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Ore 1904 ^r



The writer knows but little about fiction: doubtless so much the worse for him.

He is incapable of imaginative writing. The story which follows is in every detail true, except that names and locations have been substituted for the real ones in or-

der to avoid the possibility of unmerited humiliation to one whom I believe to be worthy.

At the time it bears date, the following note came in my mail: "Albany Penitentiary, Albany, New York, June 27, 1884. My dear sir:-

I am a life-convict in this prison, convicted of a crime I never committed. I have been here eight years. You have the power to procure my release and to give

me another chance in life. If you will come and see me I will convince you that I am worthy of your help. Will you not let me have the opportunity? JS Very truly yours, 3 George Baker."

<£] Circumstances were such that I frequently received letters pleading for help from prisoners at the Albany Penitentiary. These letters were ordinarily verbose,

and often inconsistent. I paid no attention to any of them. But the one from George

Baker bored its way into my life. I carried it in my pocket and read it frequently.

Several times I made the move to throw it in the waste basket, but its brevity and directness, the good English and the clear, well-rounded writing stopped me each

time. The matter grew upon me until I could no longer resist the impulse to go and learn what sort of a being George Baker was.

I went to the prison and asked the warden what he knew of the prisoner. He said he was an exceptional prisoner, never gave trouble, was some thirty-five years old, clean and wholesome in person, and given to reading and study beyond any

other man in their charge. I asked that he be brought out, and in a few minutes he

came through the heavy iron door into the room to which I had been shown. The man was yet more impressive than his letter. Even in his striped prison clothes he was attractive. He was quite six feet two inches, without surplus fat so common in prison life, and straight as an arrow. His face was winsome, his teeth and finger nails cared for. He looked at me squarely, and his voice was low,

steady and confident. I had it in my mind that I would resist him; that I would not let a life-convict engage my feelings or occupy my time. But my determination oozed out as he told me his story. Baker said he had kept a drug store in a Rocky Mountain town, admitted frankly that he had done some things he ought not to have done, but insisted that he had never committed a crime, and had never before been charged with one.

"lam become a name." —Adolph Kkeikenhaum.

7 He said that some ten years before, one winter night, the overland mail and express coach came to the post office a couple of hours late, and the driver reported that, three miles out, he had been held up by masked men who robbed the passen- gers and rifled the mail pouches. The next day the prisoner and two others were- arrested for this crime and an investigation was held before a local magistrate, who found no cause for holding the prisoners, and they were discharged. Nothing more was done for three months. In the meantime government officers were active in the matter, and the express company offered a reward of $5,000 for evidence which would result in conviction for the crime. They were then indicted and tried, but the trial resulted in a disagreement by the jury. They were tried a second time with the same result. The venue was then changed to another judicial district, and they were taken five hundred miles over the mountains and tried a third time, now among strangers. After being out thirty-six hours the jury convicted two of them and dis- agreed as to the third. The two convicted were, under the severe statute of the

United States against the robbing of the mails, sentenced to prison for life. The story was told with full circumstantiality and a ready understanding of legal principles and judicial proceedings relating to the matter. All questions were an- swered in a consistent and convincing way. The man insisted that he had been the victim of systematic perjury to gain the approval of the United States Department of Justice, and obtain the reward offered by the express company. I found myself

thinking it might be so, and thinking also that such a man had been sufficiently pun-

ished for the crime charged against him even if there was no doubt about his having committed it. Before we were half way through, my mind was made up that it was

safe enough for me to help him if the things he had said and which could be verified proved to be true. The man in stripes had gained possession of a free man.

I wrote the judges who had tried the case, the district attorneys who had prose-

cuted it, and each of the jurors who had part in it. The judges thought, as judges must think, that enough had been proved to warrant the submission of the

case to the jury, and that the finding of the jury was sufficient ; but they also thought that the ends of justice had been satisfied, and were not opposed to the granting of a pardon. The prosecuting attorneys of course thought there was no doubt of the guilt of the prisoner. The jurors had mixed feelings and stood ready to sign an ap- plication for clemency. Every fact that any of them mentioned was wholly in ac- cord with what the prisoner had said.

I cut corners and went directly to President Arthur and told him the story. I

said that if I had to fight the Department of Justice at every step, and submit to all

the delays the people over there usually imposed, I had no time to prosecute an ap- plication for a pardon. If the case appealed to the President, and he would intimate

to the Attorney General that it was time to call off the dogs, I would be glad to put

the matter in proper form for action. The President said it seemed to him a proper case for a pardon, and unless something new developed there would not be many obstacles in my path. The formal steps were taken, and a few weeks later, one dark, rainy and muddy

evening this telegram came : "Washington, D. C, November 18, 1884.

Pardon for George Baker mailed you today. The President has directed that it be sent to you to deliver.

Fred J. Phillips, " Secretary to the President.

Putting on my hat and overcoat I pushed through the wet and slush out to the

County Penitentiary. All cells had been locked for the night, but I was taken to

" He knew the taverns well in every town."—"Click" Mathkws. No. 301, roused the occupant, and reached my hand through the grated door for that of George Baker, and told him that under the law he was as free as I, that he who had been legally dead for years was alive again, and that I would come up for him at ten o'clock the next morning. What he said in his low, steady voice was ample compensation. The warden seemed as glad as we were. He promised that Baker should have on his new suit of clothes by the hour I had named, and by the appointed time I had the pardon and was on hand to get my man. We walked out into the free air to- gether. He had not been in the open air, except to cross the narrow prison yard in the lock -step, for more than eight years. As we walked down the street he said the trees, and the horses and the people looked small. We came to a tobacco store, and " his look showed that it was too much for him. " Would you like a cigar ? " Well,

I guess so, " he said, and the way he lighted and smoked it proved that he had guessed correctly. He found a boarding place and remained in the city a couple of weeks. His ap- pearance improved every day. He had his photograph taken, and a copy lies upon my table as I tell the story. He talked of the future, saying he should look about and find a place to do something. He even had ambition to become a physician, and thought that perhaps his early knowledge of drugs, and his study through his prison life, might make it possible.

He went away without knowing where. I could not bear to see him go, for it seemed to me that the conditions were heavy enough to bear any man down. f ex- acted a promise that he should write me each year, on the anniversary of his release, and tell me what he was doing. He went; and he kept his promise for several years, quite as long and with as much regularity as one could expect. He changed his name and got into medical practice. Occasionally he sent me a paper containing a reference to himself. For aught I knew he was bearing a man's part in the world.

But the world is busy ; no one holds very fast to the incidents of the past. He had ******about gone out of my life, and knowledge of him had practically****ended. Just about fifteen years after all this I was taking lunch at the home of the Pres- ident of one of the largest and strongest of our universities. In the midst of the pleasant hour it strangely came to me that the adjacent city was the one from which

I had last heard of my old friend. I tried to think of his new name, but it had al- most faded out of recollection. The conversation lost interest for me ; I felt that

I must recall that name. As we rose from the table I went aside to look out of the

window and shake up my mental resources. The shake up brought it back ; it was

Roberts, -Henry Roberts. Turning to the company I said, "Mr. President, do you remember of hearing of a Dr. Henry Roberts in the city? " " Oh, yes," he said, "he " is well known, lives on a main street on the way to your hotel. " What is his stand- ing?" " It is good, in a moderate way. He is a rather quiet man, doing his share of business and stands all right. " " Well, I have just thought of him. He is an old friend of mine, and I want to see him. Won't you be good enough to telephone him, and say that an old friend will call about three o'clock if he will be at home?" " " "Shall I tell him who it is? "No, I will give him a surprise. Directly the Pres- ident told me that Dr. Roberts would be at home at three o'clock and glad to see me.

At about the appointed time I stopped in front of a well-appointed residence in a good district. In the main office there were a half a dozen waiting their turn for medical advice. Handing my card to the attendant, I asked her to give it to Dr.

"0/ a solemn and great fraternity."— C. R. Rounds.

9 Roberts at once and say that I could not wait long. I did not have to. The Doctor did not come out to meet me before the crowd, but he excused his patient at once and I passed into the back office. He was as glad to see me as on the stormy night when I carried the message of life and hope to him at the Albany Penitentiary. He had married: he had children; and he had gathered some property. In him and his surroundings there was proof enough that what had been done for him was more than justified. In half an hour, as I rose to go, he held my hand a long time, and seemed to have something to say which did not come easily. At last he said, " You won't " say anything about my old trouble here, will you?" Not for a world; I am yours to the core; keep your face to the sunlight and never fear." "I was sure you would say so, but I wanted to hear you say it." And I went out of his home with a light heart because something had kept me from turning down his first letter.

Was he guilty? I do not know. He said he was not. All the surrounding cir- cumstances were as consistent with innocence as with guilt. His later life sustained his claim. I believe him. A. S. Draper.


'A member of the ram family."— Ethekton.

10 HoI-a-ba-Ioo ! Hoo-rah! Hoo-rah'

Hol-a-ba-loo t

Hoo-rah J Hoo rah* Hoo-rah! Hoo-rah! Illinois! >/ah!>Vho!WaF

" Who with his tongue hath armies routed.''— Rodman. 11


The Governor of Illinois (ex-officio) RICHARD YATES, Springfield

The President of the State Board of Agriculture (ex-officio) JAMES K. D1CKIRSON, Lawrenceville

The Superintendent of Public Instruction (ex-officio) ALFRED BAYLISS, Springfield

Term of Office Expires in 1905 Term of Office Expires in 1907 Alice Asbury Abbott, Urbana Alexander McLean, Macomb 1108 Illinois Street Samuel A. Bullard, Springfield Frederic L. Hatch, Spring Grove Carrie T. Alexander, Belleville Augustus F. Nightingale,

1997 Sheridan Road

Term of Office Expires in 1909 Leonidas H. Kerrick, Bloomington William B. McKinley, Champaign Laura B. Evans, Taylorville

Officers of the Board

Augustus F. Nightingale, Chicago, - - - President

William L. Pillsbury, Urbana, ... - Secretary Elbridge G. Keith, Chicago, Treasurer Metropolitan National Bank.

Professor S. W. Shattuck, Champaign, - Business Manager

"Her mouth ful smal, and ther-to soft and c«(/."-Mabel Crawford. 14 THOMAS AKKLE CLARK VIOLET DELILLE JAYNE THOMAS JONATHAN BUKKILL

THOMAS JONATHAN BURRILL, Vice-President of the University, Dean of the Graduate School, Professor of Botany and Horticulture, A. M., Northwestern University, '76; Ph.D., University of Chicago, '81; LL.D., Northwestern University, '93.

THOMAS ARKLE CLARK, ATS>, Dean of Undergraduates and Assistant to the President, Professor of Rhetoric, B.L., University of Illinois, '90, VIOLET DELILLE JAYNE, /YM, Dean of the Women's Department, Associate Professor of the English Language and Literature, A.M., University of , '96; Ph.D., University of Michigan, '97.

"A hungry and lean fae'tl villain,"—Lyle Hebkick.


College of Literature and Arts


A. B., Yale, '84 ; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 92. VIOLET DELILLE JAYNE, 7W/, Dean of Women, Associate Professor of the English Language and Literature, A.B., University of Michigan, 87; A.M., 1" *• University of Michigan, '96. THOMAS ARKLE CLARK, ATSi, )f J Professor of Rhetoric, B.L., University of Illinois, '90. EDWARD SNYDER, Professor of the German Language and Literature, KtmI^ Emeritus, A.M., Norwich University '69. FRANK FORREST FREDERICK, On leave, Professor of Art and Design, Normal School.

HERBERT JEWETT BARTON, AM, (PHh, ^k J Professor of the Latin Language and Literature, A. B.,

Dartmouth College, '76 ; A.M., Dartmouth College, '80.


A. B., Syracuse University, '77 ; A.M., Syracuse University, '80; Ph. D., Syracuse University, '83. DANIEL KILHAM DODGE, Professor of the English Language and Literature,

A.B., , '84 ; A.M., Columbia University, '85 ; Ph.D., Columbia University, '86. EVARTS BOUTELL GREENE, (pJH,

Professor of History, A.B , Harvard, '90 ; A.M., Harvard, '91 ; Ph.D.. Harvard, '93.

LEWIS ADDISON RHOADES, (ph'l\ Professor of the German Language and Literature,

University of Michigan, '84 ; A.M., University Michigan, '86 A.B., of ; Ph.D., University of Gottingen, '92.


'87 '90 Professor of Philosophy, A.B., Olivet College, ; B.D., Yale, ; Ph.D., Clark University, '93. GEORGE DAY FAIRFIELD, ATQ,

Professor of Education, B.P., Brown University, '91 ; A.M., Brown

University, '92 ; Ph. D., Columbia University, '99.

" )Y/ty should h< study, and; make himself mad?'''—Alf. Danely. NEWTON ALONZO WELLS, Professor of the History and Practice of Painting, Syracuse University, '77 M.P., Syracuse University, '79. B.P., I


Professor of Industry and Transportation, B.L., Dartmouth College, '90 ; '02. A.M., Dartmouth College, '97 ; Ph.D., Yale, GEORGE MYGATT FISK, Professor of Commerce, A.B., University of Michigan, '90 ; Ph.D., Munich, '96.

GEORGE HENRY MEYER, B8TI, $BK, Assistant Professor of the German Language and Literature, '92. A.B., Colgate University, '89 ; A.M., Colgate University, MATTHEW BROWN HAMMOND, Assistant Professor of Economics, Ph.B., University of Michigan, '90;

M.L., University of Wisconsin, '93 ; Ph.D., Columbia University, '98.


'96 Assistant Professor of Romanic Languages, A.B., University of Illinois, ; A.M., University of Illinois, '98. EDWARD FULTON,

Assistant Professor of Rhetoric, A.B., Dalhousie College ( Halifax, N. S. ) '89 ;

A.B., Harvard, '91 ; A.M., Harvard, '92 ; Ph.D., Harvard, '94. EDWIN CHAUNCEY BALDWIN, Assistant Professor of English Literature,

A.B., Yale, '95 ; Ph.D., Yale. '98.


Assistant Professor of Psychology, B.P., Brown University, '91 ; A.M., Brown University, '94; Ph.D., Strassburg, '97. NEIL CONWELL BROOKS,

A.M., Harvard, 96 ; Ph.D., Harvard, '98. JENNET TE EMELINE CARPENTER, KA9, Director of Physical Training for Women, Wesleyan University, Boston School of Oratory and Physical Training, '92. HENRY LAWRENCE SCHOOLCRAFT, ATSi, $BK,

Instructor in History, A.B., Marietta College, '92 ; A.M., Marietta

College, '95 ; Ph.D., University of Chicago, '99. MARTHA JACKSON KYLE, Instructor in Rhetoric, B.S., University of Illinois, '97 ; A.M., University of Illinois, '98. EDWARD JOHN LAKE, Instructor in Art and Design, B.S., in Architecture,

University of Illinois, '95. NATHAN AUSTIN WESTON, AW,

Instructor in Economics, B.L., University of Illinois, '89 ; M.L., University of Illinois, 98; Ph.D., Cornell University, '01.

"That of Iter smyling was fill eimpU and coy,"—Miss Shakf.

18 DAISY LUANA BLAISDELL, '83 Instructor in German, A.B., Smith College, ; A.M., Smith College, '93. FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE JONES, Oberlin '83 Instructor in French, A.B., College, ; A.M., University of Nebraska, '91. CLARENCE WALWORTH ALVORD, Instructor in History, A.B., Williams College. CHARLES RALPH ROUNDS, 0.O,

Instructor in Rhetoric and Public Speaking, Ph.B., University of Wisconsin, '01. KENNETH PERCIVAL RUTHERFORD NEVILLE, QKE,

Greek, A.B., Harvard, '98 ; A.M., Harvard, '99 Instructor in Latin and ; Ph.D., Cornell, 'or. HARRY G. PAUL, Instructor in English, A.B., University of Michigan, '97 ; A.M., University of Chicago, '01. FRANK WILLIAM SCOTT, ATQ,

Instructor in Rhetoric, A.B., University of Illinois, 'ot. FRED GATES FOX. 0/'J,

Instructor in Rhetoric, A.B., University of Illinois, '9?. ISABEL ELIZA JONES, Assistant in Art and Design, University of Illinois, '91.

' // looks li/,-f 11 Price list." -Miss Street's Dance Program,

19 College of Engineering

NATHAN CLIFFORD RICKER, fill/. Dean of the College of Engineering, Professor of Architecture, M.Arcb., University of Illinois, '73; D. Arch., University of Illinois, '00.

1KA OSBORN BAKER, Til II. Professor of Civil Engineering, B.S., University of Illinois, '74 ; C.E., University of Illinois, '78.

ARTHUR NEWELL TALBOT, //;//. Professor of Municipal and Sanitary Engineering, B.S., University of Illinois, '81 '85. ; C.E., University of Illinois.


Vale, '8i , '83. B.S., ; Ph.B Vale,

MORGAN BROOKS, J/, //, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Ph.B., '81 Brown University, ; M.E., Stevens Institute of Technology, 83.

james McLaren white,

B.S., University of Illinois, 'go.

CYRUS DANIEL McLANE, 77.7/, Assistant Professor of Architectural Construction, DEAN RICKER B.S., University of Illinois, '92.

SETH JUSTIN TEMPLE, 77.7/, Assistant Professor of Architecture, Ph.B., Columbia University, '92.

GEORGE ALFRED GOODENOUGH, 77-7/, Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering, B.S., '91 Michigan Agricultural College, ; M.E., University of Illinois, '00.

MILO SMITH KETCHUM, 77.7/, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering,

'00. B.S , University of Illino's, '95 ; C.E., University of Illinois,

EDWARD CHARLES SCHMIDT, Tllll, Assistant Professor of Railroad Engineering,

M.E., Stevens Institute of Technology, '95. WILLIAM HENRY WILLIAMS, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, B.E.E.

JAMES FRANKLIN KABLE, ZAE, Tlill, Instructor in General Engineering Drawing, B.S., University of Illinois, '99. ROY HARLEV SLOCUM, Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, B.S., University of Illinois, '00. ALBERT ROOT CURTISS, Instructor in Wood Shops.

' Stil tut' WOrd 8p0kt In mure than trux null." -"RED" RlGHTOR. HENRY T. JONES, Instructor in Forge Shop. JOSEPH HENDERSON WILSON, Instructor in Foundry.

WILLIAM GORDON FRASER, J /'J, 77,7/, Instructor in Machine Design, B.S., University ot Illinois, 99. DAVID CARROLL VEIRS, Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, B.S., University of Illinois, '01. DAVID LEONARD SCROGGIN, Instructor in Machine Shop.

FREDERICK ALEXANDER MITCHELL, 77///. Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, B.S., University of Illinois, '98. ROY IRVIN WEBBER, Instructor in Civil Engineering, B.S., , '99. CHARLES WESLEY MALCOLM. Instructor in Civil Engineering, B.S., University of Illinois, '02. LAWRENCE GILBERT PARKER, Instructor in Civil Engineering, B.S., University of Illinois, '02.

JOHN McBEATH SNODGRASS, 77,7/, Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, B.S., University of Illinois, '02. HARRY CURTISS MARBLE, Assistant in Electrical Engineering,

T '00. B.S., University of Illinois, '96 ; E.E., L niversity of Illinois,

EDWIN GARDNER GREENMAN, 77,7/. Assistant in Mechanical Engineering, B.S., University of Illinois, '02.

ROBERT CLEYTON MATHEWS, 77,7/, Assistant in General Engineering Drawing, B.S., in M.E., University of Illinois, '02. GEORGE RUSSELL SMITH, Assistant in General Engineering Drawing, B.S.

RALPH HAWES GAGE, SAE, TBI], Assistant in Civil Engineering.

HAMMOND W. WHITSITT, r/j/'j^ 77,'//, Assistant in General Engineering Drawing.

"So hot In- loves, llmi hi sleeps no more thttn. iloolh the nightingale."— Reaves.

21 College of Science


Professor of Botany and Horticulture ; A.M., Northwestern University, '76 '81 ; Ph.D., University of Chicago, ; L.L.D., North- western University, '93. SAMUEL WALKER SHATTUCK, Professor of Mathematics, '6j B.S., Norwich University, ; A.M., Norwich University, '67 ; C.E., Norwich University, '71. CHARLES WESLEY ROLFE, Professor of Geology,

B.S., University of Illinois, '72 ; M.S., University of Illinois, '77.

ARTHUR WILLIAM PALMER, ,\)\ Professor of Chemistry, '86. B.S., University of Illinois, '83 ; Sc.D., Harvard,


EDGAR J. TOWNSEND, ATA, Associate Professor of Mathematics,

Ph.B., Albion College, 'go ; Ph.M., University of Michigan, 91; Ph.D., University of Gottingen, '01.

HARRY SANDS GRINDLEY, >l>.\)\ Associate Professor of Chemistry, B.S., University of Illinois, '88: Sc.D., Harvard University, '92. FRED ANSON SAGER, Assistant Professor of Physics, B.S., University of Michigan, '94. FRANK SMITH, ATA, Assistant Professor of Zoology,

Ph.B., Hillsdale College, '85 : Ph.M., Hillsdale '88 College, ; A.M., Harvard University, '93.

•• 11, was as fresh us is tht month of Ma,/." \v. Rose. —

ROBERT LOUIS SHORT, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, A.B., Chaddock College, 'oo. CHARLES FREDERICK HOTTES, Instructor in Botany, of B.S., University of Illinois, '94 ; B.S., University Illinois, '95 ; Ph.D., University of Bonn, '01. WILLIAM CHARLES BREXKE, Instructor in Astronomy,

B.S., University of Illinois, '96 ; M.S., University of Illinois, '98. EDWARD LAWRENCE MILNE, Instructor in Mathematics, M.S., University of Illinois, 96. HENRY LIVINGSTON COAR, Instructor in Mathematics,

B.S., Harvard University, '93 ; A.M., Harvard University, '94. JOHN HANCOCK McCLELLAN, Instructor in Zoology,

A.B., University of Michigan, '97 ; A.M., University of Michigan, '99.

JOHN LANGLEY SAMMIS, <1>A)\ Instructor in Chemistry,

B.S., University of Illinois, '97 ; M.S., University of Illinois, '98.


Instructor in Mathematics, B.S., University of Illinois, '00. JUSTUS WATSON FOLSOM, Instructor in Entomology,

B.S., Harvard University, '95 ; Sc.D., Harvard University, '99. HARRY BERT FOX, Instructor in Geology, B.S., University of Illinois, '00. PERCY ALMERIN SMITH, Instructor in Mathematics, B.S., University of Illinois, 'oi. AZARIAH THOMAS LINCOLN, Instructor in Chemistry,

B.S., University of Wisconsin, '94 ; M.S., University of Wisconsin, '98; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, '99. MARION BALLANTYNE WHITE, Instructor in Mathematics, Ph.B., University of Michigan, '93. AMASA DAY COOK, Instructor in Chemistry, A.B., Cornell University, '02.


Instructor in Chemistry, '96 A.M., Hope College, ; Graduate Student University of Chicago, '97-'oo.

•• A not-hted hadde lie, with a broun visage. " Eddie Milne.

23 FLOYD ROWE WATSON, Assistant Professor of Physics,

B.S., University of California ; Ph.D., Cornell University, '02. ROBERT WATT STARK, Chief Assistant in Chemistry on State Water Survey, B.S. WILLIAM FREDERICK SCHULZ, Assistant in Physics, E.E., University of Illinois, '00.

• HARRY ALLAN GLEASON, Assistant in Botany, B.S., University of Illinois, '01.


Assistant in Chemistry, B.S., University of Illinois, '01. OTIS ORION STANLEY, Assistant in Physiology, '01 B.S., University of Illinois, ; M.S., University of Illinois, '02. TIMOTHY MOJONNIER, $AY, Assistant Chemist on Food Investigation, '01 B.S., University of Illinois, ; M.S., University of Illinois, '02. JENNIE MARY LATZER, Fellow in Botany, '00 B.S., University of Illinois, ; M.S., University of Illinois, '01.


Assistant in Chemistry, B.S., University of Illinois, '02. SAMUEL C. CLARK, Assistant in Chemistry, B.S., University of Chicago, '00. JOSEPHINE RUTH KORTEN, B.S., University of Chicago, '02, Fellow Assistant in Chemistry. JOHN KENYON BUSH. QrA, 9AY,

Assistant in Chemistry, A.B., University of Illinois, '00. EDWIN LINDSAY POOR, Assistant Instructor in Geology, B.S., University of Illinois, '02. PERRY BARKER, J/'J, &AT, Assistant in Chemistry on State Water Survey. ROBERT EARL RICHARDSON, Fellow in Zoology, A.B., University of Illinois, '01. WILLIAM CROCKER, Fellow in Botany, A.B., University of Illinois, '02. CHESTER ELLIS HARRIS, Fellow in Physiology, B.S., University of Illinois, '02.

GEORGE I. REAVES, Fellow in Entomology, A.B., University of Illinois, '02.

" And certeinly, he was a good felawe. "—Mr Paul.

24 College of Agriculture EUGENE DAVENPORT, ATA,

Dean of the College of Agriculture, and Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station, M.Agr., Michigan Agricultural College, '78. donald Mcintosh, Professor of Veterinary Science, V.S., Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, Canada, '70. ISABEL BEVIER, Professor of Household Science, Head of the Department of Household Science, '88. Ph.B., Wooster University, '85 ; Ph.M., Wooster University,

CYRIL GEORGE HOPKINS, S3, AZ, Professor of Agronomy in Agricultural College, Chief in Agronomy and Chemistry, Agricultural Experiment Station, '90 B.S., South Dakota Agricultural College, ;

M.S., Cornell University, '74 > Ph.D., Cornell University, '98. HERBERT WINDSOR MUMFORD, Professorof Animal Husbandry, Chief in Animal Husbandry at the Agricultural Experiment Station. JOSEPH CULLEN BLAIR, Assistant Professor of Horticulture, Cornell University, '96. WILBER JOHN FRASER, Assistant Professor of Dairy Husbandry, Agricultural Experiment Station, '02. EUGENE DAVENPORT. B.S., University of Illinois, '93 ; M.S., University of Illinois, JOHN WILLIAM LLOYD, AZ,

Instructor in Olericulture, Chief Assistant in Horticulture Agricultural Experiment Station, B.S., College, Wheaton 97 ; B.S.A., Cornell University, '99. OSCAR ERF, S¥, AZ, Instructor in Dairy Manufactures,

B.S.Agr., Ohio State University, '99. MARY ESTHER BEATTY, Instructor in Household Science,

B.L., State College, 98 ; B.S., Columbia University, '01. FRED RANDALL CRANE, Instructor in Farm Mechanics, B.S., Michigan Agricultural College, '99. ARTHUR JAMES GLOVER, Chief Assistant in Dairy Husbandry, B.Agr.

" "Noisy, unsophisticated, and full of his own High School Glory, a freshman of the good old style. Newhouse JEREMIAH GEORGE MOSIER, Instructor in Soil Physics, Chief Assistant in Soil Physics Agricultural Experiment Station, B.S., University of Illinois, '93.


Instructor in Animal Husbandry, Assistant in Animal Husbandry Agricultural Experiment Station,

B.S., 1 Zoology ), University ol Illinois, '97 ; '02. B.S., 1 Agriculture ), University of Illinois,

26 School of Library Science

KATHARINE LUCINDA SHARP, /,/,/'. 0/,'/i, Director of Library School, Professor of Library Economy, Head Librarian,

Ph.B., Northwestern University, ,85 ; Ph.M., Northwestern University, '89, B.L.S., New York State University, '92.


Assistant Librarian, Instructor in Library Economy. FRANCES SIMPSON, KKT.

Instructor in Library School, and Head Cataloger, M.L., Northwestern University. EMMA REED JUTTON, Assistant in Charge of Loan Desk, B.L.S., LIniversity of Illinois, '99. MINNIE EARL SEARS, Assistant Cataloger,

'92 '00. B.S., Purdue, ; M S., Purdue, 94 ; B.L.S., L'niversity of Illinois, KATHARINE D. MANLEY, Order Clerk. AGNES M. COLE,

Reviser, B.S., Wheaton College, '93 ; B L.S., University of Illinois, 'oi. AMY C. MOON, Reviser, B.L.S., LT niversity of Illinois, 'or. HARRIET E. HOWE, Assistant in Charge of Loan Desk, B. L.S., University of Illinois, '02. EDNA LUCY GOSS, Reference Assistant, B.L.S., University of Illinois, '02. School of Music FREDERICK LOCKE LAWRENCE,

Director of the School of Music, and Professor of Music ( Piano ). ALISON MARION FERNIE, AXQ,

Professor of Vocal Music,

R.A.M., ( London ) ; P.A.M., ( Philadelphia ). EUNICE DEAN DANIELS, AXQ,

Instructor in Piano. ALMEDA FRANCES MANN, Instructor in Piano, in Charge of Musical Preparatory School. BENJAMIN WITMER BRENEMAN, Instructor in Voice Culture. MAY EMORY BRENEMAN, Instructor in Voice Culture. GEORGE FOSS SCHWARTZ, Instructor in Violin, and in the History and Theory of Music. EUGENIE GLODERY, Instructor in Piano, in Sight Singing, and in Public School Methods.

College of Law JAMES BROWN SCOTT, $M, Dean of the College of Law, A.M., Harvard, '91 '94. Professor of Law, ; J.U.D., University of Heidelberg,


Professor of Law, A.B., University of Rochester, '83 ; LL.B. WILLIAM LINCOLN DREW, Professor of Law,

B.S., University of Iowa, '89 ; LL.B., University of Iowa, '92. THOMAS WELBURN HUGHES, '91 Professor ot Law, LL.B., University of Michigan, ; LL.M., University of Michigan, '92.


" The University fire department. "—Tax Council ok Administration.

28 Department of Military- Science and Tactics EDMOND GUSTAVE FECHET,

Major U.S.A., ( Retired) Prof, of Military Science and Tactics. EDWIN LYON DRAPER, 0J8,

Assistant in Military Science, A.B., University of Illinois, '02.

JAMES FRANKLIN DUFFY, JR, EN, Tlill, Assistant in Military Science.

Members of the Staff of the -Stale Laboratory of Natural History not Included in the Regular Corps of Instruction Force MARY JANE SNYDER ALBERT JEFFERSON WOOLMAN, A.M.


Members of the Staff of the Agricultural Experiment Station not Included in the Regular Corps of Instruction Force LOUIE HENRIE SMITH, Chief Assistant in Chemistry, M.S. CATHERINE McCALLUM McINTYRE, Secretary.

JAMES HARVEY PETT1T, S3, Assistant Chemist in Agricultural Experiment Station, Ph.B., Cornell University, '00. EDWARD MURRAY EAST, &AY,

Assistant Chemist, B S., University of Illinois, '01. FRED HENRY RANKIN, Superintendent Agricultural College Extension. WILLIAM FRANKLIN PATE, Assistant in Chemistry, B.S., College of Agricultural and Mechanic Arts of North Carolina.

" lie and I are the only decent ones in it."— J. M. Berger.

2?) Other Officials


'66. Registrar, A.B., Harvard, '63 ; A.M., Harvard, HARLAN HOYT HORNER, IAE,

Secretary to the President,


A.B., University of Michigan, '95. JOHN EZRA MILLER, Instructor in Creek and Latin,

A.B., University of Michigan, '04 ; A.M., University of Illinois, '02. BERTHA MARION PILLSBURY, KAB. Instructor in English, A.M., Harvard University, A.B., University of Illinois, '95. MA RCA RET ANNIE SCOTT, Instructor in German and French. ERNEST BARNES LYTLE, Instructor in Mathematics, A.B., University of Illinois, '01.


Instructor in Rhetoric and English, A. B., University of Illinois, '01. JOHN THOMAS JOHNSON, Instructoi in Science, Illinois State Normal University, '02. CLINE FLEMMING DAVIDSON, $BK, Instructor in Physics and Mathematics, B.S., Wabash College, '00.

"The Coefficient of pop-corn."—"Loda" Maksh.


Class of 1903

First Semester Officers Second Semester H. M. STONE President JOSEPH WILSON RUTH ABBOTT Vice-President EUGENIA ALLIN



H.T IS ALWAYS DIFFICULT to write history ol contemporaneous times. Events the right perspective those which are nearest the greatest ^ do not take ; assume importance. One's own feelings warp his judgment, and the imagination is not equal to the task of portraying what the influence of certain events will be. For instance, during the first week of our freshman year, most of us undoubtedly thought

that the most portentous act of our university course was the first registration ; but after several years, during which time we have watched class after class go through this same worrying process, much to our amusement, it is easy for us to recognize that registration wasn't very important, but that the great incident which should be recorded is that three hundred of us did enter into the University, forming naught three. This coming into contact with new conditions, entering a life of strenuous

labor with its one hundred and thirty credits to make in four years is the important fact for us.

It is not the senior who despises the freshman, for he envies the man who has yet to go through the life which the best men for ages have passed. We, as fresh- men, did not come to Illinois full of conceit, very few freshmen do. We were humble and inspired by a sincere desire for learning. We touched the rock of wisdom with our inquisitive minds, and since that day streams of living knowledge have been pouring forth into our willing ears. But why dwell upon our freshman year? Its history has already been recorded three times. Our experiences' were the same as those of the freshman of today, only more intense and vivid because they were ours. We thought that the University

was large when we came, but it took our numbers to raise it to the two thousand rank. There was no agricultural building, no new gymnasium, no new woodshops and hydraulic laboratory, no system of water-works. With pleasure we saw the old gym going up in smoke just as we were leaving for our first summer's vacation. However,

these are matters of University, not of class history ; but they are more pleasant to

dwell upon than the things which happened to us in our first year. If the story of a

freshman class reads pleasantly, it is class fiction, not class history. Sophomore days, too, have been experienced by others, so let us hurry

" No-wher so bisy a man «»• he nae was, and yet he seined bisier than he was. "— N. D. Gaston."

33 through them that we may get into a field where no others have entered. History is written and read in order that its lessons may be a guide for the future. The sopho- more historian is eager to tell of those days.hence let us be silent. During that year we didn't do anything very exceptional. We passed in some courses, we received our share of flunks and cons, we passed them off if we could, and if that was impossible, we joined the ranks of a class whose numeral is one larger than ours.or else we were called home on account of serious illness in the family. During our junior year, we felt the first vigorous impulses to united action as a class. What most classes succeed in getting in one year, unity of action, had eluded our grasp for two and a half years. It was not because we were not strong in indi. vidual members, for very few classes have furnished more stars for the Varsity team and in University work in general than we have, but we had not possessed that intan" gible thing known as class spirit. All through the years, we had gone along without a constitution. One day an ide,a found entrance into somebody's cranium and sprang out, Minerva-like, a full-grown constitution. To be sure, it was rather late to be- gin, but what a constitution it was. If '03 had done nothing else than this, she should be held in grateful remembrance by succeeding generations of classes. This con- stitution of ours solves the question in a large measure of poor financiering, of graft on committees, both grave questions for classes to solve. Since '03 is having such a serious time in deciding what to leave for a class memorial, it has been suggested that a copy of our constitution be printed, framed and hung in some accessible place about the University. The awakening of class spirit made itself felt immediately, for in the spring of our junior year we won the baseball championship, the first championship which ever fell to our lot.

It is to our senior year that most attention should be given. Here our experiences can guide all classes, for all beside us have yet to enter upon that momentous year.

It is the freshman year and the senior year which are best in college life. The first year is good because of the novelty of new situations, because of the entrance into broad fields of knowledge with the mind keen for new discoveries and not yet ap- palled by the vastness of the undertaking, and because of the great broadening in general of life's horizon. The senior year is best because it brings with it more of the feeling of success. This success in some cases may be no more than the getting of sufficient credits to graduate. But there is considerable satisfaction even in that.

Then, too, the senior has begun to think about what is to come. All through his life he has been dreaming about the time when he is going to enter actively into that busy world of action which is going to bring him success or the severest disappoint- ment. His spirit is subdued by the near approach of the serious conflict. He makes the best of the year, for he knows that it is the last one which he will spend here. However, the seriousness of what is impending has not lessened, but increased our interest in the present. We had never heretofore done much in football, but this year the winning spirit entered into the team. It was the last chance for the team to win their class numerals. Inspired by this thought.the team won every game it played with but a single exception, and only by the loss of that one game lost the championship of the University. Already the contest for the class presidency is on, the election to which is the highest honor a class can bestow upon one of its mem- bers. Three candidates, each deserving of the reward, are asking for the honor. Long before this history is published, one will have been chosen; that one may well be proud of the distinction, for he will have won from two others almost as deserv- ing of it as he himself.

" And on her head a hat at broad as a buckler or a target. "—Miss Franklin.

34 And now this history of '03 must come to a close. For the last time our deeds as a class are recorded. When our history as a class ends, then does the work of individual members begin. What Illinois has meant for us during these four mo- mentous years which we have spent within her walls, no one, not even ourselves, can tell. May we all go out and attain success even greater than we have fondly hoped. By doing so we shall bring honor to '03 and to the University that we have learned to love so well.

Class Yells

Hi Ki, Ho Ko,

Hi Ki Ke,

One nine, One nine, Nine Naught Three.

Who are we ? Who are we ?

We're the Class of Nineteen Three.


Red and Black.

35 Class Honors

Mae Louise Allen

Urbana High School ; General Literature and Arts.

Mary Anderson

Macon ; Aleihenai Literary Society ; Philosophy, Liter- ature and Arts

Charles Apple

Robinson ; Captain Co. A, U. of I. Regiment; Presi- dt-nt Civil Engineers' Club; Civil Engineering.

Lou Baker

Le Koy; N. I. Normal School ; Science.

Charles Vincent Barrett

Chicago ; Law.

Clarence Herbert Bean

Rock Falls; Captain Co. B, U. of I. Regiment ; Chem- istry and Engineering.

•• Hit Majesty stum. " n. m. Stone.

30 Katharine Rear

Ludlow ; Der Deutsche Verein ; Literature and Arts.

Ernest Bear

Bearsdale ; Civil Engineering.

[ohn Philip Beckman

Clayton; Maplewood High School, Camp Point, 111. Law.

Le Roy Fitch Beers

Harvey ; Harvey High School, 'g8 ; '03 Foot Ball

Team ; Y. M. C. A. ; M. E. & E. E. Society ; Mechan- ical Engineering.

Stella Bennett

Belvidere High ; Treasurer Belvidere ; South. School Y. W. C. A. '01, '02; Secretary Y. W. C. A. '02, '03; Treasurer Alethenai 'oi, '02; Watcheka League; Eng-

lish Club ; Library Club : Library.

John M. Berger, KK,

Station ; Thornton Township High School Dolton ;

Glee Club 'oi-'o3 ; President German Club '03 ; Prep to Medicine.

Behold, 1 stand ill the iloor and knock. "- Galeenek.

37 Harry Armand Biossat

Chicago ; Law.

Luther Earle Birdzell

Champaign ; Law.

George W. Black Oakland; English Club; Illini Staff '02; Winner of Adelphic Declamation '01 Contest ; President Adel- phic Literary Society '03; Illinois-Iowa Debating Team

'03 ; Literature and Arts.

Edgar William Block

Sidney ; C E. Club ; Civil Engineering.

Anna Bond

Mt. Vernon ; General Literature and Arts.

Austin Bond

Carmel, Indiana ; Architecture.

" Mij inline is Normal and I kuoir it all. » -o. M. DlCKERSON.

38 Harry Lehre Boon Armstrong ; General Literature and Arts.

Gertrude Bowman

Bremfield ; Library.

Jessie Isabel Bradshaw

Chicago ; Literature and Arts.

Edwin Ckessy Briggs

Kockford ; M. E. & E. E. Society ; Mechanical Engi- neering.

Marguerite Buerkin

Quincy High School ; Captain Class Basket-ball Team;

Der Deutsche Verein ; Y. W. C. A. ; Watcheka Lea- gue; Literature and Arts.

Jean Burkhart, $KW,

Marion ; Marion High School ; Entered Ohio Wesley- '01 an University, 'oo, University of Illinois, ; Litera- ture and Arts.

Good at statistics. "—Ellen Huntington.

39 Mildred A. Burrill

Urbana ; Captain Basket-ball Team ; Secretary of

Class ; English Club ; French Club ; Literary Editor '03 lllio ; Literature and Arts.

Daisy Irene Campbell

Champaign ; Champaign High School '99; lllio Artist; Literature and Arts.

John William Caitron

Fairview ; Agriculture.

Frank Tkacy Cavanor School '00 6419 Yale Ave., Chicago ; Englewood High ;

Captain Co. H, University Regiment ; Prep, to Medi- cine.

Anna Olive Chacey

Hillsboro ; General Literature and Arts.

Martin Tuttle Chamberlain, Jt-\ T/tll,

Muskegon, Mich. From University of Michigan ; Sen ior Class Foot-ball Team; Architectural Engineering.

/ 11111 the claxx. "-- R. K. Wakd.

40 Lena Clark

M. Lenna Clark (f>J'f\

Elvaston ; Elvaston High School ; President Alethenai '01, '02; President Watcheka League '02; Vice-Presi- '02, dent Y. W. C. A. '03 ; S. S. S. ; Literature and Arts.

John Edward Conley

Areola ; C. E. Club ; Technograph Board ; Civil Engi- neering.

Le Roy G. Dake

Harvard ; Harvard High School 'gq ; Adelphic Liter-

ary Society ; Literature and Arts.

G. A. Cko^thwait

Urbana ; Agriculture.

James Fitchie Cook, J6>, 8NE, AJ1\ '03 Dundee ; President Class in Sophomore Year ; M '00, '01, '02 E. & E. E. Society ; '98, Varsity Foot-ball '01 '02 Teams ; 'oo, , Varsity Base-ball Teams, and

Captain '03 Team ; Mechanical Engineering.

" 'D Poor. —Professor Fulton's Theme Criticism.

41 —

Thomas Fkancis Danahey Quincy; Quincy High School 'oo ; Literature and Arts

Horatio S. Davis

Versailles ; Law.

Charles Hubbard Dawson

Bement ; Philomathean Literary Society ; Literature and Arts.

R. J. De Motte

Urbana ; Science.

George Hamm Dickerson

Mahomet ; E. '02, '03 M. & E. E. Society ; Track '03 Teams ; Manager Track Team ; Mechanical Engi- neering.

Oliver Morton Dickerson West Liberty; Illinois State Normal University; Phil- omathean Literary Society ; Political Science.

" The electric light of the Botany Department. " Gleason.

42 ;

Leo Dolkart Chicago; M. E. & E. E. Society; Electrical Engi- neering.

Ralph Southward Drury

New Boston ; M. E. & E. E. Society ; University Or-

chestra '02, '03 ; University Band from '98 to '03

Manager Band '03 ; Mechanical Engineering.

James Franklin Duffy, Jr., .IW, TBI!,

Chicago ; Lieutenant Colonel University Regiment Electrical Engineering.

Gustav Herman Eidemann, Phi Tappa Keg,

Mascoutah ; Agriculture.

Clarence Wilson Fiske, SAE, A AS.

Sterling ; M. E. & E. E. Society ; Students' Dancing

Club ; Mechanical Engineering.

Maurice Deen French

Danville ; Electrical Engineering.

" The personification of sissifieation."—Rogers.

43 John Francis Gavin

Chicago ; Law.

Frances Gilkkrson

Urbana ; Marengo High School ; Alethenai Literary

Society ; Der Deutsche Verein ; Literature and Arts.

Katharine Eaton Gold

Chicago ; Pays Dues to Following: Watcheka League ;

Seymour Guild ; Library Club ; Hospital Association ;

Secretary and Treasurer English Club ; Library.

Herbert Marcus Goodman

Chicago ; Hyde Park High School ; Prep, to Medicine.

Clarence Green

Lawrenceville ; Philomathean Literary Society; Presi-

dent English Club ; President Oratorical Association ; Associate Editor of "The Illinois. ''

Charles Henry Green, IAE, TB11,

Students' Dancing Club ; M. E. «Sc E. E. Sterling ;

Society ; Mechanical Engineering.

,L Th( a In will talk—good

Ottawa ; Law.

Samuel John Haight, AZ,

; Western Military Mendota ; Blackstone High School

Academy '99 ; Member Spoor Trophy Live Stock

Judging Team ; Agricultural Club ; President Ameri-

can Federation of Agricultural College Students ; Pres- ident Illinois Agricultural Students' Union.

Herman Eugene Hartline

Anna ; Law.

Andrew Edgar Hauter

Tiskilwa ; Law.


Joseph Elmer Hauter

Tiskilwa ; Literature and Arts.


E. Roe Hayhurst

Maywood Marshall School ; Captain ; John High and Regimental Adjutant.

'• An unappre iaied genius. "— R. G. Mills.

45 Howard Spencer Hazen, Jr., A Sophomore ; The Photographer didn't know it ; neither did we. We beg the senior's pardon.

Lyle G. Herrick, EX Farmer City ; Track Team 'oo, '01, '02 ; Captain Track '03 Team ; Literature and Arts.

Vernon Milner Holder, 77)7/

Normal ; Architecture.

Marjorie Campbell Holderman

Urbana ; Literature and Arts.

F. Emerson Inks

Ohio ; East Mendota High School ; Philomathean

Literary Society ; General Science.

Washington Parker Ireland

Chicago ; Civil Engineering.

Thriet is h, annul whose /mint thru grips can give, Who wears three badges on his manly in-, asV

!•'. C . . Stone,

40 Fanny R. Jackson Jacksonville, Wis.; A.B., Rockford College '96; Li- brary.

Henry Phelps Jarman

Elmwood ; Chemistry.

Albert Myron Johnson, IAE, TNE, AJ1\

Kishwaukee ; Rockford High School ; M. E. & E. E.

Society ; Students' Dancing Club ; University Orches-

tra ; Mechanical Engineering.

Frederick Dawson Johnson

Alton ; Railway Engineering.

Hfnry Benjamin Ketzle

Reynolds ; Class Foot-ball Team ; Varsity Track '00 '01, '02 Squad ; Track Team ; M. E. & E. E. So-

ciety ; Mechanical Engineering.

Robert Hayden Kuss, 0AE, THII,

Peoria ; Peoria High School ; Army and Navy Club ;

M. E. & E. E. Society ; Editor Technograph ; Secre-

tary Athletic Association ; Mechanical Engineering.

'This life is but a sleep and a forgetting." —Chapman.

47 '£ William Adelbert Kutsch, 'I' A f (l>h

La Salle ; Peru High Township School ; Entered Uni-

versity of Illinois 'oo ; Chemistry.

Lawrence F. Larson '98 Galva ; Galva High School ; Philomathean Liter- ary Society; Oratorical Association; Illinois-Indiana Debating Team '03; Political Science Club; Litera-

ture and Arts ; Political Science.

Nels Alfred Larson

Moline ; Law.

Lulu Mackintosh Lego

Born at Mt. Carroll in 1880 ; Alethenai Literary So-

ciety ; Watcheka League ; Ladies' Mandolin Club '99, '00; '02, Illini Staff '03 ; Law.

Alfred Curtis Le Sourd Topeka Illinois ; State Normal University High School; Civil Engineering.

Robert Clinton Lloyd

Canton ; Agriculture.

" / am theproper study for mankind."—Alice Mann.

48 —

G. E. Marker

Onarga ; Graduated at Illinois State Normal Univer-

sity '95 ; English Club ; Education.

Grace E. Martin

Champaign High School 'oo ; Law,

Clyde M. Matthews, EX

'98, Urbana ; Class Foot-ball Teams '99, Captain '99 ; '00; Class Base-ball Team '98 ; Varsity Foot-ball Team '00, '02 Varsity Base-ball Team '99, 'or, ; Law.

J. A. McFarland, (p.\)\

Mendota High School ; La Salle Township High

School ; Chemistry Club ; Chemistry.

Isabel McRobie Chicago; Hyde Park High School; Latin.

John D. Mell

San Jose ; Law.

Hear!'-lo-heurt dances. " Eddie Milne.

4'» Julia Wright Merrill '98 Woodward High Scliool, Cincinnati, Ohio, ; Uni-

versity of Cincinnati, Sept. '98, June, '00 ; Public Li- '02 brary of Cincinnati, '00, ; Library Club ; Watcheka

League ; Library.

Ralph G. Mills, ////.

Decatur ; Class Foot-ball, Base-ball and Basket-ball

; ; Opera Teams ; Scrub Foot-ball Team 99 Glee Club Club; Y. M. C. A.; Natural History Society; Adel- phic Literary Society, and, Capping the Climax, that Thankless Position of Chairman Cap and Gown Com- mittee.

Stella Webster Morgan

; English Club Urbana ; Springfield High School ;

League ; Y. Natural History Society ; Watcheka W. C. A.; Literature and Arts; English.

Frederick L. Nees

Chicago ; Law.

Thomas Noble

Urbana ; Agriculture.

Roy S. Parker, B0II, " Toluca High School; Prepdom ; Prep", Freshman >

and Sophomore Foot-ball Teams ; Varsity Foot-ball '01, '02 '01, '02 Vice Team ; Varsity Base-ball Team ; President Athletic Association.

" iiu, , I, null Hiiiili . —C. H. Caton.

50 Robert W. Parr

Hedding College, M.Ac. '96 ; Simpson College ; Alter- nate Illinois-Indiana Debate in '03.

J. W. Pettyjohn, 9KN,

Born at Morton in 1881 ; Present Residence, Farming,

ton; President Republican Club '01, 02 ; Law.

Charles R. Pollard, 2'\,

'00 Delphi, Indiana ; Varsity Foot-ball Team '99, ; Law.

George A. Powers, ATQ,

Taylorville ; Edinburg High School '99 ; Lincoln Uni-

versity ; Illinois Club ; Literature and Arts.

Hugh Mitchel Price " Urbana ; Prep" ; Captain Co. G, University Regi- ment.

Banus H. Prater, 27V,

Major First Battalion University Regiment ; Class Foot-ball and Base-ball Teams.

IHs hair just grizzled as in green old age. "—Holcomis.


U. OF ILL UB. Loring Harvey Provink, 77///, of Macomb ; Captain Artillery, University Regiment • President Technograph Board. '03 ; Architecture.

Henry J. Quayle Hnrn in the Isle of Man ; Prepared at the Northern Indiana Normal School, Valparaiso, Ind., and C. N. C, Danville, Ind. '01 ; Associate Editor Illini 'oo, ; Editor Illio 1003 ; Business Manager Illini '02, '03; Captain University Regiment ; Natural History Society; Science.

William Everton Ramsey, $AQ

Chicago ; Architectural Engineering.

John J. Richey, 77///, Poo ; Glee Club 'oi-'o2 and '02-03 ! Civil Engineer- ing.

Fred Elmer Rightor, A 7i . TA. Renowned as Red Rightor from Rockford ; Civil Engineering.

Susan F. Rolfe Champaign ; General Science.

•' A gentleman of tin old regime. " Dean Franklin.

52 Fred Wayland Rose Mazon; Electrical Engineering.

Roy Weaver Rutt,

Sterling ; Military Band '99, 'oo, '01, '02 ; University '00, '01, '02 Orchestra ; Mechanical Engineering.

George Loyal Sawyer, i/'/'J,

Oak Park High School ; Municipal and Sanitary Engi nee ring.

"Jack" Henry Schacht, KK,

Moline ; Moline High School ; Champion Class Base- '02 ball Team ; Manager Varsity Base-ball Team '03 ; Architecture.

Maud Lillian Sheldon

Sharpsburg ; General Science.

Victor Lorenzo Sheldon Taylorville Township High School '99 Taylorville ; ;

President and Secretary Adelphic Literary Society :

Athletic Association ; Y. M. C. A. ; M. E. & E. E.

Society ; Mechanical Engineering.

" I am a man more siniutl against than sinni»i/."-BELDV Hill.

53 Addison M. Shelton

Loami ; State ; Normal English Club ; Class Poet ; Illinois Missouri Debate '03; Philomathean Literary

Society ; Choral Society ; President Philomathean

Literary Society '03 ; Literature and Arts ; Political

Science ; History.

John Earl Shoemaker,

Charleston High School '97 ; Civil Engineers' Club ;

President Mathematical Club : Manager '03 Illio ;

Literature and Arts ; Mathematics.

Roderick William Siler, (pjt-)^

Chicago ; Civil Engineering.

Elgie Ray Skinner, 77///,

Champaign ; Army and Navy Club ; M. E. & E. E.

Society ; Mechanical Engineering.

Charles Wesley Smith

Lockwood, N. Y. ; Prepared at Genesee Wesleyan

Seminary, Lima, N. Y. ; Entered as Junior from Amer-

ican University of Harriman, Tenn. : Literature and Arts, Preparatory to Library Course.

Garland Stahl, ±'\\

Elkhart ; Illinois Club ; Varsity Base-ball Team 'oo, '01, '02; Foot-ball Team '99, '00, '01, '02; Captain Foot-ball Team '02.

" '• Your mime It great iii moittfiS Of Wisest cumin." K \it \ Sk. liri'K.

54 Lucia Alzina Stevens

Marengo ; Literature and Arts.

Clydk E. Stone, &AI, . 9KN.

Mason City ; Political Science Club : Van Twilier '02 Court ; Leader Illinois-Missouri Debate ; Philoma-

thean Literary Society ; Senior Class Orator ; Varsity Foot-ball Team '01, '02.

H. M. Stonk,

Mason City ; Inter-Society Debate "02; Political Sci-

ence Club; Van Twiller Court ; Senior President First

Semester ; Alumni Orator '03 ; Philomathean Literary

Society ; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet ; Representative 'Phi' '02 at National Convention, Pittsburg ; Senior Class Foot-ball Team.

Cornelia Emma Strehlow

Shermerville : Literature and Arts.

Marietta Street

Dixon ; Library.

A. J. Strom Law.

/ urn declined into the vale of yean."- Alick Mann.

55 Len F. Stuebe, KK, Danville High School '99 ; Technograph Board '03 ; President Delmar Dancing Club '01-02, 'o2-'o3 ; Orange and Blue Dancing Club ; Architects' Club ; Architecture.

Ada Helen Stutsman

Quincy ; Literature and Arts.

James W. Sussex, TBI],

Abingdon ; Civil Engineering.

Anne D. Swezey

Hinsdale ; Library.

P. R. Van Dervort

Tiskilwa ; Secretary Oratorical Association ; President

Students' Republican Club ; Law.

Lloyd V. Walcott '98 Fillmore Public School ; Attended Hillsboro High School '97-99 ; Entered the University in '99 ; Litera- ture and Arts.

".1 wilderness of tweets."— Thk Girls,

56 Jacob H. Wallace

Altamont ; Mechanical Engineering.

Robert Russell Ward, , ONE, A AS, '02 Benton ; Shield and Trident ; President Class in

Sophomore year Junior Prom. Committee ; Manager ; '01 Varsity Foot-ball Team ; Interscholastic Manager

'03 ; Law.

Pearl Webber

Urbana; Preparatory; President Preparatory Class '98 ;

Y. W. C. A. ; Watcheka League ; Der Deutsche

Verein ; Alethenai ; Secretary Alethenai.

F. M. Wells

Moline ; Agriculture.

Hannah Amanda Westhold

Marblehead ; Literature and Arts.

Hammond W. Whitsitt,

Business Manager Technograph '03 ; Captain Co. C,

University Regiment ; Architecture.

Valuable goods are oftun done >i]i in small packages." —Ed. Draper.

5/ Joseph W. Wilson, '/'/ill.

Chicago ; Moline High School '97 ; Foot-ball Squad '01 'go, '00, : Varsity '02 Team ; Architects' Club ; Army and Navy Society ; President Senior Class,

Second Semester ; Architecture.

Ralph Collum Woodmanske

Champaign ; Library.

Metta Edna Woodworth Champaign High '09 School ; Y. W. C. A. ; Watcheka

League ; Literature and Arts.

Lester W. Zartman

Prepared at Grand Prairie Seminary ; Philomathean Literary Society ; Mathematical Club ; Political Science

Club : Class Historian ; Manager Star Lecture Course Season '02, '03; Illinois-Missouri Debate '03; Mathe- matics and Economics.

" Haul any philosophy in thee?" —Tuthill.

i. G. A. Schmidt F, University Regi- Chicago; Englewood High School 'oo ; Captain Co. '02 '02 ; Secretary Der Deutsche Verein ; ment ; Class Foot-ball Manager Y. C. Manager 'o2-'o3 Students' Directory ; Natural History Society ; M. A.; Prep, to Medicine.

2. Xels Alfred Larson

Moline ; Law.

3. Genevieve Darlington, @A lF, of 'oo-'oo La Grange ; Lyons Township High School ; University Chicago ; Library. German Club ; Golf Club ; Library Club ;

4. Ernest Chamberlain Reniff

Amboy ; Law.

5. J. Carl Stein '00 in '99 I. S. N. U. ; Took Oratorical Honors at State Normal ; Repre-

sented Illinois in the Inter State Normal School League Contest ; Natural Philo- History Society ; Y. M. C. A. ; Secretary Senior Class ; President

mathean Literary Society ; Science.

6. Thomas Yates

Dubuque, Iowa ; Civil Engineering.

7. Ralph Mayo Gaston

Normal ; Electrical Engineering.

8. James Theophilus Barrett

Butler ; General Science.

9. Albert Myron Johnson

Kishwaukee ; Mechanial Engineering.

10. Caroline Langwcrthy, KKT.

Dubuque, Iowa ; Library.

11. J. T. Atwood, 77-'//,

Rockford ; Captain Co. E, University Regiment ; President M. E. & E. E. Society; Mechanical Engineering. Estella Chisholm

Farmer City ; Literature and Arts.

Edna Earle Daniels, lll!

Danville High School '99 ; Oberlin College '99-'oi ; University of Illinois 'oi-'o3; Library.


Decatur ; Library.

Lois Gertrude Franklin, ////

Dwight High School '96; 1. S. N. U. '00; English Club; Literature and Arts.

Grace Goodale, J J J, J'I\

Cincinnati High School ; Cincinnati University ; Library.

Mary Alice Matthews, UB

ford University ; President Library Club ; Vice-President League Watcheka ; Library.

" Well, I'll be dog-goned." —Mr. McClellan.


Class of 1904

First Semester Officers Second Semester

W. A. McKnight - President F. S. Hadfield

S. W. Stenger Vice-President Aimee Sides

Ella Worthen - Secretary Ella Worthen

F. S. Hadfield Treasurer L. W. Wise

Noah Knapp - Historian - Noah Knapp

Class History

HE CLOSING YEAR of the nineteenth century was marked by one of the most important events in the history of the University, namely, the appear- -^ ance within its portals, for the first time, of the class of 1004. We came to watch the old century out and the new one in, with our prospective Alma Mater; and the dawn of the present cycle marks the dividing line between our freshman in- significance and our recognition as a colossal power in University affairs. Class spirit immediately developed with us in resisting the hazing and baptis- mal propensities of the class of nineteen-three. As freshmen, we held against the combined sophomores and upper class men one of the most formidable color rushes in University history. The class of naught three alone was no match for us. As sophs we ended the naught five color rush in three minutes, with no assistance what-

ever from upper classmen ; as juniors, dignified and reserved, we acted well the part of freshman chaperons in the recent color rush. The class of 1904 did not do much in foot-ball the first year. We had read about Peter the Great learning to fight the Swedes, and we watched the Varsity play. When we became sophomores we were able to tie the seniors and claim the championship upon their refusal to play off the tie. As juniors, we played the best ball of all the class teams, but on account of losing to the freshmen on a place kick> were obliged to take second place. We have had several men on the Varsity squad, and although we haven't furnished much material for the team in quantity, we are proud of the names of McKnight, Deener and McKinley. In other departments of athletics our class has made a good showing, too. In track work she has furnished such material for the Varsity as Henry and Rodman.

Our basket-ball team has made good fights for class championship. Last year it was especially strong, and now the names of Miss Ricker and Miss Wyle are quite well known in Varsity basket-ball circles. But the members of '04 are not only strong physically, but strong socially as well. All of her class functions have been social and financial successes. The fact that we were the last class sufficiently good to be allowed to have a freshman social adds lustre to our already glittering moral qualities, while our Junior Prom was such a success that it was generally pronounced the most brilliant social class event Illinois ever had. Lastly, we must say something of our intellectual prowess. Unlike the classes of former years who got "' preliminary enlargement of the hat-band, " our mental de- velopment has been steady, yet thorough and somewhat rapid. We have sharks in

" Why ilon'l the men propose, mamma? "—Minnie Keusink.

OS ! !

Mechanics and Greek, as well as in English and Agriculture. In debate, the class of '04 stands out quite prominent. When freshmen, we won the Freshman -Sophomore we furnished for the fresh- debate ; when sophomores debaters both sophomore and man teams. In this contest the freshman representatives won and kindly gave the glory to the jclass below them. Among inter-collegiate debaters, those interested know full well what fierce opponents Doeden, Larson and Reef may become. In connection with literary and debating work comes a legitimate interest in

class politics. However, this interest is not confined to literary people ; the engineers and representatives of other colleges have all combined to make the class of 1904 an exemplar in the rapid and square transaction of business. She has out-grown the

spoils system and now her motto is "honor to him who merits it, and the job to him

who can do it well and is willing to sacrifice time and energy in so doing." History should be a mere statemen; of facts with due attention to their arrange- ment. Thus far the historian has confined himself strictly to facts. In dealing with the future,however,prognostications concerning 1904 were revealed to him by a sibyl whom he chanced to meet at the southern extremity of the University forest, in his wanderings thitherward one day last autumn. He revealed to the sibyl the events of class history substantially as he has given them above. After a few moments annmg the leaves which were piled very orderly under a pillow seat of her apart- ments, she came forth with a number of them on which was inscribed the following: "Great leaders of progress and civilization shall leap into active life with the first leap year of the twentieth century A.U. Inventions undreamed of and at pres- ent inconceivable shall emanate from the minds of engineers and mechanics who belong to this illustrious class. Statutes, whose every word is wisdom, shall come from her lawyers and jurists. The American novel shall be written by the pen of one of her daughters. Art and poetry shall flourish through her genius and patronage. The pure ideals and noble ambitions of her men and women shall contribute mightily to bring nearer to hand the longed for millenium. In scholarly research her delving into the innermost recesses of the unknown will furnish coming generations of Uni- versity students with the material needed in the preparation of their theses. Vulcan and Minerva reign supreme with her. Let her goon, the peerless class, ever perse- " vering and undaunted, and ' bear the gods to Latium.' The historian was truly carried away by such prophetic revelations. When the sibyl had finished he started back to his lodgings with abundant encouragement to write the history of his class. On his way home, in pondering over what she had done, what, in his own estimation, she is capable of doing, and what the sibyl had prophesied she should do, in his wild enthusiasm he burst out almost numberless times with the Class Yell

Bow ! Wow ! Wow !

Hear us Roar

Crack-a-jacker ! Crack-a jacker

Nineteen-Four !

Class Colors Blue and White.

'' •• 1 only know I loved ii vain. —Tobbib Wheelock.


Class of 1905

First Semester Officers Second Semester

Harry A. Huntoon President T. G. Pegelow

C. A. Fairvveather Vice President .... J. E. Dunn Ruth B. Taylor S:cretary Ruth B. Taylor Edw. H. Lenke Treasurer .... R. W. Boston Guy Hubbart Histoiian Guy Hubbart

Class History

HERE are three distinct elements that go to make up any history, whether of a nation or of an organization. These three elements are man, the things he does, and the time in which he does them. Man

the historical basis, is the essential element. He may or he may not

be greater than his works, but he is always superior to his epoch. Time

is a mere standard by which man is compared with what he has accom- plished. Finally, history depends upon man and his power to do ;

time is the measure only of his limitations.

This brief and, we hope, lucid definition and introduction enables us to proceed with our history. In point of time we are just a year and a half old, and are just

ending the first semester of our sophomore existence. This being first of all a sophomore history, we merely allude to that part of our university life which preceded the beginning of the present year. From our general appearance and demeanor, when the University opened last September, no deductions could be made concerning our subsequent greatness. Distinguished merit is often taken for mediocrity. We registered, however, got acquainted with our new instructors, accustomed ourselves to the use of the elevators in the main hall, and fell gradually and gracefully into the old habit of attending class.

The more salient features of our class individuality began, however, to show up early in the fall. We held our usual class meeting, elected officers, and arranged

some of our more immediate plans for prospective usefulness. It is needless to say that our first responsibility concerned our sportive, younger brethren of the freshman class. These young people became unduly demonstrative quite early, and worked

themselves rapidly up to where it was necessary for us to take them down. So we met them one beautiful autumn day and took them down. They were all lined up around a piece of gas-pipe which they had planted in the ground. To the upper end of the pipe they had tied a little gay colored cloth which they called their colors. We took the colors down with the freshmen. (The occasion just referred to is known as the annual color rush). Later came the Bone Yard and the bath; but that

is an old, old story.

Our duty thus done to our young charges, we then turned our attention to higher and better things. The first of these was our cotillion, the first distinctly sophomore event in our social history. On this occasion the beauty and the chivalry of the class to the extent of eighty couples, merrily tripped the light fantastic in the new gym- nasium.

" He tvas a man of an unbounded stomach. "—The Major.

69 The last of our more important doings was the freshman-sophomore debate,which we easily won. Now a word or two concerning our personality. We are a representative class, having the prettiest and brightest girls, and the handsomest and cleverest men in the University. We have enough men in baseball, football, and on the track to sustain our athletic standing. Besides this we are decidedly literary, having debaters, orators, and newspaper men, and our musical talent is evidenced by any university musical program. Concerning our individuality, we simply refer to the paradoxical meaning of our class name, Sophomore— the foolish wise. We feel no more important than tradition expects us to feel. Therefore, those who uncharitably say we are foolish, simply concede that we are wise. Sandwiched in between the verdant stupidity of the freshmen, and the unmitigated self-approbation of the juniors, we feel that we art- justified in preserving in our make up the characteristics so often attributed to sopho- mores. We claim to be responsible only in part for the greatness of the University of Illinois. By the time we are seniors we hope to have old Illinois as proud of us as we now are of her.

Class Yell

Boneyard ! High Dive!

Hey Rube ! Ought Five !

Class Colors

i Black and Gold.

' // will discourse most eloguent music. • c. s. Rodm w.

Class of 1906

First Semester Officers Second Semester

H. V. Swart - President Charles Rump

0. E. Wagner Vice President E. G. McLaughlin

Daisy M. Bonar - Sec.-Treas. Josephine Hill

Charles Little Sergeant-at-Arms P. G. Stevens

Class History

HE FRESHMAN is merely a being who, since he has seen fit to come to Illinois, has to be tolerated. As such he is looked upon by the rest of the students, who are always willing to take upon themselves the burden of in- structing him in the ways of college life. The Bone Yard is a valuable aid in the

process of instruction ; and the freshman must submit to the imposition of the sopho- more, and treat the reverend senior with respect.

As soon as we entered the University of Illinois, and became known as the class of '06, our troubles began. The first thing we had to do was to line up and write out our troubles for the coming year on a piece of paper. Then we waited for our enemies, the " sophs, " to put us in the " Bone Yard. " We were freshmen in every sense of the word. There being so many of us, we did not know each other, nor could we distinguish the " sophs ;" but for some reason or other, they had no trouble in distinguishing us.

During the first few days some kindly disposed sophomore came around and told " the same old joke with the word " green in it. So long as it pleased him we let him go unmolested, for we saw that he meant all right. But the night was the time

of terror for the freshman ; if caught then he was likely to make the acquaintance of the Bone Yard without much of an introduction.

At our first class meeting we elected our officers, and also our leaders for the color rush. To the latter is due the credit for our holding the colors so long. By holding our color rush in the day-time we set a precedent which should prove valu-

able to succeeding classes ; for we had a great deal better show for fair play than any of the previous classes have had.

Our greatest source of pride was our foot-ball team. At the beginning of the season there were comparatively few candidates, and they did not know much about

the game ; but before long they easily defeated the other class teams. Although the senior team fully expected a victory, their expectations were not realized. A strong class spirit was manifested at the games. Every member of '06 turned out and yelled for the team as he had never yelled before.

'• Was ever woman in this humor wooed? Was ever woman in this humor won?—C. J. Fletcher

73 ( >ur track team has also made a good showing for so early in the season. In the spring the men will have an opportunity, both in track and in base-ball, to show of what they are made ; and we are confident that we will have no cause to be a- shamed of any of them. In the coming years we will develop from green freshmen into sedate seniors.

After that we will go out into the world and make our mark in life. Then indeed we may say that our class was one of the best that has entered, or that ever will enter, the University of Illinois.

Class Yells

Wah hee ! Wah hee

Razzle Dazzle l\ ix !

Illinois ! I llinois !

Nineteen Six !

Colors Cherry and Gray

" So wise, so young, tin y say do »< '< r tivi long.'" Miss Meisner


IS WSLUAMBJuME MD DEAN 4 JOMNAWESEHER.PHe MD 39 UeMMettuEr.M D 3 DanielA.K Steele, M D.. 7. W.luamA.Evans.&.S.,M.D .Si Casey A Wood, e.MJ"! D.

9 Oscar AKims. M D ., 'I FramkB Earle.MD.. 33.6EORGEP.DREYER PM D, 16. HenRyP.NEwman.A M MD '23-Henry L.Tolanu 37. LOUIS JMlTCMELL.MD., 22 Bayard Holmes BS MD. £UFrancisRSherv/ooo,MD HaRRISE Santee A.M..M.D 32 i

'21 6 Frajik lYDSTOn MD . 27. William T.Eckley; M.D., 38.JOHN L PORTER, MD

14 ROBERTH BABCOCKAM.M.Cl I I AdOlphGeHRMA-W, M D,, .5. Joseph Mr I Pattok. 3. JomnE Harper AM. MD, 6 AKrmmKBRUMBACK.MD IS DAWELNEl5EN»R|lk,AB..MD. 10 Walters Christopher MD. 19 Geor&eFButler,Pm6.MD

13. HenryT ByfordA M MD.. M.EpwinGEarlE.MD . i7WiluamAPusey,AM MD. 2+.WiluamMcI HarshaJP rj) 2S Moreau R Brown, M.D., 30 Maurice L Goodkinu, M d. 3fe FraiwE Wynekoop, M S MP 10. Gaul Beck. M D




HE CLASS OF 1904 of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, looking retrospectively over three years, sees first the opening exercises in

-fr the old clinical amphitheatre and hears the echo of the remark of Prof. " Babcock ( who is blind ): I see a few insignificant D.J's. " Those insignificant D.J's. are now maturing, prosperous juniors. Most of those who started that night on the upward wearying pathway of a future medical career are with us, with the exception of, first : Mr. Baldwin, whose qualifications, so he was told, were best fitted for a " heavy plow ; second, the mighty little man from Texas, better known as Minimee Digitee " Jackson, who, at the end of his freshman year, started out to sell black- boards and had his name erased from our class roll. Last but not least among those who left us during our first year was the noted Miss " Spitfire " Wurst. Her marked eccentricities, though feminine in character, were too much for even our girls. But now those pleasant, though rough-house days, those days devoid of care and responsibilities, those days when we broke chairs and rushed the other classes-are gone, to come no more. While we admit they were wild, yet they are pleasant to look back upon. It is to be regretted that at the end of that year the class lost a few of its popular boys, the humorous O'Neil, the blue-eyed Danek Lee and a few others who are scat- tered around among medical colleges and department stores. During our sophomore year we occupied our new building, which is one of the most modern and well equipped medical col-

leges in America. At this time many new members joined our class, prominent among whom were Olof Boehmer, of many talents; Mr. Fred Cuttle, who came from California to institute the furthering of Y.M.C. A. work and White.who owned a fine bull-dog. Dur- 1L "?> ing this year the class lost much of the rough- houseness which so characterized our freshman year. We entered as Juniors with a serious realization that half of our

medical training was over, and that it would be necessary to do better work to make up for our shortcomings. Conspicuous among those who joined our class this year are: ur humorous Mr. Smith and our little Irish Deacon, and, most fortunately, a number of good-looking marriageable young women, who are fulfilling all that was expected of them. During this year we have had our first glimpse of true med- icine, and have been permitted to examine patients and pre- scribe for them, and the realization has been forced upon us ^fc^MJy^iSr that there is dignity in the profession. ^i^> As regards our faculty, we have been exceedingly fortu- nate during our entire course in having some of the brightest and most prominent medical men as our instructors. Don Lee Shaw, the mighty anatomist, made an impression upon our freshman minds that there was something more in life than

I/oir remarkable that theij who talk most have leant to say. "— eisendrath.

81 flesh and blood, Professor Geo. P. Dryer, the classical physiologist, by his scientific demonstrations and well given lectures and kindly interest in us, made for himself a lasting impression on our memories. The novelty of the dissecting room was made doubly interesting because of the able supervision of Dr. and Mrs. Eckley. Histol ogy, though laborious, was made profitable by Dr. Earle. The pleasant experiences we had with the Amoeba, the Star-fish and the Ovum were due to the able teaching of Prof.Wynekoop and his assistants; while our splendid course in Materia Medica and Pharmacology was directed by Dr. Fantus. In our sophomore year the ideal teacher, the expert pathologist, the true scientist, Dr. Wm. A. Evans, made pa- thology a reality to us, and made a place for himself in our hearts that no man be- fore or since has done. The anatomy and physiology of the nervous system was ably given to us by Professors Santee and Mettler, respectively. The promising young chemist, Dr. Becthol. did a good work with us in our analytic chemistry.

During this year of our school life, we have been fortunate in having as one of our instructors in medicine Professor Chas. S. Williamson, whose natural bril- liancy and work in Europe peculiarly fit him for an ideal teacher. Dr. Wig- TZtft'&zi^ 11.1/ S gin has also or JMio-R ci-ass- made teaching of medicine a pleasure to us. By and by when some of our members are conspicuous surgeons they may say that their success has been ""*M/it)»«. tlue to tlle mas terful teaching and valu-

r'J >f ***** able training given by Drs. Sherwood and SVflpTbM S cal/sz-s P£« ?-.* r*ins at hat Witherspoon, and a corps of able quizz or r~"> A "^v masters. Our dispensaries and clinics have been excitably interesting and ex- ceedingly profitable. Our interest in Gynecology has been quickened and made profitable by the well given work of Dr. Barrett and Dr. West, and the interesting clinics of Dr. Van Hoosen. The part of the class who have had Dr. Fisher in Phy- sical Diagnosis cannot speak too well of him. We can truly say: " We love you, dear old " Professor Uncle John Fisher. Dr. Brumbach has made the work of practical value to the other section. We missed out of nothing good in our course in Dermatology under Professor Prisey, and the extra mural clinics of Dr. Fischkin were made equally profitable. Our course in Clinical Microscopy under the able leadership of Dr. Jacques, and the valuable instructions we have had in the laboratory underDr.Jean Cook and Dr.Har- ris, has given us a working knowledge of the microscope which will be of great value to us. No expense or time has been spared by Dr. Eisendrath in making Clinical Anatomy as practical as possible. Our Orthopedics was made thrilling and almost exciting by the visit from the vorld renowned orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Lorenz, who was introduced to us by our professor, Dr. Porter. " A walking knouledgt works." Geison.

S2 Space will not permit us to mention the entire list. They have all been very practical and satisfactory. After three years of constant association, we are able to see in each other many sterling qualities, and the individual talents are now well marked. Among those

who are especially prominent, are :

Harrington as an all around good fellow, Geison as a long man, Ash as a lazy man, Cavanaugh as a pretty man, Cone as a homely man, Bahl as a bald man, Baum- gart as a German man, Oake as a wooden man, Young as a ladies' man, Windbigler as a windy man. Eisendrath as a foolish man, McCracken as a full man, Jarvis as a popular man, Kobison as a new man, Keitman as a traveler and orator, Miss Wing as our guardian angel, Morris as our foot-ball man, Mattison as the bearded man, Meeks as the married man, Luke as the embarrassed man. Miss Thomas, a little girl, Miss Hood, a pretty girl, Miss Hagons, whom all adore, Miss Beardsley, a witty girl, Mrs. Murphy, a girl, alas, no more. Landau as the Big G man, Kruck as the straight Indian man, Hundly as a silent

man, Heinan "Am 1 dot man, ' Henning as the important man, Haslit as the fra- ternity man, Haessly as the ex-president, Gunderson as our unfortunate classmate, Greaves as the mail-man, Foltz as the model man, Coffin as the dead man, Colliver as the professional man, Case as the " Reggie," Carmack as the stock man, Bloomstein as the conceited artist, Barker as the gentleman, Borges as the wise man, Uavid as the tooth man, Montgomery as our little-big man. Looking forward to our prospects and future work, all seems bright, as a strong part of the faculty is yet 10 come. The thought that one more year's work will end our class life, gives a feeling of exhiliration mingled with sorrow. Our guiding stars, Dean Quine, I). A. K. Steele, Secretary Earle, Supt. Brown, and Miss Heelan> are still with us, and we are assured of the best that it is possible for us to have. We are full of life and ambition. Deaih has claimed only one of our members, A. L. Fritz. In after years when future historians record the deeds and discoveries of the medical men of the twentieth century, we are sure that many members of the 1904 class will be conspicuous among that number.

" / prid< myself on being blessed with a good faculty of bluffing."— Goodon.

X3 Junior Class Roll

E. Taylor Jarvis, Pres. Foltz, J. E. Mattison, C. W. J. R. Montgomery, Fritz, A. L. Mayer, E. A. Vice. Pres. Gaily, W. W. McCreeken, R. E. T. E. David, Treas. ^Gieson, C. W. McWhorter, P. W. E. Harrington, Sec. Gensov, E. Meeks, C. C. Jos. F. Replogle, Editor. Gordon, E. S. Merrit, F. W. Clarence Wall, GOTTHELF, I. L. Murphy, B.

Sergeant at Arms. Greaves, J. A. Moore, C. Alrutz, L. F. Gunderson, C. Morden, R. R. Archer, C. A. Gregg, Miss Morris, R. L.

Armstrong, J. L. Hatfield, Montgomery, J. R. Ash, R. C. Harnett, A. L. Morton, D. H. Axe, R. H. Harrington, W. E. Murphy, V. C. Ayeks, D. F. Haberman, E. Movins, L. B. Ayers, C. A. Haes->ly, S. H. Newcomb, C. F. Borges, David Hagans, G. F. Oake, W. T. Bahl, W. H. Halliman, E. L. osborn, w. s. Baldwin, C. F. Halverson, H. L. Patera, Edw. Bankerd, H. B. Ham mel, S. A. Pollock, E. C. Barker, C. I. Harman, I. C. Reed, W. H. Baumgakt, X. A. Harris, W. A. Reitman, B. L.

Bean, J. B. Haslit, P. P. Robinson. J. W. Beardsley, C. F. Hattery, H. H. Rubel, H. F. Beattie, H. P. Hawkins, A. P. Replogle, Jos. F.

Beck, J. B. Henning, A. T. Shallert, P. O. Beveridge, G. Heinan, A. Sherlock, M. Biesenthal, M. Hinman, W. T. Simpson, W. L.

Blackmer, F. J. Hostktter, A. Smith, C. L. Blackmer, L. G. Hood, M. E. Spencer, W. H. Blumenthal, R. W. Hintcn, R. T. Stark, C. A. Blumstein, D. B. Horstman, F. M. Stevens, R. E. Boehmrr, O. Houk, W. F. Swab, C. C.

Bond, X. E. Hundly, J. B. Schalton, D. J. Bordwell, T. A. Huichinson, 0, G. Sweet, H. Brittin, Frkd Hoeve. H. Shultz, L.

Burke, R. A. Hhffelfinger, M. H. Swift, F. J. Carmack, A. O. Hekriman, A. A. Sayad, E. E. Case, S. W. Jackson, M. F. Tanquary, F. M.

Cavanaugh, J. A. Jarvi>-, E. T. Taylor, F. B. COLLIVER, S. M. Jones, C. E. Teigen, M. Cone, D. E. Joyce, G. S. Thomas, E. M. Curney. F. R. Jacoky, W. K. Thomas, T. H.

Coffin, C. A. Kammerling, F. S. Thorpe, J. M. Coons, John Keefe, F. M. Twohig, D. J. Cremer, P. H. Ketchum, E. P. Vopata, W.

Cuttle, T. King, C. J. Wall, Clarence Cole, Dan. Knipe, J. B. Weber, Miss Deacon, F. Koons, S. L. Wilmot, C. M.

Dale, J. B. Kruk, G. J. WlNDBlGLER, B. R. Dewitz, O. J. Landon, B. G. Windmuller, C.

Dickey, S. J. Landman, G. A. Wistein, R. R. Dielman, F. C Le Master, B, E. Wood, O. G.

Dillon, B. J. Longstreet, M. Wood, T. L. David, T. E. Loupee, S. L. Wing, Miss Florence A. DeCon, S. Luke, Edw. Yates. C. E.

ElSENDRATH, J. L. MacCracken, W. H. Young, W. H. Erickson, C. E. Markley, G. W. Evvan, R. L. Marvel, L. M.

Tits, he know* about it nil -mid knows he fcnOWS.— 'BORGKS.

84 \

\ 5 ; <&

I ?;

Dr. Jones' Unscientific Experiment

By G. Frank Lydston, M.I).

HE average grocer is pretty reliable in most things, but his conscience

is very elastic in the direction of the eggs with which he supplies one's

table. It may be that he is not wilfully wicked and is himself merely

a victim of misplaced confidence, but, be that as it may, the eggs that he sells are more frequently flavored with sulphuretted hydrogen than

they should be. Then, too, he is given to explanations that do not explain. For instance, when I protested against flavored eggs a short time ago and demanded them "straight," my grocer replied :

"Well, now, Doc, I get the best there is in the market an' they're alius as fresh as buttercups. The trouble is, that up in Wisconsin where them eggs come from there's a lot o' sulphur springs, an' them durned hens will drink the water. I've told them fool farmers about it, but it ain't no use." There was an explanation for you. Called me " Doc " to begin with — which term is technically synonymous with bad egg, and bears the same relation to the title of doctor that "gent" does to that of gentleman. Moreover, he insulted my intelligence " by taking it for granted that I was ignorant, not only of chemistry,—but also of hen- ology," and the physical geography of Wisconsin. But, by judicious inspection and discriminating olfaction, I managed to get along fairly well, until I moved to the suburbs and changed grocers. And then I discovered what a jewel of a fellow my old grocer really was. The new one never condescended to even attempt an explana-

" if tion. He merely said : I reckon you'd kick you was goin' to be hung. Some city fellers are just like that. I didn't lay them aigs. I bought 'em just as you got 'em, an' I hadn't had 'em more'n six hours 'fore you got 'em." There was no answering such an argument as this. Then, too, the idea suggested itself to me that possibly the eggs were no worse than those from which

1 had been wont to select my breakfast in the city. Perchance fresh suburban air made them seem worse by contrast. But my range for selection had dwindled down to the silver standard, and theoretic explanations were puny and unsatisfying things in the face of a

proportion of 16 to i, with the fresh egg occupying the solitaire end of the odds. And so, patience having ceased to be a

virtue, I called a triangular consultation comprising the cook, my wife and myself. The cook had protests and no sugges- tions to offer. My wife, ingenious woman that she is, had neither protest nor sug- gestions to contribute, but she had an ''Cc&S jjj inspiration, nothing less. " My dear," said she, her eyes lighting up with the fire that illumines the soul of woman in great emergencies, " Now that we have plenty of yard room and a man, why couldn't we keep hens, and raise our own eggs and

"How unfortunaU it is to hi a great man."—Blumenstein. ; "

chickens ?" I was fairly swept off my feet. I forgot my dignity for a moment and actually hugged my wife so enthusiastically that she looked at me rather suspiciously,

I thought. " Pardon me, my dear, for my robust enthusiasm, I just couldn't help it. You are a great woman. You have brains, madam, brains, with a surplus of gray matter.

Hens ! Will we have liens, and eggs, and the spring broilers that the children are so fond of ? Well, I should say yes." And that's the way it began.

There are certain limitations to the knowledge of doctors— even of old timers, t hate to acknowledge this, for we are supposed to know everything, from the treat- ment of teething babies to the art of living on air, but I must be honest, even at the hazard of losing prestige. I did not know how to select poultry to the best advantage and so, having decided to produce our own eggs and fricassees, wife and I were in somewhat of a quandry as to how to begin. After some discussion of ways and means

I suddenly bethought myself of one of my friends who, f happened to remember, wrote editorials for agricultural papers, and was considered something of an authority on stock and poultry raising. "The very man to help you out," exclaimed Mrs. Jones. "Mr. Thompson is an honest Christian gentleman, and you can rely on his doing all he can for you."

'•' My opinion precisely, my dear. I think it would be best to give him carte blanche in the matter. His judgment should be much better than ours, and he will feel more at ease if given a free hand." Thompson was not only willing to officiate in my experiment in poultry breeding, but seemed really flattered when 1 asked him to do so, saying

" f'm only too delighted, f flatter myself that you would have some difficulty in finding anyone who is so familar with the poultry business in all its ramifica- tions as 1 am. I will order some chickens ior you at once. Have you any ideas in the matter ?" " None whatever,"I replied. ^ "Just get me about three dozen of what- L % ever kind you think best." One morning about two weeks later, a huge wagon appeared at my door. Upon the wagon was a number of latticed boxes about two feet square, not unlike bird cages. The driver asked for me, but I was busy with a patient. Mrs. Jones was busy also, getting her hair out of curl papers. And so Pete, my colored man of all work, made the necessary investigations and reported to me. " " De chickens is come, Marse doctah," he exclaimed. What shall I do with 'em?"

Being professionally engaged I was somewhat intolerant of disturbance, and so,

1 fear, it was with some irritation that 1 replied, " Oh, don't bother me. Haven't you sense enough to take them round the back way and put them in the coop? That's what I had it built for. Do you think they should be put in the parlor?

Pete departed somewhat crestfallen, I fancied. I heard the crunching of the gravel under the wheels of the wagon and a few minutes later the unloading of the boxes. I had my ear to the patient's chest was trying to study his heart sounds —and when there was a timid knock at the door, "Come in," I yelled, and in walked Pete,

"As an oyster\inay be crossed in the shell, so may a lohsler be crossed hi love."—YOUNG.

88 " "

with the air of one who carries his Hie in his hand, but with an expression rather amused withal.

" Well, what do you want now?" I snapped. " 'Scuse me, Marse doctah, but does you want all dem chickens put in de same coop ter once?

"Why, you blithering idiot, of course I do. Do you expect me to provide an " apartment house for them? " N'no sah, not prezactly. Only some o' dem fowlses looks like de Ole Blue Hen's Chickens, an' I'se most afeared dat dem ole roos— "Oh, get out of here. Do you want to keep the driver waiting all day?"

"At this Pete grinned all over his face. I made a hostile move toward him and

he fled. As he retreated down the hall I heard him laughing to himself, and saying, sotto voce, " Reckon dat ole 'spressman aint in no hurry. No sah, he kin wait. Deed an' he 'lows dat he's berry glad to wait." Pete carried out my instructions to the letter, and the expressman gave him able

assistance. I had finished the examination of my patient and was just writing a pre- scription for him, when a most peculiar noise was wafted in through the window from the direction of the back lot, where a coop of prospective [chickens had been

built under my wise direction. The noise was quite unlike anything I had ever heard before. It sounded like a dozen men beating each other with stuffed clubs ; and was more emphatic than a spring carpet cleaning. Mingled with the muffled sound of blows were expressions of gallinaceous emotions -shrieks of defiance, yells of fright and blasts of triumph-and expressions of joyous approval from Pete and the Irish expressman. In short, there was as much noise as thirty-six fowls, one red-headed Irishman and a robust nigger could provide.

I rushed around to the backyard

in great alarm, and I fear with a total disregard of that dignity and decorum

for which I am distinguished. There in the middle of my brand new hen- house, laughing like mad, stood Pete and the expressman, surrounded by a struggling, battling mass of furious roosters. Here and there lay one of the fowls which had been slain in the fray. The female part of the hen family were scurrying about, cackling and screaming with fright. The yard was carpeted with feathers of varying hue, and the ground looked like a shambles.

I was somewhat dazed at first. The affair was a new phase in emergency prac- tice and I hardly knew how to deal with it. But the neighbors were becoming inter-

ested, and were dropping over the fence one after another to investigate ; it was evi- dent that something must be done.

I pushed Pete and the expressman aside and dashed among the combatants thinking to " shoo " or otherwise cajole them apart. But the beastly things had never read up on the Queensberry rules and had no respect for the referee. The

result was that my glasses were knocked off and broken, I received a laceration of one ear, and my legs were spurred until I was glad to escape with my life.

"•y'oo fair to worship, too divine to love" — Hood.

89 As I rushed out of the hen yard, my dog, Diamond, met my eye. "Ah, the very thing; is Diamond a bird dog and will settle that row in a jiffy." I called the faith- ful creature to me, alas ! how my conscience has troubled me since !-led him to the hen yard, the gate, " opened and with a "Sic 'em, Di ! pushed him inside and closed the gate behind him.

Now those fowls were considerably preoccupied, I'll admit, but they had not lost their presence of mind. About a dozen of them ceased their Homeric efforts to exterminate each other, and made common cause against Diamond. The new phase of warfare did not last long. Within thirty seconds my poor old dog was routed, horse, foot, and Rough Riders. He seemed to want to get out of the hen yard, and, as he was

really a valuable animal, I opened the gate and let him out. The roosters Calmly resumed their

argument, while I examined the dog and took

account of stock. As nearly as I can recall them his traumatisms-as we doctors call injur-

ies-summed up.as follows : One damaged eye, one incised nose, one punctured forefoot, and eleven distinct separate lacerations of the skin, with coincident removal of his one time handsome hair. But poor Diamond's greatest hurt was in his pride center. He had been a hunter all his life, and this was the first time feathered creatures had ever hunted him. He was never himself again, and died a few months later, unquestionably of a broken heart. It must have been that, for he certainly did

not have appendicitis ; this being excluded, modern medical science had little to select from, and, of that little, heart failure seemed to be the most reasonable explanation of his death. The rout of Diamond made me furious. I called for the garden hose, and, refusing Pete's proffer of assist- ance, turned it upon the beastly birds myself. But cold water disturbed them not at all. They merely flapped and struggled the harder, throwing the water, not in all directions as might have been expected, but with malice prepense and aforethought mainly in my direction, spattering my new spring suit, which my wife had said was especially natty and becom- ing, until I looked like Mark Twain's map of Paris Bedraggled, perspiring, furi-

/'/» only a visitor here, Heaven is my koine." Raynor.

90 —

ously angry, and completely exhausted, I finally gave up the job in despair, closed and locked the gate and left the villainous fowls to their several fates.

A few hours later I ordered Pete to wring the necks of the blind, battered sur- viving roosters and sell the hens to a neighboring butcher at his own figures. When

I had calmed down somewhat — which means after three or four days— I wrote my friend Thompson and mildly asked for an explanation of his peculiar method of selecting and shipping poultry. He answered in this wise : " My dear Jones, It is very evident that you do not understand the poultry business very well. I selected game fowls for you because they are hardy, "good wearing" birds and very ornamental as well. To be sure the male birds are somewhat quarrelsome, as they are ordinarily managed, but it is not the fault of the bird?. It is due to the polygamous association of a few roosters with a relatively large number of hens. 1 hold the view that where each male bird has a single mate his interests are more con- Qy\$bffN^ToN centrated, and his domestic cares centralized. This arrangement makes him less conceited and arrogant, and consequently less com- bative. Polygamy, in all species of animals, gives the male an exaggerated notion of his importance, and tends to develop combative-

ness in him. I need not tell you, my dear sir, how important the moral aspect of my

view is. Polygamy is debasing, aside from

the swaggering self-importance which it en-

genders. The domestic fowl is not by nature polygamous. His moral tendencies have been perverted and subverteci by man to his

own base and mercenary uses. I claim to be a scientific student of the poultry ques-

tion, and in my own feeble way I am doing

what I can to direct it along moral and rational lines. Had you thought to put blinders on those roosters all would have /A-C UJLo^uaj! /?Ca^x>?{ been well. They would soon have become used to each others' society and lived to- gether in peace and harmony. If I can serve you further, command me. Very truly yours, Xenophon Thompson." Those who would have me believe that my friend played a practical joke upon me do not know Thompson. He is a serious minded man. Besides, he is not only scientific but decidedly original. Then too, as I have already stated, he writes authoritative contributions to the agricultural and stock journals. He has many other qualities which show that he is, — well, a damphool. Now you've got it. Mrs. Jones consoled me later by exhibiting a couple of nice feather pillows which she had made from the debris of my roosters' Waterloo. " It was not so bad after all," quoth she. "These are lovely pillows." They were just lovely, those pillows, and must have been worth a dollar and a half apiece. As the poulterer's bill was forty dollars, and I had been offered fifty thousand for Diamond, I was fain to be reconciled. The profits were much larger than those of the average amateur poultry fancier's. "Many are ralletl, tut few get up."—Ketchum.

91 Nti Sigma Nti Founded 1882

Eta Chapter, Established 1892 Fratres in Facultate

Wm. E. Quine, M.D. W. M. Harsha, A.B., M.D. D. A. K. Steele, M.I). Carl Beck, M.D. Oscar A. King, M.D. T. A. Davis, M.D. Henry P. Newman, A.M., M.D. Casey A. Wooo, CM., M.D. Bayard Holmes, B.S., M.D. F. C Zapffe, M.D. Robert H. Babcock, A.M., M.D. John L. Porter, M.D. John E. Harper, A.M., M.D. Charles S. Williamson, Walter S. Christopher, M.D. B.S., M.D. Henry T. Byford, A.M., M.D. Edward H. Lee, M.D.

Morean R. Brown. M.D. J. M. Neff, M.D. A. John Wesener, Ph.C, M.D. C. J. Wynekoops, B.S., M.D. T. M. Hardie, A.B., M.B., M.D. John Wf.atherson, M.D. William A. Evans, M.S., M.D. C. O. Bechtol, M.D. Frank B. Earle, M.D. August F. Lemke, M.D. Francis R. Sh erwood, M.D.

Fratres in Universitate Seniors

W. Powers C. McR. Morgan C. W. Poor man L. H. Frechtling C. S. Meyers B. G. Katz H. T. Vaughn

Juniors H. H. Hattery R. E. Stevens F. M. Keefe S. W. Case

J. R. Dale G. H. Thomas R. W. Blumenthal Richard Burke Frederick Cuttle C. A. Ayers C. F. Newcomb

>Sop homores H. P. Bagley F. W. Jones C. D. Powell S. G. Higgins

J. M. Downs R. S. Weyer


R. L. Rizer 0. F. Schullian F. P. Bowi-.n

" Children should he careful in the selection of parents, but I wots not consul/ ed, hena a Jew, Peitman.

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PHI RHO SIGMA Beta Chapter

Fratres in Facilitate

Dr. A. H. Bkumbach Dr. H. E. Sautee Dr. G. F. Butler Dr. D. L. Shaw Dk. E. C. Eckley Dr. G. Frank Lydston Dr. D. N. Eisendrath Dr. W. L. Ballengek Dr. E. H. Ferguson Dr. T. S. Cheney Dr. M. L. Goodkind Dr. C. C. O'Byrne

Dr. Adolph Gehrman Dr. J. M. Patton Dr. E. G. Earle Dr. F. A. Phillips ' Dr. G. F. Suker Dr. R. C. Turck Dr. A. E. Stewart Dr. J. Frank Dr. Bernard Fantus Dr. W. S. Royce Fratres in Urbe

Dr. H. H. Ain.swor-jh Dr. F. R. Morton Dr. Chas. A. Albrecht Dr. Mortimer Frank Dr. Ira Frank Dr. E. G. English Dr. Herman jauss Dr. R. C. Cupler Dr. N. L. Johnson Dr. Jos. Dean Dr. G. W. Johnson Dr. E. W. Tolley Dr. Baxter A. Millkr Dr. R. 0. Shelton Dr. Wilbur McKenzie Dr. O. E. Beebe Dr. S. Jakubowski Dr. H. P. Clark Dr. Norman A. Collins Fratres in Collegio Seniors L. H. Sibley W. A. Shepherd F. L. Gourley L.JVI. Power H. T. Cummings Juniors A. F. Henning O. G. Hutchison R. H. Axe W. W. Gailey M. R. Martin R. T. Hinton F. W. Merritt Chas. E. Ericson I. C. Harmon W. S. Osborn Sophomores B. C. Grout C. E. Sturgeon A. V. DUNSHEE Freshmen C. K. Smith C. H. TlLLOTSON C. E. Howard Pledges F. W. O'Neil H. G. Grabkl A. H. Movins

Verily, verily, I say unto th.ee, hi tliat maketh Nu Sigma Nu is greater than ht that taketh a city." — Blomenthal. 96 OS n o z z

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Alpha Omega Alpha

Founded try Wm. Webster Root

Senior Honorary- Fraternity

The parent chapter was organized at the Chicago College of Physicians and Sur- geons, August 25, 1902. Object. —To promote a high standard of thought and action in medical schools and in the profession.

Roll of Chapters

Illinois Alpha . . The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago

Illinois Beta . . The Rush Medical College

Illinois Gamma . . Northwestern University Medical School

Illinois Alpha Chapter Officers

President . John Eddy Haskell Vice President William Henry Moore Secretary William Webster Root

Treasurer . George Herbert Howard

Honorary Members Adolph Lorenz Robert Hall Babcock William Shield Christopher Henry Parker Newman William Augustus Evans Bayard Holmes William E. Quine

Active Members

William Webster Root Charlton E. Hagyard Ernest Sisson Moore Louis H. Frechtling Benjamin Thomas Marion Michael Null

Charles L. Williams Joseph J. Sherrill George Herbert Howard Walter Fred Wessels William Henry Moore William F. Casavaw Wenzel M. Wochos Lucius B. Donkle John Eddy Haskell C Wallace Poorman Milton Weston Hall Frederick Cuttle Thomas A. Bryan E. Taylor Jarvis Fred Fanyo Fred Brittin Michael E. McGann Stephen Benedict Haessly George F. Blough Albert Levi Fritz

'/ am a member of HUKTELL'S bar."— MacCracken.

99 Eta Chapter of Alpha Kappa Kappa

Honorary Members Faculty

F. E. Wynekoop, M.S., M.D. W. KlLBOURN JAQUES, Ph.M. M.D. Twing Brooks Wiggin, M.D. Sanger Brown, M.D. Andrew McDermid, M.D. Stephen Gano West, M.D. William Elliot Gamble, 15. S., M.D. Ephraim Findlay, M.D. Charles Davison, M.D Aime Paul Heineck, M.D. William Lewis Noble, M.D.

Nor* Faculty

Arthur R. Reynolds, M.D. Fenton B. Turck, M.D. Albert H. Burr, Ph.B., M.D. Lewis David Sheppard, M.D.

Henry B. Hemmenway, M.D. Oliver James Fay, B S., M.D.

Active Members-Seniors Charles Edwin Barnes John Eddy Haskell Thomas Albert Bryan Arthur V. de Neveu Lucius Boardman Donkle Paul Robert Urmston Harvey John Forbes Walter Frederick Wessels Walter Wood Greaves Seth Wicks Charlton Edward Hagyard, Ph.G.

Juniors Jay Latrelle Armstrong Joseph Ainsworth Greaves Clarence Dryden Barker Percey Parker Haslit Albert Orton Carmack Robert Lyman Morris Frank Elmer David, D.D.S. Harry Francis Rubel Fred Brittin Frank Bashford Taylor Frederick A. Bordwell Orlando Garfield Wood

Sophomores Harry Rox Folckemer Abram Hostetter Charles Edward Greenwald Henry Asbury Jefferson Frank Hagans Wesley John Woolston Curtis Elmer Kelso


G. S. Provine R. G. Savage K. W. Nay F. W. Stevens W. B. West A. Knappenberger

" Of iiimll caliber, but u big bore. '*— Landau.

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FRIEND AND COUNSELLOR Iota Chapter of PHi Beta Pi Graduate Members

Joseph Zabokotsky, 'oi Thos. A. Buchanan, Feb., '03 George G. Zoehrlant, 02 Lyston D. Howe, Feb., '03 Fred. R. Kitterman, '02 Clark E. Saunders, Feb., '03 Glenn A. Howard, '02 Will H. Moore, Feb., '03 Floyd W. Burns, '02 James A. Young, Feb., '03 Maurice L. Henderson, '02 Frank P. Whitehill, Feb., '03 Emmett A. Garrett, '02 John P. Walsh, Feb., '03 Clyde L. Smith, '02 George A. Gardner, Feb., '03 Active Members

Henry M. Voris, '03 William H. Spencer, '04 M. Ingham, '03 George Samuel J. Dickey, 04 William 1). Madden, '03 Raymond C. Ash, '04 Kay W. Moe, '03 Charles W. Gieson, '04 Charles E. McCarty, '03 William E. Harrington, 04 Daniel G. Tweedall, '03 Fred. A. Baumgart, '04 Dan L. Parker, '03 '04 Charl.es J. King, Edward W. Jackson, '03 James B. Knipe, '04 Michael E. McGann, '03 Louis F. Alrutz, '04 Josef. F. Replogle, '04

James F. Kearney, '05 Ciias. F. Werner, '05 Chas. V. Ganoe, '05

William L. Smith, '06 Thomas G. O'Leary, '06 '06 '06 William J. Crenim, Edwin W. Knowles,


Ralph V. Sintzel, '05 Frederick G. Hopkins, '05

"All energy is in potential, kinetic energy being unknown me."—Jacob's .

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Alpha Epsilon Iota

Founded at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Chapters

Alpha University of Michigan Ann Arbor

Beta Rush Medical College Chicago

Gamma Laural Memorial College Cincinnati, 0.

Delta Physicians and Surgeons Chicago

Epsilon University of Minneapolis

Zeta University of California San Francisco

Eta Cornell University Ithaca, N. Y.

Theta Woman's Medical College Phila., Pa.

" Diagnosis, Hydrocephalous, Prognosis; no hope, no cure, no help. "—Wall.

107 Chapter Roll

Affiliate Members Dr. Rachelle S. Yarros Dr. Julia Ross Low Dr. Effa V. Davif.s

Active Members Seniors

Nancy Martin Bechtol Mrs. Benjamin F. Thomas Gertrude Thompson Alice Barlow Brown, M.D. Eva Prescott Ullman Jessie Drew Carpenter Mary Brooks Baird Edith S. Bikney Helen Molnar Josephine Webster

Juniors Rose R. Westein Helen P. Beattie Martha L. Longstreet Grace Frith Hagans Carolyn F. Beardsley Edna Thomas Sue M. De Con

Sopbo in ores E. Louise Abbott Ar.mina B Sears Harriet Davies

Freshmen Marian Gardner Lena C Hatfield

" I am not in t/u roll of common men. "—Bob Ward.

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Nu Sigma Phi Alpha Chapter

Established at College of Physicians and Surgeons 1898 Alumni and Honorary Members

Sally A. Yingst, M.D. Frances Dickinson, M.D. Lora L. Bekdy, M.D. Mrs. Lucy L. Flower H. LUELLA HUKILL, M.D. Nellie C. Flint, M.D. C. Kellogg Morse, M.D. Jennie B. Clark, M.D. Jennie Lind Phillips, M.D. Louis Lindsay Wynekoop, M.D. Nina Polson Merritt, M.D. Irene Robinson Pratt, M.D. Elizabeth Heelan A. Louise Klehm, M.D. Cora White Carpenter, M.D. Harriet March Day, M.D. Emma Morgan, M.D. Kathryn V. Stanley, M.D. Mrs. C. B. Eckley Nacoochee Fkeeman Young, M.D.

Julia Holmes Smith Marion J. Brieo, M.D. Sophia Brumback, M.D. Katharine McC. Corcoran, M.D. Lettie Mason Quine, M.D. Emilie R. Moris, M.D. Rosa Engleman, M.D. Elizabeth V. Burns, M.D. Mrs. Grace Bryant Hutson Harriet B. Jennings, M.D. Effie Lobdell, M.D. Julia C. Stravvn, M.D. Marion Ousley Russel, M.D. Metta M. Loomis

Active Members Seniors

Margaret M. Jones Mary E. Ash Emma E. Robbins Helen Ryerson


Clara Moore Veda C. Murphey Margaret Sherlock Sue L. Koons Matina Tanquery Edith Pollock Ellen P. Ketchum


Maude S. Slocumb H. Amanda Johnson Anna Hinds


Louise Morrow Waleska Watson

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George Washington Cook, D.D.S.

pT\R. GEORGE WASHINGTON COOK, Professor of General Pathology and Bacteriology in the School of Dentistry, University of Illinois, was born near Fulton, Union County, Kentucky, January iq, 1866. His family, having suf- fered great financial loss as the result of the war, decided to leave the South, and when George was two years old, they moved into southern Illinois, locating in Harrisburg. Soon after this his father died, leaving the mother with three children; two years afterward she also died. Kind neighbors now took charge of the orphan children. Until eleven years of age, George lived with the families of farmers. He then went to live with Dr. Hastings, near Carbondale, 111. Here he attended the public school. The doctor had a large practice, and since George was apt and liked the work, he was soon made an assistant. Having access to the doctor's library, he spent much of his spare time reading anatomy, physiology, pathology, and numerous other medical works. He got considerable experience in the administration of anaesthetics, in dressing wounds, extracting teeth, etc., and as a consequence, when but sixteen, he obtained a position in the Southern Illinois Hospital for the Insane. Although hard at work most of the time in the drug department, where he developed into a proficient druggist, he spent what time he could reading medicine, and assisting in surgical operations and post-mortems. He also, under the supervision of Dr. Stocking, conducted a long series of experiments with the then new drug, cocaine, testing its local anaesthetic properties. In 1888 he came to Chicago and en- tered the Northwestern University Den-

tal School, which he attended one year. In 1800 he graduated as Doctor of Dental Surgery from the University of Iowa. He then returned to Chicago, where he spent a year in the L. P. Haskell Post-Graduate School of Mechanical Dentistry. GEORGE WASHINGTON COOK, D.D.S. He then began the practice of his DENTISTRY profession, opening an office on the South Side. Being of an investigating turn of mind, he made a special study of pathology and bacteriology under the supervision of Dr. Stanley P. Black, pathologist at Mercy Hospital, spending almost half of his time, for several years, in the laboratory of the hospital. After Dr. John C. Cook, his brother, returned from Europe, where he had been studying the same subjects, they fitted up a private laboratory. Here much work of a practical nature was done, especially on the pathology of diphtheria and its treatment with antitoxin.

' "lie must needs go where the devil drioes.'1 —F. B. Ingersoll.

117 As a student (if Professor Klebs (of Klebs-Loeffler bacillus fame), he made an exhaustive study of tubercular infection taking place through putrescent root canals of teeth. His work brought him into close touch with Drs. Andrews, Fenger, Morgan, Schroeder, and a number of other well known surgeons of Chicago, from whom he received clinical instructions in surgery. In 1897 he was made Professor of Oral Surgery of the Northwestern College of Dental Surgery. In 1898 lie took the chair of Histology and Bacteriology in the Illinois School of Dentistry, and in 1901 the Professorship of Pathology and Bacteriology in the School of Dentistry, University of Illinois. He is a member of the National Dental Association, The Illinois State Dental Society, The Odontography Society of Chicago, and The Chicago Dental Society, of which he served a term as president. He is an honorary member of The Southwestern Dental Association of Michigan, was a member of The World's Columbian Dental Congress in 1893, and a delegate to the International Dental Congress in Paris in 1900, where he read a paper on the bacteriological study of pyorrhoea alveolaris. Dr. Cook has contributed numerous papers to the science of dentistry, among " which are : "Tubercular Infection of Lymphatic Glands," Effects of Heat on Den- tine," " Antiseptics and Disinfectants," "Actinomycosis," " A Study of the Systemic Action of Mercury in Amalgam Fillings," " Constitutional Conditions Which Lead to Local Infections," "Some Pathological Changes in Tissue," and at present is con- tributing a series of articles on pathology and bacteriology to the American Dental Journal.


"All t/a world's '/'/in me." A. F. Trams.

lis David Mahlon Cattell

"^ | AVID MAHLON CATTELL, D.D.S., was born in Ohio, June 26, 1852.

I Having lost his parents at an early age, the greater part of his youth was

is . \-JJ spent with Quaker relatives. As discipline one of the fundamental prin- ciples of the Quaker religion, Dr. Cattell received an education and training that well fitted him for the career of a professional man. His early education was re- ceived in Quaker schools and colleges. His occupation during school vaca- tion was that of farming, for his rela- tives belonged to the better educated farmers in central and eastern Ohio. In 1876 Cattell entered the office of H. H. Harrison, at Cadiz, Ohio, where he began the study of dentistry. After spending some time under the tutorage of this doctor, he entered the Dental Department of the University of Michigan. In 1879 he received the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery. On May 1st, 1879 he began the practice of dentistry in Chicago, and

later became associated with Dr. J. N. Crouse, for whom he acted as an as- sistant for five years. In the fall of 1888, the Chicago College of Dental Surgery, at the sug- gestion of Dr. G. V. Black, established, for the first time in any college curri- culum, a course in Operative Tech nics. Dr. Cattell was chosen Pro- david d.d.s. mahlon cattell, f esS or to take charge of this depart- ment, which position he retained until 1891, when he accepted the chair of the same subject in the Dental Department of Northwestern University. In 1897 he became Professor of Operative Dentistry and Technics in the North- western College of Dental Surgery. In 1898 he accepted the chair of Operative Dentistry and Technics in the Illinois School of Dentistry, which is now the Dental Department of the University of Illinois. Dr. Cattell became a member of the Chicago Dental Society in 1879, and was elect- ed secretary of this association in '81 and '82. In '92 and '93 he was elected Presi- dent. He is a member of the Illinois State Dental Society, the National Dental Association, the Odontographic Society of Chicago, and the Dental Protective Associa- tion of the United States. He is also an honorary member of the Minnesota and the Wisconsin State Dental Societies, and the Southwestern Dental Association of Michigan. He was a member of the World's Columbian Dental Congress, and be- fore this body he read a paper on the history, development and prospects of the De- partment of Operative Technics in dental schools. In the discussion that followed it was proposed that there be organized an association to be known as the National School of Dental Technics. At that time the membership was limited to those alone who were teachers in this special department. Dr. Cattell was twice elected presi- dent of this organization. The organization developed in such a way as to render necessary the widening of its scope, and it is now known as the Institute of Dental Pedagogics. Dr. Cattell has always been very closely allied with the working of this association, and at its last meeting he was elected to life membership for the valuable service he had done the association.

" A rearing, tearing, sometimes swearing, regular-ar my man, " —H. M. Roy.

119 George "Walter Dittmar, D.D.S.

R.GEORGE WALTER DITTMAR, Superintendent of the Infirmary, and Associate Professor of Operative Technics in the School of Dentistry of the University of Illinois, was born on a farm in Derinda, Daviess County Jo ( Illinois, April I, 1872. He obtained his early education at the public school. At nineteen, on account of poor health, he went to southern Cali- fornia, a year later to San Francisco, and then to Philomath, Oregon, where he took a course in the Philomath College. He then turned his attention to teaching school. In 1893 he returned to his native county, and resumed his vocation until the fall of 1895, when he entered the Northwestern University Dental School. In the spring of 1898 he graduated with honors, and began the practice of his profession at Apple River, Illinois. Through the influence of some of his professors, Dr.D.M. Cat- tell in particular, the Illinois School of Dentistry induced him to take the position of Superintendent of the In- firmary, and Instructor in Operative Technics, promoting him a year later to the position he now occupies.

Dr. Dittmar is an active member of the Chicago Dental Society, the Odontographic Society, G. V. Black Dental Club of Chicago, and the Illi- nois State Dental Society. In the spring of 1900 the Chicago Dental Society elected him a delegate to the International Dental Congress at Paris. He traveled throughout France, Belgium, Germany, Holland and Eng- land, enjoying the benefits connected with such a trip. He has, at various times, been delegated to represent his College at the Institute of Dental Pedagogics, and the State and Local Dental So- GEORGE WALTER DITTMAR D.D.S. cieties have elected him as delegate DENTISTRY to numerous meetings of the National Dental Association. Dr. Dittmar has contributed several articles to the profession, among which are: " Dental Nomenclature," with reference to its development, bearing especially on that of "Descriptive Dental Anatomy, Cavities, and Instruments." and an article on "The Matrix, its Construction, Application, and Where Indicated."

/ never could get used to public kissing until after I iron fifteen."— Adah Stutsman.

120 ;

Class of 1903. Officers.

Alfred A. Broman President Harry Cauwallader Vice President John O. Erlands Secretary F. H. Svvartz Treasurer James Scott Historian Class History.

S the closing days of our final college year draw near, we turn in retrospect to the time when we first came under the friendly roof which we have learned to look upon as a sort of home. Though the backward glance sweeps down

on three short years of our existence, to us it seems a much longer per- iod. Time, since we began our work here, has not been measured by months and by days alone, but by all the thorns of disappointments and stern realizations which we have plucked from our paths, as well as by the roses which we have gathered by the wayside. It seems an age since we entered the freshman class, down in the old quar- ters, before the great University spread her protecting wings over us. Freshmen are sometimes liable to nurse the fond illusion that their patronage of an institution materially adds to its prestige, and we will not assert that we, as Fresh- ies, were not guilty of some such feeling; but as the months sped by, we slowly real, ized that we all had a great deal to learn, and that some of us had considerable to unlearn. We had peculiar, uncertain, undefined ideas regarding the profession stumbling, grumbling, worrying, studying, and cramming, wondering what would come next ; constantly guessing, and sure of nothing, many times greatly discour- aged and disheartened; but having noted the fact that others were as badly off when they started, we strove hard to make headway. Our Junior year followed the affiliation with the University of Illinois and re- moval to our present quarters, and we congratulated ourselves for many reasons that these changes occurred during our studentship. We found ourselves in the midst of surroundings conducive to study, and essentially a part of an extensive College settlement. We were better satisfied with ourselves, too, at the beginning of our second year, feeling certain that we had mastered enough of the underlying princi- ples to bring us fair results. Dark clouds, however, loomed up as before, and we

were forced, at times, to think that there was none of the proverbial silver lining there ; but fortunately for us, we became quite brilliant — once in a while. The clouds parted, and the light descended, lending us new vigor for our work. Darkness would again reign supreme. Between alternate light and shadow, we noted that our per- iods of daylight were lengthening. Progress was slow but sure. We found our work

becoming easier tor us ; we were getting an understanding of it. Time went on, and by the close of the year we had conquered the rudiments, which are of such vast im- portance to any undertaking. Daylight had dawned. Vacation over, we turned our minds to the problems of the third and last year. A feeling of pride came over us, which was scarcely to be wondered at, for had we not been told that we were "the best class that had ever been in college ?" Two suc- cessful years had been recorded to our credit, and we now stood on the threshold of our most practical period. With vigor we applied ourselves to piling up "points" -every day's work bringing us satisfactory results. We were even willing to impart some of

"Ilatl sighed to many, though she loved but one.'"—Frances Headen.

121 our acquired knowledge to the struggling juniors, but we soon learned to hoard our overflow wisdom, as thev evidently "knew more than we did.'' The mists have grad- ually cleared away, and we are left in the open day, not with an altogether clear sky —small clouds still linger around our horizon—but we are not young, vigorous and determined, and will not these clouds vanish e'er long ? Our class associations have been particularly agreeable. A feeling of good fel- lowship has remained with us from the beginning, and though we are eager to be

"unchained," it is with feelings of sincere regret that we look forward to the days — not far away now—when these halls shall know our presence no more, and our pleas- ant association with our devoted instructors shall be at an end. The good seed sown by their careful training is bound to bear rich fruit, far and near, as we scatter our- selves through many States of this fair land. Even now, as we are approaching the end of our student-life, tender memories crowd around our mental vision.

We have built us a craft for our voyage over Life's Sea ; the sails are almost

ready to be unfurled to the bree/.e. Whether that craft is going to withstand the storms that are sure to come up, depends largely on our ability to manage the ropes.

The dawn is beautiful; the winds are light and steady ; our hopes for the future are high. We, like Alexander, have our world to tonquer. From this distance that world looks bright and golden. Are we going forth to victory or defeat ? Time alone can tell. Lysle E. Adams.


rii-ni goo-goo eyes."—Lknna Clark.

122 —

Senior Class Directory

Alfred A. Broman, JJfJ,

Chicago, 111. Oscar Jacob Hammersmith Buffalo, N. Y., H. S., 1893. A. R. Greenfield Pawnee City, Neb., H. S., 1896.

J. H. Bond Milwaukee, Wis.

G. S. Peck Durant, Wis., H. S., 1893. W. F. Taylor Fon du Lac, Wis. George Horace Wardner, J2'J, La Porte, Ind. Lysle E. Adams, J2'J,

Chicago, 111., H. S. New York, 1898.

Veo E. O'Neil, J2'J,

Canton, S. D., H. S., 1899. James Scott Tarkio, Mo., H. S., 1897. Elmer Nicolas Johnson

Chicago, 111. Francis John Ryan

Chicago, 111., H. S., 1888, New Lexington, Ohio. T. H. Sprague, J2'J,

Wenona, 111., H. S., 1865, Rankin, 111. William Henry Karcher, J.TJ,

Champaign, 111., H. S., 1889, Tolono, 111. Stephen Richard Bawden

Mt. Carroll, 111., H. S., 1896.

J. E. MONAHAN Chicago, III.. Lewis Institute, 1898.

F. A. Holly, J1\J,

McHenry, 111. Seymour Davis Paden Camden, Ind.

F. M. Stahl, B.S., J2'J, II AH,

Chicago, 111., Tarkio College, 1900. Joseph D. McElroy Chicago, 111.

C. E. Waterman, Jr., Jl'J,

Chicago, 111., 1898, Hyde Park.

t at don't call " Pill.' " If 'JO" !J e provoked your professor, him an 'Old Hilda White.

123 L. Gottlieb

Chicago, 111.

Harry Cadwalladek, Jl'J

Chicago, Illinois.

F. H. Swartz, E'l'il',

Yorkville, 111., H. S., [901, Aurora, III. Edward Hulla

Chicago, 111. Edward W. Applegate

Chicago, 111. John O. Erlands Racine, Wis., H. S. 1896. Tekla Maturzynska

Chicago, 111. Martin G. Murray

Spring Green, Wis., H. S., 1898. John E. Reinbold Chilton, Wis., H. S„ 1897. William Morton Post

Chicago, 111.

N. P. Rasmussen

Chicago, III. C. A. Finley

Chicago, 111., Three Oaks H.S., 1882, La Porte College, 1884. H. H. Hill

Winnebago City, Minn., Curtis College, 1896. Geo. F. Palmer

Kewanee, III. Wm. H. Taylor

Vermont, 111.

Edward Alphonso B. Hanna Evanston, 111., Dr. Edger's Military School, 1895. C. F. Altenberg Mauston, Wis.

Alden Richard Newlin, Z'V<1>

Chicago, 111. Alfred Leland Harlan Mann, 3WQ> Rochester, Mich.

'• / U set about it." -C. R. Rounds.

124 Foot Ball Team of 1902

HE FOOT BALL TEAM was late in getting started this season, but once begun, the boys were out regularly. At the first Athletic Meeting of the year, Henry C. Lee was elected manager, and Fred Swartz, captain. While not considered a winning team, there was a certain satisfaction to the student body in the determination and grit that characterized the games. The team played foot-ball from start to finish. Next year we hope to have the advantage of coaching.

The following men played on the team of'02 : Swartz, Weeks, La Due, Mc- Dowell, Vahue, Ramsey, Mackinson, Holmes, Campbell, Houston, Jones, Sharp, Frey, Dickinson, and Eiser. Charles Sharp was treasurer of the team. The faculty supported the team in an enthusiastic and much to be commended manner and for their co-operation must be accorded the thanks of the students.


There's not a Prof. I couldn't tmr/i am/ put him in the shade.''—A. J. Reef.

125 Class of 1904 Officers

President J. C. Grout

Vice President T. J. Ireland Secretary 0. F. McMaster Historian S. S. Wells


'WAY back in the fall of 1901, there appeared, or rather sprang into vigorous growth, a freshman class. Impelled by the desire for knowledge, they (3 scrambled over piles of boards, plaster, pipes, etc., and trembling, produced their five. Once enrolled, they proceeded to prove that experience is every- thing, and were soon able to dodge the flying paint and pipes, and pass along without injury to their store clothes. They soon made the acquaintance of a number of gen-

tlemen lounging around the building, after which it was not long until they were bemoaning the amount that it cost to get properly started in their course. Perhaps

it would be well to give a description of the class before proceeding further. Numbering a little more than half a hundred, including four of those beings who

are supposed by some to exercise a beneficent influence on man ; coming from all over the United States and Canada, they, preserving for a while their local manner- isms, both as to speech and dress, presented the motley appearance of the average freshman class of a large college. Some of the boys, as you will find in all aggregations

of the same, belonged to the class that knew it all and were not ashamed to tell it. (I am speaking of city experience). Some from their lack of elementary knowledge, such as spelling (publicly and often admitted in class), ought to have started in a grammar school. However, with the exception of a few vulcanizers and such like articles, everything and everybody came through the year in safety and in credit. When the results of the midwinter examinations were made public, however, the pro- fessors had to take turns at reducing the swellings. and right manfully they undertook the task. Because the freshmen did not have the same difficulties to contend with at the beginning of the term that we did, we undertook to create a few. But after demon- strating our superiority, mind over matter, and matter over matter, we were forced by the attitude of our overseers to let up on them. Having lost the means of easing the pressure in that manner, we, to use a slang phrase, " rough-housed " among our- selves and the furniture. We very easily demonstrated that "practice makes perfect." At the earnest solicitation of our worthy superintendent and his aids, we desisted

in our playful actions. Now the midnight oil is burning, and we have become staid prospective seniors, preparing ourselves for that venerable position with all the force

at our command ; so that when we next appear upon the scene, we will all belong to that honored and awe-inspiring body, " The Seniors."

'.I headlight, both inside and outside.'" V. G. Mussulman.


Delta Sigma Delta

Founded 1882.

Roll of Chapters.

Michigan Alpha University of Michigan Illinois Beta Chicago College of Dental Surgery Massachusetts Gamma Harvard University Pennsylvania Epsilon University of Pennsylvania California Zeta University of California Illinois Eta Northwestern University Minnesota Theta Michigan Iota College of Medicine (Dental Dep't) Tennessee Kappa Vanderbilt University Ohio Lambda Western Reserve University Massachusetts Mu Tufts College Dental School Missouri Nu Kansas City Dental College Indiana Xi Indiana Dental College Missouri Omicron Marion-Sims Dental College New York Pi University of Buffalo Illinois Rho University of Illinois

And there icax mounting in hot haute. —Final Exams.

1 20 Delta Sigma Delta

Rho Chapter

Established 1901.

Fratrcs in Facultate

A. H. Peck, M. D., I). I). S., Past Supreme Grand Master G. W. Dittmak, D. D. S., Deputy Supreme Master G. W. Cook, D. D. S. C. N. Thompson, D. D. S. R. W. Parkek, D. D. S. F. W. Parker, D. D. S.

R. P. Donaldson, D. D. S., Sup't. Fratres in Chapter

F. M. Stahl, B. S., UAH. G. M. G. W. Wardner, W. M. W. H. Karcher, S. C. E. Waterman, Tr. H. Cadwad ader, H.

L. E. Adams, S. P. C. B. Sharp, J. P. G. A. Jones, Ty. F. Van Vorhees A. E. Converse C. M. Loescher

J. C. Grout E. M. Glenn G. Brady T. H. Sprague V. E. O'Neil G. E. O'Neil

•W. F. FlEBIG J. A. Darmer

J. M. Thomas C. McDowell A. A. Bkoman F. A. Holly C. F. Wertzler F. H. Ivey

Colors Turquoise and Garnet.

goo-goo eyes. — Lenna Clark. '30 u M r a o w r H >

Xi Psi Phi

Roll of Chapters

Alpha University (if Michigan Beta New York College of Denial Surgery Gamma Philadelphia Dental College Delta Baltimore College of Dental Surgery Epsilon University of Iowa Eta University of Maryland Zeta Ohio College of Dental Surgery Theta Indiana Dental College Iota University of California Lambda Chicago College of Dental Surgery Kappa Ohio Medical University, Dental Dept. Mu University of Buffalo Nu Harvard University Omicron Royal College of Dental Surgery, Toronto Pi University of Pennsylvania Rho Northwestern University Sigma University of Illinois Tau Washington University

" Variety is the spin of life." —Jog Wilson

133 Xi Psi Phi Sigma Chapter Established lOOl Officers W. R. Kodenhauser, President A. R. Newlin, Vice-President T. H. Swartz, Secretary G. R. Loynd, Treasurer

J. C. Mackinson, Censor

S. J. Ramsey, Guard

J. 1). Welsh, Sentinel Honorary Members Dr. L. S. Lourie Dr. C. M. McCauley Dr. D. Cattell Fratres

c. E. Abstein E. R. Bailey G. D. Ament B. B. Antenreith

V. B. Cooley J. R. Clary

c. E. Corner J. C Frey H. C. Lee G. D. Lyons A. G. Nauman A. L. H. Mann V. A. Moore E. H. Ramsey S. S. Wells F. H. Whitbeck

An tiiip/!/ vessel makea th< greatest Noyes,''

134 '**&\ . d^%.>




Psi Omega

Roll of Chapters

Alpha Baltimore College of Dental Surgery Beta New York College of Dentistry Gamma Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery, Philadelphia. Delta Tuft's Dental College, Boston Epsilson Western Reserve University, Cleveland Zeta University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Eta Philadelphia Dental College Iota Northwestern University, Chicago Kappa Chicago College of Dental Surgery Lambda University of Minnesota, Minneapolis Mu University of Nu Pittsburg Dental College Xi Milwaukee Medical College, (Dental Dept.) Mu Delta Harvard University, (Dental Dept.) Omicron Louisville College of Dental Surgery Pi Baltimore Medical College, (Dental Dept.) Beta Sigma College of Physicians and Surgeons, (Dental Dept.) Kho Ohio College of Dental Surgery, Cincinnati. Sigma Medico-Chirurgical College, (Dental Dept.) Tau Dental College Upsilon University of Southern California, (Dental Dept.) Phi University of Maryland Theta University of Buffalo, (Dental Dept.) Chi North Pacific Dental College, Portland, Oregon Psi Ohio Medical University, (Dental Dept.) Omega Dental College Beta Alpha School of Dentistry, University of Illinois

•'Bui still )ur tongue ran ore."— Fanny Miller.


Established 191)3

Fratres in Chapter Officers

J. O. Erlands Grand Master G. S. Peck Junior Master Edw. Hulla Recording Secretary M. G. Murray Treasurer

J. D. McElroy Senator

O. J. Hammersmith .... Chief Inquisitor

J. H. Bond Chief Interrogator W. F. Taylor Historian

J. E. Reinbold Inside Guardian H. H. Hill Outside Guardian


C. F. Altenberg C. A. Finley L. Gottlieb J. E. Monahan P. A. Rotzoll J. Scott

Honorary Members

Prof. B. J. Cigrand Pkof. W. T. Eckley Prof. F. R. Sherwood Prof. J. N. McDowell Prof. E. D. Brothers

"It mas the most unladylike thing a gentleman could do."—Clara Dallam.

138 C/5 w >


Ladies and Gentlemen :

It is not my intention to address the faculty or the dental profession, because life is too short for them to profit by my sayings.

Neither propose I to address the seniors and the juniors, because they have troubles, peculiar to their age and station, which have long since passed into the pages of comic history.

It is my purpose, however, to speak to the freshmen, in a frank, honest manner, of the inter-relation between the student and the institution of his election. Permit me, members of the freshman class, to congratulate you on your choice of

Chicago, with its wealth and clinical facilities, as a city in which to prosecute your

dental studies ; and again, allow me to commend your judgment in electing the Den- tal Department of the University of Illinois as your alma mater. You are about to identify yourselves with a learned and honorable profession- Your preceptors to-day will be your professional rivals to-morrow. The profession of dentistry is now represented in every civilized country by men of wealth, influence, honor, integrity, morality, and erudition— men who have elevated the profession, and whose good deeds have to-day made it one of the most perfected, pure, conservative and beneficial branches of the medical art. Do you feel competent to enter the field for honors, promotion, and gain, in competition with such an army ? Have you the manhood to uphold the dignity of the profession? Can you say "no" in matters tending to prostitute your own moral worth and the purity of den- tistry ? If admitted, will you endeavor not only to aid the rich, but the worthy poor as well ? Will you cease to improve your talents, native and acquired, on gradua- tion , or rather, will you be a worker, a thinker, and incidentally a credit to the com- munity ?

Do you really think dentistry is your forte, or have you concluded to try it only as a stepping stone to law, commercialism or massage ?

If, after having thoroughly canvassed the situation, you find your purpose pure, your courage bona fide, your education equal to the legal requirements, and your pocket-book sufficiently fortified against the instrument men, then the Lord will help you, just in so far as you successfully help yourself. Before passing to the more serious considerations pertaining to your final execu- tion, my dear freshmen, permit me to give you a few words of wisdom and advice. Never lose sight of the fact that you are only freshmen. Your first title, which, however, does not permit you to practice dentistry in Chicago, will be conferred daily by the upper classmen. It reads "D. J." If you would cultivate the class spirit, which I heartily commend, stand in with the elevator man, support the brass band and college paper, leave your tile-hat, walk- ing stick, coachman, and whiskers in your room. A freshman with a tile hat might mistake himself for a member of the faculty ; and one with a luxuriant beard would almost certainly arouse the ire of the senior class.

If it has been your fortune to have extracted a molar (with survival of the pa- tient) prior to your matriculation, don't say anything about it to your room-mate. Be choice in the use of words. Avoid the impropriety of calling dissecting material corpses, instead of "stiffs." Any one guilty of this violation of English would in later years be equally liable to refer to his deceased friends as ''cadavers."

For the first few weeks look wise, say little, pay in advance for your commuta-

tion ticket ; for it will be only a matter of a few weeks until you can look blase, be-

"The pioneer* of the University."—Dean Burrill, Sammy Shattuck and Ashton Campbell.

141 come loquacious, stand off your bills, and own the second floor of the building. Then you must take in the town. Goto Montgomery Ward'slthey never challenge a fresh- man), leave your address in the celebrities' album, take the elevator to the tower, and look out on the tracks to dispel your incipient nostalgia which occurs with warning remissions and evening exacerbations, attaining frequently its fastigium ter in die. Be on the alert for confidence men, and when Cigrand and Burkholder, in their opening lectures, tell you that your class is the most intelligent one they have ever seen, just remember that they have told the same to every class for ten years. Make an honest effort to attend every lecture, and however much you may think you could deliver a better one on the same subject, don't let the professor know your opinion. Some students go to the other extreme, and chronically compliment the professors on their fine forensic efforts. When the distal extremity of the first term begins to draw nigh, and you can scarcely wait to go home to see the old man, and finally conclude to skip out four- teen days ahead of time, be sure you are in possession of a good, honest excuse.

Don't say you want to help gather the corn or collect insurance and interest. It is

true sickness, and death may occur in your absence ; but this as an excuse is not in favor.

When you attend theater 'tis advisable to carry a quiz compend on chemistry or metallurgy with you to your box, and thereby impress your studiousness on members of the faculty who may be watching you from the gallery. Members of the freshman class, we extend to you the hand of fellowship, and warn you against the pitfalls in the social fabric of great cities. We trust the vig- orous manhood implanted in your nature by a virtuous and law-abiding parentage, and accentuated by inherent honor, dignity and reverence, will, admonish in times of fal- tering judgment, and teach you to shun temptation and embrace rectitude, to abstain from evil associations and to cultivate the lofty, inspiring, ennobling and aesthetic attributes which embellish and lead to the highest ideals.

History of the Class of 1904

T HAS BEEN SAID that history cannot be written accurately within two hundred years from the happening of the events recorded. Accepting this as a demon-

strated truth, we rely upon it as sufficient excuse for our errors, and proceed to a short historical sketch of the class of 1904, of the University of Illinois, Col- lege of Pharmacy.

The account begins with the class organization, December 1 1, 1902. At least, we first listened to the remarks to the class by Professor Day at that time, and as we followed many of his valuable suggestions, we perfected our class organization without difficulty. Mr. A. C. Brown was appointed temporary chairman, and then the constitution and by-laws were drawn up. The election of officers resulted as follows : President, Charles Powell, of Michigan; Vice President, C.A.Brown, of Illinois; Secretary,

; C. L. Higgins, Illinois. J. E. Woods, of Illinois Treasurer, of Delos Cozad, also of Illinois, was appointed, by Professor Day, representative of the 1904 Illio. The class membership is one hundred and eight. Fourteen states are repre-

sented ; Illinois and Colorado having the largest number, while twelve of our members are foreign born. If the individual members embody the characteristics of their respective localities, it may clearly be seen that it is no easy task to judge the class as a whole, when its members differ so greatly. Still, considering its general nature, " we might sum it up thus : Pillular in construction, acid in reaction ; its active

principals neither homocides nor glucosides ; its fracture tough ; therapeutically

destined to be a valuable agent in medicine ; if properly handled, a financial success."

Most of the meetings of the class for instruction, have been of a quiet nature ; however, we have been fortunate in possessing the means of dispelling an undue amount of quietness, for the class stimulant, " Coffy," is always at hand. Many weeks have passed in hard study, and from the first all seemed to settle down to business. Indeed, the class seems thus far to be characterized by a spirit of earnestness and a desire to make the best possible use of the advantages offered.

Class spirit is best shown by the evident recognition of the fact that the standard of the class depends, not upon any one individual, but upon all. Much more might be said in commendation of the class of 1904, but we are aware that " Where boasting begins, dignity ends," and so we refrain.

•' ItV wonder what ha/i/ifi/ed when Wilson's bed closeil up on time/"

144 U* «C*»

Z man n > f.


x#-xft «*;t*^*9

# > -


A Fable of Pharmacy School Origin.

NE Day a Barber named Edgar was Dustin down the road to a town by the name of Westall. He had'nt gone more than a mile when a Har' '>*) nit flew out of the Pyne Woods just over the Hill and made a Leiner for his head.

He tried to Kitch it, but scored a Kleene miss. Hadley had he struck at it when it flew at him like a Hawk and stung him on his upper lip.

Things didn't look AllbrightXo him just then, for it seemed that Corbett had hit him, and being unable to Converse much, he walked on in silence. At length he came to a farmhouse, and, going up to the barn, saw an Irish Mick knocking Moss off the Stahl with a Mattix. He tried to talk, but his lip {ox-Bade him, so the Irishman said " Why don't " you Spealman ? " At this he managed to say " Watson-oi-a.-g\in can with a lip like this ? But the farmer was White, and gave him some Coffey, together with a little bread and Gelley, and rubbed some Brown mixture on the wound. Then since he had Moreland to cover than he had supposed, he turned up his coat Koller and was soon out of sight. Moral — Look out for your name.

" Cheapskates .' .' .' "—Moreland.


QUA Michigansis ; variety Chicagoensis. Water, since the time of Noah, has been regarded as the most important of all substances, more important even

than earth, since it constitutes about four-fifths of the world's surface. While chemically water is a simple compound, pharmaceutical^, that is, physically, physiologically, biologically, and mechanically considered it is often as complex in constitution as its source is a mystery. Encountered in many forms and kinds by the pharmic student as aqua fontana, aqua fluvialis, and aqua fervida, it is as Aqua Michigansis, variety Chicagoensis, that water reaches its highest state of complex constitution, through multifarious oxidalese, reducteae, synthetic and biologic processes. Ultimate analysis has shown this water to be an excellent vehicle for a first-class menagerie, containing also the necessary amount of calcareous and argillaceous mat- ter with sufficient magnesium to produce the usual efflorescence always seen on brick walls, and, lest it be forgotten, traces of hydrogen and oxygen.

The odor of this water is peculiar and characteristic of the odoriferous little animal which made Chicago famous, and sufficiently penetrating to have attracted Ponce de Leon and I)e Soto while roaming through Southern latitudes in their vain search for the water of life.


We have boys from up in Mich- igan, And boys from far out west, But that brilliant lad from Texas Is the lad who strikes us best.

He's been hit with hardened snowballs, And been "It" with lots of jest, But that Wilson lad from Texas Is the one that stands the test.

He's been closed up in a fold- ing bed,

And's lost a good old five, But our "rough-house" man from Texas ^y-^ Is a man that's still alive. t

Prof.—"Seat No. 150 may hand in his paper.'

148 — .

Chicago College of Pharmacy (St Co. Druggists and Pharmacists Chicago, Illinois.

LV Liquor Hallbergii et Snowii. Red Iodide of Hallbergii si. Acidi Snow osi gr. i.

Elixir Goodman g. s. ziv

M. Dissolve the Red Iodide of Hallbergii in a little water, and beat until all

unnecessary hot air is expelled ; then add the other ingredients and shake. Dispense with a "shake-well" label.

Sig. —One teaspoonful every hour before lecture as a stimulant and corrective.

Dr. C. C. P.

Dear Papa : Please send me twenty-five dol- lars for school books and ten dollars for luncheon. Your loving son, Delos Cozad.

Seal, No. IM—" Why, I am not through yet, Professor! '


Delta Tau Delta

Founded 18S9

Roll of Chapters Active Grand Division of the 5outh Alpha Vanderbilt University Beta Epsilon Emory College Phi Washington and Lee University Beta Iota Adrian College Pi University of Mississippi Beta Theia University of the South Beta Delta University of Georgia Beta Xi Tulane University Grand Division of the West

Omicron University of Iowa Beta Gamma University of Wisconsin Beta Pi Northwestern University Beta Eta University of Minnesota Beta Omega University ol California

Beta Rho Leland Stanford, Jr., University Beta Tau University of Nebraska Beta Upsilon University of Illinois Beta Kappa University of Colorado Gamma Alpha University of Chicago Zeta Western Reserve University Gamma Beta Armour Institute of Technology Grand Division of the North Beta Ohio University Beta Phi Ohio State University Delta University of Michigan Beta Psi Wabash College Epsilon Albion College Beta Beta De Pauw University Chi Kenyon College Beta Alpha Indiana University Kappa Hillsdale College Beta Zeta University of Indianapolis Grand Division of the Hast Alpha Allegheny College Gamma Washington and Jefferson College Beta Omicron Cornell University Omega University "f Pennsylvania Beta Chi Brown University Beta Lambda Lehigh University Beta Mu Tufts College Rho Stevens Institute of Technology Upsilon Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Beta Nu Massachusetts Institute of Technology Gamma Gamma Dartmouth College Gamma Zeta Wesleyan University, Connecticut Gamma Epsilon Columbia University Alumni New York Association Nashville Association Pittsburg Association Cleveland Association Grand Rapids Association New England Association Chicago Association Twin City Association Nebraska Association Detroit Association New Orleans Association Cincinnati Association


Established 1872 Re-established lX'M

Fratres in Urbe Judge Calvin C. Staley Royal A. Stipes Leslie A. Weaver W. L. Burres Louis M. Tobin Arthur G. Stevenson

(ieorge J. Jobst Fratres in Facilitate Eugene Davenport, M. Agr. Ira O. Baker, C. E. F. G. Schwartz, A. IS , M B. Frank Smiih, A. M.

William Gordon Fraser, B. S. Edgar Townsend, Ph. M. Ernest Forbes, B. S. Fratres in Universitate 1903 Seniors E. R. Storey P. Barker Juniors A. W. Allen H. T. Wheelock H. P. Greenwood A. W. Errett F. M. Lindsey Sophomores H. S. Mitchell G. A. Anicker F. E. Beasley R. A. Horr Freshmen G. M. Warner

J. A. Rehm F. S. Howard R. Bennett G. T. Donolnie C. C. Olcott H. M. Beers F. Barker R. M. Hess R. S. Strong

154 •fl o ~i

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Sigma Chi

Founded at University, 1855

Roll of Chapters Active Alpha Miami University Beta University of Wooster Gamma Ohio Wesleyan University Epsilon Columbia University Zeta Washington and Lee University Eta University of Mississippi Theta Gettysburg College Kappa Bucknell University Lambda Indiana University Mu Denison University Xi De Pauw University Omicron Dickinson College Rho Butler University Chi Hanover College Phi Lafayette College Tau Roanoke College Psi University of Virginia Omega Northwestern University Alpha Alpha Hobart College Gamma Gamma Randolph-Macon College Delta Delta Purdue University Zeta Zeta Centre College Zeta Psi University of Cincinnati Eta Eta Dartmouth College Kappa Kappa University of Illinois Lambda Lambda Kentucky State College Mu Mu West Virginia University Xi Xi Missouri State University Nu Nu Columbia College Sigma Sigma Hampden-Sidney University Phi Phi University of Pennsylvania Alpha Beta University of California Alpha Gamma Ohio State University Alpha Epsilon University of Nebraska Alpha Zeta Beloit College Alpha Theta Massachusetts Institute of Technology Alpha lota Illinois Wesleyan University Alpha Lambda University of Wisconsin Alpha Nu University of Texas Alpha Xi University of Kansas Alpha Omicron Tulane University Alpha Pi Albion College Alpha Rho Lehigh University Alpha Sigma University of Minnesota Alpha Tau University of North Carolina Alpha Upsilon University of Southern California Alpha Phi Cornell University Alpha Chi Pennsylvania State College Alpha Psi Vanderbilt University Alpha Omega Leland Stanford, Jr., University Theta Theta University of Michigan Omicron Omicron Chicago University Alumni

Chicago, 111. Philadelphia, Pa. Cincinnati, Ohio Indianapolis, Ind. Lafayette, Ind. New York, N. Y. Lincoln, Neb. Louisville, Ky. Milwaukee, Wis.


Established May 31, 1XX1 Re-established December 22, 1891

Fratres in Urbe

William A. Heath Frank G. Caknahan Robert D. Burnham Chas. A. Kiler Chas. T. Wilder William Roysdon F. Way Woody Robert J. Rice Royal Wright Roy Griffin

Fratres in Facilitate



C. M. Mathews T. F. Carson G. Stahl l. G. Herrick C. R. Pollard


W. A. Miskimen C. W. Hawes L. T. Allen C. N. Stone A. Danely f. C. Carriel


B. C. Capen h. Johnson D. H. Brush w. E. Tenney T. M. Davidson C. H. Howell G. C. Johnstone h. C. Beach


C. R. Schulte c. W. Richards V. G. Musselman f. B. Castle W. Trego w. E. Dore F. B. Penwei.l h. E. Merritt Scott Ingle

Pledges Lego Murphy

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Kappa Sigma

Founded at University of Virginia.

Roll of Chapters


Psi University of Omega University of the South Zeta University of Virginia Epsilon Centenary College Eta Randolph-Macon College Sigma Tulane University Nu William and Mary College lota Southwestern University Upsilon Hampden-Sidney College Tau University of Texas Delta Davidson College Chi Purdue University Theta Cumberland University Beta-Mu University of Minnesota Kappa Vanderbilt University Pi Swarthmore College Lambda University of Tennessee Xi University of Arkansas Alpha-Rho Bowdoin College Alpha-Lambda University of Vermont Beta-Alpha Brown University Alpha-Kappa Cornell University Beta-Kappa New Hampshire College Beta-Beta Richmond College Eta-Prime Trinity College Phi Southwestern Presbyterian University Alpha-Upsilon Millsaps College Gamma Louisiana State University Alpha-Sigma Ohio State University Alpha-Pi Wabash College Beta-Theta University of Indiana Alpha-Gamma University of Illinois Alpha-Chi Lake Eorest LIniversity Beta-Epsilon University of Wisconsin Alpha-Theta Southwestern Baptist University Alpha-Xi Bethel College Beta-Nu Kentucky State College A'pha-Nu Wofford College Alpha-Beta Mercer University Alpha-Tau Georgia School of Technology Beta-Lambda LT niversity of Georgia Beta University of Alabama Beta-Eta Alabama Polytechnic Institute Beta-Zeta Leland Stanford Jr. University Beta-Xi University of California Alpha-Delta Pennsylvania State College Alpha-Epsilon University of Pennsylvania Alpha-Phi Bucknell University Beta-Delta Washington and Jefferson College Beta-lota Lehigh University Alpha-Alpha University of Maryland Alpha-Eta Columbia University Alpha-Omega William Jewell College Beta-Gamma Missouri State University Alpha-Psi University of Nebraska Alumni Association Yazoo City, Miss. Philadelphia, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa. New York, N. Y. New Orleans, La. Chicago, 111. Indianapolis, Ind. St. Louis, Mo. Pine Bluff, Ark. Ruston, La. Boston, Mass. Chihuahua, Mex. Kappa Sigma ALPHA GAMMA CHAPTER

Established Oct. 15, 18 n

FratTes in Vrbe

Walter B. Riley, 15. L. IS. I). Coffman, 15. L. D. B. Morrissey, 15. L. Frank M. Gulick, B. L. Fay Morrissev Walter Stern N'. M. Harris, 15. L. George Bkonson Seelev Gulicjk Cass Clifford William Monif.r Harry Coffman, LL.B. Albert Stern John H. Trevett, LL.B. Frater in Facilitate

George A. I Iuff, fr. Fratres in Universitate Seniors Steinwedel Zangerle HlGGINS Miller Juniors Roberts Dienkr Wehmeier Sophomores Bandy Lf.nke Fairweather k. L. Pitts L'ngf.r Northcott Monier Beebe FresHmen Crill Schoonhoven Post Dani- ly Buck Kern G. W. Pitts Goodwin Colors Red, White and Green.

•• Tie up thi knocke?:"—Watchman Pete.

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Sigma Alpha ILpsilon

Founded at University of Alabama, 1856

Roll of Chapters Province Alpha Massachusetts. Maine Boston University Harvard University Massachusetts Institute of Technology Worcester Polytechnic Institute University of Maine Province Beta New York, Pennsylvania Cornell University Dickinson College Columbia University Pennsylvania State College St. Stephen's College Bucknell University Allegheny College Gettysburg College University of Pennsylvania Province Gamma Virginia, North Carolina. South Carolina, Georgia University of Virginia Wofford College Washington and Lee University University of Georgia University of North Carolina Mercer University Davidson College Emory College Georgia School of Technology Province Delta—Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin University of Michigan Franklin College Adrian College Purdue University Mt. Union College Northwestern University Ohio Wesleyan University University of Illinois University of Cincinnati University of Chicago Ohio State University University of Minnesota University of Wisconsin Province Epsilon Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama Central University University of Tennessee Bethel College University of the South Kentucky State College Southwestern Baptist University Southwestern Presbyterian University Southern University Cumberland University Alabama Polytechnic Institute Vanderbilt University University of Alabama Province Zeta Missouri, Nebraska, Arkansas, Kansas University of Missouri University of Nebraska Washington University University of Arkansas University of Kansas Province Eta Colorado, California University of Colorado Colorado School of Mines Denver University Leland Stanford Jr. University University of California Province Theta Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas Louisiana State University University of Mississippi Tulane University University of Texas Alumni Associations

1 Boston, Mass. Worcester, Mass. New York, N.Y. Philadelphia, Petin. Pittsburg , Penn. Washington, D. C. Wilmington, N. C. Atlanta, Ga. Augusta, Ga. Macon, Ga. Savannah, Ga. Washington, Ga. Detroit, Mich. Alliance, Ohio. Cincinnati, Ohio. Cleveland, Ohio. Chicago, 111. Chattanooga, Tenn. Kuoxville, Tenn. Memphis, Tenn. Americus, Ga. Birmingham, Ala. Florence, Ala, Talladega, Ala. Kansas City, Kans. St. Louis, Mo. Little Rock, Ark. Denver, Colo. San Francisco, Calif, New Orleans, La, Jackson, Miss. Sigma Alpha ICpsilon ILLINOIS BETA CHAPTER

Established January 28, 1899

Fratres in Urbe

George Alexander Darmer, A.B. Cyrus Forsyth Newcomb Harold Adair Ray

Fratres in Facultate

James Franklin Kable, B.S. Harlan Hoyt Horner, A.B.

Ralph 1 1 awes Gage

Fratres in Universitate .Seniors

William Wilberforce Wright, Jr. Charles Henry Green Clarence Wilson Fiske Albert Myron Johnson


Timothy Osmond Holcomb, Jr. John Guy Wilson William George Kaeser Relph Adams Ballinger Earl Layton Yocum George Graham Taylor John Wolfersperger Davis Harry Bertram Kircher Albert Edwin Logeman Clarence Eugene Holcomb Walter A. Rice

Sophomores William Wilberforce Wright James Newton Ash.more James Franklin McIntire Frank Adolphus Hall Uwight Armistead Parish William Arthur Clark Thomas Stanley Bailey Henry Everett Pond

Freshmen James Vance Waddell James Wesley Huss John Burr Glass


Royal Purple and Old Gold



" liiillinxkli." —G. II. DlCKERSON.

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Alpha Tau Omega

Founded 18b5 Directory of Chapters and Alumni Associations Province I Alabama and Georgia

Alabama Alpha Epsilon . . A. and M. College

Beta Beta . . Southern University

Beta Delta . . University of Alabama

Georgia Alpha Beta . . University of Georgia

Alpha Theta . . Emory College

Alpha Zeta . , Mercer University

Beta Iota . . School of Technology Province II— California, Colorado, Louisiana and Xexas

California Gamma Iota . . University of California

Colorado Gamma Lambda . . University of Colorado

Louisiana Beta Epsilon . . Tulane University

Texas Gamma Eta . . University of Texas Province III— Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Nebraska Illinois Gamma Zeta University of Illinois Indiana Gamma Gamma Rose Polytechnic Institute Michigan Alpha Mu Adrian College Beta Kappa Hillsdale College Beta Omicron Albion College Nebraska Gamma Theta University of Nebraska Kansas Gamma Mu University of Kansas Province IV Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Vermont

Maine Beta Upsilon . . University of Maine

Gamma Alpha . . Colby College

Massachusetts Gamma Beta . . Tufts College

Rhode Island Gamma Delta . . Brown University

Vermont Beta Zeta . . University of Vermont Province V New York and Pennsylvania

New York Alpha Omicron . . St. Lawrence University

Alpha Lambda . . Columbia University

Beta Theta . . Cornell University

Pennsylvania Alpha lota . . Muhlenberg College

Alpha Upsilon . . Pennsylvania College

Alpha Pi . . Washington and Jefferson College

Tau . . University of Pennsylvania Province VI North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia

North Carolina Alpha Delta . . University of North Carolina

Xi . . Trinity College

South Carolina Beta Xi . . College of Charleston

Virginia Delta . . University of Virginia Province VII Ohio

Ohio Alpha Nu . . Mt. Union College

Alpha Psi . . Wittenberg College

Beta Eta . . Wesleyan University

Beta Mu . . Wooster University

Beta Omega . State University

Gamma Kappa . Western Reserve University Province VIII Tennessee

Tennessee Alpha Tau , Presbyterian University

Beta Pi . Vanderbilt University

Beta Tau , Southwestern Baptist University Lambda Cumberland College Omega L'niversity of the South Pi University of Tennessee City and .State Alumni Associations Allcntuwu Alumni Association Augusta Alumni Association Birmingham Alumni Association Boston Alumni Association Chicago Alumni Association Cleveland Alumni Association Dallas Alumni Association Dayton Alumni Association D. C. Alumni Association Georgia Alumni Association Georgia Alumni Association Louisville Alumni Association New York Alumni Association Pittsburg Alumni Association Tennessee Alumni Association Texas Alumni Association 169 Alpha Tau Omega ILLINOIS GAMMA ZETA CHAPTER

Established May 31, 1895

Fratres in Urbe Edwin Clark Flanigan

Albert Danforth Mullikeir, L. L. 15. Hurt Gordon [jams

Eugene Irving Burke, B. S. Clarence Eugene Johnson Wesley Edward King, A. B.

Fratres in Facilitate

Thomas Arkle Clark, B. L.

Henry Lawrence Schoolcraft \)., Ph. Beta Kim, ft /,

Nathan A. Weston, Ph. I). George Fairfield, A. M. Frank William Scott, A. B.

Fratres in Universitate Seniors G. A. Powers Juniors

W. T. Wilson W. W. Williams C. E. Warren A. E Campbell W. S. Pettingale Sophomores R. W. Elden

J. R. Kennedy W. H. Mueller L. E Rein A. W. Kirk wood

E. J- Piggott H. C. Wood Freshmen C. H. Demitz L. E. Robinson C. C. Garm

R. R. l)a\ is

"And others roar - aloud, 'Subscribe, Subscribt : Managers ok "The Illinois."

170 Xr


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Phi Delta Theta

Founded at Miami University, 1X4S

Roll of Chapters

Colby University University of California Dartmouth College Randolph-Macon College University of Vermont Washington and Lee University Williams College University of North Carolina Amherst College University of the South Brown University Vanderbilt University Cornell University Central University Union College University of Georgia Columbia University University of Texas Syracuse University Lafayette College University of Mississippi Gettysburg College Tulane University Emory College Alabama Polytechnic Institute Allegheny College Washington and Jefferson College Dickinson College University of Alabama Mercer University University of Pennsylvania Lehigh University Southwestern University University of Virginia Miami University Ohio Wesleyan University Ohio University Northwestern University University of Chicago Ohio State University Lombard University Wabash College Case School of Applied Science Indiana University Butler College Franklin College Knox College Hanover College University of Illinois De Pauw University University of Wisconsin Purdue University University of Minnesota University of Michigan University of Iowa Iowa Wesleyan University University of Missouri Westminster College Washington University University of Kansas Leland Stanford Jr., University University of Nebraska Alabama College University of Cincinnati Centre College Georgetown College Kentucky State University Washington State University Pennsylvania College


Boston, Mass. Spokane, Wash. Providence, R. I. Baltimore, Md. Pittsburg, Pa. Richmond, Va. Louisville, Ky. Washington, D. C. Columbus, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. Nashville, Tenn. Montgomery, Ala. Selma, Ala. Macon, Ga. Mobile, Ala. New Orleans, La. Birmingham, Ala. Akron, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Cincinnati, Ohio Detroit, Mich. Franklin, Ind. Columbus, Ohio Chicago, 111. Galesburg, III. Indianapolis, Ind. Milwaukee, Wis. Minneapolis, Minn. Kansas City, Mo. St. Louis, Mo. Denver, Col. Salt Lake City, Utah San Francisco, Cal Los Angeles, Cal. Philadelphia, Pa. 173 PHi Delta Theta ILLINOIS ETA CHAPTER

Established February, 1894

Fratres in Urbe

Joseph Clay Smith, |r. Otto II. Swigart Hekschel Swigart Henry Ezra Chester

Dr. J. E. Beardsley Fraters in Facilitate

EVARTS BOUTELLE GREENE, Ph. I). Neil Conwell Brooks, Ph. D. Post Graduate E. L. Draper Seniors i>K. R.i. Ward\v R. W. Rutt M. T. Chamberlain

J. F. Cook P. W. Siler W. E. Ramsey r, t, . Juniors H. P. TKim mel G. H. McKinley, Jr. P. B. Tuthill H. W. Weeks A. H. Hill Dean Franklin

C. ( ). Clark

C. f. Fletcher

J. P. Polk Sophomores H. F. Tripp W. R. Hatch F. \V. Cutler \Y. H. CAton W. IP ElKEK E. C. Kenyon

C. J. Rothgeb C. H. Caton W. IP Parker Freshmen KIP Reynolds B. L. Smith W. E. Brearley N. P. Hertz H. C. Hess A. B. Cutler E. P. Stocker A. P. Williams H. P. Hertz Colors Azure and Argent Flower While Carnation

"Youan verbrose, /•„/• Dutch Hetherington.

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Phi Gamma Delta Founded at Jefferson College, 1848 Roll of Chapters Omega Mu University of Maine Iota Mu Massachusetts Institute of Technology Pi Iota Worcester Polytechnic Institute Pi Rho Brown University Delta Nu Dartmouth College Alpha Chi Amherst College Tau Alpha Trinity College Nu Deuteron Yale University Upsilon College City of New York Omega Columbia University Nu Epsilon New York University Theta Psi Colgate University Kappa Nu Cornell University Chi Union College Sigma Nu Syracuse University Beta University of Pennsylvania Sigma Deuteron Lafayette College Beta Chi Lehigh University Delta Bucknell University Xi Gettysburg College Gamma Phi Pennsylvania State College Beta Mu Johns Hopkins University Omicron LIniversity of Virginia Beta Deuteron Roanoke College Delta Deuteron Hampden-Sidney College Zeta Deuteron Washington and Lee University Rho Chi Richmond College Alpha Washington and Jefferson College Pi Allegheny College Sigma Wittenberg College Theta Deuteron Ohio Wesleyan University Alpha Phi LIniversity of Michigan Lambda Deuteron Denison College Omicron Deuteron Ohio State University Rho Deuteron Wooster University Xi Deuteron Adelbert College Zeta Indiana University Lambda Ue Pauw University Tau Hanover College Psi Wabash College Lambda Iota Purdue University Kappa Tau University of Tennessee Nu Bethel College Theta University of Alabama Tau Deuteron University of Texas Alpha Deuteron Illinois Wesleyan University Gamma Deuteron Knox College Chi Iota University of Illinois Mu University of Wisconsin Mu Sigma University of Minnesota Chi Upsilon Chicago University Pi Deuteron University of Kansas Zeta Phi William Jewell College Lambda Nu University of Nebraska Chi Mu University of Missouri Delta Xi University of California Sigma Tau University of Washington Graduate Chapters Indianapolis, Ind. Chattanooga, Tenn. Columbus, Ohio Kansas City, Mo. Cleveland, Ohio Williamsport, Pa. Spokane, Wash. Chicago, 111. Dayton, Ohio San Francisco, Cal. New Haven, Conn. New York City Pittsburg, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Brooklyn, N. Y. Albany, N. Y. Minneapolis, Minn. St. Louis, Mo. Toledo, Ohio Cincinnati, Ohio Blooming-ton, 111. Wheeling-, W. Va. Washington, D. C. Richmond, Va. Lincoln, Neb. Phi Gamma Delta CHI IOTA CHAPTER

Established October 15. ls'»7

Fratres in Urbe John VV. Wetmore, A. B. William Gay Palmer, A. M. Clarence W. Hughes, A. B. Fratres in Facultate

David Kinley, Ph. I). Arthur Hill Daniels, Ph. D. Stephen Alfred Forbes, Ph. D. James McLaren White, B. S. Fred G. Fox, A. B. Walter Charles Lindley, A.B. Fratres in Universitate Seniors George Loyal Sawyer Hammond William Whitsitt Juniors Smith Tompkins Henry, Jr. Roy Victor Engstrom Frank Wyman Hilliard Seymour Dewey Brown Lee Willard Railsback William Asbury McKnight Elmer Logan Garnett Sophomores William Wharton Clay Albert Fred Triebel George Rockwell Bascom Fred Scott Sawyer Hibbard Spencer Greene Freshmen Herbert Emil Haase Harry G. Butler *Claude C. Fuller Wilford Fuller Robert M. Evans Louis Soliday Knorr Pledges Earle Raymond Blair Harry Franklin Robinson Kyle Edward Rowand

*Died February, 19, 1903 Flower Heliotrope Color Royal Purple

"The Oriental Ittu-ti xt/n< r."—A. J. Reek.

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Kappa Kappa Gamma

Founded at Monmouth College, 1870

Alpha Province

Phi Boston University Beta Epsilon Barnard College Psi Cornell University Beta Tau Syracuse University

Beta Alpha University of Pennsylvania Beta Iota Swarthmore College Gamma Rho Allegheny Beta Province

Lambda Buchtel College Beta Gamma Wooster University Beta Nu Ohio State University Beta Delta University of Michigan Xi Adrian College Kappa Hillsdale College Gamma Province

Delta Indiana State University Iota De Pauw University Mu Butler University

Eta University of Wisconsin

Beta Lambda University of Illinois Upsilon Northwestern University

Epsilon Illinois Wesleyan University Delta Province

Chi University of Minnesota Beta Zeta Iowa State University Theta Missouri State University Sigma Nebraska State University Omega Kansas State University Beta Mu Colorado State University Pi University of California

Beta Eta Leland Stanford, Jr., University Alumnae Associations

Boston Canton New York Philadelphia Columbus Cleveland Detroit Indianapolis Bloomington Greencastle Chicago Minnesota

Denver Kansas City Beta Iota

181 Kappa Kappa Gamma BETA LAMBDA CHAPTER.

Established April 28, 1899


Mrs. Andrew S. Draper Mrs. Arthur H. Daniels Mrs. Samuel W. Shattuck Mrs. Benjamin F. Harris, Jr. Mrs. James M. White Mrs. Fred D. Rugg

Mrs. J. E. Hunt Sorores in Urbe

Mrs. Frank Smith Mrs. Albert P. Carman Mrs. Andrew F. Fay Mrs. James B. Scott Mrs. Joseph D. Wallace Lucinda Borton Sorores in Facultate

Katharine L. Sharp Margaret Mann Frances Simpson Active Members Seniors Ruth Abbott Caroline Langworthy Mabel Hayward Lucile Jones Miriam Wells Juniors Charlotte Gibbs Caroline White Helen Stookey Lkila King Aimee Sides Inez Pierce Anna White Charlotte Jackson Sophomores Emily Nichols Elizabeth Graff Mary Moss Jennie Craig Freshmen Florence Armstrong Grace Lloyd Flora Hunter Annebell Fraser Colors

Light Blue and Dark Blue Flower

Fleur-de lis

He, sits attentive to his own applause."— E. M. East.

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Beta Theta Pi

Pounded at Miami University, 183 1).

Roll of Chapters

Brown University University of Ohio Boston University Ohio Wesleyan University University of Maine Bethany College Amherst College Wittenberg College Dartmouth College Denison College Wesleyan University Wooster University Yale University Kenyon College Bowdoin College Ohio State University Rutgers College University of West Virginia Cornell University De Pauw University Stevens Institute of Technology U*niversity of Indiana St. Lawrence College Wabash College Colgate University Hanover College Union College University of Michigan Columbia University Knox College Syracuse University Peloit College Washington and Jefferson University University of Iowa Dickinson College University of Chicago Johns Hopkins University Iowa Wesleyan University University of Pennsylvania University of Wisconsin Pennsylvania State College Northwestern University Lehigh University University of Minnesota Hampden-Sidney College University of Illinois University of North Carolint Westminster College University of Virginia Washington University Davidson College University of Kansas Central University Denver University Vanderbilt University University of Nebraska University of Texas University of Missouri Miami University University of Colorado Cincinnati University University of California Western Reserve University Leland Stanford University Washington State University

Alumni Chapters

Akron, Ohio Detroit, Mich. Pittsburg, Pa. Asheville, N. C. Galesburg, III. Portland, Me. Austin, Texas Hamilton, Ohio Providence, R. I. Baltimore, Md. Indianapolis, Ind. Richmond, Va. Boston, Mass. Kansas City, Mo. St. Louis, Mo. Buffalo, N. Y. Los Angeles, Cal. San Antonio. Texas Charleston, W. Va. Louisville, Ky. San Francisco, Cal. Chicago, III. Memphis, Tenn. Schnectady, N. Y. Cincinnati, Ohio Miami County, Ohio Seattle, Wash. Cleveland, Ohio Milwaukee, Wis. Sioux City, Iowa Columbus, Ohio Minneapolis, Minn. Springfield, Ohio Dallas, Texas Nashville, Tenn. Syracuse, N. Y. Dayton, Ohio New York, N. Y. Terre Haute, Ind. Denver, Col. Omaha, Neb. Toledo, Ohio Des Moines, Iowa Philadelphia, Pa. Washington, D. C. Wheeling, W. Va. nesville, Ohio 185 Beta Theta Pi SIGMA. RHO CHAPTER.

Established February 2s. 1902.

Fratres in Urbe

James R. Scott, A. B. Algy P. Gulick, A. M. Fratres in Facilitate

Frank H. Holmes, B. S. F^RNFST W. PONZER, B. S. George H. Meyek, A. M. Fratres in Universitate •Seniors R. S. Parker Juniors H. C. Morse P. D Gillham G. N. Montgomery W. K. Wiley K. W. Evans R. E. Travis C. H. Sheldon Sophomores H. W. Harper K. H. Fitch R. B. Ornuorff R. W. Welshimer F. D. Fuller H. E. Boner Freshmen F. G. Bear

C. J. ROSEBERY C. B. Rogers H. B. Dunbar

J. E. Henry C. D. Off Colors Pink and Blue Flower Red Rose tJ must have been asleep! ay sound asleep." —S. O. Morris, in German Class.

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Chi Omega

Founded at Fayetteville, Ark., 1895

Roll of Chapters

Psi University of Arkansas Chi Jessamine College Upsilon Belmont College Tau University of Mississippi Sigma Randolph- Macon College Rho Tulane University Pi University of Tennessee Omicron University of Illinois Xi Northwestern University Nu University of Wisconsin Mu University of California Lambda University of Kansas Kappa University of Nebraska Iota Columbia University

Graduate Chapter

Fayetteville, Ark.


Established June l. 1900


Mrs. A. S. Draper iM. Mrs. J. Calhoun Mrs. F. II. BoGGS Mrs. S. A. Rhoades Mrs. T. A. Clark Mrs. F. K. Robeson

•Sorores in Urbe Clara B. Reasoner

Sorores in Universitate Post-Graduate

Henrietta A. Calhoun, 15. S.

Juniors Anna U. Hawkins Celia A. Rorne Li da E. Popejoy Helen V. Calhoun Sophomores Elspeth Shuler Mary Gilchrist Isabelle A. Morgan Edith E. Harper Freshmen Jennie M. Dow

Lena '/,. Camp Estella McCarthy Mary Haines Mary E. Newman Blanche Popejoy Jennie Hoagland Colors Cardinal and Straw Flower White Carnation

1 •J limn without it tear.' ' Professor Palmer.

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Sigma Nu

Founded at Virginia Military Institute, January 1, 180'1

Roll of Chapters

Beta University of Virginia Epsilon Bethany College Lambda Washington and Lee University Psi University of North Carolina Theta University of Alabama Iota Howard College Upsilon University of Texas Phi Louisiana State University Beta Theta Alabama Polytechnic Institute

( )micron Bethel College Sigma Vanderbilt University Gamma Iota State College of Kentucky Nu Kansas State University Rho Missouri State University Beta Mu State University of Iowa Beta Xi William Jewell College Gamma Eta State School of Mines, Colorado Gamma Kappa University of Colorado Pi Lehigh University Beta Sigma University of Vermont Gamma Delta Stevens Institute of Technology Gamma Upsilon Lafayette College Gamma Theta Cornell University Eta Mercer University Kappa North Georgia Agricultural College Mu University of Georgia Xi Emory College Gamma Alpha Georgia School of Technology Beta Beta De Pauw University Beta Zeta Purdue University Beta Eta University of Indiana Beta Iota Mt. Union College Beta Nu Ohio State University Beta Upsilon Rose Polytechnic Institute Gamma Beta Northwestern University Gamma Gamma Albion College ( lamma Lambda University of Wisconsin Gamma Mu University of Illinois Gamma Nu University of Michigan Delta Theta Lombard University Beta Chi Leland Stanford University Beta Psi University of California Gamma Chi University of Washington Gamma Zeta University of Oregon

Alumni Chapters

Birmingham, Ala. San Francisco, Cal. Atlanta Ga. Chicago, 111. Indianapolis, Ind. Louisville, Ky. Shelbvville, Ky. Boston, Mass. Kansas City, Mo. New Y'ork City Charlotte, N. C. Columbus, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Dallas, Texas


Established June 6, 1902

Fratres in Universitate Seniors James Franklin Duffy Banus Hutson Prater

Juniors Cameron Alfred Rose Roy Jabez Blackburn

Sophomores Lawrence Swasey Keeler Charles Slade O'Connei.l Cecil Franklin Baker Ira Webster Baker Roy Woods Jeter Fred George Pegelow Alfred Sommer Roy Mortimer Foskett

Freshmen Ralph Merle Carter Ellis Bernard Hall Alexander Austin Miller Orrington Cyrenius Foster Arthur Taylor Remick Henry Beck Myers

Flower White Rose

Colors Black, Cold and White

'No, I Inn, in turned I'liiln. but I think I'n turned Philo'sheadS'—tiAXV Moss.

194 r.

Phi Kappa Sigma

Established 1850, University of Pennsylvania

Roll of Chapters Active Alpha University of Pennsylvania Delta Washington and Jefferson College Epsilon Dickinson College Zeta Franklin and Marshall College Eta University of Virginia Mu Tulane University Rho University of Illinois Tau Randolph-Macon College Upsilon Northwestern University Phi Richmond College Psi Pennsylvania State College Alpha-Alpha Washington and Lee University Alpha-Gamma University of West Virginia Alpha-Delta University of Maine Alpha Epsilon Armour Institute of Technology Alpha-Zeta University of Maryland Alpha-Eta College of Charleston Alpha-Theta University of Wisconsin Alpha-Iota Vanderbilt University Alpha-Kappa University of Alabama

Alumni Chapters Philadelphia Richmond Chicago New York Pittsburg

197 Phi Kappa Sigma

Fratres in Urbe

Ross L. Trevett Fratres in Facilitate Kenneth Percival Rutherford Neville, Ph. D. Charles Ralph Rounds, Ph. B. Fratres in Universitate Seniors Clyde Ernest Stone Hal Marot Stone Frederick Louis Nees Juniors Lyle Donovan Perrigo Charles Guy Briggle Sophomores Chris Beach Watrons Walter Bain Warder John Halbert Galeener John Earl Shoemaker Herbert Wesley Ellis Reginald Ellis Wells Specials Fortune Stanley Boggs Willis William Hall

198 fl< -H^ x O «ff£ 4 ^IIB

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«f* Kappa Alpha Theta

Founded at De Pauw University, 1870

Roll of Chapters Active Alpha District

Lambda University of Vermont Iota Cornell University Mu Allegheny College Chi Syracuse University Alpha Beta Swarthmore College Alpha Delta Woman's College, Baltimore Alpha Epsilon Brown University Alpha Zeta Barnard College Beta District Alpha De Pauw University Beta Indiana State University

Delta University of Illinois Epsilon Wooster University Eta University of Michigan Kappa University of Kansas Nu Hanover College Pi Albion College Rho University of Nebraska Tau Northwestern University

Epsilon University of Minnesota Psi University of Wisconsin Alpha Gamma Ohio State University Gamma District

Phi Leland Stanford, Jr., University Omega University of California Alumnae

Alpha Alumna? Greencastle, Ind. Beta Alumna? Minneapolis, Minn. Gamma Alumna? New York, N. Y.

Delta Alumna? Chicago, 111. Epsilon Alumna? Columbus, Ohio

Zeta Alumna? . Indianapolis, Ind.

Eta Alumna? ...... Burlington, Vt. Theta Alumna? ...... Philadelphia, Pa.

Kappa Alpha Theta Club of Southern California . Los Angeles, Cal. Kappa Alpha Theta DELTA CHAPTER

Established October 3. 189S

Seniors Ellen Huntington Juniors Elizabeth Burr Helen Bullard Myra Mather Isabelle Fyfe Juliet Scott Isabel Staley Mildred Sonntag Fanny Miller Marjorie Forbes Elizabeth Green Florence Pitts Ethel Ricker Sophomores Rose Mather Anna Noble Clara Brookings I Jeannette Keator Frances Headen Trenna Miller Pearl Higinbotham Freshmen Sabra Stevens Josephine Meissner Pledges Belle Bailey Norma Love Meta Jackson Florence Hostetter

"A concoction of leather Glued firmly together Ami warranted forty-four ply." University Dining Hall, pie.

201 Alpha Chi Omega

Pounded ai !><• Pauw University 1886

Roll of Chapters Alpha De Pauw University Beta Alvin College Gamma Northwestern University Delta Pennsylvania College of Music Epsilon University of Southern California /eta New England Conservatory Eta Bucknell University Theta University of Michigan Iota University of Illinois Iota Chapter

Established December 8, 1899

Patronesses Mrs. A. S. Draper Mrs. G. C. Willis Mrs. G. W. Gere Mrs. E. 0. Chester

Mrs. J. W. Kaufman Sorores in Urbe Mrs. David Kinley Mrs. A. W. Palmer

Mrs. E. J. Townsend Sorores in Facilitate Alison Marion Ferine Mrs. A. H. Daniels Mrs. May Emory Breneman Sorores in Universitate Clara Gere Charlotte Draper Mary Busey Mabel Hayward Josephine Wondin Bess Stevensop Jessie Freeman Kathryn Nelson Frank Busey Lillian Heath Imo Baker Ina Gregg Mabelle Chester Elsie Bean Helen Bryan Alice Baker Irene Burrill Gladys Meserve Leila Weilepp Clara Fisher Pledges Irma Mowbray Emma Wbtttlinger Alpha Chi Omega


Clara Fisher Lillian Heath

Juniors Imo Baker

Sophomores Helen Bryan Alice Baker Mabel Hayward

Freshmen Elsie Bean Josephine Woodin Kathryn Nelson Frank Busey Ina Gregg Gladys Meserve Leila Weilipp


Mary Busey Mabel C. Chester Bess Stevenson Irene Burrill Jessie Freeman Charlotte Draper Clara Gere Mrs. Breneman

Pledges Irma Mowbray Emma Whittlinger


Scarlet and Olive Flower

Scarlet Carnation

" Long experience made him a sage . "— T. A.Clark.

203 Pi Beta Phi

Founded at Monmouth College, 1X67

Roll of Chapters Alpha Province

Vermont Alpha Middlebury College Vermont Beta University of Vermont Columbia Alpha Columbian University Pennsylvania Alpha Swarthmore College Pennsylvania Beta Bucknell University Ohio Alpha Ohio University Ohio Beta Ohio State University New York Alpha Syracuse University Massachusetts Alpha Boston University Maryland Alpha Woman's College, Baltimore

Beta Province

Illinois Beta Lombard University Illinois Delta Knox College Illinois Epsilon Northwestern University Illinois Zeta University of Illinois Indiana Alpha Franklin College Indiana Beta University of Indiana Indiana Gamma University of Indianapolis Michigan Alpha Hillsdale College Michigan Beta University of Michigan

Gamma Province

Iowa Alpha Iowa Wesleyan University Iowa Beta Simpson College Missouri Alpha University of Missouri Wisconsin Alpha University of Wisconsin

Delta Province

Louisiana Alpha Newcomb College.Tulane University Kansas Alpha Kansas University Nebraska Beta University of Nebraska Texas Alpha University of Texas Colorado Alpha University of Colorado Colorado Beta Denver University California Beta University of California


Established October 20, 189S


Mrs. J. B. Harris Mrs. A. S. Draper Mrs. Jerome T. Davidson Mrs. S. T. Busey

Mrs. H. H. Harris Mrs. T. J. Smith Sorores in Urbe

Mr«. D. C. Morrisey, Jr. Mabel McIntosh Mrs. A. L. Stern Katherine McIntosh Mrs. G. A. Huff Opal Stipes Mrs. L. A. Weaver Katherine Walls Mrs. E. S. Swigart Delia Stern Mrs. Otto Swigart Marietta Busey Vera Turell Katherine L. Doyle Virginia Chester Annie B. Riley Nell L. McWilliams F. Emeline Carter Sorores in Universitate Seniors Alice C. Mann Edna E. Daniels Jane W. Brotherton Mary Henderson Willia K. Carver Alta L. Stansbury M. Alice Matthews Charlotte B. Nelson Lois G. Franklin Ethel C. S. Forbes Juniors

Edna White Emma J. Moore Edna Sheldon Sophomores Si ella M. Rogers Hilda K. White Frances E. S. Fursman Mabel Lindsey Freshmen Kate B. Mann Lotta Johnson Elizabeth E. Atkinson Marguerite Blackstone Helen A. Bagley Pledges

Angie J. Stedman Mabel Fox Jeanette L. Davidson Colors Wine and Silver Blue Flower Carnation

"None but himself run In his pin till./- /."— Henky Morse.

205 Phi Lambda Upsilon Honorary Chemical Fraternity- Honorary Members Arthur W. Palmer, Sc.D. Henry Sands Grindley, Sc.I). Samuel Wilson Parr. M.S. Cyril G. Hopkins, Ph.D. Azariah Thomas Lincoln, Ph.D. John Langley Sammis, M.S. Louie Henrie Smith, M.S.

Active Members

Timothy Mojonnier, 'oi Curt A. R. Schroeder, 'oi Elrick Williams, 'oi William M. Dehn, M.S. William A. Kutsch, '03 Perry Barker, '03

Edward M. East, 'oi Clarence H. Bean, '03 John K. Bush, '00 Walter C. E. Braun, '04 '03 J. Albert McFarland, Clyde H. McClure, '04 Roy W. Hilts, '04

'• Blessed with temper wAobi unclouded rat can make tomorrow cheerful as today."—Leila Kino.

200 s

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x g

Tau Beta Pi

Founded at Lehiffh University, 1885.

Roll of Chapters

Alpha of Pennsylvania Lehigh University

Alpha of Michigan Michigan State Agricultural College

Alpha of New Jersey Stevens Institute of Technology

Alpha of Indiana Purdue University

Alpha of Illinois University of Illinois

Alpha of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin

Alpha of Missouri University of Missouri

Alpha of Kentucky University of Kentucky


Established 1897

Fratres in Facultate

L. P. Bkeckhnkidge E.C.Schmidt

F. A. Sager C. U. McLane

N. C. Rickek S. J. Temple

J. M. White F. A. Mitchell

W. G. Fkaser M. S. Ketchum

I. 0. Bakek J. F. Kable

A. N. Talbot J. M. Snodgrass

G. A. Goo-denough R. C. Matthews

A. P. Carman C. W. Malcolm

E. G. Greenman

Fratres in Universitate Seniors

L. H. Provine E. Bear

R. H. Kuss G. C. Habermeyer

J. J. Richey J. W. Wilson

J. F. Duffy, Jr. M. T. Chamberlain H. W. Whitsitt E. R. Skinner

J. T. Atwood J. W. Sussex

R. H. Gage B. W. Seymour

V. M. Holder C. H. Green

Junior Pledge Ethel Ricker


Seal Brown and White

I. an milium haunts thi breast where learning lies." I'kok, Mkykk.

210 TJ if-



3 3

X x

Phi Delta Phi

Roll of Chapters

Kent Law Department University of Michigan Booth Law Department Northwestern University Story Law Department Columbia University Cooley Law Department Washington University Pomeroy Law Department University of California Marshall Law Department Columbian University Jay Albany Law School Union University Webster Law Department Boston University Hamilton Law Department University of Cincinnati Gibson Law Department University of Pennsylvania Choate Law Department Harvard University Waite Law Department Yale University Field Law Department New York University Conkling Law Department Cornell University Tiedeman Law Department University of Missouri Minor Law Department University of Virginia Dillon Law Department University of Minnesota Daniels Law Department Buffalo University Chase Law Department University of Oregon Harlan Law Department University of Wisconsin Swan Law Department Ohio State University McClain Law Department University of Iowa Lincoln Law Department University of Nebraska Fuller Law Department Lake Forest University Miller Law Department Stanford University Green Law Department University of Kansas Comstock Law Department Syracuse University Dwight New York Law School Foster Law Department Indiana University Ranney Law Department Western Reserve University Langdell Law Department Illinois University Brewer Law Department Denver University

Alumni Chapters

Chicago, 111. Kansas City, Mo. New York, N. Y. Washington, D. C. San Francisco, Cal. St. Louis, Mo. Cincinnati, Ohio Portland, Oregon

213 Phi Delta PHi

Established at University of Illinois. 1901

Fratres in Urbe

Judge Francis M. Wright B. F. Harris, Jr., LL.B. Judge Calvin C. Stalky Newton Harris, LL.B. Harry Coffman, LL.B.

Fratres in Facilitate

President Andrew Sloan Draper, LL.D. James B. Scott, A.M., J.U.I). Judge Oliver A. Harker

Fratres in Universitate Post-Graduate

Frank H. Holmes, A.B., LL.B.


Luther E. Birdzell Clyde E. Stone H. E. Hartline Hal M. Stone Garland Stahl Robert R. Ward Walter W. Williams


Charles G. Briggle Walter C. Lindley Clinton O. Clark George H. McKinley Mamford E. Cox Lyle D. Perrigo Dean Franklin Lewis B. Tuthill William A. Medill

Freshmen Lawrence Allen Clarence W. Hughes

Ralph A. Horr J. E. Hurlbut

Clarence J. Rosebery

'/ believe they talked of me, for they laughed consumedly."—C. B. Rogers.

214 "4fi| 4t«^L

K b

Alpha Zeta Roll 0/ Chapters

University of New Hampshire University of Pennsylvania University of Michigan University of Ohio University of Illinois Cornell University University of North Carolina

217 Alpha Zeta Morrow Chapter

Established TNin

Fratres in Facultate

I)., Thomas J. Burrill, Ph. LL. U.

Stephen A. Forbes, Ph. I)., /'J

Cyril G. Hopkins, M. S„ Ph. I).

Archibald I). Shamel, B. S., 2' A E

Eugene Davenport, M. Agr., J '/'J

Donald Mcintosh, V. S. Joseph C. Blair Oscar Erf, B. Agr., B. Sc.

John W. Lloyd, B. S. A. Fred H. Rankin

Herbert W. Mumford, B. S.

Fratres in Universitale Seniors Wallace Lawton Howard

Samuel John Haight, Jr. John William Caltron Clarence B. Dorsey Juniors Edmund Louis Worthen Lewis W. Wise John McCarty Leroy C Wilson lames A. Dewey Sophomores Joseph Orton Finley Fred William Ladoge Frank Sanders Garwood Herman Edwin Garwood

]. Earle Kincade Colors Mode and Blue Flower Cerise Carnation

'Tig fortunatt t»i" afiuent conversationalist." Fanny Miller.

218 3S 7. H

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Founded at the University of Illinois, 1900

Seniors Ellen Huntington Ethel Forbes Ruth Abbott Clara Fisher Genevieve Darlington Lucile Jones Marjorie Forbes Alice Matthews Eugenia Allin Grace Goodale Grace Kelley Marjorik Holderman Lenna Clark Jane Brotherton Lillian Heath

" We bear it calmly, though a ponderous woe. Wkhster Bakkr.

221 Theta Kappa Nti

Established al University of Illinois. 1902

Honorary Members in Facilitate

James B. Scott, A.M., J.U.D. Charles C. Pickett, A.B., LL.B.

William L. Drew, B.S., LL.B. Thomas W. Hughes, LL.M. Honorary Members Alumni George F. Barrett, LL.B., 'oo

Fkank H. Holmes, A.B., LL.B., '01

William F. Woods, A.B., LL.B., '02. Active Members Seniors Charles V. Barrett Harry A. Biossat Luther F. Bikdzell Sherwood A. Clock

Horatio S. Davis Delbert R. Enochs, A.B. Rolla B. Grove James W. Pettyjohn Clyde F. Stone Hal M. Stone Juniors Himan R. Click Walter C. Lindley, A.B. William A. Medill Irving M. Western, A.B.

222 H S P H > X >

X hfl > z c


Goat Hairs

Delta Delta Delta Grace Goodale

Alpha Delta Phi

Professor H. J. Barton

Delta Kappa Epsilon

Professor C. C. Pickett Professor Morgan Brooks Maurice H. Robinson

Phi Kappa Psi

Professor L. A. Rhoades Jean Burkhart

William J. Healey

Gamma Phi Beta Violet D. Jayne Harriet Holderman

Alpha Phi Rena Lucas Mabel Perry

Delta Gamma Grace Kelley

Psi Upsilon

Professor C. M. Moss

Chi Phi

Professor L. P. Breckenridge


Clarence Green, President I. M. Western, Treasurer H. M. Stone, Vice President P. R. Vandervort, Secretary pTT^HIS YEAR the plans and purposes of The Oratorical Association were con- siderably broadened. The system of an exclusive membership was abolished, and all of the university community were invited to become members of the association. Three intercollegiate debates were held throughout the year, the Freshman-Sophomore debate was continued, and a Declamation Contest was added to the events of the college year. In order to choose a champion for Illinois in the annual oratorical contest of the Central Oratorical League, an Ora- torical Contest will be held at the University some time in May. The first intercollegiate debate of the year was held with the Iowa State Univer- sity, at Iowa City, Iowa, January 16. The Illinois team consisted of F. H. Doeden,

George Black, A. J. Reef, and P. K. Johnson, alternate. This was the first debate between Iowa and Illinois, and the Mini were the winners. The second intercol- legiate event was the debate, March 6, in the chapel of the University of Illinois, with our Hoosier rivals from the State University at Bloomington. This was the fifth debate with Indiana, and the Hoosiers scored a third victory in the series. Illinois was represented in this debate by L. F. Larson, Noah Knapp and H. C. Melton, with Robert W. Parr as alternate. The debate with the State University of Mis- souri was held at Columbia, Mo.; the Illinois debaters were L. W. Zartman, Arch. B. Dorman, A. M. Shelton, and H. C. Storm as alternate. The first of the local events of the Association was the Declamation Contest, for which Knowlton & Bennett, Lloyde's, and Cunningham Bros, furnished the prizes.

The winners of the contest ranked in the following order : C. E. Armeling, Margaret Franceway, and Olin Browder. In the inter-class debate the sophomores defeated the freshmen. The former were represented by George Sype and P. K. Johnson, and the latter by C. H. Wood and E. J. Galbraith. The enthusiastic support of Mr. C. R. Rounds, the instructor in public speaking, and the cooperation of the Alethenai, Adelphic, and Philomathean literary societies have contributed greatly to the success of all the enterprises of the association throughout the year.

' Beauty and irtidom seldom travel together, -Miss Bean,

229 y

Adelphic Literary Society Officers

E. L. Poor . . . President

F. H. Doeden . Vice President

W. L. Du Moulin . Recording Secretary

H. C. Storm . . . Treasurer Members

I. M. Western W. A. Slater R. P. BUNDY Victor Lorenzo Sheldon

D. E. Ketchum Augustus J. Reef G. W. Black Leroy C. Wilson Nolan H. Huff Carl Elmer Armeling P. A. CONARD Charles Gorham Wilson William A. Medill Francis Marion Beaty Elmer L. Garnett Albert Grafton Varnes Charles E. Sims Smith Hughes Lloyd S. Dance Henry William Smith Neil McMillan, Jr. George Sype Charles S. Rodman John Felix Kyte W. A. McKnight Robert Clinton Lloyd Leroy G. Dake Noah Knapp A. W. Miner Francis Rudolph Wiley

R. M. Staker J. W. Jones F. H. Mehlhop C. C. Erickson Gilbert B. Clark D. S. Miller

230 X O

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Officers President ..... Clarence Green Vice President Marietta Street

Secretary-Treasurer . . . . Katharine Gold Third Member Executive Committee H. G. Paul

Regular Members

Dr. E. C. Baldwin- Guy Hubbart Dean Clark W. C. Lindley Dr. D. K. Dodge J. J. McCarthy Dr. Edward Fulton Pearle Manspeaker Dean Jayne G. E. Marker Miss Martha Kyle Stella Morgan Miss Bertha Pillsbury E. L. Poor Stella Bennett L. W. Railsback Anna Bond C. R. Rounds lucina borton C. C. Royall Tirzah Bradley A. C. Benson Mildred Burrill F. W. Scott G. W. Black J. H. Galeener Lucile Clinton A. M. Shelton Helen Crane Ada Stutsman A. B. Dokman Ruth Taylor Ethel Forbes W. B. Warder F. G. Fox I. M. Western Lois Franklin Elvira Mark Cella Green F. R. Wiley L. G. Herrick Lois Grace Clendenen H. H. Horner Bessie N. Butler Lucia Stevens

Associate Members

Prof. C. W. Alvord Mrs. T. A. Clark Dean Kinley Miss Florence Jones Dean Scott Miss Katherine Manley Miss M. E. Beatty Mrs. W. L. Drew Miss Isabel Bevier Miss J. E. Carpenter Honorary Members

Katherine Merrill, Austin, II Mrs. Schoonoven, Brooklyn, N. Y 233 r

Philomathean Literary Society Officers President O. M. Dickekson Vice President C. W. Rich Recording Secretary C. E. Fleming Corresponding Secretary H. L. Melton Critic C. H. Dawson

Sergeant at Arms . A. M. Shelton Members

P. F. Bates H. T. Schumacher H. L. Boone A. M. Shelton

A. C. Benson J. C. Stine

Samuel Crouch J. H. White C. H. Dawson L. W. Zartman A. B. Dorman R. E. Schreiber O. M. Dickerson A. B. Roy

E. J. Ford F. D. Neidermeyer C. E. Fleming H. L. Melton

T. J. Gilkerson T. L. Jarrett A. E. Haute A. A. Newman C. A. Harris Austin Bond F. E. Inks N. C. Phillips

Guy Hubbart E. J. Galbraith L. F. Larson P. A. Shilton

L. J. Lease E. M. Phillips

J. E. Leaverton M. P. Levine H. H. Moss E. Corrigan

C. W. Rich J. M. Dillavou C. C. Royall R. S. Bauer Clarence Green A. S. Boucher

C N. Shilton C. J. FlLLWEBBEK C. L. Vestal C. H. Wood B. S. Borton W. B. Rose A. W. Bailey

'She smiled, but smilt d on all alike." - Miss Stansbury. > a 5 B


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3 5 3!

Mary L. Boggs Lucile Clinton Ruth Abbott Alta Stansbury Edna Vance Alice C. Mann Julia Wright MerrillMary M. Bevans Mary Booth Julia Mason Isabella Fyfe Katharine Foster Inez Pierce Ida F. Wright Mary Ladd Smith Bertha Royce Mabel E. Cafky Anna Shaw Pinkum Gertrude Fox Hess Charlotte M. Jackson Marie E. Waldo Mabel Hayward Aura E. Powers Ermo Moore Edna Clarkson Carrie B. Sheldon Belle Sweet Edna W. Sheldon Mabel Perry Helen K. Starr Della F. Northey Orrill P. Coolidge

John J. McCarthy Rena Lucas Anna Sitler Leila P. King Ellen M. Schaefer Helen Glen Isabella J. McCulloch Gertrude Bowman Pearle Frankenberg Ruth R. Cummings Margaret A. Gramesley Lynne Worth Gertrude Buck R. Woodmansee Charlotte Barnes Vonie Wiley Elizabeth Greene Eugenia Allin Fanny E. Miller Helen T. Kennedy Genevieve Darlington M. Alice Matthews Fanny R. Jackson Edna E. Daniels Anna V. Jennings Jeannette Drake Anne D. Swezey Jane W. Brotherton Stella Bennett Bertha T. Randall Grace Kelley Edna M. Hawley Willia K. Garver Agnes M. Cole Grace Lefler Virginia MacLochlin Katherine O'D. Manley Frances M. Tuttle Emma R. Jutton Bertha A. Dodge Minnie E. Sears Margaret Mann Caroline V. Langworthy

Frances Simpson Emma J. Hagey John J. McCarthy- Katherine L. Sharp Katherine F. Gold Edna C. Vance Amy C. Moon Grace Goodale Edna Hopkins *Ethel A. Reed *Deceased. 237 Alethenai Literary Society


Officers Angie Clark . . President Helen Naylor Vice President Janet Garwood . Secretary Harriet Holderman Treasurer Nellie Wetzel . Critic

Members Lulu Lego Miriam Roberts Stella Bennett Ruth Crouch Lenna Clark Virginia MacLochlin Laura Dayton Ruth Taylor Pearl Webber Bertha Royce Frances Gilkerson Virginia Richardson Adah Stutsman Ida Wright Mary Anderson Grace Hall Mattte Paine Anna Williams Mary Moss Jessie Baldwin Tirzah Bradley Mabel Hayward Maude Vandervort Estelle McCarthy Josephine Hoadley Adah Drake Kthel Dobbins

- .1 voict ill, tii, babbling of a brook."—Miss Fuksman.

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ARC'"': D

it mp* a i

Officers Austin Bond, President

R. E. Abell, Vice President

Sec. and Treas - J. T. Yawter, Honorary Members Dean Ricker

Seth J. Temple

Prof. J. M. White Prof. C. D. McLane

Active Members V. M. Holder

F. C. Miller

L. H. Provine

J. H. SCHACHT H. W. Whitsitt

J. W. Wilson E. B. Weaver

Ethel Ricker R. W. Flowers

Len F. Steube A. F. Triebel

X. McMillan G. C. Burroughs

W. E. Ramsey H. W. Harper

0. Janssen W. T. Bailey

S. Thompson W. R. Martin

R. R. Burgess E. N. Dugan

J. R. Kennedy A. M. Thomas

C. C. Rich H. S. Hazen

W. H. Parker W. E. Reid

J. McCoy L. J. McCarty L. E. Wilkinson Helen VanMeter

241 Officers

C. Apple President L. T. Ericson Vice President C. H. Seymour Secretary and Treasurer Honorary Members

Prof. I. O. Baker L. G. Parker

Prof. M. S. Ketchum C. W. Malcolm

R. I. Webber R. S. Slocum Active Members

G. L. Sawyer H. R. Garden H. C. J. J. Richey Dadant E. Bear F. A. Randall

B. W. Seymour R. E. Post

F. E. Rightor J. Lucas R. Ingersoll C. E. Rapp

11. R. Armeling C. C. Wiley C. E. Durland J. Krippner G. C. Habermeyer V. R. Fleming

A. C. LeSourd W. H. Roney E. W. Block W. C. Johnston

r. Renner

C. I. Burggraf J. C. Worrel

H. K. Rubey J. C. Atkinson

E. Meier J. C. Costigan

G. F. Donoghue J. W. Sussex

F. 1. Blair J. S. llunti >on M. R. Kays C. L. (iinzel

C. E. Sims A. A. VanPatten

W. H. Warner A. J. Reef H. Schmidt


J. M. Berger President Miss Brunner Vice President G. A. Schmidt Secretary

G. I. Reaves Treasurer Miss Strehlow Critic Honorary Members Mrs. Abbott Prof. D. K. Dodge Mr. C. W. Alvord Mr. Fay Mrs. C. W. Alvord Miss Fernie Miss Blaisdell Prof. C. G. Hopkins Prof. C. W. Brenke Mrs. C. G. Hopkins Dr. N. C. Brooks Prof. C. F. Hottes Prof. S. F. Colvin Miss V. D. Jayne Prof. D. H. Carnahan Dr. G. T. Kemp

Miss J. E. Carpenter Prof. G. H. Meyer Mr. H. L. Coar Dr. L. A. Rhoades Mrs. L. A. Rhoades Active Members

Miss M. A. Beauford J.J. Richey

J. E. Anderson G. A. Schmidt Miss Elsie Reinach Hugo Schmidt Miss W. Williams R. E. Schrieber Miss A. H. Stutsman H. F. Schumacher Miss M. Anderson F. W. Scott

Miss J. Bradshaw Miss Helen Stookey Miss C. Brunner C. H. Smith Miss M. Buerkin Miss P. Webber Miss E. Chisholm Miss A. Westhold Miss G. Darlington Miss F. Simpson Miss E. Forbes Miss M. Lentz F. W. Kasten Miss K. Bear Miss G. Kelley Miss R. Gabel Miss M. Mather G. H. Eidmann

Miss I. McRobie A. G. Schutt Miss B. Norton Miss B. Olson Miss C. B. Reasoner Miss C. Koch

G. I. Reaves A. E. Powers A. F. Tramms

"A lion among ladies is a most terrible thing."— Lyle Johnson.

245 Officers

R. M. Gaston President N. D. Gaston Vice President H. B. Dirks Secretary K. G. Smith Treasurer


T. Atwood F. Duffy J. I. J. F. McCullough E. Armstrong - C J. E. DeValle C. E. Mead R. E. Barickman \V. V. Dunkirk C. M. Nuckolls D. A. Baer C. E. Eiserer J. N. Neilson H. H. Barter R. A. Ernest W. M. Park U. R. Betts M. D. French A. L. Perry W. Baird B. French J. J. W. Pearson R. E. Bowser I. R. Fox R. W. Pool L. P. Beets S. B. Flagg L. E. Ross E. C. Briggs G H. Green G. A. Riley E. A. Brooks H. F. Godeke F. W. Ross J. L. Buchanan A. A. Hale V. L. Sheldon E. T. Buell H. A. Huntoon F Slocum M. L. Carr F. S. Hadfield K. G. Smith C. C. Carr R. L. Horr H. W. Smith S. E. Cobb A. M. Johnson L. A. Stephenson L. P. Cook F. P. Johnson A. C. Singbusch J. H. Clark H. B. Ketzle P. A. Shilton P. C. Carriel H. Kreisinger C. E. Skelley J. F. Cook G. A. Kahout W. N. Spitler H. P. Corbin W. J. Kanne E. R, Skinner H. W. Day R. H. Kuss P. F. W. Timm G. H. Dickerson A. E. Logeman G. A. Turnbull L. Dolkart L. J. Lease G. G. VanHorne C. F. Dosch E. R Leverton R. E. Wells R. S. Drury T. A. Marsh C. S. Wills F. E. DeMoulin A. A. Miller E. B. Wheeler E. A. Dieterle F. W. Marquis J. H. Wallace F. E. Dixon K. Montgomery O. Wiemer C. Wallin

•Donii iii Chicago wt do nil hinds of things -Nkii. McMillan.



E. L. Worthen President

J. C. Spitler Secretary

J. E. Apple Treasurer

J. A. Dewey Vice President


S.J. Haiglit T. Noble H. O. Allison

J. L. McKeighan J. E. Kincaid F. S. Constant

John McCarty A. Snyder F. U. Baldwin

L. V. Logeman F. G. Musgrove G. J. Betzelberger

C. L. Parker A. P. Seymour J. W. Cattron

G. F. Verhalen W. U. Nobley T. Peterson

R. B. Howe G. L. Pfeifer G. W. Brand

A. W. Miner J. O. Jennings A. B. Brown

W. G. Eckhardt W. R.Shinn H. F. Wright

J. O. Finley G. M. Hinkle T. J. Cowser

W. L. Howard C. B. Dorsey J. A. McDorman

C. B. Johnston J. R. Shinn W. R. Cross

C. J. Mann E. A. Porter W. M. Tullock

F. S. Garwood R. Marriott L. C. Dysart

H. E. Garwood B. Sherman C. N. Moss

G. H. Eidmann A. J. Smith G. F. Bridge

C. D. Center H. Caldwell M. O. Funk

249 Officers

Neil McMillnn President.

J. E. Hauter Vice-President.

F. W. Rose . . Recording Secretary.

H. W. Whitsitt . Corresponding Secretary. W. A. McKnight Treasurer.

P. A. Conard ( 1-eneral Secretary.

Chairmen of Committees

Bible Study Committee J. E. Hauter. Missionary Committee R. M. Ross.

Membership J. J. Richey.

Religious Meetings . H. W. Smith.

Social . L. H. Provine.

' Finance . . . . . W. A. McKnight.

Intercollegiate Relations . . H. W. Whitsitt. Publications C. H. Dawson. Vice-President Law Department H. M. Stone. Preparatory School C. T. Moss. Music Committee R. G. Mills. Director of Employment Bureau A. M. Dunlap. Advisory Board

Dean Thomas J. Burrill, Chairman Dean Thomas Arkle Clark Prof. Samuel A. Parr Prof. Cyrus D. McLane Warren R. Roberts George Skinner S. K. Hughes Neil McMillan W. A. Mc Knight

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President Mary Anderson

Vice President . . . Noah Knapp

Secretary-Treasurer . . Edwin R. Smith

Members Eva McKinnie Neta Hannum E. L. Milne W. C. Brenke

E. J. Townsend Amanda Westhold S. A. Abrams Mildred Sonntag

J. McGrath Charles Barnhart

Jessie J. Bullock Candace Robinson John E. Shoemaker G. Rutledge F. L. Mehlhop Ernest W. Ponzer Maud M. Patterson Kenneth N. Evans Adelaide McDonough Ella E. Worthen H. L. Coar L. W. Zartman Ernest B. Lytle E. M. Taylor A. B. Roy E.L.Hawthorne R. L. Short

"I'm not from Missouri."— Prof. Fulton.

253 —


President Lucile Jones Vice President Lenna Clark Secretary Stella Bennett

Treasurer . Myra Mather General Secretary Ethel Dobbins

Chairmen Of Committees

Bible Study — Helen Crane Missionary Committee — Mary Moss Membership— Lenna Clark Religious Meetings — Helen Nay lor Social — Mildred Burrill Finance— Myra Mather Press Imo Baker Preparatory School —Elsie Bean Music School Lillian Heath Rooms and Library — Miriam Roberts Calling —Adah Stutsman Music— Maud Van Dervoort

Advisory Committee

Mrs. A. N. Talbot, Chairman

Mrs. J. 1). Wallace Miss Martha Kyle Miss Jeannette Carpenter

Mrs. T. J. Burrill Mrs. T. A. Clark Miss Grace Parminter Miss Isabel Bevier Miss Louise Dewey Mrs. Edward Fulton

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3 a H. T. Wheelock ---.._ President C. E. Mead Secretary C. A. Rose .--..._ Business Manager J. J. RlCHEY Asst. Business Manager Glee Club Prof. F. L. Lawrence, Leader First Tenors Second Tenors H. T. Wheelock C. A. Rose T. Barrett J. J. J. Richey

J. M. Berger F. D. Niedermeyer H. M. Roy F. H. Reynolds First Bass Second Bass L. T. Allj-n H. K. Collins F. S. Sawyer R. G. Mills R. M. Foskktt L. F. Wooster C. S. Rodman A. Gore Quartet

H. T. Wheelock, First Tenor C. A. Rose, Second Tenor L. T. Allen, First Bass H. K. Collins, Second Bass Mandolin Club R. M. Hess, Leader Mandolins R. M. Hess H. F. Tripp W. A. Clark W. E. Tenney C. W. Hawes H. S. Mitchell B. S. Gray C. B. Richardson Mandola Cello Flute P. Barker R. M. Staker l. F. Wooster Guitars C. E. Mead A. Gore T. Yates C. J. Fletchek

"Sweet/tens long drawn out."— Miss BROOKINGS.


First Sopranos

Eugenia Allin Mrs. Wanda Shklton Helen Bryan Bessie Stevenson Hattie Davis Mary Wheeler Frances Headen Josephine Woodin Second Sopranos

Florence Hostetter Phosbe Mulliken Ina Lapham Angeline Stedman Ethel Lindley Jeannette Stedman Clara Sommer

First Altos

Ina Gregg Lillian Heath Mabel Hayward Jennie Woheforth

Second Altos

Mary Busey Elizabeth Burr

Clarabelle Cook Lida E. Popejoy


Clara Gere Lillian Heath Frances Headen Mary Busey


Mrs. May Emory Breneman Accompanist

Mrs. Eunice Dean Daniels

263 E MMSB


President C. L. Ginzel Secretary W. A. Clark

Business Manager . R. S. Drury Treasurer A. M. Johnson Director Frederick L. Lawrence


Carl L. Ginzel Ralph S. Drury J. M. Powers E. J. Piggott John J. Spriggs Lee A. Ginzel Scott Engle BARITONE FIRST CORNET J. W. Sussex Charles Mann A. A. Harding H. A. Ward Fred C. Carriel M. O. Gibson W. E. Reid SECOND CORNET DOUBLE BASS A. A. Van Patten SOLO B FLAT CLARINET Hugh Kirkpatrick

H. H. Robinson Roy- W. Rutt A. M. Johnson THIRD CORNET Lawrence T. Allen H. W. Warner H. A Dunbar FIRST CLARINET STRING BASS Arthur Remick W. A. FRENCH HORN O. L. Browder Clark C. S. Burggraf SNARE DRUM SECOND CLARINET FIRST ALTO Rex Wells John J. Richey Henry Kreisinger BASS DRUM SECOND ALTO THIRD AND J. Fletcher H. E. Boner FOURTH C CLARINETS DRUM MAJOR H IRD ALTO E. L. Yocum H. H. Morey E. C. Woodin D. A. Parish

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Membership Delta Tau Delta Phi Delta Theta Kappa Sigma Sigma Alpha Epsilon

H. T. Wheelock, President C. Steinwedell, Secretary -Treasurer

E. P. Storey R. R. Ward L. B. Tuthill W. G. Fraser

J. F. Kable R. O. Roberts C. O. Clark C. Steinwedell H. T. Wheelock A. W. Allen C. J. Flktcher P. Barker W. W. Wright A. W. Errett B. C. Nelson W. A. Rice K. W. SlLER N. U. NORTHCOIT

J. F. McIntire R. A. Stipes A. H. Hill G. H. McKinley

W. J. Healey W. G. Diener A. E. Logeiuan

E. H. Lenke J. W. Davis C. H. Green W. E. Ramsey H.F.Tripp W. G. Kaesar R. H. Gage J. L. Polk F. Barker E. L. Yocum W. W. Wright L. M. Tobin E. L. Milne W. Stern Dances

January 9 and 23 February 13 March 13 and 27

"Where go/ you thai rile squeak f"—Cecil Baker.


Membership Alpha Tau Omega Sigma Chi Beta Theta Pi Phi Gamma Delta

H. C. Morse President S. D. Brown Secretary-Treasurer

Ashton Campbell W. Prettyman A. W. Kirkwood W. W. Williams C. C. Garm R. W. Elden G. A. Powers L. E. Rein W. H. Mueller

Garland Stahl R. S. Parker Clyde Mathews R. B. Orndorff W. A. Miskimen W. K. Wiley C. N. Stone P. D. Gillham C. W. Hawes R. E. Travis Alfred Danely H. C. Morse C. Rosebery Bernard Capen J. L. T. Allen H. W. Harper F. B. Penwel R. W. Welshimer

G. L. Sawyer R. V. Engstrom L. W. Railsback W. G. Palmer S. D. Brown D. E. Mather Lewis Brown F. W. Hilliard H. E. Haase

" The fair and unexprexsive - Miss Borne.


Colonel - - - E. L. Draper Lieutenant Colonel ------J F. Duffy, Jr.

Captain and Regimental Adjutant - - - - E. R. Hayhurst Sergeant-Major H. M. Roy Chief Trumpeter L. H. Maxfield Color Sergeant W. C. Bradbury Drum Major D. A. Parish

First Battalion Second Battalion Major, B. H. Prater Major. F. W. Rose First Lieutenant and Adjutant, R. H. Post First Lieutenant and Adjutant, A. J. Reef Sergeant Major, E. T. Renner Sergeant Major, H. F. Godeke

Company A Company E. Captain, C. Apple Captain, J. T. At\vood First Lieutenant, N. McMillan First Lieutenant. R. A. Horr Second Lieutenant, F. H. Kneeland Second Lieutenant. B. French First Sergeant, D. H. Brush. Jr. First Sergeant, E. W. Wagenseil Company B Company F Captain. C. H. Bean Captain, G. A. Smith First Lieutenant, F. W. Hilliard First Lieutenant, J. H. Galeener Second Lieutenant, H. W. Day Second Lieutenant, C. W. Rich First Sergeant, W. W. Wright First Sergeant, W. H. Eikkr Company C Company G Captain, H. W. Whitsitt Captain, H. M. Price First Lieutenant, C. C. Wiley First Lieutenant, E. L. Garnett Second Lieutenant, C. A. Rose Second Lieutenant, H. B. Murphey First Sergeant, W. S. Day First Sergeant, G. B. Clark Company D Company H

Captain, H. J. Quayle Captain, F. T. Cavanor First Lieutenant, R. E. Travis First Lieutenant, F. S. Hadfield Second Lieutenant, E. J. Ford Second Lieutenant. A. P. Standard First Sergeant, C. Conard First Sergeant, F. P. Johnson Battery Captain, L. H. Provine First Lieutenant, N. D. Gaston Second Lieutenant. D. A. Baer First Sergeant, E. H. LENKE

"/ all. I am he daughters of my fjther'sthousi , and all tht brothers too."—Miss Rickbr. w n 2w I *

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33 u ceo M Company A H. F. Wright A. L. Perry G. Sype W. B. Warder

Company B

E. L. Worthen H. W. Harper W. G. Eckhardt Company C

J. E. DUNNjJ F. W. Cutler A. B. Shipman H. C. Wood Company D H. K. Collins

J. M. Dillavou F. W. Hillman G. J. Mautz

Company E.

F. G. Pegelow

K. G. Smith F. O. Pahmeyer J. W. Shaw Company F

C. L. Camp

W. W. Clay E. R. Smith J. R. Powell Company G L. E. Engel H. S. Mitchell W. A. McCully C. M. Nuckolls Company H

C. E. Armstrong G. A. Braden G. R. Bascom G. H IN MAN

"Clothed in, charming originality." —Golden Danely.

275 COMPANY A C. H. Seymour D. A. Abrams E. C. Converse A. B. Dorman H. S. Greene O. Janssen F. G. Applegate F. P. Dillon I. G. Harmon

C. A. Hh.wES J. G. Jordan COMPANY B F. G. Bear C. F. Dosch H. H. Moss E. E. Meier N. E. SE AVERT R. A. Watson H. C. /.ink COMPANY C W. R. Martin A. B. Roy F. H. Emerson C. C. Erickson F. O. Lovins W. C. Sachse COMPANY D W. E. Alley C. H. Caton C. A. Harris L. S. Keeler W. H. Roney R. F. Donohue

C. E. Henderson J. J. Newhaus C. A. O'Cock C. G. Pepper W. L. Standard COMPANY E

J. M. Bond A. R. Fairchild T. H. Blair W. N. Spitler G. C. Gallaher B. R. Brown A. R, Warnock F. H. Reynolds C. M. Page W. H. Rothgeb R. h Welshimer COMPANY F A. Gore V. G. Musselman W.J. Healey E. A. Renick D. B. A. Graham A. F. Triebel G. F. Bridge E. L. Stocker R. M. Evans

W. J. Kanne C. R. Schulte O. S. Watkins H. J. Weaver COMPANY G E. Anders R. C. Llewellyn C. K. Brydges

C. E. Hawley S. J. McGrath J. Lucas C. R. Pierce R. P. Bates E. R. Murphey C. L. Martin C. B. Suttle F. Slocum E. W. Sanford COMPANY H R. W. Boston H. S. Hazkn E. E. BULLARI) R. N. Frith H. W. Hachmeister C. E. LiTTite F. H. McKelvey E. G. Oldefest R. H. Regan

'On their merits modest men are ilitmh.' — Dk. Rhoades. 276 ! D

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Lee W. Railsback; Editor in Chief

Raebern H. Post Associate Editor

S. Dewey Brown Business Manager

Walter F. Smock Assistant Business Manager


Florence Wyle, Artist

Rollo G. Riddle

John L. Polk Angeline Stedman Ethel Ricker Wallace H. Marsh

N. U. Gaston

Smith T. Henry, Jr.

William A. Miskimen

Elmer L. Garnett

James F. Replogle, P. & S.

C. M. Loescher, Dentistry Delos Cozad, Pharmacy

•Th< u never taste who always drink. They always talk who never think."—MlSS D.w.i.am.



[A college magazine published monthly during the college year].

Frank W. Scott - - Editor

Clarence Green - - Associate Editor

ASSISTANT EDITORS Lyle G. Herrick Edwin L. Poor John H. Galeener, Business Manager C. C. Royall, Assistant Business Manager


Dr. Edward Fulton - - Editor STAFF

College of Literature and Arts, Mr. H. G. Paul College of Engineering, Prof. E. C. Schmidt

College of Science, Dr. J. W. Folsom

College of Agriculture, Mr. J. W. Lloyd College of Law, Prof. W. L. Drew School of Music, Mr. George F. Schwarts School of Library Science, Miss Katherine O'Donovan Manley


- - - - J. R. Shinn Editor E. L. Worthen - - Associate Editor

W. G. Eckhardt - - Business Manager

- - J. 0. Finley - Asst. Bus. Manager STAFF

R. C. Lloyd R. B. Howe

J. A. Dewey 0. D. Center E. A. Porter John McCarty

F. S. Garwood T. J. Gilkerson F. G. Bridge J. E. Apple

'He has a face more evil than his hear/.'"—Ashmore


Published by the Students of the University of Illinois Every School Day During the University Year

Irving M. Western, Editor Henry J. Quayle, Manager

Assistant Editors R. E. Schreiber, '04 T. 0. Holcomb, '04

Assistant Managers

'04 '05 K. H. Post, T. J. Gilkerson,


'05 '04 J. M. Boyle, J. G. Wilson, Glidden Hinman, '04 Mattie M. Paine, '04 P. A. Shilton, '05 A. B. Roy, '05 R. P. Bundy, '04 S. Y. Hughes, '04 Otto Janssen, '05 Lulu M. Lego, '03 W. C. Yeomans, Illustrator '05, J. M. Boyle, Proof Reader

••A baby figurt <>/' u giant mass."—"Fat" Ai.i.kn.


The Technog'raph


President, L. H. Provine, '03, Architects' Club Vice-President, W. P. Ireland, '03, C. E. Club Sec. and Treas., N. D. Gaston, '04, M. E. & E. E. Society

Publication Committee

Editor in Chief, R. H. Kuss, '03, M. E. & E. E. Society Business Manager, H. W. Whitsitt, '03, Architects' Club

Associate Editor, J. T. Vawter, '04, Architects' Club

Assistant Business Managers

W. A. McCully, '04, C. E. Club M. D. French, '03, M. E. & E. E. Society

Assistant Editors

J. E. Conley, '03, C. E Club Chas. Apple, '03, C. E. Club C. P. A. '04, '03, Soc'y. Lonergan, C. E. Club J. H.Wallace, M.E. & E.E. F. S. Hadfield, '04, M. E. & E. E. Society R. R. Burgess, '04, Architects' Club L. F. Stuebe, '03, Architects' Club

Advisory Board

I. O. Baker, Professor of Civil Engineering G. A. Goodenough, Ass't. Professor of Mechanics A. N. Talbot, Professor of Municipal and Sanitary Engineering

J. M. White, Professor of Architecture A. P. Carman, Professor of Physics Morgan Brooks, Professor of Electrical Engineering

Youth, (lint fault which only time can remedy."—Bess Stevenson.

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Colonel Henry Clinton Forbes, Librarian of the State Laboratory of Natural History,

Died January 5, 1903

Ethel Reed, '04,

Died January 27, 1903

Claude C. Fuller, '06,

Died February 19, 1903

28Q 1

Illinois - Iowa Debate

Iowa City, Iowa, January 16, 1903. Question. -Resolved: That the United States should adopt a policy of com- plete commercial reciprocity in lieu of its present policy of high protective tariff- complete commercial reciprocity to mean reciprocal free trade.

Affirmative - Iowa. Negative— Illinois. Decision for the Negative.

F. H. Doeden G. W. Black A. J. Reek

-.1 sun cun for insomnia." i>k. Brooks.

j' 11 —

H. L Melton L. F. Lakson Noah Kn.iit Indiana-Illinois Debate

Urbana, Illinois, March 6, 1903.

Question. —Resolved : That the United States should enter into a reciprocity treaty with Canada, said treaty to provide for a mutual reduction by at least fifty per cent of the present tariff schedule on all articles of commerce between the two countries. Affirmative — Illinois. Negative — Indiana. Decision for the Negative.

A. Ii. DOKMAN L. W. Zaktman A. M. Shelton

Illinois-Missouri Debate

Columbia, Missouri, April 24, 1903. QUESTION.—Resolved: That Congress should have and exercise the exclusive power of regulating those industrial corporations which, by their relative magnitude, are enabled largely to control the prices at, and the conditions under which their commodities are placed upon the market. Affirmative — Missouri. Negative Illinois.


Athletic Association


C. H. HlGGINS President

R. S. Parker . Vice-President

R. H. Kuss . Secretary W. A. Heath Treasurer

Board of Control

Chas. Higgins, President Geo. H. Uickerson, Secretary

Faculty- Members

J. M. White Professor Barton

Alumni Members

Arthur Hall Geo. A. Huff, Graduate Manager

Student Members

J. H. Schacht C. P. A. Lonergan Chas. Higgins Geo. H. Dickerson

Wearers of the I

Football Stahl Cook McKnight ROTHGKB Fairvveather DlKNER Parker BUNDY Huntoon McKlNLEY Stone Bronson Pitts Wilson Kasten Capin Beers

Baseball lundgren Stahl Falkenberg Bee be Miller Ashmore Mathews Parker Fulton Steinwedell Higgins Cook Uevelde

TracK Herrick Rodman Frieze Keator Cayou Henry Bear Ketzle Rothgeb

oh! reform it all together. ' -Diener.

205 1 OOT-BAL

The 1902 Team

The following table includes all the men of th e Varsity squad : YEARS ON NAME AGE WEIGHT HEIGHT RESIDENCE TEAM

Garland Stahl 22 185 72.6 Elkhart 4 James Fitchie Cook 22 162 67.7 Dundee 4 William Asbury McKnight 25 159 68.3 Ingraham 3 Claude James Rothgeb 22 179 71 .6 Milford 2 Charles Arthur Fairweather 24 184 73-2 Hoodville 2 Walter Gustav Diener 21 176 68.8 Chicago 2 Roy Sheldon Parker 20 162 67.8 Toluca 2 Herman Winford Bundy 23 201^ 68.4 Hayes 2 Harry Alexander Huntoon 20 146^ 67.6 Moline 2 George H arvey McKinley 21 129X 67.6 Moline 2

Clyde Ernest Stone 26 192^ 68.1 Urbana 1

George U . Bronson 22 161 67.2 Urbana 1

Ralph L. Pitts 20 I54K 71. McLean 1

Joe Wade Wilson 24 163 72. Chicago 1

Frederick William Kasten 20 171 67.4 Dalton 1

Bernard Capen 20 182 67.6 Bloomington 1

Harley M inor Beers 21 161 61 .9 Chicago 1

Sched ule 0/ G ames

September 20 Illinois Field III nois 34 North Division 6 September 27 Illinois Field 111 nois 45 Engle wood September 30 Illinois Field 111 nois 22 Kirksville Medical College October 4 Illinois Field III nois 33 Monmouth

October 8 Illinois Field 111 nois 24 Haske 11 Indians 10 October 13 Illinois Field 111 inois 44 Washington

October 17 Illinois Field 111 inois 29 Purdue 5 October 25 Marshall Field III inois Chicago 6

November 1 Illinois Field 111 inois 47 Indiana

November 8 Minneapolis III inois 5 Minnesota 17

November 15 Columbus 111 inois Ohio November 22 Chicago 111 inois 17 Northwestern November 26 Illinois Field III inois 80 Iowa

Games played, 13 ; Games won, 10 ; Games lost, 2 ; Games tied, I.

Points scored by Illinois, 380 ; Points scored against Illinois, 44.

"He hath never fed on. Hie dainties that are bred in books."—FRED BBEBK. 2% z 3 a H

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Football Review

.A.T IS NOT THE PURPOSE, in this review, to discuss the personnel of the foot- X ball team of nineteen hundred and two. They have been sufficiently criticised T inarticles already before the student body. If, however, anything should be said to their credit, it is that the success achieved was due to the consistent efforts of all the men, not only of the regular team, but of the whole squad. Illinois has never had a better, more effective squad of reserves than those of last season, under the coaching of Manager Huff. The men who take the brunt of the work on the practice field, and who do not Ct get an opportunity for honors on the field of contest, de- serve much credit. The success of the Varsity is in a large measure due to the consistent work of the scrubs. The football season of nineteen hundred and two had

much of success in it; and though Illinois did not close the season in the position she had hoped to occupy* she sustained her position as one of the strong teams of

the west. It has been said that, individually, the team was one of the best Illinois has ever had. This has given

rise to a feeling with some that it should have accom- plished more. This may be true; and reason why this

was not done is a matter not easy to explain. A foot-

ball team is peculiar in this regard: that anything which tends to cause dissatisfaction or friction among the men

of the team or connected with it, much disturbs that concert of the team's work upon which so much de-

pends. That such conditions to some extent existed is iully admitted, and as thoroughly regretted by all who had the season's work at heart. It is but justice to say, however, that the extent of these conditions was con- siderably exaggerated in articles written for the Chicago dailies, the effect of which was not salutary. Of the season's work there was but one game, of the two lost, which all felt we should have won. This was the Chicago game. Nor is it seriously doubted that it would have been won but for the unusual tackle, made by Chicago in the first play, which injured Captain Stahl, laying his usually invincible position open to success- ful attack.

It is needless to go into the details of the different games. All, no doubt, fol- lowed them on the field or in the newspapers, and are conversant with them and the results. Suffice it to say that they were won or lost honorably, that the spirit of honor, fair dealings and sportsmanlike effort characterized the work of the team at all times — as was true of their opponents. At no time did Illinois forget to show to a visiting team that courtesy due them as our guests. Nor in the strenuous heat of the contest did she at any time forget or fail to be just; but more than once Cap- tain Stahl granted to the opposing side more time than that allowed by regulations for the refreshing of a member of their team. Also the student body and patrons are to be commended for the spirit shown during their attendance at our games - a spirit of fairness and courtesy, befitting a great university such as ours.

" Whose every thought in of propriety.''''—Inez Pierce.

299 Though we may not have reached the heights we wished, there is mucli in the season's work to be proud of. Though not champions, Illinois stood second in the United States in scoring ability —a matter of no mean honor. Michigan with her great team led, far in the advance, with six hundred and forty-four points. Illinois came second with three hundred and seventy-six, distancing Cornell, third in rank, by fifty-two points. This is not without significance. Points must be scored before they can be counted; and they show largely the playing of the team. This, taken with the facts that but twenty-nine points were scored against her during the sea- son, and but two games were lost, shows Illinois to have had a winning, if not a championship team.

A strong scoring ability denotes an endurance which is made possible only by thorough training; and it is due to the untiring efforts and pronounced skill of Trainer Conibear that our team stood the strain of hard fought contests better than most of our opponents, and was able to keep up that speed and push, which, with well taught principles of foot-ball, makes high scores attainable. Much may be gathered from the season that w.ll be of future benefit to us, both as members of the squad and as students interested in the success of the team. A little forethought will cause us to avoid such mistakes as giving vent to feelings of dissatisfaction, or countenancing politics in any form, and many other small matters which under the strain of the work become magnified and harmful; and indeed they must be avoided if we would prevent an eventual stagnation of interest and spirit in athletics. I believe that the good sense of Illinois will enable us to profit by the ex- amples of other universities which have in times past drifted upon such shoals; that she will not only maintain her now high position among the universities, but that she will do much toward setting still higher the standard of efficient and clean ath- letics. C. E. Stone.



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'There is nothing half so sweet in life as love's young dream."—C. A. Rose and Lillian Heath

Base Ball Team 1902

J. D. White, Manager Carl L. Lundgren, Captain


Cook, c. f. 16 378 938 13 Steinwedell, 3 db. 16 271 857. 6 Stahl, c. 16 273 982 II

Higgins, 1. f. '5 220 I.OOO IO ASHMORE, ist b. 16 180 993 14 Develde, r. f. 11 178 1,000 6 Fulton, 2db. 12 204 915 4

Parkek, sub. 11 257 694 5 Mathews, s. s. 13 277 877 9 Lundgren, p- 10 139 943 Falkenberg, p- 4 500 864

Beebe, p. 1 375 800

Miller, p. 1 750 1,000 1

Stevenson, sub. 2 286 I, coo

Schedule of Conference Gaines

April 12, Illinois vs. Michigan 7—3 April 23. Illinois vs. Northwestern 11— 3 April 25. Illinois vs. Wisconsin 1— 2 April 26, Illinois vs. Chicago 5-6

April 3". Illinois vs. Chicago 10— 1

May 3. Illinois vs. Chicago 2—3

May 7. Illinois vs. Chicago 7- 3 May IO| Illinois vs. Northwestern rain May 12, Illinois vs. Michigan 2—

May 16, Illinois vs. Iowa 16— 1

May 17, Illinois vs. Chicago 15- 1 May 22, Illinois vs. Michigan 7-6

He looked into the glass, and fell in lore with liis own face." —Hakvey Wood.

302 < > a > pi w > p p d D H P >

M o M d > E

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS BALL TEAM EN ROUTE IN THE EAST [Dotted Lino Shows Line ol March.] The Eastern Trip

T WAS AN AUSPICIOUS EVENT in the history of University of Illinois athletics, when, on May 21, 1902, the Varsity base- ball team took its departure to engage in the most successful eastern trip ever made by a western team. In anticipation of success, and to show the true Illinois spirit, hundreds of rooters, headed by the University band, accompanied the team to the

' Central depot to give the Varsity a rousing send off. With them came loyal and enthusiastic professors to add their bene- dictions upon the invasion of the east. All this ado meant much to the team, for each member was clear headed enough tu see that Illinois expected every man to do his best. Accordingly, from the very start, the men were imbued with a fighting spirit.

Remembering the hearty send off, the team found it necessary, in order to meet the eastern nines with a clear conscience, to dispose, first of all, of our old time rival, the University of Michigan. A muddy diamond and field prevented fast play and made the score a close one; but though the Michigan rooters howled and prayed for the usual grand stand finish in their favor, it was not forthcoming. Beebe retired in the third inning in favor of Falkenberg, who held Michigan down, while timely drives by Ashmore and Stahl gave us the

winning score. The result, 7 to 6, tells the story inadequately, for the victory meant increased confidence, and the team en- tered the east unencumbered by bitter thoughts of recent de- feat.

The Illini left Ann Arbor the night of the victory, and arrived in Buffalo the next morning. From Buffalo a trip was made to Niagara, where the men spent several hours viewing the rapids, falls and gorge, while some of the un- initiated discovered the mysteries of the cave of the winds. Returning to Buffalo, the team left early in the afternoon on the Empire State Express for Albany, from which the jour- ney to New York was made by night boat down the Hudson. The next morning Coach Huff led the way to Princeton, N.

J., where his hopefuls witnessed the track meet between Princeton and the University of California.. The preliminary practice for the Princeton game was fast on both sides, and proved that all the men were on their mettle. The game itself was closely contested through out and was undecided until the ninth inning, when Illinois bunched her hits and secured two runs as a lead. Princeton tried to rally, but her efforts were futile; Lundgren was mas- ter of the situation at all times and had the Princeton men guessing. He struck out eight men and seemed most effective when the bases were occupied. Stahl put up a fine back-stop game, and the team gave gilt-edged and errorless support. The in. field was especially active, keeping up a constant chatter and gobbling up everything within reach. With the exception of a single error, Princeton also put up a clean- cut game. The lone run falling to her credit was a vicious home-run drive by short- stop Meier in the fourth inning. Lundgren thought to catch him napping, so he sent a

3U0 fast one straight across the plate. The wily tiger was watching for just such a trick, and walloped the sphere over Higgin's head for a homer. Illinois' runs came in the fourth and ninth innings. In the fourth Stahl and Fulton hit safely; DeVelde was given a pass and advanced each of them a base. Stahl scored a little latter on a sacrifice by Higgins. In the ninth, Fulton and De- Velde singled, and a liner from Higgins scored Fulton. A slow grounder from

Mathews allowed DeVelde to score. Thus by a score of 3 to 1, Illinois delivered to Princeton the first defeat on home grounds in three years.

Sunday was spent in New York, and the next day Coach Huff took his flock to New Haven to see the Yale-Georgetown game, and to get a line upon their style of play. The game was a ragged exhibition for both sides, and Illinois stock took a de- cided rise. Our next opponent was to have been Brown University, but the game was pre- vented by rain. The opposing teams appeared upon the field and went through pre- liminaries before rain began to fall, and if comparative practice can betaken as a cri- terion, chances were favorable for another victory.

From Princeton we went to Boston, where we met the one disappointment of the trip. Here we met Harvard and were defeated in an exciting contest by a score of 2 to 1. The game was hard fought all through and was said to have been the best game played on Harvard field for many a day. Both Lundgrenand Clarkson pitched superb ball, but the error column and weak stick work of Illinois lost the game to Harvard. Lundgren made two of the five hits secured by Illinois. Mathews, who was unable to play because of an injured finger, was sadly missed, and a few costly errors were responsible for Harvard's runs.

From Boston the Illini went to West Point, where the cadets were taken to task by a score of 6 to 5. Falkenberg seemed at his best and pitched like a whirl-wind for four innings, disposing of the first twelve batters in one-two-three order. He then seemed to weaken, for the soldier boys found him more frequently and ran up a score close to our own. Luckily, in the first three innings Illinois scored enough runs to win out, but it took her best efforts to hold the cadets down and make sure of victory.

The next game was with Yale at New Haven before a crowd of thirteen hundred,

Illinois led from start to finish, winning easily by the score of 10 to 4. The game was a rather ragged exhibition of fielding on both sides. Yale excelled in error making. Lundgren was the more effective of the twirlers, and the team batted up to its normal standard. Cook kept up his record by making three hits, one of which was a cracking home-run drive. Illinois was especially active upon the bases, Stahl making a total of four steals. At no time was the game in any danger, and after the first few innings it was only a question of how large the score would be.

The final game of the eastern trip was played June 7, on Franklin field, Phila- delphia, with the University of Pennsylvania. The outcome was a victory by a score of 11 to 3. Illinois led from the very beginning and played an errorless game. There was no comparison in the play of the two teams. Illinois played quick, snappy ball, while the Quakers were unable to handle anything. Lundgren pitched a star game, and was well assisted by Stahl. Mathews was able to return to the game, and did some sensational fielding. Twice he made catches in short left which looked good for hits, and he also made some difficult stops. On account of the game, Stalq was credited with being the best back-stop that ever appeared on Franklin field, while the team was characterized as the strongest and best balanced college team that was ever pitted against the Quakers.

"Pride, the never/ailing vice of fools.'" —Guy Hubbakt.

307 . 7

Thus ended the eastern trip— a triumph of the west over the east. Every mem- ber of the Varsity deserves credit for his share in making the trip a success, but to Lundgren belongs an especially large portion of glory. His consistent pitching baf- fled his opponents, and forced Illinois to the front. Credit must also be given to Stahl for good back-stop work; to Cook for good use of the stick; and to Steinwedell and his compatriots for their stonewall infield.

The eastern trip is one to be remembered by the 1902 team, since it was made as enjoyable and profitable from a standpoint of comfort and sight-seeing as could be desired. The arrangement of the games by Coach Huff, with abundance of time between them, prevented weariness either from work or travel. Still another feature which made every member of the team proud of representing Illinois, was the fact that he was well provided with base-ball equipment. Because Illinois did not stint her- self in supplying her team, it made as fine an appearance on the field as the best of its opponents. Too much credit cannot be given to Coach Huff for instilling into his charges the real essentials of good ball playing. A comparison of the work of Illinois with that of the five representative eastern teams showed that the Illini had a knowledge of the finer points of the game.which all of their opponents did not have. Good coach- ing certainly helped out in making the eastern trip a success, for the raw material had been turned out as a finished product. The home coming was a pleasant one. A dense crowd awaited the arrival of the early train carrying the team, and gave it a rousing welcome. Nor did this end the honor accorded the victors; the next night saw them paraded down the principal streets of Champaign to the Beardsley hotel, where the citizens of Champaign pre- sented the team with a fine silver cup. Such is the history of the eastern trip of the team of 1902. Eastern Schedule -1 May 24, 1 Ilinois vs. Princeton ... 3 " " 28, vs. Brown . .. rain " " 30, vs. Harvard . .. 1—2 " " 3'. vs. West Point .,... 6-5 " June 4, vs. Yale . . 10—4 " " 7. vs. Pennsylvania. ..11—

30S Illinois vs. Michigan


40 Yard Dash Hahn Mich. Bell 111. =4§ 440 Yard Dash Nufer Mich. Herstein Mich. :55? 880 Yard Run Foster Mich. Herrick 111. 2:09J Mile Run Kellogg Mich. Ketzle III. 4:49j High Jump Armstrong Mich. Snow Mich. 5 ft. 8 in.

Shot Put Snow Mich. Robinson Mich. 41 ft. 4 in.

40 Yard Hurdles Nufer Mich. Robinson Mich. =5i? Relay Race Michigan Illinois

Illinois vs. Chicago

Illinois Field, May 3, 1903


100 Yard Dash Blair Chi. Maloney Chi. Ingham III. :io

120 Yard Hurdle Maloney Chi. Freeze 111. Ratcliff 111. = l5f Mile Run Henry 111. McCully 111. Mathews Chi. 4:38? 440 Yard Dash Cayou 111. Pettit Chi. Lindsay 111. =5il 220 Yard Dash Blair Chi. Maloney Chi. Cayou 111. :22

Two Mile Run Henry Chi. Ketzle 111. Gilkerson III. io:i4i

880 Yard Run Herrick 111. Cahill Chi. Lindsay 111. i:59*

220 Yard Hurdles Maloney Chi. Freeze III. Wellingt' iChi. =24*

High Jump Keator 111. Quantrell Chi. Long HI. 5 ft. 7 in.

Pole Vault Magee Chi. Black 111. Granberg Chi. 11 ft. in 9 # Hammer Throw Bear 111. Speik Chi. Granberg Chi. 119.71 ft. Shot Put Rothgeb 111. Speik Chi. Perkins Chi. 39 ft. 8 in. Discus Throw Speik Chi. Rodman III. Smith 111. 112.45 ft.

Broad Jump Thompson 111. Friend Chi. Hopkins Chi. 22 ft. 4i in.

Total, Chicago 65 ; Illinois 61

• The man that blushes is not Quite a brute."1 — H. G. Paul.

309 Illinois vs. Wisconsin

Illinois Field, May 15, 1902 EVENT FIRST SECOND RECORD

120 Yard Hurdles Saridakis Wis. Freeze 111. :i53 ioo Yard Dash Poage Wis. Miller 111. :io Mile Run Keachie Wis. Hahn Wis. 4:35? 440 Yard Dash Poage Wis. Cayou 111. :49§ 220 Yard Dash Poage Wis. English 111. :2i£

220 Yard Hurdles Freeze 111. Ratcliff III. :25S 880 Yard Run Daniels Wis. BreitkreutzWis. i=57« Two Mile Run McEachron Wis. Smith Wis. 10:12$

Pole Vault Durland 111. Berry 111. 10 ft. 4 in.

Discus Throw Rodman 111. Watson Wis. 120 ft. 2I in. Running High Jump Keator 111. Abbott Wis. 5 ft. 71 in. Shot Put Rothgeb 111. Rodman 111. 40 ft. 4 in. Running Broad Jump Keator 111. Hueffner Wis. 22 ft. 1 if in. Hammer Throw Long Wis. Bear III. 121 ft.

Total Points, Wisconsin 58; Illinois 54

XV. I. C. A. A.

Marshall Field, May 31, 1902


120 Yd Hurdles Maloney Chi. Bockman Minn. Saridakis Wis. :I5S 100 Yd Dash Hahn Mich. Blair Chi. Maloney Chi. no

Mile Run Keachie Wis. Perry Mich. Henry III. 4:3i« 440 Yd Run Merrill Bel. Nufer Mich. Tibbitts Minn. 150 220 Yd Dash Maloney Chi. Blair Chi. Merrill Bel. :22j

220 Yd Hurdles Bockman Minn. Nufer Mich. Merrill Bel. :25l 880 Yd Run BreitkreutzWis. Foster Mich. Daniells Wis. 2:00?

Two Mile Run Kellogg Mich. McEachron Wis. Ketzle 111. 10:07

Pole Vault Chapman Drake Dvorak Mich. Magee Chi. 11 ft. 6J in,

Discus Throw Swift fowa Baird N.W. Place Chi. 118 ft. 9 in,

Run'g High Jump Barrett Mich. Snow Mich. Quantrell Chi. 5 ft. 9l in Shot Put Kirby N. D. Snow Mich. Merrill Bel. 41 ft. 81 in.

Run'g Broad Jump Hopkins Chi. Keator III. Hueffner Wis. 22 ft. 5 in

Hammer Throw Pell Drake Long Wis. Bear 111. 137 ft. ij in,


A Year With the TracR Team '"] N THE FALL of iooi the prospects for a strong track team at Illinois were far from good. The lack of suitable gymnasium quarters the year before had been a great handicap, and the University community seemed to have lost nearly all -I interest in track matters. In Captain Bell, Lindsay, Ketzle, Keator, Siler, Henry- Cayou, and a very few others, Illinois had veterans who could be counted upon- But at the beginning of the year interest was slight, the squad was very small, and new men unusually slow to enter the work. In trainer H. B. Conibear, however, the track team found not only a trainer, but a leader as well. Mr. Conibear came to the University with a great deal of enthusiasm for track athletics, and with a great deal of faith in what can be accomplished by steady, persistent training. During the first two months of the University

year his time was largely taken up by the foot ball squad ; by Thanksgiving day he had made for himself a reputation for effi- ciency, and had won many friends. As soon as the foot ball season was over he began to draw men into the track squad. Develop-

ment came slowly at first, but it came surely. A series of indoor meets was arranged, inter-fraternity, inter-class, and inter-college, and gradually an interest in track athletics was aroused. The new gymnasium building was in shape for partial occupation shortly after the Christmas holidays, and the men began to run on the new fifteen-lap track, which also had its effect in increasing the size of the track squad. At this time the team lost its most valuable man through the

illness of its captain, Bell, and some energy was necessarily wasted in the change from one captain to another. Although the team

won easily in an inter-collegiate meet at St. Louis, it was decisively defeated in a dual meet at Michigan. The real test of its strength however, came in the dual meets with Chicago and Wisconsin, held at Champaign, and in the Annual Conference meet at Chi-

cago, May 31. In each of the two dual meets mentioned, Illinois made a most excellent showing and in each lost the meet by only four points. Records were broken in each contest. In the Conference meet Illinois did not get among the leaders simply because the team, with a number of fairly good men, was not exceptionally strong in any event. But trainer Conibear and those who had followed track affairs for any length of

time knew that the year could not be one of victories ; it could be only a time of preparation and development, a time when the foundations of a winning team might

be laid. As such a year of preparation it was surely a success. The truth of this statement is easily shown by a comparison of the opening of the season of 1902-3 with that of a year ago. When the track men began to don their suits in September of 1902, Mr. Conibear had three veterans against everyone he had had a year ago.and the individual work of the men was much better. Moreover, the number of men who joined the track squad, instead of being limited to twenty-five or thirty, was over a

hundred, at one time running up to one hundred and fifty. More than this, an interest in track athletics had grown up throughout the whole University community, thus supplying that underlying moral support which must be behind every winning team. Judged by the score of contests lost and won, the track season of 1901-02 was far from

a success ; but, judged by the foundations laid for the future, and by the vital interest

aroused in track affairs, it was successful in every sense of the word.

" Too pretty to be wise."—Ethel Lindley.

313 Interscholastic Meet

Illinois Field, May 17, 1902 50-Yard Uash — Hails, Centralia, won; Henderson, South Division second; Robin- son, East Aurora, third; Time 6 seconds.

880-Yard Dash — Barker, Evanston, won; Melin, Springfield, second; Fuller, Charles- ton, third; Time 2:04 4-5.

100-Yard Dash -Henderson, South Division, won; Shaw, Peoria, second; Robinson, East Aurora third; Time, 10 4-5 seconds.

440 Yard Dash —Buckwalter, South Division, won; Miller, North Dixon, second; Dixon, Greenville, third; Time, 52 seconds.

Mile Run — Melin, Springfield, won; Dayton, Paris, second; Crittendon, West Aurora, third; Time, 4:50.

220 Yard Hurdles -Salmon, Englewood, won; Buckwalter, South Division, second, Catlin, West Aurora, third; Time, 27 1-5 seconds.

Shot Put — Maxwell, Englewood, won; Gale, East Aurora, second; Carruthers, Pon- tiac, third; Distance, 45 feet 3 inches.

High Jump — Parrish, Paris, won; Finlay, Quincy, second; McLaughlin, Winchester,

third; Height 5 feet 8 1-2 inches.

Discus Throw— Catlin, West Aurora, won; Kline, Amboy, second; Edward, Pontiac, third; Distance, 104 feet.

Standing Broad Jump— Clark. Charleston, won; Garland, Decatur, second; McLaugh- lin, Winchester, third; Distance, 10 teet 2 1-2 inches.

Pole Vault— Dickey, South Division, won; Dudley, Evanston, second, Brown, Clyde,

third; 10 feet 1 inch.

Hammer Throw— Edward, Pontiac, won; McBride, Lebanon, second; Fuller, Charleston, third; Distance, 141 feet 2 inches.

Running Broad Jump — Hails, Centralia, won; Wilson, Pontiac, second; Flanders, West Aurora, third; Distance 21 feet 10 1-2 inches.

2 Lap Relay—South Division won; Atlanta, second; MtVernon, third: Time 2:122-5

Summary of Points

South Division 31, Paris 14, Centralia 10, Englewood 10, Pontiac 10, Evanston 8,

Springfield 8, West Aurora 8, Charleston 7, East Aurora 6, North Division 3, Quincy

3, Decatur 3, Atlanta 3, Amboy 3, Lebanon 3, Winchester 2, Greenville I, MtVernon.

1, Clyde Township 1.

314 President - - - - W. L. Pillsbury

Secretary-Treasurer - C. W. Alvord Executive Committee L. P. Breckenridge E. S. Dexter K. P. R. Neville

The University Golf Club has entered on the fourth year of its career. During this period the full membership, although never large, has been maintained. Under the efficient supervision of the Superin- tendent of Grounds, the fair and putting greens have been greatly improved. Since the introduction of the game there has been steady and healthy improvement in the style and quality of the play of members. In the annual contests with the Champaign Club the University players have more than held their o\Mi. It is a matter of regret that the weather prevented the annual con- test between the clubs this year. The most successful tournament ever held by the University Golf Club was played on the home links during the week November i to November 8, 1902. There were thirty-three contestants in all the events.and the interest aroused by the tournament brought out many players who had not been seen on the links for months. The character of the tournament was composite, for prizes were offered for the best medal score, for the best net score in the handicap event, and for the winners in the three flights at match play. The club offered a handsome silver trophy cup as prize for the player making the eighteen holes in the lowest score. This cup is to become the property of the player who wins it three times. M r. Coar, Mr. Alvord, and Mr. East tied on the first day of the tournament, each finishing in eighty-four strokes. It was agreed to play off the tie in a nine hole match. Mr. Alvord won by completing the round in forty-two strokes against Mr. Coar's forty-four. Mr. East did not finish. Mr. East's score of eighty-four made him winner of the handicap tournament with a net score of seventy-eight. Never before this year has the club had a successful match tournament. Usually such a tournament has been prolonged over several weeks until all interest in the

result was lost. This fall it was finished almost on scheduled time. Prizes were offered for the winners of three groups. The first group was composed of players who made the best eight scores in the medal tournament, the second of the next eight and so on. Mr. Coar was the winner of the first eight, Mr. Lindley of the second, and Mr. Carnahan of the third.

315 y-\ pyHIS YEAR has been an unusually successful one in basket ball. The various teams were organized by Miss Carpenter, the director, early in the fall. So

many wished to play that six teams were chosen : one each to represent the -I Varsity, the juniors, and the sophomores, and two to represent the freshmen.

All did good work ; the freshmen, especially, in addition to having good material, were exceptionally energetic. Each team played once or twice a week. Some time before Christmas the rosettes of orange and blue ribbon appeared as the spoil for the victor. The idea was to have each class play for the colors, and the class champion challenge the Varsity. The freshmen won the colors, and were successful in holding them against all the other class teams, but lost to the Varsity. This is the first year in the history of the Varsity that the team has not been beaten once, and they are duly proud- They, like Alexander, sigh for more worlds to conquer, and want to try their mettle against teams from other schools. Following is the line-up of the

Varsity Freshmen Champions Class Champions

Right goal - Helen Bagley Right goal - La Rue Dayton

Center goal - Marjorie Forbes Center goal - Belma Davis

Left goal - Florence Wyle, Capt. Left goal - Ruby Risser

Center - Anne Swezey Center - Mary Collins

Right guard - Marietta Street Right guard - Dora Davidson Centerguard - Ethel Ricker Center guard - Maud Depuy

Left guard - Verna Brooks Left guard - Agnes McDougall

" There is a laughing devil in /ii» sneer."—Prof. a. \V. Palmer.

3ie B "N V r gg w X * #* w e> 71 M S M M N w H » t> 3 IT

The Freshman Team

HE FRESHMAN FOOT-BALL TEAM succeeded this year in winning the class championship, an honor which for years has fallen to the lot of no

•S* other incoming class. At the beginning of the season the team was seemingly weak, and the game with the juniors was won largely through luck, Captain Huss making a drop kick from the thirty yard line for the only score of the game. The juniors outplayed the 1906 men at straight foot-ball, but superior head work and good defense at critical times won the game. The sophomores were the next victims, going down by a 12 to 6 score. The interest in this game between the under- classmen was intense.and the rooting and^enthusiasm reminded one of a varsity game. As in their previous game, the fresh- man defense was superior to that of their opponents, and their varied offense was too much for the sophs to solve. In most points of the game the teams were very evenly matched; but the freshmen showed more careful training, and a better know- ledge of the fine points of the game. The seniors were the last to fall before the prowess of the champions, and although they outweighed the freshmen fif- teen pounds to the man, they proved to be the weakest of the class teams, the score of 17 to 6 not showing the comparative

strength. By this time it was evident that the fresh- men were a well rounded team, with a strong defense and a varied and effective offense. Now those who had attributed the team's success largely to luck were forced to admit their su- periority and their right to the title of class football champions. To finish an already successful season, the Chicago freshmen were taken into camp in a game replete with brilliant plays, and one in which the ultimate result was in doubt until the last minute of play. The Chicago team was much heavier than Illinois, but their plays were slowly executed, and lacked variety. Illinois took the ball from the kick-off and carried it down the field only to lose it on a fum- ble at Chicago's five yard line. Chicago punted fifty yards and Illinois again car- ried the ball bac k to the five yard line, being held there for downs. The Maroons again kicked out of danger, and as before Illinois started for their opponents' goal, only to meet with another stand by Chicago on their two yard line. These tactics were kept up through the entire game, Chicago being unable to carry the ball with any success, their good punting and defense at critical times alone saving them from a large score. The only score came in the middle of the second half, when, after a twenty yard run by Henry, Kline was pushed over the line, Huss failing goal.

318 w en X % > 2;

> r r H w >

" Nell " A SKetch

HAT PORTION of the city of San Francisco known as "Harney's

Acre" is one of the toughest, if not the toughest place in all California, " " and Hogan's Alley, which bisects it into the " North and the " South

sides, is a narrow, flagged court, flanked on both sides by rows of tall,

dirty, unpainted tenement houses, in which is located the hot-bed of concentrated wickedness. The crime and lawlessness that is daily carried on here is inconceivable to him who has not been an eye witness. In the summer evenings, when the "city twilight" falls over the scene, frowsy headed women in dirty and ragged gowns, with sleeves rolled up to their elbows, lean against the door posts and gossip, while out in the street dirty, unkempt children and mangy dogs gambol together in wanton disregard of all sanitary laws. Passing down the street we see on the south side "The Palace," where the men are assembled, smoking poor tobacco, drinking cheap whisky, and bartering their scant earnings away over a pack of greasy cards. Farther down the street, on the north side, stands a house a little taller, a little more dilapidated, and a little more forbidding than the others. This is Hogan's " home. Here it was that Nell, or Hogan's Nell," as she was familiarly called by the denizens of the alley, lived. She was not, in spite of her rags, the typical street waif. Something in her bearing raised her above the rabble. Dark suspicions lurked in the minds of the Harneyites as to how or where Hogan had found Nell. All they knew was that he had brought her home one night shortly after he himself had come to the alley. Many fiere were who were curious, but not to such an extent as to court his wrath by inquiring into the details. The rogues of the alley saw in Hogan one of their own kind, and before long the worst of them began to congregate at his house in order to work out new plots of sin and lawlessness, Hogan always acting as their acknowledged leader. His nature was of the most brutal type, and the ill treatment Nell received at his hands was shameful in the extreme. No one cared to interfere in her behalf, however, for every one feared Hogan; and besides, Nell was not popular. From the time she had first been brought to the alley, ten years ago, she had held herself aloof, and this alone was an unpardonable offense. When at night, after a day of hard work selling papers, Nell came home to be met at the door with kicks and cuffs from Hogan, she did not complain. She wouid crawl off to her straw mattress and sob out the pain in her heart, and wonder in a vague way why she had been born into a world so full of hardship. Sometimes, how- ever, her nature rebelled, and when, in the early hours of the morning, Hogan came stumbling up the narrow flight of stairs to kick open the door and throw himself in a drunken stupor upon the bed, she would steal into the room, her dark eyes blazing with a vengeful light. Her bosom would heave spasmodically, as though her thoughts were struggling to free themselves for action. She would clinch her hands, and " through her compressed, quivering lips would struggle the words : I hate you ! I !" hate you ! I hate you ! Oh, I wish you were dead Who can guess the awful struggles and temptations that were fought and overcome in this childish breast.

For once, when the injustice of it all flashed upon her, she seized the old hatchet that lay on the floor, and tiptoed towards the bed where lay her stupefied tormentor. For an instant the child poised the deadly weapon in the air, slowly it descended — and then, with a shudder and a faint cry of horror, she dropped it and fled from the room. Shortly after this Nell had met the only friend she had ever known in her four- teen years of existence. Walter Allen, a reporter for the paper that she sold, was the one person who had looked deeper than her ragged clothes and had caught a glimpse of her real character. He had first noticed her as she came to the office for

"Ami wht n his ladt/s in the case, you know all other things give j/lace.—li. F. Tripp.

325 her papers. Such a sad, pathetic little bundle of misery she had appeared to him that he took especial note of the look cf patient suffering on the child's sad face. He could fully sympathize with her. His face, too, showed signs of suffering; not so much, perhaps, of physical as of mental distress. Full of enthusiasm and daydreams, he had come to the city in search of work. Still a young man in years, and almost

a boy in experience, he had entertained great ideals ; but his awakening was speedy and rude. The paper for which he worked needed a criminal reporter, and Allen was assigned the reportorial work in the criminal courts. Day after day he reported the stories of dark deeds and of crime, black and foul beyond description. The

awfulness, the horror of it all grew upon him until his faith in humanity was well nigh shattered. Young Allen could not become inured to the crime about him, and he

would have given up the work had it not been that the cry of need goaded him on. So he smothered his finer feelings, and plodded bravely on, while the boyish look left his face as the stern realities of life were borne in upon him. For weeks after meeting Nell, he had said nothing to her. Then one day, as he met her toiling along the snowy street with a bundle of papers under her arm, he had impulsively spoken to her, taken her papers and carried them to the corner where she had her stand, and returned them with a smile and a kind word. Poor little

derelict on the great ocean of life ! No one had ever before spoken kindly to her.

She could scarce believe it more than a dream now. She tried to thank him, but words would not come; instead, a dry, choking sob escaped her as she turned her head to brush away the tears of which she was half ashamed.

After this, whenever they met, Allen had always a cheery word for her. At first the child's timid nature, which had been warped by abuse, kept her aloof, but grad- ually she became less shy and responded more readily to his advances. Little by little she grew more confident, and told him of her life. She tried always to speak only of the brighter side, but Allen saw and knew. Often he wondered where she had received that touch of refinement in her nature, until one day when talking with " her, she had said in answer to his question : no, Mr. Allen, I haven't always lived here in Hogan's alley. I guess papa must have been very rich once upon a time, for

it seems to me that I can remember a big house, with lots and lots of soft chairs to

sit in, and pretty pictures all over the walls ; and sometimes I think 1 can see a

pretty woman, all dressed in black, sitting at a piano, such as I have seen in the big houses on the avenue, and Oh, Mr. Allen ! I just want to close my eyes then, and drink in the sad, sweet music that fills the whole room, because then I can forget the horror around me and believe that there is such a God and Father as the Mission people tell us about. Maybe this is only a foolish little girl's dream, Mr. Allen, but," and then her childish face grew serious, as she said quite irrelevantly, "do you know, " I often think that Hogan isn't my papa at all ? And Allen thought so, too.

It was the third day of January. All day the snow had fallen in great white flakes. Towards evening the wind had risen until it blew a regular gale. Nell was lying on her couch trying to sleep, but she could only toss about and listen to the wind as it moaned overhead, carrying with it a vague sense of impending danger- Towards two o'clock she heard heavy footsteps ascending the rickety stairs. She knew only too well what it meant. It was not unusual for Hogan to bring home some of the gang in order to plot out some new scheme ; for his house afforded a more private place than the saloon. Nell's cot was partitioned off from the main room by

nothing more than a thin strip of calico, but the men did not fear her ; they knew she stood in mortal dread of Hogan, who would not hesitate to kill her did he suspect that she would disclose their schemes. She paid no attention to them at first. The hum of voices and the moaning of the

"77/// modesty It « candle to thy merit."—Hilda Whits.

326 — "

wind had almost lulled her to sleep, when all at once she was wide awake, every sense on the alert to catch the words of Hogan, who was speaking :

"I tell yer, it's got ter be done. This d white-faced Allen is makin' more trouble fer us 'n a dozen coppers. We've got ter nail him, fer it's him, I tell yer, " what's to blame fer all our bad luck of late. He's got ter die, and dat tonight, see ! Noiselessly Nell slipped from her couch to the bare floor and listened. What she heard made her eyes dilate with horror and her heart beat with fear, as the men deliberately plotted to waylay Allen as he would come home from work that very morning. She waited to hear no more. The only man who had ever shown her a kindness was in danger. She must save him. Hastily dressing herself, she stole unobserved from the room and ran down the stairs. At the foot she was almost car- ried off her feet by a gust of wind. Quickly regaining her breath, she started down the almost impassable street. The electric lights in the drifting, whirling snow looked like sheeted ghosts. A clock somewhere struck the half hour after two. At three o'clock he would leave the office. Would she have time, strength and courage to

reach him before it was too late ? She redoubled her efforts ; she struggled with the

elements ; her frail little body was buffeted about by the biting wind, and her dark, resolute eyes were blinded by the whirling snow, but still she struggled on. At last she sank exhausted at the foot of the stairs. She did not lose consciousness, but a mist seemed to swim before her eyes; she groped blindly about for something to lean against, but finding nothing, she fell in an inert heap. She no longer felt any pain or cold. A languid drowsiness was just stealing over her when the deep solemn gong of the clock struck three. Once again she roused herself and started to toil up the stairs just as Allen was coming down.

"Why Nellie," he cried, "what does this mean, my child ? Are you in trouble?

Can I do anything for you?" But she did not seem to hear him. She clung desper- ately to the railing, for already her senses were reeling. " — "Mr. Allen, she gasped, "don't go out to night, Hogan's gang is way-laying and then she would have fallen had he not caught her in his arms. As he held the limp form thus for a moment he noticed for the first time the strange, sweet beauty of her face, and as he gazed a new feeling for her crept into his heart. Hours after this, when Nell came to herself, she was lying on a soft white bed in a pretty little room. Allen was sitting by her side holding her hand, and his widowed mother was busy preparing a little food for her. Nell smiled up at him feebly. She seemed not to realize how very near she was to death. And yet, had she known, still she would have smiled. Her sacrifice seemed so small when weighed against all he had done for her. Thinking of this she smiled, smiled at the selfish pride that filled her heart for the moment, because she thought she had done a brave deed in saving him; why, every one would have done as much for him Thinking thus she closed her eyes.

When, an hour later, she awoke, Allen was still at her side. She did not know that the doctor had just told him that it was too late, that the exposure of the night before had done its work only too well; so she did not understand the strange, hope- less look in Allen's face. She wondered at it, and wanted to ask him what it meant, but he would not let her talk just then. Before going to work that night Allen went to her bedside. She seemed to have rallied a little, but with a pang he saw that it was the beginning of the end. He lifted her to his breast, and she placed her puny arms about his neck. "I'm so glad I saved you" she whispered, "because I love you." Then the little arms re- laxed their hold, her head dropped forward, and with a choking sob Allen laid the tiny dead form upon the bed. A. F. Frams.

"Who, too deep for his hearers, he went on refining, and thought of convincing while they thought of dining. ' Dk. Daniels.

327 A Man's Regret

By A. F. Trams

(Prise Poem)

ES, two there were, I see them yet, As long ago I knew them, So pure and fair-who could forget," And who could help but woo them? 'Twas she, with wealth of midnight hair Dark eyes that bade me love her, ' Who wove love's artful, subtle snare 'Neath friendship's guiltless cover. And then came she with soft brown hair, Blue eyes so deep and tender- Was she a phantom, vision fair?

Ah no, I still remember That there were two, both wondrous fair, Just seeing was to love them ! For naught beneath God's fragrant air Could ever rank above them !

As now I dream of days gone by, Still clearly I remember

The I one wooed 'neath autumn's sky, In golden leaved September. And oft I dream that after while I'll meet beyond the shadow,

The one I wooed when spring's sweet smile, Kissed mountain, stream, and meadow.

Ah wavering heart, why grieve and pine ? Be true, and look upon her ! She's fair and true, and wholly thine As on the day you won her. Regret must lay her sighs to rest

Unmindful what it cost her— And yet I love the other best,

Because—because I lost her.


Henry's Burglar

ENRY CAME FROM ONE of those old New England families in whose traditions were enough tales of uncanny happenings to chill the blood of any youngster with half an imagination, and much more Henry, whose nerves by constitution were none too strong. During his youth he had learned to fear all tilings which wore an air of mystery, and when he came with me to college and saw where we were to live — in an old house at the end of a long lane of trees, and removed a block from any other house in the town — he expressed himself as

just a little dissatisfied with his surroundings. As for myself, although I had a

great liking for Henry and some sympathy for his weakness, 1 nevertheless regard- ed his timidity as rather foolish, and set about to do all in my power to make him braver.

I had brought from home a skull which a doctor had given me, and in order to decorate my room in a unique way, I hung it by a chain from the center of the ceil-

ing. But Henry stormed around and threatened to leave the place if I didn't take

the thing down; so I very reluctantly yielded, and hid my treasure out of sight in the closet. Still my timid room-mate called the skull a "gruesome thing," and never

could be persuaded to touch it when I brought it out for study.

It happened one evening shortly after the opening of the semester that I had an

engagement which I knew would keep me out late, and with a spirit of mischief in

my heart, I tried to hit upon some plan by which I could test Henry's courage. In

looking over the college paper I found an article which told of a number of robber- ies which had occurred a short time before. It seemed that the burglar had been very bold in his work, for he had walked into several houses through the front door, and after gathering up all the valuables in the first room he came to, which was unlocked and unlighted, had then made his way out unnoticed. Here was an

idea for me; and so in order to carry it out, I asked Henry just before I left the room

if he had heard of the burglar. '"No" said he, in a tone of anxiety, "what about him?"

For answer I gave him the paper and ran out of the door, flinging back the ad-

monition that in case of trouble he might lock himself with the skull in the closet. I

had fully intended when I came back to take the part of the burglar myself, but as

events happened it was my duty to act a different role. What took place in the in-

terval I learned afterward by degrees from Henry.

The lamp in our room had a shade of peculiar construction. It was made of heavy green glass, and so arranged that all the light could be thrown upon the one spot on the table where it was most needed. Henry, being a little nervous, took off the shade and gazed aimlessly about the room for a while. Opposite him was the door with a transom above, and on the farther side of the room was an old window which had been left intact when the house was remodeled, and now opened into the rear hall-way. But the lonely Henry had no time to sit and muse, for his algebra problems were yet to be solved, and a history lesson was waiting. So he gathered up his courage, dropped the shade over the lamp, heaved a sigh and sat down with his back to the door. Save for the one spot of light on the table the room was left in darkness. , Henry applied himself so studiously that by half past nine his problems were done. He then turned to his history lesson, which by some strange coincidence dealt with the witches of Salem. He had not been afraid before, but now he knew that the people down stairs must have gone to bed, and his mind began to be just a little disturbed. The night seemed to be very still, except for a low moan- ing of the wind, and an occasional rattle of the casement. Henry began to be more

331 and more troubled, and once when lie turned a page his hand trembled slightly. He closed his eyes, put his face in his hands and thought and listened.

He thought that he heard some one come up stairs, and he waited, hoping I had

returned. But no, the sound ceased. He must have imagined it. How strange, he thought. Then of a sudden there flashed into his mind the vision of that skull with its two deep, hollow eyes, and its teeth set in a grim smile. There it was in a closet near at hand, ready to be animated by the spirit which once dwelt within its uncanny walls. Henry trembled and did not dare look up from the book in which the witch tales grew more and more weird. The ticking of the clock sounded like that of a death watch. Down stairs a door creaked, and near the window a soft step sounded. No other noise was heard for a moment. Then as the wind blew, a low toned shriek seemed to come from the transom; and the light sputtered in an unearthly way. At the same time the hall-way window rattled and slowly began to rise. It creaked harshly. Henry began to feel more and more uncomfortable, and coughed slightly to affect courage. Something like a stifled cry sounded in the room, and the window ceased to rattle, but only for an instant. As the noises be- gan again Henry suddenly thought of the burglar, and a new and different fear took

possession of him. He would be robbed and perhaps murdered ! But there are times in the lives of even the most timid people when under great stress of circumstances they develop a most extraordinary bravery and cunning. He glanced toward the window. It was rising in a mysterious way. He quietly extin- guished the light, and stepped toward the closet. With just a second's hesitation he entered and closed the door behind him. He groped through the darkness until his

fingers touched the skull ; he shivered at the contact, but with a supreme exertion of will power, he picked it up and held it in his hand before him. Then with a terrible earnestness, he slowly opened the door, and at the same time quietly lighted a match, and held it inside of the skull. A dark form had just stepped through the window, but in an instant there was a smothered yell of terror, and the intruder beat a hasty retreat. At the same moment Henry caught sight of the lighted skull in the mirror across the room. His heart gave a great thump, and, overcome by fear, he threw the hideous object from him with all his strength.

I had just entered the house when I heard a crash of breaking glass, and I started on a run to learn the cause of the commotion. I had reached the first landing when a man ran from the hall and dashed down the steps. We collided at the corner, and rolled down the stairs together. 1 was somewhat surprised and out of breath when we struck the bottom, but for some reason I instinctively held on to the fellow. As we struggled on the floor Henry's voice, high and frightened, came from the hallway: " " Hold him ! Hold him ! It's the burglar I

It wasn't long before all the inmates of the house were on hand to help me hold the struggling man. The prisoner, overwhelmed by the unexpected turn of events, submitted peaceably to being tied up, and we left him in charge of the landlord until the police should come in response to our message.

Henry and I went upstairs to look over the scene of the catastrophe. The glass of the transom, together with the remnants of the skull, lay in splintered pieces on the floor. " " Didn't the man come in through the window ? I asked. " Yes." " " Well, then, what did you throw at the transom for ? " You — well— you know how I always hated to touch the thing so," said Henry " doggedly; then raising his head, he added, with a slight tone of prid: in his voice, I

1'. don't care if I was afraid, I helped catch the burglar."


The Vision of Love

There came a vision into my life One day in the long ago,

Its name was love, and it seemed to hold All joy that the soul can know.

But soon, ah soon, did it darken down And softly and silently fade, Till my heart was filled with a nameless grief, And my hopes in the dust were laid.

Then the way grew dark and the sad tears fell When the vision of love was flown, And with weary heart and reluctant feet

I went on my way alone.

But faith was strong, and f raised mine eyes To the heavens far above,

And lo, through the darkness 1 beheld The vision of perfect love.

Then a strange new hope, grand and sweet, arose In this restless heart of mine,

And in joy and peace 1 pursue my way By the light of a love divine. Anna Riehl.

On the stage he was natural, simple, affecting; 'twas only that when he was off he teas acting." -Pkof. Fairfield. Influence

You dropped a flower on my path one day Not knowing, but I saw it lying there, Perceived a perfume delicate and rare And caught it up from off the dusty way. You dropped a word into my life one day, A gentle word, and though you never'knew It rooted in my heart, and there it grew, silent A influence, a constant stay.

And still above the tumult and the strife

1 seem to hear your sweet voice speaking yet, In accents that 1 never can forget, Giving the motive for a better life.

Anna Kiehl.

Love Song'

A lyrist is my loved one dear, She plays upon my heart,

And only she and I can hear, Ah, 'tis a wondrous art.

What sweet and tender melodies, What tuneful little lays, What quaint, fantastic ecstacies She wakes when e'er she plays.

Her music hath a fragrant sound As if a rose could sing, Or flowers make the fields resound With rhapsodies to spring.

And may she ever play as sweet As now in time to be, And echoes in my heart repeat Through all eternity.

336 The Nightingale's Song

N THIS BEAUTIFUL SPRING MORNING the May sun shone brightly, and made the dew drops sparkle like precious jewels. The song of a meadow-lark rose and fell and was wafted gently northward to where two young people stood before a little white cottage. The young man was unconscious of the song of the far away bird, the chatter of the robins, and unknowingly drank in the pure sweet draughts of morning air. He leaned his elbow upon the railing of the picket fence and rested his chin upon his open hand. He saw only the face of the girl a few feet away, as she rested one hand upon the gate and gazed toward the south whence came the meadow-lark's song. But she, too, was unconscious of that exquisite music; a slight flush came over her countenance as she turned her face even farther from the pleading eyes of the youth as she heard him say humbly: "So it's no use, Rose?" "No, Tom," she said firmly, "no, it's no use. I'm not that fond of you; I can't care for you in that way." He had not thought to speak to her just yet; he had intended to wait till com- mencement, and to add to that happy time a greater joy. But as he had stopped to chat in passing, she had stood before him in her simple morning gown, with the May breeze gently blowing her fair tresses, her gentle blue eyes smiling at him so kindly, that irresistibly, and before he was aware, the words of love had slipped from his lips. And now she had said no. His disappointment was so great that. he looked even pitiful as he said in des- pairing tone: "And I shall have to stay away now; of course, I can't come as 1 have."

"O Tom," she pleaded, "don't say that; you must come; I shall care for you just as before." But he interrupted her even sternly, "No; I shall move at once. You know I can live on the other side just as well as over here." He looked up just then at the passing mail cart, or he might have seen a reproachful frown on her face. " "Hello, Tom! It was Harry, her five-year-old brother from the other side of the street. He called Tom his friend, and, indeed, the young man's kindliness made him a friend to everyone. "All the boys know Tom," Harry said often.

Harry started across the street toward them ; he did not notice the butcher's wagon coming rapidly down the street until it was almost upon him. The street was new and rough, and as he looked up he stepped into a hole and fell flat upon the hard ground. He did not have time to scramble out of the way; the driver did not have time to turn aside. There was a cry of fear, the rumble of the heavy wagon, the vain attempts of the driver to check his team, and then the wagon and horses had passed, leaving behind them a cloud of dust. As the cloud slowly cleared away in the morning air, one could see a young woman and a man bending anxiously over a little black heap in the middle of the street. As the girl looked upon the uncons- cious face of her young brother she was very pale. The young man tenderly lifted the boy and carried him gently into the house.

"His right leg is broken and he is probably injured very seriously internally," announced the physician a half hour later, "but cheer up, my girl; I think I can pull him through all right. The most important thing is to keep him still and prevent the fever from rising." But Rose's lips quivered when she repeated this to Tom, and she appealed to him with tears on her lashes, "O Tom, you won't move now, will you? f do wish you would stay near." He promised gently: "I will stay until he is well, Rose." She looked thonghtfully after him as he left her. How kind he had been; how dull would be all the entertainments and dances without him. She sighed as her

337 eyes followed him. He was becoming stoop-shouldered; then she remembered hearing one of the boys say that Tom was working very hard. She must speak to him. Then she heard the physician giving the nurse directions as to Harry's care, and reproached herself for forgetting her brother for even an instant. Four years before, Rose's mother and the two children had come to the southern city that Rose might enter the university. They had been very happy, till in the second year the mother had died. At that time Tom had been their greatest com- fort and truest friend, and in the last three years he and she had grown to be very dear friends. It was natural then that, despite her refusal, she should turn to him now. All that day she sat by Harry's cot fanning him and answering his feverish ques- tions. He suffered much, and as she saw him struggle to conceal his pain her heart cried within her for the little fellow. Toward evening he looked at her and said: "Rose, will the nightingale sing tonight?" "Yes, Harry," she said, without thinking. The nightingale had sung every night the summer before, and Harry had delighted to listen to it each night as he went to bed. It had not yet come this sum- mer, and he wanted so badly to hear it. But the nightingale did not sing. Darkness followed twilight, and the grove became indistinguishable. Harry had raised himself on his elbow, straining his eyes as he looked out into the night. He sank back exhausted and said again to his sister, "Rose, will it never sing?" She reassured him and he lay for a long time patiently. Then he grew restless; his soul thirsted for the nightingale's song. His feverish brain grew delirious, and through the whole night Rose sat by him vainly endeavoring to quiet him. Over and over he called for the nightingale, and the piteous entreaties brought the tears to his sister's eyes. Not till toward morning did he fall into a restless sleep, and when the physician came he shook his head gravely as he placed his hand upon the boy's feverish brow. Rose told of the yearning of Harry; the physician could do nothing to satisfy the desire, yet he knew that if it was not satisfied the boy could not live.

Tom came to inquire, and when Rose saw him her face lit up with a smile. " O Tom, I'm so glad you've come! " She laid her hand upon his shoulder, forgetful of yesterday, and thinking only of her sick brother, and said, "Tom, the doctor says he can't get well unless he hears the nightingale, and he's the only thing I've got." "I don't see why those birds can't sing here; they sing every night down in the branch." He stood in serious perplexity for a moment and then hurried away with the pleading face and the tearful blue eyes before him. He came the next morning and the next, and the news was always the same. The lad grew worse steadily. Nothing, the doctor said, could save him but the sat- isfaction of his desire, and that, it seemed, was impossible. On the evening of the fourth day from the accident Rose was sitting beside the boy's couch in the deepening twilight; she had almost given up hope. Despairingly she heard him murmur, "Rose, I think I'll hear the nightingale tonight." The silence was unbroken, when suddenly Harry sat bolt upright, his eyes shining, his face joyful. !" "O Rose," he cried, "there it is; don't you hear it? O, how beautiful She listened, half heartedly at first and then eagerly; sure enough, she could hear the song. There was no mistaking the pure sweetness of those tones. In his joy Harry's restlessness left him, and he listened for a long time. At last he sank back upon his couch, exhausted, and a few minutes later his eyes closed in sleep. A smile played upon his lips as he rested for the first time. The nightingale seemed tireless, and only when Harry was deep in slumber did the sweet music finally cease. In her gratitude, Rose knelt and prayed; then worn out with her long watching, she, too, fell asleep, only to be awakened when the sun was shining brightly, by Harry's glad voice: "It did sing, didn't it, Rose?" Tom looked very haggard and worn when he came that morning, but Rose was too happy to notice. Her joy made him glad, and he went away happy. The nightingale sang every night after that, and Harry grew better rapidly. His sister's cheeks, too, regained their rosiness. At last when Harry was hobbling about on crutches there was a morning when Tom did not come, and that night the night- ingale did not sing. But Tom did not come the next morning, or the next, and the nightingale had stopped singing. Rose wondered at Tom's absence and then grew anxious, thinking that perhaps he had kept his word, and had moved. One morning the servant remarked that her old friend, Tom's landlady, was busy caring for her sick lodger. "Who?" said Rose. "Why, Miss Rose, didn't you know that Mr. Tom was awful sick with numony?" Then Rose had learned that Tom had contracted pneumonia from the wet spring weather. She hurried over to his lodgings, and the nurse took her in to see Tom at once. He was lying on a cot, his face to the wall. He turned as they en- tered, and at the sight of his face Rose trembled. Worn, haggard and ghastly pale, he looked as one dead. "O Tom," she cried, and fell on her knees beside the cot. He smiled faintly; 'So you came at last, Rose," he said. Then he added weakly, "You're almost too late." Her eyes filled with tears as she cried: "Don't say that, Tom, you'll get well soon." "No," he replied firmly, "those wet nights did me up;" then he stopped abruptly, as if he had forgotten and had said something which he had intended to keep quiet. She looked at him wonderingly.

"How is Harry?" he asked suddenly. "O," she responded, "he's all right now. But Tom, do you know, that nightin- gale doesn't sing any more. It stopped, let's see," and she hesitated for a momenti

"why, Tom, it stopped the day you quit coming." Just then she caught sight of his face: he was blushing, and she was puzzled again. She watched a moment, perplexed; then a light broke upon her mind. "O Tom," she cried, were you that nightingale? Did you do that?"

She looked at him as he stammered in reply: "Well Rose, you see— ; but that was enough. A fair cheek rested upon his lips; he was stopped, overcome with hap- piness; he had come into his own at last. In his weakness, he lay there supremely happy.

At last she raised her head and pleaded for his story, and he told it simply.

"You see," he said, "you asked me to help you, and I couldn't do anything else,

I wanted so badly to help you, and so, I did it." In his weakness he paused; the words had almost died upon his lips, and his face grew white. His eyes were ghastly. There was a pause, a shiver, and then he whispered weakly: "Rose?" Frightened, she bent over him; he put his arms about her and drew her to him and kissed her. Then he looked at her with happiness in his eyes. "You love me, don't you Rose?"

"O Tom," she sobbed, "of course I do." A satisfied look came into his eyes, and his face became more ashen as he mur- mured: "And Rose, I loved you so." Then his eyes closed gently; the smile played upon his lips.

The******meadow-lark sings as of old; the town is spreading away to the southward, but the nightingale never sings in that garden any more.



ALES by one of '73 lor tue delectation of the class of 1904 are like the stories told by a grandfather for the amusement of his grandchildren; for the contrast between the University of '73 with the conditions then, existing, and the University of today with its environ-

ments, is no less marked than the contrast between the time of the grandfather and that of the grandchild.

This contrast is more striking to the older student s

than to the present classes ; for we have a personal knowledge of those times, and have watched with gratifying interest the progress and development of the University to the present day.

It is natural that the student of today should have a desire to know something of the student life during the earlier years of the University. To gratify this desire the writer has been requested to chronicle some reminiscences that came under his personal observation. The students in attendance during the first few years of the University were of a more mature age than the average of the present body; but the student spirit

is about the same at all ages. If all of the practical jokes played upon each other and the depredations committed, were written, the student of 1904 would discover that he has learned no new tricks. The first students were rather an heterogeneous body. They were divided into groups, or factions, and class ties were not strongly, marked. A degree of rowdyism developed in certain groups, and their depredations threatened to give the University a bad reputation. The more thoughtful students protested against such conduct, and, deeming the good name of the University to be of greater import- ance than a large enrollment,gave to the faculty writ- ten assurance of their moral support in any 'effort made for the suppression of the disorder. The old building at first served the double pur- pose of class rooms and dormitory; but when the new building was ready for occupancy the old one was

used almost exclusively as a dormitory. It fell to the lot of the writer to have supervision of it for a time. On the third floor was a large room known as the chapel. The boys sometimes gained admis- sion to this room for the purpose of dancing. Those impersonating ladies wore bed sheets about them, and some had masks on. On a certain occasion, when the dance was progressing, I passed in without being noticed untill I had advanced to the platform and secured the lamp. The music and dancing stopped, and the hall was being rapidly vacated, when a ghostlike figure ap-

proached and blew out the light. I quietly retreated to the corner of the room to await developments. Thinking that I had gone, those who had left returned, the lamp was relighted, and the dance was about to begin, when my presence was discovered. It was ludicrous to see them file out of the room, not a word having been spoken. Doubt-

343 less a member of the present Board ot Trustees could tell you more about the old chapel amusements. One night a couple of freshmen made complaint that something as offensive as rotten eggs had been thrown into their room. Upon investigation I discovered a very strong odor of sulphuretted hydrogen. The fluid had been injected from the adjoining room through a hole in the plastering. No light nor sound came from the room, nor was there any response to my demands for admission. The door was forced and the culprits were found under the bed. Sulphuretted hydrogen was also used to perpetrate a practical joke on a Cham- paign book merchant. A mischievous wag of a student placed a bottle of the fluid on a shelf behind the books, and then removed the cork. The store was soon cleared, and the perplexed proprietor began a search for the cause of the stampede.

The law that made it compulsory to float the American flag from public institu- tions had not at this time been enacted, yet it was not unusual to find a pair of pants or a nether garment which had been taken from the bedside of a slumbering student, floating in the morning breeze from the top of the lightning rod. At one time the faculty were long puzzled as to how a certain skeleton got out of the museum and took the position of "attention" on the outside of the building. But as "murder will out," it was learned that Mr. Bones had been on a jaunt to the grave- yard for the purpose of frightening a cavalier upon his return from escorting a young lady to her home. There is also a tradition that when this skeleton was doing ser- vice on the rostrum for a lecture on anatomy, he persisted in wagging his jaw when the professor's eye was not upon him. It was fun for the class, and it was some time before the demonstrator discovered the fine wire attached to the inferior maxillary, the other end being in the hand of a student. Athletic sports were not much practiced by the earlier students. We found exercise in more practical pursuits. The tile drains on the University farm, the sidewalks, the fences, and the manufactured articles from the shops bear witness to the "Industrial" part in the former name of the University. We also have a vivid recollection of the military drill. Dr. Gregory one year applied to the legislature for an appropriation of $250,000 for new buildings. Com- mittees were sent from the legislature to examine the institution. Perhaps it was the first institution of learning that some of them had ever attended. Dr. Gregory seemed to think that the strongest appeal to them could be made through their patriotism, so it was drill, drill, drill, and we drilled ourselves into the hearts of the committeemen, and secured the $250,000. We were highly complimented on our efficiency, and one member who had been to the war said that we drilled "admirably" well — with a very strong accent on the second syllable. Our usefulness to the State was emphasized at the time of the Chicago fire, where we did service under Col. Snyder and Gen. Sheridan. For two nights we marched our beats in a dark alley, whistling to keep up our courage. In a body of students there are always some who cannot distinguish between mischievous sport and malicious acts. An aggravated case of this kind came to my knowledge when several young ladies gave me a number of letters, or invitations, purporting to come from gentlemen students, and requesting the girls' company to some entertainment. Sometimes a gentleman whose name had thus been used would receive an acceptance from a lady when, perhaps, he had already made other arrangements. The embarassment of the parties involved in such a case was extreme. To discover the offender, the students' essays were obtained from the professor in English literature. The handwriting was critically examined, with the result that the perpetrator of the act was found out. That a person whose

344 nature is so depraved as to be guilty of such an offense should end his days in a penitentiary under a life sentence for the gravest of crimes, is but the natural result of such conduct early in life. Ludicrous answers to questions are not confined to the pupil of the district school. An early student in surveying, when asked to define the tripod, replied: "Some tripods have three legs and some have but one leg. The one-legged tripod is also called a Jacob staff." The same student, when asked by the professor in chem- istry to describe the eudiometer replied "that it was a hollow glass pipe closed at one end and stopped up at the other." It was formerly the practice to have the students read essays from the rostrum during the morning chapel exercises. It happened that a student with scientific turn of mind delivered a dissertation upon the habits and industry of the ants, which greatly pleased the professor of English literature. The professor commended the essayist, and expressed a wish that others would write upon similar subjects requiring investigation. The boys, of course, were quick to act upon the suggestion. Every morning for the next two or three weeks our most familar bugs and insects were discoursed upon from the platform. So the disc-like, malodorous night-prowler that steals his sustenance by taking advantage of you while you sleep; the agile jumper that can always prove an alibi by biting you in some other place when you think you have him under your thumb; and even that bug of lowly origin which kicks her min- iature world along the path, were, in turn, made the subject for our morning enter- tainment. The embarrassment of the faculty, and especially of our esteemed professor, was really painful. The professor pleaded and expostulated, but the boys, for some time, would not desist. It was all in fun, for no one held a grudge against our revered Professor Baker. He was held in high esteem by his students, for they knew that he loved them. During his last conscious moments, he expressed his devotion to them. He still lives in the hearts of the older alumni, and his memory is per- petuated to the succeeding generation of students in the motto, "Come up Higher."

And now, my young friends, I have more than filled the space allotted me. In conclusion let me say that we, the Alumni, have a kindly interest in you as being members of one great family with us. We are pleased to learn that you desire to know what manner of students preceded you. Soon those who have made the history of the first few years of the University will have passed. To you, in your generation, is committed her welfare. Make the most of your opportunities, and thereby add lustre to her fame. A. C. Swart/..

345 Class Memorials

LASS MEMORIALS HAVE TWO OBJECTS: the first and ofen most important to the donors, is to afford the

graduating class an opportunity to leave behind it a tan- gible evidence of the fact that in a certain year a certain class completed its course of study. The second object,

and to the university by far the most important one, is in some way to add to the tangible assets of the school. In deciding upon the particular form which a memorial shall

take, it is probable that the first object would have much the greater weight with undergraduates. On the other

hand, if the memorial is decided upon after some years of experience outside of university walls, we imagine tha* the first and personal motive would be largely lost sight

of, and that the class would endeavor to make its me- morial only incidentally a reminder of that particular class's existence, and would seek primarily a form of memorial which would perma- nently enrich the university. In the long run, it matters very little to the majority of graduates what particular class gave a certain memorial or endowment, but it matters a great deal just how much practical worth that endowment is to the uni- versity. The class spirit is so strong during the college days, and the distinction between junior and senior is made so sharply, that an undergraduate is very likely to forget the larger demands of the university while thinking of how he shall mark

the departure of his particular class. Every university has its memorials, and

each succeeding year adds to the long list of classes whose presence is remem-

bered with pleasure, and whose departure has been marked by something which, it was hoped, would be a permanent memorial. But as a matter o£ fact very few class memorials are worthy either to be presented or accepted. Of the thirty odd classes which have graduated from the University of Illinois, very few have in going given wisely. The few memorials which have to-day a real place in the esteem of

the students show how difficult it is to make a wise selection, and howseldom wisdom is exercised in the selection. The deciding factor after all is whether a memorial

shall be of a merely selfish nature, eulogizing or marking a class, or whether it shall be a real help and an addition to the university. The selfish basis of selection of a memorial hardly admits of justification.

Everyone knows that there was a class of 19--, and it needs no stone, no inscription, not even a tree, which may not live, to signify such a momentous fact to the world. If memorials are to be worth the giving, they should be such as are worth having; and

the number of forms that such memorials can take is not so limited that the choice is an impossible one. Within a few years Harvard University has built a very re-

markable and beautiful enclosure about what is known as the College Yard, consist- ing more or less of monumental gateways connected by a carefully designed iron fence. This enclosure was designed as a whole, and the individual portions thereof were paid for by different classes; so that the fence as a whole forms a most striking and suitable memorial to these classes. The share each class has borne in the

erection of this enclosure is fittingly marked by suitable inscriptions, which do not de- tract from its practical or esthetic value, but rather strengthen the association of the

University in the present with those who in the past have helped to make it what it

is. Such forms of memorial would surely be welcomed by the University of I Hi

346 nois, and would both reflect credit on the givers and add permanent value to the University property. It is not likely that any class will ever be so situated as to donate an entire building as a memorial; but if several classes could combine in a memorial, the tax on each would be slight, and the result would be far better than if a few hundred dollars were frittered away each year in useless or insufficient monuments. Whether the class spirit would permit of such association is a ques- tion easily answered in the negative by an undergraduate; but such a plan would be approved by those who have forgotten some of the class distinctions, and who remem- ber only the great University of which they have been a part. There are portions of buildings yet to be built -a doorway, a window, a focal point, a stairway — the expense of which need not be so excessive but that it could be within the reach of one of the large classes which the University is now sending out each year; to leave behind a single feature of a building as a memorial of a class is far more sensible than merely to plant a stone or a tree, which serves no one, and is not necessarily beautiful. Let the class memorials be incorporated in the growth of the University, and they can serve the purpose of marking the passage of the class and at the same time have a value which shall endure as long as the University itself. The appropriations which are made from time to time for the University buildings are never on so lavish a scale that the opportunity to embellish, or to do more thoroughly some one feature of the proposed building, would not be most heartily welcomed by the architect and by the trustees. It would seem wise in any year when a building was not actually under way for a class to set aside such a sum of money as it feels warranted in doing, placing this sum either in the hands of the president or of a special committee, to be afterwards used in constructing, as a me- morial of the class, a portion of some building yet to be erected. Indeed, it is really questionable whether class memorials should not properly in any case be devised after graduation rather than before. One of the most beautiful of the Harvard gates is affectionately dedicated "To the Memory of the Dear Old Times." The graduate with his diplomatic honors fresh upon him does not feel the value of these old times as he will in later years; and the memorial which the class creates not simply to mark its passage, but to stand for associations, the love and respect of added years, will mean far more to him and to those who see it than any hastily conceived or in- adequately executed memorial devised during the last term of his college life. C. H. Blackall.


Declaration of Independence


sorority houses it becomes necessary lor the maidens to dis- pense with the pleasurable company of their gentlemen friends, and to secure the regulation amount of rest to which the laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect for the opinions of fraternity brothers requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to set the alarm clock. " We hold these truths to be self-evident : that all women are created inde- " pendent ; that they are endowed by their Creator certain inalienable rights with ; that among these are spare time, library, and the pursuit of studies ; that, to secure these rights, rooms are apportioned among men, behind whose locked doors not even

the high mogul may enter without the consent of the governed ; that whenever the form of rough house becomes destructive, it is the right of the house committee to

call down the offender in terms which may be readily understood ; that when the company stays too long it is the privilege of the freshmen to furnish the latter part of the entertainment.

When a long train of abuses, pursuing the same object, i. e., free lunch, enter- tainment, and the opportunity to knock, has exhausted the resources, financial and otherwise, of the long suffering girls, it is their right, it is their duty to disregard established precedent and provide new guards for their future security. Let the facts be submitted to a candid world. Tubby Wheelock insists on singing every time he calls (five times a week). Eddie Draper refuses to pay for forty dollars worth of damaged paraphernalia, but, going on the theory that time is money, is working out his debts in four hour installments. Rodman wears out the carpet by scraping his feet. He has a bum arm anyway. Logeman exhibits a tendency to go to sleep between feeds. Jake Stahl sits down too hard, and doesn't stay in one place long enough. Jimmy Cook requires a profound knowledge of athletics. He doesn't dance well, and enjoys mental telepathy,

i pot- Allen again, make it short. -j p come

Pink Sawyer tells stories of doubtful propriety. Harvey Wood insists on posing for us, that we may admire his form and his new clothes. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity which denounces the eccentrici- ties of our callers, and must further suggest that all the horrors of war are not neces- sarily attendant upon the early stages of love. Therefore, we, the sororities of the University of Illinois, do solemnly publish and declare, that all calls must be terminated with the tenth stroke of the University that the three calls per week clock ; men must be discouraged in making more than ; that respect for the furniture and other appurtenances must be impressed upon the minds of such as show familiarity with our effects ; that both cigarettes and mud are an abomination to a housekeeper, and are not to be tolerated ; and, finally, that if the men do not like these rules, there are others ; so there.

Signed : Kappa Alpha Thkta. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Pi Beta Phi. Alpha Chi Omega. Chi Omega. Alpha Gamma Delta. 350 —

The Hereditary Diplomat

HERE WAS ONCE A STUDENT whose Pa was Some Pumpkins in the Ballot Box Statistics. The noble Way the American Workingman outside "^ of Cook County exercised the Divine Right of Suffrage was a source of Gratification to all good Republicans except Billy Mason. Pa got the next best job.

Naturally, it ran in the Family. The Flags on the Uni. frequently betoken Sun- shine, maybe we have it and maybe we don't. In the case in Point, very short Notice was required to Arouse a Large Amount of Fair Weather. As the Good Fellowship was of a Size calculated to go round, the company frequently included one on the table and another of a similar name sitting hard by. This peculiarity may be noted, however, while the One on the Table might be Full and the Ani- mated One Empty, the Conditions were never known to be entirely reversed. The principle of never letting Studies interfere with real College Life was so In- culcated in the minds of All Comers that they Swore with a Blistering Oath un- swerving fidelity to the Kind with a Cherry in the Bottom. In Commemoration whereof the Carrie Nation ceremony was held for the Bull Pup, and in the presence of good and true Witnesses he was given his Euphonious Cognomen. One day as the Second Growth Politician was inspecting the campus, accom- panied by the Real Growler, he was met by a dignified elderly Gentleman with gray Hair. After the customary salutation:

"What is the name of your dog, Mr. Northcott?" "Booze."

"Well, Well, it seems to me I have heard his name in connection with some of your friends before." MORAL — There are booze fighters and booze fighters.

Retrospect, February 27

After the ball was over, After the Thetas left, After Jake Stahl and Clara Into the carriage stepped, Cautious, the knowing driver Whispered in accents low: "Gimme the tip for John Street, " Shall I drive fast or slow?

From Spotless Town? The student voters' cautious league Resolved defeat for base intrigue; Deliberation quite mature Secured a candidate so pure That those who would, might study long Before they found Red RIGHTor wrong

A class is not gold bricked nor slow That can tell butter from oleo.

351 Fable of the Freshman Freebern

HIS IS TO CERTIFY the identity of a young Man whose Post Office Address was formerly Piano, Illinois. He was the village Cut Up and furnished Amusement for the Industrious Whittlers at the corner Department Store. T All the girls thought lie was Cute and admired his Nerve in becoming Chummy with his Teachers. When Knowledge had accumulated to a Point beyond the Scope of the Superin- tendent of Schools, a family Consultation was called. After the Heads of Depart- ments had submitted their Arguments, the Optimistic Report of the Mater Familias was adopted, to the exclusion of a Minority Finding. Henceforth the Minority would be Consulted only in Matters pertaining to the Wherewith involved in changing names to the Students' Directory, and Walter would act as Chairman of the Ways and Means committee. The Denizens of the Corn Belt failed to appreciate the presence of the Pride of Kendall County. He was treated with no more Consideration than other members of the Freshman Class. Even Jake Kaufman Passed Him Up on the street without a Sign of Recognition the day after he had Secured a Gym Suit. When the Dean of Undergraduates refused to Smile at the story of the Three

Eggs, it was evident that the time had come to Show Up the University Community. The place— Illinois Field. The date— October 22. The Color Rush would afford the Opportunity to make Blood flow thicker than the Boneyard. It was asking Something of the Class of '05 to supply Gore sufficient to satiate this Harry Tracy Thirst, but it was their own Funeral. The World-Beater and Soph-Despoiler got into Condition by Sticking Up his Dukes before the mirror nightly until he had the Jeffries Crouch and the Fitz Fighting Face in the Also Ran class. At the Call of Time, he selected an Environment midway between Urbana's Well Pipe and the Circumference of the Circle, in order to Withstand the Charge of the Ladder Brigade. After the First Rush, the Horrible Thought came to him that he was Stymied on the Valuables in his Locker. In his Feverish Anxiety to crawl into the Gym Window he tore his Bosom's Screen, and was unable to get back until the Photographer began Posing the Groups.

MORAL : Its are not always what they seem.

Clay's Reform

Have you heard of the terrible Clay And his short interview with T. A.? "Unless you are good Your name will be mud" Was all that the Dean had to say.

Quoth the terror, "You see, Mr. Clark Certain 05's were out on a lark."

"But be that as it may, Let us hope, trust, and pray That there'll be no more stunts after dark.


S. C. Tucker's Drug Store, southwest corner Meit and Church streets. The Coining of Reform

When Drew gets in a hurry, Or Kemp's in love again; When that long expected volume Comes from Pickett's mighty pen;

When Ricker knows his students, When Coar gives up the weed; When Rhoades gets up at sunrise, When Palmer lowers his speed;

When G. Huff takes to malted milk And scorns to swing the bat; When the Dean of all the Bad Ones Must resort to anti-fat;

When Rolfe shall join the Social Club, When Moss puts in no kick; When Sammy does not ask for coin, When Morgan Brooks grows quick;

When Meyer calls upon a girl, When Kinley's hair turns black; When Ketchum does no longer keep His students on the rack;

When Prexy skips a ball game, When Dodge shall learn to write; When Mcintosh shall flunk a man, As well perchance he might;

When all these things shall happen, As heaven grant they may, Why, let us hope Red kightor Will, perhaps, have less to say.

When the Phi Gams give up checkers, When the Sigs do not cut class; When an Alpha Tau plays foot ball, When the Sigma Alphs all pass;

When the Delts don't care for music, When the Betas bashful grow; When the Sigma Nus lose their conceit, When Rounds's frat goes slow;

When the Kappa Sigs grow pious, When the Phi Delts cease to spoon; When the T. N. E.'s drop politics, When the Glee Club sings in tune;

When the Sophs shall swear off hazing, And in scraps no more are seen; When poetic inspiration Once for all deserts C. Green;

When Turney Buck works off his cons, When Wood's young heart is free; When Jimmy Cook grows handsome, When flunks shall cease to be;

When all these various reforms In the students come about, Why, then the faculty will drop Their weaknesses, no doubt.

354 ;


Mary had a little calf, Now please don't misinterpret, For Mary was as plump a maid As ere wore an encirciet.

But Mary loved this little calf, For well she knew 'twould grow, And visions of its future charm, Would cause her eyes to glow.

She dreamed of milk from chalk exempt, Of cream so rich and sweet Of butter and of buttermilk, To please the most elite.

All this appealed to Mary, A sweet girl graduate, With memories of her boarding house And what she drank and ate.

She learned at school 'mongst other things, The Sharpies Which made her calf seem greater : The worth of calves, and cows and milk, And the Tubular Separator.

Tubular Dairy You see they used ib in the school, With utmost satisfaction, And thus the little Tubular Separators Gave Mary's calf attraction. She tells her friends of all her hopes, And adds with jolly laugh, ARE DIFFERENT FROM ALL OTHER "Just keep the Tubular in mind SEPARATORS; DIFFERENT IN When admiring Mary's calf." EVERY WAY. Barnyard Stripling.

The Tubular has a light simple bowl, others have a heavy bucket shaped bowl full of discs, cones, blades and other contraptions. The Tubular supply tank is only waist high, all others as high as your head. The Tubular oils itself, others don't. The Tubular turns easily, skims perfectly, and outwears other separators. The Tubular is an up-to-date separator made for up-to-date people. If you are one of them write for descriptive catalogue. The Sharpies Co. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS

P. M. SHARPLES, West Chester, Pa. — —

Clothes pressed and shoes shined one month $I.OO. Finest tailoring. Tony Saunder's Pantatorlum, 36 Mell street. Illinois Primer

is for Arthur, a chemistry man; A He'll flunk every student in class if he can.

is for Beebe; he pitches ball some; B He may a great horse doctor one day become.

is for "Con", who spends John Farson's "mon;" He works hard himself, but his men "also run."

is for dining hall, where but few eat; D For curious odors it has the Lab beat.

is for Eddie, the Prexy's young son; His course in the army will soon have been run.

is for flunker, at this time of year

He begins to suspect that his finish is near.

is our coach; he is one of the best. B He turns out a team that beats both east and west.

is for Hauter; he says, "Vote you must." H It's pretty poor ethics, but he rakes in the dust.

of the alphabet is the one letter The men on the teams hope to wear on a sweater.

is for Jack — in the corner he sat; It's a pretty stale joke, but we never mind that.

is for K K's; within a few weeks K They may all be enrolled in the ranks of the Greeks.

is for lawyers. The seniors they say L Accept all the honors, but don't care to pay.

is for Major, a man truly great; M He frightens the freshmen and settles their fate.

is for Northcott, a student well known, N Not for study— for having some ways of his own.

is for Ole, who founded a frat; D He thought no one knew it, but lost out on that.

is for Pickett, and Ponzer, and Pete; The first two talk hot air, the last walks his beat.

is for Quayle of Illini renown, Q A paper that sometimes deserves calling down.

is for Kailsback, the Illio man; R He wrote all these roasts; now get square if you can.

is for Sager and Mac and the pup, As perfect a bunch as you'll ever pick up.

356 Our Second Floor Devoted Exclusively to Our Tailoring Dep't.

The Good Dressers

who appreciate

SWELL things in Clothing, Shoes and Fun nishings

All Trade at Kjaufman's THE STUDENT OUTF1TTRS.

ON ft BOX OF CANDY ThomasFranks

When uou find the name The Florist

Both Telephones

University Jive.


You are assured of its Carnations

Purity, Freshness and Decorations

AND EXCELLENCE. All the time. Blaisdell Bros. Tonsorial Parlor, 36 North Neil Street.

is for Trams of poetic mind; T The stuff that he writes is as poor as you'll find.

is for Uni, resort of wise men; U If you're green when you come, you will ne'er be again.

is for vote- the students all do it; Unless they are careful V they may perhaps rue it.

is for Wagenseil,— every one knows w He's the primary cause of the poor freshman's woes.

is a test which we all try to pass, X Or a story we tell when we don't go to class.

is for Yeomans, who copies your "phiz;" Y If you find it in here, the crime's no doubt his.

is for Zimmerman, Zartman.and Zang; They're the only three Z's that belong to our gang.

The "Wail of Innocent Joe

I'm no victim of misnomer,

And I'll suffer all my life From remarks of would-be jokers Who know naught of toil and strife.

I'm a struggler, plugger, boner, I'm an unremitting grind ;

I put forth my best endeavor For improvement, in my mind.

I respectfully give notice The fool killer's not so vexed,

That if Worker's called a shirker, He can't tend to your case NEXT.

Did Yoti Ever See " " Doc Neville when he wasn't grouchy ?

Daniel Kilham Dodge when he wasn't talking Copenhagen ? George Theophilus Kemp when he wasn't smoking? " Ole " Rounds when he wasn't trying to tell a story? " Mac " when he wasn't after " some of them boys?" John HANCOCK McClellan speak to an inferior? " Sammy " when he was in a hurry? George Henry Meyer at a Faculty Social? " T. A." in a Prince Albert? " Jo " Morrow in a dress suit? Ernest William Ponzer dance a two-step? anything? Dean Scott on time with f PROFESSOR fred randall crane OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FARM MECHANICS? Blaisdell Bros. Tonsorial Parlor, finest in the city. 358 IRANGBS,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaRANGES The M. & D. Hotel Range for

Fraternity Houses is the best. a a a a a iGaBoline Stoves a a H a r. a r. a r, a r, Blue Fl&me Oil Stoves r. a B a a a 1 THE WEIR FURNACE PUT IN AND GUARANTEED a b a a r. WILL PLEASE YOU. r. a Fi a r a r, a r. a r. a r w. J. vaimprtteim a B ^ a 69 TO 71 EAST UNIVERSITY AVENUE. fj a B a HK) glibly ttBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.i.'BEBBBBBEEEBBBBBBBBBBBBEBBBBBBBBBBBB

EVERY STEP <$/ Xt IN ANY lUrae ^Ite ^(r-7)^ LIGHT.

Photography is simplesi (and simplest is best) KODAKwith a and KODAK DEVELOPING MACHINES. Slip a Developing Machine in your case when you travel, and finish your pictures anywhere.

Kodak $5 to $75 Kodak Developing Machines $6 and $7.50 " Brownie " Cameras $t and $2 " Brownie " Developing Machines $2 We have all other Kodak Supplies, too. Cunningham Bros. Kodak Agency, Champaign, 111. J". C. Tucker's Drug Store, southwest corner Meil and Church streets. Who? "Which? "What?

A looney leader of crazy Ikes, sawed-off Dutchman from the Land of Dikes A ; A whizzing, buzzing, gyrating mill,

With racket, and rattle, and wind to spill ; With face as round as the harvest moon's, And fully as handsome as any biboon's.

Sing a song of FRASER,

Bill is full of fun,

Calling day is Sunday, Keeps him on the run Finding all the numbers Where sororities Welcome such acquaintances As have wit like his.

Wouldn't it perturb you, Turn your nature sour, Seeing Bill make forty calls

And stay each place an hour ?

Rumor says that the chemistry Dehn Thinks the Swaboda system is vehn; He rough houses Curt Schroeder Till the landlady's oeder Is inclined to use language profehn.

Little Jack Horner sat in his corner Registering those who came nigh;

When asked if named Kyle

He replied with a smile :

" I'm not sure whetherthat's she or I."

"Has the good man bought out a jewelry store?" "Oh, no! he is just taking home some slight tokens of remembrance from his loving Faust class."

Dr. J. Jtddison Brown, Dentist, 2nd floor Morrissey Bldg., Champaign. 300 BATH ROOMS THE PALACE BARBER SHOP THE BEST IN THE CITY.

ELECTRIC M4SSAGE A SPECIALTY. 9 ^/fflat?? C/4., \o/?am/iata??

No. 9 Main Street, Champaign, 111. BEIN LONG, Proprietor. LAWDER C& COOR


Imported and Domestic Woolens and Linings.

SDtsGial Attention Paid to the Business ot Students

WalKer Opera House Corner Champaign. The "Illinois," most popular ball room, in the twin cities. Accounted For

Prof. Baker (calling the roll): " Mr. Lonergan," — receiving no response—" does

any one know whether Mr. Lonergan is sick ?"

Schutt : " This is St. Patrick's day, Professor."

Schreiber (to the printtr in charge of the " lllini): I want you to be more careful in setting up my 'On the Surface' column. A single error spoils the whole joke." Printer (straighten- ing up, and staring at

Schreiber): "Aw, cut it

out ! That stuff wouldn't be a d - bit funny if

it wasn't for the mistakes

in it."

Dean Clark (to Har- ry Huntoon, who is try- ing to arrange for a meet- ing of the sophomore class): " I think that the man for you to see about that matter is Mr. Horner."

Huntoon : Who's Horner? the Janitor?"

In Chemistry Lab. Instructor (to " Red" Rightor, who has just had an explosion): " What have you here, Mr. Rightor?" "Red": " HELa, sir."

Sayings of the Wise Ones

Prof. Pickett : "Gentlemen, I desire to call special attention to the foot-note at the top of page 137."

Prof. Carman : " Here we have a sieve with some holes in it."

" Prof. Palmer : Suppose we should take a sione out of a brick arch, what would happen?"

Ur. Neville (to his classes the Wednesday before Thanksgiving): "On Friday there will be a quiz (or those who come. Those who do not come will not have to make up the work."

" Ole Rounds : It's all right to use slang in conversation, but in writing themes

' cut it out'."

In Chemistry 1.

Instructor : " Miss Elliot, what is an clement?"

Miss Elliot : "An element is something that combines with anything to make everything."

Date Book for 1903=1904 for "Illinois" Hall now open. Dan Morrissey. WE SELL, When You Buy, YOU WANT THE BEST Carpets, Rugs^ Draperies If an article is worth getting at AS WELL AS all, it is worth getting the best pos- sible. We sell no plated souvenirs, Furniture, Pictures but we have all styles of... and Mouldings Gold and Sterling Silver Pins

from 25c to $8.00

A well selected stock of cheap Ferguson & Craig and medium House Furnishings. CMAiVlPAIGrN, ILL,.

Send for a Selection Package any Miuendori k Klier time. If some article suits, keep it. CHAMPAIGN, ILL. PHOTOS


are attractive, up-to-date, second

to none in finish and fine work- manship.


"Palace Confectionery" ioda Water and Cool Drinks. A Handsome Young' Man

Miss Moore (to her roommate): " I was up at the President's office today. " What a handsome young man he is !

In the Long Ago

Miss Carpenter (in a lecture to the girls' gym class): " I was young myself

once. I remember it well."

In Physics 1 Quiz

Prof. Carman : " Mr. Bass, will you tell us what a manometer is?"

Bass: " Well -ah - it's an instrument for - ah - um - it's a- a- a vacuum with

a weight on it."

Overheard on Green Street

Rodman (overtaking a student, after winning the discus in the Chicago meet): - - - How do you do er er I beg your—pardon, but what is your name?" Student : " Sure ; Glasco, but

Rodman (interrupting him): Of course I need not mention my name ; it would

be just like asking you if you knew the President of the University."

In the First Year Law Class

Dean Scott (calling on Morley for the first time during the semester): "Mr. Mor. ley, you have been studying contracts; was this a good contract?"

Morley: "No, it isn't no contract, because there isn't no acception; then there isn't no consideration, and there can't be no contract without no consideration." Dean Scott (staggered by this exposition of the law, and his eyes round with - - wonder): "Well, well 1 1 guess that's all right,— Mr. Morley, unless, unless smiling as he recovers his equanimity somewhat "unless you call it a negative con- tract."

After the First Base Ball Cut

Freshman (to Steinwedell, who has just come into the gymnasium out of the cold, wiping the tears from his eyes): "What's the matter, 'Stein'? Did they drop you, too?"

In Most Cases

Mr. Scott: "If the wolves were surrounded, and a hunter should shoot one of them, would that be an incident or an event?" Conard: "An accident."

A new maid had been employed in the household of Dean Jayne, whose mother had introduced her distinguished daughter as "my daughter, Miss Jayne." Next morning after breakfast had been served, and the Dean had gone to the University, the "new girl" ventured to inquire: "Has Miss Jennie gone to school already?"

'Palace Confectionery" High Grade Cigars and Tobaccos. 304 WELCH' S IWI Li La IS' t Jt L L E i S... Philadelphia

Store Everything Regulation

Ladies' Fancy Neckear and Up to date' :* 16

Gloves Taylor St., opposite Post Handkerchiefs, Fans Office, Champaign, III. Etc.

f Headquarters for A University Colors

* 15 to 17 Main Street D. S. WELCH CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS. Proprietor

Champaign vSteam Laundry

and Bath T(pom

in Connection

.Students' Work a Specialty.

Monroe (Si Keusink Bros., Prop's S. C. Tucker's Drug Stqre, southwest corner Meil and Church streets.

'Warder at West Point Corporal: "Where're you from?" Warder: "Cairo, sir." Corporal: "What! are you from Egypt?" "Ah, er yes sir." Warder: — , Corporal: "Well, Rameses, Your Royal Highness'll have to get a hair cut.


Miss Clark: "Yes, out west they have Indians, cowboys and "greasers." Listener: "How dreadfully out of place you must feel in a civilized country.'

In Entomology

Miss Slocum: "Say,'I)r.Folsom, are there any more inseccs for me to classify': Dr. Folsom (scratching his head meditatively): "You can search me."

At the Kappa House

Student (to Miss B., who has answered the bell): "Does Mr. Lindley live here!'"

Miss B: "Why, no, nobody lives here, —this is the Kappa House."

In Equity

Dean Scott: "Yes, gentlemen, you may have an injunction granted by a court of equity to restrain a public nuisance."

C. O. Clark (Jfe'), "What constitutes such a nuisance?" Dean Scott: "Why, a tanning yard, —a slaughter house-in short, a fraternity house."

In the Calculus Class

Bascom: "Mr. Short, how can this problem be worked without following the routine in the book?" Mr. Short: "Use your head." Bascom: "How would you do it?"

Mr. Dennis Grows Enthusiastic on Illinois Divorce Law

"Young gentlemen, I wish you might become more interested in this; why, to me a divorce case is intensely interesting'' —seeing the smiles on the faces of the class, and blushing— "I mean-I-1-1 mean, that its interesting, not because it is sensational, but because I feel that the law of divorce is very important-that I ought to know it, that-that-it will be of of immediate service to me some day" — stage whisper from the rear of the room— "Why, I did'nt know he was married."

Freshman (sighting the Major Fechet for the fir.st time): "dee wh'zz! that fellow would be crowded sitting alone."

Dr. J. Jtddison Brown, Dentist, 2nd floor Morrissey Bldg., Champaign. 3o<» The 20th Century Sanitary Fountain

"The system forces cleanliness" "Cleanliness is next to Godliness" "Syrups in sight" Best service in city

oidnam Bros, DriiQQists urDana III.


Will look after your baggage

and furnish you the swellest

carriages for dances, parties,


Both Telephones 39. Dr. J. Jtddison Brjwn, Dentist, 2nd floor Morrissey Bldg., Champaign.

As Heard in Room 402

Mr. Ponzer: "What is the prob- ability of throwing an ace in a single throw with one die." Pool: "I don't know what an ace is." Jarvis (from the corner, disgust- edly.) "That beats the deuce."

Room 402 Ag'ain Instructor: "Do you know of what your work at the board re- minds me?" Jarvis: "No sir." Instructor: "It reminds me of Pillsbury's best flour. You know what that is?"

Jarvis. "Yes sir, XXXX; I was breif on it." (Groans.

30* A Substitute.

In the absence of the living friend, a good photograph is the only satisfac- tory substitute. Are your friends well supplied with good photographs of you? Why not, when we can guarantee you the best finished photos at a reasonable price? Our work can stand the keenest criticism. A look at our samples will convince you that we are the leaders in fine por- traiture. BALCHEN'S STUDIO

lOO W. Main Street, Urbana, 111. The Urbana Steam Laundry ALWAYS RELIABLE

CALL LTS UP. Bell Phone 721 Home Phone 517 C. A. HEEB, Prop.

E. H. RENNER & BROTHER, LIVERY, FEED AND SALL STABLL Calls promptly answered Day and Night. Special

attention paid to Student trade.

Phones HO and 402. Popular Plays Personally Applied

" When we were twenty-one" Dr. Kemp and Uean Scott. " " The Professor's Love Story Ed. Draper and Frances Headen. " Every Man " (Managed by) Miss Stansbury. " '" The Strollers Isabel Staley and All Danely. " " The Joy of Living Fletcher and Miss Henderson. " "The Storks Jim Warner and Lyle Herrick. " " Greater than a King Dr. Rhoades (personally managed). " " The Rivals Bruce Fulton and Dr. Brown. " The Chaperones " Miss Jayne and Dean Clark. " " The Court Jester Professor Fairfield. " " A School for Scandal Most anywhere around the University.

Latest in Song's

'The Maiden with the Dreamy Eyes" Miss Bean. " ' I want to be a Military Man Sergeant Major Roy. " ' Tact Miss Hostetter. " 'A Jolly Old Potentate President Draper. " ' When you love, love, love C. A. Rose. " ' Since I first met you Bernard Capen and Alice Mann.

' Absence makes the heart grow " fonder Miss Kittredge. l

'< ' We are engaged in a sort of a way TUBBIE Gage and Miss Davidson. " IN SOCIETY ' Sammy Professor Shattuck. " ' Oh ! Oh ! Miss Phcebe Ellsworth Storey.

' If 1 but knew" The Flunkers.




We are agents for the celebrated New Kentucky Soft Coal, also the famous Athens Soft Coal, and Lehigh Valley Hard Coal— Nut, Stove, Egg



Empire Steam Laundry


^** ^* C^'

( Phoenix 2 10 Both Phones Mlt 27; HI South Neil Street, CHAIPANN J". C. Tucker's Drug Store, southwest corner Meil and Church streets. Ode to Watchman Pete

What a very wide acquaintance Must be that of watchman Pete, Agent of our peace maintainance,

Color rush ; athletic meet.

He's observed astounding progress In this institution grand,

From a state of I. I. U. ness To the finest in the land.

Having seen each legislature, Calls the solons all by name, Is a judge of human nature Through much contact with the same.

He can tell a foot ball player By his build and set of jaw ; Recognizes a short stayer Though he takes no class room law.

He has known each class's U. F.'s Better far than those of brain, Beebe, Niedermeyer, Reniff, Rightor, Huntoon, Burford, Crane.

Stalwart frame and iron muscle Made his boast seem probable, That '06 would have to hustle If they used the tall flag pole.

Howe'er, colors somewhat shoddy Floated out mid plaudits hoarse, And Pete's prophesied dead body Seems quite lively for a corpse. We are glad he didn't stop 'em, Let 'em air their emblem rags, He'll heap coals of fire on 'em Coming home some night with — (wags?)

Then here's to our stellar copper, Make obeisance to his name; His least boast may be a whopper, But he gets there just the same.


372 The Old Reliable Sheldon ]$rick Company

OFFICE. WORKS Bell 12 Bell 36 Phoenix 6 Phoenix 406

Manufacturers of Building and Paving Brick, and Contractors for Brick Work. JHso dealers in Sand, Gravel, Portland and Common Cements, Fire Brick and Fire Clay. Call or Write

Works: A[orth of Court House, Urbana, III.

Office: 18 J\[. Walnut Street, Champaign, III.

STOP HERE Knoca)lton & For University Emblems and Bennett Souvenirs in Qold and Ster= ling Silver. College Text Books, Col- Brooches lege Note Books, College Mat Pins, Cuff Links, Drawing Materials, Col- Fobs, lege Drawing Sets,College Golf Pins, Artists' Supplies, College Spoons, Stationery. Everything and many other novelties in Silver char= used in the University. jacteristic of "Illinois." Special attention is given to Professors and Students. NEED GLASSES? WE LEAD IN EVERY Visit our Optical Department. LINE WE CARRY We're the eye helpers, have helped others and can help you. COR. MAIN AND RACE STS.

DR. WUESTEMAN URBANA, - ILLINOIS Jeweler and Optician, Champaign. Union Telephone 210 Home Telephone 451 — — —

Quotations From tbe Autobiographies of Some Great Men

"I think it is not claiming too much to say that I can teach mathematics better than any one else in the University."— Ernest W. Ponzer.

"My self-confidence has never yet failed me. I have really never known what it is to be rattled." Robert Clayton Matthews.

"I am quite as distinguished on the platform as in the class room. The series of lectures which I delivered at Winona Lake, Indiana, during the summer of 1902 were great. The press notices written by myself have been most flattering. X Thomas W. Hughes. A Freshie and a Soph

A frolicsome freshie one calm autumn night Was out on the streets thinking life was all right, When a soph came along, Looking wicked and strong, And he filled the poor freshie with terrible fright.

Said the soph, "Where you bound for?" the freshie grew bold, Said, "I know my own business, I'm twenty " years old; But the soph, the old sneak, First Freshman: "Is Prexy Said, "You've got too much cheek!" President Draper's first name?" Laid him down there and sat on him out in the cold. Second Freshman: "Idunno."

Then a sneering old senior went sauntering by And a jubilant junior, his nose tilted high, But the sinful old soph, With a sneer and a scoff,

Sat on poor freshie's head till he thought he would die.

How the slow minutes dragged to the freshie below, But the soph knew his man as the sophs always know, Till the freshie grew meek, And he said with a squeak,

"I'll be good now for good, if you'll just let me go."

374 D. H LLOYDE & Son Hotel Beardsley THE BOOK, STATIONERY, C. B. HATCH Proprietor AND MUSIC MEN NEW AND MODERN are better prepared, in their large new store to attend to the wants of all in every depart't UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS AND SUPPLIES also Kodaks,Photographic sup- plies, Law books and Library Supplies. Blank books, Etc. SPORTING GOODS

Orders taken for any book not in stock. Pianos and Organs SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO to rent BANQUETS D. H. LLOYDE « SON Cor. Neil and Hill Sts. Champaign No. 7 Main St. Champaign, 111. Phoenix 194 Bell 78


A full line of Foreign and Domestic Woolens always on hand. Also Re- pairing and Cleaning in

first class style.

I Can Refit Your Garments

made elsewhere. If they do not fit -OPYR/CW yon right, bring them to m • You're Going the Wrong Way

If you're looking for a comfortable turn out I Will Give Yon Satisfaction and don't turn your steps hitherward. We most assured y please 99 people out of 100 who want liveryrigs, and we think that a big enough per- 103 Main Street, Ubbana, III. centage in our favor. Don't you? Horses and vehicles to hire. In same room with Champ dgn Co. Abstract Office McGURTY'S LIVERY Both Phones 61 An Afterthought

In the course of our endeavor reader dear, To include all whosoever study here, Forced economy of space May have caused us to displace Incidents astounding clever till next year.

If you've felt dissatisfaction from the fact That some strange, eccentric action's not attacked, Don't be like a madman loosed, Every knock henceforth's a boost, And you might provoke reaction, Board's intact.

When we first the compilation undertook, With expressed determination, we forsook Manuscript, if author missed The first test upon our list, Viz.: Unfit for publication in this book.

As we hope your name's included among those Who are more or less deluded in their woes, Perhaps just a word or two May decide you what to do, E'er our mission is concluded, and we close.

If the roast on you was bolder than should be, If it hit straight from the shoulder, don't you see That when taken one by one, Cleaning up the Board is fun? So before your wrath grows colder, go for Lee!

There's another you are after, nicknamed Cy, He will be a princely grafter bye and bye. Don't omit Garnett and Marsh While the conversation's harsh, Or their demoniac laughter will reply.

There can be no more gainsaying, it is true, Post and Polk are good at haying, they're not new! Force of habit as a guide, Riddle's jokes can't be denied, And friend Gaston keeps on saying, "apres vous."

37d Contributions we might mention by the score, But there is no such intention. Furthermore We have merely this to say: "The best class that's come this way, contention, You must yield without m is 04. Illio Board.

377 —

Illio Calendar

Sept. 18. — Opening of the annual Bone Yard Water Carnival. Free performances nightly. Sept. 19. — The misfits show up at Major Fechet's office for inspection. Sept. 20. —Coach Huff takes his baseball men- agerie to Loda. Thirteen innings, 3-3. Flat North- cott takes to the tall uncut. Sept. 22. — Durland and Campbell swim Salt Fork

in the interests of C. E. 4. Sept. 23. —One of the innocents lines up with Miss

Carpenter's Gym class, mistaking it for Miss Kyle's class in Rhetoric. Sept. 24. —A freshman spends the day looking for the Sigma Chee house.

Sept. 25.— Hachmeister wants to know if the weather signals on University Hall are the sopho- more colors. Sept. 27.- The bold, saucy salesman at the book auction tells Mr. Paul that he doesn't know a book from a bale of hay. Sept. 28. — Brearley tells "Prep" Henry what a

fraternity is.

Oct. 1. — Enquist wants to know if "Prexy" is fXtkcg. President Draper's first name. Oct. 3. —Carey wears a sweater to class. Dr. Daniels delivers his semi-annual lecture on dress reform.

Oct. 6. The fight for positions on the Varsity

becomes more strenuous. Aided by the James J. Jef- fries style of play, Bundy disposes of Capen, and that effectually.

Oct. 7. — Dean Clark gives an "at home" to the sophomores, The Water Carnival ends abruptly. Oct. 8. Illinois 24— Haskell Indians 10. The Aborigines fail pitifully in their blood-thirsty attempt to equal the Bundy -Capen episode. Oct. 9.— Erickson goes home. The Board of Athletic Control meets immediately, but finally decides not to aban- don foot 'ball for the season.

Oct. 10. — Chicago Nationals, assisted by Zangerle, 5,

Illinois 5. "Zang" grows patriotic, elevates the sights, and helps along by a few large size overthrows to second. Oct. 11. — A student suffering from an acute attack of intelligence reports to Dean Kinley that Professor Fairfield is not assigning enough work. The Dean promises to dis- cipline the naughty professor immediately.

Oct. 13.— Dr. Schoolcraft asks "Prep" Rhoades if he thinks History 1 is a course in nineteenth century romance.

37N YEATS E R. L. TREVETT %% THE, FLORIST ^* Proprietor.

Finest Roses and

Cam a t i o n s in

the city.


for Senior Ball


Office and Greenhouse, 39 N. Neil Street, Champaign. Springfield Ave. and Third St. Home 'Phone, 320.

Something Easy to Remember FINE PHOTOS

THAT'S ALL. Urbana Oct. 14. Invitations issued to sorority candidates. Morse in telegraphic com- munication with Pi Beta Phi. Receives three minute reports from the front. Oct. 15. — Meeting of State Federation of Women's Clubs. They decide to con- tinue the campaign against hen pecked humanity. Oct. 17.— Junior class meeting. Engstrom, as chairman of the sophomore cane committee, makes his report.

Oct. 18.— Illinois 29 — Purdue 5. "Jest as easy." Oct. 21. -Rush of freshmen to join the Hospita' Association. Oct. 22. —The color rush. A record run to the gymnasium. Oct. 24. — Mass meeting. We decide on the trim- mings. Oct. 25.— 8:45 a.m.— We all go to Chicago. 6:00 p.m.— We wish we hadn't; and we'll never, never take the band along again. Oct. 26. — Our South American friend turns out the lights on the excursion train. Oct. 27.— The first work day after the Chicago game. "Zang" starts out to hunt a job. Oct. 28. —The major has only five cents to get him and the dog to Champaign. Scottie walks. Oct. 30. — Durland falls over the "Keep off the Grass" sign.

Nov. 1. — Illinois 47 -Indiana o. Juniors o— Freshmen 5. FORGET IT. Nov. 4.— First issue of the Illinois. 8. Nov. — Minnesota 17— Illinois 5. Our toes wouldn't stick in the beastly soil. Nov. 9.— Chapman receives a visit from his father. Nov. 10. — Chapman opens an expense account. Nov. 11. — Beckemeyer moves in criminal law that the indictment be squashed.

Nov. 13. —A member of the Illio staff over- hears Burkhart pleading with Kutsch to put a roast on him in the Illio, as he has never yet seen his name in print. Kutsch refuses on the ground of insufficient reasons.

Nov. 15. — The dope fails to work. Illinois o - Ohio o.

Freshmen 17 — Seniors 6. Henry, '06, wears an

"I" sweater, and refuses to take it off. Evidently he has a delicate sense of the fitness of things.

Nov. 16. — W. W. Fuller, '06, wants to know whether the seniors, or the winners of the Senior- Freshman game, are to play the faculty.

Nov. 17.— Woodin is held up by an African and his wife. The lady holds Woodin in her arms while hubby collects the valuables. Nov. 18. —Junior class meeting. Ericson asks for a cap with ear muffs. Nov. 20.—Help! Help! Police! Those senior hats.

380 THE NEW "ill ICK " has a line of Bicycles | I Both new and second hand; Be sure, my friends, that you will find COLUMBIAN No better in the land. He makes repairs of every kind, HOTEL No matter what you bring, If it needs repairs he'll fix it,

Be it cog, or wheel, or spring. URBANA, ILL. His gunsmith is an expert, His workmen can't be beat;

Bring in your work and leave it, 'Twill be done both quick and neat. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF SERVING AT HOPS, PRIVATE PARTIES, ETC.


YOU WANT THE BEST When you buy DRUGS, TOILET ARTICLES and STATIONERY, and you will always find the best

Students' Clothiers, Hatters, Shoers, ^furnishers. Nov. 22.— Illinois 17— Northwestern o. Faculty 6— Seniors 23. The seniors square up for some of those flunks. Chicago Freshmen o —Illinois Freshmen 5. Nov. 25.— Coach Holt goes through an evolution on Illinois Field intended, according to the Chicago papers next day, to illustrate the difference between Princeton and Illinois spirit.

Nov. 26.— The day before the Iowa game. Holt leaves—more Princeton spirit. Nov. 27. — The dope works overtime. Illinois 80—Iowa o.

Hoopkston, III., Now 28, '02. Dear Lawrence,

I guess pop means business this time. You'd better come home. Jack. Dec. 1.— Lawrence sends a petition to pop, signed by two-thirds of the faculty. Pop succumbs, and Fat will stay. Oh, Lord, how long! Dec. 4. —This date marks an epoch in University history. The faculty grants a student petition. Dec. 6. —The event of the year—the Junior " Prom." Dec. 7. — Exodus from the Theta house. The Sigs in the leading role. Dec. 8. — Glee Club and Star Lecture conflict. Exchange of courtesies between the two managements. Dec. 10. - Freshman class meeting. Hachmeister moves that the freshman social be made an exclusively freshman affair.

Dec. 13. — A freshman announces that Colonel and Mrs. Draper received at the cadet hop. Dec. 16. — The junior caps and the "Dirty Dozen" appear simultaneously. John Bush wears his head in a sling. Dec. 19.— We begin to forget. Dec. 25. — Sergeant Major Roy, of the University of Illinois regiment, puts on his " prep " suit and Hazelton medal, and declares his native town under martial law. The aborigines stare at the military display in open-mouthed wonder. Jan. 6. — "Potts" Hall swears off coffee drinking. One extreme often follows another. Jan. 13. — H. C. Morse and others receive their invitations to call on Dean Ricker. Jan. 14. — President Draper promises us a new Assembly Hall. Jan. 15. — Dan Lehman introduces an innovation in track suits. Jan. 16.— Illinois-Iowa debate. Just to show them that we haven't forgotten that 58- o score. Jan. 17. — Base ball cut. The unfortunates decide that G. Huff doesn't know much about the game anyway. Jan. 21.— Red Rightor issues the Municipal Voters' League proclamation. Nice work, Red. There must be some consolation in being able to approve of oneself, even if no one else can. Jan. 22.— Chemistry assistant Clark discharges Prof. Rhoades from his boarding circle because of the Professor's tendency to knock. Jan. 23. —The Chicago Freshmen do what we can't. Chi- cago 45 — Illinois 41. |an. 26.- Knapp is initiated into the Royal Order of the Garter.


For — RETAILER OF- SHOES EXCLUSIVELY Artistic Work Champaign, 111.

The Illinois Billiard Room Prices: Superior Equipment FROM $25 UP. cMorally Conducted* All Goods First-Class Imported and Domestic Cigars and 2nd Floor Masonic Bld£., Tobacco.

(Champaign, Illinois, 03 N. Neil Street. EMMETT NOBLE, Manager. WATERMAN'S HALL'S Ideal PHOTO STUDIO Fountain Pen Jill of the Latest styles

For Students. in Photographs.

If you. are looRing for Pinest .'. Work the Best, AT REftSONflBE PRIGES INSIST ON THE "IDEAL" AND DELIVERED PROMPTLY

Some special things of great inter- Satisfaction Guaranteed est to Students—call and ex- or Money Refunded. amine work.

STUDIO NEVEROPEN SUNDAYS ASK YOUR DEALER OR HALL'S PHOTO STUDIO L. E. Waterman Co., E. S. HALL, Prop. 173 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 1st door west of Economy Store, Champaign, Illinois Jan. 27-30.— Sorrow too deep for words. Feb. 1.— Rump goes to sleep in C. E. 20. When he fails to wake at the fourth call, Prof. Ketchum promises him a bed for the next recitation. Feb. 3.— Prof. Greene rounds up his property. He finds his overcoat in the church, and his gloves in the kitchen at his boarding house. Feb. 6.—" Red " Reniff attends classes for the first time this semester. Prof. Hughes expresses relief at seeing him still alive. Feb. 7. — Click Mathews paints the town.

Feb. 9. — Major Fechet arms and starts out to hunt the man who roasted him in The Illinois. Price puts in the day dodging him. Feb. 11. —The sophomores hold a "rough house" session. Feb. 13. —Major Fechet receives a petition from a commissioned officer, asking to be excused from drill, because he has out-grown his "prep" suit. Feb. 14.— Chicago 60 -Illinois 20. Feb. 18.— Dean Clark presides at the sophomore class meeting. Winslow moves that a vote of thanks be ten- dered the Uean. Feb. 19. —The Illinois Legislators promise us $94,000,- 000. Ashton Campbell and other old timers tell us that we can't depend on more than half that amount. Office of Western Union Telegraph Co. Chicago, 111., Feb. 20, 1903.

Delta Tau Delta Fraternity, Champaign, 111. Will there be school February 22? Answer quick. Strong. Champaign, III., Feb. 20, 1903.

Strong, Chicago, 111. Yes. Sunday School. Delta Tau Delta. Feb. 26.—Junior class meeting. March I. —The coming of spring is outdone by Morse's appearance in his new hat. March 3. — Prof. Sager takes the pup out for a constitutional. March 6. — Illinois - Indiana Debate. The Band fails to furnish the requisite amount of inspiration. March 7.— A. A. U. meet at Milwaukee. If variety is the spice of life, we're losing out on the seasoning. March 11. — Elsie Reinach takes a nap in Botany. March 12. — S. Y. Hughes goes Crane hunting on Illinois street. March 14. —Michigan 40— Illinois 30. Dr. Neville stops one of Beebe's shoots with his uncaged visage. March 16. — Coach Woodruff arrives, and the racket begins. March 17. — Lonergan takes the place of St. Patrick as leader of the Irish brigade. March 19. —The senior law students hold a class meeting and decide the valedic torian question. N.B.—April 22. — Dean Clark goes to West Baden, Indiana. April 27. — Chicago papers report the arrest of prominent Illlinoisans at West Baden for gambling.

The E«o.

284 —

University of Illinois G>6e State University.

COLLEGES Literature and Arts. (Ancient and Modern Lan- guages and Literatures, Philosophical and Political Science Groups of Studies, Economics and Commerce and Industries). Engineering (Architecture, Civil Engineering-, Municipal and Sanitary Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Railway Engineering). Science (Astronomy, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Physi- ology, Zoology.) Agriculture (Animal Husbandry, Agronomy, Dairy Husbandry, Horticulture, Household Science). Law. Medicine (College of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago).

SCHOOLS—Music, Library Science, Pharmacy (Chicago), Dentistry (Chicago), Graduate School, Summer session of nine weeks, beginning June 15, 1903.

United States Experiment Station, State Laboratory of Natural History, Biological Experiment Station on Illinois River, State Water Survey.

Military Regiment, Military Band, Choral Society, Glee and Man-

dolin Clubs ; Literary, Scientific, and Technical Societies and

Clubs ; Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Associa-

tions ; Illinois Field, finest athletic field in America.

315 Members of Facultv ; 3,288 students; 339 free scholarships;

62,000 volumes in library ; 25 buildings.

Correspondence welcomed. Send for Catalog.

W. L. PILLSBURY, Registrar,



College Year 'Begins October First, 1903.

New Buildings of College.


Attendance: i895-'g5 235. i8g6-'97 308. i897-'98 402. i8g8-'99 514. 1899- '00 579- '9oo'oi 675. 1901 '02 703. i902-*03 689.

Persons interested in a medical education are invited to investigate this school.

Address: DR. FRANK B. CARLE, Secretary. Congress and Honroe Street, CHICAGO. v^ r University of Illinois School of Dentistry Chicago, Illinois.

Opposite Cook County Hospital. Harrison and Honore Streets.


Unsurpassed Clinical and Laboratory advantages New commodious building, new special equipment Member of the National Association of Dental Faculties

For Catalog and further information address

A. B. PECK, M. D., D. D. S., Dean, 813 W. Harrison Street, CHICAGO. Harvey Medical College

Go to School Agaitij&

Physico=PhysiologicaI Laboratory

Go to College

in the Evening

Freshman Chemistry



for Jldults in the




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Illustrations, Engravings, and Plates that

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prove it. «s* ti* £• j* <£• &

Have it on yours and have them right.

J. MANZ ENGRAVING CO. 69 Manz Building, Chicago 69 Lupton Building, New York ADVERTISING, ENGRAVING, PRINTING

The Up To Date MilK and Cream Cooler - Aerator

Saves Time, Labor, Money and Ice. Au- tomatic, Simple, Cheap, Durable and Effective.

Don't Have sour milk Milk keeps longer. Don't compare the Up To Date with a cheap device for

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Write for circular and prices

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Nos. i. 3 & 5 W. Washington St.. Chicago, III.

Sibley Gem Siiii Instruments Gideon I I

Superior to all others in construction, material and Manufacturer and finish. Dealer in 'UNION" PIVOT JOINT Strongest and most desir- able joint made. War- Dental Outfits and Supplies ranted to last a life-time. Most Complete Assortment of Northwest corner Drawing State and Quincy Streets, Instruments in CHICAGO. the "West.

SPECIAL TERMS See the Prize Winner:—The improved TO STUDENTS Sibley chair, also our complete line of Electric Engines, Lathes, Etc., Etc. Eugene Dietzgen Co.,

181 Monroe St.. Chicago. 345 Page Catalogue on ap- plication. We are always pleased to cater to the Needs of Students, jtjtjtj*^^ asfe Keuffel Sr Esser Co. of New York. tern Brog.

Drawing Materials to show you Kauff matin's Surveying; samples when you need a full dress, tuxedo or other I instruments civilian suit.

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Con)n)ei)cerr)ei)b Ir>vibabioi)s ar>d Cias^ Day Pro6raiT)^

Class and Fraternity Stationery Fraternity and Visiting Cards Menus and Dance Programs Book Plates Class Pins and Medals CLASS ANNUALS and Artistic Printing CHICAGO PORTLAND CLIENT CO.

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We make one brand onfu. The best that can be made MACHINISTS' SUPPLIES AND FINE TOOLS

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AND DEALERS IN DAY AND EVENING COURSE IMPORTED AND Degree of Bachelor of Laws conferred on those who complete the three-jears course to the satisfaction of the Faculty. ATLAS BRAND AMERICAN College Graduates who have a sufficient amount of credit in legal studies may be admitted to advanced standing. PORTLAND CEMENT Prepares for admission to the Bar in all States. Summer course during- months of June and July. For further information address the Secretary. ELMER. E. BARRETT, LL.B. 920 - 92I Chamber of Commerce Buifding, 1009, lOO Washington St. CHIGAGO, ILL. CHICAGO E. O. BAUMGARTEN CHAS. F. BAUMGARTEN

Banmjarten Bros. PLUMBING

THE W. C. KERN CO. 411 E. 57th Street, Chicago. STEAM AND HOT WATER

Caps and Gowns made to order and Heating rented. Pennants for all colleges and fraternities carried in stock. Class Pins, Class and Team Caps. 1355 Ogden Avenue

Telephone, Canal 546. Send for Catalogues. CHICAGO. A. C. CLARK Sz CO ARE SPECIALISTS IIN Dentists' Office Furnishings.

Makers of Clark Fountain Spittoons, Clark Dental Engines, Clark Vulcanizers,

Blow pipes, I athe heads, Tables, Root wheels,

Syringes, Water heaters, Hurd's Gas Apparatus, etc , etc.

Cor. Randolph Street and Michigan Avenue CHICAGO. S YOUNG PEOPLE will dance and get married, they must have


How best, and where, to get these things is the question. To meet the demand for what the young people will have, The Gazette

Press is ready with a liberal selection of the best goods in this line on the market.

Our experience in this direction is large and comprehensive. We can serve you well, and at Reasonable Charges.