49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2018 (LPI Contrib. No. 2083) 2604.pdf A GEOLOGIC RECORD OF THE FIRST BILLION YEARS OF MARS HISTORY. John F. Mustard1 and James W. Head1 1Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences, Box 1846, Brown University, Provi- dence, RI 02912 (
[email protected]) Introduction: A compelling record of the first bil- standing solar system evolution question is the exist- lion years of Mars geologic evolution is spectacularly ence, or not, of a period of heavy bombardment ≈500 presented in a compact region at the intersection of Myr after accretion of the terrestrial planets. Except Isidis impact basin and Syrtis Major volcanic province for the Moon, we have no definitive dates for basins (Fig. 1). In this well-exposed region is a well-ordered formed in the Solar System. Radiometric systems in stratigraphy of geologic units spanning Noachian to crystalline igneous rocks exposed by Isidis would like- Early Hesperian times [1]. Geologic units can be de- ly have been reset and thus contain evidence of the finitively associated with the Isidis basin-forming im- impact providing a key data point for understanding pact (≈3.9 Ga, [2]) as well as pristine igneous and basin forming processes in the Solar System. Further- aqueously altered Noachian crust that pre-date the more the Isidis basin impacted onto the rim of the hy- Isidis event. The rich collection of well defined units pothesized Borealis Basin [7]. Given this proximity spanning ≈500 Myr of time in a compact region is at- there is a possibility that some fragments may have tractive for the collection of samples.