Shinryukan Beijing invites to a Seminar

from 13 th to 15 th May 2016 with Pierre Congard (6 th Dan)

Pierre Congard , French, started to practice Aikido in Brest (Bretagne). He studied with the late Shihan and with Toshiro Suga Shihan, and learned as well from Yoshimitsu Yamada Sensei, Sensei, Sadateru Arikawa Sensei and Motohiro Fukakusa Sensei. Since 1993 he has been living in Germany where he has his own dojo. He regularly teaches seminars in Germany and Europe. This is his first visit to China.

Demo video:


Friday, 13 th May 2016: 19:00 – 21:00 Saturday, 14 th May 2016: 9:00 – 12:00 14:30 – 17:30 Sunday, 15 th May 2016: 9:00 – 12:00 14:30 – 17:30

Location: Haidian Sport Center (Judo Hall), No. 12 Yiheyuan Road, Beijing 100080, China 100080 北京海淀区颐和园路 12 号,海淀体育馆 (柔道部)

The Haidian Sport Center is situated in the northwest of Beijing, very close to Peking University and not far from the Old and New Summer Palace (see map on the back.)

Seminar fee: 300 RMB (no refunds, no drinks or meals provided)

Important note: Since weapons training will be part of the seminar, please bring your weapons (, jo, and tanto).

Registration: To register please email us (see address below). Registration deadline is 8th May 2016. Registration on the seminar may not be accepted.

Contact: Email: [email protected]

Phone: 18610380555 (Chinese), 13681511334 (English) Website:

The Seminar Rules: (Please read carefully; failure to comply, in the opinion of the coordinator, may result in expulsion from the seminar.)

■ Each participant must be from an “” dojo, complete an application, pay the fee and have a clean uniform; ■ Arrive on time, latecomers may be barred from participating in the seminar; ■ Respect the Sensei; do not talk during class and follow all instructions of the coordinator; ■ Respect your seniors, practice partners and protect yourself, during practice; ■ Do not bring valuables, take care of your belongings and remove all garbage when you leave; ■ Mobile phones must be shut-off and remain off during the seminar; do not talk or send/read text messages. ■ Photos or videos of the seminar are strictly prohibited. Group photos will be taken on the last day; ■ Space is limited. Visitors may be denied entrance at the sole discretion of the coordinator.