Galileo Imaging Observations of Lunar Maria and Related Deposits

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Galileo Imaging Observations of Lunar Maria and Related Deposits JOURNALOF GEOPHYSICALRESEARCH, VOL. 98, NO. E9, PAGES17,183-17,205, SEPTEMBER 25, 1993 Galileo Imaging Observationsof Lunar Maria and Related Deposits RONALDGREELEY, 1 STEVEN D. KADEL,1 DAVIDA. WILLIAMS,1 LISA R. GADDIS,2 JAMESW. HEAD,3 ALFREDS. MCEWEN,2 SCOTT L. MURCHIE,3 ]•NGELBERT NAGEL, 4 GERHARD NEUKUM, 4 CARLEM. PIETERS,3 JESSICA M. SUNSHINE,3 ROLAND WAGNER? AND MICHAEL J. S. BELTON5 The Galileo spacecraftimaged parts of the westernlimb and far side of the Moon in December 1990. Ratios of 0.41/0.56 gin filter images from the Solid State hnaging (SSI) experiment provided information on the titanium content of mare deposits' ratios of the 0.76/0.99 gm imagesindicated 1gin absorptions associated with Fe 2+ in maficminerals. Mare ages were derived froin crater statistics obtained from Lunar Orbiter images. Results on mare coinpositionsin western Oceanus Procellarum and the Humorurn basin are consistent with previous Earth-basedobservations, thus providing confidence in the use of Galileo data to extract compositional information. Mare units in the Grimaldi and Riccioli basins range in age froin 3.25 to 3.48 Ga and consistof medium- to medium-high titanium (<4 to 7% TiO2) content lavas. The Schiller-Zucchius basin shows a higher 0.76/0.99 gm ratio than the surroundinghighlands, indicating a potentially higher mafic mineral content consistentwith previous interpretationsthat the area includesmare depositsblanketed by highland ejecta and light plains materials. The oldest mare materials in the Orientale basin occur in south-central Mare Orientale and are 3.7 Ga old; youngestmare materials are in Lacus Autumni and are 2.85 Ga old; theseunits are medium- to medium-hightitanium (<4 to 7% TiO2) basalts. Thus, volcanism was active in Orientale for 0.85 Ca, but lavas were relatively constant in composition. Galileo data suggestthat Mendel-Rydberg mare is similar to Mare Orientale; cryptomareare presentas well. Thus, the mare lavas on the westernlimb and far side (to 178øE) are remarkably uniform in coinposition,being generally of medium- to medium-high titanium content and having relatively low 0.76/0.99 gin ratios. This region of the Moon is between two postulatedlarge impact structures,the Procellarum and the South Pole-Aitken basins, and may have a relatively thick crust. In areas underlain by an inferred thinner crust, i.e., zones within large basins (as at Apollo), titanium content is often higher. However, no mare deposits with titanium abundancesapproaching those of the high-titanium (9 to 14% TiO2) Apollo 11 and 17 basaltsnor of the high-titanium regions of central Oceanus Procellarum are seenon the westernlimb or easternfar side. Light plains depositsare generallyindistinct froin the surroundinghighlands in the SSI data and are inferred to be derived primarily from the same material that forins the highlands. Some of the light plains are too young to be related to basin-forming impacts, suggesting possible volcanic origin. Dark mantle deposit compositionsderived from SSI data are consistentwith Earth-basedobservations of similar near-sidedeposits and are interpretedto be pyroclasticmaterials. However,the modernitc albedo and 1 gin absorption of the dark mantle deposit on the southwest margin of the Orientale basin suggestit is a local pyroclasticdeposit contaminated with underlyinghighland materials from the Orientale impact. 1. INTRODUCTION 1Departmentof Geology,Arizona State University, Tempe. The Galileo flyby of the Moon in 1990 [Belton et al., 2U.S.Geological Survey, Flagstaff, Arizona. 1992]acquired the first new spacecraftlunar data in 15 years 3Departmentof Geological Sciences, Brown University, and includedobservations of far-side regionswith modem Providence, Rhode Island. instruments.Galileo missionobjectives for the Moon were 4GermanAerospace Research Establishment (DLR), outlinedby Fanale [1990] and preliminaryresults from the Institute for Planetary Exploration, Berlin/ Solid StateImaging (SSI) experimentwere givenby Belton Oberpfaffenhofen,Germany. et al. [1992]. 5NationalOptical Astronomy Observatories, Tucson, Arizona. Someof the key scienceobjectives focused on lunar maria andrelated deposits. Although mare materials represent <1% of the lunar crust [Head, 1976], they provideinsight into Copyright1993 by the AmericanGeophysical Union. crustalevolution, thermal history, and the Moon's interior. Consequently,information on the locationand composition Paper number 93JE01000. of mare deposits,combined with agesderived from impact 0148-0227/93/93 JE01000505.00 crater statistics, enable better understandingof magma 17,183 17,184 GREELEYET AL.: GALILEOIMAGING OBSERVATIONS OF LUNARMARIA evolution and lunar volcanis•n. Although much has been only areascovered by •naturemare soilscan be classifiedfor learnedabout maria in thelast 25 years(reviewed by Headand TiO2, regions of young crater ejecta were not assessed. Wilson [1992]), compositionaldata for much of the surface Table 1 gives the classification used here for titanium are lacking. Multispecu'aldata obtainedfrom Earth provide contents. A comparisonof our classificationscheme with insight into surfacecompositions [Pieters, 1991], but are others,from both the spectraland petrologicperspective, is limited to the near side. Galileo provided the first given in Table 2. opportunity to collect multispectral data for parts of the Albedois broadlyindicative of lithologicdifferences among westernli•nb and far side. Our approachwas to obtain data mare, highland,and fresh cratermaterials [Pieters et al., this on near-sidemaria previouslyobserved and for which re,note issue]. Unlike normal albedo(reflectance at 0ø phaseangle) sensingdata were calibratedusing Alx)11o s,-unples [Pieters et usedby Pieters [1978], we determinedalbedo using the al., this issue]. This enabled calibration of SSI data to assess 0.56 gm filter (normalized to MH0 and 20ø phase angle mare compositionsfor the westernlimb and far side. [Pieters et al., this issue]). Aremsanalyzed (Figures la and lb m•dPlate 1) includemare Mafic minerals, such as pyroxene, produce strong deposits, light plains materials, and dark mantle deposits absorptionsnear 1 gm [e.g., Pieters, 1978]. The Galileo SSI (DMD). In each area we assessedthe local stratigraphy, 0.76/0.99 gm ratio, usedhere to estimate1 gm absorption obtainedcrater countsto determineages (except for DMD), strength,is influencedby soil maturity, grain size, viewing derived spectral characteristics, and interpreted the geometry,glass content, and the model abundances of Fe 2+ compositionsof the deposits. bearing minerals. However, by studying only areas of mature, uncont,'uninatedmare soils it is possibleto use the 2. DATA CHARACTERISTICSAND PROCESSING 0.76/0.99 grn ratio as an indicationof the relativeamount of maficminerals and Fe 2+ bearing glass present in mareunits. The Galileo imagingsequence [Belton et al., 1992] began at the easternterminator over the Apollo 12 and 14 landing 2.2. Data Correlation to Previous Studies sites, continued across the western near side, and extended to To assessSSI datafor analyzinglunar maria, we compared the far side to 178øE. The highestresolution images were SSI and Earth-based spectral information for parts of -3.5 Pan/pixel,centered at 7øS 25øW; the lowest resolution O. Procellarum and M. Humorurn [e.g., Whitaker, 1972; images analyzed were -7.6 Pan/pixelfor the Apollo basin. Pieters et al., 1975; McCord et al., 1976]. O. Procellarum These imageswere processedwith photometric,phase angle, mafia appearto be associatedwith eitherthe "mega-Imbriuln" and radiometric calibrations [McEwen et al., this issue], and basin [Spudis et al., 1988] or the Procellarum basin geometric control, and were reprojectedto a standardmap [Cadogan, 1974, 1981]. The formation of the postulated format with subpixelregistration applied. The result was a Procellarum basin would have had an enoHnous effect on the highly correlated data set of multispectral mosaicsin five Moon [Wilhelms,1987] and may haveresulted in thinningof wavelengths (0.41, 0.56, 0.66, 0.78, 0.99 [.tm). These the near-sidelithosphere, crustal deformation, mare extrusion, mosaicsserved as the primary data sourcefor thisstudy. and perhapsthickening of far-side crust [Cadogan, 1974, 1981]. 2.1. SpectralAnalysis Whitford-Starkand Head [1977, 1980] mappedthe lava Pieters et al. [this issue] discuss the calibration of Galileo flows in O. Procellarum,the youngestof which is the Sharp images to extract spectral data and the limitations of the Formation. Pieters [1978] and Pieters et al. [1980] found derived information. Imaging sequenceswere designedto this unit to be 3-11 wt % TiO2. The Hermann Formation, obtain data over stand,'u'dsites for Earth-basedmultispectral the next youngestunit, coversnearly half of O. Procellarum analyses,including one in Mare Humoruln (designatedMH0). and is <3 wt % TiO2 [Pieters, 1978]. The Telemann Pieters[1978] outlineda four-par,'uneterclassification scheme Formationunderlies both the Sharpand HermannFormations for lunar basaltsbased on telescopicspectral reflectance data, and is <2wt % TiO2 [Pieters, 1978]. The Repsold includingthe 0.40/0.56 gm (UV/VIS) ratio, normalalbedo, Formation is the oldest unit, covers -1% of northwestern 1 gm absorption band strength, and 2 gm absorption O. Procellarum,and is 3-6 wt % TiO2 [Pieters, 1978]. The stxength. This scheme was adapted here, but without the boundariesof theseunits are clearly distinguishedon a color latterparmeter becauseGalileo lacksa 2 gm filter. map of the SSI 0.41/0.56 gm ratio (Plate 2)
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