The National Jewish Greetings Post&Opinion Volume 76, Number 14 • March 24, 2010 • 9 Nisan 5770 Two Dollars

Art by John J Domont

NAT 2 March 24, 2010 The responsum discuss the rise of Editorial About the Cover Shabbat Shalom the prohibitions that don’t stand on any solid ground. The Search for Grace in the Wilderness Okay, that point taken, it doesn’t make BY RABBI JON ADLAND The following by Reb Zalman by artist John Domont is the primary it any easier for me, rationally or not, to Schachter-Shalomi is an introduction to calling of the self for a harmonious March 19, 2010, Vayikra eat these foods, but I believe that the his interpretation of the four sons in relationship with Life. The myth of (Leviticus 1:1–5:26), 4 Nisan 5770 Reform and Conservative opinions are the . Passover is a spring time ritual, as we correct; legumes and rice should not be “The Torah mentions four times that it leave the darkness of winter, of the Yesterday morning I went to get my prohibited. If you are going to take Pesach is important to share with one’s child womb, and exit through the birth canal haircut (what’s left of it) at the barbershop seriously and restrict your diet, it should about . The rabbis derived (the Red Sea), we are born as individuals in Greenbriar that is next to the Baskin be restricted to not eating the five grains from Scripture something about the and as a people. Robbins and a few doors down from the – wheat, oat, rye, barley, and spelt – in any The primary need for relationship character of the children that suited their new kosher bakery. Why am I telling you form other than unleavened. This means interpretation. But that’s not the only begins with birth. Passover is a time for this? Because at the beginning of the that any product that contains these possible way of reading the injunctions to union with self, body and the universe. haircut, Claudia, my barber, wanted to grains is not permitted. share with our children. The rabbis also The angel of death must be confronted know why the kosher bakery needed to For me, I change my diet at this season said that there are 70 facets of possible at every level, whether it is cleaning interpretations to Torah. Here then is yeast from the body. Microbes healthy close for the week of Pesach. I explained for one week to feel in some small way another facet that may be closer to the and parasitic typify the confrontation of that Jewish law mandates that no bread that I, too, am on a journey with my way we might relate to our children in a consciousness vs. unconsciousness, they or any products made from grain that isn’t ancestors out of Egypt. They had to pack more contemporary manner.” support or thwart our wandering in the unleavened bread be consumed during quickly, take what they could, and eat on The interpretation below can be found desert, the wilderness of life on our journey this week. A kosher bakery shouldn’t the run. (Not on the run like driving on the Reb Zalman Legacy Project to divine union. We are responsible for be making products that are unkosher through McDonald’s and getting a quick Web site at this address: how we survive in the wilderness, how we for Pesach, and the Orthodox Jewish French fry fix.) The one week diet reminds wordpress/?m=200903. manage our bodies, our consciousness, community isn’t going to patronize the me that the journey to freedom isn’t easy and our prayers. bakery during that week at all. and that to reach freedom, we must take The Torah speaks of four children: Passover is the howling of the energy of There is always a lot of discussion at a look at who we are, how we live, how One a lamden (sharp student), one a isolation and need, of fear and hope, and this time of year about what you can we act, and how we behave. So for a week chossid (high emotional quotient), one a yet it demands action and faith. and can’t eat at Pesach if you want to be I eat fruits and veggies, eggs and matzah, tamim (good one), and one she-ayn lo faithful to tradition. What follows is from meat and fish, and I don’t eat bread, shum s’fekut u’b’eyot (one who does not About the artist the Reform response. The Conservative pasta, cereal, cake, or any of my regular doubt or question). In his late 20s, John Domont worked position is similar. diet of food. I don’t eat out even though I When the sharp student asks: (Deut exclusively for conservation groups This Committee, in particular, in its possibly could. I eat my Pesach foods and 6:20) “[What are the testimonies, the photographing threatened habitats and approach to the answering of the she’elot when the week is over, the pizza is waiting. statutes and the laws] which havaya our endangered species around the world. (questions) submitted to it, has tended to I can only urge you to think about God has commanded you?” and so you (see Cover, page NAT 3) uphold the standards of traditional practice Pesach as a special week to think about shall answer him or her according to the except in those cases where good and what it means to be free. As a dear friend capacity of his or her sharpness of wit. j i sufficient cause exists to depart from them. reminded me, freedom isn’t just another When the high emotional quotient As a young child or when one is very And our movement has recognized for word for nothing left to lose. Freedom is one asks: (Exodus 12: 26) “[What is] this old, the desire to be better than the other nearly two centuries that the prohibition of much, much more and when you aren’t service to you?”So you will make an effort player(s) becomes paramount. Because of rice and legumes is just such a case. This free to eat whatever you want, the journey to reign in his or her longings, for he or this, when two of similar ages/abilities are observance, which presents a significant has begun. she also wants to be a part of the integrity playing, they both strive to win. However, burden upon Jews during Pesach, has no When you light your Shabbat candles and perfection that comes with meaningful if an adult is playing with a child or elderly halakhic justification: the Talmud clearly this evening, light one for freedom. Light rituals. If you are loving, then he or she person, the goal becomes different for the will understand devekut (cleaving), and he adult.The adult doesn’t need to feel better rejects the suggestion that rice and legumes the other to remind us to never take or she will get a taste of what it means to by winning but wants to give the child or are , and the likelihood that our freedom for granted, but continue to feel close to God. elderly person a chance to feel good about people will confuse legume dishes with work on it each and every day. When the good one asks: (Exodus his or her ability to play.The challenge for chametz dishes is too remote to be taken into Rabbi Adland is senior rabbi of 13:14) “What is this?” and so you shall the adult is how to let the young child or serious consideration. Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation. bear witness to him or her from your the very elderly person win the game own experience, that hashem yitbarach without him or her suspecting that the The National Jewish is assisting you with ‘a strong hand,’ to adult is not giving it his or her all. take you out and to take him or her out This “game” is similar if one of the of Mitzrayim. players is sick, depressed, grieving a loss, For the one who does not question, handicapped, an orphan, a foreigner, and Post &Opinion you will feed him or her some so forth, because we were once strangers (horse radish), so he or she will feel his or in the land of Egypt and who knows her friends’troubles and so that compassion when or where we may be strangers will be instilled in his or her heart. again. In other words, in the game of life, Editorial and sales offices located at The Jewish Post & Opinion we must take note of the very young and 238 S. Meridian St., Suite 502, Indianapolis, IN 46225 Published biweekly by office: (317) 972-7800 • fax: (317) 972-7807 The Spokesman Co., Inc. After reading this and Bernie old, and those needy in many different (USPS 275-580) (ISSN 0888-0379) DeKoven’s beautiful column regarding ways, because one day we or one of our [email protected] Periodicals postage paid at Passover being about “coliberation”verses loved ones may be in a similar situation. Address correspondence to: Indianapolis, IN 238 S. Meridian St., Suite 502, Indianapolis, IN 46225 simply collaboration and liberation (see My question this Passover is how to All circulation correspondence should be addressed to page NAT 5), I had some thoughts relating teach the children to simply do their best, Publishers Advertising Director Accounting The National Jewish Post & Opinion, to both. In both writings the way the not compare themselves to others, and to Gabriel Cohen, z”l Barbara LeMaster Vivian Chan Subscription Department, game is played (the children are look out for the needs of others? I agree Jennie Cohen 238 S. Meridian St., Suite 502, Indianapolis, IN 46225. Graphic Design Editors Postmaster send address changes to: answered) depends on the different players. with DeKoven that adults need to practice The National Jewish Post & Opinion, Advertising Sales Charlie Bunes Jennie Cohen It’s interesting to note how the game “coliberation” or working (playing) Subscription Department, Mary Herring Crystal Kurz Grechen Throop 238 S. Meridian St., Suite 502, changes depending on the ages of the together, making use of each others Indianapolis, IN 46225. players, their physical, mental or emotional strengths and supporting each other’s Subscriptions $36.00 per year, back issues $2.25, single copies $2.00. condition at the time and many other weaknesses and then we would be an All advertisements designed and prepared by The Jewish Post & Opinion are the sole property of the newspaper and may not be factors. As in life, no matter how one example for the children to emulate. reproduced without the consent of the publisher. Copyright © 2005 Spokesman Co. Inc. All rights reserved. plays the game, it is always a challenge. Jennie Cohen 3-24-10. March 24, 2010 NAT 3 A visualization for greater freedom COVER Chassidic Rabbi Kabbalah from Kabbalah Month by Month. (continued from page NAT 2) What does your mitzrayim look like? He photographed so many different BY RABBI BENZION COHEN of the Month In what areas in your life do you feel mammals in water habitats that water constrained? Where would you like to became a primary focus for his artistic experience greater freedom and We are now in the month of Nissan, BY MELINDA RIBNER endeavors. the month of redemption. Our sages said expansion in yourself and your life. In the process of abstracting the that in Nissan our forefathers were Nissan began Draw a picture of a box or visualize qualities of water, as transformed into its redeemed from Egypt, and in Nissan we yourself in a box. Then write or think various aspects of light, color, movement, will be redeemed from our present state March 15 about all the ways in which you are and energy, he began to experience a of exile. We want Moshiach now. Every This month of Nissan is the headquarters constrained and all the feelings you relationship with painting. By 1983, day we wait for Moshiach, especially now, for newness. A sign that we are close to experience being in the box of your painting had become the primary focus of in the month of Nissan. What can we do God is that everything feels new, full of life. The way out of mitzrayim is to be his work. to make it really happen? First, we have wonder and possibilities. These are the in it and go through it. Write down Domont’s paintings are an expression to really want Moshiach. precious moments in life when we may what life out of the box would be like of inspirations from nature and his The other day I approached the internal be doing what we always do, and for you. Then take deep breaths and relationship to the landscape. He strives medicine ward in our local hospital. A suddenly our consciousness is lifted visualize that you can step out of the to create harmony among the three forms patient called out to me: “Rabbi! I’m so upward, our hearts open and we are filled box. It is simple.You are out of the box. of light available to an artist: Surface light, happy to see you! I knew you were going to with the awareness of the sanctity of life Breathe and absorb the feelings of the light of nature, and the light of spirit. come.”This warm greeting was a pleasant itself. We are so happy to simply be alive. being out of the box. Speak to God and His art is about presence and place. surprise. I looked up and saw Yaakov. This is a taste of the joy of Nissan. ask for the strength to live more fully, Domont works in the Heartland, his Yaakov has been hospitalized several The scent of Spring in the air makes us more of the time, out of the box. home, where roads, pastures, fields, and times these past two years. He is around aware of the new life emerging in nature forests are the essence of the landscape of 40 years old and seriously ill. Whenever and that reminds us to pay attention to greater freedom in our lives? That is the American Midwest. This countryside we meet I try to help him as much as I the new energies stirring within each of the question. The very rituals in the is both simple and nourishing. It is in the can, to strengthen his faith and cheer him us as well. This is the month to leave our observance of Passover help us break basics of the landscape that one can see up. He started to put on tefillin every day personal restrictions and move to greater through limitations and go forward in the and feel the beauty of the essential – the at home, but when he is hospitalized he freedom. There are significant life ways that our soul yearns to do. We elements of land and sky, of nature and often needs my assistance because of an changes possible in Nissan. If you feel cannot do it alone. We need to receive humanity coming together. Rather than infusion in his arm or other treatments. stuck in a life routine that is limiting, take divine assistance. We need to forge a portraying the realism of the country I helped Yaakov to put on tefillin. He heart, Passover is coming, Nissan is here. stronger connection with God through scene, Domont is in pursuit of the read the Shema. Then he read out loud “I Nissan was the month when the Jewish prayer, meditation, and doing acts experimental expression. When one believe with complete faith in the coming people were redeemed from Egypt, it will (mitzvot) that place ourselves in align- stands alone in a field with grain and of Moshiach, and even if he delays, I will be the month in the future when the final ment with Divine blessing. We feel most sky, wind and color as companions, an wait every day for him to come.”“Long redemption will take place, and in every alive and vibrant when we are connected experience of unity can occur. live our master, our teacher and our Nissan there is the hope and expectation to God. Give yourself time each day in Domont is interested in expressing the Rebbe, Moshiach!” He looked at me and that something new and wonderful will personal prayer to stand in the question. harmony of the seen and unseen. This said “Rabbi! Where is Moshiach?” I happen. In this month we celebrate the What does God want of me? Listen experience of unity, which brings with it a assured him that Moshiach is coming holiday of Passover. Many of us are carefully to what opens within you. sense of awe, supports and guides his soon. My answer did not satisfy him.“But already planning for where we will be for In this month of Nissan, it is particularly work. His paintings are an attempt to Rabbi, I want him to come today! Now! the . important and helpful to watch your honor the beauty and magic of living in This second!” At the Passover seder we are reminded speech. The healing dimension for this our time and place. I was inspired, and a little embarrassed. that the exodus from Egypt was not just a month is speech. It is through our speech Domont spends his days painting, It was quite obvious that Yaakov really one time historical event. The Hagaddah that we redeem or enslave ourselves. We photographing and writing poetry. wants Moshiach. I am a rabbi, and try to says, “In every generation one should create our reality through our speech. Be During the past two decades, his inspire people. Now I was being inspired. regard himself as though he personally sure to take time each day to express your paintings have garnered wide recognition Now I was learning what Moshiach now had gone out of Egypt (Ex. 13:8). gratitude to God and people around you. from collectors, museums, and other really means. It doesn’t mean soon, it Metaphorically, we are still in Egypt. The A word, a look, a gesture of appreciation, institutions. His large-scale works with means now, this second! Hebrew word for Egypt is Mitzrayim, a blessing to another person just for being saturated colors have been acquired by Yaakov understands that when Moshiach which means “narrow straits” which in your life can be a holy passport that museums and hospitals. comes, he will get well. His suffering and represents all psychological, emotional, opens gates for greater freedom for each In 2001, he received the prestigious all suffering will end. However, I also spiritual and physical constraints. While we of you. We may never know how precious Creative Renewal Fellowship, funded by have good reasons to want Moshiach. So are in the physical world, there are varying words of blessing and appreciation are to Lilly Endowment Inc., and awarded by that Yaakov and all who are sick will get degrees of bondage that we experience. both the giver and receiver. the Arts Council of Indianapolis. He used well. So that there will be no more suffering On Passover particularly and throughout King Solomon said in Proverbs, “A the funds to travel to China and Nepal, and death. All will enjoy great prosperity. the month of Nissan, it is a propitious man’s belly shall be filled with the fruit of where he spent two and a half months There will not be war or any evil. We will time to free oneself from internal and his mouth. Death and life are in the writing, drawing, painting, and photo- find inner peace and be close to Hashem. external constraints, to make a personal power of the tongue.” Make a strong graphing. From November 2003 through This is the beauty that I found in exodus from our personal mitzrayim. effort to increase virtuous speech and January 2004, the Swope Museum of Art Lubavitch. The Rebbe, his followers, and How do we really move forward to eliminate loathsome and forbidden in Terre Haute featured an exhibit of his the Chassidus that I learned helped me to speech such as speaking ill of others. work, a mid-career retrospective. find a degree of inner peace and come j i Remember that you also have the right to In 2008 he was awarded American closer to Hashem. But whatever I have more and more. Then we will do every- limit what you hear from others as well. Artist Abroad by the United States learned and achieved is only a taste of thing that we can to bring Moshiach now! You do not have to listen to loshon hara government. He acted as an artist what will be when Moshiach comes. We wish everyone a kosher and a (gossip). Note how your energy increases ambassador to the nation of Thailand. Chassidus is a taste of Moshiach. happy Pesach. We hope that this year we when you engage in virtuous speech and In 2009 he has received a second Creative Learning Chassidus is the best way to will all celebrate together in the Holy how your energy decreases when you Renewal Fellowship, funded by Lilly bring Moshiach. Chassidus teaches us the Temple in , together with speak ill of others. The therapist in me Endowment Inc., and awarded by the meaning of life, and of everything that Moshiach. It is up to us to make it wants to remind people to make “I” Arts Council of Indianapolis. happens in the world. We begin to under- happen, to learn more Torah and do more statements, to take responsibility for The Domont Studio Gallery is located stand what exile is, and why we are in Mitzvahs to bring Moshiach now! one’s feelings rather than vent one’s at 545 S. East St. in Indianapolis, but you exile. We learn what will be when Rabbi Cohen lives in K’far Chabad, frustrations and blame others for the can check out his work on his Web site: Moshiach comes, and we get a little taste . He can be reached by email at feelings that are clearly your own. or email him: of it. Once we taste Moshiach, we want [email protected]. (see Ribner, page NAT 15) [email protected]. NAT 4 March 24, 2010 smell of the last vestiges of burning bread products hovered over us like a cloud, Torah Jewish reminding me of fall leaf burning in New Secondhand Jersey when I was a child. Teachings Educator Huge cauldrons of boiling water lined blogs Strauss Street so that people could kasher BY RABBI YISRAEL GETTINGER BY AMY HIRSHBERG LEDERMAN their pans and utensils for the holiday. I BY ED WEILAND thought of our tiny Jerusalem kitchen and Tzedaka in the face Next year in how, earlier in the morning, my family Memories of seders and I had spent hours soaping down the of disaster fatigue Jerusalem: The counter tops and washing out the cabinets. past with Uncle Lou Question: The response for assistance to Jewish mantra for We felt so clean and tidy afterward, “all and Aunt Dora victims of the earthquake in Haiti – where spic and span” as my mother would say. there were scenes of massive destruction hope and action There was something deeply gratifying Of all the holidays I remember from and suffering – was overwhelming, with about the process of cleaning up our my childhood, seders at Uncle Lou’s and numerous religious organizations from Passover in Israel is a magical time of home, as if we had lined our nest with Aunt Dora’s Cincinnati home for the Indiana sending money, food and medical year. The winter rains and chilly air are downy, new feathers. We put our house in many members of the Weiland family fill teams. With a second major earthquake replaced by a flurry of activity and sense order, just as the seder creates an order to a special place in my heart. Their spacious having occurred in Chile, how should people of renewal that is unequal to any other the telling of the Passover story. home was blessed with the festive holiday, of faith respond and avoid giving in to a season. Flaming poppies, black-eyed As we walked home along King George the incredible bounty of traditional seder sense of “disaster fatigue”? Susans and Queen Anne’s lace fill the St., we watched the city in its closing foods and the aroma that dominates fields, while birds travel back to the Hula moments of cleansing; a community Jewish homes everywhere throughout the First, we should try to avoid the mental Valley to build their nests. In the north the making its way from winter to spring, world during Passover week. callousness that requires a breaking news Banias River, swollen with winter rains, dark to light, chametz to matzah. The Nothing can compare with chicken soup headline to make us respond to the very tempts even the most timid nature lover to streets were hushed; the smells of burning simmering in the pot with matzah balls great needs in our world. The wonderful take off her shoes and socks and feel the bread and cake all but gone. and carrots swimming in a sea of greens, a power of instant communication today springtime mud squish between her toes. I understood for the first time the long- variety of veggies complementing tender pot should not let us forget the tragedies that But it is not just winter waking up to ing that for centuries has dominated the roast with deep brown gravy. And seltzer happened yesterday, or even five years spring that intrigues me. It is the transition Jewish heart and spirit. Next year in water to wash the good food down. ago, like the Asian tsunami that left over of a country moving from chametz to matzah, Jerusalem is not only a physical call to It’s impossible to recall how many 200,000 people dead. a country in the process of cleansing itself bring people from all over the globe to the joined in the seder observance and the I officiate at funerals, and I see the that makes me marvel at the power of most holy city in the world. It is a call to endless flow of Passover delights, cakes and devastating impact of the tragic loss of Jewish tradition and faith. inspire all Jews, as a community of assorted sweets – almost none catered or one person on a family and a community, On the eve of Passover during the year I people, to work together to bring a sense commercially prepared – created by Aunt a loss that does not diminish quickly, or lived in Israel, I walked with my husband of order and renewal, a sense of purpose Dora’s pastry chefs throughout the seven because there is another funeral the next for more than three miles from our and optimism to our lives, our future and days of Passover. day. It is hard for us to fully comprehend apartment in Baka to Mea Shearim, our world. Passover, a time to meet, to greet, to eat, the impact of so many lost lives and the Jerusalem’s famous religious neighborhood. This year as we sit at our Passover table to thank God for the bounty for which we loss of whole communities. The need for The city was working double-time to get and retell the story of Jewish redemption are blessed, to read and repeat the stories our compassion and our charity dollars, itself ready for Passover and Shabbat, from slavery to freedom, let us remember in the Haggadah of our ancestors’ our time, our kind words and our helping which fell on the first seder night. The not only our history as Jews but our struggles to be free to live and worship hands is everywhere, in the world and in clanging of pots and dishes resonated as obligation to act with justice and God as did their forefathers in centuries our own communities. restaurants and bakeries frantically labored compassion within it. Let us recall not past. It is similar in many ways to the It is also not natural disasters that to convert their kitchens for Passover. A only our treacherous escape from Egypt American Thanksgiving that celebrates should be our greatest fear. Our greatest symphony of sounds accompanied us as (Mitzrayim in Hebrew, which also means what America and religious freedom in a fear is human evil – people without a we moved through the streets. People narrow straits), but our own fight to land of equality sometimes take too much conscience who can commit acts of laughing, babies crying, closet doors escape the narrowness, prejudice and for granted. terrorism or destroy lives for their own banging, horns blasting; the air was bigotry that can enslave our own Of course, Uncle and Aunt Dora and selfish agenda. Human beings are charged with energy and purpose. But the thoughts and actions today. members of their immediate family have capable of great goodness, as we see in smell was what got to me. The dense And when we close our seder singing passed away, and the Weilands and many the response to Haiti, and of unspeakable the words “next year in Jerusalem,” may of their heirs have migrated to cities near evil, as Jews have experienced firsthand. j i they inspire us to continue to fight to and far from their Cincinnati roots. For Jews, charity is not a choice, but an respond, to do what is right, and not let protect the people, land and values that Uncle Lou’s home probably no longer is obligation. The word tzedaka in Hebrew our emotions get in the way. We can even throughout history have imbued the filled with the Passover perfume of chicken means not just “charity,” but “justice” or harness our feelings of frustration or Jewish people to endure at all costs. soup and matzoh balls, the highlights of “righteousness.” Every Jewish family is despair and channel them into energetic Because if the spirit of “next year in seder delights, the joy and the cheer, the obligated to give what they can, and it is and compassionate acts that make a Jerusalem” loses its hold on us, then oft repeated prayers shared by Jews a custom to keep a tzedaka box in the difference. Our sages teach,“You are not terrorism, political strife and economic everywhere, in homes, in congregations, home, where spare coins are dropped for required to complete the task, yet you are hardship will not be the reason we do not in America and in nations far and near. charity. The Talmud teaches “Even a poor not free to withdraw from it.” succeed. We will have done it to ourselves. And the voice of Uncle Lou still echoes man who himself survives on charity We should also take time to recognize Amy Hirshberg Lederman (www.amy in the hearts and minds of Weilands should give charity.” It is therefore not our obligations to G-d and to our loved is an award- everywhere – ”Next year in the holy land surprising that Israel was one of the first ones, to count our blessings, and to winning, nationally syndicated columnist, of Israel.” countries to respond with aid to the say “thank you.” We must pause and author, Jewish educator, public speaker and Ed Weiland of Indianapolis, Ind. lives in disaster in Haiti, including a field hospital recognize that our own lives are fleeting attorney. Her new book One God, Many MorningSide, a senior living community. and a search-and-rescue team, and that in a greater universe of time and space. Paths: Finding Meaning and Inspiration After nearly 50 years as a newspaper numerous Jewish organizations are Even when the earth moves and oceans in Jewish Teachings won the 2009 Arizona reporter and editor he retired from daily continuing with relief efforts there. Israel swell, we are reminded that the world is Book Publishing Association’s Best Book journalism and became the editor of a and Jewish organizations have also G-d’s creation, and it is a masterpiece. Award on religion. Florida magazine for several years until it responded to the earthquake in Chile. Reprinted with permission from the went bust. Now he has returned full-time to How do we avoid “disaster fatigue”? Do Indianapolis Star March 13, 2010. The National his first love, poetry, and has developed a emergency room doctors give up when Rabbi Yisrael Gettinger serves as the unique new style of verse, which he calls they are exhausted, even though more rabbi of Congregation B’nai Torah and also Jewish Post & Opinion Rhyme on Rhyme on Rhyme. He has accident victims are on the way? As long as the Rosh Hayeshiva of the Rabbi Naftali News and commentary since 1930. written nearly 1,000 verses on a wide range as the need is there, we are called to Riff Yeshiva, both in Indianapolis, Ind. of topics – go to: March 24, 2010 NAT 5 of the town were not unreasonable. And think I’m being disrespectful with all this everyone desired to please the prince. So, fun stuff. Spoonful finally they decided to show their royal Funsmith I first understood the idea of coliberation guest the various accommodations and when I was playing a game of ping pong. of Humor let him choose. So you can understand why the ping The very next day when the sky and the pong/Pesach connection might not have BY TED ROBERTS crocuses along the road blazed in a shade BY BERNIE DEKOVEN been immediately apparent to me. of blue rarely seen on the palettes of My friend Bill was so much better of a A seder fit artists, the prince – with his friend, Elijah Free to be together player than I that there was actually no – strolled into town. A crocus was in reason for us to even try to play a “real” for a prince his buttonhole. “I couldn’t resist, such a Dear Mr. Funsmith, game. Playing for points was clearly Everybody wanted the Prince to stay glorious day. And so many more to I was reading your excellent Deep Fun pointless. So we decided instead just to with them for Passover. He was coming come,” he said with a wink. Whereupon site ( and came across your see how long we could keep the ball from with his friend, Elijah. After years of the children of the village, who seemed to idea of “coliberation.” Thinking of Passover, falling off the table. It was a perfect anticipation, he announced his first visit recognize him, ran to the roadside and as I have been for the last several months, it challenge for each of us. For Bill, just to the district. Everyone from the mayor picked armfuls of blue to please their visitor. occurred to me that you might have some- getting the ball to hit my paddle was an to the girl who swept out the bakery shop After a welcoming speech of many thing to say about the Exodus. It seemed to exercise worthy of his years of “pongish” knew and admired his Highness – but words by the mayor (in which he unfairly me that the kind of freedom the Israelites mastery. And for me, it felt like I was only by reputation. No one had met him, lingered over the comforts of his home) came to rediscover is much more accurately really playing something very much like but everyone had heard stories of his the royal visitor was escorted to the home described by what you talk about when you ping pong with something very similar to courage and his sense of justice; how he of the mayor. You should know that his say coliberation. So, nu? Israel Tsochek actual competence. After half the night of defended the people of the district from wife – like all of our wives – had prepared this, we managed to sustain an almost bandits, predators, and government tax for the inspection with scrubbing and Dear Mr. Tsochek, infinite volley, hitting the ball back and collectors, how he would give a hearing to soaping and sweeping that had not left a What a wonderful connection! I never, forth that we actually lost count. I the poorest of his subjects if he suspected crumb on the floor or a dust mote floating until now, thought about coliberation in remember how the ball seemed to get that wrong prevailed over right. in the air. The guest of honor inspected it connection to the Exodus and Pesach. brighter, to take on its own life; how our It had long been rumored that one day, thoroughly, as the mayor and his family Maybe it’s because I sometimes get too playing seemed to take on an intimacy, an in early Spring when the river was nervously watched. After 30 minutes of serious about the holidays, and probably encompassing wholeness. ice-free, when the apple trees bloomed poking in corners, inspecting his finger- overly concerned that some people might Something happened to us during that like pink clover, when the young lambs tips for dust and bouncing on the 100%, game. There was some kind of shared skipped on the hillsides, that HE, the not rag, but cotton mattress, he wrinkled j i transcendence that made us each feel just Prince, would come for the holidays. his brow.“No good,” he stated softly, but indicates a desire to inspect the home of about as big, ME-wise and WE-wise, as clearly. With the mistress of the house Yankel the wood chopper. we could get. Larger than life. Enlarged by looking on in horror, the prince added a In fact, the crowd was correct. The each other’s largesse. Beyond time. “The main course at the brief explanation, “Not clean enough for wood chopper’s home was terribly Let me draw you a picture. our seder.” overcrowded because the soft-hearted Pesach meal will be The merchants grinned with glee and Yankel could refuse a bed to no one. steered the prince, almost hastily, to their Relatives, the homeless, itinerant holy boiled potatoes!” stately palaces. Chandeliers sparkled and men who traveled the road by his front the fireplaces perfumed the air with door. With him, it was Pesach all year But the prince looks roasting oxen such as that Abraham had ‘round. He could not feed them meat prepared for his angelic guests. The heavy cakes and gravy, but there was always a up, and he indicates and expensive cherry wood divans and roaring fireplace and plenty of thick armchairs gleamed with fresh wax. porridge and, in truth, only one cousin a desire to inspect Upstairs, the featherbeds, like soft clouds, had ever fallen out of the bedroom window. the home of Yankel waited to comfort the guest. This haven The prince marched down the dusty had been prepared not by a housewife, road to the humble cottage. David, the the wood chopper. but an army of servants. hopeful wise man, led the way. Behind Still, after a most careful examination them hundreds of peasants muttering, the prince rejected the palace. And the “Oy, oy, oy. The mayor’s home and two On one axis we have ME. On the other But “where would he stay?” one next one, too. By way of explanation he palaces were not good enough and now axis, WE. hundred villagers milling around his announced that they were not clean. we show him this home for roaches.” house, shouted at the mayor.“With me, of The crowd that followed the prince But the minute the prince saw the cottage The higher or farther out we go on each course,” replied the mayor. “He wants moaned with grief. There was no fit by the roadside he smiled for the first axis, the more fun it becomes to be a ME luxurious surroundings and a seder habitation for him – he would return to time. He entered and carefully inspected or WE. The closer in, the less. with rich, well-cooked food and proper his homeland. the dirt floor, the cobwebbed walls, the When the WE and ME are in balance, ceremony. And where in this crummy But David, the Hochem, the wisest man fleeing roaches as he entered the rooms. there is what you might call an experience town would you find such a festive but in the district, had an inspiration – an “How clean, how pure. Here, I will stay.” of “mutual empowerment,” what I call proper Passover, except at my house?” idea.“Wait, my friends,”– speaking to the David, who was as pious as he was “coliberation.” This is indicated by a Several of the town’s bankers and townspeople as well as the prince – “He wise, felt the hair on the back of his neck channel, diagonally equidistant between merchants were quick to answer the hasn’t seen the home of Yankel, the wood bristle and later he swore to friends that ME and WE. Here the fun things happen. mayor’s rhetorical questions. “IN MY chopper who lives besides the road to he could hear the singing of angels. He And here, when we’re really playing and PALACE,”they all shouted at once. And it Litovsk.” The last part of his statement knew the Moshiach had come to spend his really together, when collaboration is at was true. Their homes on the outskirts of was drowned out in groans and whistles Pesach in this house by the side of the road. its best, so are we. the village, high in the hills, were fit for and shouts of disapproval. Ted Roberts, a Rockower Award winner, I like the word – “coliberation.”It’s cute, royalty. And their luxurious Passover “He lives like an animal,” shouted is a syndicated Jewish columnist who looks because it almost sounds like something seders were the envy of the district. someone. at Jewish life with rare wit and insight. beyond “collaboration.” But “liberation” is “A prince needs a palace,” they “My goats live in a barn cleaner than When he’s not writing, Ted worships at Etz only part of the truth. It’s about freeing declared. He would only be happy in a Yankel’s hut.” Chayim Synagogue in Huntsville, Ala., where each other from whatever constraints palace. “If we put him up with some “Yankel’s shack is so overcrowded with for 25 years he has served as bar mitzvah we usually impose on each other, and peasant – sharing a bed with two aunts poor relatives that last week three cousins teacher. His inspiration is his patient wife, on ourselves. and a goat and three chickens, eating fell out the windows.” Shirley. Check out his Web site: www.wonder The experience of coliberation becomes matzah and borscht three meals a day – “The main course at the Pesach meal His collected works The more powerful as each participant he would never return to our village.” will be boiled potatoes!” Scribbler on The Roof can be bought at becomes more thoroughly engaged, more Well, the mayor and the leading citizens But the prince looks up, and he or (see DeKoven, page NAT 15) NAT 6 March 24, 2010 was sitting next to a couple; they were in much loftier aspirations as a people, or withdrawal, to be separated out for their late thirties and had two teenage accomplishing much more than we ever a special purpose and to forgo other Parsha Perspective children. Several minutes into the could individually. purposes. We thus remind ourselves conversation they asked him what he did Catering to our penchant for personal everyday that by keeping kosher we for a living, and he answered that he was autonomy has produced what Robert choose holiness not as individuals, but to a rabbinical student. They were obviously Wuthnow refers to as “low-maintenance join the historic mission of the Jewish BY RABBI MOSHE incredulous, with expressions that spirituality,” one that demands little and people to be doers of righteousness and BEN ASHER,PH.D. seemed to say,“Funny, you don’t look like replaces religious guidance for the sake of justice, keepers of sacred time and space, AND MAGIDAH a religious fanatic.” That led to talk in moral society and community with feelings propagators of the Torah’s vision and path KHULDA BAT SARAH which they revealed their impatience and of individual emotional contentment. – and thereby a light to the other nations irritation with commandments and ritual. Spirituality then becomes connected and and to ourselves. Contrary to popular Why keep kosher – It prompted Rabbi Moshe to tell a committed to autonomous self-acceptance misconceptions, then, the laws of hypothetical story about a group of rather than self-transformation in the have nothing to do with physical bodily what’s the point? employees flying to Europe on a company Torah’s image of a compassionate health, but are aimed to energize our tour. Their plane crashed in the Atlantic and just God. Another byproduct is a free-willed moral spiritual powers, raising We read in the Torah,“…Adonai spoke Ocean and, as it turned out, it took five shattering of commitment to covenantal us up as humankind from the morally to Moses and to Aaron, saying to them: days before they were rescued. A few died, Torah community, replacing it with un-free animal world. Speak to the children of Israel, saying: but most survived. After they were rescued congregational participation based largely How does kashrut sanctify us through These are the living things that you may and all the survivors had recovered, the on cultural and social interests. our eating? eat among all the animals that are living company held a special ceremony, which What does all this have to do with When we take care to eat kosher meat, on the earth”(Leviticus 11:1–2). was led by clergy from several faith kashrut? we confront the reality of killing animals, The text then goes on to list all the traditions. There was an outpouring of and we reaffirm by our actions the need permitted and forbidden animals. thanks to God in song and prayer by and to put the animal to death as painlessly as We learn that permitted animals must for the survivors. Those who died were The most common possible. When we separate meat and have a split hoof and chew their cud; fish remembered and memorialized. Those dairy, day in and day out, based on the must have fins and scales. Elsewhere in who had acted selflessly and courageously misunderstanding is biblical injunction, “You shall not boil a the Torah we learn that we must not boil were honored. And every year afterward kid in its mother’s milk” (Deuteronomy a kid in its mother’s milk, which the rabbis the company held a special memorial that the purpose of 14:21), we remind ourselves to show interpreted to mean that we must not mix ceremony that all employees were strongly consideration and kindness to all living meat and dairy products (Deuteronomy encouraged to attend. kashrut is to foster creatures. 14:21). And, of course, we know that Not surprisingly, none of what Rabbi The kosher requirement for the removal rabbinic law sets stringent standards for Moshe related was offensive to his health and hygiene, so of blood, which is the most potent symbol the slaughtering of animals and the traveling companions. of life, teaches us to have an active, kashrut (ritual fitness) of cooking utensils. Certainly it was a narrative about ritual, of course keeping kosher conscious reverence for life. But possibly There is a rather surreal quality to these even commanded in the sense that it is no longer necessary. even more important, the tradition teaches commandments and rabbinic ordinances, became company policy, but they and that the blood is the bearer of the soul since probably more than 80 percent of probably we too find it acceptable – and, above all, we are to avoid symbolic American Jews ignore them. We often possibly even uplifting – because we In Leviticus 11:44–45 we read: “I am consumption of the souls of animals, hear their reactions: “It’s an outdated understand its connection to our lives. Adonai your God; sanctify yourselves which risks increasing the likelihood tradition.”“It’s an irrational law that I see It uplifts us by allowing us to confront therefore, and be holy….” of compromising our own free-willed no need to subject myself to.”“It would and express our feelings and thoughts Judaism’s goal is to transform basic moral spirituality. place unreasonable limits on my about the ineffable, that which ordinarily human drives, hunger in this instance, Similarly, when we consume only lifestyle.” “It would create distance we cannot describe or express. We accept from narrowly personal purposes to the permitted animals, we avoid symbolically between my family and friends and me.” that in a sense we are commanded to nation’s service of God – as it does with inculcating in ourselves the characteristics “Why keep kosher – what’s the point?” participate, not because we can’t refuse – the need for shelter or sex. We sanctify the of predators and lower animals. It is a It’s that last reaction that’s probably the that option is obviously available to us – everyday activity by doing it in a way that commonplace cultural belief in virtually most revealing, because the overwhelming but because on some level we understand has us consciously striving upwards to every time and place that “we are what we majority of Jews who don’t keep kosher the consequences of ignoring the God. Ordinarily we see a sharp boundary eat.” Human predators often fancy misunderstand the point of kashrut – the ineffable, of becoming spiritually bereft. between the one holy day in the week themselves empowered by consuming regimen of dietary laws specifying what is Rituals may be understood as communal and the other six nonreligious days. But the flesh of their animal kindred. Insofar fit for Jews to eat. investments through which we symbolically Judaism seeks to integrate those two as permitted animals, however, it is not The most common misunderstanding communicate with ourselves about what worlds, to hallow and sanctify what is the qualifying signs of kashrut, but the is that the purpose of kashrut is to foster we value, and how as a community we ordinarily only our everyday experience. animals’ characteristics – that they are health and hygiene, so of course keeping are to practice and protect those things. The root meaning of kosher is “to receptive and not antagonistic to human kosher is no longer necessary. As such, ritual plays a central role in prepare,” “to connect properly.” Almost influence – that ensures they are suitable Apart from misunderstandings about nurturing and sustaining spirituality. It’s nothing is more ordinary, yet more to be assimilated morally, and thus for us kashrut that explain its disfavor among interesting to note that “ritual”is literally essential, than eating. By choosing to eat to avoid the degrading and deranging modern Jews, we also need to acknowledge at the center of “spirituality.” only kosher food, by limiting the source of effects of certain foods on the human that it’s inherently problematic as a ritual Most of us, however we regard the our energy, we prepare and ritualize the psyche, such as insects and predators. commandment. religious tradition of the Jewish people, aspiration of using that source of energy Withal, it’s not the physiological effects of Those two words – “ritual” and want to have a “spiritual dimension” in to connect to God. Every day we make a such animals that are problematic, but “commandment”– have an extraordinary our lives, a palpable connection to the direct connection between our energy their symbolic meaning. amount of baggage in the modern world. ineffable. However, many contemporary and its source, between the food we Skeptics often argue that there is no The last half-century, especially, has Jews attempt to satisfy that desire by consume and using our energy to serve symbolism attached to the food they witnessed a sharp decline in the under- shifting their spiritual pathway from the God. In effect, the purpose of keeping consume, and thus it has no effect on standing and acceptance of ritual. communal life of the synagogue to their kosher is that together we prepare our their attitudes or actions. But when we Likewise, there has been an increasing individual, privatized inner life. When we physical bodies through a spiritual consider the most extreme form of resistance to the idea of commandment – make that shift en masse, our notion of discipline. By keeping kosher we separate consumption, cannibalism – it doesn’t the “you-can’t-make-me” mindset that religious empowerment is no longer to ourselves out from the other nations and matter whether we’re the imagined venerates personal autonomy, material practice our faith as a people, but to into the purposes of the Jewish people. consumers or consumed – the symbolic and sensual satisfactions, and emotional regularly reinvent it according to our Thus we become holy, sanctifying our potency of what we consume emerges in and physical comfort above everything else. individual inclinations. It has the bodies, by hallowing that which is ordinary, stark relief. What is most repulsive to us is It reminds Rabbi Moshe of a conversation advantage of allowing us to satisfy our for which the mitzvot (commandments) the loss of human dignity – in effect, that he had many years ago on an airplane personal predilections, but it also are our guides. The root meaning of the we’re treated or treat others as if no while waiting for his flight to take off. He prevents us from imagining and fulfilling Hebrew word kadosh (holy) is separation (see ben Asher/bat Sarah, page NAT 15) March 24, 2010 NAT 7 There was no Jewish forum for Jews The Great Recession further battered The PLO-Soviet plan was to bring on the who wanted to debate controversial sub- Jewish newspapers, the Jewish community about an expulsion of Israel from the UN Seen jects. There then occurred a movement is at least 20 percent poorer, some with the PLO taking its place. toward local or regional papers, which newspapers shifted to web, some went They tried to expel Israel from the UN Israel Scene has continued until the last couple of out of business, many dropped the JTA during 1974 and 1975. decades. The weeklies were modeled as and there were fewer sponsors from Then the resolution in July 1975 was BY SYBIL KAPLAN American religious and family papers. Jewish papers. explicitly condemned at the UN as part Professor Sarna cited the Cincinnati They decided to focus exclusively on of the International Women’s Year American Jewish Israelite, later known as the American local news. Conference in Mexico, calling for the Israelite founded by Rabbi Isaac Mayer Where is American Jewish journalism “elimination of Zionism.” journalism and Weiss in 1854 and the oldest continually today? (1) Jewish journalists never The actual resolution in October/ Zionism appearing Jewish newspaper. Originally enjoyed so many readers as they have November 1975 said that it “determines founded to promote the ideology of now; (2) the average American Jew has that Zionism is a form of racism and racial To my readers: I have focused on sending Reform Judaism, it is no longer that unprecedented journalism available and discrimination.” material to the North American Jewish official organ, however, in its footsteps American Jews are getting news from When this occurred, Dr. Manor says, newspapers for the past 40 years – the first came journals sponsored by groups that Israel and being influenced by it and an “You could feel the hatred and joy.”The 10 years from Israel; the next 28 years from had particular aims such as the array of diverse options. U.S., Australia and Western European Chicago, Kansas City, Missouri and Reconstructionist movement, Jewish The JTA has daily briefings and it is nations tried to get a postponement of Overland Park, Kansas; and the past 17 1/2 Frontier (Labor Zionists), Genesis Two, free. The most exciting new development resolution #3379 but there was no Israel months from Jerusalem. and such. in Jewish journalism is Tablet, launched in or Jewish attempt to do its overturn. June 2009 as a daily online magazine of “Israel expected the nonsense would go A look at American Jewish journalism Jewish news, ideas and culture subsidized away by itself.” by American Jewish history authority by the not-for-profit Nextbook, Inc. and Between 1976 and 1984, there were Professor Jonathan D. Sarna is the Jewish Ideas Daily. 14 Zionism resolutions adopted by Joseph H. and Belle R. Braun Professor of The independent Jewish journalism is international forums. American Jewish History at Brandeis living hand to mouth.“I don’t think there In 1982, there were 44 anti-Israel University and chairs the Academic Board is a single Jewish paper that is turning resolutions in the UN. Israel was being of the Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the profit,” declared Professor Sarna. deprived of its basic rights as a member American Jewish Archives. Author and “American Jewish journalism is a mile state, making Israel irrelevant. editor of more than 20 books on American wide and an inch thick. Many are no Israel did not fight directly and openly Jewish history and life, he also is chief longer covering Jewish news abroad. You to overturn the resolution. Israel saw historian of the National Museum of cover America and Israel and everything initiating action counterproductive, and American Jewish History and of the 350th Sybil with Professor Jonathan D. Sarna. else is a vast desert. The American Jewish felt it was impossible to over turn the commemoration of Jewish life in America. press is becoming increasingly localized resolution. Today he was the guest speaker in the In the 20th century the Anglo-Jewish and parochial.“ But the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs’ series press had “increases in circulation but In closing Professor Sarna returned to the World Zionist Organization set up a on “Changing Jewish Communal Policies decreases in quality.” The three major his initial questions and modified them as: committee to prevent a way to undermine and Attitudes,” speaking on American issues affecting Jewish journalism were: What is the mission of Jewish journalism? the validity and legitimization of the Jewish Journalism: Past, Present and Future. (1) a proliferation of local Jewish papers, What are the responsibilities of Jewish Zionism is racism resolution. Professor Sarna initially began his talk moving away from national issues into journalism? What are the responsibilities There was a petition to the UN and a saying he would answer: (1) what is the “boosterism,”promoting their community; of the Jewish community toward Jewish series of parliamentary resolutions to mission of Jewish journalism? (2) what are (2) financial pressures resulting in their journalists and the Jewish press? What present its reiteration. the responsibilities of Jewish journalism; being unable to break even and coming compromises should Jewish journalism There was direct involvement of the and (3) what compromises should Jewish under the auspices of financial backers be prepared to make in order to guarantee U.S. and pressure by the U.S. Congress on newspapers be prepared to make in order such as Federations. “Jewish newspapers its survival? the administration that 72 countries had to continue to survive? became dependent not independent. The “These are the questions we will be voted in favor of the resolution, and the “It is an appropriate moment to revisit editors justified their compromises to wrestling with over the next decade.” majority were receiving aid from the U.S. the subject of American Jewish journalism,” keep the Jewish newspapers alive.” And Congresses resolution 246 calls for he said, saying that in the 1990s there (3) Anti-Semitism – the newspapers The Story of Zionism is racism – Its the repeal of the General Assembly’s was a sense that Jewish journalism was on became frightened of controversy and rise, fall and resurgence (Background resolution 3379. From 1991 there were an upsurge and “stronger than it had been scandal and promoted an image of based on lecture by Dr. Yohanan Manor massive appeals, sponsored by 86 states in many decades. Nobody could have consensus and of sobriety. “The press at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs until it was passed by 111 states. predicted how things could have developed.” exercised a lot of self-censorship.” Recently, I had the experience of listening Israel has regained full membership Scholars date Jewish journalism to The Jewish Telegraphic Agency founded to Dr. Yohanan Manor, former lecturer at with full participation. 17th-century Amsterdam, but Jewish in 1917, was designed to cover the world as the Hebrew University, former director- In 1994 anti-Semitism was condemned journalism, as we know it, emerges in the a dominant provider of world Jewish news. general of the Information Department of by 55 members of the Human Rights 1840s in the United States, England, With the ownership of the New York the World Zionist Organization. Currently Commission. The same year, Dr. Manor Germany and France.This emergence was Times by Adolph Ochs, it paid a lot of he is chairman of IMPACT-SE, which surveys published his book To Right a Wrong, no less a response to the technological attention to the news of Jewish interest. school curricula and textbooks to check analyzing the revocation of the resolution. change with printing and paper. After this “Newspapers that knew how to market their conformity with international standards. In 2005 an annual Holocaust memorial period, mass journalism also emerged. themselves did very well, the quality rose In 1975 the General Assembly of the day was created by the UN. He then cited April 1943 and The and a sense of a new era emerged, but United Nations adopted a resolution In 2007 a resolution condemning any Occident, a monthly magazine started technology conspired to undermine all equating Zionism with racism. In 1991, denial of the Holocaust was passed. by Isaac Leeser from Philadelphia, a journalism and the World Wide Web the resolution was overturned. In recent Still, there has been a series of biased religious leader “who understood the undermined the fundamental of journalism.” years it has gained renewed strength. and one-sided resolutions against Israel power of the press as a vehicle for Readership began to fall, young people Dr. Manor related that the idea of by Arab and Muslim countries, and there strengthening Jewish life, who created a were getting their news from the web, having Zionism condemned came from are still attempts to use the UN to bash print community.” Although a quality circulation figures began to drop, the Soviet Union before the Six-Day War. Israel and undermine its legitimacy. publication, there were limits to what he advertising fell and the average age of The Soviets would not condemn anti- We have to use our position with allies would publish. readers rose year by year. Large-scale Semitism, and the demand to condemn at the UN to develop new educational “One of the longest problems in the advertising shifted their dollars from the Zionism as a form of racism had the and political instruments to strengthen field is whether the Jewish journalist is a papers to the web and revenue plummeted. quasi-backing of the PLO, which had our legitimacy. reporter or a shaper of the community, a The best of the Jewish papers developed strongholds in the Middle East in Syria Sybil Kaplan is a journalist, book reviewer, publicist of the community or a mirror of websites and almost everything became and Egypt on the way to becoming Soviet food columnist and feature writer She’s lived the community,”asked Professor Sarna. available free of charge. “colonies.” in Jerusalem since September 2008. NAT 8 March 24, 2010 who had served in the German Consulate ‘Oh, that’s interesting.’ Or, ‘Really? That elephant of the Holocaust in everyday in Tel Aviv and taken a sabbatical with the must have been hard on your family. relationships between Jews and Germans. Holocaust American Jewish Committee to conduct What do you think of the current A recent email that circulated among research on German-Jewish relations (see relationship between Jews and Germans the Notre Dame de Namur University Educator P&O March 4, 2009), Herr Rothem had a these days?’ (NDNU) community placed the issue more conventional background. “I think the problem really lies in when into a religious context. Please note that BY MIRIAM ZIMMERMAN The diplomat spent a year at Harvard this topic comes up. It hasn’t, for a long although retired from full-time teaching, I University as a Fellow at the Weatherhead time, and that’s because people usually continue to teach the Holocaust class at Relationships Center for International Affairs, according ask me why I chose to move to Germany NDNU as an adjunct and thus receive all to the Consulate’s website bio. “He has upon a first introduction, and that usually emails to faculty and staff. The following between Jews and worked extensively on multilateral issues, occurs at a party or some other social email caused much consternation, concern, Germans today his most recent assignment being director event. At that point, I usually mention and restraint. for International Human Rights Policy at that my grandfather was German, but I From Sister Roseanne Murphy: What happens when today’s Jews and the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin.” don’t always say why he left. Honestly, “NDNU will be offering a trip to the Germans encounter each other face to He held previous appointments as and I hope you don’t lose respect for me, famous Passion Play in Oberammergau face? What restraints cripple both parties “head of the Political Department of I often say ‘World War II’ instead of ‘the from June 21–July 1. It is open to all in their attempts to communicate? Is Germany’s Permanent Representation at Holocaust,’ whenever that time period members of the community and their there the proverbial elephant in the room the United Nations’ Office in Geneva/ comes up. I’m not really sure why, but I friends. It includes the ‘Alpine Tour’ of that no one engages directly? Perhaps Switzerland (from 1999–2003), deputy think it has to do with an extreme desire Heidelberg, Rhine Valley, Lucerne, the different generations handle the director at the Foreign Ministry’s not to discuss taboo subjects or offend my Innsbruck, Salzburg, Munich and awkwardness differently. What rights do Directorate-General for European Union hosts in any way. Rothenburg. The famous Passion Play is contemporary Jews have to invoke the Affairs (1995–1999). Earlier postings were given only every ten years. Brochures of memory of the Holocaust? What rights in the foreign minister’s Press Office and the trip will be available in about a week. do Germans have to move on? at the German Embassies in London/UK, What rights do Please refer people to me for further Conversational German 802, Pretoria/South Africa and Prague/Czech information. Thank you.” – Sr. Roseanne Wednesday nights at College of San Republic.”An impressive CV, available for contemporary Jews have Murphy, SND, Executive Director of Mateo. For the third time in my life, I have all to see at Planned Giving. enrolled in German language instruction. We chatted about our adult children. to invoke the memory My Holocaust class begins with the Feb. 17, 2010: I am too embarrassed to His two sons attend university in history of Church-sanctioned anti-Judaism, participate in the informal chatting auf Germany; his daughter lives with him of the Holocaust? the curriculum sanctioned by the Deutsch between the instructor and the and his wife in the German Residence. National Catholic Center for Holocaust students prior to each class. My Deutsch He was very interested in my daughter What rights do Germans Education at Seton Hill University. We is not that fluent. Despite my past Leah and her husband, choosing to live discuss the Passion Plays from the Middle immersion in German classes, I am and work in Germany as academics. A have to move on? Ages, and the resulting Passover blood unable to speak but the most basic proud mother, I violated the cardinal libels, which sparked so many pogroms sentences. Growing up, all things principle of journalistic interviewing by “With the few Germans with whom I and tragedies for the Jewish people. German were verboten in my household. talking as much about my children as have discussed the Holocaust, I’ve found Although not the cause of the Few of the students attend the course about his. My notes were scant. that there is an underlying feeling of guilt Holocaust, both Catholic and Jewish to fulfill their undergraduate language On the drive home, I rued my missed about the whole thing, and I am talking scholars agree that the anti-Jewish legacy requirement. Most are older adults taking opportunity. In chatting about Leah’s about people my own age. However, the of the Roman Catholic Church provided a the class for their own self-improvement. Ph.D. research in photon science at the reunification of East and West Germany context that allowed the Holocaust to Some are of German descent. On the Technical University of Munich (TUM) was a profound event that happened in happen. Unfortunately, the gains made night of Feb. 17, they remained indifferent and her husband’s appointment as an their lifetimes, and so is much more real in the papacy of Pope John Paul II who to my suppressed elation. I wanted to assistant professor at the same university, and important to them. I never really fostered substantial improvement in share with my fellow classmates and my I did not ask my predetermined questions understood [that] the deep impact and Catholic–Jewish relations a priority, seem professor that I was in the Bundesrepublik about “Holocaust fatigue”or about how psychological implications of living in to be reversing under the current Pope. Deutschland twice in one week. But I Germans feel about having so many such a dichotomous state had on the For example, Pope Benedict XVI has lacked the words. Holocaust memorials throughout Germany. German population…. reinstated the Good Friday prayer for the “Wie so?”I can imagine the incredulous How do Germans feel about Jews today “By the way, sometimes I see an older “perfidious Jews” that they might be Professor Raney asking. I would respond in Germany? man who reminds me of Opa. I wonder if converted to the truth, a prayer dropped that the day before, I accompanied my Perhaps he answered my questions he may be a long-lost relative, but I don’t from the Easter liturgy in 1960 by Pope daughter Rebecca to obtain her indirectly by his graciousness, his have the nerve to ask.” John XXIII. According to the Catholic Einbürgerungsurkunde, that is, her inquiries about my children, even by I did not judge my daughter’s answer. News Agency online, on Feb 5, 2008, the naturalization certificate from the his willingness to meet with me. We are My response to her follows: “I did not Vatican’s Secretary of State issued the German consulate in San Francisco. One both 2nd generation, born after World lose respect for you in any manner, my new prayer for the Jews to be used in the must do so in person; it cannot be mailed. War II. The Consul General invoked the darling daughter. I relate your reframe of Good Friday Liturgy. It “is a simple prayer The next day, wearing my mütze (cap) “special relationship”that exists between ‘Holocaust’ to ‘World War II’ as a way of for the Jewish people, that they may as a journalist, I returned to interview Germany and the Jewish people. creating a safe boundary. It is nobody’s discover the salvation brought by Jesus.”I Consul General Peter Rothem. Embassies I decided to ask Leah my question: business that you are a repatriated Jew. If agree with the Anti-Defamation League, and consulates are thought to be on the “When people in Germany find out that you wish to become closer with someone, which has declared that proselytizing soil of the country they represent and not you are Jewish, does it feel as if there is then that is the time to share such infor- Jews is an anti-Semitic act. in their host country. Thus, on a perhaps now something unspoken between you mation. Respect is not the relevant issue, I stifled the impulse to respond imme- symbolic level, I was in Germany twice in (i.e., the Holocaust), especially if they find at least to me. diately to Sr. Roseanne’s email with a plea one week. out you are a German citizen because “It is a question of boundaries, degrees for some sort of educational addition to Seated comfortably in the office of the your Opa, z”l, lost his citizenship during of intimacy, and how you want to be the program that would address this Consul General with its panoramic view of the Third Reich?” perceived by others. This aspect is only a unfortunate history. Without such a plea, Alcatraz and San Francisco Bay, I sipped Her emailed response: “That is a very small piece of the totality that is Leah Z. I am certain that her group will enjoy coffee and explained my mission: to good question. And a very hard one to Sharp. If that is all you talk about, your their trip without the troubling reminder acquaint my readers with Herr Rothem’s answer, but I will try my best. For my part, grandfather and his reasons for leaving of the Passion Play’s gory aftermath for so vision of his post in San Francisco.“I write I am quite aware of the implications of Germany or your reasons for living in many Jewish communities throughout for a national Jewish readership, so I am saying that my grandfather escaped Nazi Germany, then that will become a filter history. Who am I to diminish what for sure they would be interested in German – Germany because he was Jewish. This is for other people that does not do justice many might be the trip of a lifetime? Jewish relations,”I added. just an assumption, but putting myself to the total Leah.” I felt the same restraint that I felt when Perhaps it was a conversation stopper. in their shoes, I wouldn’t know how to Our exchange indicated to me that the conversing with Herr Rothem, the same Unlike his predecessor Herr Rolf Schütte respond to that casually. They could say, next generation, too, must cope with the (see Zimmerman, page NAT 15) March 24, 2010 NAT 9 by the Ramban in his Torah commentary. At the Seder, in other words, we seek to He writes that each of us is responsible instill in our children the realization that Wiener’s for our words and deeds. We cannot care An Observant they are not mere individuals but rather for each other if we are not willing to hold parts of a people, members of a nation Wisdom ourselves accountable for our conduct Eye unconstrained by geographical boundaries and we must be willing to accept the but linked by history and destiny. We BY RABBI IRWIN WIENER, D.D. consequences. BY RABBI AVI SHAFRAN impress them with the fact that they are The observance of Passover also links in a shimmering, ethereal chain More Passover includes many religious customs and What’s with the fours? stretching back to birth of the Jewish laws. For example: We are prohibited nation, to when our people was divinely thoughts from eating anything containing leaven Despite the late hour and exhaustion redeemed from mundane slavery in Egypt The month of March (Nissan) brings because we need to remember that (not to mention wine), many a Jewish mind and entered a sublime servitude of a very with it springtime. It is a beautiful season cleansing ourselves of the old is a has wondered long and hard during a different sort – to God – at Sinai. of the year. Trees begin waking from their prerequisite to accepting things that are Passover Seder about all the Haggadah’s So, on Passover, as we celebrate the birth winter sleep, flowers start to bloom and new. We can’t start a new life if we hold “fours.” Four questions, four sons, four of the Jewish nation and plant the seed of the tilt of the Earth in the northern onto the old one and make no room for expressions of redemption, four cups. Jewish identity in the minds of smaller hemisphere brings warmth. Even the growth and development. Leaving Egypt There’s clearly a numerical theme here. Jews, we are giving life – giving birth, one birds start singing for they too know that in a hurry was a clear indication that the While some may superficially dismiss the might say – to the Jewish future. And, while nature is coming alive. It is a time of people were ready to shed the old and Haggadah as a mere collection of random it may be the father who traditionally renewal. Passover occurs at this time of begin the new. verses and songs, it is in truth a subtle and leads the Seder, he is acting not as teacher the year. We continually read the story of our wondrous educational tool, with profound but rather in something more akin to a Redemption, the ultimate definition of deliverance because it is essential that we Jewish ideas layered through its seemingly maternal role, as a spiritual nurturer of the holiday, is commemorated with a remain aware of our past in order to simple text.The rabbis who formulated its the children present. festive meal called the seder. This annual continue to build a future. It also helps us core, already extant in pre-Talmudic times, In Jewish religious law, Jewish identity ritual, the re-telling of the Exodus from realize that to move forward we have to wanted it to serve to plant important is in fact dependent on mothers. slavery and bondage to freedom and break the shackles of domination that concepts in the hearts and minds of its According to halacha, or Jewish religious salvation, expresses the feelings and kept us bent over, unable to stand erect. readers – especially its younger ones, tradition, while a Jew’s tribal genealogy aspirations of people throughout history, We experienced not only physical distress toward whom the Seder, our tradition follows the paternal line, whether a child as we attempt to determine our future but emotional submission and that teaches, is aimed. And so the author of is a member of the Jewish people or not and reach out to meet our destiny. We dragged us even further into the abyss the Haggadah employed an array of depends entirely on the status of his or become a people whose primary with no sign of escape. pedagogical methods, including songs, her mother. responsibility includes understanding and All these expressions are brought riddles and puzzles, as means of conveying It’s only speculation, but the recurrent sharing the Revelation experienced at Sinai. together in one grand moment called deeper understandings. And he left us numerical theme in our exquisite We are told about this tremendous Passover. We rejoice and we remember, some clues, too. Haggadah, employed each year to instill encounter with depictions of thunder and but we are also saddened by events that When it comes to the ubiquitous Jewish identity might be reminding us of lightening and majestic splendor as God shaped our destiny and required untold “fours,” we might begin by considering that. After all, the book has its own endeavors to connect with us and solidify sacrifices. However, we understand that the essential fact that Passover is when number-decoder built right in, toward its the Covenant made with our ancestors. sometimes we must go through ordeals the Jewish people’s identity is solemnly end, where most good books’ keys and The words that were uttered and speak to in order to achieve fulfillment. And as the perpetuated; the Seder, the ritual indexes are found. We’re a little hazy once all of us even today are reminders of this rabbis have taught us, we don’t gloat over instrument through which each Jewish it’s reached, after four cups of wine, but special relationship and the obligations the misfortune of others while rejoicing in generation inculcates our collective it’s unmistakably there: “” inherent in this bond. our emancipation. history and essence to the next. Which is or “Who Knows One?”– the song that The Exodus was preceded by episodes Perhaps the wishes and desires for a likely a large part of the reason so many provides Jewish associations with numbers. that really boggle the imagination. From world of togetherness and gratefulness Jewish parents who are alienated from “Who knows four?” the blood in the Nile to the destruction of and appreciation can best be summed up virtually every other Jewish observance If you don’t, you can look it up. Pharaohs army, the narrative explains, in in an essay written by Rev. Dr. Herbert still feel compelled to have at least some © 2010 AM ECHAD RESOURCES great detail, the occurrences that led to Brokering, a Christian minister: sort of Seder, to read a Haggadah, or even – Rabbi Shafran is director of public affairs the ultimate determination of man’s if they have strayed too far from their for Agudath Israel of America. yearnings for equality and purpose. Lord, give us tomorrow. heritage to comfortably confront the At Sinai we reached the hour of fulfillment. Give us original – to compose their own. (I once Not only were we liberated but we knew, Spring at the end of winter, joked before an audience that a Call/Write for Free Books at that moment, the reason for our being. Love a the end of strife, “Vegetarian Haggadah” would likely We are 100% Judaism; not We understood that life without reason Peace at the end of war, and appear any year now, and someone in disguised of any other science has no meaning. We witnessed the value A home at the end of the exile. attendance later showed me precisely of creation and our part in the process. We Give us such a book – though it lacked the realized that by escaping tyranny we were Rain to end draught, “Paschal Turnip”I had imagined.) Jack Botwin obligated to prevent the distortion of A song to end the sorrow, And so the role we adults play on Books by Morris Lichtenstein God’s will and to acknowledge the A harvest to end the hunger. Pesach night, vis a vis the younger Jews existence of God and the significance of Send fruit after the pruning. with whom we share the experience, is a FREE BOOK by being witnesses to God’s grandeur. Send tomorrow very specific one. We are teachers, to be Rabbi Morris Lichtenstein The Ten Commandments, the final part With its feel of the softness of soil, sure, but it is not information that we are of the drama, instructs us about duty to The grease of engines, communicating; it is identity. Applied Judaism God and duty to each other. The first five The splatter of paint, Commandments are designed to teach us The sound of music, Jewish Science respect and love of God and the last five The joy of debate, and j i are dedicated to our relationship with one The calmness of forgiveness. Isn’t this what Passover is all about? 11 AM Sunday • 109 E. 39 NYC another. The lesson is rather simple: Yo u Give us tomorrow Isn’t this the dream of all humanity as All Welcome/Friendly/Free cannot claim to be lovers of God or And its new work, expressed by Passover in so many ways? profess to believe in God and at the same New smell, Yes, these are my thoughts at Passover. time loathe each other. You can’t be New touch, Passover miracles, as I wrote about in the 12301 San Fernando Rd. #406 Godlike and be hateful to another human New thoughts last issue, can also be found in the asking Sylmar, CA 91342 being also created by this same God. New hopes. and the giving and the receiving. The Ten Commandments are also Lord, Rabbi Irwin Wiener is spiritual leader of the (818) 367-4532 (24 Hr.) written in the singular. The message is Tomorrow Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation near Phoenix, profound and is explained in great detail Give us a new day. Ariz. Send comments to [email protected]. NAT 10 March 24, 2010 they had run 20,000 short, and had to run urban renewal the mayor wants. back to the supplier. I am still wondering The dirty little secret of what the Arabs Jewish why we had to know that. It made the Shipley are doing in the Middle East is about the special tribute song played at the opening Christians. Bethlehem, which used to be America and the closing more understandable, Speaks about 80 percent Christian, now has less “Let’s Party.” than a 20 percent Christian population. It BY HOWARD W.KARSH It raised a number of issues. If our BY JIM SHIPLEY is not the Jewish settlements that have athletes were this busy being intimate, driven them out, it is the Muslim Arabs. Engage in the what exactly happened to their training Tempest in a Teapot Iraq’s Christian population, which held rigor? Weren’t we led to believe that steady even during the reign of Saddam world around us intimacy saps physical strength? And Okay, the timing was stupid. The Hussein, is now close to zero thanks to One of my favorite hosts of the since this seems to be an ingredient of communication inside the prime Shia Muslims. Tonight Show was Steve Allen. He was a the games, wouldn’t you expect the minister’s office was awful. Sorry. Your If the Caliphate is to be successful, Jews multitalented entertainer, bright, comedic participants to come prepared. At one bad. Now, let’s move on. and Christians must be driven out of the and a musician of note; he provided many time the articles were about the obsession What do I think? I think Netanyahu got Middle East. Above all, they cannot stay wonderful late nights of entertainment of exchanging national pins. Apparently blind-sided by his ultra religious partners in Jerusalem. Well, Jerusalem is the City of with a cast of fellow comedians, who each the “collecting”has changed. in the Likud coalition. Now he is in the David. It is the site of the Holy of Holies. in their own right was special, and all And was this perk to the athletes a hot seat. He cannot appear to bow to the It is the capitol of the sovereign State of together, spectacular. comment on the moral level of the world, will of the United States, even though we Israel. And as we all know, it is not even One of the routines that Allen did was or was it just good business? I want to are the best friend Israel has in the world. mentioned in the Koran. reading “Letters to the Editor.”He would give you a moment to think about that. On the other hand, he has to play it All that having been said, it still was appear at a desk, and there was a tree of Good business? Well think about it for a cool with Shas, which controls the stupid to throw 1,600 new housing units hats, which he skillfully used to portray moment. They see the co-habiting as a Housing and Construction Ministry. in Joe Biden’s face. As Tom Friedman the different writers. What Allen’s premise reality, but if there as a post-Olympic Although Shas has only eleven members wrote in the New York Times, the vice implied was that people who wrote these breakout of transmitted venereal disease, in the Knesset, it is enough to bring down president should have slammed his brief letters were usually enraged, and to that might just leave a bad message about the government if they decide to. I truly case shut, climbed on board Air Force Two understand them, you simply had to add Vancouver and British Columbia; believe that Minister Ariel Atias stuck it to and left, leaving behind regrets to the the emotion. I remember laughing a lot, especially if it was your children who Netanyahu and the U.S. What? He didn’t Netanyahus for missing dinner and but, as well, it became a tool when I read wanted to go there for a vacation. Today, know that Joe Biden was in town? He telling them that in the real world, this is the letters. I understood that they were everything is worthy of discussion, even couldn’t wait two days to make the not good strategy. written and sent in the height of passion. free condoms. announcement of 1,600 new housing But truthfully, in overall scheme of I wonder today how passionate we are units going up? Nonsense. things, what does it mean? What does it as readers. In order to become moved by The mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, has matter? The facts on the ground state that what we read, we have to feel that our In order to become a vision for his city. He wants the most since the barrier went up along the West ideas and feeling count, and for whatever historic city in the world to become a Bank, there have been hardly any suicide reason, most of us have become more moved by what we world-class city. He wants an urban bombings in Israel. Since the offensive comfortable as voyeurs. We simply watch renewal project of massive proportions. into Gaza, the people of Sderot live in or read and pass it by. read, we have to feel He believes it will help all the citizens of relative peace. If the prime responsibility The earthquakes, first in Haiti, now in his city – Jews, Christians and Muslims; of the president of the United States is to Chile, the assassination in Abu Dhabi, the that our ideas and black, white and brown. keep the people of America safe, then this healthcare debate, the meltdown of the Arabs don’t like it. They don’t like responsibility is also true of the prime business in Washington, the weather, and feeling count, and for anything that the government does – minister of Israel. recently the Winter Olympics. Many locally or nationally. There are literally As this is being written, the so-called people that I know see all of the above as whatever reason, most hundreds of illegal housing units in insult is still burning in the belly of the distractions, but I was raised by a father Jerusalem. Almost 100 percent of them U.S. government. Secretary of State who took everything happening in the of us have become more erected by Arabs in the eastern part of the Clinton spent 43 minutes on the phone world with a great deal of seriousness, and city. That area needs an overall urban the other day giving the prime minister a as he read the Denver Post every evening, comfortable as voyeurs. plan. It needs new sewers; it needs a plan telephonic trip to the woodshed. The from front to back, you could hear him to make it livable for its citizens. Arabs pundits have written it to death here in commenting, debating, sometimes taking Then there was the massive expense of don’t want that. the U.S. as well as in Israel. America has pleasure, often commiserating about the the production. There was the necessary As I wrote in an earlier column, they more important issues on its plate right state of the world. expense of facilities, but all of the expense want Israel gone.They don’t want a capitol now than a few new houses in the old I am my father’s son. I watched the for the final production could have in East Jerusalem, they want all of city.You would think a bright guy like the Olympics every chance I had. I was less purchased lots of food and medicine for Jerusalem. Last week there was a reopening president would read enough history – interested in curling, never understood what the people of Haiti and Chile. Unless I of a synagogue destroyed by the Arabs in even recent history to know that the skeleton skiing was all about, but I put in missed it, there was not mention of Haiti, the 1948 war. The Arabs rioted. They do Palestinians will take any excuse, even time. I was unabashedly nationalistic. I or charity, or personal responsibility. This not want Jews in the Jewish nation. invent a crisis so as to not accept any listened to the sad stories, marveled at the was party time. If you look at the exact location of these reasonable attitude from Israel. incredible dedication to sport, and, as Tiger Woods has received calls of new apartments about which all the fuss America needs Israel in the Middle always, wondered about what happened encouragement from Bill Clinton. is being generated, they are technically East, strong and independent. Israel needs to these disciplined performers after they Wouldn’t you have paid to hear that not in “East Jerusalem.”They are north of American support. If Siamese twins get in quit their sport. conversation? There is a new “tell all” that, in an area of the old city. That a spat, it behooves them both to settle it We always hear about how many of our book about Senator John Edwards; happens to be an ideal spot to start the as quickly as possible. A few statements leaders were Eagle Scouts in their youth, Governor Patterson has reluctantly from Israel would help. A little less rhetoric and how it shaped their lives, but sports decided not to seek election to the j i from the Obama administration would, seem more personal. And it seems that this governorship of New York. hiding in the bushes, because he has too. C’mon kids, shake hands and make great dedication does not always express How are we supposed to feel about the recognized that he is naked. Our up. We need Shalom B’Bayeit – peace in itself on the slope or the mat or the ice. news? Should we watch it? Does it affect commentators suggest that G-d is really the house. Within the coverage of Vancouver’s us when we don’t like the affect? asking Adam that given what had just Jim Shipley has had careers in broadcasting, successes and failures was a curious I listened to a short tape this morning happened, what he is going to do now? distribution, advertising, and telecommuni- statistic. They had supplied over 100,000 about the significance of G-d’s question We are constantly facing the same cations. He began his working life in radio condoms to the participants, an average to Adam, “Where are you?” which came question even if many people don’t in Philadelphia. He has written his JPO of 14 per sportsman, and felt successful after he had eaten of the tree of identify the sender of the question.“What column for 20 years and is director of because in the last games at Torino, where knowledge. In defiance of G-d’s are you going to do now?” Trading Wise, an international trade and the sponsors had supplied only 80,000, command, Adam responds that he is (see Karsh, page NAT 15) marketing company in Orlando, Fla. March 24, 2010 NAT 11 Professor Tal’s search is indeed intriguing. Moreover, there was no longer a likelihood But dramatic punch is another matter. of going to Hell. He had found his path. Jewish The major problem is that the work is With his steadily growing commitment structured as a play within a play within to Judaism, he moved from Reform to Theater a play. It is three times removed from Conservative to Orthodox Judaism. the here and now. Professor Tal looks Campbell had been circumcised, like REVIEWED BY IRENE BACKALENICK back at Gonzales’ story, while Gonzales, many non-Jewish Americans, as an in turn, looks back on his love affair as infant, but it was not a religious rite. Thus Looking back he confesses to his priest/mentor Juan each move entailed a new circumcision De Salamanca. (more symbolic than actual, but requiring to the Spanish Hence, there is no forward movement blood from the involved body part). None Inquisition and no building of dramatic tension as of it was easy, as Jews do not accept the story unfolds. One might do better to converts easily. (How much easier to All the ingredients are there, all the read this tale on the printed page. Nor convert to Islam, he told the audience. No makings for a deeply moving and relevant does the competent but hardly dynamic wonder there are millions of Moslems drama! Israeli Oren Neeman’s play cast add the needed punch. Though and so many fewer Jews!) Conviction deals with the Spanish Kevin Hart is competent as both the But ultimately, Campbell did realize his Inquisition, with Jewish persecution, and director and Juan, and Catherine Pilafas dream, moving to Israel, where he with tracing one’s ancestors. The tale lends a lyrical touch to her portrayal of married, had children, and now lives. His moves back and forth in time, from Isabel, Ami Dayan tends to tamp down one-man show has proved highly suc- Salamanca in 1486 to Franco Spain in his leading roles as the professor and cessful in his adopted country, and he 1962. The cast of characters range from Gonzales. continues an acting career. As Campbell modern-day Israeli professors and Yet Conviction has an impressive inter- finished his moving tale, many of us sat Spanish bureaucrats to long-gone Jewish national history, traveling in varied format Yisrael Campbell in Circumcise Me. Photo in the audience, moved to tears and, “Conversos.”It deals with the martyrdom from a successful run in Israel to Chicago by: Carol Rosegg. somehow, grateful that we were Jews. of Jews, forced to convert or be exiled to California to Colorado to its current Irene Backalenick critiques theater for or burned at the stake. (And even staging in New York City. Ami Dayan (a It is an amazing tale, full of startling, national and regional publications. She has conversion did not necessarily save the cousin of the one-time Israeli General contradictory turns, all the more so a Ph.D. in theater criticism from City Jews of that era, many of whom practiced Moshe Dayan) certainly has a stake in the because it is Campbell’s own true story. University Graduate Center. Her book East Judaism in secret.) piece, beyond his performance. He has Campbell comes on stage, looking for all Side Story – Ten Years with the Jewish So why doesn’t this drama (now played it as a one-man show and the world like an Orthodox Jew – which Repertory Theatre won a first-place national playing at 59E59 Theaters off-Broadway) ultimately (with playwright Neeman’s he is – bearded, bespectacled, and clad book award in history. She welcomes work on stage? The story itself, based on approval) turned it into its current form. in traditional black coat and broad hat.“Is comments at [email protected] and Yonatan Ben-Nachum’s novel Confession, We would hope that Conviction might it hot in here,” he asks the audience, “or invites you to visit her website: nytheater is potentially absorbing. A young Israeli undergo further change, bringing out a am I the only one dressed for Poland in or at: professor, Professor Chaim Tal, has stolen potential, which might yet wow New York the 1700s?” an ancient document from the Spanish audiences. Whereupon he slides into a series of On this date in National Archives. Before he is thrown one-liners, some funny, some not so into prison for this crime, he is Slouching toward Jerusalem funny. Okay, we think, we have here a Jewish history questioned by the Archives’ director. Good thing is that we Jews can laugh at stand-up comic, but one who falls short On March 24, 1564 Gradually it comes to light that the stolen a joke, even when the joke is on us. We’re of the best Jewish comics. This is no Jerry document focuses on a Catholic priest, talking about Circumcise Me, a one-man Seinfeld. Yet as we begin to realize that Printing of Talmud permitted in Italy. one Andres Gonzales, who is secretly show now running off-Broadway (at the this is Campbell’s reality, the captivating ~ From The Jewish Book of Days published by married to the beautiful Jewess, Isabel. Bleecker Street Theatre).Yisrael Campbell tale takes over, becoming steadily more Hugh Lauter Levin Associates, Inc., New York. And this Gonzales may or may not be the is the writer, storyteller, performer, all in endearing and ultimately deeply moving. professor’s direct ancestor. one. Through it all, he gently tweaks the What is his tale? It is a tale that involves In this current era of DNA, many of us Jewish faith and practices, but comes Catholicism, drugs, alcohol, a career in are caught up in the genealogy craze, and down on the plus side of Judaism. acting, a move to Israel, three conversions SUBSCRIBE TO to Judaism, and three circumcisions. He was born Christopher Campbell in a The Jewish Philadelphia suburb, son of Catholic (Italian-Irish) parents. He began drinking Post & Opinion at the age of nine, moving on to drugs Send to: and alcohol – but finally gaining sobriety Jewish Post & Opinion at age 16. After high school he moved to Florida, for work in a rehab center. It was 238 S. Meridian St., Suite 502 there that a young Jewish woman gave Indianapolis, IN 46225 him a book that changed his life. It was Or Online at: Leon Uris’novel Exodus. He was drawn to the heroics, to the spiritual message, to a life in Israel. But it was still a boyish dream, I 3 years – $91 (SAVE $17) and he moved back to New York to pursue another interest – theater, studying at I 2 years – $63 (SAVE $9) Circle in the Square Drama School. I 1 year – #36 On moving to California for his career, he also pursued his interest in Judaism. (Outside USA, payment must be in U.S. Signing up for a basic Judaism course, he funds and you must add US$10.) assumed that more knowledge of Name Judaism would turn him off, just as Catholicism had done. He was, after all, Address not religious, but spiritual, he reasoned. City State Zip The Judaism course had the opposite effect. The Jewish God, he felt, was one E-mail us at: Pictured: Kevin Hart (back left), Catherine Pilafas as Isabel (center), and Ami Dayan as with whom one could argue and reason – [email protected] Gonzales. (right) in Conviction. Photo by: Eran Tari. unlike the judgmental Catholic God. NAT 12 March 24, 2010 temple membership. One solution that trial in France. And who knows the was advanced was to somehow involve significance of her assumed name in As I the congregation more actively in the Media Paris, Emmanuelle Mimieux? service. There was also a movement Tarantino asks the audience to Heard It toward less formality in attire that Watch re-imagine history, or at least to be open involved the clergy as much as it did the to such re-imagination, to the “What if?” BY MORTON GOLD congregation. The result of this attitude BY RABBI ELLIOT B.GERTEL Perhaps that is the reason why he spells meant that whereas the cantor was his movie’s name so creatively, taking the Relish the voice formerly expected to sing various prayers Inglourious Basterds (conventionally spelled) title of Enzo alone (or with choir) and even improvise Castellari’s 1978 World War II romp and of the cantor many of them, these were dramatically Beware of films that coin their own cajoling,“Think revision.” I suppose that given the current state scaled back and even eliminated. spellings in their titles. They will do I had a feeling that despite the of finances that it had to happen sooner The cantor increasingly became the anything to get your attention. Beware of re-imagining of history, Shoshanna was or later. To what am I referring? The dean leader of congregational melodies during Holocaust films, however well intentioned, destined not to survive her own plot. She of the Cantor’s Institute (affiliated with the service.Whereas the responsibility of the whose Nazis are more charismatic than dies bravely, trading gun shots with the the Jewish Theological Seminary) has been cantor was simply to daven, increasingly the Jews are.They will give evil a charming soulless Nazi “hero” who is the subject “let go,” and the school will somehow he or she assumed other duties (i.e., reading face, even while graphically depicting evil. of the propaganda film and has been merge with the seminary. Finances aside the torah, preparing bar/bat mitzvah, We all know that Quentin Tarantino is pursuing the beautiful hiding Jew. (and mind you, this is a big aside), money acting as principal of the Hebrew school, clever, and that his films will hold our Yet Shoshanna is no Queen Esther. Nor or the lack of it is only a part of the problem. and being an entertainer as well). attention. At will, he can make us laugh, is she even a Carrie, who is a better In Reform temples, cantors, even where even cry, and sit at the edges of our seats, survivor. She is destined by Tarantino to they exist have little to sing during the or fulminate in anger or in righteous double-die here. What is more, her plot service. Often, a cantorial soloist is used Thus in one fell swoop,… indignation. turns out to be rather superfluous, when needed and he needn’t always be He achieved some of this in Inglourious anyway. She is like an avenging moth Jewish either. Where there is a professional the traditional role of Basterds. The film did, after all, receive heading to her own flames. She is a cantor, the more significant part of his or an Academy Award nomination. As a survivor who does not survive, who her duties involves the preparation of bar/ the cantor, namely creative experiment, the film deserves thinks only of death for the evil criminals bat mitzvah youngsters. The cantor may some respect. The script is literate and and for the avenging victims. Indeed, a even be involved with the Hebrew school, singing of compositions even cultured. The directing and acting German actress double-agent (Diane if not with actual teaching, then perhaps are consistently fine, sometimes bordering Kruger) dies more sensibly (and even as the principal. Many cantors often either by composers on the exquisite. courageously?) than Shoshanna does. train choral groups and give and/or It is not surprising that Austrian actor There is also a platoon of American prepare musical programs for constituencies or cantor/composers, Christopher Waltz was honored with the Jewish soldiers, the “Basterds,” led by a within the temple. Often, the cantor will Best Actor Oscar. When I first saw the film sympathetic red neck, Lt. Aldo Raine, accompany him- or herself on the guitar, was effectively reduced several months ago, I scribbled in the played by Brad Pitt (who demonstrates eliminating the position of organist. theater: “Beware of Holocaust films, broad comedic talent in this role). These This versatility has been born of or even eliminated. however well-intentioned, where the gentlemen are presented as well- necessity, since the services are often in Nazis are more charismatic than the Jews, intentioned but rather uncouth prototype the vicinity of an hour and leave little Thus in one fell swoop, the cantor where films that prompt you, as an audience of suicide bombers. One of them, “Bear time for any extensive solo work. Where he or she existed at all now occupied member, to personally want to present an Jew” Donni Donowitz (Eli Roth, who there is no cantor in Reform temples, the multiple positions where the traditional Oscar to a murderous character out of directed the film within this film), uses a rabbi will assume the role and duties of role of the cantor, namely singing of sheer admiration.” I added in my notes: baseball bat to personally pulverize Nazis. the cantor in addition to his or her compositions either by composers or “In such cases, either the actor is too Their non-Jewish leader, Raine, insists rabbinical responsibilities. This dual role cantor/composers, was effectively reduced good or the writing and direction are that they scalp every Nazi that they is similar to that of the priest in a Catholic or even eliminated. Some 40 years ago, morally ambiguous.” capture, calling for one hundred each. But church where the priest sings the Cantor Samuel Rosenberg sounded the Waltz’s character, Colonel Hans Landa, they are not much better at survival few lines that he needs to and often alarm, but his words were not heeded. It is called “The Jew Hunter.” He prides than the Jewish woman. Is there some accompanies himself on the guitar. was easier and more prudent to go along himself on being a good detective. He symbolic reason that Tarantino has his Especially In smaller churches, the with the wishes of the congregation than compares Jews to rats. The film begins male Jewish avengers taking scalps, a organist is already an endangered species. fight a fight that really could not be won. with his hunting down a Jewish family in practice that Native Americans adopted In Orthodox Jewish congregations, if So, it has come to this. the home of a French farmer and his from their white persecutors? Are his there is no professional hazzan, any (male) One has to eventually recognize realities. family, good Christians, who are hiding Jews made, and marked, solely by the evil member of the congregation may assume Fewer cantorial students study at the them, and then exterminating most of perpetrated upon them? I’m not sure that the role of the cantor, often with less than Institute, and the school has increasingly that Jewish family. The teenage daughter, Tarantino has considered this question. agreeable results! In Reconstructionist become a financial burden difficult to Shoshanna (Melanie Laurent), escapes. He does take every opportunity to make congregations, since egalitarianism counts sustain. The cause of this situation was She survives and succeeds at establishing the point that the scalping stuff puts fear for as much as anything else, members of not the cantors. They have consistently a high-class Parisian theater, which is into Nazi hearts. the congregation often assume the role of done more and more with less and less, chosen by the German high command as The film does foster awareness of the song leader and chant the few lines that means time, people and money. the place to screen their major propaganda Holocaust, and it is a worthy effort. It is between congregational melodies. In The cause of Jewish music, of the movie. Shoshanna then plots to burn not slapstick or parody, though it is ironic Conservative congregations, there has worth, dignity and beauty of music in the down her theater with all the Nazi elite and playful in an intellectual sense. It is been the equivalent of a perfect storm. temple (synagogue) has been devalued. officers, including Hitler himself, in it. comedic drama or dramatic comedy. But it On one hand, and especially in smaller The problem is us. We want to feel good; Shoshanna fulfills every one of is morally ambiguous in at least three ways: congregations, the practice in the last we want to discuss (talk); we want this Tarantino’s film fantasies, or, rather, 1.Visually if not thematically, it proposes several decades has witnessed the erosion and we want that. However, we do not or fantasies about film. She is smoked out, an equivalency between Nazi barbarity of the position of the cantor. Once upon a do not care to put our money where our as it were, from hiding as the director and Jewish retribution. While I don’t time, and not too long ago either,Jews aesthetic and religious sense and duty pays tribute to spaghetti Westerns. She think that this was the writer’s goal, the would go from one shul to another to ought to be. For more than a decade, I plans to use film as a flamethrower denouement does suggest that Shoshanna hear different cantors. There singing was have maintained that in the pursuit of against the Nazis even as they use and her German suitor cancel each other as much of an attraction as the sermon of attendance and participation, we have propaganda movies as weapons – all a out, as it were, with the hatred (not to the rabbi, if not even more so. pursued and are still pursuing a course tribute to the power and usefulness of mention the weapons) that each holds. As worshippers became less and less that has not yielded results. film. Her last name, Dreyfus, may even be 2. The film suggests that the Jewish versed with the service (and reading Years ago, a spin doctor suggested we a tribute to The Life of Emile Zola (1937) brigade uses terrorist methods in order Hebrew as well) and with the attendant ought to “let Reagan be Reagan.” My and I Accuse! (1958), which depicted to resist the Nazis, and invokes the dwindling of attendance at services and (see Gold, page NAT 15) the infamous anti-Semitic Alfred Dreyfus (see Gertel, page NAT 15) March 24, 2010 NAT 13 and New Age. Haggadoth are designed Lillian Wald, of the Henry Street Book Reviews for scholars, art lovers, children, collectors, Settlement, appears as “Lillian Walk, of and gift-givers. Some use archaic the Hester Street Settlement.” Beekman language that is hard to follow. Others Place is misspelled as “Beakman Place.” REVIEWED BY MORTON I. TEICHER are contemporary, clear, and poetic. Townsend Harris Hall is wrongly called Commentaries also represent consider- “Townsend Harris School” with American Jewish able diversity. They include: simple admission dependent on the “Regents Joint Distribution explanations geared to children; tribute to Examinations.” These tests are actually the kibbutz; modern interpretations of the given in the last years of high school, not Committee Haggadah Passover story; history and symbolism of before entrance. At the 1939 World’s Fair the seder; connections to Israel; civil in New York, the Futurama was presented In Every Generation: The JDC Haggadah. rights; commemoration of the Holocaust; by General Motors, not Ford, and Commentary by Ari L. Goldman and implications of the Exodus story; halachic experimental TV was exhibited by RCA, Foreword by Joseph Telushkin. New York issues; midrashim; and anthologies of not NBC, as Bigsby mistakenly states. and Jerusalem: Devora Publishing, 2010. commentators.There are wide differences “Madison Square Gardens” should be 92 Pages. $24.95. among Haggadoth with respect to price, Madison Square Garden. point of view, translations, and attractiveness. Widely used and well known, the Haggadah was separated from the general prayer book some time between the 12th and 15th centuries in Spain. Once it became a free-standing book, variety flourished and artistic ingenuity blossomed. The text was richly decorated with ornamental design. Wealthy and influential patrons commissioned the playwright of the 20th century, was born production of Haggadoth to be written by in 1915 to a wealthy family of Jewish skilled calligraphers with illuminations immigrants whose money came from a by accomplished artists. These masters successful clothes manufacturing gave full rein to their imaginations as they business. Hit hard by the Great created Haggadoth of great beauty. Depression, they down-graded from a The Haggadoth from the Middle Ages posh apartment in Harlem to a modest that have survived are to be found in house in Brooklyn. Miller grew up in a museums where they are great treasures. Jewish home, had a Jewish education Several of them have been reproduced and a bar mitzvah but abandoned this and are available in facsimile editions. identity for Marxism when he was 17. He This new addition to the 3,500 to 5,000 These include: the Ashkenazi Haggadah, attended the University of Michigan from editions of the Haggadah is discordantly the Rylands Haggadah, the Illuminated 1934 to 1938, choosing this school different from all the others in that it is Haggadah, the Golden Haggadah, because of its cash awards for writers. He primarily a tribute to the work of the the Barcelona Haggadah, the Bird’s won a prize for his first play, and he wrote American Jewish Joint Distribution Head Haggadah, the ; for the school paper. Miller met the first of Committee, known as JDC or the “Joint.” the Copenhagen Haggadah, and the his three non-Jewish wives at the Meyers, author of many biographies of Founded during World War I by American Kaufmann Haggadah. Some other University of Michigan where she shared writers and film stars as well as works of Jews, it provided relief to thousands of Haggadoth for collectors include; the his leftist political views. literary criticism, fully demonstrates his East European Jews who were trapped in Moss Haggadah, the Syzk Haggadah, the After graduation, Miller returned for a highly polished writing skills by offering the zone of conflict. Soup kitchens and Holocaust Haggadah, the Chagall short time to the family home in Brooklyn lively portraits of Miller and Marilyn clinics served Jews in the Polish- Haggadah, the Amsterdam Haggadah, where he wrote plays, short stories, a Monroe. He describes their tempestuous Ukrainian-Russian battle areas. When the the Korman Haggadah, the Haggadah of novel, and radio scripts with only modest five years of marriage as well as their lives war ended and the Communists took the Gates, the Diaspora Haggadah, the success. Miller was rejected for military apart from each other. His account of over, Jews in the former Pale of Abecassis Haggadah, the American service because of a college football Miller’s appearance before the House Settlement needed further help. The Joint Heritage Haggadah, the Washington injury. He spent most of the war years Un-American Activities Committee is far raised millions of dollars to support Haggadah, and the Agam Haggadah. writing radio plays and working briefly in briefer and brisker than the wearisome Jewish farmers in the Ukraine. By 1938, Given the fact that the Haggadoth the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Finally, in 1947, account offered by Bigsby. Yet, Meyers this project failed because of agricultural mentioned here are just a few of the with the production of All My Sons, conveys fully the horrors of this experience collectivization, Ukrainian anti-Semitism, many that are available, there is little followed two years later by Death of a and its threat to American democracy. and Stalin’s industrialization that attracted justification for a new one that highlights Salesman, Miller’s career as a playwright Considerable emphasis is placed on the Jews to the towns. a particular organization, important as took off. sad life of Marilyn Monroe and the number The Joint went on to help Polish Jews that one is in the Jewish community. The end of his first marriage, his of prominent celebrities with whom she during the Great Depression, as well as romance with Marilyn Monroe, and his had affairs, including President John F. Jewish refugees in Shanghai, Spain, appearance before the House Un- Kennedy and Robert Kennedy. Her Hungary, Bulgaria, and Italy during World Two books on American Activities Committee are all troubled relationships with Miller and War II. It later worked in North Africa, Arthur Miller and described in great detail. Practically with her psychiatrists are set forth, along Western Europe, and helped Russian Jews everything Miller wrote is tediously with a persuasive account of her suicide that when they were allowed to leave the Marilyn Monroe analyzed and summarized. Author belies claims of accidental death. Meyers Soviet Union. Many parts of this valiant Bigsby, director of the Arthur Miller draws on his personal friendship with story are told in this Haggadah even Arthur Miller. By Christopher Bigsby. Centre at the University of East Anglia, Miller, his extensive research and interviews though there is a difficult struggle to Cambridge, MA: Harvard University has written and edited three previous with people who knew both Monroe and establish the connection between the Press, 2009. 776 Pages. $35. books on Miller. His undoubted expertise Miller to present an informative and Exodus and the activities of the Joint. The Genius and the Goddess. By Jeffrey places him in command of every single fascinating narrative. The story includes Existing Haggadoth do not glorify Meyers. Champaign, IL: University of detail about Miller’s life, and he is an account of Monroe’s “conversion” to a particular organization. They often Illinois Press, 2010. 384 Pages. $29.95. determined to share this itemized Judaism after a two-hour interview with a represent a point of view – Orthodox, Patient readers who plow through both information with his readers, regardless Reform rabbi who later officiated at a Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist, these books will learn more than they of their capacity for absorption. The result “Jewish wedding” where the wedding Chassidic, Sephardic, feminist, Lubavitch, may want to know about Arthur Miller is a heavy, dull tome that, moreover, is meal consisted of lobster and champagne. vegetarian, liberal, traditional, egalitarianism, and Marilyn Monroe. Miller, a leading filled with errors. (see Teicher, page NAT 14) NAT 14 March 24, 2010 Orange Glazed Sabra Sponge Cake Pork, of course, is a non-issue. I don’t 1/2 cup unsalted margarine by eat it. Kosher 2/3 cup sugar Jews Beef is more difficult, and I find I’ve 1 tsp. orange rind become more of an opportunistic beef Kuisine 2 Tbsp. Sabra liqueur Choice eater. If someone serves beef, I’ll eat it, 3 eggs separated but I don’t cook it myself anymore. BY SYBIL KAPLAN 2 Tbsp. sugar BY MARY HOFMANN Chicken and salmon are the hardest. 1/2 cup potato starch Okay, chicken is the hardest. Salmon is a The Pesach symbol 6 Tbsp. orange juice Moving toward distant second. I’ve had something close 3 Tbsp. Sabra Liqueur to a chicken obsession all my life…chicken on a cake plate 4 tsp. orange rind vege-veganism in almost any form. Well, in any form but here is no blessing, there is no special alive, if I’m going to be honest with T , by Jonathan Safran plate.There isn’t even a bracha over it! Can Preheat oven to 325°F. In a bowl, cream Eating Animals myself. I have made my peace with eggs, Foer, envisions a Passover without meat you guess this well-known part of Pesach? margarine and sugar. Add 1 tsp. orange as I buy them (and my produce) from a and provides compelling reasons why we It’s sponge cake. rind. Add 2 Tbsp. Sabra and egg yolks. In local organic farm at which the chickens should consider moving toward becoming Sponge cake comes in two types: angel another bowl, beat egg whites until stiff, literally run free in the grass, and the coop vegetarians/vegans in our scary new food and true sponge. Angel food cake gradually adding 2 Tbsp. sugar. Add to is on wheels so it can follow them. Next world of factory “farming.” has cream of tartar, an acid ingredient, creamed mixture gently then stir in potato week Cathy and I plan to visit Fresno, While Michael Pollan ( which used to be combined with baking flour. Pour into greased tube pan and Omnivore’s where there’s a store where I can buy a and ), Mark Bittman soda and salt to make a form of baking bake 45 minutes to one hour. In a bowl, Dilemma Food Rules selection of chicken substitutes in fervent ( ), Alan Weisman ( powder before baking powder was combine orange juice, 3 Tbsp. Sabra and 4 Food Matters The World hope that at least one of them will satisfy ) and others aren’t as straight- produced commercially. tsp. orange rind. While cake is still hot, Without Us my chicken obsession well enough. Then forward in drawing parallels between Cream of tartar is what gives the angel punch holes around cake with a toothpick I can let go of chicken and salmon, the current human behavior and the roots of food cake the pure white color, and it also and pour over glaze. last two meats I have trouble resisting. compassion for all creatures that originally creates an acid reaction in the batter. Which would leave me a vegetarian led to kashrut, a Jewish thread certainly Sponge cake has a more delicate cousin Miriam’s Banana Cake who eats eggs and dairy. But is that really runs through much of the current literature referred to as sunshine cake. Most people, This comes from one of my closest friends enough? My daughter has a bumper urging us to change our ways of dealing however, refer to the Passover version as whom I left behind in Overland Park, Kan., sticker that says something to the effect with Mother Earth. sponge cake. who is a really creative cook. that veal is the meat of the dairy industry. Food has been much on my mind of Sponge cake is usually baked without 7 separated eggs True.You know all those baby boy calves late. My grown granddaughter Vanessa shortening or butter or baking powder 1/4 tsp. salt that are born and can never provide milk? has been a vegan for several years and my but with lots of eggs. Its lightness and 1 cup mashed bananas Guess what they become. daughter Cathy recently became one as texture comes from careful handling and 3/4 cup potato starch So here I am, face to face (panim al well, despite her husband’s voracious the air beaten in the eggs. Recipes with 1 cup sugar panim) with myself, unable any more to appetite for meat. Her little ones still eat nine to twelve eggs are not uncommon. 1 cup chopped walnuts rationalize my meat eating in any form. the occasional chicken, but I see the The aim of making a sponge cake is to And so, this Passover will (if I can stay writing on the wall. Cathy is fearless as a beat the maximum amount of air into the Preheat oven to 350°F. In a bowl, beat strong!) be our last Passover with any cook and creates fabulous dishes…in fact, yolks and whites while handling them as egg whites until stiff but not dry then kind of meat on the table, since I certainly her vegan challah was an amazing hit at little as possible to retain the air. Egg refrigerate. In another bowl, beat egg plan to use up what’s still in the freezer services (and the Jews in Merced, never yolks should be room temperature when yolks until thick and lemon colored. (oh, rationalizing hits again!). having had access to store-bought beaten. An electric or rotary beater gives Gradually add sugar and salt, beating “Think of it this way, Mom,” jibes my challah, have been spoiled by four of better results than whipping by hand. continually. Fold in bananas and potato Catherine. “It’s Passover. Just pass over the best challah bakers in California for Since there is no baking powder, the main starch. Fold in egg whites then nuts. Turn the meat!” 30 years). rising factor is the air plus steam. into an ungreased tube pan and bake The shank bone is easy – I’ve used the Eating meat has worried me for years, In making a sponge cake, it is important 45–50 minutes. Invert pan to cool. same one for years…it has its own special and the more I learn about modern methods that the yolks are beaten until light and place in the freezer and can keep its place of “growing” and “harvesting” meat, the thick, and the whites must be beaten until Pan di Spagna (8–12 servings) of honor forever. The eggs will be easy… more concerned I become. While others they are stiff but glossy. Essences such as This recipe comes from The Classic ours really are from happy California have certainly exceeded Foer in describing vanilla, lemon or orange rind add special Cuisine of the Italian Jews by Edda Servi chickens. This year I’ll use up the last the brutal methods of meat manufacture, flavor to sponge cake. Machlin. Pan di Spagna (bread of Spain) is salmon fillet in the freezer and perhaps I believe he has been most persuasive in The best pan for a sponge cake is a tube also called Pasta Reale and was made in the last package of chicken breasts. Cathy forcing the reader to face his/her own pan with removable rim. Thus the central the matzah bakery with the same flour will make all kinds of grand vegan dishes emotional feelings…our ease of denial tube gives support to the batter. The pan that was used for matzot. to lure us to a land of soy and nut meats after years of seeing “meat”as a separate should also be ungreased. A preheated 6 eggs separated and perhaps, with the help of the local entity from “cow” or “chicken,” and our 350°F oven is the best heat for baking a 1/8 tsp. salt Whole Foods store and some internet ability to ignore that which we don’t have sponge cake. 1 cup sugar sources, we really will be able to close the to watch. Perhaps it’s because Foer, a When the cake is done, the pan should 1/4 cup fresh orange juice seder with “Next year in Jerusalem…or at novelist, speaks to me as a reader rather be inverted to cool for about an hour and 1/2 cup Passover cake meal least next year in Merced without meat!” than to the world as a reporter, that I’m a half. Before removing the cake from the 1/4 cup potato starch Mary Hofmann welcomes comments at: putting a plan in place. pan, the sides should be loosened with a Freshly grated rind of a large lemon P.O. Box 723, Merced, CA 95340; Coincidentally (for me, at least), the knife. It is best not to try to cut a fresh [email protected]. sponge cake with a knife. Use a divider Preheat oven to 350°F. In a small bowl, Reform Movement, always a force in with prongs instead, and slide back and beat the egg whites with salt until soft social action, is also looking at meat j i forth gently. peaks form. In a larger bowl, place egg consumption as a moral issue…at least in terms of amount of consumption, if not TEICHER Zell Schulman in Let My People Eat yolks, sugar and orange juice and beat (continued from page NAT 13) offers these additional tips to keep your until frothy and lemon colored. Combine cessation. But that’s a first step I took a long time ago. sponge cake from falling: Have the eggs the cake meal with potato starch and Taken together, these two books at room temperature and use only large gradually add to the egg-yolk mixture, provide a thoroughly definitive statement eggs; don’t add sugar until the egg whites beating until the batter is smooth. Add j i about the life of Arthur Miller and his begin to hold small, soft peaks; beat the the lemon rind and fold in the egg whites. Sybil Kaplan is a journalist, food writer, association with Marilyn Monroe. egg whites until good and stiff but not Pour into an ungreased tube sponge-cake and compiler/editor of nine kosher cookbooks Dr. Morton I. Teicher is the Founding dry; and never make a sponge cake on a pan with removable bottom, and bake for including The Wonders of a Wonder Pot, Dean, Wurzweiler School of Social Work, wet day! one hour. Remove from oven and invert Israeli Cooking on a Budget, Kosher Yeshiva University and Dean Emeritus, When choosing a special cake for pan over a wire rack to cool before Kettle and What’s Cooking at Hadassah School of Social Work, University of North Pesach, try one of these. unmolding. College Jerusalem. She lives in Jerusalem. Carolina at Chapel Hill. March 24, 2010 NAT 15 RIBNER BEN ASHER/BAT SARAH “[In the last two days] I have been Our priorities need to be reversed. Just as (continued from page NAT 3) (continued from page NAT 6) twice to Germany. My father was born in in neilah, the gates are closing, and it may Germany. He came to America in 1937. I be almost too late to reverse this situation. The more mindful we are of our speech, different than the lower animals, as if have obtained German citizenship.” I I really hope that I am mistaken. I would the more powerful our words are when without the capacity to be moral spiritual admit even six years after obtaining my prefer to hear a cantor sing any day, rather we do speak. That is why it is said that beings. We’re repulsed by the idea that German citizenship, that my motives for than listen to people drone on and on in when a tzaddik (righteous person) speaks, after death, human remains are treated doing so remain unclear. a “discussion” coming and going and God fulfills his decree. Guard your tongue as carrion. And, of course, the primary As I prepare for Passover, with all its “talking of Michaelangelo”or whatever. carefully. Don’t waste words, and your purpose of kashrut is to distinguish, special cleaning and cooking requirements, Dr. Gold is a composer, conductor and words will be more powerful. You can separate, and elevate the behavior of I realize how recent it is that Jewish music columnist for the Post & Opinion. actually heal people with your words. humankind above the lower animals, which women could prepare their homes for He may be reached at: drmortongold@ From Kabbalah Month by Month. There have no capacity for moral spirituality. seder without fear of persecution from yahoo.comA. is so much more information available in the Rabbi Samson Rafael Hirsch (1808– their Christian neighbors. Thinking of the book to guide you through Nissan. 1888) teaches that the separation of meat Holocaust as the culmination of centuries j i Melinda Ribner, L.C.S.W. is a spiritual and dairy is a reminder: God gives the of Church-sanctioned anti-Judaism, I GERTEL psychotherapist and healer in private practice laws of nature by virtue of lemino – each ponder if it will ever be possible for (continued from page NAT 12) ( She is a specie “after its kind” – allowing Germans and Jews and for Christians and teacher of Jewish meditation and Kabbalah for humankind the opportunity to lift itself Jews to have a “normal”relationship. Holocaust as sanction, as it were, for such over 25 years. Author of Kabbalah Month by up to the heights of moral spiritual free- I will allow my daughter Leah, the voice comparisons. It even suggests that vicious Month, New Age Judaism, and Everyday dom; so that, unlike all other animals, it is of the 3rd generation, to have the last Nazi anti-Semitism needs to be Kabbalah, she is also the founder and director not our bodies that control our spirits, but word: “…although the Holocaust was a compounded with other crimes in the of Beit Miriam ( She can our spirits that control our bodies. poignant event in our lives, an event that face of cold-blooded Jewish resistance. So be reached at [email protected]. In the words of Rabbi Samuel Dresner, still affects our people to this day, to non- it emphasizes that the Nazis are both “Kashrut is a systematic means of educating Jews, the Holocaust means something very anti-Semitic and anti-Black. Shoshanna j i and refining the conscience….” But the different. Perhaps for all of us to move on has a black lover, the theater projectionist, DEKOVEN Midrash asks: “Of what concern is it to and nurture positive relationships, we who is often insulted by Nazis and French (continued from page NAT 5) the Holy One…whether one ritually should restrain ourselves from constantly neighbors alike. She regards him as the slaughters an animal and eats it, or he reminding others of our persecution. It only person whom she can trust. She wholly involved, and as the group itself stabs the animal and eats it? Or, of will alleviate their guilt and allow both knows that he will not leave her to burn becomes more unified, more totally what concern is it to God whether one parties to forge a relationship based on down the theater alone. involved. Given the wholeness of the self eats of permitted animals or one eats of equal ground. As the relationship we are 3. The villain, played by Waltz, is so and the group, we approach something forbidden animals?” creating is between the children and slick, cultured, even multi-lingual, smart beyond collaboration, beyond the game And the tradition answers: grandchildren of perpetrators and victims, and charming, especially when set aside itself. Some coincidence of selves that “Understand…that the mitzvot have it is time to declare our forgiveness in the Pitt’s American hick character (however undefines the limits of our capabilities. A been given only to refine and purify pursuit of a more peaceful world.” good-hearted or justly ruthless) that he coincidence having almost nothing to do humankind…” (Tanhuma Shemini 8). Dr. Miriam L. Zimmerman is professor emerges as the winner here. Landa is with the game, and everything to do with So the goal of kashrut is to teach us emerita at Notre Dame de Namur virtually invincible. He also outsmarts the the human spirit – shared moments of unceasing reverence for life by raising us University in Belmont, Calif. She can be Americans (that is, Aldo) and is clearly unusual clarity, vivid communication, up from the animal nature within us to reached at [email protected]. the only survivor of the “war”crimes who spontaneous combustions of understanding. our greatest capacity for free-willed moral has a chance at having a good life in And should we lose our way, should we spirituality – and thus through dietary j i America if he can keep his past hidden. forget that we are playing for the fun of ritual to fulfill us by bringing us closer to KARSH True, in the end, Landa is branded with playing together, we find ourselves, on God’s Divine Providence for humankind (continued from page NAT 10) a swastika on his forehead, a Basterd one side, feeling alienated from each with every mouthful of food we consume. comeuppance, much like the biblical other, superior or inferior, not just in © 2010 Moshe ben Asher & Khulda bat Sarah In truth, we wouldn’t have changed mark of Cain. Before I left the theater, connection to the game, but in connection Rabbi Moshe ben Asher and Magidah anything at the Winter Olympics. It just is. however, it occurred to me that our villain to everything. Or we feel alienated from Khulda bat Sarah are the codirectors of But, what it does is loudly remind us of could easily find a plastic surgeon to ourselves, as if the game was the only Gather the People, a nonprofit organization the world we live in, pluses and minuses, remove the only impediment to a thing that made life worth living, that made that provides Internet-based resources for and gives us the opportunity to respond. charmed life commensurate with his own us worth being whoever we were being. congregational community organizing and The current healthcare issue, even in all abundance of charisma. And then there’s Pesach, reminding us development ( of its complexities, is simple next to the One can’t help thinking that the Jewish of when we (1) finally freed ourselves of world evolving around us. Does it ever woman here is not so charmed or charming slavery, and (2) we were free together, in j i occur to you that we ought to look for the or adept at survival. She, the last member our own community, under our own and ZIMMERMAN plans for the Ark? of her family, is doomed by her own only G-d. (continued from page NAT 8) Howard W. Karsh lives and writes all-consuming desire for revenge. While it So it seems to me, like it probably in Milwaukee, Wisc. His e-mail is is noble that she wants to destroy the seemed to you, Israel, that the idea of restraint that I believe my daughter [email protected]. leaders of the Nazi murder machine, her coliberation is a better depiction of what responded to in her reframe of uncontrolled anger undermines her own Pesach is all about – not just about our “Holocaust” to “World War II.”The same j i devices. She puts her plan at risk to the managing to free ourselves from slavery, restraint is shaping my oral assignment GOLD same extent that she puts her own life at but more about our being able to free for my German class: Will I tell them about (continued from page NAT 12) risk. She therefore fails at survival. each other. my efforts to reclaim German citizenship If Landa, the S.S. Colonel, is the winner DeKoven of Indianapolis, Ind. calls for myself and for my children, available parting shot in this column is that we here, are Shoshanna and most of the himself a “funsmith” because it’s the easiest because of my father’s persecution by the ought to let, nay insist, that hazzanim be Basterds, representing the Jews and the way he can define the last 40-plus years of Nazis? I have yet to decide. allowed to do what they have done for Americans, losers? his career. In brief, he helps people make A diverse group, the students’ faces thousands of years. They should move us Rabbi Gertel has been spiritual leader of things more fun: work, school, games (of reflect the range of ethnicities in and comfort us by their singing. Conservative Congregation Rodfei Zedek since course), marriage, parenthood, exercise, Northern California. I can imagine their At one time, at a Cantors Assembly 1988. He attended Columbia University healing, toys, recovery, retirement, life, etc. surprise if I tell them in my simplistic convention, the composer Sholom Secunda and Jewish Theological Seminary. He is the He does this by helping people look at things German, that in the last two days,“ich bin maintained (correctly) that the voice was author of two books, What Jews Know About from a fun perspective, which usually turns out zweimals nach Deutschland gefahren. Mein the most important qualification for the Salvation and Over the Top Judaism: to be something people under stress would Vater ist in Deutschland geboren….er position of cantor. All the other duties we Precedents and Trends in the Depiction of never thinµk of. Which is what he hopes you kommt nach Amerika in 1937. Ich habe have added to the position, while practically Jewish Beliefs and Observances in Film will conclude from reading more about him die deutsche Staatsbuergerschaft erhalten.” eliminating the principal, nay the raison and Television. He has been media critic for on Leah helped me with the translation. d’etre, of the calling should be changed. The Jewish Post & Opinion since 1979. NAT 16 March 24, 2010 for the sick and those in need of other professors haven’t a clue.They’re teaching I never saw motherhood as a second- types of health. you, not a bunch of 7- or 17-year-olds. class existence. An outside job and salary Musings May this be for a refuah shleimah never seemed more attractive than taking (complete recovery) for: Rachel bat Echya Simple sliced fruit plate care of my children. And yes, I’ve worked, from Shiloh and all others in need of our prayers Healthy Entertaining Made Easy sometimes more than a full-time job. I’ve had many, many different kinds of jobs BY BATYA MEDAD Sun., March 14, 2010 over the years. Besides the short couple of Classroom control, what burnt me out years I taught creative dance, none of Yes, the Rabbanit (Rebbetzin, Rabbi’s Well, it’s small comfort to know that my them really inspired me. Thirty years ago Wife) Yemima, Not the Rabba problems controlling a class are interna- I taught creative dance in Jerusalem, and I wasn’t quite sure what was acceptable tional rather than personal. it was beginning to catch on. More recently, so I only took a couple of I spent over two decades of my life schools wanted me to teach their girls pictures after it was over, and only one is teaching. For a total of about 15 years I than I had time to teach. Then we moved even barely acceptable.You can see her in was first a creative dance teacher and to Shiloh, and the person in charge of the distance wearing a black hat. then a gym teacher. For the health and afterschool activities didn’t understand safety of my students, they needed to what it was. listen to me. And considering the high Hmmm...that wasn’t the point of this percentage of outdoor lessons when I post. Oops! Now back on topic! taught sports, shouting supplemented by Maybe it’s being of the generation that a loud whistle was the only way I could be has heard decades of feminist philosophy, heard. Those were the days before but I do have certain expectations, okay, portable loud-speakers. No surprise I demands. And I do not tolerate certain developed the reputation of a teacher slights, insults, even if they are caused by always yelling. careless reading. Teaching became very difficult after the Yesterday afternoon, in one of my first elementary school classrooms became stages of pre-Passover cleaning, I finally larger, and the students got used to sitting cut out my National Jewish Post & in groups around square tables. The I’m very lazy and that includes my food Opinion articles to file (okay just store) Strange for me, I have trouble children faced each other, not the teacher preparation. I can’t stand doing anything away. I also cut and collected, in a remembering her points, even though I nor the board. Eye-contact was with each difficult and complicated. So, if you need separate envelope, the American stamps was mesmerized and listened to every other, and even when I had them all cooking and menu ideas that are easy, I’m from the envelopes the newspapers were word. But I’m very kinesthetic and together, they had much more difficulty the one to ask. Since I changed my way of in and sent an email to our Shiloh email feel experiences instead of memorizing (than their elder sisters whom I had also eating and lost over 15 kilos (35 pounds), list. I signed my name, Batya. One verbal details. taught) following instructions. I’ve tried to stay away from serving – not neighbor quickly replied that he was Davka, on Shabbat we ate at neighbors A few years after I ended that career, I only eating – cakes and cookies. interested, so I told him to come over to and discussed the Rabbi Avi Weiss reentered teaching as an EFL (English as I served these fruit plates last week to get them. A short while later, another “Rabba” controversy concerning his a foreign language) teacher. At first I was the movie club. All I did was slice up neighbor replied, addressing the note to ordaining Sara Hurwitz as a rabba, more a glorified tutor helping small, apples, oranges, bananas and a “star my husband. That neighbor won’t get or female rabbi. Besides this smicha highly motivated groups of high school fruit.”Toothpicks were added for cleaner them. Even if he had been the first to (ordination controversy), I know nothing boys. It was a pleasure and very easy. eating, and that’s it. Whatever fruits, fresh reply, he wouldn’t get them. about Sara Hurwitz. Her position is a job, Those boys wanted to succeed, and and dry, can be served. You can provide Why should he take for granted that my which she shares with others. As far as succeed they did. small plates, bowls or just paper napkins. husband sent the note? It’s bilingual and I’m concerned, none of these private rab- My problems began when I was This is easier than a fruit salad, which includes my name. Usually, I tell the one binic smicha titles are all that convincing, “promoted” to regular classes. Gentle must be served in a bowl or cup and eaten who gets the stamps who else is interested, man, woman or whatever. I don’t think encouragement was perceived as with a spoon. so he or she can pass on the duplicates. the testing should be by the teachers. The weakness, and I couldn’t revive the tough I’ve discovered that if I eat enough fruit I won’t include the guy who wrote to fact that it’s Rabbi Weiss’s school, shul, persona needed to keep the kids in line. a day, at least three servings, I have my husband. Why should I put him on smicha and so forth makes it totally They didn’t accept nor understand the no desire, no craving for any candies, the list? It would be proof that I read my problematic as far as I can see. There concept of “no.”This was/is a generation chocolates, cake or cookies. We do need husband’s mail, nu? should be checks and balances like a raised on whispers and sweet voices, something sweet in our system, and fruit Batya Medad is a veteran American good government system. Hurwitz’s hearing things like: “Kootchy kootchy is best. olah, immigrant in Israel. She and her hus- attempt to break through that glass coo, sticking the lollipop stick in the P.S. Even diabetic guests can enjoy this, band made in 1970 and have been in ceiling in the American rabbinate seems baby’s eye may be unpleasant.” since they are permitted a certain amount Shiloh since 1981. She’s a wife, mother, much more like a worker’s problem. Since The local child psychology gurus of fruit, and the slices can be small and grandmother, EFL Teacher, writer and we don’t have synagogue-based Jewish brainwashed parents into believing that savored by eating slowly. photographer. Besides her articles and communities here, and I’ve been living in the shout of “no, stop” would stunt photographs we’ve been featuring in this Israel two-thirds of my long-enough-to- something in their child’s psyche. Reflecting, I’ve never considered publication for a number of years, Batya is get-some-discounts life, it’s really difficult For decades now the noisy, open myself a feminist very involved in the international cyber to relate to the issue. classroom is the norm in many countries, community as a Jewish blogger. She has two The Rabbanit Yemima seems much the countries where there are problems active blogs, http://shilohmusings.blogspot happier in her frum female skin. Not only controlling classes. Kids aren’t educated .com and, is she not trying to break through any in quiet listening. The classrooms aren’t besides having established the Kosher Cooking glass ceiling, but she reminded us not to arranged to maximize teacher control. Carnival; details on me-ander. You can obsess about Passover cleaning and to Nobody and that includes both the contact her at [email protected]. give the kids fun jobs so they won’t teachers and the students get enough remember pre-Passover as a nightmare. sleep. Sleep deprivation causes poor It’s a bit too many decades late for me and concentration, short attention span, my kids, but I’m glad that my daughter impulsivity, and memory problems.That’s was influenced by better mothers. bad news for the classroom. As I wrote in last night’s post, the And lastly to the new teacher who Rabbanit Yemima’s presentation is pure realizes that with all the pedagogy and I came of age when feminism was “stand-up.” Mary Poppins sweetened it education classes he or she was required rather new and equaled anti-motherhood. with a spoon full of honey, and Rebbetzin to take, there was no course with TNT That was probably a major element that Yemima with laughs. Laughing is healthy. (tried and true) classroom control turned me off to feminism. All I had ever The evening began with Tehillim, Psalms techniques. It’s because your university wanted to be was a mother.