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SP's Aviation AERO INDIA 2013 SPECIAL KEY OFFICIAL MEET US AT HALL B (B4.18) MEDIA PARTNER SP’s AN SP GUIDE PUBLICATION ED BUYER ONLY) ED BUYER AS -B A NDI I News Flies. We Gather Intelligence. Every Month. From India. 100.00 ( ` Aviationwww.spsaviation.net vol 16 issue 2 • FeBRuaRy • 2013 IAF MODERNISATION AN OVERVIEW • BUSINESS AVIATION • GENERAL AVIATION • INDO- US RELATIONS IND IA • MIRAGE TO RAFALE • TRAINING CONCERNS • AIRBUS MILITARY THE RNI NUMBER: DELENG/2008/24199 REPORT DESTINATION Go Where Others Can’t. INTRODUCING THE FALCON 2000LXS It is the ultimate combination of nonstop range, airfield agility and widebody cabin. No other 4,000 nm aircraft can deliver so many airports in such quiet comfort. Thank optimized aerodynamics, new inboard slats and highly advanced acoustics. Thank Falcon DNA. And go where others can’t. DNA. It Matters. Find out why. Scan the code. Or visit falconjet.com/2000LXS 2000LXS-210x267.indd 1 22/01/13 10:15 dynamic dynamic It’s true … CAE is at the forefront of developing the architecture, software tools,It’s true and … simulation CAE is at software the forefront that can of makedeveloping synthetic the environmentsarchitecture, dynamic,software persistent,tools, and simulationscalable and software open. that can make synthetic environments dynamic, persistent, scalable and open. We created the common database (CDB) – an open, public database specification thatWe created facilitates the interoperability common database and correlation (CDB) – an to open, significantly public database enhance specification joint training andthat facilitatesmission rehearsal. interoperability Now, andwe arecorrelation launching to significantlya next-generation enhance capability joint training and solutionand mission called rehearsal. the CAE Now,Dynamic we areSynthetic launching Environment a next-generation designed capabilityto help create and virtualsolution worlds called that the more CAE accuratelyDynamic Synthetic and realistically Environment simulate designed the real to world. help Basedcreate onvirtual the worlds CDB, thatour dynamicmore accurately synthetic and environment realistically simulatesolution themeans real theworld. synthetic Based environmenton the CDB, canour varydynamic with timesynthetic without environment advance preparation. solution means So, when the syntheticweather, weapons,environment combat can vary engineers with time or without the latest advance intelligence preparation. change So, the when real weather, world, appropriateweapons, combat simulations engineers change or the the synthetic latest intelligence environment, change but without the real the world,costly andappropriate time-consuming simulations human change interaction. the synthetic environment, but without the costly and time-consuming human interaction. As defence forces, including India, look to expand the use of simulation and synthetic environmentsAs defence forces, to support including analysis, India, look training to expand and decision-making, the use of simulation trust and a companysynthetic withenvironments the focus, to experience support analysis, and expertise training to and deliver decision-making, world-class technologies, trust a company best valuewith the and focus, low risk. experience Trust CAE and to beexpertise your modeling to deliver and world-class simulation technologies,partner. best value and low risk. Trust CAE to be your modeling and simulation partner. Please visit CAE’s booth (Hall C, Booth 1-6) at Aero India from FebruaryPlease visit 6-10 CAE’s to learn booth more (Hall and C, Boothsee a 1-6demonstration) at Aero India of CAE’s from DynamicFebruary Synthetic6-10 to learnEnvironment. more and see a demonstration of CAE’s Dynamic Synthetic Environment. CAE’s Dynamic Synthetic Environment solution delivers on the following objectives: dynamics, persistence, scalability, and openness. CAE’s Dynamic Synthetic Environment solution delivers on the following objectives: dynamics, persistence, scalability, and openness. cae.com one step ahead caeindiapvtltd@cae.comcae.com one step ahead caeindiapvtltd@cae.com SP Show News_DSE_dynamic_Jan2013-Aero India_AM198.indd 1 13-01-09 9:41 AM SP Show News_DSE_dynamic_Jan2013-Aero India_AM198.indd 1 13-01-09 9:41 AM SP’s AN SP GUIDE PUBLICATION TABLE of CONTENTS News Flies. We Gather Intelligence. Every Month. From India. AviationIssue 2 • 2013 The Beechcraft King Air 250 – The King of Innovation. Across India, the King Air has helped support effective government and build profitable businesses. What can it do for you? Red Bulls, the arobatic team of Czech Republic, stole the limelight 22 at Aero India 2011, with its scintillating flying displays FIRST LEAD STORY 36 Fighters 8 Fit for Extreme Conditions Mirage to Rafale 41 Trainers AERO INDIA PREVIEW An Uninspiring Saga SP’s EXCLUSIVE Aero India 2011 had an impressive line-up of fighters. 10 Displays at Aero India 2013 43 Industry This year’s show also promises Tactical Airlift Solutions to be exciting. A plate full of from Airbus CIVIL catalogues is waiting. 14 General Aviation • It’s a Long Haul AERO INDIA 2013 SPECIAL KEY OFFICIAL MEET US AT HALL B (B4.18) MEDIA PARTNER REGULAR DEpaRTMENTS SP’s AN SP GUIDE PUBLICATION Business Aviation A Word from Editor News Flies. We Gather Intelligence. Every Month. From India. 6 100.00 (INDIA-BASED BUYER ONLY) BUYER 100.00 (INDIA-BASED ` Aviationwww.spsaviation.net VOL 16 ISSUE 2 • FEBRUARY • 2013 16 Boom in Biz Jets IAF MODERNISATION AN OVERVIEW Hall of Fame 19 Battling the Burden 45 ANTHONY LEVIER (1913 - 1998 20 Regional Aviation • BUSINESS AVIATION Trouble-Free Flying • GENERAL AVIATION • INDO-US RELATIONS INDIA 46 NewsDigest • MIRAGE TO RAFALE • TRAINING CONCERNS • AIRBUS MILITARY THE RNI NUMBER: DELENG/2008/24199 REPORT DESTINATION SP's Aviation Cover 02-13 final.indd 1 02/02/13 5:21 PM LastWord MILitaRY 48 Nurture ‘People’ 26 Modernisation Cover Photo: Looking Ahead Aero India has already carved a niche Uncompromising Quality. The King Air’s relentless record for durability, safety and comfort is why for itself as a major global aerospace NEXT ISSUE: 29 Diplomacy exhibition it has been the aircraft of choice for Indian governments and business for the past five decades. Training Options for the IAF Today’s King Air 250 delivers a substantial improvement in take-off performance with the productive Dream Unfolds Illustration by: Anoop Kamath workspace that international leaders demand. We build aircraft you can believe in.® For more information please contact: India +91 98 7138 2233 or email: explore@hawkerbeechcraft.com King Air 250 2 SP’S AVIATION Issue 2 • 2013 www.spsaviation.net HawkerBeechcraft.com. ©2013 Hawker Beechcraft Corporation. All rights reserved. Hawker, Beechcraft and King Air are trademarks of Hawker Beechcraft Corporation. The Beechcraft King Air 250 – The King of Innovation. Across India, the King Air has helped support effective government and build profitable businesses. What can it do for you? Uncompromising Quality. The King Air’s relentless record for durability, safety and comfort is why it has been the aircraft of choice for Indian governments and business for the past five decades. Today’s King Air 250 delivers a substantial improvement in take-off performance with the productive workspace that international leaders demand. We build aircraft you can believe in.® For more information please contact: India +91 98 7138 2233 or email: explore@hawkerbeechcraft.com King Air 250 HawkerBeechcraft.com. ©2013 Hawker Beechcraft Corporation. All rights reserved. Hawker, Beechcraft and King Air are trademarks of Hawker Beechcraft Corporation. TABLE of CONTENTS PLUS... PUBLISHER AND Editor-IN-CHIEF DESIGN Jayant Baranwal Holistic Directions: Jayant Baranwal Senior Art Director: Anoop Kamath SENIOR Editor Designers: Vimlesh Kumar Yadav, Sonu Singh Bisht Air Marshal (Retd) B.K. Pandey Research Assistant: Graphics Survi Massey Assistant GROUP editor R. Chandrakanth DIRECTOR SALES & MARKETING Neetu Dhulia Editorial adviser Air Marshal (Retd) Anil Chopra SALES & MARKETING General Manager Sales: Rajeev Chugh SENIOR Technical GROUP Editor 16 Boom in Biz Jets Lt General (Retd) Naresh Chand SP’S WEBSITES Sr Web Developer: Shailendra Prakash Ashish SENIOR Copy editor & Web Developer: Ugrashen Vishwakarma CORRESPONDENT © SP Guide Publications, 2013 Sucheta Das Mohapatra Annual SUBSCRIPTION Contributors Inland: Rs 1200 • Foreign: US$ 320 INDIA Email: subscribe@spguidepublications.com Air Marshal (Retd) N. Menon Group Captain (Retd) A.K. Sachdev LETTER TO EDITOR editor@spsaviation.net Group Captain (Retd) Joseph Noronha expert@spsaviation.net EUROPE FOR Advertising details, contact: Alan Peaford guidepub@vsnl.com Trouble-free Flying 20 USA & Canada neetu@spguidepublications.com LeRoy Cook rajeev.chugh@spguidepublications.com SP GUIDE PUBLICATIONS PVT LTD CHAIRMAN & Managing Director A-133 Arjun Nagar, Jayant Baranwal (Opposite Defence Colony) New Delhi 110 003, India. PLANNING & BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Executive Vice President: Rohit Goel Tel: +91 (11) 24644693, 24644763, 24620130 ADMIN & COORDINATION Fax: +91 (11) 24647093 Email: guidepub@vsnl.com Bharti Sharma Owned, published and printed by Representative OFFICE Jayant Baranwal, printed at BENGALURU, INDIA 36 Mirage to Rafale Kala Jyothi Process Pvt Ltd and 204, Jal Vayu Vihar Kalyan Nagar published at A-133, Arjun Nagar Bengaluru 560043, India. (Opposite Defence Colony), Tel: +91 (80) 23682204 New Delhi 110 003, India. All rights reserved. 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