nonviolence,” 4.

• Kelly Rae Kraemer, “Dealing with Military Defectors,” 12.

• Paul Di Stefano and Mostafa Henaway, “Boycotting Apartheid from South Africa to Palestine,” 19.

• Jade Batstone, “The Use of Strategic Nonviolent Action in the Arab Spring,” 28.

• Emily E. Welty, “Occupy Wall Street as ‘American Spring’?,” 38. 39 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

• Naomi Dann, “Nonviolent Resistance in the Western Sahara,” 46.

• Caitrin Hall, “The Seed of Nonviolence,” 54.

• Shanna Kohn, “Tibetan Nonviolence,” 62.

• Matt Meyer, “Rebuilding Revolutionary Nonviolence in an Anti-Imperialist Era,” 69.

• Khadija El Alaoui, “The Ethics of Tahreer Square,” 78.

Other Features

• Stephen Zunes, “Nonviolent Action and Anti-Imperialist Struggles,” 85.

• Laurie Calhoun, “The Limits of Lethality,” 94.

• Iain Watson, “Rethinking Peace Parks in Korea,” 102.

• Abhinav Singh and Bharathi M. Purohit, “Public Health Impacts of Global Warming and Climate Change,” 112.

• Ivan Sascha Sheehan, “Conflict Transformation as Counterinsurgency,” 121.

• Shereen J. Kajouee, “The Case Against Attacking Iran,” 129.

• Patrick Kennelly and Emily Malloy, “Peace Profile: Afghan Peace Volunteers,” 137. ______

Politique étrangère (2014/1) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cper20/26/1#.U0UpJCguitg

Un Long Héritage

• Joseph A. Karas and Joseph M. Parent, “La Grande Guerre, en théories,” 13.

• Philippe Moreau Defarges, “La ‘der des ders’: guerre totale, paix totale?,” 27.

• Georges-Henri Soutou, “L’héritage de la Grande Guerre: États souverains, mondialisation et régionalisme,” 41.

• Jacques Fontanel, “Le commence international est-il un facteur de paix?,” 55

Quelles Guerres Pour le Siècle?

• Hew Strachan, “1914-1918 et la redéfinition de la guerre,” 71. 40 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

• Michel Goya, “L’armée française et la révolution militaire de la Première Guerre mondiale,” 87.

L’Europe, Entre Guerres et Paix

• Étienne de Durand, “Europe: d’une démilitarisation l’autre,” 103.

• Klaus Larres, “Une Europe démilitarisée? Un regard américain,” 117.

• Jean-Pierre Chevènement, “La place de l’Europe dans le monde: d’hier à demain,” 131.

• Pierre de Senarclens, “1914-2014: nation et nationalisme,” 145.

• Hans Stark, “L’Allemagne: le passé qui ne passe pas,” 157.

Un Nouveau Monde?

• Yoon Young-kwan, “Le passé de l’Europe est-il le futur de l’Asie?,” 173.

• Georges Corm, “La Première Guerre mondiale et la balkanisation du Moyen-Orient,” 187.

• Dorothée Schmid, “Turquie: le syndrome de Sèvres, ou la guerre qui n’en finit pas,” 199. ______

Raisons Politiques (2014/1) http://www.cairn.info/revue-raisons-politiques-2014-1.htm


• Philippe Urfalino, “Les justifications de la règle de majorité,” 5.


• Elizabeth Anscombe and Philippe Urfalino, “Sur la frustration de la majorité par l’accomplissement de la volonté majoritaire,” 13.

• Hans Kelsen and Philippe Urfalino, “Les fondations de la démocratie: Extraits sur la règle de majorité,” 23.

• Mathias Risse, “Justifier la règle de majorité,” 37.

• Luc Foisneau, “Rawls et la justification de la règle de majorité,” 63.

• Christopher Hamel and Juliette Roussin, “L’injustifiable majorité? Loi naturelle et logiques majoritaires dans la pensée politique de John Locke,” 81. 41 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

• Charles Girard, “La règle de majorité en démocratie: équité ou vérité?,” 107.

• Philippe Urfalino, “Les conditions de l’obligation majoritaire: Règle de majorité et corps délibérant,” 139.

______Renewal: A Journal of Social Democracy, Vol. 21, No. 4 (2013) http://renewal.org.uk/issues/vol-21-no-4-2013/

• Katrine Kielos, “Editorial: Sweden is better than this.”

• Danny Dorling, “The turning points of history.”

• Jonathan Davis, “People before profit: Labour’s ethical past and its response to the latest crisis in capitalism.”

• Luke Martell, “Social democracy after the crisis.”

• Marcus Roberts, “Roundtable: What would a 40% strategy for Labour look like?”

• Kevin Farnsworth, “The British corporate welfare state.”

• Sally Tomlinson, “Immigration, immigration, immigration.”

• Cherry Parker, “Labour party, labour movement?”

• Joe Guinan, “Who’s afraid of public ownership?” ______

Rethinking History: The Journal of Theory and Practice, Vol. 17, Issue 4 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rrhi20/17/4#.U0VUsyguitg

• Peter Burke, “Metahistory: before and after,” 437.

• David D. Roberts, “Rethinking Hayden White’s treatment of Croce,” 448.

• Jonathan Gorman, “Hayden White as analytical philosopher of mind,” 471.

• Gabrielle M. Spiegel, “Above, about and beyond the writing of history: a retrospective view of Hayden White’s Metahistory on the 40th anniversary of its publication,” 492.

• Kalle Pihlainen, “Rereading narrative constructivism,” 509.

• Sande Cohen, “On intellecticide or university driven politics of history,” 528.

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• Paul A. Roth, “Whistling history: Ankersmit’s neo-Tractarian theory of historical representation,” 548.

• Frank Ankersmit, “Reply to Professor Roth: on how antidogmatism bred dogmatism,” 570.

Rethinking History: The Journal of Theory and Practice, Vol. 18, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rrhi20/18/1#.U0VXXyguitg

Symposium: Uncertain Knowledge

• Sebastian Jobs, “Uncertain Knowledge,” 2.

• Jason Phillips, “Harpers Ferry looming: a history of the future,” 10.

• Silvan Niedermeier, “Imperial narratives: reading US soldiers’ photo albums of the Philippine-American War,” 28.

• Woody Register, “Some truths about the rumors, gossip, hearsay, and innuendo surrounding the Freeport murder mystery of 1914,” 50.

• Olaf Stieglitz, “The knowledge of betrayal: the role of informants in narratives by members of the Black Panther Party,” 68.


• Eric Sandweiss, “Condemned to repeat ourselves? Historians and the perils of deflection,” 85.

• Jennifer Ritterhouse, “Woman flogged: Willie Sue Blagden, the Southern Tenant Farmers Union, and how an impulse for story led to a historiographical corrective,” 97. ______

The Review of Faith & International Affairs, Vol. 12, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rfia20/12/1#.U0ZwYyguitg

• Jill Olivier and Quentin Wodon, “Faith-Inspired Health Care in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Introduction to the Spring 2014 Issue,” 1.

• Quentin Wodon, Jill Olivier, Clarence Tsimpo, and Ming Cong Nguyen, “Market Share of Faith-Inspired Health Care Providers in Africa,” 8.

• Delphine Boulenger, Françoise Barten, and Bart Criel, “Contracting between Faith- Based Health Care Organizations and the Public Sector in Africa,” 21.

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• Regina Gemignani, Clarence Tsimpo, and Quentin Wodon, “Making Quality Care Affordable for the Poor: Faith-Inspired Health Facilities in Burkina Faso,” 30.

• Rosemary Morgan, “HIV/AIDS Prevention Strategies within a Catholic NGO in Tanzania,” 45.

• Jill Olivier and Quentin Wodon, “Increased Funding for AIDS-Engaged Faith-Based Organizations in Africa?,” 53.

• Joey Ager, Behailu Abebe, and Alastair Ager, “Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Humanitarian Emergencies in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities for Engaging with the Faith Sector,” 72.

• Jill Olivier, Mari Shojo, and Quentin Wodon, “Faith-Inspired Health Care Provision in Ghana: Market Share, Reach to the Poor, and Performance,” 84. ______

Review of International Studies, Vol. 40, Issue 1 (January 2014) https://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=RIS&volumeId=40&is sueId=01&iid=9137839

• Josef Teboho Ansorge and Tarak Barkawi, “Utile forms: power and knowledge in small war,” 3.

• Pascal Vennesson, “War under transnational surveillance: framing ambiguity and the politics of shame,” 25.

• Seth Lazar, “Necessity and non-combatant immunity,” 53.

• Daniel R. Brunstetter, “Trends in just war thinking during the US presidential debates 2000-12: genocide prevention and the renewed salience of last resort,” 77.

• Megan Bradley, “Rethinking refugeehood: statelessness, repatriation, and refugee agency,” 101.

• Tudor A. Onea, “Between dominance and decline: status anxiety and great power rivalry,” 125.

• Inanna Hamati-Ataya, “Transcending objectivism, subjectivism, and the knowledge in- between: the subject in/of ‘strong reflexivity’,”153.

• Hayley Stevenson, “Representing Green Radicalism: the limits of state-based representation in global climate governance,” 177.

Review of International Studies, Vol. 40, Issue 2 (April 2014)

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H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013 https://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?jid=RIS&volumeId=40&seriesId=0&issu eId=02

• Christian Brütsch, “Technocratic manager, imperial agent, or diplomatic champion? The IMF in the anarchical society,” 207.

• John Glenn, “In the aftermath of the financial crisis: risk governance and the emergence of pre-emptive surveillance,” 227.

• Andreas Klinke, “Postnational discourse, deliberation, and participation toward global risk governance,” 247.

• Mark T. Nance and M. Patrick Cottrell, “A turn toward experimentalism? Rethinking security and governance in the twenty-first century,” 277.

• Jean-Frédéric Morin and Amandine Orsini, “Policy coherency and regime complexes: the case of genetic resources,” 303.

• Kerem Nisancioglu, “The Ottoman origins of capitalism: uneven and combined development and Eurocentrism,” 325.

• Felix Rösch, “Pouvoir, puissance, and politics: Hans Morgenthau’s dualistic concept of power?,” 349.

• William McGinley, “Mechanisms and microfoundations in International Relations theory,” 367.

• Ellen Gutterman, “The legitimacy of transnational NGOs: lessons from the experience of Transparency International in Germany and France,” 391. ______

Revista de Historia Económica/Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History, Vol. 32, Issue 1 (March 2014) http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?decade=2010&jid=RHE&seriesId=2&volu meId=32&issueId=01&iid=9215413

• Alfonso Herranz-Loncán, “Transport Technology and Economic Expansion: The Growth Contribution of Railways in before 1914,” 13.

• Leticia Arroyo Abad, “Failure to Launch: Cost of Living and Living Standards in During the 19th Century,” 47.

• José Alejandro Peres-Cajías, “Bolivian Public Finances, 1882-2010. The Challenge to Make Social Spending Sustainable,” 77.

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• Juan Carmona, Markus Lampe, and Joan R. Rosés, “Spanish Housing Markets, 1904- 1934: New Evidence,” 119.

• Luis Felipe Zegarra, “Women and Credit in Peru During the Guano Era. Was There Gender Discrimination in the Mortgage Credit Market of Peru?,” 151.


Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine (2013/4-5) http://www.cairn.info/revue-d-histoire-moderne-et-contemporaine-2013-4.htm

Foucault Historien?

• Michael C. Behrent, “Penser le XXe siècle avec Michel Foucault,” 7.

• Paolo Napoli, “Foucault et l’histoire des normativités,” 29.

• Luca Paltrinieri, “Biopouvoir, les sources historiennes d’une fiction politique,” 49.

Des Outils Pour L’Histoire

• Sezin Topçu, “Technosciences, pouvoirs et résistances: une approche par la gouvernementalité,” 76.

• Luc Berlivet, “Les ressorts de la ‘biopolitique’: ‘dispositifs de sécurité’ et processus de ‘subjectivation’ au prisme de l’histoire de la santé,” 97.

• Jean-Baptiste Fressoz, “Biopouvoir et désinhibitions modernes: la fabrication du consentement technologique au tournant des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles,” 122.

Parcours Foucaldiens en Histoire

• Vincent Denis, “L’histoire de la police après Foucault. Un parcours historien,” 139.

• Philippe Artières, “Un historien foucaldien?,” 156.

______Revue Française de Science Politique (2013/6) http://www.cairn.info/revue-francaise-de-science-politique-2013-6.htm

Élections Françaises 2012 (2)

• Nicolas Sauger, “Économie et vote en 2012: Une élection présidentielle de crise?,” 1031.

• Sylvain Brouard, Florent Gougou, Isabelle Guinaudeau, and Simon Persico, “Un effet de campagne: Le déclin de l’opposition des français au nucléaire en 2011-2012,” 1051. 46 | Page

H-Diplo Journal Watch [jw], A-I, Third Quarter 2013

• Céline Belot, Bruno Cautrès, and Sylvie Strudel, “L’Europe comme enjeu clivant: Ses effets perturbateurs sur l’offre électorale et les orientations de vote lors de l’élection présidentielle de 2012,” 1081.

• Sylvain Brouard and Éric Kerrouche, “L’effet candidat lors des élections parlementaires: L’exemple des élections législatives 2012 en France,” 1113.

• Cédric Pellen, “À la conquête de l’Amérique: La campagne des élections législatives dans la 1re circonscription des français de l’étranger,” 1137.


• Mounia Bennani-Chraïbi, “L’espace partisan marocain: un microcosme polarisé?,” 1163.

Revue fraçaise de science politique (2014/1) http://www.cairn.info/numero.php?REVUE=francaise-de-science- politique&ANNEE=2014&NUMERO=1

• Nicolas Fortané, “La carrière politique de la dopamine: Circulation et appropriation d’une référence savante dans l’espace des drug policies,” 5.

• Mehdi Arrignon, “Quand l’Europe s’active: Effets et instruments de l’européanisation dans le secteur de l’emploi,” 29.

• Grégory Daho, “L’érosion des tabous algériens: Une autre explication de la transformation des organisations militaires en France,” 57.

• Martin Deleixhe, “Une réévaluation du droit cosmopolitique kantien: La citoyenneté européenne comme transition du droit de visite vers le droit de residence,” 79.


Revue internationale et stratégique (2014/1) http://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-et-strategique-2014-1.htm

Autre Regard

• Robert Chaouad, Bastien Alex, and Marc Verzeroli, “Entretien avec François Morel: Un artiste de proximité,” 7.


• Bastien Nivet, “Changer ou procrastiner. L’Union européenne face à elle-même en 2014,” 18. 47 | Page

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• Yves Heng-Lim, “Bilan et perspectives de la politique chinoise de la France,” 28.

• Caroline Hertling, “Le désamour franco-allemand et l’Europe de la défense,” 38.

Dossier: Mondialisation et Contestations

• Didier Billion, “Grandeur et misère des mouvements de contestation de la mondialisation libérale,” 49.

• Didier Billion, “Entretien avec Michel Wieviorka: ‘Un nouveau cycle s’est ouvert’,” 53.

• Eddy Fougier, “L’altermondialisme, vingt ans après: la grande désillusion,” 63.

• Alain Bertho, “De l’émeute au soulèvement la révolution n’est plus ce qu’elle était,” 73.

• Kivanc Atak, “D’Istanbul à Rio de Janeiro, des soulèvements de classe?,” 81.

• Yves Gonzalez-Quijano, “Les identités collectives arabes au temps d’Internet et des réseaux sociaux,” 91.

• Pierre Beaudet, “Mouvement étudiant et luttes populaires au Québec,” 101.

• Annick Coupé, “Combats syndicaux et luttes politiques: quelles articulations?,” 109.

• Jean-Jacques Kourliandsky, “Espagne, Brésil: les indignations évanescentes,” 117.

• Cengiz Aktar, “’Pour quelques arbres en moins.’ Le soulèvement Gezi à Istanbul, d’expression citoyenne au tournant politique,” 123.

• Hicham Mourad, “Tahrri 2011-Tahrir 2013: dynamique de la contestation politique en Égypte,” 129. ______

The Royal United Services Institute Journal, Vol. 159, No. 1 (February 2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rusi20/159/1#.U0ahPyguitg

Transnational Organised Crime and Security

• Michael Levi, “Thinking about Organised Crime: Structure and Threat,” 6.

British Strategies for Defence

• Doug Stokes and Paul Newton, “Bridging the Gulf? America’s ‘Rebalance’ and the Middle East Challenge for the UK,” 16.

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• Duncan Depledge and Klaus Dodds, “No ‘Strategy’ Please, We’re British’: The UK and the Arctic Policy Framework,” 24.

• Trevor Taylor, “British Defence-Acquisition Reform Three Years On,” 32.

• Alexander Alderson, “’Learn from Experience’ or ‘Never Again’: What Next for UK Counter-Insurgency,” 40.

• Rachael Gribble, Simon Wessely, Susan Klein, David A. Alexander, Christopher Dandeker, and Nicola T. Fear, “Public Awareness of UK Veterans’ Charities,” 50.

New Cold Wars

• Shashank Joshi, “Iran and the Geneva Agreement: A Footnote to History or a Turning Point?,” 58.

• Andrea Berger, “A Downward Spiral: Joint Military Exercises on the Korean Peninsula,” 68.

• Soon Ho Lee, “Israel’s Counter-Asymmetric Warfare and Security on the Korean Peninsula,” 78.

Japanese Cyber-Security

• Mihoko Matsubara, “Countering Cyber-Espionage and Sabotage: The Next Steps for Japanese-UK Cyber-Security Co-operation,” 86.

• Paul Kallender, “Japan, the Ministry of Defense and Cyber-Security,” 94.

Conflict, War & Culture

• Cathy Haenlein, “Richard Mosse’s The Enclave: Mediating Conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo,” 106.

• Emma De Angelis, “George Brant’s Grounded: Bringing Drones to the Stage,” 112. ______

Scandinavian Economic History Review, Vol. 62, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/sehr20/62/1#.U0aniCguitg

• Marco H.D. van Leeuwen, Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk, and Lex Heerma van Voss, “Provisions for the elderly in north-western Europe: an international comparison of almshouses, sixteenth-twentieth centuries,” 1.

• Henk Looijesteijn and Marco H.D. van Leeuwen, “Founding large charities and community building in the Dutch Republic, c. 1600-1800,” 17. 49 | Page

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• Nigel Goose, “Accommodating the elderly poor: almshouses and the mixed economy of welfare in England in the second millennium,” 35.

• Peter Wessel Hansen, “Honourable dwellings: almshouses as estate-consistent charity in Copenhagen, c. 1700-1850,” 58.

• Ida Bull, “’All of my remaining property I donate to the poor…’: institutions for the poor in Norwegian cities during the eighteenth century,” 75.

Scandinavian Economic History Review, Vol. 62, Issue 2 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/sehr20/62/2#.U0apMCguitg

• Gregory Clark, Kevin Hjortshøj O’Rourke, and Alan M. Taylor, “The growing dependence of Britain on trade during the Industrial Revolution,” 109.

• Svenja Gärtner, “German stagnation versus Swedish progression: gender wage gaps in comparison, 1960-2006,” 137.

• Mikael Stenkula, Dan Johansson, and Gunnar Du Rietz, “Marginal taxation on labour income in Sweden from 1862 to 2010,” 163.

• Harald Espeli, “’Cooperation on a purely matter-of-fact basis’: the Norwegian central bank and its relationship to the Germany supervisory authority during the occupation, 1940-1945,” 188. ______

Scandinavian Journal of History, Vol. 39, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/shis20/39/1#.U0arCSguitg

• Ragnhild Hutchison, “Introduction: A Nordic ‘industrious revolution’?,” 1.

• Ragnhild Hutchison, “An Industrious Revolution in Norway? A Norwegian road to the modern market economy?,” 4.

• Alan Hutchinson, “Consumption and endeavour: Motives for the acquisition of new consumer goods in a region in the north of Norway in the 18th century,” 27.

• Hrefna Róbertsdóttir, “Manufacturing in the 18th Century: Production, consumption and relative usefulness in Iceland’s Old Society,” 49.

• Helle Vogt, “’Likewise no one shall be tortured’: The use of judicial torture in early modern Denmark,” 78.

• Vegard Kvam, “The non-graded elementary school: A historical study of the development of the Norwegian non-graded rural elementary school, 1860-1970,” 100. 50 | Page

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• Mart Kuldkepp, “Sweden’s Historical Mission and World War I: A regionalist history of Swedish activism,” 126. ______

Security Studies, Vol. 23, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fsst20/23/1#.U0atlyguitg

Nuclear Proliferation Revisited

• Matthew Kroenig, “Force or Friendship? Explaining Great Power Nonproliferation Policy,” 1.

• Nicholas L. Miller, “Nuclear Dominoes: A Self-Defeating Prophecy?,” 33.

Original Articles

• C. Christine Fair, “Using Manpower Policies to Transform the Force and Society: The Case of the Pakistan Army,” 74.

• Timothy W. Crawford, “The Alliance Politics of Concerted Accommodation: Entente Bargaining and Italian and Ottoman Interventions in the First World War,” 113.

• Enze Han and Harris Mylonas, “Interstate Relations, Perceptions, and Power Balance: Explaining China’s Policies Toward Ethnic Groups, 1949-1965,” 148.

• Daniel Krcmaric, “Refugee Flows, Ethnic Power Relations, and the Spread of Conflict,” 182. ______

Small Wars & Insurgencies, Vol. 24, Issue 4 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fswi20/24/4#.U0awYSguitg

• Bruce Hoffman, “The Palestine Police Force and the challenges of gathering counterterrorism intelligence, 1939-1947,” 609.

• Bibhu Prasad Routray, “India’s internal wars: counterinsurgency role of central police forces,” 648.

• David H. Ucko, “Counterinsurgency in El Salvador: the lessons and limits of the indirect approach,” 669.

• Jason Warner, “Eritrea’s military unprofessionalism and US security assistance in the Horn of Africa,” 696.

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• Lieneke Eloff de Visser, “Winning hearts and minds: legitimacy in the Namibian war for independence,” 712.

• Mirjam Grandia Mantas, “Shafer revisited – the three great oughts of winning the hearts and minds: analysing the assumptions underpinning the British and Dutch COIN approach in Helmand and Uruzgan,” 731.

• Paul D. Miller, “A bibliographic essay on the Allied occupation and reconstruction of West Germany, 1945-1955,” 751.

Small Wars & Insurgencies, Vol. 24, Issue 5 (2013) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fswi20/24/5#.U0azGSguitg

• Caf Dowlah, “Jumma insurgency in Chittagong Hills Tracts: how serious is the threat to Bangladesh’s national integration and what can be done?,” 773.

• M. Amarjeet Singh, “Revisiting the Naga conflict: what can India do to resolve this conflict?,” 795.

• Srobana Bhattacharya, “Changing civilian support for the Maoist conflict in India,” 813.

• Jelmer Brouwer and Joris van Wijk, “Helping hands: external support for the KNU insurgency in Burma,” 835.

• Riley M. Moore, “Counterinsurgency force ratio: strategic utility or nominal necessity,” 857.

• David A. Patten, “Taking advantage of insurgencies: effective policies of state- sponsorship,” 879. ______

Social Science Quarterly, Vol. 95, Issue 1 (March 2014) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ssqu.2014.95.issue-1/issuetoc

Environmental Studies

• Michael D. Jones, “Cultural Characters and Climate Change: How Heroes Shape Our Perception of Climate Science,” 1.

• Yushim Kim, Heather Campbell, and Adam Eckerd, “Residential Choice Constraints and Environmental Justice,” 40.

• Fred C. Pampel, “The Varied Influence of SES on Environmental Concern,” 57.

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• Harland Prechel and George Touche, “The Effects of Organizational Characteristics and State Environmental Policies on Sulfur-Dioxide Pollutuion in U.S. Electrical Energy Corporations,” 76.

Democracy, Discourse & Elections

• Steven J. Jurek and Anthony Scime, “Achieving Democratic Leadership: A Data Mined Prescription,” 97.

• Joseph DiGrazia, “Individual Protest Participation in the United States: Conventional and Unconventional Activism,” 111.

• Bas W. van Doorn, “What is Important? The Impact of Interpersonal Political Discussion on Public Agendas,” 132.

• Douglas D. Roscoe, “Yes, Raise My Taxes: Property Tax Cap Override Elections,” 145.

• Frederick J. Boehmke and R. Michael Alvarez, “The Influence of Initiative Signature Gathering Campaigns on Political Participation,” 165.

• Judd R. Thornton, “Getting Lost on the Way to the Party: Ambivalence, Indifference, and Defection with Evidence from Two Presidential Elections,” 184.

Recent Research on Education

• Benjamin L. Castleman and Lindsay C. Page, “A Trickle or a Torrent? Understanding the Extent of Summer ‘Melt’ Among College-Intending High School Graduates,” 202.

• Anna Zajacova and Bethany G. Everett, “The Nonequivalent Health of High School Equivalents,” 221.

• James Shuls and Robert Maranto, “Show Them the Mission: A Comparison of Teacher Recruitment Incentives in High Need Communities,” 239.

• Catherine Riegle-Crumb and Chelsea Moore, “The Gender Gap in High School Physics: Considering the Context of Local Communities,” 253.

• Terrence D. Hill, Hilary H. Cook, and Keith E. Whitfield, “Race and Ethnic Variations in the Education-Control-Distress Model,” 269.


• Peter A. Morrison, “Quantifying the Effect of Age Structure on Voter Registration,” 286.


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South African Historical Journal, Vol. 66, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rshj20/66/1#.U0b5Riguitg

• Julie Parle, “Family Commitments, Economies of Emotions, and Negotiating Mental Illness in Late-Nineteenth to Mid-Twentieth-Century Natal, South Africa,” 1.

• Catherine Corder and Martin Plaut, “Gandhi’s Decisive South African 1913 Campaign: A Personal Perspective from the Letters of Betty Molteno,” 22.

• Phindezwa Elizabeth Mnyaka and Leslie Bank, “Salvage Anthropology in a City without History: East London and Photographic Collections of Joseph Denfield, 1950-1969,” 55.

• Jeanne Van Eeden, “South African Railways Postcard Calendars, 1961 to 1984,” 79.

• Hamilton Sipho Simelane, “The Colonial State and the Political Economy of Famine in Swaziland, 1943-1945,” 104.

• Dhiraj Kumar Nite, “Sharing Life-History and Other Memory: The Mining Persons in South Africa, 1951-2011,” 122.

• Johan Fourie, “The Quantitative Cape: A Review of the New Historiography of the Dutch Cape Colony,” 142.

• Shula Marks, “Reflections on the 1944 National Health Services Commission: A Response to Bill Freund and Anne Digby on the Gluckman Commission,” 169. ______

South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, Vol. 37, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/csas20/37/1#.U0b8eSguitg

• Hawon Ku, “Representations of Ownership: The Nineteenth-Century Painted Maps of Shatrunjaya, Gujarat,” 3.

• Anna Lindberg, “The Historical Roots of Dowries in Contemporary Kerala,” 22.

• Jolie M.F. Wood, “Weavers Unravelled: Comparing Associationalism among Handloom Weavers and Boatmen in Varanasi, India,” 43.

• R. Harindranath and Sukhmani Khorana, “Civil Society Movements and the ‘Twittering Classes’ in the Postcolony: An Indian Case Study,” 60.

• Iain Sinclair, “Introduction: Michael Allen and Newar Studies,” 72.

• Christoph Emmrich, “Ritual Period: A Comparative Study of Three Newar Buddhist Menarche Manuals,” 80.

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• Alexander Von Rospatt, “Negotiating the Passage Beyond a Full Span of Life: Old Age Rituals Among the Newars,” 104.

• Bruce McCoy Owens, “Innovation in Traditions of Transformation: A Preliminary Survey of a Quarter Century of Change in the Bahahs and Bahis of the Kathmandu Valley,” 130.

• Isabella Tree, “A House for the Living Goddess: On the Dual Identity of the Kumari Chen in Kathmandu,” 156.


• Jim Masselos, “Marjorie Jacobs (1915-2013),” 179.

• Howard Brasted, David Kent, and Tracey James, “Denis Wright (1947-2013),” 181. ______

Strategic Analysis, Vol. 38, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rsan20/38/1#.U0cAISguitg

• Dimitrios Machairas, “Politics, Security and Nuclear Abolition: Beyond the Idealist Rhetoric,” 1.

• Manmohan Bahadur, “Interventionism and Human Security,” 6.

• Priyanka Singh, “Elections in Pakistan: Perspectives from Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir,” 12.

• Dolma Tsering, “Dalai Lama Central to Resolution of the Tibet Issue,” 19.

• Thangkhanlal Ngaihte, “Beyond the Indo-Naga Talks: Some Reflections,” 25.

• Smruti S. Pattanaik, “Federalising India’s Neighbourhood Policy: Making the States Stakeholders,” 31.

• Jagannath P. Panda, “Factoring the RCEP and the TPP: China, India and the Politics of Regional Integration,” 49.

• Rabindra Sen, “India’s South Asia Dilemma and Regional Cooperation: Relevance of Cultural Diplomacy,” 68.

• Suseela Devi Chandran, “Malaysia-India Defence Cooperation: Need for a Paradigm Shift before Strategic Partnership,” 79.

• Kalathmika Natarajan, “Digital Public Diplomacy and a Strategic Narrative for India,” 91. 55 | Page

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• Chayanika Saxena, “Through the Gender Lens: A Feminist Analysis of ‘Security’,” 107.

Strategic Analysis, Vol. 38, Issue 2 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rsan20/38/2#.U0fPmCguitg

• R.B. Grover, “The Technological Dimension of Nuclear Security,” 151.

• Arvind Gupta and Rajiv Nayan, “Nuclear Security, the Summit Process and India,” 157.

• Alexandra I. Toma, “The Fissile Materials Working Group: A Case Study of How a Civil Society Group Can Impact Fissile Material Policy,” 163.

• Naeem Salik, “Nuclear Terrorism: Assessing the Danger,” 173.

• Kenneth N. Luongo, “Roadmap for Success of the Nuclear Security Summits and Beyond,” 185.

• Rajiv Nayan, “Nuclear Security Summit Process: An Indian Perspective,” 197.

• Mustafa Kibaroglu, “The Threat of Nuclear Terrorism Requires Concerted Action,” 209.

• Wyn Q. Bowen and Christopher Hobbs, “Sensitive Nuclear Information: Challenges and Options for Control,” 217.

• Vitaly Fedchenko, “The Role of Nuclear Forensics in Nuclear Security,” 230.

From the Archives

• P.K.S. Namboodiri, “Nuclear Terrorism,” 248. ______

Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Vol. 37, Issue 2 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/uter20/37/2#.U0fTOSguitg

• Aurélie Campana and Jean-François Ratelle, “A Political Sociology Approach to the Diffusion of Conflict from Chechnya to Dagestan and Ingushetia,” 115.

• Benjamin Acosta, “Live to Win Another Day: Why Many Militant Organizations Survive Yet Few Succeed,” 135.

• Goran Peic, “Civilian Defense Forces, State Capacity, and Government Victory in Counterinsurgency Wars,” 162.

• Andrei Miroiu, “Military Operations in Romanian Anti-Partisan Warfare, 1944-1958,” 185. 56 | Page

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• James Khalil, “Radical Beliefs and Violent Actions Are Not Synonymous: How to Place the Key Disjuncture Between Attitudes and Behaviors at the Heart of Our Research into Political Violence,” 198.

Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Vol. 37, Issue 3 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/uter20/37/3#.U0fVaiguitg

• Anthony Richards, “Conceptualizing Terrorism,” 213.

• Alexandra Pocek Joosse and H. Brinton Milward, “Organizational Versus Individual Attribution: A Case Studyof Jemaah Islamiyah and the Anthrax Plot,” 237.

• Lian Zucker and Edward H. Kaplan, “Mass Casualty Potential of Qassam Rockets,” 258.

• Luke M. Gerdes, Kristine Ringler, and Barbara Autin, “Assessing the Abu Sayyaf Group’s Strategic and Learning Capacities,” 267.

Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Vol. 37, Issue 4 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/uter20/37/4#.U0fXOSguitg

• Ophir Falk, “Permissibility of Targeted Killing,” 295.

• Süleyman Özeren, Murat Sever, Kamil Yilmaz, and Alper Sözer, “Whom Do They Recruit?: Profiling and Recruitment in the PKK/KCK,” 322.

• David C. Hofmann and Lorne L. Dawson, “The Neglected Role of Charismatic Authority in the Study of Terrorist Groups and Radicalization,” 348.

• Anne Aly, Elisabeth Taylor, and Saul Karnovsky, “Moral Disengagement and Building Resilience to Violent Extremism: An Education Intervention,” 369. ______

Terrorism and Political Violence, Vol. 26, Issue 2 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ftpv20/26/2#.U0fZxiguitg

• Beverley Milton-Edwards, “Islamist Versus Islamist: Rising Challenge in Gaza,” 259.

• William Rosenau, Ralph Espach, Román D. Ortiz, and Natalia Herrera, “Why They Join, Why They Fight, and Why They Leave: Learning from Colombia’s Database of Demobilized Militants,” 277.

• Floris Vermeulen, “Suspect Communities – Targeting Violent Extremism at the Local Level: Policies of Engagement in Amsterdam, Berlin, and London,” 286. 57 | Page

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• Tony Craig, “Monitoring the Peace?: Northern Ireland’s 1975 Ceasefire Incident Centres and the Politicisation of Sinn Féin,” 307.

• Martin Joseph Gallagher, “Terrorism and Organised Crime: Co-operative Endeavours in Scotland?,” 320.

• R. Kim Cragin, “Resisting Violent Extremism: A Conceptual Model for Non- Radicalization,” 337.

• Anthony F. Lemieux, Jarret M. Brachman, Jason Levitt, and Jay Wood, “Inspire Magazine: A Critical Analysis of its Significance and Potential Impact Through the Lens of the Information, Motivation, and Behavioral Skills Model,” 354.

• Joshua D. Freilich, Steven M. Chermak, Roberta Belli, Jeff Gruenewald, and William S. Parkin, “Introducing the United States Extremis Crime Database (ECDB),” 372. ______

Third World Quarterly, Vol. 35, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ctwq20/35/1#.U0fdziguitg

• Lisa Ann Richey and Stefano Ponte, “New actors and alliances in development,” 1.

• Michael Blowfield and Catherine S. Dolan, “Business as a development agent: evidence of possibility and improbability,” 22.

• Uma Kothari, “Trade, consumption and development alliances: the historical legacy of the Empire Marketing Board poster campaign,” 43.

• Stefano Ponte and Lisa Ann Richey, “Buying into development? Brand Aid forms of cause-related marketing,” 65.

• Dan Brockington, “The production and construction of celebrity advocacy in international development,” 88.

• Linsey McGoey, “The philanthropic state: market-state hybrids in the philanthrocapitalist turn,” 109.

• Lindsay Whitfield and Lars Buur, “The politics of industrial policy: ruling elites and their alliances,” 126.

• Peter Kragelund, “’Donors go home’: non-traditional state actors and the creation of development space in Zambia,” 145.

• Alexandra Cosima Budabin, “Diasporas as development partners for peace? The alliance between the Darfuri diaspora and the Save Darfur Coalition,” 163. 58 | Page

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• Nicola Banks and David Hulme, “New development alternatives or business as usual with a new face? The transformative potential of new actors and alliances in development,” 181.

Third World Quarterly, Vol. 35, Issue 2 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ctwq20/35/2#.U0fg6iguitg

• Sonja Grimm, Nicolas Lemay-Hébert, and Olivier Nay, “’Fragile States’: introducing a political concept,” 197.

• Olivier Nay, “International Organisations and the Production of Hegemonic Knowledge: how the World Bank and the OECD helped invent the Fragile State Concept,” 210.

• Nicolas Lemay-Hébert and Xavier Mathieu, “The OECD’s discourse on fragile states: expertise and the normalisation of knowledge production,” 232.

• Sonja Grimm, “The European Union’s ambiguous concept of ‘state fragility’,” 252.

• Isabel Rocha De Siqueira, “Measuring and managing ‘state fragility’: the production of statistics by the World Bank, Timor-Leste and the g7+,” 268.

• Maria Gabrielsen Jumbert, “How Sudan’s ‘rogue’ state label shaped US responses to the Darfur conflict: what’s the problem and who’s in charge?,” 284.

• Felix Heiduk, “State disintegration and power politics in post-Suharto Indonesia,” 300.

• Jonathan Fisher, “When it pays to be a ‘fragile state’: Uganda’s use and abuse of a dubious concept,” 316.

• Derick W. Brinkerhoff, “State fragility and failure as wicked problems: beyond naming and taming,” 333. ______

Twentieth Century British History, Vol. 25, Issue 1 (March 2014) http://tcbh.oxfordjournals.org/content/25/1.toc

• Richard Toye,”’Perfectly Parliamentary’? The Labour Party and the House of Commons in the Interwar Years,” 1.

• Frank Mort, “Love in a Cold Climate: Letters, Public Opinion and Monarchy in the 1936 Abdication Crisis,” 30.

• Wendy Webster, “Enemies, Allies and Transnational Histories: Germans, Irish, and Italians in Second World War Britain,” 63. 59 | Page

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• Henry Irving, “The Birth of a Politician: Harold Wilson and the Bonfires of Controls, 1948-9,” 87.

• Mathias Haeussler, “The Popular Press and Ideas of Europe: The Daily Mirror, the Daily Express, and Britain’s First Application to the Join the EEC, 1961-63,” 108.

• Sarah E. Hackett, “From Rags to Restaurants: Self-Determination, Entrepreneurship and Integration amongst Muslim Immigrants in Newcastle upon Tyne in Comparative Perspective, 1960s-1990s,” 132.


Vingtième Siècle (2014/1) http://www.cairn.info/revue-vingtieme-siecle-revue-d-histoire-2014-1.htm

• Marie-Bénédicte Vincent, “De la dénazification à la réintégration des fonctionnaires: Comment construire une éthique de la fonction publique en Allemagne de l’Ouest après 1945?,” 3.

• Marion Fontaine and Xavier Vigna, “La grève des mineurs de l’automne 1948 en France,” 21.

• Anne-Sophie Bruno, “Analyser le marché du travail par les trajectoires individuelles: Le cas des migrants de Tunisie en région parisienne pendant les Trente Glorieuses,” 35.

• Didier Rey, “La Corse, ses morts et la guerre de 1914-1918,” 49.

• Jan C. Jansen, “Fête et ordre colonial: Centenaires et résistance anticolonialiste en Algérie pendant les années 1930,” 61.

• Nicolas Werth, “Retour sur la grande famine ukrainienne de 1932-1933,” 77.

• Frédéric Heurtebize, “Washington face à la participation des communistes au gouvernement en Italie (1973-1979),” 95.

• François Hourmant, “La Longue Marche de la veste Mao: Révolution des apparences et apparences de la Révolution,” 113.

Vingtième Siècle (2014/2) http://www.cairn.info/revue-vingtieme-siecle-revue-d-histoire-2014-2.htm

• Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau and Hélène Dumas, “Le génocide des Tutsi rwandais vingt ans après,” 3.

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• Jean-Pierre Chrétien, Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau, and Hélène Dumas, “Un historien face au génocide des Tutsi,” 23.

• Paul Rutayisire, “Approche locale du génocide: La région de Nyarubuye,” 37.

• Ornella Rovetta, “Le procès de Jean-Paul Akayesu: Les autorités communales en jugement,” 51.

• Violaine Baraduc, “Tuer au coeur de la famille: Les femmes en relais,” 63.

• Hélène Dumas, “Enfants victimes, enfants tueurs: Expériences enfantines (Rwanda, 1994),” 75.

• Rémi Korman, “L’État rwandais et la mémoire du génocide: Commémorer sur les ruines (1994-1996),” 87.

• Dorothea Bohnekamp, “La communauté juive face à la culture mémorielle en Allemagne,” 99.

• Samuel Ghiles-Meilhac, “Naissance et institutionnalisation de la soirée annuelle du Conseil représentatif des institutions juives de France,” 109.

• Frédéric Hervé, “Anastasie, fille aînée de l’Église et de l’État? Censure étatique et cotation catholique des films en France (1945-1966),” 121.

• Anna Trespeuch-Berthelot, “Les vies successives de La Société du spectacle de Guy Debord,” 135.


The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 37, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rwaq20/37/1#.U0fzRSguitg


• Thomas G. Weiss, “Military Humanitarianism: Syria Hasn’t Killed It,” 7.

• Sarah A. Emerson and Andrew C. Winner, “The Myth of Petroleum Independence and Foreign Policy Isolation,” 21.

• Andrea Kendall-Taylor and Erica Frantz, “How Autocracies Fall,” 35.

• Seth Kaplan, “Identifying Truly Fragile States,” 49.

• Wu Xinbo, “Agenda for a New Great Power Relationship,” 65.

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• Alan Dupont and Christopher G. Baker, “East Asia’s Maritime Disputes: Fishing in Troubled Waters,” 79.

• Brendan Taylor, “The South China Sea is Not a Flashpoint,” 99.

U.S. Security Strategy

• Bruce W. Jentleson, “Strategic Recalibration: Framework for a 21st-Century National Security Strategy,” 115.

• Michael J. Mazarr, “A Strategy of Discriminate Power: A Global Posture for Sustained Leadership,” 137.

• Michael O’Hanlon, “Sizing U.S. Ground Forces: From ‘2 Wars’ to ‘1 War + 2 Missions’,” 151.


The William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. 71, No. 1 (January 2014) http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5309/willmaryquar.71.issue-1

• Sarah Kinkel, “The King’s Pirates? Naval Enforcement of Imperial Authority, 1740-76,” 3.

• Loren Schweninger, “Freedom Suits, African American Women, and the Genealogy of Slavery,” 35.

• Javier Cuenca-Esteban, “British ‘Ghost’ Exports, American Middlemen, and the Trade to Spanish America, 1790-1819: A Speculative Reconstruction,” 63.

• Linford D. Fisher, “’Dangerous Designes’: The 1676 Barbados Act to Prohibit New England Indian Slave Importation,” 99.


Women’s History Review, Vol. 23, Issue 1 (2014) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rwhr20/23/1#.U0f4Siguitg

• Colita Nichols Fairfax, “A Historical Account of Community Mobilization in Public Education in Early Twentieth-Century African America: introducing Miss Virginia Estelle Randolph, master-teacher and community mobilizer,” 1.

• Amanda Harris, “The Spectacle of Woman as Creator: representation of women composers in the French, German and English feminist press 1880-1930,” 18.

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• Cathy Brigden, “Organising and Representing Women: the historical case of the Female Confectioners Union,” 43.

• Jacqui Theobald, “Women’s Refuges and the State in Victoria, Australia: a campaign for secrecy of address,” 60.

• Regina Palm, “Feminine by Design: re-engendering mural painting at the fin de siècle,” 82.

• Irina Mukhina, “Gendered Division of Labor among Special Settlers in the Soviet Union, 1941-1956,” 99.

• Anna Kisby, “Vera ‘Jack’ Holme: cross-dressing actress, suffragette and chauffeur,” 120.


World Policy Journal, 31:1 (March 2014) http://wpj.sagepub.com/content/31/1.toc

Editors’ Note

• “Sex & Sexuality,” 1.


• Jina Moore, Shereen El Feki, Andrew Reding, Kate Kraft, Siddharth Dube, Tam Nguyen, Coral Herrera Gómez, and Hans Billimoria, “The Big Question: how do sex and sexuality affect one’s role in society?,” 3.

• Haifaa Al-Mansour, “Anatomy: The Making of Wadjda,” 10.

• Deborah Steinborn and Uwe Jean Heuser, “Gender Über Alles,” 17.

• Jill Filipovic, “Map Room: Violence Against Women,” 24.

Sex & Sexuality

• Rochelle Terman, “Trans(ition) in Iran,” 28.

• Silvia Viñas, “Latin Women Take the Helm,” 39.

• “Timeline: Politicization of Sexuality,” 48.


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• Silvia Viñas, “Women and the New Global Order: A Conversation with Anne-Marie Slaughter,” 51.


• Judith Matloff and Katie Orlinsky, “Mexico: Vigilante Justice,” 58.


• Melanie Smuts, “South Africa: A Science Lesson,” 70.

• Matt Surrusco, “Palestine: Children Laboring,” 81.

• Gary Foxcroft, “Hunting Witches,” 90.

• Maurizio Bongioanni, “Romania: Land for Sale,” 99.

• Elizabeth Pond, “Vietnam’s Second Revolution,” 107.


• David A. Andelman, “Currency Wars,” 115.

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