Chicago Conflagration
3 CHICAGO CONFLAGRATION, v: THE ORIGIN AND I HAIR-BREA1 CA CL Ooxxoot FOH .SALE BY ST. I,OMtt BOOK ASI> NKUS < O. r , 20 O J?S. LAWRENCE J. GUTTER Collection of THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO The University Library THE GREAT CHICAGO CONFLAGRATION. THK FIRST NEWS. THK SATURDAY NIGHT FIRE. the St. Louis October The lire started in tne large planing mill | From Times, lltb.J situated bat ween Clinton and Canal and What -will doubtless prove the most de- Van Buren and Jackson streets, about the structive conflagration of modern times center of the block formed by these has been raging for two days and nights in streets. The wind was blowing very fresh and the flames spread with almost our sister city of Chicago, laying waste incredible rapidity, and in a few minutes alike the dwellings of the poor and the pal- the entire structure was a mass of fire. aces of the rich, magnificent stores, with The immediate vicinity was built up with small wooden tenement thir millions of merchandise, hotels and mainly houses and two-story frame buildings, oc- public buildings, gas-works, depots and cupied as groceries, saloons, te. The in- waterworks; everything, in fact, that ;lay mates of many of the houses, startled from slumber, had time to rush from the in the broad swarth of the destroyer for barely houses in the scanty attire of night, leav- miles. The city, which at the close of the ing their household goods to destruction. week was bustling with prosperity and In several instances children were hastily wrapped in blankets and quilts to break in its greatness, is now.
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