Sharing the Experience of Railways Past and Present

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Sharing the Experience of Railways Past and Present Autumn 2009 • $7 95 FirstSharing the experience of Fastest railways past and present & AMTRAK — The Interurban of the 21st Century? By Norman Carlson Lincoln Service southbound train, with locomotive 113 in the lead, is crossing the Kankakee River at Wilmington, Illinois. Wilmington is approxi - mately 15 miles south of Joliet on the Chicago-St. Louis corridor. A short distance ahead is the beginning of what will be the 110 mph territory to the north end of Springfield. —Paul Burgess photo ver 100 years ago, around the prior well known for its interurbans built to economy in 2007 and 2008, we have first- turn of the century, the rage in steam road standards, Missouri, a state that hand experience to understand what hap - Olocal transportation was the elec - had virtually no interurbans, and pened in 1903 and 1907. The first and sec - tric interurban railway. The term “interur - Minnesota, a state that is embracing light ond bursts of interurban building were ban” is derived from Latin for between rail and commuter rail services in the ended, respectively, by those two financial cities. The origin of the word is credited to Minneapolis-St. Paul area. Conceptually, panics. Virtually all that was left of the Charles L. Henry, an Indiana state senator history is repeating itself. Rail is being industry was wiped out by the Great who became a U. S. Congressman and looked upon as the solution for local (light Depression. founder of the Union Traction Company rail and suburban commuter operations) In 2009, only the South Shore Line of Indiana, which became a 400-mile sys - and regional (interurban) transportation. passenger service between South Bend, tem in central Indiana. Among the ironies of history is that Indiana, and Chicago remains. This for - Interurban electric railways were the when building interurbans was the rage, mer Chicago South Shore & South Bend transition between the horse and buggy Henry Ford could only raise $28,000 of the passenger service, now owned and oper - and the automobile, a technology that was $100,000 he was seeking to build automo - ated by the Northern Indiana Commuter being introduced at the same time. In biles. In 1908, W. C. Durant, the founder of Transportation District (NICTD) was an addition to removing the isolation of rural General Motors, told a banker that he unlikely survivor. It spent more of the areas, the interurbans brought electricity envisioned the production of 500,000 auto - initial years of its existence in financial to towns and villages along the way as well mobiles annually. He was escorted to the difficulty or bankruptcy than out of such as to the farms in their territory. The great - door. As this is written Chrysler has just distress. est development of the interurbans was emerged from bankruptcy and General Another historical footnote is that the found in the Midwest, particularly Illinois, Motors is in what is hoped to be a very last Vice President and General Manager Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin. short bankruptcy reorganization. The of the privately-owned South Shore rail - Let us fast forward approximately 110 United States government has found itself road operating passenger service, Michael years and consider the current proposals to be the investment banker for the domes - W. Franke , is at the center of the new for the Midwest Regional Rail System, also tic automobile manufacturing industry. activity in the development of regional rail known as the Chicago Hub Network of The interurbans were as much a victim services. After serving as the Vice Amtrak. of economic times as they were of technol - President and Chief Engineer of the The ultimate plan is focused on trains, ogy advances in the automotive industry Burlington Northern Santa Fe, Mike is with speeds up to 110 mph, traversing the and the advent of paved roads. Looking now Amtrak’s Assistant Vice President for five states mentioned above plus Iowa, back from the perspective of the world State Partnerships. He is involved in the 2 | Firs t&Fastest Autumn 2009 development and implementation of all the regional services other than those on CHICAGO HUB NETWORK the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Is Mike’s experience the bridge between the interur - Minneapolis- St. Paul Wisconsin ban industry of the past and the interurban Green Bay industry of the future? Minnesota Michigan First let us look at some of the ridership La Crosse Watertown Port Huron statistics. In its 2008 and 2007 fiscal years, Grand Rapids Milwaukee Pontiac each ending September 30th , Amtrak car - Madison Iowa ried a total of 28,716,000 passengers and Detroit Freeport Battle Creek 25,847,000 passengers respectively, an Chicago Cleveland increase of 11.1%. Of these totals only Rock Island Princeton Toledo Nebraska Des Moines Ft. Wayne 4,170,000 passengers in 2008 and 3,819,000 Omaha passengers in 2007 rode on the long dis - Peoria Indiana Ohio Lafayette tance trains. This was an increase of 9.2%. Dayton Columbus Indianapolis In other words, less than 15% of Amtrak’s Quincy Champaign Legend Springfield passengers rode long distance trains. Proposed High Illinois Speed Corridor Cincinnati Ridership on the Northeast Corridor Kansas City Existing Regional was 10,898,000 in 2008 versus 10,035,000 Services Projected Service St. Louis in 2007, a gain of 8.6%. Where is the real Route Missouri Louisville success story? In Amtrak’s words it is in the Desired future Carbondale extensions of projected “State Supported and Other Short service routes Distance Corridors.” In 2008, 13,648,000 passengers rode these trains versus sistently running over 100 mph or the 25.9% from 595,000 passengers to 750,000 11,993,000 passengers in 2007, a gain of Burlington Zephyrs among other trains. passengers. From the original three fre - 13.8%. Amtrak’s strategic goals are to Those before us remember the Milwaukee quencies, with trains as short as two cars, focus on these regional corridors. Road between Chicago and Milwaukee seven trips in each direction are offered Recent press coverage of rail passenger and the sign on the curve at Rondout, slow daily with trains of five cars in length. service has been phenomenal, and down to 90, as well as the Chicago & Even with this the morning rush hour trip unprecedented in virtually the last 50 North Western trains blasting through the to Chicago and the return “5:00 p.m. years of history. The thought of passenger North Shore suburbs of Chicago. ) train” out of Chicago have standing room trains moving at 110 miles per hour has Certainly Amtrak’s Hiawatha Service only with some passengers bringing their certainly caught the public’s fancy. (This is between Chicago and Milwaukee is a suc - own camp stools on board. (Where are the sad to us who remember the Illinois cess story. Over the course of fiscal 2008 Electroliners when you need them? – See Central south of Champaign, Illinois, con - the passenger traffic on this line grew the sidebar on page 4.) It is 2:07 p.m. on a very hot July 4, 2008, as Hiawatha Service southbound train number 336 is running about ten minutes late due to heavy pas - senger traffic. The lead coach is wrapped for the television program Wheel of Fortune with the legend “National Train Day is coming” above. We are looking north at Conway Park Road just north of the Lake Forest station. —Norman Carlson photo AMTRAK — The Interurban of the 21st Century? The plans for this service, which is fund - achieved. First is the need to create public because of the dramatic cultural changes ed by the states of Wisconsin and Illinois, demand for rail service, in other words will that are needed at the personal and politi - are to ultimately have sixteen daily fre - people leave their auto at home and ride cal levels. The economy (and the loss of quencies with the service extended to the train. Second is to achieve political personal wealth), high energy prices and Madison in the relatively short run and recognition that public investment in rail less stressful individual lifestyles may prove perhaps Green Bay on a longer term basis. is in the public’s interest. Third is freight to be a very powerful catalyst. Track improvements are underway railroad’s acceptance of passenger rail serv - Certainly at the Federal level there has between Milwaukee and Rondout and ice co-existence on their railroads. This been a sea of change in the view of the role funding for rehabilitation between latter point is complex as the public has of rail passenger service. Vice President Joe Milwaukee and Watertown, Wisconsin, is little understanding of the role of freight Biden has been an Amtrak customer virtu - in place. Engineering is substantially com - railroads in their daily life. The benefits of ally since the inception of the company. plete from Watertown to Madison. public-private partnerships need to be rec - He was introduced to a worldwide audi - On May 12, 2009, Joseph Boardman, ognized (South Shore Freight and NICTD ence by the conductor on his Amtrak train President of Amtrak, addressed the are a perfect example ). Various projects on the occasion of the pre-inaugural Western Railroad Club in Chicago. Joe across the United States and the CREATE Amtrak special between Philadelphia and was nearing the end of a month-long project in Chicago are other examples of Washington, D.C. by the conductor on his inspection trip of the Amtrak system such partnership where the public benefits. Amtrak train. There is every reason to nationwide. He believes that the Midwest The good news is that progress is being believe that Barack and Michelle Obama is a wonderful place for time competitive made in these areas of cultural change.
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